The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 02, 1862, Image 2

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    Ely 61obt,
TuQsday afteruopu, July 1, 1862.
Our Flag Forever
" know of no mode in which a loyal citi
r.en may so well demonstrate his devotion to
his country as by sustaining the Flay, the
Constitution and the Union, under all circum
A. DotTcLis
Red, White, and Blue
Oh Columbia, the gem of the ocean,
The home of the bravo and the free,
The shrine of each partial's devotion,
A'world offers homage to thee.
Thy mandates make heroes assemble,
When liberty's form stands In view,
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When bot ne by the red, NS bite, and blue.
When borne by the red, white, and blue,
ilhen borne by the red, white, and blue,
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When borne by the red, white, and blue.
war waged its wide desolation,
And threateu'd our land to deform,
The ark then of freedom's foundation,
Columbia rode safe through the storm.
With, her garland of lictory o'er her,
When so proudly she bore her bold crew,
With her flag proudly floating before her,
The Want of the red, NI bite. nod blue.
The boast of, de.
The wine cop, the nine cup bring hither,
And fill you it up to the brim,
May the wreath they have won never wither,
Nor the star of their glory grow dim,
May the service united seer sever,
And hold to their colors so true,
The ermy and navy forever,
Three cheers for the red, white, and blue.
Three cheers for, de
The Star-Spangled Banner
ioh! say, can you see, by the dawn's catty light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleam•
- Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous
O'er the ramparts we w-atch'd, were so gallantly stream
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag U . still there
Ohl say, does that star-spangled banner yet crave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
NOW it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam;
In full glory reflected, now• shines ou the stream—
'Tis the star pangled banner! Oh, long may it scare,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brevet
And where is that band who eo vauntingly more
That the havoc of war, and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more
Their blood boo wasli'd out their foul footstep's pollution;
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
Flom the terror of flight or the gloom of the gravel
And the ntat•spangled banner in It iumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the flee, and the home of the bravo!
Ohl thus ho it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and war's desolation I
Blessed with victors and peace, may the Ilenven-rescuad
Praise the Power that bath made and preserved us a na
Then conquer see must, when oar came it is just,
Aod this be our mot to—n lu Clod is our h ust r
And tine star.spnungled banner in triumph shall wave,
O'er thu laud of the free, and the bonus of the brat el
For three or four days the whole
North has been in a high state of ex
.citement. • McClellan has been moving
.on Richmond slowly but surely. Since
Tuesday last our whole army in the
neighborhood of Richmond has been
active and moving forward to certain
victors! Richmond, if not sow in our
possession, must fall this week. We
give the latest news.
The following despatch we received
last evening:
News has just come stating that the
rebels were soundly thrashed by Penn
sylvania Reserves, that McClellan is
moving on Richmond. ELI SLIFER.
—The Richmond Whig of the 18th an
nounces that the conscription act was
now being enforced in that city. Maj.
Moncure has charge of the business in
that city. The Whig is begging indul
gence from the military satraps of Jeff
for a few days, in order that the poor
down trodden citizens of the once
proud metropolis of the State of Wash
ington, and Madison, and Jefferson,
,and Randolph, may have a chance to
offer themselves voluntarily, before the
system of forcible arrests is resorted
to. Poor downtrodden Virginia! How
pitiable is her condition ! She is get
ting her rights with a vengeance ! Per
haps she may find her interests in her
slaVes more secure, now, under the
old Union ! Dearly is she being paid
for her folly in permitting such con
temptible demagogues and unprinci
pled knaves as Wise, and Pryor, and
Letcher, backed by the negro traders
of Richmond, as they were, to raise
her arm against the Government form
ed by such men as Madison, and Ran
dolph, and Patrick Henry.
generally known that the great Na
tional Horse Fair will be held at the
Keystone Park, Williamsport, Pa.,
September 2d to the sth, inclusive.—
Arrangements have been made to se
cure the finest assemblage of import
ed,. blooded and native bred horses
that has ever been collected in this
country. The list of premiums will
be large, running as high as 5200.--
Liberal arrangements have been and
mill -be made with the different rail
roads. Williamsport is situated in the
beautiful valley of the Susquehanna,
and is accessible by .railroad fuom all
parts of the Union, and is eminently
well suited for the exlihition.
far The official lists of the rebel
losses at the battle of Fair .oaks lave
teen published, from which it appears
that eighty-five regiments and battal
ions in all were engaged, sustaining a
loss in killed, wounded, and missing of
The rate of p . ()stage on letters
in the Southern Confederacy has been
raisq from five to ten cents.
SENATOR. —The politicians in this
Senatorial district ace offering them
selves for the seat made vacant by the
death of Col. Wharton. The candidate
will of course be conceded to this coun
ty for the unexpired term, and we take
the liberty of naming a man for the
position—a man not thought of by pol
iticians—but a man we could vote for,
because we know him to be a man of
the people—a business man—a Union
man, well booked up in all the affairs
of the country, and the wants of the
people. That man is THOMAS FISHER,
of Huntingdon.
A Kentuckian on Slavery.
The following remarks made by
Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau. a Kentuckian
by birth and residence and an officer
in the army of the United States, at a
banquet given in his honor at Louis
ville, on Monday of last week—are de
serving of more than ordinary consid
eration. After an address to General
Rousseau, by the Hon. James Guthrie,
one of the leading citizens of Kentuc
ky, who for a time was regarded as
rather doubtful in his loyalty, and who
was the Secretary of the Treasury
during Mr. Pierce's administration,
Gen. R. spoke ir. this unmistakable and
emphatic manner:
" I desire to state that this rebellion
is a lie from the beginning. There was
never any cause for it. To begin and
keep it up by a system of wholesale ly
ing was adopted and is pursued indus
triously to this day. Wherever the
army has gone it has met this fell spirit
of falsehood. We have taken none of
their property; we have excluded their
slaves from our lines; when needed,
we have placed guards of our soldiers
around their houses to protect them—
and yet they persist in calling us abo
litionists and negro-thieves. And in
spite of our disclaimers and our sol
diers' asservations to the contrary—
of our words and our acts—they have
insisted that our object is to liberate
and steal their slaves.
" And if we fail to restore the Union,
the everlasting nigger' will be the
cause of the failure. They know what
they say is false, yet they never cease
repeating it. Behind and before us
this has been the cry of the enemies
of the Government. The army in its
intercourse with the secessionists has
pleaded, and is still pleading for peace
under the old Government, offering to
our southern brethren all they ever
had, and claiming nothing except in
common with them. They want to
(AIN nothing front ally one, but desire
their southern brethren shall enjoy all
their rights unimpaired.
"But the negro is in the way, in
spite of all that can be done or said.—
Standing before the eye of the seces
sionists, the negro hides all the bles
sings of the Government, throwing a
black shadow on the sun itself. If it
had been any other species of proper
ty that stood in the way, the army,
provoked as it has been, would willing
ly have seen its quick destruction.—
But the negro they did not wish to in
terfere with in any way. Yet, with
all its conservatism and patriotism,
the army has grown weary of this in
sane cry of abolitionism ' as a cause
for breaking up the Government.
I have warned our southern friends
of the danger of continuing it much
longer; and I tell you to-night that if
the war continues a year from this
day, there will not be a slave on this
continent. The great revolution will
take care of itself—the dead will bury
its dead—and those who are causing
all the desolation and bloodshed around
us, under the false pretence that we
desire to free their negroes, will, if
they persist, one day find slavery snuf
fed out as you snuff out a candle.—
Slavery is not worth our Government.
Slavery is not worth our liberty. It
is not worth all the precious blood
now being poured out for Freedom.—
It is not worth the free navigation of
the Mississippi river.
"I am for the Government of our
fathers against all things and every
body. While the liberties of the peo
ple are secure under it, as they ever
have been, I would allow nothing but
death to prevent my upholding it I
am ready for the responsibility. A
southern man, as I am, born and
brought up i❑ the south, with all my
sympathies with the south, I could not
hesitate one moment when the issue is
presented between the nigger and the
Government of our fathers. lam for
the Government of the United States
against all its enemies.
" I hope and pray that our southern
friends will not force us to extremes
on this sensitive point. Wo deprecate
such a result; for we want our rights
under the Constitution, and we are all
ready to fight for theirs under the good
old Government. I would to-day most
willingly gird on my sword and fight
for any right belonging to them, sla
very included; but they must not put
slavery between me and the Govern
ment and laws of the United States.—'
/ will not consent to become a slave that
the negro may be kept a slave. I will
not sacrifice the happiness of my wife,
children and friends, the welfare of my
beloved State, and the glory of my
country, on an altar dedicated to the
'Ebony Idol.'"
DO" . Hon. Win. P. Schell has been
named by the Democratic County
Convention of Bedford county, as a
proper person to receive the State
nomination for Auditor General. Mr.
Schell would make an excellent officer.
The Convention also placed in nom
ination the following county ticket:
ilssembly—John Cessna.
County Surveyor—Samuel Fetter
District Attorney—John Palmer
Commissioner—'Andrew Crisman.
Poor Director—Solomon Reighard
Auditor—John 11. Barton.
list of killed in the late battles before
Richmond, as ihr as given in this morn
ing's papers, we have ,not been able to
find the names of any of our Hunting
don county boys. All cannot expect
to escape, and it will be some days be
fore we can have a full and correct
recollected that shortly after the bat
tle at Front Royal, during the excite
ment consequent upon the exultation
of the rebels, the office of the Hagers
town Mail, a traitorous sheet, was de
stroyed by the mob. The following
letter has recently been found at the
residence of a Dr. Funston, some five
miles beyond Winchester, who was an
aid to Gen. Harper at the time Har
per was the Commandant at the Ferry,
written by the editor and proprietor
of that paper :
HAGERSTOWN, April 31, 1801.—Dr.
Funston :—Dear Sir: I have dropped
Gen. Harper a map of our county.—
The map of Pranklin county I will for
ward him, or all the information he
may desire thereto in a day or two.
"The Union Shriekers" or Black
Republicans here are gaining on the
fears of the people. Many good South
ern Rights men are now wavering,
owing to these excited apprehensions,
and our cause is daily losing strength.
I still hope the lower portion of the
State will remain firm, and in the end
we will escape from. the chains that
bind us to Black Republicanism.—
Surely Maryland was bound hand and
You will do me a great kindness,
and one that I will not be likely to for
get soon, if you interest yourself with
Gen. Harper in procuring me a good
weapon of defence. Only yesterday I
was threatened with a mob, who said
they would compel me to bring out the
Stars and Stripes." Very truly
From Gen. McClellan's Army.
Sharp Resistance of the Rebels.
WASHINGTON, June 25.—The follow
ing despatches have been received at
the War Department:
First Despatch.
REDOUBT No 3, June 25—L30 P. M.
—To the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secreta
ry of War :—.ll - ave advanced our pick
ets on the left considerably to-day, un
der a sharp resistance. Our men have
behaved very handsomely.—Some fi
ring still continues.
(Signed) GEO. B. MeCLELLAN,
.alajor General.
[Second Despatch.]
Success of the Movement.
Prnounr No. 3, 'June 25-3.10, P.
To the Hon. 8..31. Stanton, Secretary
of War:
The enemy are making a desperate
resistance to the advance of our picket
lines. Kearney's and one-hal fof Hook
er's divisions are where I want them.
I have this moment reinforced Hook
er's right with a brigade and a. couple
of guns, and hope in a few minutes to
finish the work I intended to do.
Our men are behaving splendid.—
The enemy fight well also.
This is not a battle, but merely en
affair of licinbileman's Corps, support
ed by Keyes, and thus far goes well,
and we hold every foot we have gained.
If we succeed in what we have under
taken, it will be a very important ad
vantage gained.
Our loss is not large thus far.
The fighting up to this time has been
done by Hooker's Division, which has
behaved as usual, that is, " most hand
On our right, Porter has silenced
the enemy's batteries in his front.
(Signed) G. B. McCLELLAN,
.illajor General
[Third Despatch.]
The Enemy Driven From his Camp.
REDOUBT No. 3, June 25-5 P. M.-
To lion. E. X. Stanton, Secretary of
War :—The affair is over, and we have
gained our point fully, and with but
little loss, notwithstanding the strong
opposition. Our men have done all
that could be desired. The affair was
partially decided by two guns that
Captain Demsey brought gallantly in
to action under very difficult circum
stances. The enemy was driven from
his camp in front of this, and all is now
(Signed) G. B. McCLELLAN,
Major General.
General .31 - celellan's Ileatlquartenst,
June 25—Evening.
General Hooker at nine o'clock this
mo.•uing advanced his Division with
the view of occupying a now position.
The result was that his troops met
with a most determined resistance from
the enemy, which lasted until 4 o'clock
in the afternoon, duriug which the reb
els were forced to give way before the
invincible courage of our men.
During the day everything indicated
a general engagement, but the enemy
showed no disposition to accept.
The troops all fought gallantly as
eve•. The loss on our side will be
about 200 killed and wounded.
The following are among the wound
ed :
Col. Morrison ' volunteer, aid to Gen.
Palmer, wounded in the hand.
Capt. Rafferty, Excelsior regiment,
wounded in the eg.
The casualities among the officers
of the First Massachusetts, which suf
fered the most, is as follows :
Capt. Wild, wounded in the hand.
Capt. Chamberlain, wounded in the
Liout. Thomas, arm amputated.
Lieut. Dalton, wounded in the
Lieut. Perkeson in the leg.
The number of our killed is small,
most of the men being wounded.
The loss of the enemy is not known
but it is believed to be equal to our
Tho rebel camp in front of Hooker's
Division was captured, and is now oc
cupied by his troops.
The ground fought for was a swamp
with thick underbrush, beyond which,
was an open country. The woods in
tervening between our troops and the
enemy prevented the result of the ar
tillery tiring being known. Capt. De-
Russey succeeded in getting two Na
poleon twelvo-pounders through the
swamp during the afternoon. They
did excellent service. An effort of the
enemy being. to capture the guns, and
resulting in his being driven back with
severe loss.
The result of to-day's fight is highly
important to the health of the army,
as but little more ground is to be gain
ed to place the troops beyond the
. Gen. McClellan was present during
the whole day, superintending all the
Important Military Movement.
WASHINGTON, June 26.—The forces
under Major Generals Fremont, Banks,
and McDowell, have been consolidated
into one army, to be called the Army
of Virginia, and Major General Pope
has been especially assigned by the
President to the chief command.
The forces under Gen. Fremont will
constitute the first army corps, to be
commanded by Gen. Fremont.
The forces under Gen. Banks will
constitute the second army corps to be
commanded by that officer.
The forces under Gen. McDowell
will constitute the third army corps, to
be commanded by Gen. McDowell.
Gen. McCall's division, 10,000 strong,
which formed a part of Gen. McDow
ell's corps, has reached Gen. McClellan
by water, and another division is to
follow immediately in the same way,
while Gen. Pope will also operate
against the enemy at Richmond.
Besides - McCall's division, General
McClellan has received other reinforce
ments, to the amount of several thou
sands, since the battle of Fair Oaks.
WASHINOTON, June 26.—The consol
idation of the forces under Major Gen
erals Fremont, Banks, and McDowell.
to be called the " Army of Virginia,"
with Major General Pope as the chief
commander, is hailed with delight as
an earnest of the determination of the
President to act with referen . ce only
to the public welfare, while it is not
doubted that all of these officers will
cheerfully cooperate in the perform
ance of their patriotic duty.
The Late Battle near Charleston.
NEW YORK, Jane 27.—The steamer
Philadelphia has arrived from Beau
fort, and the :Ericsson from Key West,
with dates to the 18th, and from Port
Royal to the 23d. The latter brings
181 passengers, including Gen. Ben
ham and staff, and 57 soldiers wound
ed in the late .engagement on James
Island, near Charleston.
The accounlof the fighteopied from
the Charleston papers is correct. The
United States troops, under General
_Benham, made an attack at 4 o'clock
on the morning of the 10th inst. and
were repulsed after four hours hard
fighting, with a loss of 668 killed,
wounded and missing. The Michigan
Bth had but 250 men left at roll call.
The New York 79th also suffered se
verely. The Union troops were obli
ged to retreat under cover of the gun
The Ericsson landed the Seventh
New Hampshire, six companies of the
Nineteenth New York, and four com
panies of the First - Regular Artillery,
at Port loyal.
General Fremont Relieved of his
WASHINGTON . , June 27.—The follow
ing order was issued to-day :
" War Department, Washington, D. C.,
June.27,1862.—.14j0r General John C.
Fremont having requested to be re
lieved from the command of the First
Army Corps of 'the Army of Virginia,
because, as he says, the position as
signed him by the appointment of Ma
jor General Pope as commander-in
chief of the Army of Virginia is subor
dinate and inferior to those heretofore
held by him; and to remain in the
subordinate command now assigned,
would, as he says, largely reduce his
rank and consideration in the service ;
" It is ordered by the President that,
Major Gen. John C. Fremont be re
lieved from the command.
"Second—That Brigadier-General
Rufus King be and he is hereby as
signed to the Command of the First
Army Corps of the Army of Virginia,
in place of General Fremont, relieved.
" By order of the President.
" EDWIN M. STANTON, See. of War
From Gen. McClellan's Army
Severe Battle in Front of Richmond.
Successful Stratagetic Ifovement.—The
Rebel Army Entrapped.—The Fall of
Richmond Certain.—The Pennsylva
nia Reserves bear the Brunt of the
Fight.—The Enemy Attact them Ten
to One.—The Reserves Stand Firm
until Ordered Back.—Union Loss in
Killed and Wounded Twelve Hun
dred.—The Battle a Decided Union
Victory.—Our Lines Advanced Two
Miles Nearer Richmond.
NEW YORK, June 30.—An extra has
just been issued here, with dispatches
dated on the battle field, on Sunday
The dispatches states that a severe
and most determined battle was fought
on the right wing on Thursday and
Friday, which is claimed by some of
our officers as a successful stratagetic
movement, driving the enemy imme.
diatcly into a trap which will soon
capture Richmond and the entire rebel
The attack was made by the rebels
in immense force, who crossed the
Chickahominy near the railroad above
Mechanicsville on Thursday after
The rebels fought desperately, but
were unable to drive our men a single
rod, though the enemy were ten to
our one. The only force engaged that
day was McCall's division. The bat
tle lasting from two o'clock till nine p.
m., when the division was ordered back.
General McClellan was on the field,
and expressed himself satisfied with
the result.
Another report is also published, da
ted Juno 27th, which states that our
killed, wounded and missing will num
ber twelve hundred.
The object of the movement was to
bring Gen. Porter's and other Divi
sions into close connection with the
rest of the army, in fact changing the
front or the whole of any forces, with
our centre and left pressing immedi
ately on Richmond itself; which could
bo done and was expected onSatur
day. It was a virtual surrender orva
eating of a long line of defence, hereto-
_ -.1- -
fore - kept up, to Mechanicsville, in or
der to have the whole force within a
more effective distance, also to allow
the rebels to follow up and, if possible,
to bag them.
Gen. McClellan ordered Gen. Porter
to withdraw to two miles on this side
of Gaines'. Mills, early on Friday morn
ing, which was done, the enemy fol
lowing and thinking they had gained
the victory, our troops slowly moving
back in order, fighting as they went,
crossing the Chickahominy, and reach
ed the position designed for their oc
cupation by Gen. McClellan, the reb
els fbllowed in great force, and by 3
o'clock in the afternoon a general and
heavy engagement occurred here last
ing till seven o'clock when a lull took
place, but the rebels again renewed it
with a greater ferocity, having been
reinforced. Our brave men stood the
unequal contest like heroes, and the
shell, grape and musketry did fearful
havoc. Our forces were increased by
Generals Slocum's, Palmer,s, French's
and Meagher's brigades, and the reb
els were beaten badly. Neagle's bri
gade went into battle with their coats
off, and sleeves rolled up to fight like
The ground which Gen. McClellan
ordered Gen. Porter to occupy and
hold, was occupied and held in the
first part of the day. Gen. Porter's
corps only contended against the reb
els, but subsequent reinforcements
swelled our numbers to 45,000. The
rebels had 00,000 under Generals Leo,
Hill, Anderson and Branch.
Among the killed are Col. Sam. W.
Black and Lieut. Col. Sweitzer, of the
63d Pennsylvania, Col. Gene, of the
22d Massachusetts, Col. Roberts, of the
Ist Michigan, Col. M'Quade and Lieut.
Col. Skellen, of the 14th New York,
and Major Patterson, of the 62d Penn
Important from the West.
Kews from the Ram Fleet Off Tricks
burg.—Attack on Vicksburg Momen
tarily Expected.—Corn. Farragut Con
fident of Success.—Gen. Curtis in a
Perilous Condition.
NEW YoaK, June 30. A special dis
patch has been received here from the
Union ram fleet off Vicksburg, dated
June 26th, stating that the Union ram
fleet communicated with Commodore
Farragut on Wednesday, and that he
was expected to attack Vicksburg on
Friday. Twenty vessels were in po
sition. Commodore Farragut is confi
dent of victory.
The rebel force is estimated at twelve
thousand men.
Corn. Davis' fleet is to co-operate
with Farragut.
Gcn. Curtis is in a perilous condi
tion in Arkansas. The rebel General
Rains, having got in hia rear with fif
teen thousand men.
The Late Vietory in Arkansas.
The correspondent of the Cincinnati
Times furnishes the following interest
ing details of the expedition to White
River and its results;
The White River Expedition
The White River expedition left here
last Friday for the purpose of' ascend
ing that stream as fhr as Jacksonport,
three hundred and fifty miles from the
month, supplying Goa Curtis' force
with provisions, and capturing the
transports the rebels were known to
have concealed there from their proper
owners, the loyal citizens of the coun
try. The expedition consisted of the
iron-clad gunboats Mound City, (flag
ship), Capt. A. li. Kitty; the St. Lou
is, Captain Wilson McGunnegle ; the
two wooden gunboats, Lexington,
Captain J. W. Shirk ; and the Conesto
ga, Capt. G. W. Blodgett, with the tug
Spitfire, armed with a 12 pound howit
zer, and the transports, New National,
White Cloud and D. Musselman, carry
ing part of Col. G. N. Fitch's 46th In
diana regiment and a large amount of
supplies. The first success of the ex
pedition, as I have mentioned before,
was the capture of the men and valua
ble steamer Clara Dolsen.
The second success is the taking of
two rebel fortifications on the river
just below the miserable little settle
ment dignified by the name of St.
Charles, eighty-two miles from the
month. The expedition tarried at the
confluence of the Mississippi from Sat
urday afternoon until Monday morn
ing, and then proceeded cautiously and
slowly up the river, having heard ob
structions had been placed in the wa
ter, and batteries erected to resist the
progress of the Fleet. The gunboats
steamed along, the flag-ship in the ad
vance, the St. Louis in her wake, and
the wooden boats about half a mile be
hind, all of Monday, without meeting
with any event of consequence or the
least exciting occurrence.
Progress of the Union Fleet
The Union fleet had proceeded some
thing over eighty miles up White Riv
er, when they were fired upon from a
battery on the south side, but so hid
den among the trees that the officers
could hardly determine the spot whence
the pieces were discharged. The guns
of the enemy were not very heavy.—
They sounded like 12 and 24-pounders,
and subsequent examination proved
they were such.
The Action Begun
Two of the shots struck the case
mates of the St. Louis, but glanced off
harmless, while most of them passed
over the deck. The Mound City and
St. Louis both fired at the rebel batte
ry, and frequently observed that their
shells fell very near, if not inside of
the works. After seven or eight min
utes, the enemy appeared fittigued
with his efforts and fired only at inter
vals, whereupon the Mound City push
ed on, leaving the first battery to the
St. Louis and Conestoga, which were
sending a few shells at the rebel works
at a mile's distance.
Position of the Portifleations.
At this place there was -a bend in
the river, and further up a more deci
ded turn towards the South ; the gen
eral course of the stream being East
and West. The first battery was op
posite the former bend, on the top of
a ridge about fifty feet high; and the
opinion that it had a companion was
soon substantiated by a heavy report
from a point half a mile above, and the
roar ()fa round shot across the bow of
the Mound City, and the burial of the
iron missile in the bank on Ao opposite
Side. A second shot cane, but it went
wide of the mark, and cut off the bran
elis of a tree two humlred yards
the rear of the vessel. This new ord
nance was heavier than that in the
lower battery; and here was a foeman
worthy of the flag-ship, which prompt
ly proceeded' to pay her compliments
to the loud-voiced stranger.
The Motind City fired her bow guns
twice, and then her port guns, as she
steamed up the river a little further—
making the distance between herself
and the upper buttery less than half a
mile. The second fortification was on
the same bluff or ridge that its fellow
was, but a little further from the shore,
and in a south-westerly direction from
the flag-ship, preventing its guns from
bearing directly on the Mound City.
The effect of the flag-ship's shots
could not be well determined, but they
appeared to be falling where the gun
ners desired, and the cannonade on
her part, as well as on that of the St.
Louis, was warmly kept up for eight
or ten minutes; less than twenty hav
ing elapsed since the first gun had been
fired from the lower battery.
Movement of Infantry
In the meantime Colonel Fitch had
landed his five or six hundred men on
the southern bank below the first bat
tery with the intention of attacking
the upper works in the rear, and sur
prising the enemy at their guns. He
was already on the march and bad sig
nalled the Mound City to cease firing,
that his own men might not be injured,
when an unanticipated accident of the
most horrible character, almost entire
ly destroyed the officers and crew of
the flag-ship.
Horrible Disaster to the Mound City.
A large cylindrical shot with iron
flingeson each side, known among the
rebels as the pigeon shot, struck the
casemate on the port side in the upper
port near the first gun at an angle of
about ninety degrees; passing through
the casemate and connecting pipe of
the boilers, killed a gunner on the star
board side and alighting in the stew
ard's pantry. The effect of severing
the connecting pipe may be imagined.
All the steam of the boilers at once
rushed with a shrill, hissing sound in
to every part of the gunboat, which
presented no means for its escape ex
cept through the port-holes and sky
light. It was like injecting steam in
to an air tight box, and when we re
member there were nearly one hundred
and eighty human beings below the
deck, the ineffable horror of their situ
ation may readily be seen.
Terrible Destruction of the Steam
The burning steam fairly mowed
them down. They shrieked and leap
ed and writhed with pain. But the
steam did not pity their tortures ; it
seemed rather to delight in their suffer
ings, and extended its vaporous tor
rents to new victims. Horrors upon
horrors accumulated in that low,
square, seething, boiling, fiery enclo
sure, where man endured all the fabled
agonies of the damned, and yet could
not die. To some, Fate was merciful;
for it slew them at once. As many as
forty-five or fifty who had stood on,the
gundeek a few moments before With
buoyant hopes and elated spirits lay
there in crimson death; unconscious
of the pain of those around them ; un
hearing-0 how fortunate !—tho terri
ble moaning and groaning of the woun
ded sufferers.
It is easy to die, but it is hard to suf
fer. And many a pain-gleaming eye
turned to the flushed corpses that
strewed the deck, and asked in silent
accent, why heaven had not been so
kind to all. Oh ! the horror of that
scene! Oh ! the fearful power of man
to suffer! Who that saw what was
visible that day can ever forget ? Will
not that wail of distress fall on his ear
in his dreams, and make him start in
dread even from the arms of her he
loves above his life!
As soon as the first shock had passed,
those who had not been slain from fall
inhalation of the steam, were prompted,
mad with pain, to leap into the river
to cool their burning bodies. The im
pulse appeared to seize on all simulta
neously, and out of the open ports
plunged one wretch after another, un
til 70 or 80 were struggling in the wa
ter. Some were so badly scalded that
they could not swim, and they, most
fortunately, were drowned ; while oth
ers, refreshed and cooled by the river,
struck out manfully to the shore, as if
they had been uninjured.
Barbarism of the Rebels
At this crisis, when every principle
of humanity called for aid and succor,
the rebels proved themselves worthy
of the antecedents that have dishon
ored and disgraced them from the be
ginning of the war. Instead of imi
tating the example of generosity and
magnanimity set them by a brave and
loyal people, struggling for the preser
vation of a great and glorious country;
forgetting the heroic conduct shown
by our seamen who endeavored, in the
gunboat fight off Memphis, to save the
lives of the unfortunate crew of the
General Lovell, when she went down
—the rebels, meanly, mercilessly, das
tardly made every effort to destroy
the poor scalded fellows who were
seeking to reach the shore or our ves
sels with their burned and suffering
Perpetual shame upon the people—
eternal infamy to the cause that can
fbrget the common promptings of Na
ture in the demoniac hatred that, strives
only to destroy !
Tho gunners in the upper battery
turned their guns upon the suffering
officers and seamen of the Mound City,
and Capt. Fry, the commander of the
works, ordered his sharpshooters to
kill every Yankee before he could
reach the shore or succor could be
The devilish enemy needed no sec
ond bidding. He ran with alacrity
down to the boat, and 'there, under
cover of the trees, fired muskets and
rifles at the wounded swimmers with
a cool diabolism that a savage South
sea Islander• would have blushed to
witness. Many a brave fellow was
killed and sank in the riven, and oth
ers were wounded several times before
they obtained the needful aid from their
loyal friends. The Mound City was
powerless and drifting with the cur
rent. She could not aid them, and
the St. Louis was then opposite the
lower fortification.
Union Small Boats Fired Into.
The Conestoga, which was just be
low the Mound City, lowered two of
her boats, and sent them to save the
survivors of the horrible accident. No
sooner had the gigs been manned, and
no seoner were the sailors pulling at
their oars on the divine errand of liter
cY. than the' upper work 'blazed With
its heavy guns at the succorers of dis
The Union gigs were struck twice,
one in the bow and the other in the
stern ; but, strange to say, they were
not swamped, nor were they prevail-.
ted from rescuing from the river some
of the ill-fated crew.
A third boat, from the St. Louis, I
believe, was struck with rebel shot,
and shattered in pieces, but none of
the inmates were hurt or drowned.--...
The enemy was still bent on his do.
moniac work, and would have fired
his last cartridge at the defenceless
sailors, had not the brave Indianians,
under Colonel Fitch, succeeded by this
time in reaching the rear of the fortifi
cation where Fry commanded, and ar
rested the labor of destruction.
The Rebel Fortiacations Taken
The Forty-Sixth Indiana rushed
with a shout and a volley of musketry
into the hostile works,and then charged
with bayonets upon the inhuman foo,
The rebels were completely taken by
surprise. Before they had time to:
throw down their arms or cry for
quarter, they were lying in their in-.
trenchments and their life-blood eb
bing away. Some of the secessionists.
fought with determined obstinacy
against superior numbers, and fell coy-.
erect with ghastly wounds.
Those of the rebels along the shore.
who had been firing at the Unionists,
in the water were soon charged upon
by the Indianians, for whom they did
not wait, but took to flight along no.
bank toward the village of St. Charles.„
A portion of the insurgents ran to a
place above where the river had been..
obstructed, and jumping into a few
small boats they had moored there,.
crossed the stream and disappeared in,
the woods.
The rout was complete. The vie•.
tory was ours; but, alas! r,t what ak
Loss of the Enemy.
At least one hundred fifty to
two hundred of the rebel's must have
been killed and wounded; nearly all
of the number having been slain.—
Their entire force VMS about five hun
dred, and of them-about fifty were cap
tured, and the remainder escaping inn
the manner 1 have described.
Among the prisoners was a Captain,
Fry, formerly a Lieutenant in the Na
vy, and commander of the gunboat
Ponchartrain, which, with three tranif—
ports had been sunk opposite the up—
per fortification. Great indignation,
was felt against the renegade Fry,.
who is seriously wounded, and he
would have been killed a dozen times.
but for the intervention of Col.• Fitch.
One of the Indianians had his mus
ket levelled at Fry's head, and was.
about to pull the trigger, when his
piece was knocked up by the Lieuten
ant of his company, and the life of the
traitorous officer saved; but only, I
fear, for further iniquity, and deeds of
evil that good hearts will not believe
are possible to man.
A Precious Villain
Captain Fry denies emphatically
that he had given an order to shoot
the Nationists after the explosion on
the Mound City, but his men declare
he did so, and their statement is doubt 7
less true. Ifthe charge can be proved;
Fry should be hanged on the loftiest
gibbet in the itirtikh=ret: Ate is_ riot -only _a ,
dishonor to America, but a disgrace to
all mankind. The world is bad en
ough, God knows, but such villains as
Fry, thank Heaven, are few.
List of Union Casualties
With the exception of the precious
lives lost on the Mound City, there
were no casualties on our side. A few
of the Indiana troops were slightly
wounded in the attack on the upper
fortification, but no ono was hurt snin
ciently to unfit him for duty. But
for the horrors of the explosion, the
victory would have been as free from
fatalities as it was from failures.
A. Rebel Funeral.
Gen. Mitchell, at Huntsville, in 'an—
swer to a request by his prisoners, al-.
lowed to them the privilege of funeral
rites over their dead. Among those ,
buried was a young officer, a relative
and namesake of Vowel( Cobb.
was a brays young man, and of refined
manners. Two hundred young ladies
of Huntsville strewed his grave with.
flowers. Col. Bernard MeCrinness was.
also buried by the rebel prisoners with
funeral honors. The Rev. Father Tra
cy performed the ceremonies of the
Catholic Church in both instances. So,
touched were the prisoners at the kind-.
ness of Gen. Mitchell, that when they
returned to their gloomy quarters they
passed a series of resolutions, thanking
the officer for his kindness, and Gen,
Mitchell for the courtesy he extended,,
and olosit 6 , with the hope that the day
might not be far distant when the sot,.
diers of the South and the defenders
of the Union could shake hands and
fight by each other's side in a common
cause. The moral effect of such an
event is greater than that. of a battle,
With this war brought to a speedy
close, how many thousands will ox-.
claim : " Oh, that we had known each .
other better before !"
In Henderson township, on the 23d
inst., Mrs. SARAH BLACK, wife of Jacob
.T.uteiii Pal, 1E62,
Valley and Extra Enmity Flour, .......... ..... $5.2;i©5,50:
CO/11111. and Superfine $4,3734Q450
Rye Flour {325'
Corn Meat_ 42 TS
Er Frit White IVlarat.
Fair and Pilate Red
C;ril, pi inio Yellow
Cloversetml,ll 61 the
Extra Family Flour lq bbl
Salta do ctv t
White Witt..
Red NV heat
Flnxaaetl „,
Dried Applos ..... .... ............
Shoulder _
[afactof PAalip Saknitter, deed.]
0 flora teattimentery upon the Inat will and testament
of l'hlllip SHknitter, late of Decree township, Huntingdon
county, dee'd have been grouted to the undersigned. All
persons indeblett are regneated to make Immediate pay
meni ;owl. those having cioimn will present them proper
ly authekiticited to me.
June 11, IR/2-It • Executor.
41,20/01 24
• -6Mg'7%
. 5,50@6.25,
..... ..1 10 (