' 1 1 4,4` , 71 irg Lv.. pENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME UN LEAVING OF MAINS =! 4: E STATIONS P M. 12 51 1 1111 I 5 1 34 1 .1 4.00 2 07 Sea too 11Imilton 6 25 Mt. ..... Mill Crrek 6 51 IluntinOini, 7 65 Prter,lnirg, 'oSptlwo Creek. Lltt mingh.tm,. -14,'" 'I; ton. . t la, . Itrll's Altoona, S 0. S 20 TTINGDON&I I.ltOA 11,-I'll ANO P. 07 SC titer c. 21, 1801 dep.trt as folios, s: U. RAI Rad . BERM Leave Ittintinglua at 7.10 A. M. R 410 I'. M •• Saxton `. 9.30 A. 31. & 6.10 1•. 31 Arrive at Hoven.: 10.15 A. 31. DOWN TRAINS, Leave Mopeuell at 10.25 A. M Saxton " 11.10 A.. 31. & n3O P. M. Arrivo nt Huntingdon 1.10 P. M. Az 5.40 P. M. J. J. LAWHENCH, Dec. 3, IS6I NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. • 1 i 11 - SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME DETIVEEN TUC TWO CITIES OF NEW YOK, AND HABBISBUIDI! VIA HE MIND, AL! I:MOWN AND EAI,TON. Mogstta ExpnEsa, We.t. loam N'tqo York nt C, A. M. arrising nt Ilarrtslaug at 12.13 noon, only 0% home be Sworn tho too chit,. M PAL LINE leaves NC, Ynik at 125.0 1100 H, and anhcs at tlai rtsbarg at 5.30 P. M. Monsna 311.1 L LINE. En.t. leaves nal ri,burg at 5.00 A N., arriN ing at Ness Yolk at 4.:10 P. N. AFTERNOON EXPRESS Liar. leaves IlarriAutg at 3.15 P. N.. arriving nt New Tat k at 9.00 P. H. Connection. are made at Hart [shut g at 1.00 P. 31.. a ith the Pa.saenger Trains in each direction ou the Penneyka uid. Cumberland Valley and Not them Central Itailioad. All tt anis conweet at . Rending wills trainr for Pottm nße and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mundt Chunk, }:az ton, &e. No change of Pas.onger Cur or ltiggage between Non York nod Ilan Won G. by the 3.00 A. M. Line horn Nen York or the the 1.15 P. M. from Hart !gnu g. For beauty of scenery, add erred, cornbirt nod accom modation. this rook , int,entd noperior iudnceutculs to the traveling public. Fare between New York nun Hart i•borg fire dollars.— For tickets and other infor ro.rt ion ritod,i to 3. J. CLYDE, Crucial Azi Ist, Harr kburg. July I.A. 1%1. pIIILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OX AND AFTER ILI Y 2Sfh, ISGO Teo passenger trains leave Dan hdairg Daily. (Sunday, excepted,) nt 8.00 A. M., and 1.13 P. M., Is Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.125 P. NI., and 4.13 P. NI. Returning, leave iii! nt SOS A. 31., and 330 P. 31., cirri, ing nt Ilarrisbut g at 10 15 nooll and 5.3:0 V. 11 Fares: To ridladelplua, No. teat s ; $123;.\0.2(1a MIDI train, $2.70) Fares: To Reading, $1 00 and $1 20 At Reading, connect As nth trams for Pottsville, 3lincr, ille, Tlllll.lll, Catautis , a. Pour trains leave Heading for Philadelphia dully, at 6 A. 31., 10 45 A. 31..10.30 noon and 3.43 11. Loot e l'hiladelollin for Reading at 8.00 .1. 31., 1.00 P. 31.. 3.30 R. 31.. n:141 5 00 I'. 31. Fares: Heading to Phi I.nh•lpldo. i 7.75 and The morning train from 1L ri irdm rg connects at Heading with up train for Wilkestiario, Pittston and I.Feianton. Fur through] tickets and outer iufornurt ion :Tilly to J. J. CLYDE, Genial July 18, 1561 WALL PAPER! The New Spring Styles For 1862, Already Received At Lewis' Book Store. We deal direct with the manufactu rer, and will have on baud at all times, the latest styles, null sell at fair prim'', vixii]crrrax NOTICE.— [l: A de nederir Sea, Ilk I% 17,.. , 1•1 ,etterb tot-fomenters upott the 111 q trill and ft...L.11,a if Frederick' Schneider. late of lb inlerouu tun 11 , 111 p. deed, have be, 11 grallild Is, the undersigned. MI pet cent indehted are requested to tiLthe immediate p p meet, and thetle Latti3E . , clAhes wilt present them properly nuthenti cated to me. ELIZIRETII SCHNEIDER. Exectitiix April 1, 1862 SOON SCOTT. 51.3113C1. T. 111:01V: , .. SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill erect, in the building forme: ly occupied as the' Join nal " Printing Office. Huntingdon, Jan. 11,1562. J. R. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIENTINGUJN, PA. Office on llill Street. Huntingdon, an.l4, CO3IE H TO THE NEW STORE FOR BSI:GAINS. NEW GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY C. LONG. Informs the citizen, of Huntingdon and vi cinity, that he has opened 11 any Grocery and Colifeetion ery Store in the basement, under Gutman it Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would moot respectfully 11, questa share of public patronage. His stock contistt of nil kinds of the REST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c., dc. Fish can be hod at A% hole,de or retail. ICE CIINAII nill he furnished regularly to 'utlet; and indiridnnla at the room. Huntingdon, alit. 21,1160. "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada, UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Hotel is eenttal, convenient by Passenger Cars to all pat to of the City, and in every particular udap ted to the comfort and 0/11110 of the bmineds public. Termq, $1.513 per day. --- CM Sept. 10, 1561.-4. THE NEW STORE AND NETV GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Hese just received another stack of new goods, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSIVARE, EC., In the store room at the south-east corner of tha Diamond in the borough of Huntingdon. Their Stock has been carefully selected, and will be sold low for cash or country produce. Huntingdon, Ails II 15, ISGI. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK lEa SPLENDID ASSOIMI ENT Widow Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOR STORE TF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call 1 at 1).1' GIVIN'S uhcro you 1%111 find tbo , large as sortment in town. C ARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at you will find the Large s t and Best aa,ortwent of Lathe? Dre, anat. at KNOX FRUIT FARM .A N N UR smcms. J. KNOX, BOX 155, PITTSBURG IT, PA I= = For G'.7. vre n 111 fm nish 100 plank earl, of the ftnlovs ing hinds: Triomphe do Gana. Trollope's Victoria, Mu r's Nen Pine. Jenny Lind and Wilgoici Albany. For $lO no mill furnish 100 plants each Or the following choke Lind, Tiioniphe do (land, T 1 ollopn's Vichubi, Vicomfes,o llericart do Tinny, Fillmore, Dorset's Pno tide, New Pine. Jenny Lind, Cuitee6 St.eding, At 03, , 3 Supei for and Wilson's Albany. MEI For description of thin sopeib and ottri‘Alled Strao ber 13, fee our circular. We mill famish this vdrietv and the 11114011 . S Albany, the too leading binds, at the folio , - lug 11 11 0, I 50 Aeut, .lozen; 4?2 per 100; 5,000 fir $45; 10.000 for 5,75; 20.000 for 0100. For thr. $lOO lot, fire per cent. Is ill be charged for looxes and peeking. 10 10 10 ~® 11 is pry Omen; $1 per 100; 3,000 for 00. Larger galantines at same rate. For $lOO we hill fnrnl It 10.000 Triomphe de (lend lied 10,000 AVilson's Albany. Five per cent. will also be charged for this lot, for boxes and packing. 1D TOP It() II L.D tl,; I. Ti din IVe a ill wend to any pot Waco addrex , in the connti y poll-paid, and Cal efully put up to as to safely, one hundred good plants or any variety found in our cata logue at the pliers their annexed. For inst.inee, 100 Wit-, son's Albany for $l.: IGO Tiollopu'a Vktoiia ; lOU Triomphe de Genii V, de. Air No orders filled for plants by mail for lens than one dollar's a orth, of any one hind, and when less than 100 are mitered, it mast be at the dozen price. llrinekles Orange and Franconia, $1 per dozen. $5 par 100, 530 per 1000. nedniff, River's Large Printed Month ly, Kninitt's Meer Antwerp, lied Ant werp, Yellow Antwerp, Allen's Hardy, 75 cents per dozen, 53 per 100, 525 per 1000. Intro OVVIi American Black Cap, 10 cents per dozen, $3 per lOU, $25 per 1000. SELECT LISTS OF RASPBERRIES For $lO w e will furnish 100 Brinelaes's Orange, the finest gaveled liaspberry, oat well all one of the largest, most beautiful, and productive: 100 Franconia, a large red horsy, of good Slaves, attmetiso and enormously pro ductive; 100 Improved American Mach Cop, much lar ger, morejui9, hotter flas lased, with ftiwer seed, and eve. ry way superior to the common Mock Cap. The plant is entirely hardy and very productive. and the fs nit is much sought after in the snorkel. The above hinds in, hole the throe relent, red, orange and !duck, and furnish a pleasant sal (et) . to tutor. We regard them as the best for amotesus, and the most pr ofit- Ohio for mar Let mingle. New Rochelle. $1 per down, $5 per 100, $25 per 1.000, $lOO per 5.000; Porehebter. 11 reefs per dozen. $1 per 10u. $25 per 1.000; N0,111,111 . tl Thornless, 50 scuts per dozen. $3 per 100. 520 per 1.000. We hill send 100 eaell of the :those three kinds for ;10. Each package of Sims berry nod Illackberi 3' Wools 55111 ono tam fluted lonia tint ikon; for culls Nor prices of Cut rants. Gooseberries. Rhubarb. Asputagus, dc.. see our cheular, %%Lich AN i sent to all applictiltn enclosing shun(,, Wo lame opened at No. 20 Fifth St., n SEED STORE AND HORTICULTURAL DEPOT IVbere nil article belongtuk to such an establhlintent can be had, of the bet qu.tlay. [une. 25, 181.12.] AFARM FOR SALE. The subtalibuts will sell at inhale bale tin tom non ovenpi...l by Samuel Faulo•3. in Henderson ton nsinp.ubont fun r miles hoot thin tingtlon, The Watt tatutatut about '2.111 about the one half deal ed and in n good state of rutin a lion. Thu inipro‘ cutouts are a good frame do-story hou-e. lots barn and other outbuildings. There ate four good rpm togs or water on the place. Tho let ms 11111 be easy'. 3lnrch 15 , 1552-4 t C 7l i 'M I rn =I rl H N N Eli Ti ITTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1561-t C. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! QUI? FLAG STILL WAVES, At C'ffec Ran Station, and Socbm,9 5.1M0N C011:si has just received ft om the Ilastm n a large ab‘ortineut of Dry Gaels, Grocows, OW. seam Hardware, DonneD. Veatch'. Hats, thys,ll.D, Shoes, ' and all Whet articles kept in country stores. Nt hich be is nifet ingot his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee RIM Station and Neu but g, at unusually low prices. Thu ladies especially, are ins red to call and examine 1119 Pitney Goods. ing nirangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. he is Milo to !my his goods cheap• er than other et - amity merchants, and can consenneutl), wado sell them I In exchange for goods, ho takes nil kinds of countt praloce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, Ito hopes to reecho a continuation of the liberal patronage milli which he has been heretofore favored. • • . Mr. Cohn Is Agent of the Broad Top R. It. Co., nt Coffee 800 :Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Orain to the Eastern mu keta. Having a largo Ware Romu, far mers can store mint him until ready to ship. Every eon °Memo trill be attended them. August 26. IS6I NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, =I JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South Third Street, Pursuant to instructions from the Sect chivy of the nensery, the Subscription hook to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and thiee-tenths per cent. per annum, will remain open at my effice, NO. 114 S. TIMM STREET, until further notice, front 8 A. 81. till 5 P. IL, and on Mondays till 9 P. M. Three notes will be of the denionination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE TIIOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all doled 19th of August, 1861, pay able in gold, in three years, or converti ble into a bounty years' nix per cent. loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note tins interest coupons attached, m lila can ho cut oft and collected to goblet the 51in t every six months. and at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars. Pa.) meats of subscriptions may lie made in Gold or Checks, or Notes of any of the Philadelphia Banks. PAIITIM A 2, DISTANCE reit remit by their friends. through tho mail, or by express, or through Ranks, and the Treas ury Notes 5,111 bo immediately delis erect, or sent to each bubscriber as they may severally direct. Parties remitting must add the interest from 19th of Angust, the date of all the notes, to the day the remit tance reaches Philadelphia, at the rate of ono cent per day on each fifty dollars. Apply to or address JAY COOKE, Senscanorrox AGF.NT. Quo of Jay Cooke k Co., Bankers, N 0.11.4 loath Third Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 7,1861. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 'STEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G. ASIIMAN MILLER. Has just received a new stock of ItOCERIL'S, DR 17-GOODS C.‘ll and examine my nets stock. O. ASHMAN 311LLER October 31, 19G1 CI ALL at the new CLOTHING STORE I,_/ of OUTMAN & CO., if you uant n good article 01 Clothing. Store room in I,ong'N new building, in the Die mood, Iluntingdrt. Sept. 9, 1897. THE largest stock of De Lainesin town by FISHER. & SON. riALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want j Fashionable Goods. 9111 E best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GIVIIVP =I =I 'WILSON'S ALIIANY I= EMEOMM MACKBERRTES SAMUEL SANKEV. WILLIAM ..iNIiEY t4D, )1 HUNTINGDON, PA NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! BANKERS, PUILADELVIIIA LOOTS L SIOES, MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY M.' TIM WAR DEPARTMENT. The book to an 00.1%0 of :An) pagi , ., to elogautly pi intf err line paper. oath ta • rr Pahl (NI), and Ita. nu admirable calmusltte embx, for triad Cr Car OfliCel alit be grateful, the moment his eo e re.N tip. it, as tto for mer edition inn ever hall an Index, and the %rant of one has been long lull in the Amy. The Appendix embraces the Article. of War. contain ing ninny inipui taut curi cot king ,elect lung Ilium ell. 31ilitary Anti! 01 Conga Coe, including time pnaxd at the last to colon. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT lEWLY BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITION] By Major William Gilham, 11. S. A, Jug published and fur Nile at LEWIS' BOOK STORK— Cumplvte in one %Oulu, Prier $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the Instruction. CV , rdlie.lllld 11110100 U% 11,1 of the United Staten Infantry, including In fantry of the Lino, Light Inlantry, and Rifle- st; men, prepared antler the direction of the War Department, and authorised and adopted by the Secretary of War. Iluy Bit, ISO. contain. i'• ... log the school of the soldier: ill. , school of the JO contnany ; instruction for sk1;1111Miel 8, and the t ~.e 1, g ., al rolls; the calls for .kin mistier+, and the school of the battalion; intlialing the articles of war and a dictionary of military terms. Complete in ono VI - 4MM% Trite $1.15. For sale at Leah,' Book Store. MM THE HANDY BOOK FOR THE Ulkrl T ED STATES SOLDIER, On coming Otto Hen ice: containing a complete ay.tem of lust: [teflon itt the School of the Soldier, with a prelimina ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Parade, the P,illun of the ollteern. Iwing a tirot hook or littmlitetion to 0110101mA IL 5. In WI try Tactieti,Junt pith- Price For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STOM. A b 0, llarder's Hie and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 vols. PI leo $1.50. For Pule of LEWIS' 11(10K STORE. - The Hooks cent by tnnil to Any lakes, on the to °int of tiw toffee. Huntingdon May 29, 1861. C ' OAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! .r.Aies A. Brown sell', dlr.:fondue "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL dear Of mots. 1:111d is the cult kind of oil thut gi) en entire satisfaction as an agent for light. Bonnie of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit on &lewd% e smell AHIIBIIIOI.. A lot go ram wty also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Um .1, Shade., Ac, de., sold at tho re]) lol,ebt prince, at the don, Pa. hEA.DY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Really Reckoner, iu dollars nod cents, to winch are added ton nus of Notes. MU Re ceipt, Petitim,, Ac, together tuth n Oct of useful tAbles, containing rate of interest fi um one dollar to to el VO thous and, by the tingle day, uiti, n 111.1111: of m ages, and bum d by the week a n d day, publiAed in 1850. Per salt, at .I.k.:ll'lS' BOOK STORE. NOTICE TO ALL !! • The subset [bet. ulto has for more than ono on . . rat riod on b114111V69 in company Nt it 6 Mex. v. F. ibusay, ii. OIN, P. WHIMS, and Mr. Lkora Bum, Itst this ninny dim! red with the t ab°, e firnt / All claims most the old firm teal be paid by the subscriber, and all those in. &Ned to the fn in will pay bin, _ a CLOCKS, 7 WATCHES and JEWELRY . s‘ill .—--- always ha repaired. A good stock of CLOCKS, WATCIIES nail Jell Mil w ill lie kept on hand fur obtometa WOO 11183 favor hint sills a cull. Huntingdon, March 2, 1859. v:ol.wt*S. - 405-0.,N. 1.1 : ' • •"' 9 1 11 E "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the 11108 t complete of (1113' in the country. 1111.1 1108- 806.8 OW Inuit Mille facilities far ill °Mill ly en•cutlug in (Ito best style, mut y Nariety of Job rritittng, .nett as rT VIL LIU I C._ PROGRAM - Ms, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS. BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. IC UR AND UN *MINE nrECIMENB OF WORK, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY S. MUSIC STORE (1 ROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! A FRE.S7I - TT.I 1, AT cmusr. LONG'S. ALL lIIS STOCK IS FRESH AND PRIME. CALL AND SEE. M _Q L ,„ THE CYTIIARA—The it I Pro byt er lan Nalmodist—The - Shown—The Jubilee—Hun ten's and Bertini's enlarged and Improved instructors—Weiland's New mid Improved Melluttl for the 0 altar—Leland'a Ace°, deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winnera and Rom o's Ytolbt Instructors—Bellak'a Melodeon Inatruetor—Bur rowes' Piano.Fot to Pruner—do. Thorough• Base Primer— llowe'a Drawing Room Danee4—Tlio Churns Otto Book— Tat We Harp, for Bale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail, 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and fat sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome assortment jest received and for sate at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY S MUSIC STORE PISTOLS ! PISTOLS!! Coles, Sharps', Smith & Wes,on's, and all improved patterns of Bevel, el 0, Ptatots. Cut U idges ' Bowie Knives, de. Le., for sale at the Hat dual e Store of JAMES A. BROWN. May 21, ISGI. Huntingdon, Pa. IV-XARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully cull HID attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful nimble now on hand. Ile is prelim ed to furnish at the shortest notice, :Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and fins of Italian or Eastein Marble, highly finished, and calved with appio. priate devices, or plain, as may suit. DaildnTg Marble, Door and Window Sills, dc., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work. iniunhip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call awl see, before you pm chaso elsewhere. Shop on IDII street, Huntingdon, re. Wll. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16,1856. A BATTLE FOUGHT!!! AND A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON ADJUTANT GEN. LEWIS : After a severe engagement a Itch looted for nearly four days, I intro nt tact muted the enemy and captured a large number of Guns, Revolvers, Bowie Enives, and a great quantity of camp equipage., and other saleable articles Uhich 1 immediately whipped by railroad from the field of action, and now all [lOllll. HIGH PRICES DEFEATED. On opening and examlning the valuables captured, they Mere found to compriso such an endless variety of Hard ware and Cutlery of e‘ery kind, that I con supply the people of all ages and classes; even from a toy for no in fant, to a supporting cans for the feeble old TIM. )Soya or gills, Lords or Ladies, Soldiers or Citizens, Housekeep ers or Boarders, Partneri or Mechanics, lawyers or Doc tors, anybody and everybody may be furnished m ith useful memento of this eventful battle by caning at the Hardware Storo of Huntingdon, Oct.l, WRAPPING PARER ! A gotal arinclo for wale at LE V 1 BIJOK PROFESSIONAL. S. BUSINESS CARDS ri A. MILLI:11, N.T. Dealer in Droi et co.I CollfilliollariCS. de., S.C. JOIN . IeCIJI,I.OOI.I, offers his y 1,1.1.11 thu ilootingtlun Mid 0111, un ~t 1 eel, um, door east of Heed's Dt 07, I: , .t.ne. Aug. 25, '55. S. 5311.T11, I)ealer in I.)rizs one., Pciflnnery, Hp. StulT4, oil 4. Ako--1310- cerie4. Conlvetiolieri,, Ar . Huntingdon. PA. Wbl. I,Ell' 18, Dealer in Hooka, Statiamay and nt•altn, IluattaLalon, in. T N. U UNNLNUILA3I 1)110. tl • Fount 'Huntingdon. Pa. JA.M ES A. BIW WN, /laid..., Cutici. t iulx, pile, Ing.lon, Pa. ROM AN, „ I),Alet in Bead) Mode Clothing, Hato nod Cop., hoots tin Shoes, &C. MGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in - Ready • niado Clothing. ilidaingdon, 1 .-- 1 P. OWIN, Dealer in Dry 000.18, Groceries, llaithrtue, Queens. ware. Hats and Caps. Boots and Slues, Sc. Fis lllai & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Gmin, Ihmtingdon, P.t. TOSEPII BEIGGER, Watchnutkel and dealex in Watt:het. CluikK. mill Jew elry. dc. WM. WILLIAIS, Plain awl Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. _ TOIIN P. RAMEY, County Surveyor, Ilnutingdnn, P.t. Office on Hill Wheel, one floor of tho Illoitingsloo 3110 1,11 , rLII i. llEFEne.ser,—.l.. T. Wakon, Philadelphia; .T. P. Leo Oeulogiq, Philadelphia; Chat!. 3lickley, Rough and neatly Furnace, Hun. Jonathan 3111'1111am, • .6; COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING funs inn in thin tingdun at WHOLESALE as cheap KA they eau to the eit iec, HA 1 bale a u holoattle slot a in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 1.1, 18:.S. H. WHIN. QTONE-WAII.E at S. S. Smith's Gro k ,ory, 20 per cent. cheaper than any oilier plaue it, town. VIOI,INS, For sal, I lw.p nt I,IAVIS' BOoK, STATIONER Y & MUSIC STOR R AMASON MILLER, BEYTIST, Ifox I enott e,l to the 111 IA Ron oppoiito the Court 1101190 Aprtl 13, 1.b59. pOUR WV TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, LA /16'E STOCK OAr HAVD Al BOOK BINDING. Obi Book~, Mligazittem, or pobliratioloi of ally kW, booed to older, if left at LEWIS' BOOK K STATIONERY STORE. - DITSINESS N EN, TAKE NOTICE! Jul It you wont 3 uur card neatly plinted ulrou emel. °pm, call at 1.11. ll' IS' BOOK AND .STA TIOPEIIT STONE. FOR TILE A enian lor al tide of Note Paper and Envelopes, tanlablo for (my/dentin/ eta resprualeace. ter sale at LE WM BOOK K STA:MARRY STORE. I= AAPER ! PAPER!! Note. Commercial, Foolscap and FltaCOP—a good nose, talent lot sale by the ream, half i 5,,,, Quire ei :41,4, at LEWIS' NEW BOON STATIONERY STONE, ACAI{ l).- DR. I) S. HAYS ofrer, hiv profe...donal so, to tho Inhabitants of Moores, the tont icinllp. Onive, at tho Weer bank or Neff opposite M) knit, store. Apia IS, IS6O-1L ENVELOPES_ lty the Pox, pack. or le., quAptity. for nate nt LEWIS' BOOK JXD STATIONER Y STOR E ARCDMENT DEED PAPER ' ruled, En sale at ONT MN " TIME BOOKS, For t LEWIS' BOOK An) sr.irroVEl i stOPE. 14 . 00 P SKIRTS with from 4 to :30 Lk boon nt pricey from 23 cis. to $2,00 nt the cheap . tot e of 1). P. 43111 N. I - ARIES Cellars, very cheap and beau tuft, at D. I'. GR'IN'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only Lt_ 2 ets. per yard. FISHER. St BON. HARRISBURG STOVE-WARE!!! Crocks, necerve JOrs &v., &c., of ontooior cittllty. only ,y JAMES A. 11 ItOW f. P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best asqnrtment and cheopebt s h oes in town. Call and examine them.: -HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will bo bold for $1 25 at Um cheap store of F1S111:11 St SON. • TFyou want handsome Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, and all his I of Goods, go to D. P. OW It 'S. CULL at D.'P. GWIN'S if you want N.,/ GOOD GOODS. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the 1., gest assortment and cheapest to Lo found at (ZUN BARRELS AND LOCKS, -A k_A largo assortment at 131:0117TS HARDWARE STORE. I ~SIIO.ES, cheaper at D. P. Groin'skjrthan can ho had in town. Call and eon them. TIMM Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, only 50 etc. each. FISHER & SON. CIOAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, j for 75 cents and upuands, at the Hardware Store of J. A. CROWN. --- MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS— Just received at the hardware stuns of J.S. A. BROWN. T 1 I'. GWIN'S is the place to huj• _Li. good and cheap Carpets. JIQUORS, of the best s for Medieina 1,111110,0 S at S. S. SNITII*S. FRANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND. HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The chth,ens of the county: anti strangers and travelers generally, m ill find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a hitch. [April 4, .1860.1 CONFECTIONERIES of the very best, at liIII!LEIt'S. THE best display and largest variety of all hinds of Goods, can aim ay s be found at the chrar store of FISHER. & SON. _LiOOTS and SIIOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. awnvs. SCHOOL BOOKS, Generally in me in the &boots of the County, not ou band, will bo fin nished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE SALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! Just received from the Onondago Salt Company, Syracuse, N. T., to be sold on commission, either whcle sale or retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, IFOO. MILER Sr. SON. JACKSON HOTEL, MINTINGDON, PA TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPER Ite and adored Card Paper, Fur Nato at MMUS' BOOK STATIONERY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, or V tmous saes, for walo at LEWIS' BOOK AND NTATIONERr STO,:F = A beautiful lot of Shaber Bonnets for s clirap, at D. P. DWIN'S. fIOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, ) ..ale IAMEs Drtcm.,;, C RITA RS, BYMNIONIANS7, AcconmioNs AND FIFES, AT REDUCED ITICEs, LI:AVIS' BOOK STORE = = O RAVERS MILLER, rlt!prithw ANCIENT JERUSALEM, A LARGE AND DFAUTIFUL ISOMETRICAL PICTURE JERUSALEM And the Sacred Places Surrounding the HOLY CITY, AS TREY APPEARED IN ANCLENT TIMES :dune u elk is commended to the favorable notice of elcrpyitten, and those having charge of Sundaj-nehoolr, Ilible.elagNes, and public illBtltiltloll.9. It b, about 9 tent long and II feet it ide. colored and var nished, and mounted on canvas milli olio's. It hay been canon tomcat (lout the most iable and au thentie sourer, and until bu fOll/111 an invaluable aid to those engaged in lecturing on the Holy Laud, or in im parting, instruction to behind theses WI the subject to ul3ieli it rehire. It nines to giro an exact idea of the city as it appearal in ancient tine, It I+ taken as a '• bird's eyo" or " bal loon" slew, the beholder behm, in Imagination, played at a coonoderable olcoation, no no to take a comprebennise stets of the city Mid Ella \thole country for sonic di:Ammo around. 'l•het low to accounatolial with an Outline Key, in a bielt the different localities one numbered, and a Der,atiptivo Manual containing all the information net•csaary to ell. blo one to tile the liete to advautago in teaching or loc. toting. THE SUNDAY - SCHOOL TIMES, This is a Weekly Religious raper, polilished ot the very low price of ON DOLLAR A YEA R. It is de signed for lit, eat., Teachers, soil all semi are engaged or 'molested its the religious training of the young. It is also nit excellent Family Paper. A portion orals Sandeghtechcct Times is occluded with Narratives and othor nuttier particularly iiitcretting to young persons. Teachers N 1 ill find its it mods that they will like to mad to their clumeb—intorestiog matter pre pared to their hands, and such as they cannot find else v. here. For the same reticent, members of Bible-classes, aud the older seholers geomally, Mil be greatly benefit ed by the perusal of tins paper. The Suncit,y-khool Times las every week a report of tho choicest Matter, selected trout the Noon Prayer Meet ings, aldch arose inteiesting to all classes of Christians. Besides a largo amount of general religious intelligence, the Sunday-School Times contains till Outmost recent Sun day-school nom It (ports all the Important Conven tions of booday-edwol bowline. It diacmses the ques tions which most 'laciest and perplex teachers and pa rents, respecting the tarious methods of Religions Train• mg for the young, the Means of gaining the attention sod affeettons ordinate:l nod eve laity of seeming their converbion and bringing them to Chritt. The fillidelllif Mission-Schools for cities, and of Sunday-school nmsion any auk for the intesiOr, is tholonghiy 1:11.1 , 111S,11. N -14,41, 1110114 it hardly a topic of mortice' home lamo to any it Ms tie 'lnterested in the soltlect of religions educa tion, teitial is 1101 line bleu:pt under tontidmation train WOVIS to .I,le. 'rho, ontiod.ro of level eirlemoi to temeniber,that tho greldend et all On titian ell,, l tot,, bring Men to They nini neetethnely, to put into eorry noinber el the paper eeneolong a tuck shall hare for it, dirt Lt object the rum - croon of EMUS. SPECIAL DETER The proprietorn of the ,cftmla Times hale or- I nirea fine excloslie • ight Of ealo of the aplential Muth 1.11110110i.:Ilb0% 0 tine 31AP OF ANCIENT .1111t11SAL1131, nfler it ten II sprint 111Villi1101 IO 00110 hula') haten.lente, ten or of hers, aho nth 11,1 , 4 hi getting tier nub -1.11 OW. to the paper. IVO offer tins snipe!b premium to any 0. 1010 will ,I• 1111 ins the 110110,1 of 12 use bilb,CribUrti RIO i N •I2 iu rash. MEM evety caw, I n e beginning . to C/111V.L4i. bil n It to a rite to tte unit olttuitt the twte,sekry .WM111'11(11 and oydroetions. 'These it tll belt, pat greatly iu prom Wing the ttot k, and UM nal e 3011 lastly mistaken. nodose .5 cents to pay post.tge. Athlt es+ I'IIOI`IIII,TORY CC THE FUND Se 1-I8 heir Ir 4tieet,lelphin. N. 11.—Fteichnenti of tire .sw/uhfy.s'ehoo/ Timm, mid it copy of the 31.11. et J., lI rirny vial be oven at the Lioehetoie of W3l. .{ptillo, 1861.—tf. " . 1 4 , 4 , 4 e, Urn', s 3 Y C — A qtv -101, tw«? ,t '" ,„11,111 • • • I } C.4o v, IYl'•` l •>%. , • 1147/ 1 - ' v , • <'-- 1 . /,,tO, y.`' `,..1„ 1 1 1 ' , T., ' •T• ‘' 4 ~ 4k .' ~1 ! , 1 4: ' \ ... J 111:. I V;f\ A I 6 G QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS I" Anylp,ily in want of FAMILY AND POCKtZ ItHAES, MAIN AND PR A Y 'BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, A \ °Turn vV U kULE AND INTF.IIF.3TINN 1100 K, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOORS, SIIEET MUSIC fur the Piano, Clafar, Sc., POCKIA*IIOO6B, PORTMONNAMS AND ['CRAM, For Ladies and Gentlemont COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schoule, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OP BOOKS Proper for Boys and Gir la AMUSING GAMES For Young Folks WEDDING 'ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, lISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &C., CONVERSATION CARDS, SOSO BOONS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Mimorandum hoofs of riiu•ions SIZCS, SCHOOL HOOKS OF ALL HINDS, I= Drawing and rirper, 12nstal n,ld Clod Tharthr, NUMB BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND BLACK INES, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualities, I= 11115= L E WIES' CHEAP BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to mcke their purchases OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADE GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SFIAPES, BAILEPS FIYTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT ST LEWIS' BOOK STORE GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES liY ROBERT JENNINGS. V. S., Prtg - rsvor ty' Pathology and Operatic; Stag, ry in the relcuitary College , "ILL TELL YUU Of thn O, igin, History and ilbtioctivo tt ark 01 the lacier. breedd European, Attiatic, Afrwton and AllteriCall HOTSCH, with the ph) elh,ll formhlkm and 111., Clllllll ii.eB of tho animal, and how to •rm fain Irk ago by tbo moriber and condition of Iris teeth; 'Hiatt hied with MUM rout explanatiny togracingtr. Tllll 1101t81; AND 1118 DISUASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding., Breaking, Stabling, 111 00111111g..Shoeing, nod the gener ni management of the Mira°, with the moth., eif oleo. how to treat lilting, 10, king. 3h3 log. Stumbling, Crhnlhit• nig. IM•ntleanuevn, and ether vices to as hide he is elittieeii will unmet ens ex- F ei y enggivings, TIIE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the eans..,m3 tontont ,, ,inid Tteattnent of Stiangles. Sore Throat, Distemper, Calairli, Influenza, Bronehitia, I'ien -I.l,nrasY. Broken Wind, Chron ic Congh, Hearing and )11tistling.Lam. pa% Sore Month and Ulret a, and Fo rayed Teeth. with other dkeases of the Month and Realm atory Otgand. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, eyinpteine,and Treatment or Worms, Iluts, Cholle, Strangulation, Stony Conerctions„ Ruptures, Palsy, llim rhea, Jaundice, itepatit Urine, Stencil in the Kidney's and Blad der, Inflaination and other diseases of the Stomach, lion els, Liter and Url oarT Organs. YIII lIOItSP. AND lIIS DISEASI:S - - - - - WILL TELL YOU Of tho rouses, symptoms, and Treat ment of Boar Blood and Bog, Spas in, Ring Bone, Sit ea nie, Strains, Moken Knees, Wind Balls, Founder, Clacked Hoofs, Sole Bruise and Brain], Canker, Scratches, Thrash nd Corns; also, of Megrim, Yenligo , Epilepsy, Staggers, nod other dlicases of Um Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES - - WILL TELL YOU Of the cannon. nyinittnino, nod Ti eat nient of Fixhtla, roll Evil, (Rootlet - a, ey, Seal let IFe‘er, Mango, Sot ft-it. Inn Led Pt-tease, of the Eye and heat t. &c, &C., and heir to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Treplonlog. Itooeling. Siting, llornia, Amputation, Tapping, Ind ollt el sutgical (wet:glom. TUE 11011 SE AND 1118 DISEASES 111.1. TELL YOU Of Itarey'n Method of finning how to Apo oath, Halter, or SiaWe a Colt; tow to accustom a torso to id tango botouls nod eiglrtn, sad how to lilt, Saddle, Hid°, and :freak him to Harness; also the faun and taw of 11,111111\TV. the 0 Wl° being the M oult of 10 yearn' careful study of the habits, 11, culla] Hies, 0 ante and Ni oak noses of this noble and mend animal. tot hale at Louis' Molt Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERY BODY'S LAWYER, ERY BODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fur sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMI LY DOCTOR, THE PAM - MY nouToß, A VALUABLE BOOK, For Clic at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGS'I'IIETII ON TIIE HONEY BEE, MINGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TILE HONEY BEE, lIUNTINGDON - FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN !—Tho subscribers bike this method of infoi sting their friends aunt the public generally, that 1,, r • they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fonitt• dry, and 1410 110 W anecessful operation. l , and are !imitated to furnish Castings of ~, „ every deneription, of best quality and ti - won kintiniship. on short notice, and ott easonable tel 018. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Plonmins. We ale nontintactiaring the Hunter Plough. This plough took (Ito first premium at the Hun tingdon Agrieultnial Fair last fall. Also, Irunter'a (Actuated Cutter Ploughs, a Ilia Can't be heat—togetho, with the Keykone, Ilithide and llar-ndleur ploughs, Wo have on band and me tm ~,,, ['Rehiring Stmes--such at Cook, Pastor, and Cake stoves for wool or eiml. Hollow nitre, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skitietn, he., all of ultich ue stilt SOH cheap for rash or in V.:WU g. for (coun try produce. OM nietal taken for easibige: By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, it e hope to re eche a liberal Aare of public patronage. , .3. M. CUNNINGHAM A. BIM Huntingdon, April 30,1 W. "N D WILLIAM AFRIGA. COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fo- sale at LEWIS' Book Store. W lIAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY':: LAWYER BY FRANK CROSBY, I= R Ttlle Thu How to draw up PARTNERSHIP PAPERA and giVes general forms for Anne, weed of all kinds, theta of SILO, LE kSES :Ilia PETITIONS. R Tells YOu How to draw up Ito Nag and Mom taus, AF FIDAvITs, POD too of ATTORNEY, I , :oTES and Them of EXOGANGE,REcEIpTS and RELEASES. It Tile, You The inns for the COLLECTION Of DEBTS, ultla tho STATETIS of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT from Execu- TIoN in every State. It Tells nu Haw to make an ASSIONMENT properly, with fort. for COmposlTloN with GUEDlToasonnl the INSOLVENT LAws of every State. R Tells You The legal telatioos misting between GUAR DIAN mid WARD, MASTER and ApPRENTICE, and lANDLORD and TEN VAT. It rah You What constitutes LIEU. and SLANDER, and the Law as to MAnnt tor DOWER, the WIFE'S BRUIT IN PrtorEETT, 0100110 E and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Lau fin 31EcitAmcs' fa ENS in every State, and this INATURALIAkTION Lklrs of this coun try, and 1,00 to comply with Ow saolo. R Tells You no lair ConCel nine; I'LN:um and how to ob tain one, anal the PRE-EMPTION LASTS to PUBLIC LANDS. It Tells You The Law for PATENT% with mode of proce dure in obtaining one, w lilt INTERFERE:ice; ASSIGNMENTS amid TABLE OP FEES. It Tells Thu Now to make your WILL. and how to ADMIN. /STEP. ON AN ESTATE, w itli the law and the tequirements thereof in en cry State. It Taft Tint The meaning of LAW TERMS in general use, and explains to you the LEGISLATIVE, ERE BETTYE and Jtntlfirtt. Powers of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells Tou How TO KEEP our OP Low, by showing bow to do your business legally, thus eat lag a last amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by Its timely Consultation. Any- Etery body's Laws er is for sale at Lewis' Book Store SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' LOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STtNIE, lIUNTINODON, PA OSGOOD'S Spoiler. lst, 11, 3d, 4th and sth Readers. IWOUFFEY'S Spoiler and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, and Brown's Grammars, Pitch's Physical Geography. Watren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and 51c:fatly's Geographies A Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps Webster's and Woicester's Dictionaries. Quockenbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackentio's Composition and Rhetoric, Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Aritlimatics. Peterson'aftFamillar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddiird's Keys to Arlthmetics, G reettleare and Davies' Algebras. Oreettlears Koy to Algebto. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's a Goodrich's a Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in clove' numbers. Potter & Hammond's Penmanship In twelve numbers. Academical, Conti s' and other Copy Books. Dar ies' Elementary Geometry nod Tligonomotry. Davies' Legendra's Geometry. • Greenleaf .6 Ueornotry. Fulton I, Eastman's Bookkeeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanatord & Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Da. p APER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER ! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Dian tug Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' (lilt Edged Letter and Nato Popes, Wiest Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Calmed Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LICWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. lielii, I il. VIII AM : / tik , friAr , g :./ I tgy), / POOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miecolhumons and School ooks—ltoolecap, Letter, Commercial and Noto Paper— Plain Mid Fancy Eurologea-41cd, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books oL numerous silos—Penn, Pencils, Pocket and Desk lukstonds, and every other article usually found in Il Book and Stationery Storo, can ho had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOKE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! Tito ipplordigned raspertfully inform tho public hat they hay° purchased the ALEXANDRIA lIREWERY and will cantinas the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to. WM. IV3I. N. K twat . Aloxanltin. Pap 22. ISilO NEW BOOKS I. . Foit SALE AT LE , A CA' LOOK STOItI , I TILE iroUzN: ANEW PUCELT MAN . CII. 6f Rural A rcltitvc t urel or, now to Build 13.Lrw, Stabf,g, and Out Du ellingd of all kinds, Walt a.ollapter OU Clue ales nml Price, 50 Lulu, VIII CLAM/EN: A Nrav POCKLTMANtiu, of Prochral ticnitua e; or, How to eoltiv,tte Vegchthlus , Pt lilts, And Flowers. Willi 3 Cluiptlr ow 9ruaweulnt t hees itutt Phrulm. Price, 5U relit% THE FARM: A New POCFET at V.VA of practical Apt clam e; or, Mow to CultisitWollite Field Crops. _ ,11 - ttla • an Eeeuy un Faun Managetneat, etc. fries, 60 rank. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NIN POCKET MANUAL of Cattle: Mom., and :heap Itstidiandt . t: ci, to Breed and Bear the Vinton:. Teutude of tha 1141113.m1, etc, etc Price, 50 eentd. now TO TALK: A New P01.710.T Nl.l7it , V. Or CtnlVer.9lltloll null Debate. uttli Dit eetion, IIl,• Arlintrln; n tAratittnnti cal Style, and more than ri‘l3 numbed CO.l/111011 tallOS eurreetea. Prite. 50 Lents. OW TO lIIMAVE: A Nt.w Poootr .111.:CUIL of Itopelat coo Etiquette, and Guido to Correct Peptonal 11.0414: milli Robed for !Muting Souctice Anti U•Aibir4litn Aft actabließ, etc. , Puce, 51) cooN. OW TO DO BUSINESS: A Ni.u P. , rrar NtooLa of nactical AlTiara and Goidu to 13110,41 in Life: ru nh a Collo/Ai.. of Iltaniness Ft. 1114, and u Diciwo.np• ot Cum tut/ ci it Ternm, etc. Prke, GU cent", " • 4VT. j0 , 1111.1,1t ItOtilllll2 E0111:1 110111:1;ft S PRACTICAL CA LCIILAToP PR ACTICA I. CA - LiiIILAToIi, PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. pRACTIcAL 'CA LCULAtoR. PRACTICAL CA LCULATUR. IROIIIIER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, A /And of Plan Rules and flaciiklibn, f o r Bit,hi cs3 ope. ,retinae, by Abirtin if. Rawer, Prercluvl Sa, wyor and Conveyancer. New Entitionanddisha by J. E. Lippin cott rt LL. , Philachlphia. This work contains 204 pages. and opn arils of 200 hales nod Examples, (lithely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every din) iu the common pursuits of Minims, It has already passed thiough a number of editions in rapid soccession, and is pronounced by nil cleaned of hiltilltiM Moll to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example 111 tfte book is mocked out in full anti stated in a plain manner, so that when a panelist case ari- ses, those referring to the soak uIII Gad no difficulty lu stoking it; inn a word, tine general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple. tint any one wino kniors bow to add, subtract, multiply and dilide, can easily solve any or. (Hoary example tint business, or MTh.° et the to Ile result Many estimate Immlred. The chief aim of the author Lao Lem to c , eLew th eory and philompity inn (ignites, aiming, only at facts and simpli city, behoving that hostiless men ens Intik about spen ding time iu discussing the phi1m..1,113 of rules, or tho science of limn es, damning It sullicleot for Iloilo purpose to be able at 'n moment. by reference, to an ire at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect front all other At nineties of the day and kindred works—it to key t o Inaction' liminess calculations-4f is, itt the heath of dm business man, v.bat tho key to mathematical n °she in the bands of the teacher In the school room--it fates time and illStltetl correctness. THE WORK TREATS 01° THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Weak, of Stone and Stole. 11 orb, of grain and gnat:, 1,1118, of coal and coal blue, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir calm, fiquare or irregular vessels, of eistenll.l and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, pain ter's. glazier's, navel's, plumb. or's, pap, Inangel's and npliointeiers' work. It treats of emreney nod of foreign and domestic evehange, of, thn decimal System, oEl,Am:thin and its extended application, to business. of simple and compound intereht, and their enthe application to business tuns:notions, with Ono laws and usages gavel:ding tho same, together with 1111111111r0119 001111n01 HAI fOrllle—or I,f 1 , t ram pa, Mend on notes, of !ranking and bank dim:omit, of equation of pap men t and of partnership accounts, of nsressinent of luxes. of tl eiglint Una measnues, of eninalo and cubic measure, Of the enplane loot and its appli.ntion to husiness of sumo..., of ext . :oat:on, Mid of many otlivr import:nil practical, IliNitels nut within the scope of an :Wren tisconant to men tion. IT IS JUST TIII; BOOK FOR PUB Fat tiler, the ntorthant. tho inlet /1/11lie, 1110 al titan, or the professional man. It ham prow,, a valuable ancillary to the lau)er, the justice of the peace, ilia COll% eyaneer, itti( real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to tie civil engoteet mini the stle) or. to the carpenter 111111 ht ieklayer, to the stonentmon and the Wagerer, to the paper lounger and ilpholsteler, to the pa, et abd the tiler, .te, earl, nod all in ill find it adapted to then to• riolls wants better than any book published. gc - iy. Pt Ice. 50 cents. per sale at Lent,' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 50, 1800. BAS AGAIN COMMENCED TOR, BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S C14.1111N0 STORE. Ills old customels aud tho (public generully, 1011 give him a call. (Huntingdon, Oct. '2O, 1858.] THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK, MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale IT TELLS You How to choogoaH kind.; of Meats, roullrY. and 04,110, ith all tl,o various and most approted modes or dressing and cooking Beef and fork; also tho best and simplest way of batting, pickling and curing the - same. • IT TELLs You All the yin ions and most approved modus of dres+ing. cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and gam of all kinds pith tho different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings appropriate to each. IT TELLS Ton How to chooso, clean, and preaorve FM at all kinds, and how to ea eaten It when taint: cd; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dross. hugs, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS You All the various and most approved inooesef preparing over 50 kinds of aleat,lelsb,Fotri, (lame, and Tegetablo Soups, Broths, ;and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. 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Ix TELLS Too How to set out and ornament aTsble, how to Cerro all kinds of Ptah, Flesh or Fowl, and In short, how to 120 simplify tho whole ,Art of Cooking as to bring the CllPier . fic luxuries of the table within the el etybody'e reach, For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. - SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime MeMist} The Dime Song Book, No. 1, l'he Dimc Union Song Book, Dime ititila> y Song Baal-, The Anterieuit Dime anip'Book, l'iznlece. Doodle Songstq, Songs for (ht Mini!! l'he Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of £urug Cork Songster:, Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Conic Songs, The Shiliing Song Pooh Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Pun, Dime BY)04: of if.:tiquelle) Arm Dime Ameriro4 Juicer, The J)imc and ofiter Nur,l4, The 11inte Leiter Miter, The Dime Dream The Dime Pialoaltes, Kos : 1 tt, ThcMC Speakei., 11 iis. l d' 2 The Dime Cook Book, *fik;The Dinie Recipe Boole For ro at ',mils' Acne, STATLONERY AND s.fusic Srm, ru t EvEitynonY,