WAR NEWS. From Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Pia- woad, &o. . Towranss Mormon, (via Baltimore,) June 20.—Lymob, the refugee from - Norfolk, who was 'picked up by the steamer Quaker City, confirms the previous information of about 2000 -troops being at Norfolk. Twenty-five hundred are stationed this side of the city and fifteen hundred at Portsmouth. All are busily engaged in making for-, tifications. He knows nothing about the condition of affairs at Craney island and Sewall's Point. Fruit and vegetables are cheap at Norfolk, but four is scarce, and all articles usually, 'imported, bring high prices. - A refugee from Richmond; sent by a flag of truce, yesterday says that worse than Roman Inquisition prevails in Virginia. There is a standing or der that no one shall be permitted to leave the country. Gov. Lacher is completely overraled by Jeff. Davis and Beauregard, and even his patriot ism is called in question by many of the rebels, WASTMIGTON, Inne, .27.—C01. John K. Murphy's Jackson Infantry regi ment, Pennsylvania volunteers, (of Philadelphia,) has been accepted by the War Department, and Will be mustered into service immediately. The Government has adviccs from Fort Monroe, to the effect that the rebels are erecting new batteries, and concentrating large numbers of troops in that region. Affairs in Baltimore—Large Amount of Arms, &c., Found Secreted in the Mar chers Office. BALTIMORE, June 28.—The public mind is quite feverish here, to-day, and there is much 'subdued excitement, bitti no demonstration has been or is - likely to be made. Considerable crowds Surround the police stations, anxious to hear of expected developments under the new police regime. A search has been progressing in the Marshal's office. A large quantity of arms and ammunition were found secreted in a cellar, in the walls and beneath the floors. A ease of valuable pistols, over 800 rifles, twenty:five of which are of the Minie pattern, were among the discoveries. The latter are supposed to have belonged to the Mas sachusetts soldiers, who were disarmed by the mob on the 10th of April. An immense quantity of percussion caps estimated at 1,060,000, wore also found, as well as 3,10 J ball cart ridges, 6,000 Minie cartridges, and va rious other warlike articles, including balls for .the steam gun. The search is still progreesing.. It is supposed that a considerable quantity of arms will be found at the various station houses. This morning General Banks issued an order to Colonel Kenly, in reply to the protest of the Police Commissioners, in which he says, "You will take spe cial notice that by my proclamation of this day, neither the law, nor the al- CerS appointed to execute the law, are affected in any manner whatever ex cept as it operates upon the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Chief of Police; every officer and man, with the exception of those persons above named, will be continued in the service, and in the position they now occupy, unless they shall refuse. In such cases the Provost Marshal is to select others to fill their places." Among the articles found at Marshal Bane's office was a 12 pound cannon ball, bearing the inscription—" From. Fort Sumpter, to Marshal Kane." From Washington Gen. Scott received the following despatch: CUMBERLAND, June 27, IS6I. I have been accustomed to sending my mounted pickets, thirteen men in all, to different posts along the several approaches to Cumberland. Finding it . next to impossible to get reliable information of the enemy. yesterday I united the thirteen, and directed them, if possible, to get to Frankfort, a town midway between this place and Rom ney, to see if there were any rebel troops there. They went within a quarter of a mile of the place and found it full of cavalry. Returning, .they overtdok forty-one horsemen, and at once charged them,routing and driving them back more than a mile, killing eight of them, and securing seventeen horses. Corporal II:13711e, in command of my men, was desperately wounded with sabre cuts and bullets. Taking him back, they halted about an hoar, I.ind were then attacked by the enemy, who had been reinforced to about seventy. five men. Tho attack was tio sudden that they abandoned their horses and crossed to a small island at the mouth of Patterson's Creek. The charge of therebels was bold and confi dent, yet twenty-threo fell under the fire of m 3-: pickets, else about and on the island: —My felloW's—were finally driven off, scattering, each man for himself, and they are altin camp now. One Corporal iinyes, of Company A, was wounded, butis reef:meting, One John Oflfoldingbrook, of CoMpany B, *dead. The last was taken prisoner find brutally murdered. Three companies went to the ground .his morning and recovered everything belongin g ; to my picket, except. a few of the horses. The enemy were.en gaged all night long boxing up their ;dead. Two of theirOilleers were kil led, and' hey laid out twenty-throe on tli - o porch of a neighboring term house. I will bury my poor fellow to-morrow. I have bositive information, gained today that there are four regiments of rebels about Romney, under Colonel McDonald. What their particular ob ject cannot learn. Two Union regiments are encamped at the State line, nine miles. from here, awaiting orders. They have not reported to me. They hesitate about invading Mary land., the report of the s%irmish sounds illpe - fidtten, but is not exaggerated.— The 474t,, I Tfas I,;enily!tlip Igost, despe rate one on 'kecord; and' 13Ounds with instance of wonderful during and cool ness, , • LEWIS WALLACE, Commanding PorenthßegimentindianaVolunteers 'G. B. MCCLELLAN, Major. General. Serious Affair at Matthias' Point Vpeelal Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Sun° 28.—Yesterdav C l ' el i n( tf fn Pap %Irdi:oe;th ` e ItT•A ste:anVer'Free orn,:lapded twenty-five men in boats tit Mat:Nits Point, Va., about forty miles below Washington, pn the Potomac river. The intention was to erect a battery to command the Point, Ais!was. on the ,Virginiar side of the 'ricer, and the puce had • bebri preci ously reconnoitered, as it was thought there might have been a rebel forc e there. No sooner had the mcn been landed than three or four hundred rebels, con cealed in a thicket, opened a fire of musketry on them. The men rushed to their boats. All of them could not get in, and those who could not, at- tempted to swim out to the steamer Several of them were wounded. As Capt. Ward Was aiming a how itzer, placed so as to cover the retreat of his men, a rebel musket-shot struck him in the stomach, killing him in stantly. The fire was then continued, and all the rebels were'dispersed., Some of the Freeborn's . men were obliged to leave their shovels, picks, &e., on the shore. The Resolute, Pawnee and Freeborn were off the Point, and kept up a heavy fire. It is believed that none of the rebels were hurt. This is another blunder on our side, and " somebody hurt." The official report of the of received at the Navy Department, confirms these facts. The body of Capt. Ward has been brought to the Navy Yard, and will be conveyed to New York to-morow. DECOND DISPATCH.] .WASIIINC4TON, Juno 28, 1 P. M.—l learn that there were four men wound ed in the afra!r at Matthias Point, one of them mortally. The flag, which was carried by pri vate Williams, was completely riddled with bullets from the fire of the enemy. The row-boats, while going back to the vessels, were fired into by --the rebels. The men had been working hard all day, digging earth, having thrown.out picketS. They were not fired on un til they were about embarking for the vessels. The rebels, secreted in the thickets, tired on them when their backs were turned. Change of Feeling in Europe. WASHINGTON : June 29.---A letter from Mr. Harvey, the new U. S. Min ister to Portugal, dated Paris, is pub lished to-day. He says that while in London he had interviews with the leading wri ters for the journals there, and found them all changing their opinions, and taking ground in favor of the Union and the perpetuity- of our Government. He represents that there is a similar change observable among the masses of the English people, and also of the French whom he had met. The Latest News. MON ALEXANDRIA The Pickets of the Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment Attacked—Heroic Conduct. ALEXANDRIA, Sane 30.—This morn ing, at daybreak,fourteen rebel scouts, attacked three pickets of the Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment belonging to company B, Captain Amer, stationed on Shuter's Hill. The pickets were our miles front Alexandria. The fire of therebels wounded Lewellyn Bunion, of Blue Bell, and killed Thomas Mur ray, of Norristown. The pickets re turned the fire, killing two rebels and wounding a third. One of the killed was a sergeaut of the ',etcher Guard. The enemy- beat a hasty retreat. The firing having been heard by the Federal troops, a detachment of Zou ayes and another company of the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment reinforced the pickets, rnd folloWed in the trail of the enemy for some distance, and, finding four rifles and three revolvers, which the rebels had thrown away in their hasty flight. One of the revolvers was a very val uable weapon, and marked with the name of John Johnson, a farmer living in that vicinity, who is a noted Seces sionist. The Pennsylvanians behaved with great spirit, andwith the cool ness of veterans, boldly bolding their positions, though wounded, in the hope of reinforcements arriving. Skirmish Near Cheat River, Va.---Rebels Routed. GRAFTON', Va., June 80.—A skirmish took place at Rowmans, twelve miles from the Cheat river bridge, yesterday, between portions of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Ohio and the First Virginia Regiments, and a company of rebel cavalry. The former were sent to protect the polls, and the latter mis taking their numbers attacked them, and were routed with a loss of several men, among them the Lieutenant of the company, and several horses.— The only loss on our side. was N. 0. Smith, of the Fifteenth, who was bur ied to-day. Another Skirmish near . 'Washington WAsnixoToN, July I.—Reports have reached the city from good authority, stating that a skirmish took place across the river during last night,'be tween the Federal Zouaves and the rebels, in which four or fire of the lat ter and two of the former wore killed, and scireral.wounded. A Coup crEtat in Baltimore. BALTIMOItE, July o'clock Ilia morning, startling proceedingS have been. going on hero, detachments of Artillery and Infantry were sent to various parts of the city, and aro now posted in Monument Square, Exchange Place, the Eighth Ward, Broadway and other points. Before daylight,' all the members of the Board of Police Commissioners, ex . - cept the Mayor, were arrested and sent to Fort McHenry. • ' A Multitude of rumors are afloat as to the cans° of this sudden movement, but It definite is yet known. It is said that a plot lids been diseev ered of an intended outbreak. . , , . LOS, .—. , . . ' . il Wednesday last; n black :flor.ercd lace Tell. The Ander will plenso return it to Mlts. IXHILAND, Huntingdon, May 23,1801. _ . rtHE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY,IN ' DST AGAIN I—Tho aubscribere 'take this method U of nforaung their !Ikeda and the public generally, that , . they have roliuilt the Huntingdon Poun• ; „ • • dry, and are now In siicoeeithil operation, t " t" !.- ::.. ..;:::::: mill ore prepartil to furnish 'Crotingo of r orri t , awry description, of beet quality and . .. • . .... workmanship, on abort notice, and 00 reasonablo terms. Yiu - mers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are uninufacturing the Hooter Plough. Tide plough took the first peel:Main at the 'Hun. tingdon county Agriculinial Pairlost fell. ,Also, Hnter's celebrated Cotter Ploughs, which can't bobiat—together with the Roy/done. liilleide and liar-ehoar ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Steses-inwh ~A Cook, , Pallor, and Mee stovea for wood el , coal: • I/oliow ware couenning of Nettles, Boilers, Skillets, drc., all of objet, we will Hell cheap for cash or In exchange for coon. trpproduce. Old metal-taken for coatings. Ity n strict attention to business, and n desire to please, N, a hope tp re ceive a liberal shaie or polio patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & pRO. • Ountingdon, April 30, 1E56. B. P. UWIN HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK os 11TEIV GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM April 10, 1601. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! ! FISHER. & SON ERSE JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK NEW GOODS. TUE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL FM EXAMINE ' OUR GOODS FISIIER & SON April 10, 1861 P ISTOLS ! PISTOLS!! Colt's, Sharps', Smith Sc. Wesson's, and ail improved patterns of Revolve., Pistol, Cat triage+, Bowls huh ea, dc., fur sale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. 131101 r . ,.:. May 21, HR. Huntingdon, rit. BOOTS & SHOES! ANEW STOCK. LADIES AXD - GENTLEMEAr. JUST RECEIVED LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE All In want of Boots and Shoes, for old or young, aro requested to call and examine my stack. L. WESTBROOK, Ilmaingdon, May 3,1861. ORPIIANS' COURT SALE.— 'lin pot mimic° of nu order of the On plums' COM t of nun. tingtlon county, thole u ill he expoiart to Public Sate, on the inciniseg, On SATUIIIIAY, the 15th day of .Tone next, all the right, tit le and interest of Johtt 31orningstar, deed.. of, in and to n certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Ted toutsvitip, m oars! county, bounded on the not Ilbwest by Inott, now or late, of James Entrain. Esq , on the north east. by lands of Michael 1...t00n, on the sontlnwe.st by lands ofFrederick Crum and Henry Hess, nod by Mina stole, containing Ninety Actea, net measure, 6,„, be the same more or test, upon which tract there 111 Is a Large Log Dwelling House, 45 eves of slew - cleat ad land. the balance being will timbered, an excellent spring of water, 3 ming fruit trees. Ar. OF SALN.—Oue.third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, sire the re,itlite in two equal annual parments thereafter. with time interest, to be seemed by the bond< and mot ige n , of the purchas er. Sale to commence at 10 I,'dorts, A. '31., of sold day.— Attendance gi% en by the Admlniqt amts of said deed. JOHN BEVVER, OARNER, Admrs Ilii3 21,1861 STATIONE It Y and JE W E L R Y , PACKAGES, For Cole to agents and deal. re at very teduerd rates. Put up In variety envelopes. For further information Address CtILENtAN & CO„ (Up.stairi,) 802 Chestnut St., Phila. June 4,1001. (GENTS Con make front $3.00 to $5.00 per (Lk) , Milog our vv~rty omolopos. COLEMAN & CO.. SO2 Chestnut Julio 4, 1561 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS ! ROBERT KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, Har Street, one door west of Cannon's nvr, I= GENTLEMEIVS' DRESS GOODS. lia nasortmant conbists of CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS, Ilto neatest and best that coati] bo fogn,l in the city, oil of tt licit lin 'will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making tip to in iter. It will colt nothing to call and 4:Sat/line his goody. Call sonn. Huntingdon, April 3,1301.-3 in. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, - DITII§LIII SHADES, BAILEY'S FIYTURES, , TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 4 .BTES'T WAR NEWS! HIGH PRICES DEFEATED 1 iNrow is the Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANUAL GUTMAN, Itegreelfolly inform the public generally that be has just received a large and well 'ideated stock of fahllionable SPRING AND 'SUMMER CLOTHING, to which be ablta the attention of all who are In want of a neat and comfortable Coat, a Vest or a pair of Pants.— Ills stock will bear examination, and he respectfully requests all to call and see for themselves. ; Should gentlemen desire any particular land or cat of clothing not found 110,he stock im7hatiol, by leaving their measuro they eon be accommodated at short notice. A. good assorttneut of BOUTS AND SHOES, lIATS AND CAPS, 3.C., LC., vi ill also tho found on hand, All of which alit be sold as luty l lf not lower. than the same quality of goods can be hail in the county. Call at the corner pf the Diamond, Long's DI. GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Apra ; 1601. SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION. , . . LEVI WESTBROOK • Ilan lust opened the Lest assort ment of (Imlay in bin lino, over brought to Huntingdon. Ills stock of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Geutirqqq 117 m e n, Misses, Bole soil Children, comprises all the 11 latest fashions, and manufactured of the best ma- terials. a line assortment of RATS .for men, toys SI and Children. BUSE In great 'variety for, Gentle men. Ladles. Misses and Children. CARPETBAGS, SUSPENDERS, OARTERS, PANS, &a, &e. ALSO, , • SOLE-LEATHER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LASTS and SIIOE-FINDINGS generally. Thankful for nest &vote, a continuance of the brim le respectfully solicited. N. 11.—Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, ro 'wired and made to order. ' Uuntlugdon, April 24, 1864 C OAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! ames thlrown sell (liegenuine "PORTLAND KERO. 82NE, ,, on. COAT, OII:o1). as wafer. `This Is the only kind of oil that gives enOre salisjaclioo as an agent fur light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They omit an ,offensive smell and spoke. , A large variety also of COAL Olt LAMPS', • chimneys, °lobos, Wlcks.l3nrcers, !Andes, ito,, de., soul nt the Teri , lox est prices, at the,llardVaire Eteiihltuut dem Pa: ' • • • . . . . _ and DAILEY'S FIXTURES, , A Larifisomo wortment hint received and for onto at LEWIS BOOK. STATIOIVERY & blllBlO STORE OONFEbTIONERIESof tbe:lrely 6st col yy 7.4114,Eivp, VEMOVAL- RANH GERLACH' & BROTHER 'lnform tho people generally that they have removed to the chop lately crannied by llergane 8 Grim. They bare both had many years miperienee in the buqiners nod they feel confident in being able to give gunoral eatiefectiou to all who may give then! work. They will make or repair any kind of loran, warm work home shooing, and all other kind of iron work. Their work will be wall done and cheaper than can bo bad in tow n, 41untingdon, April 2, 1861.4n1,4' G ROCERIES! GROCERIES It A FRESH ARRITrAL ALL :US STOCK 75 ritrili AND prianD CALL AND SEE. IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call At D. P. °WIN'S, whet° you will Hod filo !urges Mt sortment In town. ACARD.— Dn. D. S. HAYS offen Lie profraislonal cervices to the inhabitants of Moore Ito and vicinity. Office, at the lower hank or Neff 41111 d, opposito Mrx. Blytonki blare. April 13, 180-tf. TRACING MUSLIN , DRAviNG PIPYA While and adored Card Paper, For rule ut LE.IYIS' BOOK STATIONERY STORE. IF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED H Call at tho ator of DENT. JACOBS. WOSTEZiLIOL3IS' Celebrated I N. L Knives untl Rams, fur sale by JAS. A. BROWN. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, LEWIS' BOOK STORE NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G. ASUMAN MILLER. Has just received a new stock of GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, ROOTS 3c SHOES, Call and examine my nom stock. G. ASUMAN MILLER 11n) 3, IS6I WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARD. We o ouM rcapectfully inform our ft iends.patrons and the public genetally, that we have now in rt Slot o and offer IVholesalo and Retail, at the It est Colt lqiceo, a lingo and wry choice stock. of Watehes. Jea elry, FAlver nod Plated Ware, or every riety nod sty to. Every de. , ertidion of Diamond Work and other Jewelry outdo to order at short notice. All goods warranted to be MI reprenented. N. 11.—Partienior attention given to the revolting of Watches and Jovehy, of every description. STAUFFER & lIAILL Y, No. 622 Matket Street, South side, Philadelphia. Much 0, 1861.—.3t0. T HE NEW STORE AND _NE TV GOODS. WALLACE 84 CLEMENT, Irmo just recoiled another stock of new goods, such as •DIIY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, in tho store room nt the sentloonst corner of Cho Dimond In tho borough of Ilmitingdon. Their StoLk has been carefully selected, and a ill be sold low for cash or country io , othicc. Huntingdon, April 10, 111th.• HEUAIATISI CURED. Mr. JOHN WESTBROOK. Sr.. manufactures a LL. IMENT which Is sure to core Rheumatism. No cure. no pay. I'etsool3 afflicted should call and try the medicine. Call at his revitli . llCo in Washington 011001, 0110 door nest of Levi W,tbrook. Huntingdon, 31areli 1801. I~NEWELL'S ,• NIOTOGRAPII GALLiaw, No. 721 Street. Phitadephia Ono of tho iergc'it nnil most auupioto Chilleries in the States, whine the best Plena: e•i, known to the • togratillic at h one token nt miens no loghot• Min me paid for niiseloblo cal icatui es. Tho Prom toter, a practical Photoge :Thor, attends per sonally, every sitting—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it giv es perfect satisfacteon. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotype4, of absent or deer...T.l Mende, photographed to nay required vice. Or taken oje Canvass, life lit:N.11111i painted in Oil by the hest At lists. At tills Gallery pictures can (no taken in nay uenther— as prefect en cloudy days as u hen the run /SWUM Persons viviting the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our Sp.leitllellS, which for price and quality dcly competition. .to - -Instruetions given let the art of rhotrvrophy. Nl:lVni.r„ GALLERY tie ART, 721 Arch Stecet, Philadelphia, CASSI3IIIIES, and CCIMMENDATIONS : From lion. Lo is D. Campbell, M. C, Ohio. My family and friends all concur In the opinion that the (Nowell) picture is more ille-hke than any thing they •ver saw. yly Ilkeneps has been repeatedly taken by fill fen cot Artists inn eat ions Wa.) a, hint 1 lido uecer yet ball One which presents sun It de to nature., all tine features and exprtsnons of countenance as this. Front Ilon. E. Joy Mort is, late Minister. to Italy, The cxrptialte ' finlsh, beauty and sofeneqi of your por traits. conjoined Milli their dui ability of color and faith likenesses, emmot fall to commend tl a •nt to the attention and ottonage of all who :tppreetate tine alt. having occasion for it pertrait.l &neared ono front Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, It orbital tits in Oil Colors, under the netu procees discoee,ed by fon, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction gtven me, not only by the accuracy of tire likeness, hut Its artr4- tic fled hin all leelleCte, ati.lleceineiel Mel to the pat ronage of those disposed to °nowt ago the beautiful et t. Nov. 23, UM JAS. PAGE. JI OWAILP ASSOCIAXION, ,:rxittA. lonerolent Insltintion establishrd by special F.rtdounnent, for the Relief of the ,Ficle and Distressed, afflicted teeth Virulent and Findenlic Diseases. and equradly ,for the Cure of Diseases of the ~q..zeral thrisue.' Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting ,Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, nRh a description of Drew condi tion, (two, occupation, habits of, life, Le ,) fend In eases of extreme poverty, :Iledicines furnished lire of charge. Valuable Reports on Sperinatorilion. and other Elise:Nes of the Sexual Or gitns, and en the new Remedies entoloYW In tire Dispensary, sent to tire afflicted in aealtil letter en , velopes, free of ebargo. Two or three Stamps for postage will bo acceptable. itt Address, Ult..T. SKILLDN 1101RITITON,,cctIng Sur geon, Howard Asa - relation, No. 'I. :tenth Ninth street,Plill adelphia, Pa. lly order of the Directors. EzitA D. lIARTWELL, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, keerefflrY , • Dec. 19,1860,1 p. WINDOW. SII4.DESi' 1. co' I'ASSELS, &C.,; • ROPOSALS , Will be received by the subscriber for mining nun iverink into ears tile coal emu the Po relton and Bar net Collect., for one year, ending March first, 1802. The coal to be del i,ered at no much per ton, or 2210 as aforesaid, in the best nunketable condition. free from slate, and other Impurities, in such quantities and of emit description as may be designated by the orders of the sublcriber. The contractor wilt be provided With such mining tools and implements, mules, houses, &c., ae may he on the 1.111113M1L valuation of %%Welt will be made at tho time possession Is given, the amount of which valuation to be acrounted for at the elpfratitut of tho contract. A good store stilt be provided. A tnotlepte rent mill be dunned fot hommi - The mines to bo worked subject to such mining engineer a s sthe lessee may in orldo'llolllor farther lon Fa tio mon apply t I '. HARE POWELL, . 15e. 100 Walnut Street, Feb:20,1861.4f. Philadelphia, Pa. largest stock of Do Laines in town JL by FISIIBIt & 60N; C ALL tit D. P. if you want InsMonad° Co.As DP. GWIN'S is tlie place to boy ; good and cheap C•rpets. WRAPPING PAPER , 69911 artlrlci for Bale ETORE MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For eoleat, LE I V7S" ROOK AND 'STATIONERY STORE. IQVORS, of the best, fcir Medicine/ JJPnoxiscs,fit 8. S. SMI7II'S BOOTS' SH.OES,—OId and' young 3_,IP can t4tltted et.l3tNJ: JACOBS' store lu Market irrore, Huptinkrion, Pa. (,octi.) CHRIST., TANG'S ME JUST RECEIVED Flom Col. James Pogo 'TOMES FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS IN TIM OARDEN STATE OF TILE WEST. The Illinois Ceuernl Railroad Company hare for-Sala 1 : 200,000 ACRES Of Rich Farming Muds In Tracts of Forty Acres nod - Upward, on Long Credit end et Low Prices. MECHANICS, FAHHEES, AD Wonxt OHM. The attention °film enterprising and industrious por tion of the community is directed to the following state ments and Mend inducements offered them by the 11..0 ors CCM, RAILROAD COMPANS, Which, as they will perceive, will enable them, by proper energy, perseverance, and industry,to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and families, with, comparatively spbalfing, very little capital. LINOS op ItLINOIO. No State in the valley of tho Miesissippltoffers to great no Inducement to the floater ns the it to of Illinois.— There is no portion of the world where all of the condi tions of climate and toil to admirably combine to produce thoso two groat otaples, corn and ',sheaf, as tiro prairies of I=l The deep rich loam of the prairies is cultivated with curb wolalerful facility that the farmers of the. Eastern and Middle States ate mowing to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the coil is co licit that it a ill suppint twenty millions of people; LOTERN AND 201:17F/ 3(ARELT9 These lands are cont ignorrn. to a railroad seven hundred unties In length, which eonneeta nith other roads and nav igable lakes anal titers, thus affording an unbroken corn muurcatation nits the Eastern and Southern markets. Inl= Thus far capital and I,thor have bt.en'appllod to develop ing the soil ; the great resource s of the State in coal awl iron are almost untouched Tito Invariable rule that the mechanic arts duals!. best where total and Intel are cheap• est. still holicw at an early day in linnets, and in the relitae of the nest ten years the rata el lane and neCessities et the coca warrant the belief that at least fire hundred titou,nd people 1,111 be engaged In the State of Illinois in the various wannaetnt tug employments. = ovor 2100,000.000 or pi hate capital have been ezrenrted on the railroad of Illinois. Inasmuch us pall of the Income from RCN oral of the. torts, as 1111 it V4i Milli° public NMI in lauds, go to tlnninitth tiro Sono expenos, the taxes ate light, uud must consequently every day de- Mahe, TIIP. STATE DEBT The State debt is only $10,105,398 14, and a Ulan the lost three years has been reduced V. 959,746 no and ac may reasonably expect that In ten yearn it lull become extinct. =! The State Is rapidly , f 1 fling up with population; BS3, 020 persons baring been rubbslNinro lark, malting thin pop ulation 1,70.496—a ratio of 102 per cent. in ten 3 eats.. ACEICIif.TUIZU PRODLCTO The agricultural products of Illinois aro greater than those of any other State. The ',wallets sent out during tine past.yean exceeded 1,600,000 WIN. Tine It limit et Op of 1000 approaellea 30.000,000 bushel.. aline the corn crop yields not less than 140,000,000 bushels. FERTILITY OP SOIL :coulter° can the Indust' loin farmer secure ouch imme diate remilte for his labor ne upon these pi nirle roils they holm; composed of it,ileep rich loam. tho fertility of %%Lich is mann pi ,sod by any on the globe. To ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1851 the Company have sold 1,300.000 acres. They sett only ta actual cultivators. and every conttract contains an agreement to enthrals.. The r oad has been constructed through these lands at an expense of $ll.OOOlOO. In 1850, The popedutton of the 49 counties through which tl passes MIS only 335.599. since which 479.253 have been added, via l. tig the whole population 814,591—a gain of 143 per cent. EVIDENCES OF PROSCERITT As an evidence cf the thrift of the people, it may be elated that 600,000 tons of fa eight, including $,G00,000 tam of grain and 250,000 barrels of flour, were forwarded over the [lto lett year. MEM Mechanics and woibinginen null find tho free school system cue...aged by the State and endowed with a large revenue for tho support of schools. children can limo in sight of tho chits di and school home, and grow up ith the prospet/ty of the leading state in the Great West ern Empire, E=! The in ices of these lands vary from $0 to $25 per acre. neording to location, quality, arc First chi, farming lands Roll for :11/0111 $lO or $l2 pet acre; :ma the reluti}e exp.." of nutaloing pi Arlo land, as compared w ilk woodland, Is in 1110 uOllO 01 011010 tell ill 1111 or of tau: Conner. The terms of bale for the bulk of three lambi will ho ONE YEAR'S INTENI:ST IN ADTINCL, at six percent per annum, RIVISIC interest notes at six per cent. pal able respectively In one, two, three, four,ilve, and nix years front date u sole; and four notes for princi pal, payable in four, five, nix, and seven years, from date of sale; the contract stipulating that one-tenth of the tract pnrchated than be fenced and miltivatml, each and every year for the yeate front the date of sate, en that nt emend of 1150 yearn one-balfshall be fenced and Tinder cultivation. TWENTT PER CENT. WILL DE DEDUCTED. from the valuation for cash, except the same should be at six &Alms per time, siren tire cash price alit Le 33 dollars. Pamphlets dootriptit a of the lands, soil, climate. pro dilations, pi ices, and terms of pry moot. can Leland on .ip • plicstion to W. Land Commissioner, Illinois Cent al Railroad, Cl i k.sgo, Illinois. For the names of the tow no, villages, and ration militated upon the Illinois Cenhnl Railroad, see pages 188. IS9, and 190 Appleton's Rails, ay 0 mile. [Feb. 13,'61-self. y„:.__ zi GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: nr 110 BERT JENNINGS, V. S., Prafresor of fat4 , l , gy and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary Cbileye of Philadelphia, etc, etc. WILL TELT. YOU Of the Origin, riktory and distinctive . turtle or the am imp= in 4.014 or Ettl opean, A sin tic, Aft iron and Anierlenn with the physical ton molten and IKi coli.trtt:iss of the 111111113 d. cmi tree to aecri lain his ego by tire uumhcr and condition of his troth I 'Oust' ateii with numerous ex plAnittory engin, lugs. TUB lIORSB A;`.iT , HIS PISEASP-5 WILL TELL YOU Of Bleeding, Ere:thing. Stabling, Peed ' log, (hod'lung. tlhoolng, and the gener al management of the horse, nith the best modes of administering medicine, also. lion to t teat tilting, Kicking, Roaring. Slaying, Stumbling. Ctib-Bnt• ing. Ilestle,nese, end oilier sires in which lie is mildect; month 1.111111C11,119 en , plaiitit?ry engrain I= WILL TELL YOU Of the ecinec,cs unitmos,and Treatment of Strangloc. Sore Throat, Distemper, Contrib.iiza, lb onchitic, • monilt, I'leninsy, iliiiknii Wind. Chron ii he Couch, 'tooling and Whistling,.Larn pcc, i , oro and Ulcers. nod De cayed Teeth. 'tint onion. Mai Brosof the llonith and Jtestilititory Organic. THE TM:SD AND DIS DISEASM, WILL TELL YOU Of tho eause ,, , eymptome,and Treatment of lVorine, R0t..., Chaim, Strangulation, ' Stony (inner, tlon9, Ittiptitre4, PtlAy, Dlorthea.Janiallco,llepatlrrnea•SloodY • Urine, Flonev in the Ithiney,s,anil Mad. der, Inflaination and diseases Of tho Stomach, Bowels, Liier and nary Olgans. TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the crises, symptoms ' and Treat " ' meat of Ilene, Blood and Bog, Sparta, king Bone, Se ritire, Shah., lliolom Kayos, Wind Galls, Founder, Cracked Mots. Solo Braises:al Gravel, Canker, &latches, 'lt,, ash and .Corns also, of tigo, Epilepsy., :Staggers, and other dial:aid of file lent, Leo, • • and tired. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the canoes, yymptome, and Tregt , ment of Feitula, Poll Eyil, Glendora, Farcy,-Setu let Foyer,' Mange, Surfeit. Locked JAw.lthei v atiem.Eramp.ool4, Diseases' of the Eye nnil llenrt, de , the., And how, to manage Ceetratimi, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. Yiring, II ern la. 'A nelintothith Topping; old oth er magical plhotions. ' THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL. YOU Of Itarqy'si Method of taming Thirsts; how to .4pproach, flatter, or Stable a Colt; lAA, to acceded - I a hol - so to stranp muds and sights, and how to lilt, Ooddte, ltido. and Break him t'e Harness; also ttio faint and law of WARRANTY. The whole being the re. ' Butt bf 'la year's' careful study of the • habits, pienlisrltissovants UPS weak nesses of this noble and useful animal. For sale at Lowis' Book Store. A ir tillßLE YARD., The undersigned . would respectfully call tho attention of tbe citirens of tuntingdon and the ndJnpiing notintio9 to the oteclo of henutiNl manto now on band: 110 Is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental nimble, Tomb, 'fable' and Stoneh' of every desired 13170 and forny of Italian of Eastern Marldo, Itigliiy , tinialnid. and carved with nppro print° devices, or plain, ni may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, An., will be furnished to order. I Y. W. pledges 11 , 111Milf to furnish 'inaterial and work. Manship egtfal to any in the country, At a fair price. Call and nor, bef we you purchase elssnliern. Shop on IliM Mint, Huntingdon, MI. WILLIAMS; _Huntingdon, )fay' 10, ISIA. Q . ALT 1 SALT 11 SALT I! Just received from. illo Onondago bolt Company, Syrncoee, N. Y., to Le sold on com m lesion, dame v.hclo• sale or retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT, Oct. St 18C0. MILER SON. Rou4Em9 nonums ROHRRRIS:. ROHRER% nongEws , PRACHCALOALCULATOR -. .. - . PRA6TIOAL CALCULATOIL• PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. . PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. • , PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. . ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR. 4 Book of Plain Roles and Calculatinnsfor Itagness Ope rations, by Marlin M. .Rohrer, SdrVeyor and -Cintroyancer. Now Edikon, pubijrned by J. B. Lippin coil d Cb., Philadelphia. Thin work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 - Rules and Exempt.. entirely and thoroughly Practical, ouch as arise every day In the common pursuits bf Rusin.s. It has ntrontly.passell through a number of editione in rapid' succession, and Is pronounced by all classes or burliness men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calmillitlons, that has ever been published. Every example In the bask is worked oat In full and stated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel babe art.; see, those referring to the work will find no difficulty in solving it; in a word, the general- arrangement of tine CALCULATOR Is simple, that any one who knows' how to add, subtract, multiply mid divide, can easily solve any or dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at the true remit of tiny estimate required. The chief aim of the author has bane to eschew theory and philosophy in figures, almling only at facts and slmph. city, believing that bIISVINIB men cure little about span cling time In discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming it sediment for their purpoSe to be able at a mongol t, by reference, to an ire at the true result. The CA LCIILATOIC tinffers In this reepect,fiom alt other Arithmetics of rho day and kindred works—lt is a key to Practical business calcuictions—it is, in tine hand.; of the business roan. is hat: tine key to nuttlieusatiesl works to the hands of tine Marker in the school• room—lt fadll totes time aunt inturee correctness. • TUE WORK TREATS OF TUB Measurement of Land. of Lumber, of Ili ink and Brick Won k GI Stone and Sloan won of groin and gnahl bins, of coal nod coal bins, or wood. of solidi. of linolds, of cir cular, egonro or irregular yeisels, of cisterns ,and vitt% of rooming, of plasterer's, painter's. glazier's. paver's, plumb. er's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' won It. It In rate of en] I racy end of foreign mid domestic exChnngo, of the decimal system. of reduction and its oxtended•application to business, of simple and Compound interest. and their entire application to business transactions, with, the laws' anti usages governing the some, together truth nuarirons. eonionereiel forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking mitt biotic Mgt - Tont, of equation of pity tnen t and of partner ship accounts. of twles,:nen, o r taxes. of weights find tnensitres. of kin uo and robin measure, of the squats: , root and its application to business of stirlaceS, of oxearation, nod of ninny other hinporttint practical matters not within the scope of an adver tiseumpt to men • • IT IS JUST THU BOOK FOIL THE Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic. the artjzan, or the proroa.iontil 1111111. It hoe proven a saluable auxiliary to the la, y or. the Justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and rent estate broker, to the 11 , 4,1101, the banker. the clerk, to the cis it engineer and the , atirvoyor. to the carpenter and bricklayer, to tho atonetinalon and the plasterer, to the paper hanger and tiphot4torer, to the paver' and time tticr. he., .1.0.; each and ail %%Ili tind it adopted to, their TIM I . lolls annte bet ter than any book pilt,li,h`ed. 4147-Price. 60 cont.+. Fa eale at LUIViN . BOW: Huntingdon, Dec•. 20,1500. 00( os , I s cct g ti •=4 bi 0.4 r.T. CHEAP WATCHES ! CHEAP IF A 2'CITES! ACOB LADO)IUS, P NO. MS. MATIKET STREET, PITILADELVIIIA, Has on hand and is constantly receiving large aasorments of American, .English, and Suri:s Mr Was, Width tin will sell at lower prices than ever offered. • J. f mould call particalar attention to the celebrated ANICHICIN WATCH, w inch for accuracy of time and durn bility, and lees liability of getting out of older. Is superb or to any other imported %Welt ? HMO at wnythlng lihe the same cost. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. - - Gra Sitter and Sled Sptctaclet, with ginews for all sights, with PATENT, 118 well ne the old able tramps. All goods said at my establkhrnent aro warranted to be es represented. and satisfaction gnaran teed to all yurchasets, at 290. WS, Market Street. Cornor of Decatur. [Sept. 111 , 1860,-Iy. • le."`" • ' • TIIP ~G LOBE 'JOB OFFICE" is the /1109 C complete of any in the i.iuntry, and pea• scenes the meet ample facilities for promptly executing in the bat style, et ery variety of Job Ih toting, such as • lIAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS:. POSTERS, ifil 1 A CARDS, CIRCULARS, • BALL TICKETS,• BILL ILDADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CUL AND EILAMINg APYCIMENS OP CORB, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY ' IN ALL ITS lIIIANCIIES. BY MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by /IP. J. S. Bale Pr Tuts You How to 0100301ln kinds of Mists, Poultry, and Caine, pith all tho variots and most approved modes or dressing mid cooking Beef and Polk: also thu best and simpleat ' may of salting; pickling and outing the mane. • IT TELLS Yob All the various and wart approved . modos of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb. Veal• Poultry. rind gaino of all kinds with the dlffei eat Dressings", pravies; nod• Stuffings appropriate to each. Ic Tutu You Ilow , to choose. clean, and preserve 114, of 1.11 kinds. and how to sweeten it when taint , ed ; alb° all tho nitrites rind matt approved Model of with the don:rept Dress ings, Sauces, and Plavoi lugs appropriate to each. • • IT TOLLS YOU All tine various and most approved modes of pi4•paring over 50 kinds of aleat.Finli.rowl. Cam., Vegetable Soaps, Breths4and Stott the Relishes and Seasonings approto isle to each.' ' • It WELLB YOll All the varieZtsantl most npyroced outdo. of cooking Vegetables of every dekriPtien. obeNtetv to prepare Pickles, Camps and • • Cutt,es of all kind% Putted Meats,' Flab, 011111 C, 3111911r001115, ir TELLS, You All thermions and most apprpved ;node., or • preparing and cooking all kinds de Plain and• Fancy Pastry. Puddings, OmeletteA, Fritters, Calcis, Confectionary; PreserYes,, Jollies, and Sweet Dishes of r.very,4 ol,4l P . Con. IT TELLS Too All the various and most approved mites of making tread, Musics Muffins, and Ms , colt, and the 'best method of preparing • Coffee, Chocolate. and Tea, , and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and ;Wines of va . lions kinds. Jr Tata You how to fat oat and ornament a Table, bow to " • Clue ell Muds of of - Fowl, end in Rhort. how to co shoplify the who lo Art ' • of eikokiiig oe toltring the choleHt luxuries of the tuLdo v.ithln the evelykely's tench, For Sale at w is' .Book Store. NEW BOOKS,! NOR 'SALE AT UMW WOK STORE' TDB noun: A Nee Pouter 31strturt/or Rural Architic- Dire ; or, now to Build Dwellings, Barite, Stables, and Out Dwellings of all kinds.. %Valid Chapter torChutelies and Ecliool•llotises. Price, 50 cents. . • VIE GARDEN: A Nrae POcR ET MANVAL of Practical iTdr ticulturo; or, lloiv to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, on,l Flowerti. ' WitU a Chapter on Ornamental' Trees and F.lirubs. Price, 51) cents. , • VIE FARM i NEW POCiET 11l 4 . :11:14.4 or Practical Airi culture; or, flow to CultlaatoolLtße : FieltlCrope: an Essay on Vann 3lanagement, efe. Price, 50 cents. nomEsno ANIMAIS: A Now Pocaur lifion7G. of Cattle, Horse and Sheep Ilusbandrx or, how tri Breed nod Rear tho 'Various Tenants of the Bain-31mi, MO.Nec Price, 50 cents. , 1101 S to TALK: A Now rockyr mmluit. of Converention and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, and loom than Film tton i o 1 Cominon Mis takes Corraztei. Price; 50 Copt, HOW TO BEHAVE : 'A NEI' POCKET MANAUT, of nepubli .cnn Etiquette, nod ,Guido to Correct Personal witli Rulee for Debatibg Sociales . Delibbratffi: At: gemblivs, etc. PI ice, bu petits. . , „ • , IIOIV TO nustsEss A NEIV POCIaT 3r.1:41.141. 61 Practical Affairs and Guide' to anccess id Life; with I Collection of ElltliflCSS Forms, sod a Dictionary of Com faercial,Tenus, oto. Price, 50 coots: RANKLIN HUSE . , IN ME DIAMOND, nusrxxanos, YALENTrNE crtousE, Pitiprietor: The citizens of, iho,connty, and strangers and travelers generally, *ln find crimfortalilti 4cinintnaltitioni itthle popes. %M 4s a trial. [April 4, 18604 EM R. ESEN W.E 1:N 1 8'T R .A. 443 ,WOOD liAPTli f t 11 5 1.XSTQBAIWC, Po best Beat Slttliclibi etUsa",,tVprisrfae The; cutout Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma. Difficaltf In Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, Dipthorir. and for the rellefof patients, in the advanced stages pf C,qn anniption,"tOgdthermitis 'ail disused ., bribe, Throat ILA Cheat, and which predssposo to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical curoof'Asthnta. Being prepared by n Practical Physician cad Drugglit and one of grant experience in the once of the venous diseases to which the human frame is liable, It is alined yo, the afflicted w]th.thergeo]coreOfill donee. je Try h find convinced it In iiiialuabl l ela I.Fa curd urßronelalui,atructious. Priesso ccutuft .t - - ESENWEINTI-AROSIATIQB4LIWI."-, A very valuable remedy for Dian ben, Dysentery, Cholera Mortls, and all Wand affections. Try It. Price 25 pate per bottle. - Aa-The etre Mot/Idea are prepared only by , • Dll. A. lISENWETN & CO, " Druggists and Chemists, N. W. etirner Ninth & Poplar Sts., - Philadelphia. N.D.—Sold h,,y,every respectable Druggist and boa/or In Medicine throughout the State. [Juno 20,18 . 00.-13,j , " -• • • "QUICK SALES BE •SMAL Pl,toFlZt.r Anybody in want of TAMMY AND POCKET BIBLES, , .HYMN, AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS-AND--ANMIALS:-.. I:XT caasa A.2D INTLIEMICI 110 a, Pitney and Saliba' STATIONERY; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION SHEET . 3IUSIC for the Pianos VOCILST ➢OOBB, POR1116."1:41/3 AM) PUPILS, For Wiwi and , Oontlemen, OOLD PENS AND PENCII,II, AIYARP CARDS AND Moil* For Sunday and Common Sclmola, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOR;S_Or ALL KINDS? TOY 000113, ALPIIABET BLOCKS, ALL' li . INDS OF• 1-00 KS Proper Air Boys'arid.(34li GAMES For Young Poll; WEEDING ENVELOPES AND OADDX. MARRIAGE CERTIFfCA.Tii, VISITING camp, 0/IEcKER BOARDS, pomispEs, 80, , SONO .1300 E., .Frogs 6 to 75 coats BLAND BOORS, Ifentoranduin Books of Va:fiotts Si e SCIBOOL BOONS OF ALB'KINDS, : DIARIES rort-isco, Drawing and Braying Paper, Lineal and. atra Ittoaqt WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, Pllosl7, T I ED, BLUE OP =CZ FtFt! Arnobra Tlodgaon's and liarrison'a WRITING' Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualltitii, &c. &o. &à. ". ErMEM!E = LEvazs' CUM'S BOOZ, • STATIONERS AND gusip Bnan , In the "globe" building, Nalc.,t, §contyp.,l where all who Wanb to' ; SATE 3101itY,- go to OeirpiirclOpg, COME TO THE ,NAW, SAME FOR CHEAP BARGA.II9. NEW GROCERY ' liM3 CONFECTIONERY. C. LONG „ , • Tntennie tho eitiions of Thintitikdor; and 4. chilly, that be 1110,00enell a' now (FroOry and Contenting cry Store in ti., 'basement, untitir Giitninn & CON . Clothing storo, in tho Dpnponil, and, woolit,rnoct - rcitpeoffnkli,e. gnelt a Micro of public patrOongo. Me stock connote of A n kinds of the J 2,1 ~ •.! DEsT oitoomilEß, • CONYEarioNERIF,S;Asist.44.s..? • Fish can bo hod at sslintestsle or retail, , . , . ICE CR3/01 will la furnished 'regularly to partialliand room. Huntingdon, Sept. - 24; 1800.. , ,:!!, ' •; • ttig HORSE AND' iilB' iitskAsEK . !ME HORSE 'AND4 - lIS' DISEASES, ' TILE H.ORSE AND lITS DISEASE:S„, 2 ., A :VALUABLE Bc)CA, For eale at LEWIS' Book Sop, cl-_„ EVERYBODY'S .LAWYDR, , • , EVERYBODY'S 'LAWYER, - 'E VERYBODY'S , LA ' ••L' - • , -„. A •VALIJABU BI;;M For eßle:nt LEIVIS' I Bodk. sigte; , 13, THE TAMMY -DOOTOII,. - ; .VA:MITAT DO.OTOR; 2. , sJi.oh Tg.E.F.4.4ITArDOQT.OR, „v„,, "A. VA:LUA.4g, 3116914 For pale rip LEWT§" . ) tgoic % c c,. ,1 LC:II7GS7',FiET.III4PIIV, up, LGNGsTar c ycly4 , )- TI!E MEL LONGSTREI.II , OI%r THE!TIONEY'I3IIIE!' . ~,A-VALUABLE. 800% For 'aitio at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRIIIZTREES, DOW N INO on FRUIT and. FRRIZTI3-F , PS. DOWNINGod 111lin and FRUIT TREES, , • ,;• • A VALDADT.E - 13.94 - 4, ‘Fo-,vale, at , f;EAISDIT'iti..I ( OUNi)RI::-c" . ' Rooll4 p. OILL„ criOnfecturer_pflall laPtird coatings, forge awl rolling andkaw brash iug machine, sled And slelgii ppoi Wagort ?Rio. ptoyaK9f 'various kinds , kettles. " plough aldars to snit all kinBs of n1011014:wheolo and ra, Orila ,WOrkT new and Imp roved 'plough that renrlcra satisfaction to ail' I lure thud liaCe,upedi thenl.r gen' alUpt4WPf Plough shoata and plqn4lo at I%l6terp. Xisher q3.lllrS tOe'a,./foiltingripn; and at M. Geiorge 'Eby's: 3EII Orel. and xdl ,1111 all orders pcomptly, The thtmere will save mOneY'hY gritting shearsAtal:plonglfa of 11c011.1.01tAtio foundry lima-quarters, the place to Wl* cheap. ,Alkitinda .of produco,old total andiunibert.. taken lyexettanlgib74. Bring tho pay and save too per cent. • Alexandt March:4looo. ,• • „ THE CYTIT Alt...k.T he 1-1° 1,,;,b.. Presbyterian Pardroodist—e'fbo llbawn—The.febilee'llifenten l e B ol lllll' B enlarged and improved instructpre)land's ew and Iniprolfed MethodTortbe eliarl—helend's Aceor deon, Violin and Plato Illstrnetors—lVinaor'agtef 1 19E 6 , 11 Violin Instructori—liellak's :Melodeon blseructar—Bey , rowes' Primer-do. Thurollo l3 ° 4 l - Ft r lr Irovra'a Drawing Poem Dances=3"he Chores -Ole k Tom's IMmr for sale at "'''' LMIVIS''BOOK, STATIOISEMIY 'Must° STORK: ,D EADY.ILECK.ONE, „ A complite Foehit Ready- Reckoner; In'doll4B anduentc, to which are added feriae of Noteinelltita yelpte, Petitions, Sze, together with a net pt Woeful tables. Containing rate or iutereet tow oliodollart.tiWatelbßlPl RIO, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, Published en 18517:: kror dale nt" , ..: flogr gIQPIT ME =ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers