REPORTED FOR "-THE GLOBE." .[BY OUR REPORTER. Death of a Soldier. Mr, Edward Cherry, 6." private iii Capt. DaVid Jones' company of Ty'rone infaiitt'y, - departed this life at the Ex thange Hotel, lb this place, on Sunday inorning)a'st, at 4 o'clock. SOme three or four weeks ago he was prostrated by typhoid fever, contracted in camp, where he lay for five or six days, when he was brought to the Hotel, and lingered on until Sunday morning. He 'resided when at home, at or near Bell's Mills, Blair co. •He was about 20 years old, and was loved and re spected alike by friends and' liis companions in nrins. His company, in command of Lieutenants Holliday and Hopkins, marched - into town from CamP Crosman on Sunday afternOon, 'draped in mourning, to pay their re 'spects to the deceased body. Having 'reached the hotel, theystacked arms 'and in single filo, marched td 'the 'chamber of their dead comrade, to' !take a last lingering look at one who :but a short time since, was hale and liearty,:and enjoying all the realities 'bf a soldier's life with them. We hap pened to be present when some of the soldiers entered the room to gaze upon him for the last time, and we noticed a tear trickle down the sun-burnt face of one of the men, as he approached the bedside, but be hurriedly brushed it away, and left the room with a sad and heavy heart. The deceased was taken to Altoona, accompanied by a squad of. men, on Monday morning, where he was buried with all the hon ors of war. How sad, and yet how inspiring was the scene when his comrades marched into • town with the drum and fife ;pealing forth a solemn dirge, their :arras reversed, and the badge of mourn ing worn on their right arm. We say 'that till was sad ; yet inspiring. A young man was dead, who had left home, and parents, and all else that was near and dear to him, fo help save his country. He had sacrificed all the comforts of home to fight the battles for the Union, but ere he was allowed to face the enemy in mortal combat he was called from earth to that " bourne from whence no travel er ever yet returned." We gazed in tently for a time at the inanimate body as it lay dressed in full uniform, and what thoughts crowded our mind. We knew it was our duty to chronicle his death and we thought of what we o would say and how we would say it, but nothing we could think of was high or noble enough to place on rec ord, in memory of the deceased ; how ever, we mentally exclaimed: "Peace be to his ashes," and concluded that that sentence was the most fitting eu logy we could pronounce for the brave man who lay cold and still in death.— Ms old father sat weeping in one cor ner of the room, which added still more solemnity to the scene. That old man wept as though his heart would break at his misfortune, in losing his dear boy. It was a sad moment of our life, and one that we will long remember An envious " euss "—The "ex reporter" of the Globe. We are com ing down that way again, soon, my boy, and we would advise you, in the meantime, to prepare yourself with pistols (pocket species) and coffee for two. Don't forget.—Hol. Standard. Come on. Wo'll hmnortalizd our selves then, won't we ? We'll get our names in the papers, in large letters. The announcement will appear that the editor of the " gay and incorrupti ble" was "shot in the neck," in an af fitir of honor with the spirited reporter of the gayest of the gay. Then, you know, to do the thing up right, we tvia have to leave for Canada or Tussey's mountain. That Will be nice. Yes, sir, come on by all means, and let us - fight it out with your weapons. We'll :not do things by halves. No, sir.— We have the weapons engaged for the .occasion. You must remember, how .ever, that we can hit a bull's • eye at twelve hundred yards every clip, but you needn't back out on that account. 4 , l'm fox the Union Still." While passing along Washington street the other evening, and when just opposite the "calaboose," we heard the voice of some one, but we could i not make out for a moment, where tho .sound came from, as we could see no gone about, so we stopped to listen, and tdirectly_the jolly fellow broke out in a mew strain, singing very leisurely, "I'm for the union, union, union, f-t,r the tittittn still." It appears that the poor fellow had been unfortunate enough to get. into the above named institution, and in a merry mood tats whiling _away tile time by asserting his devotion to the Union, although he was in "durance vile." We will bet an old "niekle" we have been carrying in our pocket for :a month, (the only change we have had) that that fellow will never turn " sccesh" as long as he is as good hu moredas he appeared to be wlum he was declaring himself to be in thvor of the Union still, while in the lock-up, for if anything will make a man cross, it is when he gets into a place of that kind. Another thing, you will gener ally find the secessionists to be a stupid, crabbed, crusty 'set of people, always iu a bad humor at themselves and ev erybody else, and everything is always going wrong for them•. gas; Ellen Murray, formerly Miss Drityton, of this place, died near Wash ington city on the 16th inst. Dar A report is current on our streets thatCaPt. J. D. Campbell, has been pro moted to the Majorship of his regiment. We hope it is true, for ,J,irn is an ener getic, persevering fellow, and deserves promotion. lie is a good soldier,- and will give a good account of himself if he ever gets a chalice at, the, enemy. We also hear it stated that his com pany has been in an 'engagement. .We give the rumor as we got' it and for' what it is worth. A "Gunn GOAK."—Bonsall, of the Juniata Register, gives notice that "money is still taken at his office in payment of subscription, job work, advertising, printing tickets, &c.— wherthe can get it." ' Our boss says he won't refuse money either, if it is offered ,to'him in a proper manner and in the right spirit. If his delinquents don't believe it, let them try it on once. SHAKSPEAREAN CLUB.—Some of the young ladies and gentlemen of this place, are about organizing a Shahs pearean Club. We hope it will be done. how much better to Spend the long winter nights in some useful em ployment, than in lounging about the street corners, hotels, stores, and shops. 111/LIZRIED, On Wednevflay morning, October loth, by Rev. 0.1 - nn At Odalen. Wm. 11. 11. MovrnobE, Ea.!, of Cronmeil tp•• to Thos . CATHARINE E. FUMING, Of Dublin tp.—nll of this count•. ILFUFF'S SALES.—By virtue of k 7 sundry writs of 'Vend. Exp. and Lev. Fa. to me directed, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court Haase, in the borough of Huntingdon, ON MON DAY Tllll lieu DAY OF NOVE3IBEIt, 1501, at two o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit: AU that certain messaage tenement. plan- Innen and tract of land situate in Dublin township Hun tingdon cmmty. and Hate of Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of James Neely, William Steam t, and other s. coa t lining one handy al and erxtecu acres and aixt3-five p •rches, 11101 P or le-s. patented. Also—A small tract of lend adjoining lands of James Neely, James Holly. and Jame,. CI PP, in Dol,tin W4E1131141 aforesaid. containing seventeen steles. more or less. Also—. 4. small tract of ridge land, adjoining the above. described tract. , containing four teen acres and one hun dred and thirty-six perches, part whereof Is cleared Seigel:l and token in execution. and to be sold as the prop erty of William Campbell. A t,so —lOO neres of land, more or less. sit uate in Cronrw, II ton trship, hounded by binds of— Price, Pinion Gratz, 11 Munn Wallace, and 'rhos I from a I 11. about 40 acres of IN )1101 RIP Eh-el ed. haying thereon or, eIPII Ole/ log houses. surd on the premises the% e is no apple and vaunt orchard. Seined and talon to execution, nun to be sold as the property of Solomon Banks. tit" All sales advertised for tire fire/ day the Coml• will be adjourned over until the Ild lowing Wedrre , day. and deeds achnow !edged on Wednesday nt tire second Court week. JOHN C. WATSON, :theca. SHERIFF'S I/FFICF- Houtingdon, Nor, 22, 1861. f TRIAL LIST-N OV EMBER TERM, ISGI. FIRST WEEK. Mllimn Patten et at vs Jams Ent-elan, et at I•. it. IV igtan •t ea. vs Jost.: t Johns. 1..1 Wigtoo & hr.,. roe ose vs Nunn. J. £J. A. llogge, ty vs Thom, IPe•ton, Esq. J. A. Hog. ty Is Some. SIc.COND \VEEN.. Jnnie.,(lniclon N. Cn•s;nrll J.. Willi:owl. l% illlctill c'l utsley Vs Michael J. )1.0 till, et 111 Tlccmc,os ‘Vicstocc, jr. vi Thum. Weston. J. I I esscrc.ll vi l'. ltrcc.ctl.stctice. et al. .1. ❑.pints vs J Ccinctinglicat, admr. ~ . • I,t 011 RO:It v' J S..iv ell Stem alt John D. II t'glit r. 4 J... l'emolPtott el nl. lien•ler. lAA ,S. Co. TS '1 In. M. reilith. et al. N me) , I:o..iliorn vs Sam Guovitorit ' s atlmr !)acrd O. Thisall so JOllltill'al 0 . 0, Z. dal NTOT IC E.— • 'll . The Post taro dorgriniont having isNuml the non Pouage Ft wow of all denominations. notice is Inrreb3 eiv tn that an rxelodigo of the m cv for the old Ntanips n 11l be nude at this ollice for a period of Nix days frt. thin date, alloy which Onto the old btampi will unit be oreived nor soot Lana tins tniTier. LH. McIIUGII, P. M. Ponelton P. 0., Oct. 17, 1861. T RE K S, &C., FOR THE AUTUMN OF ISGI, AT LOW PRICES. The suh=eribet a invite attention to their large and w ell grnw•u stock of Pratt Tiers, cont,i4ting, of apple. pear. peach. elle' plum, apricot, quittre. de., de. Dunnt' pot , apple and cla•rt tr ee=. Al4o the small ft nit, cinch as grapes currant.. goo4ola•riles, t a4pbet I ice, Wad:bor t tea. and strati berries of the inaqt detorable sorts. Also, o largo steels crf ut or iticcrecrs arra .torte nee, They will •ell at prices much below usual rates, and oiler great imhmemeuts to lima hugely. TAYLOR & ORF.3IF.R. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, It ;61 T osT.—On Monday lest, on the road lending front to \Cann Spring, a pock et book. containing a fine dollar bill on the Commerce Bank of Virginia, and several papers and letters of intem est only to the owner. The tinder can keep the $l, but is earnestly requested to return to this office the papers, us they will be of no uec I, anybody hut myself. Tllo.ll.lff 11. WIIITIAKEIt. "Globs Office,” Oct. 15, 1861. FRESH OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND AT TILE • " UNION RESTAURANT, " OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE HOTEL. Traffics and parties qopplicd on short notice. call at the Union Ifretaurant," if Sou wont a plate of good (13,tei ilontsugdon, Oct. 15, ISel. -R EC ISTE S N OTIC E._ II hereby gitcu, to nil persons interested, that the 1011011ing named per6on‘, 111140 settled their ac counts in the Ilegisho's °lnce, at linntingdon. and that the said accounts will he piciAlited for coat illation anti aIiOISIIIICR at an Oiplians' Com I to be held a: Huntingdon, 11.111 i fur the county of Huntingdon. on Monday the 11th day of Nos anther- nest (1.541.) to in it : . 'I. Final account of &nowt Isett. Guardian of Ccl uoli•t Scott. oho toss a minor child of Dr. Oh, er G. Scott, late of nirminginnu borough, Huntingdon county, deed, now in her majority. 2. Administration account of Allen Edwards. Adminiiii. miter of Jos h ua E,loutde, Into of Tod town-Jiip, Hun tingdon county, deed. 3. The aecount of Kinney MeDalutn. eels of the Trus tees of Thomas S. McCehan. under :lie Wilt of John Mc- Cabin , ESI . l'-1e of the hdi °ugh of I I unt inadon. deed. 4. Trust account if John Jackson. Trustee tosell the Real Estate of John Conrail. late of Jackson ton °ship. dec'il. 6, 'oho account of thmfftpt Miller, Trivdeo appointed to sell the Lod Estate of aatutie.l Thompson, late of West tom whip. deed. B. ALcount of Graffus Miller, Trustee, to sell the Real Estate of Join French Tate of Tell township. deed. 7. The, Iteconnt4 of John B. Frazier•. Administrator illlff Trustee to colt the Beal Estate of James I tlson and M Bilotti .1. Wilson. late of Wog towt+hip, deed. 8 The accoont of .1. lif unry NleCnlinu. one of 1110 11xecutors of the last Will null 'f,..,tament of .10110 31cralisin bite of the bor..ugh of dent. Pal tin) account. 11,A.Nli'L W. WOMELEDORY, Register 11.1,31,:ied Orme. Iltintingtl,,D, Oct. 14, IS6I. MILNWOOD ACADEMY, Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pa. A School for Young Ladies & Gentlemen The next se.=nion of this snout talon will apes the first Wedn,ll.ty of No, ember. Din log the p.o.t session this I listittt ion has tut went unit n cline of nit, teen to iciness, mill its pi ...peck. not% ItliAntilling the ill‘trActed state of the onntr) hare not been mon. 'Mite, lug for .mine In future there milt ben NormAt Department Attached to the Institution, in which those wishing to become teach et s. mill nec,'ne practic.ll instrootion in the nit of teach ing. The n loch nituwood Ac.idemy /Ms out 111 those Mg nil alnnutunq Mud to tonr ,, ii o initialing a sift' place to send their seas and dnnghtere, cannot 00 surpass..d. whilst its terms me moilmate. Tennis per sioision of tire months. payable quArtetly is s"os inn Painting. Dancing, Arm.. at the usual est a chat gee. Dor (us ther part kid:. 8 addl . .. IV. U. WOODS. Poncipal. or W. M. WILLI A MS. A ss't. Principal, Shade lisp. Iluntingdou cu., Pa. Oct.lo 1661 A BATTLE FOUG UT !! ! A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON =I • engagenu9ft a lath lasted f, m•nrly four clan,.! 11111, at last tooled the anon, sod capluted a huge sumbet of !Nowise' 4, Flits to Knives nor! a great quotatty of estop equipage. stud Whet valuable at mitts s bleb I linausliatt ly dipped by railroad flout oho field of ❑orlon, sod uotv an soil nee =1 On opening nod examining the a &nettles captured, they ware romul to coma melt an endless variety of Hard e and Ciltbly of every Ulna, time I can supply elm peoplo of all nges and claws; even front n toy for an inn• tent to a snppot ting cane for the feeble old matt. Days or gills. Lou do or Ladles, Soldiers or Citizens. Llonsekeep eta or Bottnilens. Fanners or Nleclianics, Lanyers or Doc tore. nnybody and everybody tufty be famished with ft useful memento of thin en entful battle by calling at the Hardware Store of Huntingdon, Oct. I, 1901 XECUTOR'S NOTICE. ,:• [Estate of ilrm. Armstrong, decict. • Letters Testamentary upon the last will and testament of Wm. At mirtiong. late of West township, Huntingdon county, deceased have beet granted to the subscriber.—, All persons indebted ate requeatt.d to make huntediato p.tyment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to me. Oct. 7, 1861-6t* IL W A S II MON " C r O A II ab l o ‘ n l t i\ t i o l q l u S it . forming, m ill offer at public axle, nt Coffee Min, ou Saturday, 19th day of October, inst., atlo o'clock. A. 31., two 1101E01*, one three hot co aogon one too horde cart logo, three 8011.9 harneWi, ISAMU, to i dle, two 'sleighs. too faulting mills. and a gr cat variety Of Other property toe extereese to enumerate. Toms rea,anable. Conditions made known at ealo. SIMON COIN =1 MEMBER ELLSWORTH ? FISHER & SON • HAVE JUST OPENED A , SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL and EXAMINE OUR GOODS. FISHER & SON. Oct. 7, 1861. 1861. TT • ROMAN 13. FALL AND TVLYTER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For a enfiernen'e Clothing of the best motorist, and made to the best soot lannolike manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the 'Flanklin House m Market :mum, limiting don. [Oct. 7. 1861.1 THE WAR GOES ON ! D. P. GWIN lIAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK FOR FALL AND WINTER CALL AND EXAMINE THEM Oct 3, MI ATOIt'S NOT IC E.- [Edahl qf Benjamin Oznult. deed.) Letters of Atlinitue,ti anon upon tho estate of Benjamin Os,,alt. Lite 01 Juniata township. ;maim; been monied to tho ninisi , igned, all persons having claims against the estate. me legitosted to pe esenr tin 01 (41 la,a nutlet signed and all poisons indebted u ill make immedi ate pa, snout. JOHN O,WAI,T, Our. 3, IS6I-Ct° isti situ, c i ff AY . k Came to iesidenee of the subscliber in Hopewell too n.hip, about the loth of September. n light led COW Ullll .1 131 ge obits spot on het back mid a slat on het tot (Await of medinm size and soppte,ed to bo about five ye.ti a old. rho owner is tennested to come fumy trd, move property. pay chat gee, and take her away, other wide she will be dispoded of according to law. DAVID 11. SHULTZ. Oct. I, 1861.. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT TILE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Pursuant to Instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury. the Subscription Rook to tho NEW NATIONAL DIAN 01 Tt easury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and thiec-tentha per cent. per annum, will remain open at my office, NO. 114 S. TIIIRD STREET, until further notice, from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M., and ou Monday a till 9 P. 51. These notes will be of the dcmonination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE. HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DR ED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE 'I: ITOUSAND DOLLARS, nod me all deed 1515 of i A ugnst, 1861, poyable to gold, n tin re yeai a, or converti ble into ato only years' nix per cent. loan. at the option of the holder. Each Trenton p Note hos interest coupons attached. ohm!' can be cut elf end collected in gold at the Mint es ery sit months. nod at the rate of one cent per dal, en each h ft y dollars. l'at meets of subscriptions way be made in :old or Checl.s. or Notes of any of the PARTIES AT t DISTANCE can trend by their It feuds through the loath or by express, or though Banks. and the Ti ury Notes %lilt be immediately deflected, or sent to ouch stiotcriber as they rutty several() direct. Parties remitting must add the interest front 1911) of August. the date of all the notes, to the day the remit. taboo reaches Philadelphia, at tho rate of ono cent per day on each fifty dollars. Apply to or addle. JAY COOKE, SEINCRIPTIoN ARENT, Cale of Jay Cool, & Co., Baal, No.lll South Third Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 7, 1861. TRUSTEE'S SALE of REAL ES TATE. she undmigned nustee, appointed by the Court to sell the neat Estate of Jocuh CUI f u n. n. I,de of the too °ugh of Caßiville. deceased. .111 expose to Public bale, • u the plc:lose% In Ca., tos ustdp. Iluntiogdon county, t•a., on Friday, let November, 1861, The following Real Estate, to nit: One good farm con taining 172 aides, mole tir less, and bounded by lauds of Philip Correil on the north. Conrad Cut (man and Chris. tom Miller on the smith, and dame,: lienstettint on the ens[; having about lon titles cleat et! 100111/ good Mae cultivation. upon „his h are the feiWxiug. 11111011 g 10 alp other impi °Yemenis: A 1051 ninny log hom,e, double log barn WWI It good granary attached, 2 excellent apple inehards. and a SAW-111111 00111111 e water pont,. The fain is nell snpplicd with never failing spilogs, and lane 141 1 11 e It 011111101 lb Ibis moral t) so bill two miles front I 115,0 le and taelve miles nom the 1'101115)1• 15111 in !Inwood at Mill Cu e-1: It is inimitably iiihiptetl to the 'acting of stock. stud common& n good home market. Possession will be given on this let of Apt it, 1802. on the [itemises in this borough of C 1,9, ille, On Saturday, 2d day of November 1861, The following additional property. is, wit Two lots of ground fronting on Main street 172 feet, and extending book 160 feet too street; lots adjoining each tither, and bounded by Moiii street on the east, 011 Ole north by an alley. and 011 the booth by lot belonging to the bobs of Jose fight; haling on them a good two-story log weather-bonded lonise, nith a Riches, wood 'lOOBO, wan. wry, stable and opting. Also : At the name time. four other Into. adjoining rub other and containing about half an °me each. limiting on ,MMII street. and bounded oil the ninth by lot of 1,111.11b1 1 111 Oil loom, 011 the 804111 by tot of Caleb So ope's heirs, and on the 01111 by mountain ion roy. '1 hese are all desirable lots. Possiii.sinti will be given on confirmation of-de. Solo will commence each day at im suits It. A. M. 'Chill , IS OF OM.' of the pinchare mono) to be ti sitl sin co m fit illation of sale, one third in sine gear. ith interest. end this le,idne sit the death of tile widow of ds eedent. with intment [hot eon to be paid to the widow annually and regillai dialog her 11111111 M life. to be on. cured by the bonito and non [gage of the pus elms,. For ally fin tier information concei Lang the above, apply to LtHVTS STRVINI, Trustee. Cass, die, Iluntingslon Co., Pa. September 7, 1561 —lin, GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! A FRESH ARRITrxt.L ALL ms nom 13 FRESII AND PRIDE JAS. A..pIIOWN TILOS. ARMSTRONG, Executor 1861. CLOTHING, EEllil CLOTHING El= 11. ROMAN'S NEW ttOODS CITICIST. LONG'S CALL AND SEE. pDOTS ,AND SHOES. hAy' GEORGE SIIAFFER Me Just received a hew' stock of Boots & Shoes, whit Is he sill he pit seed to have examined by the public genantlly. Ills assortment consists of Beets and Shoes of WI kinds fur Gentle,men and Ladies, made in the bust manner. Ile also ctmt 'noes to manufacture to order all kinds of Boots and Shros. and tottu ris thanks for the patronage ho has het etoloa teccived, and hopes to met it a continuance of the same, . _ 11. 01101) 15 In tho Diamond. ono duoi east of &tette' Store. where the pull] tc will please call. Huntingdon, Oct. 1,1861-41. NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARBON TOWNSHIP. This Ls to giro milk° that no pet MI nil! be paid or al lotted by the lilt ectere of the Poor, on tircennt of any pauper getting hurt or other wise needing relict; until tin at der is granted for the r. lief of ..uid pauper, and the same Is presented to' os. Morrison. who in the authorized agent In the pt antigen, or handed in to the Baud or Oil cc tore. D. CLARKSON, ) IV. MOOS E, }Directors of Pour. S. ['MORTAL • • • SL it leysburg, Oct. 3, 1S(11.-3t. 1 - I, 4 XECUTOR'S Lettet a Testamentary upon the last will and testa. uncut of IV'Mani :Matra, Into of ilarree township. Hun tingdon county, deceased. Jim, Leen granted to the sub scriber. All persons indebted nre'requested to notice im mediate payment. and those inving chums will ptedent them propetly authenticated 16 Tue. SAMUEL CROILS, Sumo ton nship, Oct. 1; - Hunt. co., Pa. F ALL AND WINTER ROBERT XING, MERCHANT TAILOR Hill Sheet, one dour west of Cornion's MITI( A mr. ASSORTMFNT OP GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS. = ci orns, PLAIN' AND FANCY YESTINDS, the neatest and hest that could be found in the city, all of which he will t.the pleasure in exhibiting, oust malting lip to older. It will Lost nothing to call and examine he, gond, Call Rona. Huntingdon Sept. 21, 1841.-3113 OLD MEN. TAKE NOTICE- That the male; signed me about raising a company of Illell nt or forty-fist 3 ear. or age, in pal:twice of a call of the Governot of Pennsylsania, to serve no latnatty rot three years or dui lox Iho war, in the set s nut of the United Saktvs. All persons oho &lied jojoin this complus mill please rel art theinsellett to either of the undersiontsl; .101 IN FILEN NI,II, Mendelson tp. MI LLEII, Oneida Ip. 31.111111 M CAMPBELL, UlllOll tp. Sept. 24,1E61. CLOT HE YOURSELVES! HIGH PRICES DEFEATED ! Now is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GIITIVIAN, Repecifully infuuu [lin public gonmally that he has tecelved a lingo nut ‘,ll selected stilt k f la,bionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to nhiell Ito 11 , 1:3 the attention of all alto are m want of it neat and control table Coat. a Vent or a pan ut s•ocit nib' bear emlsonation. and he teopectfoll3 imple.ta all to call and ,ee fur thearelves. I-honld gentlemen trite any pit kind or eat of clothing not loom! in the stock on halal, by laming then inewatie they eau be accommodated at blunt notice. • A good n.,ortntent of . . BOUTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, IC., &C., %Till alo he found on lonia. All of which u all be mad :19 hint. It riot than Oro BRNO qt.tlity of goods illll be Intl lir Ht. courtly. Call al Ulu coiner of the Diamond. Long's neu building M. UT 31 A N Hntingdon, Sept. 19, 1861 XTOI . LCE.- 1 I Notice is hereby given lint all pet cons lonnm log tin vo , ttloco indebted t, t Duncan. Coffee fins. either no loud: account or Whet ale regnitoted to rOlllO t /1 , nun miter settlement no he htettlilzietoed or ilia mall 9 sunk to WITII.IIO 410,11 ' ho het. niter cat ty 101-d -11054. at his old ni ntCoflen Hun. Ile 10C1/111111,1114 Mr Match to 1119 old cuottanutts 0-1 n gentleman and n good and col 'err lithium , 1111111 and 11 1 0•1110.1 1110111 that thuoe to ing biro mith a c.di xill inn9atiorortonily dealt n lilt. Thole mho totem to settle their aceounto mill find me at my old stalk] at Colice Run. . . COFFEE RUN, Sept. 13, 1361 Novi CE Tn TA X COLLECTORS The urgent necessity for money to pay the families of soldiers in the morn and fin the cur rent expenses of the county requires that yon collet 1 and pay to the Treasurer immediately in a hole. or In OIL the 4000110 t of your du plicates. All roller tots for Ino, and pre, taus 3'eal S. me hereby notified that they can he 110 longer indolged. All collectors for ISi 0 alio have not had their eNllooolntionv ail] apply for the in at the C0M1111340111.1Y Office on the 23d inst. After that date judgments will he entered nod CNeCtliialls issued. J. ' , LESSER. I‘l. F. CA:01 , 11E1AI, }Cumin is'a JOHN CUMMINS. September, 12, 1861. "THE UNION," Aroh Street, Above Third ) Philada, UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. • This lintel is central, convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City. and iu every partmitlar adap ted to the comfort and wants of the business public. AZ —Terms. SI.SO per day. -- VV, Sept. 00, 1501: lc. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLAG STILL WAVES. NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! R _gee Run &dm, and Newburg' SIMON COIN has Just received from the Onshore Cat lee, a Large Itsiortinent of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qom enstral r. Flue duvet e, Milting, Bonnets, Shawls, Huts, Cup,, Lirmts. Vita, anal all oilier nrticles kept in counity More,. SI Inch he is Niel Ing at inn 31111111noill StorON. at Correa Itlin Station and Nem but g. tit unusually low pt ices. Thc ladies egteciully, tiro im lied to call and examine his Sanity 00041:1. Having nrrnttg•onents uith !RI other earaet 0 citLz,, no to rail, to b u y his g e,,,t, r h ea p. er than other country merchants. and can consequently. undersell them I To exchange for gond+, he takes all kinds of countt y produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants or (listen., he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal potion:Sp milt o bleb he has been heretolot e favored, Mr. Cohn is Agent of tho Broad Top R. R. Co.. at Coffee Ron Station, and Is prepared to chip all kinds of 01.1111 to the Eastern markets. flaring tt large Ware Room, far mers ran store Rhin 111111 until ready to ship. Every con venience trill be affoulod thorn. En== rrREES ! TREES ! TREES ! lIE andel signed invite attention to their large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, &T.. embracingn largo tol complete assortment of APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES. PLUMS, CHERRIES. And NIZTARIN ES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dom f for the garden, ENULIsII WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESTNUTS, HA ZLENUTS. Ac.. RASPBERRIES. ARA WHERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES In pear ratiety. Grapes of Choisost IClnds, Asparagus, Rhubarb, &c , &c. Also a fine stock of bell hunted. bushy EVERGREENS. sultable for the Coatotat y and Lao u. DECIDUOUS TREES, for .311,4 planting and a general usgot moot of Ornamental Trees &Flowering Shrubs ßOSES of choice ,sat leties. CAMELLIAS, BEDDING PLANTS., ke., tte., Our stock I' remarkably Guilty and flue, and we offer it at prices to suit the times. AM - Catalogues mailed to nil applicants. Address, EDWARD .1. EVANS it CO., Ctntral Nurseries, York, Pa. Sept. 12, 11,91 -9w. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. - HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rttu,ADILPIITA• .1 Benet dent Inilibition e,tabli,hed vecial Endatuniciit. for the Relief of the Sick and Di.,tresaed, afflicted milli Virulent and Lpidenac Diectizes. and especially ft, the Cue of Distorts et! the Sextud Organs. Medical Ads ire guru ri atis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter. mitt, a description of then condi tion. (age, occupation. habits of tire, &c. ,) and in Caere of extreme [revel!). Medicines tarnished free of charge. Value ble It eporti on Spermatin t lima. and other Diseases of the Sexual organs, and on the nee Reined ies employee in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopes, true of charge. Too or three Stamps fur postage will he acceptable. Address. DR"). SEMEN HOUGHTON. Acting Sur geon, Howard AsAociation. Nu. 2 South Muth SD cet,Phil. adelphia, Pa. By order or tho I:Breams. EZRA D. HARTWELL, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, kecrelary. Dee. 10,1860.4 v. v CULL at the new CLOTHING STORE ki or aturmAN & CO., if yon want a good at Hide of Clothing. Store room in tong's new building, In the Dla ond, Ilgntingd Sept. 0, 7057. MILITARY BOOKS. CAVALRY TACTICS, • [AUTHORIZED EDITION.) By Major William Gilham, 11, S. A Juit publlille4 and for sale at LIMIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete iu one volume. Pi me $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. , For the instruction, exercise, and manecurree of the United States Infantry, including Ito- Q Pantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Bill°. ' men, prepartd under the dirt ctiou of the War Pepsi talent, and andanized and adopted by "., the Secretary of War, May Ist, 1861. contain- , fog the school of the soldier, the school of the , co.P.Y ; lush action Per bitirrnibliere. and the gene; at calla; the rolls forsichmisherti, and the school of the battalion; including the at tides of and a dietion'm y of gni Him y terms. Complete in one velum. Pried $1.'21. For sale at Lee is' Book Store. TIIE HANDY BOOK UIVIT ED STATES SOLDIER, On corning into service: contain ing coniplete system of instruction m the School 01 thu Sahli.), with /I pi 13 I xplaniiiion of thu formation ofa 13alt.ilion 9n P.iraile, the POllllOO of the officers. being a first book or introduction to autlun met] U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub- Pltce 2J cents. For sale at Ilardee's Rifle and Light Infantry FASHIONS! TACTICS, Complete in 2 vols. Price $1.50. For salent LEWIS' BOOK STORE. The Books sent by mail to any addiess on the re. eipt of the mice. Huntingdon May 28, 1861. F ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, ARCH Street, betueen Miami 6th Sts, 818 Market St.,) Philadelphia. Toner & 31noollictiwer nod Denim m all Mods FANCY FUIIS. for La n' Mils. and Chtt 'n'X Woof. !laving now manufbc red and in store toy usu large and beautiful us. Amen t of all the sou tom, (.3 les nod qualitit, of U ItO, adapted to the mo ms kali nod Wolter re.,. nuns, I would I wetivtly ins no examination of CISSIMERU, and my stork and prices nom those intending, to purellasr, ns I UM enabled to offer them sell desb able Inducements. All icy Fula have been plii - elm , ed for cash. nod made by expo' Rowed nod competent hands, and no the present monetni:, ttonbles louder it nece,,bary that I should dis po.,c of my goods at eery soul advance on cost. I am sati,limi that it still 110 to the interests of those who drags purelmong, to glx e me a ctn. Recollect, the name. number nod street: Mtn Fe ono, (Sew Fur Stored 718 Al th Shoot, Philadelphia. CEEGARAY INSTITUTE. 1527 and 1525 SPRUCE sTitEET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institute conthicted for too yenrs past, in thin city, by slarnon. CIIEGUIAY and her niece . .S1 upon the salmi prinriples A Monday, rile in New York. n410 , - 11 , 11,1 there in the year 1, 14. nili to-open un onday, Sept. 16th. with its ir-ual ample and complete provision for ti3O ed...tion or youn g lAdies, under the direction of Madame Wiles, illy. Cir.uhu s, Anti all requi-ite infoi mo tion. cao be obtano d on appllcation to the Principal. A 0g0. , ,t 13, 15L1. 31n. Folt EVERYBODY : -- F + TRY THE NEW STORE, On frilr.Slrrel opposite ..,1,1111011.3 TIIE BEST SUGAR and MOI,ISSF,S. COFFEE. TEA um] CIIOCOLATE. FLOUB, FISH. SAM and VINEIt Alt, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND Atl, KINDS, and off) other article fund in a Grocery Store Druga. Ole e Shag, Paints. Val Mottos. Oils mid Spts. Turpentine, Hold. Alcohol. 01.1,a mel Putty, PEST DINE and IlftA elJi for medical purposes TII I: lIEST PATENT MEDICIN P.S. And a large uttnibei of an tides too nuineroto, to mention The public genet all) will please call nnd examine to, tlu moelse , , and km I/ my pt less, Huntingdon, May 5, IK,$) SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION I= LEVI WESTBROOK' _ . tins Jiist °vivid Ole hest astral Io Lis Boa. °ter Watch to Huallaga.. His stock of 1101 ITS and StiflES for Ladies, Cimino-, men, Boys and Children, comprises all Owl). 1, manutatnuted of Om Lent tel ails Also. n flue ns..rtinant of HATS for nun, Bo.)ii nail Chadian. 110011 in great satiety lot Gantlt tnng lasdiev. m1,1(110.1,11. CAltal..T HAUS, bUSPENDERS, GAItTLIIS, FANS, dc, de. ALSO, SOLMLEATIIER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LAST: and SHOE-Ft NDI NOS genet ally. Thankful fur past favors, a cuntinuanco of the some he revect fully nohcited. N. 11.—Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, ro pairpl and ;mole to order. Huntingdon, April 24, 18611, , q * (*( 6) T HE NEW STORE 117ETV GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, dare just received another stock of now goods. such ns DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSW ARE. &C., in the store room nt tire south.enst corner of the DI mond in the borough of Itnotingilon. . . Their Stock hoc been carcially selected, and 16111 ho Bold low for cosh nr cnontry produce. llootingdon, April 15, Iblll. BOOTS sr, SHOES ! ANEW STOCK. 1.,..4D/E8 AND CIENTI / E NEN", LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE All In onnt of Tloota nod Shoes. for old or young, are requested to call and examine my !stock, L. WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, May 3. 1861. • WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, T. WHITE, ./TTORNEY AT LAW, Jnn. 2, 1861—if. JACKSON HOTEL, ILUNTINODON, PA CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at D. P. MIN'S. ALSO, Fon inu LEWIS' BOOK STORE. AL 0, MEE= C 4 oos p *% 10 v•• 0 N.._ c 4 g .44 r 4 r„- E... 3 net d a a JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK IMM JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE lIUSTINGDON, PA ORAFFUS MILLER, Proprietor, NEW AIR LINE. TO: YEW erk..; ;17.t.73,r4 - • . ORA WA , 13 Mil* cq- • AND IN DISTANCE' AND QUICK . EST IN TIME BETWEEN-TIIE TWO CITIES OF NEW TORN AND DARE - 18DM I VIA READINO, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. " " MonNING Expness,'West, loaves New York nt 6 A: ;Al. rrsvi rig at Itarristeeg at 12.45 noon, ouiy boula be weer the too eider. Matt LINE leaves New York nt 12,C0 noon, and arrives t llar Isburg at 8.30 P. MORNING MAIL LINE. East. learss Ilarriabarg at 3.00 M., arriving at ;Vow York at 420 P. M. AFTENNOON EXPRESS LINE I:lvit, leaves llarribbnig at 1.15 P. V.. arming nt New Yolk at 9.00 P. )1. • •. • ... . Connections are mad,. at !tallithim; at 1.00 P. 11., will the Paasengor Tt alai In theli direction on the Pennaylva nia, Cupdlerpu,d d'alley . and Not thel u Cou,tral Railroad. All tzaina'connoct nt Mottling with trains for Potthillle and Philadelphia, and at. Allentown fortllancli Chank, Easton. &c. No change of Passenger Cara or Baggage between New York aud Harrisburg, by Iho 0.00 A. N. Line from New York or the the 1.15. P. N. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, odd 'speed, comfort mid llCCOlll modation, this route preseuta superior inducemeuts to the to chug public. - • Fore between New York and Harrisburg fire &Bare.— For ticket° and other information nopiy to cLYDB, General Agent z Harrisburg. . July 10, 1860. xerorez.st7=l,lll • PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Tim: OF LEAFING OF TRAINS lITST R.f RD. -es 01333123 Nen ton Hamilton, "It. Union Mill Ct. eek atm tinp,cion, Pete] aborg, iSin two Clock,. lsiu Anglian] tune. Tipton Fo.t,,,ia Dell's ' Altoona, IiCEMIE ITION gli PACKAGES, Is and deakrn nt to nvelnpos. for Furth. ante to su , ent p in variety el Shut ess Cul Jolla t 1161 or polo CUIA; tali s) So2,Cli, COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! James A. Brown sells tho genuine " PORTLAND }ZERO SE?: E:' on COAL Oils dear as uder. This Is the only hind of oil that gives entire satisfarffoss as on agent for light. Donate of comae' foils and collared edition oils. They emit au offensive smell and smolt°. A lingo variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys. (Thaws, Wicks. Borne' e. Shades, &c.. Sc., sold at tits very honest prices, at the,llardn e :tore, Itin...ting don, Pa. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. T. A. HANINAII, A practical tobacconist. hoe opened a now TOBACCO STORN AND CHIA It-Al ANUSACEORY. on Allegheny St, one door west of the Broad Top Bailroad Office, where lie has on hand a largo assortment of pi line Cigars and To. blew, n loch he will sell either Is ilOVS:t10 Or retail. Store. keepers. shopkeepers, and all Whole who deal in the need should ell). 1114 prices are low. Call and ace. Huntingdon, Nov. i, ISO). - 1/ EADY - 11 ECK Pt ONE . 1,,, A coutpleto Pocket Ready lteeltoner, in dollars and cents. to tom hkh are added lotion of Notes, Bilh, Re ceipt:7. Petition., gc., together trial a net of useful tables, containing tote of littlest Hors one dollar to twelve them, nod. hy the single day, malt a table of mages and board t r y the or col: loot th,y, (111hikhed in 1859. For Fate at LEiris , BOOK KTOKE. 1 - ) ITELTMATISAI CIJ111411). f Mr. JOHN 1\ er.. manufacture% n I,IM t, MENT 1+ sure to flllO lih-um.vwm. Noente. no pat. Prt,ons led hlionl.l call and try the medmine. Call at nil te,itlente iu 15,4111,14t0n su evt, one door ne - ,t of Levi Westlnook. 11 Oatmgdnn. Motel, 20,1801. - VOTICE TO ALL !! '1•lle salerriber. MK, hao for mote !hall oil" year. Carr e.I on busulcs in eeimploy with )10 , 1i. N. IIIIANDY, 11. (ii':, Wathamn, and Mr. 1. vatic Iliac. lints this day dissoir•d letnineelh.p toah the above fit All elalllllllolinst the old lit nt a ill lie paid In) the subscriber•, and all those he to the In no north pay Lim. CLOCKS, .-,,,, WA TCHES and JEW ELRY „„,- nlw.t,s 6r reodred. A good stock of CUM . . WATCUES nod Jt., - ELRI w ill 10, kept on han d .' for cobtonme. oho 10113 favor him M I Ell II coll. Huntingdon, Marcl 2, Isa - - , rpHE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the most complete of any in the country, and pos. .vs the most ample facilities fur inmaptly executing in the beet style, every variety of .lob hinting, such as HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS. CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS. BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. C MI. AND EXAMINC SP.I3IENS OP WORK, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE CIIEAP WATCIIES ! 4:: g. • 4 1, • ?.•'" a HA' zi PWA TOLIES! ! 36= JACOB LAD° 31135, t NO. 618. MARKETSTREET,DM PIITLA.PIIIA, 1 as on hand and is constantly I teeming large ussorments of American. English, nail Swies Witiches, which he will sell at lower pricer thou ever offepetl. J. L. would cull particular attention to the celebrated AMFRICAIT WATCH. which for accuracy of time and dura bility, and le.a liability of getting out of order, in superi• or to any other Imported watch, made at anything like the same coot. Jewelry, Silver mid Silver Plated Ware, of all sty Ica and path:lns. .ALSO Gold, Silver and Sled Spectacles, with glneses for all eights, with PATENT, as well as the old .9t to iramee. All goods sold at my establishment are warranted to be (14 represented. and satisfaction teed to all yurchaser4, at NO. 618, Market Street, Corner of Decatur. [Sept. 19, 1800.4 y. IM u ICI THE CYTI-lARA—The 61 1 1 i re sby terian Psalmodist—The tr, Shawn—TheJubilee—llutiton's and Bey tint's enlarged and implored trial, odors—WM=l'a Now and Improved Method for the Oultar—Leland's Aceor kl,ei 11 4, c n e d o r l. B ll t i oan n s i t e r: , • eto Melodeon t u a e n i d o r Ulo n w u n r ' rowes' Piano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough•llnse Printer— Irowe'o Thawing Room Dances—Tile Clients Wee pook—, 'l'ard's Harp, for side at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY d; MUSIC STORE. PISTOLS PISTOLS I! Sharp?, Smith .5 Wesson's, and all improved patterns of Revolve., Pistols. Cartridges, Bonin Knives, &c., Wr bale at the Ilard,nre Store of JA3IES A. BROWN. Iluntingdon,_ lln. 21, 1601 • FRANKLIN HOUSE, IN TEE DIAMOND, 11UNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally, will find comfortable accommodations nt this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, 1860.1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA., NEAR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor Iluntingd.m, April 10, 1861. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, AND FANCY Just received and for bale At LEWIS' BOOK STORE. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D: P. ()WIN'S rfillE largest stock of De ',aims in town . 1 by rIsUEB S S,IN, eIRgAT• WORK ON THE HORSE: : k.A't el i : 11111 THE HORSE &HIS:DISEASESI - 'Eon iNIT; JANNINGS, - •i Jr - 7 T Prof isor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the reterinaty Colley:sof Philadet.phia. r Ft: t WILL TELL YOU Of tho Origin, TOMory, End ,til.stititlio traits or the various breeds of European, - -Asiatic, African and — Amerlcan Horsey: physitiah furmaflorr pe • t- • culiaVitlte itf the -artlmnl;- addhear to ascertain Ilia age by the trundler ands - - • condition of his teetbi Mush god isitb numereue explanatory engravings. _ fttE HORSE AND 11 1 1)FsAsp.:p.- WILL TELL YOU Of Breedirigazenking, Stabling, Fend- tug, grooming, hboelug, and the goner- , 01 management of the horse,,, with Ola f brat modes of administaringniedloluej-, .01,10, how to treat Biting, Ricking, • , Rearing, Shying, Stumbling,,Cribl.iitl ,1 a L lag. Restlessness, arid other Ikea -to • ; which hale subject; with'unmeromiisa:, . plauy4pg engravings. • , .TIIR ItOIiSE,ANI) . lIIs VISiAgS • • • . „ WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptoramnd Treatirfent '; • • • . of Strangles, Sofa Throat; Ristetophr, Catarrh, IhenentnoßronohltisicPiteu- • • •-• • ' mottle, Ph•urasy; Broken Wind; Chron ic Cough, Roaring and.Whistling.Lanfrr pas, Sore Mouth and .Ulcers, 'and. - De, ' , • • rayed Teeth. with other distelses of the Month and Respiratory Organza'," • r••:: . . • TILE 11011,9 V.A.F. 1 / 2 113.DISEASISS ~t WILL TELL YOU Of the causba, symptoms,tinct Treniment of Worms,' Bote Cholie, Strangodatied, - - Stony Concretions, linntureli," Patsy; Itlarrhelt, Jaundice, Ilepatirrhen, Bloody Urtlin,.Stddes Iti.the Kidneys and Mad. der, Indiunation and,other disoesee of the Stomach, Bowels; Liver. and.,lJri nary Organs. . • • . ,TILE liISIISE AND ISIS DISEASES EASTWARD. P-1.4 . , . WILL TELL YOU Of Our cause's, synijitornS, and Treat meat of Bone ,8100 :and Bag, Spiwth, Ring Bono, dneanle, Shamus, Br'kdo Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Craoke4 Hoofs Sole Braise and (Trawl, Canker, Sundaes, Thrush and corts; also, of blegrfms,Nertigo, Epllejisy, Staggers ? and other diseases of IheFeeti Legs, and Head. ~.. .4 ,!. g. r: 0 , 0 g 3 DEM TILE 110n5E AND MS DI9EASE9 . WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, syMptems, and 'trek ment of Fistula, Poll DAL Glanders, Missy, Scarlet Fever, Mango, Surfeit. Locked Ja,w,ltheunuitism.Cramp,Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, & c, the., end how to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and opt. er surgical operations. Igo CO I 0 W/LL.TEGL YOU Of Rat ey'ai Method of Mining Horses; JIOR to Approach, Miter, or Statile a - Colt; -haw: to :accustom a' home to strange enunds and eights, and how to fitt, Saddle, hide, and areak him to Harness; ,also dm form and law of WARRANTY. Rita whole being Ake' to milt of It years' cerchil ship' of rho Wilts, enllarltleo, %Tanta , nuil weak. • mecca of this noble and useful anima. Tor rule at Louis' Book Store. r ZEITEMI •ry ream ea rates Cr Intel matins MAN S. slant E.t., THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS 'DISEASES, TIIE.HORSE AND HIS,DISEASES, •' • A VALUABLE . BOOK, ' For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. ' , EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, .. • EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER; „. • A VALUABLE BOOK, For salo at LEWIS' Book Store,_ THE FAMILY - DOCTOR, ' THE .FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, , . • - A VALUABLE BOOK, o For sale at LEWIS' Book Store, LONGSTRETH ON ,THE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTBETII ON TIIE lIONEY BEE,' A VALUABLE•BOOK, For pale at LEWIS' Book Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Po- gale at LEWIS' Buok Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC OSGOOD'S SpellPr.lst, 2d, &I, 4th and sth Madera. SIGUFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old end new editions) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S ' do do do COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1. Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and user editions.) Scholar's Companion. . Smith's. than ion's, Brown's and Toner's Grammars.• litch's Physical Geography. 'Warren's Physical Geography, Alitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies kAtiases. wenster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. , Quackenhos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's. Stoddard's, Emmerson's, Swan's,Colbnm's and Ray's Arithmutics. Pete son's Familiar Scienco. Greonteal'e and Studdard's Iteys to Arithinetics. • Gteenlears and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parkor'd Juvenile Philosophy. Parkor's First Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. • Upham's Mental Philosophy, , , Wlllard's History of the United States. Bet ard's Goodrich's Payson, Dunton and Seribnor's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academbtal, Controllers' and other Copy Bode. Elements of Map Drawing, with plan for aketching mope by triangulation and improved methods of projection. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry, Davies' Legendro's Geometry. • - Fulton S Eastman's Bookkeeping. Book Reaping by Single Entry, by lianaford At Payson Book Keeping - by Single and Double Entry, by Hanford Payson. Other books trill be added and furnished to order. • A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. JOSEPH REIGGEIt NEWELL'S ' • PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 24 Arch Street, Phgactelphia. , One of rho largest and most complete Galleries In the' . Staten, :where the best Pictures, known to the Phu. toglaphic net, aro taken at prices no higher' ' than are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photog - rapher4tiends per. venally, every Ailing—and allows no picture, to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction: ' Daguerreotypes and Ambiotypes, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required size, or taken on, Canvass, life sae, and painted in Oil by, the best Artiste. At this Gallery pictures can he taketi in any': weathev— ni perfect in cloudy days as when 'the son chines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex-- amine our sp.tchnens, which for prico and ,qualicy defy competition. .4Y-Instructions . giVen In'the art of PheiographY, NEWEI,I,, . , Gatittz 'or - Aar, ; 724 Arch Sheet ,Plailidelithitn. COMMENDATIONS: .y.v. From Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, 31,49t11db..! -- . iamily and friends all =bur in flfzilpiiiiqn %that the (Newelt) picture is more life-like thany thing vin they over saw. My likeness has been repeatety.taken by dif ferent Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had ono which presents so true to nature, all the katuresand expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. Jo} Mortis, lato Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beanty nod softness of your per. traits, conjoined with their durability of color and, faith fulness as likenesses, cannot fail to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art; • From Col. James Page. Having occasion for a Portrait,l procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors. under the new p.m° discovered by Arm, and take great.pleasure he expressing the eatisfactlon given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but ita artis tic finish in all respects, and recommends him to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1860 Jan. PAGE. CONE TO THE' NEW STORE FOR CHEAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY. , • ' AND CONFECTIONERY C. LONG Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity, that he has opened a new Gioeery and Confection ery Store in the basement, under Giamatti di Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would most respectfully re quest a share of public patronage. His stock consists of% all kinds of the BEST GROCERIES, '- CONFECTIONERIES,,AA, Fish can be had at Is holosale or retail. ICE CREAM will be furnished regularly to gartlosmad., indis Moats. at his room. • , Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1.860. 'i ;sfa en. OIL CLOTH. WINDOW SaikDES, GILT GOLD SIIADES,',,:, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEYS FTYTUBiS r , , TAPE,, CORD AND T4ISSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. YELLOW, ENVELOPES, riOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, % for 4alr. by JAMES A.'N TUE UORSE AND' 'MS DISEASES FOR SALE RUNTINGDON, PA 13