BOOTS AND SHOES. A NEW ARRIVAL GEORGE SHAFFER line Just received a new stock of Boatel Shoes, whit h he wilt be plunged to have elemined by the public generally. his assortment coneints of Boots end Shoes of stll kiuds for Gentlemen cud Ladles, made In the best manner. - - . He also continues to manufacture ,to order all kinds of Boots and Shrus. amt ietnrns thanks for the patronage he has heretofore iNceit cal, and Lope's to merit a continuance of the same. Ills shop is In the Diamond. one door east of Strous' Store, where the pulilic call please Iluntin'gden, Oct. 1,1801--11. , A.D.TOTIRNED SALE. EXECUTORS' NOTICE.- REAIESTATE OF JOITX IfcCIIIILVDECV9 The undersigned, I:leentors of John 3fcCallan, deed.. by virtno of the power and authority vested in them by the Will of said deed, n ill offer at public sato at the Coot House, in the borough of Huntingdon, On Saturday, 12th day of October, instant, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following &act ibed Real Estate : The Farm now In tenurr of 3A:ea:an Hardy. known as the o Buoy Farm," on Ilendel run ton nship. II mot ingden co., on the roa.l leading to the Warm Springs. Thia farm is composed of several ours eys, containing altogether. about :On ACRES, and the greater part of it is CON ered n oth val uable white oak, black oak, hickory and pine timber.— About 100 acres are is good eulthatoun. The imprua e meriti are a good log dwelling house and log barn. A never tailing spring of good water conveni e nt In the buildings. This property n ill be sold as aol hole, or in separate tracts, ns purchasers bony desire. Terms will be made knot n on the day of sale. dOIIN eta:swat. J. KINNEY nIeCAHAN, Executors of John .11caggrn, deed. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1061. FALL AND WINTER _ _ ROBVRT MERCHANT TAILOR, Hill Street, one dour west of 6U1T1011 . 3 sore, GEXTLEMES,S" DRESS GOODS. Ilia toisortmont consists of CI OTIIS, PLAIN AND FANCY VVISTING, the ntectent Boil best that could ha fotincl in the City, all of which lie will tote pleasure in exhibiting. owl clinking cup to order. it will coot nothing to call and exainine Lie good, ;Can soon. SSunt iogdon Sept. 21, 1261.4;n0 OLD-31EN. TAKE NOTICE- That the under.igneil are about raising a company of nom over rutty-five year- of .14 , 1 in PUT - Man.e of a von of Me Governor of Pennsylvania. to nerve as infantry for three years or daring the oar, in the service of the Unitaal :Yates. All persons who desire to join link company ,‘ ill please, retort theuirelved to either of the toolenhateil: JoliN FLhNNU.Ii, Ileutlerson tp:' JAPOIt 31AT1'lIEW C.1311'111:Lh, Union tl,. F pt. 24,1%1 CLOVIE YOUI{SEIXES! HIGH PRICES DEFEATED ! Xow is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GIITNCAN, Respectfully inform the public g, net - ally that he hes just received n !urge nuol r, ell selected steel:lt fashionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, tot, htd, he ask. the attention Of all Ulm are in mina of n neat and comfortable Coat, a Ve.t or a p.tir of Pant 4.— Big stock will hear examination, and he respectfully reque•to all to call and Fee for thennielveg. rhould gentlemen desire tiny particular kind or cut of clothing not fotnel ill the stock on liana. by le.n log their mounter they can be accommodated at dent notice. A good wwortment of ROUTS AND SLIDES, lIATS AND CAPS, LC a dC n Aril] al.. he tonna on howl. All of I, Welt skill be cold as low. if not lower. than the same finality of goods call he had in the Co.,,ty. CAll it the corner of the Diamoud.LotieK nen building 31. GUT MAN. Iluntingann, Sept, 19, Ih6l WASIHNOTON NOT TAKEN OUR PL:4 G STILL WAT`ES. NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! CVT:s Run State., At yid ..Yembmg. SIMON' Culls has jo.t reevired train the IMst.rn Cll jee, n large assortment of Dry Guode, &Werra.. Harangue, (I,,tlaktl,an. la, Vortet , . Buts, Shoes, awl all other articles kept tu country sores. o bleb he J., otter/11ga: hi. Mammoth Store, at Coal.° ltnn Shition and Neu Wig. at n .dly hoc in keg, The lathe, evociallY, are inn ited to call sold examine hi; Fancy (hull. li ring arratigententA o ith large tit tog in Philadelphia and other eastel n is able to 1 , 11, Lin goals cheap er than other country mein:mt.'''. and um consequently, toidetsell thetn I In exchange for peal., be takes .111 hinds of contitiy produce at tho hilthe+t rasli o. 11 Y etrtet attention to the allots of, he hopns to receive a continnet ion or the Itheral pan ointze soillt which ho has te . ell heretofore (drama. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top It. C. Co., at Coilla, - IlTFT.7atrtrinrarrireae- , -enjicti to ,•11111 all litmht of (11.1111 to mere can store 51 it h bi! C:..ry-,bm %enience a ill be nlTurtled them. Auguat ISCI. CHE.II' WATCHES!! 3 , WiPA3 TAC 0 B LAPO3I US, NO. 619. MAItNET STREET, PIIILADEI,PMA. llns on hand and is crinalan fly receiving large as , ornient. of Amerintn. 1.)Iglosh, and Sfeia Iritches, which lie urn sell at lacer Witt', than ever 0tr ,,, 1• J. 1., N% oulti call iiatticular attention to the celebrated Armlets listen, which for accuracy of time nail flora- Laity, and lens liability of getting nut of artier. it mipeti or to any other imported catch, made at anything like the some east. Jewelry. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. IMISIII Cold, r owl Steel 6:pechttles, with glow. For all alplM,Nvltlll.l,rtt.Nt, na .111 e 0 1A sty le trusnes. All goods sold at toy entll,llodoent so. IN - at - ranted to be nn represented. and satisfaction guar. , teed to all )nrcl..t.sern, at NO. 618, Market Stied. Corner of Decatur. [Supt. 19, 1560.—1 y. O RPP ' , kN'S COMIT SALE.— Esta fr anwe 3fas•ion, dad.l Will be, expo+ed at public sale on the prmls,s, On Saturday, October 12th, 1861. the f llorring real estate of George llcCruni, late of the too ash ip of flarree, cleansed, to nit: All that certain tract of land situate in the township of Itarreo, bounded on the south by land of Joseph Forre4, on the nest by land of Robert B. V ton end Philip Silk. sitter; on the north by hada of Hobert )loore's to ire, on the nastily Laude of A. Bell and Albers, c attaining na and altooance, about 130 of which ore cleared, hat lag thereon a too story log house and log barn, de. TE11315 OF SALE —One half of the pureliaae money to be paid no emir.% motion of sale, the other half in ono year then after milli interest to be secured by the bond on.l mortgage of the pact/men Eert.l7.lSGl.—St A'EDITOR'S NOTICE. IThc nuderoigued Auditor to Mairibittn the menu In the handa of John C. W‘tvon, High Mot iff of Hunting. don county. nerving- lion] the Fair of the Rent Estate of Abram Len is, n ill attend to the duties of.his appointment at his °lnce in the borough of Ituntlngdon on Friday the ISth October next, at ono o'clock, P. M. All persona Isar. jag dahlia upon said loud or nikets are renuireilM vreaent sheen nt that thne to raid Auditor, or be Arrow ilehArreil From coining to on said fund. Fent. 17. ISM-1m AUDITOIt'S NOTICE. [?:flak of Ahadem Pfotornao. deesl.l The undetsignett Auditor tq dkAribute halpes in the hands of John C. 1 1-, tiOt‘snrcising Executor of Abs. lent Non man. tler , st. oil! attend to the duties of his op. polo/meat, at las office in the borough of Huntingdon, on psturdny, the 19th October next, at one o'clock P. M. All rorsons Itaringclaims upon said fend or assets nn,rentired present them at that Onto to said nuditur, or be forever f:barred from coming in on slid fund. A. W. lIENEDICT, Andflor. ept 17, 1561.-4 t NOTIC Notice is hereby given that all persons knowing ihemselven Indebted to Roller; pecan, Coff,ce 1,1 0, pn kook account or other% ise, are requusted to Come for la ma and make ecttleicelAt as be has diepored of Ida entirs awl: to William .Ilarell, who aill hereafter carry on hush ness, at his old st not nt Coffee Run. lie recommends'3lr. March to Lila eta 0144,14%145, as a gentleman and wgood gad correct bu,lneas maw and unisur. them that those fa. boring hint with a call • II I be sat iscactot ffy den 4 w ith. Those ullo visit tq settre their apcoupte watt wad lake at ply old stand at Coffee lign. noig DAINC.4.N. Cormr. Px,E, Zert. ]3,1501 A D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, tErr toy lliram tfeetn Iters of Adrnirlistratioty NIIIII the Will illlky.A4 npon the estate of - Hiram Williarnsan deed. late of Weld tou Olin, baring been granted to the undelaigned. nil persons baring clettne upon the estate are I.eque,ted to proent Oen, to the undersigned, nod all persons linoning them **lN. treleLfe¢vttll mate itatuedlAto rmitseut. 40 SUVA WILLIAMSON, AdlututAt‘mor. 11'Ctt tossu,isip. Eept. IT, MI.. NOTICE TO' AX COLLECTORS, The urgent nocesaity for money to ray the families of stddicra in the army and for the corront expenses of the county reignites that yolt collect end pay to the Treasurer immediately in whole, or In part thy amount of your du, pliestes. Alt collectors fur ISO. end pro Otis yeafe o re hereby gotta.' that they cap be no Milne; rudolged., rolicelowi for 11,60 who halm not bird their exbonottiriona NI ill apply foe them at the Comuilsdopera (Mice on the Irdd inst. Afterdicat dale judgnicuts will ho entered eat rsccutions issued!. J. FLENX ER. M. CAMPBELL, JOIIS p.crember, 1:2, 1561, Con strg roe Common* ettrn. 110 C LAINIATION.-NOTICE OF • GENERAL I:LEG - MON.—Purim:int to an act of the Gen eral Assembly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "Au Act relating to Ow Elections of this Com monwealth," approved the second day of July, 1830, L JOHN C, WATSON, High Sheriff - of t)o county of Hun tingdon. in the State of Pennsylvania., do hereby make known and give public notice to the electors of the coun ty iffiirosaid, that n General Election will be held in the. said County of Hun tintalon, on the 2nd Tuesday, (and Sub day) of October,. 181.1. at which time District. and County Officers as follows, will be elcetwl. to wit: Otte pet SOH to fill the office of President Judge fat the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and Conduita. One person to fill the office of member of the House of Representatives of Pennsyloania. One person to fill the office of As,ocusto Judge of Hun tingdon county. One person to fill the office of County Comniissioner of Huntingdon County. One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor of Huntingdon County. One person to till the office of Tt emitter of Huntingdon county. One nelson to fill the office of Auditor of Huntingdon comity. lu pursuance of said act, I also hereby make known 011(1 gibe notice, that the places of bolding the atm...aid gen eral election in the set oral el, et ion districts is Rhin the said county of Huntingdon. are us follow e, to wit: • lot district. composed of the too 11011111 of Henderson, at the Union School House. 2,1 dintrict, composed of Dublin township. at Pleasant Ildl School House, near .Toseph Nelson's, In said township. 311 district, composed of no much of Warriorsmark too n -010p, as is not included in the luth district, at tlio behead house adjoining the town of Wartiortimark. 4th disttict, composed at the tow nship of Hopes, ell, at Rough and limuly Furnace. sth district, composed of tile township of Dames, at the house of Joint's Livingston, in tho 101111 of Saulsburg, in said too :Ishii, Bth iiistriet, Composed of the borough of Shitleysburg, and :ill that part of the elm 111111 p of Shirley not included ottlitio the limits of District No. 24, as hmeifinfter men tioned and desci Rad, at the Least of Dal Id Frisker, deed, in Shit h-3 shill g. i IL distriet.composed of Porter and part of Walker too n ship, and NO ninth of I Vest too whip 110 is included ill the following boundaries. to wit: Beginning nt the south-nest corucr et Tobias Caufnum's Farm on the bank of the Little Juniata tiler, to the 'moor end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northwester Iy direction to the most southerly part of the f,1(: ow owl by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain to 111101- sect the line nt Franklin too fishily, the n ce along the said line to Little Juniata I her, thence down the same to the place of beginning. nt the public school house opposite the German Reformed Church. in the borough of Alexandria. sib district, composed of the tool tiship of Fla at tile hone let' Geo. W. Mat tot D. in glee lOW trthip. oth !Ballet, composed of Tell too whip, at the Union school house. near the Union 3100111110 house, In sofa to-p. loth district, composed of Springfield township, at the school house, near Hugh Mathieu's. ill said too whip. 11th district, composed of Union toss 11011ip, nt the school , house, near Ezekiel UM 1,111'9, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, at the Cootie school. luaus°, ill said too nsliip. 13th district, composed of Marris tow 115111 p, at ruWie school house No. 2, iu said too !Ishii!. 14th district, comp:oll of that port of West township not included in 7 th and 2ffili districts. at the piddle school house on the farm now owned by Miles Low is, (formerly owneil by Jetties Ennis,) soil township, 15th did: iet, composed fit Walker 10,111111(0 nt the house of Ileinetniin 31Vininellston it. loth dein let, composed of the too nship of Tod, at the Greet selool house, w Raul toner/hip. Vi th ilisttict. coinpthed Of Oneida township, at the house of Wm. D. Rankin, Win ni Springs. 1511, dish let, composed or Cromwell township, at the home two occupied by David EOM°, in Olbisonla. Pith disttict, composed of the borough of Birmingham, I with the sevei al tracts of land near to and attached to the 01111 e, now owsiol and occupied ihv Thomas .3L Owens. John K. McCaliaii. Andres, Robeson, John Gensimor fuel Win. I tionsimer, and the tract of land Marc owned 115 George mat John filiovilberger. knoll aas thl Porter tract, situate in the too 0.11111 of Iforl ior,inark, at the public school house in said borough. 21th final tot, composed of the tolstisliifi or at the public school bongs hi Co:ovine, in said too fiship. 21st deduct. ronipo,ed of tho ton 11.41 in of Joel:snit, at the public house of Law and kitties. nt 3lcAleaoy's Fort, 111 said township. 22d 11(41 let, composed of the too tiship of Cloy, tit the piddl e school house iii Scottsville. 24,1 di,tl ICI. rollltiniell Of tile tow uship of Penn, of the politic school lonise w 31arklesbing, ill said toot - whip, 24th district, conitio,rd and cleated ns follows, to oft : That all that pa t rloy too ns hip, Ilnnhugdon coun ty, lying and being o hide the follow ing deserilasl boun daries, namely : beginning at the intersection of 'Union and Sidi ley tow !intim linen with the Juniata liver • on the south side thereof; thence along said - Union township line for the distance of three Mile-1 Irian 8111,1 river; thence casts, artily, by a straight line, to the points, here the main from Elly's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of Sandy rid g e; th e nce tiorthomilly along the summit of Sandy ridge to the iher, Juniata, and thence up said 1 is re to the place of beginning, shall hereafter tarot a eeperaie leetion district; that the qualified orders of said election district shall hereafter hold their genet al and township elections in the politic school house 310,111 Union, in said district. district, composed of the borough of Huntingdon at the Court How,: in said borough. Timso parts or Walk er and Porter tow 11011111. beginning at the southern end of the bridge across the Junin In riser nt the foot of Mont gomery sheet. thence by the .11iniatio township line to the hue of the Walker election district, thence by the Paine to the corner of Porter township at the Woodcock Volley road near If er's school house, thence by die 11110 heti, cell Walker and Porter too nships, to the summit of the lVa r rim r idge, thence along said 1 idge to the Juniata i io er so 110 to include the doodling house at Whittaker's. 111110 Fish er', 01,1 mill. and thence damn still rivet to the place of beginning. he annexed to dm Ilgntiusdon Bolough elec tion !bon nt, and that tile inhabitants tlieteof shall and may sod. at nil gement elet tions. 2111 i di,triet, composed or the borough of Pete], slatrg and that put of Ire , t too whip, west ;mil north of it line between Henderson nod We'd 10111.14 a, at or near the \Vat 11l Sin ings, to the Fianklin tow u , Lip lieu ell the top of Tussey's mountain. so as to iflLlilde in the now d'rib'let tit; hou-ies of Italia Walibonith, Jacob Longanocker, Thos. tinnier, James Porter, and :John Wail ; at the school 11111100, in the borough of Peteistimg. 0 - th f u s ii ILL a omposed of tattle sh Ili, at the liouse of 201111 Night:it, on the hinds of Henry Isenberg. 2Stli distoct, composed of carbon Wwusgip, seecittly t reefed out of a part of the territory 01 Toil township, to IN it : commencing nt n Chestnut Oult. ou theSiMintlt Ter race mountain. lit the Ilopeo ell tow 11...11111 Imo opposite the ill hling lag, in the Little %alley e thence south tiny-two degrees, enst three hitwdrwl end sixty perches, to it stone heap on the 1 roger!! Summit of Broad lop mountain; thence II 01 th sixty-serer degrees, veld three 11 lin& oil nud two', e peialms, to a Yellow Pine; thellee south fifty-to° llegroc,, root 101011 Ile:Idled and Se, ent)-tv, o perch,. to Cliegnift, Oak: thence swab fourteen dem era, east flares hundred tool fifty-one vetches, to a cliestlitlt at tho east end of Henry S. Green's land; thence smith Om 13-0110 and ,log t ory,„ 51,4 tno Imigired and ninety:hair pelf:M.B i --61,-,chm t the stintinit of a spur of Broad Top, hoe degrees. east nine iittihrtUcao.tella.favo,; south sixty a stone heap on the Clay tool u,lhip line, at die City dotal, held by Jos. Morrison. in said township. 101:o onkel:now a and gio o notice. Ile in 01111115 the section of the aforesaid act I nil that elery per. soil, excepting justices rd the cle•lee, who shall bold any Olilee or ,q)polll tllleil 4or profit 510 t rug the gorse I meld. of the United States• or of lid, Moir, or of any city or cm posted district, st Endive a conitui,itosied officer or ago:, ••••he eiiii.h k si d u nder the legislative, is e or vilet., edStilt., or of the United States, or of any city or :tai 111 also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature. and of the select or ronutlint Council of any comineedoners tit any incorporated disci act, is by la,v Incapable of holding or ogorclsing of the same the /Au, or appointment of bulge, inspector or clerk of iitiy ohetion of tlds efllll 1114111,12:11:11. 11114 that no inverter ci judge, or other officer of any such election shall ho eligible to any office to he thee Med fol." Al., that in the 4th i-ection of the Act of Assembly, en. titled “Au Act relating hi executions and for other pw po ses." mirrored Apt it 11411,1540, it is enacted that the of Lab section not be SO COIIOIIIO IN 111 insolent tiny Militia 01 lief °ugh fi um sewing as judge, or in sputor 01 clerk of nay gencial or special election in Gib Common oo cal th." Porgiant to the pros bdons contained in the nrtli section of the act aforesaid. the judges of the a fore,hl !Usti lets shall tespectivel3 take chargo of the cob tiliente or return of the election of their iespectioe Intl lots, and produco them nt a meeting of one of the judges from each dish let nt the Court lloune, in the hot °ugh It II untmgdon. fill the ' third Bev after :be day of election, being ft the piesent y -rir on Friday, the 11111 of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties reludi ed by law of wail judges. Also, that utter!: a Judge by sickness or unavoidable noel 111,11, is linable to nttetrl snot meeting of pukes, then the entitle:de or return aforesaid shall be taken in Chargo by one of the inspettors or clerks of the election of said din ict, mot shall do and potful us the duties requit col of said juilre unable to attend. A iso, that in the lilt section of said act it is enacted that "escrY genend and elsecial eleethm shalt be onettcd bet ween the hours of eight and tell in the forenoon, anal shall (.0011111e \ ithout interimition or adjournment until seven &elk ha the evening.whmi 16. Pulls 'Midi be Closed.. " dIVBN under my hand. at Huntingdon, the 12111 day pc Sep. trnlber, A. D. 1061, and of the independence of Pre tint. sod States, 010 eighty-flat. .X0113 . ,` C. WATSON, SLo IR, Snenar'S Orrice, I ifuntingrlon, Sept. 17, '4l FASMONS CASSIMERES, and GEORGE McCRUM, JOB SLACK. MEM EA,Eq - ficw, OCTOBER 8, 1861 ASSOCIATE JUDGE. To the Voters of Huntingdon county: The undersigned respectfully offers himself os candidate for tl‘e oaks of Associsto Judge. Huntingdon, July 10,1061. A. W. BENEDICT. tftWor. , CQ,UNTY TREASURER. To the Voters of Ifthitingiloy. county: rePpectrully offer myself ns n ca.udidlite for the olico of Comity Tica,urer. ITunting4on, July 16, 1561 To the Voters of Huntingdon County Immune. myself a Union Candidate for the Oleo of County Trenh.nrer, and solicit the support of the voters of the county. NICHOLAS C. DECKER. Huntingdon, July 30,1361. To the Voters of Huntingdon county FELIoW CITIZENS the request of my numerous friends I off r niyaeif for your guff ragas as au independent Candidate rot this OfliCe of :until elected pledge myself to ilise.batge the chtttes of tlie ottlea wills fidelity and impartiality. tli - liyarttle, Aug. 1,1101. , THO'S O. ISENBERG. AVDITOR'S NOTICE.- Mak, I beret, given that the undersigned Auditor ap pointed 1,,y0,41.1u3a Court, to I lieributa the money It the ha m% of Minx Mo)ser, Adminitrator of the estate o Julie Bally, late of .lualiscui. township. &rewash will ince. those interested ut the othre of \Vilsou fi Potrekiii day the 11th Ji'y'or 05oller pent at 1 o'c?belc P. M. i t . L. GRIM, Sopt.l2llt, 150. Auditor. DMINIST ATOR'S NOTICE. (fiAtate of Wiffatoi, Stow,. de e d.] t era of A.lnvoktintion opoi3 toe estate of William, ' Stone, taco of Ilomm ell township, dee'd., log been grant.: ed to tho tintleiefgued, all persons having elaium against tho estate ore iequest,l to pre,e.ot them to the under !Owlet], and all pet nom; indebted Urn . tri[tko immediate . . rpoT9eut. JACOB WEAVER, WILLIAM STONE, Iloretvel.l, Eiviit. 17, 1861-6 t.. Allmlnietralore =EI CqUISTY TREA.SI7RDR, cetTNTY TREASTYREM I.TREES!XREES! 'THE undersigned ins he atteraionto their large and welt Stoat, stock of FBATIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Sc., embracing a large and complete assortment of APPLES, PEARS. PEACHES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, nod NECTARINES, Standard for the Orchard, nun Da arf for the garden. MOLISE( WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESTNUTS, HA :ELI:NUTS, Sr.. RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great satiety. Grapes of Choisest Kinds, Asparagus, Rhubarb, &c , &c. AIIO a fill, stock of u ell formed, bushy EVERGREENS suitable for the Cemetet y and Lawn. DECIDUOUS TREES, for street planting, and a general assortment of Ornamental Trees & Flowering Shrubs ROSUS of chuico ynlytiev. CAMELLIAS ; BEDDING =IEMEI Our stock is remarkably thrifty and fine, and we offer it at takes to snit the times. *Tr Catalogues mauled to all applicants. Address, EDWARD .1. EVANS & CO., Central Nurseries, York, l'a. Sept. 12, 1R61.-9, rrEACIIER'S EXAMINATIONS. 11 Bit eetos a nod teachers throneisout tho county are hereby notified that flu, public examinations for tho pres ent 3 car mill in , held by OW InnitTsignE•lll in WO sere: al di,ttletn, rs, indicated in the following table: Went township. Sept. 3d., at Shale. Crock Bs.itlget. Barreo top., Sept., 4tlt, at Manner. lull. I • :Jackson top.. Sept. sth, at !tleakevy's Fort. IVattlornsark top.. Sept. Thh, at Birmingham. Walker top. ' Sept. Otis, at McConnelistoo n. Bnoly top, Sept. 10th, at Mill Cheek. Union top. Sept. 11th. at 31apletess. Henderson to p., Copt. 12th. at UniOn S. Oneida top., Sept. 13th. at Centro Union S. I/. Jstmato top., Sept. 14th, at Bell Croon S. 11. Penn top., Sept, 16th. at Matkleststsrg. Carbon top, Sept. 17th. nt Coal moat. Tod to p.. Sept. 1501, at Nei bet g Hopes, ell top , Sept. 2lst. at Coffee than. Shia ley S Shirleysburg top , Sept. 21th; at Slalrleyslturg. Cromwell top., 250. at Os bison its. Dahlia top.. Sept. 26th. nt Shade Gap. Tell top ;Sept 57th. at T.Lasse S. 11. I•ptingfieltl top., Oct. let, at Meatlote Gap S. 11. Clay top.. Oct. 2d, at Scottsville. Cass 8 Ca.sville Oct. 41h, nt Ctasville. The essnasionlions oil' commence nt 0 o'cltsck. Te mis ers and directors aro requested to be on punctual an p0.v.1- I,le. Me.Ullll.l.`, Co. Supt. Huntingdon, July 30, 1861. MILITARY BOOKS: CAVALRY TACTICS, [JUTHORIZED EDITIONA By Major William Gilham, U. S. A I Just publighed nod for sll , . nt LEWIS' 1100 K STOIC I: Complete in ono whin.. Pt ice $l,OO. - UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. Fur the Instruction. reorel4a, end 11.110C11,reft of the United Statre lufiwhy, incheliag In fantry of the Lim , . Light l n fan try. a n d ltille tam prepared under the direct inn of the War Depn lamot, arid nuthelmed and adopted by the Seel ettuy of War, May lot, Md. cantata. - tog the M soldier; Motel of the eier; the school of the ite=t root ital for bkittelMer, and the k goteml rani; the culla firokirati+lon A, and the -rheat of tire bat t.dien ; iucinding tlu,m tidos i) of oar and a thermion 3 . of mill6uy terms. Complete to one V 0111111.% Price $1.23. For y, note at heels' Book Store. MEM THE HANDY BOOK FOP. THE TIN" TED STA It'S' SOLDIER, On coming into sea ice: containing complete s) stem of itiNtruction in the rchnnl of the Soldier, with pt cif !pion ry explanation of the formation of a ll.dh dims ou Parade, thin rmition of the office's. &C., &C.. being n fit st book sir Intraduct km to notion i/.e.1 U. S. Ittftn try Tactics, lost pub- Pi Ice 23 centb. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. AL 0, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 VON. Psico $1.50 LEWIS' Wolf STOVE. 47, - ; -The Bkit , k4 sent by mail to nny crt on tho re citsitt of tho price. 23.1301. TRUSTEE'S SALE of REAL ES TATE. - the underNigned Trager.. appointed by the Court to sell lit Beal I:kate of Jacob Cullman, late At the-borough of Ct..os lie. ilecea.el. s it espoec to Public Sale, it the premises, in CIINI towtobip, Ilitiltingann Conti to, ou Friday, Ist November, 1861. This following lima Estate, to It: 'One good furs con laming 172 acres, mote or tem, nod Innunled by lands of Corfinan on the 001 Ili, Conlail Curfoinn 110,1 CIO is tilt. :Miler on the south, and Janos Henderson on the ; /lei log shunt 100 oozes cleated and in good state of cultic allot., noon which nre the following, among many oilier intionoveinentn: A moo odoty log house, it double log 11:1111 T. ith a good g.....nry attached. 2 excellent apple orchards, mot 11 SAW-iota 'Nall flue won, fossil. The fit mu 14 we!l stliipiteci st ill, never fading springs, nod lime stone is nbundrult. This propel t) is hot two inlleB front Calzrille. and to eh° miles from the Penns3 I nnia I:ahead .4t Xllll C.e.14. It to Rattltrallty tot,tittett to the rneglig of stock, end connonn.l.l n good home market. l'o4seselon will he given en the. lot of Apt 11, 1802. Also, on the picluiscs, in the box sigh of Ottisx On Saturday, 2d day of November 1861, The to:Honing additional ploperty. to oil Too lots of ground hooting on 31.. in bit err 132 feel, and extending back Vol) feet to it soon eel; bald lots adjoining etteli other, and bounded by 'Moil: Flteet on the cast, nu the north by on alley, end ton the south by lot belonging to the boil of of ,le-no 11 light ; having 011 theme good too story log trry-,.Arretde•avied,h onAg_nith _gkleh_en„ . _) 000 boo's. gnu:- Also.: At :be to,iono time, four other louti," - a - djiiiiilifgeaon other nod noutalning about half all acre end.. fronting Olt 3111 in Wee!, and but:inlet' nit the north by lot of Illizotbeth Cullman, en, the south by lot of Caleb ope's hells, nod on the east 1.7 mountain satiny. These are all oleo:Ind/le loots. P0.,....5tun will be gisen on cool...illation of Sale. Sala will vOlllllll , ll re cool, day nt 10 o'.loelc, A. M. Trfl:3ls OF :3.11.Ft-0110 thitd of the pm sheen money to lie raid on confirmation of sale, one Mita In Otte leer, 4 . hith laterett, and the residue at the death of the Widow m,,,, m ay - 10-161t i jAmest thereon to be paid to the n Wow caned by the boode alM3l7;rt77o,ttrltl'ttifefittic4ifil,tlt_heite- For, Oily fin thee iolounation collect Wog the ahoy° premieee, r., , ply to LEWIS STEVER, Trustee, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pit. Septembel :3, Int -1m "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. ire. This Betel it ccutial, cimtvelyitilt by Pamergr,cr Curs to on pane of the City, and iu evety pat titular adap ted to the t,ntfort and ',ants of the bubmess it.f.o per tllty. - K‘3. Sept. 10, 1814,-Iy. ,A ITDITOR'S NOTICE.— The hhaeud s hed Anditor nppointed by the Conti', to d,dttibnto Iho tootles In the bands of John C. 'Watson. at icing not!' the VITO of tie 1411 P. , ,tale of Ho :Mullah AV:m.IIOM mill net the pArtres intercsted, nt the utile° of lib* & Speer, ot,‘Fridax, 41k0c.tuber, pt 9,X11110, nt 10 o'clock. A. 11. It. 3111.T0N Sept.lo, , Auditor. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT, BOOK STORE. _HOW AIM ASSOCIATION, mpurk licnerolent Instlention established by special I:Wolin:lent, for Mc Relief of the &eh and Diilressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diecases. and especially for the Cm e qt" Mawses of (he Seznal 0; gaus. Medical Allv.tce gi, en glut's, by the Acting Surgeon, to all n ho apply by INter, with o.d.a.criptiun of their condi tion, (age, -tecupatien, habit, of life, 4.c,„) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines Nettie/gad free of charge; Valuable Reports on lipertentorrlea. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on (ho nes, Remedies employed In the Dispensary, vent to the afflicted in sealed letter en Yelopes, free of charge. @o or Mee Stgm,pa for postn,ge will he acceptable. Address, Dlt. 3. SRILLEN IrocrouToN, Acting Sur. 2 South Ninth Street MI -2'eNin°," I t tre e rt r r i OTtrme ' Directme. EZRA. D. HARTWELL, President. ONO. FAIRCITTLD, kccretury, Dee. 19, 1860,1 y. pAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER, !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowtrir Pakforoteil paper, Delete! Soaril, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Riper, Letter Paper, Commercial; Note Paper, Ladles' 01It Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White mud Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. QEEGAIL AY INSTITUTE. UTZ mid 151(3 SPRUCE STREET, NUILADELPIIIA. This 'TIMERIte conducted for two years ;last, in this city, by Macant CIIEGUIAY and her niece MADAME WIIERVILLS, oppn the same. punciples as the GRA in New Yolk, cstal. lielled there in the dear 18140,111 reopen on Monday, Sept. nth, with umal ample and complete provision for the education of Young Ladies, under the direction of Madame ll'ildrvilly. Clri44are, and ell requisite inform tlpti, mu Ix:obtained on arplieation to ;Ito Principitt. August 13, 1101,731 a. • • WANT MONEY, The subserkbet requests all persons indebted to him, t. give him A call before the close of t h e tnontlr, as he moo have money Mum ho to the city. LEVI WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Sept. 10, 1801..--E” INZIEMIM JOHN FIRMA, • 18 ARCH Street, between ith and Bth Ste., Zrtfe 818 St.,) Plailaddplda. :porter A; Manufacturer and Realer in all kinds FANCY FURS, for La :a' ISlPses' and Oh I • en's Wear. Hosing now manufae. red and in store my usu large and beautiful as. rtment of all thermions :ylea and qualities of WS, adapted to therms, Fell and Winter Sea; I uouhl respectively Invite an examination of my stock and prices from those Intending to purchase, no I am enabled to offer them very dent able inducements. All my Fore Imo been much:seed fur eash, and mode by experienced and competent hands, and no the present monetary troublo,s render it necessety Oust I should dis pose of my goods at spry small advance on cost. I am sntktied that it uN be to the intsoeste of those who design purchasing. to give me a call. ire Recollect, the canto. number and street: John Fa.. reim. (New Fur Store.) US Arch Street. Philadelphia. FOR EVERYBODY. TILT THE NEW STORE, THE DEST SUOAR nrut MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR. FISH, SALT and VINRIAD, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other catkin usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO—. Drugs, Chemicals, Dyo Stuffs, Paints ' Varnhates. Oils nod Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Olass nod Putty, BEST WINE nod BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, nod n largo number of articles too 1111111CMIN to month)». The public ynnernily v.lll call mad eXallaint, for themselves mai learn my prices. Huntingdon, May 25, 1858 SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION =I 11. Jost opened the best assort- meet of Goods in his line as er Nought to Huntingdon. His stook of BOOTS null SIMES for Ladies, Gentle- ) Misers, Buys and Children, enrnprises all latest fashions, and malinlactured of Elul heat Ina term's. Also, a One assortmsnt of TEATS for men, Boys and alldten. HOSE in great satiety for Gentle men. Ladies, Mimes and Children. CA It ItAGS, tAidI'ENDEII6, ()Attn.:RS, FANS, dc., de. ALSO, SOLE-LEATHER, CALF SKINS, 3IOItOCCO, LASTS nest SHOF.-VINDINGS gonetally. Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the same in respectfully solicited. N. 11.-13u0t4 and Shoes for Ladies and Gonilenten, re palled anti o u tdo to order. Huntingdon, April 24. 18613 BOOTS & SHOES ! LADIES AND OEXTLA'AIELY. LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE All In want of Boots and Shoes, for old-or young, urn requested to Cull nod eXalnilio ny stuck. L. 'WESTBROOK, nuntingdon, Slay 3.1861. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, mans SPLENDID ASSQIITMENT Window Curtain Papers, 1861 e H . ROMAN SPRIXG AiYD CLIE-11' CLOTHING "S2'olWil. F. Gentlemen's Clothing nr ti•lw4t Tuntcrial,nua Made the beet o•ot kinnnlike manner. call nt 11. ROMAN'S, ppcilito Ow Franklin House iu Ilm IDA Ilgunro, liuuttng nu. (Ain II 2, 1861.1 FOIESAIX THE 11017 SE: A Nrw Pecttur MtNntt, of Rural Aceluitec. tore; or, use to Build Periling', Barns, Stables, and On t Dn elli ngs of all kinds. INDII a Chapter oa Churches toil School-110mm Paley, 50 c. ate. THE CARDEN: A New POO.l. M %nett, of Practical Ifor. ticulture; or, If, w to Cultivate Vegetable*, Fruits. and Flowets, With a Chapter on Ounantontal 'ices and Slut ttbq. fries, 50 cent, THE FARII: A Now Ibeslr Mt:vott. of Practical Agri culture; or, lion to Cultivate all the Fuld Cum's. It Mb no ENsay on Saint Management, etc. Pt ice, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMAIS: A Non Pocarr ',Nu:more:lHk. Iloise, owl Sheep Husbandry; or, How to lit -rd and Dear the Tenants of the Darn-yard, etc., etc Pt tce, 50 cents. lIONY TO TALE: A ".s.;LIV POCITI,T 111N171I, 01 . COllverdat ion and Debate, stab Directions for Acquiring a Otanunati cal,ity;ie, nod toots tlinti Bite Hundred loatmon Mis takes Cot rectud. I , lice, 50 cents, IlOw TO 111:11.AVE‘: A NEW Pecnta 31t' net, of Republb can Etiquetto, and Guide to Cot teat Habits: with Rules for Debating Societies and Delibetatit o As nemblutes, etc. Plied; 50 tents, 11011' TO DO BUSINESS: A New POCKET M 1:41.`11. 01 I'laotivat Alt-sit 11 and Guido t? sneeess in, Ufa; Nvitl. Collection of Bator,. Porous, attd a Dictionary of Coto too,,cittl Tilly, etc. Price, 50 cents, pILILADELPIIIA AND ItEADING ltijgoAD., • • ON . AND AFTER mA r 28th, 1860 Tun pat/wager trains leave Hari klmrg Dntla, (Slpdays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and MS I'. 31., for Philadelphia, arriving then cat 1.23 P. M., nod 0.13 P. 51. Returning. Immo Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 81.. and 320 P. 31., at firing at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 8.:30 P. 31 Inve, tltil,adelAddp, No. 1 Cara, $3.20; N 0.2 (in Mu • train, $2,10) Fare*: 'to Bending, $l.OO and $1.30 At Beading, connect, with traina for Pultmille, Vinare vile, Tamaqua. Catatitt4a, Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A. M., 12.30 noon nail 3.43 I'. M. Leave Philadolphia fbr Beading ad 8.00 A.M., 140 51., 3.30 I'. M., and 3.00 P. 51. Yates: Bending to Philadelphia, 5.75 and $1.45. The morning tt Mu from Ilarrirhprg couneeta at Beading with up train for Wi,lkegbarro, Pitt Mon and &Imam,. For through tickets and other Information !lute to J..7-CLYI.II.I, July 18, 1561, General -Vent. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! - . A FRESH ARRIVAL: ALL HIS STOCK IS FRESH AND FHT3IE , THE CYTHARA—The , Presbyterian Psalmodiet—The ' Shawn—Th.lo , llo,—llan ten's and Dertinrs enlarged and improved instlnctorsWellautre New end Improved Method for the Cul ter—lteland'e Acrqr deon, Violin and Flute Instructors — Winner's and Aowo's Violin Instructors--Belltnee Melodeon lastructor—Dur rowes' Piano-Forts Primer—do. Thorough-Base Prlmei— llowe's Drawing Room Danect—The D. 1 4,0y0 Glee Book— Tera'w Darr, for sale . • LEWIS' BOOK, pTAT.W.NBItY 411,131 C PISTOLS PISTOLS }!, Colt's, Sharps', Smith k IVestnn's, and rill lrtivioved patterns of, Revolt:era, Pistols. Cartridges, Butklu Sr. Se., fur sale at the Buda are. Store of JAMES A. 1311011 , 1. Nay 21,1861. - Huntingdon, l'a. TV you nr.ant Carpets and Oil Cloths, 'call at Ix r•. OWLN'S, where you, t" "- tortnaplt it) tow n. &Fred opposite armon's ,Tterre. S. S. SMITH. ANEW STOCK. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK AND JUST RECEIVED Ll,lvis' BOON. STORE 1861. CLOTHING. NNW CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED IT. - iro SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHRIST. LONG'S CALL A.KD SEE. STATIONE Y and JEWELRY PACKAOEq For sale to agents and dealers at vory reduced rates put up in variety eunetopes., For further information Address' - COLEMAN A CO„ (Upstairs) SOSCliostant St, I , llila. June 4, I.SGI. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. r ,:i: , ,, , ," . - 41 -, , ,..." 14 ,,,,1nir-____ - •)§!Oki l g. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME BETWEEN VIE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND itmunsiluno I VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. Mossuso EXPRES9, WOO, lance, New York at 6 A. M. arriving at Ilarrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 691 hours be Wren the too citif.v. Naar, ERE. teaYeB New York at 12.00 noon, awl arrives at Ilan labor); at 8.30 P. 51. illonNiao MFR. 14Na Nest. leaves ITarrieburg ao 8.00 A M., arriving at New York at 4.30 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE. Enet, leaves Ilairlsburg nt Lis P. Gl., arriving nt New York at P 00 Y. SL Connect ions nre made nt Hari Ribui g nt 1.00 D. M., with the Pnowenger Trnbv in each dhection on the Pennsylcn nin. Cumhei land Valley and Not them Central Railroad. All trainv con nact at Rending milli pains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, 'and at Allentown for Stanch Chunk, Easton, Le. No change of Passenger Cars or Haggage batsmen Now York owl Harrisburg, by tho 6.00 A. M. Lino front Now Tot k or the the lib P. M. front Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, odd speed, comfort and accom modation, this route in cacti ts suporior Ind uctonents to tho traveling public. Faro between Now Tork and liarrisbarg the dollars.— For tickets and other in formation apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. July IS, ISCi). F ,7 7 .„.„.4 7 , ~.w,,,....z.„ i:_,.,,ekt4..43.w,_L----,.,1 pENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TDIM OF !A OF TRAINS MEE= o ni STATFONS Newton Hamilton, Mt. lioloo, Mill Civek II ti utingtion, reterslatu, I Bari or. ...... Sp 4 TWO Greek, ltil mingloun . one, Tipton, I 5,01011 a, Hell's Mills, Altoona, NEW GOODS ! NEW GOOD FISHER & SON BEM JUST OPENL'D SPLENDID STOCK .Y.EIV GOODS. THE P1.1131d0 ARE INTITED,TO CALL FM EXAMINE OUR GOODS & SON Apt I) 10, 1861 COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! irne , i A. Di nwn sea, the pennies " POItTLANDKEIIO - oa COAh 011., rlorr a$ water. This is the only keel of oil that give, eclh•c batitractian ns an agent for light. Bekviire of ciiiiiltei.felts unit colored ealbon oils. They cow an offeustve suwlt RIO smoke. A large vai lily aloe et COAL OIL LAMPS Chinine3 a, flubm Wick, Mu am, Shades, Se., 8.r., sold at tho very lon est, pikes, at tiled hu Ovate t tole, Llu—ting don, Pa. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORM. J. A. lIANIGAR, A practical tobacconhit, has opened a DM TOBACCO STORE AND C 1 t 1 Alt MAN lIFACTORY, on Allegheny one do. west of the Broad Top Railroad Mee, 1% hene he bas on band a large asowtinent of prin.) Cigars and To. bac., a hid, he mill sell either uholc.nle or rota. :Rote. keepets. shophcepois, and all others who deal in the weed should cell. his prices are low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, Ih6o. IIEADY ECKONEII. Al t , A complete rocket Ileady Reckoner, iil dollars mid cent, to .Ithlt are 3.1.E1ed ham. of Notes. 11111,. Ile -0011.1,, Pelitiflts, Qc., together hill' 3 set o( ustAul tables. containing rate of Intel est nom one dol lei to mei, e thous and. by the single day, nit)) a table of fines, atut heard by the week anti dal, fitibli+loal in Vein. For tole at LEWIS' 1300 K ,NTO'RE -?Y El I CT 3IATES 31 - Ctril ll). ----- W Mr. JOHN ESTBROOK. Sr., manufartin es n 1.1. MENT wbich ' to. Cll. lthrtunation. No cure. no pay. PerAosto allikted shoold tall and try tile medicine. Call at hid renideneu in Washington street, one door treat of Lori Westbrook. Huntingdon, Manch 20,1001. ENJ. JACOBS IS ON MIND NEW GOODS, ISTR TLY G - -ND S VER Ile has ref teed a Rue asortment of DRY GOODS for the Sp, log and Summer sttion, comptising n vet)* ex tenni\u I{4bolllllollt of LADIES DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS in general, READY,3IADE CLOTHING, , Fut lion and Days O ROCERILS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c. Sc The public generally are requested to call and examine the goods—and his In ice.. As I on, determined to sell my goodc, all mho call may expect bargains. Country Produce Mlles In Exchange for Goads. It FINJ. JACOBS, at the Cheap Corner. Huntingdon, April d, 1561. NOTICE TO. ALL !! ,gavt e l fhe suhscriher, mho ;MY for more than cm year, enrEcil on Imsinegi In company ultil Mnisti. P. Ilitomr, 11. (lin, P. WHIMS, and Mr. L torn BEER, 110 A thin dnx di ssoll id parlor; ship with The abort Jinn 1 All claims ngniiwt tho Uhl 11/,,, will kler paid by this syMnalpyr o awl nt4 thirse to: dubted to the p,rin NOM, Pax CLO Gtk S, WATCHES and JEWELRY nlmitys ho repaired. A good stock of CLOCKS.taI Warencs and ,ill lie kept on band for 'customs., mho may favor him n ith n call. 311yrcl1 2, 1859 -.1•4 THE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the most complete of any in the country, and pos btbSOS the most ample rani fief' for promptly executing In the best style, every variety of Job Prhams', such as lIAND BILLS, .I'II()GRAMMES, WANKS. FOSTERS, CARDS, CIBCEJLARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CALL AND =MINE. APFCIMENS OF WORD, AT LEWIS' BOOE, STATIONER} & MUSIC STORE FRANKLIN lIOIJSE, THE DIAMOND, lIUNTINGDOZI, PA VALENTINE GROUSE, Proprietor Tho citizoos of the comity, and strangers and travelers generally, will find conifortablp accommodations at this house. (live us a trial. [Alail ‘ .l, 18613 ;EXCHANGE HOTEL, ;tunDiaDoN, PA, , NEAR. PENNSYLVANIA It l/LILOAD DEPOT : JOHN S. MILLER,' Proprieth.e Aprillo, 1801. . WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for sate at WPM' I3QQ • STQICL GREAT WORK ON HORSE. THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, T. S., 21 . ,!frssor Af Pathology and Op. rothe Sprgory in the reterinory College of Plidathlphia, etc., etc. --- WILL TELL YOE . Of than, History and distinctive , traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic. An irim and Anna icon Homes, with tbq pbyaical foi motion and - pc cullaritie• of the animal, and bow to Hare, tai,, his age by the number and condition of Lis teeth: Minh clad with numerous explanatory engravings. . _ WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking,. Stabling, Feed- Mg, Grooming . , Shoring, and the gener al management of the horse, nith the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Ricking, Heaving, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit. ing. ItestlesStiehs, and other vices to which he Is subject; south unmet Qua ex planatory engravings. - - - • WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptoms.and Treatment ' of &tangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Ihoncititis, I'lloll. inollll4 Bt oicen Wind, Cl! ron• lc Cough, Roaring and Whistling. Lam• pas, Sure Month and Ulcers, and Da. rayud Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Reipiratory Organs. {TILL TELL. YOU Of the MeV!, spmptoms,nnd Trontrn en t of Worms, Bute, Cholie, Strangulation, Stony Concu boas , Itupturell, Dinrrhen,Jaltudlce,ilept.tinlion,Wood Y Stouoi in Uriµe, tho ElfilneyB an11134n.1. Syr, Intimation and other diseases of the, Stomach, Zowell, !Ave': and Uri nary Organs. WILLTELL YOU Of the causes, aymploro, awl Treat meta of Bone, Bleed and Bog, SpaOn, Ding Doris, Sweento, Strains, Broken .Kures,.Wind Galls, Founder, Cracked Hoofs, Sole Braise 111111 Gravel, Canker, Scratches, Thrush awl Corns% also, of ,Megririll, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of the Scot, Lego, and Mud, MIE ;,. ! ; ? WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, n3nuptome, and Treat ment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Cdtualers, Farcy. Sonrlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit. Locked J.Lu.libeinaati-m.Cralnp.Oulls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, de„ and how to tannage Castration, Diced. log, Tlepllining. 1101101,1 g. Vivian. Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and oth er single:O. °rotations. En 10 LO 0 i 7 WILL TELL YOU Of Barry's Method of taming, Horses; how to Apptyinch, Batter, or Stable in Colt; how to aceuatom a Lotto to aft nage nautili flat tights, and how to Saddle, gide. nod :trunk hint to Ilara,e; ni,o the fowl owl law of WInItaNTY. The "hole bolt% the to ' , qilt of yenta' eatefol Moly of the iaatilinritiel, 0.1010 and eak fic,les of this noble nod useful animal. Tor sale n t Louie' Book State. d #al A. M. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TUE HORSE AND HIS 'DISEASES, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fur sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A •VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VA LUABLE BOOK, For cafe at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON 'IRE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRE'I•TI ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUITand FRUIT rams, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fo • :ale at LEWIS' Book Store. SCHOOL BOOI