NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven' and Three-Tenths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR . DELIVERY AT TUE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., BASIXERS, No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA Enron:lnt to Inotroctions from the Secretory of the Treasury, the Subscription Book to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Trroeury holes, bearing interest at the rote of ileum and three-tenthe per cent. per annual, a 11l remain open at toy Oka, NO. 114 S. TItIRD STRIMT. until further notice, from 8 A. SI. till .5 P. M., and on Mondays till 1, I'. M. Thee.) notes wilt be of the demotatnation of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE 11UNDRED DOLLARS, PIPE` TIEN DRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE TIROUSAND DoLLARS, and arc all dated 19th of August, 156 payable ha gull, In (firm years, or converti ble into A twenty- yen& elx pee Cont. 10.111, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons attuehed, rhich can be cut cdT ifq,l collected in gold at the 'int every eta months. snit at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollore. Payments of subocrlptions may ho made in (told or Check,. or Notes of any of the &oaks. Palmas At A !Awn:cement) remit by their h. iends. through the mail. or hy sprees , pr through Bunko, and tits TreO's- Ury !OD be Intatcdtstely delivered, or sent to each subscriber as they umy seve!nlly direct. Parties remitting tuna add the interest from 18th of August, the date of nll the notes, to the day the remit. Fanco reaches Philudelyllia, at tho tato of ono cent ?or flay on each fitly dollars. Apply to or address JAY COOKS. Sumentrrum Ancor, Caro of Jay Cooke A Co., Bankers, No. 114 South Third Street, Phlindelphrt. Oct. i,1661. A BATTLE FOUGHT!!! AND A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON ADJUTANT (PfN. LIMB After a severe engagement which lasted for nearly four days, I have at last routed the enemy and captured a large number of (tone, Revolvers, Bowie Knives, and a groat quantity of camp equipage, and other valuable artichs which I immediately shipped by railroad from the field of action, and now announce =MG! On opening and examining the Nalunbles captured, they svere found to comprise much an endless variety or Hard. mare and Cutlery of every kind, that Z can supply the pep!. of all agog and chance; even from a toy for au in. tent, to a supporting cane for the feeble old man. Days or girls. fords or Ladies, Soldiers or Citizens, lionackeep era or Boarder.. Farmers of Mechanic., lawyers or Doc tor*, anybody and everybody may he furnished milli useful memento this errntful battle by calling at the ling dware Store of Huntingdon. Oct. 1, 1361 TSB WAR GOBS ON ! EM D. P. MIN TIAS SITST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK :YEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER CALL AND EXAMINE .TIIEM Ckt. 3, I$Gl BOOTS AND SHOES A NEW ARRIVAL 4:IIEORGF:SILIFFER hut rere/tell n new afock of Boots k Shoex. a filch he will be ple./Aed to tmeo examined by the public generally. III• n.sortment enneipm of Boots ond Timer of nll kinds for Gentlemen mid I.mlim, made In the best rummer. Ile also con linnet to manufacture to order all kinds of Boot. sod Show. And returns thanks f o r the patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes to merit a continuance of the tonne. Ili. sbop is In the Diamond, ono door cast or Strome Etore, nbuto the public will please call. Huntingdon, Oct. 1,1861—H. CLOT III: YOURSELVES! lIICII PRICES DEFEATED I Nolo 6 the Mlle to by Cheap Clothing MANUAL GUTMAN; 11.-Fixetrolly inform thn public generally that hn has Jun receirod n large nod Well ielet stock or fnablonatdc FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, • to which he sake the attention of all who are in trant 01 A neat and control table Coat. a Vent or n pair nt NOM Hill Block pill bear examination, and ha respectfully requests all to tall and Fee for lbenolol res. should gentlewo derive nor (1/11i1Ciliof kind nr cat of clothing not t,ond in the steel: on hand. by loaring floor ruountire they ran be accontniodated at short notice. A good amertment of 3100 TS AND 51101 , ..9, HATS AND CADS, an., ac, 'ffllllllllo be frouot nn hand. All of which will be Bold an low, if hot lower. then the name quality of goods can be 11/141 in the county. Call at the coriter or the Diamond, LonK's nate bonding M. OUTMAN. linnt Ingdon, Sept. 19, 1561 "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada. 'PTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. pow is central, convenient by Passenger Cara to nll parts of the City. nnd in every particular attap. ttefl to the cdinfat and fronts bulikess public. 41137- Term.. $1.50 pet daY. - 4 - It ' . I Sept.lo, • n' • 1 WASIIhNGTON NOT TAKEN!! PUR FLAG STILL WAVES. NEW GOODS ! ! NEW G OODS! 1 I AtOffee Dent Elation, and Newburg. -SIMS COltN has Just received front the Eaglet nCit. ,lar, a' large asiortinent of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qietennvers. Hardware., tforhinz Bootie's., Nue trls, Hats, Caps, Boole, Shoes, sail all other articles kept in country Storm which he is .offering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee lino Station end Newburg, at unusually low prices. rho ladies especially., Aro invited to call and examine his Fancy °orals. Having arrangements with Inrge firms In Philadelphia pad other rosters cities, he is able to buy his goods cheap er time other country merchants, and ran consequently, suniersell them! In exchange for goods, Ito takes all Irinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attetition to the wants of customers, lie hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal 'AU - onager with which he has been heretofore favored. ' Mr. Cohn It Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee jinn :tenon, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Emitern markets. flaying a large Ware Room, fer nier. can afore with hint 111101 ready to ship. Every con venience x ill be afforded them. August 29, 1661. TREES! TREES ! TREES ! THE undersigned Invite attentisn to their largo and well grown totk of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs,- Ac., embracing a large and completo assortment of APPLES, PEARS. PEACHES, PLUIIA, CHERRIES, and NEOPARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Duna fur tliegtirden. MOLT:nil WALNUTS, SPANISII CHESTNUTS, lIA -I.LENUTS, &et, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great satiety, Grapes of Choisest Kinds, Asparagus, 4 1111 P4F 1 i ), ?.(-9. 4c. Also a fine stock of troll formed, busby EVE= ITEENS. suitable fur the CemeterMel Itswu. - DECIDUOUS TREES, for street Plaiiiing and a actieral assortment : Of Ornaraeutal T:rees /Ss Flowering Shrubs HOSES of choice itirieties, CAMELLIAS, BEDDING PLANTS., &c., At.. • ' Our stock Is remarkably thrlfty'ao4 has, and am offer iF at prices to suit the times. 42- Catalogues mailed to all applicants. Address, EDWARD J. ETANS & CO., Central Nuteeriee, Fop:, i'e. Ppt. 12, 1661.-1 w WIXDOW SIIADES, conosi %TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, Inurlgnme nPeortmrnt J mkt received and far, &VI rit LEWIS' BOOK, STATION FIIIYA MUSIC STTR. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for 11 eule qienr, of I • •' D. D..4}VLTS. VOLT will find the Larget, and Best L osnortment of 144(1105' Orem Good; at D. P. G TOLE" *best clispiay and largost iaiiety of all kinds of Goals, eau always be fownd at the cheer tore or & CON BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and dalryt mdortment In Wynn, at. D.l'. GIVIN'S. MSIMIN All my Furs have been purchased for cash, cud made by experienced and competent hands, and 118 the present monetary troubles render it necessary that I should dis pose of my goods at very small advance on coat. I no, satisfied that It will be to the Interest. or those who design purchasing, to give me a call. Jiro— Recollect, the name, number and street: John ra cks, (New Fur Store.) 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. CHEIGARA.Y INSTITUTE. 1527 and 1527 ECRIICH STREET, PIIILADELP/17A. Thin Institute conducted for two years past, in this city, by Illstwic CUEGARAY and her niece MADAME VIIERVILLY, upon the same principles as the one in Now York. estalo tithed there in the year 181.4, will re-open un Mond. y, Sept. 16th. with its usual ample and complete provision for the education of Young Ladies, under the direction of nadanto D'llervilly. Circulars, and all requisite Informa tion, can be obtained on application to the Principal. August 13,1801.401. F OR EVERYBODY. On Hill Street orrotile Clgrmon's Svny. EilBlM3 SUGAR and MOLASSES, CONSEIL TEA and CIIOCOLATE, FIFA, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO. SPICES OF TILE REST, AND ALL KINDS, and °eery other article ugually found In a Grocory Store ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils end Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Gino. and Putty, MST WINE And BRANDY fur medicel purposes. ALL THE DEBT PATENT MEDICINES, end n large number of articles too numerous to mention, Thu public genendiy nal plesee•cnll and examine for tionneslce. soil loam my prices, 'Huntingdon, May 25,1853. SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTRIOOK Has just opened the best assort. merit of anode in Ills line. ever brought to Huntingdon. Ills stock of notrrs and SHOES for Ladies, Genii°. men, Misses, - Boys and Children, comprises all the* West fashions, and manufactured of t h e beet ma terials. Also, a fine assortment of HATS for mon, Boys and Children. HOSE he groat variety for Cottle men, Ladles. Misses and Children. CARPET BAGS, SUSPENDERS, 0 ARTERS, FANS, &c., &c. MEE= SOLE-LtATIIHK. CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LAST: and SIIOE-FINDINGS generally. Thenkfill for past favors, it continuance of the came Is respectfully solicded. N. IL—Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, re paired and made to order. Huntingdon, April 2,}, 18613 .....,1 v 2 vci x 4 > H Igi T HE NEW STORE AND NE IV (# 01)8. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Hare just received another stock of new goodg, such as OtUT HOODS, GitNERIES, QUE.ENSW ARE, AC., in the store room at the soittli.cast corner of the Diornond in tho bOrongli of Ennting,don. Their Stock has been carefully selected, and will ho sold low for cash or country produce. Huntingdon, April 15, HUI. B OOTS SHOES! ANEW STOCK. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. JUST RECEIVED AT - LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE. All In want of Boots and Shoes, for old or young, era requested to call and examine my stock. L WESTBROOK, Iluntlngdon, May 3, 1661. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, II T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1981-tf. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, ELPI /EA. A /kncrolent Instantion estabtishcci by specad Eudountrot, for the lithe' of the ,gtele anti Distressed, opeted, with Virulent and I.),identie Diseases; and especsally for the Core of Dieeettes of the Sexual °roue. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with n description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, Labile of life, Ac.,) and In cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable lteporta on Spermatorrho,a, and other Disbases of the Sex nal Organs, And on the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter en vel.opes, 'sac of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will Go acceptable. A4l,ress, J. SEILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting gur gen% Assocl4.tion, N 0.2 South Ninth Strcot 7 lhil ntlelptlin, B opler af tho Directors. ALMA D. HARTWELL, President. OHO. FAIRCHILD, &cretary. Dec. 19, 1600.-45.:••• •• • • LEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.— ' ROGER. C. McGILL, manufacturer of ell kinds of castings, fdrio and roThrts iutiftp..tlat. ar4it dant utyl, thrash. log Nleipt~ld, klikl and sleigh soles, wagen't44s stoves of ration's binds, nettles, - plough sheers tti skit. ill kinds of plungiisV/flso,'crr wheels and railr9nd irlink, apt has a new and treproind 'plouzji that renders sathifaetleti WWI farmers that hays inlet 'keep all kinds of plough' nears and 'ploughs nt. lljesers. Je taller St Help, isle's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. Georg., Ehy'ir'kfil; Creek, and wilt 1111 all orders promptly. The fairintuleWilt bade money by getting shears and ploughs of AIcHILL, at the (Inutile) , head-guarder•, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchange.— liring the poi and save ten per cent Alexattdil(l, Moreli 7, INA. CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE . or 05.5T31AX & CO., if you want n good article et Clothing.' Stoin room in Long's now building, in the Din mood, ThinthitisoPti ' Sept. ii, 1857. CARPET Sack. 3 and Fancy Baskets at • D. P. ODIN'S. B LANK BOOKS, OS VARIOUS SIZES, for solo 4 LEWIS' 11QqK .1-VD STATIONER r 870.7 A JOHN PAREIRA, ARCII Street, liettreen 7th and Bth Sta., ajc pf 81S Market St.,) Phifutldphia. Iporter & Matinfileturor and Dealer in all kinds FANCY FURS. for La m' Illioses' and Mill- We Wear. Having now nuinufac ired and in atom my nail largo and beautiful as etment of all the xn‘lonv yI no and qualities of IRS, adapted to the com a Fail and Winter Sea ts, I would reepoctleely Cite an examination of Mending to purcham, ria Rah ablo inditeemeuts. TRY VIE NL•'W STORE, 8. S. SMITII MEI / 64$ A LAIWE STOCK AND JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE HUNTINGDON, PA FOR SALE AT =! N E W AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. ./ , .-, AIII IL& "4::?1' r7711F1 SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME BETWEEN TIIE TWO CITIES OF NEV YORK AND HARRISBURG) VIA EEADINO, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. ESPRIt3B, West, loaves New York at 6 A. M. arriving at liatrisbuig at )..2..45 noon, only 6% hours bo Moon Om too oilier. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and arrives at Harrisburg nt 8.30 P. N. Slonsmo .Mait. LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A 81., arriving at Now York nt 4.30 I'. 31. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE. East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 P. N., arriving at New York at 0.00 I'. N. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. N., n ith the Passenger Trains in each direction ou the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Nor thorn Control Railroad. All trains connoct at Reading with trains for Potts, ills nod Philadelphia, and at Allentown fur Manch C hunk, Easton, 4c. No change of Passenger Cars or 'Baggage between New York and HarrMilan. by ilia OM) A. M. Lille from Now York or the 11,01.15 P. M. from Harrisburg. For beauty of aceneiy, add speed, comfort and accom modation, tiara mob presents superior inducements to tbo traveling public. Fare bet %ern New York and Harrisburg five dollars.— For tickets awl other information apply to J.. 7. CI.YDN, General Agent, Harrisburg. July 18, 15030. STATION]: R Y ant] JEWEL li, Y PACKAGES, For cafe to agents and dealers at very reduced rates put up In variety CM elopes. Fur further iufurmnliou Address COI•EMAN d co., (Up.stnirn) 802 Chohtuut SL, JuDo 4,1861. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! James A. Drown sells the genuine " PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL. clear as water. This is the mar hind of 01l that gives entire satisfaction as an rigout for light. Dewar., or counterfeits nail colored carbon oils. They omit no attentive smell ands:nuke. A large satiety also of COAL OIL LAMPS Chimneys, °lobes, Wick*. Burner.. flinches, Ac., kc., told at tho Very lon est vises, at the,llarihrure attire, Rooting don, PA. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. .1. A. lIANIGAB, A practical tonacconlat, hoe opened a nom TOBACCO STORK AND MAR MANUFACTORI's on Allegheny Rt., Otto door treat of the Mood Top Railroad Onion nhere Ito line on band a large mesortment of prime Cigars rind To. bocce, et hick lie Will soil either wholesale or retail. Storo. keepers. shopLeopers, and sill Whore o ho deal in tho a nod bliould call. Ills prices are low. Call and sea. Iluut Ingd on, Nov. 7, MO. ItEADY RECKONER. A comploto Pocket Newly lt,clioner, fultoliars and Cents, to whirl, oro oddod fume of ;cote., Mtn, Ite- cell& retitione, .t . e. ' together a ith ert of useful table& containing nth, of intereet ft on! one dollar to tire (hone mid, by the eingle day, with n table of %%ogee, and boat) by the work and day, publiAhrd In 1859. For solo nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE. p lIEUMATISM CURED. AMt. .1011 K WESTBROOK. Sr., manufncturem a mEN't a hieh to stile to ono Ulleommitins. Nocure, no pay. Persons afflicted should call rind try the medicine. Call nt his residence to Washington !MINA, 0110 door neat of Lest Westbrook. lithi NOTICE TO ALL !! ,etsf The solocribor. wino Inns for morn then ono year, enrr:a.l on tllxilleSs 111 colnpany eitb Movers. V. lln tens, 11. p. WIIIISREY, I‘ll,l Mr. LACILR BM. inns thindity diuyeal partnere/fp with elm above /lon All Ortinin old fin rn trill Le p.dd by the sollecrlber, and 01l those In. &Wed to the flint It 111 pity him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY will always ,o repaired. A good stock of ei,netts,WATCHES and Jairem kept on band for enstomers who mny Imor him with a eon. Huntingdon, 'March 2, 1669 W74, -- • •;:- .7 4 7 :t - ! i THE tt GLOBE JOB OVFICE " is tho most complete of any in the rolintry, and pop. *m.o., the nto%t etuptafot iu Iles P.O promptly v.., tiling In the best style, every Satiety of Jul, Pt iutlng, such a 6 :UM) HILLS, PROGRA.III:IIF,S, BLANKS. POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CALL AND EXAMINE sPECIMENS OP WORK, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONKItY 4, MUSIC STOUR. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! A PRESII AI?RIVAL CHRIST. LONG'S ALL MS STOCK IS rimsn AND I'llllll3. CALL AYD iragallA CYTIIARA—The -.jib Pro yte r Pnalmodiat—The telex and DertinTa enlarged and improved inetructora—Wriland'a Newnml Improved Method for the Aceor• dean, Violin and Flute Inbtructora—Winner'e and flowe'a Violin inPtrtlclors—Bellak's Mulodenn Thettuctor—li.a. row.' Piano-Porto Primer—do. Thorough-lio.a Primer— Dra%ing Boom Ihutceb—The Chorus Oleo ROA— Tam'e Harp, for solo at. LEWIS' 110011, STATIONETIY it MUSIC STORE. SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., ' FOR EVERYBODY The Gentle Annie ltelodist, ' The Dime Meledist, The Dime Song Book, Ko• The Dime SOng Book, NO. 2; The Dime Sony Book, 115. 3, The Dime Song Book, .No. 4, The Dime Song Book, Nó. 5, 27v: Di 711 C Song Book, N. 6 The Done Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, The Dime Speaker. The, Dime Cook Boole, The Dime R.ccipe hood• For solo at Lewis' Boos. STATION/all' AND MUNIC STORE. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail 50.000 , BEST QUALITY WHITE, ' BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY 'ENVELOPES Sort received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. YARD. y I‘IIBLE C The undersigned J_ would respectfull! of untingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on band. 110 to prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro rotate device, or plain, f tfl may suit. Building Marble, Door nod Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. . . "W. W. pledges himself to tarnish material and work maudlin equal to any in the country at a Mir price. Cal and 800, before you purchase elsenbere. Shop un Lilt street, Iluutingdon, Pa. WM. WILLIAMS. 11untingdon, May 10, 1855. JA.CIKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA GI , t4FFU9 MILLER, Proprietor. T HE but Tobacco itl town, at D. P. °WIN'S rpHE largest stock of Do Laing in town 1 by RIMER SON. WRAPPING PAPER! good article for of LVPILS' 11,00 ETOBE GREAT WORK ON THE _HORSE THE HORSE & HIS.DISEASES: Profeeter tef Pathology and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College of Pluladelphia, dei, qc. WILL TELL YOU Of Origin, History and distinctive traits of the 'various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American Hones, ith the physical formation nod pe cullariCes of the animal, and bow to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming, Shoeing, and the gener al management of Om horse, iho best modes of administerikr rtual(ClP, niso, how to treat Biting; Ricking, Bearing, Shying, St pelbling, Oriblilt ing. Restlessness, nod other vices to which he is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings, WILL YCI•It YOU Of tile catates,symptoms,and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis. Pneu monia, Plemnay, Mohan 'll , fral, Chron ic Congli, Roaring and Whistling.L.tin pas, Soro Mouth and Mem, and Po rayed Teeth, with other disearior or tho Mouth and Ileanirutoi y Organs. SILL TELL YOU Or tho Cllll9Ol. gymptonmanrt Treatment of Wormg, Jlots, Gliolie, Stiangulation, Stony Comm. tious, Ituptureg, Palsy, Dial! hen, Jan mike, flepatit rlititt.tilomiy Urine, Stones iu thtt lildintys and Blad der, Inllnnmtlon nod other disemea of tho Stomach, /ton On, Liter and Uri nary Orgaaa, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Otocauses, anaptoms, and Toot went of Bone, Blood and Bog, Foil in, King Bone, Swamilo, Strains, Moken Knees, Wind Galls, Kaman, Clacked Coors. Bole Bruise and firavri, Canker, Femtelles, Tki ask and Conti; also, of Megrim/1, Ve,r:pu,. p . y.StAggek Mal OHM' diStata..3 01 tha lent, Legs, and Head. ViLL TALL YOU Of Itto canoe.., Ayriiptoniii, and Treat. ment of Fiitnla, roll Evil, Olondors, )eey, Seto let Fever, Mango, Sm frit. Locked Jaw,ltheumatimn.ernmphlalls, 1112.19(.8 of the Eye and (fent, he , he., nod bow to numngo Cnedratlon, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing, Heroin, Ampulnlion, Tonviog,nnd Cr surgical operations. Till 11011 SE AND Ills DISEASES WI LI, TRLI. you Of Rukey's slethol of Cooing Ilm ses ; Low to Approach, Halter, or Stolle ik Colt; how to 11,X11.111111 s. horse to strange sounds ink.' eights, nod how to Itiy Paddle, /title, and Break him to lumens; olio the form and law of 11 ARIVOITY. The whole being the re sult of 15 years' careful study of the habits, meoliarities, tt nuts nod w ealc- Criles of this noble nod useful animal. Vor solo nt UN\ ire Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TILE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TIM HOUSE AND MS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Btvre. THE FAMILY _DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, JOSEPH It EIGO FM Fur sale nt LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TIIE HONEY BEE, LoNonfarm ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For raic at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES. DOWNING on FRUIT and 'FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Po• gale at LEWIS' Book Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR .5.4.L1.7 AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERS 64. 31TISIC STOAP,, osannws Sprprr let, 211.3 d. 4lh And 6111 Evaders. WOUFFEY'S Speller and Renders. (old and new editions.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do du Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1. Ernerson'd Readers. ' Tel on Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Seimlars Comm inn. Smith's. Roll ion's, Bryn n's and 'Poser's Gt normars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Worrell'n l'hymiCill Geography. 311h:twill, 'Monteith nod MeNcill}'s Gaormtbldes k Atlas.. Webster's and'WOrcester's Dietruiraiies. gnsektabon' First Lessons in Vomposition. Qttnatenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. a roonleaf'fl. Stoddard's, Ennnerson's, Swan's,Colburn's and ltny's Peter sou's Familiar Science. Greenlcat's and Stoddard's Keys to Aritlinselles. Greenleaf 's and Dal les' Algebras. OreenlenC, Key to Algebra. Parker's Jateltilo l'hilt , Fophy, • Porker's Enst Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Porkers Philosophy. Upliam's Mental Philosophy. Willant's II istory of the United States. Berard's " , • • " oodrick's " Denton and ectibner's Penmanship, In cloven numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Elements of :Van Pruning, sr ith plan for sketching maps by tri-arignintion slid improved,inetlosts of pi ejection. posies' Elementary Geometry mill lgortinnetry. Posies' Legendre's Geometry. tt Mahon A: Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by flanatord 8, Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Ilatrafortl4 Payson. Other books will be added And fortrislied to older. A full stock of School Stationary always OR hand. Ilantrogrion, Pa. T 1 NEWELL'S , PIIOTO9IIAPII a Aux= No. 721 A rah Alm!, rAitmktillia• Ono of the largest mut meet complete fluilerlen in the Stolog, where the hest Names; known to the Pho. tographic m. 4111 e Inten nt prices 11.1 WOK' . (111111 RIO pa id fin Joliet:o,k caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photoginplier, attends per son Ally, m cry sitting—aml allows no picture to leave lb. Gallery unless It given perlectnntisfaetinn. Dagnen rut) pea nini A tobrotypes, of absent or ilecynyqd fliendr, photographed to oily required stye, or token 011 Canvass, life afro, and palntul in Oil by the Wel Artiste. At thisSiallery pictures can ho taken in any m cattier— as perfect in cloudy IIa)e at u hen the sun shinen. Poisons uniting the city nro respectfully invited to ex amine our specimens, ulto.h for pike n u t quality duly competition. 46- 'net roctions given ill the. Art of PhAlownpky. It. NEWELL, GALLERY or AnT, 72 Arch Sheet, rbiludelplua, COMMENDATIONS: From lion. 1.00-111 D. Cuanolloll, N. C., 01)10. My family and friends all callow in the opinion that the (Nowell) vietuto is more than nny thing they ever saw. M) likeness has been tepeatedly taken by dif fetent Artists in various ways, but 1 have never yet' had ono n !doh In cants so trail to nature, nil the fentules and exm essiuns of countenance as this. Prom lion. E. Jo) Morris, Into Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your pot traits, conjoined nith thew durability of color and faith fulness no tihcuesses, cannot fail to commend theta to th, atteution and patronage of all who appreciate true art. From Col. James Page. Haring occasion fur l% portrait, I procured ono front Mr. Robert Nest ell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors ' under the netu process disowered ky )1114, Eurl take groat plcasuro in expressing the satisfaction given too, not only by the accuracy of tim likeness, but Its attic, tic finish in all respects, and recommends him to Hui pat ronngo of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1860 JAB. PAGE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES! BAILEY'S YTUEES, TAPR, CURD 4 1.1yD .reiss,gs; A FULL ASSOIIT3IF.NT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR cu pp 134.x9inis. NEW GROCERY CONFECTIONERY C. LONO Informs tha citizons of Huntingdon and deity, that lid has'Optued a note fifogery hild'ednfoOthin ory htoro In the hoefneet, under Olituptp .a Co.'s Clothidg Store, in the Eintitbhil; alld would molt respeetfullY ro miest a share of ppl d to patropago.. stock erdirlithttof all kinds of tit° BEST aitoomEs. coNFHpzuINEA T .no, & F ., &c. Ebb tan bo hod at trilateral° or retail. ' ICE Cithta will bo furnished regularly to partial and ludlctdnnl nt Itli room. Jinn thiglkin; Sept. 24, 1860. ' CoAL IWCISETS, pd.Shoyelo, for sato Pg " JAMES A. BRCWN BY ROBERT JBNNINGS, V. S., THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES TUE lIURSE AND lIIS DISEASES TIIF. HOESE AND lIIS DISEASES A VALUABLE BOOK Pb PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS CI A. MILLER, Dealer in drocarice, Confect lonnrioa, Jtc.. kc - 1 - 1 - ICTOIIN MpCULLOCII, offers his professions{ Benicia to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Otte° on laved, one door east of flood's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. eft • Proprietor of the Exchange fetes SS. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi . tines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Ofte, &c. Also—tiro. curies, Confectioneries, &c., Iluntiugdon, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Denlor in Books, Stationery And 31uslcal Inatm malts, Unntlngdon, Pn. T M. CUNNINGHAM &1111.0. tP • Foundori, Iltmtingdon. Pa TARES A. BROWN, cp Dealer lu lissiluare, Cultory, Paints, Oils, &c., Hunt iitgdott, Pa. T: f ROMAN, . Bottler in Ready Jtada Clothing, Mita and Cape, Route nod Shine, &c. lt/r GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready ,rnado Clothing, linntingtlon, Pa. - 1 - 1 P. GIVIN, Jur Dealer in Dry O 00,1 s, Oromrlei, hardware, Queen*. enre. lints nod Caps, hoots aunt Shoes, Sc. -11 MISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c., iltintivilon, Pa. T XVI WESTBItOOK, Li Orator in Gentleman's, ladies' and 31Issos' Boots, :hoes, Gaiters, Not nrco Let - 11/or, etc, • TOSEPH REIG GER, t y Watchmaker and dealer hi Watches, Clockit, and Jew elry, &c. WM. WILLIAMS, - Plain and Ornamental Marble 'Manufacturer. TOILN F. 1121.1)1EY, County Surveyor, ihintnigdon, Pa. (Vice on 0111 street, ono diar oast of the Huntingdon Marblo Yard. REP/au:Num—L. T. IValsoa, Philadalphln; J. P. T.cllie, cleologlet, Philadelphia; Char!. Mirklay, Raagh and Ready Pinnace, Hen. Jonathan 1.11:1111lianis. COUNTRY DEALERS can ( 5 1 : 1: buy CLOTIIINU from me in Huntingdon at .‘1 WHOLESALE as Cheap as they can In the cities, as time a eltolevnle stars In Vbibutelphin. Huntingdon, Apt it 14, IRK 11. HOMAN. ,TONE.IVAIII4; at S. S. Smith's Gro k 3 cary, 20 por cent. cheaper thou any other place in town. JOSS SCOTT. SAIIIAL T. IMONTN. .5. ti. O. CORLSH LT AW PARTNERSHIP.- J. 11. 0. Como:: hue, from this date, Locomen loom bar of tho fit in of SCOTT & BROWN,'. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lIUNTIZMIN):c In xlil,h Immo filo Lushness Will still be conducted Hunting4on, Jan. 2, IMO, cd6, VIOLINS, GUITARS, SYmritoNTA: , .:s, ACCPRDEONS AND FIVES For onto clump nt LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY a MUSIC STORE ALLISON MILLER, ILIL, • D E VT'S line rtmoved to the Brick Row oppoelto the Count nom. April 13, ISSO. D OCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, 1 LARGE STOCK OX HAXD AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE T I OOK BINDING. - Old Books. Magazints or pablleationo of any kind C 4,1 to older, if loft at LEWIS' BOOK d. STATIONARY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE ! It yon want your card neatly printed upon ravel epee, enll at raor is , B 00,5" AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior articlo of Noto Paper and Envelopes suitable fur confidentiat con espoiateure. fur sale at LEWIS' BOOK tE STATIONERY STORE. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post, C,ommercinl, Foolscap a n d Flatrnp—n gooa :Instillment tar mule by thu ream, hnlf mum, quiro or sheet, st . . . _ LEWIS' NEIV BOOK .t STATIONERY STORE. ACAItD,- 1)11. D. S. HAYS offers Isis professional services the I Imbi inn ts of Moorrsvillo and vicinity. Unice, a 0 tb lower bank or Neff Mills, opposite 3lrs. Myton's store. April lg, 18W-tr. Z)HOTOGItAPIIY In all its tarious Branches, executed in the hes st) le hanwu ip the art, at 0, O. CRANE'S CIAS,LERY, 632 Arch Street, East of Sloth, Itlithatolphia. Lire size to Oil owl P, liio, Steromeopili Portraits, Am brot3pe% Daguerreotype% de, for Case% Medan innii.Flus hinge,Voir. 14;60.4y. Br thn box. pnok. qrlemi rotablity, for solo at I,E, DVS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. I -1 00" SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at pt ices from 25 cts. to $2,00 at the cheap store of P. P. OWIN. TAMES Collars, very ell6ap and beau J UM, at , • D. D. (SWINT.' ASplendid, variety of Carpets, only 25 ctle. Br yard. FISHER k SON. IPItItISB STONE-WARE; !! ! crodo, doge, 4eterTo .711111 &c., &C., of einfinior quality. Sold only by . . JAVESiii. BROWN n P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best nna citenpes elms IS town, CAll and CXStIIIIIO WSW.: T_TOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will _Li_ Ls sold for $125 nt the cheap store of FISHER it SON. Tryou want handsome • Goods,• good Goode, chop (loodr, And nil kin 1 01,0001 in. c 0 to fiALL nt D. P. GWIN'S if you wau U 1100 D GOODS., BOOTS i t SHOES, Hats & Caps, the, large6t moortment and cheapest to 1,0 found nt P. P. GIVIN'S LLIUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A VA large assortment-at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. [1 SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin ' s vA than can be bad iu town. Call and seo them.' DARK Coloied Palm Hoods, best quad uy, opiy 50 cts. each. FUSTIER 4 SON. fIOAL OIL CC COAL OIL LAMPS, 1,/ for 75 centi and upwards, at the Ifardwate Store of DROWN. MICA LAMP CIIIMNEYS- Just received at the hardware stoie of JAR. A. BII.OWN. TI P. GWIN'S- is the plaap to buy • good aPd etteap Carpets. PARCHMENT DEED PAPER 11 ! 1 ' 1 !! rdr "IP tRIVIS' BOOR! ,STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For Role nt - J. 41,74” ROOK AND STATIONERY qTORN. LIQUORS, of yho best ; for Nodicina purposes CS. 631111113. - F13,4.41CL14 HQUSB, IN TILE DIAMOND, lIUNTINODON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The citlzens or tho county, ant{atransers prel travelers generally, %Milled' comfortable aftwornotlattons at this houstl."'ol6 taletrlatl , " '[ApY t 4,18604 ' xciI.A.NOE TvTEL, TIVNTIIk:ODON, PA, *EAU PZNNIITI.9A9A !titl,llolD DITOT. JOIIN S. ZELLER, Proprietor lllntlngdari, April 10, • • 131ISTOLS ! PISTOLS ! tolt's, Sharps', Smith it WC8B01:01 , , and nil improved pattetne Revolvero, Agate, Curtildges, Bowe MOWS, V ; 1.c., 101. sale tho 1 1 -rd wft! ' e J S ra l lg r A. DROWN. ' 2lti 21,1201. Huntingdon, Pa.., CO..TFE C TIONERIES of the very best, at . MILLER'S., NEW BOOKS ! FOR SALE NI , LEWIS' BOOK STORE TOE IIOUSE: A Nsw Poucer :51.0mu, of Rural Architec ture; or, How to Build DmeAynas, Barns, StaSibe, and Out Dwellings of all Mods. 1.1 Rh a Chapter ou Churchos and School-Rouses. type, 50 cote. TILE GARDEN: A Nan POCKET MANUAL, of Practical Hor ticulture; or, Ilow tq Cnltlyata Yegotablos, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chatter on Ornarnootal Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents:: ' " ' • TUB FARM: A New Nucl. Movit, of I , 4*ctical Agri. culture; or, 'low Po Cult' into ell the Field Cops. With V nn thuaiy on Farm Muunenuout, etc. Price, iiikccute. .. - DOMESTIC A NIMAI,Si A New Poem. Manuo. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, how to Breed and Near tho Various Tenants of the liars-yard, etc., etc Price, 60 cents. lOW TO TALK: A litAr Pones 3111utt, ol p enversaiion and Debate, with Directline; for Actiitrani araintatt cal Style, and mere flout She Hundred COMiplop 311,. takes Corrected. Nice, AO cents. lOW TO BEHAVE: -A New Scoter DIANAtu, of Republi ca!, Etiquette, arid Guide to Correct Pennood Itabita; with Rules fur Debating Sdcletles nod Delabenttive As semblies, etc. Price, AO cents. lON TO DO /31101515:55: A fsrca - POCKET :khan.% of Practical Affairs and Outdo to !meccas in life; with a Collection of IlneincHa Forma. and a Dictionary of Coin moral' Terms, etc. Price, 50 cants. .ROIIR ER RG'S ROHR'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PItACTICAL CALCULATOR 1 - 1)0[11tIll'S PRACTICAL, CALCU, LATOII, L'ook of Min Rides anti Coicuhtlinnsfur lhasincis,Oiw ration', by Marlin .11. Rohrer, rinclical eofirryor and tborrynnecr. Now Edinon, puldidad by J. R. Limin cot d Cb-, Phitotielphia. This work contains 204 pagan, and upwards Of HO Rules and Examples, entirely and thot °uglily practical, such as arise every day in the common pursuits of Business, It has already passed through is number of editions in rapid succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to 1.10 the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book is worked out In area and Mated in a plain manner, so (lint when a mend am art. MS, those referring to tho work will find no difficulty in solving it; In a word, the general arrangement of the OALCiULATO/1 is simple, Dint any one who knows hoc/ to add. subtract multiply and divide, can easily solve any or dinary example that arises In business; or arrive at the true result °limy estimate !minim]. The dila sins of rho author has been to mellow theory end philosophy in flgneee, :liming only nt hots and simpli city, believing that bttQinetie men Cairo little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of roles, or the iclenee of figures, deeming it .1/Indent for their purpose to be 10,10 nt a moment. by refi.rolire, In art Iva nt the true result. The CA 1.0 ULA'fOlt differs to this reelect from nil other Aritlinictico of the dtny and kindred uni kie—it is a key to practical business mhailailons—it is, in the bonds of the business man ' a hat the key to nutthennitiool works in the bands of the ti lii the school room—it facili tates thee and Insures correctness. TILL; WORK TREATS OF TILE " Measurement of land, of Loather, of Brick and Brick. Work. cf Stone and fiche work, of grain and grain bitta, of and coal bins, of wood, of colitis, of liquide, of sir ( War, square or irregular rends, of inema and rats, of roofing, of plasterer's, iMilltisea. glazier's, paccett,pinntb. er'e, paper hanger's Rllll 1100140ra work. It treats or comocy anti of foreign and domestic exchange, of the des hind system, of reduction and its extended application to busittesa, al simple and compound interest, and their entire application to business transactions, with the laws and Images governing the same, together with numerous cannot dal 101'111K—of legal tender, of run tinl payment on note, of banking and Lulls discount, of equation of pap moot part nereltip occult MS, of onseadineut of taxes, of weigh a and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square rout mud its oPidleation to 11118111 M of surfaces, of excavation ' and of many other important practical matters hut nithin the scope of on AIIKKIIIOOIIII,IIIe. to mew Bon. IT .13, JUST TIM BOOK FOR THE • Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artizen, or the professional man. It has proton a valuable auxiliary to the Mayer, the just/coot tire pence, tile conveyancer, and real estate broker, to the, mresoor, 010 booker, oho clerk, to the eitit engineer and the surveyor, to the carpenter ond bikiau3er, to the eteeetuneon nod the plasterer, to the paper 'hanger owl ophnhiterec, to the paver and the tiler, each mai all alit fhbl It adapted to the:r co rium wants Dotter ch u m ally book published. WA- Price, 60 cents. Fer sale at bawls' Book Store. Iluutingdon, Dec. 20, IS6O. rim); 11UNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN j BLAST .40.11N!—Tho subtcrlhore take IhU method of informing their friends and the public generallY, that • I , -- • . they bays rebuilt the Huntingdon Vonn ,,bi dry, end are now in auccegsful operation. anti are prepared to fin-Melt Castings of !..y,..xe1n:07,,;`,1 every description, of beet quality and workmanship, on short notice, and on - reasonable tome: Farmers net, In, ited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are inainifneturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took lb° first proinii»ii at the Hun. tingdon county Agra:WWI:II Fair hod fall. Ahab Hunter, celebmted Cutter Plonghe. a Well emit be heat—together pith the Royston° Hillside and ltar.shear plough*. We hone on howl ad aro marinfactiiting Stoves—Ml6 as Conk, Parlor, and Office stows for wood or coal. !Ulnaanre, consisting of Kettles, lloilere, etc., nll of width we wilbsell Cheap for verb or in exchange for coon try produce. Ohl met.] taken for castings. fly n strict attention to business, and a denim to please, we hope to re. ceire a liberal share of public mai "mtge.. . .1. M. CUNNIIIGRA.3I A IMO Hunting,lon, April 30, 1050. * ILLIAM All I( PTAS AGAIN COMM r.:47.13 TITS' .. BOOT AND 8.11017,111K1N0,' . ONR DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STOIIR. Ilk oh) customers unit the public generally,rill giro him a cull. [Huntingdon, 0ct.:20, 1855.] A LEXANDBIA ... NEW FIRM! • The undersigned restfertfnlly Inform the public het they have purchased the AtxxmoitrA. AttEITERY and will continue the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All ordere , will ba proniptly attends4l WM, ItOTIIROCR, • Alexiindrhl, Feb. 22, 11360, WM. N. HINNY. T HE PEOrL'E'S COOK, BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS MIANCJIgS. Dr. MISS ELIZA ACTO.N. Carefully Revised by S. Hale IT Tams You Mow to eboosenli kinds of Meats, Poultry, mutt name, with nil Um outdone and most approved nmdaa'ot• dteasfng and cooking •Necfnnd fork; also tins Lest anti simplest aar of salting, 1 , 1091np Mad cutlng the • 01010.. • I It Tuts Yen All the swim; and most approved Itlndos o dressing, cooking, mid tontilim Mutton, Lamb, Vent, Poultry. and game email kinds 1 i tit the different preeeings, Gravies, and Stuffing.. :Tyrol,' trite to each.. • .. IT,Tems You !row to chorus, elm, old preserve Piste of tilt kinds, tool how to sweeten it what tnint p 7 , - • roll Mon nll tho xarloni Mut vast Approved modes of cooking, with tbo diflorput Presv • • • legs- SLIICIN, and Flavoringd appropt tate to , , , . • Tr Tr./.L9 You All tho'rarloni . onet "tooT onprOvro mottb o ' prepot itig over Olt kituld of Ment,Fiolt,Foul (home, and Vesciabl., Soaps Broil 0. !Mil ' • News, .11/101 the itehanea and- iicaunink appropriate to envh- ; „ , , ; ; B=M fo .Ttus You All the various arid most opyroved modes of cooking Vegetables of tery dettcriptfoo; Ms° bow to preparo Pirklok Coloop'holl . Curries of all kludq,.Potted Meotfl, Game, Mmli rooms, Ix Tr 1.1.8 You . All the varies+ and most approved modes of ' preparing nu,l cool; ing nil ,kindt, of 'Plain end Fancy Pastry, VreldingN Omelettes, Fritter+, Caltes, Conteetiotplry, Presoryes, " Jellies, and Sweet Mhos of °Very dcscrip• ties. IT Tau You AN mpst approved modes , ormaiiilig 3.lutlhis, cud Bis cuit, curl nib bp4"lnoWo4 tirpreparing . CotTa, Cbonotnto.'and. Ti , n;, , nhd• ImiWr to wake Syrups, Corißuls, Cud Wines or -va rious hind,. ' IT TELLS YOU now to TeL nod oiliapient aTablo, how to ' Cargo all kladaOfXbilt,' Fleeit or Foe I, Rod in ewe; how to so simplify the wholo Art of Cooking t A to bring the choicest luxuries :of the tahlp within the ereryhody'm reach. For Sale at Ttesvisi.Book Store. '• • APEB. ! , . .P.IVP.4 'R 1 - PA. - * ! Pilt I'l i , .., i.ZteinkPapee, . , Impression Paper; ••.: ' • • ' . . • Dra?ring Pape's., '„ • 1 '• . .. :i. l - Dee 4 Paper, • , , , . .., ~ . „ . , Tissue Paper, • - Silk Paper for Ploiyfro, - ', • ' PerfdkoteaTaper, •' ' 1` ,Bfistol peril Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, , . : , • , . Letter l'aper, • ' Cniamorcial Note Paper; - . , • ,Toadies! Pin, Edged Leiter mut Nuts Paper, Lattice' Plaisi add Fancy Note Paper, . iVillte and Colored Card Paper, to Parke and Sheets,' For 910 4414/111,4' Popk, Stationery ow) Alpsio Stare. , 1 1.""- 4:91 MUSLIN :tit; DnAvaiii rATER Jr/ffte and patored Ord Taper, For Nalo at • • LEWIS' BOOK