MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF TIIE WAR DEPARTMENT. The book Is an octavo of 460 pages, Is elegantly printed •ou flne toper. r ith new bold ty pr, and bee an admirable .exhausfare index, for which every officer will be grateful, the moment his eye rests upon it, as no former edition hoe over had an index, and the want of one has been long felt in the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing many important corrections; also, selections from the Military Acts of Congress, including those passed at the last session. PRICE $2, 00. OR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, (AUTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, U. S. A, Junt publitl.l and for sal. at LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complst• in one velum, Price $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. „ For the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the toiled States Infantry, including In fantry of the Line. Light Infantry, and Itldo men, prepared under the direction of the War Department, And authorized and adopted by the Secretory of War, May let, 1861. contain- AtX lug the schhol of the eoldier; the school of the •••• .mpdtty ; instruction for skirmishers. and the general coils; the calls for skirmishers, and the school of the battalion; including the articles of war And a dictionary of military terms. Complete in one volume. Price $1.25. For rale at Levin' Book Store.' ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK amm UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into service: containing a complete system of instruction in the School of tho Soldier, with a ptelindun• s y ea planation of the formation of a Battalion on Parade. the Position of the officers. Sc., Sc., being n first book or Introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub• (jolted. Price 25 cents. Sot sale at LEWIS' BOOK SfORE. AL 0, Ilardee's Rite and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 vols. Price $1.50. }nr ease at LKWIS' BOOK MBE. .ta. Th.. Books sent by mall to any address on the re eipt of the price. linntingdon May 28, 1881. A BATTLE FOUG HT ! ! A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON =1 After a servre engagement which lasted for nearly four days. f have at last routed the satiny and captured a large number of Guns, Revolvers, Bowie Knives, and a great quantity of camp equipage, and other valuable attic!. which 1 Immediately shipped by railroad from the Geld of action, and now announce =2 On opening and examining the valuables captured, they mere found to comprise such an endless variety of Hard ware and Cutlery of every kind, that I can supply the people of all ages and elmoles; even from a toy for an in. rant. to a supporting cane for the feeble old man. Boys or girls. I.rd4 or Ladies, Soldiers or Citizens. Ihntsekoeve ors or Boarders. Farmers or Mechanics, Lawyers or Doc tor+, anybody and everybody may he furnished With a ',maul memento of this et entful battle by calling at the llardware Store of Iluutiugdon, Oct.l, 1861 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G. ASHMAN MILLER. Has just received a new stock of GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, BOUTS & SHOES, Call and examine my new atm.], G. AMMAN MILLER October 31, 1861. 186 9 .186 9 CLOTHING. FL ROMAN. N E W CLOTHING FOR. FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED AT 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentleman's Clothing of the hest material, and made in the best not kmenlike mound . veil at H. ROMAN'S. oppow. the FrauLlin /louse in Alltrket Square. Hunting tlan, [Oet. 7, 181,11 REMEMBER ELLSWORTH ! FISHER 1: SON QM JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK NE W GOODS. TILE CUOMO ACE INVITED TO CALI FM EXAMINE OUR GOODS FISIIER 14:, SON Oct. T, IPOI A. B. CUNNINGHAM! NEW STORE!! NEW GOODS! GOTTO'S OLD STAND WHERE EVERY ARTICLE pspALLy pALLED FOR IN A COUNTRY STORE, CAN BE IT 1D AT REDUCED PRICES. CALL ON A. B. CUNNINGHAM JEIEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE nyoupgp,o4, N 07.18,1661. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Saran and Three-Tenths Per Cent. TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT THE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., BLIN4ERS, Fro. 3,3.1. Soigh T 1 ra Ptleqt, Vll44Dgtrui.t. Pursuent to Instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription llook to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes. bearing interest at the rote of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, will remain open at my office, N 0.114 S. THIRD STREET, nutil - further notice, from 8 - A. DI. till 5 P. IL, and on Mondays till 9 P. K. Theca notes will be of the damonlnation of FIFTY poLL - Ans ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED D 014,4116. ONE THOUSAND DoLLAitS, and yillE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of August, 1861, ps We. ,n sold, In three years, or conrerti- Ide jots a twenty yearly el* per cent. Man, at the option pf the holder. Each Treasury Note has Interest coupons Attached, which can be Fitt off end collectod iq gold at the Stint every six D:MOIL and et the rote of ono pat per slay on each fifty dollars Payments of sobsciiptions Inv be made is gold or Checks. or Notes of soy of the Philadelphia Banks. Dairies at a DISTAKCC can remit by their friends. through the mail, or by express, or through Banks, end the Trese ury Notes wilt be immediately deloSrad, or scot to each eubscriber as they way severally direct. Parties remitting most add the interest Trott 19th of Angus; the data of nil the notes, to the day the remit, 1411 Ce reaches Philadelphia, at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars. Apply to or address JAY COOKE, SVD.CRIPTION Aaron, Care of Jay Cooks k Co., Bankers, N 0.114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Oct.l, 1891. THE WAR GOES ON! AND P. GAIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM Oct. 3, 101: CLOT YOURSELVES! Now is the 'lime to buy Cheap Clothing! Respectfully Inform the public generally that he has just received a large And well selected stock of fashionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIING, to which i.e asks the attention of all who are In want of a neat and control table Coat, a Vest or a pair of Pante.— Ilia slock mill bear examination, and he respectfully request, ell to call and see ter themeelvee. Should gentlemen desire nuy pat ticulor kind or cut of clothing not lonnd iu the stock on hood, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, lIATS AND CAPS, LC., LC., will also be found on hanJ. All of which will be sold as low, if not lower. thou the same quality of goods can be had in the count•. Call at the corner of the Diatnond,Long'n now building. M. GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Sept.l9, 1801 "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. Am-This lintel la central, convenient by 1" . ramenger Cara to all parts of the City, and In every particular adap ted to the comfort and wont, of tho inimical public. Sir - Terms. $1.50 per day."l.oll Sept. 10, 180.—ly. FOR EVERYBODY. O. /Mt Sred oproSik Ca 1720,1../ Slnre CB= SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR. PISA. SALT and VINEGAR. CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES Or TILE BEST. AND ALL KINDS, and every ether article usually found In a Grocery Store Drugs, Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Otis and Spit. Turpentine, Alcohol. Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALI. THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a largo number of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. EEO 1= Huutingdnn, May 25. 1855 co 94 cn, 14 f , In =I x l:.. F . r) t- .--1 cri pm' ' 71:1 op. rri 0.4 rn II ler it! (4 1 0 "Z . 171 4-1 -13 (rt) , T HE NEW STORE AND NE IV GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Unre just received another of new good., such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSIVARE, in the Store room at the south•eaet corner of the Diunond in the borough of Huntingdon. Their Stuck hoe been carefully selected, and will be cold low Ihr cash or country produce. Huntingdon, April 15, 1161. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDI D ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, LEWIS' BOOK STORE HT. WHITE, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Jan.:, ISGI-tr. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! o . llli. FLAG STILL WAVES. At apt Run &nib., and .Netaburg. SIMON COIN , : has Jest received from the Eastern Cit. lee, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Croceries, Queensteare. Hardware, Clothing, Donna., Shalt*. Huts, Clips, Boots, Shea, and all other articles kept in country stores, which he is offering at his Mammoth Stores, at Coffee Hun Elation and Nevi burg, at unusually low prices. The Indies especially, are {Lavin-al to colt and examine his Fancy Goods. Caving arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities, he is able to bay his goods cheap er than other country merchants, and can censeqiientlY, undersell them! ip c;cliarlge for goods, he takes all Wads cif country prcaince itt the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which be has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn Is Agent of the thread Top It. It. Co., at Coffee Run Statiou, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. Having • large Ware bloom, far• more can store with blip until ready to ship. Evers , ;on conienee will be afforded them. August 21,1161. fIVIARBLE YARD. The undersigned would reepeetfully call the attention of the citizens o luntingdon and the adjoinieg counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tablas and Stones of every desired sloe and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priato devices. or plaits, as may cult. Duildsng Marble, Door and Window Sills, Ac., will be furnished to order. W. V. pledgee himself to furnish material and work. manehip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill Street, Huntingdon, Pa. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 15, 1855. COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR CIIEAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY C. LONG Informs the citizens of Huntingdon nod vi cinity, that he bas opened a new Grocery and Gonftottosw ery Store in the basement, under Ontmatt JtHo. i s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would most reepectfully re quest 4 whore of piAblit patronage. 1111 dock coulee of all dads of the BEST GROCERIES. CONFECTIONERIES, to., Lo. Fibll tan be had at wholesale or retail. ICE CRE4M Will be furnished rsgplarly to partial, and individuate, at hie room. Huntingdon, Sept. 21, 1.860, IF you want Carpets and Oil Clothe, call et D. P. °Wird where yon will find the Urges nu flortment in town. lIIGII PRICES DEFEATED I MANUAL GtrTMAN, THY THE NEW ETORE, S. S. SMITH. 's) q,P) OM JUST RECEIVED HUNTINGDON, PA FOR SALE AT NEW GOODS:: NEW GOODS:: I CM CONFECTIONERY NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. • prOMlnill• / ;riff SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME BETWEEN TILE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG I VIA HEADING, ALLENTOWN. AND EASTON. Monistrea Harare/3, West, hares New York at 6 A. M. arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only Oki hours be metal the tem cities. Man. Ina leaves New York at 12.00 uooa, owl arrives at Ilarrlnburs at 8,30 P.M. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Ilarrisborg at 8.00 A M., arriving at New York at 4 30 P. M. APPEMIOON EXPRESS Ltsr.. East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 P. id., arriving at New York at 9.00 P. Bt. Connection. ere made at Harrisburg at Les) P. !kf., with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia. Cumberland Valley and Northern Central nallroad. All trains connect at•lteading with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia,_ wad at Allentown for blanch Chunk, Naston. &c. No change or Pasmanger Caro or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. N. Line ftom New York or the the 1.15 P. M. front Harrisburg. For beauty of seenerj, add speed, conithrt and accom modation, this route presents supetior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Ilartisbarg flio dollars.— For tickets and othrr Infix mutton apply to J. J. CLIME, Genentl Agent, Hart Isburg. July IS, 1800. pIIILADELPIHA AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MA Y 2.8114, 1860 Two paseenger timing kayo ITarrloburg Daily, (Bnndaya excopted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. 01., for Philadolphia, arrls Ing thero at 1.25 P. M., and 6.15 P. N. Returnlng, leave PhlludelpLin at 8.00 A. It., and 330 P. 01., arriving at Ilarrint•urg aL12.45 noon and 8,30 P. 51. Fares: Plilladelphia, No. I care, $3.25; N 0.2 (ln train, $2.70) Fates: To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30 At Iterating, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners Title, Tamaqua. C.ttanitssa, Four tut's lea‘o Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. N., 10.45 A. 51.. 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. N. Leavo Philadelphia for Beading ut 5.00 A. 31., 1.00 P. M., 3.30 P. 31., and 000 I'. 31. Puree: Rending to Philadelphia $1.76 and $1.45. The morning train ti on, Harrisburg connects at Ttending a it h up train rot , Williesharra Pittston and So onion. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, July 18, ISGI. General Agent. nCOAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! mes A. Drown sells the genuine '• PORTLAND KERO SENE," oft COAL 011, c/e.. water. This le the only kind of oil that gieen entire satisfaction as an agent for light. Demure of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an °Remite smell and amok.. A large variety Mao of COAL OIL LAMPS Chimney., faobee, Wicks. Darner., Simdes, A.., Ac., sold .1 the very lowest pricey, at the Hardware More, I[u..tiog• don, Pa. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. .1. A. HAMAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a new TOBACCO STORK AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY. on Allegheny St., one door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, u here ho has on hand a large assortment of prime Cigars and To bacco, which he will sell either wholesale or retail. Store keepers, shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the Peed should call. His prices are low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, tBtiO. ItEADY RECKONER. A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, iu dollere awl cents, to which aro added forms of Notes, Rills, Re. eelpts, Petitions, dc., together with a net of useful tables, containing rate of Interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For mile at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. NOTICE TO ALL !! 111 The subscriber, who has for more than ono year, carrie I on business in company with Messrs. F. liaaNny,ll. Gut, P. Mitsui, and Mr. MOM BUR. has this day dinotreti partnerslalp with the (there firm! All claims against the old firm will be paid by the subscriber, and all those fu• debted to the firm will pay him. • CL0CK5,.,,,,,, WATCHES and .rErrtzny will , always be repaired. A p .... gond stock of CLOCFS, 1 . 1 WATCHES 110 d JILWELRI will be kept on hand for customers who may favor him with a Call. --"` Huntingdon, March 2, 1F59 • -- 16 0. v, rfillE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" it _t the most complete of any in the country, anti pos• Ille.ll the most ample facilities for promptly executing In the brat style, es ery s nricq of Joh Pt luting, such as :LAND DILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. BALL TICKETS„ BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CALL AND ozomsr oPLCIII/N5 or WORK, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k MUSIC STORE GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! A FRESH ARRIVAL CHRIST. LONG'S =EI CALL AND SEE. THE CYTHARA—The -- 'e - `'" --.-- = ll Ollll Presbyterian realmodiet—The .• Shawn—TheJubilee—llan ten', and Bortlnte enlarged and improved Inetriterors—Welland's New and Improved Method fur theGuitar—Lelandve Aceor. deon, Violin and Flut• Inidroctorei—Winuer's and Howes Violin Inidructore—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur row& Plano-Forto Primer—do. Thorough-Thee Primer— llowo's Drawing Room Dancos—Tho Churns Glee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORK. ENVELOPES Wholesale mid Retail, 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, cf:C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, 4 handtame aesnrtraent just recelml and for sale At LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA GRAFFUS MILLER, Preprielor OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN BAILEY'S FIYTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A POLL ASSORTMENT • AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 'TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING rem inife and Colored Card Paper, Yor saja LEWIS' BOON STATIONERY STORE. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at lINSINT. PISTOLS PISTOLS!! Sbarpe Smith & Wesson' o, and all iniprovod patterns of Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Bowie Knives, ere.Ae, for sale at the IlardWare Staro of JAME 8 A. BROWN. May 21,1161. Ilantiogdon, Pa. WRAPPING PAPER! A good a JA ti W f S r BOO B' STORE A beautiful at lot of Shaker B P onnets (F for 1 - 1_ sale cheap, D. , AIN'S. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS (Z. A. MILLER, ‘_A • Dealer in Groceries, Confectionaries, &c.. &c Tllt. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Oftlce ou Hill street, one door east of Heed's Drug Store. Aug. I.IS, T - g. MILLER, e." . Proprietor of tlie. Emil:lnge Hotel 1 S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi eines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oile, Le. Also—Gru. curios, Confectioneries, Lc., Huntingdon, Pa. WIII. LEWIS, -- Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical lumina ments, Huntingdon, Pa. XM. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Founders. Huntingdon. Pt TAMES A. BROWN, el Dealer In Hardness, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &,., Runt Ingdon, Pn. llr ROMAN, Daniel. in Ready Made Clothing, IlittA end Cap., iinots anti Shoes, &c. AirGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready itt .made Clothing. Ilatitingdan, Pa. DP. GWIN, . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (Wens nitro. lints and Caps, Boots, and Shoes, &c. F ISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Sc., Huntingdon, Pa. TOSEPII REIGGER, e y Watchmaker uud dealer In Watch., Clucks, and Jaw dry. &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marl& Manufacturer. JOHN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, Huntingdon, 1%... Nike on 11111 street, one dear oast of the Huntingdon Matble Yard. Itr.pcatosees—L. T. {Vahn, Philadelphia; .7, P. Geologist, Philudvlphia; Ovules Mickley, Rough awl Ready Furnace, lion. Jonathan 711Villitiars. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE us cheap m they can in the cities, as I hale a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. 11, ROMAN. TONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. /1,1 . 4 VIOLINS, GUITARS, For ante ohm') at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE 1-) • ALLISON MILLER, _CV DE YTIST, llan remored to the Brick Itou opposite the Court House. April 18, 1659. ROCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, A _URGE STOCK ON HAND AT minPOOK BINDING. Old "Tooke. :Slog:mines, or publitatione of any kind d to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK tr. STATIONERY STORE. pUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! II you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORK. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, euttnblo for confidential correspondence, fur We et LEWIS' BOOK STATIONERY STORE. pAPER ! PAPER !! Note, Pont, Commercial, Foolscap nod ilatrap—n good assortment for sale b 3 the ream, WC ream, quire or adaect, at LEWIS' NEW BOON k STATIONERY STORE. JOSEPII REMO im A cARD. - L - 1_ I). 8. HAYS offers Ilk prormional services to the inlinlntanto of Moon to Mr and s icinity. Office, et the lower bank or Neff Mills, opposite Mrs. My ton's store. April IS, 1880-tf. ENV ELOPES- Ity the box. pock._or lees qunntity, for naleat LEWIS' BOOK' AND STA TthaVERI STORE. 11001' SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, nt price, from 25 cta. to $2,00 nt the cheap fame of D. P. G LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau- D. P. GIVIN'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only 11 25 cts. per yard. FISIIEIt & SON. ARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, Prelim° Jars Ae., Ae., of superior quality. Sold only by JAMESA. BROWN D.,,0P. GWIN keeps the largest, best ~ rtment and cheapest who. in lona. Callaud examine thou.: HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will bo sold for $1 25 at the cheap gore of FISUER Sg SON. IFyou want handsoue Goods, good Goods, cheap Gonda, and All kic i of 001V19, gOt.l D. P. GM: 'S. CALL at D. I'. GWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. P. lIWII`VS (115 N BARRELS AND LOCKS.--A Vf large ataortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. ( - IUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's Orthau can bo hod in town. Coll and 800 tbom. riARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ju ity, only 50 ch.. each. FISHER & SON. COAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, 1,_,/ fur 75 cents and upwards, at tteo Hardware Store of .1. A. BROWN. MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS- Just recrh•ed at the hardware store of JAS. A. BROWN ri P. GIVIN'S is the place to buy good and cheap Carpets. DI A_ R C Ii MENT DEED PAPER ruled, for male at LEIVIS' BOOK STORE MOB TIITAY TIME BOOKS, For nolo LEWIS' BOOK AND 9TA TIONERY STOW', LIQUORS, of the best, for Medicina purposes at S. S. SMITH'S. FRANKLIN HOUSE, 11 IN THE D1 , 1434D, 11UNTIMIDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally, will find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, 1860.1 E XCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA., NUR DENNSTLVANIA RAILROAD MOT. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor Ituntingd" April 10, tB6l. CONFECTIONERIES of the very best, ~t MILLER'S. TEE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can always be found at the cheer store of EISItErt it SON BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in tows, at D.P. (MINT. QCIIOOL BOOKS, io Generally in non in tho Schools of the County, not on hand, will too furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, .AND STATIONERY STORE. QALT! SALT!! SALT!!! L. 7 Just received from the Onondago Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to be sold on commission, either what, sale or retail, 200 1341tiaLs and 1000 BACKS of SALT. Oct. 21, 1000. hISIIKII. A SON. BLANK BOOKS, 07 VARIOUS six % for We •t LAW/B'l3OOK A: VD stArgatTßY CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of 011T71.114 & CO., If yen. want a good article o Clothing. Store room in Loug'a pow buildi n g, to the Dia mond, HIM tiogdrf Sept. 1867. COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for Isola by .I'A.' l6o PRernl SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, AT REDUCED PRICES, LEWIS' BOOK STORE ANCIENT JERUSALEM, A LARGE AND ItFAUTIFUL ISOMETRICAL PICTURE JERII SALEM And the Sacred Places Surrounding the HOLY CITY, AB THEY APPEARED IN ANCIENT TIMES The above work is commended to the favorable notice of clergymen, and those having charge of Sunday-schools, Ilible-classes, and public Institutions. It is about 9 feet long and 6 feet wide, colored and var nished, and mounted on canvas with rollers. It has been constructed from the most reliable and au thentic sources, and will ho found on invaluable aid to thoso engaged to lecturing ou the Holy Land, or iu im parting instruction to school classes on the sublcet to which it refers. It aims to give an exact idea of the city as it appeared in ancient times. It is taken no a "bird's aye" or '• bal. loon" view, the beholder being, in Imagination, placed at a considerable elevation, so as to take a comprehensive view of the city and the elude country for some distance around. The slow IS acconitranied stKhan Outline Key, In which the different localities are nhturiered, and a Descriptive Manual containing all the information necessary to one. ble une to use the view to advantage in teaching or lec turing,. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES. This is a Weekly Religious Paper, pnblleliedat the very low prico of ONE DOLLAR A YEA It. It is de signed for Parents, Teachers, and all aho tire 'engaged or interested in the religious training of the young. It is also an excellent Funnily Paper. A portion of the Sunday-Schonl Time: is occupied with Narratives and other matter particularly interesting to young p.renns. Teachers a ill find in it much that they will like to read to their chisies—interesting matter pre pared to their hands, and mail as they. cannot find also. where. For the same reasons, neinbers of Bible-classes, nud the older scholars generally, alit be greatly benefit. oil by the perusal of this paper. The Sunday-Sc . /KM Tams has every week a report of the Choicest matter, selected from the Noon Prayer Meet ings, which nee so interesting to all classes of Christians. Besides a large amount of general religions intelligence, the Sunday-School Mites contains all Outmost recent Sun day-school news. It aeports all the impoi tent Convmo- tions of Similayaschnol teachers. It discusses the ques tions a Well most intones! and perplex teachers and pa rents, respecting the various methods of Religious Train ing for the young. the means of gaining the attention and affections of children and especially of securing their conversion and bringing them to Christ. The subject of illission-fichools for cities, and or Sunday-school mission any work far the interior, Is thoroughly CRIIVII.Cd. In deed, there is hardly a topic of practical Importance to any who are iinterested in the sithject of religious educa tion, which is not hero brought under consideration from week to week. The conductors of this paper endeavor to rementher,thnt the great end of all Christian elfin t it to &ring 0101110 Christ. They aim accordingly, to put Into every nombor of the paper something which shall Lure for its direct object the conversion ut souls. SPECIAL OFFER The proprietors of the Sunday-Schoot Times have nc quired the excluniee right of eels of the splendid work mentloned,:eboTo the MAP OP ANCIENT JERUSALEM, offer it as a epeeist premium to those superintendents, teachers, or others, who wili midst in getting now hub. eLribers to the paper. We offer this superb premium to any one who will solid us the names of 12 new subscribers and $l2 in cash. CAUTION itlt- In every ciao, before beginning to canning, be eure to writs to tie and obtain the necessary documents and instructions. Theso will help you greatly in prosecuting the work, and will sale you many miotakea. Enclose 6 cents to pay postage. Addicts PRoPRICTIMIS Or THE Pliancy SCriOoL TIMES, 148 South Four h street, Philadelphia. N. IL—Specimens of the Sunday.Schoot Them and a copy of tho Map of Ancient Jerubalem, may be aeon at the Bookstore of IF.M. LEWIS, Huntingdon. April 10, 1861.-tf. "QUICK "SALES AND SMALL Ritoras!" Anybody hi want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OTHER VALVADLT. AND INTHLKSTINO TOOK, Ynocy owl School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTIVUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC ANA INSTItUCTIO.X rOUKS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, (init., &e., rocLzr pooxs, rar.IIIOUYAIEB AND toßves, For ladles and °optician, COLD DENS AND PENCILS, AIVARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Suuday and Common Soho°le, BUNDAY SCItOOL BOOKB OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, AC., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys and Gin o. AMUSING GAMES For Young Folke REDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, =I CILECKER BOARDS, D03112 , 10E9, IC., CONVERSATION CARDS, SONO BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK PC)OKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, I= Drawing and Blotting Taper, Brutal and Card Boards, WHITE TIQNIq7I' OAR I), INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RID, BELT AND BLACK isrrs, Arnold ' s Hodgson ' s and iTarrison ' s WIHTING FLUID. Wrapping Paper of Different Sires and Qua'Mee, &a. &c. &c. &C. Arc. &C. tic SHOULD CALL AT ZIW . T4 ' CHM' BOOK, STATIONZAT &ND MOW EITORZ, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases F ALL AND WINTER FASHIONS! ROBERT KING, MERCIIANT TAILOR, Hilt Street, one door west of Carmon'a Store, =I GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS II Nemortment oonsioto of CLOTIIS, PLAIN AND s.sxcy PESTINGS, the aeateed and best that could he found in the city, all of nhlch he will take plewlare In exhibiting, and making up to order. It will coot nothing to call and exdmino hip geode. Call noon. Huntingdon Sept. 34, 1861.-114 eau at D. 1 3 . GWIN'S if you want Fatllllolllllo floods. THE largest etoOli of DO;Lainos in town by rpitiff.4 SON. GOAT TIIL 110-0 THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES - lIY ROBERT 3Z-NNINQS, T. S., Professor nj l'athotogy and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College nj l'hitatielphia, etc., etc. WILL Thlf,,L YOU Of the Origin, liktory and distinctive ttailangtbei arlAus breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American gorses, with the physical formation and pe culiarities of the animal, and how to ;ascertain hie ago by the number and condition of hie teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory - engrasitt.P. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding , Breaking, Stabling, Feed -rooming, Shoeing, and the gener al Grooming, management of the horse, with the beet modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit ing. Restleininess, and other vices to whith Le is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the eantes,tymptoma,and Treatment of Strangles. sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Itronehititt, Pneu monia, Pleut any, Broken Wind, C h ron. is Cough, Roaring and Whistiing.Latn pHs, lore Mouth and Ulcers, and De. rayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. RILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES {SILT, TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms,and Treatment of Worms, Dots, Uholic, Strangulation, Stony Conert lions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice,lfepatirrhea,Bloody Urine, Stones In the Kidneys and Blad der, Inflamation and other diseases of the Stomach, Bowels . , Liver and Uri nary Organs. THE DORSI: AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bone ' Blood and Beg, Spavin, Bing Bona, Sn conic. Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Cracked Reefs. Solo Bruise and Gravel, 'Canker, .matches, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other &saws& of the Feet, Logs, and Mead. THE 1101tS11 AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Fistula, Poll Evil, ()lenders, Foley, Scarlet Forty, Mango, Surfeit. Lru•ked Jaw,lthentnatinn.C‘amp,Galle, Diemen of the Eye and Heart, , nod lion to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Itositling: !ferule, Amputation, Tapping, rind oth er surgical operations, TILE HORSE AND 1118 DIMEASES WILL TILL YOU Of Itarry'a Method of taming forces; how to Approach, falter, or Stable a Colt; bon to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the form and law of WARP.MVPI. The mbolo being the re guilt of 15 yeats' careful study of the habits, pseullaritien, wants and vink tises of this noble and wwful For solo at Lewis' Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Buok Store. TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For Pale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fur sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fo • sale at LEWIS' Book Store. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY': LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS =I It Tells You /row to draw tip PARTNERSIIIP PAPERs and gives general fauna for AGREEMENTS Of all kinds, BILLS of 91. LE, LESSEE Rod PETITIONS. It Tells lieu How to draw up Beans and MORTGAGES, AF TIDAIITS, POWERS of Annoyer, Sorts and DILLS of EXCHANGE, lILLTIPTS and RELEASES. II Tell, You The laws fur the COLLFCTION of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount aid kind of property Exxxer from klaccu vox in every State. It Tell; You flow to make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms fur COMpOSITIoN with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every Snits. It Tells You Tho legal relations existing between GICAP... DIAN and WARD, Mutton and AppRENTICE, and LINDLORD Mid TENANT. It Tells rou What constitutes Liur.L and SLANDER, and the 1,5 w as to If WE DOWER, the nun's lttonr IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tells Thu The LAW for Mrcnaisica' Lams in every State, and ilia NATURALIZATION LAWS of this coun try. and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob tain one, and the SRE-liSirriON LAWS to PUBLIC Lain. It Tells You The Law for Paints, with mode of proce dere in obtaining one, with INTERFERENCES, ASSIGNMENTS and TOLE or FEES. It Tells You now to make your WILL, and how to ADMIN. Cairn ON AN ESTATE, with this law and the requirements thereof iu every State. It Tells Thu The meaning of Law 'PERMS In general use, and explains to you the I,EGISIATIVe, ESE. revive and Rimer, Powers of Loth the ' General and Stahl GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You 110 W TO Nue OCT or Law, by 'Showing 110 W to do your business legally, thus naving a vas/ amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Wir- Every body's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Store SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' 1100 K; STATIONERY lc 3IL'SIC STQIVE, OSGOOD'S Speller, let, 2d, 3d, 4th and sth Readers. 51'0UFFEY'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's ihmninars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith nod McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Websler's mild Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackonbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddaid's and Drools,' Arithmotics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stodriard's Keys to Arithmetic'. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's JW(01111.3 Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Plilloiaphy. Willard's history of the United States. Child's •‘ Goodrich's " Payson, Dunton sad Seribner's Penmanship, ill eleven numbers. Potter & Hammond'! Penmenehip in twelve number.. Academical, Controller.' and other Copy Books. . Darks' Elementary Opmetry and Trigonometry. Davie.' Legendrst's ()eaulatt.Y. Greenleaf'. Geometry. Fulton k Esatman's llook•keeping. Bank Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by 'Lansford & Payson. Other books will be added and furniehed to order. A full stock of School Statlo'nery alttaye on'hind. Huntingdon, Pa. pArER I PAPER !! pAuR !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed raper, Tissue Paper,' Silk Paper for Flower., • Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladle,' Plain and Fancy Noto Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in racks and Sheets, For aide at LEWIS' Book, Stationery• and Music Store. 4/1 8 / 4 Wgi f t , 4513/ 4 4 ' .i ''' .I..rsslrls. , . i et ten tra. .. . . . TOOTS AND .STATIONERY.— A good assortment of miscellaneous and School s—Foolscap, Better, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Pancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of nutnerope sizes—Pons, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and query - other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. CASSIIIERES, and ALEXANPZIA. 13REIVERY:7; NEW FIRM The untlersigued respectfully Inform the public hat they Ulm purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY ond will cOntllttle the btleluesei kid endeavor to give pima! eatlsfactiou. All ordere Will be promptly attended to. WM.ROTIIROCK, Alexandria, Yd. 22, 1160. 731. InRaY. FILANK CHOSUY, FOR SALE EItTNTINGDO.&*, PA NEW - i3POKS FOR, 641!..,,AT Itoots.porg.l ; TIM HOUSE: A Now Poorer 3lsslus6 or Rural . Arcldtec taro; or, How to Dolld Dwellings, Darns, Stables, alel, . Oat Da Minas of all kinds. With a Cllayzur on,Cluirchos. and School-Houses. Price, 60 cents. TILE GARDEN: A Nun Poona Maucat. of Practical llor ticultute; or. Mu to Cultivate Vegetable/4. Fruits, and blowers. With u Ckapler on Ottounantal Treen mut Sl:tubs. Erico. 10 coots. VIM FARM: A Raw Foram' 51.tauti, of Practical Agri• culture; or, Now to Cultivate all tho Field Crop/. With an Essay on Farm Maoganiout, cts. like, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Now Paeans 31Ariost. of Cattle, florae, and Sheep Illisbundry; or, Boa to Breed and Rear tho Varion Tenants of tho Barnyard, etc, ch. Price, 00 cents. HOW TO TAL': A New POCKLT Maximal Conversailua and Debate, with Directives for Acquiring a (Hammitt:- cal Style, nod more than Five Hundred Common fla t takes Corrected. Dice, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A Nkw POC6EI 111ANAut. of Eepuidi. can Etiquette, and Ooido to Correct Personal Itltbite; with Ruin for Debuting Societies and 1/nlßK:rally° Aii oemblits, etc. Price, 5U,to. • 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A NEXT POCKET 74.11NUAL 0( Drachm, Afthire and Guide to euccese in Lift; Collection of Bubb:wee Venue, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Terme. etc. Price, 50 cents. ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROH ItER'S ROHRER'LI itatiamr PH ACTICAL CALC,I PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR - LI WIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU, LATOR, Book of Plan Rules and Calezdaliensjur Business Opt - rations, by Marlin M. Rohrer, Tracheal Mar v.v.. and anveyancer. New Edition, publi.shed by J. B. Lippin cott & Cu, Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every day in the common pursuits of Business. / lan already passed through a number or editions in rapid succession, mid is pronounced by all classes of business men to bo the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book Is worked out in full end dated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel Case Sri. sea, those referring to the work will find no difficulty Id solving It; in a word, tire general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any ono who knows how to add, subtract, multiply and (Midis, can easily solve any or dirinry example that arises In business, or arrive at the true result ofany estimate vequir ed. The dikf aim of the author has been to eschew theoq end philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and simpli city, belies mg that business mon care little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of roles, or the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to bo able at a moment, by reference„ro arrive at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from other Art thinetics of the day end kindred works—it is a key to practical business calculations—it is, in the Minds of the business man, what the key to mathematical es orbs In the hands of the teacher in the school room—it take Cure and Insures correctness. TIM: STORK TREATS OP THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, cf Stone arid Stone n ork, of grain and grain bias, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of sollds, of liquids, of sir cuter, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's. painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb. er's. paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business. of simple and compound interest, and their entire application tobusluess transactions, with the laws and usages governing the same, together with IthaISIVISS Online' dal forms—of leb,d tender, of partial payment ou notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of tones. of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the spurs root end its application to business of eurfacee, of excavation, and of many other important practical matters not within the scope of sun Atithrthellielit to men: lion. IT IS JUST TfIE BOOK FOR THE Farmer, the merchant, tho mechanic, the artizan, or the professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the lan yer, the Justice of the pence, the conveyancer, and real entitle broker, to the assessor, tho banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer and the Enure) or, to tho carpenter end bricklayer, to the storieniasun and the plasterer, to tho paper hanger and upholsterer, to tho paver and the tiler, .4c., ke.; each nod all will find it adapted to their va, Hone wants better than any book published. .456- Price, 50 cents. Far sale at Lewis' Hook Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 16, 186), THE ITUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN!-The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and tho public, generally, that they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fenn• dry, and are now in successful operation, and ale prepared to furnish Castings at r air r e-...„ every description, of best quality and orknmnsbi, on short not., and on reasonable terms. Farmers am invited to call and exam, ins our Neagh& We are manufacturing, the l!nuter Plough. This plough took the first premium nt the Hun.- tingdon county Agricultural Fair last Lill. A lyo, Motet's celebrated Cutter Plonghs, which can't be boat—together With Gm Keystone, Hillside and Benshear ploughs. we have on hand and are mounfactui Stores—sack as Cook, Parlor and !Mice stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consistingi of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, Ac., all of which we will sell cheap fur cash or in exchange for court try produce. Old 'metal taken for castings. By a atriet ett.tion to business, and a desire to please, we Lope to re., celvo a liberal share of public patronage._ J. 31. CUNNISOITAII & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1850, WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN CoII.IIENcED Boo2' AA D SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OD It. ROMAN'S CLOTIIING STORE. le old customme and the public generally, will give him a call. (Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1859.] T HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Rerisell by Mr. T. 2. hale IT TELLS YOU How to 0100.90E19 kinds of 3leats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various 1414 d most approved modes or dressing and eboking Beef and Fork; also the hest and simples{ way of, salting, pickling and curing the 1181110. Ir TELLS Yon All the Various and moetapproved mmlos of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and gums of all kinds uilb the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings approprinto to each. Jr TELLS TUG ifom to choose. clean, and preserve Fiah of all kinds, nod bow to sweeten It when taint ' ed ; also all'the various and' moat approved 11101108 of cooking, with the different Dreaa , Digs, Sauces; and Flavorings appropriate to IT True You All the various and moot approved niodol of preparing °Nor 50 kinds of INlent,Fisb,rowl, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths. :4uO • Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings approiniale to each. It TELLB You All the varione and most apyroved Modes of cooking Vegetables of every descliptlon, also how to prepare Pickles, Catiups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Menlo, Flab, Game, Mushrooms, Ac. Iv Timm Yop All the various and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pudding., Omelettes, Fritter+, C'iik as, Confectionary, Preserve., Jellies, and Swcct Di , has of wry &scrip. Una. IT TmAs Too All the Tar'amend most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Bis cuit, and the beat method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea' ' and hotv' to make Synma, Cordiale , and Wines of vat rious kinds. Iz Trms You Iton* to set out and ornament aTable,ttow to Carve all kinds of Fivh; Elevh ovFowl, and in short; how to eo simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within the everybody's reach. For Sale at Lewin' Book Store. SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime 3lelddist, The Dime Song Book, Fro. 1, The Dimc Union Song Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The American Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, S'ohos for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songskr, Dixey's Essence of Enrnt Cork• Sonyakr, Gus kS'hazo's Cootie Songs, Berry's Coptic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Iri,Yll, Songs, Dime Book of Pun, Dime Book of Etiquette, -Yew..Dime American Joker, The Dime awl other Novels, The Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, pl 4 O Dialogues, Nos. 1 It 2, The Dime Speaker, .Nos. 1 & 2. ,The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book Tor sale at Lzwis' Book, BTLY:Ontr AND MCIIIC STOAf FOR F.V.IiItYIIODY