The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 25, 1862, Image 1

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Per annum In advance
3ix, mantle'
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A failure to notify a ilibcoittinualice at the eepii lawn 0
term itubicribcd for will n ;low tiogag
1 Inmertion. 2 dn. 3 do,
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Ono iirinnre, (12 lined,) SO 75 1 00
Two squares, , t 50 2
Throe equal cs• 1 50 2 25. 3 00
Oier throe I‘Cl..k and le:, than thrto munth.t, 25 Lento
per square Cot each Insertion.
3 month., 0 Ilion tbs. 12 /I iiii the.
30 A-1 00 05 00
Six line, or lens,
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Ono siinare 3 00 6 00 7 00
Two squares, 5 00 b 00 10 00
Three aguares, 7 00 10 00 10 00
Pour agnarei, 0 00 13 00.... ....... 20 00
Hail a column, 12 00 10 00.. .... —.20 00
One colaimi, ^0 00 - 0 00.... 60 00
Professional and Ilu,iness Cards nut exceeding fotu• lima,
one yrAr Vi 00
A4llolllllitlA olB. a n d EXVelltOla' Notices, $1 75
Advel tisementa not marked with the number of laser
tinn• desired. will be continued till fur bid and charged a,
nerd ing to these terms.
0 0 0. 0 0
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
,counts upon our hooks of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
clay to day, without respect - to persons,
VaCe into the, hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
rears standing., All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call.
§ § §
Thursday afternoon ; June 19, 1862.
Our Army Correspondence.
West Point & Richmond R. 8., Va.,
June 13, 1862.
MR. EDITOR:—Often since I began
playing soldier in earnest, have I
'thought of endeavoring to entertain
your readers with some accounts of
what has transpired about me, and of
tbe operations of our vast army. But
many incidents that occurred in the
past, and at the time, would have been
interesting are now comparatively
,stale. 'I will therefore merely venture
upon a few - jottings by the way, of
more recent occurrence, and especially
*Ton an account of the trip of the
Penna. Reserve from Fredericksburg
to this place.
We embarked on fifteen steam trans-
Torts on the Rappahannock river on
Monday, the. 9th inst.; and during the
day as•we glided down along the ver
dant clad banks of that beautiful
etream, our various bands playing, al
ternately, some of their most delight
ful strains, the negroes of every shade,
size and age flocked to the banks, and
gave vent to the most frantic demon
stration of joy by singing, dancing,
jumping, grasping each other together
in group's, and then loosing their holds
and running along the stream afte,r us
for miles; some of the women with
their shawls in one hand, and their
bonnets . in tho other, waving them
frantically, and with them signaling
us Onward I The men stopping at ev
ery available Spot to dance to the mu
sic. Many of them, the very personi
fication - or the Northern idea of a Vir
ginia slave, dancing, on tip toes, -their
limns extended vertically:into the air-;
their digits expanded, their- eyes arid
mouths wide open, the latter display
ing the usual accompanyment of ivory.
During the first day's trip in this riv
er, similar scenes were of constant oc
currence. In some instances the mas
ters or owners of these slaves made
their appearance on the banks also;
but while the slaves danced and sung,
they looked on in mute silence, seem
ingly manifesting no feeling. But
such could not have been the case; as
many of them bore evidences of a good
degree of cultivation and refinement,
and as the scenes were truly grand and
thrilling, aside from thd• soul-stiring
strains of our bands of music. But
suppose they felt conscious and almost
horror-strickerifor their iniquity of se
cession, and in view of the disasters
that arc hourly overcoming their poor
armies. And from the fact that they
are eaten out of subsistence,-many of
their negroes, whom they depended
upon for support, have run away, and
those that are remaining are either de
fying their authority, or threatening
to go also at their own pleasure.
Along this river is the Rapahannock
Valley, one of the finest agricultural
districts of Va. And although there
has been comparatively small crops put
out, both of spring and fall grain ow
ing to the diversion of labor, to the
more immediate and pressing exigen
cies of the " Confed4racy," and the
universal prostration, and dishearten
ing influences surrounding the people.
But I have been informed that com
paratively small as the extent of the
.are, many fitrmers have large
and fine crops, and whose slaves have
all run away, or whose labor has been
diverted as above stated, are offering
one half their crops to any person who
will harvest and thresh them. This is
the case no doubt throughout the
whole south, and it is only an other
evidence of their terrible condition.
Having occasion to thus allude to
threshing, it reminds me of a visit I
made to an extensive Foundry and
;Machine shop in Fredericksburg while
wo were there, and which was used
for the benefit of the rebel army, but
was vacated by them upon our ap
proach, and then used by our army
with great advantage. When walking
through it, I was attracted to a largo
reaper and thresher, a machine with
which most Southern farmers harvest
their crops. And on it I found thefol
lowing inscription.
This machine will be run after
harvest-by the Yankees. Farmers will
do well to give us a call. Terms easy.
Caut trusta rebel. Wheat 4 cents, oats
2 cents, barley 3 cents, rebels 1 cent.
The Devil can boar the rebels, and the
Yankees can bear the Devil."
Our trip through the Chesapeake bay
and .up tho York river, continued safe
and pleasant, though some who had
never before been on the briney deep"
became a little weak in the knees dur
ing a slight storm, while a few others
became More so in the gastric region,
and concluded to devote the contents
of that locality to fe'edi'ng the little
fishes, before their mortal bodies were
wholly consigned to thatiptirpOse.
We are within twelve miles of Rich
mond,and within twenty four hours will
be with the main body of Gen. ISlcClel
lan's Army. If reports arc correct this
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
army is being largely, reinforced lately.
And probably ere this reaches you the
fate of the Rebellion will be sealed. A
terrific battle or most ignominious re
treat of the Rebels certainly will take
place soon.
The quiet unostentations—though
vigorous and sure progress of General
McClellan is rendering our success
complete. His modus operandi is be
yond the comprehension of the'" on to
Richmond" and short sighted politi
cians and newspaper Generals. And
the fruits of his Herculean labor, are
gradually ripening to silently rebuke
Agiluiet vigorous pursuit of his
orUlisiness in his own way, is :moth,
erqiiiance of the greatness of his
mind. lie is perfectly familiar now
with what material he has to work,
and what material he has to work
against. lie is perfectly tlimiliar with
the principle of •' adapting means to
the accomplishment of ends."
But I am trespassing on your 'pa
tience and must close,
Remaining the
A Skirmish on the Railroad.
Speriol Correspotoknoo of thu Plop.]
WIIITE ROUSE, Va., June 14.—One
of the boldest and most astounding
feats of the rebels in this war occurred,
on Friday evening last, a short dis
tance from this place. It was another
of those desperate efforts they have
from time to time put forth to recov
er lost opportunity and atone for past
defeats. The surpri,al of Banks by
Jackson, though of a more formidable
and successful character, was not more
complete, sudden, and unexpected than
the one experienced in this depart
A part, some say a whole regiment,
of the Ist Virginia Cavalry, under the
command of Uen. Stewart, crossed the
Pamunky from Prince William county,
a few miles above this place, at a point
known as Garlick's Landing. There
they commenced a series of depr e d a _
lions, which had they been as s u e.
cessful throughout as they were at the
beginning, would have resulted mos t
disastrously tour cause in this quar
tet.. With a fiendish ferocity, more
akin to devils than men, the rebels
began murdering all who came in their
way. Men, women, and some say
even children, black and white, were,
without hesitation, shot or cut to pieces
in an instant.
.Two schooners lying at
the,landiug, .after, ).teing plundered,
were fired and completely destroyed.
Theirmames are the Whitman Phillips
and Island City, both .of New York.
After - accomplishing their diabolical
work here, and having wreaked their
vengeance on every person or thing
they thought to be in any manner be
longing to, or connected with our
Government, they seem to have divi
ded themselves into squads or small
companies, and proceeded on their way
to accomplish, it' possible,, what was,
no doubt, the chief object of their mis
The precise knowledge which the
rebels possess of the character of the
roads and situation of the country must
have been of great service to them on
this occasion, and so adroitly did they
avail themselves of this knowledge,
that before any one here was aware of
the fact, they had proceeded as far up
the railroad as Tunstall's Station, some
five miles from this place. The trains,
which have been of HO much service in
carrying supplies from the landing
here, to the advanced lines of our
army, have no particular time of start
ing from this point or arriving at their
destination, being entirely controlled
by circumstances.
About this time the rebels arrived at
Tunstall's Station, ono of the trains
happened, unfortunately, to be on its
way down to White !louse, and having
been in the vicinity, and doubtless
apprised of its coining, they awaited
on the brow of a bill, through which
the road has been cut, the approach
of the train. Innocent of all danger,
and without the least suspicion of a
surprise of the character awaiting it,
the train advanced steadily and swift
ly on, till it reached the position at
which the murderers were stationed.
As it approached, the rebels suddenly
appeared, and hailed the engineer to
stop the train. By a sort of intuition
he suspected at once the character of
the abrupt intruders, and refused to
comply with their demand. In an in
stant a volley was poured into the train,
and its passengers, consisting chiefly
of laborers, civilians, and sick and
wounded soldiers, made a general ef
fort to jump off, and, if possible, elude
the deadly fire of the rebels on the hill.
Some succeeded, others, especially the
sick and wounded, were unable to get
off, and took their chance on the train.
The engineer, surprised and fright
ened, and ignorant as to the number
of rebels he might cneounter on the
road, resolving to run the train in,
crowded on the highest pressure of
steam, and the train almost flew over
the remainder of the road to White
House. Here the news of what had
occurred spread like lightning, and the
utmost fear, panic, and consternation
spread throughout the departments
stationed here. This was entirely ow
ing to the fact that everybody was ig
norant of 'the numbers and force of the
rebels, and their fears at once magni
fied a few hundred cavalry into the en
tire rebel army, which they alleged,
had left " Richmond and come around
to cut off IL'Clellan in the rear. Another
unfortunate circumstance here was the
very small number of effective troops
at this place, and, under an impression
of immediate attack, {lel: Ingalls, ill
cbthmnnd here, Mustered whatever
there was to Muster, and, in addition,
arMed'all the laborers and civilians to
be found. In connection with a few
cavalry, these were formed in line of
battle, to receive the rebels. In 'the
meantime, the various• steamboats,
schooners, &c., at this point, prepared
to drop down the Pa munky. They ail
boat from Fort Monroe had just arri
ved ; the mails which she had brought,
together with those remaining in the
post office and other Government doc
uments and property, were hurried on
board, and the boat prepared to start.
There was, of course, an immense
panic among sutlers and others enga
ged in the mercantile profession, every
one awaiting with dread suspense the
expected attack.
But the rebels, whether. unaware of
the advantage they would have ob
tained, or more probably through fear
of meeting our army in force at this
point, failed to make their appearance,
but, in the mean time, had proceeded
to the accomplishment of business,
which was, doubtless, more immediate
ly connected with their mission.—
The country over which the railroad
runs is interspersed with various
creeks, small runs, and swamps, each
of which is spanned with bridges of
various sizes and styles of engineering
skill. These, with their several loca
tions, were all known to the rebels,
whose\fitearity with this country is
amply attested by the desolation they
have everywhere left behind them.
One of these bridges a little this side
Tunstall's Station, which spans a small
stream some twenty feet above its lev
el, was especially selected by the rebels
for destruction, with the view to the
demolition of any trains that might be
coming or going, and for the purpose
of cutting oft' communication fbr
time, at least, between our army before
Richmond and their supplies at White
House. They also tore up one or two
rails from the track, but before they
had succeeded either With their bridge
burning or tearing up the track they
were compelled to leave, by what
means I have not been able to learn,
but I presume by the approach of a re
giment of the Pa. Reserves (the Buck
which,upon information received,
had been ordered to proceed down the
road to White House. The Bucktails
arrived just in time to put out the
flames-and save the bridge—one halt
hour, or even less, of a delay would
have enabled the rebels to accomplish
their purpose on the bridge and track.
From the bridge the rebels proceed
ed through the woods to the road
which leads to Richmond, and which
lies to the left of the railroad. Here
they continued their infernal business,
killing, plundering, and destroying ev
ery person, and thing
: that came in
their way. Two trains of some thirty
wagons each, on their way from White
House to the army, laden with grain;
were overtaken, captured, and de
stroyed by fire. The teamsters esca
ping, safely, came. running into camp
greatly frightened, having lost every
thing in their flight. As the rebels
crossed the Patnunky, at Garlick's
Landing, a train of wagons, in addition
to other Government property, was
captured and immediately destroyed.
Several sutlers on the same road as the
Government teams, lost their wagons
and stores. I neglected to mention,
in' its proper place, that the rebels also
fired a railroad car, containing grain,
at Tunstall's Station, which was cont
pletely destroyed.
Your correspondent was coming
down the railroad in the train immedi
ately following the one on Which the
attack was made, and had' a very nar
row escape, our train being saved' by
the itppearance of some of the fugitives
who had escaped the rebel bullets and
the mishaps in jumping from the run
ning cars. Breathless from running
and fright, they called to the engineer,
who stopped the train, and remained
on the road the remainder of the night.
It was now about 12 o'clock midnight,
and we were in a very uncertain, and,
for aught we knew, a critical position.
The rebels were known to be scattered
over the country in different directions,
but in hat numbers, we nor any oth
er person seemed to know anything
about. It was uncertain what minute
they might appear on the brow of the
hill near which we stopped, and lire
upon our train as they did on the one
preceding us. Accordingly, a few
persons started to bring down the 52d
Pennsylvania, Col. Dodge, which was
known to be in the vicinity, to serve
as a guard of protection to the train.—
The men had generally retired to rest
for the night, but were soon aroused,
put under arms, and marched down
the road to where the twain had stopped.
I have often heard orators 'eulogize
and applaud the brave men, who guard
our persons, our liberties, and our
homes-1 have read, and heard others
read, the glowing apostrophe of the po
et to " Our Delenders''--,-but on neith
er occasion did I half realize their im
portance as I did on this clear moon
light night, in a hostile country, with
the enemy hovering around me, when
the 52d Pennsylvania stood there to
defend me and others, unarmed and
helpless like myself, from danger and
The following are the easualites, so
fitr as I have been able to learn, result
ing from this wonderful raid - of gueril
las :
Killed.—Three laborers, whose
names I could not learn, supposed to
be fro'. Philadelphia, killed on the
railroad train; D. Potter, a quarter
master sergeant, shot throUgh the head
at Garlick's Landing.
Wound,ed.—A. private of tho 10th
Massachusetts, name unknown ; Anton
Haneman, laborer; Lieutenant John
Brelsford, t Co. I, 81st PonmlylVania;
William Bradley, Co. E, 10,0 th Now
York; a lieutenant whose name'r could
not learn ; Albert Barker, 12th NoW
York -; "Jessie P. WoodbUry, belonging
to one of the gunboats. Several others
arc reported, but these aro all I have
been able to ascertain from reliable
sources. There wore several prison-
ers taken, some of whom escaped, and
others who will no doubt turn up, as
the rebels were not in condition to car
ry them very far.
Early next morning after the occur
rence, regiments of infantry were
thrown along both sides of the rail
road to act as a guard, while several
companies of cavalry were despatched
on scouting expeditions through the
woods and surrounding country. Ev
ery effort vas made by our men, who
were enraged beyond measure, to cap
ture the daring and desperate rebels.
They have succeeded in capturing six
of the rebels, among whom are Captain
Garlick, whose Either lives at the
landing where the rebels crossed the
river ; Dr. Harrison, a rampant secesh,
who lives near this place and whose
property has been constantly guarded
by Union soldiers, since this place fell
into our hands. It is said that he has
been in constant communication with
the rebels since their departure from
Yorktown, and it is positively asserted
that Gen. Stewart, who is supposed to
have led this marauding band, and the
rebel Lee, who formerly lived here,
have, on more than one occasion, been
guests at his house. There is no dis
guising the fact that this whole section
of country is more or less infested with
men and women, too, under, the garb
of Union men. for the purpose of hav
ing a guard of our soldiers detached to
watch their property, are doing our
cause an immense injury and the reb
els a great service. It is certain that
the rebels are generally well acquain
ted with all the movements of our ar
my—their strong and their weak
points; and while loyal newspaper cor
respondents have been made the scape
goats on which the wrath of our gen
erals has been poured, for supposed in
telligence conveyed to the enemy, so
that even petty lieutenants hay learn
ed to snub them—these hypocritical
Union men have been secured in' their
personsand property,while they corres
ponded with the rebels in Richmond
and elsewhere.
I have thus given you as correct an
account of this unexpected occurrence
as I have been able to collect front what
I saw, and from the thousands of ru
mors in circulation, as, well as from in
formation obtained from reliable sour
ces. It came very Pear being a seri
ous disaster to our army here. The
thousands of dollars' worth of properly
belonging to the GoVernment at this
place; the lives of many who are here
as laborers and in other capacities,
who are, of course, unarmed, and, per-
Imps, the greatest of all, the communi
cation between our army and its sup
',lies, were all in hnminent danger. I
only express the universal opinion of
every person here when I say that it
was a great mistake to leave so impor
tant a point almost unprotected, espe
cially in an enemy's country, and that
enemy so subtle, unscrupulous, desper
ate, and cruel. The railroad, which
the enemy sought to destroy, has hith
erto been left unprotected, and the
trains constantly running from this
place to the advance of the army have
been left almost entirely to the mercy
of the Secessionists here, as well as to
surprises such as occurred on Friday.
When it is known that the road runs
over a distance of some eighteen miles
through a country eminently suited to
the operations of guerilla bands, and
that the enemy are known to avail
themselves of this dishonorable mode
of warfare; it will be conceded that a
strong guard should continually occu
py, the entire road. I understand
means will be taken immediately to
guard against any future occurrences
of this kind.
I have given you a general account
of the conduct of the rebels on this oc
casion, but I have not attempted to
describe it in detail. 'One example
will, perhaps, serve as an index to their
more than fiendish ferocity: One of
the laborers, whom I have stated to be
killed on the cars, was only wounded
at first, and having made his escape.
sought shelter and protection in the
woods. The rebels. while in pursuit
of a Colonel who had lied, again came
across this man, already wounded and
bleeding. from their cowardly fire, and
despatched him by firing live bullets
into his head. Such is the boasted
chivalry of the Old Dominion, and it
is but a fitting index to the character
of the rebellion and its leaders.
Sad Affair in Florida,
WASITINGTON, June 17.=Gommodere
Dupont has Ibrw.u•ded to the Navy
Department a report from Lieut. Com
mander Ammon, of the United States
gun•boat Seneca, at Mayport Mills, St.
John's river, Florida, announcing the
death of Lieut. John G-. Sproston, the
executive officer of that vessel. On
June Bth, he left in command of three
boats, with Acting Master J. H. Rod
gers, Master's Mate Fiske, and forty
men with small arms. He was ac
companied by thirty men from the Pa
troott. The object was the capture of
a man named George Huston, the cap
tain of a company of rebels now in
the vicinity of Black creek. I was
informed that Huston boasted of hav
ing hung a negro pilot who was cap
tured at the time of tbedeath ofLieut.
Commanding Bucld, near Smyrna, and
on that account . I wished him Asa pris
oner, for the purpose of securing the
general tranquility of the persons along
this rivor,•most' of whom, I doubt not,
would gladly acknowledge the Gog
ertiment of the United States, ;were
they not in fear of violence from, men
of this character. •
lieut. Sproston landed at early day
light, and proceeded rapidly with his
lmrty to the house of _Huston. The
atter, it appears, was apprised of Lis
coming, and met him at the door arm
ed with 'a double 'barreled qua, two
pistols and a bowie knife. trpon the
demand of Lieut. Sproston to surren
der himself a prisoner, Huston fired at
him with a pistol, the ball entering
high up in the loft breast and killing
him instantly. Huston discharged the
other pistol and gun without further
injury to our party and was instantly
wounded in four places, and brought
on board. He is supposed to be mor
tally wounded. Several shots were
fired from Huston's house by persons
who escaped. Huston's firing upon
Lieut. Sproston, supported as he was
by a large force, was wilful murder,
and involved the necessity for his own
Commodore Dupont, writing of
Lieut. Sproston, says: "hie was an
able, brave and devoted officer, from
the State of Maryland. lle had come
under my observation, on the China
station, in 1858. Ile was distinguished
while in command of one of the boats
which destroyed the rebel privateer
under the guns of the Pensacola Navy
Yard, in September 1861, and his
whole conduct during the war has
been gallant and meritorious. I con
sider him a great loss to the fleet and
to the service."
The Campaign in the Shenandoah
[Cora.poudenco au., N. Y. Post.]
WAsuisome, June 16.—An editori
al in the Intelligencer has given rise to
much discussion in military and other
circles. It is principally upon the
management of the campaign in the
Shenandoah Valley, and is understood
to have been written by a gentleman
fully conversant with recent events
in the valley, and whose intimacy at
the War Department enables him to
criticise certain movements with safe
ty and fairness. The article in ques
tion objects to so many independent
commands in one valley, and evident
ly hints that the recent disasters
along the Shenandoah and the final es
cape of Jackson, are the result of this
multiplicity of commands. Within
the last fortnight Banks, Fremont,
Shields and McDowell have been op•
crating in the valley. McDowell has
not actually - been there in person, but
his troops or some of them, have. Ter
rible marching has been the order of
the day—this way, that way and the
other—in some of the commands cer
tain regiments have lost one half*their
numbers within three weeks by this
frightful marching. A Major in
Shields's command made his appear
ancea day or two - sinee, having resigned
his commission. " I amwilleig to fight
or to do any tolerable, amount of
marching," said ho, but I cannot en
dure thirty miles a day of tramping,
week after week, with no fighting.—
I am half dead with mere marching,
and I can stand it no longer.
Better plans, better management,
are needed for the troops guardinc the
approaches to Winchester and Wash
ington. A distinguished military man
now in Washington expressed the opin
ion, a"day or two since, that unless the
management of the troops in the valley
were given to one General, Jackson
would contrive to use tip each com
mand in detail, and again threaten
Several persons—officers and men—
who were in Shield's advance, are now
here, and they tell a sad story. The
men were 'Worn out with long march
es and scanty food, and were more
than a heavy day's march in advance
of the main body of troops under
Shields. General Carroll, who com
manded the advance, states With posi
tiveness that lie had unmistakable or"
dors not to burn Port Republic bridge.
This was the mistake of the entire
plan of operations. Had the bride
been burned, Fremont would have en
tirely cut Jackson up, while ho was at
tempting to ford the Shenandoah.
The whole army under Fremont
and Shields need food and clothing.—
A week ago five hundred men in
Shields' division were barefoot. The
department is forwarding supplies
with all the means at its disposal, and
probably by this time the troops are
again in a comfortable condition.
Pennsylvania Always Ahead.
The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of
the 14th says:—
" Hon. Henry D. Mo - ire, State Treas
urer of Pennsylvania, paid this morn
ing, to the Assistant Treasurer of the
United• States, the sum of $350,000,
being the final instalment of the State's
quota of the direct tax imposed by tho
act of Congress of last July - ; the whole
itmount paid by Pennsylvania being
nearly two millions. By making the
payment at this time, the State saves
the fifteen per cent.•authorized by the
act to be deducted from the total
amount'. Pennsylvania is the first
State in the Union that has complied
with the terms of the law. 'She was
first to come to the rescue of the capi
tal when it was threatened by the
rebels, and she is first in contributing
her share of the• expenses of the war.
Mr. Moore and the State authorities
are entitled to great credit for the ex
cellent manner in which -they have
managed this business?! ' - •
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A Draft at Savannah.
Georgia Patriotism at a Low Ebb.—
Ludicrous Scenes
A Savannah correspondent of the
Charleston Courier furnishes an amu
sing description of the scone which
ensued on the occasion of a draft for
four hundred men in SaVannah, to
complete a requisition for troops, the
requisite number not having volunteer
ed. Fifteen hundred of the business
men and mechanics of the city were
drawn up in a hollow square on the
parade ground, all in a high state of
excitement, when the following pro
ceedings took place:
" The Colonel now takes his place
in the centre,
and from the back of the
magnificent horse, in a few well tim
bered remarks, calls for volunteers.—
He said it was a shame that a Georgi
an should submit to be drafted, and
dishonorable to a .citizen of Savannah
to be forced into the service of his
country. He appealed to their patriot
ism, their pluck, and their—pelf. He
told them of good clothes-, good
and fifty dollars bounty; and on the
strength of these considerations, invi
ted every body to walk three paces in
front. Nobody did it.
An ugly pause ensued, worse than a
dead silence between the ticking of a
conversation. The Colonel thought he
might not have been heard, or under
stood, and repeated his catalogue, of
persuasions. At this point, one of the
sides of the square opened, and in
marched about forty stalwart Irish
whom their Captain, in a loud
and exultant tone announced as "The
Mitchell Guards; we volunteers, Colo
nel, in a body." The Colonel was de
lighted. He proposed three cheers for
the Mitchell Guards, and the crowd
indulged not inordinately in the pul
monary exercise. The num
ber did l
.1.0 1 , E".t2::: to be forthcoming,
hciwever, and the Colonel made anoth
er little speech, windinfr b up with anin
vitation to the black drummer and fi
fer to perambulate the quadrangle and
play Dixie, which they did, but they
came as they went—solitary and alone;
not the ghost of a volunteer being any
where visible in the Ethiopian wake.
The Colonel looked as black - as if be
was getting desperate, and a draft
seemed indispensable.
As a Bernier resort the Colonel di 7
rected all w.ho had excuses, to advance
to the centre and submit them for ex
amination. Did you over soe'a crowd
running away from a fulling building
at a fire, or toward a dog fight or a
street shoed? If you have, you can
form some idea of the tempestuous na
ture of the wave that swept forward
to the little table in the centre of the
square, around which wore gathered
the four grave gentlemen who were to
examine the documents. It, was a
scene which, as an uninterested outsi
der, one could only hold his sides and
laugh at. Hats were crushed, ribs
punched, corns smashed and clothes '
torn. Every hand held its magical bit
of paper, from the begrimed digits of
the individual just from - a stable or a
foundry to the dainty gloved extremi
ty of the dry goods clerk, just from
his counter.
Young and old, rich and poor, neat
and nasty, Americans, Englishmen,
Irishmen, Germans, Frenchmen '
ans, Israelites and Gentiles, all went
to make up the motley mass. - What a
pretty lot of sick and disabled individ
uals there were to be sure. Swelled
arms, limping legs, spine diseases, bad
eyes, corns, toothaches, constitutional
debility in the bread basket, eruptive
diseases, deafness, rheumatism, not well
generally—these and a thousand other
complaints were represented as' vari
ously and heterogeneously as by.any
procession of pilgrims that dver visited
the Holy Land.
And so the day progressed, nearly
ten hours being consumed in the en
deavor to secure a draft. This after
noon the absentees were gathered to
gether, and the efforts renewed, when,
strange to say, every man who found
the liability imminent of his being
Ibreod to enlist, protested_that be was
just on the point of doing so, and wilt
liugly put his name to the roll.
Address of Rev, Brownlow,
Mr. Brownlow said
casion, in advance of anything and all
I may say, to .apprise you of what you
will all have discovered before I take
my seat—that is to.say, iri my public
addresses, no matter what my theme
may be, , f do not present it to an audi
ence with an eloquence that charms or
with that beauty of diction which cap
tivates, fascinates, and "charms. This,
I may be allowed to say, I most sin
cerely regret, because there is no pow
er on earth—there is no, power' so
groat, and of such influence upon the
human mind, as the. power and influ
ence of oratory,, finished and high
wrought. Caesar controlled men by
exciting their fears, Cicero captivating
their affections.. The one perished
with its author; the other has continued
throughout all time, and, with public
speakers, will continue to the end of
But I have ono consolation in com
ing to address you this evening, and
that is, that I address an appreciative
audience—l have no doubt of it,. I
know it; I feel it in myhon es. [Laugh
ter and applause.] I have always ap
preciated Philadelphia audiences—an
'audience hero to listen to some facts
in reference to this great rebellion and
its operations down South and the . gi
gantic conspiracy: of the nineteenth
century, without a " in its
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wicked origin, and the most Infernal
conceptiOn this side of hell:, [Laugh
ter. and cheers.] And in what I may
say here, I - shall look more to what I
say than to my manner of saying it;
' more, if you please, to the subject,
matter of my remarks than to any stu
died effort or display as a, public speaker:
I have bcen accustomed to public
speaking for the last thirty-four or five
years of my somewhat eventful life.
I have.spoken •upon all subjects afloat
in the land, for I have never been neu-
tral upon any subject that came up in
that time, but have always had aiand
in -whatever subjeCt that came up;
Sonic four years ago I.utterly failed,
in consequence of a disease in •the
throat, but I had it successfully ope
rated upon by a distinguished physi
cian of New York. Externally, •it
has been unsuccessfully, operated upon:
[Laughter.] • . . •.. ,
My physician on taking leave of U.*
having operated upon the internal part
of my throat, exhorted me when I re
turned home to practice publie speak
ing, and, if I could other audi
ence to 'address, to retire to the-wocide
in the neighborhood of the town where
I resided, and to mount ou stump,or
log, and occasionally hold forth to the
fowls of the air and the trees of the
forest. I did not obey his injunction
in this way, for I did not • think- sach
an audience Was sufficiently intellectual
and appreciative for me,' [laughter;]
but as I was a member of several tem.:
perance organizations, and as I was.ii
member of the church-that worshipped
in a house near by • me, I , determined
to alternate between temperance lee;
tures and short sermons. Dknow; and
you will concede, that to advocate to
tal abstinence is a good cause, and that
to preach the Gospel ,uul enfdree iti
wholesome doctrines is a• still better
cause. lam sorry to say that my la'.
bore in both cases failed utterly to re:
store my voice, and I continued to
whisner and talk badly and
-when the
rebels courageously consented to let
me out of the Confederacy .and •sent
me to :Nashville, where I could see the
Stars and Stripes again ; I had no more
expectation • of being -able to address
an audience like this, or even inferior
in point of size, publicly, for any length
of time,, than any ono of you has of
rising here to-night to controvert-my
statements, and, I hope that none of
you will undertake to do it,- for if you,
,there will be a pretty big scuffle
upon.-this stage.-- iLaa - gliter and ap
piaasej- , - -
But -upon my arrivaLat7Cincinnatii
_worriand , breken:'dOvin in-every way
fronaliatliing imprisorinent, suffering
from disease in the shape of a very so
yore attack of ,bronchitis, my friends
in Cincinnati prevailed upon me to let
them make an appointment in Pike's
Opera House; a hall grand -and impo
sing, like this, and capable of seating
soine thirty-five hundred or four thou:
sand persons. It was crowded, to its
utmost Capacity, and, with fear - and
trembling, I rose up in that hall, boo
ing introduced by a distinguished citi
zen, and attempted to speak. Unex
pectedly and suddenly I found "myself
able to speak to the audience for mi
hour and a half; and I think, upon
that occasion, I might have been heard
for a half mile _round from the'theatre.
I attributed this sudden, restoration of
my voice to its full power and volume
to the fact that I was•origagi3d in- ma
kin.. war upon this infinitely infernal
rebellion,- Daughter 'and choors]—the
work of the worst men in the whole
Southern Confederacy; a set of cor
rupt, depraved, disappointed,
hitious leaders—the most unmitigated
scoundrels that ever breathed:the,iair
of Heaven. You have better men in
Philadelphia, to-night, in your peniten t
tiary, than the leaders of this, rebellion
South; and I know there - aro: bettor
men to-night in hell. [Great laughter.]
. We are in- the midst oga feat -gal re
hellion without d parallel. as. 'far - as
wickedness is concerned; a rebellicui
for which no shadow qt:a prete:S't can
exist.- Wo aro in-it bectiuse.Ave - have
been plunged into it by the - demagogues
and wicked men of the South. • I •de
not scruple to'say,,as 'I- have- saideiii
eryivhere, that you have - some •niea at
the North; a "small and,p6or 'class-cord
pared with -the - rest of your :Cititens,
;who are _advocating .and haVe beeri
the time arivocatestincl -Agitators - on
the subject of the pecullarinstitution;
and; with all their boasted philanthm
py, they have =dime the , negro • more
harm than good. While I fin - y - - this;
and while .I am honestly convinced of
its truth, and while' I .bonsure that
class of your follow-citizens,: I have
the candor and franknessasa South;
ern man, if you-please, A prorelavory
man—a man born and raisedin; the
South—that all my interests and all
my-hopes are; there—that I expect and
intend to live.and die there:--for I pur :
pose neither to Hire nor die . anywhere
else—[cheers];-,-while I say all this, I
have the frankness, as' an, honest and
candid man, to say to you what I have
said, and what I will say again in the
face of the entire community ; that we
of the Smith, and not you of the.Nortla,
brought on All this deviltry and allthis
destruction., We;did it; and we-are
mainly rosponsible'for it ;,and the gal
lows will never. receive its duo until
the leaders of ; this' rebellion aro hang
ed. - [Great cheering.] . The devil Will
be cheated out of his just rights until
ho has the exquisite pleasur(Yof roast
ing-the,rebel leaders in hell. [Laugh•
ter and renewed cheers.] , I. am not
before you, ladies-and gentlemen, ,for
the purpose of-pandering to any North : .
ern feeling, prejudipe, , ,or temperament.
I am horato state the truth, the whole
truth, - and,,riothing but the
to cast
am here to avow : faets,,.and to cast cen
sure where I believe it rightfully ,be.
Now, what. aro the facts - in-regard
to the relation of things, and, Oa
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