ATTENTION ! 'grout able bodied men wishing to eurro their country, mill liar° an opportunity to do so II calling on Lieut. James Campbell, at the 3i:change Hotel. In -Iliintingilun. 13. F. 3111,1.131%. Iluntingdon July 31,1861-.2t. ELECTION, OCTOBER 8, 1861 ILBSOCIATEI JUDGE. To the Voters of Huntingdon county: The undersigned respec:fufl3 offers himself es caudidnte tor Ow office of Astecitte Judge. 3IATTIIEW OVEQ. Huntingdon, July 16,1861. COUNTY TREASURER. To the Voters of Huntingdon county : 1 respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the office of County Trmuarer. llutiting,Jon, July 16 1161, G. ASIIMAN MILLER COUNTY TREASURER. To the independent Voters of Hunting don County: .1 offer my moll to the independent loter, of the county. as an uncondiliounl Union candidate for Triwurer. If elected, I pledge Ins self to diewharge the duties of the .1. Ilse honestly and faithfully. I appeal to no party, het to the people for support. Huntingdon, Ju4 ,10,1861 COUNTY TREASURER, To the Voters of Huntingdon County TIC rny 9VI a nieu Cnialidato for the office of voliuty Treasurer, and solicit the suppoi t of the voters of . . EM2EM=H tho county. Huntingdon, July 1861 COUNTY TREASURER. To the Voters of Huntingdon county FFLLOW eITIZENNI-L-At the request of my 111litierefi4 blends I afro' ruy+elf for your nultrages at an infhpondent (o udidate fur the office of (booty Treasurer. fend tro,Tted I pledge In 3 self to di,ltnrge the duties or the °like ssith fnlrlity and impartinlity. Gray bville, Aug. I, IS6I. TRO'S G. IS! mut; rrEACHEIVS EXAMINATIONS. 1 Directors and leachers throughout The county are hereby notified Stint the public exdationtious for the pi es eut year Mill be hold by the utaleerigned in the several clktricts, as indicated in the fallowing talk•: rtatiLlin township. Aug. 221 at Meehaniessille. Mortis twp., Aug. 13J. at Spruce Creek. Porter and Alexandria cups., Aug. 24th. at Alexandria. The exatninations nil! commence at 9 o'clock. Teach Cr! and directors are requested to Le as punctiod n. poSSI IIeOLVITT, Co. Supt. Illintiugd,un, July Z3l, 1361 PIIILADELPIIIA MARKETS. Ang .$4,500.5.271 ..$1067.75 53.110 $2. 2) 41,12g1,13 Fancy awl Vitra Family Flour. Common and .t.upet lute By, Flour Corn Meal... Exti a White Wheat Fair and h into Ileal llyr Corn, prime ............ .... (late l'loNer.a,l,l+ wtbs Tiltkutlis CORRECTED WEEKLY Extra Family hour V tail Ilsira do v cußat WMT a Wheat SS hme 11~e 00111 oot-i Clorerseed }leaned 111ried Apples Thal rt. .. Egg, Lord - lamJ shoulder . 'follow. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1100 K, STATION/MY it. MUSIC STNIE, PL OSGOOD'S Spell,. lot. 2d. :Id, 4th and rah lt,aderr. IfI'OUFFI.IV'S *Pifer and 'leaden., (old and new colitiou4.) SANDl:it'd do do do WAN'S do do do (MID'S 4.1 do do W. Ides Norio.d Roder, No. 1. I.:mereotio lhaderx. Towtem Spelh•r nod Delitter, Odd RIM new editions.) Scholar'. Contrail ion. Smith's. Mailmen, 'Drown'. and Towtee Grammars. Fitcles Ph 3 ...len' Geography. Mitehrll'e. 31nutting nod MeNally'rlll...ographies & AtlnFe. Weblike, and Worceater's Quark.hon' FirBt 11,,R0n9 lu Comp... Mon. Vnackenbo'fi rollll.oliiiOn and mwtoric. Greeut.r,:3lthitirliNril, SWllll . l4,COthIll WE anti Itay'a Arithmetic', Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenlears and Stmt. Key to Arithmetic.. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf 's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosopl y. Pam Lees First Lessons itt Natural Philomphy. Parker's Pliihxophy. Upham 's Mental Iligory of the United State., Berard'. - • • . Goodriclin " Payson. Dunton and Scribner 's Pensuandtip, In oleic(' number.. Academical, Controllers and other Copy Books. Elements of Map Thawing. with phut for sketching inane by triangulation and improved methods of m mection. Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Darks' Legendry's Geometry. Fulton k Eastman's Book-keeping. Bonk Keeping br Stngle Entry, by Ilannford k Parton Hook Keeping b 3 Single and Double Entry, by itanaford.t I`.4yea'n. Oilier books sill Int Addell and furnished to order. A full stork of School Stationery always on howl. Huntingdon. Pa. SONGS AND BALLADS, Szkl., The Gentle Annie Melodist, The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Song Book, NO, 2, Tltc Di,nc Song Book, .n. 3, The Dime Song Book, Ku. 4, The Dime Soup Boo!., Ao. 5, The Dime Song Book, Xo. 6 The DIM Leiter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, The Dime Speaker, The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For sale at Loins' Boot% STAT:ONVII" AND MV.SIC 5.1'01* . I. VLEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- IWO Elt C. McGill', manufacturer of all kinds of outings, forge and rolling mill. grist and sawmill, thresh bog machine, alial and sleigh soles, wagon hoses, nth,. of various:kinds, kettles, plough shears to snit sli kinds of ploughs; also, car whet!, and railroad work, and tins a now and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that have coed them. I will keep all kinds of plough mberirs and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher & ISleMor trie's, Huntingdon. and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will fill all orders promptly. The farmers will save -money by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at the foundry head-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and hooker, taken in exchange.— I`ring tire pay and wove ten per cent. tclexandaa. )(arch 70860. VOW d t FLOES ANEW STOCK. LADLES AND - GENTLE-WEN-. UST RECEIVED LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE, All to c nut of not and Shoos. for old or young. arc requestod to all and examine ;ay stock. L. WESTBROOK. Iluntingdop,,)jay 5.1861 T)EADY RECKONER. J A complete °eke! Beady 'Reektioner. donne. am c. ovum, to which are Wed forms of et .W 4, 1 11110. ite ceittee, Petitions, 1.0., ter,eiber with 0 set of useful WWx containing rate of inkiest lamp One dollar to twelve dme , and, by the single Any; with A tabio of wngea, 11114 bona „ by the Week and dAy, published in 1850. .For sale nt. BOOK STORE. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, (DC., : . and BAILEY'S FIXTURES. A harelsoine nasortmclit Ju.t received and for mar at LEIS'S' ROOK. STATIONERY & MOO' STORE i pALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of nwrmAN & CA., kf ynit vital a good article ui &ore room in Lougee flow building, In the Die nand, Hun tiu2d^.l4. ,err. 9 RPHANS' COURT SALE.- _n pun nuance of nu ardor of the Orphans' Court of Hon. tingdou county, tho undersigned, Administrator of the EstAto of Dash' Mountain, late of Hopewell township, deed., x ill e 1.110.50 to ReAdle Sato, on FRIDAY, Anglia 9th,1601, at If, o'clock, A. M., tine following described reel eqate, viz:—The Mansion Tract of said deceased. containing about 80 acres • all cleared but seven nem:. The improve ments are a good two story dwelling house, Ivith base ment, double log barn and other outbuildings, together with a tine lot of fruit trees. The land is in a good stole of cultivation. This fat mle one of the boot inn the Ingaillty, being partly river bottom. It is bounded on the east by the Jruniata River, on the Boutin by John and George Berk et resser, and on tine north and west by Jacob 11 - e.nver. Also, inn connection with and us part of tine Mansion Farm, ono other tntct of Timber Land, containing 60 acres more or less. adjoining Juniata River on the east, Jaroln Wenver on the south, J. T Shirley k Bro. on the west, and Patterson on the north. This land ties within one mile of the Mansion tract, is well timbered and the two paresis mike a very desirable property. TERMS OF SALE—One-third of the purchase money to ho paid on confirmation of the sale, and tine I avid. inn tw 0 equal awed payments thereafter, with Ono intereit, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of tine punims or. mull:, Job 23, ISM. Adminktrotor. A GRICULTURAL SOCIETY.— A regular annual meeting of the Huntingdon County Agricultowal Society, v. ill be held inn One Court House, on 7u.4.1ay evening, of the August Court, (13th prox.) 111 addition to the regular lan.inaws connected with the So. fiery, the folloulng committees appointed at the luht meet ing are expected to report on rho dalfcrent subjects as signed them, viz.: 'fist and most economical fence for the liuutingdou con nty farmers—Johu S. Isett, T. H. Creme'. and 11a), Hamilton Eons., wunnittue. Best method of improt mg the le col of cattle inn this county—Geo. Jack sou, Eel., (of Jackson,) Maj. Wm. Moore and John Ithmles committee. Beet method of lemming tine bleed of sheet , —3lO. Wm. Moore, David Rupert mot Elisha Shoemaker &nominee. Comtnitt‘v on prentium..,—U. Miller Jacob Miller, Thema. Fisher, A. W. Benedict end Ilan id Dune. By order of the society, It. McDIVITI', J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Huntingdon July 23, 1601. MUin= T wEicIISELBAU M, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST tI • FROM PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the clam. of lIUNT/NUDON and vieimt.2,. that he has opened a 110031 at the Finnklin Hume, where he offera fur sale SPECTACLES, or OVERT VARIETY, :ADD. SOD n1.1.1i, A new invention Of Spectacles, for distant or do, reading, milt gold, sliver, steel, and tortobie4.lloll frames, and n now and improt owl as,ortment or ',Trifocal and parabola ground flint Glabses, of his on n nu 1111 l facture. . - lie would pat Ocularly the attention of the public, to his Spectacles for NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, and fur persons alio have been operated upon for the cataract of the eye, and to lIIS new kind of Glasses and Conservers of the sight, made of the best flint and azure illasse..— Good Glasses may he knees by their shape, exact mho. shin p and highly polished surface. The qualities are to be found In his Glasses. lIIGOLT letPoRTA\TI The very best URA LLTAN P ERMA: and MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL:4o AlltiVelsall) proved to he tin superior to any other Gt.,. Also, Thcnoscaris, Ser AND QUIZZING GLAS , ED Of every size and quality; Tta.recorr.s, MsoNirrno AND °PARA GIASSI.9. as ith dilfei cut pea ere, together \Valli every van iety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. Ga-Orricti.. and other liettriiments and Glasses, care fully repaired at short notice. Ire can ale ays select Glasses to suit the vision of the person, us he sees them, upon the first trial. .e 7 6 - 1 10 a ill remain in this place during Angust Court, FIRST WEEK. and those in want of the abate articles, will please giro bun is Sr. Ile alit. if required, go to any respectable house where his services may be wanted. ~. 4.511(34 ia $2,750 2 Si it The very best 11YEAVATlilt and the hest Hunting Glases olo,*s fomule. [July. 23. MGM QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of 1,3 sundry writs of Vend. Exp. Ft. Fa. and Leo. Fn. to ma din eeted. I u ill expose to public tale or outcry. at the Court Ilou.e, in the borough al Duni ingdou, on MONDAY. the 12th day of August, 1861, at 2 o'clock, P. 31., the 1011.% l.% iug dens ibed rend estate, to wit: 4 . 075 .3,00 -110 -1,00 No I.—A tract of land in Cromwell town ship. consisting of parts of several surveys, tbrongh n Melt Black Log creek runs, adjoining land of belt, Wigton A Co., and Black Log mountain on the south and east land Left, occupied by Benj. Heck. designated no No d, In this levy, and land of Wm. Orhison's twits on the nest. and land of Defendant. occupied by Benjamin Long. denig nand as No 2 in thin levy, on the not th, containing 21,0 acres be the Name more or Its., of nide'. about 150 times are cleared, has Ng thereon erected a stone grist mill, blast Furnace caned " Winchebter Furnace," a large stone dwelling hoax•, a coal house, non used as a barn. a frame barn painted an bite, Is carriage house, and thirteen leg houses, with other buildings usually connected nith n fat• Dace, together with the st Ater passer connected therewith. the same consisting of part of a tract oat ranted in the name of William Clittinhms, and part of the Black Log tract, awl part of the ltlehard Ashman tract, No 2.—A tract of laud In Ciontu ell tosrmildp. non• oc cupied by Benjamin Long, adjoining Not In thin levy, on the south, land of William Orbioon's heirs on the west, bait, Wigton & Co., on the north. and the Henrietta Cromwell tract. on the east. containing 120 acres he the same, tutors or less, of which about. 85 acres are cleated. having a log house and log barn then eon, being a part of the Bedford and Chantlxits ttacts, and having an me hank thereon. No 3.—A tract of land on Black big mountain, In Cromuell Gal whip. adjoirring Nos 1 and' 2 in thig levy, on the NI cat, contouring lan aerert more or /en , . being the OM half at n t met burs eyed on a umlaut, in the nom of nom tote Cromwell. No 4.--,-..i.taact oLinttil Ciontwell township, adjoi nin g 0 in this levy, on the east, JaftWrelllols vu rn.veew e, land of ltenjninin Beery, on the .rest, Emil or Tbonin, nod Wm 1' tlibison, and the heirs of Wm Orbinon ' on the not Ili, containing 180 acres or thereabouts, of whiell about 1.0 acres are elenred, tinning two log bionics nod n log barn then con. being I.OW occupied by Benjamin heck anti Winn s, and inlYl,lg nn ore hank (beacon. No 5.—A parcel of laud in Ca unwell township, nt the head of the mill Ilion connected mall the mill, and so de ibed in No 1 in this let y. adjoining land of Stintnel (hove, Clasen Cliiggare's heirs, and !sett. Wigton & Co., containing 10 acres more or less, of a Lich about 0 acres are cleared. • No O.—A. tract of !Gage land 'unimproved In Cromwell township, adjoining land of Andrew M'Clure on the north, Daniel thank on 00 west. 7hnnnaa }: OrbJoon en tine south, and Bodge. on the east, containing about 50 acres, being part of a tract surleyed in the name of Thos Bond. NO 7.—A tract or parcel of land in Cromwell tawnohlp, adjoining laud of but Id Mitre on the north, land of lan tt. Wigton A. Co. on the north and cast, and George bipee on the east. containing about 75 acres, being part or the Joseph Grubb survey. No S.—A tract or parcel of land In Cromwell tow adjoining Joshua Johns on the north, Frederick lILTDIOII on the east. Sannhel Bolinger on the south. and tacit, Wig ton A. Co. on tine west, containing about 140 acres unbo rn'', cd. No I.—A tract of land on JaclA mountain in Cromwell tom nship, Adjoining land late of .loin BrcWstev mint others, cattaining About 000 acres, of which about 35 acres /1113 deal - 01011th a home thereon, occupied by Andrew Mc- Connally. No 10.—A tract of laud in Cromwell township, now oc cupied by Andrew Banks, adjoining land occupied by Win Wallace on the cast, Fleming on the south, Jacob Gam mon on the nest, and Richard Heck on tine north, con taining 130 acres more or less, of which about 40 acres are cleared, with a small bonnie thereon. No 11.—A tract of land In Cromwell township, adjoin ing No 10 inn this levy, on the went, Thomas Galleon on the non tin, Simon on tho east, Solomon Banks on the ionth, containing about 75 acres, with about 40 acres cleared, ii ith a bottle thereon, in which William Wallace resides. FOR EVERYBODY • . No 12 —A tract of loud it, Cromwell township, warran• tell in the name of Joseplius /oilman, adjoining lands of James Lam on the nett and north, Slirester Garber on the east, Mid 30;i11 I.ollg 10.11.1 Thomas El °chicon on the south, containing 31) titres more or less, of mbielt about 30 net el are clear, d, end has log nn ore bank [het eon. No 13.—A hart or parcel of land in Shirley township, nal tnnttvl in the name of Magi Doyle. adjoining land of Tlllllllll9 0. Ash lank on the wts.t and north. lands of nett, Wigton S CO. 011 the east and South, containing 30 acres more or less. Seized, taken In execution and to be bold as the propel 1 . 3 of lieut.). Ton ht. Also—Tile following described messuage and tract of land of George IT. Johnson rind Jacob Ans pack to nit; All that certain piece, parcel and tract of had •Bitunte in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of George Maly, IS anew Sasatinait, Henry Stem and otherk, containing one hundred and forty-too acres and sixty•four perches and allowance. Moo—All that °filet piece, parcel and t net of laud situ ate 111 Jeekhun to, nddr, county elm es4l.odjoitting lands of .lo,eph tiassatnanland in the name of George Wilport and other.. containing ninety•beren acres and one bun dled and liftj-tae perches and nlt• unite°, with the appar ten:woes uluttsoever therctutto belonging or in anywiro appea taming. Seized. taken in execution. and to Ito sold es the property of George \V. Joltivon and Jacob E. Ans. path. ALso—All the right, title and interest of Defendant In mid to all that certain lot of ground sit ate in the town of Barnet, in Carbon township, fronting 30 feet on Hamilton street and extending, in depth (140,) one bundled and forty feet to lientl..elc Alley, being lot No. 10 in the 14011 of sald ton n, hosing Wolcott a dwelling house, stable and other linproi °went,. Alan—All the right, titionnil interest of Defendant In and to all that certain lot of ground situate lit the town of Barn, t, in Cdt bon township, Huntingdon county, front ing 30 feet on liamilton street, and extending lu depth 140 feet to Hemlock Alley, being lot No. 34 in plan of said to, it, on which Is erected a tin citing house Aa Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propel ty of James Dllllll. • Also—All the Defendant's right, title and interest in the teflon ing described property: A lot of ground in the town of Mount. Union, containing ono acre near or less. adjoining land of Gen. A. P. Wilson on the north %%tit, Pennsylvania Itailrmul on the south se est, Jas. Meagan, George Derick and others on tile south east, and Pennsy',anis. Canal on the north cast, and having thereon erected nue frame tavern house, now occupied by Defendant, one large Dame stable, two frame buildings used as :'tables and wagon sheds, ono frnmc building used ns a blacksmith and cooper shop, one frame building used as a shoemaker shop, and other outbuildings. bolted, taken in execlitien, and to he old IS the pi - wetly of It. C. McGILI, Abinm Leal, Ai.go, —All the Defeddanea right, title and into ,Ft to and to 30 acme of ground nano or less, eltunto in Tell toe nslile, litintinedan comity, bounded on time west by land of William °unshorn's heirs; on the by Lout of Diehard Filverthorn, on the West by land of Snln .l Books. on the south by land of Nicholas °unshorn, on the eolith by land of Hubert Loon, boring thereon erected a plot Mill, saw Mill, three dwelling ionises and other out hnlidntgs. 'Seized, , taken in execution and to be. suld OS the property of John Gooshotn, Jr., oho hay survived John thloshoru, Fr. ALeo.—A piece nr parcel' of land. situate in Walker townshin. linnilugdon county, containing Omit 6 cures more or loss. the most of which is domed, an.), tinder folio-, and t rooked CI ea t unn nig thiough the earn,.. having a su`Plittr spring thereon. nod ndiejne lands of flue Iteird of John White, dtr,, need, and lands of John OcCalian's devisees, it being the one3e lot of land that' isms Dorland Arinirs as 'trusteed appointed by the Or phan's Court by deed. dated 1501 of Apt i1,"A.P.,1854, and recorded in Ow Is l'Zo 2 Man and sold and conveyed to said Thomas White. Seized, Liken in execution nod '0 be sold no the property of Thoubts lyhlto r At,st—All the ,right, title interest of the Defendant. of. in and to. 140 acres Of had slibitte lit Crouiu ell township, iuljoining landq nrilionias crow off on the non th. Frederick Daimon on tho south, Midi on mtifian on the Eoot, and IlleeMog mountain on the north; siNty acres of which lire cleaned. and having thereon over. red a log house 2% etory high, a ill by •.,2. log barn, stone foundation 60 lo 40, nod' two apple °rebinds. &lasi, token In executiod,i and to be sold as tin, ptopeety eie Joshua Johns. , ALso-268 nerea of land,moi g,or less, situ ate In Dublin towoehlp, Muntlogdon county, hounded on tho south by land or 'Thomas lValker, tho ene, by land of James Neely, west by land of Mary Wagoner, north by land of Alexander Ayideby, haring, tbeicon crested PO tug houtee, one frame bank barn, and one lug stable.— 'Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Mu Inuoy, ALso.-000 lot of ground situate in Brood Top City, Wing lot No 155, fronting on Rail Road mime 10 feet, extending back 50 fent to ilazol etrect, adjoining lot of the Improvement Company on the north and root, and having a two story frame house,with a back kitchen attnched 20 by 50, uith a atone basement, and f or' , stor e mom. Seined, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the pt operty of Ally Clark and Anton Clark, Atso—Two lots of ground situate in the nddition of Broad Top City, being Nos 13 & 11, fronting on Broad street 40 feet, and 60 feet on Spruce street, the other fronts 60 feet on Spruce street, and SO feet on HI. let street, having thereon erected a frame house 114 Ste. ries high. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Ketztter. Atso—All the Defendant's right, title end Interest In, end to the Ulm% leg described piece or parcel of land of Samuel 11. thosonnin, 101111110 in Jackson town ship, In the county of Huntingdon, hounded end described no follows, to wit: on the north by lands of It. Niciturney, and E. Little 011 the trod, by load of the said Mclltiritey, east by lands of sold Robot t inciturney, containing one on tbe south by bunts of said Mullet ney, nod on the half acre more or less, It being the MUM piemises winch John Jackson 'fru•too to sell the real estate of J. Cannot. deed, by his deed bearing dote to the 14th of Apt ItlSa6, conveyed to Samuel B. Grossman. party hereto, with the appurtenances. In yout JAIN ick. Seized, tnken in exe cution, nod to be sold on the property of Samuel G. Gross- Man. ALSO—AII the D,efendant's right, title and Interest in, nod to the ffillow fug described building and lot of ground of David 1. Iltiekidroutes. contfuetur, and Elizabeth, the wife of and David Berkstreater owner or reputed owner, with 11011 CO to William Brewster and 'Michael McCabe, a certain three story house, two of which are frame and the other ottle. hating thereto a kitchen attached. in Um village of Dudley. township of Carbon, county afornwild, on the corner of Front afid Washington streets, being holy feet on front street. and twenty feet on Washington street, told house being built on lot No. 151 n plan of said village, fronting City feet on Front stteet, Bud extending bunk one hundred mid fifty foot along Washington street ton twenty feet alley. Seized taken In execution and to bo sold no the property of David Betkatre,er. connecter, and Elizabeth Berkstresser the %Ire of sold Dgvid Berkstresser. ALso.—All the right, title and interest of Isaac Sharrer one of the Defendants of In and to a (tact of land slainato In Elairley township, Huntingdon county, conteining seventy acres, more or less, about 40 ems of which ore cleared, bounded on the north by lands of Sour net Lutz. on the south by land known as Smith's pies resent, and on the west by land of James Clark's heirs and on the cast by Anglnu ick Urea - , having thereon erected a two stony frame house and other out buildings. As:to—Too lots of ground ettuato in the borough of Shlrleaburg each hooting on Main street, 60 feet, and eltending back 140 feet to on alloy, and bounded on the south by the school !memo lot. and on the north by the lot Or Won.MoNite.lualing thereon erected a tiro story frame /101190 II muter boarded 27 by 28, one flame stable 16 by 22 sod "Mei out buildings. Arse—Ono out lot containing one-fourth of nn acre, snore or less, bounded on tine cost by nil alley of odd bor ough, land of William MoNito on tine sheet, land of— Miller on the, south ' a l a ne on the lion th. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the pnoperty of John Shorrer And Isaac Sharrer. Also—One lut of ground situnte in Broad Top Oils, Carbon township. Huntingdon county, tieing nut No 103 fu the gen e ral plan of sold town, fronting .10 feet on Broad street, having thereon erected 0110 plank honer, 0110 nod a half stories high. Mao.—lad No IS2 in plan of said town, bounded on the south by lot Na 183, having thereon erected a (inure sta ble nod Annie shop. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold un the property of ltosannsh Warelleld. Shot Iff's Sales will hereafter ho made ml Wednesday. of the first week of Com t, and the Leeds acknowledged on following Wednesday. J011:i C. WATSON, Sheriff. SIIEBIFF'S OFFICR, Ilmitingtlon, July 1t3,1561.1 • REGISTER'S NOTICE.- Notice le hereby hit on, to all per-ens interested, that the follouing named persons have settled their ac counts in the llegistur'e Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be Inc emitted for COlifillinntion and allowance at an Ot pilaus' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday the P2th day of August mut, (1661,) to wit: 1. The Administration Account, of Samuel Stounrt, Executor of William Hays late of Jackson township, deed. 2. First nod Final Account of Samuel Steam t and (leo. W. Porter, late Administratms of Samuel Porter, late of Jackson ton nobly, deed. 3. ttnatdianghip Account Of Daniel Eoyend, Guardian of Margot et' Juniata Buchanan, n minor child of Wm. Bu chatmn. deed. 4. Administration Account of Henry S. firm, Admin istrator of John linger, Into of rod [top., deed. Account of Hasid Heck, Administrator of William Dunn, into of Clay townAltip, acid. ti. Account of (keen, Admitilotrutor of Jacob Cu, (man, late of Corn to p, I.lOC'll. 7. Account of Josoph Diggins and Fredctick Haupt, Adnduktiatomb of Hears Mold, late of Tod (ow due d. S. Trust Account of William Stewart. Trashy to cell the real valuta of Joints Steuart, late of West top., deed. 9. Account of Peter Stryker, Guardian of Alfred, Si all ele, and laden et Spyker, minor children of Samuel Spy ker, late of Ale,endria boronh e deed. Filed by John T., Adinlidstreter of Peter Stryker, .1001. 10. Account of John Hung and William Stewart, Excel,- totB of Alexander Steel, late of Went township. Partial account. 11. Account of John N. Swoop°, Adminhtrator do bon nls non testament° anne,o, of Jacob tl. llnyvtt, late of Porter top., • 12. Account of Jelin Owens and Itabere L. Henderson, Executors ofJolin Ifendet sun, late of Warrlorsinatk teop., deed. 13. Arcuunt of Elias 31usser, Administrator of Joint Dailey. Into of holown,twp. deed. 14. Account ofJamcs McCall and Abraham Staten, Esq., Executors of the, but Will and Testament of Daniel Duels. wafter, late of Walker top., dec'd. Balm 6— 11na l account of John C. 1V aeon, Executor of Al,- .10. Account of Joenun Greenland Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court to sell the real estate of Anion 'wren, awd, under and in pursuance of proceedings in partition. DAN! EL Yr. womewoollF, Iteghder. Iltoorca'd OEFICE, Ilunltutplon, July 13, ISO. PROCLAMATION.---WIIERI?,AS, by a precept to me tilt ected, dated at Huntingdon, the 2011, day of April, A.D. 1801. under the bands and seals of the lion. Ueorgo Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer. and general Jail dells• ery of the 21th Judicial District or Pennsylvania, comp°. Fed of Huntingdon, Blair ltd Cambria counties: and the lions. Benjamin F. Patton and Witham D. Leas Isis associ ates, Judges of tho county of Huntingdon, invoices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine nil and erre y indiennenta Made or taken for or concerning all crimes. 0 Well by the bans of the State urn imolu capital, 'or Man i. of des 11. and other °Rendes, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter bo committed or perm , totted, for crimes aforesaid—l MU commanded to make public proclamation throughout my 0 bole barn, ick, that a Court of Oyer and .Termlner; of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, uDI he hold at Om Court Holwa in the bototigh of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th day) of Align 4 next. I those who will prosecute the said prisoners, ho then and there to pro.+ecute them as It shall be just, and Shot all Jostle. of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within bald county, be then and there In their proper persons. at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, Pith their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran. ces, to do those things which to their °Meet respective/3' appertain. Dated nt Huntingdon, the 13dlt of July, in the year of our Lord one thounnud eight hundred and sixtpone,. and tho 86th year of American Independence. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheri,. D ROCL A MATION.---IV HARE S, by n precept to me'dlrected by the Juliges of the Com mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing teat the 20th day of April 1861, I n o t commended to make Public Proclamation throughout my on hole bailiwick, that a Com t of Common Pleas null be held at - the Com t House in tho borough of Huntlug.lon, on the 3rd ]touchy (and 19th day) of August. A. IL, 1861, for the trial of all is sots ill Feld Court a latch cantata untham mined 1/0101%. the said Judges, Nthell and where all Jurors, witureseg,and suitors, in the ti lola of all hones aro required. Dated of Ilnutingdon the 15th of July In the year of our Inuit one thousand eight lomdrod and sixty-one, and the Slits year of American holenemlenue. :- JOON C. WATiON, D. The undersigned colt the attention of the cilium of Duni titigulon end this adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful tumble non on haul. Ile is prepared to fin nista at the shortest notice, Moutumentrut Marble, Tend', Tables cud' Stones of euely tenhed 11176 MO 54111 of Italian or Eastern Mumble. highly finkluell, and nursed with app.) pi late devtCei. Or plain, as luny suit. Building Mythic, Door and itludon Sills, Auc„ uiit to furniihrtl to order. W. W. pleAgea hintcelf to furnigh materiel and no:. inant.hip O,mA! to any in the country, at a raft ink°. (till and to. before Son purchneo eleewhere. Shop on llill street, llontingdun, Pa. . . Hunt 3fay 16, 1855 etkin.Q't 44L. 4 3MT 7F..f tlifF47 , mcd pENNSYLV ANI A. R AIL ' 1 . 10 AD. TIMH OF ',HAVING OF TRAINS _ - IHE,NTIV.4 RD. I 1 A',lB.7lrlfill. ~... P 4 LI E F. . ,1 5 Ilk 5 - 1 ,:. E-- S' t - .! ~ ~, STATIONS. .r. 2 , r .7 . ' r , 1 :.:',. 1 : Q co 1 In P. 3).1 P.m' A.m.' I A. 31.) P.ll . P.N. 4 23 Non ton Hamilton, 1 23 4 31 Slt. Union, 10 23 1 15 4 45 Mill Creek, 1 01 4 611 346 5 53 Iltintingdon, 5 53 10 00 12 60 5 15 Petersltrg, 0 47 12 55 6 23 ..... Ilarree . 12 28 5 30 ' 0 10 Spruce Creek, 0 36 12 21 5 45 Mt minglaun, 12 05 5 54 0 40 T 3 rone, 0 17 11 55 6,04 .... . Tipton 0 00 II 43 0 09 i }'oAorill 11 50 P. 10 Ilil'a Mills, 0 02 11 34 0 30 7 55 7 10, All4OOlO, 4 45 S 60 11 20 P. At. P. U. A. 11.1 I —I. UNTINGDON&BROADTOP 11.411,110AD.—CIIANOH OF BCIIEDUI.4: On and after Wettattsda3'July 10111 ,' 61, Passenger Tr.tiu.,, still arri A 0 and Soma t 23 P rUlioWB: , • Ul' THAINS, Lean. Huntingdon nt:7;2l) A. M. A 6.00 P. iM, Saxton DM A. M. k 6 al P. M. Arrive at IlopouTll " A: 31. & ISP3 DOWN TRAINS, Leave s linyieM elf 'nt - 70.60 A. M. & 7.30 1... M. • " , SoYtuq a 10.30 A. 31."*. 15.02 M.• . Arrivg ut Ituqin,sdou 12.00 M. 4. 8.30 1 4 . M. J. J. LAW 1.110.111, 1 Supt. 7,kaly in 0A I f OIL I 1 c.; O.A L O'l'L 1 :1 .I.lss llrqwn sells thogenuint POILTLAND SENC," Oft COAL' OIL, clear as water. .Thlo Ix tho only kind and that glyessntiri,rattsfaction as so agoot far /Ight, Itewat'S eP honritarelta and 'colored carb6n oda'. They omit all 011011.1V0 smell mitismolco. A I'M v ' ul i t "P '° i 9 cco.:lL OIL LA - mrs. , • - I.:101111mm Globoa,lNickt, Burners, S4adda;P4C-,.k.d..'001 , 1 st the Tory loh rst prlapo, et tipyll a {` llF9rC G ore, Hn•.,ling dont Pa: NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! SPLENDID STOCK TIIE VUBLIV ARE INVITED TO CALI, EXAMINE OUR GOODS April 10, 1501 D. P. GWIN DAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK or XE EV GOODS FOlt SPRING AND SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEN Aprll 10, 1061. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Has just received a new stock of onocEtu ES. MY-GOODS, BOOTS ,1; SHOES, Can nud ea/11/111/0 Illy 11011 nto,k, G. ASUMAN MILLER May 3, hal WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID A sso ,RT M. I?,N T Window Curtain Papers, LEWIS' BOOR STORE 1861. I. ROMAN JL FOIL S.P.ftriva AND ASU.ILITER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE For Gentlemen's Clothing or the bent tnnteaiut, and made to the bent nerktonnlileo manner, call nt 11. ROMAN'S, oppotilto the Franklin Howe in Market fignare, Minting. don. (April 2, Mel.] ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY - ENVELOPES, Just received and for gala at . LEWIS' BOOK STORE. riEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE J. A. lIANIOAII, A practical tobacconist, has opened a nett• TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY. on Allegheny St, ono door tt cot of the Mood Top Railroad 011ico, where he has on heed a large assertMent of prom) Cigars ...I To bacco, o hich he Hill sell either wholesale or retail. Store. keepers, oltopkeems, and all others who but in aced elloubl call. Ills prices are lute. Call tied See. Huntingdon, Nov.l, IbtiO. VEIV GOODS! SELLING OFF FOR CASH I! As " do land& penny le better thsti the slow sixpence," mid small profits in cosh, are better than 1,0.21/1g eye-sore hook acnnotle, JAMES A. BROWN is 110, Ilelorllllllol to sell on' the largo mid splendid stock of Horde are. Paints, Sc.. w hurl, be Lax Just brought from the east, at such low' pliers, as will unites ever)lsal) to Crowd In for n share of tho burgaists. this stock Include.. 0 complete varietv of HUE NO-IIA IIDWAIt E, MEW I A Nics"rnoTs. CUTLERY,. HOLLOW-WARE, OILS, PATNTS, • SADDLERY,. YAW:M . IES, GLASS. CARRIAGE TgIMMINGS, STEEL. IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAH PIPE, MOROCCO. LTNINO SKINS, COAL 011, LAMPS and COAL OIL. ete.. Ac., PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS, I= Together with a foil alsortment of e‘crything pertaining to his line of 1111Si11(416. ordetts receive prompt attention .JAS. A. BROWN. 11matingdun, Ain it 10, 1861 U'N 1 N ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. EXC IiANGE _HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA., NEM% PENNSTLVANI% RAILIIO , ID DEPOT. JOHN S. •MILLER, Proprietor Ilunting.l..n, April 10,1061. CIALL at D. P.- UWIN'S if you want V Fashionable (knelt,. - ' - ' - ' - _6- 7 Pi• -- , , C.: --; ....` - c. -tg , ----'& • - 'l--- . ., zio .O.P$ll. ~,O• -, ,"- - ' . oiS .' ' . -. .r. , ....e ~,I , i . .. I Gl' Gl j .. .. , -, iy , T. r .. r- h '; ~' - -, * - ...:_ .. .,.. ff=7 .. ~ TII ~ . .. E,, , i.Q.11,0.13.6 JOB OFFICE" is tho most coTeply.te of tiny In the eonntiy, land pos • lamas the 0104ttrni4ofneifikies fin' prnmptl3 'Oceenting in the hat atkle, e s verl vaieiatY,uf Ac k s VI Win, syclyis HAND MO, , , ~ ..pIIDGAIMIES, . , ~. •• - : BLANK'S, ToeNfißS! . . CARDS: PCIACULARS LABELS; &C„ &C., &C CAT. AifD EXAMNY. lIPECIULYB Of RORK, AT' L EN7IS 13904; STATIONERY 4, MUSIC STORE Lills.l3o(),KS, or VAR VA SIZES, for kale Id' L .11002 C ASV. SrATIORRRF STD FISHER & SON ECM JUST OPENED YE lY G 0 ODS. HEM FISHER & SON G. ASIIMAN MILLER GEM JUST RECEIVED 1861. CLOTHING, FIE CLOTHING EIM=3 IL ROMAN'S BARGAINS IN HARDWARE = MEM BALL. TICE nTs. BILL IIEADS, PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS WMEGAHAN & CO, • Miners and Deal , re in Broad Top Cool. D. L. Megahnn,"Geucral Agent, MeConnellstowu, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAVII.) BLAIR, Miner 'nod Snippur of Broad Top Conl. Wilco Run tingdon Pa. CI A. MILLER, Dealer In Groceries. Confectionaries, kc., do plt. JOIIN NcCUITICIOII; offe his professional sem 10. to the citizens of Huntingdon an vicinity. Office ou Hill street, one door ealt of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '25. TS. MILLER, • Proprietor of the Exuliange Q. S. Denier in Drugs, LI. eines, Perininery, Duo Stuffs - Also—Gro. corks, Confectioneries, be., Huntingdon, Pa. W. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Instru meats, Huntingdon, go. TM. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. • lounden, Huntingdon, Pn JA. BROWN, ey Denkr Itt are, Cutlery, PRIOR, Oile , dc., IL ut instion, toI ROMAN, Dealer in neatly 3ladc Clothing, llnta null Cam Hoots and Shoes, I)ENJ. JACOBS, I Donler in My Go.Ao, Heady Mule Clothing, ()lacer wo, Queenswarc, Lc. Lc. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready jut ° mac Clothing. Huntingdon, Pa. D GWIN, • Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens are. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shorn, &e. rlBlllO, & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, se., Illintingdon, I's. T EVI 'WESTBROOK, j Dealer In Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco berther, etc. TOSEPII REIGG ER, ep Watchmaker and dealer in Watches. Clocks, and Jew city, Plain and Okuarnental Nimble Manaractarer TO FIN F.VINIEY; County Surveyor, efi Huntingdon, Pa. °Mee on 11111 sheet, one dwr oust er the lien ti egrkei Mat hie Yawl. Heri..ra.Ners—L. T. Weteen, Philadelphia; J. P. Lellie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Chat lev MiLliley, !lough and !lead) PIIII,IICe, lien. Jonathan IPWillianis. hT.OII AR D LANGDON, Miner and Dealer In Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedlind coun t). Pa. [Nov. 3, '59. A 1111MER3IAN & CO.,Miners and Deal 2-1_ era In Broad Top Coal, Blood Top, Huntingdon co., PVIIIIII.. [Nov.3, 1858. efr". 4-- -- COUNTRY DEALERS can v;..„.. buy CLOTHING Gnat mu In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE ay cheap as they can in the cities, as I hare a a holeoule stare in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 18:A. 11. ROMAN. GOODS!—_I fine assortment on hood for the accommodation of customers, nt BENJ. DOBS". Cheap Corner," Market Square. (oct2S LITONE-WARE at, S. S. Sinitleg Gro- Cern 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place it, town. K. INEFT, M. D., _Lae PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE, HID strect. oilialhito Dr. I,nden, oltora Ids Koren Donal cervices to illo cititens of Huntingdon and vicinity Ait 11 13, 1839. 10IIN SCOTT. OSMUEL T. BROWN. J. U. 0. CORBIN LAW PARTNERSIIIP. J . 11. 0. Comm: bus, from this dote, become a MUM ber of tho firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, in which name the ',minces will Mill be conducted Huntingdon, Jim. 2., 18GO. 61, ,; VIOLINS, • - GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIVES, Fur sale cheap at LEWIS' ROM STATIONERY A: MUSIC STORE T) ALLISON MILLER, "ga D TIST, Has removed to the Drink Lou opposite the Court House April 1.3,1850. pOCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED num, J LARGE STOCK 0.21' HAND AI LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications or any kind bound to older, if loft at LEWIS' 1100 K ,E STA TICZNI-XY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It 3 ., cant your cArd neat') piintod upon envy! opes, fit LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER F STORE. 110 R THE LADIES. A superior articlo of Note Paper nail Envelopes suitable for onnfidetatia/ correspondence, f r sale trt LEWIS' BOOK d. STATIONERY STORE. DAPER ! PAPER!! Noto, Post. Conunercial, PoolAcap anil Flatcdp—n gaol main talent fur tale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NNW BOON & STATION}:II Y SCORN. LAST NOTICE.- MI who have nnaettlea accounts with trio or sin months Mantling or longer, ale earnestly requested to call and settle up and save costs. I mint have money or 'quit intinetui. LEVI. WESTBROOK Iluutingdon, J,m. 2, 1861. DITOTOGRAPIIY In nil its vat lons Brunches, executed in the best et) to Isnowu tu the ,net, at 0, 0. CRANE'S GALLERY, 632 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia Life size in Oil and 'instil°, Stereimopie Peril:ills. Ain bretspee, Daguerreotypes, de., tut ClLles. 31ellallions, Fins, Mugs, de. (Nov. 14;60. -Iy. ENVELOPES-. By the bow. pole, or le, goon lity, for sale nt LEIV IS' BOOK A XL) STA TIOX E STORE fiOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 boupi, at prices from 23 cts. to $2,00 at the cheap store of D. P. UWI N. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, ut 1). P. 01111V5. A Splendid variety of Carpets, ' only aa ct, per acrd. FISHER .t; SON. ITIABRISBURG- STONE-WARE!!! Crockx, Jogs. PregerreJais dc., Sc. , a ,npi,riur quality. tiohl only by JAMESA. I.lltOllN P. GWIN• keeps the lrgest,' best wisol it went and dieapt,t town. Call :mil examine them.: IToorED simus worth 2 50 will be sold for !, , :t Yv nt the cheap r o o of FISHER AT SON. • T 1? you want handsome Goods, good Jl Goods, cheap Goals, innl all kin I of Goals, go to D. P. CI WI: 'B. (ALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want U non 00006. ( - 1 ItOCERIES, &e., &c.—Call 'tit the 401 cheap store or 11EN.I. JACOBS. All kinds of mutt try produce taken in exchange at the highest musket pet ces. (oct2B. I3OOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the Luweat useortment and cheiwoot to be found at IL P. (MN'S tIUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-1 ‘_fi 10 go ostoo;tmon,t at inZOWN'S HAUL/WARE ST0111; t 1 UM SHOES, nhouper at 1). P. Gwin's - Xthan can ba had Ia to , u, Caf and sac them. n ARK Colored Palm floods, best goal :Icy; oul J ao cta. each. PISSIEit d SON. COt L OILS 'C'OAL O,IL•LASIPS, 75'teittA and Wpwarde, at the Itatdwara Sin e oC J. A. isitaw&. • • • . Artc,ALA - ,MP CHIMNEYS Jug received at the hardware store or , , JAS. A: BROWN. D - P. GWIN'S is the lilacs. to 'buy good and choap Carpets. - ; DAIt C 11,3,1 E T DEED . ••ruled, roe Enle nt • •' LEWIS' BOOK SToßlt. ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CA Y.CULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCIJ LATOII, Book of Plain Ilniss and alleliNtkons fur Business Opts rations, by Ifoohn Jl. .8010 es, Pearbical Snrssyor and aireyancer. New Milton, published by 1. B. Lippin cott d Cb., Phdosklphiu. This work contains 204 pages.and spa ards of 600 Rules and I.:a:moles, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every tiny in the common persnils of lhlrincaa, It hat already passed through a number of editions in rapid BUCCCaSIOII, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, pet tainting to calculations, that has ever been published. Every °ganglia in the book is worked out in fell and stated In a plain manner, FU that alter a Tnally! Cate ari ses, those roast ting to the cork will find no difficulty in solving It •, in a word, the general arrangement of the CA LCTJLATOIt is simple, that soy one who knows how to adds subtract multiply and divide, con easily solve nny or dinary example that arisee in buaineso, or alliVU at the trim testa of any estimate requited. The chief aim of the anther lies been to eschew theory and philosophy in agares, nailing only at facts and simplo city. believing that hnsliteis limn care little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of roles, or the science of figure, &Vining it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a moment. by reference, to anise at the true revolt. The CA I,CUI,ATOIt thaer, , in this respect nom all other Arithineties ot the day and kindled a orks—it IS a key to 'nautical business calculations—it Is, in the bands of the business matt, a hat the key to MatheatatiCat lota ks in the hands of the teacher in the school room—it facili tates time awl mailllet correctitest. TliE WORK TREATS OF Tam 3futuan °anent of Land, of Lumber, of lb ick and Brick 'ork, of Stone and Stow, moil:, of grain and giain bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquid, of eh, color, square or irregular wesstds, of ciottit no adapts, of roofing, of viable, et's, painter's. glazier's. Vowel's, plumb: er's, paper hanget's nod upliubterers' work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange. of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business,. oi simple and compound hetet eq. and their °lithe iipplication to trll4lOC, 1C1,1..110101, with tild lens end usages governing the same, together with numerous cottony' cial forms—of legal tender, of partied payment on notes, of !stoking and bank discount, of equation of pay-' moot need of rot t nership necono Vl, of assessment of lanes, of weights and measue es, of equate and cubic measure, of the squat e toot and its application to business of sot laces. of excavation, nod of ninny other important practical nail lore nut Within the scope of au ndwtlleemeut to Men. t IT IS JUST 1100 K FOR THE Fanner. the roarchaith the mechanic, the al titan, or the Nur...hand mum, It has proven a valuable ltuxiliary to the Layer, the jleAlce of the junco, the core) tamer. and rent estate broker. to then me,or, the balker. the clerk. to the ek engineer and the hors...lon to the carpenter and ht ieklit)er, to the ntolient.e.on and the pla , terer, to the paper hanger and uphollteter, to the paver nail the tiler, &e., Sc.; eachunil all mill himt it adapted to them la. dun, uants better than any book ptibli.thed. ira- Price. AO watt. For sale at Lea id' Book Store. Ituatiaglon, Dec. 26, Vtha. lIUNTING DON FOUNDRY I BLAST AGAIN:—The subset illera take that method el info, ming their ft lends and the public generally, that IfT7 - they have rebuilt the Foul, • dry, and sue DOW in suczessful operation 4 , • Hllll are prepared to furnish Crustinga of in osimi et ery dent iption, of beat quality and orlimanship, on short notice, and on reasonable term,. Inonerd are invited to call mid exam ine our Plough4. We_ ni manufacturing the Ifuntel Plough. This . plough took the first premium at the Ifunr tingdon county Agt icaltural Fair last LIM Also, ifunter't. celebrated Cutter Ploughs. uldels can't be beat—together ith the Neptune, ;Tar-shear plusighs. have on hand and urn manufartming Slot es—ducts no Cook, Toler, and ()thee stoves (sir p oust sit coal. halloo consistim; of Kettles, Miners, Skillets, Ac., all 01 wls ich no trill cell cheap for coal, or In exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken' for castings. By a strict attention to latainezn, mid 0 iledire to please, we hope to re ceive it liberal shale of ptiblle patronage.. . Ni. CUNNiNGIIA3I 5, no Ilmiting,loo, April 30,1850. WILMA .11 AFRICA II AS" AGAIN COMMENCED TILE 13002' AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. HOMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ills old customers and the public generally, Will glue him n call. [llnntingdon,Oet.,2o,lBlitt] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The under-igned teapectrully inf vn the piddle hat they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continua the latainebl, and endeavor to gi,e amen at satiifaction. All orders will he promptly attended to. ‘I. 110TII ROCK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1.860. 101. 1. KIRItY. PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS IMANCI/ES. DY MISS ELIZA, ACTON. Ca),:fillly - Ita twit Ix Tals You how to choo.,viel I,lnde of Mott,. Poultry, 111Iti o.lloe, o ith all the Sark), .iinl most approved modes or dressing and cooking Penland Pork; ;deo thu Lest nod simplest •say of salting, pickling sod curing the Sala. TT TELLS YOu All tine various and most approved modem of cooking, Rind boning Mutton, Lamb, Teal. Poultry, and game of all kin& ith the dilD•rent Dressingx, Gravies, and Ftuflinga appropriate to each. Ir Tulsa You How to choose. clean, and preservo Fish of nil kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all rho various and most Iwo oved rarodes of cooking, uith his different Dres, lugs, Soirees, and Fla, or 'rigs lippropi into to IT TELLS You All the various and 11104 appro,;ed modes of preparing over 00 kinds of Meat,Fish,Fowl. • Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, :end Siewg, with the ItellAce and Seasonings appropi isle to each. IT TELLS You All the Vatiolls and most apyroyed modes of cooking Vegetables of every de6cilialon, olio bow to prepare Plelths, Cataapt and Curries of all kinds, Potted 31cat2, Dab, Game, 31uSlit 001118, Ix TEL. You All the various and most approved modes ot preparing and cooking all kinds or Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, F't'tiers, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Mikes of every descrip. IT TELLS Tots An the verk.ini mmt apptored limbo oC oohing Bread, illutline,ttud 111d 011R, find the best method of prep.o log Conee, Chocolate, mid Tea. nod how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of va flunk. l a uds. Ix Tuts You Itow to set out and ornament a Table, bow to Carve all hinds of Fish, Flesh m Fowl, and in short. how, to so simplify the whole Alt of Cooking Os to bring the choicest bonniest of Use toblo within the evelybody's roach. For Sale at Lewia' Book Store. IN - EW BOOKS ! • , • 5010 SA LE AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE THE MUSE: A Now POCEET MANUII.o of Itutal Architec tore; or, How to Build Do °Mugs, limns, Stables, mid Out Do ellings of ail kinds. With a Chapter on ChniChas ano S.choul-Menses. Inc,. 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A Now POCKET :4M4. of renethal nor. Oct:Mine; or, How to Culthatt Vegetables, Fruits, and Flower g. With a Chepter on Ornamuntal Trees and Shunt's. Price, 50 cents. VIM FARM; A NOW Nom vsoll, of Agri e; or, Roo to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an 1.:,..1.11y on Farm Management, etc. fees, 50 cents. POCKOT AIANUIL Catt le, moMESTIC ANIMALS: A N Muer, and Sheep Husbandry; Or, How to Breed and liter the Vat loos Tenants of the Lot n-pert, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A Now POCIZET M COUTO SatiOli and Debate, with Ditections for Acquiring a (irannuali cal Style, and 11U 1 e time Five Hundred CoMMun tithes Corrected. Price, SO cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A NEw PocKim MAx tut. of Repnliti. can Etiquette, nod Guide to Cot root Pet sonal ) taints t 11101 Boles for - Debating Societies and Deliberathe As semblics, etc. Price, 00 cents. 110 W 'CO 110 ROSINESS: A Now POCKET MkNUAT. of Prettiest AILOIS nod Guide to succe s s in Life; stilt, Collection of Bw,inc,s Feints. and a Dictionary Of Cont. Inertial Terms, etc. Pike, 50 wits. APER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER 1! Tracing, Park C, Impression Paper, • Drat, lug Paper, • - Deed Papuc, Ti stle Paper, Bilk Papon fat ricmcrs, f0r.)161 Paper, istul Tont .1, Flat Cap raper, Fool,Cap Paper, Letter Paper, Conunerthl Note Paver, Wl.' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladlee' Plain and Fancy Not, Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and:Shear, For Bale nt. LEWIS' Book, Stationers and Music Stole. SPRING AND SMIMIillt ' FASUIONS! ROBERT ZING, MERCHANT TAILOR, hill Street, one door_2o4l of Cannon's Store, WITH ,A MO 433011r311:1r Or • GENTLEMEN& DRESS GOODS 1115 assortment. coneht. a,• i • CIATIES, PLAIN AND I'ANCY TESTINGS; the neatest and bent that could be found In ilie . cily; nil of %%bleb he will take Nauman la exl)llfitlng,, and making up to order. It Will cost 'nothing to- . cult and examine his goods. Call soon., Main:don, . CHEAP WA:T.6IIES C.LtEAP JACOn LADOMUS, NO. fit. MARKET STREET, rinr,ADELeill.t, tiae on hand and In constantly receiving large assiirsgimitei of American. .tioyilsii, and Swiss Watcher, n Well ho sill sell at lower pikes than ever offered. - .1. r.. would call pat Ocular attention to the celebrated' AMERICSN W 'JCR, which for armory of tulle and and less liability of getting not of order, is billowi er to any other imported watch, made at anything like the same coot. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. ALSCI— Gold, Saver and Steel Sixdader, I,lth glasses for all sights, with PATENT, no well as tic old style frames. All goods sold nt my establi,hnisnt oro warranted to ha as represented, and sathlisetion gnaren. teed to all yurehasers, at NO. GIS, Motkot Street, Corner of Decatur. [dept. /9, (IOME TO THE NEW STORE MR Cif EAP BARGAIN'S. NEW GROCERY C. LOCI Informs the citix'ens or Huntingdon and vi chilty, tied he has opened n new Grocery and COD fectiou cry Store in the basement, under Gutman h Co.'s Clothing Store, In the Diamond, and uould moat respect/Luny re quest a share of public patronage. BIN stuck consists of nil kinds of the BEST GROCERIES., CONFECTIONERIES, Sc., Sc., Fish can be had at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM will be furnished regularly to pat lieu null Individuals. at his loom. • Huntingdon, Sept. 1860, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES; - " THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES; • THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES,. ,A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER; - - EVERYBODY'S LAWYER; . EVERYBODY'S LAWYER,' • , A VALUABLE , BOOK, . • salo at LEWIS' Book Storo. THE AMILY DOCTOR, • - THE FAMILY DOCTOR, - . THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK For F nlo at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGS'VRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For ante at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE 8008, Po- gale at LEWIS' Book Store. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE. THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES : EY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Vessor of Pathology and Operatire Surgrry i n Um ,relrrintiry :lege of Phdeutelphia, do., cic. WILL TULL YOU Of the Oeigiu, Ilistofy and ,distinclito fruits of the various breed:lot Ilurnpetin, - Asiatic, African and Arno icatkiforsee, Title the physical formation and pe culiarlUes of tlio animal, mid host to ascertain his age by the number .rtnil condition of his teeth; illustrated, ugh, numeions explanatory eumseviikgi, VIE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breuhing, Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming, Shoeing, nod the gonm nl management of the horse, o ith the best modes of administering medicine,- ' also, hose to treat Biting, Nicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, ing. Restlessness, and other lees to. Al hid, he is subject; with nommen:l,ex . placatory engrat logs. =I WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptoms,nutl Treatment of Strangles, Sore Thte,d, Pietemner, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Brum mouin, Plenruy, Broken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring and Whistling.Lrint. pas, Sore Mouth nod Ulcers, and De cayed Teeth, with other dim ases of ties Mouth and Resphatoty Organs. TIIF HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho cannca. syntptorm,aild Tt l eatment of %forma, liot,t, Cholla, Straogulatirni, Stony Concrolona, Itupture9, Psil.y, Diarrhea, Jmoulice,llelintirrltert,llloody TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, And Treat meet of Bone, Blood and Beg, Spaviu, Bing Bone, Scvennie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Onlls, Founder, Cracked hook Sole Bruise and graY(i, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and C,orns ;" also;of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggere r and other diseases of the Feet, Legs, nud Read. THE lIORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho crams,- symptoms, met Treat ment of Fistula, Poll -Evil, Glanders, Furry, Scarlet Favor, Mango, Surfeit, Looked Jaw,Rhetonatism.Cramp,Osils, Diseases ciTtho.Eye and Heart, fec ,&c., and how to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. liernin t Amputation, Tapping, and cull er surgical operations. TIIE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TILL YOU Of Itarey's Method of taming Horses; how to Appioaelb Halter, or Stable a Colt; 110 W to accustom a horse, to - strange sounds, and sights; and how,to Bit, Saddle, Hide, and Break hint to Harness; also the form and taw of WAIMANTY., The whole being lho , stilt of 13 years' amoral study of 1.110 habits, meoliarities, slants and u enk 'lasses of this noble and.useful For sale at Lewis' Book Store. atir4l2 THE CYTIIAItA—The j i b Pre sby terian Psalmodist—Tho Sbawn—TheJubtlec--Hunten'a obd Bertha's enlarged and improved instructors—Welland's NOW and Improved Method for the CI nitar—Lelnzara Accor- Icon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and llowo's Violin Instructors—Dellak's 31elodeon Instructor—Bur -mwes' Plano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-I3aso Primer— How,* 'halving Itoon Dances—no Chores Oleo Book,- . Tfu a's harp, for solo at J,EWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC }TOWARD ASSOCIATION, ,LritrA. J Benevolent Instil,:lion established by special Endowment, for the Belief of the Side and Distressed, afflicted voids Virulent an idou is Diseaees: and eepecially for the (hre of Diseases of the &Alio/ Organs. Medical Advil..., given grabs, by the Acting Slirgeon, - to all sum apply by letter, m ith a description of:their comb- Don, 0150, occupation, habits of life, A.c.o and it mises.of extreme, poverty, Medicine. furnished - flee of. tharge4; Valuable Reports on Spen matorrhmn, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the now Remedies eMploy.ol In the Dimcusary, seat to the afflicted in sealed letter en vetopos, Dee of charge. Two or three Stumps for postage is ill be acceptable- Address, DR. J. simum. HOUGHTON,. Acting Sui :von. lion ard Association, No. 2 South Ninth StteeLl'hil adelphia, to. By order of the Directors. :EZRA. D. 11AliTWELL, Pre sifietd. O F 7,0. FAIRCHILD, Jccrelary. 10.1660.4 y. GROCERIES ! ROCERip !C A FII..EUT_ARRI7AL : ALL lIIS STOCK IS.FRESU AND pIIILADELPHIA AND R . EADING .• 11..4LRCIAD. SUMMEWAARANGFIMENT OX" AYD'.:II7I.7IZ 111.-11 - ,28.(1/c1.8.60. Two passenger trains leave Ilarriameg (Sunda3A excepted,) at 5.00 A. IL, and laa P: IL, for I'hilwl.lo.o4, arriving theta at 1.25 P. M., and t 1.15 P. M. Returning, Ruse Rhiladelphin: at 1.00 A:M., and 3.30 P. M., nriiving at 11-neri.burg at 12.45 noon and 830 P. M.. Fat.: To Philadelphia, Nu. I Curs, $3.25 ; N 0.2 (iusapie tsola. $2.70) • Fares: To Beading, $1.60 awl $1.30 ,At Rending, eminent with trainu fur Paird-11e, s Ole Tamaqua. (Istainisaa,. .to. Poor trams leave Reading, for Philadelphia daily:at 6 A. 11., 10.45 A.M., 12.30 noun and 3.43 P.ll. Levu Philadelphia fur Itendiugnt *IOU A. 11., 140.11, M., 330 P: bl., and 50U P. 11 .. ," _laves: Heading to Philadelphio; $1.73 and , ThchnlOrntilg train from I tar rislineg ernineetentßentling wills np_ti Alin air IV illiesliarre, Pitlkton and seratiton..,Z) FOr Wm) 'llllocets awr otter information apply to' - ' 5. 3. CJ.Y.I/13, - - duly 18. I§6l. r '' r • - Genirat 9dent.: pI.STOLS! PISTOLS !t, • colVe.Sharpq., Smith k Wesson's, attd:oll Imlroved patterns of.lywolvers. flortrirht% )!owls - Knives, 't: ke., for sale at the Ihirdwaxe Storo . • , = •JAXES A . :ER.0\114;7; May 21,1881. Huntingdon, Pa. cAssmErtee, STAT.I:OIE It Y and J E W B Ll,l Y , 4'4, 01 44Gg5, - • -• ",-, For solo to agents fad dealers at very reduced rqb.ip put up in variety ensoloapcs. For timber information- Address COLEMAN & CO" • • June - 4, IRK. (Uratairs) 80`4 ChestpUl se., Ma CONFECTIONERY der, Inflometion and other dine.., of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Uti nary Organs. CHRIST. CALL AND SEE. ME