The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 31, 1861, Image 1

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    ,stnti-elteitig 61olle.
WM. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
A. TYIIIIIIST, Associate Editor.
TER )1.113.—" Tnc Wane" Is rubtialted twice a week at
$1.50 a year-75 cent, for elx montbs-50 cents fur
three wontlae--in advance.
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 31, 1861
Our Flog Forever
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our hooks of several years
standing. We shall, thrre£ore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call immediately.
§§ § §
Ail Og4sas' Court printing, including Mod uistrator'a
.and Execater's Notices, all Auditor's Notices, occasional
'Advertisements, Le., must hereafter he paid for in advance.
Executors and Administrators owing us at present, 'silt
seleme come forward and settle.
The State Legislature.
The Legislature will meet on Tues
day next, the 7th, and we predict an
organization of both Houses satisfac
tory to all but the offlee-hauling poli
ticians and bitter partisans. Already
several of our Democratic exchanges
have generously conic forward with
instructions to members of the lower
House as to the proper manner of or
ganizing that body. Some contend
that Democrats who were elected upon
Union tickets should be treated with
the same respect and confidence as
others who were elected upon. strict
partisan tickets, and that they should
be admitted into the caucus to be
called tbr the purpose of arranging the
party machinery that the organization
,of the House may be of a strictly par
ty character. We think such Men as
John Scott, Judge Shannon, John
Rowe, and others, elected upon Union
tickets, will feel very thankful for the
.disinterested advice of such political
,organs. We do not know what course
John Scott, or any other of the able
Democrats elected upon Union tickets
-will pursue, but we will be much de
ceived in their character if they look
to the success of party as of more im
portance than the success of our arms
against the Rebels. There has been
too much of party spirit in our Legis
lative Halls, and throughout the coun
try, for a number of years, and we re
gret to see that there is an effort on
the part of too many, to keep the
minds of men still inflamed with bitter
party feelings and jealousies.
- The Union Democratic members are
independent of party organizations,
and they have it in their power to cure
many evils with which our Legislatures
have been cursed for years, and we
hope they will exercise their influence
and power to the interests and happi
ness of the whole people, regrxdless of
the clamorings of the partisan who is
„always with his party "right or wrong."
'Mason and Slidell Released.
We give in another column the ac
tion of the Administration in the Ma
son and Slidell difficulty. They have
ibeen given up on the demand of Eng
land., rather than go to war with her
at this time. Taking into view the
fact that we are now at war with our
.own people, and not having a sufficient
force to contend successfully with Eng
land's mammoth war vessels, we think
the Administration has acted wisely
in yielding to the.demand of' England.
'e must defeat rebellion first, then, if
England will have a war with us, we
must meet her, and with right on our
side, we will again conquer. If, at
this time, she resorts to any other pre
text to strengthen the Rebels, the
.American feeling will rise in its might
And,offer up life freely rather than be
dishonored:in the eyes of the world.
ma.. - Oar.earrier will wait on our pa
trons to-morrow morning with his an
nual New Year's Address. It is a fine
t raace of composition, and we hope he
will be met in a way that will make
his heart glad. He leaves his semi
weekly budget of news regularly at
your doors, and for that reason he
~ought to meet with a cordial recep
tion, :hy mends and patrons.
Pfir V s e attended a dinner party on
; Christmas day, given to some ping
yolks by mine host and hostess, ,9f
Exchange. We will not go into do
but equtept ourself by saying that
. hoav•to got up a .good .dinner.
May.ehe .a.nd.tlo - 341.*r li.y.c to see auany
more Christmas days, and alwaysbavo
their larder filled with good things
each as we partook of on hist, Christ
NEW YEAR.--This is the last day of
the year 1861. What wonderful events
have taken place since it was ushered
into existence. We fail to take them
all in at one scope of the mind's-eye,
and therefore, close our eyes from the
scene to dwell on more pleasantimem
ories, and concoct a method whereby
we can crush this hydra-headed rebel
lion, and once more enjoy peace, hap
piness, prosperity, and good fellowship
with all mankind. Dark and gloomy
as the times are, we wish our patrons,
one and all, a happy and prosperous
New Year.
I*r Our pavements and streets have
been in a bad condition for smooth
soled boots and shoes for a week past.
Several persons have been tripped up
and were slightly injured by coming in
contact with the hard pavement or
street. Maj. T. P. Cathpbell, on leav
ing his house, on Thursday morning
last, fell very heavily upon the side
walk, and broke his left arm above the
elbow and dislocated his shoulder.
Ser We learn that Cols. Murray,
Lewis and Curtis' regiments are still
at Camp Curtin, waiting for arms.—
The companies known as the ".Irish
Brigade" have gone into Col. Lewis'
regiment. Capt. Geo. W. Patterson's
company has gone to Kentucky to be
attached to Colonel Williams' cavalry
gir Being absent we did not hear S.
Sewell Stewart's lecture on Saturday
evening, but those who did hear it,
tell us that it was a splendid effort and
well worthy the head and heart of so
noble a gentleman. Mr. Stewart is one
of our best writers and speakers, and
there is no one we like to hear better,
when he is in his happiest strain.
Air- Prof. Sindingdelivercd a lecture
before the Teachers' Institute in the
Court House on Thursday evening
last. It was very learned and inter
esting. The Institute and other hear
ers gave him a unanimous vote of
thanks for the rich treat.
Co's splendid Variety Envelopes are
for sale at Lewis' Book Store. They
make a very handsome present for all
ages. The jewelry is of a better qual
ity than can be secured in any other
envelope or in any other way for the
same money. The buyer of an envel
ope can get any article of jewelry ho
or she may select from specimens.
Call and see for yourself.
BOOKS, &c., von IIoLIDAYs.—The
place to get ]loliday Presents for old
and young is, at Lewis' Book Store.—
Ile is receiving a handsome stock for
Christmas and Now Year's.
WALL PAPEIL-A handsome stock
of next year's styles has been received
at Lewis' Book Store, direct from the
manufactory in New York.
Henry Clay and the Southern Confed-
There are some sentences in the run
ning debate in the United States Sen
ate in 1850, following Henry Clay's
speech on the admission of California,
which, strange as they scorned then to
an unsuspecting North, sound startling
ly familiar now. Some one had re
minded Mr. Clay that his position was
a'very strange one for a Senator from
a slaveholding State. Ire said:
"I have heard something said on
this and a former occasion, about alle
giance to the South. I know no South,
no North, nor East, nor West, to which
I owe any allegiance. My allegiance
is to this Union and to my State, but if
gentlemen suppose they can exact from
me an acknowledgement of allegiance to
any ideal or future contemplated Confed
eracy of the South, I here declare that I
owe no allegiance to itmor will I, for one,
come under any such allegiance. I
know what my duties, are, and gentle
men may cease to remind me of the
fact that I conic from a slaveholding
At the close of Mr. Clay's remark.
Senator Foot replied:
" I was quite startled by ono remark
that fell from the lips of the honorable
Senator from Kentucky. Re insinu
ates that he fears that some persons in
the South aro aiming to establish a
Southern Confederacy. What did the
honorable Senator mean by disclaiming
so emphatically all allegiance to a South
ern Confederacy, now or hereafter ?"
Mr. Clay—" The honorable Senator
knows perfectly well that the language,
as used here, again and again, is 'treach
ery to the South,' abandoning the
South," failing to uphold the interests
of the South.' Now, what I meant to
say was, that I knew of no South in
the shape of a Confederated Govern
ment; no South to which I owed alle
A Mother's Farewell to her Son on
Going to War.
His last words were "do not grieve for me,
mother ; lookon our distracted land and weep
for her."
Farewell, George, but not forever!
Though you shall be in battle slain,
And thy fate my heart-strings sever
We'll trust in God and meet again.
Parting with my son, my only
Offspring of my youth, my joy,
Would I not be lonely, lonely I
Ne'er to meet my darling boy?
Duty calls you, yes, I grant it,
Go, be brave and never swerves
Let your valor prove undaunted
WWI ysktriot zeal,youx.cowatu serve
Christian like, be your behavior,
Do not on yens& &sly,
).ek the guidance of a Savior,
Then you will not fear to die.
Go my son, may heaven protect you
From the bloody ipolf
A mother'spraym will not neglect you,
Pouring forth in @very breatti.
Alexandria, Pa. J. L. A.
The Government Stables Destroyed.
Two Hundred Horses Burnt
Our Pickets near Draineaville Driven in
A fire broke out about ten o'clock
last night in the Government stables
near the Observatory. They contain
ed over six hundred horses, between
one hundred and fifty and two hundred
of which perished. Of a train of one
hundred and two horses, belonging to
a Massachusetts regiment, only eleven
were, it is said, saved. Some of the
animals were so shockingly burnt that
it was judged humane to shoot them
in order to relieve them from their
It is supposed that the conflagration
resulted from carelessness. Sorapidly
were the flames communicated to the
various racks, which were filled with
hay, that the horses in the stalls were
nearly all at the same time suffocated.
The scene was most sickening and of
fensive. The remainder of the horses,
not immediately near the fire, were
either set loose or broke their fasten
ings, and wildly ran in different direc
tions. They were pursued by squads
of cavalry with a view to their cap
ture. A large quantity of harness, and
a house occupied as a residence by the
teamsters, were also destroyed.
This large loss affords an additional
argument forth° employment of steam
fire engines, which has long been con
Information was rece:ved to-day from
Gen. McCall's Division, to the effect
that early this morning our pickets
extending towards Drainsville were
driven in, At the latter place the reb
el forces, it is believed, have been largely
reinforced since the late engagement.
I _Hence increased watchfulness on the
part of our troops has become neces
WAsnEvoToN, Dee. 27.—The reports
sent North concerning the lire at the
Government stables, last night, were
grossly exaggerated. Not one hun
dred horses were burned, and the loss
will not reach one hundred thousand
Gen. McClellan has so far recovered
from his illness as to be able to resume
his duties in doors to-day-.
Lieutenant Gen. Scott is expected
to arrive in Washington to-night.
There is much curiosity to learn the
object of his errand to this country at
Affairs is Gan. NoCall's Division
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.—The signal
lights of the enemy have been seen for
several nights past by Gen. McCall's
division at no considerable distance
from Camp Pierpont. Another sus
picious character has been brought
blindfolded by our pickets into Camp
Pierpont on suspicion of being a spy.
Company B, Captain Cooper, of Col.
Campbell's artillery regiment, has left
Camp Pierpont with his splendid bat
tery to assist Gen. Banks in crossing
the Potomac.
Large forces of the rebels have been
seen within a short distance from the
outside pickets from McCall's division.
The glorious victiwy .i.calsievokl-- at,
Dranesville has inspired the Pennsyl
vania Reserves with additional confi
dence, and the defeat of the rebels has
probably- whetted them for fresh scenes
of brutality and vengeance.
The Reserves are ready for a holi
day frolic, and would like to see the
enemy dance to their music.
The Confederates, aggrieved at their
defeat at Dranesville, are anxious to
draw our forces into another engage
ment, in the hope of better success.—
They have been largely reinforced,
and are using means to draw out the
Federal troops. There is no disposi
tion on the part of General McCall to
avoid an encounter, and any advance
on the part of the rebels will certainly
result in another engagement.
The recent engagement at Dranes
ville is acknowledged, as the facts have
now been received from both sides, to
have been one of the best-contested en
counters we have yet had with the en
emy. Gen. Stuart and some of his of
ficers showed a heroic spirit, and Col.
Kane says that he could distinctly
hear the officers urging the rebel army
on to battle. One officer, he says, im
plored the men to rush forward; but,
after using every argument in his pow
er, they filled to obey, when the offi
cer, in a last desperate effort to make
his men advance upon our troops,
rushed forward himself, when he was
shot down, and his men were immedi
ately dispersed. Col. Kane says that
a prompt obedience to the commands
and entreaties of that office•, on the
part of his men, would probably have
turned the fortunes of the day against
us. So near were the two armies to
gether, that Col. Kane distinctly beard
the order given by that rebel officer,
to aim at the officer (Col. Kane) lead
ing on the Buektails; and he attributes
his own escape from death on the field
wholly to the bravery of his own men
in striking terror into the ranks of the
enemy and causing them to refuse to
obey the orders of their commander.
It will cause no surprise to hear of
another engagement at any moment
in the vicinity- of Dranesville. Our
pickets ill that direction were driven
in yesterday, and the rebels have been
largely strengthened. Gen. McCall is
prepared for any emergency; and if
the Confederates desire to meet the
Pennsylvania Reserves in a fair field,
a very trifling advance on their part
will ho received by General McCall. as
an intimation to move forward to an
engagement. •
General Beintzelman'a Command.—An
Engagement Probable.
General Heintzelman is in command
of the left wing of the army, and the
rebels just beyond his lines attempt to
hold their ground with considerable
tenacity. Within ten days be has
made three several attempts to bring
them into an engagement, but in each
ease they turned their backs upon the
Federal troops after the first fire.—
The General is determined to make a
movement that will either bring them
to an engagement, or drive them per
manently back from their present
scouting grounds. Jn Ids command
there aro, as in the right wing of the
army, a very large proportion of Penn
sylyipict troops, ittid Om- are eager for
.opportunity " to let slip the dogs of
War'upon theiyfoes. Generals Heint
zelman, Sumner and :Richardson art)
in comma d of the left wing of ll,ke ar
my of Ile Potomac, and, composed as
it is of many of the finest regiments in
the army, they will not fitil to do hon
or to themselves whenever opportuni
ty occurs.
Retreat of Price to Arkansas
Release,of Hon. A. B. Ely, M. C.
OTTERVILLE, Dec. 26.—Inforni:►tion
supposed to be reliable, has been re
ceived here of the retreat of General
Price southward.
The day before the retreat General
Pope sent a force out to Johnston co.,
and drove in General Rains' pickets.—
Price theh withdrew Gen. 'Rains' di
vision across the river, and the next
day marched eight miles southward
with his whole force. At the last ac
counts one division was at Neosho, and
the main army under Price, had just
left Humanville on its way to Arkansas.
Gen. Price says his retrogade move
ment was In obedience to orders from
the President of the ConfedZwate States,
but his men generally believe that it
Was in consequence of General Pope's
advance, and Price's fear that a force
would be thrown forward to cut off his
supplies southward, and another force
advance in front, in which event his
supplies would have been exhausted
in a few days. He ivould thus have
been compelled to abandon his strong
position at Osceola. Whatever the
motive, it Is certain that the move was
an unfortunate one for Price, for many
of his men, who for months have been
expecting to march up and drive the
Federals from the State, will be dis
gusted and refuse to follow him out of
Gen. lialleek's policy of showing no
mercy to lawless bands of marauders
and bridge burners, and of dealing
with the utmost leniency with those
who lay down their arms and return
to their homes, Will now do much to
restore peace to the State.
From Fortress Monroe
Hon. A. B. Ely, came down from Nor
folk, late this afternoon, by a flag of
truce, having been released in exchange
for Mr. Faulkner. After a brief visit
to headquarters ho took passage for
Southern News from Rebel Sources.
eIIICAGO, Dee. 23.—The Memphis Ap
peal of the ]9th says that property to
the amount of 2,500,000 dollars has
been already confiscated by the Re
ceiver, and this is only about one-half
of the amount of Northern property
in our miflst. Some reports have al
ready been made of Real Estate, and
many others are to report.
The cost of taking the floating bat
tery up the Mississippi, to Memphis,
was 612,0,000.
Official Despatches from the Coast of
' WASHINGTON, Dec. 20,—Despatches
from Commander Ridgeley, cruising
off the coast of Texas, have been re
ceived, from which it appears that ear
ly-in Decbmber—ho-eaptured the Eng
lish hichooner Victoria, of 72 tons, from
Point Isabel, with a clearance from the
rebel authorities, having run the block
ade. The vessel was sent to 'Key Vest,
Seven of those on board took the oath
of allegiance, mid six were detained
as enemies of the United States.
The, schooner Eugenia Smith was
also overhauled, but permitted to de
part, no contraba nd articles being
found on board. The persons of two
rebel agents were, however, secured,
namely, Thomas S. Rogers, of Texas,
and Mr. Zachary, of 'New Orleans
The papers found on them clearly im
plicated them as rebel agents, seeking
to make their way to Mexico and from
thence to other ports.
Twelve Thousand Troops to bo sent to
Continued Agitation of the Ma-
son-Slidell Affair
Opinions of the English Press.
HALIFAX, Dec. 26.—The steamer Ni
agara has arrived with Liverpool dates
to the 15th inst.
GREAT BRITAIN.-U IS estimated that
about 12,000 troops will be sent to
Canada. Two battalions of the guards
were expected to sail on the 18th inst.
in the Atlantic and Parana. No cav
alry or horse artillery will be dispatch
ed for Canada till spring.
The Paris correspondence of the
London Globe, says that Mr. Loam].
ers despatch to Mr. Meslier is known
to have confined the Federal Execu
tive to the simple dilemma, "are the
Southerners belligerents or rebels?"—
They have bpen flatly refused any
rights in the first capacity, and in the
second, the right of asylum acquired
by political refugees bus been set at
naught, and France must make the
the ease of the Treat substantially her
The London Times publishes a letter
from Thurlow Weed defending the
American Government and Mr. Sew
ard in particular, from the alleged hos
tile intentions towards England.
The Times say that England asks
nothing but that she shall abstain from
actual outrage, or that if it is commit
ted that she shall make reasonable rep
aration, if not the alternative wild not
come in the desired form of protracted
The London Herald takes strong
ground against the argument of the
London News in favor of arbitration.
It says that negotiation cannot be lis
tened to while Mason and Slidell are
•detained prisoners.
The Sheffield foreign affairs commit
tee had petitioned the Government to
visit its high displeasure on Captain
Moir and Commander Williams for
having, in the Trent affair,
the Queen's proclamation and thereby
show to America that England's neu
trality is strict and impartial.
FRANCE—The Paris Press says that
General Scott's mission appears to have
been arranged so as to allow him time
!to fulfil it fore the ultimatum of Eng
land is remitted, and perhaps modify
the nature of this step on the part of
The Pays, on the contrary, asserts
that the English ultimatum to ke.Of/111
absolute character.
A Strong Union Feeling in the Ter-
Government Forts Retaken by the
Union Forces
The Southern Indians Friendly to the
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.--Judge Amy
has just arrived hero from Now Mexico,
bringing despatches from the Federal
army officers in New Mexico to the
Government. lie reports is strong
Union feeling in the Territory.
Col. Couty, in command of the Mili
tary Department in New Mexico, has
retaken Forts Craig and Stanton, on
the Messila border, driving the Texans
away, and he was at the latest dates
en route for Fort Filmore to dispos
sess the enemy of that post, which was
traitorously surrendered by Colonel
Lynda to a superior force of Texans.—
Thence he intended marching into Ari-
Sonia to drive off the rebels, and he
having a sufficient force there can be
no doubt of his success.
The Legislature met on the 2d.—
Gov. Connelly, in his message, recom
mends active measures with reference
to the Indians who had been tampered
with by Albert Pike, suggesting that
they be located on the reservations and
encouraged in agricultural pursuits.—
The Indians for the greater part are
peaceable and friendly to the Govern
J edge Amy, on his way hither, pass
ed on the Big Bend of the Arkansas
camps of the confederated tribes of the
Plains, consisting of about 6,000 Ara
pahoes, Kiowas, Camanches, Uhrien
nes and Prairie Apaches. They de
sired him to say when he reached Wash
ington, that they would fight for the
great father and the defence of the
Gov. Connelly has recommended to
the Legislative Assembly the repeal of
the slave code, enacted two years ago,
and front the tone of public feeling, an
act for that purpose will be passed.
Kit Carson is now a Colonel in com
mand of a regiment of mounted Ran
gers south of the Rio Grande, making
his headquarters at Albuquerque.
Judge Amy has succeeded him as
Indian Agent, and is so operating with
him, using the Indians as an escort.
As the Union threes advance South, the
rebels retreat.
The Campaign in Missouri
Sr. Louts, Dec. 27.--The following
is a resume of the recent military ope
rations in Missouri, obtained from a
reliable source :
Within the last two weeks the Fed
eral army has captured 2,500 rebels,
including about TO commissioned offi
cers; 1,200 horses and mules, 1,100
stand of arms, two tons of powder, 100
wagons, an immense amount of com
missary stores, camp equipage; the
largo Ibundry at Lexington, used by
the rebels for casting cannon, shot and
shells, burned; most of the rebel craft
on the Missouri river, including the
ferry boats, have been either destroyed
or captured, and a clean sweep has
been made of the whole country be
tween the if and Osage rivers,
and Gen. Price cti t off front all :sitipplies
and recruits from North Missouri, and
is in full retreat fbr Arkansas with his
whole army, having passed through
Springfield on Monday last. Our loss
in accomplishing these important re
sults bas not exceeded 100 in killed
and wounded. These are the fruits of .
the brilliant strategical combinations
of Gen. Ralleck, which have been so
ably executed by Generals Pope, Pren
tiss, and McLean, Colonels Jett C. Da
vis (of Fort Sumpter fame) Frederick
Steele, of the 11th Regular Infantry,
and the bravo officers and soldiers of
our army, regulars and volunteers.
Price's emissaries, sent out to stir up
rebellion in North Missouri, and simul
taneously burn all the railroad bridges,
stations, and rolling stock, on the 2Uth
of this month, lu accordance with the
plan promulgated from the rebel camp,
have been foiled to a great extent in
their plans, by the energy of General
Halleek, and the activity of our forces,
which are kept in constant motion,
notwithstanding the severity of the
The damage done to the North Mis
souri and Hannibal and St. Joseph
railroads has been much exaggerated.
The repairs are rapidly being inado,
and both the North Missouri railroad
and the telegraph wires will be In
working order to Wellsville to-night.
Ten bridge burners have already
been shot, and fifty others are in close
confinement,. to be summarily dealt
with under en. lialleclo3 stringent
In a few days it is confidently ex
pected that our moving. columns will
as effectually break up Iridge•burning
north of the .I.issouri ae tho /vhellion
has been crushed south of the river.—
No mercy will be shown to the scoun
drels. Gen. Halleek's emphatic orders
with. reference to all bridge-harriers are
to shoot down evexy roue making the at
Nine Hundred Rebels Dispersed.
One Hundred and fifty rifled and
PALM RA, Dec. 29.—Yesterday, Gen.
Prentiss, with four hundred and fifty
men, encountered and dispersed a body
of rebels, nice hundred strong, under
Dol. Dorsey, at 11,1Clant Zion, Boone
county, killing and wounding one hun
dred and fifty of them, and capturing
thirty-five prisoners, nine-five horses,
and one hundred and five guns. Our
loss was ,only three killed and eleven
Tho rebels hurried another train on
the North Missouri Railroad, on Sat
urday, and say that they intend to de
stroy all the ears on the road, to pre
vent it front being used during the
preSent winter.
The Feeling at Washington.
WASHINGTON, _Pee, 28 = The settle
ment of the Trent affair affords much
gratiCiestlen 4mong all conservatives.
Pt•onAnent TJnion-loving nten,•:\vbatev
or have been their previons'opi4;
ions op the subject., regard the adjust
ment' as removing a serious impedi
ment in the prosecution of hostilities
against the insurgents, and as depri
ving the enemy of the strength which
they would have derived from a war
between the United States and Great
Britain, and possibly with France.—
There is a generally-expressed acqui
escence in the course of the Govern
ment, while the despatches of Secreta
ry Seward are viewed in the tight of
the highest statesman-like ability.
The Disappointed—The' Feeling in Phil
If we inquire which of our citizens
are most noisily indignant at the pa
cific solution of the English difficulty,
it will go far towards reconciling us to
the sacrifice of pride that we all make
in assenting to the surrender of Mason
and Slidell. Here in Philadelphia itis
observed that the men most savage
against the administration for the sur
render, are those that used to be open
and avowed Secessionists, and who
still show as much sympathy as they
dare for the cause of the rebels. These
very men, who have done what they
could to destroy the Government, are
now clamorous about what they call
the lost honor of the Government!
The truth is, they were hoping for a
war with England, because it would
help the South, and they are furious
at the prospect of a permanent peace.
If such has been the effect of the
settlement of the Trent trouble among
the traitors at the North, one can im
agine the effect among the rebels at
the South. We can afford to ^ivo up
Mason and Slidell cheerfully, in view
of the grief and disappointment the act
will cause in the rebel States.—Bulletin.
Seward's Letter on the Subject.
Mason and Slidell to be Given Up.
WASIIINGTON, Dec. 28.---The Eittion
al Intelligencer, of this morning, has
the official announcement of the ad
justment of the Trent difficulty, and
the correspondence between Lord
Lyons and the Secretary of State, is
published in full.
[stcoND DEsirATcu.]
WASHINGTON, Dee. 28.—The decision
of the President in the Trent affair, as
announced and explained in the de
spatch of Secretary Seward, has the
approval of every member of the Cab
inet. The 2Vational badllyencer, in an
article apparently semi-official says:
" Whatever may be the disappoint
ment of any, at the resultto which the
Administration has come in the settle
mentof a question, which constitution
ally devolves upon theExecu tire branch
of the Government, we arc sure that
all will applaud the firmness and sin
cerity with which the Administration,
resisting a national tendency impress
ed by the concerted drift of public opin
ion in our own country, has resolved
to do what it believed to be right in
the premises, and it surely should give
a pause to all who may be disposed to
challenge the propriety of the resolu
tion Ito which the administration has
come when they note that a contrary
decision would leave us in opposition,
not only to the view of Great Britain,
but also to those which the Govern=
merit of France announces, respecting
the principles of public law involved
in the transaction." ,
The Intelligencer says, in conclusion:
" Whatever, therefore, may be said by
any in the way of exception to the ex
treme terms of the demand made by
the British Government in the ease of
the Treat, it is at least just to admit
that the case has been so adjusted by I
our Government as to subserve, we I
would hope, the great cause of neutral
rights against assumptions heretofore
asserted by England, but now repudi
ated by that power in common with
France and the United States. The
law of nations, as traditionally inter
preted by our Government, has receiv
ed a new sanction, though at the cost,
it may be, of some national sensibility,
waked into disproportionate activity
by the temporary exacerbations of
civil feuds. Tho latter, let us remem
ber, are but for a day—the law of na
tions is for all time."
The Intelligence,- contains five col
umns of the correspondence. The de
spatch from Earl Russell, her Britanie
Majcsty's Secretary of State for For
eign Atfaks, after reciting the circum
stances under which he understood the
capture of these parties to have been
made, proceeds to characterize it as an
outrage on the British flag, and after
ex,pressing the hope and belief that it
had not been authorized by our Gov
ernnxent, Asks a reparation appropri
ate to such an aggression, that the
four gentlemen designated should be
released, that an apology should be
given for what the British Govern
ment deems an affront to her flag.
In responding to this demand, 31r.
Seward, after reviewing the circum
stances under which the arrest was ef
fected, according to the report of our
naval officers and thus developing the
inaccuracies and omissions of theßrit
ish statements, proceeds to analyze the
facts awl principles of public law in
volved in .t case, and arrives at the
conclusion that the neglect of Captain
Wilkes, partly voluntary as it was on
his part, to bring the Trent in for trial
as a lawful prize, natty be justly held to
operate as I forfeiture of the belliger
ent right of ' oapture accruing under the
laws of nations, and that the Govern
ment of the United:States, as well from
tho consideration of iocongstency with
its own traditional policy respec
ting maritime rightsof neutrals, would
be in its own wrong if it should refuse
a compliance with the British demand,
so far as relates to the disposition that
shall be made of the prisoners taken
into custody by Capt. Wilkes, under
circumstances, believed to be justly
open to exception on both the grounds
thus indicated. So far as regards the
apology asked by the British Govern
ment, none is tendered, because
plc statement of the filets as they are
snfliees ,t 9 ahcl tho, riR offen . ce
have been tntongd on tfie part of our
pch'eillirient, as it had given no in
structions whatever in the premises,
while the proceeding of Capt. Wilkes
in so far as it fails to accrue to the ben
cft of his Government, and to conform
to the rules of public Jaw was dicta
ted by considerations of kindness and
" The deeison of the President in
this affair, as announced and explained
in the lucid despatch of Mr. Seward,"
says the National Intelligeneer, "has
the approval of every member of the
Mr. Seward in conclusion says
I decide this case in furor of my own
Government, I must disavow its most
cherished principles, and reverse and
forever abandon its essential policy
The country cannot afford such a sac
rifice. If 1 maintain those principle&
and adhere to that policy, I must sur
render the ease itself. It will be seen,
therefore, that this Government could
not deny the justice of the claim pre
sented to us•in this respect , upon ita
"We are asked to do to the British
nation first, what we- have always in—
sisted that all nations ought to do to
us. The claim of the British Govern
ment is not made in a discourteous.
manner. This Government since its.
first organization has never used more,
guarded language in a similar case.,
In coming to my conclusion I, have not.
forgotten that if the safety of this:
Union required the detention of the
captured personi, it would be the right
and duty of this Government todetaiin
them; but the effectual cheek and
waning proportions of the existing in-.
surrcction, as well as:the comparative ,
unimportance of the captured persons;
themselves, when dispassionately
weighed, happily forbid me from re:.
sortingto that delbnce.
" Nor am I aware that A merican Cit—
izens are not in any case to be unnec
essarily surrendered, for any purpose ; ,
into the keeping of foreign States:.
Only the captured persons, • however;
and others who are interested in them,
could justly raise a question on that
I ground. Nor have I been tempted an
all by the suggestions that cases might
be lbund in history where Great-B*o._
ails refused to yield to other -nations ; ,
and even to ourselves, claims like that
which is now before us. •
"Those eases occured when Great
Britain, as well as the United States,
was the home of generations which,
with all their peculiar interests and
passions have passed away. She could,
in no other way, so effectually disa
vow any such injury as we think she
has done us by assuming now, as her
own, the ground upon which we then
stood. It would tell little for our own
claims to character of a just and mg-,
nanimous people, if we should so fin ,
consent to be guided by the law of re,
taliation as to lift up buried injuries
from their graves to oppose against
what, national consistency and national
conscience compel us to regard as a
claim internationally right.'
'" Putting behind me all suggestions
of this kind, I prefer to express my
satisfhction that by the adjustment of
the present ease upon principles con,
fessedl3- American, and yet, as I trust,
naturally satisfactory to both the na
tions concerned, a question especially
and righ tlysettled between them which
heretolbre, exhausting not only all the
fbrms of peaceful dismission, but the
arbitrament of war itself for more
than half a century, alienated the two
countries from each other,• and peri
picked with fears and apprehension alt
other• nations. •
" The four persons in question are
now held itimilitary' custody at Fort
Warren, in the State of Massachusetts.
'They will be • cheerfully liberated,
Your Lordship will , 'Please judicitto'
time and place for receiving• them. -
" I avail myself of this occasion to
offer to your Lordship a renewed. as,
surance of my very high considera4
(Signed) - "Wm. IL &mum)."
hero follows a letter from Mr. Thotti
vencl, the French Minister of State;
and the •reply of Mr. SewarcE The
French Minister's letter sets'forth the
filets of the arrest, and points out the
dangers, and urges a compliance with
demands of the •British Government;
and Mr. Seward replies that before M;
Th ou efs despaeh had heen received;
our Government had decided on its
course of action, and concludes by an
expression that the' President appreci,
ates the kindly motives of the 'French
WASUINGTON, Dec. 27,1861„
The Hon. Wet. R. Seward, dv,,Ze.
Sm—l have this morning. received
the note which you did me the- honor
to address to me yesterday, in ausw • p
to Earl Russell's despatch of the 30th
of November last, relative to the re
moval of Mr. Mason, Mr. Slidell, Mr.
Macfarland and Mr. Eustis from the
British mail packet Trent. „
1 will, without any loss of time, for
ward to Her Majesty's Government
copy of the important communication
which you have made to me. • • . . •
I will also, withoutdelay, do myself
the honor to confer with persenally .
on the arrangements to bo made fot
delivering the four gentlemen to me,
in order that they may be again placed
under the protection 'of the' 'Braid}
I have the honor to be, with the
est considet•jltign, ,sir, your most oho :
client humble servant.
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