The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 18, 1862, Image 1

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E)e 61.,ahe.
Thursday afternoon, June 12, 1862.
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a largo num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our hooks of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call.
§ § § § §
Banks' Retreat.
It is generally acknowledged by all
parties, that the retreat make by Gen.
Banks was a masterly affair. A few
civilians raise a great hue and cry
about it, and declare that he ought to
be cashiered for his cowardice; that
ho should have stood his ground at all
hazards. To such men we have little
to say. We hate a grumbler and ab
hor a civilian fault-finder. Sigel, who
is acknowledged to be ono of the most
skillful Generals in making a retreat,
declares that the retreat of Banks de
fies an equal. Who could have done
better? Pitted against five to one, ho
fought and retreated alternately, until
be brought his men out of danger with
comparatively little loss, saving every
thing worth mentioning, with the ex
ception of a few baggage wagons.
Thrice surrounded, yet he fought on,
lind thrice he eluded the murderous
_grasp of a blood thirsty enemy. We
have never had the most flattering
opinion of Banks' military genius, but
we are now compelled to acknowledge
that ho understands his business, and
s equal to any e m emeney_W
y grumbling, whining civilian to cite
rlo instance wherein a military Gen
eral has shown more courage and se
gacity than was displayed by Banks
in his retreat.
Sword Presented to Capt. Zentmyer.
Some time in May, Captain Frank
Zentmyor, Company I, sth Regiment,
P. R. C., was presented with a hand
some sword by his company. We
take pleasure in laying before the
many friends of the gallant Captain
and his company, the speeches on the
Sergt. Funk, Corpl. Wilson and Cor
poral Lee, were the committee acting
for the Company in making the ar
rangements for the presentation.
Sergt. J. J. Patterson, in presenting
the sword, addressed the Captain as
Captain—l have the honor, on be
half of the members of your company,
to present you with this sword as a
slight token of their appreciation of
your merits as a military officer, and
also for the uniform gentlemanly treat
ment that they have received at your
hands. Accept this, sir, and mayyour
life be spared to wield it in protection
of the glorious old flag in whose defence
you have for the past year so success
fully led us.
The Captain replied as follows :
Fellow-Soldiers—Believe me, it is
with mingled emotions of pride and
gratitude that I appear to thank you
Jor this beautiful and costly present,
: and this demonstration of respect and
-esteem for your commander, feelings
of pride fill my breast when I reflect
that I am the proud recipient of so
costly a present—the free gift of near
a hundred free men—and, on the
other hand, when I consider that for
'nearly ono year I have commanded
'you, subjecting you to all tho inconve
-niences necessary to discipline and
drill; when I remember how much
'personal freedom you have willingly
yielded up to become soldiers, that you
- V ntacy be wielded as one man against
!the* obnunon enemy of our liberties,
and you thus' inform me that I still
possess, not only the respect, but love
Ofy,on all,—feelings of gratitude almost
overcdtne me, and I feel richly reWard
ed for all'lny labor, and allow me io
assure you, I Shall in the future con
tinuo as in the .Nast, knowing 'that to
be loved and respected, we only 'need
'do our duty. .1,
,And, fellow-soldiers, a am proud to
say, this beautiful sword shall first b 4,
drawn in a just war whose only object
is the preservation of a Constitution
whose equal never graced the annals
of any nation, to prevent the dissolu
tion of a Union—the fear and admira
tion of the known world, and the en
'fermi:tent of the Laws the most
wholesome and just ever enacted by
any people. The speedy consumma
tion of the object for which this war
was inaugurated depends much upon
'the vigorons'itio of arms and the char
acter and bearing of those Who conduct
'and wage its then let us hopeithat
:both soldier arid civilian will act with
dignified 'bearing in keeping with
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
the noble cause he has espoused; that
no false idea of revenge will induce him
to so far forget himself as to be guilty
of any act unbecoming a freeman; let
us hope that our Legislators will catch
the inspiration from the times in which
they live, and actuated alone by the
broad principles of Justice enact only
such laws as become the representa
tives of American freemen, going not
behind- the Constitution. The present
is no time for vague and untried theo
ries. Let them move in the channels•
in which moved our forefathers, known
to be wide and deep. It may do well
enough to tear from our present an
chorage and seek the more pleasant
waters and ambrozial breezes fraught
with continual peace and prosperity so
graphically portrayed by some of our
far-seeing statesmen, but not while a
storm is raging, lest the ambrozial
breezes turn out fierce tempests, and
the fair waters be interspersed with
rocks on which the Ship of State be fi
nally wrecked.
In conclusion, fellow-soldiers, allow
me again to thank you for this mark
of respect and esteem, and assure you
that while my reason reigns your
sword shall never be drawn against
right, nor ever be allowed to rust in
its scabbard while Freedom is jeopard
ized by foes without or traitors within.
Full Details of the Second Day's
BATTLE-FIELD, Monday, June 2.—The
rebel army still occupied the camps of
Casey's and Couch's Divisions on Sun
day morning, with a strong picket
force guarding the road facing Snead's
house and the wheat field where our
earthworks were thrown up, extend
ing front our extreme left to the rail
road, near Fair Oak Station. The dis
tance from the point where our earth
works were located to the edge of the
wood could not have been more than
four hundred yards. This position the
rebels held until day dawned on Sun
day morning.
To our right, on the other side of
the railroad, the divisions of Gens. Rich
ardson and Sedgwick were found in a
semi-circle, with their left resting on
Gen. Hooker's right, at the railroad,
and their left flanking the enemy.
These divisions were composed of parts
of the brigades of Gen. Burns, General
French, Gen. T. P. Meagherovith four
batteries of artillery.
- Gen. Hooker's Division were en
camped in the wood fronting Snead's
house, on the Williamsburg road, oc
cupying the centre, and a little in ad
vance of our right and left wings.—
On our left the remaining portions of
Couch's and Casey's Divisions rested,
with reserves of fresh troops extending
to our extreme left, near the middle
road, under Gen. Keyes.
Gen. Heintzleman was on the ground
at the front as soon as day dawned, ac
companied by two aids. Gen. Hooker
mot him, and the two Generals sat
down at the foot of a tree behind our
breastworks, arranging a plan for the
day's proceedings.
Gens. Jameson, Keyes and Sickles
arrived at the front soon after, and the
fight of Saturday was talked over as
one of no particular advantage to the
enemy, as they had concentrated their
main force upon this portion of our
front lines, and the effect was more
disastrous to them. Their loss in kill
ed in Saturday's fight exceeded ours two
to one, and of their number wounded
it is impossible to form an estimate.
Several of their men brought in as
prisoners gave their loss in killed and
wounded upward of three thousand.
They made a desperate attack, it is
true, and gained considerable ground,
besides a large number of guns, camps,
equippago, c., as trophies, which they
immediately sent to Richmond to dazzle
the eyes of its pent-lip inhabitants, who
doubtless secretly wish to see the city
fall into the hands of McClellan.
Preparations for the Battle on Sunday.
Gen. Heintzleman, at 6 A. m., ordered
a reconnoisance to be made by a small
force on the left.of the wood and to
the right, toward the railroad. A lieu
tenant with two cavalrymen crossed
over the wheatfield behind Snead's
house, and was about to penetrate the
wood near the Williamsburgh road,
when the enemy's pickets appeared at
his front. He immediately turned
back and reported to Gen. Heintzle
man the close proximity of the enemy.
In the meantime, the other parties
sent out came in, and reported the ene
my in great force in front of our right
and left flanks.
Gen. Heintzleman then ordered out
Gen. Hooker's division, part of which
had been left to guard the camp, and a
certain position on our extreme left.
The regimentsof Gen. Hooker brought
on the field were the five regiments
comprising the Excelsior brigade, un
der command of Gen. D. E. Sickles,
and .the wifth and Sixth New Jersey
regiments; Cqeii. Heintzleman having
resolved to attack the
. enemy and drive '
them from the wood.
' The Battle.
It was about a quarter of seven
wlien Gen. Ileintzleman ordered Gen.
I T l.ooker to attack the rebels in his Wont,
and drive them from the woods. The
Excelsior hrigado' marched out from
their camp in the woods to the Wil
liamsburgh road, the 'Vow ,Fersey Fifth
and Sixth following. Tlio Excelsior
Brigade filed in the wheat-field in front
of our earthworks, to the right of the
road, while the two regiments of New
Jersey troops took a position to the
left. As the Second Regiment, Excel
sior Brigade, was forming in position
to the frobt of the wood, the rebels
opened a rapid and heavy fire upon it,
killing 'two or three privates, and
wounding about sir. Among those
wounded at the first fire of the rebels
was Lieut. Lawria (formerly an aid to
Gen. Sickles) and Capt. Nolan.
The fire of the enemy immediately
became simultaneous along their entire
The New Jersey troops fought splen
didly, loading and firing without flinch
ing from their position. Gen. Sickles'
regiments did groat execution, advan
cing at every fire upon the rebels mask
ed by the wood. However, it was
plainly to be seen the enemy had every
advantage, and it was resolved to clear
the woods at the point of the bayonet.
Gen. Sickles rode along the front of
his men, in the midst of an iron hail
which the rebels poured in, and gave
orders for the Second Regiment, Col.
G. B. Hall, to charge bayonets. No
sooner was the order given than the
men fixed bayonets. Col. Hall gallant
ly led the charge—one of the most bril
liant ever made in anybattle. Not a man
shirked or straggled from the ranks.
The rebels presented a strong front
to the gleaming bayonets of our men,
not a hundred yards distant.
As the Second advanced on the dou
ble quick, cheering and shouting, the
rebels held back their fire until our
men were hardly ono hundred feet,
from their line, when they fired a mur
derous volley into the ranks of the
Second. It proved too low, and few
were killed or wounded.
Immediately after the rebels fired
this volley, they broke ranks and fled
through the wood. A few of their bra
vest remained to resist our passage,
but they were soon mowed down by
the steel front of the gallant Second
Major Herbert, of the Eighth Ala
bama Regiment, was taken prisoner at
this time. His horse had been shot
under him, and as he fell he received
a shot in his side. He sprang to his
feet, however, almost instantly, and
seeing several of our men in front of
him, mistook them for some of his
own 'regiment.
"Rally once more, boys!" he cried,
but they corrected his mistake by pre
senting their bayonets and demanding
him to surrender, which he did with
all the grace and finish that an original
secessionist, as he afterwards informed
me he was, could do under the circum
stances. The rebels made two or three
attempts to flank us on the left, after
retreating from their centre ; but they
were beat back with great loss, our
troops pursuing them for nearly two
miles. Richardson's Brigade, before
the enemy's centre gave way, had a
hard fight; the ground wu__„_s• hotly con
tested by the rebels. The Fourth and
Fifth Excelsior Regiments were sent
to support one of Richardson's Batte
ries, but before the battery got in fair
working order, the enemy began to
show signs of a retreat. The rebel of
ficers could be distinctly heard urging
the men .to fight, but they would run
away. The Irish Brigade fought
splendidly, and routed the rebels at
the point of the bayonet. None of our
forces on the left flank participated in
the fight. The rebels were defeated
and driven back by Hooker's and
Richardson's Divisions.
Advance parties scoured the woods
on both sides of the Richmond road,
and succeeded in capturing nearly two
hundred of the rebels, among them
three Lieutenants.
At 11 o'clock the firing on both sides
ceased. The rebels had fallenback to
beyond our original lines, leaving
guards stationed to watch our advance
and bring their wounded off the field.
The enemy were driven from every
position they occupied, by our troops.
The main column rested a mile in ad
vance of their position, at, the com
mencement of the fight.
At about 12 o'clock Gen. McClellan
rode up to the front, accompanied by
his staff and body guard, and met Gen.
Heintzelman seated at the foot of a
tree. Little Mac, democratically seat
ed himself at the side of Heintzelman
on the ground, when his staff grouped
themselves, resting on stumps of trees
and logs. There was the Prince de
Joinvillo, Count de Paris, and the Due
de Chartres, forming a select group of
three, conversing quite animatedly in
French, and the other members of Mc-
Clellan's staff joining in with a little
"They fight on Sunday always,"
said the Due de Chartres, alluding to
the rebels.
General McClellan bad been seated
probably a half an hour, conversing
with General Heintzelman, when Gen.
Hooker rode up from the extreme ad
vanced lino gained that morning, and
as he was dismounting from his horse
Gen. McClellan rose from his scat, and,
advancing, shook him warmly by the
hand, and congratulated him and his
noble division in terms of the highest
praise. A long conversation took
place between them. It was plainly
seen no further advance was to be
made that day, as no troops were or
dered up to the front.
At a little after one o'clock General 1 .
McClellan mounted his horse and rode
along the lines of his troops, back and
forth, until all the soldiers had a good
opportunity Of seeing him. - Napoleon
never was received by his enthusiastic
troops with greater manifestation of
delight than was McClellan by his ar
my, showing' that he possessed the
confidence as well as the hearts of his
men. They Seel that they must ever
he victorious under his guidance.
- Prisoners continued to bo brought
in very fast; we had captured nearly
five litindred. They were immediate
ly handed over to Provost; Marshal
Young, of g 4. Hooker's pivisiOn, who
sent them pildpily gdarded'to-fleint
zelman's headquarters, at 'ravage's
station. Many of . thorn - Were dressed
in now clothes captured in Case:y's
camp—a large supply having been
sent up to Casey's Division a few day's
before the battle, but bad not been dig-
tributed to the men. The result was
that the enemy, who had been wear
ing fluted, worn-out homespun, doffed;
their forms in our genteel uniforms.-=.
This was 'the eause of many serious
mistakeollionen unfortunately nits;;
taking thefili*i''our own.
IndMonts of the Field.
Gen. Sickles had several narrow es
capes; be was always to be found in
the thickest of the fight. Had those
gifted Senators who refused to confirm
his nomination, but witnessed the en
thusiasm of his troops when serving
under him, and his military qualifica
tions for the office, they would do pen
ance until re-elected.
The rebels during the fight had their
sharpshooters posted in trees to pick
off our officers—a fact discovered in
the early part of the action. One of
those sharpshooters had been wound
ed, and lay down at the foot of a tree;
as General Sickles was riding in the
wood, he took deliberate aim and fired,
but fortunately missed his mark.—
Some of our men rushed at the woun
ded rebel, and were about dispatching
him with their bayonets, when Gene
ral Sickles ordered them not to harm
him, but take him prisoner.
As I stood watching the regiments
of Hooker's division march into the
battle-field, I recognized, marching at
the head of his company, Capt. John
son, belonging to the Third Regiment
Excelsior. &pt. Johnson was in the
battle of Williamsburg, where he acted
with the most heroic courage, and was
wounded badly on the loft arm by a
minie ball; so dangerously was he
wounded, that the surgeons at one
time thought an amputation of his
arm would become necessary to save
his life. The wound, however, took a
favorable turn, and ho is now in a fair
way of recovering. At the head of his
company marched this gallant officer,
his bandaged arm resting in a sling.—
As he passed by me smiling, an Aid
from Gen. Keyes, who. with •his staff,
was on the opposite side of the road,
rode up to me and inquired the name
of the wounded officer. I gave it to
him ; he exclaimed, "He is a brave
man." If his country rewards her he
roes, Capt. Johnson's name will stand
among the foremost.
There were many incidents illustra
ting fully the mettle of our men en
gaged in this struggle, Many a pri
vate displayed deeds of bravery wor
thy of record. The officers bore them
selves well, and shared the dangers in
advance of their men.
The Rebel Commanders.
The rebel Generals, emntiriand big in
this engagement, were Gens. LOng
street, Roger A. Pryor, Hill Bronk,
Howell Cobb, Rains, linger and five
others whose names I could not learn.
A Stage and Four Horses Captured.
A small party of our men reconnoi
tering, met an omnibus drawn by four
fine bay horses, on the New Bridge
road, going at a speedy gait toward
Richmond. and containing two officers.
Driving the horses were two contra
bands. Lieut. Lee cried out for them
stop, but no attention was paid to the
morons, and ho ordered the men to fire.
One of the officers jumped out and
made good his escape in the woods.—
The other was shot as he had his head
out of the window urging the contra
bands to go faster. The driver now
held up, and Lieut. Lee mounted the
box, first placing the negroes inside,
in charge of Private Boyd, One Hun
dredth Now York. The Lieutenant
brought the stage safely within our
lines. As it made its appearance,
emerging from the wood on the Wil
liamsburg road, where but a few hours
ago the enemy were disputing our:ad
vance, it created the most intense ex
citement and curiosity among our men.
Many supposed it was sent down by
Gen. McClellan, from Richmond, with
the news of his occupation of the city.
The stage is comparatively new. In
size and shape it is about the same as
our Broadway stages, perhaps a trifle
lighter. From the fact of its being
built by" John Stevenson, New York,"
(painted on a panel on the inside,) I
seriously doubt if John S. has received
payment for it. Over the windows,
on the outside," Columbia Hotel" is
The Battle-field.'
In company with Gen. Sickles, Col.
Graham, Col. Hall and Licut. Graham,
I rode out upon the battle-field on Sun
day afternoon at o'clock. The scene
witnessed here baffles all description.
Caissons, with horses shot dead in their
traces, ambulances, wagons, &c., &e.,
filled the road in front of Casey's
camp. There were about two hundred
of our wounded still lying where they
fell on Saturday. Some of them spoke
kindly of the rebels, saying they treat
ed them very well. Dead rebels as
well as our own men were lying in ev
ery part of the field and wood. I
counted fifty-seven dead rebels in front
of a small piece of woods not forty feet
square. One wounded rebel was lying
on the ground, unable to move; he
was shot in both legs. On each side
of him lay seine dead rebels. As we
passed by, he bogged us for God sake
to take the dead men away from him.
The stench was intolerable.
Number of Guns Lost
We lost 19 guns in tho fight on Sat
urday. Not one of them has been re
covered. The rebels ran a train down
near Fair Oak Station, and carried
away ourcommisSa'rystores, guns, etc.,
etc., to MobMond.
The rebels destroyed what they
could not conveniently carry away, in
cludin. the now tents of Casey and
Conchs Division.
The two contrabands captured with
ptago had left Richmond on Sun
day Morph).- with a party of gentle
men who had chartered the stage' 'p
tali..b them out to see the fight. They
have furnishP(rthe authorities th
i4 . ! - ';''t'il.At.:"'.o',; - .i:.:,e.
much information relative to the num
-bar and movements of the rebel force,
'nbich is highly important. It is not
iiiiiwobahle that General McClellan
his Generals, will dine at Rich
,ffond on Sunday next.
The Pursuit of Beauregard by Hal
leek's Army--Official Despatch.
WASHINGTON, Juno 10.—The follow
ing message was received at the War
Department this morning :
CORINTH, June 9.—To the Hon. Ed
win IV Stanton, Secretary of War :
The enemy has fallen bs.ek to Tupe
lo, 50 miles by railroad, and nearly 70
by wagon road.
Gen. Pope estimates the rebel loss
from casualties, prisoners and desert
ers at over 20.000, and Gen. Buell at
between 25,000 and 30,000.
A person who was employed in the
Confederate Commissary Department
says they had 130,000 men in Corinth,
and that now they cannot muster much
over 80,000.
Some of the fresh graves on the road
have been opened and found filled with
Many of the prisoners of war beg
not to be exchanged, saying that they
purposely allowed themselves to be ta
Beauregard himself retreated from
Baldwin, on Saturday afternoon, to
(Signed) 11. W. HALLECK,
Interesting News from Memphis,
Ilammits, June B.—The casualties
during the late fight are estimated at
from one hundred to one hundred and
fifty, including thirty to forty wound
Jeff. Thompson witnessed the naval
battle sitting on horseback in front of
the Gayoso House. The remnant of
his army, with the stampeding citizens,
were in the cars, not far from the city,
when one after another of the rebel
boats were sunk, and on the flag-ship
taking to flight, Jeff. left. Two of our
boatmen managed to elude our guard
and get on shore on Friday night.—
They were killed in a row of their own
getting up.
The citizens, to the number of 2,000,
reported themselves armed and
equipped to the Provost Marshall the
same evening, to prevent the destruc
tion of property by the mob, which it
seems they feared more than the Fed
ora's. It was expected that the city
would_ be fired, but the prompt action
of the peaceable citizens and the Colo
nel commanding, with a strong pro
vost guard, prevented it. As it was,
the depot of the Mississippi and Ten
nessee Railroad was broken in by a
mob of men and women, but before
they could take anything, a detach
ment of military arriving, they were
dispersed. The stores in the depot
were yesterday removed to a place of
Captain Gould, the Provost Marshal,
has established his headquarters in the
Planters' Bank Building.
Col. Fitch, the commander of the
post, issued a notice, last evening, that
the purpose of the United States, in ta
king possession of the city, was to as
sert the supremacy of the law, the pro
tection of public and private property.
Residents who may have fled, are ex
horted to return. Merchants and oth
ers are requested to open their stores
and shops, excepr those dealing in in
toxicating liquors, who aro forbidden
to resume the traffic, under the penal
ty of having their stock destroyed.—
The Mayor and Common Council will
continue to exercise their functions,
the military authorities co-operating
in enforcing all the proper ordinances,
unless an exigency shall arise render
ing martial law imperative. It was
hoped and believed, however, that
nothing would occur to render the
step necessary.
The sales of liquors have been pro
hibited here since December, except by
the druggists on physicians' prescrip
The Retreat of Beauregard
Ile Leaves Poverty and Desolation in
his Track.
LOUISVILLE, Juno 9.—The following
despatch has been received from Gen.
HaHeck's headquarters :
The United States forces now occu
py Baldwin, Guntown, Jackson and
The railroad repairs are progressing
The enemy passed Guntown last
night, retreating southward from Bald
win. It is estimated that there have
been 20,000 deserters from the rebel
army since it left Corinth. These de
serters are mostly from the Tennessee,
Kentucky, and Arkansas regimonts.—
All the regiments from those states
passed down closely guarded on both
sides by _Mississippi and Alabama
It is believed by country people
that Beauregard can't enter Columbus
with half the troops he brought away
from Corinth. Tho whole country east
and north of Baldwin is full of armed
soldiers returning from Tennessee and
General Pope telegraphs from the
adVance that the prisoners who first
desired to he exchanged now want to
take t4e'Oath.
The enemy drove and carried off ev
ery thing for miles around. The weciy
th lest families' are destitute and starv
ing, and the women and children are
crying for fOod, the males, their pro
tectors, having been f&rced into the ar
my. Tho enemy is represented to be
greatly suffering for food
TtnliTS, $1,60 a year in advance.
From Gen. Fremont's Army.
Battles with Jackson's _Rebel Army.—
Death of the Rebel Gen. Ashhy.—The
" Bucktails" from Clearfield Lose
The advance guard of Gen. Fremont
reached Harrisonburg this afternoon,
at two o'clock.
There was no fighting during the
Jackson camped here last night and
left this morning.
A body of cavalry, sent on a recon
noissance four miles beyond the town,
came on a large rebel force of cavalry
and infantry strongly posted in the
woods. Col. Wyndham, who had
pushed the reconnoissance three miles
further than ordered, rashly led for
ward the Ist New Jersey cavalry, and
was driven back by a force of rebel in
fantry who were in ambush. Col.
Wyndham is a prisoner. Capt. Shell
mire and Capt. Haines wore either kill
ed, or severely wounded or taken pris
oners. Capt. Charles is missing.
Gen. Bayard, with the bucktail, or
.Kane rifles, and Ist Pennsylvania cav
alry, and Chesort's Brigade, consisting
of the 16th and Bth Virginia, were or
dered forward to support our forces.
Chesert drove a body of the enemy
from their position, and captured their
camp and some stores, without loss.
The Kane rifles, numbering 125 men,
found themselves opposed and flanked
in the woods by four regiments of in
fantry and cavalry, and before they
could be withdrawn suffered. Lieut.
Col. Kane was seriously wounded and
taken prisoner. Capt. Taylor was
also wounded and captured. Captain
W. F. Blanchard was wounded severe
ly. Lieut. J. J. S. Wayn was probably
killed. After the most gallant fight
ing, the rifles were driven back with a
loss of fifty-five killed, wounded and
FIELD, liarrisonburgh
June 7-9 P. M.
Hon. E. X. Stanton, Secretary of War :
The attack upon the enemy's rear
of yesterday precipitated his retreat.
Their loss in killed and wounded
was very severe, and many of both
were left on the field. Their retreat is
by an almost impassable road along
which many wagons were left in the
woods, and wagon loads of blankets,
clothing, and other equipments are
piled up in all directions.
During the evening many of the reb
els were killed by shells from a battery
of Gen. Stahl's brigade.
Gen. Ashby, who covered the retreat
with his whole cavalry force and three
regiments of infantry, and who exhibi
ted admirable skill and audacity, was
among the killed.
Gen. Milroy made a reconnoisance
to-day about seven miles on the Port
Republic road and found a portion of
the enemy's force encamped in the
[Signed] J. C. FREMONT,
Major General Commanding.
8 miles beyond Harrisonburg, Va., S C
June 8, 1862.
Gen. Fremont has overtaken the
enemy, of whom he has been in- pur
suit for a week, and has forced him to
fight, and driven him, with heavy loss,
from his chosen position. He left Har
risonburg this morning at 6 o'clock,
and advanced in pursuit of Jackson
by the road leading to Port Republic.
On the left of the turnpike to Stanton,
7 miles beyond Harrisonburg, the ad
vanced guard discovered the enemy
posted in the woods, to the left and
front, apparently in force. Artillery
was sent to the front and commenced
shelling, - without eliciting any reply.
Jackson having at last been forced
to make a stand with his whole army,
had completely masked his position in
the woods, and various skirmishers
and cavalry were sent forward. The
whole column came rapidly up, and a
line of battle, extending nearly two
miles, was promptly formed under the
direction of Col. Albert, chief of the
staff. Before it was completed, Gen.
Stahl with the Garibaldi Guards, be
came engaged with the enemy on the
extreme right, and forced him to fall
At half past 12 o'clock a general ad
vance was ordered, and the whole line
moved forward. Gen. Milroy had the
centre, Gon. Schenck the right, and
Gon. Stahl, with all his brigade except
the Garibaldi Guards, the front. Gen.
Blenker, Gen. Bohlem, and Col. Stein
weickher's brigades composed the re
The line moved down the slopes of
three hills into the valley, and up the
opposite ascents, which at the summits
were covered with woods. In those
woods, and in the belts and heavy tim
ber beyond, the enemy were posted.
General Stahl, on the left, was first
engaged. Genls. Milroy and Schenck
found the enemy soon after, and the
battle almost immediately became gen
eral. General Stahl, after Scrivner's
battery had shelled the rebel position,
advanced the Bth and 45th New York
Regiments through the woods into an
open field, on the other side of which
the enemy's right wing was Concealed
in the Ivoods. The Bth advaneed gal
lantly Under a heavy fire, but being so
long unkripported by the 45th," and
largely outnumbered., Were finally
tweed to retire. Col. lYietshall was
severely wounded, and the *hole reg
iment badly ditt, up, losing not less
than three hund'red, more than half of
its strength. The enemy's pursuit
Was checked by the artillery. GOnl.
Stahl finally withdrew his' brigade to
a strong position, 'repulsing a flank
I movement and holding hitiwing firmly.
"General Milroy advateed his centre,
the artillery fire compelling the enemy
to give ground. General Schenck,
the right, twice drove back thei
who attempted to turn his - pesitiOn.—
A long whole line our artillery, un
der Colonel Filion's direction, was
sdved 'With great vigor and precision,
and our final success was largely due;
to its effect. The enemy suffered most
severely. One rebel regiment lost
two-thirds of its number in an attempt;
to capture Widrich's Battery, which"
cut them to pieces with canister at fif-"
ty paces. The rebel batteries were . .
repeatedly silenced and forced to ,.
abandon their positions. Col. Cluze
rut, with his weak brigade, took and.
held the centre of the enemy's position;
and has his encampment there to-night.
Our forces were outnumbered at all.
points, but have occupied the rebel
lines, and forced them to retreat. The
loss is heavy on both sides, the enemy
suffering especially from our artillery.
The Garibaldi Guards lost nearly
200, the 25th Ohio 60. The total loss
is estimated at from 000 to 800 killed;
wounded, and missing.
The rebels fought wholly under
cover, while our troops were forced to,
advance through 'open fields. The en
emy's advantages of position and num- .
bers worn counterbalanced by General
Fremont's skilful handling of his
troops and the coolness and determi
nation with which he pressed his suc
cess. The fight was furious for three
hours, and continued till nearly dark.
Our army sleeps on the field of battle.
NO, 2.
Five Persons Goes over the Dam.—A.
most distressing accident occurred at
Fairmount, June 9th, about noon.
boat, containing five persons: the Rev;
De Witt Talmage, the recently elected;
pastor of the Second Reformed Dutch'
Church, of this city; his wife and little
daughter Jessie; his sister, Mrs. White=
nack, and niece, Miss Whitonack, of
Bound Brook, N. J., was carried over,
the dam, and,;sad to relate, Mrs. Talm
age was cfrowned.
The circumstances of this niost
plorablo occurrence are briefly thesol
When the party reached Fairmount
the brightness of the morning, the
placid appearance of the waters, and
the fondness of Mr. T. for rowing,
tempted them to procure a boat, in
which they proceeded to Girard Ave
nue Bridge. Having enjoyed them
selves for an hour or more, the boat
was turned homewards, when Mr. T.,
with the view of saving the ladies a
long walk, proposed landing them be;
neath the Wire Bridge (which is bo-
low the dam), and then returning the,
boat to the place from which they had
started. It is proper to remark, that
Mr. T., together with all his compan
ions, were entire strangers t..) the local
ity, and consequently wholly ignorant
of the existence of the dam. Those,
who have boated upon the dam can
very readily understand how difficult
it would be for persons thus ignorant"
to detect the danger which threaten-'
ed. Those most familiar with the ap- .
pearance which this dam presents,:
when approaching it from the stream'
End it difficult to persuade themselvei
of their proximity to it. It was this'
deceptive appearance which led Mr.`
T. to resolve upon landing his compan;,
ions at the the Wire Bridge, below,
the dam: Floating , itit.i.ither` sti6am,
andwith the additional velocit,ygiven'
the boat by TalMagni'-Vigorous
rowing, it rapidly approached the,'
falls. 'The shout of some men on
shore first acquainted them with their,
perilous position. Mrs. Talmage heard.
the warning, and instantly directed
Mr. T.'s attention to it. " We are all
lost ?" exclaimed the lady. Instantly_
Mr. T. backed his oars, but too late.
The speed of the boat! could not be'
checked. A moment more, and it shot
over the dam into the waters below;
without upsetting, but shipping a large
quantity of water. Mr. T. commenced
to bail out the water, the movement
connected with which, the half-sinking
condition of the boat from the change
of position by the ladies in their fright,
and the large quantity of water in it,
caused it to fill, and in a moment more
the five persons were in the water.
Mrs. Talmage sank at once, and vimy
seen no more. Mrs. Whitenack and,
daughter clung to Mr. Talmage, who
had hold of tho boat, and was thus en
abled to sustain them until help arri
ved. Little Jessie floated off and sank.
Three boats at once pushed out to
the rescue. The ono in which Mr; s
Lark was, reached the overturned boat
first. Into this boat Mrs. W. and
daughter, and Mr, Talmage were quiet
ly drawn. By this time another boat,
manned by Mn Leslie, Clerk in the
Schuylkill Navigation Company's Of 7
dee, and the lock-tender, reached the
spot, and through the active exertions;
of Mr. L., together with thoge of a'
young man in the third boat, little Jes
sie was rescued as she rose tdtli4` - ' Wt..;
face the third time. The child was in
an insensible condition. Her Intel wag
black from strangulation. Mr. L. laid
her across his knee, and on reaching
King's hotel she was placed on a bar
rel, and her stomach relieved of the
large quantity of water she had swat: .
lowed. In an hour or two, under the
medical attendance of Dr. Somers,`
she was perfectly restored. The oth- -
er persons suffered 'only from fright
and thorough wetting.
Mrs. Talmage disappeared beneath
the seething waters, as the boat upset;
and up to the time of writing not Ili
vestige has been seen of her body,"
though a large reward has been offered
for its recovery, and the most dilige nt; search made for it, by experienced riv.:
er mon.
She was a most estimable, lady--ersti-,
mable in all the relationS O' 1I and'
endeared by her many'"{ eecl qualitio4
to a large
.circle of Viands. Although:
a comparative straergor in this city
she has been moat actit'elyengaged in"
works of benevolence. Tfel• heart wait
with the sick and ivoundeiisoldier. J
She'was a constant, and always a lad:
Onto - visitor to the lEfosPie44, and wag;
at the period of this' Ofortunato ocr
currenee, laboring wits 'all her oner:
gies to provide the necessary artielei
for the corillbri,' of the poor fellows
who are slibrfly 'to occupy the no
hospital at Sik'th and Master stroote:-L:-'
PHOTOGRAPH 4.14311315-=-neW anti inl
pr:sced styles-Ljlist r zeceryect . and cox;
sal© at LEWIS' Book 'StOIP"
A FULL STOOK.-4. fall at9cl( of 1861
stylus :qf Wall Pardion hand at tewis!
Bpolc - StorC: ' * •
yam. An assortment of Card Photo
graphs at Lewis ' Book Fitore: '"" "