r Army Correspondence. CAMP DAYTON, New Creek, Va. ' July 21, 1861, k MR. EDITOR :—This morning I had .he pleasure of receiving, a copy of your paper, and I thought it my duty to pencil a few lines to you, informing you of our whereabouts, and what Are. bare doing. At present we are sta tioned at a small village on the banks of the Potomac. We, (Scott loran try) are quartered in a large shoe factory, 'and lrv : e a full run of the establish ment. There aro two companies quar tered at the house of Col. McDonald, an officer in the rebel army, and me thinks ha. would like to raise some of our noses if he knew how—but that is What beats old Jeff himself. ' A dispatch, I understand, Las just 'been received, stating that we are very soon to be scattered at different points. by companies. We are ready and willing, for one of, our companies can -drive off two companies of the rebels; at least they have done so heretofore. The telegraph - wire which was cut down at this place by the enemy, about two weeks ago, was fixed yes terday, and wo can now get immedi ate news from headquarters. It is a disgraeoful . sight to see how the rebels have destroyed property and burnt bridges. A few days before -our arrival they had been visiting the fm-houses and stores,'stealing hor ses, provisions and goods of all kinds. The store that is now used as our post -office, was broke open, and four thou sand dollars worth of goods taken, and carried horseback to Romney; but we -soon put a stop to that sort of fun.— The rebels are scattered all around us, spying into our camp, and trying to find out our movements, but -precious little good will it do them. Our tents are all in Maryland, but wo do not need them at present, as the " Seceshers " have left us'plenty of good houses to live in. The Union citizens of this place rejoiced exceed ingly upon,our arrival in their midst. They appeared as if they would never get over it. I went out in the coun try yesterday, about n-mile and a half, fer the purpose of getting my dinner, and was told by theflunily with whom I stopped, that when we left, they would leave also. Such is the feeling of, some of the folks here, but the == one of the rebel companies which are prowling about this neighborhood. was shot a few days since by one of our men. He is buried a few 3 - mllol.m our, house. The cause of his being billed was on account of his command ing au old gray-headed Union man, .who was walking quietly along, to be shot, just because he ices a Uilian maul The lieutenant was overheard to say. shoot him down, don't spare him." We have plenty of provisions now; and if we- should become short, we have a ,way in which ; to obtain more. We have good drinking water, and the Potomac for a wash-tub in which to wash our shirt's. I consider' we are well supplied. • ;Our camp still continues in good health, and we are fitt—aot ragged— but " tarnal sassy." I must -close my scribbling. with a promise of trying to do better in the future, and writing often or. C 1513.1. CuAaLusTowx, J uly, 21, 180 DEAR SIR :—Not having written Lone since leaving Martinsburg, and having Sonic spare time to-day, 1 \Vili endeavor to write you a 'few lines, giving an' account of the movements mad doing ofour column since leaving -the good town of Martinsburg. On Monday morning before the break of 'day, we were 'en route Or what we supposed Winchester via Bunker fill. Arriving at the latter ,place, it WAS' our good fortune to try one of Major Donbleday's big guns.— A shot or two from said gun, and a -charge of bayonets from one brigade, - cansed the rebel cavalry and infimtry '7EI4 \Vas: encamped there, to disperse inpnediate)y, leaving their tents be- hind, tl'wm,,,Which we occupied until Wednesday, when we again' , took up .our line-of March. The rebels deserve credit for knowing how to erect good tents or wigwams Out of the boughs 'and'branehes'of cedar and pine. Our boys have profited by the sight of them, and can no dreet a. shelter from the sun and rain, about as 'well as if -they belonged to a tribe of Esquimaux. Before l w itarchin, we received two days rations, and bad our canteens filled. The advance of our army start ed, and arrived at this 'place at four o'clock. P. M.; the rear arriving at 10 or _after. There is quite a crowd of , stringing 'out for a diitance of 5 mile. Major Doubleday is always in advance, and cares as much for the secessionists as a monkey doe :moot his mother.— ba,:v it from good authority that he is getting tired of following them to their camps, and letting them run oft His plan is. to follow ui oar soccessni, And MVO more - rapidly ;`Litt as no detibt, Gen. Patterson is acting under 'orders, he deems it prudent to await the final blow, and not advance be yond the points assigned by our old ,chieftain.. It is, dreditable r te us for being successful thus far, bttt we have btill work to do before we go home, in cutting off their retreat from Manes- Sros. , , - - „ The time of the three months' vol unteers is daily ckpiring, and they are inoving forward by Way of Harper's Ferry. You _a:t - ,:ifo , ine will doubtless think it sti tnge - that'glielf r abould be the ease; but Itlieti 'the truth is roved]. ed of the manner in Which ' piiy, Penn sylvania Volunteors have been treated, no one will lay the charge of coward ice to them, Willie the volunteers of other States aro well provided with tents, we have but three to a company. They. have a full complement; they aro provided with wagons for the sill:, while we have but eleven for the regi ment, and' half of them are taken up with the Quartermaster's goods. They have good, substantial clothing and blankets, We, flimsy ragged,goed-for ndtbing articles of " wearing apparel," such as the poorest citizen would snot wear ; at home, J Other, States have paid _their soldiers, monthly i 'hut we have not receiVe'd ' a red " You will :doubtless:` ask, do we _blame: roar ',county, --we answer no, but our State Department is the cause of" the trouble, and there it will lay lbreveras a -dig grace to the men iu power in Pennsyl vania in 1861. Our government rations pre good; we wore , fortunate in getting a good man-An Quarternmeter = ,Cupt. Rice, of ticraziton. lie will carry with inim' the good will of every soldier of the 15th, and as an honest, faithful officer, will have his reward, should we ever reach Pennsylvania; I wish I could say so for all our officers—but I must forbear for the present; but there is a "good time coming." I sincerely regret 'that our regi ments are leaving now; they are cer tainly wrong. We are only asked to stay a week longer, which:our Brigade will do. Gen. Negley addressed his Brigade last evening on that subject, and while speaking, tears were seen trickling down his cheeks. Said he, " Soldiers, remember Valley Forge, and the bloody foot tracks," and then pointing to the stars and stripes, said, " my boys that is the same flag!" Cheer after cheer greeted it and him. Thank God, ire have a General to lead us in whom we have confidence. We all idolize him ; and a good brave man he is. Kind to his soldiers; 'strict in dis cipline; 'always about, knowing every minute what transpire in his Brigade. He will he one of the heroes of our country. I feel sure the future histo rian will have to record him, as one of her brave defenders. Had he been commander of this column, Winidiester would have been ours ere this. Our future movements you - will know ere you receive this. Manassas must be taken, and we n•ill act our part on the battle-field. The amusing incidents, I will leave for hereafter and hope to make your sides shake with some good ones which I can tell about the Irish Brigade.— We are encamped next to them. I did not like them at first ; but cannot help hut do so now, after the many good yarns listened to, and nearly split my sides with laughter. Like all the sons of " Old Erin," they are good, warm-hearted men, and are con- sidered amoug.t. the bravest in our army. You mat• expect us home in two weeks. Hoping that God who rules the destinies of nations may give us success, and our government be again restored to its once happy condition, I remain yours, I). W. P. S.—Charlestown is the place where old Brown was hung. The sol diers are cutting up the tree under which he was hung, for the purpose of nicking canes,- boxes, &c. For my part, I consider it rather " small pota toes," as he was hung for the same thing the secession leaders are guilty of— Trcastni D. W. A lieutenant of OUR CORRESPONDENCE. FRIEND LEWIS : - Perceiving this township very unfrequently noticed in the columns of the " GLOlSE,"—which exidently should not be—l determined to take upon myself the responsibility of representing it with its statistical peculiarities, &c., by way of local cor respondence. I would not, however, veuture to give a description in detail of this township, but will endeavor so far 'as practical, to give a mere sum mary account. Tod township is com prised principally of Trough Creek Valley, extending longitudinally north and south, exhibiting a very fertile and fruitful section ; well watered and _timbered and abounding in all the ne cessaries of agricultural pursuits.— Trongh Creek is the; Principatstream, which, taking a northerly course pur 'sues its ever-changing and tortuous way through rocky precipices and mountain gorges of the most romantic sublimity emptying, finally, into the ." sparkling waters"' of the Ilaystown 'Branch. - The citizens of this valley are a hardy, thriving and intelligent set of people, and principally devoted to the agricultdral interests; which, RS a test of their knowledge' and ability in the art, look at the invariable amount of grain produced annually. We, have nine schools this town ship, open regularly every winter clar ity,. the term of four months, and. the public t sentiment is very 111N-or:Able to the cause of education. Institutes weroTegidarly held daring the winter session, in:which citizens and directors participated. • The Pret:ident's Message was re ceived and read with great pleasure.— He speaks very ably of our National troubles and difficaltieS, of the beseig ing of the forts arsenals, navy-yards, by the Rebel Government of the Confederate 'States: lie also, urges upon Congress,the necessity of placing at once into the ]lands of the Govern ment, an armed force amply sufficient to' make the contest a decisive one, and bring the South under the absolute control of the Federal Government. W 6 arc all good Union men,—ever ready to stand by the " Flag of our conntry," and , n;iltkig: t;) die in defence 'of that faun of Government, devised by the wisdom of oni..fathers, and sus tained until the present day by loyal and emikerratire Achninistrations. ' -And, althOugh that good old Flag has,been treated with' insolence and stained b 3 .the' hands of domestic foes and unmitigated traitors, it is yet to be believed that it, will ere long wave in triumph and unsullied glory through out the length and breadth of our American Province. Fear,ing lest might intrude. upon your good-natured,readers' patience, I shall close for the present. More anon. Yours &c:, „ , PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, dish . 23 . Fancy and Extra Family Flour ' $1,751,45,59; Cuniniuu and 6upertinu .$4,C0(!p1,75 ' " Hyo Flour ' 6 - 1,..4(, Corn Moot' • ist 5 2 ,GP Extra 'Willie Wheat *1,17 i,i11..2.1( - Fair and rime, lied ' 51,1•2@1,13 '''. EyesSe , , Co, u, pi Iwo Yelhar al Oats' Claret Beedal 1.4 lbs $4 5001,7 Timothy ' ,f0,75kr,7,87 RUNTINGDON MART TB. ' CoKEEETED WEEKLY. Extun nirillly Moor to blit ' ' , ' c 1.7.5 , • E.am .to ^0 cAvt , "04.1 1511 lie 1% hem llO ' Red Wheat 1 00 lk e 5 • Ciro 45 Odt •qk Clovekwed 4.00 H.tva•ed 11/11e4} it Ulllll'l Ilnnl.' ' Slii 'Warr , 141 , 4 1 hi low j Dl' It ECK 0 - • ; /AAnhil , to 00k..t Itemly Ileeloner. to Intim+. atto could. to-;‘ , hh b are form, of \ "tea 111114. Ho "cetput. Potitloto, S:o.. together a ith a la.t n( o. fnl bthlen `contain big rnte of loterent (rota one dollar t t oelvo thong owl. by the altarle day, a /11/ tt mtge of wne., od board by the vceelt and day, isulaltelard tot 1850. For sole at ' LEWIS' BOOK :TORE. PARADISE FURNACE, July 15 'l.Oll 11)1' ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- In put sunnee of an order of tho 0, plms' Court of Hun tfugdon county. the undersigned, Adminiettator of the Latate of Da) .Nlountain, late of Hopewell tom nehip, dec'd., will expos,: to Prldic Sale, on FRIDAY, August 9th, 1961, at IC o'clock, A. M., the following desCribed real estate, iz t—The Mansion 'l'lact of sod fleceas,l, containing about SO notes; all chats l but Seven acteo. The improve menta men good too stony dwelling house, pitta base ment, double log - henand other eutterldings, together with a fine lot of ft tut trot,. The land is iu a good Prate of cultivation. 'this thin) is one of the bestir the lueehty, being 1 nifty Liver Lennon. It to bounded on the east by the Juniata Mew1...0 the WWI/ by John end Groi go Berk vlievver, and on the north nod meet by ,luau), Weaver In connection mllll nod as port of the 31a11sion Fano, 0110 other Inlet of Toulex Lund, containing SO flora mole or Iris. falf °bong Juniata 1111 et on the coat, Jacob Went tT on the gaunt, J. '/' BhiNep I pro. on the most, a n d l'attt rent] oil the nut th , Thib hoot lies h ili tt n 0110 m irk of th e mandon tract, IC well timbered and the two 1101 co , ' melee n vet v desiialne property. TEltms 01 041,1; lard of the putchneo money to he paid on confirmation of the sale, and the tosidue in ewe Paloal animal pal inents Mel eafter, m 011 the tntere4t, to be scented by the bouds tad inOlanago of the nutLthei. NATHAN WWII:, Adiumbitrator. Jgl) 23, 1%1 . A GRICULTURAL SOCIETY.- .a — tegultir minim' meeting of his Huntingdon County Agt tenltus al Society, will he held ni the Court Heine, on Tuehilay evening, of the Atignsr Com t, (lath ((lox) It, addition to the regular husines4 Lot...dell with the So , the follou hug rug eta elpecterl to It t 11171 tho ditTer..ut imbjc.l..3(m -smnotl them, Sm.: Scat ;Old most renounce' fence for the Huntingdon count) I'm toms—John S. Iselt, T. 11. Crypt, nod I t0).4 11.1,1111011 lisql Cohnitittee. Best !MAMA of IMO Os mg the Mord of rattle In this conlit2,—Den. Jack son, Esch., OffJackrott,) :1111,1. Win. )b ite rtuil John Rhodes conlittitteo. Best method of haw oring thr 'need of .hecir —3laj. Win. Moore, Davnl Ittipett owl I.lrMa Shoolmitm committee. CAmitaittek; on prendini,--D. Miller Jacob Thomas Fisher, A. Benedict and at, id Donn. By °Met of the society, It. MeDI J. SDIPSON APHID k. Huntingdon July 23, ISGI TwEicils.llLl3 A U3l, t• OPTICIAN AND OCULTN/' FJ{o'l I.ADP:LPIIIA. Revileetrally thfornel the citizens of 111'NTIMIDON and vieriniq, that he has opened a I100)1 at the I. s.thiclin House, n here he liners lin cnlc • S Cl' A C .1.; OF El rilF VARIETY, riot. AND QtALITT. A nett invention or Spectacle,. for &stout or close loading. ttitlt gold. silt er, stool, and tot tol , e4liell frame+, and A Ito, and improved tinent of inqifocol tad parobula gi 'JOWL flint Ctlassei, of bit ONJI niatitifitettne. Ile mould. pat Iteulaaly call 111,1 attention of the to his Spectacles for \'E-1K SJOHTEP dud for V01'20114 uhu have been operated Innen for the full art of the rye. anal to his or, hind oC Gleam, and Coo 01 the smint, in Ile of tine beet flint and titan: flood (liaises 10.13 be !amain 1,3 their shape. net rutty, sharp and high', polished all face. TlO. pielitos air to he retina lu his (thr.,es. MUMS IXIVOIITIN The A rry Lr=t lilt AZILIA I s ',BBL?,and MOUNT IIN CItY6TA Lao proved to be far 4uperior to any Ober (11, 4 . )1.., Mienikieortai, Spi 00 QCILI.I,II fltte , t.a of even• ntn• 00,1 qmslity; Tt.Lnscot.S.q, ' , I %GNI! VINO .van Ovens UtAlead, vs 1111 ddfet ent poss vitt, togattier WWI is er3 vartet) of [alleles in the Optical line, nut nuntionekt. 013 , Orrrctr„ sod other Instruments .041 fila.es. rare filly repaired at bliort notice. Ile eau aim ars select tll.irses to suit thin NISIOII of the per: oil, as he tICCH than, tipaii the first trial, .iiII - 11e still tomato in gilt place doting A ntznA FIRST NVEEIC, and those In went of the abort: at titles, will please phe Win it call. 0.6- Ile n ill. if required, go to any resroctable hou,o hunt his err, leer, may l,e mantt d. Emit EIT-WATIAt and the be 4t Ihmijng 61,04 es ta,,,,56 r”, P,,b, 23. ItCl.l Ca II ER I DT'S SA T. ES.—By virtue of 1.,±7 nwory writy of Vend Rep. FL to and Lev. Fa. to me directed, expose to public ri.th• of older; at the Court Mt.°, in the berotivh of Iltintiagdon, on )I(ICI)A1', the 12th day of Aago , t, 1561, at '2 o'clecli, the Cul lowtiqr, &set tbed real estate, to slit: No I.—A tract of land in Cromwell town ship consisting of parts of several salt eyi, through trh ich Mask Log creek t nos. adjoining rand of I,lt, Wigton A. Co , and Black Log uwuu Win on the F+l%ll Mill coat IMO of Deft, occupied by Benj. lira:, designated as No 4, in tide ire y, and /and of Wm. Orbigon's Leta en the writ, and land of Defendant. occupied by Benjamin Long. dealg miter( as No 3 iu this lei y, on tile north, containtog 200 nerve be the same more or real, of a hich about 130 dere% are cleared, having thereon erected a stone grist mill, n blast nu rice coned 46 Wilielinier Fw liace," n tar go atone duelling lams, a coal ironic. now need as .r barb, a Dam, barn painted white. a carriage hence, and [bittern log bursae, mall other buildings neurally ronnected %nail n fut• node, togeth"t in air the water ironer connected tiler . ..o nit. the cattle ronAsting of part of a tract Mal ranted in the name ot William Chamber s, and part of the iliaLk Log tract, and pmt of the Breland delitnan tract, de. No 2—A it net of land in - Cromwell ton nihip nese 00- Copied In Benjamin I on;;, adjoining N, 1 in till, lei y, on laud of 11'1111 ern Orbkon s intro on the west, la:tt, 11 igton 3: Co., on tire nos lb. alai the Dermot ta Cronin ell tract. on [he east, containing 120 acr,si t,e the same. more or legs, of or Melt about 05 OCI vs ale clear od, haviuy a leg 1.01%1,1110 10,4 barn thereon, being a pant of tire Bedford and Chambers tracts, and hal mg au ore bard: thereon. • tract of Imid on Blink Log mountain, In Ci oilmen timmliip, adjoining Nos 1 and g In this levy, on the nek, °a min ing IJO any,, more or lets, Irving the Otte 11.11 t 01 n tine( vollvjct) un n 118trallt, in the 110 1 / 1 0 Of Hem ietto. Ciotan ell. N" 4 --A hart of hunt in Cromwell 61,‘1,11i1t.11.1,10111111 , 4 Nu I its this losy, on the 00,1. !toffees lona on the south, hoof of lh•ohtutin Be, r+. tot the weal, land of L'itottont 11 out Slut V Orloson, and the boils of \VIII Orbison, mt no north. containing ISO acres or Mel cahoot., of \\hien Montt 1.0 acres are clewed, having two log Itnobe4 and a log b.llO that con ho og noss occupied by Itonjansin Heels nut others, and In.yi ig an one btnic thet 0-10. No votcel of land in Cronin ell toss nstdp, nt the heed 01 the mill dam count rted tuth the unit, and so de ol I ibtll in .NO 1 111 tins levy. adjoining land of Samuel ❑tote, Omen elligg,l/61 hosts, I ilia heft, Wigton & containing 10 eons mote or toe, of ts hich about 0 arks me Cleared. No O.—A (met of r . land unhu moved In Croton cli ten n dap. toliolning land of.lnrhen• WO tire on the north, Daniel nook On tho Iltolons E (41.1,0 n ril the sorrily nod Bodge,' on the east. containing about £0 am CY, bang part of a [tact tort eyed to the name of Tiles 1101,1. No 7 —A tract or tuned of land In Cr innw, II town-hiP, adjoining land of 1/4,111 Iduilo on the not lb. land of !telt. Wigton L. Co. on the north and east, nod George l•ipos on the cast. containing about 73 actes, being part at the Jo+eph Drub), surrey. No B.—A tract 00 parcel of land in Cronin ell township, adjoining Joshua JOll. 011 the not th, P edei lett Ilat man on the ca.st, :atonei r on the south. and /tett, Wig ton Co. on the 0 est, cuntanung about 140 0,1415 WIWI 11I0Veti. No 9.—A tract of land on Jades mountain in Cromwell township, adjoining land lobo of John Brewsto and others, containing about 300 acres, of which about 35 acres are cleared, with a house tbvroou, occupied by Andrew Me- Conaglty. No 10.—A had of land in Cronin ell township. now oc cupied by Amite.' Banks, adjoining laud occupied by Wm Wallace or, the east, Fleming on the south, Jacob now man on the went, and Richard Ileek on the north, con taining 130 acres Inure or lets, of isloch about 40 netts arecleured, with a small house thereon. No 11.—A tract of Mud iu Cromwell township, adjoin ing No 10 in this levy, on the west, Thomas E. Orbital, on the north, .‘sinlon Gratz on tho cast, .tiolotnou Banks Ott the south, containing about 73 acres. with about 40 am es eleared, with a hon.,: thereon, in 'which William Wallace resides. No 12.—A tract of land in Ci oilmen township, wet ran toil in the name of Jusepluts Ashman, adjoining lends et James ILmn on the west and north, Silcester Garber o n the coat, and John Long nod Thomas 11 Ot bison on Hid ; south, con hafting SO notes to&to or less, of which nbot,t 35 acres awe eleart.d, and hoeing all ore hank lino con. No 13.—A ti Oct or pat col of land 'ln :Wiley township, urn Canted in the mute of Hugh Doyle. adjoining, bud of Thomas C. Altrnan on tho west and not th, lands of fault, `Wigton & Co. on the east and tooth, containing 10 acres ' mot eur less. Selzattl, taken In execution and to be sold as the 'Hopei iy 01 limn! lot in. Atin-1:1,a followin g described mesaunne and tract of land of Jeorge W. Jot s ion end Jacob' Ans pacts, to bit; All that art tain piece. 3 once! sail tract of hunt sltitato 111 Jackson township. Ilmitiugtlon county. adjo:ning lands of George Hat !y, it blow F.t.s..inatt, Henry Stein and other, contenting ono hundred and lotty-ttso act es and sixty-four 11011.105 and allowance. Also—All that other piece, parcel nod tied, of land situ ate fo Jackson too whip count) arm costa. adjoining hoots of Joseph Sassaman, laud in the name of 13eurgo Wilpto t and others. contaitung ulnoty-soun acres and ono hun dred and fifty-taco pet rtes and allesvance, with the qail*. tenanecs Mattson or thereunto belonging or to too wise typo Mining. 14eiced take. In oNeention, and to be sold as the property of Detuge IV. John-on and Jacob D. Ann pad, Also—All the right, title and interest of Defendant in and to all that certain lot of gt °nod alltatte in the town of Barnet, in Carbon township, fronting SO feet on Hamilton street and extending 111 depth (140.) one bundled nod forty feet to Dendeck Alley, being lot No. 1J 1n the plots of said ton n, haying thin eon a duelling house, stable uml other tarps 01.16110. Also—All tits right, title and interest of Dr.fendnut in and to all that cot tain lot of mound situate 111 the town of Barnet. in Carlton township, Huntingdon county, ft out ; ing LO tort on Hamilton slue!. nod extending in depth LP) feet to Ifentiod: Alley. heing lot No 31 in plan of Null felon, on it hien ItAreetod a duelling house Sc. Seized, taken in excentism, and to be sold as the property of James Dunn. - ALSO—AII the Defendant's right, title and interest in the follow hog described property: A tot or ground in tutu toss n of Mount union, containing tote late Merl, or less. adjoining hind of GOll. A. P. Wilson on the tooth 11001, PCllll.yil'alliA Railroad on the south west, Jas. Morgan, 'George Deli& and others on the south cast, attd Pennsylt aide Canal on the ltaith east, and bite Ing thereon erected 0110 frame tavern bowie. now occupied by Defendant, one Mtge fronts stable, two Mune buildings used 119 stables and st*agon sheds, ono frame buildmg sisal ill it blitCliviiiitit 11111 i 000111.1 . OPT, 0110 11111110 building nerd 114 tl* Siloollllll,o 01011. 111 Id other outbuildiogs. Seised. tab.:win execution, and to he cold its, Ole : 11101191 y of Abram Loomis. - ' ALSO. —All flue Defendant'erright, title and - - - - intelont in and to 30 acres of ground eau 01 100% situate in Tell ton nship, Huntingdon county, bounded 'on the west by land of Goositurn's 110110, (111 tho east by I land of Itielnnd buyer thotn, on the west by land of tnul'i Hooks, ou tho south by land of Nicholas GooAtorn. , oil tho south by bind of Pubort Loner, having thet eon erected a grist 3101, saw Mill, ee dwelling houses and other out biiildings, belted, token fit execution and to IJO sold as tho property of Owen,. .11. who has 0111011 etl J . 1.11111 GOOSIIIII 0, Er. A L.4l.—A !.i0c,43 or 'parcel of InuSrl, situate 1•1 : 15'olkor„ towo,luip, 11,1111110°n untidy. Collblibing nit o nervy awry Iv++ alo-t of tt ha It in cloned, nit I 1111111,r alit I 10°1..11 Cl. ell I 111111.1,4 th. , 1 , 4 1 1 the Ile reon and adjoin.. of the htdr-, of John /Intl NWT., of .I.lin 3101 * .tliaa't4 tle,1•000. it being the scone lot of limit that 1.1,/ne Diolood ..I,loira '0 11'11.0 , 0A n1411 , 1,1(.4 Ip tie Or- WOW/I COlll.l dyed dated lfgh of Apt lA. 11.. 1030 and mood., to :to. k on said and cilay..3ol to 4,11f1 TU. aaa... I.,,cilti,fa and robe ADM' /1.1 the 11101100 of Titoism. Whim. ; AI„t::--AIi , ite tight. isle Anil ittitiovr,of the per,,,oloot of. in mull to 110 news or lull I o,toote In CI o nin nit r joining laird. 41 'I hon.+ rroalwell nn Om ran tti Ftelloi,lt fiat noun an Illy south. Anil., 'liflaty , gi the E.tra. std llt.telail • 111.11intalll an the 11 , 11111. moo, are rlontrd and baring then eott orec. it.ll :1 log litinse 211 story hlgh n 24 by , 2 log btu ii. snow Inundation 60 b, 40. Mid tn., apple tut herds. Seized, token in -x.vution, nod to be sold as the propel ty of Josh,. Julio% A Ls .-2(lg mores of 1111111 in, 0.4)r foo , ;. mitt RN bl lllJtlid townAllp lloottogdon county, bootolra ho tho soot d ,‘ land orrhonnts Walker. on the Past by land of ,insole Seely, west by land of Alary Wagener. north by lull of Merman Appleby, baring thereon r , re , ;tel Or, log houscs, one frame bank barn, tnd mw log stable.— S. lied, then in extcution, and to be bold as the prone/ 1y of Jolla Deviancy. M-so.—One lot of ground situate in Broad Top City, being tat Nl/ 155, fronting on Rail Road avenue 30 fret. extending back 90 fret to llazol street, adjoining lot of the 1111)11 us 11110116 CVIIIOIIY on the not tit and rust, and hat nig a two story flame house, with a back kitchen attached 40 by as. with a stone basement, need for astute loom. Soloed taken to execution, and to be sold 69 tile proiwt ty of Ally Clatk and Annie Clink. Alan—Tic „ Vitt, of grille - WI situate in the addition of Broad Top City, living Nos 13 A. 11, fronting ou Broad stivet ftet, and GO feet on Spruce street, the other ft 0,11. CO fret on Spruce street, and SO fret ou flas h t Sttcct, has ing thrrelneerectril a founts house 13.6 sto ries high. Servtl, taken itt execution and to he sold as the !novelly at George Ketztier. ALSO—AII the Defendant's right, title and iiiirreit in. and to the following described piece or parcel of land of &linnet It. Gto, wttntll. hltuate in Jackson toun tditp. In the comity of lintilingdon, hounded and described as tultums, to nit : on the north by lands (AR. alctturttey, and R. Little on the west, by land of the maid 31Ctlitrucy, east by lands of sold Robert Melturney, containing ono on the south by lam], of said Zilelltirney, and on the half acre inure or test, it bring the 84610 premises muck Jolts .lack4on TroWeo to ....It the teal estate of S. Contad, deed, by hi, deed bearing ihtte to the 14th of Apr 1112.50. Conveyed to Samuel li. (It wo.man, putty beteto, %all the ar put Ermine:, in 3 our h.tilhtick. , Seiced, taken in OE, cotton, and to Lor sold US the property of Samuel li. Gross man. ALFO—AIf the nefendant'A right, title and Into wit in, nod to the folloning &act. Oitd building and lot of wound of voll S. Duranttes,s, cont factor, and Elezabeth, the with of said David Iterlott eater on tier or t milted miner, pith notice to lilt Hain Itnttrtiter and Michael McCabe, a certain thine shay lanee.two of n Lich ore name and the other atone. having theieto a kitchen attached, to Ilse tillage of Dudley. lon nehlp of Cat bon, county nfot to„ iii, on the corner of front arid Wallington titicetv, being fin ty toot on Dont street, and twenty feet mitt Waabingtiot sheet. said holm being built on lot No. 1:i In plan of paid lilt/Igo, fn,nting, fifty feet on Front !areal, end extending hack ono tonolicd and fifty feet along - Windlingtoti street to a [nen!) , feet alley. belied token in e‘ccution and to be sold 144 the poverty of David itethstrwiset. contractor, and Elliatbeth lierhat•eeeor the nifo of raid David Diulotrevecr. the right , title and interest of It,aac :quo ITT one of the Defendnutn of in and to a tract of land Nisiotte in hit l•y tow a,•lip, Ilmaloplon county. coo doing, eel, oty noses, more or lest. about 40 01 rem of lt loth We riVald li t hounded ou NW 1101111 1/111,13 Of SAM. cot I,llty. on the south by Nod known ire Smith's 1111- toovement. and on tire or. at by land of JODIE. Click's hells mud ou the east by Anglin/el:A:tech, inning awl von tot:lva a too story flame hone,• nO4l other (Alt buildings. Also--'fno lots of grentid shale in the horengh of Sidi let string. each fronting en Main street, GO feet. and extending back 140 Get to all alley, arid bounded on the smith by the behool house lot. and on the north by the lot of 'Wm. Meblte,hnrtn^ theicon rill ted a teo story flame Once an rather boarded 27 I.y 2S, sae flame stable 161,y 22 and ull e alit led:ding% out lot containing one-fonts]) of alt acre, Inot a or less, I...noted on the vaq by an alley of arnrl bon eingh, land ut 11 ,Ilium IleNite on the Sue, land rit— Miller on the south. at lane on the not lb. Fritcih takcll hilts execution and tin i.e sold as the viola rq of John rhar nor and lilac Sh rarer. Al.9o—Ons lot of ground situate in Broad Toe cite.calboa ton nOup. Huntingdon county, being lot to IE3 iu tLv gene, al plan of t‘aid town, flouting go rout uu lhoad Atrevi. hat ing thereon erected one ninutt hour, one and n half ..tot ies high. Al , o—hot No 102 in titan of said town. bounded on the :omit, by lot No 1 , 3, L.i log the r.•on on voted a frame ~to. tile and tinme Atop. d, taken into execution and to be sold ins On; In It erty of I:o; agn ,l i wardield. t , hel Salo; o ill hereafter be nholo on Wednenliy, of the ht•t o eel: or con, t, and the Del•di acknoo ledged on lollowsog Wedoe-olt y .101 IN C. WATSON, Sheriff. Sitraori s i) NOTIC B._ 110 Notice ie hclehy Oen, to all lir,ollS illtJ I 'sled, th a t 'ha f„itaa nag nattual put , on 4 hate fat Wed their no collittb inn the Itrgmat , B Odic, at II itlatitigdoll, WO that the said aCeoliiiti 1%111 lot pin n Buntrd for (automation and :Illottatter at an Oipliaty.' Cum t. ie Lo held at 1111111mgditti, in 011,1 fun the cottony of Iluottngtlon, on 31ontlay the 12th 11.13 of August next. 0861.) to ult . : 1. Ilia Adnditiattanion Account. of :s.tmucl Strwant. Executor of Willonn Ha's late of Juel.ann hunt-3111p, dre'd. 2. Filet and I foal Account of Sao, al t and deo. IV. Porter, late Adminiatt alma of .ttuntrl Porter : late of Jul loon towtudop 1. Gtottdiatodup Artxnutt of D. 131.1 En3ennt. (lu.trdian of 31argal et Juniata Ittletiallan, a tuitwl thild of NVID. Bu ell:man, deed. 4. Adininishation Account of Henry B. arern, Admln it.hator of John Ileetel, late of Tod top., doo'd, Account of David tiecto A•hutolotrator of It Dunn, Into of Cloy too °AAP, dee'd. 0. Ack.ount of L.mto , l Greco, Administrator of Jacob funtn, Into of Cuss t o p , 7. Account. of J0..1.11 Diu,gios i cic I roupt, Adn,io6ti ato, or Homy late of Tod townellip, dee'd, • 8. Mist Account of William Flea alt. Tt ustee to sell the teal c,tate of James Ste, ort, Lite of ti o4t tap, dee'd. 9. Account of Peter Stry Lou, Unaidian of /dried, nan d, and Mamma. Silt her, [taunt children of Samuel Sty led, late of Alexandria ho rough. deed. Filed by John I'. Sti,her, of Petd Stiylon, lb. Account of ;Yonn gang unit William Stewart, raven tone of Aix unlor Phcl, Ltte of {Sot ton account. 11. Account of John N. So oope. Ailminktratot 10 bon. nn tv.taine•ito 111111010, of G. Iltt3l.tt, LW: of Potter nip.. cht'd. L. Accou 2- nt ”,101.0 Oeous tutu Jlonert T.. Henderson. Extrutore of John title of Wail 1 hn muul. 0111 , EL Account of Elias 3ltn,er. AdminiAtatou of John Bailey. Into of Jackson top. /Iced. 14. Account of James McCall and Abraham Steles, Earl . E ccnto;a of the inst Wilt and Teotament of Danod Loch. water, late Of Walker top . 15. Isnul nucoma of John C. Wol•on, Ilvetor of Ab salmn Plow num, dun], 16. ACCOMIt ur arra-nth...l appah.tert by the Orphans' Conrt to the re.o estate of Amon Lovell, doc'd, undo tunt in 11111 , 11.11..01 preteedinot lu isu DA:\ IEI, W. II'ONIELSUJItI:', Itvgle.er. Ithnisfrg's 01110 g, Huntingdon, July 13, 1861. 1)11 0 CI, MLATION.---IVIIL''I EXS, by a pi ecept to One dig ectel, dated at Huntingdon, the 1 day of April, A.D. 1861. Under tho 11:111(liand deals of the lion Gem go Toler, e.,ult❑t of the Cum tof COllllllOll 0301 dud Terllllllol, and general Jail done e; y of tile 21th Judicial DiNtiiet of Penns.) Iv.inia, comp.-k -ited of Huntingdon, Blair and Cando lit counties; and the Mont. 6cuJ:uulu F. Patton and tl it D. Leos his associ. atee, judges of tho County of Huntingdon, justices an. signed, appointed to hely, try and doter !nine all told every indietnnuits mule or taken ha or concerning all orioles, by the law, of the State, 400 Made capital, or Mon ies of death, and other ofh•necs, climes and nihnleine.tisot which hat e been 01 shall lieteaftcr be connulttod or porpe trated. for crimes aforesaid—l, .1111 I.ollllll3lllieti to make puhha procLanatam tin oughout toy whole bailiw irk, that a Cootl of Oyer awl Teominer, of COIIIIIIOII Pleas and (meter will he held lit the Court Hon.., in the bin tough of thintingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th day) ol Atigti.t next, and tin,A, who will pi °weld(' the Said pilto»crs, be then and there to proNecitte then, on it shall be just. and that all allitiCes of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and then, In their proper pervonv. at 10 o'clock, a. in. of sold day, with their let:tads, inquilitioni, °sand na Done :mil ententbran. Coo, to do flatlet, things which to their othees lc-Teeth - els appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 13th of July, in tho year of oar Lord unto 010114allti 011;11t 1111101(Ni and 131.1.ty•Ol/C, and tho 86th year of American Indolmdence. JOlll . l C. IVATSON, Sheriff. pRO 131 lIERE AS, by n precept to me directed by the Judges of the Coln. Moll Divas of the county of Huntingdon, [oaring test the 901 h day of April IStit, I ant commanded to make Ptadie Proclamation throughout my halo bathwiek, that a &Pm t nt Common Pleas still be held at the Coot t House In the borough of Ilnutinedom au the :lid Monday (3114 19th tlay)• of Atigugt. A. 11,161 H, for the trial of all is sues in mild Court it bias .1113111 1111110ter11111111li 1.1010133 the said Judges, ll ben and m hero all jurors, witnesses, nail suitors, it) the ttials of all 133110531 e lelllitted. Detail at Huntingdon the 131 11 of Jai) in the year of our hold One thouannd eight handled and sixty-ono, and the Stilt sear of American Independence. JOHN C. WATuON, Sheriff AIII3LE Y A Al). Ile undersigned IT a would I espectiliny call ilio at telltitlll of the citizens ul fluntingdmi and Hal adjoining comities to the stock of bensitilid mailik noW on band. lle is Pi eln l, cd 10 nunisb At the snot test notice, 'Monumental Mel ble, Tonib. Tableb and :1011es of eve: y desired size and form or Italian or Eastern Mai tole, and l. ‘• s,,s ton ‘‘ 10 110 A. M. A. S.Ol P. AI. Ai rho .t 1 Iluittiugdon & O:AR P. 01. J. J. LAWRENCE. Supt. July 11, 1861 O OAL OIL:! COAL OIL!!! u. Xones A. than n soils the tiemsine PORTLAND KEW •AP.N P.." nu COAL. t 1, dm,. oa su.dsr. This I. the otily'lcuol of oil ULU &NOS entire satixfaction to nil "gent for light. 1.10,111. , ‘.l counterfeits and colored cathou oils. They emit an olien-ho smell and smoke. A Imp vat My also of ClO-11. OIL .LA Chlntoo”. Molten. ' nornPra. Shades. &e.. Ile.. sold at the very lomat. pricur,at thr,Undwarettorv, llll . o3 g• sdon, • NEW GOODS ! NEW .GOODS! ! FISHER & SON BEM JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK jYEj r GOODS. TIfE VIJDLIP ADE INVITED TO CALL = EXAMINE OUR GOODS FISHER & SON April 10, 1801 D. P. GAIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF Jei 0 ODS FOR SPREVG .:11D SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM April 10, 1001. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! G. ASIIMAN MILLET. Itas jnA received a new stock of onocEitrus, LI:S•000I1 z, BOOTS S SHOES, EAR and examine My new stock. G. ASUMAN MILLER MI y 3. 1561 WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK MEd SPLE.NDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1861. CLOTHING. suomAN ETE CLOTHING SPR (SG AXI) S U,ILVER, JUST RECEIVED H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For ftentlemen'a Clothing of the beat material, and matle lo the belt teat k netaltite manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposito the Franklin Holm 1,, 31alket Sinare, Minting don. [Apt❑ 2, 18614 ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 00.000 9 BEST QUALITY , BUMP, ort.mE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just i (Wind and fu'r Bala at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 114 . ;; I rEIV OLGA lt AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. IIANIGAR, A practical tebaeconik, has opened a 110‘11 TOBACCQ STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St, one door west or the oI Top Itallreant Office, where ho has on hand a largo assortment of prime Cigars and Tca twee, Si 1116 inn Will sell either wholesale or tetall. Store. liceplati, shopkeepers, and all oth who deal in the 0.01 should call. Ills prices are lou r all and see. Illthtingdon, Nov. 7, 1860. NTEA' GOODS! iV SELLING OFF FOR CASH!! BARGAIN'S IN HARDWARE As " the nimble penny is hotter than the slow sixpence," and small profits in cash, are butter then vexing eyesore book accounts, JAMES A. BROWN is nose determined to sell or the large and splendid stuck of Hardware, Paints, uhich he has jolt brought from the root, at such low* prices, as %, ill linking ever) body to crowd lu for a share of tho bargains, His stock incl ales a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, MECIIANICS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE, OILS, PAINTS, SADDLERY, VARNISHES, GLASS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, STEEL, IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO. LINING SKINS, COAL OIL LAMPS and COAL 01b, Ac., Ac., PATENT MICA LAMP CIUNINEVE, Together with a toll assortment of everything pertaining to his line of business. stez-All orders receive prompt attenton. - 04 aAs iOIYN. Huntingdon, Ap'' 10, 1801. UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. E xcIIANGE HOTEL, - lIIMINGDON, PA., Pk:Y.NST.I.V.O/ DAILD.O.O DEPOT.. JOHN S. MILLER, Praprietor Iluntlngd3n, April 11), 1661. CALL D. P. GWI,N'S if you want It;ishiutt4ble Coo SSG Oar vo N VV• 0 fev N, , `• A v. O '-- 41(n()Iii9 JoiS OFFICriI" is _L. the most complete 01 oily In the county. and pus tilVlllo4 A 11, t roopily OV't tan% lo Um best style, e,.•ry Vdrlety or Job Ytlutlug, towhee IIAND PROGRAMMES, BLANKS. POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. . . BALL TICKETS. BILL HEADS, LABELS. &C.. &C., &C CALL AND EXAMINE gPE.ETMENS 07 WORE, AT LEW IS' ROOK, STATIONERY S 31USIO STORE. BLANK BOOKS, ', OF VARIOOB t 1268, fof sale at' LEWIS' 11001 X 4,YDSTATION.O4I"4 7O i PROFESSIONAL £ BUSINESS CARDS WMEGAIIAN & CO., Mien end Deal , rs In Broad Top Coal. B. L. Meg.llan, General Agent, AloConnelletown, iluntlugdon county, Pa. DAVID BLAIR, ju Minor nud Shipper of broad Top Coal. 0111 co Hun tmgdon Pa. _ _ Ur A. MILLER, VA • Deal er In arocertos. Con feetienarise, &e.. &e. R. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his iieoreselonal services to Om citizens of Unialogdon no vicinity. Office on 11,11 street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. •28, '55. T et S. MILLER, Proprietor of tho Exabango hotel, GP LiS. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi e clues, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Ee. Also—Oro corioe, Confoctioneriell, Lc., Iluntiugtion, mr.m. LEWIS, Dealer in„Dooks, Stationery and Musical Inatru runts, Huntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM BRO. ' Foundorn, Huntingdon, Pn J • TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer ist Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oil., kit., Mutt lugdon, Pa. II • ROMAN, • Dealer in heady Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Doote and Shoes, &c. 1) ENJ. JACOBS, Dealer In Pry Goods, Ready Undo Clethlng, Grocer ion, Queeneware, kc. ke. M - .. G . Uj el ly th A in - g Af i t r t uli C tip O g . d ,l2e i tlers in Ready DP. GWIN, • Dealer In Dry 0 oods,Cl racer's+, Hardware Queens warn, then and Caps, Boots and Slim*, ac. - VISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grant, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. , T 4E-Nri wESTBROOK, J Denicr in Gentlemen's, Ladles' and Mims' Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, ate. TOSEPII REIG GER, Watchmaker and dealer in Wetchea, Clocks, and Jew eley, &c. W - WILLIAAIS, Plain and Ortnnuontal Maiblo Manufneturtr. TOITN F. J.IAMEY, County Surveyor, Multi ngdon, Pa. Onlco of Hill street, ono door out of the Huntingdon 31arble Yard. REFERENCES-I:. I'. Watvon, Pilikurrlpida ; .1. P. (leologiet, Philadelphia; Churl. Mickley, Hough nod Beady Furnace, Hon. Jonathan -- LANGDON, Miner and AA) Dealer lu Broad Top Coal, llopow ell, Bedford coun ty, Po. [Nov. 3, 1,8. A M3IERMAN & And Deal crs in nroad Top Coal, Mond Top, Huntingdon' cO., P 01111“. [Nov. 3, 1858. COUNTRY DEALERS can bny CIMTHINO Pratt tno in Huntingdon nt. WHOLESALE as cheap as they can lu the cities, as I base a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 1.1, 185 it. ItOld APRY 0 OODS !—A fine assortment on kand for the accommodation of Cmitotners, at BENJ. OILS". Cheap Collier," Monet Squat e. (0ct.1.8 ) STONE -WARE at S. S. Suiiik's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other photo In own. Ti • K. NEFF, _ILL PILYS/OLLY AND SURGEON'. OFFICE. TIM street, oil - rata Dr. Loden, offer,. Ida ',ran o. Nag to the eitizena of Uuntingdon and rich/Ht. April 13, lafD. JOHN SCOTT. 8 L T. BROWN. J. 11. 0. CORBIN LAW PARTNERSHIP.- J. H. 0. Concor LRe, [lvo !bid ditto, ',canoe n mom J.,cr of thu lino of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 111:NTINODON, in which nano the busluoso Hill 0111 be conducted. Ituuthigdon, Jun. 2, Meth VIOLINS, • GUITARS, , • SYMPRONIANS, ACCOIMEONS AND MSS, 1861. For sale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MGM STORE T 1 414, ALLISON MILLER, 11.". DL VTIST, Has removed to the Brick Row oppolto the Court House Apo it 13, 1859. DOCKET TESTAMI?,NTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS AT REDUCED PRICES, A LARGE STOCK 011 T HA IVD AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE OOK BINDING. Ohl Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind, nand to ordvr, if left at LEWIS' 2100 K ,E STATIONE2tISTORE. DUSINESS NEN, TAKE NOTICE! 11 you ',runt your card neatly printed upon envoi- Opel, call nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER)" STORE. 4 Olt THE LADIES. r Amur 'or Wel ' Paper Imitable for co e r r /Rtte n nleu ' l c ° or o r r esrot t idene,for an s ' a i le E i n tt velorcs, LEWIS' BOOK te, STATIO.LVERI' STORE PATER! PAPER!! - Moto, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a goad assortment fur eillo by the ream, half ream, quire ,or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOON & STATIONERY STORE. LAST NOTICV.--. All who have unsettled accounts with roe of six months standing or longer, are earnestly requested to call and settle up and save costs. I must have money or quit badness. LEVI 'WESTBROOK. lluntirtvlon, Jan. 2, 1861.. PHOTOGRAPHY In all ittt Auden., I.lrduchep, executed to the best eC to known to the art, at - - O. ORANt'S GALLERY, • ' &33 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. Life siio in Oil and Pastille, Stereoscopic 'POrtntita, Am bsotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c., for Caere. Medallions, Fins, Stings, &e. (N0v.14;60.4y. TiIINVELOPES e By the box, pack. or Ina goon City, for sale at LEWIS'. BOOK AND ,5T..4 TIOXER I'STORE. I{OOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from chi. to 42,00 at the elmtp store of D. P. GWIN. ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau- A . ,/ UM, - D. (DUN'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only 25 ctn. per yard. FISHER fi SON. hARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, }Totowa Jars j ic a i :, & s c i ,. o i l li taTilor y. Sold only by n P. GIN keeps the :largest, best _Eli Assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Cadmic! OXanllllo them.: OOPED SKIRTS - -worth 2 50 will be sold air $1 25 at tho clamp store of tt SON. TFyou want handsome 'Goods, good Goody, oiled', Goods, rind 8111th 1 orlloode, goto .1). P. GWT.I rum, lit D. P. GAVIN',S if you'waut I,_) GOOD GOODS. - ROCERIES, &0., at the amp store of BIiNJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coon try pr,, , duce taken in exelulnge at the hlgkest market pit cce. (oct2B. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats S. Caps;the largia axxortmeut aud clteajalst to Lo ioima at ' Y. D. GWIN'S a im BARRELS AND LOOKS.--A N._A fa, go assortment at BROWIVE HARDWARE Ern. , kti UM SHOES, cheapAn• at 1),1. 3 . J than' woi 1,0 hod in town. C? 11 rinet'e4; n K Colored Palm Iloads * . best,rpial icy, 5151 y 50 ctet. each. kl SUNK,A SON. COAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, Or 75 mute uud upwards, at thetilat•Moi . of . • „ it rICA LAMP :CII . IMNEYS-1 111_, received at the hardware j alor of D P. WIN'S is the •phto9..to. buy • goad and cln:aliCiirpota. • • • 10A. RCHM EV-T DEEP PAPE It ruled, WC 6410 at , ; - LZ,W/S. ~906 K ROHRER'S -- ROHRER'S ROHRER'S - • Rotinkun PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCU,LATOR.•... PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCIT-• LAMA., A Nook of Ruin Rules and Cfselculations fur Business Opc ratimu, Ey Naribt M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and CintyanCer. New Editiwkragished Ay.l. B. Lippin cott tO Co., .Ithilocleipittn. This work contains 204 pages, and 'upwards (1000 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, au& as arise every dayin the common pursuits of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions in rapid Succession, and It prenoauced by eli classes of business men to be the headiest. book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the- book is worked out In full and stated in a plain manner, no that whets a parallel case ari ses, those referring to the work will find no difficulty to solving it; in a word, the general 'arrangement of the CALCULATOR is Simple, that any one who Knows bow to add, subtract, multiply and divide, can easily solve any or dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at the true result of nay estimate required. The chief elm of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy-in figures, aiming only at facts and simpli city, believing that business men cure little about spen ding time In discussing the plilloionliy of 'rules, or the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in tide respect front all other Arithmetlcs of the day and kindred-wake--it is a key to practical business calculations—it is, in the hand. of the business mum, what the key to mathematical Works in the bends of the teacher iu the school room—it radii. Wes limo and Insures correctness. TKE WORK TREATS OF, TILE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Back and Brick Work, of Stone and Steno work, "of grain and grain bide, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, ot cir cular, square or Irregular vessels, of cisternd and +/Aos t a roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's; plumb. or's, paper hanger's and Upholstered? work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound 'interest, grid their entire application to business transactions, with the laws and usages governing the same, together - with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial paynient on notes, of banking and bank dis Count, of .equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes, of weights and measures, of aqnare and cubic measure, of the square root and its application to business of surfaces, of excavation, and of many Doter important practical matters not w ithin the scope of an advertisement to moo. Mon. IT IS JUST TIM BOOK FOR TUE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artizani or the professional man. It lam proven a:valuable ausdiary the lawyer, the Justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and real relate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk. 'to Alio civil engineer and tho surveyor, to the carpenter and Inicklayer, to the stonemason and the plastoVr, to the papers hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, &c., dm.; each and all will find it adapted to their va rious wants better thou any book publisked. JiKir Price. 60 cents. For sale at Lewis! Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. a_o, IS6O. .• r, - TrIE HUNTINGDON - t) F UNDR Y IN BLAST AGAIN!—The subecrlbors take - this - method informing their Blends and the public' generally, that , they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Four, dry, and are now in euccessful operation, . and are prepared to furnish Castings of nucE t, ~,,„ every description , of bebt quality and ..-, • workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and tutu- Me our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the Bret premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Palrlast fall. Also, Huntet's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar,shear ploughs. - IVo 1113Ve on hand an are umnufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for m ood or coal. hallow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets,. Ac., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a grit: attention to business, and a desire to please, wo hope to ro ceive a liberal share of public patronage. - J. M. CUNNING KAMA: BRO. Huntingdon, April PP; UHL • • • WILLIAM AFRICA . HAS AGAIN COMMENCED Tar BOOT AND ail - DE-MAKING, - ONE DOOR. EAST ON ht. RO3IAN'S'CLOTILING STORE. Ms old eustomeor and the public generally, will give him a call. illuntingdon, Oct. 20, TM.] ALEXANDRIA. BREWERY.- NEW-FIRM! Tho undersigned respectfully Inform the public that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA DREIVERY and will continue the business, and endeavor to give general satlifaction._ . , All orders kill be promptly attended to.' • WM. ROT VIROCT4 W.. 11. N. NIRBY. Alexandria., Feb. ^_4, 18(10. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY = MISS ELIZA ACTON. Car Jhlly Revised by -11; - ..r. 'tau IT Taus You How to choose all kinds of Heats, Poultry. and Game, with all tlio various and most approved modes or dressing and cooking Beet and Pork; also ties best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing tho Dame. IT Tats You All the various and mostapprored modcaof dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lomb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds ttith the different Dreeeinge, Gravies ; and Stitt:Ono appropriate to each,. IT TELLS You now to choose, clean, and pieserio all kinds, and bow to sweeten It when taint ed; also all the various and most approved . , modes of coultitig, with the different Draw ings Sauces, and Flavorfugn apprOpriatisto IT 111.1.9 Yoo All the ridonsarid moat approved modeanf ;Gaming over .50 kinds of Ateat,Fieta,wl. e, and 'Vegetable Soaps, Brothsand Stems, Ivith the Relishes and &Rawlings aniiropriate to.each.' Ix TELLS Ydu All the various Sod most itpyroved mode - rot' cooking Vegetables of ovary description, also bow to prSparo,Pickles,. Catatips:abd tonics of all kinds, Potted bloats, Nab, Gams, 3lushrootue, -i:,S IT TEXIS You All the various and most approied modes - of preparing and cooking all likuls'of Plain and Fancy- Pastry, Pushlidgs, ,Omblettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary,_ Preserves, find. Sweet ;Didion of every deaCilw IT TELL You All She yodel:wand most approved modes ' of making iliead, Bloke, MUnintl, Rlid Lie volt, and-the best method of propel ing Coffee ' Chocolate , and Tom, " and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wince of va rious IL Trios 'Yon How to se Pout and ornament &Table, Iniw to Carrecallitinde.of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and In short, how to ao allnpllfy the whole Art of Cooklng as tobrlng the choke/Alexia:lea the fable - within the everybody's natal. - For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. 7, ."EST BOOKS I. •-•- • FOR SALE AT LEWIS'. DOCkfC,STOILI: THE. HOUSE: A New Pocirtr sfsfrust of Enrol Architec, taro; or, How to _Build llnvllluga, iiarne, Stabtes, and .Out Du pilings of all kinds. With a Chapter on Churches • 'and Schad-Homes. fries, gicents. THE CURDY:SI; r A_NEW l'ocdsr PletuAL of Practical Hot , Muttons; or, How to Ctittivate'Vegetables, - Pratte; and Flowers. With Chapter on Oman:rental :Treee.and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. • • • • -•-•-• FA1131: Aq4zw * Pocur HAtrOAL of Pratileitt culture; or, How to Cultivate ail the Field - Crops. With all Essay on Falll Management, etc. Price, 50 Cents, DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Now Poorer BLirmas of Cattle, • 116ree,' and Sheep Ifusbandry; or, - flow • to Dread and Rear the Various Tenants of the Burn-yacd, etc., sic Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: 'A New Poeger MANUAL of - Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Orammati, Style, and more •than Fiva Hundred Common Xis . takes Collected. Price, 50 cents. 110 W To BEHAVE: A Nur Pocturi can Etiquette, and Outdo to Correct _removal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies OnOujiberatiye As sumhlies,oti. Place, 50 canto. ' now 10 DO ItErSINEBV , 'NeW Ira"6.ire If},luet, of Praclical, Allaire snd Outdo to BUCCCB9 in LifSi : with n' CollectiOn of-Business Fornis, and si Diatfonao of Caul: mercial Terms, Mc. Price, 50 cents. . 'JAPER ; PAPER !I : PAPER IR) Traelug•Paper, Impression Piper, Drawing Paper, Deed s Paper, TissakPeper, Bilk Paper for Moran,. Purfortited Papdr, Bristol Board Flat Cap Paper; FooNeap Paper, " - • Letter Paper, • . , Commercial Note Paper, , • "t • , Ladles' Olt Edged Letter and, Note ra i y6li Ladies' Plain and Palley Note Paper, t White and Colored Card Paper, imPackat And'EllSOrtt For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Moak Store.. Q . PRING AND SUMMER . IdSHICWS! • • ,- 110 BERT MEIteIIANT M00D,. 0 „ •. • Hat Strf.di.?:ye 2eest fit.pim.lo9.,?,Orfs ULM & ,rlNr/4110RWNT GENTLE3IE.IM.DRESS GOODS, Ws assortment oeasiste of CLOTII9, - ,•= CA,S 1.4211:•Ek and • •' " ' ' • •.' AND tha npalfst and beat that could two found futhe Cit;',all eC he•tilll taketdeitsute iv exhibiting,. and-Making up to order. It coat uothlng - to call aid examirokbla g 0... ), rail ~nod. ••'•-• ' • - -• ••• '•• , Einntingdo.o. Aptll • . •. , =EI ' ~ . r 1