The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 09, 1862, Image 1

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    6,10 ht.
WM. LEWIS; Editor and Proprietor
A. TYIEURST, .Associate Editor.
TERMEI.—" TIM Mane' le paLliehod twice a week at
$1.40 a year-75 cents for six months-50 cents for
three months—in advance.
Thursday afternoon, Tan. 0, 1862
Our Flag Forever
We hare not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have.unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. MI those who wish'
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately. •
AU Orphans' Court printing, including Administrator's
and Executor's Notices, all Auditor's Notices, occasional
advertisements, &c., must hereafter bo paid for In advance.
Executors and Administrators owing us at present, 'Mil
please comb forward and settle.
mittee of the most respectable mer
chants of Now York, have prepared a
draft of an act for the consideration of
Congress, for a general bankrupt law.
This act has been framed by Mr. Wm.
Allen Butler, of that city, with as care
ful a view to the interest of creditors
as of honest and unfortunate debtors.
It combines the best provisions of the
New English bankrupt act, which has
lately taken effect, with those of the
French law, the United States act of
1841, and the Massachusetts insolvent
law. It provides for the full and un
conditional discharge of the debtor
upon the surrender of all his property
for distribution • without preference
among all his credito'rs, and upon his
compliance with the provisions of the
act. The assignees in bankruptcy are
to be appointed by the creditors, and
other efficient provisions are made to
guard their interests.
es of our State Legislature met and
axganized on Tuesday; the House by
the election of John Rowe, a Union
Democrat, as Speaker, and the Senate
by the election of Hon. Louis W. Hall,
as Speaker. George W. Hammersly
was elected clerk, and G. S. Berry, as-
Bistant clerk; F. L. Hitchcock, J. B.
McAfee, Martin Orlady and W. W.
Watt, transcribing clerks; Herman
Yerkos, sergeant-at-arms ; John G.
Martin, door-keeper; Thomas W. Wal
ker, messenger; Wm. P. Brady, libra
rian. In the House, E. H. Roach was
elected clerk; E. S. Capron, assistant
clerk; C. W. Walker, J. B. Niles, Rob
ert Brown and James Connelly, trans
cribing clerks; E. B. Picket, sergeant
at-arms; Casper Gang, door-keeper;
S. G. Blanchard, messenger; H. A.
Woodhouse, postmaster.
air The war has solved many diffi
-cult problems, and dissolved many
plausible theories. It has proved the
military capacity of our people, and
disproved the noisy professions of de
votion to the Union of the Southern
deaders. It has shown that we are
~.capable of existing and of subsisting
-ourselves independent of foreign pow
-ere, and it has exploded the whole as
-suraption that the 13ritish aristocracy
have not desired tho overthrow of this
government. That problem which
may remain to be solved is, whether
the American people can successfully
resist domestic treason and European
despotism combined.
fair- The patriots of the Revolution
never uttered a more noble sentiment
than Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island
expressed, when he said, " Wealth is
useless unless it promotes the public
welfare, and life itself but a bauble un
less it ministers to the honor and glory
of our country." The nobility of this
sentiment is attested by the fact that
Gov. Sprague, who is- the :wealthiest
man in NOW England, has given from
his personal fortune immense sums to
promote the cause of the Union, and
has periled bib life in the foremost
ranks of the army upon the field of
Ate' The man Davis, whom we no
ticed in our Tuesday's issue, as being
suspicionod for killing his wife, was
brought to town and lodged in jail on
Tuesday evening. We have not learn
ed any farther particulars concerning
the case, more than that the bruises
we mentieued, were not ,of a serious
enough character to cause death.
WY' Napoleon Bonaparte punished
every dishonest army contractor with
death. Ile regarded every man who
sought to coin money by malpractice
upon the government, in a time of war,
as worse than a public foe.
,*tttrot, Pigalianonts and Niaillt gad o ,
Stationery, Music and Musical Instruments,
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last Wednesday, the old bell on our
public school-house, which had rang
out its merry peals over this borough
for sixty-three years, was taken down
and replaced by a new one.
The old bell bears the following in
scription : " Cast by Samuel Parher,
Phila., 1708. William Smith, D. D.,
to the Borough of Huntingdon, Juniata."
It was presented to this borough by
William Smith, D. D., proprietor of the
town, and was first placed upon the
old Court House, which stood in Smith
street, between Hill and Allegheny
streets, at that time the only public
building in the borough. This bell
up to the time of the erection of the
ono on the Presbyterian Church, was
the only one in the vicinity, and was
rang on all occasions for the sessions
of the Court, religious and town meet
lugs, elections, etc.
After the present Court House was
built, about the year 1843, the bell was
removed to the school-house where it I
served to call the schools together un
til on a frosty morning,l2th of Decem
ber last, it was broken in ringing.
The new bell weighs 406 pounds,
and was procured at the foundry of A.
Meneely's Sons, West Troy, N. Y .—
The weight of the old ono is 254 lbs.
Co's splendid Variety Envelopes are
for sale at Lewis' Book Store. They
make a very handsome present for all
ages. The jewelry is of a better qual
ity than can be secured in any other
envelope or in any other way for the
same money. The buyer of an envel
ope can get any article of jewelry he
or she may select from specimens.
Call and see for yourself.
EXTRAS.—We furnished our town
subscribers at an early hour this morn
ing, with an Extra containing the Gov
ernor's Message and the Report of the
State Treasurer, besides a vast amount
of other important reading matter,
and enclose the same to our country
subscribers, in to -day's paper.
INZP' A large 'sleighing party went
out to tne Warm Springs yeSterday af
ternoon and evening. We' presume
they had a "high old time" "tripping
the light fantastic toe."
DIARIES FOR 1862.—Several sizes re
ceived and for sale at Lewis' Book
Store. •
REBEL ZANTIPPES.- - If you want to
make an angel, select a good woman
for the material ; and if you want to
make a real devil, just pick out a bad
one, especially if a secessionist. We
notice that the other day a fine cake
was sent to Mrs. Greenhow, a rebel
lady confined in Washington. Lieut.
Sheldon stuck a penknife into it in
several places, and striking a hard sub
stance, opened it, and found Treasury
notes, fives and tens, to a considerable
amount; also a letter, stating that ar
rangements had been made to effect
her escape and conveyance to Rich
mond, and naming the day and hour
of deliverance. When the lady found
out the discovery obtained from her
cake, her anger was uncontrollable.—
The Lieutenant bought her a nice new
cake and sent it to her, but she threw it
down stairs.
. A Baltimore widow, Mrs. Baxley,
was brought in to charge the prison of
Mrs. Greenhow and Mrs. Poole. She
was three days from Richmond with a
valuable "cargo." She had among
many little documents of value about
parts of her clothes and person, thin
papers hid in her hair. One of the
papers was a commission in the rebel
army for a young Baltimorean. She
refused to sleep under a blanket ?narked
"U. S." After being confined she
sent to an officer for different ones.—
She soon received notice to sleep under
them or go without.
General Jackson Retired from
Supposed Design of an Attack on
. General Kelly's Command,
FREDERICK, Jan. 7.—The latest ad
vices from Hancock are, that last night
Gen. Jackson retired, leaving only a
battery and infantry guard in sight.
The result of the shelling has been un
important. One rebel officer was seen
to fall from his horse, and is believed
to have been killed. None are reported
wounded or killed on our side, not
withstanding the extravagant rumors
eircuiating-bore about our men baring
been cut up, etc., all of which rumors
gre false.
Jackson's rebel force consisted of ten
regiments, with a large baggage and
supply train, and ten days cooked ra
tions. It is not known where he went,
but it is surmised that ho intends to
-attack Gen. Kelly's command. Gen.
Banks' Third brigade left hero yester
day morning and arrived at Hagers
town, twenty-six miles distant, at 5
o'clock yesterday evening. No strag
glers were left along the route. This
march was performed through three or
four inches of snow. They would prob
ably reach Hancock by noon to-day.
Gen. Lander has been assigned to the
command of Gen. Kelly's division, and
Gen. Williams takes command at Han
The Connecticut Fifth Regiment re
turned here last Thursday from Han
cock, and marched again with the Third
Brigade, to which they are attached,
yesterday morning. They have not
been attacked, as was started, nor
been in a position to be attacked since
they left Hancock, yesterday a week.
FREDERICK, Jan. 7.—A11 is quiet at
CAIRO, Jan. 7.—Flag Officer Foote,
with the gunboats Essex, Lexington,
and Tyler, made a reconnoissance down
the Mississippi this morning. lie
went within two hundred yards of
range of the rebel batteries. On his
return he was fired at
,by the rebel
gunboat 'Mohawk, to which be replied,
but the shots all fell short.
The flag officer is highly satisfied
with the reconnoissance, and has ex
amined all points on the river as near
as two miles to Columbus.
A despatch. from Capo Girardeau to
day, says that a detachment of the 7th
Illinois Cavalry, while scouting, had
captured Maj. Williams, of Jeff. Thomp
son's band.
The Surveyor of the port of Metrop
olis has seized a large quantity of gold
lace, morphine, and other costly drugs
intended for the rebels. The goods
were from Cincinnati.
The Rebels Completely Routed
WHEELING, Jan. B.—Special dispatch
to the Intelligencer from Cumberland
last night, says a detachment of Gon.
Kelley's forces, commanded by Colonel
Dimming of the sth Ohio left Romney
last night at 12 o'clock, and attacked
the robels 2,000 strong at Blue's Gap,
east of Romney, at daylight this day.
The rebels were completely routed
with a loss of killed, two pieces of can
non, their wagons, tents, Sce„ with
twenty prisoners, including ono com•
missioned officer. Our loss none,
his rumored here this P, X, that
the rebels are in full retreat from Ilan
Cirmcs.zNaTi, Jan. 8.--A special dis
patch to the Gazette from Iluttonsville
says that Gen. Milroy iFS still moving.
The expedition sent out by him com
posed of 800 of the 82d Ohio regiment
under Capt. Lacey, into Tucker coun-
ty, dispersed 400 rebels, capturing a
commissary and a large amount of his
stores, a Ist Lieutenant and a private.
Four rebels were found dead on the
ground and a large number wounded.
Our detachment is still in hot pursuit.
LoursvlLrE, Jan. B.—The Democrat
is informed that a Federal scouting
party brought fiye prisoners into Co
lumbia, Kentucky, who were endeav
oring to join the rebel Zollicoffer. The
party report that Zollicoffer with 4,000
men are between, Greensboro and Co
lumbia. The toirn of Greensboro' bad
been almost depopulated by the rebels
but Gen. Ward's Federal brigade bad
gone there to take possession.
The rebels ha 4 captured five soldiers
who wore guarding Borall's Ferry, kill
ing a man named Tames and taking
fifteen or twenty muskets. The guard
the east side of the river
The Army of the West,
A correspondent of the Boston Jour
nal, in describing the army of the West,
says :
There are two grand divisions of the
army west of the Alleghanies—tbat
commanded by General Buell, in Ken
tucky, and that commanded by Gen.
Halleck, in Missouri. There will soon
be a third, commanded by Gen. Lane,
in Kansas. Gen. Buell has all of Ken.
tueky east of Cumberland river. All
west of that, including Cairo, is in
General Halleck's division.
Gen. Buell's Main Army.
Turning to the southwest, we see a
line of railroad leading toward Nash
ville, Tennessee, from Louisville. Sev
enty-two miles down the line is Mun
fordsville, on the north bank of Green
river, which crinkles through the State,
turning, coiling and recoiling upon it
self in interminable curves. Here you
see the wreck of a noble bridge, which
the rebels destroyed, blowing up the
massive stone piers, and precipitating
the magnificent structure to the bot
tom of the river. Here, too, you can '
see the white tents of a hundred regi
ments. A thousand men are hard at
work upon the bridge, rearing a tem
porary structure. They have got it
well along, and in a few days it will be
complete. Crossing the river, and
turning ten miles toward the west, we
see the Mammoth Cave. Beyond, fif
teen or twenty miles, isßowling Green,
where the rebels are in strong position,
it is said, under Johnson and Buckner,
about forty thousand of them behind
entrenchments. Can they be shelled
out, or flanked? Looking once more
at the river, we find that it is naviga
ble for steamboats up to Morgantown,
which, as you observe, is quite a place
in Butler county. Looking straight
down toward the Tennessee line from
Morgantown, thirty miles distant, or
two days march, is Russellville, the
county seat of Logan, near the centre
of the county. It is in roar of Bow
ling Green, and on the stage road lead
ing from Morgantown to Russellville.
It is on the direeteourse toward Nash
ville, which is about fifty miles further
south. There are some Federal troops
near Morgantown, and at other places
on Green river, which can receive trans
portation by steamboats, provided the
river is not closed by ice. When Gon.
Buell is real* for them to move, un
doubtedly you will learn that Bowling
Green has a fire in the roar. The rebel
force at Bowling Green is variously es
timated. The rebels say one hundred
thousand, but I hear that that is bra
vado to blind Buell, and that the real
available force does not exceed fifty
thousand. Thee will telt which is the
true estimate.
Western. Xentuoky.
All the territory in Kentucky west
of the Tennessee river is in Gen. fist
leek's division. Turning now our
telescope to that section, we see a pe
culiar configuration—the Ohio borders
on the north, the Tennessee the oast s
the Mississippi the west, inalqugan ox
bow, with the opening town i rd the
South. Measuring along th©to 'fine
between the Tennessee and the Missis
sippi, we find the distance not far from
seventy-five miles. Oh all sides but
the south there is a steamboat nayila
tism. The rebels have twenty Miles
on the Mississippi, and we have all the
The Tennessee is navigable for steam
boats to the Muscle Shell shoals,.which
are in the State of Alabanut. The riv
er is rarely frozen for any length of
time. It empties into the Ohio forty
eight miles above Cairo. At Paducah,
which stands at its mouth, we have
seven thousand men. There is a rail
road running to Union City, which you
observe is just over the Kentucky line.
Union City is on the Mobile and Ohio
Railroad, twenty-five miles from the
rebel stronghold at Columbus, and
about forty miles from Paducah. The
rebels have torn up a good deal of the
iron, and burned the bridges on the
line—not the army, but resident Seces
sionists who swarm in the ox bow.
Let us look closely at this section of
the country, for it is desirable to get
the rebels out of Columbus. Let us
steam up the Tennessee river. There
are no batteries on its banks. About
seventy miles from Paducah, you no
tice that we come to the railroad which
extends from Bowling Green to Mem
phis. We have already seen that this
line can be reached by the Cumberland
river; also, that there are Federal
troops not far from Hopkinsville, and
now we see that it can be directly
reached by the Tennessee river. Leav
ing the steamboat and taking the rail
road toward Memphis, which is one
hundred and fiftyseven miles distant
from the Tennessee river at this point,
we find at the town of Humboldt, only
seventy-five miles distant, a railroad
leading from Memphis to Columbus.
What if a strong Federal force should
get possession of Humboldt? The reb
els would find it difficult to hold Co
lumbus. True, they would have the
Mississippi, but Commander Foot, with
his gunboats, may have something to
say upon that part of the question. I
do not present this as having any ref
erence whatever to any contemplated
movement in the future, but merely to
show that, although the rebels have
strong positions at Bowling Green and
Columbus, Nature has given geograph
ical features—water-ways, admitting
of transportion—by which both of
those positions can be turned. The
only thing to be feared is an ice block
ade. Aside from the rivers, we have
rail communication. A Napoleonic
genius would see no difficulties worth
naming in turning the flanks of the
rebels at Columbus and Bowling Green,
or rather of breaking through the lines
and threatening Memphis and Nash
ville. Let our corninanders—McClellan
on the Potomac., Buell on the Ohio, and
Hailed: on the Mississippi—review the
military strategy of Gen. Wolfe; let
them remember how he searched every
nook and•corner, every ravine, every
crevice, every standing place along the
precipices of the St. Lawrence, to find
a way of reaching tho heights above,
where Quebec was held by Monteahn ;
let them call to mind his determination
to gain a position and force the enemy
to fight; let them remember his glori
ous success, and improve the opportu
nities to crush rebellion, and make for
themselves a name forever to be hon
ored by their fellow-mon.
The Progress of the War,
Th . orn tiq denying.• the fact that
theiVlSlOnsitte - rable'restfcs-
public mind on account of the slow
progress which is apparently being
made by our armies into the Rebel
States. But it must be remembered
(says the Baltimore Clipper) that since
General McClellan has entered upon
the duties of Commander-in-Chief, a
number of important movements have
been made, all of which are thus far
successful, except an unaccounted for
blunder on the Upper Potomac, which
no doubt was the result of inattention
to 'specified orders. These movements
are also generally preliminary to oth
ers wliieh are to follow on a more gi
gantic scale, and may be considered as
important steps in the progress of the
war. We may wBll therefore be con
tent to " make haste slowly." A bat
tle by tb& main army near Washing
ton, may determine the fate of the
rebel confederacy; let their army there
be defeated, and they can never rally
another to supply its place: The back
bone of their rebellion is thus broken,
and although a guerilla warfare may
be carried on for some time longer, still
their hopes of success will be forever
blasted, and every State will be found
looking out for its own interest, and
taking care, it may be, that justice is
awarded to their respective leaders
who have duped them into their un
happy position. Mighty armaments
are being now fitted out, and will
probably be ready within a week Or
ten days—and no doubt as soon as the
word is sounded along the line that
•" all's ready," a movement will be
made which will tell with astounding
effect, and prove to the rebels who
some time since taunted the loyal men
of the Union with the charge 1 / 4 0at we
had no Government, that it is in full
operation, and able to vindicate the
honor and integrity of the Union.
Those who have read the history of
the wars in. the Peninsula, in Europe,
will remember that Lord Wellington
was subject to the sneers of the
ians and people at home, from the same
cause that Gen. McClellan's course is
now objected to. It could not be di
vined by out-siders why an army such
as he had in camp should so long re
main apparently inactive—but Wel
lington knew well that he was gaining
strength daily by the more perfect
discipline of his forces, and that when
ho did etriko the stakes were for
more than one kingdom, (Spain and
Portugal,) and that he had better wait
five years than to risk a battle before
he could find himself perfectly pre
pared to secure success—and the result
fully verified his wisdom.
So it is with Gen. McClellan—the
fate of the rebellion so fitr as its con
tinuance for another year is concerned,
is dependant on the battles that may
possibly have been fought ere this
reaches many of our readers, and may
not come off for weeks to come—a de
lay conscpcntly of a few days, weeks,
months, is of but secondary conse
place, in comparison to the importance
of the result. Let our young gonorni
have cllr centißgedknnfideiieti, - and )et
ourpatienc©lie eXereised to the extent;
that when he does Make the debisive
Pi*, 'the result will prove the wisdom
of his gene ' ship by its decisiveness
iii the contest. A cotemporary speak
ing upon the subject very properly re-
marks, that—
" The delay has been worth a score
of victories. It has converted raw
levees into a well-disciplined army, and
taught them to handle weapons ; it has
replaced incompetent with skilful offi
cers; it has multiplied indefinitely our
artillery and munitions of war; it has
very nearly completed several expedi
tions, the success of which is scarcely
a matter of doubt; it has placed de
tachments of the army at points from
which they may advance with the
best warrant of triumph; it utilized
those vast contributions of money
which popular patriotism poured into
the treasury
" To the enemy it has brought no
benefits. Theirfinancial crudities have
already resulted in failure; they are
destitute of the necessaries of life; their
army is half clad, and utterly unprovi
ded against the inclemency of winter.
Food is held at famine prices. Busi
ness of all kinds is suspended. The
Richmond usurpation has taken pos
session of all the railroads, and uses
them for the transportation of troops
and supplies, to the exclusion of ordi
nary traffic. Specie is at 40 per cent.
premium. The Banks are insolvent.
The circulating medium is worthless;
there are no credits; merchants, whose
stocks are exhausted, can nowhere re
new them. Ruin, in short, reigns
everywhere supreme; and discontent,
which the news of a peaceful settlement
of our issue with England, must con
vert into utter despair, is universal.—
All these consequences of delay have
enured to the advantage of the Govern
ment, and must render the progress of
its arms, when it is inaugurated in full
force, absolutely irresistible. And it
will then be seen whether or not the
plans of the Administration have been
wise and far-seeing, and whether the
Northern or the Southern type of fret
fulness is the more reasonable."
WALL PAPER.-A handsome stock
of nest year's styles has been received
at Lewis' Book Store, direct from the
manufactory in New York.
Recruits for Regiments Already in
the Field---No Uncertainty,—
No Delay.
The undersigned, In accordance m ith General Orders
No. 105, Ifoad•Quartero of the Army, and under the di
rection of Captain It. I. Dodge, ()anent Superintendent of
Recruiting Verrice for the State of Pennsylrnnia, bare
opened a Recruiting Office in the building formerly occu
pied an Head.Quartors of Camp CroSman, opposite the
Exchange Hotel, Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa.
Subsigtenco and pay to commence, from date of enlist
ment. Men, 119 many as wish to Join the army are wanted.
Lieut. A. G. DICKKY,
11. GRUEN al,
Huntingdon, Jan, 9, 1162. 4901 Regiment, P. V.
[Estate of David JL Confer, deed.]
Letters of Administration upon the estate of David M.
Confer, lato of tho borough of Huntingdon, deceased,
having 'been granted to the undersigned, all persons
having eliding upon the estate aro regnested to present
thou - tie. tho undersigned, and all persons knowing thorn
selves Indebted will make Immediate payment.
January 3,1562.. Adnainho rotor.
Came to the premises of the subscriber
iu Barren township, on tho 12th inst., a straw.
berry DOAN 1101ISE alit, n uhito spot on his
forehead, one fore foot white, and supposed to
be 10 years old. The owner is desired to come and prove
property, pay charges, and tette him away; otherwise ho
will he disposed of according to law.
Dec. 31, 061.* SAMUEL JOHNSTON.
Come to the premises of the subscriber to Penn tp..
',bent the let-of September lint, A PALE RED !LEIFER,
without marks, supposed to be two yalre old last Spring.
The owner Is requested to home forward, prove property,
sirx' her away otherwise sue ..Rt es ms
Dec. 31, 1861.4.
A regular meeting of the ITuntingdon County
Agricultural Society will be held in the Court House in
Huntingdon. on Tuesday evening of the first week of the
coming January Court.
By order and in behalf of the Society.
Dec.l:, 1881. Secretory.
The annual election for rive Managers will be
lief at the office of the Company, betwcen the hours of
ono sod four o'clock. P. M., on Monday the 6th day of
January next.
Huntingdon, Doc. 2,3,1661-it
By virtue of a writ of Lay. Pa. to me directed. I
will expose to public sale on the premises, ON THURS.
DAY, JANUARY 9, 1862, at ono o'clock, P. 21., the follow
ing described property, to wit • •
Tho,defendant's interest in and to all that tract of land
situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, adjoin
ing the Juniata River, lands of Wm. Johns, Thos. Ruling
and others, containing 111 acres and 92 perches and al
tos+ mice of six per cent. Being the same plantation and
premises sold and conveyed by John Johnson and Robert
R. Andrews, Administrators of Ilugh Andrews, deceased,
to Bea. IV. Speer. Seized, taken In execution, and to be
sold as the property of 800. W. Speer.
JOHN O. WATSON, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, Dec.l9, 1861.-3 t.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
personsbave filed their petitions with the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions, praying the said Court to grant
them license to keep inns or taverns in their respective
boroughs, townships and villages In the county of Hun
tingdon, and that said petitions will ho presented to the
said Court on Wednesday, the 15th day of January text,
for consideration. to., when and where all persons inter
ested can attend If they think proper, viz:
Adam Zeigler, Marklesburg.*
John Si. Early, Dionne Vnlori.*
Thomas 3lcGarvey, Shirleysburg Borough"
John Kurtz, Alexandria Borough? •
W5l. C. WAGONER, Clerk;
Huntingdon, Dec. 17,1881,4 t.
Notice is hereby given, to all persons Interested,
that the following named persons have settled their on
counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will ho presented for confirmation and
allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to be held nt Huntingdon,
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday the 13th
day ofJanuary next, (1662,) to wit:
1. Partial account of George Moen= and Joh Slack,
Executors of George sfeCruni, Sr., late of Barren town.
ship, deed.
2. Tho mnpplemental nod final account of A. C. Blair
and Michael Shearer, Executors of the last will and test..
Went of John Stunkard, late of Tell township, deed:
3. The Administration account of John M. Clark, Ad.
ministrator of James Clark, late of We borough of Shir.
leysburg, dec'd.; final account.
4. Tho administration areonnt of George M. Green,
Administrator of Christian Praire, late of Clay tp., deed.
5. The account of Joseph Low guardian of George IV.
Craine, ono of the children of Fran Cimino, late of Morris
township, deed., now in his majority.
6. The account of John Pleonor, Administrator do
Donis non of Margaret Coots, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, deed.
7. The account of Solomon Mlerly, Executor of tbo
last will and testament of Mary Bumgarther, late of Union
township, dec'd.
8. The account of John Idlerty and Wm. Wible. Ad.
ministratora of John Wible, late of Springfield tp., deed.
O. Final account of John Scott, Guardian of N. Priscflla
Martin, formerly N. Priscilla Bell now deed, and who
was a daughter of James Bell, fornierly 'of iluadirigdon
10. Final guardianship account of Thomas A. Smelker,
Guardian of William flays, a minor child of Edward
flays, late of Shirley township, dec`rl.
11. Administration account of Michaol J. Martin and
Asaph Price, Administrators of Jos. 8. Martin, late of
Ted township, dec'd.
12. Administration account of John P. Stewart, Admin
istrator of William Poster, late of West tp., deed.
13. Administration account of George Hewn and Elisa
beth Hearn ' Administrators of Wm. Hearn, late of Walker
township, dec'd.
14. Administintion account of George Eby and Samuel
Lutz, Administrators of Catharine Lutz, late of Shirley
township, dec'd.
15. Tho administration account of Lucinda Hall, Ad
ministrate's of ioBlllil A. HA )ate of the borough of
Huntingdon, dec'd. Mal account,
16. Account of James McCall and Abraham States,Esg,
Executors of tho last sod testament pf Diusiel Puck.
welter, late of Walker township, deed. Final account.
17. Account of it. Milton Speer, Soiministratur of the
estate of Phillip Appleby, late of tim borough of Cass
sills, deed.
18. Adminish altos account of MattheWP,CaffiPbell, Ad
mlnistrapik• of ,;o4 into or 814rley Myrnahip,
' " .
pANruL w. womblspoitr, Regievr.
nEwszr.g , tionicE.
nu l iq l :oo9R, Dco, 17,1801, 4"
Has just recciye4 u neg- f 4 .4 of
" 1100T8 & 9110E9,
Call and examine NJ and !ta . cki .
October 31, ~1801:
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend.
Exp. Fi. Fa. and Leo. Fa. to me directed, I will ex
pose to public sale or outcry, at the Court /Tense, in the
borough of Huntingdon, on MONDAY, the lath day of
January, 1862, at 2 o'Clock, P. 11, the following described
roal estate, to wit:
AU the defendant's right, title and inter
est, of, in and to one lot of ground situate in the borough
of Alexandria, bounded on the north by the Pante& Ca
nal, on the west by en alley, on the south by an alley, on
the coat by Ilartelog street, to the cartel aforesaid, having.
thereon erected a frame building 24x45 feet, need as a
tanner shop, and 34 Tots. Seined, taken in exeetition,auct
to be sold as the property of Peter KOOl5l.
Defendant's right, title and interest. in and
to a small place of ground In Jackson tp., at DMAlevy's!.
Fort; beginning by land of ft, McNerney smith 79 deg.
west 3 perches, to a poet, thence by lot of James Stewart.
enuth 54 degrees wont 35-10 perches to a post thence
south 78 degrees west 4 5-10 perches to a post. thence,
south 15 degrees east 5 perches to a post, thence by It. 'V.
Stewart's lot north 47 degrees east 12 perches to place of '
beginning, containing about ono-ash of an acre. Serxed,
taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Sam
uel 11. Grossman,
The defendant's right, title and interest in,
and to 400 acres of land, more or less, situate in Tod tp., ad
joining lands surveyed In the name of Richard Clark on,
the west, lands of Evans and Hamilton, and Henry-
Rhoads ou the east, and land • of Speer & Dougherty on•
the south. Alen the undivided 5.6 of 220 acres of land,
adjoining the above on the north, being the land convey-.
ed by Speer & Dougherty to the Sherman's Valley and
Broad Top R. R. Co., which le In Huntingdon co. Seized..
taken in execution, and to be Bold no the property of The•
Sherman's Valley and Broad Top Railroad Company.
All defendant's right, title and interest in
and to all that certain tract of laud warranted in the•
name of Joseph Franks, athlete iu Cromwell township,
containing 227 acres, more or teas, being patented land..
and bounded on the north and east by lands of Simon,
Orals, on the south by lends of Enos McMullen, and west
by Hilmnan and others, and hue thereon erected a log
barn and other outbuildings, and about 100 acres, more or
lees, cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of J. Henry Dell.
Noffeeto Eurehasers.—Bidders at Shorifre sales will take
notice Hutt immediately upon the property Irolog kneekede
down, fifty per cent. of ail bide under $lOO, and ttienty
five per cent. of all bids over that sum, must he paid to
the Sheriff. or the property will beset up again and sold
to other bidders who will comply with the above terms.
Sheriff's Sales will hereafterhe made on Wednesday, of •
the first week of Court, and the Deeds acknowledged on,
the following Wednesday.
JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff.
Suzarres Omer,
Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 0861.
Q HERIFF'S SALES.--By virtue of '
j sundry write of Vend. Exp. and Ley., Fa. to
me directed, I will expose to public tale or outcry. at the
Court Homo, in the borough of Illintingdon, ON SAT
URDAY TILE drn DAY OR JANUARY, 1862, at two,
o'clock, I'. 31., the following described Real Estate, to wit:
Four hundred acres of land, morn or lass. situate In Tod,
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining land surveyed Iq,
the name of Richard Clark on the most, land of Evans
Hamilton and Henry Rhodos on the east, and land of
Speer 3 Dougherty on the north. Also the undivided:
fve•aluths of 220 acres of land adjoining the above on the
north, and tho Eniton county line on the south, being th.
land conveyed by Speer and Dougherty to the S. V. & B.
T. It. It. Company. Seized, taken in execution and to bo
sold as the property of tho Shermatee Valley and Broad
Top Railroad Company.
ALSO—Defendant's right, title and interest In and to•
part of a lot of ground situate in tho borough of Hun
tingdon, being part of lot No. 169 in plan of said town,
fronting 50 feet on Washington street and extending back
along Charles street SO feet. Seized and taken tutu exe
cution as the property of Joseph Nightwine.
Notice to Purchascm—Blthlors at Sheriff's sales will
tako not!ce that immediately upon the property beinW•
knocked down, fifty per cent, of all bide under $lOO, and
twenty.tive par cent. of all bids over that sum, must b.
paid to the Sheriff, or the property will be sot up again
and sold to other bidders who will comply with the above.
terms. - JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff. -
Huntingdon, Dec.l.7, 1361.
No. 258 South 3d St., Phila. Dec. 12, 1861.
Stc.ckhniders of the /WNW:MOON AND BROAD ,
I ill 130 hold at the office of the Company, on Tuesday the
14th day of January, 1862, at 11 A. 31., when en election
will be held for a President and Twelve Directors to serve
for the ensuing year.
Dec. 17, ISM Secretary.
1,7 Came to the residence of the sub
scriber, in Walker township, ahont the tys . '",
let, of last month, n BLACICCOW s u p. 1'V.?:! 27 74
posed to be about 7yearsoid. The ea
er to requested to Come
prove property, pay charges and take
It away, otherwise It will be disposed of according to law_
Porember 10, 1061
The New Spring Styles
- For 1862,
Already Received
At Lewis' Book Store.
We deal direct with the manufactu
rer, and will have on hand at all times,
the latest styles, and sell at fair prices.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
p inns' Court of Ifuntingdon county, to distribute the
balanmi In thn hands of John D. Frazier administrator of
James T. Wilson, deceased, Will attend to the duties of his
appointment nt the Wilco et Me+ & DorrLs, on Friday.
the 'l7th day of December, at ten o'clock, A. rl., when and
where nil persons Interested will present their claims, or be
debarred from coming in for a share of said fund.
litintingann t Dee. 10, 1561.-3 w; Auditor.
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Qr.
p lane' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute dim
balance in the hands of John B. Frazier, adm inistretne of
William I. Wilson, deed, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at the Wilco of Mile., fa Dorris. on 'Friday.
the 27th day of December at ten 'o'clock, A. !IL, when
and where all persons interested, will present their
claims, or be debarred from coming in for n share of said
Huntingdon, Doe. 10, ISM.-3w. Auditor.'
' [Estate of Andrew Allison, deed.] " -• •
Letters of Administration, upon the estate of Andrew
Allison, late of Cambria county, ;iced,, haying beet
granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims
against the estate are ,requested to present them to the
undersigned, awl nil persons indebted will make igunedi,
ato payment, A3IANDA Pt .4LLTSO3I.
Dec. 5,1551_00
' •:=5
P. M.
7 01
7 CS
7 21
7 35
7 48
On and after Monday, Dec. 24,1861, Passenger Traiug
will arrive and depart as follows: • • ot•
Leave Huntingdon at 7.30 A. 31. & 4.10 P. 31.
Sar.teat " 0.30 A. M.& 0.10 I'. M.
Arrivo at Hopewell " 10.15 A. Si.
1:101V3I TRAINS,
Leave Hopewell "at , 10.35 A. 31.
Paxton " 11.10 A. M. & 6.30 P. 31. '
Arrive at Huntingdon 1.10 P. 51. & 836 V.
Doe. 3,1861
NoutliMon, Nov. 18, 1801.
of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article et
Clothing. Store room in Long'e new building, to the bin
!nand, LiuntiOvirm Sept. 9, 18*.
- ~x~
va I
`A r:
C. I 'V
. 2 ' .
. 1
A. If.
Newton TiernßlM
Mt. Union,
Mill Creek,
Plume° Creek,
Birmingham,— ......
ii 92.1
In as.
10 30
10 10
10 10
9- 66