The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 16, 1862, Image 1

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WAI. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
A. TYHIJEST, Associate Editor.
TEIRIIII9I.—' , Viz Ikons" Is published twice s Week nt.
$1.60 • year-75 cents for six months-60 earth for
three months—in advance.
Thursday afternoon, Jan. 16, 18(V
Our Flag Forever
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to. give
its a call immediately.
All Orphans' Court printing, including Administrator's
and Execntor'a Notices, all Andltor's Notices, occasional
pdvertissments, An, must hereafter be paid for in advance.
pxecmtots and Administrators owing us at present, will
please come forward and settle.
le' We thank God that we have
been permitted to live in . these days of
secession and rebellion, and invoke the
Great Ruler to spare our lives until
-we have seen every vestige of it con
signed to a base, ignoble grave. For
•the ingratitude practiced by the lead
ers of this unholy, unjust and bell-born
rebellion, we would write for their
epitaph, the strong and emphatic
words of G. Carroll Judson :
'• Avaunt I thou thing infernal
Extract of basenen; essence of blackness I
Ergot ofinaannees; concentrated poison!
Spawn of the adder; fuel of hell!
Thy breath le pestilence; thy touch Is poison!
Damning Ingratltudo 1"
After this has been done, then—and
not till then—would we be willing to
lay ourselves down to die. We could
then behold for the last time, the set
ting sun, and greet the darkness which
would close in upon us, with joy and
gladness. After making sure of our
: safe arrival into the portals of eternal
.bliss, our next greatest object would
be accomplished—the preservation of
this Union, unhonored and unimpaired.
We could then leave the world without
*a single regret. It would be glorious
.on one's death-bed to know that his
government had conquered internal
foes, and set the rest of the world at
adjourned over from Thursday last to
Monday. The Standing Committees
have been appointed, and we may ex
pect that active work in both Houses
will immediately commence. An im
portant resolution, among others, has
,been read in the Senate, as follows :
" Resolved, That frauds upon the
„general government by individuals, or
:connivance on the part of those in au
thority to permit peculation on the
treasury, should be made during this
rebellion punishable by death."
We don't believe the resolution will
reeeive the unanimous vote of Senators.
Somebody might get hurt.
A. resolution has been offered in the
House instructing the Judiciary Coin
mittee to report a bill for the repeal of
~the Act of last session repealing the
tonnage tax.
CONGRESS is likely to place upon the
•shelf many of the leading politicians
..of the country. The committee ap
epointed to smell out frauds and cor
ruptions of every kind, have already
compelled several honest men to leave
for Europe. We hope the committee
• ;will not cease its investigations until
.every thieving scoundrel is pointed
out, that he may be dealt with as he
We have been informed that the loss
to the Government in the horse spoon
4tions on the Juniata alone, amounts
to over fifty thousand dollars. Almost
every man in the county knows how
it was done. Senators and ex-Sena
tor; sub-contractors and inspectors,
All got a, share of the plunder.
liarrisburg is full of public places of
amusement for citizens and visitors.—
The most orderly and pleasant place
is Poulton's Billiard and Bowling
Rooms, established in 1845, and lately
re-furnished in the handsomest style.
tables aro new improved, with
,T3:Layble beds, and everything else al
iways in complete order. The rooms
Are immediately in the rear of Bran is
Hall, where gentlemen fund of the
,ga,rae can amuse themselves without
being disturbed by crowds that usually
visit drinking saloons. There is no
better regulated Rooms in the United
Sifir The supper in the Court House
pri Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
proved a success. The ladies took in
a considerable quantity of the "filthy
here." Citizens and strangers bp
stowed their patronage very liberally.
As Usu.b.L.—While in Harrisburg
last week, we noticed that some fifteen
or twenty of the Camp Crosman "Irish
Brigade" were still in town, their reg
iment having left some days previous.
They were under the care of their
Captain, who had them placed in the
" lock-up " over night for safe keeping.
The mon wore a little "high," and the
Captain was drunk, but he was an of
ficer, and was allowed to travel around
" loose " under the nose ,of the Com
mander-in-Chief. It is no wonder that
privates behave bad when their officers
are permitted to behave worse.
• PAYING EXPENSES.—The blockade
*ll be a self-supporting institution, if
our vessels continue to capture prizes
as they have dono lately. The cargo
of coffee taken at the mouth of the
Mississippi was worth $150,000 or
$200,000. Several valuable prizes have
lately been taken near Savannah.—
The cotton which we are getting from
Port Royal is a very handsome contri
bution towards the expense of the ex
pedition which seized the place.
Ate - Great as is the present expendi
ture of the United States in the war,
it must not be forgotten that almost
the whole of it merely changes hands
at home. The purchase of supplies
and the payment of troops does not
take money out of the country.
WALL PAPER.-A handsome stock
of next year's styles has been received
at Lewis' Book Store, direct from the
manufactory in Now York.
piti—Mr. Weichselbaum, Optician and
Oculist from Philadelphia, will remain
in town during next week.
DIARIES FOR 1862.—Several sizes TO.
ceived and for salo at Lewis' Book
A HORSE SELL—We find the follow
ing in the Harrisburg Patriot & Union
of the 10th inst.:
Many incidents connected with the
horse purchases for Government will
probably become matters of history
hereafter, and we will add one just
learned from a friend, which we think
will stand pre-eminent among the evi
dences of the honesty of the loyal men
who acted as agents for the Govern
A number of horses were purchased
at various prices in the Juniata region,
which were examined and passed by
an inspector named Sherburne. As
Government had no forage, the horses
were placed among the farmers in the
vicinity to board. Among the rest, an
old farmer on Shaver's, Creek was al
lotted six head. Ile took excellent
care of them, and was getting along
finely, until one day one of them slip
ped his wind and his spirit soared
away to where oats is plenty, the pas
tures forever green, and no drivers
lash to goad him on to labor—fabu
lously known as horse heaven. The
farmer was alarmed, because, honest,
conscientious man as he was, he feared
Government would hold him for the loss
of this fine army nag. In order to clear
his skirts, if possible, he summoned
half a dozen of his neighbors to hold
an inquest and post mortein examina
tion over the dead body of the charger,
that they might certify that he did not
die of neglect or inattention. The
conclave assembled, and after due de
liberation decided that the horse had
died of old age!—one of the jury of
inquest testifying that he had known
the animal personally for upwards of
twenty-seven years!
WASIIINGTON, Jan. 14.—The Senate
Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
the nomination of Edwin M. Stantdn,
as Secretary of War, was referred, have
decided unanimously to report in favor
of his confirmation. The nomination
meets with great favor among the Sen
ators, and it will probably be confirmed
unanimously at the Executive Session,
this afternoon.
The Muse Committee of Ways and
Means to-day agreed to report a bill
for the issue of demand Treasury notes,
to the amount of $150,000,000. The
bill provides that the new Notes be re
ceivable for all salaries, dues and debts
owing by the United States and be
made a legal tender for all debts, pub
lic and private, and bo exchangeable
for any of the 6 per cent. twenty years
coupon bonds.
WASIIINGTON, Jan. 15.—The Com
mittee of Ways and Means had the di
rect tax bill under consideration, but
without coming to any conclusion.
Information, believed to bo trust
worthy, has been received here to the
effect that the rebels have twenty-six
well constructed forts defending Man
assas Junction.
The United States Treasurer's
statement for the last week shows a
total amount on deposit of $7,700,000,
on which drafts have been made to the
amount of $6,000,000. The bullion
fund is $1,102,000. The unavailable
balance in the States under insurrec
tionary control is stated at $4,500,000.
(Correspondence of the New York lferaltt]
WASHINGTON, lan. 14.—The Pi•esi
dent desires it to be understood that
no circumstance connected with the
recent change in the Cabinet has in
any way impaired his confidence in
General Cameron, or disturbed the
.armony existing bet Ween him and
the Administration. The name of Mr.
Stanton was suggested to the Presi
dent by General Cameron himself, as
largely possessing the qualifications fit
ting him for the post of Secretary of
War, and enjoying the unbounded con
fidence of the commanding General.—
The names of Mr. Ilolt and General
Dix had been previously mentioned,
and the appointment of the former was
for a short time regarded as deter
mined upon.
Mr. Stanton was ignorant of a like
lihood of his having the position until
nearly the moment when he was sent
for by the President. He was at that
time engaged hi the
_performance of
important professional duties h the
Sup.rme Court. He will not take pos-
Bessie!) of the Department for five or
six days. Mr. Stanton is the legal ad
viser and intimate friend of General
McClellan, and the confidence between
them is reciprocal.
Texan Ranters Whipped—Creeks, Sem
inoles, Wiokapoos, and Cherokees in
the Field.
[Correepondeneo of the Leavenveorth Times.]
LAWRENCE, Jan. I.—Two Cherokees
arrived here last night from the camp
of the loyal of old Creek Chief, Opoth
leyoholo, near the Big Bend of the
They wish to be put into communi
cation with the proper officers of the
Government, so as to obtain from them
such direction and assistance as the
exigencies of their condition require.
Opothleyobolo had been obliged to
leave his home to avoid the annoyances
of the disloyal half-breeds, who had
organized a force in the intorest of
His camp, which was within the
Cherokee Territory, was attacked by
a force of 3,500 Texas Rangers, with
the rebel half-breeds of both the Creeks
and Cherokees, who had formed a junc
tion with the Texans. The Creek chief
had two thousand five hundred Creeks,
Seminoles and Wickapoos, and were
joined by two hundred and fifty loyal
Cherokees. A great number of the
rebels were killed in the fight, among
whom the Texan General Cooper, and
Lewis Mclntosh, an officer of the rebel
Creeks. The loyal Indians lost four
teen men, among whom were six Creeks
and four Cherokees.
These men have much valuable in
formation which I shall take down for
the benefit of the Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, and of course for the use
of any other officer of the Government
who may desire it.
These men brought some kind of
papers with them from the camp, and
handed them to some of the Delaware
Chiefs to be sent to the headquarters
of Major General Hunter. I have not
seen the papers, but as the loyal Indi
ans had not a single white man among
them, it is possible the papers may
lack much of regular forms, but yet
may be the genuine expression of the
minds of the parties.
The Dispersal of Humphrey Mar
shall's Forces.
Marshall's Troops Badly Whip
Official Despatches from Col. Garfield
LOUISVILLE, San.l4.—The following
official despatches have been received
at headquarters:
PAINTVILLE, Jan. 8, 1862
TO CAPT. J. B. FRY, A. A. G: I en
tered this place yesterday, with the
Forty-second Regiment of Ohio, Four
teenth Regiment Kentucky, and three
hundred of the Second Virginia Cav
alry. On hearing of my approach,
the main rebel force left their strongly
entrenched camp, and fled. I sent my
cavalry to the mouth of Jennis, where
they attacked and drove the rebel cav
alry, which bad been left as a van
guard, a distance of five miles, killing
three and wounding a considerable
number. Marshall's whole army is
now fleeing in utter confusion. lie
had abandoned and burned a large
amount of his stores. We have taken
fifteen prisoners. Our loss was two
killed and ono wounded. I start in
pursuit to-morrow morning.
S. A. GARFIELD, Com'g Brigade.
Prestonburg, Jan. 11, 1802.
Capt. J. B. Fnr, A. A. G.
I left Paintville on Thursday noon
with 1,100 men, and drove in the ene
my's pickets two miles below Preston
burg. The men slept on their arms,
and at 4 o'clock yesterday morning
we moved towards the main body of
the enemy at the forks of Middle creek,
under command of Marshall. Skir
mishing with his outposts began at 8
o'clock, and 1 o'clock P. M. wo enga
ged his force of 2,500 men and three
cannon posted on the hill. We fought
them until dark, having been reinfor
ced by 700 men from Paintville, and
drove the enemy from all their posi
tions. He carried off the majority of
his dead and all his wounded.
This morning we found twenty-sev
en of his dead on the field. His killed
cannot be less than 60. We have ta
ken twenty-five prisoners, ten horses,
and a quantity of stores. The enemy
burnt most of his stores and fled pre
cipitately in the night.
To-day I have crossed the river, and
am now occupying Prestonhurg.
Our loss is two killed and twenty
five wounded.
Colonel Commanding Brigade
Destruction of Property by the Rebels.
Loursvmr.E, Tan. 14.—The rebels of
Ilammon's command came up the river
on Sunday night and burned the depot
and blacksmith's shop, and took all
the goods from the store, of Mr. Mils
tin, at horse Cave. They also burned
the Woodland depot, the Cave City de
pot, Cave City hotel, and stable. The
citizens at all these points were noti
fied, and escaped to Mumfordsville.
As the rebels stated, they intended to
return on Monday night and burn
every house that could he used by the
Federal army in its advance as hospi
tals or quarters. They also burned up
all the hay, oats, and fodder stacks
along the road, and drovo off or killed
all the cattle, horses, and mules, to be
CAIRO, Jan. 14.—The gunboats Es
sex, St. Louis, and Tyler, made a re
connoissance down the river to-day.—
They approached within a mile and a
half of Columbus, and fired several
shots into the rebels' camp. The reb
els returned the fire from throe or four
guns, without doing any damage to
our boats. The effect of our shells is
There was no obstruction in the riv
er, and no masked batteries on the
shore, were discovered, as heretofore
It isreported that Gen. McClernand's
column moved in the direction of
Blaudville, IV., to-day. Gen. Paine's
moved forward this morning from
Bird's Point. The 2d Regiment of the
Douglas Brigade will arrive to-night.
The 7th lowa, Bth Wisconsin, and 45th
Illinois may be expected to-morrow.
SEDALIA, MO., Jan. 14.—Advices have
been received that the First Kansas
Regiment, which was sent from here
some days since, arrived at Lexington
on Friday last, where they arrested
several of the most prominent and ac
tive rebels of the town, captured and
destroyed about 1,500 hogs, which were
being packed for the use of Gen. Price's
rebels, and took possession of a good
deal of other valuable property.
General Sigel at Rolla, Missouri.---No In-
tention of Resigning
ST. Lours, Jan. 14.—There is high
authority for saying that Gen. Sigel is
still a brigadier in the United States
servico at Rolla, Mo., and has no in
tention of resignin'.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Federal Relations—Messrs. Ketcham,
Smith, (of Philadelphia,) Bound, Cly
mer and Crawford.
Finance—Messrs. Benson, Connell,
Crawford, M'Clure and Imbrie.
Judiciary—Messrs. Penney, Ketch
am, Smith, (of Philadelphia,) Clymer
and Bound.
Accounts—Messrs. Sera, Hamilton,
Connell, Smith, (of Montgomery,) and
Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Irish,
Boughtor, Lamberton, Imbrie and
Pensions and Gratuities— Imbrie,
Hiestand, Landon, Donovan and Glatz.
Corporations—Messrs. Smith, of Phil
adelphia,) Robinson, Nichols, Clymer
and Lowry.
Banks—:-.Mesn.s. Fuller, Hiestand,
Wharton, Mott and Irish.
Canals. and Inland Navigation—
ilton and Kinsey.
Railroads—Messrs. Iti!Clure, Law
rence, Ketcham, Nichols and Reilly.
Election Districts—Messrs. Connell,
Meredith, Boughter, Glatz and Dono
Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs.
Robinson, Wharton, Lowry, Meredith
and Smith, (Montgomery.)
Education—Messrs. Lawrence, Lan
don, Bound, Irish and Stein.
Agriculture and Domestic Manufac
tures—Messrs. Hamilton, Serrill, Law
rence, Kinsey and Reilly.
Militia—Messrs. Wharton, Irish,
M'Clure, Lowry and Donovan.
Roads and Bridges—Messrs. Mere
di Lk. Serrill, Hamilton, Mott and Reilly.
Compare Bills—Messrs. Kinsey,
brie, Fuller, Smith, (Montgomery,) and
Trice and Immorality—Messrs. John
son, Landon, Fuller, Stein and Glatz.
Private Claims and Damages—Messrs.
Lowry, Penney, Ketcham, Lamberton
and Crawford.
Public Printing—Mcssre. Iliestand,
Robinson, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Mott
and Connell.
Lib rary—Messrs. Bound, Penny,
and Laniberton.
Public Buildings—Messrs. Boughtor,
Robinson and Crawford.
New Counties and County Seats—
Messrs. Nichols, Meredith, Clymer,
Benson and Boughton
Ways and Means —Messrs. Arm
strong, Smith, (Chester,) Bigham, Ab
bott, Ross, (Lazerne) Alexander, Per
shing, Chatham, Craig, Windle, Zeigler,
Gamble, Beaver, Brown, (Mercer,) and
Judiciary (Gencral)—Messrs. Scott,
Williams, (Chester,) Shannon, Strang,
Banks, Vincent, Brown, (Northumber
land,) and Dennis.
Judiciary (Local)—Messrs. Bigharn,
Duffield, Pershing, Chatham, Zeigler,
Cochran, Ryon, Greenbank and Bliss.
Pensions and Gratuities Messrs.
Bliss, Graham, Grant, Ross, (Mifflin)
Bates, Potteiger and Russell.
Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Strang,
Vincene, McCulloch, Quigley,
Blanchard and Beebe.
Agriculture and Manufactures—Messrs.
Gross, Caldwell, Windlo, Thompson,
Barron, Hntehman and Lehman.
Education—Messrs. Elliott, Duffield,
Bliss, Divins, Donley, (Greene,) Early,
Boileau, McClellan, Twitchell. House
holder, Fox, Kline, Rowland, Hopkins,
(Philadelphia,) and Wimley.
Banks—Messrs. Crane, Ross, (Ln
zerne) Abbott, Tracy, Worley, Rhoads,
Brown, (Northumberland,) Cochran,
Gross, Neiman, Dennis, Chatham and
Accounts—Messrs. Schrock, Gaskill,
Twitch°ll, Rex, Kennedy, Labar and
Vice and Immorality—Messrs. Wake
field, Donley, (Greene,) Donnie, War
ner, Vincent, Peters and Huthlonan.
Election Districts—Messrs. flapper,
Tutton, Bates, Labar, McCoy, Hall
and Delone.
Mints -- Messrs. Tracy, Worley,
Gaskill, Cowan, Greenbank, Gamble,
M'Culloch, Beebe and McClellan.
Roads, Bridges and Canals—MeSSrs.
Liehten wanner, Hopkins, (Philadel
phia) Russell, Hess, if:Manus, Peters,
Ramsey, Rhoads and Potteiger.
Corporations—Alessrs. Banks, Cow
an, Shrock, Wildey, Kaino, Smith,
(Philadelphia,) Henry, M'Manus, Ross,
(Mifflin) Ritter, McClellan, Kennedy,
Rex, Busby and Quigley.
Library—Messrs. Williams, Smith,
(Chester,) and Armstrong.
New Counties and County Seats—
Messrs. Blanchard, Rapper, Beaver,
Elliott, Ramsey, Hoover Wolf, Josephs,
Lehman, Tutton and 'Tall.
Compare Bills—Messrs. Moore, Lich
tenwallner, Early, Bowland and Bushy.
Militia System—Messrs, Shannon,
Hopkins, (Washington,) Smith, (Phil
adelphia) SCOTT, Winiley, Crane and
• Railroads—Messrs. Hopkins, (Wash
ington,) Alexander, Sellers, Moore,
Dougherty, Myers, Tate, Craig, Bar
ron, McMakin, Freeland; Donnelly,
(Philadelphia,) and Grant.
City Passenger Railroads—Messrs.
Wildey, Rapper, Divins, Graham, Mc-
Coy, Caldwell, Weidner, Ritter, Brown,
(Mercer,) Thompson and Warner.
Mines and Minerals—Messrs. Ryon,
Boileau, Househllder, Wakefield, Mc-
Mackin, Hess, Wolf; Hoover, Delono,
Josephs, Donnelly, (Philadelphia, )
Kline and Weidner.
Printing—Messrs. Cowan, Neiman,
Sellers, Tate and Henry.
Public Buildings—Messrs. Duffield,
Dougherty and Freeland.
Be' We know a great many persons
that are kind to a fault, but a fault is
about the only thing that they are
kind to.
The Rebellion.
The New York Post says that the
following extract from a letter received
in that city by a prominent citizen,
comes from a responsible source :
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12, 1862.
"6h DEAR SIR: * * * * * * The
night of the rebellion has passed, and
the dawn is about breaking. Before
the present month has gone these
things will surely come to pass: Gen.
llalleck, with the great flotilla, and an
army of one hundred thousand strong,
will sweep like an avalanche down the
Mississippi, where they will be joined
by Gen. Butler in New Orleans and
Mobile. Gen. Buell, with nearly, or
quite the same force, will march into
Tennessee, capture Nashville, and co
operate with the Union forces in a
manner and direction it would not be
politic now to point out. Guns. Rose
crane and Kelly will advance from
Western Virginia and do their share
in harmony with the general plan.—
Gens. Banks and Stone will move in
conjunction with the rest from the Up
per Potomac. Gen. Burnside will do
his appointed work in Virginia. Gen.
Sherman will explain by deeds, not
words, his inaction. Gen. McClellan
will force the rats from their holes at
Manassas, attack them at three points
at once, and will fulfill his modest
pledge, that the war will be "short but
desperate." Ido not give you more
than the general outline of these sim
ultaneous movements. The details of
the grand plan of' this campaign will
startle the world, and vindicate Gen.
McClellan's high reputation for milita
ry strategy. The men and supplies
are now, for the first time, nearly
ready. The delays, caused mainly by
'red-tape' and imbecile fossils in and
out of the departments, and by thiev
ing contractors and material men, will
be accounted for, and the blame placed
whore it belongs. A premature move
ment would have deranged the plan
of the whole campaign, which is so
perfect that success is certain. A bad
move, untimely made, might have haz
arded the game. The impending mate
is close at hand in a limited number of
forced moves. The loss of a piece
here or there, the defeat of one or an
other division of the army, cannot
affect or prolong the result. The com
binations are so perfect that failure is
impossible !"
The Picket Guard.
"All quiet along the Potomac," they say,
"Except non• and then a stray picket
Is shot on his beat as ho walks to and fro,
Ey a rifleman in the thicket.
'Tie nothing—a private or two, now and thou,
Will not count in the news of the battle;
Not nn officer lost—only ono of the men,
Moaning out, all alone, the dcallprattle.
All mild along the Potomac tonight,
Whore the eoltlieie lay peacefully dreaming,
Their tents, in the rays of the clear autumn moon,
Or the light of the watelvtires are gleaming.
A tremulous sigh, as the gentle night Hind,
Through the forest leaves softly Is et roping;
Milo stare up above, with their glittering eyes,
Keep guard—for the army is sleeping,.
There's only the 801113.1 of the lone sentry's trend
As ho tramps from the rock to the fountain,
And thinks of the two in the low trundle Led,
For away in the cot on the mountaiu.
Iris musket falls slack ; his face, dark and grim ;
Grow. gentle with memories tender,
An he mutters a prayer for the children nsleop—
For their mother—mny Heaven defend her!
The moon seams to shine Jest on brightly as then,
That night, when the lore yet unspoken,
Leaped up to his lips —NU hen low. murmured vows
Were pledged to be ever unbroken.
Then drawing his sleeve roughly over his eyes,
Ito dashes off tears that are
And gathers his gnu closer to its place,
As if to keep dean the hearbswelllng.
Ile passes the fountain, the blasted pine bee—
The footstep is lagging and weary;
Yet onward he goes through tine broad belt of light,
Toward the shades or tine forest so dreary.
Nark! was it the night. wind that rustled the leaves t
Was it moon-light so wondrously flashing?
It looked like a rifle—" Ha! 3lAnr, good-by ln
And the lifeblood Is ebbing and plashing.
All quiet along the Potomac to•nigh t
No sound save the rush of tho river;
While soft folio the dow on the face of the deed—
The picket's off duty forever!
An Improved Tone in the Canadian
Press--" The Canadians do not
Sympathize with the South."
(From dm Toronto Olobe, 9th Instoutl
The Leader has been compelled to
acknowledge its mistake in seeking to
excite bad feeling between Canada and
the United States. Public indignation
has been manifested against it in a
manner which its publisher knows how
to appreciate; the agent of Joff Davis
is no longer editor, and an apology for
his misdeeds has been inserted. The
amende takes the form of a disclaimer
(in double-leaded type) that the Gov
ernment are responsible for the organ's
incendiary career. The Government
undoubtedly hoped at first to make
political capital by raising the war
feeling, but the organs overdid the
work—the cloven foot was seen—the
reaction in the public mind is complete,
and hence the disclaimer. The home
organ, the Quebec Chronicle, has also
changed its note. A few weeks ago it
recommended the British Government
to break the blockade, now it says:
"It is surely for the interest of the
States, as well as of these colonies,
that we should live together in amity..
We are nearly three millions of people,
and we hope soon to be more. -If the
Union is to be permanently divided
into two or more Confederacies, it
may happen that each of these will
think our custom an object of compe
tition. If it is to be reunited, it would
surely be better that the population
on both sides of the boundary should
continue to be friends—assisting each
other in the - development of their int
tidPnal resources; encouraging and ex
tending reciprocal trade; - and break
ing down yet further the barrier to
mutually profitable intercourse. We
hope, then, that the Administration of
the States which now controls the press,
may see to it that moderation is intro
duced into the tone of the leading
American journals, or else make such
a declaration of their sentiments to
wards this country as will counteract
the evil effects that have already been
produced by licentiously abusive news
This is excessively cool. The I.lh.ron
icle, although a recognized, well-paid
organ of the Government, was quite
as abusive of the United States as the
Now York Herald has boon of England.
Yet it new calls on the American Ad
ministration to restrain "licentiously
abusive newspapers!"
The truth is that our precious Min
istry ventured upon a very hazardous
and tricky political ame, and have
had a terrible fall. 'The public voice
unanimously condemns them, and ma
tains this journal in preserving a friend
ly spirit towards the people of the
Northern States, while we arm for our
own defences against all dangers, and
steadily maintain our position as the
guardians of Britain's outposts in North
America. The Canadian people do not
sympathize with the South, and are not
anxious for war with the North. They
have been recklessly belied by the
Ministerial press to servo partisan pur
—At a festival on some occasion among
the soldiers in Missouri, one of the
men from Adrian offered the following
extravagant sentiment, which we copy
from a Missouri paper:
"Jeff Davis—May ho be set afloat in
an open boat, without compass or rud
der; may that boat and contents be
swallowed by a shark, and the shark
swallowed by a whale, the whale in
the devil's belly, and the devil in hell,
the door locked and key lost, and fur
ther, may he be chained in the south
west corner of hell, and a northeast
wind blow ashes in his eyes to all eter
nity, G—d d—n him."
111ARI . tIED,
On Tuesday, 14th inst., by Rev. S.
11. Reid, Mr. A. K. ISENBERG to Miss
LUCINDA DUNLAP, both of Porter tp.
On Monday, the 13th inst., by Da
vid Snare, Esq., at his office in the
borough of Huntingdon, Wm. NELSON
to Miss LUCRETIA McOAuAN, both of
Huntingdon co.
On Wednesday, 15th inst., by the
Same, at his office in the borough of
Huntingdon, Mr. GEORGE W. CRANE
Huntingdon co.
Jan. 15, 1962.
Fanry and Extra Family Flour $5,75@6,25
Common and Superfine $5,911.1:05,50
Rye Flour $3:75
Corn Meal . $3,00
Extra White Wheat 41,314d1,45
Fair Mid Prima Red $1,32(gt1,39
Rye 73c
Corn, prime Yellow 56
Otte 35
Cloverseed, V 64 lbe - $1,25©.1,37%
Timothy 91,75@/1871
Eaten Family Flour lq bbl.
Extra do 1.1 owt
While Wheat
Red Wheat
Dried Apples
Sidee ...................
[L' late of John 57ewart, decd.]
Letters Tedtamentary upon tho laid will and tr:stamoni
of John Stewart. Into of 11:trreo township, llontingdon
county. deceased, have been granted to the sultscribers.—
All persons indebted are requested to make immediate
payment, and those hosing claims will present them
properly authonticated to no.
January 16, 1862-Gt
QTRAY CALVES.—Came to the prem
toes of the subscriber in Jackson town.hip, on the
let of Decorah, loot. FOUR CALVES. suppo - ed to ho too
yearn old next Spring. They ere red and white spotted.
The left ear of each is cropped. The owner is requested
to come forward. prove pro , erty. pay charges - nod tilte
them nway, otherwise they will be disposed of according
to law.
January 16, 1661.*
J. H. 0. CORBIN,
Office on Mil Street.
Huntingdon. Jan. 11, ISO2-tf.
Office, on 11111 e'reet, in the building: formerly occupied no
the "Journal" Printing 011 Ice.
Huntingdon, Tan. 14, 1862.
WAT';iT S TED ..
Recruits for Regiments Already in
the Field—No Uncertainty.—
No Delay, - •
The mulersigne& in accordance Milt flonerei Orders
No. 105, HentNnarters of the Army, nod muter the di
rection of Captain R. I. Dodge, General Superintembutt of
Recruiting Service for the State of Penmvirania, hnvq
opentsl a Recruiting Mice in the building fermerlY occu
pied as llemlAttat tars of. Camp err/smart, opposite the
Exchange lintel, Allegheny etreet, Huntingdon, Pa.
Subsistence and pay to commence front date of enlist
ment. Men, as chatty as wish to John the army nre mantel.
Lieut. A. G. DICKEY,
Huntingdon, Jan. 9, 1862. 49th Regiment, P. T.
[Dealt of David N. anion deed.]
.ettesa of Administnition upon the estate of David 31 .
Confer, late of the borough of Illintingdon, deceased
haring been granted to the undersigned, all person
basing claims anon the estate are requested to preset,
them to the undersigned, and all persons know tug thorn
selves Indebted mill make immediate pas merit.
GRAFFI.I3 15111,ZER,,
January 3,180 A Adtatufstrutor.•
Camo to the premises of tho subscriber
in Barrretownship, on the 12th inst., is straw
berry ROAN HORSE with a white spot on his
forehead, one fore foot white, nod supposed to
be 10 years old. The owner to desired to come nod prove
property, pny charges, and Mho him away; otherwise he
will be disposed of according to low.
Dee. 31, 1861. 0 SA3IUELJOIINSTON.
Como to thopremines of tho snbseriber In Penn tp.,
about the let of September last, A PALE RED HEIFER,
without marks, supposed to ho two years old last Spring.
Tho owner is requested to comp forward, prove property,
pay charges and toko her away, °them/so she will bo die
posed of according to law.
Dee. 31, 1561..
ileticuls hereby given that the following named
Persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions. praying the sold Court to grout
them license to keep inns or taverns In their respective
boroughs, townships and villages in tiro county of Hun
tingdon, and that said petitions will be presented to the
mid Court on Wednesday, the 15th day of January next,
for consideration. Ac., when and where all persons inter
ested can attend if they think proper, viz:
Adam 7.eigler, Marklesburg.*
John M. Early, Mount Union.*
Thomas McOarvey, Shirleysburg Borough.*
- John Kurtz, Alexandria Borough.*
WM. C. IS'AOONEK, Clerk.
llnntingdon, Dec. IT, 1561.-4 t.
Came to theresidenee of the snl,
Berliner, in Walker township. about the
Ist, of not month, a BLACK COW sup illffa; A '
po•cd to be about 7 years old. The own
er is red:wated to come forward and
wore pi open ty, pay changes and take
it away, otherwise it will bo disposed of according to law.
December 10, 1861
The New - Spring Styles
For 1862,
Already Received
At Lewis' Book Store.
We deal direct with tho manufactu
rer, and will have on hand at all times,
the latest Iktyles, and sell at liar prices.
1861. - - • " 12:61 - ,;;
For Cmtlemen'e Clothing of the best materiel, arid made,
In tiro best workmanlike manner, call et
11. ROMAN'S, - •
opposite the Fmnklia House in Market Square, Hunting
don. [Oct. 7, 1861.1
Oct. T, 1801
The book le an octavo of 560 pages, iii elegantly printed
on find paper, with new bold t 3 q., and has an' acted/v[4.
exhalant% index, for which every officer will be grateful,
the moment lils eye rests upon it. no no former edition,
boa ever had an index, and the want uf one has been long ;
felt In the Army.
The Appendix embraces the Arrielea of War. contain—
ing many important corrections; also, sslections from the
Military Acts of Congress, including those passed at the
last session.
By Major William Gilliam, U. S. A,
Juet publlllied end for sale et LEWIS' BODE STOII.E.
Complete in one volume. Price $l.OO.
Fur the instruction. exercise, nod ronnoeurren
or the United Statee Infantry, including In
fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Mar
mon, prepared ender the direction of the War
Department, and authorized and adopted by
the Secretary of War, May let, 1,561, contain
ing tho school of the soldier; the school of the
company ; initruct ion for skirmidirre. and the
genet el calls; the calls forslarminhem n»d the
school of the battalion; including the articles
of war and a dictionary of military terms„ ,
Complete In one volume. Price $1.25. For •
tutu at rmie' hook Store.
On coming info service: containing a complete system of
Mott - notion in the School of limo Soldier, with a prelimina
ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Parade,
the Position of the pincer.. de.. Ac., being a first book or
introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, jtter
lisped. Vico 25 centh. For sale at
AL* 0, --
Hardee's Rifle mid' Light bilaatry
Complete In 2 vols. Price $1.50. For pale of
LEWIS' 11001( STORE.
.Z- The nooks tent by moil to any Macau on the row
els.t of the price.
Huntingdon May 28, 1801.
Respectfully Informs thN citizens or 'HUNTINGDON m u d
vicinity. that ho has opened a ROOM. at the Jackson,
when, he offers for scan - -
OF r.vgnir TAMMY', 6100 AND (MASSIF. A TOM Invention or
Fpectaclee, for distant or close rending, with gold, silver,
steel, nod tortolhauliell fratneft, and tt new nod improved
asmrtmont of porifocal and parabola ground flint Manses,
of his own manufActurc.
Ile would particularly call the attention of the public,
to his Spectacles for NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, nod
for persons who hare been operated upon for the cataract
of the eye, and to hle new kind of Glasses and Conserrern
or the sight, made of the beat flint and azuro Glasses.
Good Glasw, may bo known by their shapo, exact centre,
sharp and highly polished surface. The qualities ere to.
be found in his Glasses.
CRY9TA Leo univereally proved to be far suporlor to any
Of every aloe and quality: TCLESCOPF.F, MAGNWTINO Avis
OrenA Cusses. with differsnt powers, together, with every
verietyof article, in tho,Optinid Hue, not mentioned.
Ark . OPTICAL, and other Instruments and Glasses, cern
folly repaired at short notice. Ile can always select
Glasses to snit the vision of tho person, as ho zoos thorns
upon the first trial: •
Alre•lio will remain in thls place daring January Court,
FIRST WEEK, awl those in want of the above articlee,
will please glen him ci eall. „ • ..
gar HO UHL if required, go to any respectable house
whore his services tarty be wanted.
Zir-The very bese.EYE-WATEIL and the best Hunting
Glasses always fur sale. • , • [Dec. 26, 1861.1
After n !wren engagement which lasted for nearly four.
days, I have at last routed the enemy and captured a large.
number or Gunn, Revolvers, Bowls Knives. and a groat,
quantity at .imp equipage, and other valuable article.;
which I hutuediately shipped by railroad from the field of
action, and now announce -
On opening and examining the valuables captured, they
were found to comprise such an endless variety of hard•
ware and Cutlery of every kind, that I ems supply the
people of all ages and classes; even from aloy for an in-.
font, to a supporting cane for time feeble old man. Boys
or girls, touts or Ladies, Soldiers or Citizens. iiousokeep•.
ere or Boarders, Farmers or Mechanics, Lawyer. or Doc
tors, anybody and everybody may be furnished with a
useful memento of this eventful battle by calling et the
Hardware Store OS '• ' , ' ' '
• JA3. A. AitOlti d. 1
ltuntlngdon, Oct. 1, 1.861.
line Just received anew stock of
Boots & Shoes, which ho will be pleased to have examined
by filo public generally. Ills assortment consists of hoots
and Shoes of nil kinds for Gentlemen and Ladles, made In
the bent manner.
Ile also continues to manufacture to-order all kinds of
Boots and Shoes. and returns thanks for the patronage he
has heretofore received, cud hopes to merit a continuance
of the same.
Hie shop is in the Diamond, one door east of :Drone
Store, Miele the public will please call. -
Huntingdon, 0ct.1,1061-It.
Has just received a new stock Of
Can and exmnfue my nmr MDCII
October 31, 1861
ROGER C. bIeGILL, manufacturer of all kinds of
costing% forge and rolling mill, grist and saw mill, thrash,
ing machine, sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, stoves of
various kinds, bottles, plough shears to suit ell kinds of
Ilkagglis; also, pip wheats end railroad work, and has a
now and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all
fanners that bays used them. I will keep all kinds of
plough sheers and Pl9tigh. at Movers.-Fisher $ McMurl
trie's, Huntingdon, and 1;4 Mr. George Eby's, 31111 Creek,
and will all all orders promptly. 'The farmers will save
money by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at the
foundry head-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds
of produce, old metal and lumber taken lu exchange.
Doing the pay and SAVO ten per centi
March 7, 1860.
VDU will find the Largest and Best
assortment of Ladies Dross Goods at
Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets fov
.mte cheer, e 4 ' D. P. Cltyl.V3. r
BooTA & inoEs,
R. C. Meg ILL