J. H. 0. CORBIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINODON, PI. Office on MP Street. Ilutaingdon, Jan. 14, ISM-tr. MILITA.BY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Te book Is no octavo of ard) pages. to elegantly printed nti pup paper. with new told ti pt , . and lion an admirable exhaustive index. for n Melt every °Meer .111 be grateful, the moment his rte rests Upon it, to no lamer edition has ever had on index, nod the wont of ouu has been long felt In the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing ninny impel taut correction..; al., selections lom (ho Pilitary Acts of Convene, Including (Mue pissed at the list session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' Enoß STORE. CAVALRY TAC)TICS, [AUTINIZIpSD EDITION:] By Major William Gilliam, U. S. A, Just publkheil and fur nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Cumph to iu one olume. Price $1.01.). "UNITED STATES I N 1 7 A N T It Y TACTICS. For the instruction. exsreise.allll inanoeurrPs of the United States Infantry. including. )11- 1 fentry of the lane. Light 'lnfantry, and Mee- melt, prepared under the ilirectjon of tho War k Pt, epartmen and autheriziA And M .4 adopted by the Secietary'Of War. 3lay I et. ISol. 'dui to hi- )< school) ing the of the soldier; the school of the si• comp..* ; instruction for skirmishers, and (lie 1. . 1 general cello; the rails fur skirolisll(r.., and the .7 school of the battalion; including the articles 1 of war nod a dictionary of military terms. Complete in ens ,olnme. Price $1,25. For oule at Louis' Beek Store. --:: MEI THE HANDY BOOK MEM LTIVIT.ED S7'.l TES .SOLDIER, On coming into nor t ice: containing a complete ¶ Morn of lnetnictiou in die reboot of the Fohlter. with a pi...Minna re explanation of the formation of a Rif ration on l'Ararie. the ro.itioll of the office...lc., ie.. being a fleet Imok or intr.hiction to autlioriewl U.S. frLartry 'fatties, just Price cent.. For Bole at LEWIS' BOOK STOIC P, AL 0, Hardm's 'Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Ciumptete in 2 rot•. Price sus, For sale nt LEWIS' ROOK STONE. Ere Tim Books Seta by wail to any address on lima ro ript alto prime. llotatingdars May 2S, 1861. THE WAR GOES ON I D 33 D. P. GWIN lIAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK n r G 0 ODS FOR FALL AND WINTER CALL Als;_11 EXAMINE THEM Oct. Z., IFGI itEMEAIBER ELLSWORTH! FISIIER xC: SON EOM Jt T OPI:LY.ED .EPLENDTD STOUR NE IV GOODS tiIE MIMI(' Alll INVITED TO DALT FEE RX.AtIiNE OUR GOODS FISIIER & SON Cel.l IstA :UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BO= STORE, 1862. 1862. CLOTHING. ROIAN, NEW CLOTIIINti FOIL PALL AXD HUNTER, JUST It AS nomAx's "G•44 - .E.+:1 5 ,VLOTIIING STORE'. GentlemenWClOtllingof the bent material, and made In the beat Am kmanitke manner, call at IT. 110 '.NI A S, , e: l petejte the Franklin ll.nse in ?Jacket i on. % t re . .. 7 ll l :l 4 t i i . n i g- V. BA:ryLE ,FOUGHT!!! MI A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON AD,IUTANT G"N. Li h'lB After A revere enogrntent tt Lich Lasted for peat ty f air 4Aym, I bore at Dud routed the enemy And raptured a large number of 611114. Rs, utt ere, Boa ie great quantity of camp equipage, and other valuable afticirn #n hid, I immediately abipperty,railroad front the held of 'netion, and now announce lIIGII PRICES tI:FF.A.TED. On opening and examining the a alnables captured. they here found to col - muffle such an endless Nark t 3 of II at hare and Cutlery of every kind, dart if can 4nhply the people of all ages and classes; even from aitoy loran hi t:ant, to a supporting cane for the feeble old wan. Boys or girls, Lords or Ladies, Soldiers or Citirens, ilowsekeep on or Boarders, Farmers or Medi:lnky, Lawyers or Duc riots, anybody and everybody may be furnished with a !mufti' memento of this eventful battle by calling at the ;Hardware Store of -IZuntivgdon, Oct.l, 1361 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G. ASIL34.N iki!.LbEn Has just received a net stock of MEE= DRY-GOODS, 1300 TS & SnOES, ;:ctdl and examine my nee• steak. G. AMMAN 11ILLE11 October 31, 1861 pftyARBLE YARD. The . titiaersigned would respectfully call the attention of the cithen, untingdon and the adjoining comities to the tode of beautiful marble now on hand. Ibeld prepared to fin hid, at the shortest notice, Monumental Mal Pie, Tontli,•Tdides -wad Stones of every desired size 'and fnnt of Wan or •Itteeteftt s.farble, highly ftntetted, and catted wttlt appro priate iiericeif. or plain, AS mar snit. Building AlMthis, Dow and Window Sills, &c., will It , furnished to order. IV. W. pledges himself iso inrnish material and Arm 1, manahlp equal to any in tho country, nt n fair prit e. Call 'and aeo before Jou purcit%o elsea hero. Shop on 11111 street, - • Vr.m. WI LLIA3IS. Huntingdon, nay 16, 1655. OALL at the new CLOTTIINC STORE GUT31,1:4 CO, if pmt a not a gr......• 1 4rt'clp ClotNiflg. St.n• romn n. 1m11,11m4. m th.• Dtr mood; lutriit.gti • •:..pt 3, 1F"..7. COME TO 'rim NEW STORE FOR CHEAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCEttY AND REM inferittm tile citLentt of Huntingdon and vi cinity, fit.it he tot4opPffed it 'he'll. Grocery mot Cottj'edion ery Store to the bmeutent, under Gutman & CO.'s Slurs, in the Diamond, and would idea rt,pectfolll, re tpleat a share. Of 'truffle pat ronate. Hie stock comisto of all LillllB of the .13 CST ROC ER I 1.1, , tIONPItC,TIGNERI Sc. Fish can he bad at nholesale or retail. C113.1.11`,5 n t1l he lot niched regnlarly to pat tie.; and indtvidonta, at hie room. - 11untotgiton, Sept. 9-4 ISCO. CLOTIIE YOURSELVES! lIIGH PRICES DEFEATED ! _You: is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANU4L GUTMAN, Respectfully Inform tho publicl4olerally that ho bon Just received a large and n ell selected stock of fasblunable FALL AND AVI'.VCIIIIt CLOTHING, tom Itch ho naks the attention of all who ma In want of a neat and contfortatN Nat, a Vent or a pair or Pilots.— this stock will bear examitlatioh, and he relpectfially renue>ta all to call and sou for (helmet rea. Should v,entletnatt desire any particular bind or eta of clothing not found in the stock on hand. by leaving their incastire they CAD be accommodated at short notice. • • A goad natiortnient. of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &C., gill also be found on lintid. All of mhich is ill he Kohl no if not love•. than the some quality of goods eau be land in the county. Call at the corner of the Diamond : Long new huihling Ilonttnpion, Eept. I.R 3 1861 "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. Out Tide hotel is central. convenient by PariqPnrger Core to nll porta of the City, and in e‘ery tienlar adap• ted to the comfort and want, of the looduees public. SI.SO per t 1.13 . -61, Feld. 10, 1861.-Iy. OR EVERYBODY. - " On fill or'posit, ro r nwn., cone. THE DEPT and MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA mid CIIOCOLITE. FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEUAB, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND All, HINDS, and rico other article 14,mily found in n Urocery Store AlDrogo, Phendrods. oSt tad, Pointe, Vornkloot. ibis „Ind So, Turpentine, Flub', Alcohol, Woks and Putty, lIEST WINE and BRANDI' for medical pmt ponce. ALI, Tit 1.: PEST PATENT Mt.:PRINKS, and a Imp tinilthor of ortielra too muntonno to mont ian The nubile genrlolls will plonhc call and examitre tlictuseh vs nail trot fl lily pricer. Huntingdon, 3105 25, 1855, -ri *co Mx x '''' cn r-. ''''-i Igi THE NEW STORE AND XE W GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Hare receaved another at•ek of Hew g00(14, arch as DRY GUUDS, UM - WEI:IES, QUEENSIV ARE. &C., in the store room nt the south-east corner of thu 11i mond In the borough of Huntingdon. Their Stock ban 11,11 eat dally selected, and sill be nobt low for cash or conntry to °du,. Huntingdon, Ain it 13, 1661. --- WINDOW CURTAIN . PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND ''InJENIY/D ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, StST nEcim - ED AT 'LtiVIS' BOOK STORE. FL T. - WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTYNODON, J.III. 1351.4 f. WASHINGTON NOT I TAIiEN 1! 0 /ye FLAG s:ipzEr. irdrEs. SlG . Crdre * Run Shawn, and Newburg. SIMON COMN'lihr Vitrt ricsireil floor the astern Ctt• lea, a large assortment et Dry an4wl,s, Grocer - Mr, elf f(115,0111 f. Jhu dunce. Tionnete, Shofiqw, kftats, Opt, 12eols. and all oilier al liChislept in country Morel. NI hick he is oil - cling at his :11.11110th Stoics. at Coffee Run Station mut hea bin g, nt minsindly low.pricea. The ladies especially are invited to call and examine his l'aniy Goods his tog arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. ho is able to buy his goods cheap. er than other country merchants, and CTIII connennoutly, undersell them! In ear:Lange few• goods, be takes all Ithols of ennntry produce a the highest cash pliers. Sty strict attention to the 'Mints of custotorrs,he 'hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal pail image with which he has been herelofine favored. 3k. Odin Agent of the broad Top 11. R. Co.. at Coffee Run S.totton, :end in Fe epared to nhip all kinds of flrnin to the Eastern Info - kola. Having a largo Ware bloom, Par tners eon Store with hint ant el ready to ship. Every eon- Nod, nee m iii be affolded them. August 0.1861 NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Salton and Three-Tenths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT TUE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., ANICERS, ,110. South Third Street, PTIILADELPIII.t. ZAB. X.l3llOW:i Pursuant to tostructions from the Feeretary of the Treasury. the Eubseription Boolt to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven end time-tenths -per centepcpannum, wilt remain open at my office, NO. 154 6. THIRD STREET, until further notice, from BA. 31. till P. 31., and on 31ondays till 9 P. 31. Three notes will 1, of the denumination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIN E THOUSAND DOLLARS, and aro all dated 19th of Anzlist, DAL Invyt3Lle 16 gold, in three years; or convet ti. tile into a tscuty yeam' eix,,per cont. loan, at lieu optton of the bolder. Each Tieastiry Note 'haelliterestcourtiMit attached, n fall be cut off and collected in gold at the Mint every six months. nod at the rate of one cent per day on oath fifty dollars. Payments of subscriptions may be made in (told or Checks, or Notes of any of the Philadelphia Banks. PAIITIFA AT A DISTANCLCIITIII . IIIII. by their friends. through the mail, or by express, or through Banks, and the Ti enti ury Notes will ho immediately delivered, sent to each sith•eriber 1113 they may sat et ally tint - N.l. Parties remitting nicest add the interci.t. Dorn 1911. of Almost, the date of all the notes, 10 theiday the romib tones reaches Philadelphia, at the Tete of one cent per day on each fifty &Mits. rAppls t.c;ct ndd, e •n JAY COURT, SUIISCRIPTION AGENT, Cm eof Joy Cooke Co., Rankers. Nr .- 111 South Third Street, Philadulphin On. 7, ISC,I. you }rill find the Largest and Best r•iortraeut cfj,di.23',Dreli'fi :104R at D. P. GRIN'S. INi E hest Tobacco ;toivri, at !, r 4W1.V2 ppNFECTIONERY TRY THE NEW STORE, =IR .\\ 'cro ' 4 44,,9 • NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! NEW AIR LINE v ROUTE TO NEW &low wzNr . • SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO cirrus OF NEW YoRK AND HARRISBURG! CIA BE WINO, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. )lon,ro F.xrnrsv, We.t. loaves "New Turk a! 6.1. M. arrhiny at Harrisburg at 12.45 110011, only 6:4 hours be town the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New Turk at 1 . 2.r0 noon. and an Ives at Iron isburg at 8.30 P. M. MoItNINO MAIL LINE. Eaht. Ilan kburg at S.llO A 31., an lying, at Neu Yolk :It 4..7J P. N. ArrtrolooN Exear....s LINE. !raw, Ilarthburg at 1.15 P. N.. nt thing at New tork at ¶l.OO P. M. Connections are snails nt hut I I slitsrg at 1 00 P. 3f., with (Ito l'asAettger Ts its each direction Ott the l'onintyltn lila. enmity:inns! Va , ist and Nor tutu it Conttni Malcom!. All ttains con noel at Heading as sill, t.l nil. for Pottf, ille mid I.lol.tdelithia, and a All. town for Manch Chunk, Eamon, de, No change of Arranger Cars nr Baggage bot n pen New Yolk and (tot rialittrg. by the LOU( A. M. Mite front New Yolk or the the 1.15 I'. M. ffnin Hat risburg. For beauty of scenery, told speed, cnmfin t and acentn. nindAtifut, 11114 refill, pi exent., supetior indtuententra to the marling poldie. Fain brie ern coN York and (fir, i•bnrg nee dollatot.— For tiikets and other lam station apply to CUIDE, (legend Agent, Ilarribbnrg. .Tiny 10, lobo. pinr.AftELpitiA AND ItNADINd lIAI LIWAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND I'TER MY 28th, 1860 Two paaaanger tra Ina bare Trarriaburr, Daily. (Sll nda3 a eseepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. M., for Philadelphia, rim hug them et 1.351'. 5 1.. and 6.15 I'. m. Patin ning, leave Philadelphia at 0.60 A. Jr., and 330 P. If , an it mug nt lion liburg at 12 45 noon and 8 30 p 31 Fareii: To l'itiladelpltia, \o. I Cat& $3:25 ; No.?, (iii ham • Forrt : To Heading, 91 rio and $1.:10 At Reading, c•iiiiiret with tiallia for l'ottet Me, 31 inert.. illq T.lnut.pus. CatatukFa. S.c. Four trniux Reading for doily, at 6 A. M., 10.15 A. 31.. 12::0 noon 101.1 3 43 t'. 31. Lea) :• Philadelphia to, Reading al S 00 0. 11., 1.00 P. 11., 3.30 P. 11., and 5 00 I'. 11. Enos: Heading to Philadt 11.11 in, i. ant t 1.45. The morning train tram Hai iasiong ronn, , elnot neatling 1, ill, tip train for 1t illiesbai re, l'itt,toli and Seianton. FOI through tickets and other into:1111111,111 11111113 to J. (1,11)E. Into 15,1851, General .Ignit. 10AL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! :lames A. Drown sells Ole goothir " PORTLAND KERO. EN P." on CO.II, OIL J rur nR mutrr. Thts Is the only kttel et oil that ghee entire entitfaction 04 tot agent for light. Ite‘‘ ate of contact feitß and colored rat bun oiin. They emit al , I,nvh-he smell and tonolto. A large vast , ty elle et COAL OIL L.1311A CLinmrl n, Globes. ‘l9. Its. IStlnlet s. . dc., sold At 1110 rely 10110ot yuces, at Ills llnt.lllalC don. PA. I;',AIDY ItECKONER: ftk i A complete rochet Het:honer, ID 11011 M, mul ( onto. to M hich mite added fm in, of Notes, 11111 g• lie ceipte. Petition., Le., towel her \\llll n set of mein! table, Loot:luting tato nlinterext horn one dollar to tactic (tine and. 1.3' the single day, mltit 41 table mil boat 41 by the Hoek and day, i llu meluvi is, lf.;pi Nor sale nt 1100 K STORh,. NHO'CICE I'o ALL!! The subscriber lan Los for more oven ono vrnr. rn c o l nn lollyillOPS ill company with !lit ' , M. F. Ihusur. it. Ohs. I'. IPntatits, and Mr. Limn Itt.t.n. has this Jay di,solterl potitcrship truth ut aborr firm 1 Ail slalom :lEtidoNt the old film will bo pnid lo the wilomlbm, and till thimo in debted to the limo will ply hint. r , ' CLOCKS, . wiTC Il E S and JEWELRY will • alw nyn he lepalred. A good stork of CI OCK4. IV Crelll . 1 and .110 1 (1.111 mill be. kept MI band for 11 , 4011101 ti IS h 0 Ma) favor him a ith a rail. —:-- ITunting,ion. 3lnrch 2,1539 TILE "GLOBE 3013 OFFICE" is. A. flue most complete of any to the enuntry, 1,114 pm. se.us flue most ample faculltien for promptly executing In the best ‘lyle, vim) smut) of Job Plintun.4 . , each an lIAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS. BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. El CM. /CND EXtMINE PPECIIIENS OP AVOTIA, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE (1 ROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! A 11'1? ES If A RIZIT'AL CIIRIST. LO G'S I= CALL AND SEE. ,9 110 u CI, THE CYTHARA —The - Itt Pre sbyt er n Psalmodist—The Shiwn—The3ulnlev—llunten's and enlarged and improved high iietors—Weiland'm e.‘rand IngaoS ell Method Cot that:niter—lA:bind's Act or. dean, Violin and nine Instructors—Whiner's and liono's ,Patrinlots—lleilsk's Melodeon Instructor—Bar ron Piano. For to PI moor—do. Thorough.llase Primer— Ilowe's Moving Hoorn Danees—Tito Chem; Moe Bout:— Tare's Harp, fin Kt/e ... . . . LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY S MUSIC STORE ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail, D. 0.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE,. 011AtcGE, YELLOW, AND fFANCI: ENVELOPES, Just ictegrett awl fur dale at LEWIS ' BOOK STORE. Ik A TINDOW SITADtS, CORDS, TASSELS, TLC. , and BAILEY'S ; FIXTURES, A bandrnme assortment Just received and for tale at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE OIL CLOT II WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIITUI? 1;8, TAPE, CORD AX]) TASSA LS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE pISTOLS! PISTOLS!! 1t ,sot.'. and implo,oo patterna of Howl% is, Cattr taws ' Boole linh &e. dc., lbw ealwtt the rev Store of O.OIIS 111101VN. ' , May 91, 1581. 111,11tingdou, in. - 1 - 1 you want Carpets and.QilClittlis, call nt I) I'. (MIN'S u'prta Sou tl.c largts as sot tnuoat in town. ABPET SackF •aul koacy .BaslcOtssat PIIOVESSIONAL it. BUSINESS CARDS . Go A' D il e l tl i e i rl i nj( l l .l ril t •t ' q ter, C.)lll,llo:Aarhis, Sr., &e. ,_ I ' ?It. 'JOHN iNIeCLILLOCI - Coffers his proft , z , lonal eel N if as to the citizens' 14 litlntingclon no vit rat ty. (Mire on 11111 oltt.o, one'lloQl ept of Reed's 11l ug store. Alit!. '2g, '55. 4,2 S. 8311111, _Dealer in Drngs, • nines, Perfumery, Dye Oils, L.. Ahu—Oro cerieH, Cunt. etimwt i11111t.114.1011. PR. . LEWIS, y Dettlet 111 Ihnoki., Stationery and Mtn.ical ToWt,- mews, Ilitatingd... pa. •"" I M. GUNN ENG IIAM 13110. eff • 1'011114c1,, Ilantingdon. Pa. JA'n' B A. ""°"'N , Dealer in ni c, Cutlery, Paints, Oil,. Ilene nylon, ROMAN I. Den , er In newly Made Clo th ing, Hats and Caps, • Boots and Spbee, G UTNIXN & CO., Dealers in Ready JAL tpildo Clothing. Huntingdon, Pa. n P. GWIN, J. %so, in D q Co g .l . Groceries. liarilirale, Queens. arc.lfats and trim, lluote and BLnca, AC. IfF;; It & SON, Dealir in Dry Goods, , TOSEPII RETG GER, It-Mann:titer and dealer In Wakehi.. Clarkg, and Jew dry, ke. 1111,LIA31S, A, Plain and Oinatnental Manillarinter. ' ' ; TOIIN 11.131EY, ( min " ty Surveyor, Ifuntittedon, Pa. Oflice Atreci, nine dom eavt of the Huntingdon Marble Yard, Jitmer.r.Ncr..s-1 . .. Watmon. Philadolphia; 1. P. t 011,., Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Nlickle.), totigh and Heady Farrett:l., lion, Jonathan 3115 COITNTRY DEALERS can Luc CLOTIIINt: from me in Huntingdon at , IVIIPLES4I.I: as droop they can in the cif le.. as i have a It hoieeale state in L'lnladelphia. Apt it 14, ISIA. It. 110 \I .IN. Q;ITONE-IVARE at S. S. Smith's Can cer), 20 per rent. efte:ivvr than any other place in intro. o r t :l:l4—'4 VIOLINS, • 0,-1) GUITARS, For a ir cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY,. MUSIC STOIC R . ALLISON MILLER, DEVTIS T, Hai removed Io fhe 11; HE 114 oppoitto tho Cony t App it 13, 1859. pocK ET TESTAM ENTS, FO It TILE VO I,iTIXTEEIig, 4L.4 E STOCK 0 Y .11 - A -VD AT 813 OOK INDING. Books. MA:O7 otes, or pub] iNttions of only kild ktotta to order. tf kit it p • USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! j It 3011 want your mil nnatly Initiled upon eon el opt", .11 at LEWIS' BOOK .1 ND S TA TIONERF STOR-E. I, TIIE OR A totpertor at tido of Note Pallet and Ettvelorett, sottablo fitt m"Atiotti,,/ ,ot t,votot..oct, tor mile at LEWIS' BOOK it STA 710-VERY STOI7E. AT) PE It ! PA PE It ! ! Note, Post. Commercial, Fookrup nod Flatrop—s poet assortment for sale 1.1 the le.uir, half lemn, gone 14 sheet, it LEWIS' NEW BOON ,t V STORE. ACA III).- DR. 1). S. II ACS Ills pi ormional leiw to the iiikAithin Is of Moor. r.illc and t unity, ilibee, lit thi• lower Rink it Nell )1111s, oppuelh. llt a. 3lyttin's etui v. April 14, ISigi-tt. EN Hy tit.° lox, pad, or quAntity for vale al LIAT'IS' BOOK .121'/) ;IPA TroxLve rsi on!. ITOOP SKTETS with from 4 to 30 lm:R, at pikes Flom n cts. to $2.00 at the cheap rho e of D. P. G WIY. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiro!, at I). P. G %V IN'S. EE=l , Splendid varieti' of Carpets, only '25 et, per yard. V 3 SIM TARRISI; sToN E-IVA RP, ! !! Crock, .111 5 4, Pie:wry° . .uportot q uality. only by JAMES: A. nuowN, P. 0 WIN keeTq the largest, best flSPOltment mid ihcnpe t 3110 CH ill (owl,. C4ll mul eis.l/11i. ILuu HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be cold pJr tr•2s at the cheap store of Ft ttlilt .0 SON. fl? you want handsou e Goods, good Gouda, cheap Coml., and all kit i of flooda, got D. 11. (IWO 'S. LIA Lb at D. I'. GNV IN'S if you want ) G 001) GOOD. "ROOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largot al.ollmeat and clompeBt to be found at D. P. GWIN'S lIIN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A 'UA large aßnortment nt DROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. .1 UM SllOllB, cheaper at D. P. Grain's `,r thou can ho bad in to,u. Call and see them. I - I gym( Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, ally 50 CO. each. SISIIEII k SUN. fIOAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, tot 75 cCobs and tomaid,, at Ow Ifarduaro StT.4l of J. A. BRCIWN I I t c i AMP t h e It3l JAS. A. BROWN. ph P. GWIN'S in the place to buy LI. good and dwell) Carf%l4. pAliclimENT ED PAPER ruled, for sale at 'MONTHLY 'ME BOOKS, 'o r sale at -1. ,I LEIT'Lt" BOOK AND STA PIONEkr STOIIF. IQUOItS, of the best, for Medicina I pur v e,e. at E, S. SMITH'S. iNKIAN HOUSE, 1-V THE DI.IIIONP. HUNTINGDON, PA 17,.V.LNTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the ceur ty. unit strangers and travelers generll3, UM. find Trunkitvlde. aesoitunedatinns nt this house. Giro us a trial. [April 4, 1b60.1 riONFECTIONEMES of the very best, MILLER'S. rpil E best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goode, can all4aya to found at the cheap since of risnEn & sox. BOOTS and SHOES, tliti largest and cbeapest aesortinent in town, at D. P. GIVIN'S. QCHOOL BOOKS, Generally in Imo in the &hoots of the County, not on hand, will 10 fdrnuTheri to ordor, on upplamtlou ut LEWIS' BOOK, AND STA TIONERY STORE. QALT ! SALT !*! SALT !!! 1,3 Jost received from tho Onondngh Salt Compnny, byracnme, N. Y., to be sold on coin mhoion, ei Com m Into- Rule or totoil. 9.00 BARRELS and 1000 SACKkof SAUL UCLA MO. llSlilili .FL SON. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, Pit TRACING 31TJ RIJN, IFT/NO AND DRI,WINQ PAPER WI/ if,C and .cohn.e *area, Paper, MEE FLANK BOOKS, oe vkIIIOUSMEr,S, for cal, at L:Ei7l6'' BOOK -17) as' VA VON E ro t? P A beautiful lot of Slutlsor Bounats for ...ri_smo Leap, tat • ( - 10 AL 33UCKEI'S 111 ?}. a Shovels, a for sain :TAME'S PPII"N 6YMPIIONTANS, ACCORDEONS AND FirrF... AT REDUCED PRICES, LEWIS' BOOK STORE I= LEWIS' BOOK STORK GRA:FIIS MILLER, I.'rel), (dm LEWIS' ROOK 2 STATIONERY" STORE ANCIENT JERUSALEM, A LADDD AND 1•S.:.113'11£171, ISdjcIETRICAL PICTURE OF • J . B II A And the ,Sti,!red Places HOLY CITY, AS THEY APPEARED IN ANCiI3':T TIMES. The above work ix commended to the favorable nolo a of elleigymen, and flute having charge of Sande)-school Ildole-clahses, and public institutloll4. It It nbuut p Teet long and G feet tilde. colored and var nhiladl, and mounted on canvas w Ith rulita s. It Inns been con•it meted flout the lllea, aliable and au thentic tutu cog, and rill hu found ntt hiliiltiable old to flame engaged in lemon ing on tho Ilgly Laud. kir ill int. parting instruction to ntbool class. on tin; subject to • xbicti it tutors. It ailms to give an exact Idea of the city as it appertrod lit IlaCiellt times. It to ilikt.ll a 9 a bit d's eye" or `i bat tome' view, the beholder being, In imagination, placed at a considerable ele‘ation, HO as to take a compreltenxite vien ot the eit) and thu nholo country for some diotanco around. The %few la accompanied with nn Outline Key, in wideh the dilleient loodittee are numbered, tibtl a lltatilptive Manual containing all the information necesaary to ena ble our to nee the View to adedubigtrin teaching or loc tus Tilt StINDAY:B'.CIIOOt This is n IVeohly Religious Paper, published at the very lute price 01 ON P. 1)0 I. LA It A I' .1 It. It is de signed fur PetretF, Tetwlter, and all who are elignged or interested in the rebgimis ttaining of the young. It is also an eveellent Family Paper. A Pe‘lioll of ills Slontmo!therA There is occupied with \.O attires and 00101 Matter pot titularly intelesting to younaperums. Tod, hers gilt find in it neap that they alit lilac to teed to their clas.o n—intele,ting matter pi es pitted to tle•ir hands. and moll no they entitle( find else whole, For tine satire reagens. Members of Ilihieddrudlos, and the older echolers genotally, u ill be greatly bumalt ed by the ',cupid of this paper. The Somfily-Sehoe/ nom) has every heels a report or the choicest matter, selected 11 0111 the Nom, Player Meet ings, which are an biter...amp; to all clews ',rein-Win...5. - - - Besides it large amount of genii al religions Intelligence, the Sunday-Sam!, Mart contains all tho most recent Sim day-school news. It leportn all the illll , Ol taunt COrIVOII - of Minday.sehool teachers. It IliSe.Sll3 the ques tions which most interest and per plot teachers and pa rents, respecting the sin ions methods of Religious Train ing far the young. the ineam, of gaining the attention and affections of children and espeoially of securing their courermion and bringing thorn to Christ. .The itillleft of e Ylisson , clioots for elties, and ti 111110i1 ary w out for the lumen ler, Is tliohniglih halm:nal. Jo. deed, there in haidly a topic of pi actical immanence to any scum one 1111(014.h:it in the i..nnid.oit of religion, Idne.n- ti r wlicl is not limo brought tooter Luothlerntion Loin ti pelt to leech. Tit° conductors of Ibis paper elides VOr to reinenilier.that the gust erupt ofnll chi isildo effort Ise° brinviien to Christ. They aim areoidingiv, to pot into el ery number of Ho , I mrrr shall lisle for its direct objeLt the Cum ciSion of hat, SPECIAL OFFER The prop; ietory of the Seedoe-bihred Tune, hnte cc gnitcd the exclugive right of eafe ppten,ll4 N‘orie hientlehed,:above the 31A In ANVIENT dEItITB.II.IOI. Un s er it nc n 81111,1111 ptominm In three nnperiuteudeute. tearhent, 1,110 \III] ocelot hi gettteg sub. eel Owen to the paper. We oriel tide premium to any one mina I, iii Ro.titl us the u;nnee of 19 nuns hum-et Welt, and jIY inn east, MEE ca=r, hero) e 11001111 in,, to bo 'into 111 I% rile to 114 nod °brain the neee , ..4ary document, owl 1m ructioni, 'fluor orll help you greatly in pto,Loting the not K. mo,l will pane pot nanny uunClkep. Ellelube 5 CelllB to ra3 11 . 0 , 4.140, Add; RNs PIOPiIIFT.,IN or %MY SCHOOL Tnrrn, ids South Foot h t.t t cot. l'lol N. 11.---tspuittlettl hint tuner. tutu it copy of Om :Nllp of .Imielit iTttrottatletti. may he neon ut tile littoltstate of IV3I. LEV% IS, 1111111i4n1 , It. Apia IS. t .. ....... ~..2-.1._-, - .-...,.z.....= --- ,i. ii."--=-- ,z_.,_, a' /, , -1,:: s 9 .liri ;'' i'• ~:.:Li 6 4 ,i' -v ' , o {may4o,l', • ~,!,:: I-, t . • ~ 6 VI I ? - 4 tl/,.,•:01;,'• .. lit -Alt. ---.,-; i?...404,411 .:1;t. 6 1 fr, • _. .; x - ;.-:: 4 f,i r •px: v i . r d i,; ,,l .:. h ,. , • 14, •,•••/, i ll • C Tv... ' ' • • . 414. 1 ,4' 1 . \ .. ..,. '4.k.'.6zit,,(;r,, , • vn vx ' - " , lPi , iq Va '1.10,,V. '''ll . t lei '',,ii,• :' ''''A /.4:., '''''7'fll:' •:.:4illr ;1. ? ...,p ' eA,t ~:, 1.Y., C 4 ''- Y', . •:':'''!!!,llr ? ,1 '.c. ';:5 , t 0 ~, 0:,,, .. ‘, ‘‘QUICK. SALES AND SMALL nours!" Inybody in want of FA3IIIX AND POCK 1T LI lUI Eq, HYMN AND ['BAYER BOOKS ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, AS' 01111,1: i 11uULE 151., 155E111,1150 11000, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL. lii6rlll_l3lENTS, CUURCU MUM AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, SIIEET SIQaIC for the Piano, diutfr, Se. , ke., NMI DOORS, PORTMONN ',TES k‘r, For Lading and Gentleman, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, Fur Sunday and Common Samol4, SUIMAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Prom for Boy + and pill le. AMUSING GAMES Fot Young FOllO WEDDING UNVIII.OPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATU., VISITING CA: C 9, csti:cß;nt noARDs, bcthmob, etc., coNti'Emi.tioN SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANJC BOOKS, Afentorcinjum. Books of Various Sizes, • SDIIOOI. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, =I DraLing aid B?.!ling raper, Bristal and Card Boards, WHITE BONNET BOARD, I=l Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's 'WRITING FLUID Mapping. Paper of Different Sizes nod Qina I=l 11=1 LEWIS' CiIIEAP BOON, STATIONENT AND MUNI:: SiOnr, In the "Globe" building, Mark it Square, wlioro all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS! ROBERT I= flrll Sl)eet, one door west of Curmon's Store, I=l GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS. I= thzins, PLAI; , I AND FANCY VESTINGS, ti necateet aria' bret.that cellhl be foam] iu the city, all of m }licit lie will tithe pleasure in exhibiting, and making tip to cadre. It n ill coet nothing to call ninhexaluino bum good, Call cot it. Huntingdon Sept. '21,1861 -hid, lALT,' ttt, P. P. G WIN'S if you want Fn3l.T.onitble Gnarls. I EI j.arest stock of De Lain'63in town SISIKER d• SON 11 7 0n1 ON THE .11011,SE THE HORSE & HISIH4EASES =EI Profestorqf 711(hoingIon4 . 0priv;1;n)..Ntirgeej 11 the . Vihnitarg Coliege.4 Phrt.ki ph., etc etc:' ill, TELL YOU Of the Origin, iilvlory, and nicti ta traits or the tan ions breeds of Etnotssin. Asiatic. A frican and Anion iota Dm are, ;stilt the physical fin ;nation and po. etrtilltlliert of the animal, and hew to itsoettain his ago by the number snit Combine; of his teeth ; illnatiated x ith n mnerons • ell/ine eto; y engra; lungs. THE MD" AND lIIS DILI; TELL YOU Of soding,'llreaking. 'Stabling. Feed tug, Grpeenng. ;hoeing, and the gener al mane'grtnent of the hot Sc, in th the heat niodi , vof• admiuletct ing medicine. also, most to treat Biting, icieliing. Sitring, Crib-litt• 1144., Hest lessnet.s, and other ;ices to vshirlt fir le SllbjeCt, 11111111,0111tX planitto y engravings. TILE lIOIISE AND DISEASES IT'LL TELL YOU Of the eansoii,r3 inlitins,a nil Treatinint or Strangles, Sore Thtot, ['Momper. Catania, Influenza, Itrourivitis, Pneu monia, Pleinasy, Btu Eon O slid , CLt un to Cough, Itaaring and pas, Sore Sleuth and 171cele, knit Pii• vapid Teeth. nu ith other di, ash, of the Sleuth and Itesnhatiziy On gen s. tilt: NORSE AND uts DISEASES W I LI, TELL YOU Of the came, symptoms...l T. cannon t bf Wm on, Ruh, Chola, Strangulation, :Army Collett [ions, Rupture•, Palmy. Dot then.lamnlier,llegeb Urine, btunea in the Kline}, and Blad der, Inltamation and other dieeasea of the Stomach, 8011 rls, Lit or and Uri nary Organ'. TIT!: ITODSE AND TITS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho conies, symptoms, end T. rot mrot of Bone ' Blood nod Bog, Blial Illog liner, So etude. Stioinq, Broken Knee, Wind Oldtd, Bounder, Ct neked Boor,. Solo Bromentid (I raw I, Conker, • Scratches, Tin nob add Corns; olso, of Meg. hos, Set ago, Epilepsy. Stugget 9, and altar dhonstS of tif+i Ft'oll 1.<73, and Head. TUE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL Tlil,l, YOU Of tiro P:1114'., symptoms, and Trial moot of Fistula, lull Glanders, }trey. Svarlet Fever, 31anga, Surfeit. Loclosl ainp,Gal Dist in, of the Eye and Heart. Ste. and Lou to niamitre Castration, Bleed ing, Trephiiiiim, Itou (ding. Firing, fly, ilia, Amputation, Topping, awl oili er am gital operations. 11011 S: AND ILLS tasEAsEs WILL, TELL YOU Of Italey's Method of taming Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to act... Will a horse to strange f 1.1111.19 of l sighth , and Lose to Il i a , Saddle,d aide, and :beak hint to Ila, al,o the form and I,LIV of 15 tan %NTT. T Ito n hole being tho re. null of 15 )ern,, rueful study of the latbit4, prci lit itiea, so auto and ,se.kk , ilf4. , ses of [llia tiobla and useful For silo nt A.cl. is' llooh Stole. THE HORSE AND 1113 DISEASES, THE HORSE AKD HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VA WAWA BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAwymt, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS'. Dnalk Store. THE EAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY 1)OUTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, Fur salo at LEWIS' Book Store. LONOSTiiETIi ON THE - HONEY BEE, NO STB. ET II ON 'l' lIE IIONEY BEE, LONtir'STRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, A VAI i OABLE BOOK, Fur sale at LEWIS' Book tore. DOWNING' on FRUIT awl FRUIT TREES DOW NI NG on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, Po • -We at LEWIS' Book Store. WitAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY': LAWYER A N D COUNSE 1.011 IN DUSIXESS W I T' L U 3 .1 4F-41-PA = 11 rah ren lion to di at t`ip l'itixramitn P %PIN and glivs gen. al Swop, for .Ir, in, sir's of all Linde Bin, of SAIL, LE Psr.6 and Pl - .T1T10.N9. It Toils Thu 11ow to d‘ aw op and nerto so, A, riots too, Poo f no of ATTORNEY, :SOILS and Ito Loot Oxen sot...RE - crime and Iti.LEssi.s. II Tells Thu The lan s hie the Cont-roars 01 IttOTS, it ith the Son tens of Id3IIT Wm+, and amount and Lind of pi open petty EXEMPT front EXLett -0100 in es cry State. It Tells Thu truer to make an A,TONMENT properly, with fount' wr CoMPOSiTfw, n ith UnlntiOns, and the I NeOl.sl. ST I,itTS of entry State. It Tells Thu The legal telethon, existing het, eon GUAR DIAN and WAIID, MASTER. and APPRI NTICE, and LANDIARD and TENANT. It Tills Thu What count ihdes Lint. and SLANDER, and the Lao 0810 MARRIAOIIDOWLR, the WITE'd IDOIIT Iv PROPTIVIY, DIVORCE and Aimionr. Il Tells Yen The Lao for Muni soles' 1.11:\s is ON ery State, and the N STURM IL trios f,twoof thiS coon. try, and how to comply mitt] the same. It Slits Mu The lon concerning and how In ob tain, One, and ti-n, .Pitt , E,trrion LAire to Pint IC LAN lE 7t2ls Pat The Law for PATENTS, mole of ptoee shoo m ob!ainingoneosith INTrnFEr.Laet.S, A , 61 , 1a31i ITS and Ts OF Er.F.4. It Tells Pm How to urine yolir 1111.1,, and hose to Annie -1,1,11 00 A 0 ESTATE, it jilt the lax and the I egnilenients tholoof in every Stale. II Tells Thit The Meaning of tem TEnon in general use, and explains to pout the I.I.GIdIATIVE, ESE relive 111111 .lunicikr, Powers of both the General and State tiert.RNSIENTS. It Tells nu 110 w TO KEEP our OF t. kW, by alio, ing how to do 3 our tinniness legully, thus ming a ra•t amount of property, end vexations litigation, by its timely eunsoltation. 4 - 3- Es er body's Lao) er is for sale at Leslie Book Store SOIIOOII BOOKS, AT LEWIS' 13001,C, STATICINF:RY XIDS!.O P.l. t. OSBCIOIfe Sprllrr. lst. 21, 50, 4th 111111 sth Rimier% Si G U RV'S Speller and Rootlets. S.l\ll6ll'stin do do Too Ifs Speller awl Bonnier, (old slid new editions ) Smith's. bullion's mid Brea n's Gi annum a. Fitch's I'lun sical Geography. Win rotes Physical Geogt aptly. Monteith and IlcNitll3's Geographies k Atlases Camp's Geugnaphy, pith Rey to 3litchull's Outline Maps. Webster's and IToreester's Dictionaries. QuArkenthos' First Lessons in Compo,itiou. (hint kunbu's Composition and Ithetol ic eeuloars. Stodd,u it's dud Brooks' Al Bbluetics. Betel sods Famil.ar Science. Greenleaf and Stoildord's RAI AtoA ri thniutrca tin eellicaf'e mid Dan ion' A (berate:Ws Roy' to Algebra. Pan Let's Juvenile Philosophy. Pan ker's Pit st I.e,sous in Natural Philosophy. Philosophy. 11W:intro Iligoiy tit the United SW. a. (1 - Ohl's " (tooth-Jars •• Payson Dm, ton and Set t(,',tet's Ptomanioip, to cloven nirntb , a Potter ,b Ilirminond'a Penmanship in twebe numbers. Academical, Controller s' and other ( 'op) Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Ti igonorib; try. Dar l.egerrdre'n Georristry. Greenleaf's iiVOIIICII r. Fulton & Eastman's liook-kecping. Book Keelung by Single Enta y, by Harraford & Payson Book Keeping' by Single and Double Entry, by Harmful d Pa) son. Other hooka v ill ho added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. TAPER! PAPEratli l'AYEft !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Drawing Paper, Deed Paper. Tie Noe Paper, Silk Paper for Planer'', Perforated Paper, Btistol Pond, Fiat Otps Paper, Foolscap Papc.r,. Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Laden' Gilt Edged Lotter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, {Mite and Colored Cat it Paper, in Packs anti Sheets, Fat kale at Boo,k, Stationery and Music Store. "it vnim, BOORS AND STATIONEIIY:— A good assOrtk:ertt fat miqcallanoons find &Loot lionkh—Foolscap, Later,. Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy EnvekTee—lted, Blue and Black hike— Blank Bookarof ridmerons sizes—Pone, Pencils. Pocket and Dark Inkclande, and every other artf.do initially found in a Book and Stationery Store, can ho bad at fair plieec at LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY A 31t1610 STORE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY:— . CASSIIIERES, and The innlinAgnetl inspectfnlly infoim the public lint they halo ptlrehn•+ed the ALIIX.I: , IbIttA r,lttivliltY end n ill continue business, and enilenvo.i.ii , give general satuithction. All ordort.attil.bii rionlritly nttendcit tc M It 3111 ROCK, Aonti..iiiririn. rah ^.?, 7irtl `it Tint It," VALUABLE 1300 K, A VALUABLE BOOK 1 , 11.1N7C Cllosfrl*, FOR SALE NEW FIRM NEW 130 OK FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK 5T0,111 . 1 , Tutv, A Now rOCfitE . ..t 31:AL of Rural A p.likter ttlie;. or, How to !Wild Dwell i ligplarag,i Stabtes,,twl ' Mit _ ot kind, Witi.”Oliabtit nod k11001.110LIS,: nit., 50 tents. •. TliEnAitlft: ' A . Now POVRET NNYVAT. of PlaCtient ticui tli I e; 05, My to Caltliato'Vegetable4 - ;l',ratte, ttnß Flow. to. With . 1r (1.411 , •r on Orudniehlar Tte;,, wnt ice, SO coon. • • • • , • - • • Tim FARM : A Now Pc ' x 1 , 11 iNum, of Pt acticzil Agri collate; or, /lots to Cultiintriall the Crops. Mull' qo wl Fat zn JLategeutcuy etc. Pt tee; tat cen(.. - .1)031.1%6T1e ANIMALS: A Now POCKET MANIAL ore:dill", llo61 , •; atal ebeep Ilte.l..itolt ; or, How' to Breed atid. Ikall the Smk,. 'Tenants et: the O t t : Nice, 50 crisis • • HOW TO TA Lick 4 Nov POCK&T ) 10i0 , 1, and Debate, Pills iltredi,;" I[ll..tit anti: cal Style, anti Illoro than Vito Ilutollea Common Slit lakes Corrected, Pt ire, SO cents. ,•, II011"1 • 0 tl rim - % E A NI, MANAIII. of Republi can Etiquette, tool (I nub ter tiotrt•rt Personal Habits; ith Rules fur Debar leg Sucletit.l Nitta:rat lie As semblies, ate. Nice, SU cents. ' • • 1111 W To DO BUSINESS: A Nt w PoeHrr HiNttit. Practical Affairs awl Guido to ' Alluse: 4 4 is Life; mills it Colll.oioll mist it Dictionary of Cont. Plhd, 51;) touts. Ao'intEive noun ROHR NEV 4 ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. AcTicAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRAC'T'ICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR .110IIRET.9 PRAC'I:I:9A.I,. p4l ,Cy .11 Book of Plain Rules and Calculationsf,r Business Ope ration+, by Martin hi. link, Narrryor and Conveyancer. sVcso Editton,publlshil by J. B. lappet, coil nk Co., 19nTadelphia. . . . This work contains 204 pagan. And npu aril., of 500 Rules end La.:nudes, entirely and thoroughly practical, such na anise every in the,ceninion pnrspits of lit p tvem. , Inns already passed through it number aedi.iony sucees•ien, and is ptowinced by all classes of buhinfpi men to be the handiest book of reference, pm tabling TO calculations, that has elm. been publiahed. Every example In the book is worked out in full and tinted inn plain manner • no that shun in parallel coot ani ses, tboso r eterriag to the work m ill final no difficulty in seising ;in a wend, the general arnangement of tin, CA IX MA'AM. that, an) cue notes knows bum to add, subtract. multi Ply etch easitpitdOe rt 1 4 ,41.. dinary example that arises in 1111,11e,5, or. arrive at tho In lie result of any el timitte required.— 'l,l direr ainrof the mallet had been to claim theory atallilillosophy in figures, aiming only at facia and shapli. city, t ehut ing that basin,. linell care little nbuu[ spen ding time in dibenisung the philosophy df rules, or tins science of figure 4, deeming it au:Relent for their parposti to be able at a moment. by neferenee, to a rrivo at the true remit L The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Arithmeties of the day and kindred in orks—it is a trey to pi atelfroi , byticsh calculations—it in, Aldine hands of the busitu,s luta), mlia'.t the key to nialliematleal tent lty in the hands of the, teacher in the school• loom—ft recite • .. Lacs time and insures L•Orrectnevs. '• • - TILE WORE TREATS OF TILE ilfeamrement of Land, of Lumber, of !trick and Itritic Work. cf Stone and Stone 'trot tc,•bf groin and grain Mt, of coal tool coal bins, of woid, ofaolid,, of Iltylids i Cif. i tilr• color, i.quate or it tegular vessels, of cistern, and vats, of tooling, of plasterer's, painter's. glazier's, paver's, plumb. et's, aer bangr's and upliliitet urk. It tt ea* of curt y p o p e u awl or foreign ond o dotneStie w extliatigs, ol t lt,, decimal gy , tein. orredoetion enti its extended applicntion •to bn,nueec, or simple nod compound interest, and 'their collie application to liminieks tritium:lions, with the taus and wings., goverhing the asme, together Otill.lllllrENOtof legal, Partied payment on notes, of 'tiholcing and bank diseOlutt, el i ffertion of i fity, merit and of pat Winship accounts, of tuntes,ment of luxck, of weights and inen , lo,, of suture and robIC measure; of 11,0 square lout and it, application to business of Sill tilees, of I,olntthlll. and or Many other tinpaltant Ineetkat loot t e not within the scope of an athertiSetutpit, io men tion. IT IS JUST7III: BOOK For. TIII Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic. the at ti..dn. or !Ito t otemional Mon, It hnn protvk n Vellitkille',Mitillailtto the but yer the jostle,. of tine peace, the eunrclapcer.dind real extato looker, to tine aieiemor, the banker, tine Clerk, to the dell qugineer end the serve . , et, to the eel punter cad twiekloyer, to the otonenineon slut the pleoterer, to the pepet hapset and tiphelslerel, to the paver •ond the tiler..tc., dc.: eoth end all wilt find it adapted td the:r ca tions ants better than any book pebleleel. • rE,y. I. ice. 50 eettht. Per rule at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dee. 26, 1860. Tllll IFLINTINGDON FOLIMDI-tY BLAST AGAIN !—The subscribers take this Illei 11.4 of informing then. friviids abS the Intblio generally; that F- - they have rebuilt 'the Huntingdon Rum. OaNllry, - and are null in slicze.9llful Opel ation• and me paepared to tarnish Castings. of ,„,i".; et ery description, of hest finality AIM Sliithinaiwllip, on short notice, and on I eason..ble teral. 'Yam p a s are 11l itcil to call and ' exam- Ole our Plonglia. We ate • inatinfacturing the Muter Plough. This plough took the first premium nt Van lin) , tinplon rabidly Agricullnrol Fair lam fall. Also, Hunter', celebrated Clatter Plough, width can't be bent—togetbor ith tile Keystone, Ililteidu and Itarbiaear Omagh,. h:oo on hand 'mil 01e manufartm leg SiOVOi---911C11 Cook, Parlor, 0101 011ie 3tovai for a 41911 or coal.' I/01,w wan°. consisting of Kettles, , of SlLicit he hill sell cheap tel cosh or in excitlmogo tar coffin. by to ...ha,. Old metal token for cabtings. By a strict attention to hominess, and a desire to plume, 55.3 hop; to,i e eels a. a lil:lad share of public path mte°. d. 31: CUNNINGHAM & 11110. Huntingdon, Snail VA, 1556. DIS ADAM SOWIRNDED THE BOOT AND Si!DE,VAA7NO, ONE DOOR EAST OF D. ROMAN'S CLOTHINO STORM His 01.1 en-401111,re and the public iteueially, will giro hint it call. (Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 19581 THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES MISS ELIZA ACTOA Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale Jr TELLY You how to chooge al hinds oflteats, Poultry, and 0.41111 W, Itii the Tatioug nsd itgokf, approved modes or dressing .naVaLmot In:eland Pork; oleo tho boat and. skuptost way of salting, pickling and coning the &one.. • IT i . 12.1.23 you All the lath,ne and tno,t approved modes or tanking: nod honing Mutt 44., 'On(, iWtry.nod gam° otAittirnas ccitic the ctitrerent Diessmgs, Gravies, and Stunin,,,nppropriate to each. IT TELLS You How to choose. clean. and pre,orve Fish of oil kinds, nod lion to sweeten it %Olen taint ed ; also all the rations. and nio•t approved nudes of cooking, with the different Dress logo, StlIC(.3, and Flavorings appropriate to rat h. it TELIA You ,s I.' , 'ran iboo alio 'Enna app eci-modee of preparing over 50 kmds of Meat, 1 , ..h,F0u Wane, and Vegetal.do.Sonll.4, Brothsr:and with tho lteliAes and Seasonings opriate to each. IS TELLS Y o u All Ito various and most apstaved mode, of cooking Vegetables of every .le6criptloc, 0130 how to prepare tickles, Catsup, and Cori ica of 141 kind 4, Potted Meats, Fish, Came, Maelnoome,lic. It Tens You All the I . .iiions and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettee, Fritters, Cakes. Confectionary, Pleserveo, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every dent ip- Ir Tk.l LS You All the vas inns and Loost approved niotie.4 eC ate;ijetg IThepd, 'tusks, Mulims, and UN- Calf. and the Lost method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate. and Tea, and how J r., snake Syrups, Cordiars,•and Winos of so. Pr Tuts You I low to set out and ornament a Table, howto C rse all kinds of F ielf, Flesh or Fowl, and in shot t, lion to so simplify them hide Ast of Cooking as to tiring the choicest luxurice c f the irjthin the everybod3'sireach: r.r Sale at Lewis' Bork SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime lleledi ;, The 131,:Qc. Song Ijook, The time Union Song li'ook, The - Dime Military Sang Book, The American Pime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs fo• the . Union, The Stars and Stripes A'ongsfer, pixeg's .1 7, 'ssencc of Lund Cork S'ongste)., Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Ecrr,y's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Boole, Lotnn"s Irish Songs, Dime Book of Pao, Dime Book of I;:tt2uett; iycni Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Xorels, The Dintc Letter Writer Wee Dime Dream Book, The Dime picierctee, iyoy. Itr7 2, The 1 (t 2 .t'he Cook Book, Dime Recipe Book I= = FOR EVERYBODY