The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 02, 1862, Image 1
seuti-lattceitig sten. W.y. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietot A. TYHURST, Associate Editor. iria alt El.—" Tim Meta" kr prktiehed Mita a week at $1.50 a year-75 cads for sit months-50 emits for three Lucrutl.s—in aticance. HUNTINGDON, PA. Thursday afternoon, Sate, 2, 1862 0-fOOHO NOTICE, We have not the time nor the incli nation, to dun personally; a large num ber of persons who have unsettled ac counts upon our books of several years standing. We shall, therefore, from day to day, without respect to persons, place into the hands of a Justice for collection, all accounts of over two 'Years standing. All those who wish to save expense, will do well to giro us a call immediately-. NEW TERMS All Orphan!' Court printing, including Administrator's and Excelsior's Noticis, all. Auditor's Notices, occasional advertisements, to., must hereafter be paid for in advance. lisecntms and Administrators oh log us at present, will plc.° come Cerwerd and settle. The News. We are slightly disappointed. We had reason to expect important news from the army on the Potomac. But, perhaps the illness of Gen. McClellan has had something to do with the move ments of the army in that direction. The different regiments and the people throughout the country, are becoming impatient for an "advance." The Com mander-in-Chief is the ruling power, and no doubt he will advance at the right time—but placing the greatest confidence in his judgment, we still can_ not help but think that he moves his forces very slowly. We cannot be many days without important fighting news from the Potomac. The English Fury. It will be three or four weeks before we can hear of the effect in England of the release of Messrs. Mason and Sli dell. In the meantime, the London papers that reach us are as bitter and malignant towards the United States :as it is possible to be. A very few pa pers are moderato in their tone, and seem to hope for a pacific termination , of the difficulty. But the principal journals seem almost insane on the sub ject of America. The London Times, -in Rartieular, breathes hatred and vengeance against the United States In every column. 1rt . ".1.0 Time. vt-Deer-tith, there are about thirteen—,eolmt.”7o-j,A—uted rnortcaii affairs. The leading articles are three in number. One is a furious attack on President Lincoln's message; ;another an equally bitter attack on Secretary Welle's report, and the third, _which is professedly n tribute to the • memory of Prince Albert, is also sprin kled with angry allusions to this coun try. The Prince of Wales, who is ex . peeled to advise and support the Queen ' as his father did, is instructed by the Times to be jealous and suspicious of the people and Government of the Uni ted States, whose honored guest he was a•year and a half ago. Thus, the occasion of 'a national bereavement, which shOuld soften the hearts of all people, is used by this mischievous and and powerful organ to inflame their ivohit, passions against a kindred peo ple. . -Having made our peace-offering to Great Britain, it is proper that we should wait to hear how it is received, and that we should not retaliate, as wo ,fairly might, with vituperation against the English people and Government.— But it is not to be denied that the course pursued by the English at the pres ent time is exciting a feeling of antipa thy in this country more intense and deep-seated than any that existed even in the periods •of our former wars.— Many an American citizen is instruct ing his children as Hamilear did his sop; and vows of eternal enmity against England are taken as solemnly as was that of the Carthaginian lad against Rome. Whether from among the young generation, thus indoctrinated with The new idea, a Hannibal will ap pear, to humble the pride of England in a future time,'no ono need predict. But the time will assuredly arrive, when the people of England will be made to regret the malignity of their temper towards the United States in the winter of 1861-2.—Phila. Bulletin. VARIETY ENVELOPES.—CoIeman Co's splendid Variety Envelopes are for sale at Lewis' Book Store. They make a very handsome present for all ages. The jewelry is of a better qual ity than can bo secured in any other envelope or in any other way for the same money. The buyer of an envel ope can get any article of jewelry he or she may select from specimens. Gall and see for yourself. BOOKS, &C., FOR. THE HOLIDAYS.—The place to get Holiday Presents for old and young is, at Lewis' Book Store.— He is receiving a hi ndsome stock for Christmas and New Year's. WALT! T44pF4.---4. 1 4 R0some stock of next year's styles laps been received At _Timis' Book Store, direct from the iriariuillctory in New York, • OARRLtR'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF THE GLOBE January Ist, 1862. {nen tart I sang my tuneful lay, Unnumbered blessings strewed your way; In peace you lived, with plenty crowned— Your hopes, a full fruition found. 'Tie true, at times, the gathering cloud Portended storms, with thunder loud— While fitful lightnings lent a glare Of coming rnge, where all seemed fair. An evil spirit could be beard, At times, hiss forth a horrid word, Al through the air, with meld flight, It rushed with goblins of the night, To freeze the blood and chill tho soul, As in the pact tote heart it stole. The traitor'. "squeak and Aber" fell Upon the ear, like voice from hell : lint though they seemed like notes of death Malignant—that no held our breath, Amazed, astonished, still In doubt, The demon, treason, was about— We )et belies ed that reason'. vofce Would still, our happy land, rejoice; That times and season., rte of yore, Would come and go, to fill our .lore; That frugal men would till their lauds, While time dispensed her running sands That flowers would bloom and fountain. pour Their cry slid floods, and) ed with gore And all as one fraternal band, Through toils of lira, march hand in hand. The trembling doubt um solved at last— The cannon's roar rode on the blast— Tha cry of war rang tbrongli rho land, And brave battalions took their stand, Within their 'trenchmonts, clad with steel Aud made to arms, their last appeal. And where, upon this blood stained earth ; And when, since morning of her bit th, Did mau or any station tea ' , A startled people, thus agree, Without debate, at instant thought, To save the land, their father's bought, With such expense of life and gold, From treason's sacrilegious holdt The trial, shines out, like noon-day beam, That Immo'. fountains scot the stream Of patriotic love to start The latent feelings of the heart. A mighty empire, band on slaves, Was dreamed about by wicked knaves. The splendid vision, with its train Of ignorance and stolen gain, Allured them on, with, phantom beck, Their country's peaceful hopes to wreck. They struck the blow, the cannon's roar Was heard from ocean's wave-mashed shore; And down wont mattock, pick and spade, By whirls were tilled the hill and glado; The hammer ceased its ringing sound— The plow loft standing in this ground— And armies dieser,' in glittering steel, Press closely on rebAlion's heel. I'll not recount the deeds of arms; The glory bought, In scar' alarms; The brilliant charge, the rlctor's cry, The dead and dying there that lie, In pile. upon the blood-moist ground, Their dying groans unheArd around, An nhouts of triumph roll tway, In celebration of the day. But let commanders net their part, And soldiers fight Mill) valiant heart; The Muse snoops o'er the bloody fray— To other themes she tunes her lay. From evil, good has often flowed; Through wrongs, has often found her road And right and jostle° filled their store, From social ills and fields of goro. Convulsions deep, that nations, shake, And through the social fabric break, Have oft a Providential came— Subservo a Providential pause. The treason that assails us now May greatly, ustiee, right, endow; May bleak barbaric clinics that bind Opinions, feelings of mankind; Emancipate the bondman's soul From social tyranny's control; And learn mankind one lesson more In nature's book, untaught before. Let treason's minions, filled with rage, Against the progress of the ago, Ittware, that they are cot the tool., Perdition works with, namely, fools: Let them beware the frowning nod, And fear the thunderbolts of God: For in the kingdom of the skies, , No upward impulse ever dies; A.. 3 all retarding forces fall, With those who raised them, at their call, Disiolved In everlasting death, Before avenging 'leaven's breath. 'Tin l o trd to prophecy the end 'When mighty armies do contend; But let me my, whateer the fate Of this great trout& In the state May hap to be; a ruling God lit wrath or mercy a lilt his rod scourgn the wrong, uphold the right, And guard the truth throughout the fight. Lot armies meet, liko rock and ware— The fleld will not be freedom', , rare. Emancipated men will stand Defiant, bold, throughout the land, As they hors stood, since Concord's plain Was dotted o'er with Britain's slain. The War Department of the skies Ifas bid these bold battalions rise; And they mill ne'er their armor cast, Nor stop the bugle's thrilling blast, Till freedom treads her temple's balls, Secure from treason's cannon balls; Till truth shall gain ono foothold more, In human hearts, not loot before; Till Heaven shall crush the sceptered wrong, That burdened hearts nom• bear along; And despot's thrones shall melt tinny, Like floats before the rising day. Send Anil: thine orders—Lord of Hosts! And whiter, blight the idle boasts ' Of demons, fighting truth end Thee; And make them to the caverns flee— And to the culprit's scaffold red, With blood of dying and the dead. Sink England's navies In the sea, And curse her arms where're they be; And send the prostitute of hell, To roast, where Milton's angels fell. Congratulations, new I tend, From brim full heart, to every friend, Who may have con'd my o pages o'er, Since last you found me at your door, With New Year's song and smiling face, To greet you with poetic grace. A happy Now Year, may you spend; - A happy year, until the end; When peace may girdle earth again, No more disturbed by cut-tliroa mon. THE cAnniEr. Teachers' Institute. The Huntingdon County Teachers' Institute met pursuant to previous no tice in the Court House in this place, on Thursday, Dec. 26th, at 10 o'clock. President, Professor J. B. Kidder, of Shir]eysburg, in the chair. Exercises opened with prayer by Professor L. Whipple. -The president at the commencement of the - exercises addressed the conven tion briefly, as follows : Fellow-teachers and Friends of Educa tion :—lt is customary, on occasions like this, to commence with congratu lations or regrets; with the former when it is possible to find matter of rejoicing. On this occasion, I find a subject of congratulation in beholding a larger assemblage than that which greeted us a year ago, but wo have reason to regret the absence of sonic of the most efficient members, who are now on the cotton islands of South Carolina or the hills of Virginia, serv ing their country in her hour of need. While we aro delighted with the presence of so many, we are sure that if the purposes of these Institutes were bettor understood by teachers, wo should see many fold moro enroling themselves on our catalogue. We, who have met, may, therefore be pre sumed to have a definite object, and what is it? I answer it is improve ment in the theory and practice of in struction by a mutual exchange of methods and opinions. But why should we feel an interest in this subject beyond the rest of the community? I see no reason why we should, but I see many reasons why the parents of our pupils should feel at least, an equal anxiety with ourselves. If our actions wore guided wholly by self-interest, we might combine as ar tisans sometimes do to extort from the rest of the people what we consider our rights. But that was a mistaken policy, and your assembling on this occasion is a proof that you are actua ted by no such contracted and selfish motives. The truth is, we can have no interest as teachers independent of the public advantage, and we best pro mote our own honor and emolument by increasing our efficiency. A clergyman in one of our Eastern States in an assembly of his brethren, began to complain of the honor former ly rendered to his cloth. One of those brethren took him severely and justly to task, saying that he must have lost his self-respect before he could begin to suspect that he had lost that of those around him. So, I contend, we shall be exactly what we make ourselves; by aiming at a high degree of excel lence, we shall gradually train our selves and the mass of the people to some degree of proximity to our aim. There is improvement, and though perfection be distant in the perspective of the future, every step forward is an approach to it, and perseverance alone can attain it. There are obstacles.— One class is found in the want of ap preciation of true merit in the official managers of school affairs.. Some are unreasonable in their demands on the labor and time of the teacher requiring 23 full days of six hours to the month, as if the nervous system could stand the same tension with the wood-chop. per's muscles. Would they ask of the preacher the exercise of his functions for even 30 hours in the week? I be lieve the faithful teacher will find an equal pressure on the most delicate part of his organization in the same period. Some are incapable of gauging the merits of instruction and act as foolishly in their estimation of a teach er's qualifications, as if they paid their physician by the quarts of his potions, or the lawyer by the quires of his written instruments. Another class of obstacles is found in the instability of the teacher's pro fession. We find no fault, nay, we commend the lofty patriotism of those of our associates who have forsaken our peaceful pursuits for the conflicts of arms, but others who have been with us, are now standing behind the merchant's counter, or poring over his ledger, others have made the teacher's rostrum a stepping-stone to what they fancy the h!gher position of the bar, the bedside of the sick, or even the sa cred desk. But we contend that when the pub lic mind is educated up to the true value of things,no pursuitwill be deemed higher than ours. We welcome to our ranks these energetic and aspiring men who, after a temporary exercise of our art are attracted to any other virtuous and honorable engagement; but in the "good time coming," for which wo are laboring here and ever-. where, there will be no attraction of honor or emolument that will make the most aspiring forsake ours, the most useful even now of all professions. On motion, a committee of three were appointed to prepare exercises for the session. Chair appointed-4z : McDivitt, H. Meliibbin and S. B. Tay , lor said committee. On motion the opening address of the president was requested for pub lication together with the minutes of the Association. - The Association then adjourned to meet in the public school room occu pied by Mr. Whipple at two o'clock in the ofterhoon. 'AFTERNOON SESSION society met pursuant to adjourn ment and called to order by the presi dent. Prayer by the County Superin tendent. The committee on business reported the subject, for dismission, the best method of teaching Arithmetic. The subject was'opened by Prof L. Clan bauh of Warriorsmark and continued by Messrs. Whipple, Kennedy, M'Kib bin, Campbell, Benedict, Tussey, Ed wards, Brown, Silknitter, Owen and Kidder. The - business for' tho evening session was announced by the committee, when on motion adjourned to meet in the Courthouse, in the evening at 6 o'clock. EVENING SESSION An address was delivered before the Association by Mr. Edwards, of Frank linville, on 'Physical' Education, ac companied by illustrations and exerci ses with the use of the apparatus ac cording to Dr. Lewis' System of Gym nastics for the use of schools. A lecture was then delivered by Prof. Sinding of the New York Uni versity. Subject— " The Scandinavian Mythology." On motion, the thanks of the Asso ciation and audience tendered to Prof. Sinding and Mr. Edwards for the ex ercises and lecture. The following subject was proposed for discussion : Should the use of the rod be discontinued in our schools ? - - - The subject was opened by Mr. Tus- Bey and continued by Messrs. McDiv itt, Rhodes, Kennedy, Beck, Benedict, Zentmyre, Campbell and Silknitter, after which the Association adjourned to meet in the public school room at 9 o'clock on the following morning. FRIDAY MORNING SESSION Minutes of yesterday_ session read and approved. An Essay was read be fore the Association by Mr. M. R. Beck, of Huntingdon Furnace. Sub ject—" The Present Age." The subject of teaching Orthography was opened by the County Superin tendent and further participated in by Messrs: Brown, Owen, McKibbin and others at some length. The hour for adjournment having arrived, the busi ness committee announced as the sub ject for discussion this afternoon, Tho best method of teaching Geography. Adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. Subject of teaching Geography taken up for discussion, and on motion the time of each speaker limited to 1.0 min utes. Subject opened by Ur. Owen and continued by Messrs. McDivitt, Edwards, Stewart, Whipplo, Proctor and Brown. On motion discussion closed for the present, The subject of Physical Education was introduced and a resolution offered by Mr. Owen to the effect that the ex ercise of the soldier known as the company drill as a gymnastic exorcise, is entirely sufficient to meet the wants of our schools for boys, and could be introduced at the present time with entire safety. Remarks were made on the subject by Messrs. Owen, Stewart and B. B. Brown, after which the reso lution was adopted. The Executive committee presented a list of offices for the coming year, from which the following were selected by the Association. President—B. F. Brown. Vice Presidents—J. A. Deaver and S. Silknitter. Recording Secretary—S. B. Taylor Corresponding Sec'y.—L. Clabaugh Treasurer— McDivitt Executive Committee—Prof. J. B. Kidder, IL MoKibbin, A. Owen, Miss N. Benedict, Miss Jennie M. Brown. Board of Managers—L. Clabaugh, D. F. Tussoy, Luther Whipple, Miss S. 11. Myers, Miss E. M. Africa. Financial Committee—W. IL Ken nedy, J. A. Rhodes, D. L. Wray. Committee announced the subject for discussion in the evening session, The best method of teaching English Grammar. Adjourned to meet in the Court louse in the evening at GI o'clock. EVENING SESSION The subject of. teaching Grammar was opened by the President and con tinued by Messrs. McDivitt, Campbell, Edwards and Brown, and on motion, closed for the present. A few remarks were made to the Association by the County Superin tendent, who, in conclusion, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we commend the high patriotism and self sacrificing de votion which has prompted so many of the teachers of iour county to aban don the rod and ferrule for the sword and musket, to exchange the arduous and responsible duties of the school room for the sterner realities of the tented field and the din of battle, and that while we pledge ourselves to sus tain them by every means in our pow er, our prayer to the God of battles shall be for their safety and success, their speedy return to their families and friends that they may again min gle with U 6 on similar occasions as heretofore. Some neling and appropriate re marks were made by the President in conclusion, -when the Association ad journed subject to a call from the Board of Managers. J. B. KIDDER, Pres't. 11 McDivrrr, Sec y. [Written fur the °lobo.) THE SOLDIER BROTHERS. BY (I. C.. WI"'" The cold, cold militia were 61 10 111 1-1 On that bleat ,- Z's .!ember night, Tho Comp was prilel, lying In tho stru ggling muonbeams light 'Twos Christmas on. the marrow, Gay hearted sleer;°" dreamed Of hours without a 61arrow . morn had beamed light * n rwrre - then 11.9 w i n d, tent, sighing About,aioldier's A young heart with n was dying.— . A brother o'er hii bent. The taper dimly bu nine R evealed the half s ad . .01)ft t As<jf to his broth - turn i ng — This lie MAY spoke; "Brother, I have just been thinking Of Christmas in our home; - Mem'ry, the past and present linking To my view, fund visions come. " Don't you remember, brother, To-night in times of yore, We used to watch our mother Supply the Christmas store. "How she gave to us gladly Each little want of ours— To us now sundered sadly, Like early broken flowers. -" How the firo brightly burning On the old home hearth, Lit faces void of mourning, And eyss of sparkling mirth. " Then before untroubled sleepfng, Childish visions o'er us soared ; We envied Santa Claus' keeping- - More than miser's hoard. " But those early ties are broken ; We who filled ono borne with glee Hare last farewells spoken, As soon you shall with me. " For ere the dawn of morrow Makes the merry Christmas day: . Heedless alike to joy or sorrow, Earth can claim but senseless clay "Closer brother—soon I'm going— Going without a fear Where no rude winds aro blowing—" Ills voice faltered here. Anil still the winds kept sighing Around the soldiers tent, Where, then, a pulse/as form was lying, And a brother o'er him bent. C.tmr , PIERPONT, Dee. 26, 18G1. Our Army Correspondenoe. CAMP GRIFFIN, VA., Dcc. 29, '6l FRIEND LEWIS:—Your humble ser vant having sojourned for the past fow weeks among the tented inhabi tants, on the southern bank of the Po tomac, who have rallied under the am ple folds of the starry banner of the Union, I have concluded to give you an inkling of what it has been my pleasure to observe in the " land of Dixie." After crossing the river for the first time for ten years, I visited the numer ous fortifications which form the chain of defences immediately opposite the city, and found them even more for midable than " my fancy had painted them "--each being constructed upon scientific principles, and mounted with guns of tho most approved patterns, and of various calibre. Outside of the grand ohain, almost every hill top, ll'om the Seminary above Alexandria to Lowinsvillo, which embraces the field of my tour thus far, oanhe found either earth-works or field batteries— artillery enough, if set simultaneously to work, to make ono believe that a grand eruption of the elements had taken place, and that things generally, had _left their moorings. The whole face of the country is literally covered with troops. There is no such a thing as estimating their number by passing among them. They all appear to be cheerful, contented and happy, await ing with great patience the word "for ward" from their honored and saga cious Pennsylvania commander. It is truly amusing to see the inge nuity displayed by the men of the dif ferent regiments in the erection of their quarters, in order to render them selves comfortable during the reign of the frost King. Some excavate the earth about two feet and put in a kind of pile driving, and place their canvas tents on the top of wooden structures; others again build up timbers on the old log house principle, and perch the canvas upon it. Most of the messes are provided with small sheet iron stoves of different patterns. Those who have not supplied themselves with that article, have fire places with flues running from the inside underneath the ground, to a chimney on the out side. Upon the whole, they aro more comfortable than those unaccustomed to camp lifo, would suppose. Most of the field and company officers are baying neat and comfortable log huts erected for their accommodation. On Sunday last, we arrived in the camp of the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Col. W. H. Irwin,. since 'which time I have been agreeably entertained by the Colonel and my esteemed friends, Captains Campbell and Miles, all of whom are gentlemen of the first water, and are accomplished and true soldiers, ever - watchful of the interests and welfare of those who have placed themselves under their command. The regiment is on the extreme advance of the army, and has done almost "double duty" since its advent into 'Virginia, which has rendered it in a very unhealthy condition, there being at- this time about one hundred and ninety on the sick list. This state of affairs, accor ding to the testimony of Prof. Go bresht, the surgeon, has been in a very great degree brought about by physi cal exhaustion. This is, in one sense, a great compliment to the courage and efficiency of the regiment—the chief officers having become aware of the material of which it is composed, as signed it its present prominent posi tion, where responsible and arduous duties arc the natural sequence, and at the same time the to great disadvantage to the officers and men. There are, in fact, at this time, only four of the Captains reported for duty. The location of this camp is close to that of the famous "Buck-tail" regi ment, which lately figured so conspic uously in the battle at Drainesville, and the 49th is its compeer in every ' respect. The Colonel is now in sole charge of the regiment—the Lieut. Col. and Major both being absent—the former on a visit to his family, and the latter, Major Haling, on his bridal tour, having, on Tuesday last, led to the by menial altar, a daughter of Adjutant General Thomas. ,Col. Irwin is con stantly on the alert, seeing that every thing is done that can be, to render his men comfortable, and at the same time requires of every man the fhith thl portbrmance of his duty, which is accorded with alacrity. , In fact, each and every man 'ef the regithent, asffir as we have been able to earn, is devo tedly attached to, him, and will follow wherever he may lead them. This filet was evidenced on the Into recon noissan% they made in the direction of Centreville, when they advanced to within three miles of that place, which caused a general stampede of the reb els, who were out on krand.rpview.— After their return, the General in com mand asked Col. Irwin" what kind of a regitnent he had ?" Ile thought "they would follow him to the sal-' phuric regions of his Satannic majes ty." The only reply the Col. made was, -" and through it,"' which we be lieve to be literally true. If ever se cesh gives battle to the &riot's Union army lying on this side of the Poto mac, foremost in the fight will be found the galhint: 49th, hid by their Coura geous' commander,' and old mother Huntingdon, as well as her sister coun ties, will haver no- •cause: toiblush. for the part her sens.borein the fight. En p - tissant! • A large number of in fluential friends of Col. Irwin are urg ing his promotion to a Brigadier . Gen eralship, and with a strong Show of success. . In the event of his elevittion to that, position, his regiment will be loth to, part with him. - , , On Christmas, I dined with 'the Col. in company with a number of officers, among whom was Capts. Campbell and Miles, and we had a real old Pennsyl vania ChristniaS dinner. The only thing we had in the shape of the ar dent to. take, .was pure native wine, and ;we had a good time generally, notwithstanding we were 'looking the enemy full in the face. -Capts. Camp bell and Miles intended that their men should have a, festive time also, having sent for a supply of poultry and deli cacies, but the express man failed to "come to time," and hence they had to defer their Christnias dinner "until Thursday. They, however; did their share of the good things justice when they became possessed of them, for be it known that turkeys and,chickens rarely fall into the hands of private soldiers in this " neck 'o timber,"-un less forwarded by some of their many kind friends at home, and then they rarely reach camp until they become spoiled by being detained. There was a wagon load of boxes containing nick nax for this regiment alone, lying at Georgetown awaiting transportation on the day before Christmas. I saw many down-cast countenances that evening when the Sutlers wagon ar rived and announced that ho had " brought no Express goods:" But "Bich is life." Man is doomed to,dis appointment, especially when he is playing soldier. On Friday last I witnessed a drill of the Brigade. to which this regiment is attached—Gen. Hancock—and it was a pleasing sight indeed. General Hancock is an. acoomplished officer, and withal an original specimen of ha inanity. Whilst going through with manoeuvre, an orderly attempted to pass through the Brigade, when he shouted to Col. Irwin, " d-11 him, cut his ears off !" In the absence of Lieut. Col. Brisbin, our esteemed friend'Capt. Campbell acted in his stead, mounted upon a spirited charger, The Captain not only understands his duty as tek lino officer, but is 'fhlly 'competent to take charge of a regiment, (so say his su periors,) and his numerous friends need not be sarpriSed to' hoar of his promo tion shortly. There' are ninny things of which we should like to speak in this our first epistle from the "tented field," but find our letter assuming magnificent proportions, hence we will have to de fer many of them for the present. Of one thing, however, we will speak, and that is the widely known ",Lovers Rome." This is mess No. 2of Capt. Campbell's company. Its inmates are " Dory" McFarland, " Doll" Decker, "Shop" Westbrook, "Boss" Cunning ham, John Hight, and a unique speci men of the African race, imported from the Islam' of Timbuctoo, familiarly known here as" Charley." They have, ' to use a saying that no person ever' heard (?) "a high old time generally." They do an immense amount of wri ting—write letters of love, letters of business, and letters of every other description, and occasionally corres pond with the newspapers. They live as happy as bees. Their quarters are warm and comfortable. "Charley" does the cooking, pokes the fire, and chores generally, and ie constantly on double duty. "Dory" is often on the absent list, being the body guard of his Captain, a duty he performs with dignity and urbanity. You shall hear from me at some fu ture day, if the disciples of "Jeff" don't lay violent hands urn your humble servant, S. CAMP PIERPONT, Dec. 29, 1861 DEAR FATHER:—This is Sabbath and has been a very nice day. We were out on review this forenoon. Gover nor Curtin, Simon Cameron, Bayard Taylor, and several other distinguish ed personages were to see us. We never attend to any business on Sun days, and the reason of our turning out on review to-slay was, for the ben efit of our guests. Gov. Curtin is proud of the Penna. Reserves since the victory of Draincsville. He ,had all those who participated in that bat tle to form a hollow square, when lie made us a short speech, and • said he intended to have the word. " Draines ville " on our colors. Oar victory at that place is greater than at first sup posed ; there arc 164 new gravesthere, and according to the enemy's Repiiint they took a great many along, and there must have been several hundred wounded. Every, day their number of dead is becoming greater 'as they are found through the woods. We are going out there again some day soda, and I expect we' will meet with warm reception, but our 'boys are ready to go at any time and feel Confident that we will come off victorious, if we have any show for a fair fight. rani pleased with my boric; he is a,little wild and scary, but on the day of the'battle 'we were close to onr - ,bacteryouid every time the cannon would' crack it, rould almost shake, its in the saddle but' he never frightened ? , He is a little rapid in a charge, but 'that is,a, good, fault for in case of a retieat.l think ho would run faster than any horse in'the Regi meht , 1! ' Col: Higgins., has resigned';:lhe be came dissatisfied with our Colopel and will not remain. 110 intends doing into service in some otherquarter,,per haps in the West.. Our, whole regi-, ment regret' it very much, and would like-him tO stay,•hut. 'he says-he 'will go. I am very sorry for I will feel lost when ho leaves, but still I willg,et along fine. 'We have' good officers in our company and very clever men. , - - JOHN 3fCQATIAN. WAR EVV,% NO BATTLE AT 'PADUCAft INTERESTING FROM FORT RESS MONROE. STAMPEDE OP REBELS FROM NEAR BETHEL. AFFAIRS AT .WASHINGTON CITY ILLNESS OF GEN. McCLELLAN. The Reported Fight at Paducah . tratrde CHICAGO, Jan. I.,The operator at Cairo now says there was no fbundation for the statement that there had boon a fight at Paducah. • • '''From Fortress Monroe.' ForrinEss MONROY, ;Dec. 31, ritL Bal-, timore._—A negro who came in to,Camp Hamilton this afterri,on reports that,,a, largo camp of the enemy, at a plactitienr Bethel, was broken ,up, and a genekul stampede took place to .Yorktown on Saturday night. They had seven heavy howitzers; but they wore all removed. The cause of the alarm was a rumor that,. an adv,ance.wmld be: made by General 'Wool on Sunday; A flag of truce was suit by General Magruder to Hampton Hridge,this af ternoon, :with n'timall .package of let ters for the North,' 11 '• Seven rebel officers comPoscd.'tlie party, and ,'they r mained ' time at ffampten, and appeared to ,be making observations and endeavoring to, obtain inforination of our, contem plated movements. Their 'appearanee at this tithe and with such a sinal,liluin ber of letters, leads - to the'suppositio l u that they were:, desirous'of. ascertain ing the truth of 'the current iuruor 9f an advance on our side. f! • 1 • From Washington. ' ' -.!. WASIIINGTON;;Tan. I,—To-day ht'tho finost wo_ have been vanohs'afed during tho prosont season, in this lati tude. The reception at the White House is going on with animation..••'From:ll to 12 o clock, - the Judges of the Supreme Court, with the Foreign Ministers, in full court drcss,:and the Senatoraqmd Representatives. ealled en the Presi dent, The Menthers of the Cabinet and Generals in 'the army, with the naval officers also paid 'their respects to the Chief Magistrate. Gen. McClellan, who is quite ill, was not able to be out this morning. THE WAR IN KENTUCKY. VAGUE REPORTS OF A BATTLE. LoursymE, Deo. 3.1.--Exoitingru inors of a general ongagetaeat iq &althorn' -Kentucky have boon, carrot all day, bat they are generally discred ited noBv, no notice of any hattie hay ills. been received at headvarters. OvicaNNA.T.l, Deo. 31. special des patch to the Comnifrefal, from says - there 'axe rumors of fiAtinm 9 in Kentucky, r Gen. Buell ordered tli'e 'reiffm'ent of Fusileers, and a regiment of .light ar tUlery, to Green- river, before ,be iyont, forward. , Gen. Buckner's cavalry were ) . rester day within a short distance of our pick ets, audit is supposed he intendedat tacking Gen. 3ilc.Coolt in force, desiroy the Green ri'vOr,litqd.g.' e, Una then retire. All the United States regulars were thrown across the bridge, earlyyester day morning. gr;Tiouts, "Dec. 31..—N0, news has been , receiyed here - of any fight at Pa ducah. THE WAR IN ;MISSOURI. OTTERVILLE, Dec..X3l.—Ono or our men, captured hy,thojeliels near Clinton, and carried to Stiringfield, has• just returned, having left, that plaCe on Christmas. Ile says Gen. Pike, with 8,000 men, .had l taken all the houses in Springfield for the use of his• troops, turning women and children into the streets. ile:had unloaded : his Wagoni; and was Making preparations for a tong stay. •.• • - The people of Arkansas had refused to allow Price to enter that State with any other troops than those regularly enlisted in the Confederate service. His foree'included only 1,500 men so enrolled. The . , country, about Springy • field was full of men returning front! Price's army, who. said if, they .were pprnaitted . to : return- home and take the oath of.aliegiance, Price would he left . with , only ;his.. regular 'Confederate troops. Since Gen. Pope's rapid operations• of week,i there is quiet in, all the region between the Missouri and Osage .nvers. Not a rumor of rebel e;lrnps or squads has been heard. • - RELEASE OF MASON AND S UDELL- Thelr Depariure ,from Port Warren. BosyoN,San.l.--,The steam tuOtar light left Fort Warren at eleyen o'clopk this - morning with Mason, Slidell and their secretaries for ! Provinectown where they will be transferred to the Rinaldo now lying there. LATER'.'FOREIGY : NEWS. Arrival of. the Steamer Etna Reception of .the President's ,Message Opinions of the: English TreSii; A WARLIKb' Ca'kSTRaCiION. Preparations For War Continued. 'France; 'Russia, Prussia.'and Austria, Proposed as' Mediato'rs rsv YORK, Dee. 21:--=The steamer Etna aii•ived afB 'o'clook thig. morning with 'dates' bk'telegiliplif:from Loud6ll 'to the 19t1i. • • • - The message of President Line'?lit -elaimed-grent-attentioptnotwithstand ing that til'e"lpsfilie , , I engrossed. with the death 'of PsaverL •Albert: • "- = ' 'The' silence of the Piesident's mes, sage on the Trent affair, tvas7ctie - Sub: -- ject of much conjecture anThcommeni. It was generally regarded as a loop hole for escape, and .gave Tise t9,sonp hopef:L of peace, although the general 6onsl.ructibn was warlike. , ~ „ , - Th6-London , Tintessays that nothing. Can' be more ungracithis than the treatment of the foreignpow ers 'for their forbearance. A gratuous and courteous acknowledgthent was due. • . . • , The Times also devotes an article to the report of t ho Secretary of the Navy, which it treats with ridicule, and. do nounces as 'an unparalleled crime _tho project of blocking up ports by sunken vessels.. `' • . . The Post treats the message 'as -un deniably warlike, and, although re marking on the silence' relative - to the Trent kith., says it was scarcely with in the ordinary scope of a messar. It also tharges'the Pi‘eaitien -with in gratitude in dealing with themaritithe powers. The' same article•says, that the despatch to, Lord Lyons Was" 'sim ple and final. It is an ultimatum"' in itself.- ' The Daily,News considers the silenCo• on the Trent affair an indication ofPru deuce and caution and favorable to peace, It is pleased ,to believe that the President desired to hold hiniself free to speak. at •an 'appropriate time., 'lt nevertheless coMplains of.the Presi-• dent's reticence and of the little' credit he gives to ,fOreign governinehtS. - The Star justifies the'silence relative to the Trent afnir, and praises-the clearness, force and ability of the mes sage. ' ' • The' Heald takes quite a- 'contrary view, 'and feat that,peaeo is almost hopeless. The vote of thanks by-Congress it regards as an insult to Pingland.,_ - ' rho warlike preparations are con tinued. 'The Persia took . ont mearly ,twelve hundred troops. ThO'i.4renadier2and Scott Pusileer!Gnards•vonld! erallark immediately. : —'r! . All 'tlie disPesable.vess.eleinttlie Med iterranpau wore-reasschibling at Gib, oraltei to bo koaily! , fiii;,• partaro, Adoiiral Dacrea has been ap pointed second in contina n nd ral Milne, : ,• .. '• !The NNl . kls 13sXs„4 Libyds Word actives ;and • Parliament meets aboyt the, 'tylchlty of January. ' The death of. Prtnee 'Albert had caused a mos t pxofund sensation. Thei!es is•great sympathy for the Queen,_ . who, Gam the bereavement with muchfc4.-. titudo. -The warmest onlogiums ;aro. passed upon the PrinCe. "Strong tokeiA 'of sympathy are' tendered from the French and other Continental Court's, many of which went immetlitttelY into mourning. The Asia's news were generally 're garded at Paris as unfavorable for peace. The leading journals continue to advocate French neutrality. • , TUE LATEST. LoNner4; Deo. 19,--A mak .‘xaS, o.ur, rent at Paris yesterday, that the French government lad sent' s. !Into to .Russia, Prussia and Austria, suggesting a coin% mon Modistion of the great - powers betwoon ; England and America., :The correspondent observed that a touder of sulk a mediation would ho a menace, and be rejected 'cu that very ground ; ) . 'Caterday_ .addlttonal, shipATlghtB w'ore taken on at the Portamouth Dock }'arils to get ready - with " the, Utmost