The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 02, 1862, Image 3

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    Ely 6init.
Tuesday Afternoon, July 1, 1862.
Fourth of July.
If there was ever a day since God
made the earth, that ought to be cele
brated by the American people, as a
nation, it is the 4th of July, 1862.
Wars, and rumors of wars, resound
back from one end of our country to
the other; the roar of cannon is heard
and the bristling of bayonets is seen in
every State of the Union, and our
people have been called upon to take
up arms against our brethren of the
South, in defence of the Union, the
Constitution and the Laws, which, as
an infuriated, ambitious mob, they seek
to destroy. With all this upon us. the
good God watches over and protects
ins from the wrath of those who have
declared against us, and asserts the su
premacy of the Stars and Stripes in
every part of our stricken laud where
ever flung to the breeze by our gallant
•soldiers. Have we not, then, cause for
rejoicing? Certainly we have, and let
:us do it, by having jollifications in every
part of the county convenient for the
people. But, in our hilarity, we should
riot forget to offer up thanks and pray
ers to him who vouchsafes us all these
privileges and bles'sings, ungrateful
and undeserving as we are.
As far as we have been able to learn,
the only demonstration that will be
made in this place, will be a celebra
tion by the Methodist Sabbath School,
at Cottage Grove, where the usual
amount of the luxuries of life will be
epread befcre the delighted children,
and the usual spread-eagle speeches
will be made. The Free and Easy
Band will be in attendance, and dis
course some of their charming airs.
In the evening their will be a grand
.display of over twenty different kinds
of fire-works, at the Castalian Fount.
The delicacies of the season will also be
served up to visitors at this already
popular resort.
At 7.20, A. M., an Excursion Train
will leave the IL & B. T. depot for
Broad Top City, stopping at all inter
mediate points; returning, will leave
B. T. City at 4.30 P. 3f. and arrive at
Huntingdon at 9.23.
At Coalmont an Odd Fellow's and
Sabbath School celebration will take
place. A lively time is anticipated.
Patriotic speeches will lie made.
.At Barnet, or Powelton, one and the
'same place, the members of the Cath
olic faith have made extensive prepa
rations for celebrating the day in a be
coming manner. The services of able
speakers have been secured, the fatted
calf will be killed, and all is expected
to pass off as "merry as a marriage
At Broad Top City a Sabbath School
celebration will conic off. Able speak
ers will be present on the occasion.
Col. Morrison, the popular landlord
,of the city Hotel, will prepare a dinner
for the accommodation of those who
visit the city on that day. We can
.testify to the superior style in which
.everything is got up by the Col. and
his army of cooks. All who wish to
have a " gay and festive " time, and a
tip-top didner, should go to Broad Top
STEALING FRUIT, &e.—Now, that the
season for fruit and vegetables bas
, commenced, it may be well to call at-
.tention to the legal penalty prescribed
for trespassing gardens, orchards or
.other private grounds—stealing fruits,
flowers, vegetables, etc. Everybody
knows it is wrong to take a single ber
ry, or pluck a single flower, without
. the consent of the owner, but from
time immemorial there has been a lax-
ity in this respect, until boys and men
even think it a. small matter to tres
pass upon the property of others, and
, appropriate whatever suits them.—
Boys have become particularly troll
. blcsome in this respect, and in the cit
i ies and boroughs especially, it is next
to impossible to prevent depredations
~upon gardens and orchards. So great
;,had the evil become, that the Legisla
, Jure, two years ago, found it necessary
,to pass a stringent law for the punish
..3nent of this class of offenders.
It is only necessary for the injured to make information before a
„magistrate, and have the affender
,rested and held for trial—when the
,:testimony of the owner or occupant of
~ t he premises shall be admitted as cvi
, Another method of procedure is by
civil action before a magistrate, against
any person who shall damage any gar
den, orchard or field of growing crops,
in any manner whatever. Judgment
shall be given by the magistrate for
double the amount of the damage
proved to have been done, together
with costs of suit; one-half of the dam
age or penalty to the use of the
..poor of the district in which the prem,
ises lie; and in default of payment,
the party may be committed to jail
for not less than one or more than
twenty days.
ceived yesterday a sweet and beautiful
little baguet, presented by, as we un
derstood the name, Miss Annie Sieglo.
We aro very Oapkful for such sweet
s "rogents.
day evening, our young friend, Mr. W.
W. Wallace, hired a horse and buggy
from Mr. McManigal, to take an inva
lid friend, who was visiting this place,
out riding. Nothing unusual occurred
until they had got some distance from
town, when one of the hind wheels of
the buggy came off," spilling" the oc
cupants upon the ground, and fright
ening the horse so that ho run away.
The young men were not hurt, but
somewhat frightened. The horse took
the road home and was caught by the
gentleman who resides on Dr. MeMur
trie's farm the other side of Smithfield-
Mr. Wallace then borrowed a buggy
from this gentleman to bring his friend
(who was unable to walk from the ex
citement,) to town. The horse was
hitched to the buggy, the men got in
and started. All went on well enough
until they came to the bridge that
crosses the run at the upper end of
town, when the horse became fright
ened at something, and started off at
full speed, throwing Mr. Wallace out
just opposite Dean's Hotel. His friend
still remained in the buggy, but the
lines wore gone, as Mr. W. was dri
ving. The horse run at break-neck
speed up Hill street to Anderson's,
where he turned the corner and con
tinued up the cross street to Washing
ton street, where he again attempted
to turn, or did turn, and run along
Washington street, but he got on the
pavement, tearing up door steps and
trees, until he got in front of the Mos
ser property, where the coupling came
loose, turning the body of the buggy
upside down and throwing the sick
man upon the pavement. The horse
run on until he got to the end of the
street, where lie fell and laid until ho
was helped up. The result of the af
fair may be summed up as follows :
The destruction of two buggies ; a
slight injury to Mr. Wallace's right
shoulder, and a severe shock to the
invalid. Fortunately, he received no
sprains or bruises of any kind, but was
very much prostrated from fright and
excitement. He was taken into a
house just at hand and three or four
physicians called in, but they could
discover no injury. We are happy to
learn that he is recovering from the
Furs.—On Saturday last, some boys,
who were playing withsquibs,acciden.
tally set fire to the house of our neigh
bor, Mrs. Dorland. The fire was dis
covered, the alarm given, and the fire
extinguished before any serious dam
age was done. Had the fire got under
headway, no power that could have
been brought into requisition, would
have saved the entire block, as a gen
tle breeze was blowing, and all the
houses in the block, except one, are
frame, and as dry as powder. We
warn boys to desist from the careless
use of fire-works of every description.
We have no objection to the boys
using them on the fourth of July, if
they are cautions, but we enter our
protest against the promiscuous use of
them for a week before or after the 4th.
If they must use them, let them go
away from where there is any danger
of setting fire to valuable property,
which might cause the loss of thou
sands of dollars; if they injure them
selves by their carelessness, it is their
own look-out.
that several handbills printed at this
office within the past few days, have
either been badly mutilated or torn
down altogether. Now, boys, we want
to tell you in all candor, that we will
not suffer such things to be done. We
wish to say to you kindly, that the
first one of you we catch tearing down
or in any way defacing any handbill
or circular issued from this office, we
will have arrested and lodged in the
stone institution at the head of Smith
street, and, we hope, Jailor Shoemaker
will feed you upon nothing hut bread
and water. Remember, we will be
no respector of persons. We don't
care who you are. If you cannot let
handbills alone, you ought to be in
jail. If you think a little while, you
will remember that we did, "once up
on a time," cage two or three boys for
committing the same outrage, and we
say, beware, or some of you will meet
with the same fate. " A
_word to the
wise " &e.
TUE Standing• Stone Literary Asso
ciation, of this place, at its meeting on
the evening of the 24th ult., elected
the following officers :
President—R. McDivitt. Vice Pres
ident—H. T. White. Rec. Sec.—l. H.
Glazier. Cor. Sec.—James Higgins,
Librarian—J. Simpson Africa.
We understand the Association pur
poses giving a public entertainment in
a short time, for the benefit of the Sol
diers Aid Society. We hope the pro
ject will be carried out, as wo learn
that the means of the Aid Society are
about exhausted, and the gentlemen
could not employ their talents to a bet
ter advantage at this time. We hope
to have the pleasure of announcing the
entertainment soon.
are requested to inform the public gen
erally, ;that a supper wilt be prepared
on the 4th of duly at the•bouse of Mr.
John Schools in McConnelletown, and
that music will be in attendance. The
public vejriyited to attend.
Mr' The liathhiien ,Fare..iLy will give
a concert in the Court House on Thurs,
day eveninrr,.
THE Soldiers' Aid Society of Hun
tingdon, thank those of their friends
who have contributed fresh fruit, which
has been preserved by one of the mem
bers for the sick and wounded soldiers.
We hope others will contribute of their
abundance of this season. Mrs. Wil
loughby, Mrs. Bcnj. Grafflus, or Mrs.
William McMurtrie will receive such
gifts, and thus aid in filling a box or
boxes, as the articles of clothing are
furnished and contributions from the
citizens come in, to send off as early as
possible to supply the many calls for
the comfort of our brave suffering
men. At our last meeting a resolu
tion of thanks to Robert Lott was
passed for wheeling boxes to the sta
tion free of charge, and to others who
have assisted in the good work.
The Society will shortly prepare for
publication their report for the year,
to enable the friends of the cause to
judge of the manner in which the
funds have been expended.
Juno 28, 1862.
Lain.—Such of our people as own real
estate in lowa will be interested to
know that the State having levied a
tax of two mills upon the assessed val
uation of 1861, to meet her direct tax
of twenty millions, apportioned among
the several States, by Act of Congress,
passed at the extra session, the said
tax is now due, and will become delin
quent if not paid immediately, Our
citizens, therefore, who have laud there,
should attend to this matter at once,
as the penalties are heavy, and the pro
cess summary, for collection after the
time specified.
A man: of " beaux " and " belles"
repaired to Happy Hollow, below town
on Friday last, where they passed the
afternoon in mirth and sport, and the
devouring of " good things," in the
shape of cakes, and " sich like," at
tendant upon alloceasions of the kind.
We can testify that the delicacies
spread before the party upon the green
sward were not hard to take. After
all had eat and were satisfied there
was still enough left for another party
of the same ci calibre." Thanks to the
LOST.—On Warriorridge or in Hun
tingdon, during the accident on Satur
day evening, a small black porte-mon
naie, containing 4 Treasury notes ($5
each) one or two dollars in Gold, and
some change in Silver, also some pa
pers valuable only to the undersigned.
$5 Reward will be paid if returned to
the office of R. B. Wigton.
lluntiugdon, July 1,'62.-It*
CONCERT.—Our citizens should not
forget to attend the concert given by
Prof. Coyle and his class this evening.
The proceeds Ire to go to the "Ladies
Soldiers' Aid Society." Prof. Coyle's
ability to entertain an audience is too
well known to need any commenda
tion from our pen,
A UNION SERMON.—WO had the pleas•
ure on Sabbath afternoon last, of lis
tening to one of the best sermons for
the times, we think it possible for man
to preach. It was delivered by Rev.
Reid in the German Reformed Church,
Every living man should have beard it.
FIRE WORKS.-Ml. E. C. Summers
will givea free exhibition of fire works
at Castalian Garden on the evening of
the 4th. A gay time may be expec
ted. All kinds of refreshments will be
prepared for visitors.
THE B. T. RR. Co, have repaired
and altered their old carpenter shop
and water station, into a warehouse,
their old warehouse having been de
stroyed by fire last spring. Quite an
hold furniture, &e., belonging to the
estate of Geo. Black, deed. will be sold
at public+ sale to-morrow Wednesday,
July 2d. Sale to commence at 9A. M.
paw By reference to our advertising
columns, it will be seen that Wallace
& Clement have just received a stock
of new goods. Read their advertise
ment and then give them a call.
A REGIMENT of soldiers numbering
1060, from Columbus, Ohio, command
ed by Colonel Banning, passed through
this place yesterday on their way to
Annapolis, Md.
rm. We have received from Barletz
Ely's farm at Airy Dale, clover stalks
measuring three feet six inches.—
This is good clover.
rtm, Cyrus L. Pershing, Esq., has
been nominated by the Democracy of
Cambria, for re-election to the Legis
Tun NEW MOSES.—One of the Mor
mon Saints, named Morris, lately set
himself up as the Prophet Moses, new
ly descended upon earth, and no less
than a thousand of the deluded people
of Utah joined him and they formed a
settlement thirty miles north of Salt
Lake City. They were told that the
Lord would supply their wants; but in
default of that, they began to depre
date upon the property of the people
in their neighborhood. A military
force was sent against them, and after
an obstinate fight, in which Morris,
alias Moses, was killed, the gang was
overcome, a number of the men being
taken prisoners. The whole affair, of
which we haye but a brief telegraphic
report, is one of the queerest things of
this very queer age. It Qi ws that
there can be delusions among the Mor-
Mons even more extravagant than the
groat Mormon delusion itself.
MA.Nort HILT„ June 24, 1862.
MEssßs. Botrorts ;—Enclosed I send
you a long list of articles with donor's
names; that have been gratuitously
contributed to Society and forwarded
to the Hospitals Rix the benefit of our
sick and wounded -soldiers. You will
see by our lists that our Society has
been busy collecting such articles as
our patriotic friends are willing to con
tribute. Don't think that the annexed
lists are all we can and have collected,
as we have been busy forwarding hos
pital stores for the past nine months,
and still feel that our duty is yet but
partially fulfilled.
Our Financial Committee has la
bored most faithfully and deserves the
highest praise for its patriotic zeal in
the discharge of its arduous duties.
We think that our County Commis
sioners are doing a gross injury to our
county in withholding the people's mon
ey from the suffering families of our
county. The people are willing and
able to pay the taxes imposed on them
for the relief of the families of volun
teers. Many that are now fighting
our battles manfully for us, went there
with the assurance that their families
would be provided for, and that every
thing would be clone to render them
comfortable. Can we have no redress
for such grievances, or must we turn
a deaf ear to the call of suffering hu
manity ?
Our lists have been delayed on ac
count of some of our committees hav
ing moved away, and took their lists
with them, the names therefore of
persons contributing to those members
of our committee, cannot, of course be
published until those lists can be had.
Mrs. McEvoy, 2 towels and a quan
tity of rice. . .
Mrs. C. M. Carey, jellies, canned to
matoes and dried fruit.
Mrs. John C. Wilson, 8 pounds but
ter and one linen sheet.
Miss Rachel - Vance, 1 roll butter.
Mrs. Margaret 11. Cummins, 1 roll
butter and sundries.
Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, dried beef,
dried berries and bandages.
Mrs. Nancy Thompson, grapo jelly,
tomatoes, dried fruit, chickens and
Mrs. A. C. Gibbony, canned peaches,
dried berries, jam, 2 pillows, one pair
drawers, apple butter and bandages.
Mrs. E. Tate, 1 pillow and bandages.
Mary Mitchell, a bushel dried
Mrs. Mary Barr, one pillow and
Mrs. Watt, dried fruit,
" Eliza Tully, dried fruit, pillow
and bandages.
Mrs, Eliza D. Musser, dried fruit,
pillow and apple butter.
Mrs. James Magill, apple butter, 1
sheet, two pillows and eases.
Mrs. Morrison, jelly, tomatoes, jam,
berries and apple butter.
Mrs. Nancy C. Barr, 2 cans apple
butter, tomatoes and chickens.
Mrs. Jane Mitchell, 1 pillow, dried
fruit. corn and chickens.
M. G. Jackson, 1 pillow and sheet.
" John Campbell, do do.
" Mary Carey, do do.
" Rosanna Stewart, dried fruit,
apple butter and butt Ar.
Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, dried corn.
" Mary Cresswell, 1 towel and 1
Miss Maggie Jackson, two gallons
apple butter and chickens.
Mrs. Sella A. Stewart, apple batter,
butter and chickens.
Mrs. George Porter, apple butter.
" N. A. Cummins, dried fruit,
corn and apple butter.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, apple butter.
Mrs. I. M. Green, chicken and two
Miss Ruth Cummins, pillows, lint
and bandages.
Mrs, J. Schnee, chickens.
" Margaret Stewart, linen sheets,
dried fruit and jelly.
Mrs. Silas Gibboney, 2 pillows, two
towels and bandages.
Miss Wilhehnina Silkuitter, dried
berries and one pair socks.
Mrs. Ross, sen., dried berries.
Mrs. John Bumbarger, 2 pillows, 2
pair,socks, one sheet and herbs.
Miss Emily S. Slack, one pillow.
Mr. R. Moßirney, 1 store box.
" Andrew Crownover, do.
Mrs. Hezekiah Green, maple molas
ses, dried beef and one towel. •
Mrs. Charles Green, Esq„ apple but
ter, two towels and bandages.
Mrs. William iiughes, one quilt and
twelve yards bandages.
Miss Martha linnter, jelly, dried
berries and lint.
Miss M. E. Hughes, 1 can currants.
Mrs. J, Gilliland, 18 yds. bandages.
Miss Kate Smith, 1 pillow, 1 sheet,
dried fruit, tin cup and preserves.
Mrs. John C. Davis, dried beef and
dried fruit.
Miss M. J. Davis, preserves.
E. E. Davis, 30 yds. bandages.
Mrs. R. Oaks, 2 gallons apple butter
and dried fruit.
Mrs. John Love, dried beef, 100 yds
bandages, papers and three pillows.
Mrs: T. P. Love, dried beef. lemon
syrup, jelly, fhriva, papers and maga
Miss Margery Walker, dried fruit
and berries.
Miss Ada P. Love, 50 yards banda
ges and papers.
Misses B. & M. Ramsey, 2 rolls ban
dages and dried berries.
Mrs. 11. B. Myton, dried fruit.
" M. Lewis, dried berries, dried
fruit, dried beef, soap and herbs.
Mrs. R. Moore, can fruit, dried corn,
and cherries.
Mrs. M. Anderson, bandages.
" J. Davison, five rolls bandages,
lint and soap.
Miss Callie Myton, lint.
" B. Henderson, dined fruit and
dried berries.
Mrs. G. Chenney, Esq., bandages.
" Shuck, 1 sheet and new muslin.
'‘ Aim Gregory, 1 sheet.
R Johnston, ono sheet
" Joseph Gilliland, apple butter.
Miss J. Livingston, 2 pillows.
" Annie Wilson, 2 pillows.
" Belle Davison, three pillows.
igargery Watt, apple butter,
jar tomatoes and dried fruit.
Mr. John Walker, 4 pounds raisins
and sundries.
Mrs. Eliz,abetb Stewart, apple butter.
"5 Elizabeth Varner, five quart
blackberries (dried.)
Miss Billie Green, 2 pillows.
" Sallie Stewart;bandages.
_ . .
Mrs. John Stewart, 2 pillows.
" James Stewart, dried cherries.
George Slack, lint.
Mr. John R. Hunter, one box
A 150,17 chickens, apple butter, dried
fruit and pillows, the names of donors
not known to the committee, as the
above articles were left, fel , pollaction
without being marked. Numerous
other articles were sent to the Treasu
rer, and the names of the donors not
given. The Society would have been
glad to publish -the names of all the
patriotic citizens of our valley, but ow
ing to some mismanagement the names
were not received; but feeling that all
good and patriotic citizens would bo
glad to do something for their country,
(by sending something to alleviate the
pain, or something to cheer the droop
ing spirits of those who have periled
their lives or sacrificed their health on
the altar of our beloved country), we
would hereby extend the invitation to
all to send as soon as possible (any
thing in the above lists, or anything
they think would be of service to our
sick and wounded soldiers) to our
Treasurer, Miss Margery Walker at
Manor Hill, or to any of our committee.
Thankful forpast favors we still feel
like asking for more.
April 21, 1862.
To T. P. Love, for Soldiers' Aid Society,
_Manor hill, Huntingdon co., Pa.:
The Chicago Sanitary Commission
gratefully acknowledge the receipt of
your liberal and appropriate benefac
tion of Hospital supplies for our sick
and wounded soldiers. These supplies
have been forwarded by us to Cairo,
and you may rest assured that they
will be properly appropriated for the
purposes in tended.
Could you but hear the reports we
have from time to time of the blessings
conferred upon our sick and wounded
soldiers by such supplies, sent forward
by this Commission you would be rejoic
ed to find that your kind efforts were di
rected in the right way.
Yours very respectfully,.
April 28, 1862.
,11 - rs. J. W. Love, Pres't. Soldiers' Aid
Society, Manor Rill, _Huntingdon co.,
Pen na.: •
MAnA:st:—On the 21st inst. we ad
vised you of the receipt of your box
of hospital supplies, and we now thank
fully acknowledge the receipt of an
other box of hospital stores from your
patriotic Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society.
We can only repeat the assurance
that our Commission are laboring to
carry out the great object fbr which
they were created, faithfully. We
send you a report which you will find
interesting. Yrs. resp'y,
Quarter-master General's Office,
Harrisburg, May 23, 1862.
Dear Miss :—I am most happy to
have it in my power to acknowledge
the receipt of the large box, and cask
of apple butter, forwarded on behalf
of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Manor
Hill, and on behalf of the brave men
who have perilled their lives in defence
of all that is dear to us as a nation. 1
thank your noble society for the valu
able donation. Pennsylvania is bring
ing her sick and wounded home as fhst
a. possible, and establishing hospitals
in and about Philadelphia, and such
supplies, the Surgeon General informs
me, are much needed. I will forward
your supplies to the hospital in the
city wrere the sick and wounded are
that have just been brought from
Yorktown and Williamsburg. If you
should send articles again do not pre
pay the freight. Yrs. Besp'y,
R. C. HALE, Q. M. G.
Hiss Bella Davison, Manor Hill.
An Honest Southern Account of the
Battle near Richmond.
[Correspontlouco of tho Charlestuo Mercury.]
RICK moND, Monday, June —With2.
regard to the engagement of Saturday
and Sunday, I can add little to the ac
counts which will have reached you
through the city papers. It appears
that our scouts reported 17,000 of the
enemy on this side of the Chickahom
illy, at a point between the York Riv
er railroad and the Williamsburg road,
some six or seven miles from the city,
and not very far from the fortifications
opposite Drury's Bluff. The swelling
of the Chickahominy by the storm, cut off,
as was supposed, all chance of reinforcing
these 17,000, and the attack, already
delayed, was begun, not at daybreak,
but at 10 or 11 o'clock.
The enemy was found strongly en
trenched and fully aware of our ap
proach. His strength had not been
very much over-estimated, if we may
judge by the regiments represented by
the prisoners taken. Of those nine
teen were mentioned in the morning
papers. There may have been 40,000
or 60,000 Yankees engaged, but nothing
proves it except their obstinate resistance
and our heavy losses.
Desperate courage carried entrench
ment after entrenchment, and captured
battery after battery. Late in the
evening of Saturday the enemy at
tempted to relieve himself by a heavy
flank movement on our left, but this
was promptly checked by Whiting,
and the day ended. Early on Sunday
morning the enemy made a terrible at
tempt to retrieve his losses of the day
previous, but he was again driven off
leaving us his entrenchments and en
campments, with the addition of a few
guns not taken by us the day before.
Thus matters continued until this
morning, when, as usual, we fell back,
permitting the enemy to re-occupy the
entrenchments from which he had
been driven at such fearful cost.
Our loss is very heavy, particularly in
officers. Berdan's Sharpshooters did
their work well, and unless something
is done to check them promotions in
the Confederate service will be alto
gether too rapid and certain. Our kill
ed may not exceed five hundred; our
wounded are pearly fivp fr.housand.
Gen. Johnston was wounded in the upper
part. f the right shoulder, the ball or frag
ment of shell passing over and burying
itself in the muscles that cover the shoul
der blade. In falling from his horse two
ribs were fractured. He is, therefore,
permanently disabled, at least for a month
'or so to come. General Lee assumes
command of the army. The number
of Colonels, Captains and Lieutenants
killed and wounded I will not pretend
to estimate. The enemy's loss,,except
at the „entrenchments, is ,ayt large.
Protected by his earthworks and the
dense undergrowth into which we
drove him, he poured a decimating fire
into our devoted ranks. This, without
rodomontade, is the result of the battle
I walked to within a mile an 4 a half
of the field yesterday morning, And
gladly accepted the offer of a friend to
ride back with him, The scene on the
road beggars description. Omnibusses,
wagons, caissons and other vehicles,
were stalled and wrQcked along the
road for miles. Iloraemen found it
difficult to traverse the continuoup mnd
puddleS throtigh which our bravo fel
lows - had marched to the sceminf con
flict; and were then marching under a
terrible sun. I told my friend that our
army must fall back, it being harder to
provision it over these seven miles of
mud than over the one hundred miles
of rail between this and Manassas.
The use of artillery and cavalry was
out of the question. Even the by paths
that led from the York River Railroad
to the Williamsburg road were almost
impassable, so boggy is the ground.
The report to-day is that he is con
centrating a large force in the Mechan
icsville road. We are ready for him
there; and at all other points. Our
army is large, full of valor, officered
by the best talent, and the siege of
Richmond—for such it will continue
to be—will witness many desperate
The city is one vast hospital. Wo
men's ministering hands aro not want
ing to alleviate the sufferings of our
The official statement of the casual
ties in the Third Brigade, Gen. R. E.
Rhodes, show the following summary :
Twelfth Mississippi Regiment-5 of.
ficers and 25 men killed; 18 officers
and 138 men wounded.
Sixth Alabama Battalion-11 offi
cers and 91 men killed ; 18 officers and
264 men wounded.
Fifth „
Alabama Regiment—.l officer
and 26 men killed; 9 officers and _159
men wounded.
Twelfth Alabama-----5 officers and 55
men killed; 6 officers and 133 men
Tho Second Florida Regiment went
into the fight on Saturday with 885
men, and lost in. killed and wounded
187 men.
This regiment was one of the first
in a charge. The Colonel was severe
ly wounded, and the Major and six
Captains killed.
The Twenty-eighth North Carolina
Regiment Col. Christie, reports nearly
all of the field and company officers
wounded, many severely, if not mor
tally, and among the privates, 30 kill
ed and 120 wounded.
The Sixth Regiment South Carolina
Volunteers, in Virginia, Col. S. Brat
ton, has suffered severely in the battle
near Richmond,
I announce myself as a candidate for District Attorney
subject to the decision of the People's Union Nomina
ting Convention. J. 11. 0. CORBIN.
II untiugdon, July 15t,18132*
Tho Fail Session of this Institution will beginly 31,
The expenses per quarter, or 11 weeks, in Common
English. ore $22. washing. light nod fuel uut included.
For lufornuqjon, address
- - -
J. W. 11U0
Cava'Ho, liuutlugJon co.,
July 2,18624 t: Penns
WILL be sold at private sale, a farm
ill 'Tinton township, /Inntingdon county, the es
tate of Jacob 11. Diller, deceased, oon Wiling 300 eerie, 180
of which are cleared and ill a good elate of culti
vation, and well watered. The ithproyemcnts
are a two-story filoure house, a tog bane, and other t
outbuildings, with a good spring near tile house, !
rt large apple orchard and a great ririe.ty of other Kula
of fruit of the best quality.
Telma at ill ho made removable.
Posi.reeion Le given on the let of April nest.
Fur further Information apply to MARY MILLER, lie
tug on the promisee. pyly 2, 1802-tf.
But %011ie you rejoice at the success of our gallant
troops, and the prospect of tho speedy downfall of the
Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of
before purchasing elsoa hers, and ace our new stock of
goods, consisting of
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Queens ware,
Tobacco, Sugars,
and a general assortment of notions, all of which are of
fered on reasonable terms for cash or produce.
Huntingdon, July 1, 1802.
TN pursuance of the 25th Section, First
Article of the amended Constitution of the State of
Pennsylvania, and the First Section of the Act of the Gen
eral Assembly, pawed the first day of Juno, 1833, tho un
dersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
hereby giro notice that they intend to make application
to the Legislature of said State, at its next session, corp•
mencing the first Tuesday of January, 1863, for the cher:
ter of a Book, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon,
in the county of Huntingdon, and State aforesaid, to be
called the "BROAD TOP BANK;" the capital stock there
of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the specific
object for which the proposed.corporation to to be char
tered is to transact the usual and legitimate business of a
Bank of issue, discount, deposit and exchange.
IL 11. CUN
Juno 3, 1862-Cm.
Jan. 2., 1861-tf.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
p init's Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the
balance remaining in the hands of John Love, Adminis
trator of Asaph Fagan, deceased, amongst those entltled
to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons in
teroateil that he will attend for the purpose of hearing
said pat ties, on SATUItDAY, the 26th day of JULY, 1862,
at his office, in the borough of Huntingdorot 1 o'clock
in the afternoon, when and whore nll persons having
claims upon said fund should mesent them before the
Auditor or be thereafter homed from reaiving any share
thereof. JOHN REED,
Huntingdon, Juno2s, 1862-4t.e Auditor.
Second door above Arch Street.
The co-partnership heretofore existing between KAUF
MAN & LONNEIISTADTER having been dissolved by
mutual consent, the undersigned respectfully informs the
patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in gen
eral, that ho has taken all the up-stairs rooms of
N 0.103 North Eighth at., ab. Arch, Phila.
To continue the manufnctuing of all kinds of
of all deecriptlons,
And will offer indneemonts in price and quality, an well
as prompt attendnuce to oilers, In every article apper
taining to his line,
No. 108 North Eighth &root, abovo Arch,
April 22, 1862-Ini.
To sell goods for the ADAMS SEWING MACHIN?. COMPANY.
We will give a commission on all goods sold by our
Agents or pay wages at from $OO to $lOO per month, and
pay all necessary expenses. Dor machine is potfoct In Its
mechanism. A child can learn to gyrate it by pelf an
hour's instruction! It is equal io any Family Sewhig
Machine DI uge, and lye gam rgeoccll4l.o irjce to yirteon
Each Machine is warranted fbr three years.
Address C. Rupouee,
Juno 12., 736 n. Gen. Agt., Ditroit,
A pod article for rale at
Qelobrated "Corrugates Metal"-Penq
Agent for the county.
nucre-25 Oa t por dozen or 42 per. grctee,
PENS, made by C. BARNARD, are the but Com
mercial and School Pens, without exception to any.—
They aro used by all the principal Banks and Gavernmealt
Departments, Public and Prhate Schools; else, by the
moot prominent Commercial Rouses throug hout Ihe Unb
ted States end Canada.
But a short tiur has elapsed since
have beenintrodneed into the United States, ettU a mark
ed preference Is given them over all others for the follow
ing reasons : The " Corrugated Medal" PENS do not cor
rode; they will not splatter or cut Wrong', the thinnest'
paper; they have an easy gliding moticn, to certainty oft
equally diffusing the ink, softness of politt, tuid Odra du
Tho following testimonials, selected from no t tneKog
others, are respectfully submitted:
I have need the Metallic Pens of Mr. C. Becaard and i
highly approve of therm C. BARSTOW, ''
PresicioiL of St. Nicholas Ba nk, 'Neu! Tofif.
We have need the Pens otMr. Barnard ? and 4nd theasil
to be as ho represents, and take pleasure tn recommend•
log them to the public. WELLS, PAltao /a CO., '
A. 111ULLICIAN, 904/41ec. , .
C. Bernard's Pans have beep til . e d, and are highly ap...
proved In this Mee. B. G. OGDEN,
Auditor U. .S. Custpw. House, New nrk.
Timing tried the corrugated Papkmado by 3lr. DapEiffd.
I can recommend them as excelle4t.
. . . .
SAMVEL ArkEry,s,ll,,
Con mandant Vaix, TiunrArookijot.
We add ours to above recommeudAtione.
U. D. CROMWELL # CO. , le Tork.
I have no hesitation in Baying llarnard'e Peal are de.
chledly the beat I have over used. S. C. WV'
-Agent United Stake Exprci . k :no
We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Bernard's And;.,
Corrosive Pens as the best OTCC brought sutler ow wilts,.
without exception.
WILKINSON, sispox ¢ 00. 4
Park /Ince, 2 ae York.
T. B. HUGHES, Cat/alr.
We hare been using the Pens of Mr. C. Barnard, and
take great pleasure in recommending them to the'nublie,
aa they are ea excellent article, and all he eeprasenta l
then! to be. A. J. CLINTON,
Secretary Eagle insurance Ce,, New York.
Upon trinl we have found Mr Barnard's Pens to be ex
eellent. FRED, PROBST k CO., New York.'
I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pena as ftIiRIPSI9I
article to any I have used.
0013V11. BEMBLE, New Yext
We add ours to the above recommendations.
Of all Pens I ban ever used, Mr. Barnard's have given
ma more satisfaction, and I can recommend them to IO
public as being entirely anti-corrosive.
E. POIRER, Now York.
Attar six months' constant use of C. Barnard's Atiti-
Corrosive Pen, Ito can confidently recommant it as the
best metallic pen ao have ever Riad; finding from thot
above expellent° that It does not actually corrode.
B.IIIcLEAN S CO., New York.
Manufacturer or Coripsatiti Metal Pe?,
John Street, Cteitictutyall, Loyola.
Juue 18, 1862.
An persons are hereby cautioned against purchaet
lag, or in any wise interfering with tho proporty of Jowls
Snyder, wagonmaker of township, Huntingdon co.,
comprising certain wagonmaker's tools, lumber and shop;
household and kitchen furniture, &c., haie pdr-.
chased the same for a Sir oomponsation.
j11,1862* . ] ABRAHAM SNYDER, Mooresville.
fispi l of Jacob 11. Miler, 44e . d.]
.euers of Administration upon the estate of Japob
Milli+, late of Union toimsinp, dec'd., having been . grant%
ed to the undersigned, all persons haring claims against
the estate are requested to present them to the under.
signed, and all persons Indebted will make irome44l4
payment. ANDREW MILL' Alt,"
Union tp., May 29,1862-Gt. AdministratnAt
k_A North and North-Wort for POILADELPIII,I,
YORE. nekplNfl, PoTTSVILLE, LEBANON, AL.:S . OIM E42.1:9;,..,
Trains leave Hormisnotto for PRILApELP/M, New-Toatt,
REEDING, POETSVILLE, and all Intamediato Stations at
A. M., and 1.40 11.
NEW-Tons Espie=s leaves 114nnismoto at 1.2$ A. IL, a 6
riving at NEW-YORK at 8.25 the same nuirnlng.
Fares from Ilionisnuao : To Nan , Yoatc, $5 pp; tq Pau,
ADELPHEA, $3 25 and $2. 70. Baggage checked through.
Returning, leave Nntv-Yonit at 0 A. 51., 12 Noon, and 8
P. M., (l'irrsouflon Basams.) Leans PirhAnneint. at
A. It., and 3.15 P. M.
Sleeping cars In the New-Yong Exeness Zulus, through
to and from PITTSBURG!! .1 thout chango.
Passengers by the CATARIS3k Rail Road leave
CLINTON at 4.45 A. 31. for PIIIIADELPIIII. and all fpteime :
diate Stations; and at 3.00 P. 31., for Pumanztutuf, Mawr
Yong, and all Way Points.
Trains leave Ferrer= at 0.00 A. 31. 2 and 235 P. f., for
PIIILADELPMA. and Nnw-YOnE; and at 5.30 V. M. for
AUBURN and Powr CLINTEM only, connecting for Ptttti
GROVE and with the evrAwtssA Rail Road.
An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves 111.xopta tit
6 A. M., and returns from PITILADEIPIHA at '5 P. M.
4ixit. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted.
A Sunday train leaves ligirsvnta at 7.30 ail'
PHILADELPHIA at 3.15 P. 51.
at reduced rates to and from all points.
General Superiplendemt
Shou dere,
Juno 3, 1862.
FC4. p ALE
ti ~,,.L'' ..
•t‘- - _-_-.4 . ,..,-,
-- •
Z Pv ,:.• at z
~" t 'i' l F. t 4 '.4 I ~,?.. t
, ~.3 r 4 . a STATIONS. i;fl S.' " v i
.. P. M. I A. M I F. 31. A. )f.j .M.
31 Newton Hamilton, 48
39 601 Mt. Union, 10 13 ' ' 4Q
54 Mill Creek, 26
09 6D6 629 Huntingdon, 9'60 212 16
24 Petersburg, ti 37 - 68
32 Barren, .......... ........,
39 6 56 Spruce Creek, 9 26 a
65 Birmingham, 27
04 7 18 Tyrone, 9 07 18
15 Tipton 8 69 08
20 Fostoria OS
25 7 35 Belle Mille, 8 52 59
45 805 750 !atomic., .. a4o 100 46
2.4. r. N. t.- M.
Accommodation Train arrlyv at 19:50 and learns at
1,20 F. - 41. ' "
On and after Thursday, Juno 26th, 1862, Paseentpip
Trains vs tit arrive and depart he fqlleive
Loan 'Huntingdon at 7.20 A. N. & 5 20
Saxton " 9.10 A. N. & 640 P.
Arrive at Hopewell " 0.45 A. N. & 7.10 P:
Leave Hopewell at 10.15 A. 51 &7 SO P.M.
S 9 XtCUt 0 15.50 A. M. & 8.05 P. N.
Arriyo atlinntinioon 12.8) P. M. & 9.03 P. IL
July 2, 1862.
JAMES N. GREEN respectfully in
forma the while that be Is fully prepared to furninh
in the hest ntyle of workmanship, all kinds of TOMB
STONES, at prices cheaper than they can hr. bad th
the county. Be bopes, by strict attor.tiou to business, to
therit and receive a share of public pattonefro, - •
Huntlngion, .lan. 2°. 1042
, 0•1 1 ,A 11