Ely Citobt. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday afternoon, June 24, 1862. LOCAL & PERSONAL TREY SAW TIIE ELEPHANT.—Last Wednesday was one of the days for the people to see the elephant. The crowd in town was very great. Old folks and young commenced to arrive in town at sunrise. Towards noon it commenced to rain and continued un til-early evening, completely soaking everybody venturing out to see the show. We never saw the women folks in such a condition. We pitied them, for they looked so awfully used up: Their handsome dresses and their igay bonnets of the morning, had lost their attraction. Sich a show, and the most attractive part of it on exhibition in the streets free gratis, for nothing. We saw lots of pretty girls in the morning and lots of shocking bad look ing ones in the afternoon. 4Til AT COAEZIONT.--WC are re: quested to say that,the citizens of Coal pima and vicinity contemplate cele brating, on the 4th ofJuly, the 86th an niversary of our national independence. A number of competent speakers have been invited to deliver addresses. The grove selected is a beautiful one. The :preparations, generally, aro ample, and those who can make it convenient to be present, may anticipate a gala day rof it. STRAWBERRIES.-WO neglected to notice a week ago, the receipt of a fine specimen of strawberries from Mr. U. B. Lewis. A few more gardens such as Mr. Lewis has and there will be no necessity for marketing the delicious fruit from the eat or west. CONCERT.-A gi•and vocal and instru mental Concert will be given in the Court House on Tuesday evening, July Ist, by Prof. Coyle and his pupils.— The public generally are most respect fully invited to attend. The proceeds are intended for the Soldiers Aid So ciety. EXCURSlON.—Excursion trains will ft run on the Huntingdon & Broad Top Road on the 4th, for Broad Top City. A tip-top dinner will be provided at the City Hotel for all who may travel that, way. lirz are informed . that Scott Camp bell, son of M. F. Campbell, formerly of this place, died of fever in the hos pital near Corinth a few days since. Tim 4.rn.—We are requested to an nounce that all business houses in this place will be closed on the 4th of July. There will be preaching in the German Reformed Church of this place on next Sabbath afternoon at 31 o'clock A Sermon for the times. As IMPROVEMENT.—The new bridge , Irected over the canal at the foot of `_ontgomery street, is quite an im provement to our town, and reflects credit to .MT. Jackson Fee, the archi tect. it is a substantially built cross ing, and was put up in less than a week 4 from the time it was commenced. Serb E. C. Summers' Castalian Gar den has become a popular resort, being crowded nightly by the "gay and fes tive," as well as the more steady of our citizens. Everything is got up in the best style, and on the most rea sonable terms. HENRY BOYER, of Marklesburg, member of Dr. Wintrode's company, who was wounded in the groin by a bullet, at the battle of Fair Oaks near Richmond, died at the hospital in Phil adelphia on Friday last. The corpse was brought home on Saturday and interred on Sunday. Boyer was a brave young man. After he fell, he ,loaded and fired several times. DISINFECTING AGENTS.—As the warns :weatherapproaches, ourcitizons should ;thoroughly dense their premises, ren dering thorn as pure and healthy as possible. There are a number old isiu- Tooting 'agents which will be found effi cacious in removing offensive smells from the damp, mould cellars, yards, pools of stagnant water, decaying veg 'ptable matter, etc. Either of the fol. lowing will answer the purpose, while they cost but a trifle. 1. One pint of the liquor of chloride pf zinc, in one pailful of water and one pound of chloride of lime in an paler pailful of water. This is per- Imps, the most effective of anything that can be used, and when thrown upon decaying vegetable matter of any description, will effectually destroy all offensive odors. 2. Three or four pounds of sulphate of iron, (copperas) dissolved in a pailful of water, will in litany cases be sufficient to remove all offeosive odors. 3. Chloride of limo is hotter to Brauer about places ; in yards, in damp cellars, and upon heaps of filth. . A " Af_EDIRI" was lately resorted to by a mother to ascertain the condition pf her son. The " f1104.1m " obtained an interview With thespirit of the bold soldier boy, whq fqrnisltoct an opeotiDt Of • the manner of . his Sad . 05,1r.it% off, The afflited . mother Tqtktirl.to ,her home just in time to rede;vp lA. letter from her son, Who was ta thccinjoy ment of excellent health,liaving' vap*?4 the dangers of the battle-field: FIVE UNIONISTS in kentacimon their rettial from a. Union meeting, were Mlelrby a gang of Secessionists. WAR NEWS. FROM MEMPHIS. MEmplus, June 13.—Gan. Lew Wal lace has resumed command of the city. Hie first official net *as the taking pos session of the Aqus office, which has been out spoken in its sympathies ibr the rebellion. T. W. Knox, of the New York Her ald, and A. D. Richardson, of the Tri bune, have been appointed to super vise all the editorials which appear in that paper. Threats having been made to, tear down the Union flags flying'over the houses of some of the citizens, the Provost Marshal issued orders instruct ing the guard to shoot down any one attempting to haul down a flag, or of fering to insult, of Molesting the resi dents and citizens who have thus man ifested theft' devotion to the Union. An order was also issued to impris on all citizens carrying concealed weapons. Guerillas are prowling about the country. rive were arrested last night by the pickets in the suburbs of the city. Owing to the scarcity of change, the board of aldermen voted to issue one hundred thousand dollars in fractional notes, as the public exigencies require. The guerilla bands are burning the cottorUtOhe counties ofnorthern Mis sissiphich has not already been destroyed by the owners. The boats going north are loaded to their utmost capacity with freight and passengers. The oath of allegiance was adminis tered to over four hundred persons yesterday, half of them being soldiers. The Avalanche says that the rebel authorities ordered all the rolling stock of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, from Pendue to Meridian. From the Valley of the Shenandoah. WiNcnEsna,Ju no 17.—Advices from Front Royal state that Gen. Shields has succeeded in concentrating all his troops at Strasburg. The rear guard of his army left Luray about an hour before it was entered by Rwell's ad vancing column. Ewell is now be lieved to be in occupancy of Luray, with a heavy force. Arrivals, to-night from New Market, bring intelligence that Gen. Fremont was about to advance to New Market, several miles south of Mount Jackson, and opposite the gap in the Massanut ten Mountain, through which the road leads to Luray. Jackson is believed to have a considerable force of light troops in Harrisonburg, while another body is at or near Port Republic. Pris oners report that White's Division of fifteen hundred are within supporting distance of Port Republic. The Seventh Louisiana Regiment was opposed to the 'Seventh Adiana at the battle at Port Republic. The deadly effect of oar fire can be imag ined when the former left the field with only 36 unhurt. This is the evidence of a prisoner from that regiment. The combat was hand to hand or at pistol range. Col. Carroll's Artillery used nothing but cannister and grape, and when the enemy came too near to use these with effbet, the cannoniers used their revolvers with telling effect upon their assailants. Col. Carroll led three successive regiments up to the support, of the Seventh Indiana, and drove the enemy back until they were flanked and compelled to retreat. It is repor ted here that Col. Carroll goes to Wash ington to correct some misunderstand ing in relation to his order's previous to engagement. A general court-martial, of which Col. huger, Third Wisconsin, is Presi- I dent, and Lieut. Patteson, Second Mass achusetts, is Judge Advocate, is now in session here. Charges against of ficers for absence without leave, selling or disposing of horses and other Gov ernment property, and privates, for similar acts, are to be tried. It is stated that there aro now ab sent by authority, from this command, 1,575 men and 75 commissioned offi cers, greatly reducing our limited numerical strength. The Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania has been detailed as a Provost Guard of Hagerstown, Williamsport and Mar tinsburg. Col. Alexander, aid to Governor Pier point, is now here, looking after the sick and wounded of the Virginia reg iments. The State jurisdiction has been re-established in Morgan and Berkley counties, and will shortly be extended to Jefferson and Frederick. The election in Berkely last month gave 800 majority for Gov. Pierpont. A considerable haul of guns, pistols and ammunition was made in Berry ville yesterday. The arms were all loaded with ball cartridges. The of flee of the Berryville Conservator was confiscated several days ago for rebel publications, and the effects 'removed I hither to aid in army printing. A large amount of loose and fixed ammunition, left here, it is supposed, by Gen. Shields, was discovered by the ordnance officer in the old stone churclr,to-day. It was probably over looked by the enemy in their late visit to this place, to whom it would have been a valuable acquisition. The first instance of the arrest of' a colored man for abetting the enemy occurred to-day. It had been stated that he volunteered as guide and spy for Jackson in his late advance hither. He is confined for further investiga tion. Gen. Sigel has been in command of this Department during the temporary absence of Gen. Banks, who returns to-morrow. Gen. Slough's Brigade was reviewed yesterday, preparatory to future move ments. The appearance and exercises of the various regiments and batteries were highly creditable to themselves and their commander. The bridge over the Potomac at Harper's Ferry has been rebuilt, and the cars run regularly to the West. At the instance of the Government, the Baltimore and Ohiogailroad Com pany are repairing the Winchesterand Potomac road, and travel will be re smned upon it by Thursday. This will greatly facilitate the traasportation of Much needed army supplick. The nceqp,ation of the'valley by our prnaent ibreea hutii, not restored- a fool ing of , seouritx to the loyal residents, and. the 4ecdssionists insist upon it thak Lekson will shortly pay us ari oth'er visit in his usual style, The moro judicious :portion, of the I,3tter gra, this, its they can see no possibil ity of his retaining it, should ho suc ceed in forcing us to retreat. From all indications daily intelli goaco is received and despatched to Saclisdn's ai'my. The house of a leading Secessionist was searched yes terday, upon information that a mail bad been deposited there the previous night, but without success. The White River Expedition. . I .lfnmnilis, Juno 19.—in expedition, composed of the gun-boats St. Louis, Lexington, Conestoga, and _Mound City, with transports carrying the 43d and 46th Indiana regiments, under Col. Fitch, was sent hence some days since to retn.Ove the obstructions from the White River.— On the 17th, the expedition reached St. Charles, 85 miles above the mouth of the river, where the rebels had erec ted a battery. Au engagement ensued, lasting an hour and a half. While the gunboats engaged the batteries, the troops un der Col. Fitch landed a short distance below and proceeded to storm the place. During the cannonading, a ball en tered the boiler of the gun-boat Mound City, causing a fearful explosion and loss of life. The crew consisted of one hundred and seventy-five, of whom one hun dred and twenty-five were killed and wounded. The following officers aro among the killed : John Kenzie, James Scoville, John Green, Henry R. Brown, Joseph :Nix on and John Cox. Captain Kelty, the Flag Officer, was badly scalded, but it is thought will re cover. Col. Fitch's charge on the battery was a perfect success, driving the en emy out at the point of the bayonet. The rebel loss is 125 killed and wounded, and SO prisoners. General HaHeck has occupied Holly Springs. Late and Interesting from Gene- rat Halleck CORINTH . , June 19.—The telegraph lines North were prostrated during the early part of the week by the heavy winds; hence the interruption of com munication with this quarter. Our army has returned from Boone ville, and now occupies a more north erly position. Gen. Pope has gone North on a fur lough. The Memphis and Charleston Rail road is in running order eastward to Tuscumbia and westward to Cypress creek, fifty miles from here. The Mo bile and Ohio Railroad is running north to Jackson, and railroad com munication is open with Grand Junc tion, via Jackson. The road west of Grand Junction is reported to be badly damaged. All the railroads and telegraphs are in good condition. Major-General Ord and Brigadier- Generals Sullivan and Hamilton have arrived here. There is considerable Union senti ment expressed in Western Tennessee, especially in Bolivar and Jackson counties. Beauregard's army at last accounts was at Okolona, 80,000 strong. Twen ty-thousand men under Kirby Smith were at Chattanooga, and 15,000 men under Price and Van Dorn at Fulton, with a small force of cavalry at Gren ada. A new Order of the Secretary of War. Two Dollars Bounty to be Paid WASIIIpTON, June 21.—The follow ing ordei was issued to-day by the War Department : WAR DEPAIITMENT, Juno 21, '62. A new order to eneouragePenlistments. Pursuant to a joint resolution of Congress, to encourage enlistments in the regular army and volunteer forces, it is ordered that a premium of two dollars shall be paid for each accepted recruit that volunteers for three years or during the war; and every soldier who hereafter enists either in the regular army, or volunteers for three years or during the war, may receive his first months pay in advance, upon the mustering of his company into the service of the United States, or after he shall have been mustered into a regiment already in the service. This order will be transmitted to the Governors of the States and recruiting officers. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. FROM MOBILE. NEW Yong., June 21.—Advices by the gunboat Connecticut, state that the rebel force at Mobile has been largely reinforced by 12,000 men from Beauregard's army, and Beauregard himself was believed to be there. Fort Morgan had been strengthened. The towns on the west coast of Flo rida have been occupied by rebel troops in large numbers than ever be fore. Our troops were erecting forti fications near Pensacola to protect it against the rebels. All was quiet there, and the Union sentiment was being developed. One of our boat's crews had been captured at St. Marks. They were surrounded by eighty rebels when sent ashore for water. Two were killed, and the balance, twelve in number, captured. The Connecticut, when passing Charleston, noticed the flags of Fort Sumter and other fortifications at half mast, indicating the death of some im portant military officer. From North Carolina. NEW YORK, June 22.—The steamer Hazel, from Newbern on the 17 th, and Hatteras on the 19th, arrite4 at this Port this afternoon. She reports bay ing seen alarge steamer ashore off Lo ggerhead Inlet s with the sea breuking over nor. A force of our troops trtmaNewhern bad dispersed a rebel force some 84 miles above on the %polite aide of the Neese—destroyed thew fortificAVAna and-brought intCapt.ltgthqm luilca or. By the, gaze). we learn that Gon Burnside arrived at - Newborn last San. day, and, prepare:gone are being made, : 4:.l,fuLx, Spropn.,4 gull stopk, of - 1860 for eNtensive military movements. , styles, of Wall Paper o ban/Ant _.iewis'' The I:tazel spoke the Matanzas. ell' Beek Storer., . ' tho Delatt'are, dispelling all fears that might have been entertained for her safety. The prize schooner 3fary Stewart, of Nassau, has arrived from George town bar, where she was captured on the Ist by the U.S. bark Gem ofthe Sea. Her crew escaped to the shore. Her cargo consisted of salt and medicines: This schooner formerly belonged to Gov. William Aiken of South Carolina. FROM WASHINGTON. Capture of Rebel SehOoners .and Steam ere while Attempting to Run the Block ade.—Horrible Murder of contrabands by the Rebels. WASHINGTON, Juno 22.—The U. S. steamer Calhoun has captured on lake Ponchartrain the rebel steamer Whit man ; the same steamer hai also cap tured the rebel schooner. Venus on the same lake. Tho latter's cargo consis ted of two hundred - and twenty-eight bales of cotton. An expedition from the same steam• er, Calhoun, cut out the rebel gunboat Corphyas. She was found in one of the bayous, secured, moored and guard ed by rebel troops, The V. S. ship Susquehannah, on the 11th inst., cap tured the rebel schooner Princeton, from Havana, bound toward Matamor os. Her cargo consisted of drugs, dry goods, provisions, &-e. On the 9th inst., the brig Bainbridge captured the schooner Bargany, and sent her to Key West for adjudication. Commo dore Kelty, of the Mound City, has captured and sent to Cairo the Clara Dolson, one of the largest, handsomest and finest rebel steamers on the river. Flag Officer Dupont writes to the Navy Department that the rebels through information given by a negro who had been employed by our army became aware of the absence of our troops from Hutchinson's Island, made a descent upon Mrs. March's planta tion, surrounded the house, and with ferocity characteristic at all events of that part of the South, murdered in cold blood a largo number of contra. bands, who were awakened from their slumber to fall into the hands of infer nal rebels. THE LATEST NEWS GEN. MCCLELLAN'S HEADQUARTERS, Sunday June 22, 8 P. M.—This has been a remarkably quiet day consider ing the close proximity of the two con tending forces. Brisk skirmishing oc curred all day yesterday, and last night everything indicated that a general engagement was at hand. The rebels advanced in strong force on our lines during last night, but, being promptly met, soon retired. The Richmond papers of yesterday contain a despatch from Montgomery, Ala., dated the 17th inst., stating that Gen. Beauregard and staff had arrived there on their way to Richmond, and it is said that they were to be followed by a large portion of the army of the Mississippi, and that a sufficient force had been left under the invincible Bragg to check any advancement of the vandals under 11alleck. The Charleston Mercury, of the 18th, gives a graphic description of an engagement on James Island the pre vious Sunday, in which it acknowledges a Bevel% 'loss on ' bah sides, without any material change in position. ST. Louis, Xlll3O 22.—Gen. Schofield, commanding the United States forces in Missouri, has issued an order hold ing the rebels and rebel sympathizers responsible in their property, and, if need be, in their persons, for damages hereafter committed by guerillas or maurading parties in that State. Five thousand dollars will be en forced for every soldier or Union citi zen killed; from one to five thousand for every one wounded; and the full value of all property destroyed or sto len by the guerillas will be collected from the class of persons above men tioned, residing in the vicinity of the place where the act is committed. The sum thus collected will be paid to the legal heirs of the soldier or citi zen killed, or to the person wounded, or to the rightful owner of the prop erty destroyed or stolen. This order is very stringent, and abundant ma chinery is provided to carry it into speedy effect. NEW YORK, June 22.—The Nowbern Progress reports that one hundred reb el dragoons had given themselves up at Washington, N. C. The same paper says that six North Carolina regiments bad been disband ed at Richmond, and placed under a guard, previous to which they hung their brigadier general. CORINTH, June 22.—1 t is now posi tively ascertained that Beauregard turned over the command of his army to Gen. Bragg, and on the 15th left for Montgomery, Ala., where ho ar rived on the 17th inst., accompanied only by his personal staff, and left im mediately for Richmond. Two reports have been received here stating the cause of his departure— one that be goes to take command of the army at Richmond, and another that he goes to explain the evacuation of Corinth. The latter is most plausi ble, as it is known that for some time past Beauregard and Jeff. Davis have been on antagonistic terms. Lomsvm,n, June 22.—0 n Friday evening as several Unionists were re turning from a meeting to choose dele gates, tive of them were killed by Se cession bushwhackers, in ambush near Berry's Station. Reinforcements were immediately sent from Lexington, Ky., and other places, and the capture of the bush whackers is considered certain. FORTRESS MosttoE, June 23—S 30 A. M.—Tbo 'Richmond papers of &turd ay contain a brief account of a bloody battle fought on Monday last between five Federal regiments and a battery of Parrott guns, and parts of four Confederate regiments and a battery. The battle lasted all day, with a heavy (ins on both sides. The Charleston Mercury feared that the battle would be 'renewed the next day, tend expressed ap . prehansione for the safety of the city In conKvertep of the great exhaustitux p the era - troops and the loss of many ogseas. Obaervationil of a Union "Refugee Virginia, The following interesting statement has just been made by an intelligent Union refugee, who has, with tb e great est difficulty, succeeded in effecting his escape from Richmond. The Rebel Atzey The leaders of the rcbellionzas well as officers of different commands, unanimously claim. that they have at present a larger army than,at any pre vious time. • General Lee's Military Policy. Since the appointment of Gen. Lee as Commander-in-chief of the rebei ar my, an entirely new policy ; hasbeeu in augurated in the rwilitary affairs South, more rigorous in every branch, The concentration -.of the scattered com mands of their armies has been vigor ously adopted; even fourteen regiments of Alabarria and 3fississippi soldiers, which wore sent some ten weeks ago against Burnside, have been recalled, and the troops from nearly all parts of Virginia and North Carolina have been concentrated in the neighborhood of Richmond. 'Gen. Lee was appointed Commander-in-chief in March last. The Conscription Law Is so rigidly enforced that in a journey of three hundred miles, through the ag ricultural districts of Virginia, I have not met with more than six or eight white men, and these only old people. The conscripts are placed immediately in the field, in the midst of the thinned ranks of well-disciplined veteran regi ments. Jeff. Davis Elated by his Soldiers Jeff Davis is universally hated by the army, and looked upon as a stub born, self-wilted tyrant. Men who claim to be intimately acquainted with him say he is of an unrelenting and unfor giving character, besides being a hy pocritical, bigoted devotee. If Jcff. Davis had not interfered on the mem orable eve of the battle of Manassas, the reserve of the rebel army would, instead of falling back nine miles, have steadily advanced. This was what Beauregard bad intended, and the curses now uttered against that " wee zen-faced devotee " are loud and uni versal. What is Thought of Beauregard The rebels do not hold Beauregard in such an exalted estimation as is manifested by the Northern press. In military ercles he is not looked upon as entirely reliable in any very sudden emergency. A cooler and more ex perienced general, such as Albert or Joseph Johnston, or even Bragg, it has been considered, might save the day when Beauregard would fail. Rebel Soldiers not Allowed to Write to their Friends. Even common post-office privileges are not extended to the camps for fear that communications should contain any information of the true facts of the case. The press has become and is the real prop of the whole rebellion.— I have frequently seen articles and notices in the papers which evident ly bore the stamp of falsehood on them, which were inserted for the sole object of misleading the .11rorth ; for instance, the arrival of General Beauregard was quoted at the Spotswood, when that general had not left his quarters. West. A similar re port, which I have seen, had appeared relative to General Price and others. The Guerillas and the Rebel Press The Richmond dailies abound with flattering notices of the exploits of the divers guerillas, who are daily increas ing,. These marauders appear to bo quite pets with the press. The Moc casin Rangers, of Greenbrier county, receive particular and frequent atten tion ; their successes are lauded to the skies, especially the fact of their not taking a single Yankee prisoner. In any engagement where Northern troops fall into their hands, the latter are led in the woods and turned loose. You hear a few shots, and the Yankees are paroled. " If our armies," they say, " would all adopt such a plan, the country would soon be clear of the Hessians." nxecution of a onion Wan A good and true man, a patriot of noble heart, was publicly executed in the city of Richmond, at the Fair Grounds, on the 29th of April, mostly through the influence of the blood thirsty articles in the Examiner. He died heroically and in ashy paleness alone revealing the horror of approaching death. The people of the South may return to their allegiance aoain • the leaders—never. Row the Business Portion of Richmond Looks Most of the stores aro closed, the wholesale establishments having all been sold out at auction, and many of the small establishments, and particu larly drug stores, are shut up, on ac count of the absence of the clerks and proprietors, having all necessarily obeyed the strict enforcement of the conscript law. Napoleon's ideas of conscription are frequently quoted and powerfully endorsed. They flatter themselves in soon having an army of 700,000 effective mon under arms; such are the delusions of this terribly exci ted people. Never in modern history was a nation more inexorably blind to the surrounding signs of the times and to their interest than the unfortunate race who, so self-willed and used to rule, know not bow to snecomb to su perior power, There is less despon dency among the rebel army at this critical period than there was months ago, particularly at that time, imme diately after the quickly succeeding victories which fell in rapid sttoltes on their too-confident leaders. MARRIED, At Piper's Run, Bedford co., Pa., on Thursday evening, June 12th, by the Rev. Wm._ll.l Deatriek, Mr. STEPHEN R. M'CAHAN, of Huntingdon, and Miss JULIAN B. HEFFNER, Of the former place. DIED, On tho 16th inst., in the vicinity of tbia borough,ltisSJP,NNlE ESTEP daugh ter of ThomasW.A t step, a:god 22years, 4 mom, mid ?I days'. UDITOR'S NOTICE -- The n odersigned Auditor ippolltOnf tly the Or p a Court of Ihnifingdon county, to distribute the balance remaining id the hands of John Love, Adm hits tenter of Asaph Fagan, deCtased, amongst thee° entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons in , tereked that ho will attend for the purpose of heating said parties, on SATURDAY, the 26th day of JULY, MU, pt hie office, in the borough of Ituntingilon, et 1 o'clock hi: 'Op. afternoon, Whet and where all persons having claim upon said firofl ebpuld present them before the Auditor or be thereafter barred from: recielving,_any abase. thareof. JOHN Mirk tlopile don, d"nme 24086 a-it!. 4wgovr., - OL - A - SSIFICATION - of - Merchants fri Huntingdon county, 1 - 4 the Amassleer of htifEhanya Taxes for the year 1862. - affixindria borough gild Pbrter foionslite : CLASH. ' 1.10. George C. Bucher, 14 ' • 700 IL O. Walker, 14 7 08 Samuel Hatfield, 14 7 08 Wm. Moore,T 00 John B. Gregory, 11 7 90. Barns - township. Samuel W. M . yton, 14 • • 7 00 Janus C. Walker, . _ l4 7po Renton Green, ,7 00 AreirOie Grownovirr, - it -7 00 • sic* Itnariship• ... Henry Jamlecox, 7 00 Ebyic CO", - - - ' 111 10 00 8. Sechriew it . 100 A. R. Stewart, 14 ' - if of Jessie Dleffonbaugh, 1 4 - 700 thus borough 444 losrudeff. Geß. W. Sivas, • - - iia 7 00 J. P. Heaton, 14 7 00 James llevaliereop, 14 ! 00 - . - Carta/ Ibtsuehtt , R. 8, - Wigton, • - 141 . ' 20 00 George 11. Ilerituil l OO J. B. Itgrketresher, 14 7 00 McHugh & McGratt, 10 20 00 Blair it 'Porte, If 12 10 Jaolo4 Gleason, . JO 011 James Dann, 14 7 00 Jacob Mears, 14 7 oo Clay Ilnenehtp. George IL Stevens, it 700 J. C. & J. Breiveter. 1 00 .7. 11. Adams, 14 1 00 H. Ashman, HI 10 40 Cromwell Township. T. N. Orbison, T David Etnler, 1 04 , 10 00 //ablin totarieh4p. George Sipes, 14 • 00 James Oros', 14 I 00 W. H. Swan, It oo Alexander Neely, 14 7 40 Franklin Tbssitsell4p. J. W. Slattern, 14 700 Shook, Stewart A Re., It 1000 G. A J. H. Shoenberger, II 1 2 $0 J. L. Adams, 14 7 00 Runtinsaran from, h. Fisher & Boa, IS 14 44 I). P. Otrin, 10 10 00 Benjamin Jacobs,7 00 81ssis Straus, rl 7 00 0. A. Miller, 14 1 00 A. Willongbby, 14 7 00 11. Boman, 14 7 00 Carman & Ilalttigliti, 11 . 10 00 L. Westbrook, 14 00 Wm. Colon. 14 00 - Joseph Bell/ger, 16 1 00 Swartz A McCabe, 14 7 04 S. B. Grose, 14 7 Ot• M. Gutman, 14 7 09 S. S. Smith, 14 7 00 William Lex ie, 14 1 00 W. A. Saxton, /4 1 09 /Feline. A Cicalae, 14 7 00 Joe. A. Drown, 14 10 0* C. Long, 14 7 00 D, Africa, 14 7 00 A. D. Cunningham, • 10 10 00 Jackson Township. Freedom Iron & Cs., 19 10 00 S. W. Myton, 14 7 09 Wm. H. Harper, /4 7 00 D. 111cBtrrurry, 14 7 00 S. W. Hymn, (Mnaseyelsargi.) 14 700 Morrie township, T. W. Graillue, 111 10 00 li. A. Dorsey, 18 10 011 J. 11. ilorntuer,7 09 Wm. Darts, lit 7 00 IlopetocU Tbtertddir. Simon Cohn, / 7 00: David Wearer, Penn township. William Starch, .14" 700 Robert Duncan, 7 OS Shirley townetip. Leas & Devor, /1 7 00 Wm. H. Brewster, 7 00 W. A. Fmk/Jr, 14 1 00 Peter Al. Dear, 14 7 90 Springfield TownsA4p. George McLaughllo, II 7 00 D. Locke, 1 00 N. K. Covert, - 24 7 00 Tell 71nonship. . A. C. Blair, D. U. Morrison, k 7 OS 7 00 Mad Ibienthip. Simon Cohn, 14 7 00 Chian Township! .1. Denman,l 01 J. AL Hamilton, t 7 00 J. ZiMmermaun, 14 7 00 Walker Towns*. D. Jacobs, p 708 J. Douglan., 7 00 /11wriorsmark toesnsluip. D. 0. Owens, J. P.. Thompson, d I 0: George Guyer, 14 00 W.l antrles & Cv., 14 00 D. F. Patton, 14 100 Wed rowngay. D. Hartman. 14 7 011 Creamed! & Son, .18 10 00 J. Minter & C0.,/0 00 Shively 9 Elliott, " 'II 10 0. PATENT 11EDIC/NE9. John Bead, 10 09 Joseph Johnston, 8 00 'William P. McNite, 6 00 BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES. Rothrock a Kirby, 23 04 J. Smith 04 Co., 23 00 Robert Much 15 1:14 T. K. holt. 15 04 Schneider, 15 00 David Folter, 15 OD John McDonald, 15 00 " Robert Fleming, 15 00 Peter Cogan, 15 04 BILLIARD SALOON. E. C. Furumera, BROK HRS. Dell, Garrett ewe • CL, HATING HOUSES. Huntingdon berrugh, H. Schneider, 10 00 Q. 'Whetley, 10 00 Henry Attica, 10 00 John Free, 10 00 Carbon Tbutnship. James Herrington, 10 00 F. KraMisfit.. 10 00 Thomas Redding, 10 00 Paul Wow; 10 00 Norris lournsh(y. James Kelly, 10 Ot Shirley Zownshio. Thomas bleOarvey, le 00 BIERCIIANT MILL Thomas Fisher, Au appeal will be held by the nridereigeed at the Tree. surer's Office, It the borough of Huntingdon, on FRIDAY. the 16th day of JUNE next. Person a whiting to appeal will plonea apply on or before that day, ea none Will be grouted thereafter. B. ff. 9110EBIARER, Mercantile Apprater. • NOTICE.--dly an Act of Assembly passed the 11th day of April, 181 it fit made the duty of the County Treasu rer to anti out till licensee not lifted on or before the let day of July, Persons having licences to lift will nave costs by calling and lifting the time previous to that time, as those not lifted m Rhin the time prescribed by law, will positively bn placed in the bawds of a proper of ficer for collection. .701iN A. NAM, Huntingdon, May 27, 1862. Cb. Troswurer. BIRD CAGES, PM DOXILI, YOMISAINS, WAStaNCI DISUSE, AVD 111181), FOR SALE AT Luins , BOOR AM STATIONERY sTortE 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET Second door above Arch Street, (Jr STAIRS.) FIIILADISGPIIIA. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &o. The co-partnership heretofore existing between KAUF MAN A LONNERSTADTER having been dissolved by mutual consent, the uudessignoci reepecefutly inform( the patrons and friends of the old fine, and the trade in gen era!, that ho has taken elf the ap.etaire rooms of No. 103 Ninth Eighth ist., ab, Arch, Phila. To continue the manufactwing of sit kind! of DRESS, CLOAK, ANTY MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, SOTTONe. TASSELS, CORD, lIEAD•NETS, or ell doecriptlone, Ac 7 Ac. And will offer tudncomonts fa price and quality, as well as prompt attenditnec to orient, In every article apper taining to Ina line, WM. LONNEESTADTER, No. 108 North Eighth Street, above Arch, Milo. April 22, 1862-3 m. S4Q I WAGES PAID $lOO To .011 goods for the ADAXI SEvriNG /11ACAIZZ CoSPONT. We will give a. commission on all goods sold by our Agents or pay pages at from $4O to $lOO por month and pay all necesea;y expenses. Our machine is perfect In its tnechanfonr, A ghoul can learn to operate It by half An hour's facerrinflpgl It Is equal to any Danali Machina to nee, and vo hue ranged the price to littoetr Dollars. Each Machina L itmorteettait for throcr years. Address 0, RUGGLES. June 18, 1882-3 m. 4543.40., Data, Mid.. WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for sale at _ . LFAYIS' 11001 i ETODE. p EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dellere Crete,nut to which are added forms of Notes, Dille, Ito celpts, Petitions, scl.,,t - licther with a eat of usaftil tablas, containing rate of Interest front one dollar to twain thous and; by the•ingle day, with • table of woges, and board trY file week. IIVOY , Fublialowl in 1159. For sale et LEWIS' BOOK STORE. POOTOORAVI FRAES, M 1 aD MALL, A FINE AgSVRTMENT, FOB ,SALE. AT L.E3V/S' 2 . 3004 4:til? 334,1'1011g" SXoiiVy. PENS 1: . • VENS 1 ! GET THE BEST . FFF BEST 1 s Tilt c. 1 . 2 cEA1 ) 8 4 1 .1 . • '• C. BARIAitIYS, Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pene • • • ATg „Pa . • 136,L4,-.._ AT iaWIS 8008 5T94F,,, Agent for the county: • Psucis--;5 no. per dozen er S par. f* 11""CORRUPAUTI'MYNAN L , PENS, made by C. 11014Rli, aro *bi- ins* Zon s morale; and School pens, without ezeoptien 4=7 - They are need hy all tins principal Banks and Bove fit. Departments, Public and Private &bade; als:4 l 7 l h° • most prominent Commercial [tenses throughout tha tad States and Canada,' Bet a abort time has elapsed since - - C. 134.RN A ULD'S PENS have been introduced Into the Butted States, still a hark; ed preference to given them over all others for the follow. Jog =nes : The Corrugated Metal" PENS do net Cori rode; they will not splatter or cut through the thinnaht . paper; they havo an easy gliding motion, a certainty or equally dlifusing.the ink, aortae:a of point, on gain du. rability. The following tastimonlals, selected from, numeroua others, are respectfully submitted: I have need the Metallic Pons of Mr. C. Barnard sjut highly approve of them ' C. IiAESTC;W: President of St. Niaholas hank, New York We hero need the Petal of Mr. Sanford, end End Omni to lie as he repremta, and take pleasure Itt itteomlace4: itg them to the public. WELLS, VARGO & CO., A. MULLIGAN, Ctuhiar. C. Barnard's Pone have been tried, and are highly alit Proved In this office. &G. 00DXN, • Auditor U. S. Custom Iloute,"lrew Drle Miring tried the corrugated.Yena made by gr;l3ltrtia' I can recommend them as excellent. SAMUEL L. DREW% Cbmmandant Navy Yard, Dromltlyrt: Wo add ours to above rooommeodatlona. a B. CROUWELL .tt CO, Itatt,Vork. I have no hesitation In saying litamard's Pens Bps 41 . Wedly the best I have over used. S. Agent United Slates Express lyiso York, 'We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Barnard', Anti.. Corrosive NOS as the beet ever brought uncle/ our notioti . without exception. - WILKINSON, STBTBOB & co. - Auk /lace, Nese Tor?: T. B. 111101118. Metier. ' We have been ming the Yens of Mr. C. Ihernerd, end. take great plemors In recommending them to the publl mu k they me an excellent article, end all he represes theta to be. 'A. J. CLINTON. Seerattox tagle Insurance 1 h., Nem Peat Upon trial wo hare found Mr Bornard's Pen. to bo as., shoot. PURA PROBST lc CO„ NOW York. would rettenmend Ur. Barnard's Pons as s superior. Melo to any 7 have used. BOUM. EEMBLB, Maw Rork, Wo add ours to tbo above recommendations. LINDEMILL, ILiVILAND 4 CO., New York. Of all Perm I have ever need, Mr. Bernard's have glvea, me more natlarectlon, anal. can recommend them to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. • E. POIBEB, New York. After Nix months' conlitant use of C. Barnard' s Anti- Corrosive Pen, we can confidently recommend it as the; beat metallic pen we have ever used, finding from din above experience that It does not actually corrode. 8. hIcLEAN & CO., New York, C. BARNARD, Efonufacturer of Corrugated Metal Phu„ John Street, eterkonwett, Londou. Juno 18, 1882. NOTICE An persons are hereby cautioned against pnrchmt- Ing, or in any wise interfering with the property of Jacob, Snyder, wagountaker of West township, Huntingdon c 0.,. comprising cattalo wagonotaker's tools, lumber and shop, household and kitchen furniture, Ac., as I have pur chased the same for a fair compensation. J 11,18029 ABRAHAM SNYDER, Mooresville% DNINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'Estate of Jacob H. Miller, deed.) Altera of Administration upon the estate of Jacob Hs Miller, late of Union township, deed., having been pant. ed to the undersigned, all persons having claims agelas4 the estate are - requeated to present Wen, to the under signed, and all _persons indebted will", mike houtundlate t payment. ANDREW IJILLSR, ROBERT G. McNE I. Union tp.,llay 2141202-60. Administrators. 4 4111 IttADING SLIMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Plumnsisara. Maw. Yong, RUBINO, PoTTSVILLE,LOMNON, AL1.387073, PASion, Sc,Ac. Trains leave ILtrumminta for PRILUMPE(II, Nor-Yoag. RILS.DIIIO, Porrsvnx.r., and alit Intermediate Statiatus; at B. A. M., and 1.40 P.M. Nrw%roan Exp,rass leaves MUM:MEW at 1.25 A. M., an , riving at Now-tOIIK at 8.25 the same morning. rafenfrom Eismusatnia : To Now-YORK, $5 00; to Prukt answals, $3 25 and $2 70. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave NEw-Yoga at WA. 51, 12 Noon, and 8 P. or.; (Privsannou Eames.) Leave Pini-wstrata at A. SL, and 315 P. M. Sleepirtg care In the Nzw-Yong EXPRL99 TRURO, through to and from Prrreamum without change.. Passengers by the Coolll3Bk Rail Road Mate Pox Ramos at 4.46 A. M., fur PUILAD.PHIA and all Iptoro {bate Stations; and at 3.00 P. 11., for Pm:W . :TM:RN Ip q r t Penn, and all Way Points. Trains leave Foram - mast 0.00 A. M., and 2.18 P. M, for Pattannmas. and New-Year ; and at 580 P. ,$l., for AUMIRN and Pow CLINVON only, cormecting• for. POW Guava and with the Csyswisse Rail Road. • An AccomModation Paseenger Train loaves Rs/OmM at 0 A. M., and returns from PEITLADELPIIIA at 5 P.M. .0711- Ali tho above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves PorTBVILIS at 7.30 A. 51., and PEULMLIMIA at 3.15 P. M. 0 90 1313 COMIRITATION, Macias, &mon, and E./COMMIT noggtil. M reduced rases to and from DU point!. G. A. NICOLI. 9, General Superintendent. June 3, 1662. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS,. AND SMALL PQF;TRArra ALT, zas tdirk w rig t iii 0710101, ANA WAWA", FOR SALE A 7 LEWIS 4:0/3,4ND STATIONIDA STOAIt. JIM p iiy,... - -,:t. ,-. ..-;--;•--- .3-t 1 .3 . 54.M.";........ ; O7. ,_ ,_ T)ENNSYLVANIA RAIL rtCYAT,:it, ' TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINE ..._.,. WESTIVARD. EASTif'A4* g m )1 r - ". MI tri ta NI -n• n , to -1 .4 .a >4 1 6 * STATIONS. tg ,g, ,_, 0 r. ry m al o c f E . SI S. I • og. to,, 5 ,3 I N P. 11.1 r. M.; A.ll I j P.M. A . >;.J t ,48 , 4 4 SI Newton Hamilton, . 4 99 6 01 Mt. Union, 10 13 9 40. 4 54 91111 Creek, . ~ ik 21r 508 650 8 29 11untingdon, 9 50 2 12 9 19 5 24 ...,.. PatersbUrg, 9 37 8 SEI 5 92 Darren, .......... ......... ..i., I t 2: v l 656 Sprucerm n ga e m e k , . 929 1,.. 871` 6 04 1 18 Tyrone, 9.071 . 2 . 8, 18, 6 15 ....., Tipton o 0 8 08 8 26 FolitOna 0 .... 1 ' Effini 811114,.....:" .. .,.v BSt .. .... 759. 6 5 805 7 90 ?Lit0cumk;..... ! ........v. $49 I 06, / 0, 1..,N1. P.M. 1. M. . 1.15. I.IC, 411. Accommodation Train arrives at /*5O a.sld 101508 att: 1;20 1151, . —:0:---, tInUNTINGDON&BROADTOB B.AILKOAD.—CHANOE OF SCHEDULE. and. after Monday, Dee. 2d, MD, 'Wagner Taiylop, wDlartire and doped as follogs.i, VW" Leave Hunt Mega 96 7.80, A. .01. A A.lO Ik. " Stritces " 0.3 Q M. 4 8.10 P. Arrive at lloperten "10.11 DOWN psis's; Leave Hopewell at 10.35 A. M Saxton at 11,10 A. M. 4 6.30 P. JD Arrive at Ilaptlogdon 1, 10 P. M. A 8 30 P. IL - ,3. J. zotwpene. Dee. 8, 1661 ; Bupt NEW MARBLE YARD, )4JEFIJIN STREET, iItibiTINGDON, PA. TAMER M. FREER_ respectfully in- - forms the public that be is fatty prepared to final*, In the best Oslo of workmanship, all kinds of TOPIIPI Eat:INES, at view cheaper than they can be bad, IN t.be tennty. Re hope', by atria attention to businesst to sante and receive a Aare of public patrop.ae. Munliciden, Jan. 2}31186ii,