The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 11, 1862, Image 1

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    ~itini-Otteltig 610 b t.
WM. LEWIS, Editor and Pioprietor.
A. TYIIURST, Associate Editor.
TERHIS.—"Tra Gtoar." Is published twke a week at
$1.50 a, year-75 cents for nix mamba—bo cents for
three months--fa advance-
Tuesday afternoon, March 11, 1862
Our Flag Forever.
4 0 0 0 0 0 0000
4 have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsetVcd an
eounts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefbre, flom
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately.
Active operations are going on in
every division of our grand army.—
The news we give in our war columns
to-day, will be read with great inter
est. We look for important victories
to the Union arms from every direction.
ern people, frightened out of their
senses by their recent defeats, are try
ing to keep up their spirits by brag
ging and threatening. Pillow, after
running from Fort Donelson, is making
speeches which, a Memphis paper says,
show " the same courageous and fear
less spirit which ho has already exhi
bited in the field, that of invincibility!"
Floyd is said to be making speeches,
too, somewhere in the South, wherein
he promises the extermination of the
Northern people. But the greatest
attempt to terrify the North is the cir
culation of a report in the Southern
papers to the effect that the late Sena
tor from Georgia, Robert W. Toombs,
is going to be appointed Lieutenant-
General of the armies of the Southern
Confederacy. Toombs, they say, is in
favor of an aggressive policy; in favor
of carrying the war northward; in fa
vor of capturing Washington, Balti
more and Philadelphia; in favor of
quartering the Southern armies on the
people of Pennsylvania and Ohio; in
fiwor of raising the rebel flag on Fan
cull Hall and Bunker Hill Monument;
in favor of whipping the Yankees gen
erally. on their own soil,
PILLOW'S HONOR.—On the day be
fore the surrender of Fort Donelson,
despatches were sent to Nashville, an
nouncing " a complete victory" for the
rebels. Ono despatch read, " Enemy
retreating. Glorious result. Our boys
following them and peppering their
roar. A complete victory." There
was great jubilation among the Seces
sionists, of course, and this was in
creased when a despatch came from
General Pillow himself, saying " On
the honor of a soldier, the day is ours."
That very same evening Pillow fled
from the fort, or, as he says in his offi
cial report, "retired from the garrison."
What is the world to think of Pillow's
idea of "the honor of a soldier ?"
itsvrani JOHNSON.—On the
sth inst., this distinguished gentleman
was elected U. S. Senator by the Mary
land Legislature, for a term of six
years from March next, vice Kennedy.
Mr. Johnson was among tho first of
the Southern public men to identify
himself with the Union feel* when
the popular opinion seemed to be
against the Union. He gave his great
name and the weight of his great in
fluence to the Administration in the
hour of its txtremest peril, and at all
times unfalteringly ho has been a true
and tried friend of the cause. We con
gratulate the country upon the elec
tion of a man of such enlarged and
liberal views to the Senate.
THE Mout KIND or TALK,—The
Hon. Joseph A. Wright, Democrat, of
Indiana, recently appointed by Gov.
Morton, Republican, to fill the vacancy
created by the expulsion of Bright, de
livered a speech in the Hall of the
House of Representatives of Indiana,
at Indianapolis, on the 25th ultimo.—
After• referring to the circumstances
under which the Senatorial appoint
ment had beets tendered to him by a
Republioan Governor, he announced
the following summary as containing
his present political creed :
sc Ist. My faith in the strength and
perpetuity of this Government is in
the vigorous prosecution of the war."
4 2d. No party creeds nor platforms
until we have a government.
" 3d. In (mg word, put down this in
famous rebellion, let it cost what lives
And what money it may. [Loud cheers.]
You can change your laws and
your Constitution, but God has given
you but one country."
Gov. SPRAGUE, of Rhode Island, has
been nominated for re-election for
Governor. 80131 C weeks ago he was
nominated by a Democratic State
Convention. Since then, he has also
been nominated by a Constitutional
- Union Convention. Ills letter accept
ing the latter nomination is as follows:
PROVIDENCE, Feb. 27, 1862
GENTLEMEN :—You have communi
cated to me the intelligence that I have
this day unanimously been nominated
for re-election for Governor of this
State, by the Constitutional Union
Convention now in session in this city.
I have not seen the resolutions which
your Convention has passed, and, with
my ideas of duty in this great national
emergency, consider it of little importance
that I should know what they are. Ido
not feel bound by party resolutions or
party platforms. MY DUTY, IN TILE
IS TO MY COUNTRY, and to do all in my
power to preserve the Federal Consti
tution and to restore the Federal
Union. This has been my position
since the commencement of the strug
gle to maintain the Federal Govern
ment and to put down rebellion, and
this will continue to be my position un
til this great work is fully accomplished.
You will please make my sincere ac
knowledgments to the members of the
Convention for this mark of continued
confidence, and to say to them that I
accept their nomination.
Very truly yours,
risburg correspondent of the Chain
bersburg Repository & Transcript under
date of March ad, speaks of John Scott
as follows :
" Mr. Scott is plain 'and unassuming
in his dress and demeanor. He is thin,
and his health seems delicate. His head
is well shaped, and his broad brow over
hangs deep-set eyes. He has an air of
diligence, earnestness, and resolution.
No one can doubt, judging merely from
his appearance ' that he has a fixed de
termination to do his duty to the gen
eration in which be lives—that the
world shall be some little better for his
having lived in it. •
Ho believes that States and commu
nities, as wilvas individuals, should be
governed by 'the eternal principles of
right and wrong. He is an able and
thorough lawyer; his masterly speech
on the repeal of the law commuting the
tonnage tax is sufficient evidence of
this. Ho does not affect the graces of
the orator, but speaks right on in plain
and weli s weighed words and lucid sen
tences. The clear arrangement of his
topics and his logical argumentation
evidence a disciplined mind. His bold
words in an embarrassing situation
speak volumes for his fearless honesty.
He has no fear but of doing wrong.
No wonder all parties in his district
united to send him to the Legislature,
and that no opposing candidate pre
sented himself. Ho is no partizan.
His own • sentiments, as well as the
manner of his election, forbid him to
be such. He knows his duty to his
country, and dares to do it. In short,
John Scott of Huntingdon is t model
gentleman and representative."
dent of the Patriot & Univ, thus
speaks of Stanton:
" The distinguished and gallant Sec
retary Stanton seems to have the fac
ulty of adapting himself to anything
and everything that is useful and good.
HP is in fact the most extraordinary
man of the times. Re has the faculty
of disposing of more business within
a given time, and devotes more hours
to business, than any other living pub
lic man. Ho goes to his office in the
morning as soon as it is opened for
business, and instead of going to his
dinner, ho takes a lunch brought to
his office from a neighboring restau
rant, and remains in his office till 7
o'clock in the evening; then goes home
to tea, and in half an hour returns
again to his office, and. remains there
till eleven or twelve o'clock at night.
When you call at his office on business,
unless you are quick in your motions
he'll ask you, as soon as your turn
comes, " What is your business, sir ?"
His systematic arrangements, and en
ergetic enforcement of them, enables
him to dispose of the business of the
officers and soldiers, members of Con
gress and others, without delay ; and
his courteous and kind manner in
transacting their business, has made
Min the focus of universal admiration.
As he is a Pennsylvanian, I have heard
him named in connection with the Uni
ted States Senate at the expiration of
Mr. Wilmot's term. What an honor
such a man would be to the old Key
stone state."
TUE Richmond Examiner acknow
ledges that the Federal victories in
Tennessee bring out a strong Union
feeling in Richmond. It says: "We
learn that a man went through this
city Tuesday morning, trying to sell
$60,000 worth of dry goods, still in
Philadelphia, to be delivered in Rich
mond in ten days. Another is said to
have gone up to a gentleman in the
Second Market, Tuesday morning, and
slapping him on the back, said : Ah,
ha I what do you think now? I thought
you said we could not subjugate you.'
We have no doubt many similar in
stances occurred which have not reach
ed our ears."
THE name of Gon. Grant has a very
propitious sound—it is I.J. S. Grant—
which many of our cotemporarles seem
to think a good omen. Some of them
suggest that ho should be called Uni
ted States Grant, while others prefer
Union Saver Grant; but, perhaps, af
ter all, his most appropriate cognomen
would be Uncle Sam Grant.
LADIES SUPPER.—The ladies of Alex
andria and Porter Township, intend
giving a supper next Thursday even
ing, the 18th inst., at Alexandria, for
the purpose of raising funds to send
relief to the sick and wounded in our
number of good shots are to meet here
to-morrow, front this 2414 adjoining
counties. The contest will be contin
ued three days,
LOCALETCRINGs.—We have not been
paying much attention to local matters
for several weeks past, and we have
two very good reasons for our appa
rent neglect. First, because we have
been very busy. Second, because local
items are becoming such a scarce com
modity in this nee' o' timber, that it is
next to impossible to get up anything
of sufficient interest, to please our
readers. We go upon the principle
that when we have nothing to write
about, we let it alone.—March, this
year, promises, thus far, to behave her
self in a becoming and dignified man
ner. She is giving us real spring
weather, which causes everything to
assume a spring-like appearance. The
trees are budding, birds sing, and, in
fact, everybody and everything seem
joyous at the departure of cold, dark,
dreary winter, and the advent of sweet,
smiling spring. Indeed, we of the
North, who have not had our altars
and our firesides desolated and pro
faned by a ruthless and relentless foe
during the past year, have double
cause to be thankful. Many as inno
cent as we are, have been torn from
their firesides, and have had their
homes desolated and desecrated by a
lawless, armed mob of marauding jay,
hawkers.—The Ladies' Soldiers Aid
Society, of this place, received a dona
tion of one hundred dollars, last week.
It could not have been applied to a
better purpose. The ladies will make
excellent use of it.—Thintingdon
promises to be unusually brisk during
the coming summer.—Rev. Matthew
Crownover preached morning and eve
ning in the Methodist Church on Sun
day.—The many friends of the Rev.
John D. Brown, who left here in Au
gust last, for India, as a Missionary,
will be pleased to learn that he has ar
rived safely at Calcutta, after a voyage
on the water of five months, all but
two weeks.—We learn that a lager
beer brewery will be erected in this
vicinity during the coining summer.—
It is to be located near the ice house at
the foot of the hill, on the other side of
the river.—Anthony White, Jas. Me-
Murtrie, Robert Westbrook and Chas.
Newingham, of this place, recruited by
Lieut. Dickey and B. M. Greene, who
have established a recruiting office in
town, left on Monday morning to join
Capt. Campbell's company, belonging
to the 49th Regiment, P. V., now
quartered in Camp Pierpont. White
and MeMurtrie were in the three
months service.—A new schedule
goes into effect on the 11. & B. T. R. R.
to-morrow.—The Penna. Railroad
company have torn down the old dock
over Stone Creek, just below town, and
are putting up a handsome structure
in its stead. The water will be let In
some parts of the canal this' week, and
boats will commence running from
this place as soon as the dock is fin
ished. It is expected that a large busi
ness will be done on the canal this sea
son. It is said to be in better repair
than it has been for a number of years.
KNUCKLE down tight, no sides, no
h'istin's, no sets up, no sets around,
fen dubs, shot! can be beard at almost
every hour in the day, not to say any
thing of the curses uttered by boys
scarcely loosened from their mother's
apron strings, as you pass along the
streets. When we were a boy, we
wore a " bully shot " from base, and
could win marbles from almost any
boy in town, and thought it delightful
sport, think so yet, and can see no rea
son why boys should not shoot "mar
vels" now, but we do think that the
cursing and swearing, as well as black
guardism, that we heard on Saturday,
from a crowd of boys who were at this
healthy sport, could and ought to be
dispensed with. Their parents, cer
tainly, are not aware of the manner in
which their babies (for we cannot, prop
erly, call them anything else) " take
the name of the Lord their God in
vain." It is a scandalous outrage, and
we hope we will never hear such oaths
come from such a source again. Boys,
we don't mean to deprive you of the
pleasure of shooting marbles, for wo
think it is good exercise and good fun,
but you ought to let the adjectives
alone. You have no business with
them; and another thing, they are of
no earthly use, and do you no earthly
good, but a very great harm. Not
only does swearing lower you in the
estimation of everybody, but it is a
groat sin, and you will have to answer
for it at the great judgment day. Re
member our advice; it is 'not given in
anger, but in a spirit of kindness and
A friend sends us the following item :
" On Saturday last a week, a shooting
match came off for a large porker—
about four hundred and a quarter.—
Wash. Gates and Wm. Williams tied
on seven eighths and sixteenths. Mas
sey was out. Williams and Gates shot
off—Williams won the porker on a
three-fourth inch string. Gates was
close after."
We understand that on last Satur
day, the hog was again up, and won
by Massey, on a three-fourth inch string.
tax bill published on 144 Friday, the
tax on railroad passengers reads " two
cents per mile of travel ;" it should
have read " two mills per mile. Rail
road fare would be rather up in the
figures with the addition of two cents
per mile,
An assortment of Card Photo
graphs at Lewis' Book Store.,
Pennsylvania Legislature.
On Thursday last, the Home again
took up for consideration the bill for
the repeal of the Act of. last session,
entitled " An act for the commutation
of tonnage duties." After several
members had spoken upon the subject,
Mr. Scott offered the following as a
substitute for the bill of Mr. Williams,
published in the Globe of last Tuesday:
WHEREAS, It is alleged that the act
of the last session of the Legislature
entitled "An Act for the commutation
of tonnage duties," is not only preju
dicial to public interests, hut that it is
unconstitutional, that the contract al•
leged to bo contained in it is in itself
unconscionable to such an extent that
a court of equity would relieve from
its terms; and further, that said act
was procured for the benefit of the
Pennsylvania railroad company, by
means of corruption and bribery of the
public agents of the people, by that
AND WHEREAS, It is proper that the
truth of each and all of these allega
tions should be made the subjects of
judicial inquiry;
Therefore, to this end,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General
Assembly met and it is hereby' nacted by
the authority of the Same, That it shall
be and it is hereby made the duty of
the Attorney General of this Common
wealth, to institute'proceedings at law
Orin equity in the proper court or courts
in the name of the Commonwealth
against the Pennsylvania railroad com
pany, and against all other companies
and persons, who 'finay be shown by
legislative investigation, to be proper
parties to be joined in such proceedings
by reason of their fraud, conspiracy,
or otherwise, for the purpose of testing
whether the act of assembly approved
seventh March, Anno Domini, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one,
entitled " An Act for the commutation
of tonnage duties," is unconstitutional
or unconscionable, or was procured for
the benefit of the Pennsylvania rail
road company by means of corruption
and bribery of the public agents of the
people by that company, and for • the
purpose of having said act declared
void and of no effect, and of annulling
any alleged contract made by said law,
and what has been done under it be
tween the Commonwealth and the said
Pennsylvania railroad company.
The amendment was discussed until
the hour of adjournment. The ques-
tion was again taken up on yesterday.
It is expected that the House will come
to a vote upon the question, the close
of this or early next week.
On Friday, the appropriation bill
was taken up and passed through its
several readings, an amount of labor
that has not been performed in one
day by the House, fOr the past twenty
five years. It is something to have
good members and, good committees-
It has generally taken the House from
five to seven days. to pass the appro.
priation bill.
The commutation question was again
taken up yesterday afternoon. Mr.
Scott's amendment was defeated by a
vote of 55 to 15. Mr. Armstrong then
offered the following amendment :
Strike out all after the word °• Where
a.%" and insert to make it road as fol
Whereas, An act was passed at the
last session of the Legislature, entitled
"An Act for the commutation of ton
nage duties; and
Whereas, It is alleged that said act is
unconstitutional and void; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same, That for the
purpose of testing the validity of
the act of March 7th, 1861, enti
tled "An Act for the commuta
tion of tonnage duties," that the
Attorney General of the Common
wealth be, and he is hereby directed
and required immediately to issue ex
ecution for the amount of the judg
ments held by the State against the
Pennsylvania railroad company for the
tonnage dues, and to collect the same
according to law, and if necessary to
contest the validity of said net before
the Supreme Court, having jurisdic
tion of said judgment, and to carry the
same by writ of error or otherwise, to
the Supreme Court for final decision;
and if the said act shall be declared
unconstitutional or void, either in
whole or in part, it shall be the duty of
the Attorney General to proceed forth
with to sue for, recover and collect the
whole, or such part of the arrearages
of tonnage dues, as may be, by the law,
After protracted discussion, Mr. Hop
kins, (Washington,) moved that the
further consideration of the question
before the House be postponed for the
The motion was agreed.
Nicholas Longwortb, the famous mil
lionaire and wine-grower of Cincinnati,
publishes a cure for scrofula. The di
rections he gives are the following :
Put two ounces of aquafbrtis on a
plate on which you have two copper
cents. Let it remain from eight to
twenty-four hours. Then add four
ounces of clear, strong vinegar. Put
cents and all in a large mouthed bottle,
and keep it well corked. Begin by
putting four drops in a teaspoonful of
rain water, and apply it to the sore.
Make the application three times a day,
with a soft hair pencil, or made of soft
rags. If very painful, add a drop or
two more water. As the sore heals
apply it weaker.
I request editors in all parts of the
Union, and abroad, to copy this, and
to re-publish it quarterly; it may save
many lives.
Cincinnati, Ohio. ,
terday shown two shinplasters issued
by the Bank of Tennessee. One was
for 10 and the other for 5 cents. They
were received by ffeppyr W. Miller
from his son "Ash," on the St. Louis.
sale at T.eNvis'l3qqlf. Store.
Letter from Fort Donelson.
It appears that a son a Col. R F.
llaslett, of Spruce Creek, also, had a
hand in the taking of Fort Dena'son.
The following letter to hia father con
tains some additional items of interest:
FORT DONELSON, Feb. 22, 1862,
DEAR FATHER :-* * * *
I suppose you have been apprised long
era this of our victory here at„ Fort
Donelson. It was a hard fight and
continued four days, before we could
call it ours. Companies A and B, of
the 2d Illinois Cavalry, led the advance
guard. We received their first volley
of musketry, and also the first cannon
shot from their Fort. On the first day
nothing was done, but cannonading.—
The second day the same, with the ex
ception of an infantry fight in the
woods. But to add horror to the scene,
the rebels set fire to the woods that
night, and burnt the dead and wound
ed. On the morning of the third day,
the rebels attacked our infantry while
they were cooking their morning meal.
Our men were called, and the fight
raged for more:than three hours, each
giving and receiving volley after vol
ley, after which our forces were forced
to retreat; this was on the right wing;
but in the afternoon the rebels were
attacked on the left wing and driven
into the fort, our boys following. I
said inside of the fort, but not so; it
was only inside the breast works; the
rebels were driven back into the breast
works at the point of the bayonet.
On the fourth day it was our intention
to storm the Fort, but the rebels think
ing it better to surrender and save their
men; they did so, we taking between
15 and 20,000 prisoners.
This battle ground will be long re
membered ; the trees for miles around
will bare its marks for ages. Trees
from a foot to two feet, were mortised
through by cannon balls, and nearly
all the trees from four inches in diame
ter downward, riddled to pieces. We
have been in one prior to this, with the
"Secesh" Cavalry, and we searched
them out every time.
Our Army Correspondence.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—DOU't think for
one moment that we wish to boast of
tho above named place in writing from
hero the second time, for we do not
fancy the place; but it is merely to toll
you our prospect of leaving, and also
our disappointment. On Saturday,,
March Ist, General Lander's division
to which the 110th is attached, was on
the march in the direction of Winches
ter; we loft the above named place in
the evening about five o'clock. After
marching some seven miles we halted
at Big Cacapon creek, learning that
Gen'! Lander's health would not per
mit him to lead his army. About 9
o'clock at night we broke pine limbs
and threw them on the ground; laid
down on them without shelter and
soon fell asleep.
On Sunday morning your humble
servant wont to the river side in order
to view the bridge that was made to
pass troops across, and let me say, it,
was a curiosity indeed; it was composed
of some thirteen wagons in lino across
the river. The river where they cross
is about three foot deep. Boards were
laid from ono wagon to another, and
so on across; it was quite a bridge.—
The best thing that I have seen in
Virginia was' a splendid sugar camp,
whore we slept Saturday night. .
Wo spent Sunday in making little
huts out of rails and brush, in order to
stay in them on Sunday night, but in
the evening we were ordered to march
back again to Paw Paw. This went
a little against the grain, the boys be
ing in great hope of getting into Win
chester; but back we came and slept
on Sunday night, in our old tents again.
Alas ! a sad part is yet untold : be
fore we arrived at our tents on Sunday
evening, we received word that Gen'l
Lander was dead, and now, while I am
writing, the Regiment (Capt. Benner's
company excepted; it being on guard)
has followed his remains to the Rail
road Depot. A young man has just
returned from the procession and says
it was one long to be remembered.—
body was placed in the yard in
front of a building; a prayer was then
offered, after which the body was
placed in the cars and started for
Washington city.
We are now left to mourn over the
loss of a good General, and well may
we say good General, for he was a
matchwell worthy of that name. Gen.
Lander would not say,
"Go on, boys,"
but, "Como on, boys, I will lead you
through safe." Lander is no more, but
is numbered with the dead. He died
in a noble cause.
It is reported that Gen. Banks is in
Winchester. Yours,
prominent gentleman of this city, who
enjoyed the extreme felicity of a tete.
a-tete with Gen. Buckner at Congrefis
Hall•last evening, furnishes us with an
interesting incident illustrative of the
character of Floyd, the groat thief and
" confidence Man " of tho Southern
Confederacy. General Buckner told
our informant that, after Fot•t Donel
son had become invested by our troops,
and all reasonable hope of escape out
off, Floyd magnanimously proposed to
his follow officers to make their escape
under cover of darkness, and leave the
soldiers tinder their command to their
fate. This remarkable proposition
General Buckner and his associates in
dignantly rejected. Buckner is very
bitter against Floyd, and denounces
him as a poltroon and knave of the
most aggravated type.— 4thqny Eve
ning Journal.
days, when diseases of the' throat are
so prevalent, and in so many cases fa
tal, the use of common salt is recom
mended as an effectual remedy : We
commenced by using it three times a
day—morning, noon and night. "We
dissolved a large table-spoonful of pure
table salt in about half a tumbler full
of cold water, With this we gargled
the throat most thoroughly before meal
time. The result has been that, during
the entire winter, we were not only
free from the usual coughs and colds
tq whiph, so far as our memory ex
tends, wo have always been subject,
but the dry, backing cough has entire
ly disappeared. We attribute the sat
isfactory result entirely to the salt
Important Message of the President
to Congress.
The Preshlent to=day traossmitted to
Congress the following raessage :
Pettrge-citiiensOf the Senate and House
of Representatives:-1. recommend the
adoption of a jpittt resblutiOri by ybitr ,
honosahle bodies, which shall' he sub
stantially as follows:
Resolved, That the United States
ought to co-operate with any State
which may adopt gradual abolishment
of slavery, giving to such State 'pecu
niary aid to be used by such State in
its discretion to compensate for the in
conveniences, public and private,,Pro-•
duced by such change of sytitem.
If the proposition contained in thd
resolution deed not meet the approval
of Congress and the country, therels
the-end, but if it does command such'
approval, I deem it of impOrtaneethat
the States and people immediately in
terested should be at once distinctly
notified of the fact so that they may
begin to consider whether to accept or
reject it. The Federal Government
would find its highest interest in such•
a measure as one of the most efficient
means of self-preservation. The lead
ers of the existing insurrection enter
tain thejlope that this Government
will ultimately be forced to acknow
ledge the independence of some part
of the disaffected region, and that all
the slave States north of such parts
will then say, the Union for which we
have struggled being already gone, we
now choose to go with the Southern
section. To deprive them of this hope 1 ,
substantially ends the rebellion and
the initiation of emancipation com
pletely deprives' them of it as to all
States initiating it. The point is not
that all the States tolerating slavery
would very soon, if at all, initiate
emancipation, but that while the offer
is equally made to all, the more north
ern shall by such initiation make it
certain to the more southern, that in
no event will the former ever join the
latter in their proposed confederaey.—
I say initiation becanso in my judg-'
cent gradual and not sudden emanci
pation is better for all. In the mere
financial or pecuniary view any meq,l
- of Congress, with the census tables
and treasury reports before him, can
readily see for him Self how soon the
current expenditures of this war would
purchase at fair valuatioh all the slaves
in any named State. Such a proposi
tion on the part of the general govern
ment sets up no claim of a right by
Federal authority to interfere with
slavery within State limits, referring
as it does the absolute control of the
subject in each ease, to the State and
its people immediately interestbd,,it is
proposed as a matter of perfectly free
choice with them.
In the annual message last Decem
ber, I thought fit to say the Union
must be preserved, and hence all indis
pensable means must be employed. 1
said this not hastily, but deliberately.
War has been' made, and continues to
be an indispensable means to this end.
A practical re-acknowledgment of the
national authority would render the
war unnecessary, and it would at once
cease. If; however, resistance contin
ues, the war must also continue, and it
is imposSible to foresee all the incidents
which may attend and all the ruin
which may follow it. Such as may
seem indispensable or may obviously
promise great efficiency towards end
ing the struggle, must and will come.
The proposition now made is an offer
only. I hope it may be esteemed .no
offence to ask whether the pecuniary
considerations tendered, would not be
of more value to the States and private
persons concerned than aro the insti
tution and property in it, in the Ives ,
ent aspect of affairs.
While it is true that the adoption of
the proposed resolution would be mere
ly initiatory, and not within itself a
practical measure, it is recommended
in the hope that it would soon lead to
important practical results. , -
In full view of my great responsi
bility to my God and to my country,
I earnestly beg the attention of Con
gress and the people to the subject.
The Pattie in Nashville After the
Donelson Battle.
The Nashville Banner ,
the only pa
per still published in the capital of
Tennessee, describes 'the effect of the
defeat of the rebels at Fort Donelson,
as follows:
"Now for the effects of the-loss of
the fort upon this city. Early Sunday'
morning it was reported that Fort
Donelson had surrendered, but it was
not until between 10 and 11 A. M., that
the rumors became general. In the
meantime, the General Assembly had
been hastily convened, and after a
short session, adjourned to meet in the
city of Memphis on the 20th. The
citizens generally, unaware of any dis
aster to the Southern cause, were qui
etly repairing to church, when, how
ever they were -met by the report that
Fore Donelson had Ehnen, that a Fed
eral army was already at Springfield,
Robertson county, ' about twenty-five
miles from this city, connected by rail
road, and that the gunboats bad passed
Clarksville on their way to this city.
The sudden flight of the Governor and
all the State officers, including the Gen
eral Assembly, who took a special
train through to Memphis, gave color
to these absurd rumors, and the whole
city was thrown into a panic. About
this time General army from 1 ,
Bowling Green entered the eity,,pas
sing South, thus leaving the impression
that no stand was to be made for the
defence of Nashville. Such hurrying
to and fro was never seen. Before
nightfall, hundreds of eltipns, with
their families, were makinr , their way
as best they could, to the South, many
of them having no idea why they were
thus recklessly abandoning comforta
ble hdpses, or where they were going.
About night it was announced that the
military authorities would throw open
the public stores to all who would take
" The excitement continued through
Sunday night, constantly gaining
strength, aided by the destruction of
two gunboats at, the wharf, which were
in process of construction—two fine
New Orleans packets, the James Woods
and James Johnson, having been taken
for that purpose. The retreating ar
my of Cien: rOhnson continued its
reap h, encamping by regiments at
convenient points .outside of the city.
Monday morning the drama opened
on the city intensely exciting. The
public stores wore distributed to some
extent -among' the: pe:Oplei- e g tho
army and hospitals were making heavy
requisitions, and pressing vehicles
and men that they Could, to convey
their supplies to their, camp ,At the
same time consideiable quantities were
removed to. the depots for transporta
tion South. Evening came, and na
gunboats, and no Federal army from
Kentucky. Gen. Johnson left for the
South, placing General Floyd in com
mand, assisted by Generals Pillow and
Hardee. The apprehensions of the
near approach of the enemy having
been found' - groundless, it was deter
mined by General" Floycd 'that"the ile
straction - of the,'stores was preinaturo,
and an order was sent to close the;
warehouse, and a force detailed to col-,
lect what had been giV6i out. :Thi,S,
was done, as far as practicable, bution
Tuesday the 'distribution', commenced.
again, and continued With More br legs'
restriction, under the, eye of the Most
judicious citizens, until Saturday morn
ing. Tuesday night the wire and rail
road bridge AcrosS the Cumberland
were destroyed, in - 'spite of the most
earnest and persistent remonstrances
of our leading citizens. The wit%)
bridge cost &kit $150,000; and a larga
portion of the stock was owned by, that
lamented Gen. Zollicoffer, and was thq
chief reliance for the support of his
orphaned daughters. The railroad
bridge cost k)250,000, and was one of
the finest drawbridges in the country:,
The' scenes' which' Were enacted',
during the following:A:1:p 4 to hop
day morning; 2'4th, beggar description.
The untiring energy of the May and.
city authorities, who thronghont this
whole affair acted with a ,prudence,
zeal and devotion to the, city which,
cannot be, too highly coif:mended, was
inadequate to keep down the selfish,
and unprincipled, spirit of ammon
which runs riot, grasping from, the
mouths and hacks, of suffering widows
and orphans, the boor pittance of meat,
and clothing which' was left them as
indemnity , for Monthiof toil With. their
needle; and the, sacrifice of hushank,
sons and brOtliers' in defence of the*
Southern ConfederacY. Throno'h the
efforts of. the Mayor, however, a plan .
was adopted on'Saturday,' by
most, if net at all of these poor "and,
unprotected creditors of the Govern
ment were fully secured, by, Quarlfr
m aster and l Oomillitisarystores.'
"Here was an entire week of panic,
and confusion daring which millions of
dollars worth of property was lost to
the Southern Confederacy and wanton
ly,destroyed, all of which might haVe
been quietly and safely removed, had
the panic stricken leaders been able to
maintain their equanimity in the fltee
of a vague and unauthentic-rumor that'
the enemy were near at hand. Com-'•
mont upon such management is armee;
essary in these columns—it can- be
heard loud and -unsparing from every
mouth in the land. ,
" On Tuesday, as we learn, the city
of Clarksville was surrendered te Com
modore Foote, of the Federal navy:
The . Commodore and staff were invited
on shore and , . hospitably • entertained,
after which he left in his gunboats, an
nouncing that he would return ou Wed
nesday and take formal possession of.
the city; which he did, issuing a very
conciliatory proclamation to the peo
ple. There are now
,some 5,000 sol
diers at Clarksville, as we learn.
"`Through the eftbrts ,of the city
authorities, something more like order
was restored on ,Saturday. The•
tribution of stores was stopped, and
every effort made to remove as much
as possible to the depot, and have them."
carried off. Large quantities were
thus removed. But the heavy rains ,
in the meantime so swelled the water
courses that the railroad bridges gave'
way, and transportation was thus stop
ped on the N. and C. railroad. The
depots in the meantime, filled. with
meat and other stores, attracted • ther
cormorants, and riot after, riotiensued"
to prevent the mob from literally car
rying off everything. Sunday -morn--
ing, twenty-four_Federal pickets break-.
fasted in Edgefield e opposite the. city,'
and during-the morniug eight- of-them
seized a, little stern-wheel steamer thattl
had been appropriated as a ferry, and
declined ,to permit it •to continue its
trips. Mayor, Cheatham immediately.'
crossed in a skiff,
,btit as there was-no
officer with; whom he could negotiate,:
nothing was done.; In the evening';
Col. Kennett, of the Fourth Ohio car
airy, arrived, and sent.a,messenger to
the Mayor, requesting his presence,..
The interview was • pleasant, on -both
sides and satisfactory, though•the for
mal surrender-of the city was deferred -
until the arrival or Gen. Mitchell ; who
was expected Sunday flightier Monday. -
" On - Monday morning nothing
done, the city remaining comparative ;
lyquict. Monday evening Gens. Buell
and Mitchell arrived in Edgefield, op-. •
posit° the city, and understanding that'
the city authorities •had appointed a
committee, consisting of the Mayor and
sevenal of env leading citizens, ho sent
a message requesting . an interview ; -
The hour for the interview was
fixed at 11 A. N. for Tuesday. In the
meantime Gen. ,Nelson , arrived
the city about 8 o'clock on • Tties- - 1,
day morning -in
_command of
fleet consisting ,of - one gunboat,'
the Cairo, and eight transports. .Trffns
ports, continued to ; arrive through, the
day, until at night the numberreacbod
eighteen or twenty..-.' A largo pertin •
of this army disembarked during ; the '-
morning,and occupied thepublie square,
during the day, encamping- iq the
cinity at night, At ,11., o'clock the : -
committee of citizens were conVey,el;'!
by order ,of Gen.,Buell, to. Bdgetield,
on, the steamer Hillman.. The follow-
ingzentlemen composed the commit,.
tee :—Mayor Cheatham, Messrs. James ,
Woods, B. C. Foster, Aussell Irouston,
Wrq. B. Lewis, Jphn M. Lea ; JohnS.
Brien, James Whitworth, N. Hobson, •
John Hugh Smith, and John M. Bass.
The committee was met at theland...
ing by Guns. Nelson and Mitchell, and
escorted to Gen. Buell's headquarters.
The interview was pleasant .on both
sides, Gen. Buell giving assurance that • -
the personal liberty and property of
all citizens would be fully protected,
and no State institutions of any kind
interfered with. The banks and all
other institutions, trades, professions,
&c., could resume their usual business:
Gen. Buell will issue no proelamation„
preferring as ho st,atos, that the acts pc
his army shall indicate the policy mid I
purpose of hie Government.
A.potiler qtipp . ly of. the- Old
I,Prqnklin Alinanaes • just lieceiveil -
Lewis' Book Store.