The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 31, 1861, Image 1

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    *entifattitig. ezin.
WM. LEWIS, Editor :And Proprietor
TEttlltS.—" The OLOBE" 119 publieboll Mica a work nt
$1.50 a 3 oar-75 cents for six tnoutbs-50 cents fur
three months—in advance.
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 31, 1861
Our Flag Forever.
Goy. Curtin has issued mztrohing or
ders to eight more regiments, Cl/-
camped at Harrisburg, Easton, Doyles
town and Pottsville.
A Washington correspondent of the
Phila. Bulletin under date of the 30th,
says :
"I am assured, from the most au
thenticated sources, that the President
has informed several gentlemen, high
in authority, that the army will not go
into winter quarters here, as intimated
in numerous sections, but that a for
ward movement is a thing determined
on, and will take place at the proper
time. So there need exist no suspi
cion that the immense army here is to
remain quiet for months to come.
Congress at its last session, past a
joint resolution at the request of Lieu
tenant-Gen. Scott, retiring bim from
active service. In accordance with
this, it is understood that he -will re
tire from active duty ere many weeks
pass away.
The rebel batteries were opened up
on the Maryland shore yesterday, and
Oring continued to a late hour last
night; but without damage to any
body on our side. It is believed that
no vessels have, within the last twen
ty-four hours, run the rebel blockade."
Col, Baker's body has been embalm-
O. it will be exhibited, in state, in
Philadelphia, previous to its removal
to California.
The Ball's Bluff affair is to be sub
mitted to a thorough investigation by
the constituted military authorities.
This prisoner, taken at Ball's Bluff,
teas astonished to learn that our army
•was not almost entirely composed of
Abolitionists and radical Republicans,
: and that our main object was other
.than to emancipate slavery through
.out the South. Ho said, if the fact
were generally known to the working
people of the South that our sole ob
ject was to sustain the Government
And *serve the Union intact, there
would be a revolution in the rebel ar
my, and peace restored. Ile was sur
prised beyond measure to be assured
that Brockinridge Democrats constitu
ted a large component of the army.
A. correspondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial, in describing the late bat
tle at Wildcat, Ky., under date of Oct.
25, says:
•, The loss of the enemy is not yet
;known, but it was very severe. Our
men buried 58 rebels whose bodies
;they found on the field, and picked up
, come of their Wounded. The people
beyond Wildcat say that Zollicoffer ad
mits a loss of 80 killed. Our own loss
that day was 2 Indianians killed in a
skirmish and 4 men in battle, and 31
wounded. The attacking force consis
ted of Mississippians, Georgians and
Tennesseans. They were well armed
and equipped, and advanced with great
firmness. When they were repulsed
they threw away knapsacks, blankets,
cte., in great quantities. They were;
generally armed with flint-lock mus
kets, and altered locks, with buck shot
guns and navy revolvers for cavalry.
A considerable quantity of muskets,
shot-guns, and pistols were gathered
on the battle field, and several swords
were found. It is said that a rebel
,colonel and a captain were killed."
dr. Memminger, the 'Confederate
Secretary of the Treasury, gives a
,doleful account of the present and
prospective financial condition of his
Government. What an appalling pic
ture is disclosed in the following ex
tract from one of his last communica
tions—being a letter in reply to the
cotton planters:
"It would appear that the planters,
seriously oppressed as they are by the
blockade, have appealed to the Gov
ernment either to purchase the entire
cotton crop of the year, or to make an
Advance upon its hypothecated value.
'To both of these proposals Mr. Mem
minger declines to accede, remarking,
at the same time, that 'they demand
t that a new Government, yet struggling
for existence, should reject all lessons
of experience, and undertake that
which no Government, however long
.established, has yetsucceeded in effect
ing;" and the experiment, he says, is
proposed, moreover, to a Government
engaged in a gigantic war, whose ene
mies are in possession of all the muni
tions and workshops that have been
collected during forty-five years of
iteAce, whose fleets have been built up
at the jointexpense of both North and
South; who, with all these on band,
,are compelled to spend nearly ten mil
lions per week to carry on the war;
and 'can we,' says Mr. Memminger,
'expect to contend with them at less
than half that expenditure ?' Ire re
minds the • planters, further, th4,A is
net their notes and bonds, 40. i their
Produce,' wlii i 'the Goternment re
quires, but money ;c,v4ich is 9*n - tint to
'its existence. Ito declares the experi
ment o increasing the liability, and
thus damaging the credit of the Gov
ernment, IS too dangerous a one to be
tried for the furtherance of any inter
,est, even that of cotton; and he very
plainly tells the planters that they
Must seek relief elsewhere. 51.4 cf, the
planters,' he says 'divert their labor
from cotton, and take measures for the
Supply of winter crops.' Ito recom
mends the increased cultivation of
grain, and other agricultural products,
and points to the money capital in
banks and private hands as a ready re
If this is the report of the rebel Sec
retary of the Treasury, what must be
the report of the rebel Secretary of
War ? If there is no money in the
locker, how can the head of the family
go to market? If his own people will
not trust him, how can the President
borrow from strangers?
A correspondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial, writing from Louisville,
says that a strong opposition party
exists among the rebels. It is bitterly
hostile to the movement ,against Ken
tucky, which is a gross violation of the
so-called States-Rights principles of
the Secessionists. He says:
" The hwasion of Kentucky gave
the party of Gov. Brown., of Georgia,
a fresh start. The Ultraists had the
honesty to say Kentucky- had the
right to choose for herself, and should
have been respected whatever choice
she may have made; that if misled it
was for time and her own efforts to
bring her back. These doctrines were
powerful ones whispered in the ears
of the army. The influence reached
the Potomac army and infected it.—
The Georgia troops positively refused
to invade Kentucky. They had come,
they said, at the call of Virginia; they
wore ready to go at the call of the
Governor of Missouri, or at the call
of the Governor of Kentucky, but
not to subjugate the men who, in op
position to the Abolitionists, (as they
call all the North,) they had called
brothers. They look on Kentucky as,
and, they call her, a sister State—on
those of the North as free States. The
South Carolina soldiers swore they
would throw down their arms first,
and other demonstrations were made
by other troops so alarming that Davis
has been forced, in his proclamation, to
offer an excuse for his ill-advised in
vasion of Kentucky; and how lame
and impotent is the con2lusion to which
his logic brings him 1"
Our army Correspondence.
October 25, ISbl.
FRIEND Lewis:—Company 0, 28th
Regiment P. V., don't often trouble the
columns of newspapers with loads of
imaginary successes and high expecta
tions of future resolution and daring.
Neither is it the purpose on this occa
sion, to boast of the chivalry of its
members, or actions of its humble his
tory so far to be recorded. Its stal
wart and hardy componants came
forth front all parts of Huntingdon
but the principle part of them
from the Broad Top Coal Region, hence
its name—" The Lawrence Rifles front
Broad Top." The name, not only
highly significant of the memorable
patriot, whose expiring words were,
"Don't give up the ship," but in honor
of our worthy patriot and esteemed
friend, J. J . . Lawrence, Supt. of the 11.
& B. T. R. R., whose fidelity and fer
vency in the cause of American Na
tionality, has contributed much to
wards the speedy formation and trans
portation of the citizen soldiery of
Huntingdon. county. Capt. Geo. F.
McCabe, its commander, is a man of
indomitable perseverance and energy,
and has gained a name in Col. Geary's
regiment," well worthy of his useful
ness and courage for the cause of lib
erty. He has, during the short time
his company has been with the regi
ment, disarmed two defunct or latent
cavalry companies, known tb have ex
isted a year ago, in Frederick co., Md.,
whose members he visited individually,
and wrung from them their weapons,
which were concealed—in many in
stances most mysteriously. Some had
them buried a mile from their residen
ces, and it was only by the determined
threats of the Captain to send them
to Fort McHenry, that they reluctant
!' - handed over their weapons, which
ere concealed, to be used against us
whenever a favorable opportunity pre
sented itself. There are many com
panies, both cavalry and infitntry,
along the southern border counties of
Maryland, that are but waiting for the
rebels to cross over the Potomac, to
rise up to their assistance. But, un
fortunately for their treacherous hearts,
that assistance can't come to them, and
they doggedly hold out Union procliv
ities to us through day time, and show
signal lights to their rebel brethren in
Virginia, during the night. We
caught many at these acts, who are
now housed up safely in some Fort, to
muse over their treachery. Capt. Mc-
Cabe's company is doing picket duty
on a line of two miles along the Poto
mac, extending from two miles below
Point of Rocks, downwards. It joined
the regiment on the evening of the
22d inst., and marched to Edward's
Ferry, eighteen miles below the Point
of Rocks, where Gen. Banks' command
of 40,000 wore encamped. The 28th
lay there three days, during which
time there was some very important
manceurering by Gen. McClellan, who
also came up. Skirmishing ensued on
the opposite side of the river, which
resulted in our favor. On the 25th,
our regiment returned to Point of
Rocks, to our former encampment.—
The pickets were replaced, and we are
now expecting sonic other important
movement. The series of successes of
the Twenty-eighth Regiment, is due to
its far-seeing Colonel. lie has studied
well the plans and deceptions of the
rebels, knows well the enemy's coun
try in this vicinity, and acting on the
principle of economy of saving men's
lives, his regiment has wonderfully
escaped loss of life, while it has spread
terror to all the rebel forces in range
of his command. At Harper's-Ferry,
where he so signally defeated the reb
els, one hundred and twenty of his
men stood for several hours against a
regiment of infantry and 600 cavalry,
a),111. 'finally, when reinforced to 640,
with three battery guns, exTosed in
open field, while the enemy were shel
tered in the woods, ho totally routed
theni from their shelter, and after
wards, when At cavalry charge was
made against our little force, the rebels
were hurled back reeling from their
saddles. Col. Geary maintained his
hositien until all the wheat which he
ad crossed over to protect, had been
conveyed safely on the Maryland side,
after which he withdrew his forces
Passing along the river on our way
to Edward's Ferry, we beheld the
memorable spot where the lamented
Baker fell. The high cliffs on the op
posite side made it an object of won
der why such a difficult crossing should
be picked upon, whys) there were other
places where good positions could have
been taken on the opposite shore. But
this is not a matter for an humble sol
dier to reflect upon. The disaster does
not dampen our courage. When we
looked at the position of the forces
when they fought, we were satisfied
that a similar occurrence will not take
place, as more prudence will be taken
in the future.
It would not be amiss to state to
your numerous readers and the kind
hearted ladies of Huntingdon county,
that instead of their knitting socks,
and preparing other winter articles of
clothing to be sent to Harrisburg for
distribution amongst the soldiers, that
they send them to responsible persons
at Huntingdon or some other place in
the county, and that those persons
send the clothing direct to the differ
ent companies in the field from the
county. In this way the friends of
the soldiers can assist directly, the ones
they would most desire to help. The
weather is getting quite cool, nights
frosty, and the boys have only their
overcoats and blankets to ward the
stinging frost of winter. Socks and
underclothes are scarce, and benevo
lent exertions should be made through
out the country, to make the brave
boys comfortable, who have volunteer
ed their services to put down the scor
pion traitors whose ambition is to fight
l'or plunder,-and to desecrate homes of
innocent families.
The ague season is now over. Sick
ness has, to a considerable extent, dis
appeared. The boys are in constant
glee for being led forward to battle.—
Your familiar paper is anxiously- sought
for when the mail arrives.
I ours,
Order of Gen. McClellan.
The following order has been issued
by Gen. 31cClellan concerning the af
fair at Ball's Bluff, complimenting in
high terms Gen. Stone and his gallant
command :
WASHINGTON, Oat. 26, 1861.
The .Major General einnmandifig, the
army of the Potomac desires to offer
his thanks, and to express his admira
tion of their conduct, to the officers
and men of the detachments of the
Fifteenth and Twentieth Massachu
setts, First California and Tammany
regiments, and the First United States
Artillery and Rhode Island battery.
engaged in the auYuir of Monday last
near Harrison's Island. The gallantry
and discipline there displayed deserved
a more fortunate result; but, situated
as those 'troops were, cut off alike from
retreat and reinforcements, and at
taQked by an overwhelming force of
from five thousand to seven thousand,
it was not possible that the issue could
be successful. Under happier auspices
such devotion will insure victory.—
The General Commanding feels in
creased confidence in the troops com
posing Gen. Stone's division, and is
sure that when next they meet the
enemy they will fully retrieve this
check, for which they are not account
By order of
Maj. Gen. llcer.m.r,Ax
S. WILLIAms, Ass't Adj't Goal
Gen. Stone's Orders to Col. Baker
The following are exact copies of
the orders from Gen. Stone to Colonel
Baker, which were found beneath the
latter's hat by Capt. Young, his aid,
after the body had been taken from
the field. O Both are deeply stained
with Colonel Baker's blood, and one of
the bullets, which went through his
head, carried away a corner of the
first :
H. Q. Coups or (Here the bullet)
struck, and a word is missing.) k-
EDWARDS' FERRY, Oct. 21, 1861.
COLONEL E. D. BAKER, Copt. or Bul
l-UDE—Colonel: In ease of heavy firing
in front of Ilarrison's Island, you will
advance the California Regiment of
your brigade, or retire the regiments
under Colonels Lee and Devens, now
on the (almost rendered illegible by
blood) Virginia side of the river, at
your discretion, assuming command on
Yery respectfully, Colonel,
Your mo. obt. servt.,
enAs. P. STONE, Brig. Gon. Comd'g.
Thesecond order, which follows, was
delivered on the battle-field by Colonel
Cogswell, who said to Colonel Baker,
in reply to a question what it meant,
" All right, go ahead." Thereupon,
Col. Baker put it in his hat without
reading. An hour afterwards ho fell.
EDWARDS' FERRY, Oct. 11-11,50.
E. D., Commanding firigade:
COLONEL-I am informed that the
force of the enemy is about 4,000, all
told, Ryon can push them, you may
do so as far as to have a strong posi
tion near Leesburg, if you can keep
theta 'before you, avoiding their bat
teries. If they pass Leesburg and
take the Gum Springs road, you will
not follow far, but seize the first good
position to cover that road.
'Their design is to draw us on, if
they aye obliged to retreat, as litr as
GOose Creek, where they can be re-in
forced from Manassas, and have a
strong position.
Report frequently, so that when they
are pushed, Gorman can come up on
their flank.
Yours respectfully and truly,
Brigadier General Coup:tamling
Letter from Garilielqi
WAsniNcrroN, Oct. 28—The follow
ing jotter Imp. Gariba)d i i been ye
ceil;ed by the , United" States consul et
Antwerp :
"CAMERA, 10th of Sept. 1861.
~, ny DEAR SIR: I saw Nlr. Sandford,
and regret to be obliged to anugxueo
to you that I shall not he able to go to
the United States at presont.
"I do not doubt of the triumph of
the cause of the Union, and that short
ly ; but if this war should unfortunate
ly continue in your beautiful country,
I shall overcome all obstacles which
detain me, to hasten to the defence of
a people who are So dear to me.
"To Mr. Quiggle, U. S. C. at Antwerp."
(Special Despatch to tho St. Louts Republican.]
COUNTY, Saturday night, Oct. 26.—Con.
Fremont and staff arrived here, sixteen
miles from Camp Morissey,aild encamp
ed this evening on the outskirts of the
Bolivar, like nearly all the towns in
Southern Missouri, is almost entirely
deserted, the stores being all closed
and many of the houses abandoned.
It is now ascertained that the loss of
Fremont's body-guard, in the brilliant
charge at Springfield, was six or eight
killed and from fifteen to twenty
A number of most brilliant instances
of daring were shown on our side.
A sergeant had three horses shot from
under him, and a rebel placed a pistol
at Major Zagoni's breast, and was in
the act of firing when the Major severed
his arm from the shoulder, and laid him
dead at his horse's feet.
Col. Carr's Third Illinois Cavalry,
and Major Holman's Sharpshooters
have left here for Springfield, and ono
regiment of Gen. Sigel's division will
march there at midnight.
Gen. Fremont and staff and Sigel's
division depart by forced marches for
Springfield at- daylight to-morrow
morning, and will probably arrive
there in the evening.
Gen.McKinstry was within two miles
of Warsaw last night.
Gen. Pope was this side the Osage
river, and Gen. Hunter in advance of
him, all marching to this point.
I understand that in the forthcoming
battle Gen. Lane and Gen. Sturgis will
have the left wing, Gen. Hunter the
right, Gen. Asbuth the main column,
and Gen. McKinstry will form the re
serve, Gen. Sigel the advance.
Nothing has been heard from the
rebels under Gen. Price, and there is
no news of McCulloch.
[Special Despatch tp the St. Louie Democrat.]
TIPTON, Mo., Oct. 28.—Gcn. Kenne
dy, who has just returned to Sedalia
from Gen. Price's army, says that
Price's men are much dissatisfied at
the prospect of leasing the State, and
that they will three him to make a
stand within our borders. On the other
hand, it is asserted that Gen. Johnston
has left Kentucky to take command of
the forces under Price and McCulloch,
and that, before leaving that State, he
sent a courier to Price and McCulloch,
directing them to till back into Arkan
sas, and not to give Fremont battle
until he could first reach them. Gen.
Kennedy says that Gen. Fremont will .
have a much larger Three to contend
against than he imagines. ConSidera
ble numbers of Price's rebels are ar
riving in this section daily, and it is
feared that they will renew their plun
dering habits as soon as our troops
Rebel Covatry Routed.-13 Killed and
24 Prisoners.-52 Horses and Camp
Equipage Captured.
PADUCAH, Oct: 28. Three compa
nies of the. Nin4 Illinois_ Regiment
went to Saratoga, forty-eight miles up
the Cumberland river, on Saturday,
and attacked a company of rebel cav
alry 100 strong, completely routing
them. The rebelA lost 13 killed,
prisoners, and 52 horses and all their
camp equipage were captured. The
Federal loss was only taro wounded.
Further News from Kentucky
[Rent the Look \ tile Journal, of Oct. 2401.1
A courier came to Lebanon yesterday,
stating that a skirmish had occurred
between Gen. Ward's pickets and a
scouting party of about one hundred
rebels on Thursday night, in Green
county, to the southwest of Campbells
ville. The captain of our pickets was
unfortunately taken prisoner, but we
suffered no other loss, though there
were several of the rebels killed and
wounded, A Tennesseean who was
attached to our forces killed two of
them. Reinforcements were sent for
immediately, and Colonel Harlan had
his men ready as soon as possible, and
it was supposed that they would go
towards Muldraugh's Hill last evening.
We learn that a gang of forty-four
Secessionists, from Owen county, who
left home on Thursday night, under
the lead of a preacher named Foster,
have been arrested in Clark county.
They inado their way to the farm of
Mr. Van Meter where they stopped
one day to rest. Information of theii
whereabouts having been received at
Winchester, a party of thirty Home
Guards started in pursuit, under the
command of young Mr. Grigsby. They
came upon them by surprise, where
they bad picketed their horses and
stacked their arms, and ware .o' in A
cum 404 about fifty yards off. Tubing
possession of these quickly, the Seces
sionists saw that the game was up with
them and they all surrendered without
a fight. Besides the forty-four priso
ners, the Grigsby party captured for
ty-six horses, sixty-six Colt's navy pis
tols, forty-limp Shatpc's and Enfield
rifles, and forty-four sabres, the devils
being armed to the very teeth when
in the saddle. This gallant exploit re
flects great credit on the vigilance of
the Ciark county Horne Guards.
Rout of Rebels.—Captain and Liculen
CAIRO, Illinois, Oct. 28. 1 ---A party of
thirty men of the Twenty-eighth Illi
nois Regiment while scouting on Sat
urday, encountered a party of rebel
cavalry and infantry, thirteen miles
below this place. A brisk engagement
ensued, in which the reliefs were rout
ed with the loss of a captain a)?,4 lieu
tenant, and several wounded. No loss
on our side.
The Great Expeditiou
FORTRESS MONROE, Oct. 29, via ma
timore.—The great Expedition sailed
this morning. Tho Flag-ship 'Wabash
took the lead at daylight, when a gun
was fired as a signal. The steamer
Catawba brought up the rear. The
vessels, more than fifty in number,
formed in line a few miles down the
Roads and went out between the Capes
in splendid style.
The morning was the most beautlfal
ono of the season, and the spodtaelo
was the grandest dyer witnessed on
this Continent.
There is no other news of interest
to coininunieitte.
ant Killed
Attempted Escape of a Rebel Priso
ner from Fort Lafayette,
On Sunday morning, between 1 and
2 o'clock, one of the sentinels on the
dock which surrounds Port Lafayette,
had his attention attracted to one of
the port holes in the fort by a strange
noise. He subsequently shaped his
movements in reference to that spot,
and soon saw that one of the seces
sionist prisoners was endeavoring to
make his escape. Mr. Lowber, the
gentleman who was arrested sonic
time since at Crestline, Ohio, bearing
despatches for the Confederacy, was
the individual who was thus engaged
in offering defiance to the strong walls
of the fort. It appears that Lowber
had procured a key which fitted the
padlock that fastened the grating of
the port hole, and that he had opened
the grating. He had also been provi
ded with a new wash tub and a rope;
also a life preserver.
He had $47,50 in gold and his gold
watch packed in a bladder and fits
toned in one of his pockets. Having
packed his valise, he placed it in the
tub; he then fastened the rope to the
tub, let the tub out of the porthole, and,
after securing the rope, bid good bye
to Fort Lafayette and entered the tub
himself. He then set sail for the ground,
all the while watched by the sentinel,
who allowed Mr. Lowber, his tub and
its cargo to land on the dock in safety.
But no sooner had he landed than he
was commanded to surrender or be
shot. Of course, Mr. Lowber did not
like the shooting proposition, so he
surrendered, and suggested to the sen
tinel that ho take the bladder contain
ing the gold watch and the $47.50 in
money and allow him to go back into
the fort through the porthole, and have
nothing said about it. But the senti
nel was not to bo used. He alarmed
the garrison, and Lieut. Wood, the of
ficer of the post, had the prisoners' roll
called to see if all his prisoners wore in
the fort. He then had Lowber secured
in double irons and placed in the guard
It appears that Mr. Lowber has re
ceived some visits from ladies with
skirts of an extraordinary size. In
future visitors will doubtless be sub
mitted to close scrutiny.—N. Y .Uerald.
Important Captures in the Gulf.
(From the Nattoont In trlligeneer of the 29t11.1
Capt. :Tames Alden, of the steamer
South Carolina, reports two captures
in the Gulf, One was the schooner
Ezilda, taken on the 30th ultimo, and
the Joseph 11. Toone, which was taken
after a hot chase, at the entrance of
Barrataria bay.
The Ezilda was cleared for Matanzas
by Capt. T. 0. Sullivan, of Cork, Ire
land, but after she sailed was com
manded by William Anderson Hicks,
of Mississippi, who resigned from the
naval academy in March, and was an
officer on board the pirate Sumpter
when she left New Orleans. He had
carried into Cienfuegos several prizes
taken by the Sumpter, and when taken
he was on his way home via Havana.
The Joseph H. Toone was owned by
William 11. Aymer, of New Orleans.—
Thomas Lewis, late of the U. S. army,
was a passenger on board, and both
have been sent to New York as priso
ners of war. Both vessels were con
demned as prises. - - - -- -
The Ezilda was loaded with coffee,
fish, peas, eleven eases of muskets, six
flasks of mercury, twenty-five loose
muskets and bayonets, and ono case of
sabres. The Joseph 11. Toone had on
board the following:
Two packages tobacco, 1 case cigars,
1 case conserves, 5 cases guns, 17 cases
guns, 38 cases guns, 1 case percussion
caps, 2 cases guns, 7 packages ditto,
88,100 pounds lead, 900 pounds quick
silver, 100 bags coffee, 1 case cigars, 12
bbls. cigars, 2 packages do., 1 case pa
per, 1 case conserves, 1. case tobacco,
7,710 pigs load, 12 bottles quicksilver,
200 kegs powder, 18 eases merchan
dise, 1,298 blankets, 05 packages paper,
2,000 pairs blankets, 22 revolvers, 1 box
5,000 percussion caps, 1,557 guns, 20,-
000 percussion caps, 203 guns, 100 bags
Commander Alden, in his communi
cation accompanying the official re
ports, estimates the number of arms
captured at from 4,000 to 5,090 stand.
.111uny of them are old flint locks, and
somo are entirely useless from age and
The South Carolina has captured
sixteen prizes within three months.
John C. Breckinridge at Richmond
[Prom dm Memphis Appeal, Oct. 22.]
RICHMOND, Oct. 21,1861.—The Hons.
John C. Breckinridge, Humphrey Mar
shall, and Wm. B. Preston arrived here
to-day from the West. A large crowd
congregated at the railroad depot and
extended them a most enthusiastic re
ception. Mr. Breckinridge made an
appropriate speech to the hearty greet
ings of the multitude.
in this ittaes, this tivarttimg, Oct. 31st, Mr. D ma, CuL
scocg, ip Ids 72d year.
OCL 30,
Panay and Extra Family Flour Yd3,12 1 i'@0,25
Common and Superfine $5 3 37 1 / 05:50
Rye Flour $3,75
Corn Meal„ ~ $2 1%
... 'ce
Fair and l'i : Kup Red
Corn, prim. Yellow
144 Ms
Extra Family Flour l Ltd.
Exti a do tart.
Intl° Wheat
fled 11 he
Dried Apples
QTRAYEI) .TWA' . = A gray Mii - ro
k.) branded with 11. P. on tbn !eft ehoulder, broke nut of
an enelowne some 'days' ngn. A liberal rowed d will be
paid t 9 any person '..3turning Bahl mare, or for giving any
hiformatiod whero nhe may bo round.
Huntingdon, Oct. 31, 1.461.
ust received a new stock of ,;
Call and examine my new etewk.
October 81, 1861
1)11 0 CLAMATION.--WITE - REAS, by
1 . a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
24th day of Anguat. A.D. 1812, under the hands and seals
of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Cumin. Pleas. Oyer and Terminer, and general Jail deliv
ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the
Hons. Benjamin P. Patton and William It. Leas his associ
ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as
signed, appointed to bear, try and determine all and every
indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes,
n kith by the laws of the State aro made capital, or felon
ies of death, anti other offences, crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been orated! hereafter bo committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to mako
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oyer and Terminer,
of Common Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court Houle In the
bormigh of Ilmitiumlon, on the second Monday (and 11th
day) of November next, and those who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that nII Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constaldes within said county, be then and there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, a It h
their records, inquisitions, examinations and imitem bran.
sec, to do those thing 4 m Melt to their offices respectively
Dmod a Huntingdon, the 22d of October, In the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one,
and the Stith year or American Independence.
11 a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Com.
mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the
24th day of August, 1861, I am commanded to mike
Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Com t of Common Picas will bo held at the Court House
In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and
18th day) of November. A. D., 1861, for the trio! of ail is
sues in said Court n hick remain undetermined boforo
the said Judges, ulien and n hero/dip - worm, witnesses,mul
anltore, In the [Oslo of ail issues aro required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 22d of October. in the year of
our Lord mm thousand eight hundred and sixtpone,
mid the 86th y ear of American Independence.
_ . .
William Patton at al vs James Entrelan, et al
hat, Wigton k Co. vs Joshua Johns.
A. J. Wigton & bro. for use vs Same.
J. &J. A. Haggerty vs Tboinms Woqon,
J. A. Hagerty vs & ,e.
James Gorden vs Cromwell & Williams.
William Crettdos vs Michael J. Martin, at al
Thomas Weston, jr. vs Thomas Weston.
J. Creswell vs C. 'headstone, et al.
J. D. Batts vs J. Cunningham's ndmr.
Oh en Boat •s J. Sewell Stewart.
John D. Wright vs Jas. Templeton, et al.
Kessler, Eby & Co. vs Wm. Meredith, et al.
Nancy Gooshorn vs Sam Gooshora's ndmr.
David G. Da va I I vs Jonathan Shultz, et al.
ci lIERIFFS SALES.—By virtue of
smutty writs of Vend. Exp, nod Lev. Fa. to
me directed, I will expose to piddle gale or outcry, at the
Com t House, In the borough of Huntingdon, OS MON
DAY Tllll 11Ttr DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1861, at two
o'clock, P. 31., the following described Real Estate, to nit:
All that certain messuage tenement, plan
tation and tract of land situate in Dublin township. Mu
tlngdon county, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded by
lands of James Neely, William Stewart, and others. con.
taming one hundred and sixteen acres and sixty-five
perches, more or less, patented.
Abe—A small tract of fatal adjoining lands of James
Neely, James Kolly, and James Crco, in Dublin township
aforesaid. containing seventeen acres, more or less.
Also—A small tract of ridge land, adjoining the Alt9yo
Ilencribed tract, containing fourteen acres and one hun
dred and thirty-six pet cites, part whereof is cleared.—
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty of William Campbell.
ALSO-100 acres of land, more or less, sit
man in Cromwell township, bounded by lands of
Price, Shnon Orate, Will4sm Wallace, and Thos I. Crom
well. about 40 acres of which aro cleared, having thereon
erected two log 110116e9, and on the premises there is an
apple and peach orchard. Belied and taken iu execution,
and to be sold as the property of Solomon Bunke,
lre- All sales advertised for the first day of the (boil,
will be adjourned (Is or until the following Wednesday, and
deeds acknowledged on Wednesday of the second Court
week. JOHN C. WATSON, Shedif.
SrtEnirea Omer.
Huntingdon, Nov. 22, 1881.}
D. N. Carothers, manager, Cromwell.
Nicholas Corbin, shoemaker, Cassville.
Nicholas Cresswell, gentlemen, Alexandria.
Daniel Plenner, farmer, Walker.
Henry Graffms, farmer, Porter. '
Andrew Grove, farmer, Penn.
Robert Goshorn, farmer, Tell.
Jacob Hetrick, farmer, Henderson.
David Isenberg. farmer. Henderson.
John Keller, of Daniel, fanner, Morris.
Abraham Lewis, innkeeper, Shirley.
George Miller, farmer, Henderson.
Samuel McVay, farmer, Clay.
Thomas Morrison, miller, Brady.
Samuel Oakism, farmer, Tell.
ectur - tucknbaugtr; mrtt - wrtgnr, - umon.
Isaac Swoope, farmer, Shirley.
John M. Stoneroad, carpenter, Warriormark
And?ew Swoops, farmer, Clay.
Samuel Swwart, farmer,
John Wicks, blacksmith, Shirleysburg.
Adolphus White, farmer, Oneida.
John Whittaker, gentleman, Huntingdon.
Thomas Wilson, teacher, West.
David Blair farmer, Oneida.
John F. Blair, farmer, Tell,
B. D. F. Baird, M. D., Clay,
William Crotsley, surveyor, Cass.
George W. Cornelius, farmer. Cromwell.
John C. Crownover, farmer, Barree.
William Curry, farmer, Franklin.
S. B. Donaldson, carpenter, Carbon,
Jncub Elias, farmer, Tod.
John M. Earley, innkeeper, Shirley. •
Levi Evans, J. P., Carbon.
Wm. S. Entrekin, farmer, Hopewell.
Ephraim Greenland, gunsmith, Union.
Austin Green. farmer Cassville,
Robert Gehrett, blacksmith, Union.
James Galbraith, gentleman, Shirleysburg
John Hess, farmer, Springfield.
Frederick !leapt, farmer, 'fod.
James Horning, farmer, West.
Maize S. Harrison, tinner, Shirleysburg.
Henry Harvey, founder, Franklin.
Robert Mcßurney, merchant, Jackson.
Jonathan McWilliams, farmer, Franklin.
Andrew J. McCoy, miller, Franklin.
David 'Meng, farmer, Warriormark.
John S. Morrison, farmer, Shirley.
G. Ashman Miller, merchant, Huntingdon
Michael McCabe, miner, Carbon.
Charles McGill, mason, Penn.
David Rupert, farmer, Henderson.
Thos. A. Smelker, farnm, Shirley,
John P. Stewart, farmer, Oneida.
John Simpson, farmer, Huntingdon,
David Snare, J. P., Huntingdon.
Matthias Shoop, farmer, Tell.
John Summers, farmer, Hopewell.
Solomon Silknitter, farmer, Henderson.
Hugh Seeds, farmer, Franklin. -'
George Smi th, farmer, Shirley.
John Thompson, jr., farmer, Juniata.
Samuel Thompson, farmer, Dublin.
Samuel Thompson, farmer, Franklin.
Samuel Wilson, miner, Warriormark.
John Wray, former, Warriormark.
Joseph Weight, farmer, Warriormark.
Caleb Wakefield, farmer, Brady.
Gen. B. Young, J. P., Alexandria.
Abraham Donaldson, carpenter, Carbon.
.$1 25@i 50
Samuel H. Bell, farmer, Shirley.
Peter Beatty, laborer, Union.
Wm. Brewster, merchant, Shirleysburg.
David Brumbaugh, farmer, Cass.
Henry S. Dell, farmer, Cromwell.
John Byer, jr., farmer, Warriormark.
17. A. Vraker, merchant, Shirleysburg.
Jacob Fink, farmer, Penn.
Joseph Forrest, farmer, Barre°.
John Gehrott, farmer, Brady.
William Hamer, farmer, Porter.
Mordecai Henry, farmer, West:
Benjamin Hartman, farmer, West.
Isaac Hamlin, carpenter, Warriormark.
Philip Hooper, carpenter, Union.
John Hagey, butcher, Huntingdon.
Jacob Hamilton, farmer, Jackson,
Jfilbert Horning, farmer, Barree.
ohn A. hunter, ironmastcr, West.
Joseph ISenberg, fernier '
William Johnston, merchant, 'Penn,
Lewis Knode, farmer, porter.
Benj. C. Lytle, toacher, Hopewell.
V. 11. Lane, genilemin, Huntingdon.
John McCulloch, M. D., Huntingdon.
Reuben Massey; farmer, Barren. ""
Isaac Martin, farmer, Porter.
Solomon Minch, farmer, Penn.
Samuel Stinson, farmer, West:'
Abraham States, J. P., Walker,
Asa Stevens, farmer, Clay:
Benjamin Sprankie,'fitruier, Morris.
Samuel Thompson, farmer, Oneida.
Jno. R. Thompson, merchant, Warriormark
Benj. F. Wallace, farmer, Morris,
Simeon Wright, farmer, Union.
Huntingdon, Oct. 24, 1801..
1 06
BOOT'S and STIOES, the largest and
cheapest acsottwent to tovp, at
D. P. °WIN'S.
][4oST.—On Monday lag, on road
loading from Petersburg to Warm Springs , a pock-.
at it, containing a live dollar bill on the Commerce.
Book of Virginia, and several papers and letters of inter%
est only to the owner. Tho tinder can keep the sa, bat
Is conically requested to return to tills office the papers,
as they will be of no use to anybolly lint myself.
"Globe Office," 0ct.1.5, 1861.
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
A School for Young Ladies & Gentlemen
The next session of this Institution will open the first
Wednesday of November. Dining the pea session this
Institution has turned -out a aka) of nineteen lunches,
nod its prospects, Imtwithstaltding the distracted clinic of
the country, hove not been more flattering for scone years.
In future. there u ill tin a Normal Deportment attached ft/4
the Institution, in which those- wishing to become teach.
ere, still receive practical Instruction iti the art of leech
ing. The advantages which 3lllnwood Academy holdsout
to those &siting an ethication, and to penults wishing a'.
safe piece to Milani their sone and daughters, cannot be
whilst Its terms are moderato.
Terms per ecesion of five mouthe,.payablo quartarly in
advance " • gm up
Music, Painting, Drawing, dc., at the usual extra char,
gee. , For further particulate address ,
W. IL WOODS, Principal,
or W. M. WILLIAMSON, Axel. Principal. -
Shade Gap, Huntingdon co., Po:
Oct. 10, ISG
After a severe engagement which lasted for nearly four
dn.) s, I have at last routed the enemy and captured a largr,
number of Guns, Revolvers, BOVile Knives. and a great
unantity of camp equipage, anti other valuable articles
which I Immediately chipped by railroad from the field of
riion, and now announce
On opening and examining the valuables captured, they
were found to comprise such an endless variety of Hard
{rare and Cutlery of every kind, that I Can supply the
people of all tight and classes; even from a toy for an in
fo ut. to a supporting cane for the feeble old man. Boys
or girls. Lords nr Ladles, Soldiers or Citizens. Housekeep
ers or Boarders, Farmers or Mechanics, far yore or Doc
tors, anybody and everybody may Ito furnished with a
useful memento of this It, eutful battle by calling at this
Hardware Store of
Huntingdon, Oct.l, ISM
Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent
No. 114 South Third Street,
Pursuant to instructions from the Ferretary of the
Treasury. the Subscription Book to the NEW NATIONAL,
LOAN of Treasury Noteo, bearing intereat nt the rote of
seven a n d three-tenths per cent, per annum, will remain
open at my office,
N 0.114 8. THIRD STiIIIET,
until Wilier notice, front 8 A. 11. till 5 P. M.. and on
Monilopt till 9 P. M.
These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY
FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR:, and are all dated Inch of
A ugnst, loll , payable in gold, in three yearn, or converti
ble into a twenty years' six per cent. linos, at the option
of the ladder. Etch Treasury Note has interest coupons
at Wsed, it MCI. Can he cut elf and collected in gold at tho
Mint every six months. and at the rate of one cent per
day on etch fifty dollars.
Payments of subscriptions may be made In fold on
Checks, or Notes of any of the Philadelphia Banks.
PAUTILS AT t DISTANCE Can I Cala by their friends. threogh
the snail. or by expense, or through Darks, and the Tram,
my Notes will be inanediately delhered, or sent to each
sub.crilter as they may severally direct.
rtirties remitting mud add the interest train lOtli of
Aogatst, the date of all the notes, to the day the remit
tame renclu•i Philadelphia, at the rate of 1.1110 Cell( pup
day on each fifty dollars.
Apply to or a:VI re, •
JAY COOK F:, San,iurytov ACM;
Care of Jay Cooke k Co., Ilankero.
No. 114 South Third Street, Chiladelphil
Oct. 7,1861.
[Mate of Beujamin O.nnall, deed.]
betters of At!Midst; Falun neon the estato of Benjamir;
o.tottlt, Into of thatinto towtothip. 11Vefl• haring beet;
granted to the lersignml. nll persons hsving el:11171.1
togalost the white are regal...tad to present than to tho
talonaiguell. and all parttats intlebtetl olid malte
ate payment. .1(11IN OAVA UV,
Oct. 3, 1861-01* Administmtor.
Came to e , itlenre or the toslyseriber in Hopewell
towtelhip, rilpngt - the pith of fleptenther. n light red COW
rurellenii, of medium site net suppweil to le. Minna Cleo
3 rem obi. The owner is reque,ted to come foment,
prole properly, pay chat gee, end t.the lire owns, other,
nice site will he ttivoled of 11(1.7011iill to law.
Oct.l, 1561.
Notice I hereby given, to all peronnn tilterested,
that the following lungedperdona have settlol their or.
eon nit 4 in the Itegistuta at 1 lunting.lnn. and that
tine bald accounts alit he pn limited for eolith motion awl
allowance at an 0101.111S' COIIII. to be taint nt iiIIIItillp101),
in and for the Minty of I totit Ingrfort. on 31011411 y the lint
(Tay of November next. (lEill.) to nett:
1. Final necount of S.onniel !sett. Ontr.litin or Cornelia
Scott, allO villa It minor child -f Dr. Oliver 11. Srott, late
of nironingbani hooningli, 11 I:intim:don county, deed, 40W
in tier in.kloi it v.
2. Adininikrotion account of 4110 u F.4lmaidq. Matilda.
tra for of Jo,lina Kauai th, /ate of Tull townllllp,
titgilon COlll4 ty,
The nen. 11l of of J. Kinney . .llcenhnn. ono of filo Trn
revs of TIMMS S. 31cOnlien. wider the Will of John Me
Cail.M. K.], late of rho Innough of Ilontiondonoloed.
4. Trioa amount ,it John .lockaoo.Trustee to sell the Ileat
Estate of John Conrail, late of Jackson unrnship, dec'il.
o. Thu aepount of I.lniffus Miller, Trii,Jee appointed ve
sell the Estate of :Runnel rionwsun, late Of West
towseihip, deed. •
11. Account of Grans Miller, Trustee to sell the Heal
Relate of John French. Into I,l' Tell township. &VII.
7. The aCcounts of John 11. Frazier, Administrator MA
T 111.14,0 to sell the Beal Vichrto of James 1. Wilson unit
It Wien, J. Wilson. late of West ton noLip, decd.
8. The supplemental account of .1. Kinney 31cCalmn.
one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of
John llcenlion. }l,q., Into of the Lorou`gli of Huntingdon,
need. Perna( account.
11untingil 1111 l 0ct.14,1561.
11B,USTEE'S SALF, of .13.11.1 + 3 4..L ES
- the n o ersignul Truatee, appointed by the Court Raison
the Real Eatato of Jacob Curfinan. intent the borough of
Citasville. deceased. sail! expose to Public Sale, .oi the
premises, in Case township, Huntingdon County, on
Fritlay, /at ZTPvember, 1861,
The following Beal Estate, to twit: Ono good Sinn con
taining 172 acres, more Or less, and bounded by lands of
Cm from on tiro north, COlll,lll Cal fnian and Chris,
tine Miner on the south, and :tomes lionderson on the
east; baring about 100 act es cleared and to good state of
enitrvation, ittlort which are the following, muting many
other Improvements: A two story log house, a double log
barn, with a good granary attached, 2 excellent nimbi
orcbards, mud it eawaufll with line older power.
The farm is well supplied Wllll never tilling springs,
and limo stone is abundont. This property - 1s but two
miles from Cassino. and twelve nines from the Pennsyl
vania Hainaut at Mill Cr eek. It is admirably adapted to
the raising of stock. and commands a good home market.
Posse.sion will be given on t h e let of April, 1662.
Also, VII the promises, in the bbrodgla of Camillo; ,
On Saturday, 2d day of Novel:fiber 1861,
Thu following additional property. to wit Two lots o r
ground fronting on 31ain street 132 feet, and extending
bark 160 feat° n street; said lots adjoining each otlieri
nail bounded by Main street on tiro east, on the north by
an alloy, and on the eolith by lot belonging to the hem
of dosso Wright; having no them a good two-story lug
weather-boarded house, with a kiehon, wood bong, gran
cry, stable and opting. '
Also: At the same time, four other lots, adjoining emit
other nnd containing about Italian acre each, fronting 011
MAUI street, and bounded on the north by lot of Elizabeth
Coffman, et, the south by lot of Caleb Swopo's heirs, aria
on the east by mountain Burvey. These are all destrublei
tots. Possession will bo given on confirmation °reale. •
Sale will cohnuence mall day at 10 o'clock, A. 31.
TERMS OF SALE t—Onif third of tho p u rchase money
to be puld'on confirmation of sale, ono third In one year,
with interest, sad the residue at the death of thewiflo*
Of decedent, with Interest thereqn fo ho paid life;
the wide*
eunually and regularly dttrifig her RelOi,iy life; to be set :
clued l,y the bonds and mortgage of the purylisfir:
For any further lufortkilion coneeruTo4 . thi; about
premises, agpiy to •••
LEWIS S.-TEYER, Trustee.
raassfilsl . //unfingdon Co., Pn.
September 0.,1861,11-9: -.•ffe .1 uf. -
[Male of Win.l4rntstrom ileC it . . ,
bettors Testamentary upon lho last will ;cull testament
or )yin. Armstrong,lpfpooflyett Iluutlnddon
couoty, ,docensed, loop petlt gnoted to the subserlber.—. ,
All persdos ktdubir4 aro requested to make immediate
pal meta, mal those honing claims will present theul
properly authenticated to toe.
. . .
Oct. 7, 1801—Gt*
SIMON COHN about to amil fanning, mill offer
at public sale, ac Coffee Run, on, - '
Saturday, 19th day of October, inst.,
at 10 o'clock, A. 14, two Lorsee, three horse wagon,
one two horse
„carriage, three setts harness, saddles, bri
dles, two sleighs, two fanning mills, and a mat vallety
of other in cove.r . ty too exten.the to entinierate.
Terms reasonable. Conditions madalthoWn atsale.
81.1.10:4 COILS.
Coffee Eon Oat. T, 1861.
A )P"Yti,alFll?firtl=o7i'Filal and for solo ¢t
A ))eaytiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for
11_ sale cheap, at D. P. °WIN'S.
YOU vill find thn Largest. and, Best,
assortment of Ladltts' Mena Qw da nt