Cube. IV - H. LEWIS, Editor and Eroprictot A. TYIEURST, Associatc 'Editor. 11' EAMS.—. 4 Tits Owsa.' . is publithrit Niraa weak at a .rar-75 coots far Ms moutbs—N cents fur !blue arlaCaibe. R'UNVINGDON, PA. - - - Thursday afternoon, April 17, 1862. aur Flag Forever - - ' OOO 00 1 ; NOTICE. We have not the time nor the incli nation, to dun personally, a large TRlM her of Persons who have unsettled ac counts upon our hooks of several years standing. We shall, therefore, from day to day, without respect to persons, place into the hands of a Justice for collection, all accounts of over two years standing. All those who wish to save expense, will do well to give us a call immediately. § § GEORGE PEABODY, the American Banker in London, has donated £150,- 000 to the poor of that city. His mag nificent gift has excited a great deal of comment and praise from the London press. During his successful career, he has given away to charitable ob jects, one million eight hundred thous and dollars. The Harrisburg Telegraph says that he is a native of Danvers, :31 - assachusetts, and a descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers, his ancestors having emigrated from St. Albans to New England in 1035. lle began life poor, as an office boy, when eleven years old. At fifteen he was a merchant; and at twenty-seven partner in a Baltimore 'house, with branches both at New York and Philadelphia. In 1837 he went to England, and, entering the banking business in London, has since then remained there. THE attendance at Court this week has been pretty strong, though we hear of little or no business of importance of a criminal character coining before . it. number of our patrons gave us a friendly- call before leaving for their homes, for which they will please ac cept our thanks. A great many more should have called, but, perhaps, they are waiting for those good times con ing' when they expect us to 'peg out' and forgive their short comings. HOW TO BANISH RATS.—A corres pondent of Gardner's Monthly says : " I tried the effect of introducing into The entrance of their holes, runs or hiding places, a small piece of chloride of lime or bleaching powder, wrapped in cativo, and stuffed into the entrance holes, and thrown loose by the spoon ui the drain from the house.— 'This drove them away for a twelve 'month, when they returned to it.— They wore again treated in the same planner, with a like effect. The cure was most complete. I presume it was the chloride of gas which did not agree with their olfactories." TILE lion, Theodore Prelinghuysen .died at his residence at New Bruns wick, New Jersey, on Saturday last. lie held several important and promi nent offices under the National Gov ernment. In 1844 ho was nominated by the Whig party, for Vico President of Ile United States—Henry Clay hav ing been ii.owinsbad on the same ticket or Preohtent. He was in the 75th year of his age. WE neglected to mention in our Tuesday's issue that a thanksgiving sermon was preached from. the 3Leth pclist, Presbyterian, and German Re formed pulpits on Sunday last, in ac cordance with the expressed wish of President Lincoln, that religious bodies a all denominations, should join in praise agd th,anksgiying to the God of battles, who has vouchsafed us SQ many victories recently. IT is rumored that the Emperor of France— Napoleon lll—has resolved not to recognize the bastard govern ment of Jeff Davis & Co., even as belligerents, but hereafter will treat 4.hem as they deserve, namely—as pi rates. HON. SimoN CAM'qtON was arrested n Philadelphia on Tuesday, upon a warrant issued on oath of Pierce But ler, Esq., charging him with the illegal detention of Mr. Butler in Fort Ivtfity ate last summer. ,TOHN DOUGHERTY, ESQ, Of ,IOLlIlt Union, delivered an address before the Agricultural Society, in the Court House, on Tuesday evening. it is spoken very highly of by those who ear ‘ d it, LMPQRTANT. — If the ladies, pupposed to be teachers, who purchased three books ands hard cards at Lewis' Book Store, on Thursday the 3d inst., will pall again when convenient to be in town, or write to us informing A 9 of their locality, they may hear of c) thind to their advantage. CM -ft ADMITTED.—On Wednesday, on mo tion of A. W. Benedict, Esq., Rudolph MeMurtrie, Esq., was admitted to practice law in the several courts of Huntingdon county. Mr. MeMurtrie pursued the study of the law in the office of Win. P. Orbison, Esq., and passed a good examination. He is a gentleman of fine literary attainments; an excellent scholar, having graduated, with high honors, at Yale College; has a good knowledge of the law; is a clever fellow, and we predict for him a brilliant career of usefulness in the profession. At the same time, on motion of Wm. P. Orbison, Esq., A. L. Grim, Esq., was admitted to practice law in the several courts of Huntingdon county. Mr. Grim studied law in the office of Wil son and Petrikin, and also passed a good examination. lie is a self-made man, and certainly deserves praise for the perseverance and energy he has manifested in the prosecution of his studies. He has also been endowed with a large share of natural talent, which he has cultivated, until lie is destined to become a brilliant orna ment in the profession he has adopted. We wish both the most unbounded success in their professional underta king, Our Army. We fear there is something wrong at the bead of our army, and with some of the Generals in command. There appears to be a jealousy at work for cing back some of those in command who might possibly e adrance to honors others seek. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of the 15th, makes some timely remarks which we copy: TUE All.:111" lIEFORE Yon crows.— Those who have been expecting a rapid advance and an easy victory for the army of General McClellan, on the peninsula between York and James rivers, are not very well informed as to the circumstances in which the army has been placed by the derangement of the General's plans. Just as he was about to begin operations in the field, the army corps of General McDowell was detached and made an indepen dent command, As this corps, con taining the very fine divisions of Gen's. Franklin, McCall and King, had been especially relied upon by McClellan, its sudden withdrawal of course disturbed all his arrangements. He found hint self before Yorktown with fewer troops than he had counted on, and without authority to direct the movements of McDowell's army corps. General McDowell, placed in com mand of the Army of the Rappahan nock, sent his troops along the rail road, employing some of the best reg iments in rebuilding bridges, and re laying tracks. He himself has remain ed neatly all the time in Washington. The telegraphic reporters send de spatches almost every-day, which are allowed to pass by the jealous and watchful censorship, announcing the important fact that "Major General McDowell is in Washington to-day." He may be engaged there in very im portant work, but the public don't see it. The only official despatch made public from his army is that "an intel ligent negro from Stafford county " has reported to him that all the rebel troops have left Fredericksburg for Richmond and Yorktown. Thus Gen. McDowell, with his "Army of the Rappahan nock," finds himself without an enemy in front of him, while an enormous force is opposed to Gen. McClellan, and placed behind formidable defenses ex tending all the way across the penin sula. It is astonishing that General Wool, who has all along been so near Yorktown, should have telegraphed lately "that the army of the Potomac was not likely to meet with much op position." It shows either that he was ignorant of what he should have known well, or that he was himself a party in the intrigues, political and military, for the disparagement and injury of General McClellan. We are not informed as to whether General McDowell's fine army is to be left to inglorious idleness or equally in glorious drudgery in the Rappahan nock Valley. There have been rumors that many officers have sent for fishing tackle, expecting to pass the summer in angling in the abounding streams of that region. But it is to be hoped that something better will be given them to do. In the meantime, we must ask for patience for General McClellan. He has been cruelly crippled, first in the reduction of his force and next in Ale total derangement of his plans. Ho himself has uttered no word of com plaint, but is going earnestly to work to do his duty like a faithful soldier. He could have done it sooner with the aid of General McDowell; but wo are quite sure he will do it well and glori ously without such aid. The victory will come as surely though not as speedily as could have been wished. It will cost more lives and money than it would have done if illcelellan's plans had not been disturbed. But for that he wilt not be responsible, SURPRISED AND WITHOUT PICKETS.- The public, while rejoicing over the victory of ittsburg Landing, begins, as the news becomes clearer, to per ceive that bad generalship was only prevented from working fearful disas ter by the dauntless courage of our troops. it is asserted that but for the rain, Beauregard and Johnston would have attacked two days sooner, and in that ease, that it would have been im possible for Buell to have reached in time. General Grant, too, it appears, cros sed the Tennessee with only 35,000 men, thus placing himself, or being placed by orGep, we do not yet know which, within striking distance of a rebel ;,I.rrny of from. sbi.j,y to 41 hundred thousana men, the picked regiments of the whole South . Meanwhile - tho army of General Buell was con - ling forward at irregular intervals, and was not ready to support qr4nt, and, in fact, came to his support at the I.7st minute and by a forced march. To crown all, after having pressed the Tennessee, as it appears, totally witbout necessity, previously to the arrival of Buell, the brigade in advance lotuSy Jay several miles west of the river, and within a day's forced march of Corinth, without a solitary picket or vedette, to tell them whether Beau regard might not be upon them, and that they were, in fact, surprised in the night, and a largo part of them captured, with a number of cannon, and their disorder communicated itself to several Ohio regiments, who dis graced themselves by refusing to stand to their arms. In these circumstances, wo regard it as a most extraordinary triumph of American courage, that Gen. Grant's army were not entirely given up to panic, and did not imitate the stampede of Bull Run. That they stopd and fought for a whole day, steadily main taining their position on the west side of the river, is a marvel of human bra very; for they had no glimpse of relief, nothing but the prospect of death on every hand, until the firing of the gun boats and the sudden appearance of General Wallace on the right wing of the enemy, began to turn the tido in our favor. It was then five o'clock, P. M., and, according to the accounts, they had been fighting from two o'clock in the morning. Whose fault was it that our bravo men were the victims of such general ship? By whose orders did Grant cross the Tennessee before Buell ar rived, and by whose orders was it that no pickets or videttes were out to give warning of the coming of the enemy? It was perfectly well known that the two best generals in the rebel army lay close to them, on the alert, desperate and determined to find an Austerlitz or a Waterloo. The precise thing that occurred should have been anticipated: that skillful generals would reenact Napoleon, by precipitating themselves upon a divided command. General Mitchell is in Alabama.— Will he be suitably sustained, or will the rebels march suddenly on Hunts ville before he is reinforced? The country, while ready to crown the vic tors, will bear no neglect without se ver° criticism awl suitable punishment. WAR NEWS. FROM NEW MEXICO, Another Fight with the Rebels.—The En emy Routed.— The Rebel Supply Train Captured and Burned.—Union Loss 3 Officers and 20 Privates Killed, and 40 to 50 Wounded. DENVER CITY, April 7, via air LESUCIIG, April O.—lnformation received front New Mexico states that on the 26th ult. Col. Hough, with thirteen hun dred men, reached the Apache pass. His advance, consisting of three com panies of cavalry, had an engagement some distance beyond this place with two hundred and fifty rebel cavalry, and took fifty-seven prisoners. The Union loss was four killed and eleven wounded. At Pigeon rancho, fifteen miles from Sante Fe, on the 28Lh, Col. Hough met a force of 1,000 Texans, strongly post ed at the mouth of a cannon. The fight began about noon. Col. Hough engaged them in front with sev en companies, while Maj. Cherrington, with four companies, engaged them in the rear. The latter force succeeded in driving the rebel guard away from the supply train, which was captured and burned. They also captured one cannon and spiked it. The fight continued desperately till 4 o'clock, when it ceased by mutual consent. Col. Hough withdrew his forces to a creek four miles distant. The loss on the United States side was three officers and twenty privates kill ed, and from forty to fifty wounded. The rebel loss is not known. Commu nication between Col. Ifough and. Gen. Canby is continually kept up. IMPORTANT FROM ALABAMA. One ITundred Miles of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Held by Union Troops.—Flight of the Rebels Along the Route.—The Rebel Communication Between the South and Southwest Effec tually Cut 12t}. WASHINGTON, April 14.—The follow ing dispatch has been received by the Secretary of War, dated NAsnvirr,E, Tenn., April 14 On Saturday morning two expedi tions were started front Huntsville in the cars. One, under Col. Sill, of the Thirty-third Ohio, went cast to Ste. venson, the junction of tho Chatta nooga with the Memphis and Charles ton Railroad, which point they seized, two thousane of the enemy retreating without firing a shot. Col. Sill. cap tured five locomotives and a large amount of rolling stock. The other expedition, under Colonel Torchin, of the Nineteenth Illinois, went west, and arrived at Decatur in time to save the railroad bridge, which was in flames. General Mitchell now holds one hun dred miles of the Memphis and Charles ton Railroad. FROM WASHINGTON. Despatches front Commodore Dupont.— Another Advance by Our Forces.— Colonization of Contrabands on St. Simmons' Island.—Potatoes, Corn and Cotton to be Planted. W4SIIINGTO;sI, April 15.—The Department has received despatches from Commodore Dupont, enclosin ,, a communication from Commander Gor don, dated U. S. steamer Michigan, Mal•ch 30th, from which it appears that on the 17th ult., with the launches and another armed boat, he entered Jeltyl creek, and proceeded to Dubignous place, where he discovered a deserted battery of three guns, placed so as to command that stream, and the remains of a camp of some two hundred men. A considerable number of cattle re mained on the island, but they were very wild upon our men approaching them. On the 22d ult., the Bibb made her appearance, and Captain Bartletto at once commenced placing the buoys for th.e bay and channel. :commander Gordon says contrabands continue to come to us. I sent a num ber by the Potomkka to Fernandina and also several by the Connecticut. We landed our field pieces and a strong force on Colonel's Island, and obtained what wo needed, and that night, after again firing a shell at Fan cy Bluff, proceeded to St. Simmon's and there I landed all the contrabands with all their corn and provisions, tools, etc., and having housed them, set them to work, Already they have planted the potatoes ;,to-morrow they will be gin to prepare the land far corn.— They have set np their -urn and I have told them they are to plunt cotton and thus become of use to themselves. They seem contented; but without the protection au vessel at the other end of the Island they are in danger of being interfered with by soldiers landing in that direction and approach ing them at night. St. Simmons is a fine, rich Island about ten ,miles long. On the North Is a village called Frederica. It is said to be a healthy place. A thousand blacks could be usefully employed here, and made self-support ing. Such a colony, properly man aged, would do much good. Those that are now here, some forty in num ber, live on T. Butler King's place, and are under cover of our guns. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. to Signs of the illerrimae—Fears for the Safety of Richmond Entertained by the Rebel Press—The James River Recommended to be Obstructed with Stone. FonTaEssNam:, April I.s.—Noth ing has been seen of the Merrimac to day. The tide has been low and this may have kept her in. Early this morning a rebel tug ran out from behind Sewell's Point, but soon returned. Later in the day there was a largo fire in the woods on the point apparently from the burning of brush which attracted the attention of the curious and gave rise to some speculation that the rebels were build ing a new battery there. The Richmond paper contains an editorial exhibiting considerable fear for the safety of Richmond. It inti mates that the Monitor, Naugatuck and Galena, all armored vessels, might easily come up the James river, and by their invulnerability and powerful guns, take and keep possession of the city. To prevent such a result it proposes that the channel of the James river shall be obstructed with stone. • It says it is abundant for the purpose, and should be used at once. ANOTHER VICTORY ! FORT PULASKI TAKEN. Unconditional Surrender of the Garrison. —Terrfic Bombardment.—Our Par rott Guns Did the TVork.—The TPalls Breached and the Magazine Pierced. —llebel Loss Four Wounded.—The Xumber of Prisoners Unknown. BALTIMORE, April I.s.—The Savan nah Rp i nuldican. of the 12th an nounces the unconditional surrender of Fort Pulaski upon the preceding day. Seven large breaches were made in the walls by our batteries of Parrott guns at King's landing, and all the 11:\r bett guns on that side and three case mate guns wore dismounted. Three balls entered the magazine. Col.linatlylQX-40.1..ga1na1ani.1.04. bigtialled the, guy previous to surrender, that our fire was so terrible that no human being could stand upon the parapet fbr even a moment. Additional Particulars. Fou•raEss 3.1.0.Nu0E, Apritls.—A. flag of truce went up to Cranny Island this afternoon and brought back two Noi•- folk papers. They were taken to Headquarters. and though containing the important information of tho unconditional sur render of Port Pulaski an effort was made in accordance with the policy that prevails here, to keep even good news from the representatives of the press. I am, however, enabled to give yon the substance of the glorious news as published in the Savannah Republican. It says substantially that it learns with deep regret that after a gallant defence against guns mostly superior, Fort Pulaski surrendered uncondition ally at 2 o'clock p. .3t. yesterday, the 11th inst. Corporal Law, of the _Pulaski Guard, who did not leave Thunderbolt until after the flag was hauled down, brings the intelligence of the event. The surrender was unconditional. Seven largo breaches were made in the south wall by the Federal batteries of eight Parrott guns, at King's Land ing. All the barbette guns on that side were dismounted, and also three of the casemate guns, leaving but one gun bearing on that point. Three balls entered the magazine, and a clear breach was made in it. The balls used were conical, and were propelled with such force that they went clear through the walls at nearly every fire. Col. Olmstead, who was in command telegraphed the previous evening that no human being could stand upon the ramparts for even a single moment, and that over 1,000 large shells had exploded within the fort. The Republican publishes the above as a postscript to a part of its edition, and makes no comment nor gives any particulars as to the number of men and officers in the fort at the time of its surrender. It says, however, that ileac of its defenders were killed, and but few; wounded. Description of Fort Pulaski The importance of having Fort Pu laski in our possession cannot be over estimated. It is about eighteen miles from Savannah, and is tho principal defence of that important city. So long as the rebels had it in their hands they effeCtually shut out all of our large war vessels from proceeding to Savan nah, although by the energy and fore sight of Commodore Dupont, several of our gunboats reached the rear of Fort Pulaski by way-of Warsaw Sound, and shut it off from all communica tion with Savannah. Fort Pulaski was visited, in May last, by Mr. Rus sell, of the London Times, and he then pronounced it to be ono of tho finest and most scion tideally-con structed forts he had co' visited : The fort is an irregular pentagon, with the base line or curtain face inland, and the other faces casemated and bearing on the approaohes. The curtain, 'which is simply crenelled, is covered by a redan, surrounded by a deep ditch,lnside the parapet Of which are granite Watforms ready for the reception of guns. The pan . ipet is thick, and the Scarp and counterscarp are faced with solid ma sonry. A draw-bridge affords access to the interior of the redan, whence the gate of the fart is approaohed across a deep and broad moat, which is crossed by another drawbridge.— The walls aro exceedingly solid and well built of hard gray brick, strong as iron, upwards of six feet in thickness, the casemates and bombp,roofs being lofty, airy, and capacious, though there is not quite depth enough between the walls at the salient and gun-carriages. The woilc *as originally intended to mount one hundred and twenty-eight guns all of largo calibre, and it is prob able that tho rebels had that many guns mounted at the time of its invest ment by the Federal troops. Every thing the rebels required to withstand a long siege was in the fort; the plat forms and gun-carriages were solid and well made; the embrasures of the case mates admirably constructed, and the ventilation of the bomb proofs care fully provided for. There were also three furnaces for heating shot. The fort was one of the best of its size in the world, and would have been im pregnable if it had been defended by soldiers fighting in a righteous cause. Fort Sumpter, at the time of its bom bardment by the rebels, was not as well prepared for a siege as Fort Pulaski at the time our forces opened the bom bardment, yet the heroic band in the former fort made a more gallant re sistance than those in the latter. Vessels drawing fifteen feet of water can now ascend to the city of Savan nah itself, and that place is now at our mercy. True, Foit Jackson, about three miles above the city, is in the way; but, as it is only a small earth work, mounting a fbw guns, it can easily be shelled out by our gunboats. Savannah—than which there is no more important point on the Southern coast, New Orleans excepted—is the capital of Chatham county, and is sit uated on the right bank of the Savan nah river, ninety miles from Charles ton, and one hundred and eighty-eight miles from Milledgeville, the capital of the State. The city contains about 30,- 000 inhabitants. From General M'Clellan's Army The Rebels Busily Erecting New Batter ies.—A Battery at Gloucester Shelled by Our Gunboats. BEFORE YORKTOWN, April 15.—Yes terday morning about 2 o'clock, a sec tion of artillery was posted within half a mile of the rebel works, near the river, supported by sufficient infantry to prevent their being captured. Fif teen shots were fired into the rebel earthworks before they were able to bring their guns to bear, when our men withdrew without damage. A fine view was yesterday obtained of the rebels, both at Yorktown and Gloucester, rom Fairchild House, at the mouth of Wormith's creek. Twen ty-f Our guns were seen in the water battery at Yorktown, and nine at Gloucester. At the latter place a large number of workmen were engaged in creating new works. At Yorktown, the old works used during the seige of 1780 were still visi ble, and readily distinfruished from visi ble, of recent etmst"rfiutraTir — TreW guns were mounted on their walls, and the rebel flag was flying from the bat tlements. The principal wharf was covered with commissary stores, while the river was dotted with sails. Every one appeared to be busy, as though the coming struggle depended upon his individual exertions. Late in the afternoon, a schooner, anchored a short distance above the wharf, was burned. The flotilla was yesterday afternoon engaged in shelling out a body of reb els who were engaged in constructing a short battery about four miles below Gloucester. The result of the firing was not known. On Saturday, Corporal Walter B. Bean, of Company* E, Berdan's Sharp shooters, was shot through the peck and back while on picket duty, Things were remarkably quiet last night. A slight shower occurred this morning, but the sun soon made its appearance. The Attack on Fort Pillow. Commodore Foote's Fleet SheWO the Fort.—Gen. Pope's Command on the Arkansas Side of the River. • WAsniNorox, April 16.—The Secre tary of the Navy has received the fol lowing : CAIRO, ILL., April 15.—The flotilla has been within three-quarters of a mile of Fort Pillow, and then return ing, took up position two miles farther u The rebel gunboats escaped below the fort. Ten mortar boats had opened Are. This is up to G o'clock last evening. Gen. Pope's command occupied the Arkansas side of the rivev. Federal Victory in New Mexico WASHINGTON, April 16.—Secretary Stanton received, early this morning, the following despatch, dated Kansas City, the 14th: The Port Union mail brings confir mation of the battle of Apache Pass. Our loss is one hundred and fifty killed, wounded and missing. The enemy acknowledge their loss to be from three hundred to four hundred, killed and wounded. Ninety-three rebels were taken prisoners, thirteen of whom were officers. Our forces captured and burned sixty-four wagons laden with provisions and ammunition, killing two hundred mules. The Texans attacked our, battery four times, the last time coming within forty feet of our gnus, but alley were repulsed with heavy loss. Col. Slaugh is encamped at Bernal Springs, forty miles from Fort Union. The Texans fell back to Col. Canby, with 1,000 regulars, and Kit Carson's regiment, is reported to be within three days' march of Colonel Slocum. Col. Slate is reported to be on the Jornada with reinforcements fbr the enemy. Bitowbumw passed a high eulogy pp the late rebel General 'LelHoffer. Brownlow, who knew hint intimately for 24 years, says " He was a man win? never wronged an indi• vidual out of a cent )n his life—never told a lie in his life—as brave a man personally as Andrew Jackson ever was—and the only mean thing I Oyer knew hint to do was to juin the Southern .Courederacy:" Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia,. The Bill Signed by the President.—AS'pe chit _Message on the ,Subject. WAsnmaroN, April 16.—The follow ing message was read by the Rouse of Representatives to-day from the Presi dent : FELLOW CITIZENS Of the Senate and House of Representatives : The act en titled "An Act for the release of cer tain persons held to service or labor in the district of Columbia," has this day been approved and signed. I have never doubted the constitu tional authority of Congress to abolish slavery, in this District, a❑d I have ever desired to see the National Capital freed from the institution in some sat isfactory way; hence there has never been in my mind any question upon the subject except the one of exreli eney arising in view of all the circum stances. If there be matters within and about this act which might have taken a course or shape more satisfac tory to my judgment, I do not attempt to specify them. lam gratified that the two principles of compensation and colonization are both recognized and practically applied in the act. In the matter of compensation it is pro vided that claims may be presented within ninety days *can the passage of the not, but not hereafter; and there is no provision for minors, feme-covert, insane or absent persons. I presume that this is an omission, by mere over sight, and I recommend that it be sup plied by an amendatory or supplemen tal act. ABRAHAM LINCOLN April 16, 1862. The Heroes of Ball's Bluff---Tlie Bodies of the Slain to be Properly Cared For. lianaisnurto, April 15.—1 t having been represented to Gov. Curtin that the bodies of the Pennsylvanians who fell at Ball's Bluff were not properly buried, and are now exposed, he has directed Surgeon General Smith to have them properly cared for, with'as little delay as possible, and buried - on the field, or at Washington, or brought into the State, at his discretion. It is due to the memory of these gallant men, and to their relatives and friends, that the Government should bestow upon them the rites of Christian burial, and this act reflects credit upon Gov. Curtin and the State, .Persons inter ested should apply toSurgoon General Smith for further information. HALLEOIt's Ofttitor OF M'CLELLANI. A Cairo correspondent says In conversation with a gentleman from St. Louis last night, I learned some things that I must confess were new,to me, and as I think the idea will be new to the public generally, and as in pre senting it I shall not transcend the rules laid &own fur the government of tl.e press, I wilt endeavor to jot it down. The gentleman re ferred to I know to be a warm personal friend to General Halleck, and shares much of that sterling officer's favor and confidence. Hence, a weight will be attached to whatever he says, such as does not accrue to the sayings of or dinary men. I would like to give his name, that the public might the more readily com prehend the reason why I assign so much pa per to the chronicling of his ideas. The con versation turned upon the operations of the army here and elsewhere. I asked : uptuton eral 2" " Sir," said my friend, "I have heard Gen. llalleck say, in substance, repeatedly, that he considez cd the military skill, science and penetration of M'Clellan as second to that of no 11)511 Viving; hat whatever had been done in the West and elsewhere was but the carrying out of APOlellan's great plan of the war ; that the general idea of each and every one of these movements was the fruit of his foresight and knowledge of war and, its ap pliances; and that ISl'Clellan had rough-hewn the whole work, and only left the finishing touches to the department and division com manders." AFFAIRS AT NEW ORLEAXS.—A refugee from Now Orleans has arrived at Cincinnati. New Orleans he represented to be in a very distressed and only partially-defended comli tion. Foreign residents of wealth were de spairing of the restoration of trade, and, so far as possible, had already left, or were pre paring to go, most of them leaving either for the West Indies or Europe. The banks were abundantly supplied with specie—about $lB,- 000,000—but there was scarcely any in circu lation, and Confederate money was only worth forty cents on the dollar. Citizens engaged as home militia were more engaged in police service than in the defence of the city 'from apprehended attack, and only a feeble resist ance could be made against a well-organized force. Every hope of their protection against the Union army, as well there as throughout the Southwest, was hung upon the success of the army concentratingat, Corinth, and conse quently all available war material, particu larly in the way of men, was sent thither. Tae COAL OILBUSINESS.--The total amount of oil produced is estimated at 300,000 bar rels per week, or 15,600,000 barrels annually. The capital invested in producing petroleum is estimated at $10,000,000, and the branch es of industry indirectly engaged, but large ly concerned, are machinists,lumbermen, bar rel makers, chemists, &e. ; also, in forward ing, some 5,000 teamsters, having been em ployed at one time. The Pennsylvania Cen tral and Philadelphia and Erie railroads transported, in 13 months, 18,000,000 barrels. During the first quarter of 1862, ending March 31, there was shipped from Philadel phia 15,700 barrels, worth $144,645, and from the United States 2,342,042 gallons.— In 1861, there was shipped from Philadel phia 51,030 barrels ; from New York, 1,334,- 573 gallons. TIME DIFFERENCES IN TLIE UNITE)) STATES. —Boston time is, of course, considerably faster than that of all the leading cities of the United States. The figures given below indicate how many minutes slower the time is in the cities named than it is in Boston. New York 12 minutes, Philadelphia 16, Bal timore 23, Washington 24, Richmond 26, Charleston 35, New Orleans 76, Buffalo 30, Cleveland 42, Detroit 43, Cincinnati 53, In dianapolis 57, Louisville 57, Chicago 65, Cai ro 70, St. Louii 76, St Paul 88, San Francis co 207 minutes.' This difference of time is quite important ip thew days, when the tele graph is so generally used. BAD LUCK.—Tho Baton Rouge (La.) Advo cate declares: "We have had bad luck with Kentucky and her people. Crittenden, one of her eons, lost a battle he ought to have gained; Tilghman, another Kentuckian, gave up Fort Henry ; Johnston, another Icentucki 7 an, failed to save Fort Donolson, which he might have done ; and Buckner, also a Ken tuckian, surrendered twelve thousand men:" CROPS AT THE Wrsr.--,The papers of south ern Indiana and Central Tennessee report that the wheat, grain and fruit crops give promise of a more abundant and healthy yield than fur many years past. The late rains, it appears, have been wide spread, vis iting all the surrounding country, refreshing the earth. AT the siege of Yorktown the bands of the rebel regiment fancily play the air of " Dix ie,!! and tlfe lin,ekl'ere so close together that the music is distinctly heard in cv camp, while we send back the glorious strains of the "Star.spangled li:anner.!" DIED, At Cypress Cottage, West Hunting don, on the morning of the 16th inst., DoaA. VirtnimA, youngest daughter of John W. and Angelina D. Potter, aged 11 months and 11 days. "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heav- IMIN PH/LADELPMA niAaiimgos Fancy and Evtra Family Flour. Common and superfine Rye Flour Cot,, Meal , IlLtt a White Wheat Fair and Pl into Red Rye Corn, prime Yellow Oats Cloverseed,li 64 nos Timothy HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY. Extra Family Flour "El bU Extra d u cwt White Whear Red Wheat Rye Corn Oats Clormseed Flaxseed Dried Apples ' , Utter Eggs Lard llani Shoulder Sides Tallow MAT ILIMONIAL.— Two young gentlemen making 301114 prelonlions to good Tooke, of strict moral habits. In nge not exceeding 23, and possessing a sufficient competency to lire luxuri ously, are dosirous of opening a con espondenco Nrith two young Indies of respettability, with view of marriage. Applicants to he refined, intelligent, and not without some beanty,—age not exceeding nineteen. Address, MORTIMER d: IPA ',LACE, Coalmont, Ilmitlngdon co„ Pa. April 15, 1862.-21 lIILN WOOD A CADEiIIY. A SCTIOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN This Institution is plea.antly located in the village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, on the mail 'unto from Mt. Union to Chambersburg, distant 17 miles Dom 31t. Union on the Pennsylvania Indhood, with which it is connected by a daily lino of stages. It is situated in it section of country proverbial for its healthfulness and for its beautiful and varied mountain scenery, having all tim advantages of retirement and quiet so desirable in an in stitution of the kind, with few or no allurements to en gage the mind of the otodent. The Institution had, here tofore, well sustained its character as being one of [ho Most thorough and practical in tho laud. To those de siring it, thorough instruction will be given in Double Singlo Entry Book-kecping, Mercantile Calculations, Pen matiship, &c. Students can pursue this branch of study, either In connection with other studies, or devote then; V.llOlO time to it alone. No Form books aro used, bit mannscripts alone are tondo use of, thus familiarizing the student with every day to ansactions and preparing hint, at once, to enter the twitting-loom. Diplomas will be awarded to those outlet temerity completing a full course. BLILDINGS The In , Etntion embraced Three buildings. That wild pied by they onus ladied, is entirely separated from the one the )oung gnutleuwn Occupy. EOM For Dom d, Tuition and Room Rent $55,00 The usual estta charges are made for 31usie, Painting Drawing, Dook-keeping, Ste. Session opens thefirst Wed nesday in May,—for further particulars, address W. M. WILLIAMSON, Primelral, Stale Clap, Huntingdon cu., l'a. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! - AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VAltiEn - OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Sze, NOW, OPEN AN - D FOR SALE B y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. April 15, 1562. EDMUND SNARE, PHYSICIAN d SURGEON: Office rtnat ly oppogite Read's Oil% Store, Ifuntingdon, Prt. April 8, 1862-It. itS CHOOL TEACHERS WANTED.- L . Seven teachers are wanted to take charge of the plic schools of the borough of Huntingdon, for a term of nine months. to commence about thu Ist clay of May. Applil ants srtll ho avantined by the County Superinten dent. in the presence of the hoard of Directors, at tho School Muse ' on l?aturday, the 19th inst., commencing at ten o'clock, A. M. Ity order of the bnard or Direetom J. SI3IPSON A PIMA. tinvlop, April 9,1802. StrqtriitY TEE ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street. between Third and Fourth, Philivielphia. The undersigned. having lensed, for a term of years, this po p ular house, hayo tho pleasvo of royoulleing ha their ft tends and the traveling community, that is is now open for tho reception of guests. The Immo since the first of March last, has boon entirety renovated and refit ted in a superior manner; the apartments are largo, well ventilated and furnished in model n style. it is centrally located, convenient to all the depot and steamboat land ings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom Monte, Post Omen and the Corn ExOtange. Connected with the Hotel is a Restaurant for the ne z commalstion of those preferring tho European t inn.— Prices of Booms from litres to Seven Dollars per week, according to location. Board $1 50 per day. Table d'lloto for merchants and rambles'', men ftran 1 tog P. M. April 8,1862-1 y A NEW STOCK oP 6 1 .. BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RECauvED BY GEORGE SCHAFFER, MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON, P 3; LADIES AID GENTLE:IIEIV Aro retplostett to call and examine 'his stock. All kinds of Boots not Shoes manußtcturctl to order. April 8,1862—it. GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES! FISHER & SON Mace just Opened and offer to the 4 SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL SELECTED NEW GOODS, AT REDp cp FR.ICES ; THE PUBLIC Will please call anti examine our Goods. FISHER & SON. April 8, 180. T E. GRI*NE, DENTIST. ti • Miro on Rallroail street, opposite tho Jack son Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. March 25, 1562. FOR RENT.-- 7 A comfortable Dwelling House on Railrorii street, pearly op posits tho Exchstigo le for Rent. 'bias wanting the dime 011 apply at thii office, or to*WIT. STEWART, living on the promises. ti Fmo. g don, march 25, 18&i. lOTOTIOR- Letters testamentary upon tho last mill and testa ment of John E. Anderson, late'. of the borough of Hun fihgdonolee'd., NM, boon gratited to me. 'All persons int debted 'to him are requested to make payment, and those having clamis will present them properly authenticated. JOHN SCOTT, Executor. Ihkutingdon, Mar ,h 11, 1862-6 t April 16, 1612. .....$6,00(10.30 -.46,12%4(116.25 $.1,25 $1,2601,21 •'5,12 1 / 2 (4)3,•!4 -1,05 lIIINItY NEIL. ISAAC L, UUCP,