"THE. UNION,". : Arch Street, Above 'Third Plulada. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. •• • • sir This hotel in ventral, .convenlent by Passenger Curs to all parts of the City, and In every particular whip ted to the comfort and wants of the Wellies, public. zir Term., $1.50 per day. - 1. 1.4 Sept. 10, 1861.-Iy. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLAG ,TILL WAVES. NEW GOODS!: ',NEW GOODS!!! Ai Cbjrce, Run Station, anti Nitoburg. WILL has just received from the Eastern- eft Ica, a large arsorttnorit of Dry Conch, Groceries, Ow/ulcers. Hardware, Mating, Bonnets, Shawls. atpr,Bools, Sheer, And aTholher articles kept in country stores. IN Idol. he is offering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee lion Station and lOeteltrelv, at unusually low pukes. The ladies especially, Are invited to call and examine his Fancy Goode. Maytag arrangetnente with large firms in Philadelphia teed other eastern cities. he is able to buy his goods cheap. Ist than other country merchants, and can consequently. udersell them I In exchange for goods, he takes all nds of country produce at the highest rash prices. By . strict attention to the wanly of customers, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage ti ith is hick he has been heretofore favor ed. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and Is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. hating a large Ware Boom, far mers can stoic with hint until ready to ship. Every cons yenteace Will be afforded them. August 29. 1601. TREES! TREES! TREES! rliE underaigued incite attentisn to their large and wall gran n stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, ,keWeraltracinga largeand complete assortment of APPLES, PEARS. PEACHES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, and NECTARINES, Standard for the ()rebut; and Mart for the garden, ENGLI:AI WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESTNUTS, HA =NUTS, he. RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES. in groat ♦atioty, . Grapes of Choisest Kin4s, Asparagus, Rhubarb, &O , &G. Also a fine stock of Welt formed. Lusby EVERGREENS. eultable for the Ctllletery and haws. DECIDUOUS TREES, for dime planting and n general nasortment of Ornamental Trees &Flowering Shrubs APSES or choice varieties. CAMELLIAS, BEDDING PLANI.S ac. Our stock is renwirketri) tbrilty and fine, end we offer it at prices to omit the time, rie - Cateloguea mailed to all applicants. Address, _ }AWARD J. IiVANS A CO., Central N ureet les, York, Pa. Sept. 12, 1861.-9er. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER I= LEWIS' BOOK STORE. TJOWARD ASSOCIATION, .A • terolent Institntion established by spee.al Eudosem,:d. far the lidief of the :Ad: and Diatrested. afflichd math Virulent and 4nlenne Disease... and erpectalty for the Care of Disease.v of the &soot Orgurzz. Medical Advice given gratia, by the Acting Surgeon, to all alto apply by letter. ulth n dere:minion of their condi tion. (age, occupation. habits of life, a.c...) unit in cocoa of extreme poverty: Medicines lot °hilted Dee ol charge. Valuable Reports on Spot nuitori limn. nod oilier Dheivale of the SCIII/11 I MO on the :sew itenv,liee empluyea in the Dispensary, rent to the nfflicied in sealed letter en -elopes. free of charge. Two or /brae Stamp", for pubtlie will be Addreer. DII. J. SICITArIiN nounwrox, Acting =Sur geon, llowsud A...elation. No. S South Ninth titiect,Dllll - Pa. Dv order of the Di ectora. EZRA D. 11.1 RTIVELL, l'resident. fl EH. FAD:CHILD, :err dory. Dec. 19, 1860.—1 y. MILITARY BOOKS. CAVALRY TACTICS, [41:71101?IZED EDITIO.V.] By Major William Gilliam, 11. S. A Juetilpublielted and for sale at LEWIS' 130J1i STORE. !Complete in 000 eoluase. Price $l.OO. UNITED STATES I N 'F ANT 11. Y TACTICS. Nor the instruction. exercise. and manoeuvres or - ore - tinstea - rinin,-.. romni,,, ittelottnt o at. _ fantry of the Line, Light Infantry. and Itiflot =en, prepared under the dirt et inn of the War Department, and Authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War. May let. 1661. contain- .._ oi . ing therachool of the soldier; the Pelmet of the gompany.;lmstruction fur ski: inii.hers. and tine , ....... general culls; alumina f it ski mut-hero, and the ..cliuut of tine Itactaliou; including tit° arttelea of war and a diet one. y of ruilinan y terms. Complete inn one union.. Price $1.25. For gale at Leiria' hook Store. . MEI THE HANBY BOOK FOR TILE UXITED STATES' SOLDIER, On coming into ears ire: containing a complete 03, , etn of instrtiction in the School of the Soldier. with opi intina ry explanation of the fornmtion of a on lam-ode. the Position of the officers. dc.. sc.. being At find hook or t ntroductien to authorized U. S. In fimtry Teethe, jest pu I isheil. nice 25 relit, For rale"tit . . . I.h' IS' BOOK STORE AV 0, llardee's Rifle and Ligitt, Infantry TACTICS, Complete In 2 vols. Price $1.50. For sale et LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 433- The Rooks sent by mail to any sublime on the ro. eipt of the price. Iluutiogd.o May 28, 1801. FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS soy stock and prices from those intending to purchase, as am enabled to offer thencvery dent able inducements. All my Furs have been purchased for cash. nod made t.y experienced and competent hands, and as the present monetary troubles render it necessary that I hbotdd dis pose of my goods at very small advance on cost. 1 am entiqied that it *sill be to the intetents of those sobs design purchasing. to give men call. Oir Recollect, the mane. number and street: John Fa ..eira, (Non' Fur Store.) 718 Arch Street. Philadelphia. CREGARAY INSTITUTE. 1527 and 1529 SPItUCK STREET, PIIII,ADELPIITA. 'This Institute conducted for MO years past. in this city, by MADAMS CIIEG,HAT and her niece MAonne lr It EILVILLT, upon the sante principles na the one In Now York. estith. baled then. In the year 1814. pill te.opett on Mon.l4y, Slept. awl Its usual Runde told complete provision for the edllc.ithsi of Young Indies, tinder the direction of Madame VII" sin". Cir 4 tants, and all requisite informa ;ion, can he obtained on application to rho Principal. August 13, 18111.-3 m, F OR EVERYBODY TRY TLIE NEW STORE, On MU Strut opposite. Cannon's S'✓ms. VIE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA and CHOCOLATE. FLOUR. FISH. SALT and VINEGAR, roNFECTIONERIF:S. CIGARS and TOBACCO. SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS. aaS every other article usually found in a Grocery Strop ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Palate, Tarnish.. Oda and Spts, Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol. Glare and Potty, BEST WISE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention The public generally will please call and examine fo tliontseh es awl learn my prices. alentisplen, May 25,1858. SOUND ON TIIE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LECI WESTBROOK Has just opened the best assort ment of Goode in hie line, ever brought to Huntingdon. Ilk stoek of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Gentle-It tu men, Misses, Boys and Children, eoprisee all the 'l4 latest fashions, and manufactured of the best ma prints. Alto, a tine assortment of HATS for men. Boy. and Children. HOSE in great variety for Gentle men, Ladles. Misses and Children. CARPET BAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, FANS, &e., Ac. ALSO, SOLE-LEATHER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LAST. and SI/OhI.FIa:DINOS generally. thankful fur past furors, a continuance of the same I. resikyfully solicited. N. .—Roots and Shoes for Ladles and Gentlemen, r. pairs and made to order. Huntingdon, April 2 , 1, 18613 • CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of OUTSIAN & CO., if you %ilia n goal article ‘,t Malin. Store room In Long's new building, in the Die mend. linntinEd , t; 5:111.9,1957. T nE NEW STORV . AND .ATE fir GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Have Just received another stock of new goods, such at DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSW ARE, in tho eto, o loom at the south-east corner of tho Diamond iu tho borough of Huntingdon.'. - Their Stock boo been carefully solected, and will ho sold low for cosh or cinalfry produce. • Huntingdon, April 15, Q r) c4t: BOOTS & SIIOEB ! ANEW STOCK. FOR LADIES .LIND GENTLEMEN. JUST RECEIVED AT LEVI. WESTBROOK'S STORE. All In want of Boots und, noes. for old or young, ore requeAcd to call and opUninc my !tuck. . • L. WESTBROOK, Huntingdon, ..lay 3,1861. _ _ - WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, pm - LADELpinA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 28th,-1860 Two prteq'nger tinkle leave Ilarriglairg Doily. (Sundays excepted.) at 8.00 A. 31., and 1.15 I'. IL, for Philadelphia, art iving then , . nt 1.2:i P. 0!.. and 6.15 P. 31. IR:Wining. Irma Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 01.. and 330 P. M., arriving: nt Harrisburg:at 12 45 noon and F.:30 P. 51 Fate, To Philinhlphia, 5,0. 1 Cots, $4.25; N 0.2 (in sans t al n. $2.10) Fairs: To Reading. $2.60 and $1.30 At Re ,drag. COlll/Vet ail, trains for Pott4ville, Miners villa Tamaqua Cat.inn—at. Lc . . • Four traium leavo Ileadmg for Philadelphia daily, at G A. M , 10.45 A. M.. 12.:3u noon and 3.43 r, I.mve for Pending att 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P. M 3.30 I'. M.. ;001 5 00 I'. 51. }art,: Heading tO1111r1d1•10110, $1.75 and .1 . ,1 The horning trait, howl I tan ishm g conneethat Rending with up trait, for tciume.nnmie. l'ittctan and &annum. For t h rough tickets awl other inrorination npply to J. 3. CLYDE, July IS. IS6I. Geuo•al .tend WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY': LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS Ii Tells You How to Maw np l'arrammeitr PAFEns and glees genmal foe ins for itonEANI.NTs of all kinds. lilies of SALE. Let tSES and PETITIoNS. TI Tells You how to drAw up domes and Alollln tats, At- Fetu ITS, POO. ARS of ATToRNES. NOTLn and len.e..s of I:actuante. RFCLIFTS and It ELL !SFS. II Tells You The Lens for the CoutCSION of PESTS, mitts the NT MILS of LIMIT trios, and amount and ble e d of pro f oe r ; Elmwrilolll ETEIe. VOA in every State. II Tells Thu Bow to mak° nee Astiosstrer properly, with ,t foe nes for COMPOSITIoN let HI CREDITORS, and the 11.5o).WAST I,tn s of eseey Side. It Tells You The legal relations exiling hottseen Grin. PIAS and WART, MAST= nod ALTRI:SLICE, and lANDLonD and TENANT. 11 Tolls Tau Whot collAtitutes 1.11101. and SLANDER. and the Law as to MARRIAGE DuWEIL the Win's Rimer IN Paorrarr, Devour. snit ALIMONT. It Tells Eon Tim law for telycnamcs' Mess in every State, and the NATVIIALIZtTION I.Alsa of this tIA. and lit/n1 to comply with the seine. R Tag TOu The Less conc. oils: PANSIOAS and hose to ob tain one, and the l'fir.-SUrrlOS Lows to PUBLIC LANDS. ft Tills You no LIM for PATENTS, settle mode of proce dure in obtaining one, With I:manna:tem, Aeteman ra TS and TABLE OF Pits. Il Tills You How to make your Wm. and how to ADMAN n ON AN ESTATE, with the Ltw and the requirements thereof ne every State. It Tells lint The meaning of law 'PERM in general seer, 1111,1 ell/haat, 10 pen the LEOLSLAT/TE, MU ovrene and JEDICIAL Powers of both the General and State GOVEILNIILATS. II Idle You flow TO EAU. Orr or Lsw. by showing how to do your butinese legally, thus easing n va..t arnonnt of property, unit Nematiotli litigation, by its timely consultation. Es ers body's Lawyer ip fur :ale at Lon is' Book Store JOHN FAREIRA A Bel I St met. bet Wert, th mid Bth SIR , en( 518 Muriel ST..) 'oat, At Nlinintieturer and Dealer in nli kingin 'ANCY FtIIS. fur La ' n• anal Chi I - Wear. ALEX A N MITA I. UNDRY ROGER C. MeGILL, mannfactmer of all kinds of emdmge, forge and tolling mill. grist and saw mill, thrash• log machine. sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles. plough shearir to suit ell kinds of ploughs; also. Car is heels and railroad work. and has a new and impro,eil plough that tenders satibfaction to all farmers that hale used them. 1 in 11l keep all kinds oh plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Endier R MeMut tr re's, Huntingdon. and at Mr. George Eby's. Mill Creek, and will fill all orders promptly. 'I lie tanners aat nave money by getting nbeats and ploughs of MetilLb. at the foundry he.td.quartern, the place to buy cheap. All tuna of produce, old metal and lumber. taken in gxehange.— llring the pay and save ten per cent Alexandria, March 7, MO. ash's; now manatee til and in store lay um aro and beautiful mo ment of all the various ales sod qualities of ItS, adapted to the com- Fall mid Winter Sea s. I mould respectively its ail examination of Tile t 1 1 0 1 , n , o d r e n r . s e ig iti n ,o c i d „ M A wo: l3 l,l l. , j e l s i rr l tl;f ‘ lll l ' t e D nll . of II ont I itgdon twit the adjoining comities to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is Nepal ed to loutish at the stoutest notice, Nlonumental Marble. Tooth. 'ruble , and Stones of ei et y desiteil size nod form of Italian at rar,terii Mot ble, higbly tlnklied. nod carved with noon pi lots devices, or plain. OA limy snit. Duiidiug Malble, Dour nod Window Sills, i.e., It II hr 1111 . 11611 ed to miler. W. W. pledges himself to furnish mate] ial and x‘oi 1, outo,liip equal to :my in too country. at a fair price. Call and see. berme you purchase else,, here. Shop on Hill sheet, Huntingdon, Da. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855 H T. WHITE, A.TTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1861-tl, JACKSON HOTEL, • lIUNTINGDON, PA THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, MP alu nys So found at The ellenl store of FISHER. & SOY A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for sale cheap, at D. P. OW IN'S. 13M1IDE! YOU will find the Largest and Best assortment of Ladles' Dress Goods at D. P. GRIN'S. CONFECTIONERIES of the very best st MILLER'S. WINDOW SHADES, cons, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES. A bandsomo imortment just recelrelj owl for solo at LEWIS' 1300 K. STATIONEIII` MUSIC WWI 11 BLANK BOOKS, OP 00010110 FILES, for Salo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY sro ", BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at H. P. ewnps. CARPET Sacks and Panay Baskets at D. P. MM. 4 ,.%...nytitt„, • , F:." c:4 En . tti ..4 1 U vi C.. 3 t:C 0-4 A LARGE STOCK FEE JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE BY FRANK CROSBY, I= =I lIIJNTINODON, PA GRAFFUS MILLER, Proprietor NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. - ~...~,~~ ,y~'~-. was: f+i~Jl SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OS NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG! VIA READING, ALLENToIVN . AND EASTON. . ?ammo ExpnEss, Iruct, leases New Yolk at 6 A. M. rriving at Ilan !Mau g at 12.45 noon, only 6;4 hoots be %wen the too cities. . . MAIL LINE lonic, New York at 12.00 noon, and arrives at iitirrisburg at 8.30 P. M, Illonbrixo Mtn. Isar. East. leaves Harrisburg at 5.00 A M., [writ lag at New Yot k at 4.30 P. M. MILIINCION ESYRESS Luvt. Emit, leaven Merl isburg at 1.151'. 14„ untying nt Now York nt 9.00 I'. M. Connections aro made at lint Hsiang nt 1.00 P. 51., wi th the Passenger Train• in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley mid Northern Coattail Railroad. All train. connect at Rending with trains for Pottsvillo and Philadoiphin, and nt Allentown for blanch Clunk, Easton. Ac. No °lntone of Pnosenger Caro or Baggage between New York and Ilan Isburg. by the 0.00 A. 31. Lino horn, Row• York or the the 1.15 0. M. from Harrisburg. , - _ For beauty of sanely, add speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducements to tho traveling public. Fore between New York and Harrisburg Ave dollars.— For tickets and other information apply to CLYDE, Gen . er.ll Agent, IN risburg July is, MO ,)•i f ~ g`_ VANIA RAIL ROAD OF LEAVING OF TRAINS pENNSYI TIM • WENT 11:r1 RD. I E.. 1 STIPA RD. >. ,?,. F 4 111 L . ' g " .l :'3, 0 F. 4 8 STATIONS. ',. 6 . 1 1.4 F. H - ~..-. t-. 5. ..: F ,„m 0I ... ' 5 . . r. 31.1 P.A. A.M.' 4. )1.1 I'. U 1 0.11. 4 23 INowton Hamilton, 1 23 4 :31 Mt. Union 18 2:3 1 15 4 45 Mlll Creel. 1 01 4 59 6 40 5 63 Iluntmgdon, 5 53 10 00 12 50 5 15 Petersburg, 9 47 12 35 5 23..... Ilar,oo 12 28 5 30 . 6 19 Sinneo etecit, 9 36 12 21 5 45 Birmingham, 12 05 5 54 0 40 Tyrone, 9 17 11 55 6 04 'lllOO5 9 09 11 43 6 09 40310110, 11 33 6 13 11011's Shinn, 9 02 11 34 030 7 55 7 10 Altoona, 4 45 8 50 11 20 0. u. o.x. A.M.I A. m.l PA. 6.11. ATIONE It I and JE W In PACKAGES, sale to agents rind de:dela at very re; in variety envelopes. For farther info Address COJA:MAN ' or pot iii (Up•etntrd) 802 ellostuut e 4, 1801 COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Jame, A. Brown sells the genuine" PORTLAND EMIG SENIi." OR COAL OIL. clear as water. Thl9 Is the only kind of oil that gives entire seailfaetion its no agent fur light. Beam eof counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They omit an offenshe SOR:11 a n d smoke. A bilge variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Cbiame3 e, Globe,. Wicks. Burners. Shades, de., be., sold at the 'eery WO ea t prices, at the,llarda at e ktut e, dun, Pa. NTENV CIGAR AND TOBACCO .1. STORE. J. A. II ANIGAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a now TOBACCO STOIII., AND CIGAIt..M.ANUFACTORY. on Allegheny St., one door west of tine Broad Top Railroad 011ie°. sillere he Iran on hand a ge as.ortment of prime Cigar s end To. bocce, sa Lich Ire trill sell eiti‘a wholesale or retail. Store keepers. shopkeepers. mill ull others wino deal in the weed should can. liin miens are low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. i, 1660. EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars antl, nth. to whirl, gut, added fat ma of Notes, Bills, Re ceipt.. PutitionQ, de, together ssith a set of awful taldes, containing tato of in tea est from one dollar to twelt o thous and, by the single day, o ith a table of wages, and hoard by the week and day, publi,hed in 1559. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Ty II EU 3IATIS3I CURED. ll d Mr. JOHN wnsTnitooic. Sr., llMUllfacturce a 111ENT Il hie}, it mitre to CUP, ithelllll/liiBlll. NOCIIIO. no par. Pen°. .1111tcted should roll and try the medicine. Call at 144 rolidenee to Washington street, one dour uert of Irt i We , tbrooli. Huntingdon, March 20, IBM XTOTICE TO ALL I! film subscriber, NN lio lin, for more than one year, rarrred 411;ftrr, i riagirl ' Anet i t t lirlit e = istebtership with the above Jinn/ All claims against the old thin n 11l he paid by the subscriber, and all those in debted to the fu in trill pay hhn. CLOCKS, WA TCIIES xud JEW ELM' will alwayil Le ropnirril. A good stock of Cioooo. WArcrics and Jr.' ELM Will be kept on hand 6 for cubtoruere who um) favor him with n call. ILurtingdun, March 2, 1559 • Yvt).sx. ~4 - . THE “GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is 1. ihu most complete of any in the country, and po— et:n.B the must ample factlitiee for ruomptly executing in the lost style, every variety of Job Pouting , such as :LAND IfILLS, rnowummES. BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, .' CIRCULARS, BALL ,TICKETS. BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C - _ CALL AND EXAMINE APACIAIIMS OP MONK, AT LEWIS' 11C)OIC., STATIONERY A. MUSIC STORE CHEAP WATCHES ,10: 1 CHEAP WA TCHES!! TACOB LADOM US, j NO. 618. MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Ilas on band and is constantly receiving large aasorments of American. English, and Swiss Watches, which he will sell at lower prices than ever offered. J. L. would call particular attention to the celebrated AMERICAN WATCH, which for accothey of time and dui, bility, and less liability of getting out of older, is superb or to any other Imported watch, mule at anything like the same coat. Jewelry. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns ALSO Gold, Meer and Steel Spectacle,, nttll glasses for all sights, with PATENT. no melt an the oh et) le Immo. All goods sold nt my establishment ar so nrrantell to ho as t eptesonted, and satidfaetion gnaran teed to all yut closets, at NO. 018, 3larket Street. Corne of Deentsir. [Sapt,lo, 1860,-Iy. IMUSIC"THE CYTEIARA—The 6 I' r sb y tar inn Nalmodist —The Shawn—Tbe.lubtlee—llunten's and llertini's enlarged and improved Inattuctors—Weiland'a New and Improved Method far the nitar—LelantPx Amu , deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and llowe'a Violin Instructors—Bellatee 3lelodeon Instructor—Bur (mere Piano-Fm le Primer—do. Thorough-lime Primer— Hon es Drawing Room Deuces—The Chorus Glee Book— Tara'a Itar p. for solo at LEWIS' 11001 i, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. pISTOLS PISTOLS !! Sharps' Smith Wesson's, and all improved patterns of llevolvels. Pistols. Cacti idges ' Bowls Mayes, &e. Sc., for sale at thu Ilardh pro Store of JAMES A. BROWS. May 21,1601. Huntingdon. Pa. FRANKLIN ROUSE, IN TEE DIAMOND, lIIINTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers genetally, will find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [Arabi 4, 1860.1 E XCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA NEAR PCNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor Iluntingd,n, April 10, 1061. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retai 50.000 9 BEST QUALITY WIIITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPE' Just received nod for snla ¢t LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 11.1Ili best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GIVIN'9 largest stook of Do Laines in town -I I* MILER k sox. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE& HIS DISEASES : IWKJ)IIIMbSIj • .IVofrasor of l'ulttolugy and Opel-Wire Surgery in the Veleranary Cullege of Phtladelp4ia, etc, rte. WILL TELL YOU Of the Ot igin, Ilbitory and distinctive traits of the various bleeds of European, A :Laic. African and' Amerlettu Horses, n.l lb Ole physical fat =non and po ruliarit:“ of the animal, and how td 05001 lain his ago by One number and conditam of his teeth: it Matt attnd nith uummmis vxplnziatou engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES YILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Bt exiting, Stabling, Feed ing, Blooming. shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, • also, how to treat Biting, Nicking, Beating, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit. Ing. liestlesinese, and other Nicea to which lie is subject; with uumetous ex planittot y engravings. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the ernises,symploms,nnd Treatment of Strangles, Sore Thrust, Distemper, Inihiensa, Bionehitie, Neu. monis,lenrasp, Broken Wind, Chren. • is Comb, Roaring and pas, Sono Month and Ulcers, end De cayed Teeth, pith other diseases of the - Month nod Respiratory Organs. I=l WILL TELL YOU Oldie causes. symptoms,and Treatment of Wortne, Dots, Cholic,StrAngulation, Stony Concrutions, Ittitureq, Dial rhea, Jan ridlse,llepatirt haa,Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Blad der, Intlemation and other diseases of the Stomach, Bouels, Liver and OH y Organs. THE HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the souses, symptoms, and Trent moot of Bone, Blood and Bog, epavin, Jam; Bone, BO ennie,Ann, in Wien Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Ct ached Hoofs. Sole illative and ne el, Canker, &latches. Tin nib and COI ne; niso, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, sad other discuses of the Ft-et, Legs, nod Head. I= WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. ey Taubman, nail Trent meat of Poll Evil, Mancini% , • Furey. irtirleti Foyer Mango, Surfeit. Locked imv.ltlleumn ' tisuLClanipSills, Dinenser, of il,o Eyo and Heart, kc, and limy to manage ation, Blued ing, Trephining, Itoueling. Filing Ile, Dill, A1111,11(110011, Tollpilig, and 001 Cr surgical 01,12111ti011tl. I=l WILL TELL YOU Of Balmy's Method of taming rlorfles; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Cult; now• to neexo.tont a home to of stage sounds and Nights, and now to pit, ts.addle, (tide. and :Hoak him to Harness; also thy fat ra and law of AIIIIANTY. The whole being the 'v eldt of 15 years' careful study of the %%WAS nut Iteak ne,ses of this flublo and useful animal. For onto at Lewis . nook,Store.. MEE Weed rate n•mntfou & t St., Phila. TILE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, • THE HORSE AND ILLS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE LOON, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER. A VALUABLE 1100 K, For sole at LEWIS' Book Store, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fur F ale at LEWIS' Book Slum LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TILE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on rliU IT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE•' BOOK En • .=ale at LEWIS' Book Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LI:ITIS' BOOK, STAT/ONI:RY 3IUSIC STOItE, OSGOOD'S Speller. lot. 2 , 1.3 d. 4th and sth lteaderm. NM VEVEY'S Spoiler end Itcade., (old sod nets eddions.) SA N DER'S do du do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Header. No. 1. • Eons SOteei Headers. Toss Ifs Stoller and Definer, (old und, he T 1 i011N.) Scholar's C011111:111i011. JOSICPII REIGGER SIIIIth'S.IIIIIIIOII'II, lirOM rl . ll and Toner's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography, Wm I on's Physical Geopaphy. Monteith and 31cNally's Geogtaphiei & × %Venster's and II ~Ices torn Dict loam tem. QuAcketiloore First Lemons in C01111, , W111011. Qum9ccnhu'e Composillon and Ithrturie. Urcenlcal 'O. Stoddard's, Emmet SOWS, Swan's,Col burn's and Pays At Mimetic.. Pctrl son's Familiar Science. reenleal's nn I Stoddel d's Kris to .ktithtnetio: Greenleaf's end I)a it,' A Ivin as. Greenlears 'toy to Alm , len. Parker's dot relic Philosophy. Parker's First LUSIIOIIB ill :\litural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Upleon's Mental Piolosophy, Wail T's History of the United Stoles. lieraird's Goodrich's " Pa 3 son, bunion mul Scribner's Penmanship, in, elm en numbers. A cadcmlcal, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Elements of Map Dinning, Irak pin tor sketching maps by it n lotion and Immored tuethodv of mojection. Dm ire' Elementary Goometty and 1 igonometr.). Wyk,' Legen.he's Geometry. Fulton to East man'n Book-keeping. Bonk Keeping by Single Entry, by thumford & Payson Book Keeping by Stuzle and Double Entry Ilannford Pnyni. Other books sr ill be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stutionmy 00030 on howl. Huntingdon, Pa. R• NEWELL'S NIOTOGRAPII CI ALLEIW, One of the largeq and most complt to (I.tileriel in the States, where the best Pictures, known to the l'Ito• tographie art, n.e taken at pikes no higher thou are paid far miser aide cat lent twes. The Proprietor, n practical Photogi mato , attends per sonally, evety silting—and nllous Bo 1001010 to bane the Gallery unless it gives perfect sail:deal.. Dagneri rot) pen and Ambrotypes, of absent or ileeraied friends, pleitoglaphed to any ',lab,' Ai,. or [alien ro, life Mae, and pointed in Ott by the best At tkts. At tins Gallery pictures eon be taken in rely woollies— us perfect in cloudy days ns uhen the sun MINOR. Persona visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex mine our spehnens, n hick for price and quality duly cotnpeti tier, .V.g , lo.tructions given la the art of Plintoaraphy. It. NEW OALLEIIT or MIT, • 721 Asa! Plieet, Plisladelplna. My family and friends all concur in the opinion that the. (Newell) picture is same lif-like than any thing they ever son. My ill:011.5 has been repeatedly taken by dir ferent At title in serious ways. butt I hose miser yet hail One which presents on tt tut to name, all the reliant% and expressions of countenance as Fa om lion. E..T0.% Mot rig, late Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty nod softness of your por traits, conjoined s, ith their durability of mho and faith fulness as likenesses, cannot tail to commend them to the attention nod patronage et-all who appreciate flue art. TIM ing occasion for a portrait,l.proctired one from Mr. Rohm t Neu ell, of the city of Philadelphia. a miniature in Oil Colors, under the nem process drscorered by him, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the OCCIUMCy of the likeness, but its artis tic finish in nil respects, and recommends into to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage tho beautifol at t. Nov. 28. 1860 .ins. Pros. COME TO TUE NEW STORE FOR CIIIIAC DARGAINS. NEW GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY C. LONG Informs tim citizens of Ilmitingion and vi cinity. that he has opened a new Grocery and Confection ery Store in the basement, under 0 Oman & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would must respectfully re quest a tamer of public patronage. Ills stuck consists of all Idit(l,, ol the BEST ti ROCIDII CONFECTIONERIES, &c., &e. Fish can be had at libolesolo or ret.til. ICR CIINAIt will be banished rogulally to parties and indttiduals. at his room. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, ISGO. OIL CLOT 11 WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SEEADES, BAILEY'S =TUBES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. COAL BUCKETS and Shovela, Vi tor solo by JAMES A. lIRCWS L R HUNTINGDON, PA. No. 721 Arch Street, rhitaaaphia COMMENDATIONS: Trom Hon. Lenia U. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. From Col. James Png,e ritornssioiiAL ak_tiPF.ANEss cmtos NV.'DIEGAIIANi& CO.; 4, "Mims and Dcalore In Cron.' Top Coal. B. L. 'Megalran, Goucial Agont, McConnollanavn, Huntingdon county, Pa. • - ' DAVID BLAIR, Miner and Slipper of Broad Top Coal. Office Han ti a gdon Pa. . A.- MILLER; kji. Dealer in Groceries, Cipfectionnries, 6c.. &c R. JOHN 111oCULLOWI, , offers his professional sort ices to tlio citizens of Huntingdon an, vicinity. Office on 11111 street, ono door east of Heed's t , "tote. Aug.•l9, UM T S. MILLER, Cl • Prernietor of the Exchange Hotel. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi kj. tines, Perfumery, Dye Stnlfs, Oils, de. Al,,a—Gto. curies, Confeetionet ice, Se., Huntingdon, Da. WI. LEWIS, Denier in Books, Stationery nud Musical Instra meats. Duntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM & 1311.0. • Founders, Huntingdon. Pa TAMES A. BROWN, ft) Dealer in Ilarrinnre, Cutlery, Pnintii, Oil., dm., Mint ingdon, in. H ROMAN, Dealer hi Ready Made Clothing, hats and Cap% Boots and Shoes, Sc. Men Gy d e r a a leis in Ready Y. GWIN, J. Dealer in Dry Goods, Gloceries. Hardware, Queens .erne. lints and Caps, Bouts and Shorn, dc. ' if ISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Wain, dc., Huntingdon, Pa. T]'lV l) V 1 WESTBROOK Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and 311,es' Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. TOSEPH REIGGER, Wandunaker and &aim in Liles. Clocks, and Jew elry, W:5l. 11r AIS, rinin mul Onunmen tat Mai Lln Mutilfiteturnr. - I . OIIN F. lIAMEY, County Surveyor, el Huntingdon, l'n. Office on 1101 tottect, ono doat east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. litseni.Netto-1.. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. I'. Leslie, aerologist, Pholadelphin; • rim lee 31 hrkleYt Hough end heady Furnace, Hon. Jonathan MlVilliants. ART) LANGDON, Miner and It, Dealer in Blond Top Cold, Roper ell, Bedford coun ty. PO. [Nov. 3. 'a. A M MEIDI AN & and Deal .L-A_ eta in Brand Top Coal, .13L odd Top, linntinplon rn, Penna. ' [NoV. 3, ms. COUNTRY DEALERS can ir Lot• CLOTHINH from ma in Hnntingdon at WHOLESAI.F. p+ cheap as they can in the eitieg. as I lime n wholeinle State in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, Apt it 11. HOMAN. QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's tiro eery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. JORN SCOTT. BANIIISL T. 11CO‘N. J. N. 0. COOOIN LAW PARTNERSIIIP. — .T. 11. 0. Comas has, (rota this date, liceorno a mom 0,, of 2110 lit of of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, In minds name the business mill still be conducted nuutiugdun, Jan 2, ISGO. .07 VIOLINS, • GUITARS, SYSINIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIVES, For 9ilr cheap at • LEWIS' BOOR. STATIONEIIy L MUSIC sToni Tr) ALLISON MILLER, DE YT/S T, Tfit9 remoreit to the Brick Mil opposite the Court House April 13. 1839. pooKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, I=l A LA RGE ,STOCK 0:1, - HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 13,00 K BINDING. Om Book, m,,prior,, or 1ub114146011 of any kind, Lo ad to o der. if loft AL LEWIS' 1100 K ,STATIONER 1" STORE.. g) USINESS MIN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want ;out raid neatly 'mutt,' upol emu', 01,,, call at LI. nob A: AND 5T.1170NE7,' 1"STO I? E. FOR THE LADIES. A xlnpcuot ankle or Note Paper nod Eon elopes, mutable for MP cot ',pinata., for cal; at LEWIS' BOOK d STATIONERY STORE. T)AP Ell ! PAPER !I Note. I'o't. Commelcial, Foolscap nod Flateap—a past trout talent for sale by the ream, half ream, polo or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK L STATIONERY STOEE. LAST NOTICE.- MI wbo have unsettled accounts atilt Inc of, SIC months standinq or longer, ate ratto••11)" requested to call nod settle op and 5115 C rUitS. 1 1111111 tiara money or gait Luvine•.. Ihintingflun, Jan. 2, IS6I "DHOTOGIIAPIIY In all its Val ions Ih.inelies, t scented in the best no Ic known in Um art, at c, a. citANrs GALT,EItY, 632 A t ch Sheet, I;nst of Sixth, Philadelphia Lire size in Oil awl Pastile, Ftel no-Topic Po, twita, Am bron)pes. Dagun rotyp,..ta , for Case, Madolliowi. Itins, (C. (Nov. 11,'60. F 4 NVELOPES- J By the box. pack, or leiat quantity, for vale et LE IVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STOBE. I -1 00P SKIRTS with front 4 to 80 itoopg, at fumes nom 25 ot 0. to $2,00 nt tbr cheap alai u of J. P. OWIN. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau heo,nt D. P. ASplendid variety of Carpets, only ctn. pff )m[l. SON. lIARRISBU RG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks. Jugs. Preserve Jots &c., &a., of superior quahry. Sold only by JAMESA. BROWN P. GWIN keeps the largest, best nrsm talent and cheapest shoes lit too n. Call and examinu them.: JJOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will he sold for $1 23 at the cheap store of EON. Il? you want handson c Goods, good Goods, cheap Good., nod all kit 1 of Goode. go to D. P. OWIr 'S. CALL at D. P. GA'IN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. T_OOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the _lll hugest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. P. GWIN'S BARRELS AND LOCKS.=A ) largo asso tatent at =4";i a 4 BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. OCI UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's than eanliii had in town. Call and sea them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual- Hy, only 50 ctR. cock FISHER & SON. COAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, for 73 cents and upwat Lis, at the Ilaldtvare Storo of .7. A. BIiOAVN. Airej At iecuii e 3 d l a l t 3 t I he h r l a l‘. w l a e o Y „ S o --- f .IAS. A. MOWN. P. GWIN'S is the place to buy • good nod cheap Carpets. pARCHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, RA sale at M t ONTHLY ~'UI ARILTIME BOOKS, LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. T 'Quoits, of the best, for Medieina purposes nt S. S. SMITH'S tUkilel_• 4 AIN& OOS AND STATIONERY. — A good assortment of miscellaneous and School K tusks—Foolscap, Letter, Pommel alai and Note Niter— Plain end Fancy Envolopes—itcd, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inludands, and ovary other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be bad nt fair prices at LEWIS' 11001, STATIONERY d 3111S.IC'ST01IE. I~TBW BOOKS - —„. FOR SALE ATLEWIS' DOOI{ STORE TILE llOtSit : A:Nsii'liotecim - 74ttuat. of Balm! Art:lace- Hire ; 6r, - How to Build' ThtellingS, Barns, Stables,' and Ont De etlings of all binds. With a Chapter on Chuichos and Scheldt-nooses. Price, 50 tents. - • • THE GARDEN: A NEW POCKET M.stiost, of Practical Hor ticultine; or, now to Cultivate 'Vegetables. Fruits, and Flowers. With a• Chapter on. Ornamental :frees and Shrubs. Pike, 60 cents. TIIE FARM: A Nrir POCKET 2111 NEUT, of Practical Agri , culture; or; How to Cultivate all the Field Crops. ;With an Essay on rai n Management, etc. Pike, 60 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Nowt POCKET MANCrit. of Cottle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, • How to Breed and Roar the Various Tenants of the Barmyard, etc,, etc • Pike, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A NEST POCKET MANUIL of Conversation and Debate, T,itlt Threetioary for At:Tilting a Grammati cal Style, and mono Hien Five Handled Common Mts. takes; Corrected. Price, 50 cents. TO BEHAVE: A NEw Pocse, MAN tra, of Itepobli• I . Etio?tettf. and Guido to C'ot rect Permotoil Habits; HOVr c. n with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative .ts sentblies, etc. Pt ice, 50 cents. lOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Now ro otter MANUAL. of Pt nctical Affair a awl Guido to sticces4 in Lire; with a Collection of liminess Forms, and a Dictionary of Coot inercial Tel ms, etc. Plies, 50 cents. ROIIIIER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, of Plain Ride< and Carcubtlionsi, Rosiness Ope rations, lip Marlin M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor end Conveyancer. New Edition,pubtished by T. R. Lippin cott EC Co., l'ltiladelphia. This wink contains 204 pages, end upwards of 500 Rules nail Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, slick no arise every day in the common pursuits of BliSitleB3. It Inns oh eaily passed through a number of editions in rapid succession, and is pronounced by all classes of boldness men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Evely example in the book is worked out in fall and stated to a plain manner, en that 55110 n a parallel case ari ses. those referring to the v. nett will find no difficulty in solving it: in a lewd, the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any one m lie knows 110 w to add, subtract. multiply and inside, can easily solve any or dinary example that arises in business, er arrive at the tine result of any estimate rennii ed. Tire chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures. aiming only at facts and simpli city. bylining that business nien cabs little about NMI,- ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures. deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a moment, by reference, to [alive at the true result. The CA LCUI,ATOR ditfins in this respect froni all other An itlinietics of the clay and kindred works—it is a key to practical business calculations—it is, in the hall& of the business man, what the key to mathematical works in the: ban& of the teacher he the hchool roaw—lt fecal totes tune and Insoles eorrrotuess. Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Mick and Brick Work. cf Stone and Stow, work, of pain and grain bthp, of coal and coal bins, of mood, of solidi, of liquids, of cir cular, square or irregular vessels, of cluterns and vats, of roofing, of pla.,torer's, poin lei's, glazier's, paver's, plumb. et's. piper I:angel's and upholstel cut' work. It treats of currency mid or foreign mid domestic exchange, of the decimal 431teni, of reduction nod its extendial application to lawiness, 01 simple and compound interest, and their entho application to ',mane. transactiOns, With tbe laws and usages gox erning the. same, together with imamus cotomci cud fat ins—of legal tondet, of partial payment an notes, of booking and Look discount, of equation of pay ment and of part net ship accounts, of assessment of taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and its application to {11,8i1109.1 of surfaces, of excavation, mid of many other hopot tont practical matters not within the sop, of an adset tisement to men tion. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOPt. THE Fa mater, the Illnleiiallt, the mechanic, the nt tizan, or tho of(Niional man, It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the tie t Cr, the justice or the peace, the conveyancer. end real estate broker. to the atte.lsor, the banker, the clerk. to the ct‘il engin", nod the corce.,or. to tine carpenter and bnichlnny et „to the stonemason and the plaster or, to the paper hanger and nploilstei er. to the parer and the tiler, 5.c., Sc.; each and all si ill find It adapted to their in. moue wants hotter than any book published. At..r. Pt ice, 50 cents. Fat sale at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon. lice. 20, Tl_ M; lIIINTING DON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN:—The subscrtheis lake thie method at intimating their ft lends and the public , generally, th.d L 1 ;0 j , 11Z they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Follu• Fi t^ Wink dly. and are now In succes.ful opqration and tun in epared to furnish Casting , of 1 . 4.., , o ,„, Cs cry descript ion, of beet annlity and ...t- -, s morlonatollip, on short notice, and on 1 v.:soluble ter 111 Q. l'artnex s ale int lied to call and anant toe oar Ploughs. We a, rnatinfiteturing the Hun ..r Plough. yht, 11100011 took the (hit premium at the 111111- tingdon county .4 grieult mat Pair last fall. Also, tinnier's celelnated Cott.. Ploughs. 0 bleb can't ho beat—together 0 ith the Keystone, llillsale and liar-shear ploughs. We 1111, c ou 11:11111 and ate manufacturing Sloven—aneli as Cool:, Pal tor, and 011 ice stoves for mood or coal. Hollow mate. consisting of Kettles, Boilers, El: Meta, d.c.. all of 0 Inch me m ill sell cheap for ca.di or in exchange fur et:mo lt}, produce. Old metal taken for castings. 13y a strict at tendon to business, and a desire to pleas.e, me hope to 10- COB e a liberal slime of public poll °nage. J. ill. CLINNiNOII,I3I is 800. Huntingdon Apt it 30, 1556. _ WILL TA 111 AFRICA HAS AG VIN COMMENCED THE 11 001' AND SHOE-MAKING. ONE DOOll EAST OF 11. EnmAys CLOTHING STORE Inv old cwdomein and the public genet ally, will gi‘e him a call. [Huntingdon. Oct. 20. 185E14 ALEXANDRIA BRE WEE Y.- NEW rum! The undeNigned retpet trolly bite to the public lint they have putt:hared the ALEXANDRIA Illt RIVg KY and vt ill continuo the btrintesi, and endeavor to give genet al h.ttiateetton. All of del trill be pi on idly Attended to. 11 . 1. ROTH ROCK, Alexandt in, Feb..?, ISCO. 1171. N. KIDDY. PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK ~+' Ir Tgus You How to choose an kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes or dressing and cooking Ileof and fork; also do best and simplest way of hAlting, pickling and curing the 631110. IT Tam You All the various and most approved modus of dressing. cooking, and boning Mutton. lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds ',Rh the difterent Dressings, Gravies, and Etuflings appropriate to each. IT TOLLS Too How to choose, clean, and preserve Vish of oil hinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, Sauces, and Fla% ot lugs appropriate to each. Tr TELLS YOU All the •el lout and most approved modes of preinning over 50 kinds of 31eat,Fbill,Fowl. (lame, and Vegetable Soups Broths, :and Stones, aRh the Relishes and Seasonings approrn into to each. Ir Tuts You All the rations and most opyrovod modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to preptro Pickles, Catenps and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, (tame, Mushrooms, Lc. IT TELLS tot All the various and moot approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Nancy Pastrv, Puddings, Otne/ettee, Critters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preset ves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every descrip• IT Tuts You All the vai loos and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, unifies, and Bis cuit, and tho best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolat°, and Ten, nod how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of va rious Minh,. IT TELLS Too Bow to set oat and ornament a'Fable,Low to Carve nil kinds 01 Fish, Moll or Fowl, and in shot t, how to so simplify tho whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest tummies of tiro table within the everybody's reach. For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. r T RACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND Dnewuro PAPER While and ColoretWard Paper, For sale at W. LEIVIS'. ROOK & STATIONERY STORE. et ALL at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want Fashionable Gentle. AGENTS Can make front $l.OO to $5.00 per day selling tar vat luty envelopes. Juno 4, IS6 SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Just received front the Onondaga Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to ho sold on commission, one , whsle- talc or retall. lao BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. 0ct.31, 1:d0. 'FISHER di SON. LEWIS' 11005 STORE. A.CA RD.- Mt. D. S. HAYS offers Ills profeesional services to the inhabitants of Mooresville and vicinity. Office, at the lower bank or Neff Mille, opposite Mrs. Myton'e etoro. April 18, 18130-tf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G. ASHMAN MILLER. Ila.‘ just received a new stock of Call and enamina ray now st G.ok. . c ASHMAN 3117.LER $lll3 , n, mu ROHRER'S 3:01110EWS /IbMiEWS ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR E=l MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. or MISS ELIZA ACTOR. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale COLEMAN CO., 602 Chestnut Bt., Phila. GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, ROOTS S MORS, HODIES FOR THE INDUSTRIOUH , dARILEN IdTARE (?1, • • • ••''' TAOllllnciinCenernf Itailrotid Courpe'ny hart, - for Stile - 1,200 : 000 ACRES . . Of Itieli . Frirminv Laois in' Tr:idiot korti Aere's and 'Upwind, on Long Credit um' at DAY Prices. MECEITNICSi PECRHERS, an Noss (WEN. The attention et the enterprising and industrious poet t ion of the community is (Mooted to tho following elate, meats and liberal inducements offend them by the; ', ' - ILL! 013 CiNTIIAL RAILROAD COMPANY . ? '''' Which, . they NI ill perceive, will enable theta, by proper' energy; perseverance, and indoefry,to provide coMfortable and permanent homes for themselves alai families, With/ comparatively speaking, very little chpitat. LCIDS OF ILLryols. No State In the valley of the Mississippi offers so great an inducement to the settler us the State of Mineola.- - There is no portion of the world ,here all of the condi , tions of clinsanvand soil so admirably combine to produce those two gloat staples, corn awns hoof, no the prairies of flail ROLLING PDAIRIE LANDS The deep richloam of the prairies to elfitiratod tritla ouch wolidetfni faelllfy flint the format's of the Eastern . and Middle Slates era nun ins to Illinois In great numbers. The area of Illinois is about equal to that .of Englend, and the soil in so rich that it will support twenty millions of people. EASTERN AND SOUTIINAN MARKUS These lands are contiguous to a railroad seven hundretf miles in length, which connects with other roads and nave igublo lakes and rivers, thus affording an unbroken come municatation with the Eastern and Sotithern markets. I=l Tints far capital and labor base been applied to develop' log the soil; the great resources of the State in coal and , iron are almost untouched. The invariable rale that the mechanic arm flourish best where toed and fuel one cheap. oat, will follow nt an early day in Illinois, and to the coursor of the next ten years the natural laws and necessities of the ease warrant the belief that nt least five hntelted thousand people will be engaged in the State of Illinois ler the various manuactnring employments. RAILTOAD SYSTEM OP IfilVol3. Over $100,000,000 of private capital have been expended' on the tuition,/ system of liiinois. Inasmuch as part of the Income from several of these works, with a valuable public fund In lands, go to diminish the State expenses, the taxes are light, and must consequently every day de: crease. EI:MEM Tho State debt is only $10,105,398 14, and within thn last three years has been reduced $2,959,740 80 ; and two may reasonably expect that in tun 3 csra, it will become extinct. PRFSENT POPULATION. The State to rapidly filling up with population; 853,- 026 persona having been added eincel66o, making the pop. ulatton 1,719.400—u ratio of 102 per cent. In ten yenta. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS The agricultural products of Illinoiware greater than those of any other State. The products seat out during the past:year exceeded 1,600,000 tone. The wheat crop of 1860 approaches 35,000,000 bushels, while the corn crop 3 tells not less than 140,000,000 bushels.. FERTIIITY OF SOIL. Nowhere can the industrious farmer secure such hum& din to results for his labsr O.EI upon them prairie soils, they being composed of aileep rich loam, the fertility of which is uusurpassed by any on the globe. To ACTUAL CULTIVAOII.9. Since 1801 the. Company have said 1,300,000 acres. They .•cll only to actual cultivators. and every contlcact contain, an agreement to cultivate. The road has been constructed through these lands at an onpense of $20,000,000. In 1850, the pop u lation of the 49 counties through which ze passes was only 230098, since which 479,293 hare been added, en king the whole. poputationBl4,B9l—a gain ofl43per cent. EVIDENCES OP PROSPEDITY. As on oN 'donee cf the thrift of the people, It may be stated that 600,000 tom of freight, including 6,600,000 boo. of grain and 250,000 barrels of flour, Otero forwarded over the line last year. rDVCATION Mechanics and working-mon will find the free school system encouraged by the Slate and endowed with a large 10001100 for the support of schools. Their children can lice in eight of tile church and school house, and grow up with the prosperity of the leading state in the Great West et n Empire, =I The prices of those lands vary from $6 to $25 par nere, acm ding to location, quality, &c. First .lass farming lands sell fur about $lO or $l2 pet acre; and the relative exponse of tattaloing prairie land, as compared with woodland, is in the t atio of one to ten in favor of the former. The terms Whale fur the belle of theta) lands will he ONE YEATt'S INTEREST TX AI:MANCE, at six per cent per annum, and six Interest 'notes at silt per cent. payable respectively In one, two, three, four,five, nod six years front date o solo; and four notes for princi ral, payable in four, five. nix, and seven years, from date of sale; the contract stipulating that one-tenth of the tract pitrellas,l shall be fenced and cultivated, each and every 3 car for five years front the date of sale, so that at the end 01 Its eye IE3 onahalf shall be fenced and under cultifatien.• TRENTS PEE CENT. IVILL DE DEDUCTED from the valuation for rail:, except the same *Mould be at six 11.01111.5 per nere, when the cash price will boss dollars. Pamphlets cle.criptive of the lands, soil, climate. ductions, prices, and terms of payment, can be had on ail 'titration to J. W. FOSTER, Land Conunksioncr, Illinois Central Ruth oad, Chicago, Illinois. For the mines of the towns, villages, end cities situated upon the Illinois Central Railroad, see pages 188, 189, and 190 Appleton's Railway Guido. [Fob. 13, 931—wtf. \TOrs: ‘, , 4 t. t ,,, 4 11 1 1,'( , ` AT, ./.11 • rvo, Ipr 1 4 , 1,3 „ 3i 'l/4„".1 y-6 44,,14111,11, " 1 - 1 1 (I,' ?.e.. 4 , Zi‘ 4) . '4? A .? ® 1° s°' o. 1 ., ' , it , ,J 1 •i'ii h liiii; , v ,il , O-1 1 * ..., i 1 10,1 : .:411 1 -,y 1 3 ' , 4, 1 1r0 4 ,- i ~ ~, fliiii:Sr,,.. .iiiiq*l. l ",i',lir* . 1 :p,14 , „1,--, : ; ! ! 1 4 1 \ 11 , 'llliri;- '''' 'll!i l l -,1.1-"Ii, "QUICK SALES FM SMALL PROFITS Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OM= vALITATILE AND mamma BOOS, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CI URCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOBS SHEEP MUSIC fur the Piano, Guitar, Sc., &a., POCKET DOOMS, PORTMONSAIM AND PITIMEB, For Ladier and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, Far Sunday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS; TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, aie.; ALL KINDS OF BOOKS• Proper for Boys and Girls. AMUSING GAMES. For Young Folka WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, 'MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &C., CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various!Sizah, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, DIARIES FOR 1880 Drawing and Blotting Paper, Brutal and Olr4l /3oardt.- WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELUILC, CAMEINE, ZED, ELSIE AND BLACK mir, Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrisop's WRITING FLUID. Wrapping ropor of Different Sire. and Qua Moo, &a. &c. &c. Cc. &c. dra SHOULD CALL AT LE WIES' CIIZAP BOOK, STATIOKERT AKD NKSIC 5208 K, In the "Globs" building, Market Sqinaru, where all who want to SAYE MONEY, go to make their purchases IF you want Carpets and • Oil Clothe, call at D. P. GWIN'S, where you will find the hurt. sottpient in town.