6lobt. HUNTINGDON, PA 'Tuesday afternoon, June 10, 1862. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Tut: GREAT Snow COMIN O.— Van Amburg4's famous Menagerie will visit Huntingdon on Wednesday the 18th inst., and give two exhibitions as an nounced in our advertising columns.— This exhibition is purely - a menagerie, having no circus attached, and is high ly commended by the papers published in places which it has lately visited.— It is the largest and most varied collec tion of specimens of the animal king dom now in existence; in fact, it is about the only one now traveling which deserves the name of a menagerie, hav ing a collection of trained animals whose performance is said to be very entertaining. They come with good reputation. We recollect years ago that Van Amburgh was a " great in stitution "in the way of an " animal show," and have no doubt that he has been improving and enlarging his ex hibition ever since ; at least, wherever they have visited they have elicited commendation as forming a moral and instructive entertainment, which every one might attend, sure of being inter ested and'more than satisfied. OUR Boys.—There was but one com pany, that of Capt. Wintrode's in the ,fight near Richmond. We have heard that four or five of the company Were wounded---the name of H. S. Boyer is , the only one published in the lists as we find them in the Philadelphia :papers. Castalian Garden.—E. C. Summers will open his garden for the reception of visitors this (Wednesday) evening. It is a beautiful place, and will not fail to attract a large crowd. It is just such a place as one likes to visit to " while away a pleasant hour." All kinds of refreshments will be prepared for the guests. As to the Garden, we have nothing to say; it speaks for itself, Zer A party of young men of this place, have formed themselves into a ;band called the "Free and Easy Club.'' 'They discourse delightful music, and -we hope, after a short season, they will not allow it to fall through, or go 'by the board, as everything else of the :kind has done, before it. A Daow.no ]LAN FOUND.—On Fri .day last a drowned man was taken from the Juniata nearly opposite this place. From appearances he must have been in the water some months. Ho - was an old man. But little cloth ing remained upon the body—what was remaining indicated that the un fortunate man was a poor laborer.— The body was seen to pass over the -S, and Coon, pair Ant Fivers, (Motors —4- - - -- -- rig t latthantnnniber, Laa OA lions 1 - ;:;,,),,,il white !Malaita. ino,finest 441 ~_,.. . . f r 'i id, thi n rf lirrtll ern („rilibi ad `• ,iiii . , pair of Nev, liodev.d Croy,: Cranr, - VA.: `—. 'A. ? ;, . S ta It Ainvit an Condor, trig la, grit Lid ant flout, pair 11 - hint', 0500, A.P.,[412 fo! cc ..,I'.• ,, Gad.'en Plarirs ants Piro: gaii,air I /ea 5,,t., 70, . Volieniaan 1 litasonts, lawn Laiglish Pell, s itt;, Fliers.ant o C 1,,,,. to F,ll' ell, math sal Ames don rod,. tidee. Spanish _ Narois4, peer Todipeso .1 arrrtc„ ....,.,_,..„ „1 Jro' :soolg Aura man la-rots. : ad ( ‘ ' . .o" 1.1-4- 1.10 .. ' , Mr l'..t:LF:i ,a Ge ff.', .." ji ali, p ~.....2 ( h ',act 1,1 fro ,1 , putt 01 Poland ' ? '',O4V" Foot : 0 , pi , / 1 ., 1. lie Cnoiatooo, I:4d ..,,,ra- I Kan-; , i', rrcl /row d trataalari ,Ura ea - -i! (2,4.0 l'ear at triost etastraiat, 1: au Bo load ('or Lou, 0,1, P o r ) ,s, !'art quels Al:", a Candi, VI y Peat. 4 .f1 e. ?- ia , ir'llda Weis, Fizaionl toot Carrier " 'lli . Doris, Earn/ Voittay of Monl,e;s, --&-_- 4 • 7„." ~, Ape:, BaUtlf., i, IL ' i 71(1,7/10, D. 4,, Cats, ayo , tat Sagall.l2l7lll,llL'Ulij 10, .. V.,' . -4_. gather. A pint f The GREAT VAN .AXIMP-97,/ , , . • t7lll enter the Deily of Thliata . .-....., .ria•larl , r. V. 1., AbsL mEa be introancril the fr.,,....4f k ,, .: 1.,, ,t Irer .1. - .74/1a),1 Ilalgh . P.,-.9. . 1 i i i . r.r.- . :„.,, ,, _ I,' . T tier., , , I. c , per, p,rfornan:,,, 4 .,.,.. , -, _ .-naao er. E :gra,: d qv - oo,', b, tralnlqi Ly ~: roof ia A l a, .1:02:,r, 2,110111., j",, k . , Mule., Au. Dun': fail to z.co 1 - Tin C., )1„Gi.1.)1::-3 1T.DC1752.11.)N., iv 1 , 4 . .. At 10 A.M., preceded by 11.0 , , v , , OCLDEN CHARIOT, , 4 , 411. ..... Cant:lining 14 ~ ,-r -- ; Otto llorn's Come I 1-3ancl --- .... WILL EXIIIBIT AT maLLnviLLE, Tuesday, June 17th, and at HUNTINGDON, Wedneeday, Juno 1811,. Pools open 1 and 7. Admission 17 Cents—Children an der Iliac stale 10 Ceuta. E XI,CII3TOR'S NOTTOF,.— (E)tate of l'hillip Sji,nitter, dos beam , testamentary upon iho last ssilt and testament of Phillip Silhmtter, late of Darras, toss nehlp, ITuntiugdon county, dec'd. have boon granted to the undtrbigned. All pen tonl indebted HI e requested to umhe itutnedutto pay- Silent, awl those has lug Maims will present them proper ly authenticated to me. DORSET STIJOITTER, Juno 11,180241. Zreculor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Irtniont Elmeart, deed.] Lot tors of Administration upon the cstato of WILLIAM STEIrAItT, Tate of Irtit township, deceased, having boon panted to tho undersigned, all }tomato having claims upon the estate nro to/nested to pratoot them to the undmeignod, and on persons ttllowtOg themgoleae indebted will make immediate paymont. JAMES A. STEWART, May LS, IBG2-61. 6 Administrator. HAZARD'S RAILROAD & MILITARY Map of the Southern States. RUM the most authentic sources, and F, the Coast Curs ey, engraved in 11,0 Fineet Styio of Map Malting. It vies so ...cent and such valuable lasts conce tang all the ltaill'oadd, : thhl tho War Department immediately author lied its publication, and thstributed ONO 'THOUSAND CONES anion the lleuerala and COIOIICI9 of tfio army. M it is THE ONLY MAP that it antherizarl as OFFI CIAL, it •is the .most (tellable and Anthehtle, and from Its largo aloe- 32 by 55 luaus—shoots at a glitnco, the Prlinapa) Playas . , and all tho Strategic Paints. Glen. Mc- Clellan lots acknowledged the gloat iinpottanco of it to his othveithhita. BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, PRICE ONLY ONE POI, LAII. to compete with 1 ofi , ) iar maps. In cloth Cnso, $1 50. Dolected and Monntad on slogliu. 5032 nriunt ed on Most 111, a Ith Rollo.; and Yam to?hed $2 30. Son• Fran Ly Mail on receipt of Prieo.- .•• 40 - every intelligent men wants TUE BEST and ONLY OFPIGIAL 314 P, Agents, cap make money rapidly by selling add. AWSPAPERS tafot ling tl d (111,0 titae9 tataß reeeho a copy by Mail 3lay :17 3t. MICILEL WEYER, EEO. B. PORTEN, BEM THE OFFICIAL WAR MAP. WILLIS V. HAZARD, No. 724 Chestnut street, Philo UDITORTS NOTICE. . The Undersigned Auditor aniointeil. by; the Orx phan's Court of Huntingdon county, to dietributo the fund in tho bandit of rhilip,Ogrpor end John Beaver, Ad.. minim, Afire? of John Morningstar. him of Hopewell town. need., will :attend qt In* other, in the borough of Huntingdon, au FRIDAY, the 69th day ofJlJhal next, for the purpose of limiting said distribution, when and whore all persons interested urn required td prem.] t their or ho debarred from coming in for is ilharo of the fund 2f, 1162-41. 1,03. - ZR:Tiouor , „',Eo.,!°A!,:fgsefir.P.Elt . lIIILADELPHIA.„ LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &IL The cupartrt'eral4herkUfo . r . e excetrog liaturecu KAUF MAN & LONNEICSTADTER baling' boob' 'dissolved by mutual content, the undersigned respectfully inform the patrons and Blends of the old firm, and the trade cral, that lie has taken all the Pp stails rooms of No. 103 North Eighth st., ab. 'Arch; Phila., To continue the nhinutacturiiii of all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, AND MANTILLA TRIAIMINII9,_ "FRINGES, BUTTONS, - TAS3ELNConD, of all descriptions, &0., &o. Ant will offer izEdoceramte it; price ilpd . qualitp ets 'Yon ae prompt ittendanco to ordera,', 10 oeory 'tainlog to Li, lino. - t ;• ; •••• • - • W3l. LONNERSTADTIIB, No. 103 North Eighth Strect, above Arch, Nick' April 12. 1862-301. CLASSIFICATION of Mercloinii itt ountingdon county, by the Appraiser of s.lorchitttVa . 'faxed fur the year 1.1861/ Alexancrria .bprough and totortthip. UL.151.1. /10. George C. Bucher, G. C. Walker, Pnwuel Hatfield, IVra. Moore, - ' John It. Gregory, BLOYee tOWdelip. Samuel W. 'Slyton, James C. Walker, Benton Green, Andrew .Crownover, Brady Township. Henry Jamison, Eby 3: Co S. Sechrial, A. It. Steuart, Juses Dieffenbaugb, Cass borough un4 100n5.1440 G. 13. W. J. P. Heaton, - James Itendorsou, • Carbon Tovmslay R. U. 'Meet), George A. Renton . , • .7. S. Berkstreener, McHugh A. .IteGreth, Blair & Porte, James GlenSoo, James Dann, Jacob Moats, Clay Township, Ceorge It. Stevens, J. C..t J. lirtn,B ter, J, 11. Adams, R. Adman, - • Cromwell Tolumh4p. T. E. Orlitgon, - David Etpler, Dalin township. George Sipou, James tree, W. C. .gm• .n. Ale:nutter Franklin Townthip. J. W. Marten) : Shorb, Stowart & Co., 0, & J. IL Sithenbeigar, J. L. Adana, Hunt/oxtail latroao Plehor & Son, D. P. ()MO; ACOltil t Mason Strove, G. A. Miller, A. Willoughby, 11. Roman, Common & Ralfrlght, i C. Westbrook,' Wm. Colon. Joseph Reigger, Swartz & AlcCabo, S. IL Oruro, M. Gutman, S. S. Smith, Wdlinm Lowle, W. A.'Saiton; Wallace .b Oloniaut, .700. A. Brown, C. Long, 0, Aft ten, A. R. Cunningham, Jackson Township. 14 14 14 14 MI Pros&ln Iron k Co., 'My ton, IVm. 11. Harper, IL ilfeDurnoy, S. W. My ton, (Masseyslittrir,,) Morris 'township. T. W. Ornfflus, 11. A. Dorsey, .1. 11. Milliner, Win. Davis, flopelotil Downs/111w Simon Cohn; : : DnyldWoom___ ME Penn township. 11111Intu March, Robert Duncan, S/ bteft township. Leas & Dover, Wm. D. Drowater, AV. A. Frokor, rotor M. Dear, Sprineelki Township. George McLanghtin; U. Locko, K. K. Covert, Tell Town 4141. A. C. Blair, D, IL Mot rieon, Ibel Township Simon Cohn, Iton Townedio. .7. Bauman, J. M. lialailton, J. Zimmermann, Township B. Jacobs, ' J. Douglass, iFtrriorsmark toto>yhtx D. O. Owena, J. R. Thompson, George Guyer, W2Vimtries • eci; IL T. Patton, Wilt Town:4'4. B. flartman. & Son, J. Hunter & Co.. Shively $: PATENT MEDIC/NB% John Read, Joseph JaimeOn, 111111 Am P. ItcNite& BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIR*, Itotbrnel: s..smith 3: Co., Robe' t Massey, J. K. Isett, Schneider, David Fostor, John 51cDonald, Robert Flouting, Pole. Cogan, SILLIATID SALOON E. C. Eumnioni, BROKE:BS. Bell, Ourrotteou & Co, EATING 1.101/9ES., Ifentingden berectfth C. Schneider, 6. Whew Henry Afrlcpi • • • John Free, Carbon Tawnahi James fferrington, N. Krollfeenr. Thomas nodding, Paul Wont?, ' Mamie toraniitip. James Kelly, airieg Township,. Thomas leUurvey, MERCUANT DULLS. Thomas Fisher, An appeal will to Lehi by tho Underifotql at tho Trga surer's Office, in the borough °filen apsdon, PRIDAX, the 16th day of JUNg nest. Persona %telling to nmeal 011 l please apply on of before that day, as none granted thereafter, IL 31.10EMAKSIL" ' AI/01mble .4afr3s4.. ICOTHI2.-13y en Aot of Agtelebly natsed the I).lclaa. of April, leB2, St is made the chats of the County Treasu rer to see out all licensee not lifted on or before - the leh day of July. Persona haying lleences to lift will es•v,x costs by galling and lifting the came - previous to that time, as three hot lifted *RIAD the time presoribed law, will positively he 01 . Ord,lt th e herds of n proper Olt Doer for collection. • ;OHM A. NASH. - Huntingdon, Hey 27,18€1. db. rrMatureF. NEW MARBLE YARD,' . . , ON MIFFLIN STREET, lINNTINGDON, 14.;. TAMES AL GREEN regizootfullf , , forma the Etta*. thg.t. he la tellyp,apad to ‘l* x+o. in the beet atyle of Workalanaltip, all MO? of Mon STONES ; at prlse. cheaper than thoy'ann ile had tat the County. no haps, by &let "attention to b!utiattli, merit and Mei% CI a share of Pabila pWO#PE9:: Iluutingtlon, Jan. 20, 1862. T. irTE / • • • ITTORNEY AT LAW, TIVNTINODON, Jam. 2 1.561-1.1. J. 11. 0. CORBIN. Auditor. 7 00 ~ 7 00 . 7 00 1 Id la It 11 Id I 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 1 00 20 (KI 700 7 00 20 00 12 ISO 10 00 7 00 7 00 0,1 • rig Oil " v as 10 la 7 oo 10 og 12 00 7 04 12 60 10 00 7 OQ 7 00 700 7 00 50 00 217 7 00 7 00 I 00 700 7 00 7 00 .-,; 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 Q 0 300% 7 00 700, 7 00 700. 10 00. 10 00 7 00 7 00. 7 OQ 7 00 ,7 Go '7 OQ oo 0(1 7 IV 7 04 7 OG 7 00 7 00 7 00 rt ° C . 7 g 0 7 00 10 0% /g 4.00 10 00 600, 6 00 26 00 25 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 OD 16 00 /6 00 15 OD 3900 ac.oq 10 01 1(1.0% 10 09. 0 04 0 Oa 10 0,1 70 Oa. Aft Oa. IA 04 CM