The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 23, 1861, Image 2
JRITANS" COURT SALE.- ri In put . .. Mice of an order of the Otphans' Coot t of nun- Agliou county, the underatgued, Adttlihknntor of the :4tate of David 'Mountain, Wu of llopenell townelttp, decd„ q(ll expose tU rtbllc Sale, qtt. . • fiIIDAY, Angus 4 4111,1801, .t IC 'clock, A. M., the following described rod settle, "z:—The Mansion Tract 'of said deceased. containing Wont 80 area; all dented but styli acres. The Improve. meats aro a good two story dwelling house, with base ment, double log Atom and ether outbuildings, together fine lot of ft nit trees. Thu land Is iu IS good state of cultivation. This lout is one of the best M the locality, I sing partly river bottom. It is bounded on the east by the Juniata River, on the south by John and Lleut go Berk au poser, and on the north and'w est by Jacob Weaver. Ah.o, In connoetiou with and us part of the Mansion runt, one other tract of Tinibcr Laud. containing .50 Itern more or loot adjoining .hosts Itivor on the cant, Jacob We:, er •on the south, J. T Shia ley dt Ito, on the 50 . 1 ...4 Patterson on the north. This land lies w Plan one mile or the Man.! .11 tract, is teal! - timbered mat lie two parcels make a veo desirable property. TERMre —One.thltd id the purchase money to Le golden confirmation orate sole, and the residue In two equal annual pas mettle thereafter. with the inlet e-4. to be secured by the boats awl mortgage of the purchas er. ' NATHAN July 29,1801. Adnimlstratur. GRICULTURAL SOCIETY I cgular conical meeting of the Huntingdon Count) Agricultural Sciety, mill be held In the Court Home, ott lu••mday evening, of the August Court, (13111.pr0x.) In lablition to tlio regular business connected unit tlio So ciety, the - following committees appointed nt the last Meet ing are expected to repoit on -ttio different siqerts as signed them, Viz.;-Best All.l most tsconontietil fence for the Huntingdon County farinem—John S. leaf, T. It. Cumin 11:1 , 3 Ilumilton Eerie., cmmittee. Bost on Baal of impromng the breed of eat le in this conlity—Geo. Jar to eon, hag., (of Jackson.) Maj. IVm. Moot e and John I: lakii committee. it et method of improving the breed of -le cp Mej Win. Moore, David Rupert and Elia/a Shoemaker committee. Committee on pretilinliii—O. Miller Jacob Miller, Thomas Fisher, A. W. Benedict and Dm id Dunn. By order of the society, B. McDIVITT, J. 8.131P.50N AFRICA, Huntingdon July 23, ISGI. Ste y. IVEICIISELBALTM, ty • OPTICIAN AND OCULIST FROM I'lli LA DEL MITA, It,snectfully Informs the citizens of HUNTINGDON MA Nirthity, that he hos opened a BOOM at the Intaliu II AIM', alien, he offers for snle SPECTACLES, OF EVERT V tfilfiii. SIZE AND Qt•Ax.i7r. A lass• invention of Fpcetacles, for distant or clo, n Ill; walcl. silver, steel. a n d tortoise-shell fount, sae] 3 nen - slid itoi.roved a.sorlutent of perifocal tool put - Auld ground flint,' of Ids own nannufAeturo. Ile would partientarly-call the attention of linn public, to his Spectacles for NR4 ..:IGIITED PER N(IN); and for persons who hare been Ispentttll upon for the cataract of the eye, and to his tow kind of filmses and COIMI yen Of the sight, made of the lot:A . 111a stud aware : (loud any be known by their shape, exact Centre, sharp and highly polished surf toe. The qualities are to be found In Lib Glapu.s. 7 , 11.1111070 The very best nizAzil.l.lAN Pi , :ltllLgend 310IINTAIN CitYSTA Ls° unit etailly proved to be far superior to any other Illnaa. Also. MICRO,COPM. Ire AND QVIZZINU (ILCSIIFS of every sire end quality: Tsm,corr.s, 31 toatrviso non Opens Ouse?. with llllTvrent powers, together with every Variety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. °mem . nod other DWI ouleols Mid 01n.5.41, care fully repaired at short notice. lie can stoats select Closes to cult the vision of the person, as he sees them, upon the Rest trial. rtr i y-Ile will remniu in thin place daring Anr,ont Cook, FIRST WEEK: and those la want of tho above articles, will please glue lam a call. Ile will, if required, go to any respectable hoots Si here his services Inny t,o wonted. /li..Therery best EYE-WATER and the beat limtttng Masses tau ays for sole. • [July, 23,18614 QIIERIETS SALES.—By virtue of 11,3 sundry write of Vcoil. Esp. I. Fa. and Ler. Fa. to to directed. 1 ++ill expose to ado or outcry. at the ( onrt the toiriniuh of Huntingdon, 011 MONDAY, the 12th day of Augn.t, IS6I, nt 2 o'clock, I'. 31., the fol lowing described teal estate, to wit: No I.—A. tract of land in Cromwell town ship. consistiugof parte of several surveys, through oldish Black Log creek runs, adjoining taint of .ett, Wigton A Co.. void Black log mountain on the south and east taint of [left, occupied by Benj. Heck, designated as Nu 4. in Otis levy, and laud of Win. tirldeotie hefts. on the ivest, and land of Defendant, occupied by Benjamin Long. denig noted as Nu 2, in this levy, on the north ; containing 2CO acres be the same more or less, of Odell :dent 150 notes sirs cleared, lowing ther, , on erected is stone grist mill, a blast For m ate called o Winchester rurnace,l , a large Stone dwelling house, a coal house, now need as a born, a frame born painted n late, a carriage house, and thirt:en log helms, with other buildings remally connected with a for nate. together with the.wsder ismer connected therewith. the sante consisting of part of a tract warranted in thd name 01 . .111111nel Clambers: and part of the Black tog tract, amt part of the Mimed Ashman tract, he. • No 2.—A tract of. land in Crotuu ell township. now oc• cupled by Benjamin Long, adjoining*No 1 In this levy, on the south, laud of William tirldson e beim on the scent. Seat, Wigton Co., on the north, nod the Henrietta Cromwell tract, on the rest. containing 120 acres he the sante, more or les., or whiell about r. 5 acres are cleared. having a toghouse and log lawn thereon. being a part of the Bedford and Chambers tracts, :rod having nu ore bank thereon, No 3.—A treat of land on Black Log 'mountain, in Cronin ell toxurhip, neljoluing New 1 owl 2iu this levy, on the went. containing la) sores more or less, being the one half of a tract surveyed on a unrratit, In the mime of I leurietta Cromwell. , No 4.—A tract of land in Cromwell township, adjoining No 1 in this levy. on the exit Putter's land on the smith, land of lienlamin fivipi. on the sent, land of Thomas and Win P ertoison, and the heirs of Wm Orhison, on the north. containing 100 acres or thereabouts, of ninth about I C acres are etc...o4ll.4ring two Inc houses nod a log barn thereon, being now occupied by Boni:unlit heck aunt °then!, and having an me bank theio.n. ' No ...—A porn I of land in Oronnvi II ton nship, at the head of tine mill dam conmeted nab the mill, and so de t.ribed In No I in this levy. adjoining land of Samuel fictive, Garen Cluggaxes heirs, and !nett, Wigton di Co., containing, 10 aorta more or lass, of n filch about 6 acne clewed. • -. o 5.—A tract of Ilidge laud 111 l l aproved In Cromwell ton whip.mijohting land of Andrea 31'.,:lure on the north, It nth( Bad: on the iv et. "rho can Fi (Mason n the small,. nod Rodgers on the east, contalitlng about 90 times, being part of a tract eursey, din the name of Thee flood. No 7.—A tract or parcel of Loot in Cromwell ton nallip, adjoining boot of , Das id 'Attire on the north, land of !sett. Wigton k Co. on the north and ena, and George Sipes on the east. containing about 75 acres, being part of the Joseph Grubb survey. ko B.—A tract or parcel of tend in Cromwell township, adjoining Joshua Johns on the north,Frederick Harman on the east, Sattonti Bolinger cm the Fa ;th, and !sett, Wig ton & Co. Ott the wed, containing about 140 acres nuhn ptoual. 3 No 9.—A tract or land on Jack's mountain in Cromwell town:11)1p, adjoining:lmA Into of John Brewster awl others, coulaluing about 300 acres, of which about 35 acres ore cleared. with n house thareen,,oc,opied by Andrew 110 Conaghy. No 10.—A tract of laud in Cromwell township, now oc cupted,brAndrew Banks, adjoining land octopled by Wm lVallace on the east, Fleming on the south, Jacob Hou ma, on the want, and Itichald Week on the north, con taining 130 acrea more or leen, of µWelt about 40 acres ith a malt house thereon. So 11.—.1 tract aloud in Cromwell ton midi), adjoin ing No 10 in this levy, en the west. 'Manna li Ortdnoo on the north, Shnon Grltz :on the east, Solomon Banks on ❑te Borah, coptalning about 75 hems, with about 40 acres cleared, witit'ilmuse thereon, In which William Wallace No 12—A tract of laud in Cnnowell toe nslilp, warran ted in the name of Josepituti Malmo ' enjoining lends of Jomon Lain on the nest and north, En%rester Gather on the mtst,and John Long and Thomas E Orbisou oil the eolith, containing SO acres tame or lons, of which about 33' acres ate eland, rand itirrlngno ore bank. thereon. No 13.- , A tract Or poreel'of; laud in Shirley township, 'warranted in the name of Gogh : H*3le. roljoining, lend of 'Thomas C. &simian op, the west and north, lands of Lett. Wigton lc Co. on , tlie4aet and south, containing 30 acres more or less. ,Seired s takru to execution and to tee sold tut the property of Henry' Ira ht. A—l'he foliiiwing described meSsunge and tract of "Irdid rat Gecrgo W. Johnson 8114 jacob Ans. path, to wit ; .All that certain piece. parcel and tract of land athlete in Jackson township, Huntingdon comity, adjoining lauds of George Cindy, Widow Sassaman, Henry Stem and others, containing min hundred and forty•tx o acres and sixty-four perriteh null allowance. that other piece. parcel and tract of land elfin. ate in Rellsontonmsltip comity : aforesaid:adjoining lands of Joseph Sassaman. Mad in the name of George owl 'others. containing ninety-seven cores and out lion. dnal mod fifty-two percheittini alb mince, enth the appur tenances winntsoeser thereunto belonging or in anywise appertainitog. Etized..talten in' execution, oud to be sold as the property of George W. Johnson and Jacob E. Ans. Inch. " At,sn—All the right; title and interest of IDefendantsiti and to all that certain lot of ground situate in the town of Ilarnet,ln Carbon township. fronting, SO feet on Hamilton street and extending in :depth (10.) one I amdred and forty feet lb Ilendocir-Alley, being lot No. lit In the plan of said town. haring thereon a dwelling bore, stable end other inipyortinentii. Also—All the right s title owl interest of Defendant In tool to all shot evrtain lot of ground Sitnatoltr tits town of );cruet, in Carbon township, Huntingdon oounty, front. log SO feet on lhonilton strea, and extending in depth 1-to feet to Hemlock Alley. behig Int :40. 31in plan of mild town, on which is erected a' dwelling house 40. Seised, taken fin execution, and to be sold instils pi °petty of James Also—All' the Defentiatres right, title anti Interest to the following &scribed property: A lot of ttrosad.ts the town of Mount-Union, containing rare acre more or tens. adjoioing land of Grin. A. i n . - Wildoii - oil - the north west, PentelyP/Ailitt ltillrood on the south post, Jas. Morgan, George lis-rick and others on thO south east, and Pennsylvania Canal on the north east, And having (hereon erected one frame tavern house, now occnithni , by Pefendant, ono largo frame stable, too frame buildings wed' os stables and wagon sheds, ono frame building used as a blacksmith and cooper slo in. ono frame building used As a shoemaker shop, and other outbuildings. belzeiL taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Abram Lewis. Atso. 7 -All the Defendant's right, title end intareal(. In nod to 30 :tars of ground more or less, situate lit Tell touttehip, Ilentlnedon county, bounded on the west by land of William Oooshorn's Intro, on the enq by hrod of Mefferd Sileertitorn, on the west-by bawl of bet Hooks, on the south by land of Nicholas!rts. on the b;toth by land of Hobert Loy, r, hosing thereon trotted OA M 11, eats three dwelling 11011 M, WO Whet 0111 battalions. Seized. taken in tot:cotton nod to toil . the property of John Uoositutn, Jr., who, In. note ie td John Gooshore, Sr. niece or totroo.l of land, situate tten , hliv llon.inadon enonte. nvnletitilitg iihnUl 1 . area awe , • or lod.. the nr..t Of a hick it Ali alp] nude tore.', 1013 I ro.dced errek Mint na Ott ,11 tht. ' rain, haring it phur poring I It-pv.ll. and ntliolll.l I 4litit el the heir. uf.tokn .not land., of 31realtun'ti devl-ons. It helng n. 1111 l • lot of Intl.l limit /mat Do. lalid • dro re ea 'I rn•tena orindided by-the It. phan'n Court try deed. dated 'Nth nt Al', il. A. IL 1854 stud' 1-ctootrd Jo k NO Z, p.m, '"d• anti ,old stud r , ue,•yell 50 said Tlttnitas White. Ecrzed. trio, in execidhdi and be sold an the proporty of Thome. While. ' tho oi intora`ut oil tb1 , 1144,1“ollICIti - iinritti. - Iir.riffMlielforil. 10 ndr 1 1. Cromnell O•wnphln., arljohdoßlandg y 1 lh outne Crintivell on (ha north . Frederick' 'thalami on the 'nhtilh. nOrow , (111100 od lb.. Nast. and 111.icklo,c tnnontain on th platy norm of chick are cleared. and lutror f t 4 1 tcfc81. tc,l boner 2% story high,xi - by -`2 hirtO grog° pvi,o4,4ttoil ..ed 'by •••16:1.1ad tectfi apple orchard... Sciimi t trkou-in. rx.reuUoth and to be *add as, the propel ty cf ,loolisiaJobnP. , Also-26R neves Aelliit'cl:m.le or leitn. g:tti t o in towql4llo...lleßtitigdon, county, bounded ,ii, ibolool44;3euid rlonipallVAlker, on tho cast hj , land yr garb:c‘vikf .1.3" Mind of Chary Wagoner, coral' by, 41T1,1.q theccou erb tOI 'too log houses, one Ironic bank barn, and one log stable.— &•ll.ed,,talren in execution, and to be sold as Ibo prone/ ty of John Des in ney.—One lot of ground situate in Broad Top City, being lot No 125, fronting on Pall Load asenue 39 feet, extending back 90 feet to Hazel stroll, adjoining lot of the Improvement Cumpany ou thniunrth Runt root, nod baring a too story cram house, nith a back kitchen attached 20 by 90, with a Stone 13.tsenueut. used fora store room: Soloed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the ploperty of Ally Clark and Amos Clark. Ater—Two lota of ground situnte in the addition of Broad Top City, being Nos 13 h 14, fronting on limed street 40 ft et, and CO feet on S 1 rocs street, the other front, CO feet on Spruce street. and 00 feet on line. lit affect, having thereon erected a truffle Lorne 134 . sta• riea high: • Seized. taken Iu execution and to be sold as the [moped) . of George Hefner. ALSO—AII the Defendant's right, title and interest in, an I to the fidlun lug described piece or parcel of land of Samuel 11. aro,man, situate in J/10.14,111 town ship. In the county of lluirtingdon. hounded 111111 described as follons, to nit : on the north by lands of It. Meth, coy, and S. tittle on the west, by hoot of the said McCurney. east U 3 l'llll3 91 said Hanoi. Wlturney, containing one on the root!, by lands of ' , aid Slclanney, end-on the half tine more or leis, it heith; the same premis..s %flitch John Jackson Ttu+tee to sett the real estate of J. Cannel, 111. ed, by his deed healing, date to the lith of Atoll 1888. conscyed to &nutlet 11. Itrossmim, party hereto, u ith the air purtenancer. Ita 3 our !milt,' lilt. tithed, taboo lit ention, and to hu sold as the property of Stumul B. °mu tual'. Arno—All the Defettdat.t's right, title and interest in, and to the follouittg described building and lot of ground of h 1 S. ltnekr• contra'etor, and zabeth, iho wtfo of said David Berl:stress, owner or terve.' on ner, ulth notko to William li, ',loiter and hael 31cCol,e, ii CPI NIA till ee story house, too of witch hams and the other stone. liming the, eto a kitchen attached. in the of Dudley, township of Carbn. county afortml.l, on the corner of Front slid Washington streets. helm:, forty ket on remit Street. out twenty fret on Washington meet. said house being built on lot No. 15 In plan of soul %Hinge, fronting fifty feet on Front street, and eL tending hark one bundled ao 1. fifty feet along Wnettingten street to o twenty foot alley. t. , eirt token in eAecution and to be Sold no the property of Thoinl Itethstreseer. contractor, and Elizabeth Iterketre,er the We 0134111 basil 13,kstresser.—All the right, title and interest af Tenor Fltarrer one of the Defendant, of in and to a tract of land elenate In t•Wrb•y towlethlp, Iluntingdon °utility, containing morally mesa, 111010 or lona, about 40 ocree of which ore chimed, boundod on the north by lands of San• net Lutz, on the BOW!: by land known as Smith's Ins plovement, and on the we at by land of James Clarlt's 'heirs nod on the coot by A fighn ick Creek, baring thereon erected n two nary ft ante bonne and other out buildings. At e—Two lots of gll.llllfl eltonte In the borough of ShirloN 414, each fronting on Stub stf eet, 60 feet, and extending back 140 Get to on alloy, and hounded on the south by the echoot house lot, and on the north by the lot of %Yu, lug thereon erected II too story frame house \\canter b.-nded 27 by 23,0te tame stable 1611 22 and other out buildings. ALeo—One out lot containing one-fourth fon acre, MOM or leas, be,1111(lell on the east by !Malley of said bor ough, hunt of Milken MeNite on the west, land of— :Miller on the south, a line on the north. ;kited, taken into exetntlon and to be sold as the itropt rty of Jelin Shorter and I,aac Sharrer. ' Also—One lot of ground situnie in ];rend Top City. Carbon towrolOp Iluntinedon county, Leto; lot No 183 in the gonertil plan of bald ton n, fronting 30 foot Oil Woad Creet. tins tux themOn °Mort .t 1 ono pl.tok hou•c, 41110 ntol a Leif •t , rtes high.—l.t No 1c in phut of :odd town, britintleil on the youth by lot No 1.,5, lint nig thereon erected 11 frame km. ble and frame ikon. Seteed, taken into eseention and to be told no the lir 'pert,. of Itosoninth, Warefiehl. Shin iff's Sales will hereafter be made on Weilneentiy, of the find eel: of Conn t, and the Dennis nek 110 N, lydgrd on folio. log Wedueedny JOIIX C. WATSON, .Surrarrs Orrws; Ilunttligdon, July IP, 1561.1 REGISTER'S NOTICE.— Not'ce is hereby Airco, to all per,ons interested, that the following flamed persons hare a. tiled their ac counts in the Register's Office, nt Huntingdon, mid that the said accounts will be pr. sented for confirmation nod ntion once Jul nit O, pions Corot to ho lucid at Huntingdon. lu nod for the comity of Huntingdon, en Monday tho Itth day of August next. (11161,) to wit: 1. The Administration Account, hf Samuel Stewart. Executor of William Hays into of Jackson - tom 11,14, deed. 2. Firbt and Finul Account of Samuel Stewart and (leo. W. Porter. late Administrators of Snumet Porter, late of Jackson township. lot 3. Unardianship Account of David Enyeart. Guardian of Margaret Juniata linehamm, a minor child of Wm. Du ch:at to. deed. 4. Athol Ii trnliou Account of ITenty FL Orem, Admin. Intl ator of John neuter, late of Tod top., deed. Account of David heck, Administrator of William Done, Into of Clay towneldo, dee'd. C. Account of le much tircen; Adruinittrator of Jacob Cut Nan, late of Cass twp.. 100.1. 7. Account of Joseph Digglne and Frederick Unapt, Admiuistrators of llemy 11oupt, .late of Tod ton naltin, der d. , 8. Mot A.cconnt of William Sttlwart. Trustee to sell the real eetnte of James S.teonrt. late of Weet t op., deCtl. 9. Account of Pct•t Stryker, Guardian of Alfred, Flan rte, And Jlargaret Spykrr, minor children of Samuel Spy ker, Into of Alexandria borough. tiee'd. Filed by John T. Stryker, Madill-dr:dor of rater Stryker. deed. 10. AccontanfJolin Rung old {Vliliaut Stewart, EXIT,II - of Alexander Stec', late of We,t too wilily. Partial account. 11. Account of John N. Sonora. Administrator de LiOn. nis non teshunento (1111.1eXU, of J.tcob lf. Iluyett, late of Porter tu•p., dee'd. 12. Amount of John Owens and Robert 1.. llendergon, Executor., ofJobli Ilenderdon, late of Waltham - nal k top., deed. 13. Account of Elias Masser, Administrator of John Bailey, Into orJockson top. doe'd. 14. Account of James McColl and Abraham States, Eel • Executots of the last Will and Te+tatuent of Daniel Buck molter, late of Walker twp., teed. , 15. Final account of John C. Watson, Executor of Ab salom Plowman, dee'd. 10. Account of Juflitte Greenland Trn.tee appointed by the Orphans' Court to sell the real estate of Amon Los ell, decd, under and in pursuance of proceedings in partition. HAMEL W. 6'031EL:51/011r, DUSTER'S orrice, Huntingdon, July 13, 1861. DIIOCLAM ATION.--WIIEREAS, by j_ a precept to me directed, dated nt Huntingdon, the 2uth day of April. A. D. 1561, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court" of Common Pleas,,Oyer and Terminer. and genernl jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of Penney le onto, comp.). sed of Huntingdon. Blair and Cambria renntles; and the Hons. Ilenj.unin P. Patton And William It. Leos his associ ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justice's As signed. Appointed to hear, try and deteiniine all and every indictments mode or taken foror concerning all mimes, which by the Inns of the State are mail° capital, or felon ies of death, And other offences, crimes nnd misdemeanors, n filch liner horn or shall hereafter be committed or perne trated, for crimes aforesahl---1 Am commanded to make piddle proclamation thjoughout my n hole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer And Terminer, of Common Pleas And Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court thiliso hi the borough of Huntingdon. en the second .Mondr. (and 12th day) of August next. and those who will prosecute the sai4 prl,nuers, ho then and there to prostrate them as it shall ho just, and that all .7listices of the Peace, Coroner and Constablw within said:county, he then and there in their proper pers6us at 10 o'clock, nt. of sold day, with their records, incintslttons, esomlnntions nod remembran ces. to do those things which to their ollicas respectively appertain. Dated nt Huntingdon. the 15th of July, in the y ear of our lord one thousand eight hundred and slaty-one, and the 56th year of American Independence. JOIIN' C. WATSON, Sheriff. DROOL AMATION.--11'11FIREA S, by a precept to me direct , d by the Judges of the Cont. mon Plena of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 20th du of And( 1861. I am commanded to . make Public ProelmnatiOn thYoughnut my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will he Lehi at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon. on the Br,j) Monday (and 10th day) of August. A. D., 1861, for the'lrial of all is• aue.9 iu wild Culla chick, remain undetermined before ilia odd Judges, a hen and whore all jitters, witnesses, mid filters, In the trials of all 'insure are it goira t. Dated at Huntingdon thu 15th of July in the 'cur of our Lord one thonsand tight hundred and dixtpone, and the 80th year of American Indepedence. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheribr. ii i IARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the nttention of th e citizens of untingdon met the ttNoihingnounties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. lie is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables rind Stones of every desired site end•fditu of.ltellan Eastost hilnbit", highly finished, nail cussed with awn°. plinth clerked. or plain, n-s may snit.' Building Mashie, Door and Window. Sills, kc.; will b, furnished to order. Ir. If. pledges himself to*finlifsh ninti.thil and work. manship equal to any in the ceuntry,,at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchnee elsewhere. Chop on Hill stied., Huntingdon, Du. 16;185'5 ME= =MEE :4. 1 ,201 'IpENSYLVAINIA."II.AIL"ROAD ' T1311::01 ,. LEAV1:111 OP TRAINS OEM t+l 74 "cf I= Newton Minn toh, Mt. , Union preek Iluntifigdon, l!rterebeirg, Barret, KpriscoCrcuk,.::...i. lit Tlptin • 11 , :t.mtnriA, - Bell's- - lIIT NTIN & It AII,IIOAD.—cIIANG V. to and liflor Wed ntwilay,JA I y 10t xtll .urlio 44d depart •lliintingittni at 7.2' A. }l„s 5,00 P. 51. • nix tnn ” 9.00' A. H. k 6 193 P. ikt, Agind At•ll.Tepr..ll, 6 , 920 . 7,00;1.,J1_ : fr lY 9 ' ' 7 6 . . 5 01. /4, 0 0; M• '?:• 80 J. LA% It allg. Sgly'l • • •• • • ' • ;• . Supt. " . • ' '" ' I,lt4(4,Nc Ti ,,musrAt ImArn.o AND DRAWING PAPeh WA Of ,4 1 4 ', ? c °i9 "4 c d r ti F6P er, , • 7Fot.lialp At • 1 3 - , ILF YOU. !IV NNT T 0,14; 1LEl) 1 041,2 d A. szdre - aIENJ,.]ACQBS. itirie.ii:MrTk of Do Ltlit . CEr ' ,1!1 - ?. ' risilett &..sO3. ELECTION, OCTOBER 8, 1861 To the Troters of Huntingdon county: The undersigned respectfully Wrote himself as cattilicliite for the office of Associate Judge. MATTHEW eltOWNOTtilt. Huntingdon, July 10,1061. COUNTY TREASURER. To the Voters of Ifuntingdon county : If reaped rally oiler ta3self as a candidata fur the Lace of County Treasuler. Iluntingdon. July HY 1861 GREAT WORK ON THE lIOR6E THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: fly HOBERT JENNINGS, V. 8., Fuji sem' qf and Opt ratite SllFfleoW LI the Velermetry Wiege of Pittladelphirt, cto , de. IVILL TELL YOU Of the Ot Ilistnry and 116thictive traits of the t nrion4la pads ~f i•:urnpemy a Asiatic, Aft fun and Ante' lean Horses, aid, the phy sisal fot mation and pa culla, it:es of the animal, and too to ages, tain idv age by the. her and contlition ;Alm troth ; illtiqrated tt ith uumcnnts extdaina ory engravings. WILL TELL YOU Of Bleeding, Me:thing. Stnlditig, Feed ing, Grooming. .hoeing, omit the gent r. al nianag,eineni of the horse, a ilk tire beet modes of nilminktering medicine, ink), how to lira Bitting, Eicking, Hearing. Shying, Stumbling . , CI dell«• her. Iteatiemineas, and tither slew, to inch lee is bubJect; with numerous ex planatory elignat logs. TUE MESE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL TOO Of the eausea,eyinimang.mol Treatment of Strangles. tiula Throat, IM temper, ()mull). Intluenza, lh onehitia, Pneu monia, Pielirmi.r, Molten iVitel, Chron ic Cough, !Mari njrluol pus, Sore Mouth and Ulcers. and De cayed Teeth. with other (Use:tees of One Mouth and (kayo story Organs. HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. my niptonol and Tieatnient of W. n. llott, Cholic. St rang.. on, Stony Coner, tiona, Rupture., Patty, Diat rhea, Jaundice, • Urine, Swoon in the iiidn-yn and blad der, Infinmation and otlo•r dame:lBes of tint Stonnoll, Dowd+, Liter and Uri. nary Organs. I= WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, s3roptools, and T, m,mt Of nolle, Blood and Bog. Spain, Ring Bone, tin Frialn, Bl o ke, ILnees, Wind Foander, Cracked Hook. Solo lit ale 1111 , 1 Urns, I, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and Cot IN; also, of ,Nlegrints, You tlgo, Epilepsy, Stagget s, and other diseasLs of Wu Feet, Legs, nod Iliad. THE HORSE ANI) 1115 DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, Bytoptents, tool Treat mentor Fl.stula, roll Evil. Glando Foray. Sfal let Fever, Mange, Surf. It. Locked Jaw,ltlteumatism.Ci amp. Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, ~Ce., and lam to manage Casttation, Iticed log, Trephining, Roweling. Fit log, Hernia. Amputation. Tapping, and oth er Bill gical Opelailt.ll9. 'IDE DOME AND Ills DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Itarty's Method of taming Horse,; how to Approach, !falter. or ::tithle Coll; how to amptunt a 110110 to Strange sounds and sights, and hew to Iltt, Saddle, nide. and :freak him to • , Hat Hess; also the rot nt and law of 11 Mtn SNOT. The a heh• being the re sult of 15 years' careful study of the • habits, to collet hies, auto end M enk , • nemFes of ;hit noble soul useful For sale at Lewis' Book Store. 8 OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BATLEY'S FIYTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULT, ASFORTMENT AT LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. BOOTS & SHOES! ANEW STOCK. ' FOR ' LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN. • •UST RECEIVED , • AT , L4yl WESTBROOK'S STORE., All in Nr4 ' t null Shoes, for Ohl or -young, Uro rupiested to "c,lll mtd oxnuilse my stock ; L. WESTBROOK, lAmttngdoiy'?inp3,lB6l. SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., FOR EVERYBODY The Gentle Annie 'Melodist, The Dine Song Book, No: 1; The Dime Song Dook, No. 2, Dime Song Book, NO. 3, ,The,Dime Sona Book, .1112:4, The Dime Song Book, No. 5, IThe Son l i .134; Aro,. :6 ; The Deice Lette)::llWhir, The, Dinee ,Dream Boop, The' Dialodues, The Dime Speaker, ~ , The Dime Cook Book, •' ' _ WM. WILLIAMS EASTIVAIW. H x ' T)te Dime Recipe Book x. o ~n For eat° at Lcms' Sw.Vostity Mum. Blom.. SC1100LB00KS,: . . FOR SALT, • AT LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY & IRMO STOitE, IME 10 lto U 47 40 . 001/'S 1.:1,1; 4th and, sth 111'GUFFEY'S Spoiler aril' Bendel's, (old and iiew editions.) ' SANDER:Ii • do ,I do n SIVAS'S' , do do do' ' 00)111'S ; do . do du • • t i'Vsbb's Normal licadcr, No, 1. Emorson's IlegrlChrl ' , Ton Ws Spoiler; ond;tleflnef, (old and new editions.) Schdlor's Companion. Smith's. Hollow's. Brown'S'aild Tower's Grammars. Geography. • Warren's PhyslCal Geography. • Id lichen's, Mon teltlittn,l McNally's (leograialea d. A boson 'lt ebs{cTF 01111 11•yrCi•Ster . 111.11ctionpes. . i t Connbigit ion. • " Quiwken4i's Votnowdtwirnw) Rhetoric:, ire Idea Weal a. Stothloid's. moinerson's, Swon's,Col'bol'n's and It4ty'et 2Crltlia•tivs. • "I Fitinalins Fel../11V• r • • j 111 opplegl'ii Stl)ll.l.iril lif,:vs to At " ' illisintoal's ant 1/34111.,' ; t„ ,1;r. ,to Alp to , - ,„, Park. Philosophy.' ‘." .Ilocksn'soH leer Losnoiislti"Notlirol l'idloc0019.". • Porker's l'hip,',oll• • • • • P ; ~.! illord's Mat , pry, uf.l.lE , United Slates., th t p.o J.; wil Slates., .1 lioodricleft "., Puy stilt Winton' nod' eleven nolnith•to. , • • , enntiAijew ether Copy • ' 'Kleinman of ;Moir Mowing; w JOl 1/lin.for stnicliing nom ail-fingffintion 01,111 !wormed othods of pi ejection. Davies' Elittuttitutry Geolitrity and Tt4f.hlhtildtryt 't -• Ihtvleot Leirtuulru'etleompttrY. tt- •tt,, ' Holum - 7k husitinues pooh-10..14g. (look Keeping by Single Entry. bytijanftror4 tpitysou lbwk,liecylpg by Single and lluoble Entry, by . ,llTiltruril !k J Payson. • - Oilier hooke,nillbs dadeitimil focoldwd to, order.,:': A full stork of School S.,tiltlopory aloojy on Rrdpl. I luntingrk.n. P.l • " • :110.1D TOP ASSOCIATE JUDGE = TUE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES .14. 4 \N 4E - 4rti 1114 cmr~,4and., r. COME OME TO THE NEW STORE FOR " . CIIRAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY CONFECTIONERY C. 1.1.C , ,t; Inf. ;on thy citizens Of Huntingdon and ti- Chuily, that lie hoe opened a nest Hroeei y and Confection ery Stoic) in tho haeenten t. andel Gutman & Ce.'a Clothing Store, to the Dionanel, and would moat relvollully to. quest mbare of public patreitor,e. his cluck coasts of all kind,' oh the 111::. 4 1! CiIIt)CERIES, CONYECTIONERIES, , &c. 11. , 1t ran be Mill at ulnilernle or retail. ICE CII:VOI trill be rainielied regitlat ly to inn tie, and individual. at lib, room. • Huntingdon, Supt. 24,18110. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE UOUSE AND MS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK; For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER. A VALUABLE BOOK, - For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. TILE FAMILY DOCTOP, THE FAMILY DOCTOR. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For Falo of LEWIS' Book StOro. LONGSTIZETIE ON rim HONEY BEE, LONGSTEETB ON THE HONEY BEE, Lowsmorn ON THE.BONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES. nowN DM on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIVTREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Po- sale at LEWIS' Book Store.: ±( - 1 - ,IXANI)RIA FOUNDRY.- 2 iti)uv.ic C. 31c011,1,, tuatotrat hoer of all kinds of castings, tinge and rolling mill. grist nod sow mill. thrash ing machine, sled and sleigh salon. wagon hoses. stoves of kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit 1.11 kinds of ploughs; also. car liberty 111141 rallraall Walk, and bus 11E, null MI pro, ell plough that tendon satisfaction to all tortures that have used them. I W ill keep all Muds of Plough sheets ontl !dung!. at, 3lesios. Fisher A, Mt Mur ti le's, Huntingdon. and at Mr. tieorgis I:by's, Mill Creek, nod tsillBll all orders promptly. The fal Meta will ante money by getting shears and ploughs of 31e(111,1,, at the 'Mult v headdpiat ters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of °duce, old mutul null lumber, taken in exchango.— Piing the pay and sate ten jut tent. Alemtiultia. Maid! 7, Ifie,O. jis yp_ u t CYT ITS 11,A-LThe Pre shy t erian P,alunslidt —The clean unilLs.--11 nu ten's and Ilextinre enlarged and improved inqinelors—WeilainFo Nev and Ingo...veil Method Col the Guitar—LA.lll's Acem • Violin and Flute Instmetorl—Winnei's and Hones Vfuhn In.truelois—liellak's Melodeon hell ter--11111.- 11M(11' Plano-Forte Tltel 01101-1),” biter -110WC:S Dran lag Room Dancoi—The Clients Glee Book— Tat a's Harp, rot sale at LER IS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MUSIC From:. I) EAI)Y 1I LCKONEII. complete cents, a wide), ire ,"„;',l°,l`eFol‘, l " . .VT,'.eter*.. l l;l`,: ll ;l7 ceiptl., Petitions, together "it), a Set of tables. containing rate ot intere4t titan one dollar to to vire their, and. the single day, with a table of singes,' and Loma by the meek and I lay, puldislit din 1859. For rule at UMNIZ=RM JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON ; PA aIIAFFIJS MILL1:11, T1 011 7 2111D ASSOCIATION, I'llll.ADELI'l1IA• .1 &nemlent Inqtdotion establiArel try grecial Efalmement. for the Relief If the S'ick and Di,tr,s,ed, °filleted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, a n d erptetally jirr the Core of Diseases 0r the Sexual thymus. Medical Advice giten gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all title apply by letter, ettl, /I dt,criptlon ut their condi tion, (age, occupation. habits of life, Sc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty. llfedichtes famished five of charge. , Valuable Repot Is on Spertnatorthnitt. and other Diseases of the Sexont organs, and nu the next. Reinelltes employed in the Dispensary, bent to the afflicted in sealed letter en %elopes, free of charge. Too or three Snoops fur postage trill be acceptable. Address, lilt. SRILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Bur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA I), HARTWELL, Pi estrlent. GEO. FAIRCHILD, .Fecretury. Dec. 19, 1860.—1 y. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES!! A I'RE'S'lf Al?1111rAli CHRIST. LO G'S ALL HIS STOCK IS FRESH AND.PRIME. CALL A 471) ;SEE. - HT. WHITE, ./TTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Jun. 2, 1861-tf. B ENJ. JACOBS IS ON HAND NEW GOODS, SPR LVG- A.ATD,S UIJIMER He lots received n fine assortment or DRY GOODS for O, Swing and Summer neason, comprising a very It:mit 43 :moment of • LADIES DRESS ,a DODS, DRY GOODS in pima!, DEADY•SIADE CLOTHING, For 3lonnud Ploys GROCIMIES, SLATS S. CAM • BOOTS AND SUM, k.e. Ac Thy publ!eFenevally terpiebted to call and exiiiiiiue the goodii—and 111, pi lees. Ap I nut deterndued to cell nty Goode, all ulio call ma, expect hargnink. Coontry Produce taken in Ilicchange for Goods. 1113\1.:1ACIA1S, at the Cheap (korner. Huntingdon, 2401 2, IShI. pRONS ALS - Will be received by the subset flier for mining ono °Heeling anti' cars the cbej ft ant the Putrelton, and Ittr. nut Colludes, for ono year, tattling 3litt ch first, 1862. Thu coal to he debt owl ht so much per too, of 22101 tat, AB 0 . 01.101, lu dm beat marketable condition. flee from slate, and other impel ides, ill'Aucls quantities nut of melt description an flay be designated by the orders of the The contractor , will be provident with <ltch Mining tools and Implements, mules, houses, An. ' as may la., on the premixes, a valuation of which will be :mole at the time possession Is given, the sustount of which intuation to' bo accounted fur at the expinttlau of the contract. A good store will be provident. A inontertito tent trill bu charged for houses The mines to be stotked suliject tosuelt mining engineer ns the leusee may pi ovide, tier hi tot 'nation apply to , ItOllT, 11A111; NiAVELib No. 104 Walnut Sheet, Feb. 20, 1601.—tr '• • Plilladelplitn, i'n. SOUND ON THE , BOOT & SIMI,' QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK , • Ilea pint opened "tho best assort, moot of Goods in hie hie, ever' brought to Huntingdon. Ills stook of BOOTS alitl . S.lloES for Ladies, Gentle , 0q men, :Ulises. Boys nod Cildren, comprises all the 1 latest fashions, and manufactured of tbo best ma- ‘•-• . tatial" ' -- Also. a fleet assortment of HATS fur men,'Boys and Children. it it. 111 great variety for Gentle- nwn: Ladles: and Children. CARPET BAGS, , SUSPENDERS, umunts, FANS, dc. ALSO, ' • , SOLE4.IEATEIER, CALF SANS , MOROCCO, LAST! and SIIOE-FINDINGS generally. ; Thankful for pad tavola, a continuance of 11,0 same Is reatiect fully solicited'. NAL—Rut/Is and Shoes fur Ladies and Gentlemen, ro ladled and vnado to Ilunting.l,,,,, April dl, 1501' I 0 AI O'ILJ ! COAL O'IL!!! James A,, Drawn sena thr gmuint " POILTLANT.! KERO z. 4 14N E." OR COAL OIL dear a$ water. 14 the only lona et that p,1% e. entire satisfaction nn nu agent fur light. • Itveate of eetintetreits ate' entatert 'earben'aillt: The; ;emit All nra'll , l%n• .11111.111 uild ruiuk7. , . 1 A tat ge tin tat; Mull al " •-• en.u. OIL 7 1.:13114,' ' elatinteyi. Globes. Wielt‘tt Itirttera,' Shade.: Lt.. fir.. stl.l itt the eery Ititvost pi Ica, at the,l turd. are Clot v, Wi ling 'don. Pa • '•• - C , IffrAP W./17'011ES! b• 'I Z;(1 AC013 .14/11)f/311 IS, " . O. 613. MA Itfirr NTIt NO. PlITIAD11(.1!111 A. !lo oil hood and in COI181:111tIV I . Cri V.v.; I,krgo I.m - 311 11..1V. oe-A mrrii•thr.`Wrogloxh. unit etatehrs, n ldch 1143-h 111 , ecll pt towt.r.prieem thou ut.,..1 . : tll. J. went.' cal pot trent.. nttrntiun to the eel,. ward .. , txt.nla it+ AI Atoll. which tiA , ftivorue - y, of Olin.. nod l..rut liability of wttlog not of dot% I. Repro I. dt to +Mr nouN anythifik, thin Collie cost. , Jewelrye fidNbr nod Silva ..elated. Wore,. pi fd!lll,:a • j!tit , tei,nl„ • „ „ ' L , JALSII , — . • • ' 1 .) I • • . Silver titact Ord, Spectacks, • „ %Oh ghup,e(for nil eights. w it 41 PATENT. an well at the Old liame.fld - -All goods sold aat my! eAtabliAmont Awr y:wt . :TIM to he nn cemrseotyl eatinfettipp, guttriin., tet.d - to charyn., at ' NO. 618, Market ttoot." Cr'oroci s of - V.:cot " • ''r `.. -" &inf. GOODS ! Nl* - ddoilg ! ! SP L ENDID , STOCK THE PUBLIC' ARE INVITED TO CALL EN,I4INE OCR, CIOODS Apiil 10, 1561 D; P. GM • HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OP -; X.E; IV G001)8, • FOR SPRING AND SMILER. , . CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, April 10, ISOI. MEiM=E G. ASIIMAN MILLER Has just received a new stock of 01100611111 S, .01111-GOODS, BOOTS .1: 8110115, Cnll aud examine my flea stock. U. ASHMAN MILLER I= Din) 3, ISM WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LAJ4GE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1861. 1861. CLOTHING. lIROMAN. • N IV CLOTHING FOIL SPR. L.VG AXD S UJEITE,R, f JUST RECEIVED AT • 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Fur Gentlemen's Clothing of the best meter lel, and made in the Lest workmanlike manner, call at' 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin nonce in Market &oar°, Hunting. don. [April 2,1861. j ENVELOPES ! Wholesale and " • 50.000; BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORINGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and fm sale at ' LEWIS' BOOK STORE.' NTEW CIGAR A.ND- TOBACCO 1199 STORE. J. A. 11.kN1GAR, A. practical tobacconist, has opened a now TOBACCO STOR CIGAR MANUFACTORY, Mt Allegheny St.,- oue door west or the Broad Top Railroad Mee, where be has on head a large assortment of in hue Cigars and To. bacco, Which Ito will sell either• wholesale or retail. Store keepers, shopkeepers, and all others Nt Ito deal tu the weed should call. Ills in ices are low. Call and sea. .. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, 18 61. NEly-GO9DS!, , SELLING OFF TOR CASH!! BARGAINS, IN HARDWARE As " the nimble penny Is better than the shiw sixpe'nce,", and small profits in cash, awe better then reling eye-sore book accounts, JAMBS A. BROWN Is now ileterminea to sell off the largo mud splendid stock of drarcluaro,'Paluts, se., %%Melt he lute just brought from the east, at such lon' prices, ns will Induce everybody It, crowd in ihr a nuance et the bargains. ; His stock, includes a complete variety of BUILDIII-HARDWAItt; 111ECIIANICS' T 001,9 ,, GIJTLERY,HULLOW . WA 01 LS, PAINTS,. SADDLERY, • VARNISIIES, GLA:3.5. 1 , CARRIAGE STEEL, IRON. ' CHAIN rumrB, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO. LINING SICINS, COAL OIL LAMPS and COAL OIL, dm, de., . PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS, Tngetho'r with a foil assortment of everything pertaining to Ids line of business, .@V" otdei lecelve promptat tent hon.-.4:1 fluntlpiploni April 10, 1861 ENVELOPES AND; PAPER - ran WA I]li •AT • • LEWIS' BOOK STORE:. EXCIIANGE HOTEL, T • : HUNTINGDON, PA., NEAR PFINSILVANIA RAILROAD DRPOT. JOHN S. MiLLIM, Proprietor, April 10, 1001. CULL' at D. I'. . - GIVIN'B • if you want Fasmonatto , - _ _ 4 A 11,91.0 " ,„3 7 4Z . 0 ., A -f .1:1. 0 4 ' • S. 0 1 '*-' , P rl l LIP ' ttG1.0.131 , ' .. t_iF,FICF" is the most Lotoplete of oily in the country, 111)11 p 1). toss , . the 1110.1 limply Yuen tt 11./1 for in °minty oteOuthig to , the best style, sooty loristy of Joh etinpuf,, blgtlP4 !JAM) 13 - 1 • PROGRAMMES.' • - "- :"- - • - POSTERS,, CARDS. . . • . CIRCU.LARK" -1.141.4 L TICKETS. -• i .t DS J '' ' ' ":tLL' AID F.l4'AliAlt aPalnig,3 . AT sTATI• IN BIIY1)1112i141.1,1TORE., li / ANK " - " . 1 • • ,;,4,6iotrtisi;,..4,.enr'.o . ,c,it 0, . 1 i- , IZEIr i tS93OOKrAND STATIONERY. 9rO*6. FISHER 4:, SON ME JUS2' OPENED JYE TV GOODY. ES FISHER & SON EBB JUST RECEIVED MEM= esiivEss§"CAltiow WMEGAHAN _& CO., . Miners and Dualora In Broad Top Coal. B. L. 3legolinn, General Agent, IteConnellstomu, Huntingdon coupth Pu. DAYIII MAW, ju Miner mid Shipper of Broad Top Coal, Office lion tiugdou Pa. • A. A11.611,M1i,, . 'Dealer in Grorertei. Confeetionitrie. Se., Sr. Dilt. JOHN ' SieCULLOCH, Offers his profesolonot sem ieti to the ritlrens of Ilituthigdon amt riunity. Oilier on 11111 otreet, one door etint of Heed's Dung Store. Aug.:2.11 '55. T S. AIILLEII,. CJs Proprietor of the I:xolionge (~- z S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi rornmory, Dye SI nfrq. etle. &c. Alla—Cro- CorieS, Cold. ctiunerien, 4c" Iluntingdoti. - WM. LEWIS, Duller in Books, Stationery .4 nueleal month. Huntingdon. En. T M. CUNNINGIIA.AI . & 341 Q. . e. I'omuler4, Illintingdon. Pa TAMES A. BROWN,' ep Dealer in Minim.; Cutlery, Minis, IIQ3IAN, _ _ Dealer in Ready Made CYol6iiig. Ilah'at O Bouts and dc. -; -7 7 A, Dealer in Dry Gamic, Ready Slade Clothing, Grocer lea. Gueengm are. 4e. 4e. M G •made Clothing. , C ii o :l, lle r alers in Ready n. P. GIVIN, • , if. Dealer in Th'y nods, Gincerlog, ITnidware, Queens nrc. Hats and Cam Pints and Ploys. d c. FISHER &,SON,,Ppalers in Dry Goods, Gmtn, T EVI WESTBROOK, j Dealer in Gentlemen's, Listles' and Misses' Boots, Shunt,. Gaiter% Morocco Lecher, etc. TOSEPIT REIGGER, „ e Wntellinaker and dealer in Watches. Clocks, And Jew elry, &O. ;- Ntrill: WI ',LIAM:S7 T Phlin and 01111.1,0.11 M rLtr Mamenct r. TOIIN F. fIAMEY, County Surveyor, tit llmmting lon, Pa. °Mee 1111 Hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon 31at ble Vaud. iir.VPIIFNOES-b. T. Watson. Plaladelphie; .1. P. tooth Geologist. Philadelphia; (Inuit, 311eltlery, Rough and bloody Furnace, Iron..lonatlian 3PW j).IOIIARD LA NGDON;- Miner and JI, Denier in Goad Tv. Con!, Hop:nen, Bedford coun ty, [Nov. 3, '5B. A Mill ElliVANt 00.,111incrs and Deal t". crs in Broad Top Cool, Itroad Topi Huntingdon co., Pt !lon. • [Nov. it, MS. COUNTRY J)EALEIIS can Lay CLOTHING nom me In Huntingdon :d M HOU:SALM .to clamp no they in the cities, as I base a a hoh,mle Shore iii l'lnhallphin. Iluatingdon, April 14, 1655. 11. ROMAN. R 1 GOODS!—A fino assortment on 1L,7.44111,1 for jhearcomosoilatioll of co:donivrs, at nl:S.l- JACOL'S'. (limp Cower," Market Square, (oct23 ) QTONE-WARE at S. S. Gro- Li eery, 20 per cent.•cheaper than any other placa,ln faun. 1 7 1 . K. /NEFF, I'IITSI VIA -V - A.K.D SET G E OFF 101:, 11111 buret, opiuHitu Dr. La , T o, ofTur.s l l prof'us Amul vervieub'tu the ettfAe. of Huntingdon and ‘lcinity Apt!! 13,1859. . JOHN Beam WM/ L. T. BRORTI. • J, ii. 0. CORIIIX LA"'PARTNE RSIIIP.- J. 11. 0. Conaits has, nom this date, Loco)ne a meni bar of dm firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTOttNEYS 'AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, In which !muse the Inisincis will atilt' be conducted. Iltuttingdon, Jan. 2, lirGO. • P* : 441 ,47, GUITARS, • SY3IPIIONIANS, ACCORDECI: Asp FIVES Fur Pain rheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOIt T) ALLISON AULLEE, it•• DE V .TIST, r Iltot t room tut to the IMO: !toe, (Apposite the Cettet Rome Ain't 1J 18at. LOCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A LARGE STOOK 01" BAND IT LEWIS' BOOK S'ITIE OOK I3INDING. Ohl Woks. or publicatiorri of any Mod, ounkl to order, if left at - .1.P.1178' 1100 K tt 5TAT10N...311%570LT DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you wont your curd neatly to upon navel oyes, call at - LEWIS' BOON . JIM) STATIONBRY 'STORE, FOR THE LAI)IES: itiablu A tt a Znlgr a l " ' I V ° arNa" P.'"" and ravel tha. Fovesppramie, f o r roi o 'ot , "P"' ,LEIVIS'BOON & .51,1•Tia,l'Elt1";sTolgz, DA ! PAPER ! ! „ , 'Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Fiatcap—a good assoirtment for sale by the ream, half renal; quite or sheet, - LEWIS' NEW STATIONEtt Y Front. • , . - T. , I J A gT - NOTICE.:- , All wo aii, nnskittled aeeounts with into , of six h Ii months standing or longer, nie. earnestly requested to call and settle np mid bare coste:-Tiaost have nioney or quit buditevq.. LEy.l Iy.ESYDROOK. Iluntiugdbu, Jan'. 2, Igal. ', . P • TIOTOGRAPHY lii ell' its various Branches; C:cectiterl in the' best, tslo knows in the tut, at • t•:.• i .•••„ C, 0, CRANE'S GALLERY, 632 Arch Street, Epst of Sixth, Philadelphia. , • Lifo size in Oil and mastile, Stereoscopic Portraits, Am brutySes; Ibn.tueeteutypesoSz.,,for Cases, 310[11110ns, Fins, Rings, lee, (Nov. fl NYE LOPES _Li By the Lox, pack„orle.s piazititY, for eolc at .LEWIS' BOON AND ISTA STORE. lI ° PP 'SKII.V.k'S with fi•oiri'"'4 to' 80 hoops, ai pri m front 25 as. CO $2,00 at the cheap sturo of D. P. GWIN. ADIES Collarp, very cheap and beau , ' 11 nail, at v. P. GWIN s. ASplendid variety. el. arpets,,,grily ,'25 ctrz:per yard. ' VISIIEIt '&'SON. A MIS 8,11 It Of .TONE-WARE'!!! Crocka; - itsgq, rieserve Jara &c, orenpel for qualltj•„ &lc] only I] , y , „ P.RlVlN:Jkeeps.' largelt, sliest . ageortment audrimaresk.buee,lu tolim., Cull and examine them.: • • • •-" ' POOPED S lAT:S vf . r ‘ th 2 50 , .will be 801 fur 23 atllfd . ' you" 'mini , litindson e Goods, good .xls;clieapilooils, and all kin of Ooods, got., 1 F G . 43 D. I'. WI: 'S. etALL at D. (MIN'S if you want onn (look. ROCIERIES, 1 &c.-- 7 Call at v_x,elleap store of BBNJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coon lty pri,auco talon In eaclotuge at the highest anal het pi i (oc j3OQTS Hats Caps, the EUg st :WM/It:moot moil cllettpobt to On fomml at • .! r; ".` - • . ' CIUN` BARBELS ANI3I',OC.P.-L-A large anal " n 'TIVIW N'S; HAR DIV AR E D. I'. Gwiu's ..1( - o‘,i ha tied in Ems 0.- Cilli re., them. I ‘.; I K Colored:, Itood bg6tAptall ,r l ity, only VlSliElt I SON. rioar, on: a , CO rIC A . ':'Junti'reekred at tho hnrilVittris eitiore'd • - .1.45. A. BROST—V. G WIN'S is the .14 .1 , g.'1,1...qt! , it5p. , FY. 3 1 2 ; P Dkl; D ED Mira, for rote FA 7.I46TUST ROOV •STORM • ---- RORREIPS • ROHR/11PS . 11.0111LER'SL •• - PRAcTICAL CALCVLAToI:. IT Acne.% L CALCULATOR. - PRACTICAL o.l.cer.ATo:t. PRACTICAL CAUCULATOK. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, 0 UItER'S PRACTICAL- (1.-..-UJC -Book of -Plain Redea and Utkulaßinnsfn Buline.B rations, by Jlarlin r , aclico - s4trvelAw and Court rdicer. ono Ealtioh, publish - H.- Linda"- - colt & Cb., . _ Thiv work contains 204 pages. mid upwards of 60ttpliof and I ootplet. entirely and thot oughly practicaL'such no ands& eveiry in the ceitelnioti patanies'orltustricliltlt 11.14 111 ready passed through a number of editions in rapi.l succession, and is pronounced by ell claws of business men to be the handiest book of refeeetece, pertaining, to calculations, that has ever been published. t:very exainple itf - tho book is worked out in full and stated Inn plait' eatunier, so that when a parallel case ari ses, those leferelug,to the work Will Rod no difficulty in solving it; In a Iford, the genecol arrangement of t h e CALCULATOR he simple, that anyilne 'Ulm knows how to edd, subtract,' multiply and divide, can easily solve any or dinary example that arises.iti bilsillese, or arrive at the true result ofuny estimate required." The chief aim of the author has bleu to eschew theory end philosophy in figures, aiming °lay at facts and simpli city, believing that business men cure little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy Of rules, or the seience.of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a moment, by ieferouce, to arelve at the trees result. The CALCULATOR diners in this respect from all other At 'dietetics of the day and kindred weeks—lt Is a buy to practical calculations—it is, in the liana of the business man. what the key to mathematical works in the bands of the teacher iu the school rra—lt facili tates time and insures correttness. TEE WORK TREATS ON TUE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, cf Stone and Stone work, of groin and grain Win, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of tooling, of plasterer's, painter's. glazier's, paver's, pinmb. er's, paper banger's and upholsterers' work. It' treats of currency and of foreign Emil' domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and their entire application to business transactions, with the lowa and usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment rind of partnership accounts, of n.ssessment of faxes, of "eights and Pleasures, of, square and cubic measure,' of the square root and its application to business of surlaces, of excavation, and of, many , other Important practical matters nut wlthln the scope of an advertisement to men. Hop, IT IS 31.15 T THE 1300 K FOR VIE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artisan, or the professional man. It has pi oven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conve,yaricer, and real estate broker, to the esecosor, the' banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer maths - surveyor, to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hunger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, Lc., Se.; each and all will find it adapted to - thelr va rious wants better than any book published. 46pPrfce. SO cents. Fersale at Lowls' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 1860. ' ' rIIHE HUNTINGDON-FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGALNIThe subscribers lake this method ot informing their ft iends and the publos generally, that •they haft, rebuilt the Huntingdon Fourr . . dry,:tfini are flout in sucussffil operatien, : ~,,,,, and are prepared to furnish Castings of „.,, every description, of best quality and • - workmanship, on abort notice, and on lesson:lbl° to, uts. Fat mers are Invited to call and exam. our Ploughs. We are manufacturing_ the. Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the • Hun tingdon county Agricultural Pair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter.Ploughs. which can't be beat—together with the Keystone, Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on baud and are manufacturing Stoves—such ns Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. , Hollow st are, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to pleaso, - We hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. • . . CIINN.INGI/.4.31 A - , MI6. jiuntingdon, April 30, 1850. . WILLIAM AFRICA IAS AGAIN COMMENCED TUE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST ,01? 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE Ins old customers and the public generally, will give him a call. • [Huntingdon; Oct. 20,1000,] A.LEXAND.RIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The 'undersigned respectfully inform - the publie that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY 111111' will continuo the business, and endeavor to give general aatkrhetion. • MI orders will be promptly attended M. Wit. ROTHROCK, WM. N. KIRBY. Alexandria, Feb. 22, rrHE fEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BY MISS ELIZA ACTON Carefully Revised by kr. T. S. Hai IT - TEALS -You }Tow to choose ail kinds or Mentet, Poultry, • and (hone, with all the various and most ,• approved modes or dressing and cooking. Brelandfolk; also the Lest and simplest way of baiting, pickling and curing the tune. 1r TELIS You AU the various and mostapproved modes of Messing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds pith the different Dressing % Gravies ) and Stuffings appropriate to each. .. IT TrtlS You How to Owes% clean, and preserve Fish of ' and bow to sweeten it wkin ed ; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dies. logs, Sanecs,,and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT Tells You All the varietal end niost tipproved modes of , preparing over 50 hinds of Neat,Fieb,Nowl, time. and Vegetable Soups, `llroths,land Stews, with the Relishes and Eueneulnge • epptern late to each. " • ly Tta,ts You All the iniTons and most tpyroved modes of , cooking "Vegetables of. every description, also how to preparo Pickles, Catsups and • - - :Cnrrlew of all' kinds, Pqttod'lleuts,.• kids, .. . Canto, Mushrooms, &c. - . , . IT TELLS You dlltho various and most approved males of preparing and cooking all. kinds. of 'Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Odielpites, Hitters, Cakes, Contectlonary;',Preserves, and Sweet Dishes of eryry4lascrip• tion: Tana Sou All,the Various and mosLapproved modes of making Bread, Busks, Mullins, cant Bis cuit, and the beet method of:fii•epating ~ Coffee ' • Chocolate , and Tea, and hew to ' moteeSyrups; Ordlals; and Winds of va rtouskintl.3. • • •... • • Ix TlLts You how to set out and oinamentaiuble,bow to Carve all kinds of Nish, lelesli in , lfowl; and , Lior k t it„ l g io as w to to t? i si gs ta t p h l o lty . . h t o lt i e c. w t y „ l x o u n e r . t of . ' of the ,table . For Sale - at Lewis'e "Jooli . Store. , NEW BO_OKS,I ..r; i, , , ihmt SALE A.T LEWIS' 13001 l STORE TILII4IODSR:ANew FriactrlmANifir, of Iturai:Architoc - biro; or, now to Build. Duelling', Darns, Stables, and Grit Dwellings of all kinds. 'With a Chapter on Churches and SehooLllouses. Price; 50 canto.. _ THE GARDEN; :A Now POCKET Mettiiii bf l'raCtieni Mon . ~tibulture; llow to t'oltivato,Vegatableoh /6Tiita, and Flowers. With a Clia4ter qp giaccueutalT,Kees and. Shrubs." -.Price, 50-cents. • ; THE FARM: A Now Peelers MANUAL of Practleal4gri-• culture; or, How to Cultivate aline Field Crops: With an Epsny on Earn' Management., eic., Price, SO cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NEW Neon MANUAL of Cqttlei Lime, and Sheep: Btlsbnndtyt or,,f How to Brapik and Rear the Vailotis Tenants of the Dart-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. 110 W. TO TALK: A ZZEw POCKET 3.lAni. of Converilitlon. land Debate; :ifflt Directions for Acquirlno It Grumman- cal Style, .and motyrrthan Sive lluntbetlCounnun,3ll6-. 'takes ebrrh.ted. , 51$ contA:' ' ' '" 11010 T0;33E11,15% KNai,y - XocaEn:X,yfkt,t, 9r-Rotmblir can Eti.vetto, Jtud Guide to Correct Personnnixtakt,s.;, Iluleal'or..Debating Soefetteafand-poltparat&Ar semblies o etc. I't lee, 50 coats.. " no -TO DO B SINLS : ocxer- xtruaL Practitml lttfitita and Guide, to anew:akin tire; nitlt a Collectleti of Itusineaa'Boriner, and a.Dletfonary of Cont. • inetcitt), Turns) ole.:: i vm)Bit !.!. PAPER, sy.: - 7-0 liEll Trzting Patpr, I:ll'l,l43ekm raper, prawing Pape.? Deed Paper, Tissue Pity6S,. Silk Paper fur Fluster.; Derfuruted Paper.; Flat Cap Paper, Poolitonp.Paper,.. Letter Paper, . • ,:,Coonneroial Notb Paper;'•' Ladies' Gilt-Edged Letter and Notp.Paper, • Ladiat,' Plahrand Euidy Sure White and Colored tan) Paper. In Packs nail Sheets, na bah) at 'LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Mtiiic Store. SPII,INy-,N...5R;qr,)fj . ,:i..._'4" .. .. :.-'' f 7, EA:?..1.1.10WS ! ME 'ite F 2 4 ,0 ,cll JhTI SYrceaecr t 4 s tre rrsi l GE f i-110 assostast consists 2 s, 6 fit PT....J . e; ERE - 10 cifrr.P 3, t - .. v.r. 7! ISA.§II4I I .44" 3,1 I ' 6ll oX:NEKViDiqtas-fq :ibehinttest uid thot Could le.fonnd ilrityo c44/11 of vv Well he will take pleamwe In, exhibiting. and making Itn ordefl/%lt.Win 0 , 4110d/111k to:call 1044 imoitqo leis goucht. Call soon._ . - ,, 3 ii==l lIIIM