Col. James A. Mulligan. The following sketch of Col. James A. Mulligan, the brave defender of Lex ington, Mo., has been furnished to the Detroit Advertiser, from a gentleman who has been intimately acquainted 'with him for the past five or six years : Col. James A. Mulligan was born in the city of Utica, New York, in the year 1829, and is consequently in his thirty-second year. ffis parents teem natives of Ireland. His mother, after the death of his flatter, which took place when he was a child, removed to Chicago. where she has resided with her son for the past twenty-three years. She married a respectable Irish-Amer ican in Chicago, named Michael Lan try, who has s teadily watched with a father's solicitude the expanding mind of the brave young soldier. He was educated at the Catholic College of North Chicago, under the superinten dence of the Rev. Mr. Kinsellar, now of New York city. He is a strict member of the Catholic church.. In 1852, 1853, and 1851, he read law in the office of the Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, Congressman from the Chicago dis trict. For a short time he edited the Western Tablet, a semi-religious week ly newspaper, in Chicago. In 1856 he 'was admitted an attorney-at-law in Chicago. At this time lie held the po sition of second lieutenant in the Chi cago Shields Guards, one of the com panies attached to the Irish brigade, 'now in Missouri, and which has done so wet at Lexington. In the winter of 1857 Senator Fitch, of Indiana ten dered him a clerkship in the Depart ment of the Interior. He accepted the ,position, and spent the winter at Washington. During his residence in Washington, he corresponded with the Utica Telegraph, over the nom de plume of "Satan." After his return from Washington he was elected captain of the Shields Guards. On the news ar riving of the bombardment of Fort Sumpter, he threw his soul into the national cause. The Irish American companies held a meeting, of whom he was chairman. Shortly afterwards he went to Washington with a letter, written by the late Senator Douglas on his death bed to the President, ten dering a regiment to be called the "Irish Brigade." He was elected Col onel, and immediately went to work with a will. The course of the "Brig ade," up to the battle of Lexington, is well known; it has nobly, bravely, and honorably done its duty. Col. Mulligan is worthy of all praise. A purer, a better man, does not live in the State of Illinois. Since he was able to tell the .difference between ale and water, a glass of spirituous or malt liquor has not passed his lips. He is a rigid temperance man, although he is jocund and whole-souled to a fault. He is six feet three inches in height, - with a wiry, elastic frame,—a large, lustrous, hazel eye,—an open, frank Celtic face, stamped with courage, pluck, and independence. surmounted with a bushy profusion of hair, tinct ured with gray. Honorable in all re lations—respected by all—he has won his way by untiring industry and un questionable courage. On the 26th day of October, 1859, he was married to Miss Marian Nugent, by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicago. A fine scholar, a good speaker, a brilliant writer, a promising lawyer, was he when the banner of the Union was insulted. Now he is—lung may he continue so—one of the brave de fenders of the Union. In one of his last letters received by the gentleman above alluded to, he says If I die. if I fall in defencti of our laws and Constitution, let my example be fol lowed hr all—by every man who loves the fame and renown of the fathers who made us a great and honored people." What the Rebels are Doing in Ken tucky. Interesting Adventures nf a Cincinnatian among the Secessionists. .(From the Clociunati Coat tte. of Sept. 23th.) An interview with a gentleman of this city; who visited Nashville about two weeks since, and returned yester day, has placed us in possession of some interesting particulars relative to the progress of the rebellion in Southern Kentnecy. Our informant left Nashville Friday .on a train of cars which only ran as far as the State line. Here ho was ,compelled to remain over night, and although he would have cheerfully paid any reasonable price for supper and .lodgings, he was glad at last to find an empty freight car, where he ',endeavored to.snateh a few hours' re pose. The next day another train, loaded with soldiers, cattle up from Nashville, .and, jumping aboard, he was carried :to Bowling Green, where he says there is a rebel camp of' 10,000 men. On Sunday, he availed himself of the op portunity presented by the passage of Another train conveying troops, and -came in to within three miles of Man ibrdsville, where there is another camp .of twelve or fourteen hundred men.— From this point to Munfordsville he -came on foot, and thence to New lla •yen, on the Lebanon branch of the 'Louisville and Nashvilly. Railroad, in an old lumber wagon Which ho and ewe .others were fortunate enough to -obtain, and for the use of which they paid thirty-six dollars, walking half 4 - be distance, lest the rotten old vehicle sh mld break down and leave them in -the woods. From New Raven to Lou isville he came by cars, and 'was in formed that that' was the last train that would be run on the branch road. Our informant further states that -the whole Southern part of Kentucky, so far as he could learn from others. and 'his own observation went, is al ready completely skinned by the rebel 'troops. Ile found it almost impossible to get anything to eat, and suffered 'much from banger while in transitu. The railroad from Munfordsville to the State line is closely guarded. and travelers without passes are not al lowed to proceed at all, while those with passes are strictly searched at -every station. Re confirms the report that those leaving Tennessee and other rebellions States are not permitted to take with ' them nay considerable amount of money. There are still at, Nashville and all points between that and the rebel outposts. ninny persons awaiting an opportunity to come North. At MantOrdsville, about 15k) were anxious to share with hint his seat in the rickety old vehicle thm, (wried him to Neu' Haven. Our informant says the troops in camp at Bowling Green and Iffunfords ville are exclusively from Kentucky, and thinks his opportunities for ascer taining the truth, warrant him in de fying the telegraphic story that there are two regiments of Virginians in the State. All the rebel soldiers he saw were dressed in gray uniforms, and closely resembled many of our own.— lie says the general impression among them is, that 20,000 Federal troops have possession of Muldraugh's ; but, notwithstanding they have the utmost confidence in the ultimate suc cess of the South, and believe that Louisville will be in their hands before many weeks elapse. Business in Nashville is exceedingly dull, of course, although there has been a great rush there for goods from the South. The shelves of the mer chantS, however, are now nearly emp ty, and but little is doing. Coffee is 65 cents per Pound, and everything else, unless of domestic manufacture, in proportion. The blockade is slowly but surely doing its work. An Important Decision. The following opinion, delivered by the Attorney General of the state, at the request of the Governor, is not only very important to those entitled to vote, but fixes the disfranchisement of those who voluntarily left the state, giving up their interest in its reputa tion and honor, to servo in the ranks of regiments raised by other states, at the expense of their rights and citizen ship in Pennsylvania. The opinion is brief and just, and cannot fail to be fully comprehended by all who are in terested in the premises. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1 HARRISBURG, Sept. 27, 1861. My opinion is requested by the Gov ernor on the following questions, viz: I. What volunteers will be entitled to vote at the approaching general election in their camps? IL Whether the volunteers so enti tled to vote, can vote for County offi cers? I. I am clearly of the opinion that no volunteers will be entitled to vote in their camps except such as are in actual military service in conformity with law, viz : Such as are in service under the authority of the Governor on the requisition of the President of the United States. All the field offi cers of such regiments will be commis sioned by the Governor, and the hold ing of such commissions by the field officers will be a fair test of the right of the regiment to vote. II The Act of Assembly provides that the volunteers may exercise the right of suffrage; of course they have as much right to vote for County offi cers as for any other. V. !I. MEREDITH - , Attorney General Since the above opinion was presen ted to the Governor, another question arose, which the Attorney General has disposed of as follows: "Since writing the above an addi tional question has teen propounded to me, viz : Where men from several counties are in the same company, what course should be pursued ? lam of opinion that in such eases there should be separate ballot-box, tally lists &c., for each county, and the votes should be returned, to each county of the voters entitled to vote in such county_. . M. MEREDITH, Att'y General. September 28, 1861. This now fixes the terms, the quali fication sand the proceedings necessary to legalize the election in the various encampments of Pennsylvania troops within and without the limits of the common wealth. The State Clothing Supplies---No Frauds. (From the Phila. Thillelie, :tpt.eth.) QUARTER SEssum.--This morning, the grand jury concluded the business of the term, and made a final present ment. In speaking of Judge Ludlow's charge to inquire into the alleged clothing frauds in connection with the volunteers from the State, the jury says:— Upon the e duty thus committed to us, the Grand Jury entered with an earnest desire to learn the truth and bring to justice all parties who might be`implicated. In pursuing this inves tigation, we had the personal attend ance and aid of the District Attorney, during our examinations, covering a period of six days. We availed our selves of the labors of the Grand Jury of the United States Court, as well as those of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor. In addition to which, we had called before us witnesses whose names were suggested by members of the Grand Jury and by others, and who were supposed to have any knowledge of the subject matter of our inquiry. After a careful examination of all the testimony, sharing as we did in the suspicions which agitated the pub lic mind, we are constrained to say that we have no evidence of any fraud having been perpetrated upon this Commonwealth in the supplies fur nished to the troops, nor of any frauds on the part of those persons, official or unofficial, engaged in the manage ment of the interests of the Common wealth. From a state of long continued pro found peace we found ourselves plunged into a frightful civil war with those whom this Government bad al ways been taught to look upon as brethren. Pennsylvania had made no preparation for such a contingency, and at no period in her history was she so utterly helpless for defence or support to the Government. In the confusion and panic which followed the fall of Fort Sumpter, came the call of the President of the United States for troops, with the intimation that each State was to supply its own com missariat. Most of the articles needed for- this department were absolutely not to be had at any price, and the authorities of Pennsylvania were com pelled to do the best they could in this emergency, where prompt action was of the last importance. That there were mistakes and irregularities is well known ; had It been otherwise it would have been a marvel. Men in experienced in the duties of providing fin• the outfit of an army were neces sarily employed, and in all instances, so far as we have been able to learn, those persons freely proffered their aid without receiving any compensation. That public clamor should be loud against somebody is no new thing.— That under the circumstances of this great convulsion many things were inefficiently done is equally true; but that frauds were committed upon the State none of the evidence before us has tended to disclose. LANCES FOR THE FEDERAL ARMY.- It appears that the lance is to be once more used as a weapon in the Ameri can army. A prominent manufactu rer of Cincinnati has been ordered to make a sample weapon, and bid for the manufacture of a large number.— There has always been a kind of ro mance attached to this weapon, and its adoption will serve to render the cavalry service additionally popular. The lance is composed of a sharp steel blade from eight to ten inches long, shaped much like the common bayo net, which is attached to a handle of light, strong wood, from nine to twelve feet long. The whole weapon weighs from four to five pounds. It is hung to the arm of the rider by a swiveled strap, so that whe.i not grasped it swings to an upright position, the low er end fitting into a leather boot.— Lances are more formidable than other weapons, because of their longer reach. This arm has not been used much in the American army, because of its ut ter uselessness in Indian fighting. and on the plains, where a hickory club is as formidable a weapon. But for charging on infantry who resist with the bayonet, nothing can equal it. In close quarters the lance• depends upon his sabre.—liartisbury Telegraph. DIARRIED. On tho 18th ult , by Ite, G. 1P Z thither, (•opt. Joux OSTERLOU, U. S. A., to M,,. Euzi Donsis, of Huntingdon. DIED, Iw Barree township, on the YOU, ult., Mr. W3l. M sfrrr, aged 76 years. In Stephenson county, 111.. nn the 21st alt., Mrs. Mama, who of John li. Osborn, fin nicely of Jackson township, this County. NOTICE.— All persons ore hereby cautioned not to Hunt or harbor my wife they, on my account. she having left my bed and board ahbout ranee or provocation whatever, and I not determined to pay no debts of her contracting. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1561.-3 t r. R ..,xICUTO'S NOTICE.- i Letters Testamentary upon the lot will and testa. meta of William ylntliit. late of Hat rite towndtip. Iluti• thunlon county. deceased. hoe( been granted to the sob. BCI Nei% All pert.onm indebted ere tegtirsieit to make im mediate payment. and thee basing claims will present thou, properly unthenticated to me. ' ' ' SAiIUV:T. CllOl LS. Bart ee tom 11,1.41, Hunt. to.. Pa. Oct. 1. 1861-6 t QTR AY.- kJ Came to residenen of tho snbseriber in Hopewell too 'lshii), about the ::nth of lit ptember, n light red COW xttli n large m hite spot on her back nod a star on tier forehead. of medium size and suppwaul to he abort five yens old. The owner is requested to cruno forward, prove property, pay ehrogeg, and take her away, other wise she as ill be disposed of according to law. DAVID 11. SIWLTZ. Oct. 1, 1561. HAYING FULL AUTHORITY hom Oen. J. Y. James. I am nnw raining a compa ny to be at tached to his 11l ig Me. This company dill be composPd entirely of y ming men of ieepectability and education many of mhorn are tenches e. Pay and rations will commence horn the time members are same in. Tito oath can be taken befot e any Justice of the Peace and fore arded to no•. A good oppot NOV is now of of joining; a respectable comp toy, and the attention of teachers is called to flit. , advertisement. Ad ess until October 4th. at Kishacoquillas, 31011 m CO , Pa., and after that date at Ituntingdon. cAvr. GEO. F. DAVENPORT. Sept. 30. ISfl-3t. BOOTS AND SHOES. A NEW ARRIVAL. GEORGE SHAFFER. Has just received is new stock of flonbi & Shoes. Mulch he will lie !Mused to hire eximme.d by the public generally. Ilk amortment consists iit Boots nod Flo e , of all kinds fur Gentlemen and Ladies. made in the best punnet. Ile also. LoOtilllll - 11 to MOHO fact are to order rill kinds of Dada and Sh•es. And rutty ns thanks fur the paroling.. ho tins IletPtOroro received, awl hopes to meat a COllOllll/.lxe of the same. Ilk shop is in the Diamond. one door east of &runs' Stet e, w hero the piddle n ill please call. Huntingdon. Oct. 1, ISUI-41. A BATTLE FOUGHT • A BRILLIANT VICTORY WON ADJUTANT CI , N, LEWIS Atter it per. Io engagement which Inoed (IT nenrl, font chnn. I have at Lint rowed the 001 . 111 , .I , lcepteled n bilge number Cl Chum 1t,,0,e a owl a greet gn.urtin of camp equipage. and other .1111rtble petrel, %ibid. I 1111111.111 th It shipped by railroad titan the field of aetiou. atidnoo annotate° 1110111 1 1110ESD111:1 ATI:D. On opening owl examining the valmibles erptored, they %lore fem.el to corniniee sic Is art milerss vat iety of Until nate ins l'utir•ty of ever y Lind. that 1 cut supply the pelilo of all ages end toyeti fon)] a toy form in• font to a eopprri nog cone for tire feeble 41111 iron Boy+ or girls. 1.0:it. , or .s.l.lirldrerri or Cit igen+ lloost,kvi to erg or Donn:lei ri list trier. or Medi:tido, Leayers or Doc tot. Boyle, le and Poet) body lorry be furribrheri pith R useful memento of this e‘entful battle by calling at the Ilardwine store of Ifunting,lon. net 1, ISill ADJOURNED SALE. FI 4 XECUTORS' NOTICE.- REAL ECTATE OF JOHN McCAIIAN The undersigned. Exerntors of John Mccahan, deed., 1,3 lithe of the pan er and euthorits 3, , ted in Haul, 1, lII° Will Or .111 dee'd. mill I Ifier at publinsale at filo Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, On Saturday, 12th day of October, instant, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the folloo in g doses shed Real Fstate : 'fire Farm TIM? in tenure of Joh:till:0v Hardy. know knonu ay the 'lnlay Farm.' in lit tuivri.on ton nYhip. Huntingdon co.. nn the load biding to the Was m Springy. Tlik fm sus is composed of SsVetie. surreys containing altogether about 700 ACHES. and the greater pall of it Is covered 0 Mt val. noble white oak. lunch msk, hickory rind pine timber About MI acres nre In good cultivation. The implore. norms are a good log (Netting house and log tonna. A never lolling spring of good water conventent .to the buildings. Tins property wilt be sold as a shots, or In ski - swots tracts, us purchasers niny Terms will be novae known on the day of sale. JOHN CRESSIVIiI,L, .T. to\\t.Y AteCA Excentors of .rohn .3lcCahan, deed. Iluntingdon, Oct.l, 1001. HUNTINGDON COUNTS' 4th BRIGADE 14th DIVISION or P. V. ATT ENTION !- In pin Nuance of on order to mo directed by the Adpirant Dimond. X. M Biddle, all the Illicirde, Itegb mental and Company officers in Huntingdon vounty, of 4th lli ignite 14th Division P. V.. are hereby ordered to meet in Camp Criimatt. fully armed and equipped. at 10 o'clock. A. M., on Friday. the II th day of October, inst., for Inspectlim and Battalion drill. lot. All Captains trill bet (spiked to furnish rolls show ing the ninWer of commissioned and non-commissioned (officers musicians and pinnies of their respective COlllll.l tries present on parade, di signating the number of mech. 211. And the number of ouch company or cotnpunies absent front parade, 3d. The unifolm, pith their aims and equipments, in. spected. 4th. The number of uniforms belonging to each respec tie e company. sth. The urms and equipments in possession of each troop or company. A IID ALSO. In pursuance of an order to me tilt °clod by the Adju. tent tieneral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. by virtue of the Act of Assembly dated 18th day of Apt il, 1801, 1 hereby give notice that all commissioned officers of the 4th Brigade 14th Divielon P. V. not yet neonu in, rr ill mixt at the COlll t House In the boroogh of Hunting don. on Friday, the 11th day of October. inst., at 14 o'clock A. M., for the ;impose of taking the oath of allegiance to the State of Penusy.rania and the United States. It. C. NIcUILI, Brion].) Inspector. Belo me Issewroa's 07FICE, Alexentli is, Oct.l, 1801. f r.A.ND WINTER 4 ' ROBMRT NINE, COUNTY TREASURER. To the Voters of Huntingdon. county; 1 respectfully offer myself as a candidate fur the unite of Comity Tie,iiurer. Ilitolingdon, July 16, 1861 GENTLE3fENS' DRESS GOODS. I= Hill &red, one door west of Carmon's Store, =I Ills assortment Co nbi ht a of CLOTHS, PL4IN AND FANCY vitartwas, the nentest and best 0.4 leould Le f0111..1 .o the city, ell of 0 bleb lie will take plolomre In exhibiting, and tnnking np it. order. If 1,111.0. nothing to cull and examine Lie ge.l4. C4ll 1300)1. Ilptiting.lon Sept. 24, 1861.-310 ANT lil).—A llaster Al Ochanio to `'v carry on a Wheelwright shop already futniehedil. Apply to A. LkiWlti, • - 50;4.1305,31-at Mt. Union OLD MEN. TAKE NOTICE- That the undersigned are about raising a company of men over ferty.flve years of age, to put suatice of a call of the Governor of Pennsylvania, to serve as infantry for three years or during the ear, in the service of the United Suttee. All persons trim desire to Join this company will please re; ort themselves to either of the lindersi,sned JOHN FLENNER, Henderson tp. JACOB MILLER, Oneida tp. MATTHEW CAMPBELL, tiulon tp. Sept. 24, 1061. CLOTHE YOURSELVES! .21Tow is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN, Re. Tactfully Inform the public gonerally that ha has ju it received a large and well selected clock of tanhionable FALL AND w INTER, CLOTHING, to mdo, ho n91:1 the attention of all who etc in unnt of a neat and control table Cont. a Veat or a pair of Pants.— rock nfll bear examination. and tie re6p,truny requentx all to till and nee fur thennnives. Should gentlemen de , lro any luuhmular hind or cut id clothing not loom! in tho stock on lona by l e avi ng t h eir meamien they can be accuminudatcd at elitat notion. A loud Itxmoi (munt of BOUTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, LC., LC., will Mho be hum, on haul. All of uLfc6 wilt be sold on low. if not lower. thou the manic quality of gouda can be hod hi the county. . Coll at the cot ioer of the Diumnd, Long's new building UUTMA.N. Huntingdon, Sept. 19, 1861 WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLA 0 STILL WAVES. At Co a Run Shawn, and Newburg. SI3ION COHN has Just recessed nuns the Ensteln Cit ies, n huge nasal [molt of Dry GentA, &Wineries, QaCCIlsPcorL. /farritUare, Clothing, Bonnets, Shawls. Bias, Cape, Blots, Shnes, nod all other articles kept in countiy stores. which lie la (ales ingot his Mammalll Stores. at Coffee tine station rind Nees lng, at un u•n.dly lone pi ices. The lathes especially, ale Invited to call ninth eanillilla hies Fairy Goods. - - . ltaung arnuarements with huge firms iu Philadelphia anal other rabbet n cities. he is able to buy his goode Cheap. er than other (saintly meiehants. and can, coast qautitly. undersell them! In exclaruge fur good+, he takes all kinds or country produce at the highest cash places. liy strict attention to the wants of customers. he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with alai! he has been heretotbie favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., nt Coffee Run Sttion, and Is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. !lasing a 1..rg0 Wale Room, far mers can store lItL him mad ready to ship. Ever) . con venience %sill be afforded them. MIMMI CIILAY WATCHES! CHEAP WATCHES! ! TACOB LADO3I US, fq NO. 618. MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Ilan on hand and is constantly receiving large ussortnents of American. English, and Stoics Witches, which he mil sell at lower pikes than ever offered. J. L. would call pat ticular attention to the celebrated AMERICA.), WATCH, which fur nrcurary of time and dura bility, and less liability of getting out of order. is superi or to any other itopos led match, mad° at anything like the same cost. 3encirY. Slicer and Sitter Plated Ware, of all sty lea and indict no. ALSO— =ELM Cad, .ki7e, and Steel Spectacles, with Flares for all sights, a ith PATI.NT, 113 a ell as the old tat to triunes. All goods sold at toy are g ranted to lie es represented. and satisfaction gultran• teed to all )utellaset e, at NU. 018, Mat kit Street. Corner of Decatur. [Sept. 19, IS6o,—ly. OUTRAN'S COURT SALE.— Estat, r f Gco*ge 411cOrlim. dec'd.) 11 ill be expoied at public sale en the prennees, On Saturday, October 12th, 1861. the 'lowing real estate of George McCl um, late of the township of Bailee, deceased. to a it: All that certain tinct of land situate in the too nahip of Borneo. bounded 00 the smith by Lod of Joseph Forrest. err the neat try land of Rubel t li. Myton and Philip fibli• flitter; on the not th by lauds of Kobel t Moore'n heti g, or. the coat by lands of A. Bell and others, containing :133 nod altos, ranee, about 13n of a bleb ore clear ed, having thereon O. too slot y log house arid log liar n. Ac. 'VERMS OP SA LB.—ire halt of the purchase money to be paid on eolith motion aside, the other halt in one year the, eater with intere-t to be secured by tire bond end mortgage of the pm chaser. 11E0101E JOll SLACK, dept. 17. 1801.-St. Executors. NI/DITOIt'S NOTTCH. The undersigned Auditor to dißtihnte the money in the Molds of .lotto C Wntnon. High :duct dr sr !looting. don county. at iqitt,T, fin.] the sale of the Heal l'state 01 Abram hen is m it I ;Mewl to the dutier of his stonointne tit nt 1114 office in the borough of Huntingdon nit Ft itlar the lath Hetub, next. nt one o'clock. P. Si. All persons h tv. log climbupon said filloi or fri•etB Ore roquir.ll W pi e•ent them of Hint time to sold Auditor, .or be tot slur debut red from cowing ill on spud Wild. A. W. BENEDICT. Pept. 17.18111.-1 M A wittor. A UDITOWS NOTICE. (F lair of ,throlem Plowman. deed.l The mho signed Auditor to di +tribute tle. balance it the bands of John C Watson may', ing Executor of Abs trot Plowman de( . gill at tend to the duties of his ap I ,,nintnnomt. at. Ink office in the bon ough or Hon tingdon, or Saturnine. the 19th October et one o'clock P. it, Al' per. fins haring chain+ upon saint fluid or assets are retina,/ to present them at that I hop to said auditor, of be for ere &Anal red from coming in on s lid fund. A. W. I.lllNl`Dier. Sept. 17, Ism —tr. Auditor. I‘, Tl)'1'1(1E.- L Notice iq hereby given that lilt por4ens knaiving them.elvey 1., Bolen t iltimano Coffee Hon. either nli link ar•rount or otliern tal. ale requested to eOlllO fee %cm d 1101 make 9eltleinent, an he Inv •ed of W 4,11114 stork to IVilliatit tile, will lon caner eat ry nn 1.11.1. nese at Ilk 4,11.1 et and lit Ceffee Hon. Ile I C 1,3111111 Ills Mr :ilOlOll to hie add enstone., a+ a gentleman and a gond and iortect 1111111 111111 asaitrei them Om Oman fl. re ing hint p ith 0 call nill he .eiti.fietetily Thee , tilio irich to nettle their :lei:mints will find me at toy old stand at Coffee 'inn. Corirr. lit:N, Sept. 13,1561 AI)3IINismATOIt'S [Egatr of Ilinina Miliamxon. deed] Letters of Admintshotion uith annexri upon the estate or Ihrsin WtlhanNon de, 4. late of West tonsil• ship. having been photod to the uteler , tgne.l nll per•eopt honing chants op•a the suite e n Tie-tell to ple.Vilt theta In the 11111i•t signed, ninth nli persons hums tog them sel TVS Intlebtedunll make immediate pa, nv•nt. =I Rent tow ti , hip. Fept.l7, ISM.* T REES TREES ! TREES! I LIE undersigned ins ite attention to their• large and well groa is stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Eh rubs. Sr.. emin acing a large and complete assortment of APPLES. PEARS. PEA( fi Itt4. rI,I;MS, clt 1 11 11 ES. and NECTARINES, Standard for the Giuliani, and Dana' fur the g.irden. ENGLIsII WALNUTS, SPANISH OIIESTNUTs. zLuNuTo. RASPIIEIt 111 ES. MiA RUMS, cuit itANTs and coosmiciati Es In great satiety. Grapes of Choisest Kinds, Asparagus, Rhubarb, &o , &o. , Also n nue Stock of .0) NM) EQ. bush) EVERGREENS. suitable for the Cemetery mud lass a. DECIDUOUS TREES, for street planting . nod o general assortment of Ornamental Trees &Flowering Shrubs ROSES or choice variettee. CAMELLIAS, DI.DDING PLANTS, &c., 6e., &e. Our stock is remarkably thrifty and line, mud we offer it at price , . to colt the times. 4- - 24- Catalogues mailed to all applicants. Addiess, EDWARD .1. EVANS k CO., Central Nurseries, York, t'a. Sept. 12, 1R61.-Ow. UDITOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that the u n dersigned Auditor op. pointed by the Orponc Court. to dtoributo the money in the hands of Elias Musser, Admittistintor of the e.tate of Jl4lO Bally, Into 01.14ml:son too nship deceaned. will meet those Interested nt tho office of Wilson & Pettekin on Fri day thin 11th day of October next at 1 o'clock P. M. A. L, Auditor. Sept. 12th, 1861 D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of 115tffma Storm deed.] .eours of Atlitthibittation 1111011 the estate of William Stone, late of Hopea ell ton nship.doe'd..haNlng been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the estate are request...l to present them to the under signed. and all persons indebted will make Immediate pa) meut. J ACOB WEA VEIL WILLIAM STONE, Administrators. Hopewell, Pept.l7,lBGl—Gt! ELECTION, OCTOBER 8, 1861 To the Voters of Huntingdon county Teo undersigned respectfully offers himself as candidata fur the office of /Wyatt° Judge. ATTILEW CROWNOVEII. FASHIONS! IluuliugJop, July 16, 1661 COUNTY ''X'RtASUREI3, To the Voters of Huntingdon County I announce myself a Union Candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and solicit the support of thu voters of the county. NICHOLAS C. DECKER. Huntingdon, July 10,1001. C466I3TER ES, and COUNTY TRBASITRER. To the Voters of Huntingdon county Ftwitr ilruttie :—At the requOtt of my numerous ft lends I offer myself for your suffrages as au independent Candidate to Me office ot County Treasurer, nod elected I pledge tweet) to dircliarge Cho duties of .the °Mee with fidelity and impartiality. Groyntille, adp. 1.1651. TWYff (I. TAENDETt6. lIIGII PRICES DEFEATED ! NEW GOODS II NEW GOODS!! ROD 7 DUNCAN JOr.llU.t IVILLIAMSOsz. Administrator ASSOCIATE JUDGE 0. A51151.4.N MILLER PENHOD OATH THE COMMONWEALTH. R 0 C LAMATION.-NOTICE OF EHAL ELECTlON.—Pursuant to an act of the Gem eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Peunsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the Elections of this Com monwealth," approved the second day of July, 1830, 6, JOHN C, WATSON, High Sheliff of the county of Hun [Higdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give public notice to the electors of the coun ty atoresaid, that a General Election will be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the tad Tuesday, Omit Bth day) of October, 18b1, at which time District and County Officers as follows, will be elected. to wit; One person to fill the office of President Judge for the counties of Huntingdon, Blair mid Canibria. One person to till the office of member of the House of Heimeeentativ. a of Peonaylvattia. One won] to fill the office of Associate Judge of Hun tingdon oath ty. One person to fill the office of County Commissioner of Huntingdon County. one person to fill the office of Director of the Poor of Huntingdon county. Ono person to fill the office of Treasurer of Huntingdon county. Out; person to fill the office of Auditor of Huntingdon county. In pursuance of said act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid gel,. et al election in the set cad election districts %Ulan the said comity of Iluutiogdon, are on fullest e, to wit : Ist district. composed of tho too ithhip of Henderson, at the Union Schuul (louse. td disUiLt, composed of Dublin township. at Pleasant 11111 School noose, near Joseph Nelson's, in said township. 3d distj ict. composed of so a slats of Warriorsmark to‘ln ship, us is Hot included in the 13th district, at the school honor adjmuing the tool of Warriorninat k. 4th district. composed of the tuunslim of Hopewell, at Bough and heady Furnace. I,th dottier, composed of the township of Barret. at the house at James Livmptom In the town of Saeledimg, in said township. uth fiktlict, composed of the borough of Shilleyshorg, and all that plot of the township of :Shirley not included within the Inuits of Diet! ict too. 24. as het einattei men. tinned and desctibed, at the house of Dal id Finkel . , dtc'd, In Shit leysburg. th diem ict.compesed of Porter and port of Walker town ship. and 1,0 much of Wcot towifeddif as is included in the following boundmies, to wit: Beginning at the Boutimrest collier et' robins Cautruan's Mum on the honk of the Little Juniata river, to the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a not Um evtel ly duection to the most southerly t of the tom ou net by Michne/ Maguire, thence north 40 degrees went to the top of Tussoy's mountain to inter sect the line of Franklin township, thence along the said line to Little Juniata ricer, thence down the same to the place of beginning. at the public school house opposite the tio Mall Reformed Church, in the btu °ugh of Alexandria. bat dish ict, composed of the too uship of Fianklia, at the house of tiro. W. Mattes 0. in said township. sth district, composed of Tell township, at the Union school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said twp. lulls district, composed of Springfield township. at the school house, near Hugh Madden's. In said township. 11th disc let, composed of Union township, nt the school house, near Ezekiel Corbin's, in said township. 12th distEict, composed of Brady toss Mildp, at the Centre school house, In said township. 13th dish let, composed of Morris toss nship, at public school house No. 2, in said township. 14th district, composed of Its it part of West township not included in ith and 25 th MAI lag. at the public school house on the farm now owned by Mites Lewis, (formerly mss nod by James Ennis,) to said toe, nship. 13th district. composed of Walker township, at the house of Item:unto 31agally, in ACConnelistown. 16th district. composed of the toss nellip of Tod, at the Green school house, in said township. l'ith district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of Wm. D. Rankin, Warns Springs. lbth district, composed of Cromwell township, at the house now occupied by David Etssire, in Oibisoisia. 10th dusts let, composed of the borough of Birmingham, wills the several tracts of land near to and attached to the some, now owned and occupied by Thomas 31. Owens John K. 51cCalistn, Andiew Robeson, John Gensimer and \Vas. Genslmer, and the tract of land now toss nod by George and John olnsenbei ger, knots is ns the Porter tract, situate in the township of D'urrios3lllll2 he, nt the public school house in said borough. 20th district, composed of the township of Cass, at the public school house in Cassville, in Ilnid township. 21st district, composed of Hip township of Jackson, nt the ;subtle 11011Stl of Masud Lanes. at bleAleavy's Fort, in said toss lid diets let, composed of the township of Clay, at the public school house in Scottsville. 23d district. composed of the township of Penn, at the Public eshool 1101140 in 31arkissisurg. ill said toss uship. 21th distsict, composed and created as fol loss 5. his mit : That sill that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, 13 lug end being w ithin the following described boun daries, namely: beginning at the into' section of Union and Sidi ley township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township line for the distance of this e miles hum said riser; thence castwardly, by is sunigbt line, to this point where else/min home Mill to Gel ninny Salley, m . the summit of Sandy riilge; thence nortlia artily along the summit of Sanity ridge to the river, Juniata. awl thence up said river to the ;Mice of beginning, shall hereafter form a seperate election district; that the qualified voters of said election dish let shall hereafter hold their general and toss nship elvetions in the public school house in Mount Union, to said dish let 25th dbdrict. composed of the borough of Huntingdon at the Court House to said bin ough, Those louts of er and Poi ter township beginning at the eouthern end of the taidge act Ore the Juu t,t ht I nn or at the foot of 31ont goniery atteet. thence by the Juniata township line to the line 01 the Walker election diqiict, thence by the same to the cot 1101. of Porter tea nship nC the 'Woodcock Valley load neat tier 9 school house, thence by the line between Walker and Pont. to, whips, to the snun It Of the {Var. tier ridge, thence along said t lap. to the durtiatq ricer so as to ineltele the dwelling house ni 11 blinker's. now Fish er's old mill, tool thence down said river to the place of ',ginning,. be annexed to the ilminnedon 801 °ugh elec tion dist, at, and that tho biltabiLmts theteuf shall and may vote at all genetal elections. 2tah district. ColllpoSod 01 the borough of Petersburg and that part of 'feet towtl.ll,p. Most and not th of n line Lela ern Mulder . ..ll and 1% est towndops, at or near the IPnun L•pringl, to the ton ii•ltip hue on the top nut Tusse)'s mountain. so as to Include in tho new db,triet the 1101Ier5 Of id Wald•mith Jacob Longenecker. Thos. thin., James POl ten. and .10 1 / 1 1 11 WI, at the school house, in the Inomigh I f Petelsbut g. 27th di,trict.comp,ed ut Juniata township, nt the house of John Poightal, on the lands of Henry Isenbeig. 2Stli distliet, composed of Callanu tounship, recently elected out of a pa. t of the ten ritory of Ted ton midi% to a it : commencing , at a Che.,tunt talk, an the Summit race mountain. at the II opessell tour-hip line opposite the dis (sling ridge, in the Lath, valley; thence south fifry-two degrees. cast ti nee hundred and silty pet elms, to a stone heap on the IPesl,:rit Summit of Bs and Top mountain; thence north size-seven degrees, east three Moulted and to vivo perches, ton Yellow Pine; thence south fifty-too degrees, east seven imitated and seventy-two perches. to a Chestnut Oak: theme south roprteen deg, ecs, east three besotted and lift).oue vetches. to a Chestnut at the east end of Ilene) S. illeen's land; thence south tint ty-one and halt' degrees, east two hundred and ninetr.toor perches. ton Cite-dnitt Oak on the summit or ft spot of Broad Top, on the svcstei 0 side of Jule Tetras faun; south sixty e stogies, 1....1 11i111, 111110 red and tint t)-loser perches. to a stone heap on the (lay township line. at the Broad Top City Hotel. held by Jos. Mot riot In taid too mum,. al.o matse loam n and glee notice. as in and by the 13th section of the oho esahl act I on, eltrectcd.- that every per somex,:epting justmes of the peace. oleo shall bold any °Bice or appientnient of profit or tin-4 under the govern ment 01 the United States, or of this state. or of tiny city 01 em posted list, let, n heftier a commissioned officer or egent, who is or shall .41 under . under the lents:Anse. xecutive or judicial) , department of this State. or of the United States. or of any city ur incorporated diets let, and ales, that every menibm of Conga eel. and of the State Legi-lature, and of the select or COllllllOll COIIIICII of any ett). commissioners of any incur pirated district, is by lan totapahle of holding or exercising at the saino time. the onice or appointment sit judge. Immeetor or clerk of any election or this Commonwealth. a n d that no inspector or judge, or other Lacer of any such election shall be eligible to soy Mime to be tllOll anted for." Aloe, that to the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, en titled "An Act relating to executions and for other purpc. se,"appioved Apt it I( 0(.1)40. it to enacted that the of lath section -shall nut be so construed as to prevent any 0111010 or hmough officer from serving as judge, or in spector ur clerk• of any general or special election in this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the pros Wons canhnined iu the 07th section of the act ofwend the Jadgre of the aforesaid *inlets shall respectively take charge of the emtificate Or return of the cloclbm of their I voyetiro (Usti lots, and produce Iltzin at a (fleeting of ono of the judges from each district at the Count House, in the borough of Huntingdon. en the third day after the day of election, being Ihr the present year on Fifthly, the 11th of October next, then and there to do Rod pertain the duties required by law of said judges. Also. that where ajedge by sickness or unavoidable seed dent. is unable to attend said meeting of judges. then the certificate ur return ace esaid shall be taken in charge by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of sold dis trict, and sleuth do and perform the duties requited of said Judge unable to attend. Also, that In the 61st section of said Oct It Is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened between the bourn of eight and ten to the forenoon. and shall continue ulthout interruption or adjournment until seven o'cllt. In the eyening.when the polls shall be closed." GIVEN under my bond. at Huntingdon, the 12th day of Sep. [ember, A. 11.1161, and of the Independence of the Uni ted States, the eighty.ffith. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S Omen, ITunti nydon, Sept. 17, '6l. J . 4t. TE ACH ER'S EXAMINATIONS. Directors and teachers throughout the county aro her eby notified that the public examinations for the pres ent tear oil! bo held by tho undersigned in the several districts, a' indicated in the Mooing table: Went township, Sept. 3d., at Shavers Creek Bridge. Barree twp., Sept., 4th, at Manlier Hill. Jackson twp. Sept. sth, at MeAlevy's Fort. IVai iia littvp., Sept. 7th, at Birmingham. Walker loop.. Sept. Oth. at McConnelistown. Brady twp , Sept. 10th, at Mill Creek. Union twp.. Sept. llth, at Mapleton. Henderson top., Sept. 12.1, at Union S. H. Oneida twp., Sept. 13th. at Centro Union S. IL Joulata twp., Sept. 14th. at Bell Crown S. It. Fenn top., Sept. loth. at Marklesburg. Carbon Rep., Sept 1711,. at Coalmont. Tod twp.. Sept. 10th, at Newberg. Hopewell twp , Sept. 21st, at Coffee Run. Shirley itz Shirleystiurg twp , Sept. 24th, at Shirleyaburg. Cronies ell top., 25th. at Oa bisonia. Dublin twp. Sept. 26th. at Shade Clap. Tell top , Sept. 57th, at T, Lane S. 11. Springfield top., Oct. let. nt Meadow Gap S. U. Clay top.. Oct. 2d. at Scottsville. Coes k Cassville Oct. 411,, at Caseville. The examinations will commence at 0 o'clock. Tench ere and direetora are requested to be ne punctual ne pose! K. 31eDIV11.1', Co. Supt. Hunt biotin. July 30, 1801. NOTiCE TO TAX COLLECTORS. The urgent necessity for money to pay the Camillo; of Bo!diets in the Rutty and for the cat rent expentees of the county tequilas that 3 on collect and pay to the Tremmrer Inunediately In at hole. or In part the amount of your du. plicates. All collectotm for 1800. and previous years, are hereby notified that they can he no longer indelged. All eollectora for 1860 oho have not had their esnounentione xlll apply for them at the ColllfilitediilletW Office on the Zid hat. Alter that date judgments will be entered and executions Nina J. FLIZTNER. M. F. CA NI Pit ELL }Commis's. JUAN CUM3IINS. September. LI. 1861. Q REMIT'S SALE.—By virtue of a ki writ of Vend. Exponi to me directed, I will expose to pubic Bale or outcry. at the Court lion. In the borough of Huntingdon, on WEDNESDAY, tho2.sth day of Seldom. ber, 10b1, ut 2 o'clock, P. kb, the following deacribed real eget°, to wit Defendant's right, title and interest in and to ono lot of g round Wont° In the Ilmongli of Shirley. burg, being ho. In in the pion of sold town, boutaled on Otto north by the Presbyterian church lot. fronting on Main sheet 58 feet, and extending back 140 feat to an al. ley. having thereon erected to two story brick bilibllng with storm basement, known at the Juniata Academy.— Seized, vtken in execution, nod to ho Bold as the property of lienry Miller. JOgrr CAVATSON - - I .I3 BARiZe O - O, PC t . • itnntiridon, Sept. 10. MI: I MILITARY BOOKS. CAVALRY TACTICS, [A UTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, U. S. A, Just published and for sale nt LEWIS. BOON STORE.— Complete lu one yulunie. Price SLOP. UNITED STATES INFANTRY . TACTICS. For the instruction. exercise, and manoeuvres of the United Staten Infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light I nfantry. and Rifle• men, prepared under the din ct inn of the War Depot talent. and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War. May let. 1961. con tain-,s yy log the school of the soldier ; the school of the 'Y O company; Instruction for skit midis.. and the genend calls ; the calls for skirmishers, and the school of the battalion; Including the articles ca war and n dictionary of [tautly terms. Complete in one volatile. Price $1.25. For sale at Loans' Bask Store. LEM THE HANDY BOOK FOR TIM UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into service: containing a complete system of instruction in the :cliool of tho Soldier. with it prelimina ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Pantile, the Position id tile officers. ac.. Sic.. being a first book or introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub lished. Price 26 cont. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE AL 0, Ilardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete In 2 vole. Prise $1.50. For sale at • I,BNYIS. BOOK STORE. The lho?lts sent by mail to any address on the re crlpt of tint tn Ilunti4dou May 28,1.501. TRUSTEE'S SALE of REAL ES TATE. TRUSTEE'S undersigned Trustee, appointed by the Court to sell the Real Eh,RIO of Jacob Curfnion. late of the borough of Cossville. deceased, %ill expose to Public Salo, n the plc:wises, in Cass township, Huntingdon county, Pa., on Friday, Ist November, 1861, The following Mal Estate, to wit: One good farm con taining 172 acres, mule or leso, nod bounded by lands of Philip Curfman on the north. Conrad Coltman and Chris.. lion Miller on the south, and James Henderson on the east; having about 110 an es cleared and in good state of cultivation, upon which are the following. lancing many other improvements: A two story log house, a double log barn with a glad granary attached, 2 excellent apple orchards, and a saw-mill with line water power. The ham is well supplied with never failing springs, and lime show is ebundant. This property is but two miles front Cassville. and twelve miles ft om the Pentosyl. labia Inwood at Mill Creek. It is admirably adapted to the raising of stock. and commands a good home market. possession will be given on the Ist of April, 1862. Also, on the premises, in the borough of Camillo, On Saturday. 2d day of November 1861, The following additional property. to wit: Two lots of ground fronting on Main street In feet, and extending back 164) feet ton street; raid lots adjoining each other, and bounded by Main street on the east, on the north by an alley, and on the smith by lot belonging to the heirs of Je,se Wright; haring on then: a good twrsstory lug ocather•boarded house, with a kichott, wood house, gran. ary, stable and spring. Also: At the same time, four other lots, adjoining each other and containing about half on acre each, fronting on Mein attest. oat bout:dud on the north by lot of Elizabeth Curfmen, on the stalk by lot of Caleb Swope's heirs, and on tho east by, monntain sinvey. These are all desirable lots. P05.2C.91011 will ho given on, confirmation of solo. nln w.ll colotnence e.tch day nt 10 o'clock, A. M TERMS, OF SALlit—Otte third of the purchrem money to be paid on confirmation of bale, one third in one year, with into cot. and the reunite at the death of the widow of decedent, with in toe ent thereon to he void to the eeidow annually amd regnlat ly during her udtural life, to he sc. cored by the tondo and mortglige of the purchaser, For any Muller information couceluitip, tho above pretate., apply to LEWIS STEVER. Truntao, Ituntingdou Co., Pa , Septembor 3, 1861 -lin. ."THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada, UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. JO"- This hotel is central, convenient by Passenger Cars to all parte of the City, and in every pat LICIIIHr adap ted to the comfort viol name of the business public. Terms, $1.50 per day. '&2O. Sept. 10. 1861.-Iy. A . uIIITOR'S NOTICE.— _h . . The nndertligned Auditor appointed by the Court, to diViibute the money in the lusts of John C. Watann. lsq., t.ll..rilT. arising limn the entle of the Real Khtele of Ito-an:nth Werefield. sill meet the paetit s Intel oited. at the office ..f Blair 5. Speer. on Prlday. 4th October, proxtmo, at 10 o'clock. A. 31. It. 3111. TUN SPEER, llmatingdon, Sept.l.o, Auditor. urnoig ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOS STORE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, I'lll LAUF,LPIIIA• A B. nevarlit I t,!, ion established by special Endowment. for the Relief sf lime Sick and Daslrts.,ed. affiteled with llrulent and Aptdetatc Diseases. and espectully for the Cure e! the Sexual 0) gaus. . Medical Ant ire green gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter. n ith n dee cription nil their condi tion. (ago, occupation. habits of lire, Ac ,) and in cases of estivate lit, pro. Medicieut furne,lted free of charge. Valuable Repot tv en ,per maim Berea. and other Disrmas of the Sexual .114.103.1,nd Oil the new Remedies employ Cu in the DifileillS.lo •011 - t to the /IMieled it, Bellied letter en fret. charge. 'fun et th tee Stamps fur posing* sent hu acceptable. lII{. J. :MILLEN lIOUGUTON. Acting Sur 1101111111 APsOCIRIIOII. NO. 2 South Ninth cztrent,Pbil adulphia, to. fly ord.•r of the Dhectord. V.ZRA D. lIAILTWELL, Prcsidcie. MM. FAIRCHILD, 4cettury. Dec. 19,1560.-13.. FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS. JMIN FARETRA, IF. ARCH Stteet. brtneen 7th and Sth Sts ;ate of 518 Market SY.,) Philadelphia. Inporter S Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds FANCY FURS. for La zne Nissan' and ell ron's Wear. Haring now ninnufae [lied and in store nay tom -1 largo and loantifal at ortmen t of all tlio various Wee and qualitioe of U RS, adapted to the com m. Fall and Winter Soll ins. 1 amid reveclinly, my stock and pi ices hem those intending to purchase, a 3 I em enabled to offer them very flesh able inducements. All my Furs have been ptt,roha•ed for cash, and made by expel toured and compete& hands, and us the present monetary Ii °Oleg render it neee-isaiy that I should dis pose of my goods at very small advance on cost. I am satisfied that it will ho to the interests of those who design pin chasing, to give mo a call. .47- Recollect, the name. number nnd street: John Fa tells, (Now Fur Store.) 718 At Street. Philadelphia. piPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Trartug Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper, Driatol Beard, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Fsiged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plato and Fancy Not,' Paper. White nod Colored Cnrd Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. CIIEGARAV INSTITUTE. 1527 and 15d9 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institute conducted for two years past, in this city, by %DASH ellErl'illAT end her niece Mans= IP ['Metal( ' upon the same principles as the one to New York. estab lished there in tho year 1814, mill re-open on Monday, Sept.l6th, with its noun) ample and complete provision for the education of Young Ladies, under the direction of Madame D'llerrilly. Cin niers, and all requisite Inform... lion, can be obtained on application to tho Principal August 13, 18tIL-3m. I WANT MONEY, The subscriber retreats nil persons Indebted to hint, to give him n call before the dole of the month, as he must have money before ho goes to the city. LEVI NTESTBILOOK. Huntingdon, Sept. 10, 1861.—1 t. FRANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, PropriotOr The citizens of the county. and strangers and travrle•s generally. xiii find comfortable accommodations at this honer. Giro 113 4 trial. (April 4, 1860.1 1 - IXCIIA.NGE HOTEL, 1 4 4 lIIMINGDObf, CA., ,NEAR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor Iluntingdm, Ain il 10, 1861. WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for sale at LEWIS' 600 STORE LIQUORS, of the hest; for Modioima purpoßea at 6, S. SMITH'S. fIOAL BUCKETS (6ad Shoyelvr, fmr EaTo by 7 AMIN A. IiI.RCIA'N F OR EVERYBODY, On HOZ &rat oppolitc Oarawn's ..51.0re; lIIE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CUOCOLATR, - - FLOUR, FISH . , SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO. SPICES OF ME BEST, AND AR KINDS, and every other article usually found In a Grocery Gana Drugs, Chemfettle, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes. Oils and Bpte. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol. Glass scat Putty. BEST WINE and BRANDY fur medical purpose.. ALL, THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, - and a large number of articles too numerous to mentloo, The public generally will please call stud examine for themselves and Bain my prices. Huntingdon, May 25,1858, EEO SOUND ON TUN BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK Him Just opened the best assort ment of Goal• in his Ilno, over brought to fluntingdon. Ilia stock of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Gentlelta man, Misses, Boys and Children, comprises all the latest fasluons, and manufactured of the best ma terials. Also, n fine assortment of SLATS for men, Boys and Children. HOSE in great variety for Gentle men, Ladles. Shoes and Children. CARPET BAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, FANS, Ix., &c. ALSO, SOLR.LEATTIER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LASTS and SIME-FINDINGS generally. Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the same le respectfully solicited. N. 13.—Boots and Shoes for Ladles and gentlemen, re paired and made to order. Huntingdon, April 24, 1861] BOOTS k SHOES ! ANEW STOCK. FOR --- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. UST RECEIVED AT LEVI. WESTBROOK'S STORE. All in want of Boon, and Blume, for old or young, ar• requeeted to call and examine my stock. L. WESTBROOK, Huntingdon, May 3,1861. GWIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM April 10,1861. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, 1861_ 1801=. CLOTHING, -11- e ROMAN. ILL E 'tV CLOTHING FOR .‘S".PRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED AS IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of thobeßt material, and mad* In the best workmanlike manner, call at IL ROMAN'S, opposite thn Franklin Home in Market Square. Hunting. don. [April 2, 1261.] N FOR NEWT BOOK R S SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TIIE HOUSE: A NEW Palm MANUAL of Rural Architec ture; or, How to Build Dwellings, Barns, Stables, and Out Duelling,: of all kinds. With a Chapter on Churches and School-Mouses. Price, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A NEW Poczer DANuAr. of Practices' Hor ticulture; or, Ili w to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and flowers. With a Chapter on Ont.:mental Trees out Slit übs. l'i Ice, 50 cents. THE FARM: A NEW POCKFT St ages, of Practical. Agri culture; or, Mow to Cultivate all the Field Crops. with nu Essay on Farm Management, ete. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NEW Pocxra MANott. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep IfunbandrY; or, Mow to Breed and Bear the Various Tenants of the Barn-yard, ote., eta Price. 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A KEW Pocxrs Mstruu. of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquit fog a Grammati cal Style, end snore then Floe Unwired Common Mis takes Col reeled. Price, 60 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A NEW POCKET MANAUL of Republi can Etiquette, and Guido to Correct Pessonal Habib; with Mules for Debating SoCietieti and Detiberatlvo As semblies, etc. Pike, 60 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A New Poem MANUAL of Pic:Weal Affairs and Guido to success in Life; uith a Collection of Bushiest, Forms. and a Dictionary of Com- Imelda' Terms, etc. Pa Ice, 50 cents. I!o==d=l pHILADELPHIA AND .READING 11411 ROAD. - ON AND AFTER m 4 a - 28th, 1860 Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg Daily, (Stindays excepted,) at 8.00 A. Sl. s and 1.15 P. M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.25 P. AL, and 0.15 P. U. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. DI., and 9.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 8.30 P. 81. Fares; To Philadelphia, No. 1 Care, V 3,25; N 0.2 (la crams train, $2.70) Fares: To Reading, $l.OO and $1.30 At Reading. ..moot with irking for Pottsville, Miners villa. Tamaqua. Catamissa, do Four trains leave Reading 'for Philinlolphia daily, At 4 A. 31., 10 45 A. M., 12.30 050 h and 3.43 P. al. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A.5(.,1.00 P.M., 3.30 P. M., and 5.00 T. H. Fares: Rending to Phliatldlphio, $1.75 and $1.45. Tlio morning train from Harrisburg connects nt Rending with up train for itilikesbkrre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and'dther information apply to J. J. CLYDE, 'eenerat Agent. Jul, 18, 1861 G ROCERIES! GROCERIES It A FRESH ARRIVAL ALL ins STOCK IS ERESII AND PAM& 47 . 310:M t THE CYTHARA—The tlr-":, • Presbyterian Psalmodist—Tim C" , Shawn—Thelubilee.-11unten'sand Ret nni's enlarged and Unmoved iustitietors—Welland's :sew and Improved Molhod for die Guimr—Lebind's'Accor deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—lVinner's and lloyo's Violin Instroctore—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor-116r loweg• PiannForte Primer—do. Thurough-Baso Primer,- Hop o's Drawing Room Vonees—Tbe Chorus Olen Boa— Tal.l's Darr, for sal° st. LEWIS' ROUE, bTATIONERY 4 SIDSIO STORE.' p" IsToLs ! PISTOLS <i - , . ... colt's, Sharps', smith & Wesson's, and all improved patterns of Revolvers. Pistols, Cartridges ' Rawls , Knives, &r. Lc., for sale at the Ilardaare Store of VU OS A. BROWN. - gap tipgdon. re— Hay 21,1861 STI.I TAIO ER Y find JEW E 1. 17 R PACKAGES, For sale to Agents and dealers at very reduced rat put up in variety onvelopps t For, further infornaktlon Addreed COLEgAN & CO„ rel , atfind 0 2 Chiglnt V.e.,1141s .• t., .runs 4. ,7 ofrt TRY IRE NEW STOZE, S. S. SUITII A LARGE STOCK AND JUST RECEIVED , LEWIS' BOOK STORE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHRIST. LONG'S C..4.L_L AND SEE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers