The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 20, 1861, Image 2

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WM. LEW:Tiipli.t9-E9id,P,roprietor
RlllB.—u 'rife 6t.oae pab[thhet take a week a
,13.5015 , year-46 Banta for eix months-50 tents fgr
three. iaantbs—in' advance. • •
Thursday Aftprtkion,, Stine 20, 186 L
The Star-Spangled Banner.
tihrsaY, tan Yen see, by the dawn's will, light,-
Iputtstor proudly we halrd et ttib twilight's last gleam-
IThoie broadittipea and bright. stare through the purlieus
- - - -
O'er the ramparts weenatch'd, were so gallantly stream
ing! _ . • .! •
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
{lire proof through the night that our Cog was still there!
Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet - ware,
--lOW the land of the free, and the home of the brave r
pit the shore; dimly seen through the miste'of the deep,
-:',Wheie the foes haughtrhoet in dread allenee reposes,
IVlsaVlsittat telficli the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
'As it - fitfully bleirs(haircenceals, half discloses t '
Now it catches - the gleam'of the morning's first beam;
In - full glary reflected, now shines on the stream , —
" 'Tifithe star•spengled harmer! Oh, long may it wave,
" der the land oc the het, and the home of the brevet
:And where id that bind who so vauntingly swore •
That the havoc of .war and the battle 'a confenkm,
rA titans and a county Y should leave us no - '
• Their blciod has wash'd out their fOol footstep'd pollution I
- NV refuge could savethe hireling and slave, - •
From the terror of flight or the gloom the gravel •
And the lase-spangled bander in triumph d6th wave,
e.'lYer the land of• the free, and the hemp of the brave I
1.12 h! lints be it ever, when shall stand—
,C,Between theirloved home and war's desolation I
Then conquer sro most, when oar cease it le just,
And thin be our motto-L."ln God le our trust 1"
And the etar.tpanglod banner to trindipb shall wave,
--/Yant,ho land of the free, and the home of the brand
:Vetter from the ~t]itor
lIAGERSTOWN, June I_B,B a, m.
t ideiming s',Welpek,: = ,ere::started - on
To - et 'fbi' a second - visit._ to Williains
,port, a_ - distance of miles from•'this
We lad determined to witness
before we returned.: horne; . the fording
tOf the ris-er , Which was abbut two, hun
cired : and fifty yards wide and tbree
and a/bale feet deep. 'The" town was
- full of soldiers Ind Visitors,—much
noise and 44 . 112 - A*2 , o'clock we
visited the rivcr shoir , could-#eo no
evid4ii6e--on - Ibit•Viroinia;'side:tliat any
portitin a nt_titir,iirmy:nad crossed over
the day preiicitik -r:The itenAlf raising
flag,on i the soil of .the rebels
,struckusi very !forcibly, and our. Motion ,being
dlat 'itrowid,:'nillithry and
citizens, a goecl,sized flag - )1,44 furnished
by a lady„#ud in 'company with the
.TolTowing soldiers who were on guard
at the river, and perinitted, ; ',lp,"fthe
Captain to aceompany., us, we started
&hill 'flat boat for the opposite
shore.,. • The, boat' o crew. wer4 eul4elf,
Cornp.',.3,l2sd - Phila.
Guardisi - jobnj.W.:Williams,on, •Comp.
F, 20th Reg. Scott Legion ; SosePli
Andreyr6 ti, o FLit,tri - es „F r reilsch, Comp.
F, 21st rltek.r MiChael‘WitiVer, Comp.
C, Charleti4c'eleiti,:-Coiiip . :'l3, and An
drew COfiii@Noitifil*A.; 21st Reg.; Geo.
Brown, -;compi 4 and ,-.'ames Green,
Comp. G, fith Reg- - 4I Pennsylvania
-I-volunteers: We made • the middle of
, ther:rivcr i when some Misman age
`flat sunk, all the soldiers
plunging-into the water, lome.of them
eonipletelY under; leaving, us in the
' tioht 'Standing in the water breast deep.
- , • 1.11.41.,5ecend we were relieved by pri-
Niate.Sibel who came to' our assistance
and hAnd . in hand we made for the
Virginia shore, which we - reached sol
'tifer-Jashion,'Well soaked le the skin.
Rienseh'tlien• mounted a high
tree immediately in front of the town
and placed the .flag 'on the highest
braneli; when' cheer after , cheer was
given by the crew and the crowd on
' .. - the Williamsport side."" • We returned
. Williamsport, pilotted by William- .
son.,where we remained until 5 o'clock,
when eight hundred regulars, several
-companies of cavalry and 'artillery,
mad© their iippearmice on the opposite
VieY had received orders to re
turn; and as was supposed,- to take-the
;.quickest route to - Washington. They
'forded' the river; 'and a more beautiful
sight was neverAvititeSsed. f-We walked
ba - ekto this place with:the soldiers,in
-:our-wet conditiorriata.took * soldier's
tiot,chauge 'our clothing
, tintil we went to bed, when they, were
-comfortably dry. The -satisfaction of
participating, in-t e raising of the first
flag .on : the, Virginia shore ..oPptiSite
of,,;withetasing 'the
grand 'movement ot-tho ,army through
the-flier, Wrisi,glory enough for- 'One
,day and wo,retired to-result An ; curb'.
. •
This morning , •all , .;•was -confusion
`fir tut '- t)~e.liUtel ' s he.? tiOitti'.-learild
-- thatiiCifltiaryllie*Wdierti who retarned
.Hagerstown the night before,
that alt other:Aegitnonta in the, iielgh
-borhood had again leit-for : Virgiiiia by
Williamsport; o4iitik 4 behind- 'ii'lsrke
nu tuber' of oilieers who bad taken, 14g,
ing, in' town we noiddleior wait
that, all-the Regiments,-some twrentY,?-
ibiht,liffiiisand - Men hqd received orders
at 2 - o'clocirfor a forced march without
- 'rations, into Virginia, and that they
bad left for parts unknown. • •
As the army has left ns we shall re
itirtilkoMe7. EO:filbrrow. W.' L.
Ato.ov q ,LL.
;bare :before 'us a ,draft of the
`battery' `at` Camp -•McDowell,
Aiesnndria,7ir,a, occupied in part by
the, Pe,nusylvania sth to
which the " SMnding Stone Guards"
are attached,_ The draft-was taken
by Josepha 'moldier
6f-the -Guards, and-'it presents for
;,,luidabie appearance, and , can be, seen
at, this office,
WAtt NIEW6I•4).
Another Skirinish in
BALTIMORE, •Tl.lllO IS.—The 4 W ash
ington papers of this, morning state
that a train of cars was despatched
from Aleiandria yesterday afternoon
to - Vienna, taking Co!, MeCook's First
OhiO Regiment, accompanied by Gen.
Schenck. They dropped companies
along the line, for the ppy - po,se, of pro
tddfing the' telegraphic corps, and
reached Vienna with only three com
panies, when a masked, battery was
opened upon them, killing eight and
woundilfg several:: , Mr. Barnes, eiii or
orthe Cleveland Herald is among the
fgpeciel deepatch to The Prose.]
' ,WAsumrox, Juno, lB.--Treni E.
Jacobs, Esq., of Ohio who was on the
train, with the Ohio - regiment when
the attack was made upon the train
yesterday, i gather a, number of im
portant and reliable facts, in reference
to the surprise and attack from. the
masked battery of the rebel forces,
near Vienna, Virginia. '
'At one o'clock yesterday a train
was despatched out 'on ) the 'Loudon
and Hampshire roadfromAlexandria,
containing the .First' Ohio -Regiment,
_Col. McCook and Brigadier- General
Schenck., The'object of the:expedition
was, to-repair the road and bridges.:-- - -
COnipanies' Were dropped' along the
road at points' Where labor was to be
;performed, until the train had ad
vanced twelve miles into the 'country,
and was within three miles of Vienna.
It was-then between two and three
o'cleek M. - Here a masked battery
opened upon the - _train... Five Men,.
Bitting upon the • engine, fell,- and -one',
of the cylinderk; of ;the engine
,carried away by a -ball. Our men,
being unprotected, _Were - instantly
thrown into confusion. A part of them
sought protection
,from their close
prbkimity to the battery, still blazing
away, and pouring grape upon them,
115 Y breaking from the main 'body and
rushing into the forest on both sides
of the ; train ; another bodyof them ad
vanced upon - the- battery with -heroic
puipose, but' IVere, ordered back by
their officers. • A, portion of the men
-remained in the car. Orders wore
given to 'the engineer to back his en
gine; as it moved, under a volley of
,shot, two of the dead,'were picked 'up
and carried away. Arr effort was
indite. to get -another , -inaa; mho had
fallen from the train and was in the
agonies of death ; but be hogged ; of
them to leave him and take care of
themselves. Ho Was left in a dying
condition. Orders Were given,,'" All
on board," but many,of-those who had
got into the woods did not return.—
The train ran doWn three.miles, where
they had left two companies of the
regiment. - '.
There' were, it was thought, at - least
seven killed and ten to thirteen wound
ed. ,
.Telegraphic despatches to General
Sdott,, the War Department,. and to
see. Seward, are essentially- the same
excepting in the lumber of killed ;ipd
wounded. .But, as far as Iran gather,
the number killed is 15 and 40 wound
ed our sidct: -Otis •troops' made
several volleys upon_ the battery, and
it,.is.,believed,a number.
TreClNdOral diobri" iOagei.; to
rush upon the battery, but were pru
dently ordered to • refrain, front the
fact of the superior strength of the
enemy, which was, as nearly as eatiThe
ascertained, about 1,500.
The Late Federal Victory at Booneville,
Sr. Louis, June 18.-The Democrat
has just received the following dis
patch. from Jefferson city: '
" lir, Gordon, of_ St. Louis, and oth
ers just from above, give, the following
account of the battle at Booneville:
" General Lyon landed four miles
below town and opened a heavy can
nonade against the rebelsr who retreat
ed, and dispersed into an adjacent
Weod, from .whence, hidden by brush
and trees, they opened "it brisk fire on
our troops. General .I.iyon then or
dered a hatity retreat' to the boats, and
the rebels, encouraged by this move
ment, rallied and folloWed the Federals
.into a wheatfield.
' Gen. Lyon halted, faced the troops
about and bringing his whole fbrce of
.artillery to boar opened a murderous
fire on the rebels,• three hundred of
whom were lined and the remainder
fled in all directions, leaving theirarms
on the, field. Gen. Lyon then moved
forward and - took' Booneville. Gen.
Price was taken' with a -violent diarr
hceit 4tlite,beginning_of the battle, and
was carried to his home in Chaquatan.
" Governor Jackson viewed the bat
tle from a distant hill and - fled to parts
unktiOwn after the defeat of his forces.
. _
There are, great Tejoieings among
the Union Ymen here. , :,The Stars and
Stripe's have been'hoisted on the
itol, guns 'fired, and the Star Spangled
Bannerplayed by the regimental bands.
Scouting ,parties , have been sent in .all
directipoS;te cut off the'retreat of the
rebels. '
Rebel Troops on the IWississipi.
"..QUic,kop, June", 1 1 8:-.The Evening
:Jourad*says that a gentleman, well
hknoWn to the editor, passed through
the city this morning,-direct from Mo
bile: flad• Memphis. .11 - 0 bad; oppOrth
nitiew•of judging of the -strength
coriactiiiii`of 'the' rebels, 'and -estima
ted the .number encamped between.
Vicksburg and Cairo thirty,thou
they have a large number of Damren
• t He:also states that there. qa,'.4tMO
bile :now .ono:.hundreetheusand Bel
.;bian muskets, which had not been in
gxodwhen be
die reb'Alleft„ .11c also says that
- ,soldicrs;pre eager --tai
, or anywhere else - -where they
can fight 'the - Federal „troops', whom
they think they can -
Nine Hundredßebel's ißepulsed-and Put
IVASMKGTON i Jllllo:l6.4oebijitti of
au entirely relifiljlo; claiiiet©r; 'this
morning rcceiVed
nine o'eloeklast night, state that Vol.
Stone is still there, and not at Lees
-burg, as heretofore frequently reported.
Yesterday 'afternoon the enemy at
, tempted to make crossing at Goose
creek,: having :arrived opposite' gal
' ward: s , • yerry, in force estimated by
offmersin command of the guard there,
at from eight to nine hundred. They
made use of a ferry heat: which they
had withdrawn from the Potomac
Col. Pone , had given ()rap's; as he
himself communicates, that if any at
tempt was made to move the boat a
fire should be opened on it. In com
pliance with these orders, Lieut. Has
brouck fired from his twelve pounder
field Howitzer, a spherical' case shot,
which burst directly in range and cov
ered tho - boat with a shower of bullets
and fragMents.
The effect was excellent. - The horse
of II mounted officer leaped overboard,
and the, boat was
, rapidly drawn back
to shore. The enemy then formed into
line along the crest Of the bank, and
Commenced firing; but a few well di
rected sperical case shot disbersed thein
and sent them flying toward Leesburg.
Pmeage of the Declaration of Indepen-
.117"nnEtnio; June 17.—1t0 the - Con
vention, to-day, Mr. Rieranit, of Ma
rion, made a strong speechqn favor of
the leelaration •of .Independence, re
ported by the committee on the 13th.
Mr. Dorsey moved that the Decla
ration be put •upon its filial passage,
calling for the yens and nays. This
was carried, and the yeas stood 56
willed a single' negative vote. Thir
ty members were absent on leave.
.• The Declaration Wtie:' sign ed by fifty
six mein' ens the same number that
signed the Declaration of Independeime
D,e4larationot the Wheeling Convention.:
The following declaration was repor
ted' tti the Convention on the I.Bth hist,
by the Committee appointed for that
YThe true purpose of all tiovern
ment it is to promote the welfare and
prov for the : 'eteetipn and deeurity
of the governed,, and' when any form
or organization' of government proves
inadequate • for, or subversiVO of this
spurpose, it is the right, it is the duty,
of the latter to alter or abolish it. The
13111 of. flights of Virginia framed in
1776 reaffirmed in 1,530, and again,in
1851, expressly reserves this right to the
majority of herlieoPle, and the existing
PORAtittion,,:,does- nO . „o(,infee...upen
the General "Wiseinhly. the power to
call a Convention to alter the the pro
visions or to change the• relations of
the Common:Wealth, without, the pre
viously expressed consent of such ma
jority. The act of the General As
sembly, calling the. ; Convention which
thus called, )hat not -only:the power
nominally entrusted to it but with the
connivance' and active aid of the Exec
utive has usurped and exercised other
poWers, to the manifest injury of the
people, which, if permitted, will ine
vitably subject them to a military des
"The Convention, by its pretended
ordinances, has required the people of
Virginia to separate from and wage
war against the Government of the
United States, and against the citizens
of neighboring States; with whom they
have heretofore maintained friendly,
social and business relations. •
"It has attempted to subvert the
Union founded by Washington and his
co-patriots in the purer days of the Re
public,whichhas conferred unexampled
prosperity, upon every class of citizens
and upon every section; the country.
"It has attempted to transfer the
allegiance of the people to an 'ille
gal codederacy of rebellious States,
and required their submission to its
pretended edicts and decrees.
"It has attempted to place the
whole millitai-y force' and millitary
operations of the commonwealth under
the control and direction of such con
federacy, for offensive as well as defen
sive purposes.
- "It has, in conjunction with
State Executive instituted; wherever
their usurped power extends, a reign
of terror intended to suppress the free
expression of the will of the people,
making elections a mockery and a fraud.
" The flame' combination, even be
fore-tile passage.of the pretended or
dinanee,of SeCession, instituted war by
the seizure and appropriation of thd
property of'the Federal GoVernment,
and by organizing,and. mobilizing ar
mies, with the avowed purpohe of cap
turing or destroying the capital of the
Union. - „ -
' " They have attempted to bring,the
allegiance of the people of the United
States intly-.diree£ ecintlidi, with their
subordinate allegiance to the State,,
t •
therelm making obedience totbeir - ,pre-
•• •
fended' ordirianee trcason - afrainst the
" We, therefore, the delegates here
assetiabledl,in cenvebtiori to: deidise , such
-measure and take such action as the
safety and welfare of the loyal citizens
of Virginia may demand, having MU
tally considered .the, - premises, and
viewing with great concern the, deplo
rable condition in which this once hap
py Commonwealth , ,must be reduced,
unless some regular adequate remedy
is speedily adopted, and appealingto
the Supreme Ruler, .of ,the, „',Universe
for the rectitude of intentions, 'f.'s.
herebyi in the name and on the behalf
of the good people of Virginia, solemn
ly declare that the preservation of
their dearest rights and liberthis,
and their security p,person and prop
erty, imperatively demand the re-or
ganization of the government of the
Commonwealth, and that all 'acts of
said Convention andExecutiVO,,tending
to separate thin Commonwealth froM
the United States, or levy and carry
on war against them: are without au
thority andrvoid; and the:offices of all
who adhere to the' said Convention
-and, 7 ,Eieentiveovhether legislative o,r
judicial, aro vacated 5i r,
"Never Mind The Grace 9f It,"
The Buffalo, Conzntercial has the, -
lowing, which is too good to keep:
On Friday, as the members of one of
our. volunteer eomplinios ivho Were
being practiced in the:musket:drill by
a, gentleman who, although not, one pf
their, cOrpsovas acting as Lientenant
for- the - day, the latter said:", will.
teach yinitheLittanuor of surrendering
arms; So' in' eafle you Will ever lave - to
do it you.wil ,knowtiow to do it grace
fully.",, The e4tairc of, the company
standing near, immediately responded:
Liont4 'them.:that
seized a, musket from -a
Older .standingnear, raised it to his
shmilder 41,minnent, as if in the act of
firing:upon an enemy. Then lotting
it drop from ,his band, 'he imitated
'the action of a man Shot thimigh the
heart, staggered_ heavily forward and
fell upon the piece. He sprang up in
a moment and cried: "That's the way
this company. will surrender rams!"
-A' tremendous shout', brolco tom, the
ranks, " That's the kind we learn, Sur
render and:die at the 'saino timd, neVor
mind the grace of it." Aml the grace
of it" was discarded,
Our Array torrespondence:,
Enrron GLOBE :—Truly, night before,
last Was one of amusement on thi street
in Co. C. We have our streets num
bered according to letter of company.
The boys brought into Camp and plant
ed trees on each side of the streets,
and at one end of our street is a large
arch in ;which floats the Stars. and
Stripes: We had our street illurnina
ted ; .theThind of 'the 3d Regiment fa
vored,us With some fine music, which
Wound' up with three heartY cheOrs
and a tiger.
Yesterday we received itoprosent
of ,ITavelocics.frou the ladies of, Wil
liamsburg,..for• which they received
three .times three'and a tiger, and the
thanks company C.
Last night, :Ompaily.l.l, of the 3d
liegini6nt gare'a 'grand soiree,,wilieh
was really imposing; ' there were "sev
eral approptiate' . :addresseS; the
Band discoursed some sweet music,
there were several National songs,
cheers and tigers; and at the beat of
the tattoo, all went to their respective
quarters, well pleased with the eve
ning'S'i entertainment. Our boYS are
enjoying themselves in the finest man
ner imaginable. We have a beautiful
Camp; which has More the appearance,
of a floral garden than a Camp ground:
The weather has been very warm for
the last few days. We have our Regi- .
mental drill at '6 o'clock a. m., and dress
parade at 6 p. m. By this arrange
ment the boys back' thraugh
the * heat . of the day.
Last evening we paid a visit, to the
Camp of the 14th:end 15th Regiments,
where we found a number of old ac
quaintances, among whom were Calif,.
Joseph Johnston, S. T. Damis;.D.-Wp
son, Fred. ,Sphriver,'and others'; they
all appear to be in good health and
equipments, over-coats, &c., &c.
Should anything - transpire worthy
of note, you shall.hear from me soon
again. I give you, a correct list of the
" lArkiyne 'Gnards, - compitny C, 3d-Reg
iment, P. U. V. .
Paptnik Wrn. t, 1:
Ist Lieut., J. C. Yingling.
2d ". 11. S. Johnston.
Ist Sergt. D. P. Irvin.
2d " G. w. Patterson.
3d " A. B. Flood.
4th " -C. B..llrilE3on. -
Ist Corporal, I. N. Brenneman.
2d ' " ' T. G. Sfiellenberger
3d , David. Tay.
4th " D. C. Yingling,
Quarter Master, S. G. Baker. ,
Musicians, Sno..llWKamey and
James C. Roller.
Allender James Lang Robert
Bell Harrison Lucas Abram .
Brenneman N Louis Peter
Bittlo Charles Metz George
Cooper James Morgan G- W
Craig John Miller James
Cary James Myers II W
Dell Lowery MeCahan John
Eicholts Henry McElwee William
Erb William McDonald James
Estep Elijah Noland Thomas
Fredrick Benjamin Nunemaker S
Fluke William Nevill John
Garland Moses Neff A J
Griffin John ' .• ' Noll Daniel
Guiser George Powell Milto❑
Guiser James Parks Amos
Hewet Calvin W A
Houck James • Riley James• •
Houck-1} B • - Stineman AA
Rimes Joseph Stoneker L A
Harnish John , Sies Joseph
Hoffman William Smith Patrick
Hicks Alexander Sheller J S
Johnson R Shaffer S R
Jones William. Taylor 'Alexander
Kane John Taylor George .
Kelley John Temple James
Wolf John
Kidd S L
Lower Peoples Yeiger George
CA MP NEOLEY,' Hagerstown, Md.
. June 16, 1861.
DEAR GLOBE :—ln "Dixie" at last !
This forenoon about half past eleven
o'clock,,the 14th and 15th Regiments
of Penna. Volunteers, crossed the line,
and are now encamped on the soil of
.whiCh the' boys, have,beeri singingfor,
a considerable length of time. Our
camp is situated on an eminence com
manding' the town, which is about
three fourths of a . mile distant. Ha
gerstown is quite a place, and from its
present appearance one would readily
suppose that it was the heart's chore
of loyalty to the Union. But like the
old saying, " all is not gold' that glit
ters," there are many of the inhabi
tants Who are rank, secessionists.; and
*ail within the last few days, they ,
have been making bold assertions:—
foWing, i however, to our friendly visit,
they are nearly all U u ion Men. Though
some cannot i keep their mouths shut,
and : they are taken up daily. Sev'eral
of our bole"arrested one this evening
before we were here twohoars. Some
twenty-five orthirty are under arrest
in" the county 2 •
This evening Gov.. Hicks. and Gen.
Patteron'. reviewed our two Regi
,The. Governor is a fine looking
olth gentleman, and the . Majority of the
people in this State, aPplautt him very
much; he was greatly chcered when
he made his appearance, Thd Aold
Genetitil gaVe' ii 4 very= eloqUent ad
dress from his horse, telling us that he
heel a — glorieus work for us to do, and
:Oat if le,goi, into -( trauble he wanted
to kndw whether we would help *Win
oat, when the air .ins rent with the
voice'of every, soldier, Within the sound
of his voice, with a' hearty "yes," fol
loWed by three cheers—and three groans
for 'our enemy..
The cowardly 'se . eessionists, tiny°
burned ljauper's Ferry, [lnd left but
ono house standing. I sup so ey
intend retroating down South,thinking
we will be . green enough to follow
thorn, that they may have the exqui
site pleasure of seeing us die like flies,
with the yellow fever.: Wall they may
think so, but they will find that we
are not such fools ne to go into their
climate at the hottest 4eason of the
This forepoon fonrregimento waded
the Potomac, which wet them to their
waists;' we expect to flay tho same
game very soon. The Ist Wisconsin
Regiment is just marching into our
eaniii.'.:They,fire .4 £le:ttid.Y.Aflintilr,
and all armed with Minnie Rifles.
I must close for the piesent, as it is
getting dark.
morning the 11th Regiment of Penna.
Volunteers marched into our field.—
Mr. Editor, if you Will send me a copy
of the Globe, regularly, I will faithfully
promise that you shall have the straight
story of our operations in " Dixie " ns
long as I can , give them, besides a
remuneration reuneration should I be per
mitted. to return home. You have no
idea how cheering a copy of the Globe
is to one who is from home in the
army. There was .one came Into. camp
the other day, and before I got hold
of it,' it was Perfectly worn out.
Yours in haste,
S. T. D.
mx,,Lines written on the death of
John Gibbs, a native of England and
member of the Standing' Stone Guards,
company D, Eifth,P?nneylytnia Reg
iment, who, after a few weeks sojourn
in America joined the company above
named; and died, in j?ervice . at
Alexandria, Va., June 7th 1861 :
When desolation's Climerons din
Was heard to sound on freedom's , air;
When rebels reared their etandaid high
And,lixed the ninth of trenaon there;
When rebel chiefs in Freedom's bonds
• •Apre to break Columbia's might;,
When dastard traitors dared to raiie* , • • '
Their feeble arms to face tho light—
, .
'Twas then the ficemen of the North
In battle thin arrayed their might,
And gave to vit tue, patriotic worth,
Their glom tag hearts and falehton bright.
Among the noble Ileayemborn band,
That Mackin& to ohield lbo priceless prite,
Was one, who, from a distant land,
Like a Ilarinis teemed to rise.
A noble son of English sires,
Who dared to prove to all mankind,
That freedom's steady, smouldering tires,
Still burst in every nation, clime, ,
Was seen among that hallowed band
That naarclaarto wrest from Perglit'ed f OO,
The eovreign stain, of the land,
And raise the ensign of the free.
Arne'd with that might width Tfeaven gives
To speed the ensue of freedoin's right. -
holdly matched to meet the tut
And put the bruggard horde to flight.
DO, filial how end to tell the tale.
, Before his longing eyes could gaze
On those who dared his nag to trail
Beneath their cured, unhallowed foot,
Death I cruel, remorseless death I
Seized, trim ne a victim rare,
And like the frost, his team heath,
Ltdd him low and silent there.
Alone heileepa npowthe stream • • '
Thal pewee by our FATIIEIefI grove,
As it rolls its gorgeons . slieen
Which, glittering; surges o'er the wave.
Sleep on, sleep on, Oh: heavenly slumber!
'•••No sound awakes the silent dream.
Around thy tomb the chosen number
Shall guard Potomac's timed stream
Until the Resurrection morn— -
When dust from dust shall rise to reign,
When m a seraph newly bore, •
We shall see thy form spin.
ituNTINaDom, Pa, Jima 20, 1801
FOURTH OE JULY.—Are' we to have
a demonstration becoining our NatiOn
al birth-day. We, do hope that 'our
citizens will find time amid the' excite
ment of the present crisis,•to celebrate
the 4th of July in a patriotic and en
thusiastic manner. Don'tTet our neigh
bors throw us in the 'Shade by their
devotion to that day. '„ We suggeit
that the drums be. :bieught out, and
our citizens turn out 'en! masse, and re
pair to some' Suitable place, and - have
a" good old-fashioned time. Let old
and young join t , together an,d plow their devotien to our notable birth
day. Let us remember'-the struggles
of our forefathers - and the awful con
dition in which we find :ourselves to
day, which is even more deplorable
and to be lamented than the 'conflict
our fathers went, through .at earlier
time. Let all business' be suspended
and everything be forgotten; except
the day -We are celebrating, and our
brave soldiers who have gone to fight
the,battlos 'of right, that.our children's
children :may inherit what was left to
us as 'a precious inheritance. Let' , us
do it.
TILADZICNIC.—The picnic that came
off at MeCahan's Grove on Tuesday
aftertidon Was the pidnic of the season.
About:one hundred persons, 'were in
attendance, of all ages, sizes and color,
and if they did not have a superb
time, we would not say so. Fem. mu
sicians, ,were present, and music and
dancing aista the devouring of good
things, *de: the Order or - the day.—
Those who:rdi*rnot ,is trip the light
fantastic too," amused 'themselves at
other games•as highly, entertaining.—
The table, groaned under - the load of
delicacies spread before the party, and
they were of such a quality too, as to .
pleasq,,,the most fastidious epicure to
be found., Ne ,were highly gratified
the, entertainment, ,and
-not hesitate to, repast at, a very early
season. Go in ladies and getup some
thing more. We become tired and
if dary'Qf, the '
by the
,Is;ar, and i a little relaxation
gives ifs' 'n'etwqifii and vig,dr,' and we
are prepaf6V-to. - ; enter the contest
again with ten,felcl more strength.,
FOB $1 00.—
To meet the times, the Sixty-third
,94'„Godey, will .be ,set to subscri
bers for bee Dalai.: This volume
six best „ Of ;the
year, and will contain seven steel en
gravings,'six,-of the large : double ex
tension fitshi and all the win
ter,cloak patterns.
• ' L. A. GODLY,'
3211 Chestnut Street, Phila.
sar;friiel follortii i 6 a,liet of the
officers and men of the Hopewell Rifle
Qnrupauy, which, have volunteered, for
three years, and are now at Camp
Wilkins, Pittsburg ;:
'First Lieut.Eli'`Eichelberger
Second I.4ietiC—Benj, Waltz.
' Third Lient.-L-„Tno.
Janies'Oleaver, ' "Joel T. Young;
James Gates, '• Jacob B. Linn;
MattheW Shaw, Cornelins,Shodf, •
W. M. Dasher, John R'PenrOd,
David Brallier, tmannel BoWeer,
Win. Holderaft, Aaron Jonea,, •
Oliver P. 11os, B, Monspeaker, , , , ,- •
Manspeaker;SarnueLS:. Foor,
W. IL Foor,: . J.R.' Callahan,
Nathan. Barmorid,Fied. Wright, ,'
Mark W. goor; - ,;l.llenry C.,Penrod.,
Nathan; T.'Bender,B6bert-Gamble,-' ,
G. W.Amick, John Barmond,
David Headrick, JAB. IL Ritchey;
Mcfarland,,, C. C: Garlick,
Wilson Grubb, W.ll.Eichelborger,
J. B: Tobias, • David 11orton,,
C. S. Smith,' John Carnell,
Litzinger, - ''J. T. Weaverling; '
George Tricker, Frank HOlsinger,..
Wm. El . —Weisel, Alex: Warsing, '
David ,- Martin, , David Seutchall, •
Wm. - Malone, Alex'. Taylor, ,
Zophar P. Horton, Jos. S. Cook,
Alex, A. Garrett ; Jos. Ritchey, ". •
George Leader, David Armstrong;
Daniel Adams, Jos. Leichty,
Win. D. Ritchey, Hirani G. Edwards,
Simon Showalters, James Shields,
Alek. Young, Aaron Foster,
John Q. Leichty, John Paul,
J. W. Garrett, Allison Edwards,
L. R. Piper, Edm. H. White,
Geo. Grubb, Christ. Eastwright,
Wm. IL Kay, Levi Brumbaugh,
B. Fermbaugher, Jas. A. Bradley,
Daniel Jordan, Henry Figard,
Johnson Evans, Geo. Heffner,
Conrad nolib, Frank'Dean.
WALKER, TOWNSHIP, Juno 17, '6l
Ma. EDITOR have been eagerlyl ,
perusing eveiY issue of the Globe for
some time;.thinking to sec a corres
pondent. from Walker, but it apietirs
our literary men, if really posses Sing
the ability, ,arc, wanting the• brass to,
report an item from our worthy town
ship, and I. am.determined; rather than
seeing, it, }wholly eclipsed, to pitch, in
Last Saturday was a big - ,. day at
MeConnellstown; the Home Guards of
Marklesburg were down, and joined
with our red jackets - in a grand pa
rade. Dr. Wintrode" is au able; and
profthient , officer, and I would venture
to say thal he could raiSe a Inniclred
uniformed Men here Withent any diffi
culty.`' men 'all look well and
readily eXhibit, by their expertness in
drill, the Doctor's ability in the mann
al'Okarrns. The Spectators were nu
merous, never seeing a crowd in town
tritittrPass it. •After' the various pro- '
tosses ofparading were gone through
with,.thetDr: made quite a _patriotic
speech on the ithperidriee of acquiring
Military knowledge, after which three
cheers were given for McConnellstown
and vicinity, three for the ladies and
three deafening groans for . old Jeff.
And the Southern Confederacy. Dr.
,please call again soon.
Perhaps you'll :hear froni 'Walker
• ilEr One, of the )Massachuset ts diers, whO vere attacked by the mob
in Baltiinore,'said.he saw•li man 'w.i9l
three stones under his arm and another
in his hand, ready - to' flirt)* at the
troops. The soldier fired' on the ro.lV
dy, and he says " the man dropped the
bricks and laid down:" Ii
' A
Senator Andrew* Johnson Speaks in
, • , 32Centneky. • • •
, LEXINGTONi Ky., Juno 19.—Senator
Andre* Johnson, 'of . Tennessee,,
rived here en rode for 'Washington.—
He made a three , hoitte' 'Biieech 1 4re
last night to,p„yery large audience,
and of the most .positive and uncon
sditionitt 'Union tons, for maintalhing
the Government. He said East Ten
apssee would never leavO the Union,
if armed'-to prevent their subjugation.
His rernarks were well received
Nyariitly applauded. ' 7
Fancy and Extra Family Flour.
Common and Superfine
Eye Flour
Corn Meal .
Extra White Wheat.
, Fair and Primo Red
Corn, prime Yelimy.
Extra Family Flour Til bid ' ' '..‘ $5,73 '
Extra ilolf pwt. f -, t ; 1' - , 3 P
White ATlleitt. - ' . , ' ' ' 1....: f T lt,
fled Wheat 1,1/5 ,ti
BSA' ' • .4 50
Corn • 4.1, O.
Oats 4 , • 4 25
Clorerseed . 400 :
Flaxseed -,........1,00
Dried Apples t.• 400
Butter 10
Eggs PAlt . . • T
Lard,..lo ,
Ilam.C.A., ' ' '" 12,%
Shoulder ' - ' „ ' ' ' 10.
• - • •,:
lEr ROMAN. , ,
1 I:,p - Etsr• 1 • •.; .1:1 :,:
• • - . • • -I
• -!
;, • •.:l p
• •-•
N' '
• - .I
, ;clmitz!!Czo..riflNg ; ;STAß44 - /:;;
i i ci:cAentlein'eri'alothingoffirib;ainnkeknitind nittde
hi the Uest.workmannke wanner : call at
- H.:!ROMAN'S, •,, 1
opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting
, ' [AVi17,1844
' &304 ETNKE . TSEynd ShOvets, „
Ajlor sale by JAMES. A t wtewN:
lot OCITg and 84cas, the largest and
4jp cbmpest ItesoritrAt t0w4 , 4 •
D• p, atvtn s,
Anybody in wairitor '
SHEET MUSIC for , thi -1[
AWARD :lib . BOOKS,. k
i For Sunday and Common Schoch,'
' • 'ProlictrfoVlloyiaiidebiti;: ,
CiIECKBR BoATiw, rojWiysEs; „
7 , 1 3 AL4 - F -11 09 1 1 - ( 1,
Memorandum. Books of„ VarioupBixec,
• , •
.• • ; DIARIES YOB 1860.
Drawing and, Priiiri4,//
";;;ieri t a ` na r a:/ci
. .. •. • : • .• • • r
111 ;`,!'
Arnold's Ilodgson's and llarrison's
Wrapping Paper ofDifierin't Sizes Qiia/(tie ej
Cucee Boot, STATIONLItf .!LND 3.117k1e STORE,
In the "Globe' ; ' §quniei
A good suisortment of miscellaneous and &hoot
onkilboisciiii, Letter, Conuherclal and, Nold Plipei.—
Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Block Inks--
Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils. Pocket and
Desk Inlistalidlfaryd every other artiele.inatally found in
a Book and Stationery Store, cnn be had at fair prices at
LEWIS' BOOK, FrAnplout,ysemume, STWS.H.,
.., .
NOTICE ;TO ALL !:,! 49g •;'
"Ttie'subseriber, who'll „
as for more than one pear, carried
on butinem ip company : with illesers t lt. Druspy,
•P: , lntistchr, , and LACIER Been, line time clay &Voiced
.parentrallip' with. the Pliove firm All claims ROMA the
old firm 0111 be paid by the subscriber, and all those 'in
debted to tho firm will pay'ltint. ' I
CLOCKS, ,•, TrA zcir,F E s -
and JEIVELRY will alitaii 'tie 'reliditedejA
hood Welt of CUCKB, 1 . 01 WATCIIE9 , Oral °Vim r
will, be kept on band for cuktotaera who may
favor him with a
Huntingdon, 3iforcli 2;.18mc.f
v n B o
AN!!i•)" . .. "
f .. •:: 7
It Tells You Mow to draw tip PARTNERSHIP, PAPPAS and
girt. genend datinkfttiji fif
„ kinds, Burs of Ssr.s,lx.dits and l'rrrrlars.
It Tells - Tau 'flow to draw up Dozes antibloraaansa ; A•
• ?Bata of ExCitasor,'ltEClAPTS and IiLLEASIS.
It Tells You The laws for the COLLECTION of Diners, with
• '• - the STATUTES of LIMITATION,*arid amount
„ and kind of property Excltrr from .F.xfcc..
,TION in every State.,.
/i9C/fr You How to miike an AtisunrmENi• properly, with
forms for COMPOSITIoN With CREDITORS, and
the JssoLvesr LAWS of eva•y„State., „„
Tells You The legal relationeresistirid betwieri.dausn
It Tilly You What constitutes tinet, and SLANDER, and
the Lawns to,MaatusozDowax, the Wired
' • • • ' IN PRoPERTII Dit'ofice and Abfrop.
It Tells 'Lou , The Lute for Mucalsn'tca• LIENS in everyltate,
•, 1 • • .• i and the NATDRALITATION LARS of this coon.
try, and how to comply with the same.
It Tell; You, The irov, concerning' PENSIONitnnd how to 9b.— • '"
told one,' and the Tic-Einwtou 'taws Wo
Pcutic LANDS, 1. A
II Tells You The Law for PATENTS, With Male of prove
,: , • , Jure in obtainim; one, with IrrrnrTnr.upra,
,r Assunotrind and Tnuee 'LESS . ,
It Metes You • row to maks your WILL: ind Lir* to Amor.
ISISHI ON AN ESTATT with the law and the
" " ; • regnireniiirits finHjorikerery:Statel
It Tells You The meaning, of Tss,WIS general it*,.
• . and toi you, t i tin'f,zointwaivr., Etn
'cirriVn and JUDICIAL POWers of both tiro
fleneral and State Eloytiamrerrro.
a 2111 s, Thu .11ow TO.ImP prrr IIP VAN, by shoiing 114Svi r . t,c•
„,. , , . • •do .your, business legally,,thus einking
vast amount of property; .and• vexidlaits
litigation, by Its timely minemitatfon.
!:111/3r•JIVEITy body's Lawyay f?r,ri , , at fwtrififiorkiitcwa
• r• • • •
June 19.
.$1,1501,23 '
. 64c
, r 2!, •
.... --$2,75@:247
O.P, SALE, „ f , •
At LOTT 1004 - SiA'flON Eltrk SIUSTO iTCrit4
41vansonox, Pa.
•-• /.. ( 3%
OSGOOD'S Speller. let , 2.1.3 d, 4th and 6th iteaSer4.
UPPEY•s Speller nod Iteadem, (old and noir tell/14:11104
i gi rA l gr a , : 1 1f;". do •do • ;'; I i)( 1 : - ;
. tdo I. do ' •
1 11;4
;Webb's Normal .Iteader,•No,,l
Emersaa's Readers..
Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.}._
Sellalar's Companion. 1!2 "S i 4r -; -" '.--T,,C
15mith's; Bullion's, Drown's iina'Forrer'sararam .IP
••••• g,
Moil% Phyaieal Geograph , , y: ,, • • • ~- 11.
Wari4ti'S'PkYsleal Geography.
Mitchell's,- alontelthand-MoNallY'saangrilAtles/Aitla"
Webster's and Wereestasoa Drotionsiried.f. • 4 ~ , r
Quackenbos' First Lessons in CoMPssiti9 ll ,4 •••,:. 1 2'
goacaawbo . s Composition and Rhetoric.
Greenletif'e,Etoddard's,EmLueroon's,Bwates i Colhurn'santl
Ray's Arithmeties. _
Pelersen'elainillarecience. , : ". - ',..• 111 I f ,) r `l,
Greenleaf 'a and Etoddard's lieys Arlthiretirs,...., p
Greenleaf 'el and Drtifes' _ _ _
OTeenfetif's;KeY tortliebro. „ • r
- Patiror t slovordle . Philoidphyi
Parker's Eirttltssons in Natural l'4l9X9R l ili•
Parker's Philosophy.
Uplop's fdentaill'ldlogophyt - , i
Willard's Illefe'ry 'of the VrtilFAStstes.
' • .•.r ..1 ,
Ocindrliti's n`'
Pnyson, - Dunton and Scribner's -Penmanship, in eleven
numbers, • •,- • • l n V
AcadeittifitteCOßtr;Bers' andothei Copy Books.'
Element of Map Drawing, with plan for sketching atipt4
by tr roothoile or nrcao, How .
Davie.' lernentaii Geoinetry and Trigoriontbtdi
Davies' Legflbilrfi'a CtoowntrY•• ' I it_
Fulton A . iDastmpu's Dook-keepirig.
Book ifeoping by Single Entry, by llnAnrord & Pay
Book Beeping by Single np,tlD) , ..lbir , !l,try i Llo,yl , 4p i ttre
Other hooka will be Added and furnished to order. 9 .
ftiltstock of Pcifool ,ttttibtlery altfays orj bard,
i 1 e
SMALI t p, 49F
_„ Y 2 114c Y , c?x: 1 , • • ;r,
_ STATIONERY; • • • h_
•• z ,
For Ladies thud deOtlorOOni " ' 5
•SONG BOOKS,' ' - • r
Fron9 . 4 to,"/ cents,. A
3 to / . I • A;c. AC.
where nll xto want to
,SAYE, 119N,F;1(,„
0 ~~
. ~QQj
(;; F