The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 06, 1861, Image 1

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WM. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
TER ME ikons" is published twice a w eek at
SUM a year-75 cents for air mouths-50 cents for
three mouths—in advance.
Tuesday afternoon, August 6, 1861
Thursday morning last, we visited the
scene of the smash-up at Manayunk,
a station about four miles below New
ton Hamilton. On our arrival there
we found a train consisting of eight
passenger car9;and one Adams' Express
car, to which had been attached two
locomotives. On the main track, near
a switch, an engine had become help
less from some cause, and was left on
the track. The switch tender antici
pating the arrival of the Express about
five o'clock, turned the switch to let
her run from the main track to the
siding. He also placed percussion
railroad caps on the track to give the
train notice to run slow ; but unfortu
nately this was done too near the
switch, so that the train had not time
to check up . sufficiently to run from
the main track to the siding. The
first engine was thrown off the rail
when about to change from the main
track, and kept along in the direction
of the siding, tearing up the side for a
considerable distance, while the second
engine, with the train of passengers,
baggage and express cars, kept the
main track, and at a short distance
from where the first engine took to the
right at the switch, came in contact
with the disabled engine on the main
track. The tender of the stationary
engine was completely wrecked, while
the engine which came in contact with
it was thrown across the siding down
an embankment of twenty-five or thir
ty feet, making several somersaults,
and reversing completely its position.
The engine which first left the main
track was very much wrecked. The
engineer, Sam. Steimer, and fireman,
Sam. Chner, were carried over the
bank with their engine, and strange
to state, were, but slightly scratched
and scalded. Benj. Free, fireman on
the first engine, who resides in Har
risburg, had his face slightly cut and
disfigured, and presented rather a sad
.appearance. His wounds are not se
rious. W. M. Ford, brakeman, who
resides in Philadelphia, while at his
post was caught between two of the
passenger cars, and seriously injured
about the stomach. Charles Miller,
a young man from Columbus, Ohio,
who was standing on the platform at
the moment of the accident, jumped
off, and striking the embankment, was
instantly killed. Six or eight others
were only slightly injured. There
was on board at the time three hun
dred and twenty passengers, two hun
dred of whom were returned soldiers
going home—two companies from Jef
ferson county, Pa., and one from Bed
ford. The passenger, baggage and
express cars remained on the track;
the bumpers and platforms of several
of them were completely smashed,
while the trucks of two were thrown
from under and off the track.
A CILINGE.—On the 15th of July,
the party known as the Opposition
party last fall, issued a call for an
"Unconditional Union Republican Coun
ty Convention" to meet in this place
next week. Last week the call was
changed to read ‘minion Convention of
the People's Party:" In the body of
the first call the words "authority of
the President" is changed in the second
call to read "authority of the Constitu
We don't exactly understand why
,these changes have been made. Per
haps the " People's Party" are not all
Repnblicans—are not willing to organ
ize, this fill under the "Republican
Party" banner. We are inclined to
believe that a very large majority of
the voters of the county of all parties,
are opposed to any political organiza
tions this fall.
STILL THEY COME.—Since our laEt
issue several regiments from the
Western States have passed Bast to
Washington and Harper's Ferry. The
number of fighting men at those points
is increasing very rapidly. But as
the movements of the army are kept
very secret, outsiders must keep cool
and wait patiently for another advance
towards Richmond. It is not likely
that the army will move from Wash
ington before the Ist of September;
by that time the majority of the three
months' men will have returned to the
.4e- Rev. John D. Brown and wife
leave this place on Thursday night,
for Now York, whore they will take a
vessel for India, the scene of his future
labors as a missionary. Mr, Brown is
a young man of fine promise, and we
sincerely hope he may be successful in
his great enterprise, and after his mis
sion in the land of heathens has been
fulfilled, may he and his bride elect be
spared to return home again to the
land they love.
COURT.—August Term of our Court
commences on Monday next, and as
the farmers will be pretty well through
with their hurrying work by that
time we may expect a large crowd of
people in town.
ter Rev. Censer preached his fare
well sermon to the people of this place
on Sunday last, preparatory to leaving
for the seat of war, whence he has
been called as Chaplain of the sth Reg
iment Pa. R. C. He left this morning
rg" Thos. A. Scott, Vice President
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny, has been appointed Assistant Sec
retary of War, and has been for sev
eral days actively discharging the du
ties of the office. There are few men
like Tom Scott. None more compe
tent to fill the office safely than he.
Next week will give most of our pat
rons an opportunity to " come to our
relief." We want money—and we
hope those indebted will not neglect to
call. If those who desire to pay can
not be in town, a neighbor will take
pleasure in accommodating a friend by
paying over any amount entrusted to
his care.
bad' We find the following 'Hunting
don county " boys" flamed in the
muster-roll of the " Bailey Invincibles"
a three years' company organized in
York county : George C. Bush, third
Corporal, Solomon Barbin, lingo L.
Bush, Wilson Everell, James Felten
berger, Solomon C. Hampson, John A.
Marks, James Morrison, John Rohr
baugh, Richard Sneath, Christian S.
—A. - munber of able-bodied young men
are wanted to fill up companies for
three years' service, now organizhag
in Huntingdon. Capt. McCabe's com
pany of Zonaves, Capt. Miller's com
pany of Infantry, and Capt. Hamil
ton's company of Cavalry, each want
men to fill up the ranks. We are
gratified to learn that all three com
panies are filling up rapidly. Appli
cation should be made soon.
ton has erected a building in West
Huntingdon, for the comfort of his
men, and a ring enclosed with a high
fence in which he will tame any wild
and vicious horses entrusted to his
care for an hour or two. Seats are
erected in the enclosure for the ac
commodation of lady spectators. His
charges for'taming horses and giving
instructions are moderate.
;^ A farewell Missionary meeting
will be held in the M. E. Church in
this place, on Thursday evening, for
the encouragement of Rev. S. D. Brown
and wife, who leave that night for Bos
tOn, on their way to Northern India.
All are invited to attend. Services to
commence at 8 o'clock, P. M.
AZ - Our force about Washington is
said to be not less than 120,000. At
Harper's Ferri• not less than 20,000.
The numbers are increasing daily.
TALL OATS.—Mr. John 'Warfel of
the Ridges, Henderson township, has
left at our office, oats measuring five
feet ten inches.
tkli - We are permitted to make the
following extract from a private letter
written by GEO. W. SPEER, Esq., who
is traveling for his health. The letter
is dated
ONTONAGOIT ' Lake Superior, )
July 25, 1861.
I yesterday visited three of the
principal Copper mines—the " Minne
sota," " Rockland," and " National."
They are 14 miles back in the moun
tains, and are reached from here by
means of a fine plank road, just fin
ished at an expense of $30,000. It
has the appearance of a city around
the mines; and when I considered that
every pound of beef, every barrel of
flour, and indeed everything else con
sumed by this entire population, has
to be brought up here in the summer
from Detroit, I had no difficulty in
learning the secret of the success of
that city.
The tf Minnesota" mines are now
working about three thousand men,
,and the immense quantity of copper
produced would really astonish you.—
They have just finished cutting away
and cretting up the last of the " Mam
motht Mass," which has yielded 600
tons ! It is nearly pure, yielding 86
per cent. when refined into ingot.—
These blocks are hauled down here in
mass. The adhering rock is broken
off, burnt in a kiln like limestone, bro
ken into powder under the "stamps,"
washed free of all sand and barrelled
up for market; a barrel weighing about
800 pounds. The average cost of pro
ducing Copper on this Lake and put
ting it into market, is near 14 cts. per
lb., and as it is now only selling for 17
ets., the profits of the companies are
small. ,
You can judge of the business done
at the mines when I tell you that there
are four lines of stages running up from
here twice each day. They go up - in
/ hours There are only a few of
the Copper Companies paying divi
dends. I attribute it to Yienkce man
I was also astonished at the number
of negroes on the Lakes, and their in
dustry and enterprise, compared with
the Indians, who aro everywhere to
be seen here in filth, hunger and wretch
edness. They arc evidently not the
mighty race of people: wo read of.—
The negro of the South is as much the
superior to the Indian, as the white
race is to the black. The sooner the
Indian tribes of the'North are entirely
exterminated, the sooner will a true
philanthrophy have accomplished its
aims. Humanity sickens at their sight
now, while all- attempts' at their im
provement have-failed."
Yours &c.,
GEouon W. SrEETI,
The Latest News.
WASHINGTON, July 31.—General Mc-
Clellan expresses the opinion that this
will be an artillery war, and asks as
many batteries as it is possible to pro
cure. Regiments have been sent by
him to extend the line of pickets along
the Potomac to Harper's Ferry.
Seven additional regiments have
gone up to Chain Bridge to-day where
three or four are now posted.
There are fresh indications of the
inauguration of a more vigorous policy,
and Gen. McClellan inspires and su
pervises everything.
We learn from a reliable source that
Fort Fillmore, Texas, has been rein
forced by ten companies; also that
Col. Cooly has fitted out such expedi
tions against Fort Bliss, now held by
the Texans, as makes its capture cer
There have been more arrests for
treason here, and the traitors are be
ing well stirred up. Johnlohan. of
this city, has been arrested and put in
jail in this city, on a charge of having
treasonably aided acid excited the late
Bull Run panic.
Strict movements arc on foot now
to•remove all the secession clerks from
the departments. This should have
been done long ago.
The city presents a most quiet ap
pearance to-day. It has not been so
calm for weeks past. General AL'Clel
lan's strict rules of discipline are work
ing great reforms.
General Wool will now assume com
mand of the Federal forces at Fortress
Monroe. -
Gen. Butler has been transferred to
thfs point.
The statement that forty men of the
Massachusetts Eleventh Regiment had
been captured by the rebels ; is true.
An arrangement has been made by
which it is believed that Col. Cameron's
body will be recovered.
Measures are to be taken to stop the
transmission of letters from this city
to the rebel States.
General AL.:Milan has already effec
ted a thorough change in the city.—
Previous to his arrival, and especially
since the battle at Bull Run, the city
was filled with officers and soldiers,
who were absent without leave from
their encampments. A patrol was ap
pointed, with power to arrest, and
place in the guard-house every officer
and private found without a permit.
The city was divided into patrol dis
tricts, and a squad of from ten 05 twenty
soldiers, under a lieutenant, assigned
to each district. They marched round
upon the sidewalks, and all privates
found without a permit were sent to
the guard-house. Having disposed of
the privates, and returned them all to
their regiments, the patrol paid their
attention to officers. Many were found
without the necessary paper, and
among them a number of cavalry offi
cers and mounted infantry officers, who
were obliged to relinquish their char
gers, and march to the guard-house.
Among the arrests made on the Av
enue, last evening by the provost pa
trol, was that of Major General Butler.
who had within a few hours arrived
from Fortress Monroe. The General
had no permit to produce, and was
held until he was satisfactorily identi
fied. lie expressed himself in strong
terms in favor of this system of mili
tary police.
Congress will adjourn on Tuesday.
The Muse will hardly keep a quorum
until that time, as its business is all
worked -up, but the Senate has several
important bills which yet require final
action. A number of the members of
the House have already left the city
on their return home.
Official Despatch from Gen. Rosencranz.
iVo Fight, but a D7se Retreat.—The
Rebels Disbanding.
WASHINGTON, August ].—The War
Departmenthas received the following,
direct from Gen. Rosencranz, by tele
graph, dated to-day:
" Gen. Cox reached Gaulev Bridge
on the 29th ult. Gen. Wise fled with
out fighting, destroying the bridge to
prevent pursuit. We have captured a
thousand muskets and several kegs of
common powder.
" Many inhabitants of that section,
who have heretofore been strong Se
cessionists, denounce Gen. Wise for his
wanton destruction of property, and
are abandoning him and his cause.—
His Western troops are rapidly dis
banding. The valley of the Kanawha
is now free from the rebel forces."
The Expected Attack on Bird's Point.
CAIRO (111.;) Aug. I.—Jeff. Thomp
son's force, 30 miles south of Biri.'s
Point, consists of 5000 men, instead of
500, as before reported.
Scouts just returned from the South
report that the Rebels at New Madrid
are well armed and drilled. They
have five batteries of ten pound field
pieces, officered by foreigners k and two
regiments of cavalry well equipped.
Gen. Pillow is in command. lie has
also issued a proclamation, full of bom
bast, to the people of Missouri, declar
ing his intention " to drive the inva
ders from the State, and enable her
people to regain their rights so ruth
lessly n taken allay by the forces who
march under banners inscribed with
Beauty and Booty. as the reward of
victory.' He says he will show no
quarter to those taken in arms. •
Plan of the Rebels in the West.
ST. Louis, Mo.; Aug. B.—The _Eve
ning News learns from a well-informed
citizen of south-west Missouri, who
possesses peculiar facilities for acquir
ing knowledge, the plan of the Seces
sionists in that region. Their real
object is not to attack Cairo, or Bird's
Point, but to make • a desperate at—,
tempt to secure possession of St. Louis.
There is a strong force under General
Pillow at New Madrid, Mo., another at
Pocahontas, Ark., under the commtyld,
it is believed, of McCullough; and 'an
other in Mississippi county, Mo., under
Jeff. Thomson. The plan is to keep
up a constant threat to attack Cairo
and Bird's Point, so as to employ the
Federal troops at these points, and to
menace Gem Lyon in the south-west
by threats to attack him, while the I
forces at New Madrid and Pocahontas
effect a junction at Pilot Knob, and
from there march on St. Louis and
take it, reinstate Gov. Jackson, and,
with this city as the base of opera
tions, wrest 'Missouri from the 'Federal
Has the Constitution been Violated?
It seems to be tacitly confessed by
our statesmen that in his action to
save the Union prior to the meeting
of Congress, the President violated
the Constitution. In discussing tlgs
important question, we will premise
'by saying that any necessary act, by
the President or anybody else, what
ever it may be, for saving the Consti
tution from destruction or from any
violent and permanent change in its
character or in the extent of its jar's
diction, cannot, with any justice, he
deemed a violation of it. The Presi
dent is ,worn that he will to the be-t
of his ability, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States.—
We do not suppose this means that he
shall protect and defend one particu
lar part of the Constitution, to the ex
clusion of all others, but that he will
protect and defend the whole fabric as
best he can under any and all circum
stances that may arise. Now, it is
very easy to imagine a case in which
it wonld be absolutely necessary for
the President to tin a thing" that the
Constitution forbids him to do, to save
the entire Constitution and the whole
fabric of government from total de
struction. Would he be bound to dis
regard the entire Constitution save
that one clause which is in the way of
saving the whole? Does his oath ap
ply only to that single clause? And
must he protect and defend that for
the time, and thus lose the entire Con
stitution forever? Our answer is,
that the residue of the Constitution,
including the President's oath, which
is a part of it, rises superior to the
single clause, and hold it in abeyance
for the time being, and it is perfectly
constitutional for the President to save
the Constitution.
But let us see if President Lincoln
has done violence to any particular•
provision of the Constitution in deal
ing with this rebellion. Mr. Breckin
ridge has reconnoitered the whole
field and presented a formidable bill
of indictment. He complains:
1. That the President has violated
the Constitution by accepting volun
teers for three years without express
authority- of law for so cluing. We do
not see that there is any Constitution
al principle involved in this matter.—
The Constitution authorizes, Congress
to provide for calling out the militia
in just such eases as this; and by the
law of 1795 the President is author
ized to call them out to serve for three
months. His acceptance of them for
three months is therefore strictly legal
and Constitutional; and his agreement
to accept them for any longer time, if
.ratified by Congress, would be
simply null anclvoid; and no violation
of la 1S can be charged upon him in this
behalf until he retains them in service
e,reeeding three months without the au
thority of law for so doing. This has
not yet been done and cannot non - be
done until the number of five hundred
thousand shall have been exhausted.
2. He has made enlistments for the
regular army without previous au
thority flom Congress to do so. This
admits of the same answer, chiefly, as
the above. The enlistment is purely
conditional, and if ratified by Congress,
as it has been, there is no violation of
If, however, Congress had re
fused to grant the addition to the ar
my which the President had condition,
ally made, and he had then - retained
such addition in the service, it, would
have been a violation of law. This
whole work of organizing forces to
repel the rebel armies in advance of
the needful legislation to authorize it,
was of the sternest necessity; it was
demanded at the President's hands by
the entire loyal portion of the coun
try, its acceptance by Congress after
wards, covers all irregularity hi-its in
ception, and none but traitors and
their sympathizers would censure the
President for it now.
3. "The Constitution declares that
Congress alone has power to declare
war, yet the President has made war,"
says Mr. Breckinridge.
It is very strange that a man of
Sen. Breekinridge's knowledge of the
Constitution and laws of the United
States, should make such a charge as
this. To undertake to refute it looks
very much like trying to prove that
two and two make four. Suffice it to
say that there is no war in a Constitu
tional sense. The rebels have waged
an actual war against the government
of the United States, and have assumed
to declare war against it; but they are
not a lawful government, and all their
declarations, their so-called laws, their
prommciamentos, their marauding,
their thievery, and their piracy, cannot
raise it above the dignity of an insur
rection. As such, the President has
met it. and in pursuance of his plain
Constitutional duty he has resisted it,
and this is all. This resistance takes
the form of wv; it may be said to be
a war in fact, though not a war by the
Constitution or the laws of nations,
but simply a rebellion ; and therefore
it does not require a declaration by -
Congress to authorize the Comman
der-in-Chief to suppress it.
4. "The President has established
blockades, and there is no clause in
the, Constitution authorizing hint to
do this," we are told.
This is a most wonderful discove - ry.
No less a statesman than Brec•kinridge
could have made it. We might add,
that there is no clause in the • Consti
tution authorizing the President to
build up defences about Washington,
or to prevent traitors from stealing
all the public property. or to march
an army to Manassas. or to occupy
Grafton, or to fight the battle of Philip
pi, or of Corriek's Ford, or of Bich
Mountain, or of Carthage. According
to Mr. Breckiniidge these are all
unconstitutional too. With bins every
thing is uncontitutional that does not
tend to destroy the Constitution and
extinguish the Government. Nothin . , : ,
is Constitutional but treason.
The Constitutionality of a blockade
by the President depends entirly upon
his Constitutional power to suppress a
rebellion by military force, 110 is the
Constitutional commander-in-chief of
the army and navy and in that capa
city being Constitutionally charged
with the duty of suppressing rebellion.
it necessarily follows that he is author
ized to use for that purpose, all mili
tary means that are usual fin• overcom
ing an enemy in war. To deny this,
is to deny his right to fire a gun or
to march an :u•my into the field.
Blockade is a lawful and usual net of
war, and the filoelgide of the Southern
ports by President Lincoln. is there
fore• Constitutional.
5: The last and 'greatest of
Breckinridge's charges against the
President. is that•he has violated the
Constitution by suspending the writ 1
of habeas corpus.
This insurrection assumes all the
forms of war, and it must necessarily
be treated with the medicine of war.
The civil authorities are powerless to
cure it. If it is ever suppresed it
must be done solely hy the military
power—by war. War is an abnormal
condition of a Government. Its exist
ence presupposes the inability of any
other power in the Government to ac
complish the object for which it is
waged. It is the last resort and the
highest tribunal of nations, and there
fore it cannot be controlled by any
other authority, by any other law, or
by any Constitution but its own. • It
is no violation of the Constitution of
the United States for a military com
mander to run counter to all its pro
visions in time of actual war and in
his field of operations; for the simple
reason that an appeal to arms is an
appeal above and beyond all civil au
thority and civil laws and Constitu
tions, to the laws and usages of war
under the laws of nations. To super
sede the military by the civil authority
in time of war, is to appeal from the
higher to the lower power. If the civil
authority is competent to control the
military, it is competent also to ac
complish the object for which the
latter took the field, and it is a solecism
to have any militay power in the Gov
ernment. And we may add if the
civil power rules the military power,
there is no military power but in the
name and if it can rule in one case it
can in all.—The 11 7 heeling Press.
The Writ of Habeas Corpus and the Pow
ers of the President.
Attorney General Bates has written
a long letter on the question of sus
pending the writ of habeas corpus, in
answer to the following questions
propounded by the President of - the
United States:
"1. In the present time of a great
and dangerous insurrection, has the
President the discretionary polver to
to cause to be arrested and held in
custody persons known to have crimi
nal intercourse with the insurgents,
or persons against whom there is prob
able cause for suspicion of such crimin
al complicity.
"2. In such cases of arrest is the
President jusitied in refusing to obey
a writ of habeas ciwpuS issued by a
court or a judge, requiring him or his
agent to produce the body of the pris
oner, and show the cause of his cap
ture and detention to be adjudged mid
disposed of by, such court or judge?"
After a review of the differences that
exist between European principles of
Government and those which obtain
in this country, Mr. Bates proceeds to
demonstrate the separate and inde
pendent character of the several de
partments of our Government, and
then expresses the opinion that "in a
time like the present, when the very
existence of the nation is assailed by
a great and dangerous insurrection,
the president has the lawful discretion
ary power to arrest and hold in custo
dy persons known to have criminal
intercourse 'with the insurgents, or
pemunz-ugainot -whom—thoro-1.3 p-rt>ha_.
ble cause for suspicion of such criminal
In replying to the second question,
Mr. Bates begins by an analysis of the
nature of the writ of habeas corpus,
and alludes to the constitutional view
of the question, as follows :
" There is but one sentence in the
Constitution which mentions the.writ
of habeas eorpus—arliele 1, section 9,
clause 2—which is in these words;
The privilege of the writ of habeas cor
pus shall not be suspended unless when,
in cases of rebellion or• invasion, the
public safety may require it.'
" Very learned persons have differed
widely about the meaning of this short
sentence, and I am by no means confi
dent that I fully understand it myself.
The sententious language of the Con
stitution in this particular, must, I
suppose, be interpreted with reference
to the origin of our people, their histo
rical relations to the mother country,
and their inchoate political condition
at the moment when our Constitution
was formed. At that time the United
States, as a nation, had no common
law of its own, and no statutory pro
vision for the writ of habeas corpus.—
Still, the people, English by descent,
even while in open rebellion against
the English crown, claimed a sort of
historical right to the forms of English
law and the guarantees of English
freedom. They knew that the English
Government had mere than once as
sumed the power to imprison whom it
would, and hold them fbr an indefinite
time beyond the reach of judicial ex
amination ; and they desired, no doubt,
to interpose a guard against the like
abuse in this country. And hence the
clause of the Constitution now under
consideration. But we must try to
construe the words, vague and inde
terminate as they are, as we find them.
The privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus shall not be suspended,' &c.—
Does that mean that the writ itself
shall not be issued, or that,' being is
sued, the party shall derive no benefit
from it ? Suspended.- 7 --does that mean
delayed, hung up fbrif time, or al toget h
er denied ? The writ of habeas eorpus
whieh writ? In England there.were
many writs called by that name, and
used by the courts for the more conve
nient exercise of their various powers;
and our own courts now, by acts of
Congress—the judiciary act of 1789,
section 14, and the act of March 2,
1833, section 7—have, 1 believe, equiv
alent powers."
Ie adds :
" If by the phrase the suspension of
the privilege of the writ of habeas cor
pus we mint U11(101'SitlIld a repeal of all
power to issue the writ, then I freely
admit that none but Congress can do
it. But if we are at liberty to under
stand the phrase to mean, that, in
ease of a great and dangerous rebel
lion like the present, the public safety
requires the arrest and confinement of
persons implicated in that rebellion , I
as freely declare the opinion that he
President has lawful pincer to suspend
the privilege of persons arrested under
such circumstances, For he is especial
ly charged by the Constitution with
the public safety,' and he is the sole
judge of the emergency which requires
. . •
"'rho power in the President.iti no
part of hi , nrdinary times of
peace; it is temporary and exceptional,
and was intended only to meet a pres
sing emergency, when the judiciary is
said to be too weal: to insure the pub
lic safety—when (in the language of
the act of Congress—there are combi
nations too powerful to be suppressed
by the ordinary course of judicial pro
ceedings, or by the powers Vested in
the marshals.' 'Then, and not till then,
has he the lawful authority to call to
his aid the military power of the na
tion and with that power perform his
great legal and constitutional duty to
suppress the insurrection. And shall
it be said that when he has fought and
captured the insurgent army, and has
seized their secret spies and emissaries,
he is bound to bring their bodies be
fore any judge who may send him a
writ of habeas corpus, to do, submit
to and receive whatsoever the said
judge shall consider in that behalf ?'
" I deny that he is under any obli
gations to obey such a writ, issued tin
der such circumstances."
The opinion concluded as follows :
• "To my mind it is not very impor
tant whether we call a particular pow
er exercised by the President a peace
power or a war power, for undoubtedly
he is armed with both. He is the chief
civil magistrate of the nation, and be
ing such, and because "he is such, he is
time constitutional commander-in-chief
of the army and navy ; and thus, with
in the limits of the Constitution, he
rules in peace and commands in war,
and at this moment he is in the full
exercise of all the functions belonging
to both those characters. The civil
administration is still going on in its
peaceful course, and yet we are in the
midst of war—a war in which the ene
my is. fin• the present, dominant in
many States, and has his secret allies
and compliances scattered through
many other States which are still loyal
and true. A war all the more danger
ous and more needing jealous vigilance
and prompt action because it is en in
ternecine and not an international
w a r."
Important Army Orders.
WasumuTox, August 1.
The tollowing orders have just, been
eneral Orders, No. 12.]
WasulxoToN, July 31, 1861.
Searches of houses for army traitors
or spies, and the arrests of offenders
in such matters, shall only be made in
any department by special authority
of the commander thereof, except in
extreme cases :tdmitting of no delay.
By command of General Scott.
Signed. E. D. TowNsExu, A. G.
WASHINGTON, Augustl, 180 i.
[General Orders, To. 13.]
It has been the prayer of every pat
riot that the tramp and din of civil
war might at least spume the precincts
within which repose the sacred re
mains of the nailer of his country;
but this pious hope is disappointed—
Mount Vernon, so recently consecrated
anew to the immortal Washington by
the ladies of America, has already been
overrun by bands of rebels, who hav
ing trampled under foot the Constitu
tion of the United States, the ark of
our freedom and prosperity, arc pre
pared to trample on the ashes of him
To — wlionr - ve - -mainly-indebted
for those mighty blessings. Should the
operations of war take the United
States troops in that direction, the
General-in-Chief -does not doubt that
each and._ every roan will approach
with clue reverence and leave unin
jured not only the tomb but also the
house and groves and walks which
were soloved by the best and greatest
of men. Signed.
WINFIghD Scorr
By command :
D. TOWNSEND ; Ass't .Adj.*Gcn
Save the Eyes Now---A Hint
Probably everybody now rends dai
ly three times as much as he did a
year ago. The excitement of the times
keeps every one reading the news, or
leading to find news. This is not to
be deprecated, if it gets the mass into
the way of reading more than former
ly—provided the habit be turned to
good account after the excitement is
over, that is, if light trahsy literature
does riot come in to supply the place
of news. But we began this item to
to offer a single hint about saving the
eyesight, suggested by a call' on a
neighbor the other evening. Father.
mother, and four children, were around
a table reading fine-type Newspapers
by a single central bright light. _Ev
ery one of them had the paper spread
on the table, with the face toward the
light—the most uncomfortable, most
unhealthy position that could hecho
sell, and the very worst one for the
eyes. To say nothing of the compres
sion of the chest and lungs, and the
eurving of the shoulders, the bright
light fell directly into the eyes, con
tracting the pupil unnaturally, and
tending to produce and infla
illation by-the effort required to read
with only a few rays entering the eye,
The best position for reading, and the
only one that should be adopted, is, to
sit upright,, , with the back or side to the
lump or winoW, and let the light fall
over the ,shoulder upon the paper or book.
If there are windows on the opposite
side of the room, change the position so
that the wall or some dark object will
be in front of the eyes. The pupil of
the eye then expands. and takes in a
complete picture of the page or letters.
A much smaller light will be required
in the position-recommended.—.4weri
can Agrieulturb..t.
Major Gen. McClellan and Prayer
Dr. Thomson, pastor of Second
Presbyterian church, Cincinnati, re
lates that he was - recently :seated - in - his
study, when a gentleman ' rdqaested
an interview whieh was granted. He
came to discuss the affairs of the
country. expressing his anxiety about
its Condition, and at length requested
the Doctor to pray for the Republic
and lbr hint. The Doctor of coarse
complied, and after further conversa
tion on this theme, the gentleman-re
quested the Minister to pray ivith him.
They knelt upon tbd floor, and the
visitor, in a devout and eloquent peti
tion, inVolted the aid and protection
of' the Almighty in the struggle in
which the RePtiblic is involved. My
visitor. said DIY Thompson, .was Maj.-
General George B. McClellan, It was
the most touchings::and' affected in
cident :L i 'eve :ti i trtessed.— fePlig".ne
The Pennsylvania Army Depth to the Bulletin
11Auntseuno, Aug. 2.—We have just
received from the Governor some most
gratifying military information, 'indi
cating that the Federal Government
is awake to the comma - tiding position
of Pennsylvania ' and her services in
the war:
Thr entire force of Reserve Regi
ments from, Pennsylvania is to be
placed under command of Gen. McCall,
by order of Gen. McClellan. Eleven
thousand of the Reserves have been
sent forward already, and the only re
maining regiment of infantry , will be
at the seat of war in a few days.
The Artillery which will be attached
to -this Pennsylvania army will com
prise forty-eight guns, consisting par
tially of rifled cannon. The guns
range from 32 pounders to 6 pounders.
As soon as they are ready they are to
be sent forward by batteries.
The first battery goes &nth on
Sunday night, under command of
Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, and the
other batteries will follow in short
The Cavalry regiment is almost
ready, and the men are all in eanip.—
As soon as they are mounted they will
be sent to join the main body.
The Governor is much gratified at
this mark of appreciation of Pennsyl
vania, and the little remaining to
complete his preparations will be cxc.
cuted With care and energy.
find the following in the army corres
pondence of the Cambria 31 - owitaineer.
The writer is a member of the Cam
bria Guards attached to a Regiment
which passed through here from Camp
Wright on the 23d of July :
" The people of Gallitzin have our
thanks for many necessaries they had
provided for us, pies, cakes, hot coffee,
&c Nothing farther of note occurred
until we got to Huntingdon, a place
that will live in the memory of our vol
unteer soldiery—hundreds of men wo
men and children were at the station
with well filled baskets of provisions,
each one vieing with the other in 'ad
ding to the comfort of the ," poor sol
dier." Ours was the second Regiment
that had thus been treated by that
place on the same day, and the inquiry
when we left was, " Are there not
inure soldiers coming over to-night ?"
How marked the difference between
Huntingdon and the other towns along
the road, where stir arins of hucksters
annoy the soldier with the worst,..kind
of provisions at the highest prices." ,
The Ebensburg Alleghenian says:,
Speaking of sonic incidents of the
trip one of the Guards writes : "I must
put in a word hire for the ladies of
Huntingdon. They met us at the cars
with a bountiful supper—more than
sufficient to feed the twelve hundred
men who were in the train—consisting
of hot coffee and tea, bread and butter,
warm biscuit, boiled eggs, pickets, and
in flirt everything else good to eat.—
Their kindness willnever be forgotten."
Statement of Gen. Patterson
BALTIMORE, Thursday, July 24,1801.
—A private letter from Gen. Patterson,
dated Harper's Ferry, 22d, says:.
" (Ten. Johnston retreated to Win
chester where he had thrown up en
trenchments and had' large number
of heavy guns. I could have turned
his position and attacked him in the
rear, but lie had' received',large rein
forcements from Mississippi. Alabama,
and Georgia, a total force of over 85.-
000 Confederate troops, and 5,000 Vir
ginia militia. My force is less than
20,000, 19 regiments, whose term' or
service was up or would be within a
week—All refused to. stay one hour
over their time, but four, viz : two
Indiana regiments, Frank Jarrett's
[the 11th Pennsylvania,] and Owen's
[the 24th Pennsylvania.] Five regi
ments have gone home. Two more
to-day, and three more to-morrow.—
To avoid being cut off with the re
mainder, I fell back and occupied
this place.",
Good out of Evil
Tt is reported' that Major General
McClellan, in speaking of the battle of
Bull Run, and deploring it, added, " but
it was a splendid reconnoissance for
me." This shows the spirit of the new
General who commands the army about
Washington. He is determined to
profit by the disaster to our arms, and
w ill ma k e good use of the knowledge
obtained b by General liTcDowell's
"splendid reconnoissnnee.", It was a
sad thing that so many lives should
have been lost; but the informatiowgain
ed nS to the strength of therebels, their
lighting qualities and their position,
will be of incalculable value in the fu
ture. '
While diNcovering the strength of the
enemy, the battle at Bull RIM also
revealed our own weakness, the defects
'in our military organization,' Arid
individual eases of inefficiency in offs.
cers. The Government and the cam ,
manding General• are busily engaged
in remedying these faults, and - We shalk
be surprised if the arty atlYaShington
does not become, in a 'few weeks, the
most efficient and the best disdiplined
ever seen on • this 'continent. This
seems to be'the wish ' and determina s .
tion of every 'one holding any impel':
taut position. The officers of the
ular army aro laboring for it as a mat ;
ter of necessity; it is w i th them im affair
of professional pride as well as of pa ;
triotism. The volunteer officers; hay..
ing learned on the field and by bard
experience what' fighting'' is, aro bent
on retrieving the_ reputation of their.
Class of soldiers, and are trying tO make.
their men colaprebentl"thekliffei•ercie
between mancelivringbefore mt eni4v
and Parading' in II p'eat•eful "ep'ciainp
ineitt: , ;,i
The filioelcof the defbat at Bull Bun
js entirely gone, and now, with a
healthy recovery of the utorat • eoni•age
of the troops and the fieople,owe' are
deriving from it some substantial good,
Tho lesson wa•a a 'severe One; but it
will be all• the better rememberbt,
Phila. Bulletin.
On the 21111 1,11., by 1 .1.1, A. Rohrer, JACQII'i;111". of
Slurlo3 :burg. to ~111,o; Mu l .l.lllA. &Om% a Etlit, Wuterfonl
itiointo untolar .
I,A Jost-, by Rev, a. U. Roil, Mt). ..7,ntiN Ft,)104%.
t o )mq C , OllllllOO hryvito. 1,0;• 14qrktigg114111.
At Oa vow,Mu, by , tl,o` , 4llllt, Mr. , l tilt lot I
tiqh , l 311R1 R.t,EN Vittug.9, of."114:1349 d o” towti,y , p,
A..T W..;
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