The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 02, 1861, Image 1

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WIL LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
VERlll5.—"Tna Chose N published twice a week et
' Imo a year -75 cent' for ola months-50 cents for
throe tuoutts--in advance.
Tuesday Afternoon, July 2, 1861
The Star-Spangled Banner
Ohl' say, can yon see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we Iliad at the twilight's lost gleam.
Whose broad etrlpos and bright stave through the perilous
O'er the ramparts we watcli'd, were so gallantly stream
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag vies still there!
Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the laud of the free, and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foes haughty host Co dread silence reposes,
'What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As It fitfully blows, halt conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first twain ;
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream—
'Tie the stampangled banner! Oh, long may it ware,
O'er the hind of the free, and the home of the brave I
And where is that band Who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of over, and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their (dual bus vvash'd out their foul footstep's pollution
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight or the gloom the gravel
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
OW the lend of the free, and the home of the bravo!
Oh! thus ho It ever, when freemen shall stand
Itetween their loved hems and war's desolation!
Blessed with aictoiy and peace, may the ❑eaveu•rescusd
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a na
Then conquer we must, when our cause it Is f net,
And this be our motto—" In God is our trust I"
And the starepangled banner In triumph shall ware,
O'er the land of the free. and the home of the bravo!
Old Party Organizations and Nom-
These propositions we cannot think
of without sensibly feeling that at this
time more than at any other, the coun
try calls upon the voters of tho Union
to bury their partisan feelings. The
country is in danger, in imminent dan
ger of being destroyed for all time to
come. The children of to-day will in
future years either bless the patriotism
of '6l, or curse with bitter curses our
partisan leaders and their followers for
tho proceedings they are now attempt
ing to force upon a people sick of par
ty strife. Patriotism is at war with
traitors, and wo cannot recognize any
man as a patriot who is not willing to
bury, for a single campaign, his party
strife and jealousies to save his coun
try. Party! party organization! stick
to your party is ever upon the lips of
the spoils men of all parties—the men
who have been permitted by the peo
ple to bring our country to its present
lamentable condition ; and to gratify
this class of men will the people still
continue to follow them until the inno
cent, as well as the guilty, are precipi
tated into a hell of torments, from
which there can be no escape.
There should be but one party in
the North until our difficulties with
the traitors South aro permanently
settled. Every Union man must, no
matter -to what party he may have
heretofore belonged, if he is honest, be
willing to sacrifice his former partisan
jealousies for his country's good and
the happiness and prosperity of his
children and his children's children.—
Party ! Strict old party organizations
and nominations ! is the rallying cry of
the corrupt political spoilsmen, while
men of all parties are a unit in the bat
tle field, ready to shed their blood and
die, for what? Not that their party
with_ which they had voted may bo
`successful in securing place, power and
the spells I No. But for a more noble
and patriotic purpose. With their
lives in their hands they ask their
friends at home to be united as broth
ers that their hands and the cause for
which they offer up their lives may be
strengthened. They ask their friends
to know no party but the party that
will aid in crushing out Disunion.
We regret that in several counties,
strict party nominations have already
been made. The Democrats are equal
ly guilty with the Republicans. One
-brilliant 'example of patriotism has
been • successful in the Luzerno Con
gressional District. Tho Republican
and Democratic Conventions met and
-in placing in nomination Ron.
Hendrick B. Wright, a Democrat, to
fill the vacancy Occasioned by the
death of Hod. S. W. Scranton, a Re
publican.. Mr. Wright has been elec
td.\Cithout opposition.
In - the 2d Congressional District,
Philadelphia, the Republican politicians
nominated Charles O'Neil, Esq., to fill
the-vacancy occasioned by the resig-,
nation of. E. Joy Morris. This nomi
lion- gave great dissatisfaction in the
-ranks , of the Republican party, a large
nninber _ being opposed to Making a
strictly party nomination. The Dem
ocratic politicians met and also placed
in nomination Col. Charles J. Biddle
as the Democratic candidate. On Fri
day evening last hundreds of the most
.prorndoent citizens of the District, ir
; respective of -party, placed Hon. Wm.
M. Meredith in nomination for the
: Same office, and if Mr. M. can be pre
-railed upon to accept the nomination
his election will be certain, and the
mere politicians taught a lesson they
will not soon forget. The election
takes place to-day..
We Cannot excuse the Democratic
party in any county for following the
example of the Ilepabltcan politiciuna
in .malting party nominations this fall.
The Democratic party should act inde
pendent of any such bad example, and
we hope the party of this county will
pove with caution, but with a hold
potirietie purposq;
It is time that it should be fully un
derstood, that so far as the support of
the Government against the rebellion
is concerned, there is but one party
in the great and powerful North. In
the struggle now going on between
government and rebellion, union and
disunion, there is and can be no such
thing as party. All must assist in
maintaining the government. The flag
which was fired upon at Sumpter was
the flag of the Union, and Republicans
and Democrats, alikepatriotic, will de
fend that flag against all foes—rebel or
foreign. Wo fight the rebels who are
in arms against the government, not
because we approve of this or that po
litical principle of the present admin
istration, but because it is our duty to
do so, as our only hope of preserving
that Union upon which all our hopes
for future happiness and prosperity ,
rest. American citizens all—Demo
crats and Republicans alike—have in
the contest but one platform—the no
ble platform of the Union. Around it
let them rally. Let us each and all,
forgetting minor political issues, fight
the good fight for the Union unitedly
and earnestly, and not stop and blab
about party, for fear of losing a little
office, until the insult offered the flag
of our country is avenged, until the
Union and Constitution have vindica
ted their own great strength and ma
TIIE Caors.—During the past week
we passed through parts of Montgom
ery, Perks, Lebanon, Dauphin, and
the counties on the Juniata. No grain
bad yet been cut, but it was ripening
rapidly. We have seen much better
crops in the lower counties, than will
be harvested this year. The crops on
the Juniata look better than fur
ther cast—the corn in particular.—
Two weeks ago we passed' through
the Cumberland Valley, and heavier
fields of wheat we never saw. From
every direction over the State the
wheat harvest promises to be more
than an average. There will be no
scarcity of bread this year.
pany formed last winter by members
of the Legislature and officers, have
not yet made their appearance to be
sworn in for actual service, although
accepted by the Governor sem() weeks
ago. Their offer of services was all bun
comb at the time, and many of them
will find out that it is not always sate
to make Uuncomb appearances. Not
one of them can expect to be returned
to the Legislature next winter.
JUST so.—The Harrisburg Telegraph
suggests and we second the motion,
that all our storesandplaees of business
be closed on independence day, in or
der that the employees may have the
day to themselve. It should be such
a universal gala day as this country
never experienced. Fulfill John Ad
ams' prediction to the letter. Let it
be "celebrated with guns, bells, pomp,
shows, bonfires and illuminations," and
let a greatful and patrioticpeople show
that they appreciate the truths of the
great declaration and the blessing
conferred, by carrying it into effect.—
Let all classes of citizens, young and
old, rich and poor, participate in the
festivities incident to the commemora
tion of freedom's birth-day. On the
fourth of July everybody should be
"free and independent."
be celebrated all over the country
North, in a becoming Manner. Sever
al celebrations will take place in differ
ent sections of this county, taking from
our town most of our prominent speak
ers. Many of our citizens will leave
town on that day—those remaining
will join in with the Sunday School
learn that the citizens of Scottsville
and vicinity, purpose celebrating our
coming National Sabbath in a manner
worthy of the event which the day
commemorates. A good time may be
expected. R. Milton Speer, Esq., will
be the orator of the day.
.licCehan left at our c,ffice some tall
specimens of Wheat and Rye, some
where. between 6 and 8 feet. It was
raised on Walker's farm in little Walk
er where "snake-feeders" never feel
hard times.
NO PAPER ON FRIDAY.- , Our hands
want a holiday, and as the 4th comes
in this week we have concluded to
publish but one paper this week. We
do not expect any stirring news before
next week.
ComniEs9,—The extra session of
Congress fleets on Thursday. Much
work will be done in a short time.—
The President's message will appear
in our next.
are informed that a 4th of July cele
bration on a large scale is to come off
in Shaver's Creek valley at Wilsons
town. Rev. S. Reid, Rev. A. M. Bar
nita, T. P. Campbell and D. Blair,
En's., will address the audience.
Examslox.—An excursion train will
run on the Broad Top Road on the 4th,
to Broad Top City and intermediate
points, This will afford many a fine
opportunity to pass the day pleasantly.
See advertisement.
laTgoomms, FRAws AND GLASS.-
/ handsome assortment of lithograph
prints, frames and glass, just received
4Rd- for sale at Lewis' 13.091 c St,ore,
211 Congressional District
The following proceedings of a meet
ing held in Philadelphia, ratifying the
nomination of Hon. Wm. M. Meredith,
as a Union candidate for Congress we
clip from a city exchange, of Saturday
last. The remarks of tho speakers
will apply to every county in the
State with the same force as they ap
ply to the political parties of the city,
and for this reason we give place to
the proceedings, and ask our readers
to road thorn carefully :
A meeting of citizens, irrespective
of party, to ratify thO nomination of
Hon. Win. M. fkieredith as the candi
date for Congress in the Second Con
gressional district, was held last eve
ning at National NA Market street,
below Thirteenth.
Benjamin Gerhard called the meet
ing to order, and nominated Samuel
H. Perkins as chairman. This was
unanimously agreed to.
Mr. Perkins read the call from the
morning papers explaining the object
of the electing. They met there not
as Bepublicuns or Democrats, but as
friends of the Union, [applause;) the
Union of the North and South, and
nothing but the Union. They were
assembled to express their approbation
of the Hon. Win. M. Meredith as the
candidate for Congress in the Second
Congressional district, who was com
petent, and, if elected, would faithfully
represent them in the halls of Congress.
A list of vice-presidents, including
the names of Henry Carey, Caleb Cope,
James Dundas, J. Edgar Thompson,
and one hundred others, was read by
W. Parker Cummings, and a corres
ponding number of Secretaries.
The above officers were declared
elected, and invited to take their scats
on the platform.
Mr. Gerhard then read the following
Resolved, That we, the citizens of
the Second Congressional district, irre
spective of party, do cordially approve
of the nomination of the Hon. Win. M.
Meredith for Congress.
Resolved, That, in our present na
tional crisis, political party nomina
tions for Congress aro inexpedient.
Resolved, That we cordially approve
of the course of the Federal Govern
ment in suppressing the rebellion
against the Constitution and the laws,
and pledge ourselves to support all
proper measures for that purpose.
The resolutions were received with
repeated shouts of applause.
Mr. Gerhard said, after this unani
mous approval it was scarcely neces
sary to say one word in support of
these resolutions. It was evident they
were their resolutions before the vote
was taken upon them. Yet they were
couched in the finest words possible.—
The one resolution stated that in the
name of Win. M. Meredith they all
knew they bad the best man for the
place. The other was that when the
rebels were in arms, and the enemy at
the gate, politics should be forgotten.
[Cheers.] We cannot know now, un
til the suppression of the rebellion,
who belongs to any party. Will you
support th Government and sustain
their efforts to execute the laws and
furnish men and means for that pur
pose ? [Cries of " We will."] Far was
it from him to speak against the nom
inations made by the other parties for
the same position, one of whom is this
moment a leader in the army 'of the
United States and if God spares his
life there will be no position too high
for him. [Cheers.] But until this
crisis is past, we know no party save
the friends of the country, and no op
ponents but its enemies. This is a
great national crisis. Civil wisdom is
not to be put behind military- glory,
and the speaker doubted whether in
the Second district there was a person
more competent to fill the position
proposed than Hon. Wm. M. Meredith.
Loud cries were made for Daniel
Dougherty, Esq.,
and amid the most
enthusiastic and rapturous applause
this gentleman ascended the platform.
After the applause had subsided, Mr.
Dougherty spoke as follows :
Yer.Low-Curtztnrs : My words shall
be few, fbr the time of action is at
hand. With all my heart, my might
my mind, I favor the ejection of Win.
M. Meridith. [Applause.] His elec
tion will be the first great blow struck
by the people against the accursed
despotism that has for years ruled this
fair city. I mean what is known as
the delegate system, [cheers,] a base
and fraudulent system, invented and
controlled by tricksters; by which
scheme respectable citizens, of all po
litical parties, have been made the
tools of bar-room bullies and three cent
blacklegs. A system which has too
often surrendered our public institu
tions, our councils, our county and
municipal offices, into the hands of the
vilest of earth's creatures—professional
politicians—and has sent, with rare
exceptions, as our representatives in
the Legislature of the State,a brainless
and corrupt gang, who have sold the
soverignty of Pennsylvania to all who
would pay their iniquitous demands.—
[Cries of " That's so."] Years after
years have our people groaned under,
yet never raised an arm against, this
terrible oppression.
In peaceful times these politicians
might still have been our masters.—
But in such an hour as this, when the
nation is beset with armed traitors,
when ten thousand of the flower ofour
pouch, forsaking home and kindred,
forgetting all save country, are ready
for her sake to leap into the very jaws
of death, shall we suffer this venal
crew, drunk with past successes, to
profane, with sacrilegious infhmy, our
holy cause by partisan appeals? [Cries
of No, no.] No ! let us now and for
over repudiate this insolent dictation ;
and therefore I am for Wm. M. Mere
He was nominated by a committee
of citizens, who had no 'hand in their
own selection, and knew not'of their
appointment until it was publicly an
nounced. These citizens, of all shades
of political opinion, after the fullest
consultation, sacrificing all other con
siderations on the altar of patriotism,
agreed on Wm. M. Meredith, [applause]
and therefore I vote' for him. He is
the right man for the place. Phila
delphia, in such an hour, needs on the
floor of Congress a gentleman not
only of the purest character, but also
of the intellect to cove successfully
with the' master mindi 'which may
there be assembled, and therefore I
am for Wm. M. Meredith. [Loud ap
Finally, because wo know that,
while be will sanction the action of
the Administration in calling into the
field our glorious volunteers, he will
be neither its blind advocate nor its
bitter, opponent, hut that ho will, with
all the power of his gigantic mind, ad
vise and insist on the most vigorous
prosecution of the war, until the last
traitor has thrown down his arms, and
unconditionally acknowledged alle
giance to, the :National Government
and the Pectoral Constitution. [Ap
plause.] This is .no time for parlor
sentences. Let every friend of the
Union show his hand. There aro even
in our midst arrant traitors, who call
this, on our part, an unnatural war;
who would, with delight, split the na
tion, and tear our flag in twain ; who
would surrender up the battle-fields of
New Orleans ;mil Yorktown; who
would acknowledge the graves of Clay
mid Jackson and the tomb of Wash
ington as foreign soil; who would,
while the gaze of the world is concen
trated on us, admit that a republic
cannot quell a rebellion, and, therefore,
we are unfit to be free. [Loud ap
plause.] Douglas, dying, declared
this war must be waged until the vic
tory is won, [renewed applause ;] that
we should banish all political differen
ces; that there can be no neutral; now
only patriots or traitors. No traitor
will vote for Wm. M. Meredith. [Ap
plause.] 0, my countrymen, let us
stand together in this hour of peril;
let us imitate the noble example of our
brothers of Luzerno, burying all differ
ences; unite upon a man who can and
will hold aloft the , banner of the Re
public. [Loud and long continued
A Contraband Awfully Frightened
. _L—
[VI orn the Wheeling Intelligeneer, of June 27.]
• Some days ago, a party of soldiers
stationed at Cheat River, on the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad, were out
scouting, when they observed a man
quickly jump behind a tree. The sol
diers called for the man, whom they
supposed to be one of a guerilla party,
to come out, but he only hugged the
tree the closer. The call was several
times repeated, and accompanied with
terms and threats, none of which ap
pearing to have any effect, one of the
soldiers walked around so as to get a
good sight and fired. The negro, for
so it proved to bd, one of the real gen
uine gizzard foots, gave a jump and
a scream, threw away his gun and fell
down upon the ground. The soldiers
approached hiskand after turning him
over once or twice to find a hole in his
body, discovered the negro was "act
ing possum." lle at last opened his
eyes and got up, looking the very pic
ture of starvation and terror. Being
assured that nobody intended to hurt
him, the negro said that he had been
hiding around in the woods and among
the rocks for about seven days. Ills
master had run •off when the "roger
come," and the negro had taken a
horse and followed suit. lle traveled
about through the woods until either
a scouting party or the guerillas shot, when he took a foot path:—
The poor old fellow said he had been
fired at about twenty times, and come
to the conclusioh that the warlike
movement in Western Virginia was
organized and conducted with the sole
and entire purpose of cutting him off.
Re had nothing to cat for several days,
and was on the point of starvation.—
lie had a short barrelled rifle in his
possession, but no ammunition of any
sort. The rifle looked as if it had not
been discharged for at least two years.
The soldiers gave the negro some pro
visions, and told him to snake tracks
for home if he knew which way to go,
and to stay there until his master came
back, adding that if he desired to save
his precious bacon he would observe
a strictly unarmed neutrality. The
negro stuck his gun in a hollow tree
and started at a brisk pace down a ra
vine, glad to escape, for the twentieth
time, with his valuable life.
North Carolina
A few days ago we mentioned in a
news paragraph that Mr. Charles H.
Foster was a Union candidate for
Congressman from the Ist Congres
sional district of North Carolina.—
Sinoe then the following address has
been received by mail. It will be
seen that the Union sentiment has not
been all crushed out in the old North
To the Freemen of the First Congression•
al District of North Carolina:
FELLow-CrrtzENs : I hereby an
nounce myself as .an unconditional
Union condidato for the Congress of
the United' States from this district,
The usurpations of your Convention
cannot command the acquiescence of
loyal citizens. They are utterly with-
Out authority ; they have no validity
in law or public exigency, and impose
no binding obligation upon the people.
Your allegiance to the Federal Union
remains first and highest, and there is
no fealty that can conflict br override
A law of North Carolina fixes the
first' Thursday of August as the day
of election for your Representatives in
Congress. The delimit or malfeasance
of no seditious Governor or other pub
lic functionary can defeat or impair
your right of representation in the
councils of the nation. It is yoiir
privilege to go to the polls, on the day
designated by a statute of the State,
and cast your ballots without fehr or
intimidation. You will „be protected
in the exercise of the sacred right of
franchise 'to the full extent of the pow
er of the Government.
' Cum - um POSTER.
Aluarnannsnono', June 18, ,
RAILROAD.—Tho stockholders of the
Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company
held a meeting in Philadelphia on
Thursday last, for the purpose of con
sidering the proposed lease of the road
to the Pennsylvania Railroad ComPanY.
The repott Was received from Mr.
William G. Morehead, president of the
SUnbnry and Erie Company, in which
ho stated that, in consequence - of the
financial condition of the country, and
the inability of the Board to continue
the work, the road had been perma
nently leased to the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, subject to the lieet,
ification of the respeotivo companios.:'
Important News from Baltimore
BALTlrions, June 27.—At 3 o'clock
this morning, - George P. - Kane, the
Marshal of Police, of this city, was ar
rested at his house, by order of Gen.
Banks, and conveyed to Fort M'llenry,
where he is tiow a prisbrer.
Gen. Banks has issued a proclama
tion, naming John It. Kepley, of the
Maryland regiment, as Provost Mar
shal, and suspending all the powers of
tho Police Commissioners. Kenley is,
to exercise supreme 'control over the
Department until some known loyal
citizen. i 5 appointed to act as Marshal.
The Proclamation gives as the rea
sons for the arrest of Kane, that ho is
known to be aiding and abetting those
in armed rebellion againBt.tho Govern
ment, at the head of an armed force,
which he has used to conceal, rather
than detect, acts of treason to the
Proclamation of Gen. banks
BALTIMORE, Tune 27.—The following
is the proclamation of Gen. Banks:
ANNAPOLIS, Tune 27, 1861.
" By virtue of the authority vested
in me and in obedience of orders as
Commanding General of the Military
Department of Annapolis, I have ar
rested and do detain in custody. Mr.
George P. Kane, Chief of the Police of
the city of Baltimore.
" I deem it proper, at this, the mo
ment of arrest, to make a formal and
public declaration of the motives by
which I haVe been governed in the
proceeding. It is not my purpose,
neither is it in consonance with my
instructions, to interfere in any manner
whatever with the legitimate govern
ment of the people of Baltimore or
" I desire to support the public au
thorities in all their appropriate duties,
in preserving the peace, protecting the
property, in obeying and enforcing
every municipal regulation and public
statute consistent with the Constitu
tion and laws of the United States and
of Maryland. But unlawful combina
tions of Men organized for resistance
to such laws, and to provide hidden
depositories of arms and ammunition,
encourage contraband traffic with men
at war with the Government, and
while enjoying its protection and
privileges, stealthily wait the opportu
nity to combine them means and for
ces with those in rebellion against its
authority, are 'not among the recog
nized or legal rights of any class of
men ' and cannot be permitted under
any form of Government whatever.—
Such combinations are well known to
exist in this Department.
" The mass of the citizens of Balti
more and Maryland, loyal to the Con
stitution and the Union, are neither
parties to or responsible for them:
13ut the chief of Police is not only
cognizant of these facts. but in contra
vention of his duty and in violation of
law, he is, by direction or indirection,
both witness and protector to the
transaction 'and the parties engaged
therein. Under such circumstances,
the Government cannot, regard him
otherwise than as the head of an armed
force, hostile to its authority, and act
ing in concert with its avowed ene
" Pqr this reason, supereeding his
official authority as well as that of the
Commissioners of Police, I have ar
rested, and do now detain him in cus
tody of the United States; and in
further pursuance of my instructions,
I have appointed for the time being,
Col. Kepley, of the First Maryland
regiment of volunteers, as Provost
Marshal, in and for the city of Balti
more, to superintend, and to cause to
be executed the Police laws provided
by the Legislature of Maryland, with
the aid and assistance of the subordi
nate officers of the Police Department,
and he will be respected accordingly.
" Whenever a loyal citizen shall be
otherwise named for the performance
of this duty, who will execute these
laws impartially, and in good faith to
the Government of the United States,
the military force of this Department
will render to him that instant and
willing obedience, which is due from
every good citizen to his Government.
"Major General, commanding the
Department of Annapolis."
The Effect of the Arrest of Marshal Kane
' in Baltimore:
- BALTIMORE, June 27.—Considerable
excitement has been occasioned by the
arrest of. Marshal Kane. The Union
men are pleased, but the Secessionists
are indignant.
Col. 'Kenley, the Provost Marshal,
waited on the Mayor and Police Com
missioners this morning. The latter
asked time to consider, but the Colonel
told them• that his orders were imme
diate, and proceeded to the Marshal's
office, taking possession. The Com
missioners then directed the Police of
ficers to obey the military authority,
and declared their intention to prepare
a protest against the action of the
VEr The following oath exhibits the
manner in ,which, the traitors of Vir
ginia force allegiance on those who
desire to cSeape the'stigina'of treason.
Every man who applies for a pass
from the rebel Gen. • Beauregard, is
compelled to swear as follows: • •
I do solemnly swear, that in leaving
the State of Virginia it is not my pur
pose to take up arms against the con
federate states, or any of them; nor
will I in any manner wage war upon
said confedera,te-stti7tes or any of them,
nor will I in 'any Manner, directly or
indirectly, give aid and comfort to
their enemies, by information or other
wise. So help me God. And if found
in arms against said confederate states,
or any o?them, or if-guilty of a viola
tion of any-of the particulars' afo:re
said, the penalty shall be death.
tha cotry
can talk of hard times—may imagine
ourselves poor indeedbut a visit few
days to
,the cities and manufacturing
towns in the eastern part of the State
would make us feel quite satisfied with
our hard times.. In Philadelphia and
other cities, and manufacturing towns,
the merchants, the mechanics, the la
boring man, mid indeed all classes of
people, except the fiirmers, are in
tight-times.. Actual starvation is at
the 'doer' a many. Until moneyed
men again put their money in business
cannot expect the times to get
much . PPYf!r.: '
Our Aruiy Correspondence.' .
Cioir PORTER, Tune 24, 1861.
Ma. EDITOR :---Having the pleasure
of hearing from home through the,col- 1
umns of the Globe, I seat myself to
write you a short account of our d 6-•
ings and journeyings, since you visited
us at Camp Patterson. Although we
_may not have the' pleasure of seeing
the light of your pleasant countenance
soon again, we trust you will not for
get to send a few copies of your paper
to Co. H, 15th Regiment, wherever
they may happen to encamp.
• We remained in Hagerstown, two
days, and in Williamsport, one. We
had quite a march last week—it being
eight miles from' Hagerstown to Nil-.
liamsport, and twenty-one miles from
the latter place to this Camp, by the
roads we marched over. We are en
camped two miles from Sharpsburg
and twelve from Ilaiper's Perry. The
Irish Brigade, which is encamped one
mile from us, shot one of our picket
guard last night, through mistake. I
think they aro not very particular who
they shoot. When they left Chambers
burg, as the cars were passing, they
fired into our camp, and wounded a
soldier of the 14th Regiment. The
whole affair is being investigated by
Gen. Kegley; and if the fault is with
them, they will suffer for it. They
certainly are spoiling for a fight, and,
doubtless, will leave their marks-on
the rebels.
Capt. Doubleday's - Ratt6ry ls planted'
at Williamsport to coVer the - advance •
of the troops while crossing the Po
tomac; the other portions are dotted
around for miles,.witbin bailing dis
tance of each other. Picket guards
and scouts aro in all directions---to.
wards and in Virginia.
As soldiers know not when or where
they aro to.move, I am entirely igno
rant how far we will advance the next
time we " pull up stakes," but doubt
less, we will rest on the
.sacred soil of
Virginia, on or near Harper's Ferry.
We have a great many visitors here
from the surrounding country. The
The Marylandexs trppear to be glad of
the arrival of the Federal troops; the
Union portion are very determined in
their oppolition towards the Secession
ists, and give a great deal of inforina
tion in regard to the operations and
conduct of the rebels in Virginia.
The Home Guards of Shapshurg, are
busy all the time. Capt. Book stands
about as high in the estimation of the
Union men, as Capt. 'Walker did in
the Mexican war. He was often in
their camps before they evacuated the
The darkies look both " scared and
tickled," nail evidently think "there
is a hen 0n . ," but those who think our
soldiers abolitionists, are slightly mis
taken. We are fighting for the Union
and the maintainance of the Constitu
tion not for the abolition or extension
of that peculiar institution.— A _negro
here is worth $lOO and dull at that;
one year ago they commanded $200;
so a Maryland humor informed me
yesterday. So much for secession in
Virginia. It is worse in the neighbor
hood of where. the rebel soldiers are
stationed. They have taken all they
could lay their hands on. Many far
mers are ruined—all their property
having been taken from them, and
themselves pressed into the service, of
the confederate army. On account of
such proceedings, many of the Virgin
ians have been forced to exile ~ from
their homes. The people of Virginia
have bad but little to do with the
schemes that have made that State
the head of the confederate Govern
ment. Reaction' must follow, and
such conspirators as Floyd, Wise &
made to suffer the penalty meted out
to treason and traitors. .
On Friday night a squad from coin.
pany 11, captured a secession offieer.
Lieut. McNally- got Wind of him being
in the neighborhood, and reported the
fact to Gen. Negley, who ordered the
Lieut. to capture him and bring him
to head-quarters. Sergeants Backloy,
Davis, McAlwaine and ten men left
the Camp, , about ten o'clock in the
night, and returned at - CI N' (3 in the
morning, with their captive. _Tle
turned out to be a regular spy; and has
been following the army since its arri
val in Chambersburg. Ho has been
convicted and will be punished accord
ing tohis crime. A great deal of praise
bas been lavished on our boys, for the
manner in which thoy entrapped him.
Lieut. McNally received the congratu
lation of Maj. Gen. Patterson, for his
gallant and daring conduct.
Your friend, S. Davis, is Ordnance
Sergeant of the 15th Regiment, and is
the very lnan for that important post;
he is quite popular in the Regiment,
and, no doubt, will be further promo
ted at the end of the three month en
We had an excellent sermon yester
day: Our chaplain will remain . with
us, and we will have preaching every
Sabbath. He is a minister of the M.
E. church, from Westmoreland county.
More anon. .
June 25, 1861.
DEAR:UNCLE :—Here we "are - at
in , the capital of Maryland. We left
Camp Cameron at Funkstown on Fri=
day night last, at eight o'clock.." After
a march of 26 miles, we arrived in
Frederick city early on Saturday morn
ing. We' are quartered at; ,the' old
Barrack buildin g . This building was
erected by thenglish abont the, year
1756. In it are many,relics of- the
Revolution, in the way o old muskets,
boxes, scabbards &c., &c., ha.Ve se
cured •several of ;these momentees of
the past.
It- is. generally understood that, wo
will serve out the balance of , our tiMe .
in Frederick. 7,'!w Legislature fists been
in session until te : 1 suppOse they
became scared'at the idea of haVing a.
Regiment of Pertns.ylvantatiS" dt their
heels,, to assist them .in leaving- the
town, in 'case they advance any more
of their, secesssion doctrines. ,
' Yesterday there were only- 8 Union
men left,in the House, to contend with
41 Secessionists. But now they have
gone, and I suppose, or rather lnipe,
they have given up all idea of rushing
this State eat of the Union.
Our men are in good health and, so
far, have' behaved in a manner to. com
mand the respect of all citizens, both
friends and enemies, I hope this may
continuo, Rad I have no doubt it will,
the men are treated in such a man
ner that they butshew.all
the gentleman vossit)lq.
,r • .
We hiive I:mina - the citizens of :Fred
very, kind and - sociable, particularly
the lady portion. I have already se•
cured the addition.of • three handsome
young lady cousins. - Upon comparing
notes, we have come to'the.concitiSion
that we must be cousins-'—and save
style each other when - we meet. • They
send me cakes, fruit and boquets every
day; if this 'is to be the style of my
southern cousins, I have no objection
to meeting a few more. .
• Yours, W. A. II: L.
- . - Comp. G, Ist -Reg. Pa. :1T
the 19th.inst., "a terrible tornado swept
over Champaign county, Illinois.
correspondent, of the Chicago Tribuite
Says that, after the Wind , had 'tested
the mooving Capacity of everything
portable, then came a shower of. hail,
which converted our inunense' crops of
ripening wheat and waving corn into
a barren waste. There are many farms
in the vicinity of Champaign city upon
which there is not now a green loaf or
a blade 'of grass left. Wheat, oats,
barley, and rye are entirely ruined.=
I visited many fields to-day.and found
the small grain mown to the ground
as with a scythe, and the stalks ;were
beaten and shivered, lookin&as though
they. had passed through a -threshing
I Machine. Corn which was Omatand-a
half , feet high was cutoff even with the
ground, and the stalk beaten to - a jelly
an inch below the surface. yUp ..te
this date we have heard of five Perso n i s
I, who ,were killed, and quite a number
Who *ere more orleSsseriously wound
Cons uoi - DrAttaißeZ.4:-L-The foNw
ing prescription for the benefit of our
volunteers now serving in,a,Southern
climate, and exposed to the dan4cra
of Cholera and its kindred diseases.
has been published. The mixture de
scribed Was used with great supeess
by our troopiduring the Mexican War.
It may be serviceable,tb thoseathOme
as well as those in the field •
Laudanum,.two ounces;. spirits
camphor, tWo ouneeg; essence of pep :
permint, two &Mee*
,Roffman's arm
'dyne, two ounces ;lincture of cayenne
pepper;two drachms; tincture of gin
ger, two ounces. Mix all together.—,
Dose—,a teaspoonful in' a little Wafer,
or a half teaspoonful ropeated,in an
hour afterwards in a' tablespoonful,of
brandy. This preparation will plink:
diarrlned in ten minutes,, and abate
other premonitory symptoms; of Oh*
era:immediately. In eases of rhOera
it has been used with great succesS, to
restore reaction by outward application.
No PnownoN.--lit the' armies of
France and other countries in Europe.
soldiers rise from the ranks to' the
highest honors. In this country, 'a
soldier might as well undertake' to
scull up the Niagara Falls with a
saw as to rise higher than a 'corporal
or sergeant in the• American nriny.=.
No matter how brave or intelligent he
is, unless he is the' son Or relation of t
member of Congress 'or someientling
partisan, ha must 'never look for pro=
motionin the American.serViee. is it
any wonder that the regular Army is
made, up of the material it is ? This
reproach ought to be 'removed forth
with. 'Give Our soldiers the opportu
nity, and they will make as able' oil-l
eers as any in the world. Let the gal
lant and meritorious conduct entitle
the private to wear the opanletts, and
you May be sure he'will not fail to win
them.—Reading Times.
Tex.—The military' three in and-abont
Washington is estimated at 75,000 men.
OUR SOLDIERS.—The Stfinding, .Btorkn
Guards are, still in the neighborhood
of Alekandria, Va. The Huntingdon
Infinit,ry and the Set Infantry nrp
near CumlieOlinq, lid'.. The' ‘T.imon,
Guards are somewhere near. Sliarlis:--
hurg, Ilid.•
Palmy and Extia Family Flour-
Cumin], and Superfine
Rye Flour
Cant Meal '
Yectra White Wheal -
Fair and Primo lied
Corn, primo Yellow
Clot erseoil,llGS Ilts
Timothy ,
Extra Family Flour 11 by
Extra do 'V cryt
1% bite Wheat
lied Wheat
Dried Apples
Eggs _
Lard '
Huntingdon . ii,Hrond Tun R. duly I*,.
. .
~ A n Excursion train will kayo 'looting,lou 0t.7.00'k.,
M., going direct through to liroad. Top City. Returning
leave nt 5.30 P. 8!., and art./veld Yunlingiton nt 8.90 P. 8!.
Tho train Nil! atop nt Coldniontoxt which place there
will bp a grand
. ~
. .
W. D
• •
ODD PE.T- I .O4WW;;f"A-44 1 D4 •••
awl Celebration—visitors mitt find first-dams aectUrtodatione
at Broad Top City and Coalmont.
Excursion Tickets m ill be;soid from altstationi to Bidid
Top City, Dudlay or Coattuotit, ott that day. ; •• •
Tickets good forrofind ITitatlugdon to Viotti Totz.
City, SIAS.. Dudley. $l.OO, • Coattnout 41.00• / , •, • r`; •
-This train' Conneda vilth the ' }41;104 trams' e'ust.tusi)
mast{ ott.reitusylrania•irtmilro*L'i • ; -• • it• • ,•
• - ; • J..7,jettl•llEitkCE, .),
l rr,ntingd n, Jolt' .L 1801- • " SU/A
If yoy,want a glass of pure Pittsburg, fflrlls,l) ,
Rr & 'ltothrock or. Pmfth & Co's.'Ale; - a glmakof 'good ,
Lemonade, a Saucer of Ice Cream, fresh find; frisd-Oysters,
Tripe; Spring - Chickens, strayed, fried &c., &e., go to t 4e
Wort Restaumht,:opposite the'Rxcliango hotel. • •.7
For the instruction : e.Teceise, and 'mWooeuvres,,• t 1 • 't;
of the United States Intently, including In.
(entry of tho Line, LightAtifuntit' and
mon, prepared under the direction otthq
Department, and 'authorized and adopted
tbaSeeretary of War, litaY Tat, 1801, hontalli-t
ing the camel of t r the school of the >•- r°
company; Instruction for slilrintsheri,,ind the
gennui calls; the calla for shirrol'Hhers,.arathol
school of the battalion; including the articles I
of war and a dictionary of military terms.
Complete labile yoluxue., grind 31t2n. For ,
sale'et Lewis' Book Store.
THE ; 44.NPY 1,14,04
On coming ltito It'et4icd: eon taining byaterq qt
tuotßuction iatlio School of ,tllO P.oldjes with n prolituitni
ry unplanatinn of the formation of tiltittnllon on Parade,
the Position or the oincers. , Le., 4C., being it nrfit brick or
introdßet tun to nuthorlrecill: S. l
Infantryuctletr, jmkpub
lishecil 20 cents:' FQr eittO "
Ilardee't , Rifielnd Light,;lnfalliT
•t - .111•,1
• ,; „
Cotnplote in role, Pirko 51.50. )!For sabi at r•
•, • . : . ~-14111',1S; s'royis.
4- The, ifoolfs 'sent bj to abiad4l . 4s Sao . ro%
cella of the price: • • 7 • • -•-• ,
Uuntlagdou May
$5,0085,2.5 .
P, 25
... ..$1,18@)1,22 ,
$ 1 . 60 ® -1 , 75 '