board.Cr H e previous v allowedfive rebel steamers to pass on towards New Madrid, and they are now between his batteries, unable to escape. • Over a dozen vessels, together-with the floating battery and battering ram, aro now above Gen. Pope's batteries, and will be either sunk or captured. - Mr. 'Beadle; -one of the eldest citi zens of Memphis, arrived last night. Ho reports that but three rebel regi- Yaents are now between New Madrid and _Memphis, and these are stationed ;at Fort Pillow. The rebel Government are manufac turing pikes at Memphis for the new recruits; but less than 100 men have responded to the last call of the Gov ernor. The railroads terminating at Mem phis are being connected, so that all the rolling stock can be sent down the New Orleans road, when necessary. CHICAGO, March 21.—A special de spatch from Cairo to the Journal says that a moderate, fire Was kept up by the fleet at Island No. 10 during the day; 'Wednesday. and yesterday. The gunboat Minnesota dismounted a 128- round gun, placed on the enemy's up per battery. Some of the rebel gunboats tried to force their way up yesterday- morning, but had .to retire. General Popo has twenty-two guns 'mounted at Mount Pleasant, and has erected a new battery four miles below. As yet but one man has been killed by the enemy. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. peaufort, .N. C, Evacuated by the reb els.—Fort ..11acon, N. C.. Blown: up.— The Pirate Steamer Xashville Burn: :ed. FORTRESS MONROE, ,March 23.—The steamer Chancellor Livingston, arrived from Hatteras last night. Immediately after the occupation of Newhall, North Carolina, Gen. Burn side started an expedition to Beaufort, but the place was evacuated before our troops approached. Fort Macon was blown up by the rebels and the steam- Nashsille horned. . On the day that General Burnside oeettPied Nrew . bern, sixteen thousand Trebel troops were on the road between Goldsboro dna Newbern. The steamer Sawa:ace Aniled for Hat teras 3-esterday with mailsand passen- iNg The steamer Illinois returned to New York. this morning. The steamer Vanderbilt arrived to day. The new gunboat Ohmura arrived from Boston last night. LATER Confirmation of the Destruction of Fort Macon and the Pirate Nashville. WA Sill NGTON, March 24.—C01. Segar, the representative elect from the Acco- Mae District of Virginia, arrived in this city this morning. lie confirms the intelligence from Fortress Monroe of tho destruction of the. privateer Nashville and Fort Macon by the reb els. The TrEpinuel Zouaves, aboult 400 in number, were paid off to-day. The greater portion of then]. will return home. GLORIOUS NEWS FROM WIN- CHESTER A Battle on Sunday.—The Rebels 74o tally Routed.—One Hundred Rebels Killed.—lfenvy Union Losc.—Tiro Cannon Taken.—The Flying Rebels Pursued. WASHINGTON, Mar. ?A.—Telegraphic ; despatches, received from Winchester. dated last night, :it billf-past 10 o'clock, say : A slight skirmish occurred this afternoon, about a mile and a half from Winchester, on the Strasburg road, be tween a portion of Gen. Shield's troops, and the rebel cavalry, with-four pieces .ur The enemy reheated with a loss, as *loon as our gIITIS opened fire. One rnan,avas killed on our side, and Gen. S . hiefil's`suffered a slight injury on the left artn, froni a fragment of a shell • which burst near him. A prisoner brotight in to-night, EtaYs the enemy were under the impression That our troops had left Winchester, and that JacksOn's rebel forces were on the road from Strasburg under the same impression. LATER PROM VirINCRESTER. IVrcenEs - rEri, March 23-8 .o'clock, P. M.—l have just come in from the very_front of-,rthe, battle,- the miles out. - A eOmplke . Victory h l ag 'been achieved over Jackson, We have ta ken two guns and'ealiSons, and killed at least one hundred, and M'opnded twice as many. Our loss is heavy . , but hot more than one hundred and fifty killed and wounded. Our men did travely, ravely, and have taken a great many rauskets. The rebels are .in full re treat. STJIL LATER. WiNciir.smit, March 23-10 o'clock M.—Wo have this day achieved a glorious victory over the combined forces of the rebel Generals Jackson, Smith and Longstreet. The battle was fought within four miles of this place. It raged from half-past 10 o'clock this morning until dark. The enemy's 'strength was About , . 15;000, and the strength of our division was not over :8,000.. Our logs in killed and wound is.uot definitely ascertained, .but it is lm-try. The e nelny'S , loss is double that of ours. IWo - have captured la largo , number of prisoners, some of theiC guns, and 'the ground is strewn with the arms they have thrown away in their flight. The cavalry arc still in pursuit of the retreating enemy. The particu lars cannot be ascertained until day light. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. --- A regular meeting of the linntingdon County Agricultural society null be held In the Court House. in Huntingdon, on Tuesday evening first week of thu coming April Court, (nth.) Tho following eubjecte will be presented for discussion, together with other business connected with the Associa tion: t A Report from the Committee, on the best method of improving tbo breed of sheep. "Coll gntpe growing and wino mal,ing be made profit able in Huntingdon county!' "What variety of Wheat ie bent adopted to the soil awl climate of Huntingdon county'!" , An Agricultural Address will bo delivered before the Association by John Dougherty, Esq., of Mount Union. • A Report from the Committee; appointed at the last meeting, on the relations ,of Farmers and Mechanice. The propriety•of holding an Agricultural Exhibition during the present year, will also be discussed. By order awl to behalf of the Society. ' HOWL McDIVITT, I Seoretaries. A. SIMPSON AFRICA, 1 lluntingtiost, Math 25, 1862. WRAPPING PAPER! ' A good article, for sale at MARRIED, On the.l9th inst., in Coalmont, by Rev. Amos Smith, Mr. CumufEs T. BRAnr.r,k, of Coahnont, to Miss SADIE OvEft, of Bedford county. On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, near Alexandria. by Rev. D. A. Isenberg, Air. ALBERT B. Irnooif, of Williamsburg, to Miss MOL LIE A. ISENBERG: DIED, On tlnirsday, 13th of March, 1862, JAMES TLIEODORE, eldest son of Michael and Clara E. Starr. of Shade Valley, Huntingdon County, Pa, aged five years, seven months and twenty days. May he rest in peace. Ills voice was as sweet as the violet's Wrath, But hie tones are now hushed in the elletice of death, Ifis oyes were as bright as a gem from tits ware, But tht it luster is lost In the gloom or the grave; Ilia chocks were be frogs as the young rases bloom, But now fated they lay 'teeth the veil of the tomb; Ilia hrart was as pure as a fountain at rest, But its life et ream is froze in a cold quiet breast. Like the young tree of the forest laid low by the blast, All his loveliness lost, he reposes in dust; Ills seitootmates are mourning Lie premature fate, For his place once among them is loft desolate: Oy the book with the leaf he had nicely down turned, Whorl be marked the last task he hae len here unlearned; We natieble sweet voice 'mid the glad tones of mirth, We miss' his bright smilee by the tight of the hearth, We sigh for the friend who can greet ns no more, And weep for that tat one ohm aorrown are o'er. Out none to n father his lore con impart, Or eupply his lone place inn feud mother's heart. N. S. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS March 21, 1862. 85,644;46.00 00E05,25 • ~ $2.75 . 40Et1,60 r• ......... . ........ Finley and Extra Family Flour... Common and Supertino Rye Flour Corn )teal Extra White Wheat. Fair and Pt Into Red Cum. prime Yellow 01tit. Clo% erKeed t G 4 IN Timothy HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY. =I ummxam MME! fli+lWhent 1:).• Corti OZEZEI Drind Algdex Y.RSe. I tra ..... Shoulder...... ...... T E. GREEN, • DENTIST. 441.11111t0 °Mee on Bath old street, or (Pottle th Jet 1:- son Hotel. Illtntingdon, Pa. March 2,0, 18°2. I, I OR. RENT.— A rotailkrtahle House on It 0110.1.1 street. 1110(11V 14113081te the Be. flange Hotel. is for Rent Thow uniting the sumo, will ripply at this office, or to W5l. STEWART. lit log on the premise,. Huntingdon, March 25. 1062. Nr imaN Ell STII A W GOODS, C. I v, have the 1 .1,,,,5ure of informing you that wo are now prepared to offor, at our (11,111 . 54.111.1. NOS. 100. 105 107 NORTH SECOND Sr , ABOVE ARCH, PIMA , A well selechil Stock of mlLList:l:v AND STRAW GOODS. In ever) variety. of rho I, ftTlIeT IMPORTATIONS, and of the new eel and loom fashionable styles. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT Kilt comprien every variety of B ,nnetA, flat+ and Trim mings In he found in that lino, of the latest m 1.1111051 ale prof rd qip. owl Sol icitiog on early .111. I remain Tome, Respectfully, If. WARD. March 20. 11662.—A1. AI)3ILNISTIIAI'OII'S NOTICE. [Estate of Jacob O. Kettcrntan. rfrerl.l Ixtters of Administration upon the estate of 3AC013 ft. RETTERMAN, Into of Clay township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons hating dolma upon Ito estate era requested to present them to the undersigned. and all persons knowing them selves Indebted mill make immediate payment. JOIIN MeNEAL. nor!, 25,1562.. AdmlniOnttor. THE FIRST SP RING GOO DS, OptrtEti A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARoP, STOCK FULL ASSORTMENT, I=l TO PLEASE EVERYBODY = =I SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BANKS & INDIVIDUALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods The highest prices pshl in Goods for tdl kinds of , COUNTRY PRODUCE. • , FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. B CUNNEsiGHAM'S STORE Ifuntinpion, March 25, 1862. K NOX FRUIT FARM AND NUR- J. KNOX, • BOX 155, PITTSBURGH, PA SELECT LISTS OF STRAW-lIMMUS For .t 5 we will furnish 100 plAnts each of the following Undo: Triomphe de (land. Trollopee Victoria, Ihrrell New Pine, Jenny Lind mid Wilvons Albany. Foe $lO WO will furnish 10D plants each of the following choice .kindi: Triomphe do (ind, Trollops's V:etorio, Vicomiesse Iferieert do 'filmy,' Fillmore, Downer's Pro. Idle, Bon's New Pine. Jenny find. Cotter's Seeding, Mc. Avoy's Superior and %Cilson's TRIOMPHE DE HAND For deseilption of this supetb and tint 'railed Shun ber ry, see our circular, Ne n ill furnish this variety and the Wilanda Albany, the tun leading kinds, at the folltuv- Ing rate.: TRIOMPHE DE HAND 50 cents pot . tlonen; $2 per 100; 5.000 for $43; 1 0 , 0 00 for $75; '20,000 fol. $lOO. For the $lOO Int, the per cent. will be charged for bolos and pocking. WILSON'S ALBANY "Li cents per dozen; $1 per 100; 0,000 for $lO. Larger quantities et . 60tho rate. For $lO3 we win furnish 10,000 Triomphe de Gana and 10,000 Wilson's Albany. Five per cent. 0111 also be charged for this lot, for boxes and peeking. 13=1 We will bend to any post office address in tits country, post•pnid, and carefully put up so an to carry safely, ono hundred good plants of any variety found in our cata logue at the prices (het o annexed. For instance. 100 Wil son's Albany for $1; WO Trollope's Victut is $1,50 100 Triomphe de Cland re-No orders filled for plants by mall for less than one dollar's worth, of any one kind, and when less than 100 are ordered, it must bent the dozen price. = Drincktes Orange and Fianconia, Si per dozen, Si per 100,530 per 1000. Fusty llT, Riser's Largo F,olted Month ly, Knovitt's findsou River Antwerp, Rod Ant wei p, Yellow Antwerp, Allen's Hardy., 75 cents per dozen, $3 per 100, $25 per 1000. Improved American Mack Cup, 50 cents per dozen, $7 per 100, $25 poe 1000. SELECT LISTS OF RASPBERRIES. For $lO we still furnish 100 Briockles'a Orange, the finest flavored Raspberry, as moll as one of the largest, mo-t beautiful, and. productive; 100 Navelmia, a }neva tail berry, of good flavor, attractive am! enormously pro ductive; 100 Improved American Block Cap. much lar ger, morej cloy, better flavored, with fewer sued, and eve. ry way superior to the common Black Cap. The plant Is enthely hardy and very productive, and the fruit Is much sought after in the market. The above kinds Include the three colors, red, orange and Mock, and furnish a pleasant variety In flaVer. We regard them no the best fot amateurs, and the wog profit able for mat ket culture. EMEEEMMEI New Rochelle, $1 per dozen, $5 per 100, $25 per 1000, $lOO per 5,000; Dorchester, 75 cents per dozen, $4 per 100, $26 per 1500; Nowina Ws Thornless, 60 cents per dozen, $3 per 100, $2O per 1,000. We vi ill send Ioo , eneh of the above three kinds for $lO. Each package of Strawberry and Dlnekhoriy plants *RI Contain printed instructions for cultivation. , • /or prices of Gropes, Currants, 0 ooneberries, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Sc., tee our circular, which will be sent to al applicants enclosing stamps. . }So have opened at No. '2O Fifth St., a SEED STORE AND 11ORTIOULTIJRAL DEPOT, Where all articles belonging to Yuri an establishment en; be had, of the boot quality. • ' imar. 23,1862 1 COURT AFFAIRS. V IAL TFIIOI, 1862 Aticireto Heal° ra Henry Mild/ion, et Delaloam dtl f .pw ard vs J. Browetres Exes. Croteley VII M. J. Martin, et al. Thomas Weston, Jr. Of 'Minas Weston. SEC IRS EEN Jacob Creswell vs C. Bniatltletit, el al. Ann Cannon, dc. Ts Isaac Grave. Brice X. Blair, et al. vs Win. 11. Nteotis, et at. Henry Orledy V 4 Daniel IfonN. Margaret Hamilton, de. vs James Entrekii4 et al Coyle & tlreen v 4 Mary Breo, std. W. W. &D. Entrokin vs Michael Stone. GRAND JURORS. Thomas Ashton, farmer, Springfield. Samuel Bowman, farmer, Shirley. Darby Chilcote, miller, Hopewell. William Cunningham, cabinet-maker, Clay John Gregory, farmer, West, Samuel L. Glasgow, farmer, Clay. Peter Crazier, carpenter, Warriormark. John Gayton, farmer, Union, George W. Horton, farmer, Carbon. Asahol Hight, laborer, Huntingdon. James Hutchison, farmer, Henderson. Enoch Isenberg of E, farmer, Porter. David Long, farmer, Shirley. Charles W. Moore, M. D., Carbon. Robert Morrow, firmer, Daniel Peightal, farmer, Perm. Daniel Shultz, farmer, Morris. John Silverthorn, farmer, Tell. Samuel Thompson, farmer, Oneida, William Thompson, farmer, Clay, Eli Wakefield, farmer, Brady. Alexander Work, farmer, Porter. Enoch Walls, farmer, Porter. Jesse Yocum, J. P., Brady. imArEtter, Ratotts—Filts'r tVrgtc.. Paul Ammermann, agent, Carbon. Thomas Anderson, farmer, Tod. Charles O. Ash, farmer, Barree. J. Q. Adams, ironmaster, Franklin. William Africa, shoentakpr, Huntingdon. Thomas Dell, carpenter, Barree. William Bricker, farmer, Oneida. Brice X. Blair, merchant, Dublin. J. M. Cunningham, carpenter, Huntingdon Nathan Corbin, carpenter, Huntingdon. Samuel Doran, carpenter, Dfiblin. Henry, Davis, farmer, West. John Davis, farmer, Morris. Alexander Ewing, farmer, tranklin. John Eyer, farmer, Warriormark. Oliver Etnier, farmer, Shirley. Isaac Enycart, farmer, Cromwell. John Grove, farmer, Walker. Matthew Gill, Nvagonmaker, Brady. Edward A. Green, gentleman, Brady. ,Toseph Gibboney, fanner, Barree. , Henry Glazier, gentleman, Huntingdon. Kenzie L. Green, farmer, Clay. George S. Hudson. farmer, Clay. Solomon framer, farmer, West. William Houck, farmer, Tod. Thomas B. Hyskill, farmer, Warriormark. Richard Hall, farmer, Shirley, William Hamer, farmer, Porter. William Johns, farmer, Clay. William Lincoln, farmer, Walker. George McCiad, farmer, Oneida. H. B. Mytinger, gentleman. 'Morris. B. E. MeMortrie, farmer, Huntingdon. Charles R. McCarthy, farmer, Clay. David B. Along, farmer, Warriormark. Levi A. Myers, carpenter, Shirleysbnrg. William McCartney, farmer, Jackson. Reuben Oaks, farmer, Barree. John Rung, gentleman, West. Thomas Ramsey, farmer. Springfield. Moses Robison, carpenter, Barrett. Joseph M. Stevens, cl3rk, West. Andrew Smith, farmer, Union, George Slack, carpenter, Barice. William Yocum, farmer, Juniata. Adam Zeigler, farmer, Patin. Thomas Hamer, farmer, Walker. . IMO 015,37 , ./ $2.12®2,37q tiMEI TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND ITEEK. Samuel Allison, 'farmer, Henderson. John Barr, farmer, Jackson. Abraham Brumbaugh, fartncr, Hopewell. Ralph °rotsley, farmer, Cass. Thomas Carmon, tinner, Huntingdon, Levi Dell, carpenter, Union. William Decker, farmer, &urea. William Davis; carpenter, Penn. Peter Etnier, gentleman, Stlrleystairg. Jacob Felmlee, farmer, Tell. David Gates, farmer, Franklin. Benjamin GralEms, tinner, Huntingdon. George N. Green, farmer, Case. Samuel Grove, farmer, Hopewell. Daniel Harris, farmer, Penn. W. A. Hudson, cabinet-maker, Dublin. Joseph [tarnish, farmer, Porter. Jacob Ilerncame, farmer, Porter. David F. Jeffries, farmer. Tell, Daniel Hyper, farmer f Walker, John M. Leech, mill wriglit i Franklin, James Lynn, farmer, Springfield. Thomas Miller, farmer, Barren. Thomas Monteagne, carpenter, Dublin. William MeGarrey, farmer, Shirley. Evan Nearhoof, farmer, Warriormark. William Peightal, cooper, Huntingdon. Henry Peightal, farmer, Walker. Win. Riddles, innkeeper, Huntingdon. Henry Robison, farmer, Dublin. Benjamin Rhodes, farmer, Shirley. J. Duncan Rankin, manufacturer, Franklin Peter C. Swoope, gentleman, Huntingdon, McDonald Stewart, carpenter, Jackson. John Smolker, Jr., farmer, Shirleysburg. Jacob Walters, farmer, Morris. March 2:5, IS&2. NOTICE-- Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter SOe iOll4. praying Gies:rid Court to grant them license to keep hint or taTel ne in their respective boroughs, townships and villages in the county of Hun tingdon, and that said petitions will tie presented to the said Court on Wednesday, the 16th day of April next, for consideration, die., when and where all persons inter ested Coll t!t tend If they think proper, viz: • Valentine Creme, Huntingdon borough. John S. Miller, do. William Riddle -3, do. George Thomm, do. Henry Liester. do. Abralintit V. Westbrook, do. John Dean. do. Graffus Miller, do. 'Adam Itothd..y, Shade Oep. John Jandhun, do. Henry McGowan, Dublin toWnship. Joseph S. Reed, Coalinont. Joseph Morrison, Broad Top Ctty. Thomas Cook, do. James Donn. Barnetstown. James Gleason, Barnet. Martin Mara, do. Michael McCabe, Dlairshoro. George Little, 31cAle3 'a Fort. Shadrack StelTry, Ste, ensville. [ John Shuck, MeConnellstown. Henry Strouse, do. Philip • Crouse, Mapleton. John D. Boring. Cussville bon - nigh. James Chamberlain. War: lorstnark. Samuel G. Simpson, Mill Creek. John G. Stewart, do. Robert Minn, Orhisonla Sorotigh. William Templeton, do, James Flemming. Smithburg, Henry Chamberlain, Water Street. William Johnston ' Markleaburg. John R. Gerd, Petel.,bitrg borongli. Jacob I:impairer, .do. Smog & 311,reb s ,.M.xneivillo. Eliza Rankin, Wiinif SI III6 O. Samuel M. Antis, Mount Union. Mary Ann Doyle, do.. • R. F. Hasten, Spruce Creak. Alexander S. Seeds Smuce John Dlirew, Dndley. .7oseph M. Porter, Dudley. Dennis McHugh, do. Samuel Trontwine, Fairfield or WilsontoWn. Jetties Carmont, Manor Hill. WM. C. WAGONER, Clerk. Huntingdon, March 25,1502.--lt. AFARM FOR SALE. Tho subscribers will sell nt private sale tho farm now occupied by Samuel Sankey, in Hendereon township, about four miles from line. tingdon. The farm contains about 210 Acres— about tho one half cleated and in a good shit° op cultiNa• lion. Tho improvements are a good flame two-story house, log barn and other outbuildiugs. There are funr goal springs of center on the place, The terms n all be cos) Mardi 18, 18624 t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Letters Testamentary upon the last will and testa ment of James Porter, .late of AVest tom nsillp. Hunting don county, • deceased; hate been granted to the subscri bers. All persons indebted ate requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will ra csent them properly nuthenticatetrto GEO. IL PORTER, SAISIV PORTER, Executors. Much IL IE,G2',-61 Letters tratarpobtary upon ttle loot will and testa moot of John P. Andefrori; Into of the borough, of thins tingdow deo'd., limo been granted to mo. All persons in debted to ' bum are requested to make payment, and those haring,elaime Will present them i roperlys S auth en COTT ticated. Jolt, It'ecutor Huntingdon, M,!rcli 11, 1862-61 E=33 SA3ITIEL SANE:EY. SANLUIV ROCLA3IATION.---WIIEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the at 1 day of January . A.l/.1862, Under the hands and seals -1-2) of the lion. Geer go Taylor, President of the Costa of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial Disti lot of Pllllllll l / 1 1111,4 comply• sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the Hone. Benjamin F. Pattdit ;61 William IL Leds his aseoci• i ides, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as- Maned. appointed to hoer, try and ileteribine all and every indictments made or taken fer or concerning all crimes, which by the Irma of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death, and other offences. er hoes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter he committed or perpe trated, for crimes atoresaid—l sin commanded to make public proclamation throughout my m ludo bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, aril) he held at the Court House in tho borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (end 14th day) of April next, and [hone who will prosecute the said prboners, he then nod there to prosecute them as it shall be Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner nod Constablt e wit Wu wild county, be then and there In their proper persons. at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, mile their records. inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces, to do throe things which to their °likes re , pectively appdrtam. Doted at Huntingdon, the 18th of March, in the year of our Lord one Commend eight hundred and sixty-two, and the Nth year of Mondani Independence. JOHN C. WATSON, Al4criff. DUO CL A MATION.---WIIEREAS, by x 11 precept to tee directed by the Judges of the Cont i-111M Picas of the county of Huntingdon. bearing tent the 26th day of Jannary, 1862, I ant commanded to make Ptlbilti Ptecianiatlnti Hlrdiktplolit 013 *halo trailltelck, that a Corirt, Of Clintilloll Pli!lis Will be held tit lint Court House in the bortnigh of Illititlitinion, oil the Gill `)outlay (and 21st day) of April. A. 111.,"1862, for tile trial of all ig nites in sold Conn it Illtdt remain undetermined before the inn Judges. obeli Mot II hereon jurors. lt itrlPAsist, and suitors, in the Mats et r at ipso,oc are required, Dated at Huntingdon the 18th of March. lit the year of our bOni oho thetleand eight hundred and sixty.tWo, and the 80th year of American 'lndependence. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheri): SlikatlPlPS SALES.- , --By virtue of adntirk *tits of tend. Exp. and Ft. Fa. to me•di. 11111 tilkise to public Kale or outcry. at the Court llontso, in Mb borough of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY THE Um DAY OF APRIL, 1862, at tau o'clock, P. M., the fol tou lug deettibad property to nit: One lot of ground situate hi tile borough of Huntingdon fronting on Washington street 50 feet, toil extending back' 200 feet to Mifflin !meet, adjoining lot occupied by George CMG on tiro east, nod tot of George Mat k's hetes on the west, having thereon erected one too stilly hence. Seized. token In execution, nod to be :told do propel ty of Levi NVeettnook. ALSO—Four nerviof ground in jarkson township, about one mile in nano 3leAleN y's Pot t, one duelling house and other buildings, thereon an cted. Aleo. one ft Owe grist tont, with two p.dr of btu is, plaster num and smut ma- Chine, adjoining lands of !IMMO jliittlotl , Also, oncarre of land in said toll nslniry timing thereon erected a log lmuo and stable, adjoining lands of &mei Yocum, Thos. Wah+oil, John Brooks, I the waters of Stoun Creek.— Also. tour acres of land in said township. meadow• land, adjoining land., of Simnel Johnston and Vim. lloi s and the water Of little Creek, s.!eivAvh taken in execution, and to be sold ae the rturet ty at liiids Mitt Win. \Tosser.• ALSO—Defendant's right, title and Illturest in and to one half lot of ground situate in the borough of Ifunting don. Pa.. fronting . 50 feeton Chord, tot yet, extending back 100 feet, and bonneted on tliu east by land now or late belonging to the heirs of tool Schoebol, and en the west by lot of James McCabe, and 00 the not th by other half of the same lot. Also, one half lot of ground situate In same borough, being the north end Cl the above de act abed lot, fronting .50 feet on) Moore mitred. and boumled on the east none or late the heirs of Paul Schooled, and on the west to lot of Jas. McCabe, awl en the south by the other half of 'the same lot. Beirut, taken in execution, sad to be sold as the mope; ty 01 Dan id Blot het limy nnith notice to Jomea Saxton, time committee. ALSO—Defendant's right, title and interest in and to all that part of n tract of land situate in 'rod township, surveyed on n warrant granted to Joseph Highlands, da ted January 2,1. 1705, commencing at or near the Chest nut corner, at or near Mach the part of the same tract conveyed to James Steel cornets; ideated sooth 41 degrees nest perches td a twist I thence setath 50 degrees east 30 perches to a maple; thence smith 41 degrees west CO perches to a chestnut; thence south SI degrees east along the Fr ands 'dorm survey, to the point n here a port Of the tract in the name of Joseph Highlands. conveyed to Ben jamin Tramline cornets,- thence along the line dividing the tents of the said tract conveyisl hero tofu] r to Benj. Trueman, Jacob 51ai tell, (none J. 11. and James Start, Baq , form the remainder of said tract to the place of beginning, containing 100 erten. More or less. Also—A certain Id or paled of land situate in the ton ifsllip of Tod. leditg pint of n tract of land surveyed i in the name of Joseph Highland. adjoining land of Israel Baker, Jostles Steel, Benjamin Trneman and others, be ginning at a gain Corner adjoining hind of Israel Baker; thence smith 75 degrees east 200 perches to a stone; thence north 3",34 degrees west 03 perches to a stone; thence north 75 degrees east 200 perches ton post; thence south 3534 degrees east 63 perches to a guns. the place of be ginning. containing 00 acres Seize,i. taken in excention, .aid to be cold us the property of Joseph It. Flanigen. Notice to reirth,orr m at Sheriff's sales 0 ill take notice Chet iinmediatefy Upon the property teeing kwicked down, fifty per cent, of all bids under $lOO, did twetity hoe per cent. of nil bids over that Rom, must be paid to the tdieriti. or the property will be set tip ageht noted to other bidders 0 ho 0111 cotnply with the abote terms. Sherifrs Sales lt ill hereafter be Made nn Wednesday. of the first week of engirt, and the Deeds acknonledg,el ou the foliow hug iVednesday. .1011 S C. WALS'ON, She. iIT. SliEntneb ilerirr. Huntingdon, 31 ar. 18, 15112.1 TIEGISTER'S NOTICE.- it, Notice is hereby glues, to all persona interested, that the following, named persona hays settled their ac counts in the Itegistur's 011ie°, at Huntingdon, and that the Paid awninte. m ill ho presented for confirmation and allowance, at am (hokum' Cons t, to be held at Huntingdon, to and for the county of I tun tingdon, on Monday the 14th day of April next. (18O2,) to wit I, The moonlit of Palld Wohdi and James Cree, 1:o -ctants of David Croc, tato of Dnbillf township, deed. 2. Tho Administration noel - nut of Samuel 13. Thump son, Administrator of William Thompsoh, deed. 3. The account of the Hon. Janice Owin, Administra tor do bolas non testanton to mimeo, of the estate of Ruh. art AMAMI, decd. 4. The account of Samuel Itowniati and (Icor& M. Executoi el of the List Will and Testament of ,Georgo Bowman, 1103.1' Shinny dee'll. • in. The account of Win. W. French and Wm. It, Mc- Clain, Atintinlntratore of AsarLdt McClain, Into of Tod township, deed. 6. The account of John U. need, Administrator of James Reed the younger. lato of West township, deed. 7. The account of Philip Garner and John Beaver, Adtninistratory of John :‘lorningstar, late of Hopewell townkiiip, deed. 8. The account of John hioluir and Sinned Reeliee, Adniltiktrators of Samuel hlooher, late of Cromwell twp., deed. Partial account. 9. Thr snpplrmrnt.J anti Goal account of John 'solo Ailininistrator of &moot bolter. Into of Cromwell township. deed, alter tho Juciiargo of his co-ailininistra tor. Samuel lloolwr, 10. The account of John Rooter, Ti lisle° appointed by the Otplmno Court of Huntingdon county, to make sale of the Heal Estate of Samuel Booher, late of Cromwell township, deed under proceedings in partition. 11. The Administration amount of Eva M. Beck, Ad• Ininistratrix of John Book s late of Morris imp., deed. 12. The Guardianship account of Kenzie L. Green, Guardian of Latina Lovell, a slaughter of Amon Lovell, late of Cass toss nship, deed, she 'being non deed, sifter intermarriage with George A. Heaton. 13. The Guardianship accounts of Kenzie L. Green, Guardian of Kenai° A., Albert (1., and Henry C. Lori!, minor children of Anton Loren, Into of Cass toirindlip, doe'd, now in their majority. 14. Account of Wm. Moore, , Adntini,trator of neorge S.Crptcr, late of [lrian :we county. in t Ito State of Ohio. DANIEL W. WO3II.A.DORP, Iteginter. Brum:Ws °Mel% Huntingdon, 31ar.18,1112. yIiBLIC SALE.— Kill be ' , old nt roblie Sale, at tine late tesidenee of WIN SMILEY, doCIL, to fluny . towleildp, On Saturday, 22d day of March, inst .) The filth:ming property; to nit: 2 head of work horses and harness, 2 cons, f, head of )onog cattle 7 shoats, 1 sow and U pigs, 1 wagon, plops and harrow. 1 sleigh Nod sleigh or buggy harness. xb ds. 1 man's gaddle. 1 buffalo robe, 1 log chain, Inumag mill, 1 elating box, noel a va riety of flirmlog titen•ola too nuniermsQ to Went-lon. Silo to ...1111111.1/110 at 10 o'clock. A roctundbte credit ill be given by March 11, 18G2-2t UNION VARIETY CASES. CIOLEMAN & CO.'S Variety Envelopes rki nro supeteeded by their now and IntantifUl UNION VARIETY CASES, much superior and much to be pre. toned. They are certainly cheap and very desirable, We wish our friends to exit at laswie' Book and Stationery Store, and see them—to see to to buy. COLEMAN A CO. Philadelphia, Feb. 11. ISO. \ 6W". P g riV RY47, • • - -- •;:e• • - PENNSYLVANIA RA i TIME OF LEAVING OF 117sR 11 A RD. A 7% 00 et 0 ri, g 13=1 P. N. TbY, 7 08 7 21 :35 7 48 NeWton Mt. Union, Mill Creek ...... I Petersburg, Spruce .Creeke-••••• .. t ...... Tyrone, Tipton FOitOrilt. &We Mille, TINGDON&BRO ,lIOAD.—CIIANGE OF SCIIED ter Monday, Dec. 2d, 1961, Des od deltas t ac It CI Oil and a Mil attlvu UP TRAII32 Iluntingdon at 7.30 A. M. & 4 10 P. M. Sax ton o 9.30 A. M. & 6.10 P. 31. nt iiolloWell 10.15 A. M. /101V31 Tit AINS, Lemo llnpowen xr 10.36 A. M. Saxton IMO A. 31. & 6 30 P. 31. Arrive at Huntingdon 1.10 P. M. & 8.30 P. 31. 4. J. b.4.4.E4;sicE, • Supt. EMI MEI Dec. $,186: TPyon want Carpets anal Oil Cloths, call at D. P. ditlirS littera you ulll tia,l the. Fefilipent in toe r. . • • •! SHERIFF'S SALE.-By virtue ol'a kj writ of Loy. Fi. Na to ma diroctod,l will exporio to pub. lic ealo or outcry, at the Court Homo, In the borough of Huntingdon, on SATURDAY, tho 22d day tit - MI. oi, 1862, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tbo follolviog'ilescribed real estate, to The following described lot of ground situate in the borough of Alexandria, comity and State aforesaid. boon led on the north by the Penns) Ivania Canal, en the west by a twenty feet alley, on 'the south by an alley, on the east by Ilartslog street to the Canal aforeadil. thence by the said canal to the plied fit Begin qing, having thereon erected a Tannery containing twentjafour lay-away vats, two limes and rout handle's under roof, the tannery be ing twenty-four by forty-cite feet, and frame, two stories high, and bark haute thereof sixty by tutrltY-futir feet, mah a water privilege fore'Ver. Also, all thole certain lots, or parts of lots of ground, situate in the borough of Alexandria aforesaid, bounded time Beginning at the welt COrber of lot No. 10 In the town plot of void borough on the eolith side of Pennsyl vania Canal In plan of iota told out and sold by Mary Ann McLain, and running thence along said Canal, one hundred mid tiny feet to a cross strget; thence south to eu alley tWeutS feet wide; thencesoufb 6st one hundred amid fifty feet to an eleven feet alley; thence north east along said alley to the place of lieginning. Together with all and singular, the find leriprovements, ways, wittetl, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, Improvements, iteredlEnatents and attunrteifahcol whatso ever thereinto belonging or in any who appertaining., and the revenilons and remainders, rents, Issues and profits thereof. Seized, token in execution null to be sold as the properly of Peler Kean. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff. SIIERIFF . B.Oericr- Huntingdon, Mar. 4, 1862. f tUDITOII'S NOTICE. iLNotice is hereby given to all persons interested, the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Iluntiogdon county, to distribute the Monte 'mottling in the bends of James McCall and Abraham States, Executors or Daniel Buckaalter. deed., amongst these entitled to receive the ensue. alit attend for the pur- pose aforesaid, on Thursday, the 2ith day of March, A. D. 1862, nt one o'clock its the afternoon, at his oftice In the borough of Huntingdon, uhen and utters all persons having claims upon said fund should pressat them before the undersigned, or be Mercator barred from receiving any part thes oaf, Feb. 27, 18C2.-7t.. NITDITOR'S NOTICE. 'Notice in limeby given to all persons interested, that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon comity, to distribute the balance remaining in the handa of George Heard and Elizabeth Hearn, Administrators of Willinnt Hearn, deed., amongst those entitled to terntve the sanie, will attend for the pur pose aforesaid, on Friday, the 25t11 day of Match, A. It. 186 . 2. at 01a) o'clock in, the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and ahem DP poisons, hating claims upon said fund lutist fllesefd them before the Undersigned, or be thew:titer barred fiffiti retelling any pal t thereof. JOHN }ds. 27. i961..-4t. 4 Auditor. The Insurance Company of North America, at Philadelphia.. IXCORPOR A TE D 1794. Capital and assets, • $1,254,719 ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. . OFFICE, NO. 232 WALNUT STEEP:T. rIIHE undersigned, Agent for the above well Iznown and reliablo company, will maku in bUlaners agniuet It-fir or dining,, by the for periods Ono month to perpetual, on 'invert') in bruit or country. J. ;11.11.rdi.EN AFRICA. Ittinlitlenn, Fell. 21, 1602-Ctit. KOLLOCIVS DANDELION COF FEEL The, preparation. made from tile TWA Jain Coffee. P, recumnb•rided by bbygtb... n hullo:11ot' thfitrrious 11EVElt Atilt for Ileum al Debility, Dyspelisia, and nil baton, dlaordem. Thormando aho have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee n ill nse Ode or ithout indurious effeetx. One earl contains the Mrcogtft of trve poundo of ordinary colfoo. Nice 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, Thr purrat and BAKING VOIVGIN: known, for making llgl,t, so rot and nut 'Blow. mead and cakea. Price 15 runt, Mk:trieTt”in. M. 11. R 01.1,011(, CureAt Curlier Uru at and tit , dant Mreett, 1.1111.11,E1,1411%, An I , 01,11,3 nII Dit%gints and Unice:, Fel, 24, 1861-1 A UDITOR'S NOTICE.- Tin; undersigned A editor, appointed by the Orphane Court of llttidingdon nnny. to dish 'bate the ,fund in the bend, of SIO*IIII, Ailtriilitstrattir of the estate of henry Whltcsell, bote of Mu rec, ton nehirr, deceased, will attend at his Itnutingdon. on THURSDAY, the lath of NIAIICII next. at one o'clock, D. M_ for the pur pose of snaking the said distribution, a lien and deers all person., interested, are ieiptired to pre'oot their claim., or be debarred from coming in for a share of the said fund. 'ill I:0.11. Ott) ißic. Feb. 20, 1662.4.1 t.; Auditor. lEEE= SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office on 11111 e•rcet, ht dm butt ling fornterty occliplnd na the ' , Journal Printing omen. lithatingdau, jail. 14, 1562. RECRUITS WANTED FOR PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS NOW IN THE FIELD The ittiderdgned, itt accordamm with General Orders No. 105, Illead-Qiiartere of the Army, and under the di rection of Captain It. I. Dodge General Survintentlent ot Recruiting Forme for the than) of Pennlylvanin, hove opened a Recruiting Office at the Post Office, in Coalmont, Huntingdon county, Pa. 'They are authorized to onlist men for any Pennsylvania Regiment now In tlio field that Is not already full. inhsistoneo and pay to eutnmenvs flan data of enlist ment. Lieut .I. ADDISON MOORE. Sergt. M. M. VANDEVANDER, E. McCA BE, Mimiclan (IEO. W. (ADDS. • Zan Hvg,i)lleht, P. V, • Oli Ileumling Service, 1.13 Manta ni of 3fajor Ocootal McClellan Coalinont, Morel. I, 1062. . 'RECRUITS WANTED.. FOR PENNSYLVANIA RtGiIVIENTS The undersigned, in accordance with General Orders No. 105, Head Quarters of the Army, and under the dl rtotion of Captain It. T. Dodge, General Superintendant of Recruiting PcrYice for the Plato of Pennsylvania, have opened IL Itoccuiting 011Ico in no building formerly mu. pier) irt Ilenol.Qoarters f fna,li Crosnmn, opposite tho Exchange Hotel, Itaih oad atceM, Iluntiugdon, They are authorized to enlist Men for any Pennsylvania Regiment now in the field Oat is unit already full. Stiltshitenee and pay to commence from date of mind -10001. Lieut. A. G. DICKMY, 11. 31. GIIERNE, 4.9211 Regiment, P. V. On Recruiting Sart lee, Tie oninvunl of Major General McClellan Huntingdon, 3larcl, 1, ISG2. =9 RC)IiORUITS FOR PENNA. REGI IL, MENTS NOW IN THE UNITED .STATES SEA- O.—The node' signed. In accordance with General Or ders No. 105, Head-Quarters of the Army. and under the direction of Caplan, it. I. Dodge, Gone] al Supet ,ntendent at Recruiting Service for the State of Pennsylvania, have established a Item Siting Station at Marklesbitrg, Hun tingdon tonnty, Its. Subsistence and pay to commence from date of enlist ment. For further information apply to Capt. J. IL WINTRODE, tiergt. J. S. COULTER, .1. T. CA It PliNTElt, s:3tl.l7eatnient, P. t. March 1, L ROAD TRAINS 13.Ptr, Ii D. 44 'V 0 ; • Q Cs. C 2 ca 0 " n ''' NEW MARBLE YARDS MCI ON 31IFPLtN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. TAMES M. GREEN respectfully in t, form. the public that he is fully prepared to furnish lo the best style of a orkinanship. all kinds of TOMB STONES, at prices cheaper than they can be bad in tho county. Ile hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a Aare of public patronage. Huntingdon, Jon. 24,1862. 11 111 OS 'Q~ 10 30 10 10 10 10 0 65 P. u. WALL PAPER! 11) TOP 21139:3 The New Spring Styles For 1862, Alreaq Ttegelved At Lewis' BOQk Store. We deal 'direct with the mantifactu: rer, ar,d will have on liand at all times the West styles ; and sell at fitly prices JOHN REED. A udaor. I= HUNTINGDON, PA. NOW IN THE FIELD. WANTED. IL 0. CORBIN; - ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11.1,1TBNGDON FA, Office 1 StrCe, Iluntingdon, Jan. 14, iko7v. MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGDLATID#S BY AUTHORITY OF TfIE Alt DEPARTMENT. The book is an octavo of 660 pttges, in elegantly printed on fine paper, with new bold type, and Hai an admirable exhaustive mats, for uhlch every officer will be gratefu l, the moment his eye rests upon it, no no former editioft hes ever had an index, and tho wont of one has bees long felt in lho Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing ninny important corrections; also, scloctions from the Military Acts of Congress, including those passed at the last session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTIIOI2IZED EDITIOX.] By Majot William Gilham; 11. S. A t Jolt publieße . o nut) . for sal. 3A , LEWIS ' BOOK STORE.— Complete in oho folutfig. illbe $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. • For the inetructinh. eterclee, and manoettited nf the United States Infantry, including In fantry . • of the Line. Light Infantry, and Rifle. mon, prepared under the direction of the War Departnient, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, May 1et,1861, contain. ing the lichee' of tile doldier; the school of the :,I company ; instriiction for akirmiabord, and the general e lite; MO calla for and the Khoo] of the hattalion; including the articled - of war and n dictionary of militarY tends, Complete in one volume. Price $1.2,",. For - • - Cale at TAM la' Molt Store. . AL69,: THE HANDY BOOK CIELEI UXITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into senice: containing a complete syStent of instruction in the School of tho Soldier, with a pi al Wane: rs explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Parade. the Position of the officers. g.c., to.. being no first book or introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, lust pub !Thee 20 cents. For sale at _ . LEWIS' ROOK STORE AL di Hardee 4 s Rifle and tight Infiniti' TACTICS, Complete in 2 role. Price $1.r,0. For Bale at LEWIS' BOOK'STORH." .lAW- Tiro Hooks sent by mail to any address on the rc eipt of tho price. - Huntingdon May 2S, HU. • 1862. 1862. CLOTHING. • ROMA,N, flub CLOTHING FOR P. 1 b ASP TriNTER, Jihti AT H. ROMAN'S ' GIMP CLOUD IVO IS.7'OIIE; For Ostittemon'm Clothing of the Volt nuitertd,aint made in the best evoi k manlike manual., call at 11. ROMA N'S, opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting dolt. [Oct. 7, 181.1.1 REMEMBER ELLSWORTH ! FISHER & SON itAirE JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK SI; IV GOODS: THE PUTILIV ARE INVITtiD TO CALL and EXAMINEPint ti cobs. FISIITIt & SON. Oct. T,,1881. LINIQ,N ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LBWIS' BOOK STORE. TEltt WAS. GOES ON D. P. OWIN HAS JUST QTENED SPLENDID bSTOCIi. NETV GOODS ' I , lllt FALL ASID WINTER, CALL AND 'EXAMINE THEM Oct 3, ISGI A BATTLE FOG 111" AND A BRILLIANT yICTOIty WON ADJUTANT GEN. LEWIS: After a revere engagement nktel, Lulea for nearly flint. dam I have at heat routed the enemy, and captured a largo camber of Gone, Revolves, Howie Rakes, and a groat quanilty of camp equipage, anti °Oyer xaluable articles which I immediately shipped by railroad from the field of action, and now an acolare , •;: „ lIIGII PRICES DEFEATIM. On opening . and examining On valuables captured, they vro found to comp iso such nu endless variety of Hard ware and Cutlery of every kind, that I Can atipply the people of all.sges and •classes; evert from a toy for nn in fant, to a supporting cane for the feeble ',old man. Boys or girls, Lords or Ladies, Soldiers or Ctitkens, Housekeep ers or Boarders, Farmers or Mechanics, Lawyers or Doc tors, anybody and everybody mny be furnished with a useful memento of this es maul battle by calling et, the Hardware Store of " JAS. A. )311OWN. OFk. 1, 1861. NEW GOODS : NEW GOODS!! •, G. 451151A3, , 1 MILM. Has just received a new stock of GROCERIES. DitY-CWODS, ROOTS S SAGES. Call and examine any new etnek. G. ASIVIAN )ULCER October 31, 1861 NEARBLE YARD. The undersigned L would respectfully call the attention Of the citizens of Huntingdon and the afkiolning conuties to the stock of bcantifol marble now on, hand. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, 31onumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and. form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly flaiklied.? naitl carnal atthiappro print° devices, cr plalik es Sony suit. Marble; Door and Window Silts; will be furnished to order. IV. W. pledges himself to furnish material and wink. manship wall° any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Still street4lontingdon, Ca. Ntmy i O , use etALL at tile new CLOTHING STORE of OUTII/IN & CO:, if you *ant a good artici of Clothing. Storo roomin Long new Luilaingr (wan. Dla monde }tontine. . • - Popt. 9,1,857. OMR TO THE NEW STO4E:g011: CHEAP BAllO4Hg t. t- : NZAT : 4pCIER.Y. END, • C. 1010 • • n orms the citly.ein, hf Tiontlngdon and ad, cinity, that ha has'opetied a now (M x% and Confection. ory StorTrfit fltottiotemen t, nndeF Onf ;tali & Co.'s Clothita Store, in the Dininund • and would moult respectfully re, quest a share of public patronage. His stock consists of , all kinds of the DEFT giv . 9E4kEs, CONFECTIONERIES, ic 4r Fish can ho had at wholesale or ICE CREAM will be tarnished regularly to parties and, individuals, at his room. - treat:WO/an, Sept- 24,1860. • • CLOTHE YOUB.S.ELVESI tilaCtg Now is Ule‘7 4 inie to buy Cheap eloihing 4 MANUAL .9tTT,AIAN, Respectfully inform the' public generally that he has Just received a large and selected stock of rarthionnbp FALL AND WINTER to which ho sea s the attention of all:Who are lu want of e neat and colt fOrtabla•cont, a Vest or ripOn of Punta— Ilia stock will bear atablination, and Itereqbatfulty requests all to call alid stlit tot themselves. , 114 should gentlemen liestro soy particular kind or chi i, clothing not found in tiirstobß 44,12ang,ftrjeaen, g ode measure they can be accoaamodited at' hort notice. A good assortment of_ , _ • BOOTS AND MOBS., RATS AND CAPS, &C., &C,, will also be found on hand. All of which st ill he sold de Ply, if not lower. than the r attnis duality of paella can'tfe had in the county. Call et the corner et the Induiond,Ltong'n new building. M. OUTMAN. • Iluutngdon, dept. ID, 1961 NI ON Arch Street, Ahbvil Third, Rhilallei;, UPTON-S. NEWCOMER, Pfartietor. krir-Thik 'tow la team, Bou4WWlont By4aseetiiet Cara to all parts of the City. and fu every particular adap ted to the comfort and wants of Via intaipast publ . lc. &if-Tern., $1.50 per day. - WeYX Sept. 10, 1861.-Iy. F Olt EVERYBODY THY THE NEW STCIEE, On MU ...VOycl oppottle CUPtlfdlin , 20ft, EITICEM SUGAR and MOLASSES. '• • COWEE, TEA and citocor„vrE. FLOUR, FISIL.SAVE and VINEGAR. CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and Tormitco, • , - sinoEs' THE,zDEST, , AND ALL IVINDSF. .•-•••• and every other artMe tumidly found in a GraFery,Stoie . • ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals.-Dye Stuffs, Paints, Vat nishes, Ode end Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol. tiless:litaLltitk;-* • Lt' • BEST (PINE 6/10 BRANDY for [Realm! pnePthiee. ALI) VIE lIEST PATENT-lIETICINMS ' 4 • and a largo uumbor articles too numerous to mention,The piddle generally will plonee cull and eiziratne for tbomeolvea and kith' my price!. . • S. S.- WITH.' Huntingdon, Mrts flli, ISZS. • ..., " --cl M = = P. c, r ,- t- , o'i El T LIE NEW STOlir, Alch. - ; .11'1' IV GOOD& WALLAC4 & CLEMENT; Have just received another stack of new goods, such -as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSIV,IRE, •` in the stoke rtioih at the southeast corner of the Diamond in the borough of Ituntingdon. Their Stock tins bean carefully selected, add *lll be sold lqw for cash or country produce. Iluntlagdon, April 15,1881. - • • WINDOW CURTAIN. -PAPERS, A LARGE STQCW SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. • .- t•iT • • PT: Window Curtain Papets;:i‘ JUST ity,6invEb "' 4•T .:!: LEWIS' BOOK STOItt". • • ' ' .A. • • TTOR Y A, NE IV Jnn. 11-tt. W -NOT - thhi FLAG: 'STILL WAVES. • :CE' GOOP3I I NEW OCkiAl!tl • At Ifp.elton :Stalion;and.Altetura, SIMO;i COHN has just received (corn t)lo,Etetern C,it lelf, a large assortment of - . '-. . " Pry coorls,)Groceriei. , -• ; , " • ." • ' Qacennvarr. narclacaa, &thing, Bonnets, Shein.qt... • dep!,'Boote, and all other m ticks kept in country.stores,whisbille is offering at his Illannnoth Stores. at Collbe lino Station pad Newburg. at ilmisnkily low prices. Tlie ladies chtlebilglyf Ire Welted to call and oxamino his Fancy Ganitt. ' flaring arrangements - with large Plifladelphia and other eastern cities. he is able to buy his goods Asap. er than other celintry inorchatits, and cairbenserttleialy. undersell them! In exchange for goods, Ito takes all kinds of earrntryprodnce at the highest ouslisprldteCrily strict the wanks of customers, he ,hopes to reeelte a` continuation of the liberal pat rOna,ge-iiitll which he has been beretokno favored. ' Mr. Cohn is Agent Of the Broad Top R. R. Co.; at Coffee Ran Station, and Is prepared tnshipalf kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. Raving a large - Itrarii Itobin,,far mera can store with t Lim until ready to , Ertl mn. eanience will be afforded them, - • : • - Attnet 29.'18G1,. • 7 7 . „ NEW NATIONAL LOAN.' ' develi and Three 7 Tenths, ' Per 'dent. `TREASURY. NPTES,.; "" NOW ItE.6Yrioli. DE VERY Ault: 01-Fmr. oY • ;1 . JAY COOKE SL' 00., BANIKEFA No. 114 South Thifilktl'els PiTILADELPITIA: „ Pursnant to lustructioha • frolic the Secretary of the 191lasury, tile Subscription. Book to, the NEW NATIONAIC LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at thB Fite of eceenntid thccodenthe pep .apt.:Pef open,at plyl ” ' NO. 114 S. THIRD STREET,' , • until tut ther notice from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M. anti on Mondais till 9P. I. • • • These notes will be of the demonination .of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. FITE 'MON DICED DOLLARS. OND TIIOI.ISAND DOLLARS. and FIVE TROUSAND 'l,olBLAlts, and are all dated 19th of August, 0551, pliyable in gold, iu three years, or converti ble into a twenty years' six per cent. loan, at the option' of the holder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupona attached, a hich can be cut off and collected In gold at the Mint sooty six months. and at the rate of one .cent per day on each tlfty dollars. Payments of subscriptions may be made in Gold or Checks, or Notes of any or the Philadelphia Make. PAIITITS AT A DISC cccr can remit by their friends.through the mail, or by express, or through Banks, and the Tkeaa , ury Notes will be immediately delivered, or scut to each nubeertber as they may severally direct. • ~ Writes remitting most add• the interest 'from 19th of August, the date of all the notes ' to the day the remit tance reaches Philadelphia, at .the , fato of one cent per day, ou each dtty dollars. . . , Apply to or address . • • , . JAY COOKE, Sunbcn;;l:iuN Care of Jay Cooke 11' Co:; Booktite, No. , lll . Sentia Third treet, Philadelphia. Oct. 7, . . ;..,td 1. 'I, •; • ; A • 1t7:121,t1 will find the Lyszest - and . Best 'clitoatea of LadiCs'll , reed Goods at WM. WILLIAMS .•. • T HE best Tsbacco in town, at ,'; D. r. 7==l PONFECTIONERY ; IMM Ct i " IItFiTp.;CIDON, PA