The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 01, 1862, Image 1

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    (51ob e.
WM.. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
A, TY'WEST, Associate Editor,.
TERms.— , Tn. awn." io v utubbed twice a %reel: at
$1.50 1, year-75 canto for SIX Intnitlts-3 1 . 1 a nts lot
threo mouths—rn advance.
Tuesday- afternoon, April 1, 1862
Our Flag Forever
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately.
§§ § § §
rilLg 'Pattie at Winchester.
Authentic reports of the battle at
Winchester come in slowly enough,
and rather vexing to the people of this
vicinity, as all are more or less directly
or indirectly interested. We have
enough, however, to assure us that our
boys gallantly sustained their honor,
and left us no cause to blush with
shame for their not having done their
whole duty. Every report we have,
but goes to prove more conclusively,
that the boys acted like heroes, and
fought with the desperation of Spar
tans. All honor to them. They will
ever be held in grateful remembrance
by those they left at home. They
have acted .nobly, and fought one.of
the hardest battles of the war. The
"Gallant Three Hundred" will be re
membered as long as time shall last.—
They have carved their names in in
stable living letters of gold, which will
be handed down from generation to
generation until the end of time.—
They have made a brilliant, heroic
page of history, which future genera
tions will read with wonder and as
The charge of ;he gallant "Three
'Hundred," of the 84th Regiment, is
one of the most brilliant feats yet re
corded. In the centre of the line right
in front of a stone wall, behind which
the enemy and his battery were en
trenched, they never flinched, but
stood and fought like tigers, while a
most galling fire was being poured in
to them, which mowed them down like
grass before the reaper's sickle. Then,
,too, the brilliant charge of Col. Lewis'
regiment, and the capture of the ene
my's battery by that regiment, are
feats unequalled in the war. We
are told that the charge made by Col.
Lewis decided the contest. It is con
fidently asserted that, had he not made
the charge, and at the time he did, we
would have lost the day.
In our rejoicings over the Nictory,
ave should not forget to award that
praise and honor due the noble and da
ring men of the Ohio and Indiana reg
iments, who participated in the battle.
They are far from home, but should
poCfr, ne&eted. The commanding
General, however, in his official report
will do justice to all, and the newspa
pers and citizens of their own imme
diate vicinity, will sing peans in hon
or of their bravery.
.TIONMENT. - The Bill reported and
passed by the Senate, leaves this dis
trict as in the apportionment of last
- winter, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Blair and
( Cambria. The bill reported by the
,minority committee of the House, and
to be ,con.dered Qv Wednesday, takes
in the following counties : Huntingdon,
Centre, Clinton, L 3 coming and Union.
We would not object to having Bed
ford added to the counties first named,
.--=-the district would then be about fair,
and more likely to elect the best men,
than if either party should have seve
ral hundred majority to rely upon to
elect. Give us close districts and there
will be but little danger of the small
politicians getting a seat in Congress.
Er A private letter to a gentleman
pf this place, we learn that the Army
of the Potomac had reached Newport
News, and were being shipped South
As rapidly as possible. They expect to
be in Richmond,in twelve days. May
God speed them, and crown them with
success, is our fervent prayer.
A SECES 4 Tt ; FL/W.—Capt. G. F. Mc-
Cabe )4,tts spc,t - home, a Secesh flag he
took from Loudon 4cients,some three
or four weeks ago. The flag is about
three feet long and two auda fourth
wide. It can Jic seen at the de,wqry
store of McCabe & Swartz.
P.m % Btulas, the new Methodist mia
ister, Preached his first sermon in the
.Methodist Church, on Sunday morn
The Noble Three Hundred
There has been splendid. fighting in
the battles of the West, and some reg
iments have been especially distin
guished. But, says the Evening Bul
letin, none have shown greater valor
than the battalion of the Eighty-fourth
Pennsylvania Regiment that was en
gaged in the battle tiT Winchester.—
The greater part of the regiment was
left to guard certain points on the rail
vgad, or assigned to some other duty.
There were, therefore, not more than
three hundred in the battle. Of' this
number 23 were killed and G 2 wounded
—in all 80, or more than one fourth.
The whole force engaged on our side
was about 7,000, and the loss in killed
and wounded about 400. This little
band of 300 Pennsylvanians, therefore,
suffered nearly one fourth of the total
loss. They were placed in the centre
of the line, and had the most exposed
position. We have heard of no flinch
ing under the terrific fire they were
exposed to; no sign of fear or panic,
even when their colonel was slain and
nearly one third of their number had
fallen. The charge of the six hundred
at Balaklava, highly exaggerated by
Russell, and immortalized by Tenny
son's noble verse, was, in reality, not
so great an exhibition of bravery and
endurance. It was a brief and dash
ing affair; but this of our Pennsylva
nia three hundred, was a long contest
in an exposed position, against •a foe
sheltered by stone walls and trees,
ending with a bayonet charge, at the
triumphant close of which only about
two hundred were left of the three
hundred that bad entered the field.—
Where is the poet that will worthily
celebrate the valor of the Pennsylva
nia Three Hundred ?
A GENTLEMAN who participated in
the fight at Winchester, says that after
the rebels began to retreat, in their
hurry to get away, and not wishing to
be encumbered by their muskets, which
were already loaded, they stuck them
into the ground as far as the bayonet
would admit, so that in the pursuit our
men could not use their own weapons
upon them, as it would have taken
some time to pull the guns up, and by
that means, increase the distance be
tween the pursued and the pursuer.
Ire also says that while our men ran
along after the fleeting cowards, as
they passed the dead bodies of their
companions, they each recorded a vow
in Heaven that they would revenge
their death. This gentleman says that
he found a gun lying by the side of a
dead rebel, already loaded, cocked and
capped, which he picked up and fired
at the enemy, threw it down again and
went on.
CAPTAIN GALLionr.u.—The remains of
Col. Murray were taken to Hollidays
burg on 'Friday last, accompanied by a
military escort, relatives and friends of
the deceased, and a committee appoin
ted by the Legislature. The remains
of Capt. Gallagher, of Williamsburg,
who also fell in the battle at Winches
ter, were taken to Hollidaysburg on
Saturday morning. Capt. Gallagher
leaves a wife and two children to
mourn his loss.
Fusr OF APRIL.—To-day is the first
of April, and in olden times was dedi
cated "All Fool's Day," but in these
latter days, has gone into disuse. The
jokes to-day, however will not he a
few. It is still interesting on another
account, as it is "All Moving Day."
Hundreds and thousands will change
their places of residence to-day, and
the dear good ladies will be on the
qui vice to know who are going to be
their future neighbors.
ON SUNDAY, a number• of our citi
zens were startled by two or three re
ports of thunder, which they took to
be reports of cannon, coming from the
direction of Strasburg, but on investi
gating the matter, they couldn't make
a battle out of it.
ON Saturday, the "Ladies slid So
ciety " of this place, shipped two box
es and a bale, addressed to the sick
and wounded of the 84th and 110th
regiments Penna. Vol., Winchester,
MANOR. WILL, Dec. 16, 1861.
The Soldiers Aid Society, of Manor
Hill and vicinity, hereby acknowledge
the receipt of the following contribu
tions, for which the donors will please
accept the thanks of the Society.
Contributions of later date have
been received and forwarded, and will
be acknowledged, as soon as heard
Mrs. J. Livingston, apple butter and
dried tomatoes.
Mrs. P. Livingston, apple butter,
dried fruit, butter and vinegar.
Miss N. E. Cheney, cushion and pil
low slip.
Mr. T. Horning, Sr., two towels.
Mrs. M. A. Rainey, apple butter.
" M. A. Bell, apple butter.
Miss Mary Miller, elderberry wine
and two pillows.
Mrs. Jas. Stewart, elderberry wine,
dried cherries and herbs.
Miss Lucy Carmon, one towel.
Mrs. g. A. Creswell, one towel.
Miss M. E. Watt, butter and apple
Mrs. -George Slack, tomatoes, jelly,
honey and pickles.
Miss Sallie Hirst, jelly, - tomatoes and
apple butter.
Mrs. Dr. Wilson, one pillow, wine
and butter.
Mr. S. A. Cr.esswen, two apple but
ter vessds, magazines and two pounds
Mrs. John Love, butter, papers and
Mrs. T. P. Love. butter and tomatoes
Miss Jennie Carver, 1 feather pillow.
" ,Margery Walker, one feather
Miss Cahill Myton, l feather pillow.
Mrs. John Walker, one woolen com
Mrs. Jolnt Davidson, dried tomatoes.
" Jacob Smith, dried tomatoes,
dried apples and apple butter.
Mrs. E. Glllatn, dried apples and
dried berries.
Mrs. G. horning, dried apples, ap
ple hatter and currant jelly.
Miss E. Miller, dried peaches.
" A. 0. Cheney, dried berries,
dried tomatoes, dried beef, butter, tow
el and pillow.
Mm George Blatt, herbs and en
cumber pickles.
Mrs. E. Myton,
" Alex. Bell, pickles and apple
Mks Clara Stewart, apple jelly and
Mrs. John Stewart, (Manor,) toma
to catsup, 1 feather pillow and ap
ple butter.
Mrs. Shadrach Cheney, one towel,
herbs and apple butter.
Miss W. M. Cheney, dried berries
and herbs.
Miss Sallie Stewart, 1 feather pillow.
The following letter of acknowledg
mentlas been received by the society :
March 14, 1862.
7'o the members of the Soldiers Aid Soci
ety of Manor Hill :
In behalf of the hospital of the 40th
Penna. Regiment I have been author
ized to say, that your box was duly
received, for which you have our kihd
est thanks. The receipt of your pres
ent would have been acknowledged
sooner, but owing to the severe illness
of our surgeon, and since, has been
very busy I 1 7 1 aking preparations for a
march. We feel that our soldiers will
never want, as long as they have the
sympathies of kind and patriotic
friends at home.
"Vours very respectfully, '
Lieut. F. T. MeDoNALD,
49th Regiment, P. V.
In behalf of Hospital.
To Mrs. T. P. Love, President, and
Miss Kate Maurie, Secretary Sol
diers Aid Society of Manor Hill.
Our Army Correspondence.
• Mardi 22, 1862.
DEAR GLOBE :—Having a few spare
moments, I will try and write a short
letter to give you and your readers
some idea of our doings in this State
and ArkanSil.9.
We made a retrogade movement on
the 18th from our camp on Sugar
Creek, Ark., to this place, for two '
prominent reasons: First, to get
away from the great stench, which
was becoming very annoying; and sec
ond, for the want of forage, which was
very scarce; indeed, we have consumed
almost everything in this country
that can be used for man or beast.—
The armies of Price and McCulloch
were encamped all through this neigh
borhood during the past WI and win
ter, and had consumed nearly every
thing before we came here, but still
we have managed to get along tolera
bly well. However, when on the pur
snit of Price from Springfield to Cross
Hollows, our " boys" suffered severely
from want of provisions, particularly
bread. Meat we could get, but some
times, for 48 hones together, we had
nothing else. When our fbragers
would succeed in getting a little flour
or meal, iL was divided out in rations,
and cooked or baked, and all was ate
in the morning at one meal, and we
had to rely on beef till next morning.
Of beef we had plenty, having captured
it from the rebel army, but it was of
that class, called by the professional
bn tclier—slippery.
At Cross Hollows we took posses
sion of three good grist mills and found
plenty of wheat and corn, and we lived
as well as soldiers could be expected
to do, until the evening of the fifth,
when we fell back to Sugar Creek, in
order to receive in a becoming manner,
their excellencies, Van Dorn, Price
and McCulloch. How we succeeded is
well known. How they were pleased,
personally, I do not know, but I think
they were satisfied with the warmth of
it. I have no doubt but full particu
lars of the battle of Pea Ridge, have
CPC this reached 3-ou, and I will not
weary you with a repetition of old news.
Yesterday, (Friday) Lieut. Colonel
Chandler, of the 35th Illinois, and Lt.
Col. Herron, of the Ninth lowa, who.
were taken prisoners by the rebels on
the seventh, returned to our camp and
were received with cheer after cheer.
They were exchanged for a Louisiana
Colonel and a Major wo had in our
possession. From them we learn that
the rebels had been whipped even
worse than we supposed. They were
taken to Van Buren on the Arkansas
river. The army was so demoralized
as to seem but a rabble wit4iout a lead
er. Col. Chandler said theY were well
treated. Colonel. Herron, (who was
wounded) when they arrived at Van
Buren, was suffering from a fever, but,
to their credit be it said, was very
kindly treated. The rebels all admit
the death of McCulloch, Mclntosh,
Slack, Reeres and others. Gen. Price
was slightly wounded in the arm.
Otft wounded wore removed mostly
to Cassville, eight miles north of this
place, and are doing tolerably well, but
they suffer very much for the want of
little necessaries, which, in this coun
try, we cannot get for them.
The secesh wounded are scattered
all over the neighborhood of the battle
ground; every house within a circle of
five miles of the battle is filled with
their wounded, and I am very sorry
to say, they suffer very much for pro
per attention. There aro but few of
their surgeons with them, and a great
scarcity of medicines.
Our loss in the battle was about 350
killed and 700 wounded, a great many
of whom have since died. The Fourth
division, commanded by Colonel Carr,
entered the field 2,460 strong, and lost
in killed and wounded 588, and 77
missing. The lowa. 4th is a part of
this division, and bore a very conspicu
ous part in the battle, making them
the worthy peers of the gallant 2d at
Donelsom The 4th went into battle
541 strong and lost 180 in killed and
wounded. They fought with despera
tion for an hour and a half against 3
regiments of the enemy, until out of
ammunition, and their guns (?•foul
they could with difficulty load them;
and, when ordered, retired in perfect
order, their colors flying.
Company F, to which 1 have the
honor of belonging, went into battle
with sixty-two men, including
and lost 20 in killed and wounded.
The Ninth lowa also fought bravely
and well, as, of course, all must have
done to gain such a complete victory
over such overwhelming odds.
I received a copy of the G/obc, of the
25th February, last night, and could
you see witlig what a relish we grab I
at anything ol newspaper kind, in this
poor, benighted part of Dixie, the vis
its of your paper would be more fre
This is about the dine the sun "cros
ses the lino," and, judging from the
kind of weather we hero been having
here for the past four days, he must
have had a good time of it, for we have
had rain and snow, sunshine and storm,
hot and cold, alternately, and in quick
succession, rendering it very 1111C0111-
fortablo and unpleasant soldiering.
We are all under the necessity of
franking our letters, and making our
friends pay the postage. We have no
stamps and cannot pre-pay with money,
as most of our mail is sent trains
and messengers to Springfield.
Yours, &c.,
11. A. STITT.
We give the following extract from
it letter written by Lieut. Stitt to his
mother :
"I must give you a mournful bit of
history of a most noble family, who
were members of Co. F, 4th lowa. I
think it ought to go into print, as a
history of the nlar. When our COM
puny was ordered to Council Bluffs,
Levi Debusk and William S. Debusk
were members of it. A short time
afterwards, I was ordered with a de
tachment of our company, together
with a similar one from each company,
to the Missouri state line, the two De
busks being with us. Coming home,
Levi was taken very ill, and it was
supposed he could not recover. A few
days after, we were ordered to St.
Louis, and William was sent back to
Wintersct with his brother Levi, who
was discharged. William joined us
again at Rolla, bringing a younger
brother, Elihu, with him. Last fall
Elihu died, and William went back
with his remains, and a few weeks af
terwards joined us again, bringing
with him his father. Now comes the
saddest part of my tale.
On the 7th, at Pea Ridge, William
was wounded while helping to carry
off the field a wounded man. It be
ing night, and our regiment being out
of ammunition, they retired front the
galling fire of the enemy, and could
not get our wounded off. On the af
ternoon of the 'Bth, after the. battle,
William was found by the company in
a hospital near by i his flither—who
had been all through the fight, doing
his duty bravely—remained with him,
and in the old man's arms he breathed
his last.
Poor old man, how I pitied him.—
How I wished for him to be at home.
He was, in a Thw short hours, apparent
ly 20 years older. On the 10th, we
sent him to Cassville, so that he might
be relieved from the duties of ramp
life, and have better care. On the 10th,
we received a note informing us of his
death. He died of no disease, but of
a broken heart. He leaves a widow
and several children, and Oh ! I fear
for them, when they hear of their loss.
I hope something may he done for the
family pecuniarily, as they are poor,
but very respectable. R. A, S.
Tax on Tonnage.
The following joint resolutions upon
the subject of a uniform tax upon ton
nage were introduced into the Senate
yesterday :
"Resolved, That our Senators in
Congress be instructed and our Repre
sentatives requested to favor a uniform
tax upon tonnage as one of the provi
sions of the general tax bill.
"That if Congress shall fail to im
pose a general tax upon tonnage, the
Commissioners to revise the tax laws
of this State be requested to consider
the expediency of imposing a uniform
tax upon the tonnage of tills State, to
be applied exclusively to the liquida
tion of any debt heretofore contracted
or hereafter to be contracted for the
defence of this State or the mainte
nance of the National Union, such
taxes to be so imposed as to afford
every just discrimination in favor of
Pennsylvania trade and interests; cunt
said Commissioners to report on the
same to the next Legislature by bill
or othqwise."
The propositions contained in these
resolutions commend themselves on ac
count of their manifest fairness. The
first proposition, it will be observed,
recommends that the General Govern
ment should impose a uniform tax up
on tonnage. The second proposition
contemplates the imposition of such a
tax by the State in ease the Federal
Government refuses to do so. The
resolution proposes to treat all railroad
and transportation companies in the
State alike, without discriminating
either for or against any—not Felecting
one to bear all the burden of taxation
and allowing all the rest to go free.
One of the strongest arguments
against the tommge tax upon the Penn
sylvania railroad as it existed prior to
the commutation act of last session is,
that it was a partial and invidious dis
crimination against the greatest thor
oughfare for travel in the State. If the
policy of the State had been to collect
revenue from trade and travel upon all
the railroads in the Commonwealth,
there -would have boon no propriety in
exempting the Pennsylvania company,
or any-other, from such imposition; but
as the policy of the State was just the
reverse of this, it looked like narrow
prejudice, or unjust discrimination, to
select this road to bear all the burden
of taxation, which should justly have
been distributed among the various
companies incorporated by the State.
In ordinaritimes a tax upon ton
nage cannot bajustified, butwhen pub
lic necessity demands extraordinary
sources of revenue, and when no inter
est or class in the Commonwealth ought
to escape its just share of taxation, the
railroad and transporting companies
arc fairly liable to the payment of ton
nage duties. Both the friend§ and the
enemies of the tax on the Pennsylva
nia railroad can meet on this common
ground, and we trust that the Legis
lature NVIII /43 induced to give a favora
ble consideration to this proposition.—
, .
Patriot (C'Union. . „
PII9TOGp.4IPIL ALISPX—new and hu
proved styles—just received and for
sale at rums' Book Store.
CArao, March 28.—A gentleman from
Pittsburgh and Savannah, Tenn., ar
rived here this morning, and furnishes
the following intelligence :
On Monday last, a reconnoissance,
in force was made at Pea Ridge, on
the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, where
the rebels were said to be fortifying,
but no enemy was found. Our forces
are continually augmenting Iv the ar
rival of fresh troops.
. The latest advices from the rebel
camps at Corinth, Miss., give the
strength of the force there at 70,000.
On Sunday last, a force of United
States troops was sent to Nicholas
Landing, sixty miles south of Savan
nah, which seized 15,000 pounds of
fresh pork and 45,000 pounds of cured
hums and shoulders. For a long time
this has been the mart for the pork
business of the C. S. A. Within the
last two weeks large quantities have
been sent southward by teams.
On Monday an engagement occurred
between the gunboats Tyler and Lex
ington and a masked battery in th 4.
vicinity of Eastport. The gunboats
fired fifty shots. The Tyler's smoke-
I stack was struck once. Tbe effect on
the enemy's works was not ascertained.
The Bombardment of Island No. 10
Sr. Louis,Marel: 29.—Th e Democrat's
Caird despatch says: The steamer
Dickey went down to the fleet yester
day heavily laden with ordinance and
commissary stores. Foie• fifty pound
navy cannon were taken down for the
gun-boat Benton; also hand-grenades
to repel boarding parties.
Persons from New Madrid report
that several rebel transports and gun
boats came up within range of our
Riddle Point batteries on Wednesday
and opened fire; but they were com
pelled to' retreat after a short engage
The Grampus is the only rebel gun
boat above our blockade, which is con
stantly on the alert, watching our
movements at New Madrid. It is also
said the rebels have erected batteries
on the opposide side of the river, to
prevent Gen. Pope's command from
crossing to attack their rear.
From Fortress Monroe
fairs remain quiet here, so far, at least,
as to news that can with prudence be
communicated to the public.
The weather is splendid, with a gen
tle wind.
The rebels have been exceedingly
busy the last few days about Pig's
Point and Craney Island. Tugs have
been busily plying to and fro, and it is
supposed they are strengthening their
fortifications all along from Craney Is
land to the Point. They haVe also
increased their forces in that vicinity,
and their camps have been advanced,
and long lines of tents can be seen
along the shore.
The Merrimac continues to be the
subject of much speculation as to the
probability of her coming out. Glasses
arc directed almost momentarily to
ward Craney Island, and every undu
lation of smoke in that direction is
closely investigated by hundreds of
eager eyes.
Oen. Minter and staff arrived here
yesterday, on their way to Portßoyal,
to take command of the army opera
tions in that quarter.
Shipping Point Occupied by TT. S. Troops
IVAsiiixons, March 29.—Shipping
Point vas yesterday occupied by our
troops. As the steamer Mount Wash
ington passed that place, the troops
had raised the flag of the Union, and
the band was playing the Star Span
gled Banner. All the rebels who have
been in that vicinity for some time
past, have left, with the exception of
two or three roaming companies of
The Rebels Driven from Warrenton
WASHINGTON, March 20.—Advices
from Manassas state that yesterday the
enemy in large force, was driven from
the Warrentown Railroad junction, by
General Sumner.
Snow is falling to-clay.
Opening of a New Rebel Battery.—No
Intention to Evacuate.—Four Rebel
Iron-Clad Gunboats.
ST.LOUIS, March 30.—The army cor
respondence of the Republican, writing
under date of Cairo, March 29, says
that the firing on Friday at Island No.
10 was quite heavy, the rebels opening
from a new battery, mounted, it is sup
posed, with 128-pounders. The enemy
could be seen cutting away the trees,
and rapidly pushing forward means of
defence. They seem to have no idea
of evacuating at present, and aro daily
getting more cannon in position. Word
reached the fleet, last night, that four
rebel gunboats, partly clad with rail
road iron, appeared below Gen. Pope's
batteries, at Point Pleasant, but, as
these batteries extend almost in a con
tinuous line fifteen mile's, it is not be
lieved that they can force a passage.
Pennsylvanians Killed and Wounded
at Winchester,
The following is a perfect list of the
killed. and wounded of the Eighty
fourth and One:Hundred-and-tenth
Regiments, during the battle at Win
Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania Regiment
Col. Wm. G. Murray, Capt. Patrick
Gallagher, Second Lieut. Chas. Reem;
Privates—Paul MeLang. Job Miller,
John Gillmore, James Myers, Levi
Kcech, WTm. B. Fowler, John Kelly,
Jeremiah Gates, Thos. Haneoff, Simon
Krcisher, Joseph McClanan, Jacob
Wainwright, James Graham, Daniel
G. Smith.
Privates—Wm. H. Davis, Thomas
Ravenhill, David M. Lune, Jno. Brooks,
Michael Farrell, Felix Mellin, Samuel
Burk., Adam Frank, James Bun, Mi
chael Forney, First 'Lieut.—Samuel
Bryan ; First Corporal—Peter Jones;
Privates—ReribenKiltiam,JAS. Kuntz;'
Second Corporal—Jackson Hallenback,,
Fourth Corporal—John kinadden ; Pri
vates—Alfred Cra,rie, Joseph Pinker
,ten, ,Charles Parker; T. S. Simmons,
Mark Saxon, AlCxander Warn ; First
POut.—B. M. Moncon ; Third Serg't
C. W. Cunay, 'Fifth Sergeant—Silas
White; First Corporal—Wm. C. Hite
man ; Sergeants—Nom Funk, Philip
Smith; Corporals—James W. Price,
Jas. W. Murray, L. C. Fowler, Eman
uel Bruebaker, Joseph Ledger, Alex
ander Taylor, James Gallagher, Chas.
Shoemaker; Color - Sergeant—Hugh
Smith; Sergeants—Franklin Houslor,
F. I. More; Captain—Penrose Chad
wick ; Privates—Henry Grimes, Mar
tin Young, Terrence Kinney, Isaac
Johnson, Robert Taylor, Abraham
Hentzer, Jacob Spline, John Jennings,
C. D. Bowers, Michael Fitzharris, Wm.
Prosser, S. C. Letter, Guy Holcomb,
J. Presser, Wm. Gallagher, Patrick P.
Harkin, Thomag Gorman, Wm. Mc-
Carty, Jno. Lolbert, Norman Stryker,
Robert L. Barn, Dan'! Ritter, Sanford
Johnson, Wm. E. Stead, Henry Strick
ler, Dwight Roberts, Robert Johnson,
Wm. Cassiday, Martin Conigan, Chris
topher Smith, John Lucor, John R.
Carr, Wm. Luzier.
Total killed, - - - 18
Total wounded, - - - 74
Aggregate killed and wounded 92,
out of 255 engaged.
110th Pennsylvania Regiment.
Privates—J. D. Davidson, J. Fergu
son, P. P. Croft, Joseph Cooper,
Leibrich, Samuel Everly,John Murphy,
Joint Darn.
Serg'ts—Win. Roberts, S. McCune,
Corporal—J. Murphy, Privates—John
Nipple, C. 11. Horn, J. Horseman,
James Wallace, W. P. Ramsey, J. Mar
lin, David Price, W. 0. CoHeber, An
thony Kimlin, Theodore Rockey, D.
C. Baker, S. Kimley, T. Meilwaine, D.
Gardiner, T. B. Albert, T. Gloster, Win.
Cowrage, M. Sacoek, Cyrus S. Antho
ny, John Borden, J. R. Harper, D.
Brown, G. Sloan, John 'Nettie, Ira
Horn, D. S. Baker, D. Gardener, W.
P. Ramsey, John C. Foreman, John
Dougherty, Lieut. Wm. 11. Kochsper
Pennsylvania Oil,
Pennsylvania may boast honestly
and literally of being blessed with " the
fittness of the earth." Her bosom yields
oil in immeasurable quantities. It is
gushing at this moment from thou
sands of fountains in Crawfoed, Ve
nango snd other counties of the north
west, and a busy population is resort
ing to all possible expedients to save
it and prepare itfor market. The Cal
ifornia gold excitement of 184-8-9 was
scarcely higher than is the oil excite
ment of Pennsylvania, though the peo
ple outside of the oil territory scarcely
appreciate it. They have not witnessed
the sudden influx of population and
the magical growth of brisk little cit
ies in a region which two years ago,
was but sparsely populated.
Some papers published in the towns
that have been created by the oil busi
ness have reached us, and they afford
some idea of' the magnitude of the
operations that are going on them
Here is the " Oil City Register," pub
lished at a place in Yenango county
which had no existence as a town two
years ago. It is an oil paper all over.
Oil is the theme of its editorials, its
correspondence, its commercial reports.
its news items, its advertisements, and
even its poetry. Out of twenty-eight
columns, there is only a single one do
voted to the war and polities. The
rest are filled with oil. Some idea of'
the manitude of the oil operations
may be - formed from its weekly "Com
mercial Report," dated " Oil Exchange,
March 11," which says that " specula
tors have taken, all told, about sixty
thousand barrels, at rates from thirty
seven to sixty cents a barrel, according
to locality." The stock in tanks is sta
ted to be about one hundred and twen
ty thousand barrels. At the various
stations on the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad, there are about forty thou
sand barrels, and in the yards and on
the banks of' Oil Creek, there are about
thirty thousand barrels.
Another paper from the oil region is
the Titusville (Crawford county) Ga
zette. This, too, is highly oleaginous,
though it gives more attention and
space to politics and the events of the
rest of the world than its Oil City con-.
temporary. Its advertisements are
illustrative of the region and the spirit
that pervades it Ono firm, that own
"a flowing well," appeal to speculators
to buy their oil, as they aro selling it
"at ruinous rates," being." too poor to
buy barrels." Another party adver
tises for " teaming for ten thousand
barrels of oil, at $3O a week." An
other wants ono thousand teams at
"Funk's Well." Mr. Willing, of Erie,
announces "Oil taken in exchange for
Piano-fortes !" Oilhrokers, oil barrel
makers, oil pipe -makers, and various
other branches of business, dependent
on oil, are advertised. The very' ho
tels have oily names, and the traveler
is invited to make himself at home at
the Petroleum House, or the Oil City
Tho annual yield of our oil field will
soon amount to many millions of bar
rels, for the product is increasing in
stead of diminishing. Europe, as well
as this country, will be eager to pro
cure an article that can be furnished
so cheaply, and Philadelphia ought to
make the business of refining and sell
ing it her own. Last week a large car
go was shipped hence for London, and
there have boon a few other ship
MANITY.-A Mr. Showers, who was an.
unoffending citizen of Fairfax county,
Virginia, and a - Union man,, owning a
fine farm, where he has been residing
for many years, about halfway between
Fairfax Court /louse and Vienna, was
taken by the rebel troops, about the
time they were evacuating Centreville,
and forced to march on foot with the
same rapidity with which they beat
their retreat on horseback. So rapid
and exhausting was the march, that he
began to falter, when the inhuman sav
ages, with a brutality which would
have done justice to the Wild Indians,
spurred him on, attle point of the ba!y
onet, until the poor man dropped down
dead in the road. We obtained these
facts through a person -who' 'recently
eseaped from the clutches of the reb
els, and who knows these to be the facts
of the ease. Mr. Terry, a relative of
the deceased, has been down as far as
our lines extend, in orderc . if i)ossiblo,
to obtain the body of his murdered
friend, but failed in bis egorts. 'Flo
learned that the body was buried pear
the road side, between Nikll,9lZ:S and
99,rdoavillo, but be was warned ',lotto
go to the place, as the rehej pickets
were still lurking near the spOt.— Wash
ington llriptblicat!.
Parson Brownlow's Narrative.
Six Months Among the Rebels
The correspondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial of the 16th ult., chronicles
the arrival of Parson Brownlow in
Nashville ; his enthusiastic welcome
by Johnson, Etheridge, Maynard, and
other distinguished loyalists, and his
statement of six mouths experience
among the rebels.
Although annoyed and persecuted
all summer and fall, and standing in
constant danger of assassination by
his rebel enemies, the Parson was de
termined to defy them all and hold
out, too, in Knoxville. But after the
bridge-burning in the early part of No
vember, his friends prevailed on him
to act upon an intimation of the rebel
Secretary of War, that a safe conduct
to the North would be given to the
most part of the Unionists, if they
should be willing to leave the State;
and, accordingly, an agreement was
entered into, in accordance with which
the Parson was to be escorted to the
Union lines by a guard sufficiently
strong to protect him against all vio
lence. Upon the strength of this
agreement, he arranged his privateaf
frirs with a view to a prdlonged
sence, and was about ready to leave,
when, notwithstanding the assurances
of the rebel Secretary of War, he wad
arrested on the 6th of December, upon
a warrant of the civil authorities, sued
out by sonic of his personal enemies,
and thrown into the county jail. The
prison was crammed full of Unionists
—no less than .150 being confined at
the time. The Parson was made to
occupy a narrow, damp, badly-venti
lated room, with no less than 25 others.
So little space was there, that half of
the occupants were obliged to stand
up while the other half were seeking
There were neither tables, chairs,
nor beds. The food was miserable.—
Only a chance for washing was given
to the prisoners. The drinking water
was hauled in barrels from :Rolston
river, and left standing in front of the
jail. The rebel guards, having a habit
of washing their hands and faces in
the barrels, Brownlow remonstrated
with them from the prison window.—
The response he uniformly obtained
was, "By God, sir, the water a Jeff
Davis man washes is hands in is good
enough for a d—d Lincolnite to drink."
During his imprisonment some Seces
sion leaders visited and promised him
instant liberation and future protec
tion of his person and property if' he
would take the oath of allegiance to
the Rebel Government. lie indignant
ly replied, "I will rot hero till old age
before I will do it."
No less than five Union men were
led out of the jail to the gallows while
he was incarcerated. These hangmen
would drive up and down in front of
the jail with their victims' coffins, and
taunt the prisoners with them. A
court-martial passed upon the Parson's
case shortly after his arrest. Fortu
nately, the proposed death sentence
upon him came one short of a majority
of the court, and imprisonment during
the war was substituted.
The ill treatment and want of all
comforts told severely en the Parson's
feeble health, and after the lapse of a
month he was taken sick with typhoid
fever. Upon the -application of his
fr:ends his removal to his private resi
dence was permitted. But even then
the rebel persecutions did not cease.—
The house was constantly guarded on
all sides. No visitors were allowed to
enter it at any time, nor were the
members of his thmily allowed toleavo
it. His
„wife was compelled to buy
provisions at the door in presence of a
guard. Every possible opportunity
was also improved by the rebel sol
diery to heap insult upon the defence
less occupants. The attempts, how=
ever, were always met and repelled
with spirit by Mrs. Brownlow and her
courageous daughter.
At the end of eight weeks the Par
son had sufficiently recovered his health
to use the pen, and addressed a letter
toßenjamin, recounting hisgrievances,
and applying again for the promised
safe conduct to the North. After a
lapse of some time the military com
mander, at Knoxville received a de
spatch from Richmond to release the
Parson from arrest, and have him con
ducted to the Federal lines with what
ever escort he might choose. Accord
ingly, on last Tuesday a week ago, the
Parson bade farewell to his family and
took the ears for •Chattanooga, ac
companied by hisson, and under escort
of Lieut. O'Brien, a cousin of his with.
The party reached Shelbyville; in the
southern part of the State, withoutde
tention. Here they were stopped and
detained for ten days by-eider of Gen.
Hardee. They were not 'allowed •to
proceed until after all of this had been
safely moved, lest they should set the
Unionists on the rebel tracks. On yes
terday morning they lest Shelbyville,
and travelling overland, reached our
outposts today about noon. The Par
son says he felt the happiest man in
the world when he saw the Stars and
Stripes once more. •
Gov. Johnson, Etheridge, Maynard,
and Unionists generally. are anxious
to see the Parson at the head of the
Union paper in this city. But he in:
forms me that his health is inadequate
to the task of daily editorial labors at
•present. He is not sick with consump
tion,as reported, but suffers still much
from general debility arisinn•. from his
protracted sickness. It is his inten
tion to proceed North to recruit and
publish the history of the trials of thd
Union men of East Tennessee in book
form. He talks of stopping first .t
Cincinnati. I presume I need ti 4
speak for him a hearty reception.
Tho Parson states that the Union
sentiment is still overwhelming in
East Tennessee. Over two-thirds of
the population of Knoxville are loyal,.
He says 'that' there will bo a fearful
reckoning between the Unionists and
their Secession persecutors. "Tho
last clog of them will bo killed or driven
out," to use his own language.. All
the Unionists want is that - the Union
troop lean out the rebel soldiery.L2
Tho bdiance of the work they will do
themselves. There were not over
4,000 Confederate troops in East TeV:
nesse° when he left, the greater tat
of them'were at Cumberland Gaw"
NE)tr CLor: s unkw.-111. Gutman has
just received a kno stock:of Splin,4. it:nd
.tuniner lotbanw.
• .•, ro
assortment or Card .I;kto
graphs At, Lewis' Stoic.