iiienti-Mecl4 01.0't LEWIS, Editor , and Proprietor 1;;; Is pub fishedtwice a week at $1.50 a your—is ceats for Mk months--60 cents for three mouths—in advance. HUNTINGDON, P.A. Tuesday Afternoon, Jul; 9, 1861 The Star-Spghgled Banner Oh I say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What in s ! o madly we bail'd at the twilight's last gleam- Whose brand etripes and bright stare through the perilous fight. the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly atream lag! And the racket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, 'Ouse proof through the night that our flag was Mill there! Ohl say, does that star-spangled bannff yet wave, O'er the laud of the free, and the home of the breve? On the shore, dimly seen through the Inlets of the deep, Where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes, 'What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, de it &fully blovca, half conceals, boll discloses? "tins , it catches the gleam of the !nothing's first beam; In full glory reflected, nowldit nee on the stream— 'Tie the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it save, O'er the land of the free, and the hurtle uf the brevet And where in that band who so vauntingly swore That the haanc of war, and the battle's confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more? neatlood ban wasted out their foul footstep'dpollUtiou Tio refuge could save the hireling and slave, from the terror of flight or the gloom of the gravel And the starspangled banner in triumph duth wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave! 1%1 thus he it ever, when freemen shall stand 'Between their loved home and war's desolation Messed with victory and pence, may the Heaven•rescusd laud Poise the Power that bath made and preserved us a ne tionl Than conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our m0tt0..." in Clod Is our treat I" And the star.paogled banner in triumph shall wave, O'er the land of the Axe, and the home of the bravel Red, White, and. Blue oh Columbia, the gem of the ocean, The borne of the brave and the free, • The ,brine of elle4 patriot's devotion, A world offers homage to thee. Thy mandates make heroes assemble, When liberty's form stands in view, Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white, and blue. When borne by the red. white, end blue, 'When borne by the red. white, and blue, Thy banners wake tyranny tremble. When tanne by the red, white, and blue. irhsn war waged its wide desolation, And threuten'd our land to deform, 'lle ark then of freedom's foundation Columbia rode safe through the storm. 'With her garland of victory o'er her, When so proudly she bore her bold crew, With her nog proudly floating before her, The boast of the red, white. and blue. The boast a, Le The 'nine cup, the trine cup bring hither, And till you it up to the brim May the wreath they hove non never wither, Nor the tier of their glory grow dim, May the service united Deer sever, And bold to their colors so true, The army and nary forever, Three cheers for the red, white, and Moo. Three cheers for At THE PRESIDENT'S MESSADE.--We need not ask our readers to give this important paper a careful perusal= they will read it over and over again, as we have done, and be the better pleased with it the oftener they read it. It is a plain, but strong and con vincing message. The War News The news we have received during the past few days, if reliable, might be of some interest to our readers, but almost every move. of the .army, and reported skirmishes With the rebels, end in smoke - before the telegraphic news can be read a second time. We have now before us reported aecounts of.skirmiShe,s - --itt Virginia Ivith Ger. Wise's body. guard, the defeat of Gen. Patterson, &e.; drc., all 'of .w hich we be lieye to be manufactured for the spe cial behefit,of _the city daily flash-in the7pan _Papers.' very . feW days, however; - muet bring us some 'stirring flews from. our army, as there has be - en a heavy-movement of, our troops into,Virginia for a week past. CoNouEss.—Both Houses of Con gross met on• tiio 4th' inst.. Hon. G. - A. Grow, of the:Bradford District, Pa., was elected Speaker, and Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, Clerk of the House. In the Senate, on Saturday, Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, read the fol lowing army bills : ' A bill to ratify and confirm certain acts of the President, for the suppres sion of insurrection and rebellion. A bill to authorize the employment of volunteers for enforcing the laws, and protecting public property. A bill to increase the present milita ry establishment of the United States. A bill providing for the better or ganization of the military establish ment. A bill to promote the efficiency of the army A bill for organizing a volunteer militia force, to be called the National Guard of the United States. In the House, on Saturday, Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, introduced a za bill to confiscate the property of all the Governors of the States, the mem bers of the,LogiSlaturei, Judges of the Courts, and all the military officers above the rank of lieutenant, who shall take up arm's against the Gov ernment, of the - United States, or aid or abet treason , against the Govern ment, and that all such perions be for ever disqualified from holding any of- Lee of honor, emolument or trust in the government; each property to be applied to restore to the Union men in the , rebel States, any losses they may lA.ve suffered. To President's message was sent ,n re'ad iu tho afiternoon,ot Fri day.. , ' THE 2a CONGRESSXO2W, PISTRICY.— Col. Charles J.. Riddle., Democrat, now at the head ea Ittlimept , near Cum berland, defeated the Republican ;Mini 'nee, Charles O'Neil, by a .majority of , 217 votes:, Mr. Meredith declined the :symnination tendered him. The Dis trict was considered Republican by at ;cast , 1000 majority. In these war times a nomination does not count ,as sure as an election. • Ttts Fetntru,-r—ln - Huntingdon the day Was - ushered in by the firing of small guns and the ringing of bells. L - Anderson " Zouaves, a company of young men in a neat Zonave uniform, commanded by Capt. Orbison, made an early appearance on the) streets, and in company with a number 'of citizens, toolf. the Broad Top train, for the mountain. The Zouaves stopped at Coalmont and passed the day pleas antly. Others of the party went on to Broad Top City, and had a good time there, The • Methodist Sunday School passed the day'at the Cottage, and the'Presbyterian School at McCa han's. There was good living and-1 plenty of it ,at both these places.— The Zouave Fire Company, command ed by - Capt. 'Campbell, visited both schools: By 8 o'clock, P. M., old and young had returned to their homes, and the town settled down to almost a dead calm. There was some little skirmishing during the day by the tangle-foot ran gers, but no, one was seriously ivound ed. FROM TELE MiNNESOTA Bors.—We have received a letter from the Good hue county volunteers, First Minneso ta Regiment, dated Washington, June 29th; enclosing the following resolu tion for publication : Resolved, That we tender to the la dies of Huntingdon, Pa., our sincere thanks for their kind attention to us during our short stay in that place on the 25th of June. The writer of the letter says that they did not receive any better treat ment at any point during their travel of two thousand miles, and adds that " God will reward the ladies of Hunt ingdon for doing good as they have opportunity." The writer is anxious to learn the name of the•lady who first approach ed the cars with refreshments. He promised to see her again after the termination of the war, but neglected to got her name. We shall take plea sure in forwarding the name, asking nothing more for our labor than the privilege of peeping into the first war letter she may receive. Who is the lady ? , SOLDIERS W . /WPM—By a late order of the War Department, each compa ny Of the Pennsylvania Reserve Regi ments must contain 101 men. About 50 men are wanted to fill up the Hun tingdon Infantry, Capt. Harrison, and Maj. Dare's Scott Infantry, of Hun tingdon Furnace. lkiembers of the companies are now in the county re cruiting men to fill up the companies to the required number. Hero is a fine opening for-the patriotic young men of the county to serve their coun try in the battle field. OUR ARMY.—The Report of the Sec retary of War informs us that the force now at the command of the Government is 310,000 men, and after the discharge of the three months' volunteers, there will be a force of 230,000 officers and men. The term of the three months' men will expire about the 20th inst., when most of them will return home. , ' A BLIND GlRL.—Miss Mary L. Day, a blind girl, is stopping at Prof. Coyle's a few days. She has for sale a fine as sortment of bead work, made by her self. She also has for sale a book en titled " Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl," giving her own life, which is very interesting. We would advise ladies and gentlemen to give her a call and examine her bead work and her book. - TALL GRAIN.-A few more speci• mend have been left at our office.— Wheat and, rye , from David Thomp son's farm in Henderson—the' 'wheat measures 5 feet 6 inches, the rye 7 feet 3 inches. Rye from Hearn's farm, same township, measuring 7 feet 5 in ches. Walker is beat several inches. fifir The two Regiments of Penn sylvania Reserve volunteers, under Cols. Biddle and Simmons, have joined a portion of McClellan's army at Cum berland, Md. They moved to that point on Sunday morning last. Iv TOWN.—Rev. McLain has again returned to Pennsylvania. lle'preach ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun day moiling and evening last. Breckinridge and several other pr'ominent gentlemen passed through town on Wednesday last without crea ting the least excitement. OUR CORRESPONDENCE.-OUr lOCRI and army correspondence has been crowded put . to-day by the President's message. DEED, At North Ilcnderson Warren Co., 111.. June 20th.1861, AnDanW nOnnn, in the 79th year of hit age. Deceased was formerly of iluntingdon county Pa. Ills disease woo pal alyais. • . PUTLADELPIRA DIAREEETe . , July 8. • Taney and Extra:Family Flour fi4.7ldipb.2s Common and Superfine $4,60@5,00 Rye Fluor —.43.25 Corn Seal . • • 52,6234 Barra White Wbent 51,221@d.25 . Fair and P r rime 1ied51,12@1,22 Bye ~,, 4.: .. ... .. - .....2. 4.. ' ' Cale Corn, prime Yellow 53 ' OM 28 , Clover 1 4 eed,114553....k • '' 1..p.500-1,75 Timothy . 52,75(0)2,87 RUNTIITGDON NiAlliCETa pORRECITED WEEKLY. ' Extra Family Flour 114 bbl $5.75 lixtie do ridewt 'l,OO 1% In te • Wfteut ' ' 1,15 Ilof Witettr 1 00 11,1 r • 45 Coir 4 , ..... r.. , - 41 'llt Cluverr;ge•i.,.„, . 4,00 flattieltd ..... w t.. , ........... :.. •• l• , ~1•••1' 1,01.1 Orird APPler ..... e-eue •.:•1 . '•11• • •• •• ” . •• •• 17, ,, • ..718 .0. 1,01) flutter .• Lind 3 f ,lO B Lertl 111 nom.. Shoulder Sides gallon• X OTIO.E,- . The partnership between Shnon Cohn, NVillisin larch and Joseph March, wasAissolved on the 10th of May o 1801. Simun Cohn to authorized to settle all claims, All indebted are notified to pay to him without delay:— All having accounts agelnst this firm out present them fur eettlensent, SIMON 0/11N, WILLIAM MARCI 4 JCSEPII MARCII.. N.D.—All Wog, indebted to the firm would confer a great favor by settling rftli as little delay as possible. SIMON COUN. Collbe Dun, Julys, 1.861.° NION RESTAURANT. If you wants glass of puro Pittsburg Kr y & Hotbrook or Smith & Co's. Ale; a glass of good Lemonade, a saucer of Ice Cream, fresh and fried Oysters, Ti fp°. Spring Chickens, Mewed, fried &c., &c., go to Ma Onion Ilostaurant, opposite the Exchange Rotel. June 26,1801.4 t. UNITED STATES INFANTItY TACTICS. • Fur the instruction. 'genie° and manoeuvres • of the United States infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and hide men, prepared under the direction of the War 4 Department, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, May Ist, ISM contain- ty. lag tho sated of the soldier: the school of the company; instruction for skirmishers and the • general calls; the calls for ettirtulehers, and the school of the battalion; including the articles of war and a dictionary of military terms. Complete in one volume. Price $1.23. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. ALSO THE HANDY BOOK SOlt TII ' UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming Into service: containing a complete system of instruction to the i.chool of the Sohibr, with a prelimina ry explanation of the forination of a Bat hilion on Parude, the Position of the officers. dc.. being a fleet book or introduction to authorized U. S. Infantry Tactics, juit pub- Price 25 cents. For sale at LE YIS' 1300IC STORE AL•O, Ilardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete lu 2 Tole. Erie° $1.50. For tale at LEWIS' I.IOOIC STORE. Any Tha Books sent by mail to any Wren on the re ceipt or the Nice. Huntingdon May 28, 1861. SPRING AND SUMMER FASLIIONS 1 ROBERT KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, llill Strut, One door west of Carmon's Store, WITII A ?II ASSORT.MENT OP GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS. ills assortment consists of CLOTIIO, PLAIN AND FANCY VZSTINCS, the nenteet and best that could be found in the city, all of a Melt he will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up so order. It will cost nothing to cull and examine bin goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, April 3,1861.-3 m. pAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impreselon Paper, Di aid tig Paper, Dred Paper, Tissuo Paper, Silk Paper for FlOWeri, Parforoteil Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper. In Packs and Bheetr. For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationers and Music Store. EVERYBODY. TETTIIE NEW SINZE, Ott Hitt Street opposite airman's Mare. 'ME BEST SUGAR end MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA and CUOCOLATE, 'FLOUR, MB, SALT and VINEG kit, CONRECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES ON TILE BEST. AND ALL RINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Shoe ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnihbes. Oils and Site. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol. Olasiinial Pitlll , . BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. All, TDB BEST PA'RENT MEDICINES, - and a large number of Articles too ninittiroug to mention The public generally will please coil and examine for thumeelYen Mitt IFttru toy pikes. nun tlngdtrn, IVlity 25, 1859 R. NEWELL'S YROTOGRANI GALLERY, Na.72l.Arch Street. Philadelphia One of the largest end most coimileto Galleries in the States, w hero the beet Pictureo, known to the Pho tographte art, a, e taken at prices no higher than are paid for ink:unable earitattires. The Proprietor. a practical Photographer. attends per sonally, every silting—and allows no picture to leave the GniWry nukes it gives ircrlect mitionintwn. Dannerrent3 pee and Ambrotypcs. of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required size, or taken on Canvass. life size, and painted in Oil by the beet Ai time. At this Gallery pictnres can be taken in any neigher— as pet fent in cloudy (raja AS when the sun shines. Person- visiting the city are respectful') invited to ex amine our spnituens, which for price and quality duty competition. sz-Inaructions given In the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, GALLERY or ART, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. C4) I IIIENDATIONS: From Hon Lexl4 D. Campbell, H. C., Ohio My family And friends all conear in the opinion that the (Newell) picture It more lifedike titan any titling they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by dlr. ferent Artiste in various nap, but 1 bate never yet had one a itieh presents su true to nature, all the features and expressions of C.1.M1011.118. us this. From Lion. E. Jo) Morris, late Minister to Italy, Tlto exquisite beauty turd saftnes4 of your per• conjoittell ultlr their &nubility of Ludo, mid faith- Ones& as likenesses. cannot fail to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art. Promo Cal. Jawed Page. Haring occasion for a portrait, I procured one from Mr. Itobert uwell, of the city of Philadelphia. a miniature in oil Wore, under the new process discovered by lion, nod take great AOMOIre in expressing the satisfaction giveu me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but Its autis tic finish in all respocto, and recommends 111111 to the pat ronage of tilos° disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 20, 1880 Jos. PAGE. THE NEW STORE AND .NETV GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Have Just received another [dock of new goods, such no DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSIVARE, &C., In the store room at the vomit-east corner of tho Diamond In the borough of Huntingdon. . . Their Etosk lens been essetully selected, end %11l be sold low for cash or country produce. Ilitntittplon, April 15, 1501.' JOINif EU M ATIS NI CURED. Mr. JOIN WESTBROOK. Sr.. manufactures a L i. WENT which 19 sure to cure Rheumatism. No cure. no pay. Persons afflicted should coil and fry t h e medicine. Call at his residence in Washington street, one door west of Levi Westbrook. Huntingdon, March 20, 1861. LATEST WAIL NEWS ! 111011 PRICES DEFEATED 1 Now is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN, Respectfully Inform the public gen - orally that he has Just received a large end Well selected stock of faohleuuble SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTIIING, to which be :fake the attention of all who are In want of a neat and.comfortable Coat, a Vest or a pair of Pants,--_ Ms stock will bear eienunatlon, and he respectfully •requesfe all to call and see for themselves. Should gentlemen desire soy partitular kind or cot ot chaffing not found in the stock on hand. by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A pod noortment of ' BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, act, AC., will also be found on band. All of which wilrbe,sold as low. if not lower. than the sonic quality of goods can be hail In tha County. Colt ut the corms of• the Diamond, Long's new building. M. GUTMAN. Huntingdon, April 2, • DAVID IMOD. D. NILSON BMA. LAW PARTNERSHIP. . BLAIR & SPEER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HUNTINOPON, PA. Office on muln Street, one door weet or IVllgon k Petri kpn'.. All proten=lontd buninele promptly utteurkd to. Huntingdon, Match 27,180.-31 u. STI‘'TLONI4I lt Y and J .E lt Y PACK/WES, For sale to agents and dealers at very reduced ruts. put, up In variety euvehipee. Vim further Information 411diers CIILFIMAN & (rpettdrs) 802 Chettnut St., Indlet. • Juno 4.11101. T IQUORS, of tho bog ; for Atedicin. J JLi ruwtoft of S. S. SMITH'S ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. EXCHANGE' HOTEL, - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD MOT. , JOIIN S. MILLER, Prop r ietor Iluntingda, Aprl4 10, 1861. NEW GOODS SELLING OFF FOR CASH II BARGAINS IN HARDWARE As " the nimble penny !abetter than the slow Mxpence," and small praf.is Iwcasii, are better than vexing eye-sore book accounts, JAMES A. DROWN is now determined to Bell off the large and splendid stock of Hardware, Paints, Ate., which he has just, brought ffem the east, at ouch low prices, as will induce ever) body to crowd in for a share of the &Legates. Ills stock includes a complete variety of BUI LDING-lIA lIDWA RE, NEON A NICS' TOOLS. CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE, OILS, PAINTS, SADDLERY, VARNISHES, GLASS, • CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, STEEL, IRON. CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO, LINING SKINS, COAL OIL L A!I(PS nod COAL MI, Ac., PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS, Together with a foil assortment of everything pertaining to his line of business. iOrAll orders receive prompt attentlom—Ot Iluntingdon, April 10, 1001 ENVELOPES! \\'hulesale and Retail, 50.000 1 BEST QUALITY BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and fur este at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO BTOItB, J. A. 11AIN.i1GAIl i A practical tobacconist, has opened a now TOBACCO STORE AND ClOAll MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St, one door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, where he has on hand a large assortment of prince Cigars and To• bacco, which he will sell either wholesale or retail. Store keeper., shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the weed should call. lion prices are /ow. Call and aeo. Huntingdon, N0v.7,11130. CASSIZTERES, and 1861. 1861. CLOTHING, T • ROMAN JL JIL SPRING AND SUALTTER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of tho hest material, and made in the beet workmanlike manner, call at ROMAN'S,U. Opposite Else Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting dun. [April 2, 1.801.] WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOOK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, =ln NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Has just received a new steck of GROCERIES, • DRVIOODS, BOOTS a Call and examine my new stock. • G. ASHMAN 31ILINER Mny 3 13A1 WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND • COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS It Tells You now to draw op PARTNERSUIT. PAPens and give') general forms for AcitLEENOTs of ell kinds. 1111. to of SALE. LE ineS anti PETITIONS It Tells You now to draw up Loans and MoRTGAGES, AT , FMAYITs, l'olvElla of ATToRNET, %0000 and 11u.1.8 or EXcIIANG Z. It ECFIPTS and It ELEASUS. 12 Tells You The Line for the COLLECTION of DEBTS. IA ith the SrArirrits of LinirtrioN, and annnint and kind of property EX1.141.1 from to:annu l/DX In every Stare. it Tells nu flow to make en ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms tbr COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between Ousit- DIAN and WARD, MASTER owl APPRENTICe, and LANDLIttO and TENANT. It Tens You What co/Witt/tea blurt and SLANDER. and the Law Rs to MARRIAGE DOWER, the WIPE'S IllonT PN PnorEnTY. throng and ALIMONY It WA You The Law for Mrcumgics' Lnomin every State, And the NATURALIZATION LANs or two coon try, and how to comply with the same, It nth Ybu The law conc./Minn PENSIONS and how to ot. Min one, and the PItTeEtarTION LOWS to PCIDLic LANDS. Ii Teat You The Law for PATOOIII, with Mode of proce dure in obtaining one, with INTERTERENCES. ASSIGNMENTS Mid TADLE OT FEEL It Tills Tots How to make yoor WILL. and how to ATOMS ISTSR on AN ESTATE, with the law and the regoirettients thereof in every State. It Tells Yeti The meaning of Law TERMS In general use, soil exphdne to yeti the LFAISLATIVE, Exc . CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Power') of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You flow TO gone OUT or LAw. by showing how to do your business legally, thus taring a vast Mount of property, and vexations litigation, by Its timely consultation. 4fie. Everybody's Lawyer is &reale at Lewis' Book Store 1 I 7 Ss Arr, • OP KS AND STA TIONER Y.— A good assortment of ninicellaneous and School Tooke—Foolscap, Letter. Conimerchtl and Note Paper— Plana and Fancy Euvelopes—lted, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sleet—Pens, Pencils. Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and EN ivy other article usually foetal in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at ' - "LFAVIS' BOOK; STATIONERY g MUSIC STOKE. NOTICE TO ALL !S q The subscriber, who has for more than one year, carried on business in coition) , with Messrs. P. BRANDY, IL Giu. P. WHISKEY, and Mr. LAGER lless, lies this day dissolred iiartnershfp with the 4bore firm / All claims against old Mot will be paid by the subscriber, and all those in debted to the firm will pay hint., CLOCKS. , WATCHES and JEWELRY wlll good stook of CLOCKS. [Ol WAtenta and JEn'el.ni will lie kept on hand for custothera who nut) favor hint with a Huntingdon, March 2,1859 CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at b. P. °WIN'S. QCHOOL" BOOKS, norwray It) nee in the &boob) of the County, not on baud, will la, ftfrniNbcd to order, on application at LEWIS' .1000117 114V11 STA TIONEICY STORE. COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for sato by JAMES A. 131IWN. , 1 1 11.1 i best Tobacco in -ton; at D. P. OVID'S. (11.,L at the new CLOTHING STORE kJ of OUTMAN 6 CO., If you went a good article of Clothing. Store room la Long's new building, in the Die. /Wad, U4atlpWk o &pt. %mi. FOR SALE AT WUNTINGDON, JAS. A. EINDIVN NEW CLOTIIING JUST ILECEIVED 11. ROMAN'S AND JUST RECEIVED LENTS' BOOK STORE G. ASHMAN MILLER BY FRANK CROSBY, OF TUE PHILADELPHIA BAR JOSEPII nmactEn PROPP3SIONAL - 0" n . usiENEss:c.ptos -2 UT DIEGAHAN & CO., :- V :Miners anitlltaloco in, Brosit•Tpp Coal. .11. &legation, General Agent, ItteConn.clleto - iin, lluntingdoa county, Pa. TIAVID BLAIR; ---" -- a Winer. and Shinier of Bran! Top CoaL'. Woe Ilan tingdon Pa, • • diA.: MILLER, • - - , .. r . • vA . Dealer In Groceries, Confectionaries, ac,, Ac a 111.1. JOHN AIeCILLLOCH, offers, his: 1:1 - proteeeional MAN VMS to the cairmus of Itu s otingBon and vitinity. Offlee da ten street, one door east of need's' Drug Store. ', , , - .., r, • , Aug. 28, ?bBr. -- T, S. MILLER, ,_ , • . . . t j . , „ Proprietor of the Eactieuie ,IlcAel. , , . L'l S. SMITH, Dealer in ,Drags, eluee, Perfumery, Dye Stud's, 011 e, &e, Alep—aro• cerlea, Confectioeerlee, Uuntingdon, • • Dealer fn nooks, Stationery and Blll9lClllinstril manta, Iluntiugdon; Pa. , j M. CUNNINGHAM &13.R0. • • Foundern, Huntingdon, Pa JAM LS A. BROWN; • Dealer is lisrdwure, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, 40., tust,- 4gdon, Ps, Ts ROMAN, • 1$ • Dealer to Heady Made botbing, gets and Cape, Hoots and Shoes, Ace. 1_1!1.b1J. 'JACOBS, _ft Dealer In Diy Cloctda, Ready linda Cintfiing, Glrcer ion. Queonaware, die: be. • ti G ia U o l 2o l u A iins N i & lun C tin O s . so Dealers in Ready DP7GWIN, • Dealer In Dry Goods,Grocerles, hardware, Queens ware, Hata and Caps, hoots and Shoes, ,4e. VISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, .I . ` Grain, &c., limitingdon, Pa. E T WE VI STI3ROOK, Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, ete. TOSEPH REIGGER, eWatchmaker and dealer la Watches. Clocks, and Jew thy. de, Plnin and Ornamental Islarble Manntnethrer TOHN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, ey Huntingdon ; Pa. Office on Bill street, one door east of the lcuuttngdon Marble Yard. • - REFERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Bon. Jonathan M` D ICHARD LANGDON, Miner and lA, Dealer In Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3, T.P. MMERMAN CO.,Miners and Deal ern in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, Huntingdon co., Penna. [Nov.; 1858. f i r ec` - COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALL as choap as they can In the cities, as I hare a wholesale More in Philadelphia. - Huntingdon, April 14,1818. li. ROMAN. DRY GOODS!—A fine assortment on hand for tho accommodation of customorg, at BENJ OW "Cheap Coruor," Market Square. (oct2B ) STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gra eery, 20 per Cent. cheaper than any other place in IZZI If K. iNIEFF, Al. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otrics, Hill street, opposite Dr. Luden, offers hie proles atonal services to the citixeue of Huntingdon end vicinity. April 13, 3859. JOIIN SCOTT. DAVUEL T. DROWN. J. U. O. CORDIN LA"'PARTNERSHIP.- • J. 11. 0. Montt boo, hoot this data, become a room her of the firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORDiEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, ' in which name the business will still be conducted Iluutingsion, Jan. 2, 1800. , 03* VIOLINS, GUITARS, ir 4 BYSTPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND 'FIFES, For Rale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIO STORE T . ) ALLISON MILLER, shas aa DEVTIST, Ilan removed to the Erick Row opposite the Court House, April 13, 1839. ROCKET TESTAMENTS, FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Iddgozines, or publications of any kind, Wood to order. if left at LEWIS' BOOK G STATIOXRRY STORE, DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! ju It you Want your card neatly printed upon enrol- Open, call at zEIr is , BOOK AND STA TIONRKY STORK FOR THE LADIES. superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, euitable for co/Mr/din/ correspondence. for sale at LEWIS' BOOK ce STATIONERY STORE. DAPEIL ! PAPER!! I Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and good attortmen t for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK St STATIONERY STORE. LAST NOTICE.- Ail Uhl) have unsettled accounts with me of six monthe standing or longer, are earnestly requested to call and settle up and Bare Costs, I Mit Imo money or quilt tivlnese. LEVI WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1201. T)HOTOGRAPFIY lit all tte radon, 'Branches, executed fix the beat st)lo known in thu urt, at 0, G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 632 Arch Street, Enat of Sixth, Philadelphia. Lira size la Oil and Meath, Strremrople Portraits, Am brotytes. Das,aerreotypes, dm., for Cases, Nledallions,llas Rings, dec. [Nov, 14,130, I4V ELOP ES fly tho box, pack, or lon quantity, for rale at LEWIS' 11001: AND STATIONERY STORE ITOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from 26 cts. to $2,00 at the cheep store Of D. P. GWIN. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau- UM, at • D. P. ODIN'S. ASplendid variety of Carpets, only 25 cte. per yard. FlNOtell 8 SON. lIA RRISIM RG STONE-WARE !! ! Crocks, Jogs, Preserve Jere U., ac., of superior quality. Solo only by JANIk:S/i. 13ILOWN n P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best „ assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and eXaMine themt: TTOOPED SKIRTS worth , 2 50 will 11. be Bold for $124 at the cheap store of FlBllElt .4 SON. TP you want handsom e Goods, good Goods, cheap Goals, and all kis lof Goode. got. • D. P. Lllffl 'S. CIALOIDIct29: GAVIN'S if you want fIitOCERIES, &e„ at the vit cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. All kiwi. of COMA try produce taken in exchange at the highest market, pri nee. • •• _ (oet2B. . , . . , pOOTS & SHOES; H 919 &-. Caps, ihe i jr largest assortment and ebeapest to be found at D. P. CJWIN'S IUN BARRELS AND LOCKS:-A tog° assortment at BROWN'S LiARDWARE STORE. eIUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P: Gwin's 3r than can be had In town. Call and see them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, besequal- Li Hy, only SO eta. each. FISHES. & SON. COAL OIL ,4; COAL OIL LAMPS, for 76 cents and upwards, at the Il j n , rd A t . vene r a of MICA LAMP CH EY IMNS-, JAM received at the hardware Store St JAS: A. BROWN, B LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, tot solo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONARY' STORE. DGIVIN'S is the place to, buy • good and cheap Carpets, ItOnit)OVs ROURER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. , PRACTICAL CALCULATOR.L „PRACTICAPCALCULATOR, '"PItACTIOAL'CALCULATOR: PRACTICAL cm.clirgekop..- ROHRER'S 'T.RA:O'iICAV-OALCII-- ..A. Beak of Plain Rules and Clikulatio'nefor iitusinete Ope , . rations, by Marlin de. Rotifer, Practical Surveyor and aougyancer. New Edition,published 4.D. - cote. cE Cb., Phawielphere. .„ - , .This work coubdrie 20t. pages, and limsardn'of 600 Rules Examples, entirely and thoroughly practheaL such as arise every day in the, common, pursuits of Business. If has already passed through a, nubibei of editions' in rapid` succession, and is pronounced bfall "classes bf business men to be the bendiest book. of 'reference, pertaining to calculations,lhat has over been published. .• " . Leery example in the baalt is worked' put in full and stated in a p/aln manner, no that when a parallel case art. sea.' those referring to the work•will find no difficulty to solving ft; in a word,. the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple. that any oue who knows bow to add, subtract multiply and divide. can easily Noire anyor dlnary example that arises In. business, or arrive at the true result of any estftente required.' The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and.philmophy in figures, aiming only, at facts and eimpth city. believing that business Men care little'about open. ding time in dismissing tile philosophy of rulce,, or the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able eta moment, by reference, to arrive at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Arithmetics of the day and kindred works—it is a key to practical business calculations—it is, in the hand,' of the business man, what the key to mathematical 'works in the hands of the teacher in the'school room—it Lein tams time and insures correctness.. „ Tail WOES. TIMATS.OI',TUN., Measurement of Land. Of' Lumber, of prick and Brick Work. cf Stone and Stone Work, of grain and grain bins, of coal and Coal bins, of wood. of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or Irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of &Starer's, pain ter's. glaziei , s, paver's, plumb. er's, paper banker's and upholsterers' work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange. of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and, their entire application to buslnesa transactions, wick the lairs and usages governing the came, together with numerous commercial forms—of legaltender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay. meat and of partnership accounts, of assessment of-,taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and Its application to business of attplaced, of excavation, and of many other -important pram/cal matters not within the scope of au advertisement to men tion. ' IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOR THE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic,lhe hrtlzan, or the professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk. to the civil engineer nod the surveYer.:to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the, stonemason nod the plasterer, to the paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and tlia tiler, &c., &c.t.rach and all sylll find it adapted to thelr ca. lions wants better then any book published, .5 Price, 60 cents, For sale at'Leivie' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 20, 1800. 24 ) (4 , 0. A dak Pr. e 7 ill ' ›-I fas 4 ›,•• 17, CHEAP WATCHES ! CHEAP WATCEIESII ,4 = TACOB LADOM US, u NO. 018. MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Has on hand and is constantly receiving large assorments of American. English, and Saris Wid..ll,cr, which he will sell at lower prices than ever offered. J. 1.. would call particular attention to the celebrated AM:MOAN Waxen, which for accuracy of time and dura bility, Find leas liability of getting out of order. to supirl. Or to any other imported watch, made at anything like the sane coat. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all etyles and patterns. . ALSO— Geld. Mire,. rind SePel Spectacles, with glasses for all sights, with l'xrcier, as well as the old style triunes. All goods sold at my "eitubltslitnont are warranted to be as represented. and satisfaction guaran. toed to all yorchasers. at 1.70. 018, Market, Street. Corner of Decatur. [Bept.lB,lBBo,-ly. _ L - f, a. 00,1\0c .0 - - - w•%-_ = , • THE a GLOBE - - JOB OFFICE" is the moot complete-of any in the country, and.poe oesses the must ample facilities for promptly executing in the best style, every Variety of Job Printing, such us BAND BILLS, • PROGRAMMES, BLANKS. FOSTERS. CARDS, CIRCULARS, • BALL TICKETS, - .BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. - • • CALL AND EXAMINE OVECIIIMB 07 WORK, AT LENVIS''BOOK, STATIONERY Sc MUSIC STORE T HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK• MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MISS ELWA,ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J, Hale IT Tout You how to choose ail Muth' of 'Meant, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved mottos or dressiutt anti cooking Beef and Yuck; also the best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the satins. IT Tuts Yon All the serious and mostupprosed modes ex drawing, cooking, and boning Mutton. Lamb, Veal. Poultry, end 'glum anti binds with the different Dressings, Giotto; and Stuffings appropriate to each. Ix TZLIAI You Rove to chow. clean, and preserve Fish or all kinds. and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all tho various Rod most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress , logs, SIIIICOS, and Flares Inge appropriate to each. IT 'rums You All the Torten. and most approved modes of preparing over 50 kinds of Meat Flhh.gowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, :and SIOVVtI, with the Itelioliee and Seasonings appropriate to each. Tr TZLLS You All the anemia and most apyroved modes of • ' cooking Yegetablea of ovary ileactiptlon, also how to prepare• Hades, Catalpa 'and Curries of all kinds: Potted Meats, Fish, Game, lilusbrooluei fx Trus You Al! the varionq and wont approved modeo of preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters. Cakes. Confectionary, Progervea, Jeltioe, and Sweet Dishes of every de,crip . Mu. IT TILLS You MI the various end most approved modes of oinking Bread. Rieke, ~Mufflue, and His. mit, and the boat method of preparing - 'Coffee. Chocolate.' and Tea, and ;how to maim Syrups, Cordiale, and Wines of m elon,' Mae. Ix Tutu You now to getout and ornamentaTable.toss to Carve all knob of Fish. Flesh or Fowl, and , in short, how to no simplify the, whole Art, of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within the everyboky's reach. - 70r Sale at Latvia' Book Store. NEW BOOKS 1 • FOR BALS AT LEWIS' 71045 X / STAR THE MIME :,A Niw Plictsi• 3insuAi.6f gurnl Archltec• tore; ..con; Ho* to Bond Dwellings. Borifir,,Stohleo, and Out,Dwellings of off Undo. With a Chapter on Churcho find Eelkool , liquees: Pribo,•tio - ' ' TM.: °ARMIN; A Nevi PooliT MitioAt, of Practical (Tor tirulture; or, How to Coltivote Yegolnhlos. Feints, and Flowers; With a Chapter ou Or:Donlon tal Trees dind • Shiobo, Drlcia, $0 mite. . TILE FARM 1.. A Here.POexff uiannt of Practical Agri• culture; or. limy to Cul ti ',ate all the Flohl Crop's. 1.1.1111 nn Essay im Naito Nlanovfuent, etc. Price, 5 0 cehte, DOMESTIC ANIMALS:4 NSW PocArr nom Of Cattle Ours?. and ttheep littsbso.lry; or,, now ty Breed awl Dear Cie Various Tellauts of the liurn•yard, etc., etc- Price, 60 cents. • - 110 W TO TALK: A NEW Poet= iilstrest. of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a aramiiiiitl cal Style. and more thou Five Hundred Commas MPO takes Corrected. Price, 60 cents. DOW TO BEHAVE: A New POCKET Masan of Itepubii curt Etiquette, and Outdo to Correct Personal. Habits: Odds ittges for Debating Societies and Deliberative AS muddies, etc. Price, ati cents. 110 W TO DO BUSINESS -A NETT Perm Mshimit. Practical Affairs and Outdo to success In Life; with n Collection of illoineEv Porno. and a Dictionory of COM inermal Terms, etc. Price, 60 cents. FRANKTAX HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, 11UNTINU,DON, PA. VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The chicane of the county, Sod strangers and travelers generally, will find comfortable accotamodatiorts at this Give no le tele. jAptil 4,1860.1 CiMB - 40: 1 11M - N-Etr-STO/M-FOIC • , f,CIEBAP •3 NEW 'GROCERY MEI CONFEOT ONEfIX IME=9 . ar lie Or 31Pntbnid" Ilna''- ..' ", --- Urgrin B :".V.he .CitiX9 . .. - d 6 0n y ees i ory 'e - laity, that he.tate opetke'd a newGrotea ekt ..,_ 5 ....„._,_, ery Store in the beeerneat, anairatitment.Cal yOt y rITIP Stara; So the Diaakoteh and wasp meet, .reapec io tha . l . ay quest a ebare of public . patroartge." 1119 atarli_ _t 1 9 . V1,7 1 .1 alltinkle of flak k -.; .. _ -_, _ _ . . t. -13-KST 4"9"1".. ' S.ctietiESlS,S, ire 4 kia. ^ ' - CONS . Fish c an bchad at wholesale or rata. • _ ~ ~. .... 4 - kryal wilt be taralebed regularly to parF , l9l„ . Individual's, at h strop . ___. • • , . EluntingdoP4. o PA. 2 ' i, !4W - _ I ... THE HORSE 'AND HISDISEASES,' THE HORSE AND HIS' - DISRASES,' THE ;HORSE - AND - - • - A VALUABLE BOor For sale at LEWIS', Bii4:Siora.. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER,:. ,; EVERYBODY'S LA WYE% EVERYBODY'S LAWYER; - A YALUAHLE:koIr; For Bali a Ltvols , Boog _ THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR,' • THE FAMILY .DOCTOR, . ' A :VALUABLE -BOOK; ' . For Bale "ai LEW IS'' Store. =• - ' -• • - • '.• LONOSTRETII ON THE [ LGI3OSTRFAR ON. THE.NS TIO.Y LONGSTRETH: ON THE liONLY 'BEE A 'VALUABLE BOON.; _• • . For tiale at LEWVIS' 13ockStore. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING:on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES; DOWNING, on FRUIT and, FRUIT TREES A VALIJAI3LE:I3OOKI Fc;- sale at I,EW,IS'i . Bdok Stoigi• i t • •LEXANDRIA . 4 4 - 1. : ROGER C. NICGILI4 , mrtistifactiwer of all kinds'ilf castings, forge and rolling mill. gria tr and law mill, thrash. fog machine. sled and sleigh soles, wagon bow alien:BO! various Winds, kettles.- plough shears-to suit all kinds of proughs• ' lifso, car - wheels and railioad work,lind hale& new and improved plough that renders satlsfaction to sA Farman that have need theta. I keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at afessrs.lisher tries, lionttogdon, and at hir..(ligage Eby's, bull Creek, and will all all orders promptly. The farnieri Will were money by getting shears end ploughs of blei3lLlWit:trte foundry, beattgaurters, thee° to bay cheap.. All kinds of produce, old //fetal end lumber, taken in excliange:>. Bring the pay and 'eye ton par cent:, 4 _ . •. • - ' Alexandria,, 7, 1060. THE CYTHARA—The d < Presbyterian, Psalmodist—The . Shawn—TheJubllee—Hunten's and BertinFe enlarged and improved Instructors—Wetland's Newand Improved Method for the Oultar—teland's Moor deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur roams' Pieno•Forte Primer—do. Thiwough•BasS Molter— llowe's Drawing Room Dances.—The Chorus Glee Book: Tara's Harp, for Otte at - LEWISrROOK, STATIONERY & ISUSIO STORE: IaEADY , RECKONER. - • ix A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forme of Notes, Bi ceipts, Petitions, die., togethOr with a set of useful tables, containing rate of interest from olio dollar to twelve thuds aud. by the single day, with a table of wages, hod tumid by the week and day, published In 1858. For sato LE/918' Bowc srpßi.• E"' 4 C., r- 1 "CO fr ta; (14 rz, JACKSON HOTEL, eIRAFPUS EIILLER, Proldo; H OWARD ASSOCIATION, - pwr.ADnittr'l4:.). A lienesolent Institntion established by•special Baebiae, for the Reliefaf the &ck and Distressed, a f flicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases and et t incialiy for the Curt of Diseases of the Sexual Orgaus.,` - ' ~.---- Medical Advice given gratis, by the il Oing Surgeore,,ki sill who apply by letter,%%lain description 'of -their email lion, (age, occupation. abite of life, 6,c.,) aud in, =lea of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. • -Valuable Reports orklipermatorrlicee, and etbarDistaiies of the Sexual !Prgunin and on the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en. velopes, free of charge. Two or thred Stamps for•Phscla• will he acceptable. • , Address. DR. J. SITILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting"-Ear gene, Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street,Shil adelplila, Pa. lity order of the Directors. •" - • •.- • EZRA D. lURTWELLy - AuidaiG GEO. FAIR - CHILD, ecretciry, , Dec. 19, 1880.-ly. WINDOW SHADES," TASSELS, &C., aROCERIES-! GROCERIES 11 • A FREq.a.A.p.r.r4t, CHRIST.. LONGS, ALL HIS STOCK IS PRESS AND CALL AND SEE: lIT. WHITE, . ' ELIINTINGDON, PA. - Jan. 2,1851.-tt " ; • - BENJ. I.TACOBS IS ON lIAND NEW Goons, SPRING AND: SUM4lailL'f! • Fie Ms received a fine n'asortraent oi.l3o'6ooD6Tor the Spring and Summer amen, compriefug 'fit! veiyes• tunalve twiortment L6DISS DIiESSOOODS, DAY GOODS In general," • '• ItiADY•EIADE CLOTECiNG, - 7:1 For Men and Boys GROCERIES HATS & CAPS, • BOOTS AND al:loE3,4o:ft. 1110 public generally are requeated to cull andcrams the gouda—end Wm prices. As I sun determined to sell my Goods, allXsho call tatty expect bargains. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Groodu e4;rne i . DENJ. JACOBS.at the Cheap Iluutingdon, April 2, 1801...2: _ ROPQSALS Will be received by the enhecribei for inglink 'One eliverinxinto care the coal from' the Peereltaii,anctillut, not Collerms. for ono year. ending March Bret, 1862. The coal to be delivered at so much per ton,'of 22401b5., as aforceald, in the best marketable , condition.-free from elate, and other impuritiee, in such quantiti.i and of writ description as way, be desitplated by the erdere. , df.:tbe entexriber. , The contractor'will ho provided with each intaind tools and implements. mules , houses; .& o. as :may..be!on - Lthe promises. a valuation of %Lich win bp mado..at .the,Lime pesseasion to given, the amount of which valuation a be accounted for at the expiration of the coittract, A good store will be provided. A moderate regt will be charged for how .% - The wiped to bp worked enhimt toned] mining engipeer as the lextee may provide, For further inforniktfdnaßply to - ROBT: RARE powsLri, :4 • No. 1.04 Waling Street_, Philadelphia, pa. Fob. 20, 1881.4 f., SOUND ON THE. . • ROOT -& 'SHOE QUggTtolt , LEVI WESTBROOK- Ma jolt opeied — tha moot of Ooode in bra linty' veer brought to Ilantinitdon. 'llls atoekof HOOTS and EIIOES for Ladles, Oent irid men ' Misses, Boy% and Ch il dren, "compriaei latent faahione,•aud manufactured' of the best - lan tuba. Also, a Ilna assorttooor of Rigs for men, Bus and Children. /109 G In great Ararlaty - for Vontlee, won. Who, alliva and Children. - CARPET.I3IO4, SD SPIINDHEZiIIAII.TISItS, TANS, an. . „ . , ~ , . ' !... .:A1.130,i -: . ''. . .c. , •-, . .. „. sorig.LEAniErt, CALF sicuip, alonopc9, loNSTS ~,,,,1 stior,FlN D ENOS gana-ally: - Thankful fur past frisors, 'a contlarnica - ohlia lag' to to reApecautly sollcital. N. IL—Boots and Shoes' for Lrulloa 'anti gehrleseee, re 011'011mi made to ordet. ~, - - . Huntingdon, April 24, 1882) ' -,,,,. ~ ~, , , eIoAL.OII,!L COAL 0111111 ames A. Brown sells the ginuin; tiRG. 'SBN.B." on COAL. OIL dear as water. -* ~ • - • This le the gide kind of-oil that gives with% safitftiction as an agent for light. - " - • Beware of counterfeits. and colortd'iMbeif emit an °Maude° smell afidamoke. _ • . `r. A large variety Motif ' COAL 01L..t.A4P5,:. Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, A0...,, , t0eti01d at the very !attest prices,At the 4 tfardware don, Pa. and BAILEY'S VIKTAJAB§, A handsorno assotitaantjust ceeeited sod fai Bala •15' ' 'T t • -• • • T 11.13 best sliSplay' and largest ,jiarxety of all kind. of Goode, con 'always be found itt Ihetbeap aeon, or Flsfinit .4c.:10:4; •M , OUTS and - SU - 04S, the, - largelt„pad assortment in tawn ! fit . D. P. OWlik,ll. MIMI EINE lIIINTINGDON, PA. j : MI