The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 18, 1862, Image 1

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    cienti-Oteehig 6lohe.
NM. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietoi
A. TYIIMIST, Associate Editor.
'TER 1119.—" THE GEODE . ' ie published twice a week et
• $1.50 a year--75 Ceuta for eia coots for
three montlie—in advance.
'ruesllay afternoqu, March 18, 1862
Per Flag Forever
0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a largo num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice fel
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately.
§§§§§ § § § §
—The battle of Pea Ridge turns out
to have been the hardest fought, and
one of the most complete victories of
the war. It has resulted in the death
of 1,000 rebels, the wounding of nearly
:1,000 more, and the capture of 1,000
more, together with thirteen pieces of
—The main body of the rebels have
crossed the Rappahannock, and are de
termined to make a stand at Freder
icksburg in conjunction with the army
at Gordonsville. They have burned
Warrenton station, 14 miles from Ma
nassas, on the Manassas and Richmond
railroad, together with the hotel and
the five or six dwellings located there.
Also Bristow's station, five miles from
Manassas, together with the store hou
ses containing a large amount of flour.
—At Thoroughfare station, 12 miles
from Manassas, on the road to Win
chester, there were, on Friday, found
. 52 freight cars, loaded with commissa
,ry stores, valued at 620,000. The fire
iliindled by the rebels failed to consume
—Col. James Comeron's body has
,been recovered and arrived at Harris
.lisrg on Sunday night. The remains
of 'the lamented Colonel were recov
ered by Major A. V. Elliott and Mr.
John Keene, of the War Department,
and the Orderly Sergeant of the late
Col. Cameron, who started from Wash
ington for Manassas immediately after
-its evacuation by the rebels. When
they reached the old battle ground,
they were led to the spot by a colored
man in the neighborhood. The body
had been buried with five others with
out a coffin. It was easily recognized
I .by certain marks, as the clothing was
,to a great extent entire. The hair
,vas almost perfect, although the flesh
bad almost entirely decayed from the
bones. A truss of a peculiar construc
tion, which the Colonel wore, was also
found in its proper place on his re
mains. The corpse was forwarded to
Lowisburg,Union county,accompanicd
by its military escort, and a numberof
the relatives and friends of the deceased.
—An important reconnoissance along
the line of the Virginia and Alcxan
,dria Railroad, a distance of twenty
four miles, in a direct lino from Manas
sas, has been made. The whole coun
try along the route was found to be
deserted, and presented a sad picture
of desolation. Information was ob
tained establishing the fact that the
evacuation of Manassas had begun on
the 7th inst., the rebels having learned
that Gen. McClellan intended to inter
cept the way to Richmond.
Saturjay morning a naval ex
pegtion started down the Mississippi,
untiPEr Flag ptlic.or Foote, from Cairo,
An attack is to be made upon Wand
No. 10. The impression prevails that
Island N0..10 will not offer much re
sistance. There are said to be 2,000
rebel troops at the town of Union,
7,000 at Rumboldt, and 15,000 in the
-vicinity of Island No. 10. At the lat.-
pr place there are also said to be
Pvelie heavy guns in their batteries
• —Our imanualtring forces on the
Lower Potomac have found vast quan
tities of commissary stores in the aban
„dolled rebel works.
ers willremember that during theft
. 5,e,2.r, we published an advertisement
for Chas. G. Crane, Photographist, No
532 Arch st., Phila.,—payable in Pho
tographs. We ordered Photographs of
some of our frieruls in the city, and
; , F 4 4 3 .. v . zT r eceived them . ,
,and rn,ora
like pictures coidif not be desired, or
procured at any other establishment in
the `nited
i Vire therefore ye
i • . .. •
commend ail persim,s visiting t4e
who may Wish to secure a perfect like
ness of themselves or their friends, to
call at Mr. Crane's rooms.
regularly, at Lewis' Book Store.
Missing Legislature.
The St. Louis Republican asks what
has become of the Tennessee Legisla
ture? Is it strayed or stolen—lost or
mislaid ? Has it gone "on a bender,"
and not recovered from its headache?
Have most of the members prorogued
themselves, and sought the retiracy
and seclusion of private life What'
has become of the Tennessee Legisla
ture? When Donelson tumbled and
toppled into the bawls, of Gen. Grant
with its garrison—when Clarksville
surrendered—when Sidney Johnston
told the trembling Harris that Com
modore Foote was on his way, with the
gunboats, to Naihville—there was
hurrying to and fro in Tennessee's cap.
itol, and much whispering with white
lips among the senators and representa
tives. Before the citizens kliew what
was the matter, and while the pious
among them were wending their rever
ent way to the Douse of God, Gov. Har
ris and the Legislature seized their car
pet bags and took a special train. On
the morning of that Sabbath day, the
General Assembly met at the State
House and resolved to adjourn. The
members very soon thereafter left.
They.retreat, vamoosed, toddled, cut
stick, crowded sail, ran off, skidaddled.
The popular understanding confirmed
by an official proclamation by the Gov
ernor, was that the functionary wisdom
of the State would bring up in Mem
phis. Suddenly the latter city was
largely reinforced with inhabitants.
The hotels were crowded, the board
ing houses filled, and the streets swarm
ed with a greatly augmented popula
tion. The time came for the Legisla
ture to assemble. The State had been
"invaded by Lincoln's butchers," and
no moment was to be lost in providing
ways and means for resistance. But
if the time came,the Legislature didn't.
With all the drumming, all the vigi
lance and activity of the sergeant-at
arms, up to the Ist instant no quorum
could be obtained in either House.
The Tennessee Senate mustered bat
ten members, and of the Representa
tives in the other branch fifty were
absent, including the honorable'Speak
er, at our latest dates. In view of these
filets are we not justified in propound
ing the inquiry with which wo have
began this paragraph?
THE RETREAT of the enemy from Ma
nassas and Winchester, although it has
postponed the anticipated engagement
between the two large armiesthat have
so long faced each other on the banks
of the Potomac, by no means proves
that they will not soon engage in deadly
conflict along an immense line. The
order of General McClellan indicates
that he expects a great battle. Ire
evidently hopes to vanquish the rebels
arrayed in line before him, but not
without a terrific contest. The leaders
of the Rebellion seem to have been in
spired, throughout, by the belief that
the decisive contest of the whole strug
gle was to take place between the cap
ital of our country and their own cho
sen rendezvous. They have preferred
to encounter many terrible disasters in
other quarters (which they might at
least partially- have avoided), rather
than to weaken their main army, which
once arrogantly threatened Washing
ton, but which is now making a last
desperate struggle to defend Richmond.
It has rarely happened 4n the his
tory of the world that a more intense
ly interesting theatre for a deadly con
flict has thus, by mutual consent, been
selected. It is nearly an equal dis
tance from the city where the rulers of
our country daily deliberate upon the
best means to save the Republic and
the spot where arch-conspirators do
congregate to form desperate plans for
the ruin of free gouernment and the
exaltation of a despotic oligarchy.
We have received from Mr. J. J. Law
rence, the Ninth Annual Report of the
Directors, from which we copy a few
items of general interest.
Total alapnlent °renal in 1861 ^72.625 tong.
1861. 1860.
Coal Trigg)] 1. merchandise and
local of mines, rent
of houses, passengers, mail and
express, d miscellaneous itrme .. $156,9.11 62 $111,736 74
Motive power, maintenance of
care, etc., etc 86,014 67 61.122 60
Net earnings, $70,010 05 $50,23415
Extract from the President's Report :
The Palling off hi the home shipments,
which have been the hest paying por
tion of our freights, and the low rates
of freight on coal for Port Richmond,
have made the net earnings less satis
factory than the Board would have
The Rolling Mills now being nearly
all in active operation again, we may
count upon an active home market for
the present season. By charging a fair
remuneration for moving coal and cars
on the mountain grades, and the deliv
ery of coal at Saxton, and by pro-rating
with the other carrying Companies
from that point, a successful year's
business may reasonably be expected.
Twelve miles of the Bedford Rail
road, from. Hopewell to Bloody Run,
will probably be completed by May
next. Should the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company conclude to run it, a
favorable arrangement can probably
be made with them to do also OW pas
senger and local freight business °four
If any arrangement can be arrived
at by which the Floating Debt of the
Compw ei)n be Funded, there is but
littlb ddUbt tint that with the increased
business of the Road the Company can
hereafter pay interest upon their entire
liabilities, including Common and Pre
ferred Stock-.
rm.„, An assortment of Card Photo
graphs'at Lewis' Book Store.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The following items arc of interest
to our readers in the county:
An Act has been passed by both
Houses to encourage the development
of coal and mineral lands in the coun
ties of Huntingdon and Bedford.
When the general appropriation bill
\vas under consideration, Mr. Scott lied
an amendment inserted which gives to
Cass and Union townships their por
tion of the school fund of last year,
ending June
Mr. Scott has also read in place An
Act to incorporate a company to con
struct a turnpike from Mount Union
ria Shirleysburg, to Orhisonia.
Last week the House passed a bill
giving the County Commissioners of
this county, authoriry to act as a Board
of Revision, whilo holding appeals, and
legalizing their action in this respect
Mr. Banks, some days ago, presented
a pCtition from citizens of Blair and
Huntingdon counties, asking for a
State road from Spruce Creek to con
nect with the turnpike near Canoe
The tonnage tax question was dis
cussed until near 72 o'clock on Thurs
day night last. Mr. Armstrong's
amendment was defeated by a vote of
G 5 nays to 31 yeas. Mr. Williams' sub.
stitute, passed its several readings and
on its final passage the vote was as
YEAS—Messrs. Alexander, Banks,
Barron, Beaver, Beebe, Bigham, Bliss,
Blanchard, Boileau, Brown, (Mercer,)
Brown, (Northumberland,) Busby,
Cessna, Craig, Doltone, Divins, Donley,
(Greene.) Dougherty, Elliott, Fox,
Freeland, Gamble, Graham, Grant,
Gross, Nall, Mapper, Henry, Hess,
Hoffer, Hoover, Hopkins, (Washing
ton,) Madman, Kaino, Kennedy,
McClellan, McCoy, MeCullobh, Myers,
Neimax, Peters, Potteiger, Ramsey,
Rex, Rhoads, Ritter, Ross, (Luzerno,)
Ross, (Mifflin.; [lowland, Russel, Ryon,
Shannon, Strang, Tate, Tracy, 'button,
Wakefield, Weidner, Williams, Wim
ley, Windle, 'Wolf; Worley, Zeigler and
Rowe, (Speaker,)-70.
NAYS—Messrs. Abbot, Armstrong,
Bates, Caldwell, Chatham, Cochran,
Cowan, Dennis, Donnelly, (Philadel
phia,) Duffield, Early, Gaskill, Green
bank, Hopkins, (Philada.,) Josephs,
MeMakin, McManus, Pershing, Quig
ley, Scott, Smith, (Chester,) Smith,
(Philadelphia,) Thompson, Vincent,
Warner and W ild ey-25.
/P&z . 3)1.. Ludwig Hechinger, the cel
ebrated Optician from New York, will
be in town for a few days from Thurs
day next. ..111 diseases of the eye
treated in a scientific manner. Ile will
also be prepared to furnish the best
quality of glasses and eases.
,DoN'T forget the election on Friday
next. Ono Constable, one Justice of
the Peace, two Judges, two Inspectors,
'one Assessor and two School Directors,
are to be elected.
The Shooting Match.
lowing is the result of the great shoot
ing match at, Huntingdon last weak.
between Richardson and Stunkard. of
Fulton county, and Massey and Bell,
of Huntingdon county. Each man
was to shoot three shots at his hoard,
and the shortest string.take the round;
distaace sixty yards.
Although the shooting was reason:t
idy good, it seems neither party is sat
isfied, for I understand there is anoth
er match to come off between Massey
and Richardson, for two hundred dol
lars at Marldesburg, in this county, on
the 18th of April next. Each to have
fifty shots; distance, sixty yards.—
This will try the nerves of the boys
and will tell whether the limestone
land of lluntingdon county, or the
slate land of Fulton county, will pro
duce the best marksman.
Winning Strings. Winning St, lags.
Rounds. Indies. Rounds. Inches.
I Massey, 431; 11 mil,
2 8e11,15 Richardson, 3, H
3 Itichard..n, 2 49 " 16 Richardson, 3
4 lilt hardson, 2 ,1 17 Rh liardson, 3!fs
5 Bell, 2f ,j 18 Richardson, 1,1.1
6 Bell, . 1!4 19 Massey, : , ,,.g
7 Bell, 2.14 20 Massey, 2,14
8 Massey. I 21 'Massey. lx
0 akb.3,1.11t, 4116, 22 Richardson, 3'5
10 Richardson, 2 1 :', 23 Massey, 2 146
11 'Mosey, 3 1 ' 24 Massey, I Si'.
12 Massey, 31 25 'Mosey, 2 1 :
13 Massey, :3,91 Sit Mooney, 21%0
Massey and Richardson shot five
rounds of seven shots each, which re
sulted as follows:
noundx. Mal.
1 Richardson, 73 ( /, I 4 Massrir,
32 Richardson, 7 o 2 5 hussy,
3 Massey,
They also shot one round of ten
shots each, which was won by Rich
ardson at 11.1 inches.
Huntingdon, March 17.
John C. Breokinridge.
A letter dated Columbus, Ky., Mar.
7th, to the Cincinnati Times, says:
"John C. Breckinridgo, I now learn,
was one of the evacuators of Colum
bus and, it is said, ho Was so much in
elyiated at tho time of the rebel hegira,
that it was necessary- to carry him from
the town In one of the transportation
" The ex-Vice President or the Uni
ted States has become almost a common
drunkard within the past three months,
I am informed, and is now rarely sober
enough to be of any service to the trai
torous cause he espoused. So much has
he transcended even the broad limits
allowed to Secessionists, in the way
of imbibations, that be has lost the
respect and confidence of his fel
low conspirators. At present, I
learn, that he is in Jackson, Tennes
see, suffering from the delirium
tremens, caused by his excesses—a sad
commentary upon one who, a few
years ago, was regarded as one of the
ablest and most promising of all the
politicians in the self-gloritying South."
proved styles—just 'received and foi
sale at LEWIS' Book Store.
.G Another supply of the Old
Franklin Almanacs just received at
Le k' 13001; store,
Details of the Fort Craig Battle,
Sr. Loum, March 13.--L-The Republi
can has ad vices from Albuquerque,
Nev Mexico, February 23, which
state that the Texas rebel troops have
made various significant movements
in the vicinity of Port Craig.
On the 18th they advanced a column
of infitntry, 1,000 strong, in line of
battle in front of the 1411,, and also
moved a column of cavalry, 800 strong,
to the west of our defences. They ad
vanced within a mile and a half of the
works, and halting, with the rebel flag
floating in the breeze, remained seine
time and then. commenced a retro
grade movement. During the time of
the advance Colonel Canby prudently
concealed the greater part of his tioces
in the rear of the, fort. When the en
emy commenced retreating, and the
infantry was separated front the cav
alry, Col. Canby ordered Major Dun
can to charge the cavalry of the ene
my with a squadron of dragoons and
mounted men, NVI*II they did in gal
lant style, the etidmy retreating before
them until they arrived at a deep ra
The Texan Influttry, in the mean
time, advanced to the relief of' the cav
alry, and a skirmish took place at the
ravine. Maj. Duncan, late in the eve
ning, was recalled, and the Texans
continued to fall back. He reported
that the Texans had eight pieces of
artillery in a battery, masked in the
ravine, but a short distance below
where the skirmish took place.
On the 10th and 20th the Texans
erossal to the cast hank of the Rio
Grande, in order, it, is supposed, to take
possession of the heights opposite Fort
Craig. Colonel Canby crossed and
pursued them in force, when the Tex
ans on the heights fired some fifty
cannon shots, without damage to our
forces. Col. Canby fired but two shots,
dooming it imprudent to waste his am
On the morning of the 21st, two
hundred Texan mules were captured,
with their wagon-master. The Texans
on the Highlands are destitute of water.
Col. Canby has', the pass to the water
guarded by a battery and a strong
force, and all the other outlets are
guarded. The Texans must either
fight desperately for water, or surren
When the express closed, on the
morning of the 21st ult., the booming
of cannon could be heard in the direc
tion of Valverde, announcing that the
battle had begun.
An expresshas justarrived front Fort
Craig, with news of a serious conflict
between our forces and the Texans,
winch lasted from 9 o'clock A. M. on
the 21st until sundown of the same
The fight commenced in the morn
ing between a portion of our troops,
under Col. Roberts, and the enemy
across the Rio Grande, with varied suc
cess, until 1 or 2 o'clock, when Col.
Canby crossed the river in force, with
a battery of six Pieces, under Captain
MeC'ray, of the wvalry, but detailed in
command of the battery, and, also, a
small battery of two howitzers. The
enemy are supposed to have had seven
or eight pieces. The battle commenced
by the artillery, and skirmishing soon
became general. Towards evening,
most of the enemy's guns were silenced.
They, however, made a desperate
charge on the howitzer battery, but
were repulsed with great loss.
Captain McCrity s battery was de
fended by Captain Plimpton's company
of' United States infantry and a portion
of ('ol. Pines' Regiment of New Mex-
lean volunteers. The Texans charged
desperately and furiously with picked
men about NU strong. They wcrc
armed with carbines and revolveraand
long seven-pound bowie knives. Alter
discharging their carbines at close dis-
Unice, they drew their revolvers and
reached the battery in a storm of grape
and canister. The New Mexicans of
Pinos' Regiment were panic-stricken,
and ingloriously fled. Capt. Plimpton
and the infantry stood their ground,
and fought nobly till more than one half
were numbered with the dead. With
his artillerymen cut down, his support
separated, killed, wounded, and flying
from the field, Captain McCray sat
down calmly and quietly on one of his
guns, and, with revolver in hand, refu
sing to fly or desert hispost, he fought
to the last, and gloriously died like a
a hero, the last man by his gun.
The Texans suffered terribly in this
charge. Many of our officers distin
guished themselves on this day. Maj.
bonaldson, who was the chief aid of
Col. Canby, acted bravely, and was
conspicuous in every part of the field.
His horse was wounded in several pla
ces, but the Major was not injured.
Kit Carson, in command of a regiment
of volunteers who were deployed as
skirmishers, did good service during
the action, and behaved well.
We have, however, to name the loss
of Lieut. Miehler and Stone, who, like
Capt. MeCray, nobly and bravely
maintained the honor of our flag to
the last, and gloriously died the death
of patriots. Many other officers arc
wounded. Our loss is about 200 killed
and wounded ; that of the enemy is
believed to be much greater. The
greatest confidence is reposed in Col.
Canby, and if tile volunteers will do
their duty, the Texans will be driven
ingloriously front the country. •
Brigadier Generals McCulloch and Slack
Killed.—Cols. Mclntosh, Rims and
Herbert Killed and Wounded.—Gen.
Sterling Price Wounded.—Our Loss
is 800 tolooo Killed and Wounded--
The Rebel Loss 2000 to 3000.—Eigh
teen of Our Killed Scalped by the In
dians.—Col. Jeff. C. Davis After Price.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., lfarch 10.—(Spe
cial to the SL Louis Republican.)—A
messenger arrived at ten o ' clock last
night, bringing additional news of the
recent battle in Arkansas.
The engagement took place on Little
Sugar Creek, five miles this side of the
stream of the same name, where a
skirmish occurred on the march down.
In anticipation of an attack on the
south, Gen, Curtis ordered the trains
to be drawn up on the north side; but,
unexpectedly, the attack was commen
ced qn the north, being the rear of our
atany, by from fifteen hundred to two
thousand rebel cavalry.
(ion. Sigel, with eight hundred men,
protected the train fur several hours,
holding the rebels in check, while time
teams pushed backward to the main
- While thus engaged, Gen. Sigel was
three times surrounded, but lie cut his
way through each time.
The principal fighting on Thursday
done by lien. I.3igel in this way.
On Friday the engagement became
general, and continued so throughout.
Our officers behaved with much gal
The most exposed position was oc
cupied by Col. Carr's division, and the
greatest loss was suffered by them.—
Col. Dodge's brigade of this division
consisted of the Fourth lowa, the Ist
lowa Battery, the Thirty-fifth Illinois,
Col. rhelp's regiment, and the Twen
ty-fourth Missouri.
The second brigade, under Colonel
Van Dorn, of the Ninth lowa Regi
ment, consisted of his own regiment,
the Dubuque battery, and Col. Carr's
regiment of cavalry.
X letter from Colonel Carr says the
losses in the 4th and 9th lowa, 35th
Illinois and 25th Missouri are from one
hundred and fifty to two hundred in
each regiment killed and wounded.—
Only three hundred of the 24th Mis
souri were present, but they lost twen
ty-nine killed and a large number
wounded. The 12th and 17th Mis
souri, 3d lowa cavalry and Sth Indiana
regiments lost about forty each. The .
Ist and lowa batteries lost about
twenty each.
Among the wounded are General
Asboth, in the arm, Col. Carr, in the
arm, Lieut. Col. Fallighan, Lieut. Col.
Herron and Major Coyle, of the 9th
lowa. Besides being wounded, Lieut.
Col. Herron was taken prisoner. Col.
Dodge had three horses shotundec him.
Lieut. Smith, of the 2d lowa battery,
was taken prisoner. He jumped from
the wagon to make his escape, when
he was killed.
Among the rebel officers killed and
wounded are: Brig. Gen'l McCulloch,
killed; Brig. Gen. Slack, dangerously
wounded ; 'Col. Mclntosh, killed; Col.
B. 11. Rives, dangerously wounded;
Col. Herbert, of the 3d Louisiana vol
unteers, killed or dangerously wound
ed, and Major General Sterling Price,
slightly wounded.
Thirteen pieces of artillery were
captured by our men, including one of
the pieces lost by Gen. Sigel at
son's Creek.
Our loss hi estimated at 800 or 1,000
killed and. wounded. The rebel loss is
not known, but is supposed to be from
2,000 to 3,000. A large amount of
rebel prisoners, probably 1,500 were
taken, and more are constantly being
brought in.
2,000 Indians were engaged in the
battle, and eighteen of our killed were
scalped by them.
General Price, with about 10,000
men, retreated northward, and then
took an easterly direction. General
Jett C. Davis is after him.
Roma, Mo.,March 16.—The remains
of Col. Hendricks, of the Twenty
ninth Indiana Regiment, killed at the
battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, arrived
here yesterday. accompanied by his
brother and two or three other gentle
men. They left the battle ground on
the Monday following the fight. They
represent the contest as terrible. The.
rebels fought desperately, using stone
in their cannon when their shot gave
out. Their force is stated at 35,000,
including 2,200 Indians under Albert
Pike. As nearas could be ascertained,
our loss was GOO killed and from 800
to 1,000 wounded.
The rebel surgeons who came in to
dress the wounds of their fallen ac
knowledge a loss of 1,000 killed and
front 2,500 to 3,000 wounded. We took
1,600 prisoners and 13 pieces of cannon,
10 of which were captured by General
Sigel's command, and 3 by Colonel
Pateixri's brigade.
Two of our cannon belonging to Da
vidson's battery were taken by the
rebels, but subsequently. were recap
tured by our troops.
The rebels were completely defeated
—one division tinder Gen. Price flying
in one direction, and the other under
Gen. Van Dorn taking another.
Major Herbert of one of the Louis
iana regiments, who was taken priso
ner, says that Gen. Frost, of Camp
Jackson notoriety, was killed in the
The \\Tar ht the South-Wet,
Skirmish with the Rebel Gunboats.
Island No.lo Reported Evacuated
WAsnoarroN, March 14.—President
Lincoln has just received a message
from Brigadier General Strong, saying:
Cmc.too, March 14.—A special dis
patch to the Times, dated Cairo, 13th,
Heavy cannonading was heard to
day in the direction of New Madrid.
The steamer Lake Erie, No. 2, says it
was heard very distinctly at Columbus,
front 4 to 10 o'clock this morning.
CAIRO, Friday, March 1-I.—Th reb
els evacuated New • Madrid last night,
leaving a quantity of guns and stores,
which they were unable to carry away.
Some fighting took place yesterday
between their gunboats and our Beige
batteries, in which we lost twenty kill
ed and wounded. A shot from one of
our 24 pounders, killing four or five.
Capt. Carr of the 20th Illinois was
killed on Wednesday night, while pla
cing pickets. The loss of the enemy
is not known, as they eartied al their
dead and wounded. They were sup
posed to number 0,000 men.
Island No. 10 is reported evacuated.
Bank bills of loyal States and 41pecie,
arc scarce. Every sbop-kcie;pe'iTH'gct
ting Treasury notes every day, which
are eagerly sought for.
Southern bank bills, especially those
of Tennessee, are abundant ; The peo
ple of Nashville, however, are rapidly
being convinced of their worthless
Anxious inquiries are made for cot
ton, turpentine, rosin' and, although
Specie was offered, nothing of the kind
could be had, except 200 bales of cot
ton, supplied by a resident of Nash
ill on his own account.
ST. Louts, March 14.—The following
is a copy of the official dispatch sent to
the Secretary of War.
After several days skirmishing, and
a number of attempts of the enemy's
gunboats to dislodge Gen. Pope's bat
tery at Point Pleasant, the enemy has
evacuated his fort and entrenchments
at New Madrid, leaving all his artil
lery, field batteries, tents, wagons,
mules, &c., and an immense quantity of
military stores.
Brigadier General Hamilton has oc
cupied the place,. This was the last
stronghold of' the enemy in this State,
and no rebel flag is now flying in Mis
Their Batteries Shelled by the
Union Gunboats
The Rebels Vacate Several Times
But Return.
CAnto,March 16.—The rebel's Island,
No. 10, is a very strong position. Forty
six guns have been mounted.
Eight mortars shelled the battery
above the island to-day. The rebels
left it several times but returned. They
only fired with two guns.
There is no difficulty whatever in
our shells reaching the island.
Gen. Pope sent a dispatch to Commo
dore Foote, saying that his heavy guns
commanded the river, so that neither
the steamers or gunboats of the enemy
could pass.
Firing was heard in the direction of
New Madrid all day. It is supposed
that the 'rebel gunboats were trying
to force a passage.
The transports near Island No. 10
hemmed in an encampment, supposed
to be large enough for 15,000 to 25,-
000 men.
CAIRO, March IG, afternoon.—Com.
Foote is shelling the rebels at Island
No. 10. Gen. Pope's batteries prevent
their escape down the river. The reb
els are said to be From 15,000 to 20,000
strong. The rebel gunboats are un
derstood to be engaging Gen. Pope's
Address of General McClellan to his
The Time for Action Has Arrived
lir %MC lrtn.r.S OF THY ARM' or TRr, roFo3llr,
FUKINIX COURT ROI" In., March 14, 16132. f
Soldiers of the Army of the POtOM :
For a long time I have kept you in
active, but not without a purpose. You
were to be disciplined, armed, and in
structed. The formidable artillery you
now have had to be created. Other
armies were to move and accomplish
certain results. ‘ 5 I held you back that
you might give the death-blow to the
rebellion that has distracted our once
happy country. The patience you
have shown, aml your confidence in
'your general, are worth a dozen vic
These preliminary results are now
accomplished. I feel that the patient
labors of many months have produced
their fruit. The army of the Potomac is
now a real army—magnificent in ma
terial, admirable in discipline and in
struction, excellently equipped and
armed. Your commanders are all that
I could wish.
The moment fi)r action has arrived.
and I know that I can trust in you to
save our country. As I ride through
your ranks I see in your faces the sure
presage of victory. I feel that you will
do whatever I ask of you.
The period of inaction has passed.
I will bring you face to face with the
rebels, and only pray that God may
defend the right.
In whatever direction you may move,
however strange my actions may ap
pear to you, ever bear in mind that
my fate is linked with yours, and that
all I do is to bring you where I know
you wish to bc—on the decisive battle
field. It is my business to place you
there. lam to watch over you as a
parent over his children, and you know
that your general loves you from the
depths of his heart.
It shall be my care, as it has ever
been, to gain success with the least
possible loss; hut I know that if it is
necessary you will willingly follow me
to your graves for the righteous cause.
God smiles upon us! Victory at
tends us yet! I would not have you
think that our aim is to be attained
without a manly struggle. I will not
disguise it from you. You have brave
foes to encounter—focmcn well worthy
of the steel that you will use so well.
I shall demand of you, great, heroic
exertions; rapid and long marches;
desperate combats; privations, perhaps.
We will share all these together; and,
when this sad war is over, we will re
turn to our homes, and feel that we
can ask no higher honor than the
proud consciousness that we belonged
to the Army of the Potomac.
Maj. Gen. Commanding.
Official Order for the Advance of the
WASHINGTON, March 12.—The fol
lowing Orders by the President were
published by authority, in the Intelli
gencer of this morning. Their impor
tance and bearing are manifest :
WAstuxoToN, Jan. 27, 1.862, 1
Executive Mansion.
President's General War Order, No. 1:
Ordered, that the twenty-secondday
of February, 1862, be the day for a
general movement of the land and na
val forces of the United States against
the insurgent forces. That especially
the army at and about Fortress Mon
roe, the army of the Potomac, the
finny of Western Irar , rinia, the army
near Munfordsville, lientudky; the
army and flotilla al, _Cairo, and a naval
force in the Gulf of slexico be ready
for a movement on• that day.
That all other forces, both land and
naval, with their resp6e,tive conimand
ors, obey existing orders for the time,
and be ready to obey additional orders
when duly given: That'the Heads of
Departments, and especially the Sec
retaries AA' War and of the Navy, with
all their subOrdiMites;and the General
in -Chief, with all other commanders
and Subordinates of the land and naval
filmes,, will seve'r:illY be held to their
strict' and hill responsibilities for the
prompt execution of this order.
March 8. 1862.
President's General War Order, ffeo. 2 :
Ordered, First—That the Major
General commanding the army of the
Potomac, proceed forthwith to organ
ize that part of the said army destined
to enter upon active operations, inclu
ding the reserve, but excluding the
troops to be left in the fortifications
about Washington, into four army
corps, to be commanded according to
seniority of rank, as follows:
First Corps, to consist of 'four divis
ions, to be commanded by Major Gen
eral Irvin McDowell.
'Second Corps, to consist of three di
visions, and to be commanded,by Brig
adier General E. V. Sumner.
Third Corps. 'to consist of three di
visions, and to be commanded by Brig
adier General S. P. Heintzelman. •
Fourth Corps, to consist of three t
divisions, and to be commanded by
Brigadier General E. D. - Keyes. --
Second—That the divisions now cont.,
mantled by the officers above assigned
to the command of corps, shall be em
braced in and limn part of their re
spective corps.
Third—The forces left for the de
fence of Washington will be placed in
command of Brigadier General James
j.. Wadsworth, who shall also be Mili
tary Governor of the District of Co
Fourth—That this order be executed
with such promptness and despatch as
not to delay the commencement of the
operations already directed to be an , -
dertaken by the army of the Potomac.
Fifth—A fifth army corps, to be com
manded by Major-General N. P• Banks,
will be formed from his own and Gen'
Shield's, (late Gen. Lander's) divisions.
(Signed) AllltAllA NI LINCOLN.
March 11, 1862.
President's War Orders, .iro. 3:
Major General McClellan having per
sonally taken the field at the head of
the army of the Potomac, until other
wise ordered, he is relieved from the
command of the other Military De
partments, he retaining the command
of the army of the Potomac.
Ordered further, that the two de
partments now under the respective
commands •of Generals Halted( and
Hunter, together with so much of that
under General Buell as lies west of a
north and south line indefinitely drawn
through Knoxville, Tennessee, be eon
; sidered and designated the Department
of the Mississippi, and that until other
wise ordered, Major General Halleek
have command of said Department.
Ordered, also, that the country west
of the department of the Potomac, and
east of the department of the Missis
sippi, be a military department, to be
called " The Mountain Department,"
and that the same be commanded by
Major General Fremont.
That all the commanders of the De
partments, after the receipt of this or
der by them, respectively report sev
erally and directly to the Secretary of
War, and thatprompt, full and frequent
reports will be expected of all and each
of them.
The Treason of Floyd.
Mr. Thin.low Weed, the able Alitor
of the Albany Evening Journal, now in
Hump, writes a letter published in the
London ,Star, of February 13th, in
which he gives the following account
of the manner in which the traitor and
thief, John B. Floyd was brought to
resign his place as Secretary of War
under Buchanan, which' he had used
during his whole term to further
the ends of treason. Mr. Weed says:.
"In February, 1861, Maj. Anderson
commanding at Port Moultrie, Charles
ton harbor, finding hiposition endan
gered, passed his garrison, by a prompt
and brilliant movement, over to the
stronger fortress of Sumpter; where
upon Mr. Floyd, Secretary of War,
much excited, called Upon the Presi
dent to say that Major Anderson had
violated express do rs and thereby se
rimtsly compromised him (Floyd,) and
that unless the Major was immediately
remanded to Fort Moultrie he should
resign the War Office.
'The Cabinet was assembled directly,
Mr. Buchanan, explaining the (imbue
rassment of the Secretary of War, re-
Marked that the act of Maj. Anderson
would occasion exasperation in the
South; he had told Mr. Floyd that, as
the Government was strong, fbrbear
anco towards erring brethren ' might
win them back to their allegiance, and
that that officer might be ordered back.
After an ominous silence, the Presi
dent inquired how the suggestion
struck his Cabinet!
" Mr. Stanton, just now called to the
War Office, but then Attorney Gene
ral answered : 'That course, Mr. Pres
ident, ought certainly to be regarded
as most liberal towards' erring breth
ren;' but while one member of- your
Cabinet has fraudulent acceptances for
millions of dollars afloat, and whil
the confidential clerk of another--him
self in Carolina, teaching rebellion—
has just stolen nine hunLed thousand
dollars from the Indian Trust Fund',
the experiment of ordering Major An=
derson back to Fort Moultrie would 136
dangerous. But, if you intend to try
it, bfore it is done, 1 beg that you will'
accept my resignation.'" ' '
"'And mine,' added the Secretary of
State r Mr. Thsek:
"'And mine, also.,' said the Postmas
ter General, Mr: Holt.
"'And mine, too,' followed the Sec
retary of the Treasury, Gen. Dix. '
of course, opened the bloareq
eyes of the President, and the'meeting
resulted in the acceptance of Floyd's
New Article of War.
WASHINGTON, March 15.—The Presr
ident on Thursday approved the addi
tional Article of War, which goes into
immediate operation, namely:
"All officers or persons in the mili
tary or naval service of the United
States are prohibited from employing
any of the force under their respective
commands, for the purpose of returning
fugitives from service or labor, who
may have escaped fi•onm any persons
to whom such scrvice.or labor is elai med
to be due; and any officer who shall
bo ibund guilty, by a court martial, of
violating this.artiele, shall be dismiss
from the sei'vlee.'.
THE r.fltrarNE ALMANAC for 1862, for
talc at Lewis' Book S.t.pre.