The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 15, 1862, Image 1

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    ‘cstiiti-etetlik be.
W3I. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
A. TYITURST, Associate Editor.
TERMS.—“Tae Orosx” is pnblielied twice a week at
$1.50 a fear—Ss cents for six months-50 cents Cor
three months—in adrunce.
Tuesday afternoon, April 15, 1802
Our Flag Forever.
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large cum
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, t-om
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately.
Adjournment of the Legislature.
The Legislature adjourned sine die
on Friday last, at 12 o'clock. The
most important business of the session
was left to be rushed through at the
last hours.
The bill apportioning the State into
Congressional Districts, passed the
House on Thursday as it came from
the Senate, and was signed by the Gov l i
ernor. Our district remains unchanged
—composed of the counties of Cambria,
Blair, Huntingdon and Mifflin.
On Thursday night, the act legali
zing the suspension of specie payments
by the banks until Februaryinext, was
agreed to by a committee of confer
ence, and passed both Houses. By
the provisions of the law passed at the
last session, the banks were empower
ed to issue small notes to the amount
of twenty per cent. of their capital
stock paid in. The House at the pres
ent session increased this to forty per
cent. The Senate struck out the pro
vision entirely; but as a compromise
it was finally arranged at thirty per
cent., thereby enabling the banks to
issue ten per cent. of small notes in
addition to the twenty per cent. au
thorized by the act of 1861. The le
galization of suspension and the in
crease of small notes, are the princi
pal features of the act just passed.
On the repeal question, the Harris
burg Patriot & Union says :—" The bill
to repeal the act of last session for the
commutation of tonnage duties failed
entirely, on account of the refusal of
the House to impose an equal and gen
eral tax upon tonnage passing over all
the railroad and transportation com
panies in the State, as proposed in the
amendments made by the Senate. The
necessities of the Treasury will require
the imposition of such a tax at the next
session of the Legislature, in case the
General Government shall omit to in
clude this source of revenue in the tax
bill. The amendments of the Senate,
bad they been agreed to by the House,
would yield a revenue of at least one
million of dollars annually, and at the
same time relieve real estate from a
portion of the heavy burden now rest
ing upon it. The responsibility for the
failure of this measure rests, therefore,
mainly upon the House, which insisted,
most unwisely, in our opinion, upon se
lecting the great through railroad of
the State as the exclusive subject of
tonnage taxation, and exempting all
others from their due proportion of the
public burden."
The Military Investigating Commit
tee made their report. • The report de
nies that any corruption had existed
in the military organization of the
The Hopkins committee, to investi
gate the passage of the act of last ses
sion repealing the tonnageduties, made
a report, charging that Thos. A. Scott,
Vice President of the Company, used
improper means with Members to pro
cure its passage.
As usual, nine-tenths of the bills
passed, were of a private character,
and not of the slightest public import
Thus ends the Legislature of '62.
The buncombe members of both Houses
can return home satisfied that they
have succeeded pretty well in humbug
ging their constituents by advocating
and voting for the bill to repeal the
act of last session for the commutation
of the tonnage duties. Had the course
advised by Mr. Scott, and other• hon
est members, been sustained, what the
people most desire, might have been
accomplished in a legal way. The
Members of the House who were loud
est in opposition to the act of last ses
sion, repealing the tonnage duties,
were the first, at the close of the late
session, to oppose the renewal of the
Mr. Scott returns home, honored
having discharged the duties of Repre
sentative, conscientiously, honestly
and to the entire satisfaction of every
right thinking man who has taken the
trouble to watch closely, his Legisla-
tive Career
reference to our advertising columns,
it will be seen that " two young gen
tlemen, making some pretentious to
good looks, of strict moral habits," &c.,
wish to open a correspondence with
two young ladies, with a view to mat
rimony. We are personally acquainted
with the young gentlemen, and can
testify to their good looks and moral
habits, but, of course, we have no
means of knowing what amount of
money they are worth. We arc sorry
we can't answer that question, as it is
always the first one asked of a young
man, now-a-days, when be proposes
matrimony. To take their word for
it, however, they have "a sufficient
competency to live luxuriously."—
Now's your chance ladies. A great
a any of the young men of this neigh
borhood have gone to war, and may
never get back, not for a long time, at
least, and you know you don't like to
wait so long. Another thing, you
know there is no hopes of ever get
ting any of those who didn't go, be
cause they are all " engaged," or don't
suit you, or—or, well, you don't suit
them. So, go in ladies, for the Coal
mont gentlemen:
AN EXTENSIVE counterfeiting estab
lishment was broke up in St. Louis, on
the oth inst., and about $25,000 in bo
gus United States treasury notes, and
some $lO,OOO in counterfeit notes on
the State Bank of Indiana, together
with eleven bank-note plates, and an
assortment of implements and materi
al used by bank-note engravers, were
seized. A number of suspicious char
acters residing in that city, known to
have heretofore engaged in the sale of
passing counterfeit bills, were arrested.
Coming nearer home, we think, from
the quantity of counterfeits afloat in
this neighborhood, that there are in
dividuals engaged in their circulation
who should be attended to.
urday, last, Sheriff Watson received
information from Edenville, Washing
ton county, Pa., of a burglary having
been committed at that place some
time since, and also the names and a
description of the parties suspected,
which answered in every particular to
two young men named Win. I Wil
liams and Henry Cook, who have been
in this vicinity for some time past.—
The Sheriff placed a warrant for their
arrest in the hands of our constables,
and on Sunday evening they attended
the Methmlist Church, for the purpoec
of getting a sight of the individuals,
and also to arrest them, if found prac
ticable. They entered, and a short
time after, Henry Cook came in. Af
ter church was out, the constables
posted themselves in the aisles, and as
Cook came along they " nabbed" him,
and lauded him in the stone institution
at the head of Smith street. They
then went over to Portstown, and suc
ceeded in arresting Williams, and
lodged him in the same institution
along with his partner. They await
the orders of the Sheriff of Washing
ton county.
PERGER.-Our citizens will remember
this gallant officer:'' While Camp Cros
man was in existence, Lieut. Kochers
perger was in command of the guard
in town. lie was wounded at the
head of hiS company in the battle at
Winchester. He was removed to
Philadelphia, where he received every
attention at the residence of his broth
er, but the beet medical skill and care
were of no avail,—he died on Thursday
GALLED IN.—Lieut. Dickey and B.
M. Greene, of the 49th Regiment, who
were detailed and sent to open a re
cruiting office in this place some time
since, have been ordered to join their
regiment, the recruiting service being
stopped. These gentlemen recruited
quite a number of men in tillq and ad
joining neighborhoods. They left for
Yorktown this morning. May the
God of battles protect them!
THE GALLANT DAVIS.----By a dispatch
we learn that Asst. Adj. General S. S.
Davis, son of Mr. Henry Davis of West
township, this county, was in the great
fight of Pittsburg landing, and was for
tunate in getting out whole and sound,
ready to " pitch in" again as soon as
the rebels could be cornered.
ROYER STEWART, the little boy we
noticed in our Thursday's issue, as
having been struck with a stone, was
injured more than we supposed at the
time of penning the item. His skull
was badly fractured in two places.—
He is recovering slowly. The physi
cians think he will entirely recover.—
Boys should take warning from this
accident., and not throw any more
stones hereafter.
OUR NEW BOOM.—We have finished
our improvements and are back again
at our old stand. We are now better
prepared to accommodate the public
with Books, Stationery, Wall Paper,
Window Curtins, Musical Instruments,
&c., &c., &c. Job printing of all kinds
neatly executed. Give us a call.
The Border State emancipation reso
lutions having previously passed both
Houses of Congress, were signed by the
President on Friday.
IMPORTANT.-If the ladies, supposed
to be teachers, who purchased three
books and award cards at Lewis' Book
Store, on Thursday the 3d inst., will
call again when convenient to he in
town, or write to us informing us of
their locality, they may hear of some
thing to their advantage. tr.
RIA.—The act abolishing slavery in the
District of' Columbia, having previous
ly passed the Senate, passed the House
on Friday by a vote of 92 to 29.
WE are informed that the Broad Pop
11'arehouse destroyed by fire on Thurs
day morning last, was insured in the
Cumberland Valley Company.
THE REPORT that Beatiregard is dead,
is not confirmed by the latest news.—
We rather think the report was too
good to be true.
THE CITY papers of today are bar
ren of news. There is always a calm
before, as well as after, a storm.
Uri" We call attention to advertise
ment of Milnwood Academy in anoth
er column.
1117yrisavoll, April 9, 1862
Enrrou.:—Why will some people
persist in a belief that the " rest of
mankind " are fools? It is a harmless
faith, say you, and why complain. I
do not complain, I only want to say I
am not an apostle of such a stupid faith.
This is a blessed age in which we
live, even in the madness down in Dixie.
Common schools and their attendant
incidents, give us, who live to-day, ad
vantages over the dull thinkers of the
past; and ought not a man with any
brains, to be ashamed to act as if his
fellows were fools? Talking of Com
mon Schools, did you take notice that
they have that institution in Shirley&
burg ? Doubtless, good schools, for
they have " Addresses " delivered at
their close. I presume belles-letters or
polite literature are not among the
branches of education.
I take the Shirleysburg herald, so
do you, and who does not ? I like the
paper; nevertheless, I was surprised
when I read last week, and more sur
prised when I read it this week. Sur
prised, because I know that that pa
per intends to keep itself posted with
the daily business of life, and you will
see why, when I am through.
Some sour cynic says, there is noth
ing original now ; every thought is an
old one worked over; a sort of"shoddy"
literature is all we have. Another ex
plains it by saying, great men will
think alike. Now, I put it to you, do
you believe men will think alike, and
express those thoughts in precisely the
same words? Ido not.
Have you read Timothy Titeomb's
" Lessons in Life." I have, and I
thought it a delightful book. Titcomb
is a fresh thinker, who brightens up
the every-day things of life, so that
than splendid furnittire for the
mind. Ms "Letters to Young People,"
"Gold Foil" and other works, are good;
but excuse me and my circumlocution.
Let me see, what was I writing about ?
Alt, I have it—the fools in the world,
and Common Schools.
Did you read the address delivered
before the School Directors, &c., of
Shirley township. published hi the Her
ald for two weeks. It was good.—
Titcomb's admirers say very good. A
committee invited its publication, but
the deliverer was " unable to write it out
fully." What a pity. If there be any
of your readers who do not take the
Herald, they will find nearly all of that
address—line for line—word for word
—verbatim et literatim —in Timothy
Titcomb's " Lessons in Life," in the
chapter on Education. Of course, Ido
not say that it was taken from that
book, but I do say that Titcomb must
have copied it from that address, or,
the address was copied from Titcomb.
Mr. Editor, is there any way that we
can get at the truth. I, for one, want
to expose this book-maker—Titeomb—
if he takes not only his thoughts but his
words from our quiet and humble val
leys. Will you not aid in the tuider
taking ? PEPER PINDAR.
IropEwELL, Aran 8, 1862
DEMI GLOBE :—After an absence of
a year and a half; it affords your hum
ble servant much pleasure to be able
to exclaim, in the fullness of' his soul,
"home again l" and especially to be
relieved from the long and arduous
labors incident to college life. At the
close of the winter term, which ended
a few weeks ago, I packed my traps
and steered my ship once more for old
Huntingdon county. And I must say
that its mountain scenery and pleasant
valleys, seem now to possess greater
charms, and to be more inviting than
when, as a school-boy, I used to roam
them in mirth and glee. Quite glad
to get out into the world and "view
the landscape o'er," we came via
Jamestown, Elmira, Williamsport and
Harrisburg. While the trip was pleas
ant and scenery, for the most part de
lightful, it is worthy of remark, that
the depots we passed along the Sun
bury and Erie Railroad, and also along
the Atlantic and Great Western, were
crowded and piled with barrels of oil,
to the exclusion of almost everything
else; and the men about them wore
as greasy looking as if they had just
had a fresh dip. The best quality of
refined oil in that section, as well as at
Meadville, was only 18 cents per gal
lon. The question very naturally ari
ses, why must merchants oast of the
Alleghanies have three or fbur times
this price for the same quality of oil ?
Does the price of shipping make the
difference? By no means.
Allegheny College is still in a flour
ishing condition, and the prospects for
its future prosperity are highly flatter
ing, Although the spirit of patriotism
induced many to bid adieu to its clas
sic groves, yet many others have gath
ered in until the loss in numbers is
nearly repaired. Dr. Loomis, the new
President, seems to be the man for the
place and times. He requires thorough
scholarship, and no one gets a sheep
skin until he has mastered all the stud
ies in the college curriculum,
After visiting the friends at home,
and traveling for health, through part
of Maryland and of Virginia, and wit
ressing some of the effects of war in
etio»s of country through which the
army had already passed, t came to
this place to spend a few months; and
during my stay, should anything of
importance occur, you shall have the
news without delay. I shall forbear
saying anything about the citizens of
Hopewell, until I become better ac
quainted with them ; however, they
seem to be quite patriotic and enter
The remains of College, Price, and
Croft, who fell, covered with victory,
in the late battle at Winchester, ar
rived here last Friday. College resi
ded near this place and was well
known by the citizens of this commu
nity. Price and Croft resided near
Woodbury. While we lament the loss
of our fallen heroes and earnestly sym
pathize with their bereaved friends, it
rejoices the heart of every patriot
I around us to learn that the Pennsyl
vania boys of the 110th and 84th dis
played, in their first battle, a valor
worthy their ancestors of '76; and
should the demons of the South again
essay to cross their pathway, the heroes
of the "Blue Juniata,:: with " Win
chester" on their banner, will pour
forth a volley of musketry, that will
hasten the flying artillery of Secesh in
to a warmer climate than Dixie. The
Old Keystone will always feel proud
9f her noble sons in battle; for their
gallantry has already won for them a
name that time will honor, and eterni
ty record. M. O.
Desperate Character of the Contest—Com
plete Details of Both Days' Fighting.
The Charge of
by Gen. Grant.—
Flight of the Rebels in Dismay.—Our•
Cavalry Pursue them. Gen. Bragg
Reported Killed.—Reported Escape of
General Prentiss.
CINCINNATI, April I.o.—The corres
pondent of the Cincinnati Times gives
the following account of the Pittsburg
battle :
Our forces were stationed in the
form of a semi -circle, the right resting
on a point north of Crump's landing,
our centre being in front of the main
road to Corinth, and our lett extending
to the river, in the direction of Ham
burg, four miles north of Pittsburg
At 2'Clock on the morning of the 6th
four hundred men from (ion. Prentiss'
division were attacked by the enemy
half a mile in advance of our lines.
Our men fell back on the Twenty-fifth
Missouri, swiftly pursued by the ene
my. The advance of the rebels reach
ed Colonel Peabody's brigade just as
the long roll was sounded and the men
were falling into line. The resistance
was but short, and they retreated under
a galling fire until they reached the
Second division.
At 6 o'clock the attack had become
general along the entire front of our
The enemy in large force drove in
the pickets of Gen. Sherman's division,
and fell on the Forty-eighth, Seventieth
and Seventy-second_ Oldo_fler , iments..,
These troops had never before been in
action, and being so unexpectedly at
tacked, made as able a resistance as
possible, but were, in common with the
forces of General Prentiss, compelled
to sock support on the troops immedi
ately in their rear.
At 1 o'clock the entire line on both
sides was fully engaged. The roar of
cannon and musketry was without in
termission from the main centre to a
point extending half way down the
left wing.
The rebels made a desperate charge
on the Fourteenth Ohio battery, and,
not being sufficiently sustained by in
fantry, it fell into their hands. Anoth
er severe fight occurred for the posses
sion of the Fifth Ohio battery, and
three of its guns were taken by the
By eleven o'clock commanders of
regiments had fallen, and in some eases
not a single field officer remained. Yet
the fighting continued with an earn
estness which showed the contest on
both sides was for" death or victory !"
Foot by foot the ground was contes
ted, and finding it impossible to drive
back our centre, the enemy slackened
their fire, and made a vigorous effort
on our left wing, endeavoring to out
flank and drive it to the river bank.
This wing was under General Hurl
hurt, and was composed of the Four
teenth, Thirty-second, Forty-fourth,
and Fifty-seventh Indiana, Eighth,
Twenty-first, and Eighteenth Illinois.
Fronting its line, however, were the
Fifty-fourth, Fifty-seventh, 'and Sev
enty-seventh Ohio, and Fifth Ohio cav
alry of Sherman's division.
For nearly two hours a sheet of fire
blazed from both columns, the rebels
fighting with a valor that was only
equalled by those contending with
them. While the contest raged the
hottest, the gunboat Tyler passed up
the river to a point opposite the ene
my, and poured in broadsides from her
immense guns, greatly aiding in for
cing the enemy back. Up to three
o'clock, the battle raged with a fury
that defies description. The rebels had
found their attempts to break our lines
unavailing. They had striven to drive
in our main column, and, finding that
impossible,had turned all their strength
upon our loft. Foiled in that quarter,
they now made another attack on our
centre, and made every effort to rout
our forces before the reinforcements,
which had been sent for, should come
At 5 o'clock there was a short cessa
tion in the firing of the enemy, their
lines falling back for nearly half a mile.
They then suddenly wheeled and again
threw their entire force upon our left
wing, determined to make a final
struggle in that quarter; but the gun
boats Tyler and Lexington poured in
their shot thick and fast with terrible
In tho moan time, General Lew Wal
hmo, who had taken a circuitous route
for Crump's Landing, appeared sud
denly on the enemy's right wing. In
tho faco of this combination of °intim
stances the rebels felt that their enter
priso that day was a thiluro, and, as
night was approaching, fell back until
they reached an advantageous position
somewhat in the roar of,yet occupying,
the main road to Corinth.
The crlinbonts continued to send their
shell niter them until they got out of
After a weary watch of SCVeral
hours of intense anxiety, the advance
regiment of General Buell's army ap
peared on the opposite bank of the riv
er, and the work of crossing the river
began, the Thirty-sixth Indiana and
the Sixty-eighth Ohio being the first
to cross, followed by the main portion
of Nelson's and Bruce's divisions.
Cheer after cheer greeted their arri
val, and they were immediately sent
to the advance, where they rested on
their arms.
All night long steamers were en
awed in ferrying Gon. Buell's forces
across. When daylight broke it was
evident that the rebels too had been
strongly reinforced.
The battle was opened by the rebels
at seven o'clock, from the Corinth road,
and in half an hour extended along
the whole line.
At nine o'clock the sound of artillery
and musketry fully equalled that of
the previous day. The enemy was
met by the reinforcements and the still
unwearied soldiers of yesterday, with
an energy they certainly could not
have expected. It became evident
that they were avoiding the extreme
of our left wing, and endeavoring, with
perseverance and determination, to
find some weak points by which to
turn our forces. They left one point,
but returned to it immediately, and
then, suddenly, by some masterly
stroke of generalship, directed a most
vigorous attack upon some division
where they fimeied they would not be
expected; but the fire of our lines was
as steady as clock-work, and it soon
became evident that the enemy con
sidered the task be had undertaken a
hopeless one.
Further reinforcements now began
to arrive, and they were posted on the
right of the main centre, under Wal
lace. Generals Grant, Buell, Nelson,
Sherman and Crittenden, were every
where present, directing the move
ments for a new stroke on the enemy.
Suddenly, both wings of our army
were turned upon the enemy, with the
intention of driving them into an ex
tensive ravine. At the same time a
powerful battery was stationed in the
open field, and poured volley after vol
ley of canister into the rebel ranks.
At 111 o'clock the roar of the battle
shook the earth. The Union guns
were tired with all the energy that the
prospect of the enemy's defeat inspired,
while the rebels' fire was not so vigor
ous, and they evinced a desire to with
draw. They finally fell slowly back,
keeping up a fire from their artillery
and musketry along their whole col
umn as they retreated. They moved
in excellent order, battling at every
advantageons point and delivering
their fire with considerable effect. But,
from all the divisions of the army, they
were closely pursued and a galling fire
kept upon their rear.
The enemy had now been driven be
yond our former lines and were in null
retreat for Corinth, pursued by our
The forces engaged on both sides in
this day's battle, are estimated at about
70.000 each.
CAIRO, April 10—An arrival from
Pittsburg says the enemy ; in making
the first attack on Sunday morning,
_carried the stars slid stripes and• wore
Federal uniforms.
General Bragg is reported killed.
Provisional Governor Johnson, of
Kentucky, is wounded and a prisoner.
It is stated that Gcu. Prentiss es
caped in the confusion of the enemy's
retreat on the second day of the fight.
Our total loss is about 7,000. This
is the estimate of military comman
ders who were in the engagement. Of
these about 2,000 were taken prisoners
and the balance killed and wounded in
the usual proportions.
Gen. Wallace, of Illinois, was repor
ted dead, as it was thought impossible
that he could live. Ile was, however,
living on Wednesday, and improving.
lie was shot back of the ear, the bullet
coming out at the nose.
Gen. ilalleck passed Cairo to-day,
en route for Pittsburg..
Five thousand prisoners are expec
ted to-night from Island No. 10.
Every preparation is making here
for the reception of our wounded at
CHICAGO, April 10.—The special dis
patch from Cairo to the Tribune says:
Wo are just beginning to get some
reliable details from the great battle
at Pittsburg from several gentlemen
who were on the field after the fight.
From their statements we gather the
Gen. Prentiss' brigade, consisting of
the Sixty-first Illinois, Seventeenth
Wisconsin,Twenty-fourth Indiana, and
Seventy-first Ohio, were attacked while
eating their breakfast, by what seemed
to be the entire rebel force, and Gen.
Prentiss and many of his men were ta
ken prisoners.
At 12 o'clock, the entire line was
fiercely engaged, but in full retreat—
At 4 o'clock, P. 31., the enemy had ta
ken Schwartz's battery of six guns,
Dresden's battery of four guns, Water
house's battery, and also two Ohio
batteries, the names of which aro not
Thousands of our soldiers had taken
refuge under the bank of the river,
and utterly refused to fight; in fact,
they could not, as the officers and men
were mixed in inextricable confusion.
The army at this time seemed utterly
At this juncture, the gunboats Lex
ington and Tyler opened a tremendous
fire of shot and shell upon the enemy
and kept it tw every half hoar.
The Great Battle of Pittsburg.
The Result of the Fight—Estimated loss
in Killed and 'Wounded 3,ooo— The
Rebel Loss in Killed and 11 7 a unded
10,000—Acres covered with dead Reb
els—Thc Enemy Still in Possession of
OfNenstNim, April 12,—The Pitts
burg, (Tenn.) correspondent of the
Gazette, says the sum and substance of
the battle is, that on Sunday we were
pushed from disaster to disaster till we
lost every division camp we had, and
were driven within half a mile of the
landing, when the approach of night
and the timely arrival and aid of the
gunboats, the tremendous efforts of
our artillerists, and Gun. .13tio11's ap
proach, saved us.
On Monday, after nine hours' hard
fighting, we simply regained what we
had lost on Sunday. Not a division
advanced half a mile beyond our old
camps on Monday, except Gen. Lew
Wallace's command.
The lowest estimates place our loss
in killed and wounded at 3,000, and in
prisoners from 3,000 to 4,000.
The rebel loss in killed and wounded
was probably 10,000.
The rebels in their retreat left acres
covered with their dead, whom they
had carried to the rear.
They destroyed the heavy supply
rains they had brought up.
Another Account of the Battle
Cutc.tao, April 12.—The Tribane re
porter has just returned from Pitts
burg, and furnishes the following:
Taylor's and Waterhouse's batteries,
supported by the 23d Illinois, 77th and
53d Ohio, were first in the fight. Both
Ohio regiments ran, and the 77th,
without firing a gun, leaving Water
house without support. He fought
half an hour, however, retiring with
three of his guns. He was wounded
in the thigh by a minnie ball, but not
fatally. This battery is badly cut up.
Taylor's battery continued the fight,
supported splendidly by the Illinois
regiment, until his support was out
flanked on both sides. He then retired
through a cross fire, leaving but one
man killed and seventeen wounded.—
Meantime, Waterhouse, with his three
guns, took' position supported by the
second brigade, MeClernand's
composed of the 116th, 118th, 20th,
45th, 48th Illinois, Col. Marsh coin
During the fight they were compelled
to retire through their own encamp
ment, with heavy loss, into some woods,
where they formed the second line of
battle. An advance was then ordered
by M'Cleruand, a hundred rods beyond
them in sight of the rebels. Here
commenced one of the most fiercely
contested engagements of the day, re
sulting in the repulse of the enemy,
who were driven hack through our en
campment. At this point the enemy
met reinforcements, and our ammuni
tion giving out, Marsh's command gave
way to another brigade. They were,
however, compelled to retreat within
a half mile of the river.
At this moment the gunboats be
hind were throwing shells over the
heads of our men. The ground was
covered in every direction by the reb
els slain. Taylor's battery again took
position on the parade ground of the
First Division, and opened on the reb
el battery, placed eight hundred yards
A splendid artillery duel took place.
The rebel battery silenced and their
caisson blown up. Taylor's battery
was then ordered into the reserve.—
During the fight several Mississippi
regiments who had arrived on Satur
day night, came into the fight on a
double quick and were almost imme
diately repulsed.
On .Monday a Michigan battery,
captured the day before, was retaken
by the Fifteenth Wisconsin. The fight
over this battery was conducted in
person by Beauregard, and in his ef
fort to recover it he was wounded in
the arm. He was successful in taking
it, but it was again taken from him.—
It was captured and re-captured no
less than six times.
Company A of: the Chicago light ar
tillery was so severely handled the
first day that they were only able to
man three guns on Monday; but with
these, after a desperate contest, they
succeeded completely in silencing and
capturing a rebel battery of six guns.
They were however compelled to aban
don it front lack of horses to draw it
off. Their own pieces were brought
The general retreat of the enemy
commencing at dark on Monday, our
cavalry following_ until the horses
were tired out. But ibr the almost
impassable condition of the roads the
rout would have been made complete
and we could have carried their en
trenched camp at Corinth.
It will be impossible on account of
the condition of the roads to do it now
for some days.
The rebel artillery is superior to
ours. Their small arms are ahnost
equal. The rebel loss is fifteen thous
and killed and wounded—ours ten
thousand. These will be found mode
rate estimates. The enemy have ta
ken more prisoners than we.
Island No. 10—The Prisoners and
Prizes Captured.
Sr. Louis, April 10.—A special de
spatch to the Republican, from Island
No. 10, says: Two hundred hogsheads
of sugar, several hundred barrels of
molasses, eighty cannon, four hundred
wagons, one hundred and twenty-six
horses, six hundred mules, five thou
sand stand of small arms, thirty pieces
of light artillery, and great quantities
of blankets, clothing, &e., have fallen
into our hands. The total nun'.l:a z,l"
prisoners captured was five thousand,
including Maj. Gen. Makall and Briga
dier Generals Gault, Walker, and
The prisoners arc being embarked for
Illinois as rapidly as possible. We
have also obtained fdtpsix thousand
solid shot and immense quantities of
CAIRO, April 10.— With a few ex
ceptions, the whole rebel force around
Island No. 10 aro now prisoners. An
attempt was made by them to cross to
licdfoot on rafts, but were surrounded
and compelled to surrender. Thirteen
guns were taken instead of the num
ber previously reported. The priso
ners say that seventy men were killed
on the Island by our mortars.
Brilliant Skirmish Between the I.2th-11'ezt,
York and a Rebel Regiment.—The En
emy Repulsed.—The _Rebels Make a
Second Advance in librce and Drive in
Our Pickets,—Skirmish Between the
57th and Gad Pennsylvania Regiments
and the Rebels.
—On Friday while the 12th New York
volunteers in command of Maj. Barnum
was on picket duty in front, of the ene
my's works near YorktoWn, a regi
ment of rebels came out from under
cover and advanced in line of battle,
The Major rallied about 300 of his
Merl to receive Him at musket range,
pouring a deadly fire of minnie
when the rebels retired, leaving their
dead and wounded, which they after
wards removed in ambulances.
Later iii the day the rebels advanced
in considerable foreofronl auothorpoint,
driving in our ontiro pickets, and burnt
a dwelling used by the U. S. troops.
During both these skirmishes we had
three men slightly wounded.
The 57th and 63d Pennsylvania reg
iments had a brisk skirmish with the
enemy on Friday, in which we had
two men killed and four wounded.
A balloon was sent up from the reb
el lines this morning, for the firsttime.
The weather still continues pleasant,
much improving the roads.
The stern-wheel steamboat Wissa
hickon, of Philadelphia, while entering
a crock yesterday, was fired upon by
the rebel water battery, one shot pass
ing very close to her cabin.
There was nothing of artillery yes
terday by either parties of any mo
The army, is busily occupied in push
ing forward the necessary prepara
tions for an advance.
There are no sutlers here, but the
quartermaster atid subsistence depart
ments are rapidly perfecting their ar
rangements to keep the army supplied
with everything needed for the com
fort of the troops.
The Second Appearance of the Rebel
Steamer Merrimac.
BALTIMORE, April 12-6 P. M.—l said
two days since that we were looking
for the Merrimac and sunshine togeth
er. Both are here this morning.
The day opened' bright and clear,
with the broad expanse of Hampton
Roads almost unruffled by a wave.
About 7 o'clock a signal gun from the
Minnesota turned' all eyes towards
Sewall's Point, and coming out from
under land almost obscured by the dim
haze, the Merrimac was seen, followed
by the Yorktown, Jamestown and four
smaller vessels—altogether seven in
"There was an instantaneous activ
ity among the transports and vessels
in the Upper Roads to get out of the
way. Steamboats, several of which
were crowded with troops, moved down
out of danger. Steam-tugs, ran, whist
ling, screaming about, towing strings
of vessels behind thorn, whilst sloops,
schooners and tugs, taking advantage
of what air there was, got up all sail
and moved out of harm's way.
"In the course of an hour the appear
ance of the crowded Roads was greatly
altered. The forest of masts between
the Fortress and Sewall's Point had
disappeared and the broad open expanse
of water bore on its surfaee only the
rebel fleet and two Freneh and one
English men-of-war, which, with stean►
up, still maintained their position.
" o'ctoeu., A. M.—For the last
hour the manoeuvres of the rebel fleet
have apparently been directed towards
decoying our fleet up towards Sewall's
Point. When the Merrimac first ap
peared she stood directly across the
mouth of the Elizabeth river, followed
by her consorts, as if they were bound
to Newport News. The Merrimac ap
proached the Englishsloop-of-war, and,
after apparently communicating with
her, fell slowly around and moved back
towards her consorts in the rear.
"The French and English vessels
then moved up as if they had been in
formed that the Lower Roads were to
be the scene of the conflict, and had
been warned to get out of range. For
an hour the rebel fleet kept changing
position without making any decided
advance in any direction.
"On our part DO movement was
made, The Monitor, with steam up
and in fighting trim, ay quietly near
her usual anchorage. The Naugatuck,
(Stevens' battery,) came up and took a
position alongside of the Monitor. Sig.
nals were exchanged with our vessels,
the Fort, and the Rip Raps. but no
movement was made. Curiosity grew
rapidly into suspense.
"At length the Yorktown moved
rapidly- up, and, after advancing well
towards Newport News, steamed rap
idly towards Hampton. The object
was then seen to be the capture of three
sailing vessels—two brigs and a schoo
ner—transports, which were lying
either aground or had not been fur
nished with a steam tug in order to
make their escape.
" The bold impudence of the ma
noeuvre, contrasted with the appar
ent apathy of our fleet, excites sur
prise and indignation. There was a
rebel boat, not built for war purposes,
leaving the protection of the Merrimac
and her consorts, where it appeared,
to Unprofessional eyes, she could easily
be cut off; and yet no attempt was
made to do it. Of course, there were
good reason for this policy, though the
crowd ersnld not see it,?
" Tie Yorktown steamed rapidly
along the beach from Newport News
to Hampton, and sent a boat to each
of the vessels (which were apparently
deserted by their crews, and steamed
towards them. A small tug boat load
ed with troops followed whilst the
Jamestown lay off about a mile distant,
"9 &mom, A. m.—The rebel - tug
boat has made fast to the largest brig
and is towing her off. The Yorktown
is still in the bend above Hampton.
The Naugatuck has moved up and is
apparently getting within range of the,
Yorktown. There is no other move on
the part of our fleet. Our inaction
seems unaccountable, except upon the,
supposition that the desire is to get the
rebels further down. Still the sight i 4
a painful one, to see these vessels ear,
lied off without an attempt at resin ;
"(I/ O'CLOCK, A. lu.—The rebels havet
accomplished the capture of the three
vessels, the Yorktown towing off twa
of them, and the tug taking hold of
the third. Not a shot was fired on
either side. The Merrimac maintains
her position about half way between
Sewall's and Pig Points. One of the
French war steamers is coming down
to the Lower Roads. She has a water
schooner in tow, which was alongside
of her when the Merrimac appeared.
c‘ One of our gun boats went up
along shore towards Hampton, but too
late to prevent tho capture of the three
vessels, if that was the purpose. The
Yorktown and tug-boat towed the pH,
US wall up toward Norfolk, when some
small tugs came out and took charge
of them. Upon the brig they hoisted
the American flag at half mast.
" 101 o'clock.—There is no change
in position of affairs. Tho rebel fleet
lies in line of battle, stretching from
Sowall's Point pp towards Pig Point.
"The Merrimac is black with mon,
who are clustered on the ridge of her