COURT AFFAIRS. GRAND JURORS. Jacob Baker, carpenter, Alexandria. Brice Blair, gentleman, Dublin. Jesse Cook, farmer, Carbon. Aeahel Evans, farmer, Henderson. John Geisqinger, teacher, Penn. Adam Gehrett, farmer, Cassville. Moses. Homer, farmer, Walker. Francis Holler, blacksmith, Brady. Richard D Heck, farmer, Cromwell. John W' Houck, farmer, Tod. William Huey, farmer. Dublin. Joel Isenberg, farmer, Porter. William Lewis, printer, Huntingdon. Andrew Mattern, wagon•maker, West. William Miller, farmer, West. David MoMurtrie, gentleman, Huntingdon. Thas. E Orbieon, merchant, Cromwell. Elliot It..bley, farmer, Brady. George Sipes, merchant, Dublin. Samuel M Stewart, farmer, Jackson, - George Stever, farmer, Union. Jackson White, laborer, Huntingdon. " Thomas Weston Esq, farmer, Warriorsmark Wm. B. Zeigler; gentleman, Huntingdon. TRAVERSE JIIRORS-FIRST WEEK Joshua Brown, farmer, Springfield. John Brooks, laborer, Jackson. Samuel Brooks, J. P., Carbon. Andrew Brumbaugh t teacher, Penn. John Booth, teacher,lSpringfield. Ephraim Bucket, farmer, Morris. William E Corbin, farmer, Juniata. Josiah Cunningham, former, Barree. Oliver Colegate, farmer, Shirley. Thomas Dean, farmer, Juniata. Joseph Fisher, farmer, Tod. William Glass. carpenter, Jackson. Adolphus Graßas, turner, Warriorsmark David Grazer, farmer, Warriorsmark. Hays Hamilton, manager, Franklin. Thomas Hall, mechanic, Hopewell. Luther Ullman, farmer, Cromwell. • Stitt Harper, farmer, Dublin. Joseph Knode, farmer, Porter. Jacob Ketterman, farmer. Clay. Robert Laird, farmer, Porter. - David Lynn, former, Hopewell. Henry Mark, farmer, Juniata. James Martin, farmer, Porter. Ebenezer 'Magill, farmer, Jackson. John McCool, farmer, Barree. L A Myers, carpenter, Shirleysburg. William Moore, merchant, Alexandria. Jolin'r Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon. Graffus Miller, gentleman, Hnntingdon. Lewis Meredith, shoemaker.Huntingdon James Magill, farmer, Barree. Perry Moore. farmer, Morris. Andrew G. Neff, farmer, Penn. William Orr, farmer, Tell. John 'M Oaks, farmer, West. John Porter, farmer, Henderson. George Porter, gentleman, Franklin. Samuel Powell, farmer, Jackson. George Roland, farmer, Case. George Reynolds, carpenter, Franklin. Robert Sackets, laborer, Warriorsmark. Henry SwoOne, farmer, Walker. Michael Sprankle, farmer, Porter. Joel Thompkins, carpenter, Shirleysburg. Miller Wallace, carpenter, Brady. John Watson, laborer, Franklin. Richard Wills, carpenter, Warriorsmark. ,TRAVERSE SCRORS--SECOND WEEK. Henry Berrick, mason, Penn. Rudolph Breneman, farmer, Juniata. John Chilcote, farmer, Cromwell. David Douglass, farmer, Shirley. John H Davis, laborer, Jackson. Martin Flciiner. wagon maker, Walker. Jeremiah Grazier. farmer, Warriiirsmark. William Geissetiger, farmer, Juniata. George Green, farmer, Oneida. Jacob Goodman, farmer, Brady. Steven Gorsuch, farmer, Oneida. Charles Green, J. P. Oneida. William !Memel), farmer, Morris. John Haniilton. lumberman, Carbon. Thomas Huston, jr., farmer, Jackson. Richard fleck, fanner, Cromwell. John Huey. farmer, Brady. James Harkness, laborer, Jackson. George Horton, farmer, Carbon. Adam Keith, farmer, Tod. Thomas Lock, farmer, Springfield. Alexander McNeal, farmer, Clay. Thompson Morain,farmer. Porter. John McDonald. distiller, Brialy. Jeremiah Nearhoof, fanner, Warriursmark Benjamin L Neff, miller, %Vest. Benjamin K Neff, farmer, West. Benjamin Ramsey, flamer, Springfield. William Rex, clerk, Union: A R Stewart, merchant, Brady. George A Steel, gentleman, Huntingdon. David Stnuffer. former, West. John Stem, farmer, Jackson. Wm M Thompson, farmer, Brady. Joshua Willionise% farmer, West. John Withers, manager, Jackson. SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Tend. Exp. Fl. Fa. and Lev. F. to me directed, I wilt expose to public solo or outcry. at the Court llouse, to the borough of Huntingdon. on MONDAY. the 12th dny of Augnst,lB6l, at 2 o'clock, P. IL, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: No I.—A tract of land in Cromwell town consistingof parts of several surreys, through which Black Log creek rune, adjoining loud of Inca, Wigton Co., and Black Log mountain on the south and east land of Deft, occupied by Benj. Beck, designated ns No 4, in this levy, and land of Wm. 1,1.1,18.'8 heirs on the west, and land of Defendant, occupied by Benjamin Long, decig uated as No 2 in this levy, on the north, containing 200 acres be the same more or less, of which about 150 acres are cleared, having thereon erected a atone grist mill, a blast Furnace called *Winchester Fnrnme,'' a large stone dwelling house, a coal house, now used as n barn. a frame barn painted white, a carriage house, and thirteen log houses, with other buildings usually ,ormected with a fur nace, together IA Rh the wider power connected therewith, the sane consisting of part of a tract warranted in the name of William Chambers, and part of the Black Log tract, and part of the Richard Ashman tract, Ac. No 2.—A tract of land to Cromwell township. now oc cupied by Benjamin Long, adjoining No 1 in this levy, on the of William orb:eon's heirs on the west, 'hat, Wigton A Co., on the north. and the Ifenrietta Cromwell tract, on the east. containing 120 acres Ito the same, more or less, of which about' 05 acres are cleared, having a log house and log barn thereon, being a part of the Bedford and Chambers tracts, and having an ore bank thereon, No. 2.—A out of land on Black Log mountain, in Cromwell township. adjoining Nos 1 and 2in this levy, on the west, containing 120 acres more or less, being the one belief a tract surveyed on a warrant, in the name of illeurietta Crowu en. No 4 --A tract of land In Cromwell township, adjoining No 1 In this levy, on the cwt., Ilutter'a land on the south, land of Benjamtn Berm on the west, land of Thomas li And Wm P Orhison, end the teen of Wm Orbleon, on the portb, containing 160 acres or thereabouts, or which about 120 acres ore cleared, having two log houses and a log barn thereon, being now occupied by Benjamin fleck and others, and haring an ore bank thereon. No 4,--A parcel of land In Cromwell township, at the head of the mill dam connected with the mill, and so de scribed In No 1 in this levy, adjoining land of Samuel Grove, Garen Cluggate's heirs, and Isett, Wigton & Co., containing 10 acres more or less, of which about 6 acres ere cleared. No 13.—A tract of Ridge hind unimproved In Cromwell township.adJoining land of Andrew lirClure on the north, Daniel Book on the west. 'flioni as E orbiron en the tooth. and Hodgera on the east, containing about 00 acres, being part of a trout surveyed in the MOW of Th. Bond. No 7.—A tract or parcel of land in Cromwell township, adjoining land of Ban id hthire on the north, lend of Lett Wigton & Co. on the north and east, and Ueorge ; Sipes on the east, containing about 75 acres, being part of the Joseph Grubb survey. ' No B.—A tract or parcel of land in Cromwell township, adjoining Joshua Johns on the north, Frederick Barman on the east, Barnard Bolingvron the south, and Isett, Wig topron & Co. on the west,containiag about 140 acres unine ved. 9.—A tract of landsp 'Jack's mountain in Cromlve - 11 -township eta fining land late of John Brewster and others, containing about 300 acres/tit which about 35 arras are cleared, with ot bourn thereon, occupied by Andrew Mc- Conaghy. No 10.—A tract of land in Cromwell township, now oc mapied by Andrew Banks, adjoining land occupied by Wm Wallace on the east, Fleming on the south, Jacob nom- Clan on the west, and Richard Heck on the north, con taining 130 acrea more or less, of which about 40 acres are cleared, with a small house thereon. No 11.—A tract of lend In Cromwell township, adjoin -Ing No 10 in this levy, un the wont, Thomas R. Gridiron on the north, Simon Gratzn the east, Solomon Ranks on the tooth, containing abo o ut 75 scree. with about 40 acres cleared, with a house thereon, in which Wdliam Wallace realties. No 12.—A tract of land in Cromwell townehip, warran ted In the name ofJosephus Lehman, adjoining lands of James Lan on the weld and north, Silvester Garber on the east, and John Long and Thomas r, Orbleon on the south, containing 50 litres mote or less, of which about 33 acres are cleared, and having an ore bank thereon. No 13.—A tnact or parcel of land In Shirley township, warranted in the name of !Hugh Boyle. adjoining land of Thomas C. Ashman on the west and uortb. lands of Isett, *Wigton d Co. on the wet and Booth, containing 30 acres more or less. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Ire in. interest in and to 318 scree of land more or less. situate In Tod towuship, Hun tingdon county, surveyed in the 1311.M13 of Henry Houck, bounded on the north trout by lends urn. Lt. l'oe nil, north What by Yang 'surveyed to Anderson k liorton south and west by land of Philip parnit, now Orbison. Mires A Co. Also—bi 7 acres more or ie. situate on the north side of Shonp's Run in 'Tod township, surveyed in the comae of Benjamin Peon. Also-81 acres more or less, situate In Tod township, surveyed in the name of G. Miller. houndejl on the north east and south west by land of John Savage, on the north went by land of Audi ow Donaldson, and on the south east hy llnutlugdan and Broad Top Railroad Co. land. Also-157 acres more or lass situate in Ted township, rwrieyed In the nano pf Neel Clark. end bounded on tile north west by Trexier's heirs and Benjamin Houck, south west by Thomas Anderson, south east by Washington Baker & Widow Zimmerman, Also-22 acres more or lens situate in Tod township sur veyed In the name of Samuel Snare. bounded on the south east by Wood, Bacon A Co., south west by Christian Bar net and Widoa Broadstone and L. T. Wattoon A Co. Also—CT acres more or lees altnate in Hopewell town ship. surveyed in the name of A. B. Crow It, bounded on the north east by hind of Philip Common, south east by laud of David Mountain's heirs, south west and west by land of Patton k Petrekln. Also—Defendant's right title and Interest in and to a tract of land in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, sereeyect On warrants in the name of Peter herring. Da vid Shaffer, Sarah Levi, Margaret Levi, Adorn Levi. Han nah Lerting, Frederick Herring and Conrad Herring, the division line to be run according to articles of agreement beta eon the trustees of John Savage deed, and Dr. Peter Shoenbm ger isho was the owner of the other half of said, tract dated the 14th clay of November, A. D. 1843, and another agreement explaining the prier one between the told petite- and dated the 11th day of Februan 1845, both of which said articles aro intended to be recorded. Aleo—A small part of a tract of land surveyed to Jacob Illidegras, which has not been previously sold by the trus tees of John Savage. the first of that name, nor by the present granter,.and all the land not thus previously sold, which was conveyed to the said John Savage, dee'd, by Ed. ward Livingston and wife, by deed dated the 22d day of April 1833. sod recorded to Huntingdon county, in Deed Doak X, page 402. Also—All the defendants right, title and Interest In all that certain rnessuage or tract of land situate in Casa town ship, Iluntiligdon county, containing 120 acres more or leis, adjoining lands formerly of Robert Speer, deed. and others. being the same tract of land which, by deed dated 15th December 1865, was conveyed by Dtvid Clarkson true. tee to Jacob Creswell and Horace L. Brown.. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob Crete well. ALSO—The following described 'meeting° and tract of land of George W. Johnson and Jacob Ans. pach, to wit; All that certain piece, parcel and tract of land situate In Jackson township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of George Rudy, w idow Saseaman, Henry Stein hod others, containing ono hundred and forty•two acres and sixty-four perches and allowance. Also—All that other piece, parcel and tract of land situ ate in Jackson township county aforesaid. adjoining lauds of Joseph (Mammon. land in the name of George Minor( and others, containing ninety-sevon acres and one hun dred and filly-two perches and allowance, with the appur• tenances whatsoever (hereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Seized. taken In execution, and to ho sold as the property of Oeorgoll'. Johnson and Jacob E. Ans. pooh. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of Defendant in and to all that certain lot of ground situate In the town of Barnet, in Carbon township. fronting 50 feet on Hamilton etreet and extending in depth (140.) one hundred and forty feet to Hemlock Alley, being lot No. 19 in the plan of said town, having thereon a dwelling home, stable and other impro; manta. Also—All the right, title and interest of Defendant in and to all that certain lot of gi ound situate in the town of Barnet, in Carbon township, Huntingdon county, front ing 50 feet un Hamilton street, and extending In depth 140 feet to Hemlock Alley, being lot No. 31 In plan of said town, on which is erected a dwelling house Cc. Seized, taken in execution, and Lobe sold as the property of James Dunn, Atso—All the Defendant's right, title and Interest In the following described property: A lot of ground in the town of Mount Union, containing one acre more or less, adjoining land of Gen. A. P. Wilson on the north west, Pennsylvania Railroad on the south west, Joe. Morgan, George Doddk and others on the south east, and Peunsyhania Canal on the north east, and haring thereon erected one frame tavern illlll9O, now occupied by Defendant, one large frame stable, two frame buildings used as stables and wagon sheds, one frame building used as a blacksmith and cooper eh p. one fi ame building used as a shoemaker shop, and other outbuildings. Seized. taken In execution, and to be sold as the property of Abram Lewis. ALso.—All the Defendant's right, title and interest in and to 30 acres of ground morn or lest, situate in Toll township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the west by loud of William fleoshorces heirs, on the east by land of Richard Silverthoro, on the west by land of Sam . ' Hooks, on the south by land of Nicholas Gooshorn, on the south by land of Robert Lover, having thereon erected a grist Mill, saw Mill, three duelling houses and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to ho sold as the property of Juhu Gooshuro, Jr., who has survived John iloosheru, Sr. • A1,130.—A piece or parcel of land, situate in Walker township. Huntingdon county, containing about 0 ncres more or less. the most of which is cleared, as&d undor fence, and Crooked creek running du ough the sams—haviug a sulphur spring thereon, and adjoins lands of the heirs ofJohn White, deceased, and lands of John McCalom's devisees, it being the same lot of land that Isaac Holland Admrs as "'rosters appointed by the Or phan's Court by deed, dated 15th of April, A. D.,1551. and recorder! in 2ec k No 2, page 226, and sold and conveyed to said Thomas White. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of mamas White. ALso—All the liLthf, title and interest of the Defendant, of. In and is, DO acres of land situate In Cromwell township, adjoining lands of Thomas Cromwell on the north, Frederick Harmon on the south, Andrew Gillen on the East, and Blocking mountain on the north. sixty siert. of which are cleared. and having thereon erec ted a log house 234 story high, a 24 by Y2log barn, stone foundation 00 by 40, and two apple orchards. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joshua Johns. ALso-268 neres of land more or less, situ ate in Dublin township, ilmntingdon county, bounded ou tho south by land of Thomas Walker, on the east by land of James Seely, wort by land of Mary Wagoner. north by land of Alexander Appleby. having thereon erected two log hour., ono frame bank barn, and no log stable,— SelZ0(1, taken in execution, and to be sold as tho property of John Deviancy. Ar.stt.—Ono lot of ground situate in Broad Top City. behig lot No 155, fronting on Sail Road avenue 30 feet. extending back 90 feet to Hazel street, adjoining lot of the Improvement Company on tine north and east, and having a two story Intone hews, ullh a back kitchen attached 20 by 30. with a steno basement. used for a store roost. Seized. taken in execution, nod to be sold no the property of Ally Clark and Amos Clark.—Two lot', of ground situate in the addition of Broad Top City, being Nos 13 1: 14, fronting on Brood street 40 P et, and 60 feet on Fproco street, the other fronts 60 feet on Sprner street, and U 0 feet MI Ms let cleat, haring thereon erected l flame house 115 sto ries high. Seized. taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Ketzner. Sheriffs Sidra wilt hereafter be made on Wednesday, of the first week of Court, and the Deeds acknowledged on following Wednesday. . . . . JOHN C. Vi'ITSON, Sheriff. Suctures Amex, Huntingdon, July 16,1561.} REGISTER 'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that the 101100 hut named persons letve settled their lie motot• in the Itegiet.ea Office, at Ilunting.lon, and that file said accounts will be pnsented for confirmation and allou,tuce at an lb plums Court. to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday the 12th day of August next. (18610 to wit: 1. The Administration Account, of Samuel Steuart. Executor of William Ila!, a late of Jackson tom nib Ip, deed. 2. First and Final Account of :Inoue! Stews, t and Oen. W. Porter. late Admlttletratot aof &tumid Pot ter, Into of Jackson township. dec'd. 3. Guardian.bip Account of Dtrld Enyeart, Guardian of Margaret Juniata Ituchanau, a minor child of Wm. Du• chonnn. deed. 4. Adntinistnition Account of Henri S. Green, Admin istrator of Joistsßueter, late of Tod tap.. deed. Account of David Heck. Administrator of William Dunn, late of Clay township. deed. 6. Account of Lemuel Green, Administrator of Jacob Curfinan, late of Cass tap. deed. 7. Account of Joseph Diggins and Frederick 'lnapt, Administrators of Henry Hoopt, late of Tod township, deed. 8. Trust Account of William "Stewart, Trustee to sell tho real estate of James Steuart. late of Nest flop , deed. 9. Account of Peter Sttyker, Guardian of Alfred, Fran. els, and Margaret Spyker, minor children of Samuel Spy ker, late of Alexandria borough. dec'd. Filed by John T. Str3 ker. Adinlniarator of Peter Stryker, dec'd. 10. Account of John Ming mid William Stewart, Execu. tore of Alexander Steel, late of West township. Partial account. 11. Account of John N. Swoope, Administrator de bon. nie non testamouto annexo, of Jacob IL Iluyett, late of Porter tw•p., deo'd. 12. Account of John Owens and Robert L. Henderson, Executors of John Henderson, late of Warriorsmark top., dec'd. 13. Account .of Elias hlusser, Administrator of John Dailey, late of Jackson twp, dec'd. 14. Account of James NlakLll and Abraham Ettates, Esq., EsocUtorti of tho last %Mil and Testament of Daniel Iluch waltar, Into of Walker twp., dec'd. M. Moat account of John C. Watson, Executor of Ab salom Mon man, deed. DANIEL W. WOMELSDORY, Register BEGISTER'e OFWICE, Iluutlngdon, July 13, 1801. jpROCLAMATION.—W-13EREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the loth day of April. 1801, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, Ps esiden t of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer. and general jail-dolly cry oT the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo eed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria wmnties; and the Hons. Benjamin F. Patton and William B. Leas his associ ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hoer, try funtdotermine all isnd every indictments made or takep fur or concerning nil crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death, and other offonces, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpw grated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to-make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held. at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th 'day) of August next, arid those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them no it shall be just and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there to their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain.. Dated at. Iltuitlngdon, the 15th of July, In, the year o our Lord one thousand eight hundred and aixtpons and the 86th year of American Independence. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff: PROCLAMATION.—WHEREAS; by a precept to me directed by the Judges of tho Com mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 20th day of April 1851. I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court Howie lo tbe borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 19th day) of August. A. D., 1861, for the trial of all is: sues in said Court which remain undetermined bolero the said Judges, when and where all jurors. wituessei, and suitors, in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon the 15th of July itt the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty one, and the 86th year of American independence. JOHN 0. WATSON, Shrift. j n A ARBLE YARD. The uudersign 171' would respectfully call a the attention of tine s , e citizen of ntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ire is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian ot Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro palate devices. or plain, all may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, As., will bs furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to nay in the country, at a fair price. CM and see. before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on III! , street, Huntingdon, Pa. . WM. WILLIAMS. 11up11144811, May 18, 1855 CLOTHING large stock on hand at the cheap store of tENJ. JAOOBS.II and ex airline goods and prices. oct2S.) WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for Ilale it I T al` q non! D. P. • GWIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS POR SPRING AND SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM April 10, 1061. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! FISHER & SON HAVE JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL and EXAMINE OUR GOODS. FISHER & SON. April 10, 1881. SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS! ROBERT KING, BIERCIIANT TAILOR, Hid Sired, one door wed of arrnton's Stere, WITH A FINE ASSORTMENT OP GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS. Its assortment consists of CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY YESTINGS, the neatest and best tbat could he found in the city, all of which ho will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. It niil cost nothing to call and examine kia goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, April 3,1.661.-3 in. PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Fiat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Lotter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Noto Paper, White and Colored Curd roper, in Packs and Sheets, For solo ut LEWIW Book, Stationer) and Music Store. - LIOR EVERYBODY. TRY TM: NEW STORE, On Hal Street opvaile Curton't Stowe. THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OP THE BEST. AND ALL KINDS, and every other ankh, usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO— Drnge, Chemicals, Dye Staffs, Paint., Varnishes, Oils and Spte. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol. Glass and Putty, BEST VINE and BRANDY for medical purpoOch. TIIE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a largo number of articles too nunierone to mention. The public geuemlly silt please cull and examine for anmie!, es and learn my pt ices. . . Huntingdon, May 25, 1858. R NEWELL'S PHOTOGRAPII GALLERY, • No. 721 Arch Stmt. Philathrlphia Out of tho largest and moat completo Gaßerke' in tho Rate', where the best Plaines, knout, to the i'ho• tographic art, ate taken at prices DO higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, attends per sonally, every sitting—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless It gives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes. of absent or deceased friends, photogmplied to any required size, or taken on Canvass, life size, and painted in Oil by the beet Artiste. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— as perfect in cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy competition. Ka-Instructions given In the art of Photography. R. NEWELL, GALLERY OF ART 724 Mai Street, Philadelphla. COMNIENDATIONS : From Hon. TAM fa D. Campbell, M. C , Ohio. My flintily and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Newell) picture in more the like than any thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly token by dlr. recent Artists in various ways, but I have never yet hail one which presents au true to nature, all the features and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. Jcq Morrie, Into Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your per. traits, conjoined wish then. durability of color and faith fulness as likenesses, cannot fail to co 1111 l lend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art. From Cul. James Page. Having °cession for a portrait, I procured ono from Mr. Itobert. Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colon, under the 'teleprocess thscorcred by him, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given rite, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but its artis tic finish in all respects, and lecommends him to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1880 Jes. PAGE. THE NEW STORE AND NE TV GOOD'S'. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Have Just received another stock of new goods, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARHIC., in the store room at the south-east corner of the Dimnond in the borough of Iluntingiion. Their Stock has been cm - Molly selected, and will be sold low for cash or country produce. Huntingdon, April 15,18b1. lIEUMATIS3I CURED. Mr. JOHN WESTBROOK. Sr., manufacture,' a Al% KENT which is aura to cure Rheumatism. No cure. no pay. Persona afflicted should call and try the medicine. Call at his residence in Washington street, one door west of Levi Westbrook. Huntingdon, March 20, WM LATEST WAR NEWS HIGH PRICES DEFEATED 1 Now is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN. Respectfully inform the public generally that he has Just received a large and well selected stock of fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to which he asks the attention of all who aro in want of a neat and comfortable Coat, a Yost or a pair of Pants.— His mock rill bear examination, and ho respectfully requests all to call and tee for themselves. Should-gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of .clothltut not found in the stock on hand, by leaving theft measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &H., AC., will also ha found on hand. All of which will bo acid as low, if not lower, than the saute quality of goods can ho had In the county. Call at the corner of the Diamond, Long'a new building. 11. GUTMAN. If untingdou, April 2, 1861. I. tilD aLUR. P. MILTON 81'/M6. L AW PARTNERSHIP. BLAIR & SPEER, ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW, lIUNTINODON, PA. Mike on main Street, one door west of Wilson & Petri ken's. All professional boldness promptly.ettended to. Ituntlngdoo, March 27, 1601. 7m. STATIONERY and JE W E L R PACKAGES, For sale to agents and dealers at very roduced rates: put up in variety envelopes. Par further information Address COLEMAN & CO„ (Upstairs) 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Juno 4,1861. T IQUORS, of tho beet, for Medioina UNION - ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PA., WILL A.D.FALALVAILA RAILROAD DUO/. JOHN a MILLER, Proprietor linntingdn, April 10, 1801. - - NEW GOODS! BELLING OFF FOR CASH!! As the nimble penny Is bettor than the slow opulence," And swill proPs to cash, are better than vexing aye•sore book accounts, JAMES A. BROWN Is now determined to sell off the large and splendid stock of Hardware, Paints. Ac., which ho has Just brought from the east, at such low prices, as will Induce everybody to crowd In for a shore of the bargains. Ills stock includes a complete 'variety of BUILDING4tAItDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE, OILS. PAINTS, SADDLERY, • TARNISHES, GLASS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, STEEL, IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO, LINING SKINS, COAL OIL LAMPS and COAL OIL, Ac o Sc., PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS, Together with a full aavortineut of everything pertaining to his line of busineos. orders receive prompt attentiom—eit nuntlngdon, April 10, 1801 ENVELOPES! Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just teceind and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. HAMAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St, one door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, where ho has on hand a large assortment of prima Cigars and To. bacco, which he hill sell either wholesale or retail. Store. keepers. shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the weed should call. His prices are low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7,1600. CASSINIERES, and 1861. 1861. CLbTEIING. II ROMAN. N E W • CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED AT H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and made In the beat workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, oppoelte the Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting. don. [April 2, 1%1.j WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 'Window Curtain Papers, El= NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Has just received a new stock of GROCERIES, DIII-000DS, BOOTS & SIIOES, Call and examine my now stock. a. ASHMAN MILLER M=L! WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS It Tells You now to draw op PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general tonne for AGREFMENTS of all kinds, BILLS of SALE. LEASES and PETITIONS. It Tells YOu Ilow to draw Up BONDS nod 3loavosose, Ay- FIDIvITS, POWERS Of ATTORNEY, NOTES and BILLS of EXCHANGE, BECEIIKS Rod RELEASES. Tells You The laws for tho Couaxrrtos of DEETS, with the STATUTES Of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT from Exzen rum in every State. It Tells You blow to make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITIoN elite CREDITORS, and GM INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between (Arun- DIAN and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, and lANDLoRD and TENANT. Tells YOU What constitutes Liner and Surfers, and the Law as to MARRIAGE DOWER, the WIFE'S REMIT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Law for 141EcnAntEs' Mess in every State, and t h e NATURALIZATION LAWS of this Cello try. and how to comply with the same. It Tells rots The law concerning PENSIONS and hew to ob tain one, and the PnE-EmPrioN Laws to N I.em& / ame s It Tells You Tho Law for PATENTS, with mode of promo dere in obtaining one, with INTERPERENCES, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE OF FEES. It Ms You How to Make your WILL, and hew to ADMIN. Eaton ON AN ESSAIT, with the Jaw nod the - requirements Unit eof in every State, It Tells You The meaning of LAW TERMS in general use, and explains to yen the LEGISLATIVE, EKE- Hums and JUDIEIAL Powers of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You HOW TO KEEP OUT OP LAW, by showing how to do your busineSs legally, thee saving a vast amount of property, end vexatious ,litigation, by its timely consultation. 44-Everybody's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Store 00/Y ' * Oll4 Aggti , i1,./11.',r6, fr , *4 . t!.k 310 . BOOKS AND STATIONERY.— A good suisortmenC of Intecellaneene and School ka—Foolecap, Lotter, Commercial and Stile Paper— Plain and Taney Envelopes—lied, Blue and Black Inks— /Rauh Hooke of numerate elea,-Pena, Pencils, Pocket,And Peak Inkstand), and every other article banally toad! in a Book and Stationery Store, aan be had at fair prices at LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIONERY A MUSIC ,T.eon.k. NOTICE TO ALL ! jgg -.4- Tho subscriber, who has for mare than one year, carried on bushiest, in company with Metiers. F. BRANDY, U. Ott, P. and Mr. Lanza BEER, brie this day. - dissidted partnership with the ahoee firm/ All claims against the old firm will be paid by the subscriber, furl all those in. debted to tho firm will pay him. CLOCKS. WATCHES and JEWELRY will always be repaired. A good stock of CLOCHS,I4OI Wascusa and Jewatart will be kept on hand for customers who may favor hint with a call. 'az-L=7— Huntingdon, March 2, 1859, CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at • •1 D. D:GWIICS. QCIiOOL BOOKS, Generally In use ht the Schools of the County, not on band, will be furnished to order, on application at LBWS BOOK, .AND STATIONERY STORK CCOALBUCKETS mid Shovels, for aale by JAMEB A. 11110W11 THE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GWIWEI PALI. at the new CLOTHING STORE j of OUTMAN CO., If yon want a good article of Clothing. Store room in Long's new building, in the mond, nonelastic a tetzte. O 1837. FOR BALE AT BARGAINS IN HARDWARE MMM A _LAI?OE STOCK MO JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE G. ASHMAN MILLER BY FRANK CROSBY, JOSEPH REIGGIER 1 ~ «uy:H:f:y u~: r:~ ~~ ~i ~rf ~: ~:~c~~N:j «~s_s WMEGAHAN & CO.; Marra and Bealora in Broad Top Conk. B. L. Megallan, General Agent, McConnelletown, Huntingdon eaunty, Pa. TAAVID BLAIR, ju Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Coal. Office 'Run tingdon Pa. (2 A. MILLER, ‘_A • Dealer In Groceries, Confectionaries, Sec t . & c TAR. JOHN bIeCULLOCH, offers his professional sorvicos to tho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on Hill street, ono door east of Head's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '65. T S. MILLER, tl • Proprietor of tho Exchango'llotol Q. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drngs, Medi cines, Perfumery, Dye Stuff., Oils, &c. Also—Oro- cedes, Confectioneries, kc., Huntingdon, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Dealer In Books, Stationery and Mules: Inetrm Meng', Duntingdon, Pa. 1 M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. el • PoTule., Iluutingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, t p Dealer In hardware, Cutlery, Paints, 01Is, Le., hunt Ingdou, Pa. ROMAN, • Dealer in Deady Made Clothing, lints and Cans, Doors and Shoes, dr. t--.- 14ENJ. JACOBS, _LI Denier in Dry Goods, Ilo.oay Menlo Clothing, Grocer too, Queen: more, &c. &c. Ir~GU'IINTA — N7CO., Dealers in Ready ' .onada Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. P. GIVIN, • Dealar in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardwire, Queens ware. Hats nod Caps, Boots and Shone, kc. ' FISHER SON, Dealers in • Dry Goods, chain, ac., Iluntingdan, Pn. TLVI wEsTBRoOK, • J Dealer in Gentleman's, Wes' and lillane Boots, Shwa, Gaiters, Morocco Ldrthor, etc. t i Watchmaker and dealer iu Watches, Clocks, and Jess airy, de. . WM. WILLIAMS, Plain mid Ornamental Mathle Manufacturer. JOHN F. RANEY, County Surveyor, thonloon, Pa, Office on 11111 street, one dour east of the Huntingdon Bitable Pat d. REPERENCES—L. T. Watson, Plata&'Mita; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Heady Furnace, lion. Jonathan 31.'Willicens. ICHARD LANGDON, Miner and It, Dealer lullroo t d Top Cool, Boone)), Bedford conn ty, Pa. [Nov. 3, '5B. AM ME ltilIAN & CO., M in ars and Deal ers irii3roud Top Coal, Broad Top, Huntingdon co, Penna. (Nov. 3, 1858. ^ COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1855. 11. ROMAN. Dla GOODS !—A fine isortment on hood for tbe accommodation of .ibamore, at 1311N.1-OI& OI& "Clomp Corner," Market Square. (oct2B ) STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gm cory, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in K. NEFF, M. D., 1.1.• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFPICT lliil area, opposite Dr. Laden, offers his prot•s 810801 services to the CIO.IIB of linutingdou and vicinity April 13,1550. JORN SCOTT. 13.11607 EL T. MOWN. J. W. 0. COMM T ,AIV PARTNERSHIP.- J. 11. 0. CORN Lae, from this dote, become a mem ci of tho firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1111NTINGDON, in which name tho business will still be conducted Huntingdon, Jon. 2, 1660. VIOLINS, GUITARS, = SYNIPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, Far aalo clienp at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE D ALLISON MILLER, iL• DENTIST, Ms remora to the Brick Icon• opposite tho . Court Home April 13, 1859. pOCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1300 K BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications or nay kind, huuud to order, If left at LEWIS' LOOK it STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your crud neatly printed upon envel op., call at LEIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' ROOK ce STATIONERY STORE PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good fosortineu t for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or shoot, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK di STATIONERY STORE. LAST NOTICE .•-• All who have unsettled accounts ith tno of six months standing or longer, nro earnestly requested to adl nod settle up and save costs. I must have money or quit business. LEVI 'WESTBROOK. Iluntingdon, Jan. 2, 1861. . PHOTOGRAPHY . In all ita various Branches, executed In the best style knowp In the art, at C, 0. CRANE'S CiALtERY, 632 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. Life size in Oil And Pastilo, Stereoscopic Portraits, Am brotypes. Daguerreotypes, do., for Cosec, Aledallions.Fine, Itioge, &c. [Nov. 14,'60.-iy. EN . VELOPES-,- By the box, Back, or 1011,1 quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK 4.14 - D 82'.1770NER Y STORE. "Li - OOP. SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 j. hoops, at prices from 25 cts. to $2,00 at the cheap store of ' D. P. GWIN. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful,at D. P. GWIN'S. ASplendid variety of : Carpets, , only 25 eta. per yard. FISHER & SON. • HARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, Preserve Jots &0.. &c., of superior quality. Sold only by JAMESA. BROWN P. GWIN keeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and examiuo them.: FJOOPED SIORTS worth 2 50 will be sold for sl' 25 at the cheap store of tc. SON. IF you want handson e Goods; good Goods, cheap Goods, and all kin I .of.goimfil,„B. CiALL at D. 1 1 :GIVIN'S if ion want J GOOD GOODS. • - • GROCERIES,, &e:-.-Call at the cheap store of IIk:NJ-JAMS. All kinds of cone try produce taken in excbaugo at tho,higheat market prl con. (oct2B. BOOTS & SHOES; Hats & Caps, the, largest assortment and anapest to be found at D. WIN'S fIUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.—A k_s largo aasortraont at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. ('1 UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's ,than can be bed In town. Call and see them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual Ity, only 50 ots. each. FISHER. & SON. (10AL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, NJ fur 75 cents and upwarda, at the Hardware Store of J. A. 17110W.N. A UT ICA LAMP OIIIMNi?,YS•L- • Just received at the hardware store of JAS. A. DROWN. B LANK BOOKS, . or VARIOUS SIZES, for rale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. P. GWIN'S •is the plaoe to. buy . roe and cheap Carpels. - . ROHRER'S • • , 11011RER'S• " , ROHRER'S • * ROHRER'S PRACTICAL "CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR.. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. - PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. , 'ROHRLATER, ER , ' S PRACTICAL CALCU . A Book of Plain Rides and Parculationeffir Business Ope raticnsi by Marlin M. Rohrer Practical Surveyor and anveyancer. Neui pladished by.f. R. Lippin cott d Co., Philuddphils. This work contains 204 pages. and upwards of 000 Rules and Examples, entirely - and thoroughly practical. each as arise every day In the common pursuits of Business.. It has already bussed through n number of editions in rapid succetslon, and is pronounced by, all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book le worked out in fall and stated in is plain manner, so that when a parallel case tut ees. those referring to the work will fled no difficulty in solving it; in a word, the geneial arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any one who knows hoer to add, subtract, multiply and divide, can easily solve any or dinhry example that arises in busluthe, or arrive at the true result of any estimate required. The chief atm of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and strupli city, believing that business men care little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to bo able at a moment, by reference, to arrive At the true result. The CALCULATOR differs In this respect from all other Arlthmetics of the day nod kindred works—it is a key to practical business calculations—it is, in the bends of the business Min, what the key to mathematical works in the hands of the teacher In the school room—lt facili tates time and insures correctness. , THE WOltK TREATS OF TILE 'Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, of Stone and Stone work, of grain and grain bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, pittinh. or's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It heats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended appliation to business, of simple and compound interest, and their entire application tobusiness transactions, with the laws nod usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tondo, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of 'equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment or raw, of weights sod Immures, of squaro and cubic measure, ,of the square root and its application to business of surfaces, of excavation, end of many other important practical matters not within the scope of an advertisement to men tion. IT IS JUST TILE BOOK FOR TIIE Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic, the pxtizan, or the professional man. It has proven a valtauble auxiliary to the lawyer, the Justice of the peace, the conveyancer, and real rotate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the Clerk. to the civil engineer and the serve3oi, to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper banger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, &c.. &c.; each and all will find it adapted to their va rious wants better than any book pnblbtbed. 4112 - Price, 50 Cents. For sale at - Lewis' Book Store. Iluntingd on, Dec. 20, 1860. (i 0 * W CHEAP WATCHES ! l er , E 2 l) • CHEAP WATCHES ! ! - ACOB LADOMIJS, P , NO. MI MARKET STREET. PIITEADELPITIA, lins on hand and Is constantly receiving large assormentv of American. English, and Sods Witches, which ho will sell ut lower pt ices than ever offered. J. L. 10011111 call particular attention to the celebrated AMERICAN AVArcer. which for accuracy of time and dura bility, and leis liability of getting out of order. Is superi or to any other imported watch, made at anything like the Rune coot. Jewelry. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. _ A LSO Cold. Silver and Steel Spedades, with glrwes for all sights, with PATENT. RS well as the old stele irano , s. All goods sold at my establh.hment are warranted to be no represented, and satisfaction guaran teed to all yurchneere, at NO. 618, Minket Street. Corner of Decatur. (Sept. 15, 1860,—1y. , i 7 ;173i . .•' --- T"E "OLOBB JOB OFFICE". is the most complete of any in the country, and pos. acwiee the Most ample facilitlea for promptly executing In the tat style, every Norio* , of Job Priutiog, auCh as HAND BILLS, . • PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP worm, - AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY tr. MUSIC STORE THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BY HISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. hale TE11.13 You How to choose all kinds of Moats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes or droning and cooking Beef and Pork ; also till) best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. Ix Tuts You All the various and most approved modes of . dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stallings appropriate to each. IT Trus.Yor how to choose. clash, sud.preserve Fieh of all kinds, and how to sweeten It when taint ed ; 11i510 all tho various and must approved_ males of cooking, with the different-Dress ings, &maw, and Flavorings appropriate to each. Ix TATA You All the various and most approved Modes of preparing over 50 kinds of dleat,Fish,Fowl.. Game, and Vegetable Soups, 'dirndls. :and Stens, with the Itelidne and Seasonings ' , appropriate to each. It Tina You AU the various nod most npyroved mods of cooking yegetabloo of orcry description,. also hoo. to prepare Picklea, Catimpa 'nod Curries of• all kinds, Potted.Nleata, Fish, Caine, Mushrooms, do. IT TELLS Ton All the various and most approved Modes or, preparing and Seeking nil kinds of Plain - ' and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelottos,, Fritters, Calms. Confectionary, Preserves, Jollies, and Sweet Manse of ovely dosorip• IT Tuts You All the various And most approved modes of making Bread, Husk's, Muffins, and Ills cult, and the best 'method of preparing Coffee. Chocolate, and Tea, end how to - make Syrups, Cordiali, and Wines of va glans kinds. IT TELLS YOU now to Wont and ornament a Table, how to • • Carve all kinds of Fiat, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, bow to so simplify the whole Art of ('coking as to brink the choicest luxuried • of the table within the everybody's reach, . Far Sale at Lewis' B.mic !Store. NEW BOORS;" "' " " FOR Kelm AT LEVVIS';ROOK STORE TIIE HOUSE: A Nnw P . OOXES MANUAL of Rural Archltoc= tore; or, How to Build Dwellings, Darns, Stables,and Out Dwelltne,a of all kinds. With a Chaptor ou Churches and School-Iloutoa. Price, dO 'cents. TIII GARDEN: A Nob Pocrxr Mammat of.Practleat irer ticultute; or, How to Cultivate Vegetables. Fruits, and Fluivera.• With •d Chnptur on' Ornantontal Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. • 'THE A.'i , iztv POCKET :quint Of Practical Agri , culture} or, How- to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With art-Essay . ort Form s.l,mugemout, etc. Price, 50 cente. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Ncw POCKET MANuAt of Cattle, Horse, pod Sheep Husbandry; or, How to Breed and Hear the Various Tenants of the Barnlard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. - - - 110 W TO TALK: 'A New Poem MANUAL of Conversation and Debate; milli Inrections for Acquiring fl Gramma t. cal Style, and mere than Five hundred Continua Mis takes Corrected. Price, 60 cenbi. BOW T 6 ,BEIIAVE: A Xing Poem IdstrAttb or Bepubli• can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits; With Butes' for Debating Societies and Deliberathe Air serablies, etc. Elie°, 60 cents. ItOW.TO DO BUSINESS: A Now Notre nlAnuno of Practical Affairs and Outdo to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Com march,' Terms, etc. Frio°, 50 eons. RANKLIN HOUSE, - •IN THE DIANOIFD, 111/NTINCIPON; PA, VALENTINE tßousr, Proprietor. The citizens of the county, and etrangere and travelers generally, will Cod comfortable accommodations at this Rom*. dive us a trititt neftlel COME TO - THE -- NW* 1- sfitottE gOk cquP NEW 6-BOO.EgY CONFT.CTIONERT Informs the citizens of finntingdon and if,• dotty, that he has opened a now Grocery and Confection. cry Store In the basement, anderOntman & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and wanht most respectfully re. quest - deharo of priblio patronage, hits stock consists of all kinds of the "t - - BEST (111011ERIE3, ' • Cr. LONG •_ " - ' - CONFECTIONETHEI3, d 6., &I - Fish can be had at wholesale or retail. • ICE CRI6A3I will be furnished regularly to ratios mitt odividoials, at his room. - - - Huntingdon, Sept._24, 'lB6O. TIES HORSE 'AND HIS DISEASES, THE lIORSE -AND _HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE- AND - HIS DISEASES, 'A - VALUABLE BOOR, For Bale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, -''e EVERYBODY'S ,LAWYER, - EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUAlikli 1100 K, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY -DOCTOR, • ; THE FAMILY - DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEN LGNGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEB. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, " A VALUABLE BOOS, .For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. - • DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on ERUIT and FRUIT TREES, •-• ' A VALUABLE BOOK, Fo- sale at LEWIS' Book Store. ALEXANDRIA 'FOUNDRY.— ROGER C. McGILL, manufacturer of all kinde eP castings, forge and rolling mill, grist and law mill, thrash ing machine, sled and sleigh mks, wagon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles. plough sheare to snit all kinds of ploughs; also, car wheels and railroad work, and has a new and improved plough that renders mtisfaction to all farmers that have used them. I will keep all kinds of 'dough ahears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher & AlcMur fluntingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creak, and will fill all orders promptly. The farmers will save money by getting ahears and ploughs of McGiLL, at the foundry hembquarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produe.o, old metal and lumber, - taken in exchange.— bring the pay and save ten per cent, Alexandria, March 7, 1160 , , THE CYTHARA;=-Tha IRA Pre sb yte r tan Psalmodist—The Shawn—The.lubilee--Hunten'esnd Bertint's enlarged and Improved lustructors—Wellta<l.3 New and Improved Method for the Ouitar—Leland's A :car deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and llowe's Violin Instructors—Dellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur. rower' Plano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-Bass Primer— Howe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorns'alee Rook— Tala's Harp, for sale at • LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORM 11EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner; in dollars and costa. to x hick are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re. ceipts. Petitions, ,4c., together with a eat of useful tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1959." For oteleit . . Eg f, LI -, •=c l CG d 13.4 iz JACKSON HOTEL, GRAFTER MILLER, Propridar. H OWARD. ASSOCIATION, - - - PHILADELPHIA- A Benevolent Institntion established by speclat Endowment, • for Me Relief of the &el: and Digressed, afflicted toiht Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for tea Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Orgasm. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to nil who apply by letter, with a description of their.condl- Hon, (age, occupatioh, habits of life, &c.,) and in cane a extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhceti, and other Diseased of the Sexual organs, and mi the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, cent to the afflicted in sealed letter en• velopes. free of charge. Two or three Stamps for poetise will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Su been, Hon and Aseocintion, No. 2 South Ninth Stteet,Phite adelphia, Fa. .11y order of the MI ectors. EZRA D. HARTWELL, Prosidenti. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Dec. 19,1860:1y. WINDOW — SITADE3,- TASSELS, &a, GROCERIES ! GROCERIES I! A FRESH ARRIVAL CHRIST. LONG'S. ALL DID STOCK IS FRESH AND NOM CALL AND BE$• T. WHITE, A.TTOR . NEY AT LA4,::-'; lIIINTL'VGDONi PA. Jan. 2, 1561-tt BENJ. JACOBS IS ON HAND NEW GOODS, SPRING AND StrAt3l7lo. He bee received a - fine assortment of DRY GOODOW the Spring and Summer aeason, comprising a fa:VW , ' tenslve absor t Silent of LADIES DRESS GOODS, DRY 000DS In general, READY:BIADE-OLOTEMA . Yor Mau and Dow OROCERIEB, TUTS & CAPS' DOOTS AND (MOW, de:Ass • The public generally are requested to call and egenguit the goods—and hie prices: As I am dotenulneti to sell my Good% all wlioaall may expect bargains. Country Produce faker. In Exchange for; Goode. EEN3. JACOB.% of the Okrup Clarkeit k , Huntingdon, Aprll2, 1881. - X)ROPOSALS - , - - :-, -- - . - - Will be received by the subsetiber for mining anti e ivering into cars the coal from the - POwelion and Baas net Colleries, for ortelear, endlogidaroh Drat, 1862. f , The coal to be delivered at ao mnah per ton, of 22401ta, as sforemid, In the,beet markotable condition, free from elate, anti other Impurities, in ouch quantities and of such description be, may bo designated by „the orders of;this subscriber. The contractor will be provided with me% mining tools and implements, mules, hoome, tic., as may be on the premises, a valuation of which willibe roads at. the t Imo— possession, le given, thu amount of which valuation to to accounted for at the explmtlen of the contractf• 'r , :t r A good atom will bo provided. A moderate rant will It charged foe houses The mines to be worked saldeet tonna mining inginag, as the lessee may provide, Pm further information ant& ' to RODT. umix po3vEtat, • No. 103 Walnut Strad,. PhLtadelphfic,Am, Feb. 20, 1861.etf. OUNP ON THES• BOOT & SHOE QUESTION.- 'LETI WESTBROOK --- - Ifas junt ronn-d do beat moot of Goode to hie line, ever hrottght to 11mM:a nil stook of BOOTS and SHOES far LatlieNaentiglit nten ' Bliteea, Bej a and' Children, sowilrhuie all the ,latest fashions, cart,lunnuillanze4railhe — 414 na , . tortids: • , Also, a tai assortment . of .11INDS &man, Roy, SI and Children.' IfOBP. in great variety for Gentle. .men, Ladies, !Shone and Children. CAR.I.ELBAG4 SIISP.ENDERS, GARTERS, FANS, do, 4:4% , .. . .. • /ISO, SOLZ.LEATIIER, CALF SKINS, • SIO,NOO* . :YAM and 8110 P-FINDINGS generally; ;Thankful for past favora, a' ountinuantio of the spine is respectfoge solicited. N. IL—nhotirand Shoes for Ladies And Uentletninty paired and made to order. Huntingdon, 441 2.4 1961) cOAL OIL!!-.,COAL' 011 All , awes A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND WERO SENSI," oirCOAli OIL, dear as water. • , . Thin Is the only kind of 01l that giros enlerc satisfaction as nu agent for light. Beware of counterfoits and colored carbon one. Thq malt an offensive spiel! andsmoke. . l A huge viulety also of ... . , • . COAL OM LAMPS; Chimneys, Globes, Wicks: Burners, shad., Ac e Ac.,tiold at the very lowest prices, at theillardwareStors, Mutiny don, ra• and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A. handsome assortmentjust received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY it STORE .THE best display and largest Variety of all kinds of Goode, can alwaye'bo foiled at the cheep store of • HUM & SON 110 OOTS and SHOES, thci largest and cbeap.t tn. ; ;I's • • • • P. 617/R*S. MI CM R. O. McGILL. LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PA CORDA, MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers