MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS By AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The book le an octavo of :WO pages, is elegantly printed on line paper, with new bold type, and hoe an admired,: exhaustive inch"-, for which every officer will be gi ateffil, the moment tilsuye,rests upon It, on no louver edition has ever bad an index, and the want of one has been long felt In thil Army. The Appendix embraces .the Articles of War, contain ing many impoltnnt corrections; also, select'. from time Military Acts of Congress, inCludlug theme passed at the last session. • PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [ ,IIITHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilliam, U. S. A, Jagt publiabed and for gale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete in one volume. Price $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANT R TACTICS. For the instruction, •sercise, and 11l MIONIVICS of the United States infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry', and Rifle men, prepared under the direction of the War Itepai tment, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, Slay let, ISel, contain ing the school of the soldier.; the school of the company; instruction for skirnilshers, and the nertd calls; the calls for skirmishers, and the erhool of the battalion; including the articles of war and a dictionary of military terms. . Complete in one ,oliime. Price $1.2.5. For IL , sale at Lenin' Book Store. ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK IMEIID MUTED STATES SOLDIER, On coining into service: containing a complete system of instruction in the School of tho Soldier, with o prelimina ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Puturle, the Position of the einem, be., being a flirt book or introduction to anthorir.ed U.S. Infantry- Tactics, junt pub- Jislit•il. Price 25 cents. For s.tto at LEWIS',DOOK STORE AL 0, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry . TACTICS, Complete '2 col,. Price $1.50 . .. For sale nt ; • _ LEWIS' BOOK STORE. The Irloi*.s Feat by wail to Any znpreas on the re- Ript of tho price. ' .- 21uutingdon May 2S, 1861. REMEMBER ELLSWORTH? FISHER & SON JUST OPEXED A SPLENDID STOCK _YEW GOODS, THE PCl3l,ll` AIIIIINYITEH TO CALL and EXAMINE OUI IOODS. ' PISIFEE & SON. Oa. T, 1861. 1801. . CLOTHING, • 1801 • ry ROMAN. • N CLOTHING FOR, FALL AND TITIXTER, JUST RECEIVED AT IT. R 0 M - A - N ' S CHEAI' CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the boot material, and mule jn the beet norknmmlike mama r, call nt 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin Iton,e in Market :genre. hunting. don. (Oct. 7,1861. j G ROCERIES! G ItOCEItT.ES !! A FRESH Al?R1 FAL cmusT. LONG'S ALL Ws STOCK IS MESH AND PRIME CALL AND SEE. ANCIENT JERUSALEM, =I ISOMETRICAL PICTURE ' 3E1E17 SALE 11,2 And the Sacred Places Surrounding the HOLY CITY, AS THEY APPEARED IN ANCIENT TIMES. The above work is commended to the favorable notice of clergymen, and those ha, log charge of Sunday -behools, Bible-classes, and public instilu ions. It is about 6 feet long and 6 feet w ide, colored and var. and mounted on canvas with rollers. It has been constructed from the most reliable and au thentic sonrcea, and will be found oh invaluable old to those engaged in lecturing on the Duly Laud, or in im parting instruction to school chooses on ,tho subject to ialtich it refers. to Oyer' exact idea of the city as it appeared in ancient iitsire. Il isjakeng, .4.l4iVr coo" or bal por' view. the belidder being, in linagination, placed at 'a considerable elevation, so as to take a comprehonslve 'igen of the city and the ujto)o country for some distance 'around. . -The view Is accompanied unit an ()Milne gey, the different localities are numbered, and * De=ctiptive )denual containing all the information uccegkary to ena ble one to use the view to advantage in teaching or lee ;wring. , THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES. This is a Weekly Religious Paper, published at the very low price of ONE DOLLAR A, YEAR. It is de- Cloned for Parents, Teachers, and all who are engaged or Interested in the religious training of the - young. It is also an excellent Fatally Paper. • A portion pf the Sunday-School Times is occupied with Bermtives and ether flatter parficbtarly luteresting to youngpersons. Teachers will lint in It meal, that they will irks to reed to their clnenes—lnterestmg matter pre pared to their hands, and such WI they cannot find else where. For the Immo reasons, members of Bible-chuises, and the older schoters generally, f 11l be greatly benefit by the perusal of this paper. .• tr , t 5 The Sunday-Wool Tones crep N eel: a report of the'choiceat matter. selected froin'thu Noon Prayer Meet ling", which arose interesting to all classes of Christians. Besides a large amount of general religious intelligence, the Sanday-SchoorTirms contains all the most recent Sun day -school news. It reports all the important Conven. 'lions of Sunday-sChool teachers. It discusses the ques jr-tions which most interest and perplex teachers and pa 'rents, respecting the various methods of Religious Train qng for the young. the means of gaining the attention CO affections of children, and egracially of seeming their `ininversian and bringing Mom to Christ. The subject of 'Mission-Schools - fa cities; inl of Sunday-school mission ary work for the interior, is "tlioronglily canvassed. In deed, there is hardly a topic of practiCal importance to any who ate !Interested in the subject of religious eßutia iion, a Mali Is not here brought under cOnsiderationfrom 'eek to week. The conductors of this paper endeavor to remembor,that tho great cod of nil Christian effort Into bring men to Christ. rhoy aim accordingly, to put into every number of the paper something w hich shall Leveler Its direst object the :conversion of souls. spy.,ck t v , r, OFFER. The proprietors of the AlUstlrry- t Sr.,hro: Timed Moto ac quired the exclusive right or sale of'elle splendid work mentioned above, the 31AP OF ANCIENT .11111112ALE31, offer it as a special plernlnnt to tpoqe superintendents, teachorei or others, x Ito will , assisflit 10eIting' abko sub scribers to the paper. We offer this superb premium to any one who xlll send us the names of 12 npvtu s t?ecrilstra sad to cash. 0 tUTION ; 0/Y -1n every case; before beginning to converse, be sure to write to us nod obtain the necessary documents and Instructions. These will help you greatly In prosecuting The work, and will save you many mistakes. Enclose 6 cents to pay postage. Address Puma-Toss OF TUE SILTDAT-SCIRVOL MITA US South Fourth street, Philadelphia. N. B.—Sprrimens of the Sunday-School Tom., and a copy of the Map of Anczeot Jernaslom, may be seen at the Iroolodore LENVlS,.thiutlngdon. Aprd 10,1861.4.1. ACARD.- • DR. D. S. HAYS offer.; Liv prefe.o4looal services to - the lehabitants of Moores% die ands teinity. Office at the lower bock or NO cppesito Mrs. My tou'e s tore. April 15,1800-tf. • • , . rpm} best display and largest vdriety of, all kinds of Goods am always bo 101110 at the cheap More of ' FISHER lc BUa THE WAR GOES ON ! AND - D. P. GWIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLEN [)I1) STOCK OF SI T E I" GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, CALL AND EXAIITNE TIIEM Oct.; 1861. BOOTS AND SIIOES. A NEW ARRIVAL. GEORGE SUMTER Tins just received a new stock of Boots & Shoes, {llllOl he will be phanual to have examined by the public generally. ITis as.rttnent consists of Boots and Shoes of all kinds fur Gentlemen and Ladies, made in the best manner. lie nine continues to nnumfarture to order all kinds of Boots and Stros. and returns thanks for the pa ttonage he ben Iteretoforn recefy g rb nad hopes to merit a continuance of the mine. Ilia shop Is In the Diamond, one door east of Stroua' Store, uhere the public mill ple.‘so call. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1881—it. NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF CAItitON TOWNSHIP. ,This is to give notice that no person will to paid or al lowed by the Directors of the Poor, on account of any pauper getting hart or othara iao needing relief, until an order is granted for the relief of said pauper, and the seine is presented to Jos. Monieon, who Is the authorized agent in the pretnis.s, or otherwise handed in to the Board of Dit octets. D. CLARKSON, W. MOORE, }Threctois of Poor S. PERHITAL. Elthloysborg. Oct. 3,181.11.-3 t. T I XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Lettel s Testamentary upon the lost will and testa. moot of William Mann, late of narree township. Hon. linden county, deceased. have been granted to the nub. set (her. All persons indebted nro requested to make im mediate payment, and flown having clnuns will present them properly authenticated to me. SAMUEL CROILS, Barret toss nalsip, Oct. 1, 1561—Gt. Stout. co., Pa. FALL AND WINTER ROBERT S I NG, 3IERCjIANT Bill Sired, one door toe.,E nf Cannon'. Store, =I GEXTLEJIENS' DRESS GOODS. Ilk ns•ortmeut conhihts aI CLOUTS, PLAIN AND FANCY PESTINDS, the ventest and best that conla he ilinntl in the city. nit of 11 Inch he ti ill bike pleasure in exhibiting, and making lip to of der. It tell, past impting to pall and examine his goods. Call sone,. lintitinplop Sept. 24, 1861.-thp OLD MEN. TAKE NOTICE- That the mol.,r.igned are ahent raking a company of men upon forty.hve y ear, of ago, in poi suanco of a roll at Iho fluter tom of Pennsylsania, to solve no infantry for throe years or during the nar, in the bet vice of the United States. All persona y Ito .le,ite to join this company mill please 0, of t theniselreq to either of the inplersigned JOHN 1.1.1iN NEII, Ilenderson tp. JACOB 3111.1.E11, Oneida Ip. 31ATTIIEll CAMPBELL ; Union tp. • Brut. 21, I£6l. (:_ i ILOTHE YOURSELVES! lIIGII PRICES DEFEATED ! _Nine is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN, Iteppeetfully Inform the public generally that he has just received R large Runt nett selected stuck of fahltionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which he asks the attention of all who are in a, not of 4 ten t npd comrkn )11,0 Opt, rent or n wir of Piw starke le.— Pie ath bear munination, and he respectfully ten ue.ts all to call and see for thalami ves. Shontd gentlemen desire any particular Rind or cut of clothing not found in the stock on hoot, by leaving their meAsme they can he accommodated at short notice. A good a4sortment of DOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, IC., &C., will awl be found on band. All of which will be sold an low. if not lower. lbw the same quality of geode can be had in the 0011111 y. Con et the eo , j.SI of 111 e jAvond, Long's new , imilding M. UIITMAN. Huntingdon, Sept. 19, 1801, NTOTICE.- 1 I Notice in lieteby given that all persons knowing them., 4cy iiplebted to Robert Duncan, Coffee Run, either on Look account of (Sherwin°, are requested to come for ti and make settlement no he Leas diseased of Ids rut (vs stock to William Mores, yllo will haunt ter carry en luisl ne,, at lain out stand at Coffee Rms. Ito recoTmends Mr. Navels to Lis old customers, as a gentleman caul q g,qod and col n ect business man, and panties them that those fa. %sot ing Lon stills is Gall null IR sat isfactut ily dealt Mids. Tboiie who wish to settle their accounts will find mu at tux old spud at Colic° Rim. ROVT DUNCAN. Coerce MIN, Sept. 13,1501. NOTICE TO TAX COLLECTORS The urgent necessity for money to pay the families of soldiers in the army and for the current expenses of the county reqnh es that you collect and pay to the Treasurer Immediately In whole, or in part the amount of your dm Micah,. All collectors for 113r°, and pretions years, are heleby notified that they can he no longer Indulged. All c011....t0rs for 1800 who have not limit their exlionorations mill apply for them at the Commissioner s' Me on the 2:3d inst. Atter that date judgments trill be enteral and executham issued. J. PLENNEE, M. P. OA>IIgtELL, }Cnmm JOIIN CUMMINS. Sipteiteopr, 12, ISGI. "THE UNION," Arch Street, Abe've Third, Philada. • UPTON S NEWCOMER, Proprietor. far•• Thl;3 'Hotel is colltutl, onyentent by Passenaer Curs to all putts of the City, and in every particular Mop. toil to the comfort and cants of tho busixesq public. j 1.50 per ilay.- -- taL Sept.lo, IS6l.—ly. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLAG ! STILL WAVES. NI7 GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! At Coffee Run Station, and Newburg. SIMON COHN has just received from the Eastern Cit ies, a largo assortment of Dry ans, Groceries, Queensware. Hardware, Clothing, Bonnets, Shawls. Hats, Qum, Boots, Shoo, and all other articles kept in country stores. which he is offering, at his Mammoth Stores. at 'Coffee Eon Stafki and Newburg. at unusually low prices. The' ladles Ospemally, are incited to call and examine his Fancy Goods. Ilavi ng arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern rifles. bele AM.t hh§ ISIS goods cheer). er than other country merchants, and cats consequently, undersell them! In exchange for goods, ho takes nil kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, he hopes to ream a continuation of the liberal patronage with which he has Leer heretofose favored, Mr.' Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. IhiN ing n largo Ware Room, far mers can store with him until ready to ship. Every con venience will he afforded them. Atppot 29, 7.861 T REES ! TREES ! TREES ! THE undersigned Inyito atteptltu to their largo and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNANENTAL TREES, Shrubs, &c.,.embmcing a large and complete assortment Of APPLES, PEARS. PEACIIES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, and NECTARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwarf for the garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESTNUTS, HA ZLEN U TS, Ac., RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great valiety. Gra'pes of ChoiSest Kinds, Asparagus, Rhubarb, &o &o. Also a tine stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS. suitable for the Dimpled y and Lawn. DECIDUOUS TREES , for street planting antra general asortment: of Ornamental Trees &Flowering Shrubs ROSES of choice vriaiies, OAMEI.tTAS., BEDDINb PLANTS, Sr., So., Lc. Out stock 13 I Villa' katly thrifty and flue, and wp offer it at prit..., to suit the time, lair - Catalogue, mailed to all applicant 4. , i.DWA RD .1. EVANS & CO., Centtal Numot tea, York, Pa. Sept. 12, 1561.-9 w. TACKSQN HQTEL, „ HUNTINGDON, PA (MMUS MILLER, P, nprictor. ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS _ !vite nn examination of my stock and prices from thoso Intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer them vet') desirable inducements. All my Furs have been pm chased for cash, nail Made by experlenced and competent bands, and RN the present monetary troubles render it necessary that I should ins p., of my goods at very small advance on cost. I am satisfied that it .111 be to the interests of thoso . ho design purchasing, to give um a call. 4-- elh'7. ll e o t, the name, number and street John Po oh., (Now For Stot 00 718 Al ch Street, Philadelphia. CHEGARAY INSTITUTE 1521 and 1520 SPIIUCII STIIEIST, This Institute conducted for two yeses post, In this city, by }loony. Orlon 111, , , and her niece MADAM; D'llLttynax, ((poll the setae principles as the 0110 in Now Yolk. colnb. Ilshe.l there in the year 1014, alll ius/Peil on Motol,ll, Sept. 10th, with its usual ample and I olo llctopro% isitm for the education of yoTig. Ladies, nodal . the direction of Medallic D'ltei viliy. Cmrm übmre, and nil requisite in fauna t ion, can he obtained on application to the Print.ipal. August 13, 1801.—ani. F OR EVERYBODY, On Hal Street opposita atrinon's Mort. MIES SUGAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, EMIL SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS. and ever 3 other cuticle usually found in a Grocery Stole IBM BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes, ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, dud a largo number of articles too nummous to motion. The public generally will pleads call and clming, for themselves and learn my prices. Hun t lagslnn, May In, ISLR SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION. LEVI WESTBROOK Iles Fist opened the best assort ment of Goods In his line. ON or brought 'Huntingdon. Ills stock of ROOTS nod SHOES for Ladies. Gentle -7 . IN men, Misses, (*toys and Children, comprises all tine latest finshigne, and manufactured of tho hest ma terials. Alto. rt fine nai,ortinent of HATS fat men, Boys 1 7 ) 11, and en. HOSE in great variety for Gentle men, Ladies. Nlises and Children. CARPETBAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, FANS, tze Ac. ALSO, SOLPeLEATITER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LAM' and SHOE-FINDINOS genteelly. Thankful fur past foots, a continuance of the sante Is rolicct fully solicited. N. lb—foots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, re 'died and made to order. April 26, 10611 FASHIONS 1 cl (t-) (kI T : 7 ) - .t4;o._ CA SSIM ER HER, and THE NEW STOII4 , X.E V GOODS. VirIiLLACEI & CL£MEINT, Hove just received another stock of now gnn4s, spch ns DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QIJEE:s SW A RE, &C., in the Pforo loom at the south-oast cot tier of the Mina:o in the holOugh of Hontingdon. Their Stock bus been carefully selected, nail trill be sold low ha cash or country produce. Huntingdon, April 15, 1801. BOOTS & SHOES! ANEW STOCK. FOR, LADIES AND GENTI: f IpTILIT. • JUST RECEIVED AT LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE : All in want of Boots and Shoos, for old or young, nto regneltud to call nod examlno my gook. L. WESTBROOK, • Huntingdon., May 3, MAL , WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT WitOuiv Curtain Papers, M=N ATTORNEY AT Jnn. 2, 1561-t f. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE I -I°' ASSOCIA I T ,HLA I L ON D , niami 4.. A Benevolent Instdntion established by special Endowment, far the Relief T r the Sick and Didregsefl, afflicted ',nth Vine/eta and Epic/ante Diseases, nod eapecullo 'for the thrc of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all oho apply by letter, witherdescription of their condi tion, (ego, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and In cases of extreme [Ws erty, Medicines tarnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcen`and other Diseases of the Sexual Ot guns, and on the newltinnedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted to sealed letter en velopes, fire of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dn. sltnrant HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Mooned Association, No. 2 South Ninth Strcet,Phil inicyliia, Pa. Bp order of tho•pjratorg. EZRA. D. HARTWELL, President. GEO. EATECHILD, ".scel etary. Dcc. 10, isso.-ly. LEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- • ROGER C. Mrillbb, manufactitreeof all liinds of castings, foege and rolling mill: Past 'Mid saw mill; thrash log machine. sled and etiiigh Wes, wagon boxes, stoves of val loss kinds , kettlbs,' plops), shears to suit ell kinds of ploughs; also, ear wheels and railroad work, and has a now and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that have used them. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and• ploughs at Messrs. Fisher & McMnr trio's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will till all orders promptly. the farmers will save money by getting shears nod ploughs of McGILL, at the foundry head-quarters , the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchange.— Bring the pay and 5000 ten per cent. It. C. McGILL. Alexandria, Illarql 7,56'0. • riALL at the new CLOTHING STORE V) of OUTMAN it CO. if ynn ' x ant O. guutl tido 01 Clothing. Sinie loom in Longs new building, In tho Din nnni, Huntingdon Sept. 9, 1857- CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets a P. P. ITSVIN'S. BLANK BOOKS, or vmuous SUM for solo at LEWIS' BuOKAYL, STATIONERY 5E0.,1, JOHN VAREIRA, 8 ARCH Street, between 7th zuel Bth Ste, late qf 818 Mar Act St.,) l'handelphia. reporter A: Manufacturer nnti D.ler in 01l kind, NANCY MRS, for M ica' Allsseß' and Clt I I. run's Wear. Has ing now inanufac nod and in store my list,- large and la antiful us art meat lit all tire various t) les and qualities of u nS,sulapted to thecon, 1g Fall and Winter Sea n,. 1 would respectively TRY THE NEW STORE, Drug,s,-Chonileols. Dyo Stuffy, Palate, Vornhites, 011 c and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol, Glass end Putty, =I PL, istl,llk4l„,,Bi .4.‘ c) CD Ll Cr.l g pv, cl) E-7 —W 044 PC C. 3 t; E " : 11 L.) -. mac ti A LARGE STOCK SEM JUST RECEIVED - LEWIS' 111)0I STOIIE lIUNTINUDON, PA FOR SALE AT NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. Rk.i`t3 SHORTEST IN DISTANCE , AND QUICK EST IN TM BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORE AND DAIMISDURO I VIA READ] NO, ALLENTOWN AND EATON. 11fonNINO E.Srne47, Wept, Wave% New York nt GA. V. arriving at Ilaul4l.nrg at 12.45 noon, only (. 1 ,4 hours be tween tlio two oak, Men. lane leaves New Yolk at 111.00 noon, nail strikes at Ilarrichtng at 8.30 P. 31. 31onstno 51111.1.1 Na, East. leaves Harrisburg nt 5.00 A M., arriving at New York at 4.30 P. 31. Arun:roe:4 EXPRESS LINE. East, loaves liars isbarg at 135 I'. M., aril% ing nt Now York at U.OO P. 31. Connection. ore mole at Hari isloarg nt 1.00 P. M., wills the Passenger 'Plains iu each direction on Elie Pennsylva nia. Cumberland Valley and Not there Central Railroad. All bolos rnun.rt at Reading with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manch Chunk, Boston, Sc. No change of Passenger Cain or Paggage between New Yotk and Harribburg, by the 0,01.1 A. N. Line ft oni Now York or the the 1.15 P. N. from Um risburg,. For beauty of scene, y, add open!. comfort and accom modation, this route inesenba superior inducennotts to the ,meting public. gat e between Now York and Harrisburg five dollars.— Pqr tickets and other infra 'nation apply to .1. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. July 18, VOL • • • ~~eh~ . ~.'T~CnT~dnb rf2l..X= 7 - ?,NNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS IE r s STATIONS Newton lintuilton, Mt!. Utiiun ! Thil Cteek JI it ablution, Pete' sburn . Berner, Spruce Crock, ..... !lb,..otteglium, Tkrone, Tipton Foiterin. 11..11 . 1i Altoona, TATION °.RY and JEWELRY PACKAGES, and dealt rR nt very reduced rates In elopes. Vol fin ther infortentwu COLEMAN A CO., -stairs) 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Fe) enle to risen Pot up iR %ariety'e Address Juno 4, 1861 COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! James A. Brown st•lls the genuine" PORTLAND KERO. SENE," oit OJAI, OIL. dun• as ;miter. This lo the only hind of oil that givot entire sulkfaction as an agent for light. Beware of countetleits and colored carbon oils. They emit an offen,he smell and smoke. A large variety also of _ COAL OIL LAMP., Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Plubles, Re., Re., sold at the lieu lowest prices, at the 4 l birth% e Store, 1111'..ting dou, Pa. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE:. J. A. HA:stICIAR, A pule/Ira] tohaeotai;et, lots opened a lIQW TOBACCO STORE' AND CIGAR tANUVACTORY. on Allegheny St., one door weal of the Broad Top Railroad Odic°, whore he /not oil hamd a large ni,ortment of prime Cigars and To. Lame, a Lich he trill sell either to Imhof& or retail. Store. keepers, shopkeepers, and roll others alto deal in the weed sLnnld rail. II is pt Wee pfe lOW. Call and nee. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, 1500. EADY RECKONER. 1:11, A complete rocket Ready Reckoner. in dollars and coats. to which nro added fauns of Notes. Ellis. Re. .4)1,, Petitions, de., together a ith a set of anoint tables, containing rate of interest from nue dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, atilt n talk of wages, and bum d by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PU 'MAT] S3l CURED. 1, Mr. JOdrillN \V ESTIIROOK, Sr., manufactures a id N 1)11:NT N, Well is sure to rule Ithenulatiron. No Lure. no pay. Famous afflicted should call and try the medicine. Call at his re,ideneu iu Washington ttleet, one door acet of Levi Westbrook. Huntingdon, March 90, jBOl, NOTICE TO ALL!! The cui t, fiber, ,h 0 bits fill more than one Near. eare'e.l on 1111A11118 In company 'kWh 31Uxre. F. URANIA', L'.SCuana Mr. Lonna llAtt, hag 11118 day diaTnitta par (riot Alp with the above firm/ All claims against the old firm o ill be raid by the isubictiber, not all those in debted to the tient will pay hint. _ CLOCKS, C HES and JEW ELRY will always bo rrpairod A good stock of CLOCKS, N. and 31,E MI will be kept on hand for costonons nbo ma, Ott or him mat a call. rn, Huntingdon, March 2, 1850 - 7 I t s 'SOC;- "GLOBE JOB OUPTCjii" is the melt complete of any in the coontiy, end p.v. C 8 tits omit aunple facilities for ptotaittly excLutiag, the hret style, every %En holy of Job PI fulling, such as 11 AND BILLS, /14QQRAISMES, RLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL II E ADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CkLL AND EXAMINE SPFCIMENS OF 10000, AT LEWIS , BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOC CHEAP WATCHES ! CHEAP WATCEES! ! JACOB LADOM US, e I , ;(1. 618. MAIMET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Ms 94 hand and H constantly lecelviuc largo a.aam meat. of -lalerican, Englix,h, and .S'ad , ,a val MI at lower prices than ever off, ed. 3. L. n onlit call pattical.o. attention to the celebrated AMEIIICIN IVATCIr, l%hich for arcurary of limo and flora- Wi 11 tty, and leas liability of getting out of o”,, is superb to any other imported ,atch, made at anything like the amt. , cost. dell dry, Silver and Silt or Plated Ware, of all sty lea and patterns. 'uII Gold. Saver and Steel Spectacle*. i ith glos-eo fur ali sighte, with 1. , ,, , rmer, ,11:;t0 the oh( stvle Ito meg. All .gao4 si,hl at niy eseLbli.lonent :aro ‘‘.4re:ited to be ne golit4r.eutecl. and eatioftetton guaran teed to all ytueliasers, nt 51.1c0t Streot, Corner of Detatur. fSept.lo, Iooo,—ly. U „ TIIE CYT 11,111,1—The Prosb y feria Psalinodist—The Slinwp—TheJulilee—llunten's and BertinEs enlarged and inimoved instructors—WeilliniEs New and Improved Method for the Onttar—Leland's decor deon, Violin and Flute Instrnetors—M Innen, and 'rowels Violin I indrnetors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur ran Piano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-100 , 0 Primer— Doming loom Dances—The Chorus Glee Buolc— Tin Xs Help, Id halt 'At " LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY di MUSIC STORE. PISTOLS PISTOLSI! Colt's, Shwa', Smith k Weeop.'s and all unproved pal terns of Revolve., Ehdolv. Cartrhi ' es 13ivio 'Knives, , for sale at the Hardware State of JAMES A. lIIIOWN. May 21.1861, Huntingdon, En. F RANKLIN HOUSE, IK THE DIAMOIVD, IpINTINCIDON, PA • VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The citizens of tire county, and strangers and travelers generally, sill find comfortable accoininodations nt this house. Give us a Mal. • . [4lail 4, j6G0.1 EXCHANGB HOTEL, lIPSTIN(IDON, PA., NEAR PENNSTICA;IiA nemvai) Drrox. JOHN S. 'AHLLER, Proprietor Iluntingdm, April 10, 1861. ENVELOPES Wholesalp and 5Q.000 2 , BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, • YELLOW, AND FANCY • ENVELOPES, Just recoired and for Baio at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE best Tobacco in town, at D. P.OWIN'S. rirllE largest stock of Do Lanes in town 1 by iISILNItW SON. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY '1:011E1IT JENNINGS. V. S., rrojexaor nf Openzltre. Surgery in the litermary Cidltye of i'lltlatitlphitt, dc, etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Urigin, Itinfory nod attinctiye 'traitiofflot lariat.; breed., of Uttropean, Asiatic, Aft icon and America!' Horses, as Ith the phyalcAl fin matfett and pa. collariCes of tine animal, nod how to ascertain bin age by the number and condition of hi+ teeth; illoatrated with 11111110r0118 explanatory engraYings. WILL TELL YOU Of Bleeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed ing, Unwilling, Shoeing. and the gener al management of the home, with nu best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Hearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit. ing. Rehrbrininess, and other yleeti tti which Ire is subject; with numerous ex planntory engravings. WILL TELL YOU Of the ean 9 e9,4VMPto)ll9,mll.l Trentlll‘ nt of Strangles. Sore Throat, Distemper, Cahn rlt ' Intlnen7a, IlrollChitlB, Pool,- "Mi. , - 1 4 , 1111 , 8 y, Broken Wind, Chron ic Congh, Honking. and tVfastling.bant . Siwe Ulcers,De rapt! 'teeth, with other dint moo of tho Month and Respiratory Orgaho. 1.1. TELL YOU Of the cancei. eymptonla and Trentment of IV4srana, Dots, alone, Strangnhatlon, Stony Conert titans, Itmattiies, rainy, Dina a hea,. - Lattmliae,ltepatirrhen,illoody Urine, Stones in the Eidneys and 'DLO der. Intionlation and oiler disenses of the Stomach, Bons els, Liner and Oil nary Organs. ES= WILL TELL YOU Of the C11119V9, Aymptomß, and Treat went of Bone, Blood and Bog, Sparin, Sing Bette, Sumac, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Balls, Founder, Cracked Hoofs. Sole lit ob., and Bra, it , Canker, Scratches, Thrash and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other thseasts of tho Foot, Legs, nod Head. ii I o r c n DE 10 00 I 0 47 WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, nod Treat. picot of Fl4tnia, Poll_ Evil, Glanders, Foley. Seat let foyer, Mango, But felt. Locked Jam.lthemontlam.Cramp,Gall4, Dimases of the Eyo and Heart, ,f.c &c.. and how to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephiniiiik, Rot, ruing. Filing, Hernia. A so putat ion, Tapping, and oth er surgical operations. WILL TELL YOU Of Rarey's Method of finning Horses; how to Approach, huller, or Stable a Colt; hoe to accustom a bone, to strange sounds and eighty, and bow to Smldte, Bid; and 3reak him to Harness; also the form nod line of WARR kNTS. The whole being the re. suit of 15 yenta' careful study of the Inthit'ff. proud inn toes, minkts 'nfal a eak posses of gas noblo and useful animal, For sale at Less Is' Book &me. TIM HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND IDS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER. A VALUABLE BOOK, For solo at LEWIS' goo: §torp. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, For gale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONOSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTEETH ON THE HONEY BEE, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fo'• sale at LEWIS' Book Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & ?PUBIC STORE, OSGOOD'S Spell, NUJ', fid. 4th and sth lbvtden s. FEY': :puller and Rembns, (old and nose edifiona.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do GORR'S do do do Webb's Not nod Reader, No. 1. Emit son's Reath-la. Ton no Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Colliptilllll. Smith's. Bullion's, Ryon n's and Tower4i Gtnlnmars. Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Moutmth and MuNally's Geographies & Atlases Webstcr's mid Worardo's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Gn content's, Stodilind's, &mum son's, Swan's,Colbunie and Ray's Arithmetic,. Peterson's Familiar Silence. Greenloars and Stoddard's Keys to Aritlimetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algelna. Parker's Jnvenile Philosophy. Porker's En oC Lemons in Natural Philosophy. Pat ker's Uploun's Menial Philosophy. s History of the United States. • Berard's Goodrich's " Payson. Dunkin and Fullmer's Penmanship, in elm cu numbers. Academical, Controllers nail other Copy 'Woks. Elements of Mop Ruining. pith plan for sketching maps by tri-angnlation and 'imam eil methods of pi °potion. Davies' Elementary geometry and Trigonometry. Dui ies' Legendte's Geomutry. Fulton k Eastman's Book-keephig.• Book Keeping by Single Entry, by llanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by 1411,11110 rd & Papon. Other books will be added and turnis'.ied to order. A lull stock of Sehool Stationery alwa3s on band. Thintingfion, Pa. JOSEPH . lIEIGGEIL p NEWELL'S IMOTOGRAPII GALLERY, One of the lat goat and not complete Oallerlea in the F.talts. \Otero the Lea Itnown to the Ph). tirgiandde m t, m o taken at in tees no Light r thab are paid for IllibNaldo cat 'tato, The Proprietor. a practical. Phidographei. attends per sonally, dory silting—mid snob s no picture to lbayellie Gallo y 'unless it gives perfect satisfaction. Thignei root) pea and Amin invinri. of alhent or deceased frivrak, photographed to ally lialtdr• d site, or taltrn ou Canr•ns%, life size. Juni painted in (11l by the best At tits. At thin y pictru es epic be token in any weather— no perfect in cloudy is when the sirs shines. Persons visiting the tits are renpectfally invited to ex nllllllo oar apeatieus, it dell fur puce and quality defy coinpyti lion. . . . triy-Irtitrnetions gh en in the at t of Plintogiaphy. It. NEWELL, (ULU:AY or APT, 714 Arch Sheet, Philadelphia COMIENOATIONS: From lion. Lewis D. Campbell, M. Co Ohio. Ikly flintily and ft lends all concur in The opinion that the (Newell) picture is more lire-hke than nny thing they ever sate. 31y likeness has been tepeatedly taken by tlif fin ent rabbi in vat loos Mays, but. I Wm] net er et Inol one x Lich in °Sell t 9 m, truo ,to nature, all the features and u etessionn of countenance as this. .From }ton( E. Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy, Thu exquisite !MIA beauty and softness of y ode por traits, conjoined alit IllelrdniiMality of color and faith fulness as likeuebses, cannot isil to commend them to the attention and patronage of all mho appreciate true art. From Col. Inuits Page. Hosing oc'cnsion for a pm ti sit, I procured one f, our Mr. _Unbolt 'Noxell, of tile city of Plilladslphla, a miniature in Oil Colors, wider tit( new process discovered by bun, and tnke great pleasure In expressing the satisfaction given me, not — only by the accuracy of the likeness, but its artis tic finish in all respects, and recommends hint to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1600 des. PAGE. COME TO THE NEW STORH R FO CIIEAP BARGAINS.. NEW GROCERY C. LONG ' Informs the citizens of llnntingdan, mid vi cinity, that ho has opened a new Grocery and ;infection er3 Stoiu in the hastoritmt, node] Unipmp d: Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Dinnioistl, mul Woi . ifil 'most respectfully re quest a shore of public patronage. file block consists of all hinds of tiro BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Sc., Sc. Fish can ho hail at oholesalo or retail. ICE Clt.iflM will be furnished regularly to parties sod individuals, at lilt room, Illititingdoo*. 24, IMO. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN pHADEIS, BAILEY'S FIYTU.RES, . CAPE, CORD AND VASSALS, A. FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' TOOK STORE. ('IOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, xj for oto by JA1.0.:8 e. 1.0.11'S =3 THE HORSE AND lIIS DISE4SES TIIE HORSE AND MIS DISEASES THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES DORSE AND Ills DISEASES TIIK DORSI: AND HIS DISEASES A VALUABLE BOOK, A VALUABLE BOOK, FOR S4LE HUNTINGDON, PA No. 721 Arch Sired, Phthulelphia ,CONF.Er,7IONEItY PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS WMEGAIIAN & CO., . Minors and D,eolors in Broad Top Coal. 'B. L. Megahail, General Agent, McConnellstown, Huntingdon County, Pa. IIAVID BLAIR; 31iner and Shipper of Brom! Top Cont. Office nun hugdon Pa.' dz A, MILLER, VA • Dealer is aroceriq, Confbetionaries, &e.. &C. 11117 JOHN bIeCULLOCII, offers his _lf professional oars ices to tho citizens of Huntingdon mid vicinity, Office o n , e v ent, one door eact of Reed's Drug Store. ' '" ' • Aug:2g, '55. eirS. MILLER, • Proprietor of the Exolienge Hotel. Li S. SMITII I Dnaler in Drugs, Medi eine& Pedal - wry, Dyo Stiffs, Oils, k.c. Also--pro cedes, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pn. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and MaHical Matra meats. Huntingdon, Pa. • T CUNNING lIAN[ & BRO. • Founders. Huntingdon. Pa ti -- FAMES A. BROWN, fl Dealer iu 'Urdu are, Cutlery, Paiute, 014, Se., Hunt ingdon, Pa. RADIAN, Denim. In Ready Mode Clothiog, Hots and Cops, Boots tool Shoes, !ie. Tki GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready 'natio Clotl!ing, Huntingdon, Pa, TAP. GWIN, • Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocerins, Hal aware, Queens. Hots and Caps, Boots and Shoe% dc. FISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. T EVI WESTBROOK, J Dealer in Oentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Sheol, Gaiters, Morocco Luther, etc. TOSEPIT. MUGGER, Watchmaker and dealer In Watches. Clucks, and Jew dry. &o. AVM. 'WILLIAMS, ]'lain and ()momenta] Mail& Monnfoctorer. JOAN F. 1t.t1.1.11Y, County Surveyor, llnntingdon, Pa. 0111; oon 11111 streot, one dwr oast of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. iteriatuNcia-1.. T. Wat.;on, Philadelphia; J. P. T.eslie, (leo Philadelphia; Clotllo Jlieldcy, Rough null Ready Furnace, lion. Jonathan :;111"/Myna. 1) 'CHARD LANGDON, Miner and AA, Dealer Ig Broad Top Coal, Ilop,well, Bodford Mum ty. [Nov. 3, TA. A 11111 1t 4IIIN & co., Miners and Deal era In MOT] Top Coal, Broad Top, nuotiowlon co., Penna. [Nov. 2, IRSR. COUNTRY DEALERS can Loy 61,0TIHNO from me in Huai 'melon at WHOLESALE ai, cheap as they can Its the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1853. H. ROMAN. CJTONE-WARE at 'S. S. Smith's - C• - eery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in to‘, u. JOON SCOTT. ROWEL T. lIROON. J. U. O. CORBIN TAllr PA RTNERSIIIP.- .1. 11. 0. CORBIN 100,, from this date, become R mom 4 lo t tim Ilrm of • SCOTT Sr, BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINODON, in IN hich mine the business m ill still bo conducted Huntingdon, Jam 2, MO. 41,1, e 1 a r m VIOLINS, of-Ngie?-A G MAP' (t-,,4j,,,,?2 SYMPDONIANS, ACDODDEONS AND FIVES, For sal, cheap nt LEWIS"I3OOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE R; ALLISON iIILLLE4, flas removed to the I3tiek Row opposlto the Court (louse April hi, 1859. LOCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR TUE VOLVNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS , BOOK STORE 1300 K BINDING. old Books. Magazines, or publleations of any kind [wand to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOIC STATIONERY STORE. DUSINESS MEN, 'TAKE NOTICE! It you cant jour card neatly printed upon envel ops, call nt LEWIS' BOOK A.ArD STATIVERY srqß.g. FOR 143 E LAMBS. A superior nrticlo of Note Paper and Envelopes, mailable for confidential correspondence. for Bale at LEWIS' BOOK d ST..I27O.NIiRY STORE. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post. Coinmerelal, Foolscap and Flatcap—n good assortment for wile by the ream, half leant, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK 4: STATIONERY STORE. LAST .TOTICE. 7 7- All wino Lave inonitied accounts wits mo of six month; standing or longer, aro earnently rentiesTed to 1111/llld settle olt and solo costs. I must havo money or quit inoduess. WESThitqbK. Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1861. AP.H.Y In nil it 9 various Blanches, executed jn t)!tt pets style known in the tilt, " 0, 0. pIIANE'S CiALTAMY, 632 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Plitladelpllia. Life size is Oil and Pastlle, Stereogeopie Portraits,' brotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c., for Casts, Medallions, • Dingy, kc. [Nov. 14,1.0.-ly. ENVELO YES- Br the !pax. pack, at lea.,quantity, for sale at I,Bll'lB' BOOK AXD TIOXER STOI ?E. 1-I.OOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices Ii out 25 cts. to t,2,00 rt tile cheap star. of D. P. GWIN. ADZES Collars; very cheap and beau tilu,at D. I'. GIVIN'9. A 'Splendid variety of Carpets, only et, cts. per yaid. FISHER & SON. ITARRISB IMO STONE-WARE !! ! Crocks, tillg9, Plosayo .I,os drooporlor quality. Sold only by JAMESA. BROWN TA P. p WIN keeps the largest, best 11.101 t silent and cheapest shoes in town. Call and exammo them: TTOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will s izx Lo sold fur $1 25 at tlO cheap store of FISHER & SON. I ' you want liaindson e , Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, end all I:in I of Goods, got, D. P. Qww,s. D. P. GIVIN'S if you want 000 D, (mow. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps,' tilt largest °emit hnent and cheapest to be found at D. P. (MIN'S (1 UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A vs largo assortment at ' DROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. CUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. twin's than can be had in town. Call and see them. TIMM Colored Palm Hoods, best qua! ity, only 50 cts. cabli. • MILER 8: SON. eIOAL OIL'S:: COAL 'OIL LAMPS, k . ) for 75 cents and apwards, at the Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN. lk i _F C J re L ce A lvela P t th9 ll l.lnr i Z l A N re E s . po l :o S of 1 . A. BROWN T 1 P. GIVIN'S is the place to buy _.r e ' good and cheap Carpata. ARCHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for solo 01 . . . . LEWIS' BOOK STORE. mONTHLY TIME BOOKS,' For oak at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATlm.yErer srpRE. T I IQUORS, of the best, for Medichm purposoa RIS. B. SMITTS. . -- 10 ' ip OOKS AND STATIONERY.- 3 A. good assortment of ndsoollaneous and School lenks—Feelscan, Letter, Commercial and ' , loth Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of 1111133010 us sizes—Pena, Pencils, Pocket and Beak InketainLo, and clery other article nasally found In , a Book nud Stationery Stem, can bo had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOON, STATIONBRY .1; MUSIC STONE. N EW BOOKS ! .• FOR SALE AT LEWIS'-130011 STORE TILE 110 USE : A New POCKET MANUAL of itinal Arcbitec: taro; or, How 'to 1141, - Dweliplgs, Darn., Stable., am( Out Dwellings of all kfinla 'Wit. a Chapter 911 Cl:arched and School-Houses. Price, 50 cent,. THE GARDEN: A NEW POCKET MANUAL. of Practical ilor tlculturo; or, How to Cultivate Vegetable*, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trues anti Slit übs. Prlco, 50 cents-.' THE FARM: A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Cultivnto all the Field Crops. Willa an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, b 0 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: •'A New Meath 31.v.m.a. of Cattle, Horse, not Sheep linnbaridry; or,How 'l.O BrlletUndol Rear Om Various Tnuanna Of Gm Ranoyard, Mc., Mb' Pricy, 60 cents. HOW TO TALK: A Now POCKET 314NUAL of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Ora:nu:lV cal St) le, end Mora than Fit o Hundred Common Mid takes Corrected. Pt ice, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A Now POCKET MANAUL of Itepubll• can Etiquette, and Outdo to Correct Personal Habitat South Rules for Debating Socieliel . :lad Deliberative As.. sentblice, etc. Wide, 60 cenfa." 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A Now Peon= Iltssuat. of Practical Atrahs nod Guide to success In Lifo; with a Collection or Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. RORnmirs ROIIRER'S 1101111Elq ROIIREIVU RORREIt'g PRACTICAL CALcULATAR. PRACTICAL pA.LCI/L4TOR. PRACTICAL cALcUldiTolt. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR: 'PRACTICAL CALCUI4TQR. T) OUREIi'S PRACTICAL CALCU IIi • A Book of Plain Rules and Calcula Items fur Business Ope r«tions,ity Marlin it. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and Osnreyancet.. New Bditton, pubtished by J. B. Lippin. colt se (lg., Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 Boles nod Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every day In the common pursuits of Business. It has alrehtly passed through a number of editions in rapid succession, and Is pronounced by all classes 'of business men to be tho handiest book of icteretice, pertaiiiii, to s calculations, that has over been published. V Every example in the book is worked out in fall Anil stated In a plain Intoner, to Unit when a parallel case ari ses, those referring to the work will find no difficulty In solving It; in a word, the general arrangettiont of the CALCULATOR is simple, that sty one who knows how to add, subtlest, multiply and divide, can easily solve any ore dinary ex;ofdpld that arises in business, pr arrive at tlirs true result ofany estimate required. ' • Tho Chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy In figilres, !dialog only at flits had simpli city, believing that business toes care little about fined ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or this science of figures, deeming It sufficient far their purpose to be able at a moment, by reference, to Relive at the ;No result. Tho CALCULATOR infers In this respect from all other Arithmetics of the day and kindred works—lt is a key ro calculations—it is, in the' hands of the business man, what the key to mathematical works in the hands of the teacher In the school room—lt &rill tatas time and Insures correctness. THE WORK TREATS OF THE • - • Measurement of Land, of Lumbar, of Brick and Brick {Tot k. cf Stone and Storm work, of grain and grain bins, of coal and coal bins, of. wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, aquas° or irregular vessels, or Cisterns and vats, of roofing, or plasterer's, pain lei's. &riot's, paver's, plumb. eria, paper houg,er's and upholsterert` work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of Ulu decimal system, of reduction and Its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and .their entire application to business transactions, with the laws and usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment pit notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of portnership accounts, of assessment Of taxes, of weights and mcasti es, of square and cubic measure, of tho equaro toot and Its application to hosiness of anrinees, of excavation, NW! of -many other Important practical matters not within the scope of an advertisement to EMI HUH. IT IS JUST Tll5 BOOK FOR TIIP Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic, the artisan, or. the plofessionel man. It has proven n valuable auxiliary to the Ina yen the m Alice of the peace, the conveyancer, and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer and the surveyor,' to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason anti the plasterer, to the paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, F.., kat each nail all will fled it'adapted to their ytt rium wants better than nuy book published. Price, 50 cents. Per sole nt LOWIV Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 1660. THE HUNTINGDON,FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN!—Tim subscribers take this method of informing ttieir friends and the public generally, that -... they have rebuilt the llnntingdon Form . dry, and are now in successful operation. and are prepared to furnish Castings of every description, of best quality and s.O workmanship, on short notice, and on remora/lc ten me. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We ore manufacturing the tinnier Plough. This plough took the Brat premium At the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last Bill. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together ith the Keystone Hillside and Bar - shearW ploughs. e hose on hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal: Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, 'Boilers, Skillets, dre., all of 0 Well Ottivill sell cheap for rash or hr exchange for coun try prodiice. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attentioAlo business, and a desire to please, NO hope to re ceire a liberal share of public patronage. - J. 111. cuNxiNcarnm & DEO. Iturttingrion, April 80, 1858. WILLIAM AFRICA lIAS AGAIN COMMENtED.TRE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ilia old customers and the pUblic generally, will give him a call. Rluutlugdon, Qct. 20, 1858.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM! • The undersigned respectfully inform the public hat they havo purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continuo the business, nod endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will ho promptly attended to. W3l. ROTIIROCK, WM. N. KIRBY. , "Alexandria; Foli. 22, 1860 THE PEOPLE'S COOK ,BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS•BRANCIIES MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully .11evised by Ar;•.y. , Pr Taus You How to choose atl kinds of Meats, Poultry, tuidlittufe, with all the various end -most approved modes or dressing and cobklog Beef and Pork; also tho beet end, simplest , way of salting, pickling and curing the sante. - • IT TELLS You All the carious and frond approved modes of dtcsaing,' cooking, 'and .boning Mutton, Lan): Veal, Pbultryoludganjo of oil kinds with the dill'. eat Dretioings; Gravies, and , StuMugauppmniato to each. ' , - , IT TEj.l3 YOU how to C.lll/oSfi, Oellil, and r fWeserve Fielx`of all kinds,lond how 16 sweeten it when taint. od ; also all tho various' find malt approved , . modes of cooklok, with th 9 different Drom loge'tiaacea, and Flavollpg, miliroprlate to each.' it Tens You All the vat loos and most appros ed modes of preparing over 50 kinds of 31cal,Fish,Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Troths, :and Sires, With th 6 101ishea 'arl SoasOnlnga orttrovOtcd td each. IT TELLS You All tbe various and most npyroved modes of ' cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to-prepare Catsups and Curries 'of- MI riitted 'Meats, Fish, Game, Muslnoonto Sc. „ . t IT Tens rot All tbe various rind moat approved modes of preparing nod cooking all kiuda of" Plain and Policy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, 'Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Presetven, • . • Jellies, uud Sweet Dishes of every deserip . lion. IT TELLS You All the various and 'post approved modes of making bread, Rusks; Muffins, slid kite • ' Cuff, and the best 'method of preparing •• • Coffee, :Chocolate, and Tea, *end how 'to make Syrnks, cordiale; and ;Wines of va ' tlo>is hitids: • . • ' • - ' • , IT TELLS You How to set out anderraun en t o'rable,hOw to Carve all khids isr Fiisll,llihh dr Fowl, abil In short, how to ealtitopllfy thd whole 'Art of Cooking lift to hung the pholcret lusdrids of the table ',within the hyeiporly'e reach, For Sale at Lewis' Book Stork: . piPER!PAPER!!! Tracing Rarer, • - ' Impression raper, - Drawing raper, Deed ,Paper f 2isno,Pnver,„ gilkl.aper for Fforiera, rerforeted Anatol Board, Flat Cap Papdr, Foolscap Paper,; Letter Taper, • , . . Commercial Notts Paper, " • ' " " Ledics'Eilt Edged 'Letterfond Nate Pain, '• Ladies' Plain and Fancy Notti Paper, • . Whitt. and Colored Card Paper, in Pavlof and Sheets, -For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and3lusic Store, , T-44 CM1G MUSLLY, ipliFUNa AND - DMITINGI PAPER While and Colored Catch PaPer., - , For sale nt. - - Boat,: c 6 STATIO.W.E.R. STORE. . . . C tt is41fIAonantb1;!)(1.00l:. want . , , GENTS • • ' C Con make from $3.00 to 40.00 per lay. dolling eur A voile y Mtvelopeo. • • • ' " - • '' • - ''• ' 'COLEMAN L CO., 002 Chesteut St., Ithlla. June 4,1861 • SALT !. SALT.!! „ pALT ; !.!:! Jos} moire.] troth the Onondogo Salt Company Syracuse, V., to he sold on conimiogoo, rittle” whrle sole or retoll. 200 DARREI.S dutllooo SACKS of SALT. pct. 31, 121,0. • FISHER SCI7N: IiMMI