THE BATTLE AT WINCHESTER. Burgeon General's Report on the Condi tion of the Pennsylvania Troops. SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) State of Pennsylvania, April 2, '62, 1,112 Walnut st., Philtt'da. GOVERNOR have the honor to re port that Assistant Surgeons Crawford and Warbourg, with a hospital steward, lreached Winchester March 27th, after eaving Harrisburg at three A. M. of the] 25th, and were at once assigned to duty in the hospitals with Pennsylvania 1 . troops, their services being commended :by the Medical Director. Leaving Philadelphia March 27th, after placing the sick from Camp Curtin in the United States general hospital at Philadelphia, I reached Winchester March 30th, travel being much interrupted by the war. I found over 300 badly wound ed men, about 80 of whom were Penn sylvanians, with but very few surgeons. As the battle was unexpected, proper provisions had not been made for the wounded and their sufferings were great, it being impossible to obtain focl, beds, &c. All Sunday I assisted in operations for their relief, and with consent of United States, and their manifest relief prepared to bring all Pennsylvanians, wounded and able to 'bear transportation unto their own soil. Enclosed I forward a list of the wound ed of the 84 and 110th, to day brought to Philadelphia. They arc all serious ''y injured, were in danger of their lives, rut evidently improved by removal. lT also brought three of the officers of Abe regiment Indiana, whose 'thighs are broken by shot. They are 3. officers, very grateful for the ser rendered and will pay their own board. The Governor of Indiana will recognize, the attention to brave men who supported our troops in the hour of danger. I hope you will be able to visitthe hospital and cheer those Who have honored the State. I visited ithe battle field, and am satisfied that bayonet charge of the 84th regi meutWeas a brilliant one fin- any troops. AlPintid+thein. Many of the men want &c., having torn and lost on the fieldreliat which they had. I also broui_tht home the following corpses: Celledge, of Hopewell • Croit and Perg - upson, Hopewell ; liemerstoneh, Phillipsburg; Kimberlin, Cambria; I?3verrby, Ty ron e; Leibrick, Jersey Shore, Ito 'be bufieo at Harrisburg; John Pros -ser, filloonrghnrg; Heileman, Holli ]daysburg; Jas. Boon, Hughesville, Ly •«oniing, near ?limey. 'These 'bodies will be enbahned in twenty-four`heurs, affil in coffins ready for their friends. The cost of coffins :and embalming will be about $5 each. They will keep for weeks. Many of the dead of :the 84th could not be ob tained,•pwing to difficulty in obtaining a thtigne party to dig them up in the disturbed-ste.te of an advancing army. A tßaltimore,ihe Union men gave much irelief]to]our ‘wounded at midnight. I forward.dfficial lists of the casuali ties in the 84th and 110th, to relieve the anxiety-4:r friends applying to you for - information. Acting under ex tseme difficulties. the result of my of forts .tmcomply with your orders, will, I trust, be satisfactoryto you and the Legislature, Very respectfully, ; 1 our obedient servant, HENRY 11. SMITH, Surgeon General of Penn. frania. 'To TEs,ExeClleney, G-..ootrris, Gov. of Penna. The following are lists of the sick and wounded of the 84th and 110th Pennsylvania regiments, now in St. Joseph'il:Hospital, Philadelphia. That building had been rented 1:y Gov. Cur tin in of the necessities anticipa ted in ibe ,e,Nont of a battle, and where .now Ehe mcd, referred to arc comforta 'lily quartet:all : LIST OF THE 84TH REGIMENT SENT TO PHILADELPHIA, wou I - . En AT WIN- EMEM Wni. A. Davis, company A ; Thos. Ravenhill, company A; David M. Lane, company A ; John Brooks, company 1; Peter Soans, company B; Michael Turney, company A; Robert Taylor. company C; Abram ITurtzler, com pany C; Jacob Spidle, company C; Martin Carrigan, company C ; C. D. Bowers, company D; J. L. Wheeler, company D; Franklin llonsencr, com pany G; Wm. Lusic;r, company K; Penrose Chadwick, company G; Hen ry Stricktand, company G; DeWbite Roberts, company G; Wm. Cassidy, 'company G; Isaac Holley; John Lus- Ser. LIST OF 110TII .REGDIENT SENT TO PHIL -LDELPIIIA Jam - Nipple, company A; Ira C. Horn, company A; James Valiance, company A; Lieut. 11. IL Hopkins; Theodore Rockey, company D ; Thom as 3Vllwainc, company C ; Cyrus S. Anthony, company I; David Price, company C; John C. Farrman, com pany A ; Corporal John P. Albert, com pany K ; David Gardner, company K; D., S. Baker, company D; Sergeant Villiam Roberts, company C; William Sott, company IC; Richard Cut chall, company B ; Wm. Ramsey, corn .pany B; John Marlin, company B; 'Sergeant Samuel M'Cuno, company A; "Daniel Browne, company L; Lieut. Holland, Adjutant; John Border, com pany C; John R. Carr, company K; Jacob K. Hooper, company K; Timo thy Sloan, company E; Charles Ev -erly; James Leo. From the Tennessee River--Buell Joins Grant. A gentleman who arrived at New Albany, on Tuesday evening, of last week, by the steamer John Rains, has furnished an interesting statement in regard to affairs up the Tennessee riv er. On Saturday evening the advance of Gen. Buell's army arrived on the 'Tennessee, opposite Savannah, and commenced crossing the river on Sun day morning, thus forming a junction with Gen. Grant. Gcn. Grant, in the early part of last week, sent a force to :destroy the Memphis and Charleston 'railroad, which they accomplished, tearing up ten miles of the track, and thus breaking the connections between the rebel lines. But before Saturday morning the robes had repaired the track and restored connection between their lines, and were constantly ru xeiying reinforcements of mon and mlf nitious yia this road at Corinth. The enemy:ure said by stouts to be strongly fortified at Corinth and among :the hills for sixteen or eighteen miles Sowards the Federal camps at Pitts burg Landing. Their available force is said to be from 75,000 to 80,000 men. The united forces of Cons. Buell and Grant are sufficient to meet and con quer this large army of the rebels, and the Federal supply of artillery is superior both in calibre and the num ber of pieces to that of the enemy. A battle is imminent, and the bent formed say that it cannot be delayed longer than Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, and might occur any mo ment after the Federal troops bad commenced their movement toward Corinth, which was to be on Monday last. The Federal officers and troops are sanguine of victory, and look to the impending battle as the last stand which wilt be made by the enemy. Breokinridge and Bell. Mr. Joseph Burn, a Bucks county man recently returned from Nashville, Tenn., where he had been residing for several years past, has published a nar ration of his adventures in the Doyles town htelligencer, from which we take the following extract : Mr. Burn represents the excitement in Nashville, while - the attack at Fort Donelson was prog,ressing, as having been most intense. On Sunday when news reached the city that the fort had been surrendered, a general stampede from the town commenced. A con stant stream of flying rebels from the direction of Donelson poured pell-mell through the city, frightened nearly out of their senses. Among the num ber was the villainous John C. Breck inridge, who, mounted upon a rather gaunt-looking horse, bloated from ex cessive indulgence in intoxicating li quors, made his exit from the city, cursinu and berating the confederates for their cowardice in fleeing from the "Northern invaders." Mr. Burn fre quently saw this notorious traitor in the streets of Nashville, where his habits were those of a common drun kard. lie also repeatedly saw John Bell, who is quite decrepid, and nearly broken down in health and spirits. The arrival of the Federal army was a glorious event to the Union men of the city, who hailed the Stars and Stripes as a signal of deliverance. Mr. Burn thinks that the rebel leaders do not entertain the remotest idea of giv ing up their cause as lost, but on the other hand that they intend to fight on to the bitter cud, until completely overpovred by an overwhelming force. MARRIED, On the Gth inst, by Rev. S. It. Reid, Mr. JAMES W. RF.ED, to Miss FRANCES A. HowNosnEAD, both of this vicinity. PHILADELPHIA IDAIMETS April 7, 1552. Fnne3 and l'Atra ramily Finnr.. I.n.onall 55 Common and 'imptrli Ile .0 1 2!<0.5 25 Rye Flour i 1.21 Corn Moll . VAtrrt M hile 'Alma% P 070111,45 Fair and IN line nod 41.25a41.30 113 e -70 c Col n. in into Ye 11.... 55 ()nig 44 Cloreiseell,7 0115 , 6,12171 5,25 Timothy j:!,1!@! :17.1,,1 HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEK LI Extra Family Flour 7 0 Ltd Extta do %Itmt White Wheat Red Wheat it3e Corn Chtg CioVer.l'il IhiNleed lh hod Appte4 Egg, Lard hunt. Elinnider Tarim, EDMUND SNARE, I'ILI !AY& SUROL'OY Office nearly opposite Ilearl's Drug Store, Huntingdon, Pa. April 8,117 C—It. sd cllool, TEACHEItS W,ANI'ED.- L Bet en teachers ate wanted to take charge of the u pie nhoots of tine bot °ugh of linntingtinn, for a term of nine month, , , to commence about the Ist day of May. A tmli, ants will he e‘roninned he the Comity &tom inten. dent. in the presence of the board of throcters, at tine 5e1,,,,,l House, on &thud:ly, the 10th inst. commencing at tell o'clock, A. M. 13y order of the board or Dlrectoro. J. SAMPSON AFRICA, Secretary. Hunting ,lop, April 80862, rip E T. OUI S, CHESTNUT j street, betmeen Third and Fourth, Ph i;adelhhia. The mniersigned. having leased, for a term of years, thin popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their I riends and the traveling cantmunih•, that it Is now open for the reception of guests. The house since the first of March last, has been entirely renovated and refit ted in a superior manner; the apartments are largo, well ventilated and Ins nished in modern style. It is centrally Located, convenient to all the depot and steamboat load logo. and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House, NA office and the Corn Exchange. Connected with the Hotel Is a Restaurant for the at commod dim of those preferring the European plan.— Prices of Rooms front Three to Seven Dollars per week, according to location. Itca.rd $1 110 per day. Tattle dllote for metehants and business men from I to 3 P. M. April S, 1862-13- T IST OF LETTERS Remaining in the ji .. ) Post Mee nt Coal:aunt, for the Quarter ending April Ist, 1062: Ball, FreAerirk O'Brien, James D O'Neal, Francis (foreign) Davis, J. C. Olt, Mess Martha Evans, DavlJ 31. Powel, John , Evans. James It Frans, Pavid Rtley. Pat, ick Evans, James (Foreign) Resdon, Daniel It Rowley, Anthony Rank. Patrick Fits 8 Hammel, hiss Matilda Elmnahen, Cornelius ,J Stapleton, Miss Betty Jones, Evens Jones Mist Kale Tingley D. W. 111 Ti 31adera, Miss Mary Jane Wilkinson, James Persons calling for letters in the above list, will please say they are adv. tised. J. R. LIERKSTRESSER, for P. M. Continent, April 8,1862. A NEWT STOCK 6 1 . BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RECEIVED BY GEORGE SCIErEFFER, 3IARRET SQ.UARE, UUNTINGDON, PA LADIES AND GENTLEMEN are requested to cull end examine hie stock. All kinds of Boots sod Shoes manufactured to order. April 8,188.2-4 t. GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES ! FISHER & SON 'rave just Opened and offer to the Public', SPLENDID STOCK OF WELT, SELECTED NEW CT GODS, AT RED•UC'EI) PRICES TILT] PUBLIC Will pima call and examine onr Goods T'ISTIEI2 k. SON April 6 1662 rritEASURER'S SALE OF UNSEA i. TED LANDS IN . HUNTINODON COUNTY. \Vileness, by an net of the General Assam . yy of the Comitionaealth of Penneylvania,"entitled "' h net 10 amend an act dived ing the nu* 11 " ( nnsea:ed lands for taxes and oakr pur'posts,ihissed IStiv - lderch, 1815, and the other acts upon the subject, the Treasurers of tho sevens' comities within this Commonwealth are directed to continence on the 2d Monday in Jtrhe, itt The year 1818, and at the expiration of Fyrey years thereafter, and adioni it front soy to day, if it bo necessary to do so, and make public sale of the - wifolo or ally part of such tract of unseated laud, situate in the proper county, as will pay tho aricarages'of tint thicvl 01116 shall thetillaye remained duo or unpaid for the space of one year before. together atilt all costa necessarily accruing by reason of such dtlinqueney. dr. Theiefore, 1, J. A. NASH, Treasu rer of the county of Ittliltingdett, do hersby give rustles that upon the following tracts of unseated laud, situate as heretnafter de-scribed, the setetai mums stated are the arrearagos of taxes, respectively, tine and unpaid for one year, and that In pursuance of the direction of the aro,- anal Act of Assembly, I shall, on MONDAY, Ti! Sall DAY 01° TUNE NEXT, at the Court mote, fu the bar. itugh of Huntingdon, continence the Public Sale of the abide or any port of such tracts of annealed land, upon hick all or any part of the taxes herein specified nheit then be duo; and continue such sale by adjournment nn td all the tracts upon which the taxes shall remain tine and unpaid, shall be sold. 17 ca=w el.'s Office, Apt ii P. HO. dintouid of Trees doe Ord 11 Dpati nn the fuliolidim Trials of tits at‘d Lund, op 10 and Ir/c/r/ding the year 1860: Warrantees or ODIV•IN. Acres. Pelt:hes. Tut iharee Towndirp. D. c Mosel Viino.t. 431 20 12 James Asti & William Shannon, h 65 08 02 John Hall. 400 4 50 Brady TownA.p. Lewis Igo. 54 1 79 Andrew 1101, 4.1 33 214 Rolm t Watson, 397 10 01 William Watson, 425 10 32 James lie',' cable, 90 111 80 A lii DIDIIII Peachy. 72 2 12 Christian Kautlitian, 33 iai Daniel King, 33 60 ea SS 7 . f I.t di fp. Robert Miller, 400 5 33 William 31111er, 400 5 35 Cl.trbon Township. Henry Rhodes, 73 ft 20 Cook A Elder (now Schell.) 1,84 3 00 Wm. Spi Mg. 400 9 20 John Murphy, 400 920 Wm. Blau, ~ 400 920 John Blan, 400 9 20 Benjamin ('rice, 200 4 60 Alexander Henry, 400 9 20 Wm. Moo an, 418 862 Benjamin l'erm, 107 SO 247 Gluten, Miller, 50 1 84 &MIMI Snare, ao 1 IA Henry Miller, 12 81 3lattliew Atkinson, 100 4 60 Jonathan Pen, 100 3 80 Dal Id Lopsley, 343 7 80 Speer A Dougherty, 439 10 08 Speer & Dougherty, 4 PI ltl 08 Mow. Mielienor, 105 17 26 Henry Roberta, 75 8 61 J. Anderson & E. Horton, 100 11 00 Daniel Newcomer, 100 346 A. S. Itussell, 76 G 9:1 J. S. Stewart, 25 4 60 John Mieser, 400 0 20 Jos. N. Spangler, 100 4 60 Clay Township. Abraham Wright, 209 8 37 Isaac Met., 232 61 6 90 John Dmin, 410 5 30 Robert Dunn, 410 5 30 Croutteell 7htroasslp. Charles 11‘yles, 399 31 2 92 John Smith, 393 17 2 91 .1. Stevenson, 403 53 300 John Join tau, 418 20 1110 Samuel Galbraith, 393 41 2 91 Joseph Galbraith, 400 70 300 John Galbraith, 4 08 77 :i 06 James McMullan, 150 1 11 Titus Had i. 3, 410 88 307 .I.ilinForre.d, 400 3 05 James Old (pall.) 350 1 52 Franhlin Twnship. 'Nett A ICeller, 02 9 St Mai y Joi dm, CO 7 16 James NleClellan, 79 7 fll Dan i.l Caldwell, 40 4 78 Jano•s Logan, 5 48 Heiekrson Town.hip. 9 41 . 3 1.. , ,1 m m e, Gi: 0 411 , 1415, 3,, 45 Ifop melt Township. Peter Herring, 210 7 67 Conrad Herring, 200 7 30 David Shaffer, 212 7 72 Sarah Lesi, 202 7 4.1 Margaret hes i, 017 8 51 Adorn 1.e.1. 015 7 51 Abraham Levi. 2011 7 30 Hannah Ilm ling, 97 2 42 Pied. Mort ing, 37 1 31 Juniata Town6hip. Samuel Caldwell. 100 4 21 W. Bari ack (or J B. Given.) 200 8 42 Danki Africa, 50 135 Jackson Township. Thomas Partner, 400 5 17 George Stover, 400 5 17 Jacob 110/Amer, 400 5 '23 Andrew Boyd. 400 517 Gem go or Robe, t Giavier, 400 5 17 George Angles, 400 517 1 Adam Striker, 400 5 17 Hillary Baker. 400 1. 17 Thomas Itiv•sell, 400 517 Thomas Ralston. 400 517 ThonLor Ralston, .Tr, 400 5 17 David Ralston. 400 6 17 Ephraim Jones, 400 5 17 John limo n, 400 617 .Tonal) I', lestly, - 437 5 03 William Johnston, 400 5 17 llnhort. Johnston, 455 617 Chrult a Caldwell, 400 5 17 James Dean, 422 5 47 Remy Carman, 400 5 17 John Adams, 400 5 17 Henry West. 401 5 17 Alexander Johnston, 4110 517 i Hugh Johnston, 400 5 17 Thomas MeClitre, 400 5 17 John Russell, 400 8 27 .101111 Ralston, 400 517 James West, 400 5 17 Williain Steel, 4110 5 17 Simone! Canon, 420 5 45 Abraham Dean, • 355 ' 507 James Ptil ton, 400 517 Samuel Marshall, 400 5 17 Hobert Cold. ell, 400 517 Matthew Simpson, 400 517 James McClure, 400 517 Samuel Steel, 400 517 John uuttoo, Ono 5 17 John Gallnaith. 400 5 17 Joseph 51cClure, 400 5 17 George Wico, . 400 517 Oneida Township. John Jackson, 129 3 78 11. Blandon, 441 003 E. Roane, 431. 9 69 D. Stephens, 352 4 78 John Light, 283 4 25 James Whitehead, 204 29 15 02 John Whitehead, 8 40 roller Township. William Smith, DI). 150 18 85 William Smith, DD. 100 12 24 Benjamin K. Neff, 100 7 08 William Smith, 402 10 10 A. P. Wilson (or Shoenberge6) 275 10 25 do do 105 5 53 do do 224 1176 00 do 198 9 87 do do 298 15 00 Shilko Township. James McMullin, 400 1 72 Peter 11 - erin, 411 1 56 Agnes Gardner, 439 135 150 JAMS CADISreII, 405 58 1 50 Benjamin Drown, 420 320 159 Samuel Kennedy, 414 05 1 56 Daniel Shindell, 375 2 92 Will lain & John Patterson, 175 66 SpringAeld Township. Stacy Voting, 400 660 George Eberts, (part) 75 2 77 Brice X. Blair, 123 1 04 Samuel Caldwell's heirs, 4 18 710 7bainship. John Caldwell, 544 31 258 W. Anderson, 100 2 28 Tod Township. Taylor's Moire, 45 81 380 Samuel Cornelliir, 395 68 11 18 Speer & Martin, DB 2 68 Eitel Smith, 152 4 25 Will lam Shear, 439 611 James Winer, 400 11 20 Amos Clark, 400 7 95 Barkley A Edwards, (R. Nob) 400 16 80 do do (T. Creek) 400 11 20 Wm, E. McMintrie, 200 75 Union Township. John Bell. lel 4 os Robert Bell, 224 3 2,8 Sarah Elliott, '6O 252 Jemen Fen, 420 16 42 Robert Pea, 181 7 72 Benjamin Elliott, 26 1 10 John Brouster. 400 16 AO Samuel Caldwell, 300 12 54 do do 10 84 Ilane Monition, 87 3 09 Wiaker Towmhip. Richard Smith, 091 30 82 Chat les Smith, 00 6 49 John Ker, • 99 506 John Porter, 437 13 90 Peter Rist, 75 2 41 George Cutwalt, 100 9 30 Jacob Myers, 200 11 10 John Patton, DO 1 90 Samuel 'Findley, 110 6 94 'Hugh Loutish, 422 0 11 Rudolph Loutish, 412 7 00 }Val riorsmark Township. J. Matthews, D. Otto A .T. Armitage, 200 23 53 Mst Tinunthip. William Buicher, 109 123 17 (3 Wm. Reed, as 114 54 HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DEvOE, AT,SO—The lullon ing real estate upon which personal pi °peril , cannot be found sufficient to pay the taxeß, re tut ned by the BON et al collectors, 14 chat get! n ith the tax es thereon assessed lot the years 1830 and 1810, nlll be sold as unseated lauds, in pursuance of the durctons of the forty-firit section of the act of Ansernbly,'entt tied' an act to reduce the State ItObt, and to Incorporate tin Penn sylvanla Canal and Ila!ltoad Company," approved the 20111 of April 1811: .1 • Carbon Township. • Kellerman k Martin, 37, 2 :10 . . Costner, Comings & Hartman, 102 4 08 P.C. Reamer, 4 lots (in Coalinout) 1 36 M. J, Martin (Bawinill tract) 260 48 04 P. P. Doniii.s, 70 10 05 E. L. Andarson, 258 14 88 F: C: Itexuer:(Shoomalter, tract) 200 Fl.anktin. ibto.hip IkLutin Stmer, ntunsAy. Iln,l,lTbompnon = lINZISS=I Hopsunll Township• 0. Shaffer (or Efliorobrrger) 31. Shaffer, do —310 a, Shiriay knottshil , .1. Tampleton, I hone, and lt. .1. 81'Elheny, 8 101 l lit. Tlnion. Trarrb,iinotri. township. Ilorse4.',l lick% John tlt Can, half lot. John 1,. Rumba] ger, Numb y and 3 lot, Beat township. J..)liller, 1 lot, Petersburg, 1 03 Huntingdon, April 8, 15112. HEAD QUARTERS FOR 3011.): A. NASH. 45 cas of INFORMS TILE PUBLIC SPLENDID STOOK of NEW GOODS CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY April 6,1862 N Ew ChOTIIING lIAS .)UST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW Which he offers to all who want to be AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Itin Stock eimshts illlvirl3-imule Clothing for LOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, k.C., AC. Slionl.l gcntienion VIrtie111:11" kind nr cot of clothing' not town] in the 3tock On by leaving their Imam,. they can he at coloaladAted at shwa nolico. Call at 113 .4 corner of tln• Diamond, over Long'i Grocery. April ,1S C 2 1862. FOR S P RING AND 8 U..1.01-E CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Fay el entletacit's Clotliingef the tie , t males tat, owl made inn the but non Liaanlilie wanner. rail at 11. ROMAN' S, opposite the rranklut !Wine In Market ti, J unre, Huntin g don, I'3. Huntin g don, A l i 1 S, ISO. NTEW STOUR: OF GOODS. EVERYBODY 1$ INVITE!) TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STIMI.T, lIGNTINGDON, PENNA THE BEST SUGAR awl MOLASSES. COFFEE, TE k and CHOCOLVVE. FLOUR, FISH. tont VINEGAR, CONI Ecnosmu Es, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SIOCES OF THE HEST. AND ALL KINDS. and us el')' other article usually round in a Grocer., Stir, ALSO.,- Drop, Chenll,ll4. Dye Stott/. Pointy, V.trul-.ln, Oda awl Spts. Turpentim•, .1.101.1, Alcohol. Ma,. and Pour, BEST WINE and BRANDI' Sr medical purposes. ALT, TILE TIES PATIENT MEDICINES, 11001 . 6 A NO SHOES, and a Lo ge number of as lick, 010 1111111,0114 to al,,tioo, The pohlk. gener.ill) I,l,amr call owl exam'uo for tlonusel, ea mol le.tro my in ices. Huntingdon. April S, 1962 SPRING AND SUMMER GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS. I= the ■rateet and beet that could be found in the city, all of which he will take ipleminre in exhibiting, and making pp In taller. it pill coat nothing to call and examine his goods. Call Penn. Huntingdon, April 8, 1862.-gir. RECRUITS WANTED FOR PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS The undersigned, in accordance with General Orders No. 105, Ilead-Quarters of the Army, and under the di rection of Captain It. I. Dodge, General Superintendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Pennsylvania, have opened a Recruiting Office at the Poot Office, iu Coalinont, Huntingdon county, Pa. They are authot bud to enlist men for any Pennsylvania Regiment note In the field that le not already full. Subsistence and pay to commence from date of enlist ment. Lieut. J. ADDISON MOORE. Sergt. 11. VANDEVANDER, E. ItIcCABE, 311faician GEO. W. GIBBS, 2Stb Ilegiinent, P. V. On Recruiting Service, Ity command of M.,Jot . General McClellan Coalmoirt, Niuelt I, 1862. R ECRUITS FOR PEN H NA. REGI MENTS NOW IN TILE UNITED STATES SER- I I(.E.—The undersigned, in au:mil:oleo with General Or ders No. 105, Ileed.Quertcra of the Army, and under the direction of Captain It. I. Dodge, G,gnet al Superintendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Peons} Ivania, have established a Reeituiting Station at Markleshurg, Hun tingdon county, Subsistence and pay to commence from date of colDt moot. For further information apply to Copt. J. 11. WINTRODE, Sergt. J. 0. COULTER, J. T. CARPENTER, March 1, 1502. 534 - 1 Regiment, P. V. WALL PAPER! The New Spring Styles For 1862, • Already Received At Lewis { pook Store. We deal direct with the manufactu rer, and will have on hcincl the attest styles, and sell at f iii prices. pA.",p,Ert! • , for eale at maw ST.CtI, 205 287 200 2 90 90 128 100 4_o 300 o;'2 3S NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED Tlll3 CAN'T BE BEAT COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN SPRING CLOTHING, CLOTHED, MEN AND BOYS, SIMI MANUAL GUTMAN CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. EEO cLoTIIING I= 11. ROMAN'S S. S. SMITH FASHIONS! ROBT. KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, MU Stad, one door west of Cu)nton's Store, =I CLOTtI, C.CSSIMERES, and PLAIN AND FANCY 1-I:STINGP, NOW IN THE FIELD WANTED. lILLINERY, STRAW GOODS,&C. wo hate the pleaQure at Inforndug you that 55 0 aro now prepared to offer, at our Old Stand, NOS. 103, 105 A 107 NORTH SECOND ST., ABOVE ARCH, PIIILA., A well selected Stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW 000DS, in every viniety, of the LATEST 'IMPORTATIONS, and of the new eat and moat fashionable Myles. =til Will comps inn every variety of Bonnets, Hats end Trim mings to be found in that line, of the latest and most up prm ed shapes and ot3 les. • Soliciting an early call. I remain Tome, Rerpectfully, 11. WARD. Mardi In, 1.862.--It. A E D3IINTST ATOR'S NOTIC. Estate of Jacob G. Kellerman. dee'd.l Lettere of Adrolatstration upon the estate of JACOB U. KETTERMAN, late of Cloy to:mu:11,1p, doxaml, hosing beer grouted to the untlernlgned, all persoliA having claims open the eetate two requested to present them to the undersigned, mud 01l 'iltone knowing them• eel, es Indebted will woke innuerlirttepa)Ment. JOHN McNIIAL, March 25, 1662.* Adadolet rator. TIIE FIRST SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. 13. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON 000 D BANKS & INDIVIDUALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods. The Liehect prices pnlil in floods for nll kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE FOR BARGAINS, A. B CUNNINGHAM'S STORE Huntingdon, March 2.5, 1.8G2. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.- A regular meeting or thy Huntingdon County Agricultural Society will he held in the Court House, ill Iluntling.lon. on Tuesday no ruing of Mu first neck of the conning Apin Court. (lfuln.) The following taildects on ill be presented for discussion, together with other businebl connected with tine Aiao6, A Report from the Committee, nn the best method of improving the breed of sheep. “C.lll grape glowing and nine making he made profit able in lirmtillplon count 3 . NS ILA vat lety of Wheas is boot .111.mted to the .01l and climate of Huntingdon county 1' An Agtimiltural Addles.. Will 110 delivered before the As,ocietion by John Dougherty. Esq., of 3lonnt Union. A Report from the Committee, nopointed at the last meeting, on tho relations of Farmers and Met.lianicA. The propliety of holding nu Agricultural Exhibition during the ' , remit year, Nt 111 also be dittimictl. By order nod in behalf of the Society. HORT. McDI VITT, }Secretaries. Secretaries. .1. SIMI'SON AFRICA, Huntingdon, March 23, ISQ. 7- NOX FRUIT FA1,131 AND NUR , titmi 186 9 . J. KNOX, BOX 155, PITTSBUT,GII, PA SELECT LISTS OF SrRAWBEEIIIES For rt os furnish 160 IA nth enrit of the !dittoing Ttioniplitt tle 'Nolintsett Victoria, Burr's New Phut. iron Flog and Il'ilsotti A Itnny. Fur itIO n.• a dl Ito 100 plant+ edit of the following Choirs kilt& Ttionuthe de Gant), Tittlions's Victoria, ittoiniesse ll.ri.•.rt du Tinley. Fit insole, Dna 's Pg hurt's New l'ino. Jonnv Lind, Cotter's Mot At ny's Stuns for and Wilson's .11l.•tny, THIOM NM DE D, For de.ra iption ar Una sal - ab:tad artily:lllyd Ftraalwr rv, so , our rir• nh IV r. , a fm mini 11111etv and •Nlilmon'e \ ttly. the No funiN, at the lag tales: 11::11\11.11E DE GAN)/ 50 reots per dozen: per 100; 5.00 n 11,r 105; 10,000 20 000 10r Sro ttm 0100 lot, Ili e. per e Ai be chat 8•d rot Boxer and ;melting, 21 cent , per damn ; jt per 100; 3,000 for $lO. Luger rime rote. For ; 100110 sill furnish tom.) T. immphe do nand awl 10.011,1 Wilson's Allonnv. per 0.111. 111 It 3100 lie ged In ildw lot. fel boxes and packing. We gill bred to any 1,0.4 aim" whirrs, in the countty !lent paid, and cal chill) pot up to cart y thly, one bundled good Oit Omits of any v. bete fonnd in our cata• !mote at the 'Mi.', there Annexed. For hmtattee, 100 Wilk. son's Albany bur l'ul; IGo Ti Viet. .1,81); 100 Trinmpho 1.1.nul $2. Sc. rii• No ...lei s flll4 tl in plants I.g mail tor less than one dollar's Math. a 11113 one kind, and 1,11131 ICI. (11.111 100 are imammd, it er lot be at (He, doe.' price. Thinckles Orange and Franconia. ji per dozen $5 per 100 . $ 39 per 10 0 0. pu Ft nited Mont 11- IY, liner It ea Giant, lltylinn Mee A utworp, Red Ant wei p, Yellow Ammo p, A1101%9 ❑ardy, 75 ern ti per dozen, $3 p e r too. $25 p r 1000. imptm ell wan Black, 50 contra per doz.'', s'l per 10U, $23 per 1000. SELECT Lidlim OF RASPBERRIES. For $lO we will furnish 100 Orittelil,e4 Orange, tho beet ',Ayr. ad Hasidim y. as well ns one of the !argent, moat beautiful, .111f1 productive; 100 Poinconia, a large roil berry, of good Das er, attiat tile and eiturmouely pro. dilutive; 100 Improved American Black Cap. much lot ger, morejniey, better flavored, with fewer owl etc. ry 1103 superior to the common liiiick Cap. The plant is entirely hardy and very prieltietheomil the ft nit is mirth sought after in the mat lief. The above kinds Include the tln co colors, red, orange and black, and lornikh It pleasant variety in lamer. Wo regard them as the beat for amateurs, and liar most profit able for mat ket culture. New• Mellen**, St per dozen, i i per MO, s'23 per 1.000, $lOO per 3,000; Dorchester. 75 cents per dozen, $1 per 100, jive 1,009; New tr, n's Thornless, 50 cents per dozen, $3 per 150. $25 per 1.000. %1 ill Henri 100 each of the above three kinds for $lO. Each package of berry and Illackhet ry plants will contain painted hottructions for cultivation. Per prices of Oinpos, Currants. Gooseberries. Rhubarb, Asparagus, Lc.. nee our circular. n filch n ill be sent to all applicants enclosing stamps. W have opened at No. 2 . .) Fifth Pt., a SEED STORE AND 1101ITICELTURA lb DEPOT, Where all an lielesbelmuring to such an es tabli•hmen t can be had, of the best quality, [mar. 23, 1862.] A, FARM FOR SALE. Tho subscribers will sell at private sale the !arm now occapied by Samuel Sanke.y, in Henderson township, about four miles from Hun tingdon. The farm contains about 210 Acres— about the one half cleared and lu n good state of cantina Hon. The improvements aro a good flame, two-story house, log barn and other ontbuildiugs. There are four gond opt Ings of water on the place. Tine terms in nil be easy. Mnrch IS, VXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- j uj Letters Testamentary upon the hut trill and testa ment of James Porter, late of Weot township, Hunting don county, deceased, have been granted to the subset t here. All peraoos Indebted are requested to trunks Immo• dolt° payment, and those haring claims will preeenttlient properly authenticated to na. _ _ March 11, Ibe3•_6t NTOTICE.— , Lettere teatamentury upon the last ball and testa ment of John P. Anderson, late of the bcifongh of Hun tingdon, deed.. have been granted to me. All pereens in debted to htm nun ictpletterl to matte payment, uud these having claims 1%111 pbrectit theta 1 repo ly authenticated. JOHN SCOTT, Huntingdon, March 11,1862-6 f. Executor. KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COIL Tins preparation, made from the best Java. Coffey in recommended by physicians run superior NUTRITIOUS BEVY:RA(4N for General Uebility, Dyspepsia, end all bilious disci dere. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee. will use this without injurious affects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 mints. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and beet BARING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Dread and cakes. Price 15 cents. MANUFACTURED DT M. IL KOLLOCK, CDEMIST, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Struts, PHILADI L,DIA, • • And sold by all Druggists and Grocers Feb. ^_1,1862-Iy. • • UDITOR'S NOTICE_ --- The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tpe Orphans' Court of Huntingdon, county, to distribute the fund in the hands of Thomas t, Administrator of the estate of Henry Whitesell, tato of Barney •toutisltip. deceased, unit attend at his ethic,, in Iluuttug,don,-on 'f(WItSDAY, tan 13th of 3IA Hell next, at ape o'clock, P. M , for the pur pose of teal:king the said aletribution, when and where all pen soils interested, nip required to present their claims, or ho deb:lllM front coming inn for a shore of the said fond. Auditor. Feb. 20, 1502.-3 t IMO= SCOTT & BROAVN; ATTORNEY 4T LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Offint on Tfill Le root, in tho building formorly nnapierl 2B - tho nJorarhal " Print ink .(Knte.. jtuntingdon, Jan. 1. - A, 186'1 CALL AT 11'11,80:s'r3 A I.IIA PLANTS BY M =II BLACKRERUIES SAMUEL SANKEY, WILLIAM SANKEY GEO. n. PORTER, ,5.13/1, PORTER, Executorm COURT AFFAIRS TRIAL LISTH.AP,RTL T,Flpi, 1862 13=1 Andrew Hari° ye Henry Muldoon, et al IleaMontan & lie) ward in J. Browitor'd Exec Crutaley to St..T. Martin, et al. Thomas Weston, .It, to 'nom]. Wallop. FECOND IyEi.K. ' -'' Jacob Creem, ell '' '4 . e. lete.elFtone; et al. Ann ('nnnon, &c. 84 Isaac Opp. , 11, Ice X. Glair, el al. ye - tem. ItnYttods, et al. Henry Otlady is Baniel•lfettlz. Margaret Hamilton, ,te. to Jambi Elarkekla, et al Coyle & Green A d MitiArbrdWadr. W. W. A I). Entreitin vs Mieliall Eroue. 00.21. ND JURORS, J'homas itilitOn. farmer, Springfield. Samuel Bowman, farmer; Shirley. Darby Chi'cote, miller, Hopewell. William Cunningham, cabinetmaker, Clay John Gregory, farmer, West. Samuel L. Glasgow, farmer. Clay. Peter Grazier, carpenter, Waniormark. John thwart, farmer, Union. George W. Horton, farmer, Carbon. Asehel Hight, laborer, Huntingdon, James Hutchison, farmer, Henderson. Enoch Isenberg of E, farmer, Porter. David Long, farmer, Shirley. Charles W. Moore, M. D., Carbon. Robert Morrow, farmer, Dublin. Daniel Peightal, farmer, Penn. Daniel Shultz, farmer, Morris. John Silrerthorn, farmer, Tell. Samuel Thompson, farmer, Oneida. William Thompson, fernier, Clay. Eli Wakefield, farmer, Brady. Alexander Work, farmer, Porter. Enoch Walls, farmer, Porter. Jesse Yocum, J. P., Brady. TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST WEEK. Paul Ammermann, agent, Carbon. Thomas Anderson, farmer, Tud. Charles C. Ash, farmer, Burree. J. Q. Adams, ironmaster, Franklin. William Africa, shoemaker, Huntingdon. Thomas Bell. carpenter, Barrer. William Bricker, farmer, Oneida. Brice X. Blair, merchant, Dublin. J. M. Cunningham, carpenter, Huntingdon Nathan Curbin, carpenter, Huntingdon. Samuel Doran, carpenter, Henry Davis, former, West. John Davis. farmer. Morris. • Alexander Ewing, farmer, Franklin. John Ever, former, Warriormark. Oliver Etn'er, former, Shirley. Enyeart, farmer, Cromwell. John Grove, farmer, Walker. Matthew Gill, wagonniaker, Brady. Edward A. Green, gentleman. Brady. Joseph Gibhoney, farmer. Berrec. Henry Glazier, gentleman, Huntingdon. Kenzie L. Green, fernier, Cloy. George S. Hudson, farmer. Clay. Solomon Homer, farmer, West. William Honek, farmer, Toil. Thomas B. Ifyskill, farmer. Warriormark. Ricluud Hall, farmer, Shirley. William Homer, farmer, Porter. William Johns, further, Clay. William Lincoln, farmer, Walker. George McCool, farmer, Oneida., IL B. Mytinger, gentleman, Morris. B. E. Melkfurtrie, farmer, Huntingdon. Charles It. MLCarthy, former, Cloy. David B. 'Thing, farmer, Warriormark. Levi A. Myers, carpenter, Shirleysburg. William McCartney, farmer, Jackson. Reuben o.ilts, firmer, Barree. John Rung, gentleman, West. Thomas Ramsey, farmer, Springfield. M oses R tt,iann, carpenter, Barre°. Joseph M. Stevens, clack. West. Andrew Smith, farmer, Union. George SinkAt, carpenter, Barret'. William Yocum, farmer, Juniata, Adam Zeigler, firmer,•Penn. Thumps Ilanter, farmer, Walker. • TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. Samuel Alliqon, farmer, Henderson. John Barr, farmer, Jackson. Abraham Brumbaugh, farmor, llopelN ell. Ralph Crotsley, farmer, Cass. Thomse Carman, 'inner, Huntingdon. Levi Dell, carpenter, Union. William Decker, farmer, Ii arse. William Davis, carpenter., Penn. Peter Earlier, gentleman. Shirleysburg. Jacob Felmlee, farmer, Tell. David Gates, farmer, Franklin, Benjamin Glaffius, tinner, Huntingdon. George M. Co ern, farmer, Cass. Samuel Grove, farmer, Hopewell. Daniel Harris, farmer, Penn. W. A. iludson, enbinet•mnker, Joseph [Tarnish, farmer, Porter. Jacob Herne:one, fat mgr, Porter. David F. Jeffries, farmer. Tell. Daniel Kyper. farmer, Walker. John M. Leech, mill Wright, Franklin, James Lynn, farmer, Springfield. Thomas Miller, farmer, Barree. Thomas Monteague, carpenter. Dublin. McGam ey, farmer, Shirley. Evan Nearhonf, farmer, Warriormark. William Peightnl, cooper. Huntingdon. Henry Peightal, farmer, Walker. Wm. Middles, innkeeper, Huntingdon. Henry Robison, farmer, Dublin. Benjamin Ilhudc•, filmier, Shirley. J. Duncan Rankin, manufacturer. Franklin Peter C. Swoope, gentleman, Huntingdon, McDonald Stewart, carpenter, Jackson. John Smelker, Jr., farmer, Shirleysburg. Jacob Walters, farmer, Morris. March 25. 18f12. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have hied their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session.. praying the said Court to grant them license to keep inn or taverns in their respective boroughs, townships and villages in flue county of Thin tingilon, and that said petitions will be presented to the said Count on Wednesday, the loth day of Apu ii next. for consideration. ,Le., alien and n here all persons inter ested can attend if they think proper, viz: Valentine Crouse, if iintingdon borough. John S. Miller. do. William Riddles, George Thomas, In. Henry Heater, Abraham V. WeAblook, do. John Dean, do. (trans Miller, do. Adorn Holliday, Shade Gap. John Jamison, do. Henry .tiet71.,...1, Dubliu township. Joseph S. Reed, ' ' s Joseph Morrispn, Biped Top City. Thomas Cook, do. James Dunn, Barnetstown. James Gleason, Barnet. Martin. 31ara., d o. Michael McCabe, Blairshoro. George 11. Little, MeAloy's Fort. Shadrack Steffey, Stevensville. John Shuck, McConnellstottn. Itcriry Straus° do. Philip Crouse, ' Mapleton. ' John D. Boring. Cassville borough. Jame& Chambeilnln. Wan imam:ilk. Samuel G. Simpson, 31111 Cteek. John G. Stewart, do. Robert Giffin, Orhisonia. borongli. William Templeton, do. James Hemming. Sanlabing. Henry ChaMberlain, Water Street. Johnston;William ltihrhlesibitrg. John R. Herd, Petersliurg borough. Jacob Longneelcer, do. Jesse E. March. Mooresville. Eliza Rankin, Warm Springs. Samuel M. Aultz, Mount Union. Mary Ann Doyle, do, R. F. Haslett, Spruto Creek. Alexander 8. Seeds, Spruce Creek. John Dhrow, Dudley. Joseph M. Porter, Dudley. Dennis Ntellugh, do. Samuel Trchttnine, Fairfield or Wilsontown. Tames Carmotit,,Manor 11111. Wm. P. Robinson, Alexandria. dames Horritigton, Carbon township. George D. Kelley', Coalment. WM. C. IVACONAD, Clerk. Duni ing.lon, March 225,1662-St. XECUTRIX [Estate of FredirickEchneider. dec'd.} Letters testamentary upon the lost will and testament of Frederick Schneider, Into of Henderson ton nship, deed. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims writ proent•them properly authenti cated to me., , . . 'r ELIZABETH SCILNEIDF.II, Aprill, 1862.-6 t. Executrix. J. E. GREENE, J : , . „DENTIST. Oftleo on Railroad street, Oppiisite . the Jerk. eon Hotel, Huntipgrlon, Pa. .31nrch 23; 1862, F'OR RENT.- A.cottfortitblovelli4 on Railroad stroet, neatly op'posite thO Esehatigo llotol, ia for Rent. Those nantiug the multi, oil). amity at this onto, or to WM. STEWART, 'thing on Cho pteraibo. than linrlion, March 41852. OZ,' will fupi thc. I.,qr:ger4 attc. beat a;.ortthent of Lrictics'bre.te Goode at D. P. Only& THE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. (117,12 C . _ 7.I,OQ4AMATION.---.W=E Ikeceiit to me directed, dated i 4 Thilitingabi,,- - o. Mb day of January,. A. D. 1662, undue Onatiands and seoLe of the• Hon? Oeerge Ttsylor, President or tha Algart . Common Plena, Over add Tormlner,and ery of the 24th Jlldicltil, , Olstrict of Penneylvanitr.,'Eonipliz sed of Huntingdon, Mali-and Cambria COMltivi; and the Hone. Benjamin F. Milton and William It. Leas his asset , ate% .ludgeß of the county of •Hisitingtion, justices asp signed, appointed to heir, try and determine all nod every • indictments made or taken or or concerning all crimes, villich by tine taws of the state are made capital, or felon ies of death. and other offences. cringe and misdememiors, hich have been Or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l nun commatia,Pla.osestro. public proclamation throughout may whole balliwitk, tithe a court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common. Diens and Quarter .S.. !semis. ain ho held at the Court noose inl the borough of iloothigdon. on the second 3funtlaj , (and 14tir day) of April next, and these who a ill -prusecute One mid prisoners, bas then and there to pi twecute themins' it shall be just. and that all Justices of rho Peace, Comes. and Constables within Cad county, be then and there Mt their proper person, at 10 o'Llmk, tn. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and reinembran cce• to do time things ollich to their aloes' respectively epientani. Datod at Iluntingdon t tho 'nth of March . , in the year of our Lord no thousand eight hundred Mid sixty-two, nod the bGth year of Antorkun Iriderendouro. J011?'; 1)110 Mt ATIOX. , -11! }LIME AS, by , n precept to me threet e d by lha Judges of th e coni nun Piens of the county of Huntingdon; leering teat the 25th day of January, , 1862, 1 aut co/Winded to maks Public Prochunntion thioughout my niktlie bgllttalch l titht n Cont t of Counting Piens will he held at the Clew ;Lels in the hot nugh of Huntingdon. on the s-i lvfotitfrißottq• 21st dal) of April. A. D., 1862, for the trial of all jot St,. in maid Court a hush termini muletet mined herons the said Judges, nhen and si here alt lutow, witnesses,dnit suitors, in thy trio!. of nil idAtICS ore required. - • Dated at irmitingdon the 18th of match. in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and aixtydwo, and the BGth year of American Independence. AMIN C. W ATSON, Sheriff. lIE SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exp. and FL Fa. to mo di rected, I will expose to alibi le sale or outcry, ut the Court Home, in the borough of Huntingdon, ON 'MONDAY TUN Idru DAY OF APRIL, 1802, at two o'clocii, the follening described proporty to wit: ". '', • One lot of ground situate In the borough of ITuritingtion fronting on Washington street fit/ feet, and extending, beck YOU feet to Mifflin street, adjoining' George (twin on the user, and lot , of George Black'n !mitt on the nest, baying thereon erected one two story Seized, taken in execution, and to he cold no the property of Levi Westbrook. ALSO—Four acres aground in Jackson township, about ono mile from McAlevyts Fort, one dwelling house "an 4 ether buildings, thereon storied. Also. ono frame grist mill, will, two pair of bores. plaster mill and smut mils chine, adjoining lands of Samuel Mitchell. Also, one arra of land in said township, having thereon erected a log house and stable. attjoittlngdmnis of Sttml Yocum; Ties: Watson, John Nooks, and the waters at Stone Creek.— Also, four acres of land in chid township. meadow hind, adjoining lands of Samna! Johnston and Wm. Hays and the water of Stone Creek; Sei7eti 3 Ogo in executioni mid to be sold as the property of this Musser and WO. Musser. ALSO—Defeinlant's right, title and hileresf in and to one half lot of ground situate in the borough of (tinting- don. Pa., fronting 50 feet on Church. street, extending hack 100 feet, and bounded .on the rest, by land now or late belonging to the heirs of Panl Schoobelimud on the nest by tut of Jitmes.3lcCabo, and on the north by other half of [lto same lot. Also. one half lot'of ground situate in same borough, being the north end 'of the abovo de sm ibed tut, fronting 50 feet on Moore street, and bounded on the east now or Into the heirs of Paul Schoobel, end on the nest by lot of Jas. McCabo, and un the .01101 by tint other half of rho same lot. Seized, taken in execution; stud to be sold as the property of David Itrotherlino, with notleo to Jame,, Saxton, his committee. ALSO—Defendant's right, title and interest in anti tq nil that ',Art of a tenet of land eitnnto In Tod townshiPl surveyed on a Warrant granted to Joseph Highlands; da, fed January 2,1. 1705, commencing at or near the Cheek nut corner, at or near which the part of tho same tract conveyed to James Steel corners; thence south 41 degr, , ea ;sea,— perches ton locust; thence south 50 degrees end 30 perches to a maple; thence south 41 degrees west GO pet cites ton chestnut; thence south 81 degrees Cad nionk the hunch Sloan survey, to the point where a part or the tract in the mine of Joseph Ilighlands„eenveyed to 800. jatuitt Trtlatuart corners; Mono° 11107. g the lino,dividing the parts of the said tract conveyed heretofore to Denj: 'freeman. Jacob Herten, (note J. 0. Flanigen,),and Jams St 4 * . t, B , 1.; form the remainder of aaill tenet to the'place of neginn ing, containing 109 acres, more or less. Ake—A &dein let or p.trcel of hued elfunte in th 4 township of Tod it-ing met of a tractor land surveyetl in Ilia name of Joseph Iligbiniul, adjoining laud of Israel' Baker, James Steel, Benjamin Truman and others, be ginning. at a gum corner edjoiniug land of Israel Baker; thence south 75 degrees enst 200 perches. to at Hone; thence north 1V.% degrees west 63 perches .10 a stone;' thence north 75 degrees east 200 perches to A post; thence,south 3.9 1 .4 degrees east 03 perches to ri-gnin. the place of be ginning. containing So nets :med. taken in executic is, and to be sold as the pi oporty of Joseph It. Flanigen. , • intiteen Furcliaser..-1111ddet a nt 9 herifra sales will take notice that immediately upon the property bog itusickeri flown. fifty per cent. of all bide ruder 81.00 ‘ intli 'twenty: , live pm cent. of all bide over that sum, nmet, be paid to the :iet in: or the in ~perty {l.lll be Set hp.Sgaill and sold to other bidders Otto will comply :with the above terms. Sheriff's Fates will hereafter be made on Wednesday, of the Ii IFt week of Com t, and the Deeds acknewled,sed en the follueire WedneLley. .701 IN C. 'WATSON, Sheriff. Sin:Tures Orncr. Mar.IB,ISSI . -11,E'GTSTEIt'S NOTICE.- Notice io beret') gin en, to all permits , intereated . , that the ("Honing named vomits hav,e,ae,t,tletlitheir counts in the Itegistot's Office, at llntttillgdon, and that the said at Lomita alit be memento,' for confirmation and allonmws nt an Oh Court. to be held at Huntingdon, in and fur the comity of Huntingdon, on )lunday the 11t11. day of Apt it neat. (1012.) to it: • 1. The ecuount of Dal id Welsh and James Cm, Ex cc., tom df David Creo, late of Dublin township, deed 2. The Adininigralion account 01 Samuel S. Tipamp son. MinIiIIiVATIINT of William Thampton. deed. - 3. The account of the lion...lames Gwin, Administra tor do chub non t estaluvn to annexe, of the es[4e of nub t Allison, • . • 4. The Reorient of S.onliel %minim oniV6loordo Finlker. lixecutie s Of the List Will and Intquiont of George lion Mall. lute of SIMICy town4hio, deed." f,. The account of Win. W: French A nd Wm. M. MC, Administrators of Az .3feehlle, 1.1h4 of TM loii ebb ip, 6. Tho oucount of John If. geed, Adihillistretor of JlllllO-I lined the younger, tale of West tokvonl4, 7. Tho account of Mulip Garner and John heaver. Administrators of John Morulogutur,.. /ate ,of'llojuiutit to. whip, th • ri, The account of &dui Dia) her 'and Sanibel llooh4l - . Administrators of Samuel Bovher, late of Cromwell tap t duel. Partial account, . • - , 0. Tile supplemental and final account of John Booiter, sole Ad mintstrator of Samuel Radler, .file 'of Cromwell toe whip. den'd. :Iftet pm discharge of Ills co-adannistm tor: Samuel Molter, 10. The account,of John Molter, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to make sato of the Real Estate of batnuel Booher, late of Cromwell township, thx,'.l., under ptoceedingsin partition. 11. The Administration ,accouut of Eva 31. Dock, Ad mintatratris of John Beck, late of Morris NW, coed: 02. The Guardianship account of Kenzie I t .. Green Guardian of Latina Lovell. a - daughter of Amon' afell: late of Cass ton usliip, deed, elm being now dodd, aft% intermarriage with George-A. Henton.• - 13. Tim (41011111:1 , 1811ip • accounts of Kenzie L. Green, Mouthful of Kenzie A., Albert G., and honey C. Lovell; minor children of Amon lovell,‘ late of Cass totpAltip, deed, now in their majority. " 5-1. Account,of Wm. Moore, Administrator of •Hcorge S. Cryder, late of Delaware county; to the State °Paid. LAMM. W. 1,11131111,5D0111i,, Register. 11 EnIiTER'SOFFICP, 1 , " Huntingdon, Mar. 18,1562. _ UNION VARIETY' 'CASES,: C.lO LE MAN - & CO.'S Variety_ Envelopes 1„ . I are inpercedell by their new and beantind ONION much superior and much to be pre. th red. They nre certainly cheap and I cry desirable. -We wish uur friends to call at, Lnttne.J3ook. and Statiozeri Store, and see them—to sec Is to hay: • 'y cor,rarAN . Plillatlelplan. Fob. 11, 15132 ' , - 13ERNS11,yANIA RA TIME OF T;EAVINd OF IVESTIP4RD. I . I BASTIVeIna 1 V I .... . Y.• . t._ • .....1 H ?., 4 1 STATICYS. tg 6. • 4 r . " Li v , cl . :e. 't 2 , tv 01 :, rn ./21 r.l. r. m. A.m.', , i r. 21.; .01 1 P.M. 12 51 701 ' ' INiustest liessiliOdi t•••• - - i' 308 100 7 98 0 21 Mt. Udiop, 11 00 . 2 03 1 17 7 21 51111 C9eak, - ' ' 144 1 34 7 35 6 51 Iluntingdon, ......... n 23 0 10 1 20 '1 514 48 7 05 Petersburg, 11 08 -9 02 1 12 2 00 .....,Barree, 1 OS 207 8 03' 7 20 Spiuce Crook 10 56 1 01 225 Hirrntrigliam, I 12 48 234 8 25 7 43 Tyrone, 1030 8 26 12 33 Tipton 10 10 12 28 2 52 Fostoria. 12 25 2 87 8 03 Boll's Mills,. 10 10 12 10 315 855 820 Altoona, ' - 965 75512 08 r. et. 0.71. 3. u. 9.5 L a.n. 2.11 Li U N I I N 0-D big -&.; B 11.0; 4D xpp Li.. 'mu domi:—cruNtlr oi% 6:dIWDULII . ' On and after Monday, Dec.2(1,1861, Passenger Traiva wlll'arrive and depart as follows: ' ' . • , • VP VRAIVS, Mac. /jußtiagOod at ,740 A, 31 . 4.10 P. 31 Saicton 1.80 A. M. & 6.10 P.'.l! .airiya at lluraweg !‘,1,0.15 A.'3l. 111 Lpavo at..‘ 10.35 M •• S.txtou 11.10 A. AL L iLio P. 341. Arri‘e ut Huntingdon 110 P. M. & 010 P. M. ' J.,J. LAWRENCE. Pee. 3,1361 The insurance Company of North America, at Philadelphia, ' INCORPORATED 1794: ' Capital and assets, $1,254,719 81. '41316 . 1 G. f,OFFIN, Pjlesident: • -.., 611ABLES . PLATT, Secretary. okytrts; go. 232 irALNuT rplIE undersigned, Agent for the above welbkupwn and ,rdiable company, will make in. em auces.pgaingtioail , or damage by are for porioda from Ala Womb tc4orpatual, ou proportY In town or country. B'l3ll'Bo.N AFRICA. Iluntingdon, Feb. 21,,,, tL 4 7 . : p4p. TnA As •