MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The look Is en octavo of NJ pages, is elegantly printed en line paper, with new bold type, and hoe an admirable ex/m.lam indr.r, for which every officer will be grateful, the moment his eye rests open It, as no former edition bas ever had nn index, and the want of one has been long felt In the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of 'War. contain ing nanny important corrections ; also. selections from the Military Arta of Congress, including those passed at the last session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEIVIS' BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [.41 , 7110117ZED EDITION.] By Major William Gllam, U. S. A, Just publii,l"l nut for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete in one volume. Price $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction. exercise, and manoeuvres a the United Staten Infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Rifle turn, prepared under the oirect lon of the War 4 Department, and authorized and adopted by • ) .: 0 Oho Secretary of War, May Ist. 1861, contain jng th e school or the soldier; the school of the • ,company; Instruction for skirmishers, and the general calls; the calls for akirmieliers, and the acpool of the 'stash.; Including the articles iotWar and a dictionary of military terms. Complete iu one volume. Price $1.25. For sale nt Lewis' Book Store. A LSO, THE HANDY BOOK IMITO UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into anOtAlee: containing a complete system of instruction in the School of the Soldier. with a prcifmtna• ay: explanation of the formation era Battalion on Parade, the Position of the (Mixt". kc. , kc., being a find book or intraluction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub• idled. Price 25 cents. For sate at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. AL'O, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 vols. Price $1.50. For .ale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. The Booka scut by mail to any address on the re• .cipt °l'll% price. lluntingdun May 28, 1861. REMEMBER ELLSWORTH! FISHER & SON lIAVE JUST OPELVED A SPLENDID STOCK Or a r GOODS. 711 E aquae ABE INVITED TO CALI, and EXAMINE OUR GOODS. FISHER & SON. Pct. I, IE6I. 1861. 1861. CLOTHING. TT ROMAN. ..11‘,1• )1; IV CLOTHING FOR 7?•ILL A .YD WISTER, JUST RECEIVED AT IL ROMAN'S CHEA P CLOTHING STORE. Tor tlentlemetie Clothing or the brat material, and mad. in tha beat nurkmatalike manner, rail at IL ROMAN'S, nprwmito the Franklin Ihmse in Market £quaro. Minting , alan. [Get. 7. 18111.1 TREES, &0., FOR TUE AUTUMN OF 1861, AT LOW PRICES The sal,ribers invite attention to their large and welt .grown stock of Fruit Trrrs, eonsl•ting of Apple, pear, peach, cherry, pinm, apricot, quince, &c. Pwarf pear, apple an d cherry trees. Also. the small fruits, such AN grates. currants, googeberrles, raopberries, blackber ries, amt atm.. beech* of the ant desirable sorts. Also, a large stork of evergreens and .lade tree... They it ill alt at prices such Mate usual rain, and offer great italuceinenta to plant largely. TAYLOR .4 eft,EVER • if uotitigtlon, Ott. 17, IS6I ANCIENT JERUSALEM, A LARGE AND BFAUTIFUL ISOMETRICAL PICTURE OF 'IVRY ,g/6..VE Al . /41,4C A.Zered, Places )smi-rounding the fr,OLV CITY, ==! 'The above work k commended to the favorable notice .of clergymen. and those having charge of Eundarwitools, /Bible-claws. and politic institutions. It in about 9 feet tong and 6 feet wide. colored and oar nixhad, and monnted on camas with rollers. It bat been constructed from the most reliable and no. thentic .orter. and trill be round an Invaluable old to ribose engaged In lecturing on the Holy Land, or to Instruction to school classes on the subjcet to which it retort. It aims to give an exact idea of the city as ft appeared in Ancient times. It is taken as a “binil's eye" or " bal loon" view, the beholder being, In imagination, placed At a consider able elevation, so as to take n comprehensive view of the city and the *hole country for some distance around. The view in accompanied %%Mann Outline Key, in which the different localities are numbered, and a Deacriptive Manual containing all the Information needanat7 to nom He one to use the view to advantago lit teaching or lec- Oaring. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES, This Is a Weekly Religion. Paper, published at the 'rely lois price of .oht E DOLLAR A YEAR. It .de signed for Parents, Tenders, and All prior are Angaged or interested in tbe.rtilighnts,tritlging Al:as Sgfing• It is also en excellent .FannlyPpar. '• A portion otthe Sunday-S:hod P.;inea I occupied with „Narratives and other matter particularly Interesting to youngperrons. Teachers will find in it much that they :will like to read -to their classes—latereating matter pre. !pared to their hands, end each as they cannot find the. here,. For the sante reasons, member. of Ilible-classes, ,hod the older scholers generally, 3;111 be ,gtently benefit ed by the perusal of this paper. ' The Sunday-Schad Tones has every we* p report of the choicest matter, selected from the Noon (Inver Meet !hugs, which are so Interesting to all classes of Christtans. Besides a large amount Of general roligiqps Intelligence, ,the Sunday-Moot nmes contains,all theapost recent pun. f day-school news. It reports all the Important Couven. tions of s...mlday-school teachers. It dlacusgen the ques tions which most interest tind,perples teachers and pa rents, respecting the variquamethods of Religious Tr:tin ting for the young, the means of gaining Ahe attention and aflitotions of children, Alla.cepocktlly ofzecuring their * conversion and bringing,thent to ,Christ. The subject of .Mission-Schoids for cities, and of %today-school mission hry cork fur the interior, is thoroughly, ,eanvassed. In- Aced, there is hardly a topic of practical Importance to any who are lint-crested in the subject of religious edupr dion, which is not here brought huller consideration from 'w eek:w to week. The conductors of this paper endeavor to remember,thnt -the great eud'of all Christian effort into bring men to Christ. .Tlioy arm wocordinglny, to rot Into every Immix+ of the Joiner something which shall have for its duvet obiret the conversion of souls. tOWF4. .The proprietorsof Sinizday,Segi;mit Times bare ac quired elle exclusive ,r,lglit,pf sale of the ApianAhl work •innitioned above, One SIA,P OP ANCIENTS EIIMALE)I, offer It as a special premium to thelio sn'porkiltendents, ,teachers, or °there, whowtl,l ossiot h iµ v i ji,ing'ilicqv sub , scriber. to tliepaper. We offer thin inkpinsti premium to any one who will send no themamesof ld,pale aubscrilicts rnu4 $l4" in cash. •• EntUTION. ikr• In every case, btiore beginning to canvass, ho sure to writeAtitts Ifica obtain thd hetessary docunteAts -. find instructions. These will Op you greatly in . prosecuting the work, and a ill ,save you many nibtakes. 141905 e 5 :cents topic postage. Address ' PnornrEroas OP THE SmAr-Scnoot TptlA, 148 South Fodrtb 44. B.—Specimens of the Sunday-School 2,4 nig, end a copy of the Map of Ancient Zerusalem, Aptly be ghth at the Bookstore of I‘II:',LEFIS r ., Ilunttdgdon. April 10,1861..-Af. • DMINISTRATGR'S NOTICE.- [Estate of Benfamin'Oszpott, area.] F'ters of Administration spoil the eatat‘inT penjoinin Oswalt, late of Juniata townshim dv'd, haring been granted to the undersigne,i,'nll persons haihigclAime against the estate are requested to present theta to the Nlndersignel, and all persons Indebted wi 1 make inonedb id. Payment. • 4011 N OfetYAl7 Oer, ..15131-6t* Admittiltrator. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT THE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO,, says, No. 114 South Third Street, PIIILADELPHIA rursuant to instrnrtions from tho Secretary of tho Treasury, the Subscription Itwk to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rata of Boren and three-tenths per cent. por annum, will remain open at toy office, NO. 114 S. TIIIItD STREET, until further notice, from 8 A. M. till b P. DI., and on Mondays tiff 9P. U . These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN , DICED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and Fl4ll THOUSAND DOLLARS., and are all doled 19th of Augnst, 1001, payable In gold, In three years, or converti ble into a twenty years' six percent. loan, nt the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons attached, Ithich can be cut off and collected In gold at the Mint every six months, and at the rite of ono cent per day on °Sell fifty dollars. Payments of subscriptions may be made In Gold or Checks, or Notes of any of the Philadelphia Banks. PARTIES AT A DISTANCE con remit by their friends, through the mail, or by express, or through Banks, and the Treat lacy Notes uill be Immediately delivered, or sent Werth subscriber as they niay severally direct. Parties remitting mast add the Interest front 19th of August, the date of all the notes to the day the remit tance reaches Philadelphia, at the, rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars. Apply to or address JAY COOKE, SURSCRIPTION AGENT, Care of Jay Cooke A Co., Bankers, No, 114 South Third Street, Pldhuielphie. Oct. 7, HU. A BATTLE: FOUGHT!!! AND A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON ADJUTANT GEN. LEWIS ; After a emit, engagement which lasted for nearly four days, I have Minn routed the enemy and captured a large number of Guns, Revolvers, Bowie Knives, and a great quantity of amp equipage, and other valuable articles which I immediately shipped by railroad from the fielder action, and now announce mall PRICES DEFEATED. On opening and examining the valuables captured, they were found to comprise such an endless variety of Iltird. ware and Cutlery of every kind, that I can supply the people of all ages and classes; even from a toy for an in. font. to a supporting cane for the feeble old man. Boys or girls, Lords or Ladies, Soldiers or Citizens, lionsekeep. ere or Boarders, Farmers or Mechanics, Lawyers or Doc. tors, anybody and everybody any be furnished with a uselnl memento of this el entful battle by calling at the Hardware Store of Huntingdon, Oct.l, 1801 THE WAR GOES ON! D. P. MIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, CALL AND EXAMINE THEM Oct. 8, 180. BOOTS AND SHOES. A NEW ARRIVAL. 13E0110E SIIAFFER Has Just meek.] ti new studs of Boots & Shoes, which lie mill be r ieseed to hare examined Isy the public g enerelly. Ills rtssol t went consists of Hoots mei Shoe, of all kinds for Gentlemen and Ladies, undo in the lest armorer. Ile also continues to manufacture to order all kinds of Cents nod Slew. and rotor,., limns for Om F itninn g e ho Juni heretofore reeeiiiel, and hop.. to merit a continuance of the same. Ws stei n is in the Piamotel, ono door east of Strome Store, .hare the piddle u ill please call. Huntin g don, 0,3.1,1001-41. CLOT HE YOURSELVES! lIIGII PRICES DEFEATED ! il'orn is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN, Respect folly Inform the public generally Mut ho ban ' just received n large and nett selected stock of fashionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which Ito ask, the nttention of all aho ore In want of 18 neat and comfortable Coat, a Vest or n pair of Pants.— Ills stock will bear examination, mil he respectfully regne•ds nil to call and ace fur theniselveg. tdundd gentletnen deshe any particular kind or cut of clothing not foond in the stock on hand. by lent ing their memoir° tlo Call be accommodated at abort notice. A good nneortturnt of • BOOTS AND moms, AT mrs .41dD CAPS, will oho be found op Anonl. d l nf w4l.lde Sold as tow, if not lower. than Allo ninue.9pahty.of goods can bo ;hod In ,t,be county. Call ut the curlier of the Diamond, Long's new building. M. 13 UTMAN. Huntingdon, Sept. 19, 1861. VTHE UNION," Arch Street, Above glaird, Philade,. UPTON S. NEWCOMBE, Pxoprietor. snr• This Hotel is central,convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in et cry particular adap ted to the comfort nud wants of the business public. i.rer Terms, $1.50 per tlity.- - 6:11. Sept.lo, 1861.-Iy. WASIIINGR)N NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLAG STILL WAVES. NEW OOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! At Coffee Rua Slam, and Newburg. SIMON COHN has Just received from the Eastern Cit. foe, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Grocrrim, Queer/metre. Hardware, Clothing, Bonnets, Shawls, Huts, Caps, Boots, Shoes., nod all other articles kept In country stores. which he It oR ring at his Mammoth Stores, at Coffee Mtn Station and Newburg. at unusually low prices. The ladies especially, are invited to call and examine his Fancy Goode. }laving arrangements with large firms in Phikulelphin and other eastern cities. he ut able to buy his goods cheap. er than other country merchants. and can consequently, undersell them: In exc./lenge for good., he takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cosh prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, be hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the firmulTop 11. IL Co., At Coffee Attu Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Acute la tso Esotorti toarkets. liming a Argo naro 1 1P9Slit far , mere can store with bin, until ready to ehtp. Eynry con lenience n ill be Afforded glAtp. Anzust 29. 18111. iiiiMilEM TILE undersigned incite attentlso to their large and wel groa n stock of FRUIT ANE ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Lc., embracing a large and complete assortment of #.I , IIJiES, PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, and NECTARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwarf fol. Gm garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESTNUTS, HA ZLENUTS, Ac., RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, In great valley, Grapes of Choiseat Kinds, .Asparpgus, Rhubarb, Zko, &q Also a flno stock of well formed, bushy EVEIigREENS. suitable for the Cemetery and dap•p. DEC)DVOtiS for greet planting and a geneSAl ggorinenttlf pm*exit,alTactes4tFiawtwilli RO s SES.of choke varjeties, CAMELLIAS, BEDDING 1,1,p1F,5, Our stook is remarkably tlirifty and flub, p,pd Fe offer It a t prk a ak t . vitt tho times. air-Catalogues wailed tO all OPPlicat:. Address, ASAY4ItD J. 'VANS & CO., Cant,ml Npreerios, York, Pa. 5ept.;2,,1561,..-9,yr. . OySSTERS 44,7TAYS QN HAND AT TILE "UNION RESTAURANT,P OPPOSITE THE EXCHAIM,E I.IOTEL. Painaite parties i ppliod on N 1 ort t ant lc a plate of good Oystere. • • • • lAuntlngdon, 00L.15. 1861. Nv -IkTDQIs. .1141-2,Es co,t,Ds, - TASSELA%