The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 22, 1862, Image 1

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    *cmi-tattl4 Oink
WM. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor,
A. TYHURST, Associate Editor.
7EAU B.—" TFIE awls" is published Mica a week at
$1.50 a year-75 cents for six months-50 cents for
three months—in advance.
Thursday afternoon, May 22,1862,
Our Flag Forever
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to don personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call.
• A SUOGESTION.—We notice in our
exchanges that meetings have been held
in several county towns, and commit
tees appointed to inquire after and see
to the wants of sick and wounded sol
diers. As this county has hundreds of
rive boys in the field, we think there
.should be a committee appointed im
mediately to look after the sick and
wounded, and if advisable, have them
brought home at the expense of the
county. It is asking too much off the
immediate friends of the brave young
men, to expect them to give their last
dollar for the cause. Every citizen of
the county has an interest in the cause.
We suggest that a meeting be held at
the Court House on Saturday evening
We have the glorious news by the
Harrisburg Morning Telegraph of this
morning, that Gen. McClellan has ta
ken RICHMOND. We cannot expect to
get any particulars before to-morrow
or next day.
We hope Davis, his Cabinet, and his
Congress, have been taken prisoners,
and that their necks may be stretched
in the mostpublie place in Richmond.—
Then, the Southern Confederacy will
bo " played out."
Bononon Cousom.—The following
'Standing Committees of the Council
for the present year, have been appoin
ted by Chief Burgess Benedict, viz :
Finance—Graffus Miller, H. K. Neff,
William Summers.
Public Property—Wm. B. Zeigler,
Alex. Carmon, J. H. 0. Corbin.
Streets—Edmund Snare, Benjamin
Grafius, Graffus Miller.
Vice and Immorality —Francis B.
Wallace, R. M. Speer, :Robert King.
BY REFERRING to the letter from
•'°Linden" in our army correspondence,
it will be seen that six of the Hunting
don county boys were taken by rebel
cavalry, at Linden Station, Va., while
they were guarding some wagons that
mere placed in their charge. Two of
'them were from this place. Their
capture has cast a deep gloom over Co.
0,28 th Regt., to which they belonged.
We hope they may he speedily ex
Cr.AP J. D. CAMPBELL - writes home,
a letter dated 15th inst., that the
49th Regiment is at Williamsburg,
Va., waiting the arrival of General
McDowell's division, when they will
proceed to Richmond. As we said be
fore his company, together with Capt.
Miles', were in the fight at Williams
burg and fought bravely.
this morning from Miss Kate Cunning
ham, a magnificent boquet of the
choicest flowers. Nothing is so beau
tiful to our eye as a handsome boquet,
especially when presented to us by our
little lady Erica-dB. Miss Kate will
please accept our thanks.
To THE Pummo.—Thomas Tweed has
for sale the following plants, which are
ready for planting : Tomatoes, Early
,Cabbage, Beat, Peppers, and Dahlias
,ofevery shade and color. Also, young
,onions for the table. Orders left at
Ithe residence of Sheriff Watson, will
receive prompt attention. 3t.
ington dispatch says that Capt. Erics
son hag planned a large seagoing Mon
itor, with a single turret, plated with
iron 24 inches thick, and armed with
two guns, carrying a ball 1,000 pounds
in weight.
q, PENSION 13ILL.—It is estimated
that the `.`pension bill," recently passed
E by the House, will draw from the trea
sury not less than $40,000,000 annual
ly- It will be reported AIN4 ; the com
mittee to the Senate materially modi
FLIOTOGRAPir Atnums—new and im
proved iltylez,—jubt received and for
salo At LEWIN' Ronk toro
gerEmnry-Fontrn. The Holli
daysburg Register says: we are glad to
learn that Gov, Curtin has received
authority from the War Department,
to recruit a sufficient numbee of men
to fill the Eighty-fourth Penna. (Col.
Murray's) Regiment.
THE recent rains have aided greatly
in bringing up the plants, and in ma
king the trees look fresh, green and
beautiful. The crops, both fruit and
vegetable, are also advancing finely
and rapidly in their growth.
THE B. T. R. R. CO. have nearly
completed a bridge across the canal at
this place. It is, so far, strongly and
neatly built, and looks as if it would
stand for a great many years. Mr.
Rhule is the builder.
SF.vErtAr. cars filled with Indiana
soldiers passed through here yesterday
and this morning. It is said their
time of enlistment having expired, they
are returning home,
A PULL STocK.—A full stockof 1862
styles of Wall Paper on hand at Lewis'
Book Store.
110,__Fine Cigars and Tobacco foi
sale at Lewis' Book Store.
mu. An assortment of Card Photo
graphs at Lewis' Book Store.
Glorious News from the Old North
(From the Newbere Progi'esv,.lls3 lE]
The information which we give be
low is gratifying to the lover of his
country. North Carolina at last be
gins to awake to the fact that J. Da
vis & Co., have been making a cat's
paw of the Old North State to poke
their chestnuts out of the fire, and re
fuses longer to submit to the disgrace
and burden which has been imposed
upon her by the scoundrels at Rich
mond. The old patriotic fires which
burned so brightly at Alamance and
Mecklenburg are rapidly developing
themselves, and we trust will burn
with an increasing brilliancy upon the
altars of liberty. North Carolina is
in a fair way of being regenerated
from the thraldom of sin and rebellion.
We trust that this may prove the har
binger of better days, and that bright
prospects are ahead for our beloved
country. We obtain the news by way
of Washington, and direct from Ral
The arrest of Mayor Respess, of
Washington, N. C., who was seized in
the night time in the most summary
manner and hurried off to Richmond
in irons, is creating a most intense ex
citement in the State. The Governor
of the State, (who is not in prison, as
reported,) backed by the Convention,
sent a peremptory demand to the Rich
mond authorities for the immediate
delivery of the person of Mayor Res
pess, who was kept in close confine
ment. His trial was in progress when
they received the demand, and the au
thorities at Richmond informed the
committee sent by Governor Clark
that there were a few more witnesses
to appear in the case, and that they
desired to complete the trial. The
committee informed the authorities at
Richmond that the person of the may
or must be delivered up forthwith, oth
erwise North Carolina would send a
force to back up the demand of the
Convention. Mr. Respess was deliv
ered over to the committee, and went
to Raleigh rejoicing. He was set at
liberty and is now on his way home
to Washington, where the Union citi
zens are preparing to give him an ova
tion. This committee was also in
structed to, and did, deliver an order
to the Virginia chivalry that North
Carolina was capable of' managing her
own affairs, and that "no more of her
citizens must be taken out of the State.
In connection with this matter we
also learn that J. Davis, a few days
since ordered Gov. Clark to furnish
them all the means of transition and
defence possible to aid them in the pas
sage to and through the cotton States,
and also for additional troops. Gov.
Clark, backed by the Convention, in
formed him that he had received all
the aid from North Carolina that he
could expect, and that hereafter no
more troops would be permitted to
leave the State, and has ordered all the
North Carolina State troops home.
Gov. Clark informed the rebels that
they could use the railroads in retreat
ing homewards, and that they would
run their own risk of being intercep
ted by a Union force at any part of
the State.
The above information comes from
a member of the Convention.
Governor Clark, of North Carolina,
Opposes the Aot of the Rebel Mili
tary Authorities.
[From the Raleigh, N. C., Standard, April 26.]
State of North Carolina, Executive,
_Department, Raleigh, April 15, 1862. i
—By an advertisement in the public
papers, signed W. S. Ashe, you are in
formed that he will appoint and send
agents through every county in the
State to borrow, purchase, and, if ne
cessary, to impress all the arms now
in the hands of private citizens.
Any attempt to seize the arms of
our citizens is directly at variance
with. our Constitution, and in opposi
tion to the declared policy of the Gov
ernment, which makes it the duty of
every citizen to keep and bear arms,
and protects the arms of the militia
even from execution for debt.
But while I notify you that these
agents have no lawful authority to
seize your private arms, and you will
be protected in preserving the means
of self-defence, I must enjoin upon
you in this exergency, as an act ,of.
the highest patriotism and duty, that
you should discover to the proper
State authorities all public arms, mus
kets or rifles, within your knowledge,
and of selling to the State all the arms,
the property of individuals which can
be spared.
The colonels of the several regiments
will act as agents for the State, and
will notify me whenevereuch arms are
recovered or offered to them. Their
prompt and earnest attention is called
to the execution of this order.
GOVer , ?Or CS OffiCi',
April IA. 1`3.62
From General McClellan's Army.
The Troops in Motion Toward Rich
WHITE HOUSE, nay 10.—The army
commenced moving at An early hour
this morning in the direction of Rich- '
mond and will encamp some miles in
advance of this place. The advance
of Gen. Stoneman reached the rail
road bridge over the Chickahominy
yesterday. It is a long trussel bridge,
two spans only of which are burned.
It can be rebuilt in a very shorttime.
The enemy's pickets are guarding
the whole line of the river in front of
Richmond making it very difficult to
obtain any information from that city.
Gen. McClellan went on a reconnois
ance to the Chickahominy to-day and
the programme of operations in front
of Richmond will soon be decided upon.
From Gen. Banks' Command.
Disbandment of Rebel Cavalry.—Fin
motion of Guerilla Bands.
STRASBURG ; May 19.—1 t is currently
reported and credited in military cir
cles that 2,900 rebel cavalry attached
to the different commands have been
disbanded and formed into Guerilla
bands, occupying the various moun
tain ranges and fastnesses.
Gen. Geary a few days since learned
that one of these bands was in a cave
five miles from Rectortown, and made
arrangements to surround and capture
them. On reaching the cave he ascer
tained that the band had vacated it
the previous day. A party of forty
men, with horses, had evidently been
there for some time,living sumptuously,
judging from the empty bottles, boxes,
cans, &c. It is probable they were a
portion of the force which captured
tieary's guard train near Linden last
week, and retreated toward Warren
ton on Shields' approach.
Gen. Geary has been ordered to re
port to Gen. Banks in future. He has
been relieved from guarding the lower
portion of the Manassas road which
duty ho has performed for several
weeks to the extent of fifty miles.
131ne Ridge and adjacent ranges and
spurs are infested with guerillas who
watch every opportunity to shoot and
capture our pickets and foraging par
ties. Their familiarity with the moun
tain defiles and passes enables them to
chide pursuit.
Bombardment of Richmond.
The City Defended by Works Eight Miles
Long, Mounted with the Most
Approved Ordinance.
The Stevens battery, known as the
Naugatuck, has just arrived here from
the scene of action in front of Rich
mond, and 1 have some interesting de
tails of the important operations of
Commodore Rodger's fleet in the upper
waters of the James river.
It seems that our iron-clad sloop-of
war Galena proceeded up the river,
leading the fleet, and silenced the many
minor batteries that lined the shore,
until the fleet had arrived at a point
in the James river about eight miles
below Richmond, where there is a bluff,
upon which a series of strong batter
ies have been constructed up to the
Those batteries were found to be
mounted with superior rifled guns of
very heavy calibre.
The Galena was moored in close to
these shore batteries yesterday morn
ing, and opened a terrific fire upon
them, the Monitor, - Naugatuck and
other vassels assisting.
At first, the shot of the rebel guns
rolled off the sides of the Galena, ma
king only dents in. her mail, but grad
ually, after five hours' fighting, it was
found that the steel-pointed balls used
by the rebels were piercing her.
Thirty shots struck her and lodged,
whilst two wont entirely through her,
tumbling out on the other side.
A shell burst in the Galena during
the engagement, which unfortunately
killed seventeen of the crew and
wounded nineteen. But even this sad
accident did not dishearten the brave
Capt. Rodgers and his crew. They
fought on until dark, and until their
ammunition had nearly given out.
The Nraugatuek WaS slily handled by
Captain Constabiii, I after firi ng seven
magnificent shots, her splzndid hew
gun burst, killing two men and wound
ding three others, including Capt. Con
stable, who was struck in the head by
a piece of the flying metal. We are
happy to learn that he is not seriously
A flaw was discovered in the metal,
and this was, no doubt, the cause of the
explosion. •
Lieut. Morris, in command of the
gunboat Port Royal, and late of the
Cumberland, was slightly wounded.
Commodore Rodgers was wounded
painfully, but not seriously, in the left
These are all the casualitics heard
of up to the sailing of the Naugatuck
for Fortress :Monroe.
The slaughter among the rebels in
the batteries is said to have been ter
rible, although they had the advan
tage of our gunboats in having the
batteries situated on a bluff.
The fight will be renewed shortly,
when Commodore Rodgers hopes to si
lence the rebel forts, and if bie,esm pass
the obstructions known to be placed in
the river above the batteries, he will
take the city.
4 mortar boat was greatly needed
during the action, as with it the bat
teries could have been taken quiet
easily. .
The Monitor was at lask . accounts
ahead, no ball yet fired by the enemy
having any effect upon her iron-clad
Secretaries Welles and Seward took
a trip up the James river yesterday, on
the steamer Baltimore, as far as James
town, accompanied by Commodore
Goldsborough and Capt. Dahlgren.
The excursion party returned this
morning looking a little troubled after
reading Corn. Rodgers' private dis
patches, which are said to reflect a lit
tle upon certain dignitaries hereabouts.
Senator Lane, of Indiana, Hon. Jos.
Segar and several. other Congressmen
and distinguished gentlemen from
Washington, accompanied by a few
ladies, arrived this morning, and paid
a visit to Norfolk and Portsmouth.
The Naugatuck will take anothei
gun on board, and proceed up the
Tames river to renew the fight as soon
as possible.
The reports from Gen. McClellan's
army to day place his advance within
ten miles of Richmond, and he is mov
ing on.
All quiet here and at Norfolk
Departure of Hon. Edward. Stanley,
Military Governor of North Carolina,
WASHINGTON, May 20.—The Hon.
Edward Stanley is on the eve of de
parture for - North Carolina. He to
day received his 'commission as Mili
tary Governor of . that State. He is
invested with the powers, duties and
functions of that station, including the
power to establish all necessary offices
and tribunals, and to suspend the writ
of habeas corpus during the pleasure
of the President or until the loyal in
habitants shall organize a State gov
ernment in accordance with the Con
stitution of the United States. His
powers are exactly similar to those
with which Gov, 'Johnson, of Tennes
see, is invested. _ .
CAIRO, May 20.—The Memphis Ap
peal of' the nth, contains the follow
ing dispatch, addressed to the rebel
Secretary of State, dated Camp Moore,
May 11th
Gen. Butler yesterday took forcible
possession of the office of the Consul of
the Netherlands, searched-the person of
the Consul, and took from him the
key of a bank vault in which there
were $BOO,OOO, which .had been trans
ferred by the Citizens' Bank to liosse's
Bank of Amsterdam, and was intended
for the payment of the interest on the
Confederate bonds.
Gen. Butler also took possession of
the offices of the French and Spanish
Consulates in the old Canal Bank,
and placed a guard there. lie also
seized the Canal Bank and Smith's
Bank, and has issued an inflammatory
proclamation, to cite the poor against
the rich, promising to distribute among
thorn a thousand barrels of the beef
and sugar captured in New Orleans.
lie is recruiting in New Orleans.—
The poor will soon be starved.
"The enemy sent a force up to Bon
ne Carre, which are marched through
the stamps and destroyed the railroad
The despatch is not signed.
The Vicksburg Citizen of the 12th
says that the latest we can learn of
the gunboats below is, that they are
between Fort Adams and Bayou Tu
nica, and are supposed to be in or about
the Red river.
From Gen. Halleck's Army
BEFORE CORINTIOIay 20.—There has
been skirmishing along the whole line
to-day, the result of our feeling the
enemy's strengh and seeking more ad
vantageous positions. Our losses were
The army is advancing slowly.
The story about several rebel regi
ments attempting to mutiny, and the
sending of United States forces to their
assistance is flaw.
It has been raining all day, and
there is a prospect of a rainy night.
The Nashville Union chronicles the
constant an ival of Tennesseeans in
that city, sick of the Southern Con
federacy. It says a thorough Union
man must be chosen for the approach
ing Circuit Judge election.
CAIRO, May 20.—The steamer Platte
Valley, from Pittsburg Landing, has
arrived. On her upward trip she was
tired on by a party of rebels from the
shore. One soldier was wounded.
She brings no army news of conse
An orde . r of Gen. lialleck having
been issued expelling all newspaper
correspondents from the camp, a num
ber of them determined to withdraw
entirely from the vicinity, while a few
concluded to remain.
A portion of the indignant ones have
already arrived here, and others are
on their way.
The Latest from McClellan's
The enemy's pickets were driven across
Bottonf!4 bridge yesterday, by the
troops advanc!ng in that direction.
The reLE.Is attempted to regain the
post by the use of titt,d artillery, but
failed. Our batteries opened, b:::1 711In g
the woods each side of the bridge.
The advance under Gen. Stoneman
reached New Bridge yesterday, with
in eight miles of Richmond, but found
no enemy in force this side of the
Chickahominy, which at that point
dwindles down to a small creek.
The country in that locality is in a
good state of cultivation, with fewer
swamps than are to be found in ordi
nary bottom lands. Six pieces of ar
tillery were found posted on the oppo
site bank, but his purpose not being to
bring on an engagement, he returned
one mile from the bridge and encamped.
During the time we were driving the
enemy out, one man was killed and
three wounded.
The whole army moved this morn
ing early with a :view .of making a
lengthy march towards Uicbmond.
What road they took, i,t is not neces
sary to mention, but General AleClel
lan's headvarters to-night will be
within a short distance of Richmond,
in front of which is supposed to be en
camped the main body of the rebel
If they intend to give the Union
forces battle, which in almost univer
sally acknowledged, the hour is draw
ing near when they will have the op
Secession Ab9ut " Played Out!'
A telegraphic message was received
in this city last evening, stating that
Richmond had been taken by the Union
t,roopsyesterday. Wte; etvicavOrea to
obtain more particulars of the capture,
but were unable to do so. From the ten
or of Gen. McClellan's dispatches yes
terday, there can be little doubt of the
correctness of the above. We hope to
be able, in our afternoon edition, to
give full particulars.—ED. TElEottApit.
Our Army Correspondence.
RAILROAD, Warren county, Va., ,
May 17, 1862. i
MESSRS. SUITORS :-As you have not
heard .from Ca. 0, 28th Regiment, P.
\T., for some time, and for the sake of
many friends that are interested in
the welfare of the soldiers from Hun
tingdon county,
who will be glad to
hear from us, will give you a little
I suppose you have hoard before
this time of the capture of ten of our
men by therebel cavalry at this station.
We hare been, for some three or four
weeks back, laying at Piedmont Sta
tion, about ten miles east of this,
ing the bridge and railroad. On Tues
day afternoon, (May 14,) we received
orders from - Brig. Gent. Geary to pro
ceed to Linden Station, take possession
and guard the railroad, to prevent the
destruction or impeding of the opera
tions of the railroad ; sending the com
pany wagons with a guard by the road
and that transportation would be fur
nished to the company by the railroad.
On Wednesday mornin ,,, b we sent the
wagons with a guard of fourteen men
under command of Sergeant McCabe;
there being no danger along the route
they would pass, it was thought enough
to guard the wagons, but, unfortunate
ly,-the train that was to bring us up
was detained some two hours, they ar
riving at this place about one hour
and a half before the company. - In
about half an hour after their arrival
they were suddenly surprised by see
ing Rebel cavalry coming in on them
from almost every direction, from off
the mountains. Scrgt. McCabe and
private Joseph Madison happened to
be a short distance from the depot, and
not having time to rejoin their compan
ions theyjumped the fences and ran
through a field up the mountain, with
the cavalry after them as fast as their
horses would carry them, but they had
about two or three hundred yards the
start of them and got into the bushes
and eluded them. The cavalry hunted
through the woods, but the men sat
down and looked at them until they
left and rejoined their command.—
Sergeant McCabe and Madison then
pushed on toward Markham, where
Cos. G and Il were stationed, but they
had not gone half a mile before we met
them. They stopped the train and
told us of the capture of the whole
party save themselves. The train was
then ordered forward as fast as possi
ble to see if we could not catch them
still at the station. As we ran into
the station the rear guard, four or five
in number, were seen leaving at a dis
tance of five hundred yards. Our boys
let them have a volley and they scam
pered off. We were informed by a
colored man, that came in yesterday,
that one of our balls went through a
cavalry man's hat, (a great pity it had
not been his head.) It would have
been perfectly useless to havelollowed
them into the mountain fitstnesses with
one company of infantry. We found
at the station one of our men, corporal
George C. Sneath, mortally wounded
in the abdomen. He was shot while
running across a lot and retreating to
a house. He was shot several times
after he had fallen, and the rebels were
only restrained by one of the citizens
running to him and begging of them
to desist. He then asked permission
of the officers to attend to him, which
he did with the kindness of a father,
for which he has received many bles
sings from our boys.
The rebels have the advantage of us
in this neighborhood, in knowing the
mountains so well, while we are perfect
strangers. The mountains roll more
in Virginia than in Pennsylvania, into
deep ravines and high mountains.—
Linden Station is on the summit of
Manassas Gap, of the Blue Ridge.—
The mountains roll up to the hoighth
of fifteen hundred or two thousand feet.
A greater part of the mountains about
this are cleared off and farmed by the
poorer class of Virginia, and conse
quently not so many slaves.
We learned from different sources
concerning the surprise of our men,
that the rebels came in in three divi
sions, directly off the mountains, and
by that means surrounded the men be
fore they knew anything about them.
The rebels numbered not less than four
hundred cavalry, armed with
rifles and carbines. Some of the citi
zens estimated them at six hundred,
commanded by Lieut. Col. Munsford.
It way most cowardly affair on their
part and was den‘.;;:a;;;;;! even by their
own men. They would never have at
tempted it if our whole company had
been bore, as they would have met
with a very warm reception I assure
you. They have not been seen in this
neighborhood since, nor will not, un
less we leave this. I understand to
day, that Genl. Shields met this same
party yesterday, and cut them up very
badly—l hope it may be so, it is not
official, but only rumor.
The names of the men arc as follows:
Corporal George C. Sneath, of Shir
leysburg, mortally wounded; Sergeant
Edwin McCabe, of Huntingdon, and
Joseph Madison, of Altoona, escaped;
Corporal Ephraim Baker, of Spring
field township, slightly wounded, Wm.
H. Glazier of HuntingdOii,' John N.
Salkeld of Fulton county, Thomas
White of Huntingdon, Goo. W. Bower
sox of Shirleysburg, Josiah M. Funk
and Wm. Cane, of Philadelphia. Geo.
W. Snyder of Orhisonia, Joseph A.
Miles of Tyrone, Samuel Kinard of
Stonorstown, and three Michigan Cav
alry, were all taken prisoners.
It is with sorrow that we announce
the death of private Samuel Sharrer
of Huntingdon, in the Regimental
Hospital near Rectortewn; Va., of ty
phoid fever. When we left he was a
great deal better, but received a back
set frpm want of care on his own par e t,,
arid died in 'twenty-four hours.
The loss of so many men out of the
ranks casts a gloom over the company
which is felt very much. The men of
our company aro like a band of broth
ers—the less of one from among them
missed by all. We hardly know the
company When it id in line, its' extent
being so From the finest-look
!Jig set pernen in the regiment, it is cut
down 'to ono of the Smallest in. num
bers. We will make 'up for numbds
in fighting the harder when we do
fight, if we ever can get a chance to
have a pop at the rebels. The eompa-
a pop 1.1. v
ny is in good health and pretty good
spirits. Very respectfully,
A Brave Woman kills a Scoundrel
[From the Davenport (Iowa) Gazette, May 13,
Private letters received in this plade
give the particulars of an affair which
recently happened at Cape Girardeau
in which a lady of this city bore an ac
tive part. Mrs. Kendrick wife of
Capt. Frank Kendrick, of the Second
lowa cavalry, had been staying at a
hotel in that village for some time
when she was aroused one night by a
man at her room door, who desired ad
mittance, which was of course refused,
and on his persisting, she called for
help. He then fled, but came the sec
ond time, when she again raised the
alarm, and be ran off. The landlord
of the hotel then gave Mrs. Kendrick
a pistol, and advised her to use it, in
case- the scoundrel came again. lie
did so, and she then threatened to
shoot him if he disturbed her again,
when he left. TwO or three nights 'af
ter she was again awakened by the
rapping at her room door, and opened
it and asked him - what he wanted, and
if he remembered what she told him.
lle replied that he wanted to come in
and see her, and guessed she would
not hurt anybody.with an empty pis
tol, and then he tried to push her back
into her room, so as to enter and close
the door. Raising her pistol, she fired,
the ball entering tie neck near the jug
ular vein, and he fell dead on the spot.
Ire proved to be a prominent citizen
of the town, a wealthy man, and a lead
ing secessionist. When the news be
came known about town, a crowd of
his fellow secessionists mobbed the
house and threatened to hang Mrs.
Kendrick, and it is not improbable
they would have tried to carry their
designs if a guard had not been placed
around the house by the commander of
the federal forces at the Cape.
Mrs. Kendrick promptly made known
what she had done, and went before a
magistrate, who, after an examination,
gave her a certificate of honorable dis
charge; it is also said that the wife of
the deceased, who leaves a large family,
expressed her approval, under the cir
cumstances, of what Mrs. Kendrick
had done. The citizens also presented
her with a pair of elegant pistols,' as a
mark of favor. Mrs. Kendrick short
ly after joined her husband in the ar
my on the Upper Tennessee.
In this act, melancholy as is the ilia
that any man should thus bring down on
himself such punishment, Mrs. Ken
drick exhibited a determined heroism,
combined with true womanly dignity,
that does her much honor. Her act
will be applauded wherever it is known;
and were there a few more examples
of this kind, there would be far less
libertines in the world.
MAD DO(lB.—The Stoy .Remedy.—ln
1819 one Valentine Kettering, of Dan
phin county, communicated to the
Senate of Pennsylvania, a sure remedy
for the bite of any kind of mad ani
mals. He said that his ancestors had
already used it in Germany 250 years
ago, and that he had always found it
to answer the purpose, during a resi
dence of fifty years in the United
States. He only published it from mo
tives of humanity. This remedy con
sists in the weed called Chick-weed.—
It is a summer plant, known to the
Germans and Swiss by the names of
Gauchneil, Rother Meyer, or Rother
lluchnerdarnt. In England it is called
Red Pimpernel; and its botanical name
is Angelica Phonicea. It must he
gathered in June, when in full bloom,
and dried in the shade. and then pul
verized. The dose of this for a" grown
person, is a small table spoonful, or in
weight a drachm and a scruple at once,
in beer or water. For children the
dose is the same, yet it must be admin
istered at three different times. In
applying it to animals, it, must bo used
green, cut to pieces, and mixed 'with
bran or other feed. For hogs the pal
verized weed is made into little balls
by mixing it with flour and water. it
can also be put on bread and butter,
or in honey, molasses, &e. The Rev.
Henry Mubfenberg said that in Ger
many 30 grains of this powder - are
given four times a day, the first day,
then one dose a day for the whole
week; while at the same time the
wound is washed out with.a decoction
of the weed, and then the powder
strewed in it. Mr. Kettering said that
ho in all instances administered but
one dose, with the most happy results.
This is said to be the same remedy
through which the late Doctor William
Stoy effected so many cures.
Gfossisa LINEN.—The ladies will
be interested in the following from the
Scientific American: Inquiry is frequent
made respecting the mode of put
ting a gloss on ;;;:n collars and shirt
bosoms liko that of new linen. Th!'!
gloss, or enamel as it is sow.ctimes
called, is produced mainly by friction
with a warm iron, and may be put on
linen by almost any person. The lin
en to be glared receives as much strong
starch as it is possible to charge it with,
then it is dried. To each pound of
starch a piece of sperm, parafline or
white was, about the F,lze of a walnut,
is usually added. When ready to be
ironed the linen is laid upon'the table
and moistened very slightly on the.sur
face with a clean wet cloth. It is then
ironed in the usual way with a flat
iron, and is ready for the glossing op
eration. For this purpose a heavy flat
iron, rounded at the bottom and pol
ished as bright as a mirror, is used. It
is pressed firmly upon the linen and
rubbed with Much force, and this fric
tional action puts on the gloss. El
bow grease is the principal secret con
nected with the art of gloss,ng linen.
Mr. David Yohe, of Pigeon Creek,
Washington county, Pa., went to the
bqtle-field of 'Port Donelson and had
disinterred as (he supposed) the body
of his son,'Who bad received a wound
during the fight, of which he after
wards died and was buried. The body
was conveyed home and re-interred
in the fkmily burial ground, at Pigeon
Creek, all the family being satisfied of
the identity-of the body, except a sis
ter of the deceased. Last week Mr.
Yohe was astonished at receiving a
letter from his son, whom he supposed
dead and buried, stating that after
some weeks' treatment in the hospital
he had recovered, so far as to be able
to rejoin his company and expected to
take part in the next battle. The joy
of the family can bettor bp imagined
trap describer).
May 21, /862.
Fanry and Extra Family Flour.
Common and thiputhlio
Ryo Flour
Corn Meal
Extra White Wheat
Fair and Primo Red
Curu, prime Yellow •
Cluverseed,ll Gi lbe
Extra Family Floor ? bbl
Extra du ?ex t
White Rhea
Red wheat
Dried Antra .......................
Butter ...... .......................
' -
HERIFF'S SALE—IIy virtne_of,ti
S writ of Lev Feats to me directed, I will elpinte topubs
Ho nate or outcry. at the Court hence,in the borough of
linntingden, on SATURDAY, the 7th day °MINE; 1862 i
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following property, to wit:
All that certain tract of land eltuate In Morris towns
shicl. Huntington county, and State of Pennsylvania, con
taining two hundred end sixtacres and eixty•nine percs
es, nett measure; bounded a n d described an follows; viz fi :Y
Beginning at a white oak stump, mining eciettlie by lands
of Michael Spmukle, fifty.eight and one quarter degrees
east, one hundred and forty-eight and eight-tenths perch
es to a post; thence north along land of Robert Taney,
thirty degrees east, one hundred and ten perches to a'
poet; thence north by Law's land, ftfty-eight degrees west,
ninety perches to atones; thence north, thirty degree.
cast, seventy three r arches to stones, thence north, fifty
eight degrees east, twenty-one perches to,the little Junt
as river • thence Beath along !mid river, tiny-one degrees
went, thirty perches to -a corner or the - old Mill beat ;
thence south, twenty-two degrees cast, five perches to
pont; thence south, seventy-seven degrees west, forty
perches to a poet; thence north, thirty - ono degrees, east, ,
four porches to said river; thence south. eighty-six degrees
nest, forty-eight perches to a point on the bank of the
said Little Juniata river ; thence south, three and one half
degrees west, eighteen perches to stones; thence youtlh•
eighty-two degrees west, twentykme perches to a post;
thence south, thirteen degrees west, twenty-four and tire
tenths perches ton hickory; thence south, fortyeighrand•
one hall degrees west, twenty-two and six-tenths perches•
ton poet; thence north, forty-six degrees went, fifty-six.
porches ton post in road; thence south along Linde of B.•
le. Wallace, forty-nine and one bait degrees west, one 1 -
deed perches to stones; thence nouth, five degrees west;.
nineteen perches to stones; thence south, nineteen de•
green east, thirty-four and seven-tentlis perches to atones;
thence south, sixty degrees east, seventy-two perches to a
white oak; t hence north, eighty-three and one half de
grees east, forty-nevelt perches to stollen; thence north,
thirlysenedogreen east, ninety•sevon and fivestenths perch
es to piano of beginning, with the appurtenances, whatso
ever, th•reunto belonging or in anywiseuppertaining.
The follow ins described property will be sold koparato•
Beginning at a white oak; thence north, 2034 degrees
east. Ire 2-10 perches ton poet; north,7% degrees east.
T 2. 9.10 perches to a post; north.degreed east, 25 3-10
perches to a poet; thence north, 6p . „, degrees east, 19 640
perches ton stone heap; south, 824 degrees rent, 20 840
perches to a post; aonth, 18 degrees west, 2421 ton hick
ory; south, 48% degrees west. 22 740 perches to a post ;
north, 4534 d-green nest, 5G 310 perches to a post in the
road; south, 6034 degromwest, 13334 perches to a stone
heap; thence south; - 53‘ degrees went, eighteen perches to
a stone . heap; south,lB34 degrees east, 35 440 perches. o
a ehino heap; moth 58,8. , " degree. awe, 72310 perches ra
a white oak; north, 8434 degrees east, 47 ketches_ to
Mono heap; north. 31.14 degrees cast, ninety -lux perches to
the place of beginning; containing one hundred and twen
ty-eight acres and one hundred and forty-four peichee.
Hatt measure. Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold
as the property of Itobe.rt F. Ilmlett, Trustee udder the
Will of John B. Haelett, deceased.
JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff.
SOERIFeeI Orrice.
Huntingdon, May 20,1802. E
rf Jirlin Beatty, drctrtsoi.)
'the undersignal Auditor appointed by the Court of
Common Newt, of Huntingdon -younty, to distribute the
fund., In the hands et M. F. Campbell. Req., Administra
tor of Join Ileatfy, deceased, late of Shirley township, to
and amongst those legally entitled thOrete, hereby glees
notice that he n ill attend for that purpose, at the Itegis
ter's Mee. In the borough of Huntingdon. on TUESDAY.
the loth day of JUNE next, ninon and where all persons
lutere-ted ill aaid Intel, are reonired tore, sent their elahns
to the utult•roigued Auditor, or be debarred from coming
in 011 nail food. .
May 2u. 1811 . 2-it.' , A
rjxEcuToit'S NOTICE.-
Lettere Tebtamentary upon the last will and t,rtn
mem of John A. Weyer, late of -West township,. Hunting
don county. :deceased." ',Me lieen grunted to the sultAcri ,
%let's. All persons ill.lithted are requested to make imme
diate pnyinent. and Home having claims will present them
propel ly authenticated to ul.
G 80. U. l'ORTF:11,
?fly 13, 1862-Gt.-,
.11- (),!..I.oh , If Wiliam Skutt'', decd.) Lettere of Administration upon the rotate of 11110.7 AM
STEIS%II:T. Ufa of West township, derensed, Immo);
110,1 Jollll'l4l to Ihn unaerglgool, all persona hating
Anima 1111,./I the *tante ere reopeeted to present them to
the under:tinned, mod oil persons knowing tliemselieS
indebted trill make inomedhote pn men r.
May 13, 11G2—Gt.* Administrator.
C. 111 , :RIFIPS SALE.-13y, virtue of a
wt it of Vend. Exp to me direr ed: I win expose 4.
public ',ale. at the 110I1(10 of Joseph, Morrison, in throat
Top City. Huntingdon county. on TUESDAY. the 3d day
of .11/Nll. 1h6 . 2, at 1 o'clock, P. 31., dm following real ca
tato. to Si It:
150 acres of land situated in Ground Hog Tot
town oll%p haringo cabin honor, and shoat lGocres cleared.
and a at all archon! adjoins land or Jesse Smith north
east. Das td Stuntininglt on the south, Mtchmt J. Martin
on the nest, and Donal l'rice on the cast. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold an the property orJohn St um-
Laugh and David Stumbangli.
JOHN C. IVATiON, Sheriff:
5111.211F7 . 8
Huntingdon, May 13,1862. f. . _
. _
. •
informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. that he
ll.", opened a CONFECTIONERY opposite A. 11. Cunning
ham's store. ifill street, a here he will be pleased to encv#
the people with Cakes, Candies, Nuts. Tobacco, Cigars,
etc , etc.. and everything else usuall3 kept in a country
confectionery establishment.
lle also informs the people that he Ins fitted np a room
in a handsome manner. where he wilt keep constantly on.
hand ICE CREAM, which he will be pleased to cum, out
to those who favor hint with% call.
Hun tingdon, May 6, 1F62-If.
FEED vans, T01.7.Nt IINS, WASHING nisns, AND SEED,
AT Ltwfs , BOOK AND sttiv4kititY
At Coffee Run Mikan, and .Nnoburg.
SIMON COHN has just received from the Eastern Cit.
ie., a large assortment of
Dry Gooch, groteriar.
Queenstoore. Nardware,
Milting, Donna:, Shawl,.
Mar, Chin, BOOlf ,
and all other articles kept in country stores, 'which he is
offering at bra Mantmoth Stores, at Coffee Run Station and
Nett burg, at unusually low prices. The hylies especially;
are Malted to Call and esandoe his Fancy Goods.
atelag arrangements with largo firms in l'hiladelphis
and other eastern cities, he la able to boy bin goods ;heati•
er than other country merchants, and can consequently.
undemell them t In exchange for- goods, ho take! all
kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. ht
strict attention to the wants of customers, he hopes to
reedy° a continuation of the liberal patronage with which
he hes been heretofore favored.
Mr. Cohn in Agent of taredroad Top R. Co., ee
nun Station, and is prepto ship all kinds of Grainto
the Eastern inarkota: 'laving a largo .WitrO natenti Tar•
more can amps With him until rent- to ebtp. Every con.
venionce will be afforded them. • ••• ••• •
Almost , •
Toba. F ed in town, at r
11 , ,13
.. 1,05
...... 4,oks
• 12