PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS AT ME,G-A E(AN-A. CO., Deafen in Broad Tor Goal. B. L. /Jogai:tan, General Agent, HeConnellatown, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAVIDBI4.IR, - Miner and Makatea Broad To Coal. Office Hun tingdon Pa. g": 1 A. .11111:L1.Ri: - ' - ‘_A_ ♦ Denleein ardedit. eonfactiotuirlee, de.. de DR: JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his professional vertices to Lir citizens of Huntingdon ieinity. Onion on 111.11.etroet, one door east of Itoed's prog Btora • Aug. 28, '55. T S. MILLER, • piopitetor of the Excbange Ilotel Q. S. SMITH,- Dealer in Drugs, Medi . duet, PeePatuery, Dye Etude, Otle, to. Aleo—Oro- ceries, Confeettoneritia, ge.. Huntingdon, Pe. WM. LEWIS, Dealer In Books, Stationery and Magical Imam tnruta, Huntingdon, Ea. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. UP • Founders, Huntingdon, P., TAMES A. BROWN, D.fler in hardware, Cutlery, Paints, 011 e, &c; hunt ingdon, Ca. • AI ri ROMAN, LI, Dealer in Ready- Made Clothing, Hats and Cape, boot. and Shoed, &c. BENJ. JACOBS, _UP Mater in Pry G0a1 , 6 Ready Stale antlitng, Grocer les, Queettewtre, &c: &c: GurmAN.A, 00., 'Dealers in Ready made Clothing, Iluntingdon, Pn. • - 1 - 1 P. GWIN, j_ Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocerlee, Hardware, Queens Hats and Caps, Boots and Shone, dn. FISHER & SON ? Dealers in Dry Goods, Chain, &c., lluntin ode Pa: lEVI WESTBROOK, Dealer In Gentlemen's, Linker• end Misyss• Boots, Stints. Clatters, 3loroeco Lerther, etc. TOSEPII REIG GER., Watelbsnaker and dealer In Watellea, Clocks. and Sew elry, &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer TORN F., RANEY, County Surveyor, Irintingdon, Pa.: Office on TIM street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. lirrrar-Ncria—b. T. Wation, Philadelphia; J. P. Lesif•, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan RICHARD LANGDON, Miner and Dealer lu Demi Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coon t,y, (Nor. 3,'55. A iNi3 tEt, AN c & I (10., 11V lal i)e ers in Br an d Top row Top, lip on co., [Nor. 3, 1853. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy MIMI Stl from mein Huntingdon ' at ,- WHOLESALE as cheap as Or) . can in the et tios, a. I barn a it hol,salo atom in l'biladApltla. Huntingdon, April 1.4.1858. • H. 11931-AN. 12 itY GOODS!—A fine assortment on hand for the occornmodotion of customer', nt BP:N./- w "Cheap Corner," Market Square. • (oct2B ) I,ZTONE-WAltl43 at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper, than any other place in rrtn TT K. INEF.F, M. P., PHYSICIAN' AND SUJZCEOX. Ormr,llill eirtket.'opposite. Dr. TAPlen, offers his profez Mona' - rims to the citizens of Ilmkiingdon nod ticinity April 1.1,1559. JOSY SCOTT. SAYWIL T. O.OOITX.' I. 11. 0. CORDIN AW PAItI.'NERSIIIP.- .. j J. U. 0. Cotu.o: lins, from this date, become o mem .r of the tires of , j[r- SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, „; • • . ncamoncral " in vi hid, name the lmeinese will still be conducted. Hun t Ono, S., 18,60. ' • ; A vt _-, VIOLINS, GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDFANS AND FIVES, For sale cheap at LEWIS' 1300 K. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE 'ALLISON MILLER, ' DE YPIST, Has remol NI to the Thick fio,c oppoFite the Court limn• April 1:.1, 1559. pOCKET TESTAMENTS, YOU THE VOLUNTEERS, i AS REDUCED PRICES', A LARGE STOOK OX HAXD'AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1 3 00K 'BINDING. OM Book.. Magnintx, or 14611clitions or nu} kind, un4 to order:lf left at LEWIS' 1300 K ti STATIOXERI STORE TUSINESS NEN, TAKB NOTICE! It you want your card neatly "whited upon cued open, can at LElrts , BOOK AXD STA TIOXER r STORE. stlt, Olt TILE LADIES. ' • superjor stllcle• of Note Paper and 'Envelopes, Mae for confidential rOriesponclence. for sale at LEWIS' BOOK sr:IT/ONE/2r STORE. PAPER! PAPER !- Notn, Yo,t , Convnercial, Foolok-ap and Flittenpn fond Anartine,rig Gitirlde ty tke ratty, hair rpm, quire or elieet, ns J.TrCIS . SBW BOOK I. STAMM:* STOOK. LAST NOTICE.— An , - ,;136 hire nnaintiled iseontUits with %Mt, 'or 'nix mouths standing or longer, RTC ewrnently requested to tall and settle up sod lave coats. I Amst here money or quit business. 1.F.V1 I ESTBItOOK. Ilpptjngdan,Jsn. 1661. Ple MI its redeem Drenches, ezoeuie,l in the beet • ;, e known In the art, at D, G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 1332 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Vs ilsdelphin. tifo liZe is Oil and Pmtile, Stereoitcoplc Portrattm, Am- Lrotypte. I.l.lgucrrec.type, ,to., fur Calm Mega, te. INov.l4,q3oodit.. VNVELOPEB- _LA Dp th , box. pock, or iP , II gnontitp, far sole at MI S' BOOK AND STATIONER Y STORK li - 0P SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 Ia h .pa, priamfrom 23 cts. to $2,0001 the cheap 4 03 store D. P. CI Wll4l. JAMES Collars, very cheap and beau- Ural, at D. P. GR'IN'S. ASplendid variety of Carpets, only 25 ctn. p e r yard. FSSIISR t SON.. uARRISBURG STONE•IVARI3 !1! crocks, Jogs, rißierre Jars Lc., of superior quality. Vold only,by JA311 , ..5A. BROWN pP.• P. GWIN keeps the •hergest, best . assortment and cheapest Shoes in town. Call and - canine them.; • ' 110110 OPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be cold for $1 25 et We cl en ntora of sox, IF you want' handsome Goods, good floods, cheap Goods, end otl kta 1 of Goods,goto D. P. OIVIY 'B. CULL at P : GWIN'S if you want Goon 0000$. , ROCIIRIES, s te.-Call at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS- Ail lauds of cimn try produce taken in eacimage at the hlgheat market pri (oct2B. BOATS dt.SHO?&S, Hats, c t, Capa,.tha largest assortment and ebetiPeet to 6e tot," D. P. GITLYB GUN A11.10.,LS AND LOC.X.B:=A large assortm• D t tO en l at WN'S 11. 1 1.1tDWA118 STORE. ClUlVf SIIOES, cheaper at D. P;i:iw . in's kit thoq c4tilx) bid In town. Cedi and see them. DARK Co)prod Palm Hoods, best qual ity, gib. 50 ate udi. FISHER & EON.' COAL OIL.& COAIj OIL LAMPB for 75 ceete 91-upwarde;at the J. Hardwar gR e OWN. store o A. T HE t•, Tobapcq in town,a . t D .awnvs. .--- lt( WA LAMP ollimNEys_ n . Jun received at the harlystee lON* 0C JAS . . A. BROWN,: .. - • :'. . ' • . 'BLANK BOOKS, . • or vamous aura• for rale at I,V11"1 , 5" 4 001; AND. srA vo,yE.F 1," stapz.: ANCIENT JERUSALEM, • A LATiGE AND EFAITTIFUL IBOMETRICAL PICTURE OF JERUSALEM And the Sacred Places Surrounding the HOLY CITY ; . ' AS TREY APPEARED IN ANCIENT TIMNS The above irork is rommendt4 to the favorable notice of clergymen, and those baring charge of Sussdapechools, Blblo-classes, and pfiblic institutions. It Is about 9 feet long and 6 feet wide, colored and var. sashed, and mounted on canvas with rollers. It law bees constructed from the moot reliable and au thentic sources, end will be found an invaluable aid to those engaged in lecturing on the Holy Land,• or in Im parting Instruction to school classes on the subjeet to s hlch It refers. It Alva to give an exact idea of the city as it appearod In antient times. It is taken as a "bird's eye" or " bal loon" view, the beholder being, in imagination, placed at a conslderable elevation, so at to take a comprehensive view of the city and the whole country for some distance around. The view ig accomfauled with an OutlinelCey, In which the different localities are numbered, and a Deecriptive Manual containing all the information necessary to era- We one to use the clew to Advantage to teaching or tee. turing. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES. TLii is' a 'Weekly Religious Paper, publishetrat the very low price of ON F. pO GI, AR A YEA ft; It is &- aligned for l'arents,Teachers; and all who are engaged or Interested in the religious training of the young, It is alas an excellent Family Paper. A portion of the Stowloy-School Time: is occupied with Narrative's and other mutter particularly interesting to young persons. Teachers will find in it much that they will like to read to their clams—interesting matter pre pared to their bends, nod each as they cannot find else here. For the same reasons, members of Biblisclasses, and the older ',cholera generally, will be greatly benefit ed by the perusal of this paper. The Aindely-School Thee, hoe every week a report of the choicest matter, selected from the Noon 'Prayer Meet- Inge, which arc eo Interestmg to all classes of Christians. Besides a large amount of general religious Intelligence, the Sunday-Selina Tames contains all the most recent Sun day-school news. It reports all the important Centel/. Coos of Sunday-school teachers. It discusses the ques tions which most interest and perplex teachers and pa rents. respecting the various methods of ltellgions Train ing for oho young, the means of gaining the attention and of of children, mid especially of securing their convcriilon and bringing them to Christ. The subject of Mission-Schools for cities, and of Sunday-school mission ary weak fOr the, interior, Is thoroughly canvassed. ,In deed, thsre is hardly it topic of practical Importance to any who are tinterested in the subject of religions educa tion. which is sot here brought under coneideration from week to week. The conductors pf this paper endeavor to remember,that I ho groat end of all Chrintinu effort info bring min to Christ. They aim accorilingly i to' put Into every number of the 'paper something which shall have for Its direct of ject the conversion of soul. SPECIAL OFFER The proprietor. of the Sunday-School Times how at qttired the ext.lueive right of eaio of the Aplendid work mentioned ninn'e, the MAP OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM, offer it no a special premium to those stmerititendentx. letieltern, or others, who will moist in getting new id,. iitiriiiere to Theynper. • - - . offer till's tutterb prepiium to any ono s'hO ' 'sett'," Its the - uanies of 12 prse . stibset titers mid sl2ln mob. ISEIESti fn every case_ hcforo beginning to canvass, be sore tow rite to us and obtain the necessary documents end Instructions. These will help you greatly In prosecuting the uork, and ei ill save you loony mistakes. Enclose b cents to pay postage. Address PEOPRILTOIOI OF OCR EUXDBY-SCROOL TOM, 14S South Fourth street, Philadelphia. N.B.—Specimens of the snndayßchool, Times, and a copy of the Map of Ancient Jerusalem, may be Been at the Bookstore of WII. LEWIS, 11unlingdon. • - April 10, 1061.—t.f. pITILADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD. SUAIMERaRRANGEMENT AND AFTER MA I' 2M, • 18G0 Ts o pavrenger trains leave Itarrisburg Daily, (Sundays exceptett,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. 51. ' for arriving there at 1.25 P. M., and 6.15 P. 51. Iteturaing,' leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. IV., and 11.50 P. 51., arriving at Ilarrkhurg at 12.45 noon and 8.50 P. M. Fares, To Philadelphia. No. tetra, $3.25; No.: (in gun • train, $2.10) Fares: To Reading, $1.63 nod $1.30 At Reading, connect nab train* for Pottsville, Miners. rifle, Tamaqua. Catamissa r ait. Four trains leave Heading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A. 51.. 12.30 noon cal 3.43 I'. N. bravo Philadelphia CrO Beading at 8.00 A. 11,1.00 P. It, 3.30 I'. H., and 500 P. Fares: Beading. to Philadelphia $1.75 and $1.45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Reading with up train for Wilkeshrwro, Pittston and Scranton. For through ticket.; and other Information apply to J. 3. CLYDE, July 18 1060. General Age-rd. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. • + • lIITAU • • ,r•r • :•` er..t . ta:•' :• Sirl EL‘ •••••• ." Nt , w , agiteme • 117 SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TIME nuniTEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW rOEK AND RADHLSBURO! VIA !LEADING, ALLENTOWN AND EA6TON. monsixa lliParsg, West. leaven New York at 6A. 31, arriving nt Ilarrivbnrg at 12.43 noon, only 6,4 Isourt. ho tweet tint too cities. MAIL LINE leaven Sew York at 12.00 noon. and anivee nt II arrisbura nt R. 30 P. M. Monatao Mall. Lies Root. leaves Itartieburg at 8.00 A 31., arriving nt New York nt 4.30 P. 31. ArTLENOON llamas Liar- Prt.t, lettece ILtrrisburg at 1.15 P. TJ4 nrci ring at lien• York nt 0.00 P. 3i. 'Connections ore made nt Ilarrieburg at 1.00 P. 31., with the Pageenger 'fining in each direction on the Poutlayita- Ida. Cumberland Valley nod Not thorn Central Railroad. All trains connect at Rending it ith train, for Pottevillo and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Stanch Chunk, Eavton. &c. No change of Passenger Cars or Thiggsgo between New York and liarTiebnrg. by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New York or the the 113 P. 31. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, add speed, comfort and lICCOM mod nt ad, route presents superior inducements to the traveling publia. Fare between New York and Ilarrbdatrg Oro dollars.— Par tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agenk, Ifafr(sburg. July IR, 1660, • WHAJAM APitreA rus AGAIN COMIENCED TILL BOOT AND SLIOE-MAKING. ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. lliVold customers and the public generally, will give him n I tuntingdon, Oct. 20, 1800.1 ALEXANDRIA BREWERY-- NEW FIRM!' The undersigned respectfully Inform the public thnt tbty pave purchased the ALEXANDRIA MOWERY and wilkOontinue the bUSille,lll, and endeavor to give general satisfsction. All orders will be promptly attended to. WM, ItOTIIROCK t : Alexar.dria, Feb. 22, 1860. NVII, 61, KI11BY• . . ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- 7 lICKI En C. McGILL, manufactort4 of 'alrk Inds of &Whigs, forge and rolling mill. grist and saw mill, thrash. jog Joachim', algid and eleigh soles„.wagou boxes, stoves of various Linde, kettles. plough abeam to suit all kinds of ploughs; also, car wheels and railroad work, and has a new and Improved plough that renders smisfaCtion to nil farmers that have used them. I still keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Mourn. Fisher & MeMiar- We's, Ilontingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will fill all orders promptly. The termer. will save motley by getting shears and ploughs of MNIII.L, at the foundry headluarters, the place to boy cheap. All kinds of .produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchango.— livingthe pay and save ten per cent. R. C. WWI& 'Alexandria, March 7,1E60. jiL l OOTS ,14 SHOES:;--01tV 4nd • young can be Wed at BBNJ. JACOIdS' Store in Market square, Huntingdon, Pa. (0ct28.) cOAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! amen A. Drown eells the genuine ‘. PORTLAND KENO.. SENE,' , on GOAL OIL, clear as realer. This is the only kind of oil that gives entire salisfation ad nn agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an offensive smell and smoke. - • A large variety also of COAX. OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, Ac., &c., told nt the very lowest prince, at theillardware Store, Lltt4tlng don, Pa. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TIMITORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TIER HORSE AND HIS DISEASES„ - i • A VALUABLE BOO*, For sale of LEWIS' BOA Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER,• • • EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, ' EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale ak LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOOTOR, THE FAMLLY DOCTOR, _ _ A V t I:LIiABT. 4 K BOOK, For sale at LEWl . S' i ßoalr Store. LONOSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRETII ON' THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETU ON THE HONEY BEN, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT.TAPES, D,OWNING on FRUIT and' FRUIT VALUABLE BOOK, ' For 3alo at I..PIM' Book Store. D. P. GAVIN . HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK or NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, April 10, 1061. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! ! FISHER & SON HAVE JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS. TILE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL and EXAMINE OUR GOODS. FISHER & SON. April 10, 1 861. pisToLs! PISTOLS !I ColVv, Sharpe', Smlll & Weivon'a, and all Improved patterns of ❑evolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, Bowlo Mayo., Zr.. Lc., for sale at the Ilardwaro Store of JAMES A. BROWN. May 21, 1861. . Huntingdon, Pa. BOOTS & &HOES! ANEW STOCK. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. JUST RECEIVED AT' LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE. All in grant of Boots and Shoes, for old or young, me reverted to call and examine my stock. L, wEsTnnooK, Huntingdon, May 3,1861. ORMANS' COURT SALE.- ‘. ll pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of !fun. tlngdon county, there still be exposed to Public Sale, on the to mdse.', On SATURDAY, tho 15111 day of June next, nll the right, title and Interest of John Morningstar, deed., of, lo and to tt certain TRACT OF LAND, situnte in Tod township, in mid county, bounded on the northwest by land, now or into, of James EntreklmEsg , on the north• east by ionic of Itichrvel Stone, on tbo oonth-west by lands of Frederick Crum and Henry Item, and by other otitis, containing Ninety Acres, net measure, p tin be the slime more or less, upon which trnct there 111 11l Is n !Argo Log Dwelling,llnuie, 45 acres of new - ly cleared land, the balance being will timbered, on ,excellent spring of water, young fruit trees. he. TERMS OF SALF:—One.third of the purchase money to be paid on conlirmntion of the sale, and the residue in two equal stimuli pnyments thereafter, with tile interest, to be secured by the 'muds and ntortgngo of the rowans. cr. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of mid day.— Attendance given by the Ailminlehntors of said dac'd. JOIIN BEAVER, Pllll.ll l °MINER, Mity'2l,l66l. Mtn,. S TATIONE n Y and JEWELRY PACKAOES, For sale to sgerits and dealers at very reduced rates, put lip in s nriety envelopes. Fur further information Address COLEMAN S CO„ (Uvontra) 802 Chestnut St., Phila. June 4. 1801. AG EN TS Can mike from $3.00 to $3.00 per day selling our vanity envelopes. _ COLEMAN k CO.. SO2 Chestnut St., =I 11RUSTEE'S NOTICE.- The undersigned hoeing been appointed by the Court of Cenrunnn Pleas of Huntingdon county, Truatoo of John Y. Hay, an Insolvent debtor, hereby Ores notice to all persons indebted to the naid May, to make immediate payineut to the undo, Ligned, end those having claims to present them for settlement. N. MILTON SPEED, Huntingdon, May 30, 1861.-It. Trustee. A'heUDITOWS NOTICE.- (Mate of Christian Lawless, deceased.) • undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court to distribute the balance in the hoods of J. well Stewart, Esq., administrator of Christopher Lawless, tale of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. hereby gives no tice to all persona interested, that ho will attend at his office in Huntingdon, oh FRIDAY the 21st day of Juno next, nt one o'clock, P. 11. for the purpose of nicking raid distribution, winces all persons having chems against the mid estate arc requested to present the same or be debar red from coming in upon sold fund. ' TilEO. IL CREMER, Auditor, Huntinrdon, Vey 28.1801-41. V IJ ECEIVER'S NOTICE. • ka notice that I hare been appointed, by tho Court of Common Pie. of Ilenotipion county, ?tether of all the credits, hills, book accounts, note. and meta of every kind, of the firm of Douglas & Johnston, doing business la Walker and Penn trernahlps, In sold Co. Notice Is therefore given to all persons indebted to the firm, to call at my office in Aluntingdon, and make set tieniont. rfratat SWOOPE. Huntingdon, June a, 18C1. 4 1. UDITOR'S NOTIIOII- [Estate of Esther Cox, det'd.] a undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dietributo the balance in the hands of John Owens, Dig., administrator de bolds non of Flitter Cox, late of Warriorsninrk township, dee'd., hereby gives notice that ho will attend 'at his °Moo In Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of Juno lust., at one o'cloek, P. M., for the purpose of making said dis tribution, when and where all persons interested :In said estate are required to provost their Maims against the sumo or by debarred from touting In upon said fund. THEO. 11. CREMER., ' ,ifontingdon, June 4,4861,-3t. , Auditor. 4eUDITOR'S NOTICE.- • undersigned Auditor, appointed hv , the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to make diittibution of the fund in the hands of John Cook, arlmr. of James 0. Mad den, late of Springfield township, dec'd., hereby gives no tice to all pantes hiterested, that ho will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the office of Scott A Drown, in the borough of Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the 27th day of Juno, inst.,vhen anti where all person, are required to present their claims or be debarred from coming in on cold fund, J. 11. 0. CORBIN, , Huutidectii, Just. 4,1861,3 t, Auditor. SPRING AND SUMMER .. ' FASUIONS! , ROBEIRT ZINO, MERCHANT' TIALOII, Had Street, one door west of Carown's Store, WITII s REC 6 455011TM61V1 Or GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS. His wolortmea consiet. of CLOTIIS, PLAIN AND FANCY TESTINOS., the neitioufand'heit that could be found in the city, tilt of uhich he , will Mite plenum' in exhibiting, and "nuking up to order. It will cost nothing to call and ommaino bin goods. Call noon. . • Huntingdon, April 3,.1861.-3ni. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, • BA it:e FITT UREA% TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, 4 FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEW IS' BOOK' STORE CLOTIEII;VerI , --A large stock on hand, / at tho cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex. amino g oods and prices. „ (0ft28,) and BAIEEI"S FIXTURES, A hal:4Bmm aasorta STATIONERYrocoIved and rot• sale at LEWIS' BOOK & MUSIC STORE rIONPECTIQW4RIVS of the very best CoI At Nib R. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND ROOD NAPTIIA PBCTORAL, the best Best Medicine in the woild for the corn of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, l'olpitation of the heart, Diptherir, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con sumption, together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by n Practical Physician and Druggist and one of great experience In the cure of the vezloue diseases to which the human frame is liable. MMMUCMIZEMI Try It end bo convinced that it is invalulible in the cure of bronchial affections. Price 60 cents per bottle. ESENWEIN'S ARO3IATIC BALSAM A very valuable remedy for Diarrhea, Dveentery, Cholera idorbus, and ell bowel altectione. Try ft. Price 25 cents per bottle. &Or Tho above Medicines are prepared only C by Dlt. A. ESENWEIN & 0., Druggists and °herniate, N. W. Corner Ninth & Poplar Its., PhiledelphlA. N. D.—Sold by every rsapactable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the atato. (Juno 'N), 1880.-17.] REMOVAL RANB 8s BROTHER 'lnform the people generally that they have removed to the shop lately occupied by Berens kGrim. They have both had many years experience In the business and they feel confident In being able to give general satisfaction to all who may give them work. They will make or repair any kind of We, wagon work horse shooing, and all other kind of Iron work. Their work will be well done and cheaper than can be had In town. Huntingdon. April 2,1M:3m.. GROCERIES I GROCERIES I ! A Fl?Eall A RRIVAL IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call et D. P. °WIN'S, Whore you will find the largos tee. eortment 01 town. CARD.- DR. 1). S. HAYS offers his professionnl services to le Inhabitants of Mooresville nod vicinity. Office, •t the lower bank or Neff Mills, opposite 31ra..lilyton's store. April 18, 1860-a. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND Drumm PAM Trhite and Colored Cant Paper, For 6ale nt ZEIVIE BOOK dE STATIOXERT STORE. I 1? YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED cmi at the More of BENJ. JACOUS. WOSTENTIOLMS' Celebrated I X I. linhos and Razors, for sale by JAS. A. .1111 OWN. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, LEWIS' BOOK STORE NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! G! ASHMAN MILLER. Has just received a new stock of onoculES, DIti•OOODS, Colt and examine Illy now stock. G. ASUMAN 3111.1= 3lny 3, 1661 WATCHES, J , EWELRY AND SILVER WARE. Wo would respectfully infoiut our Giends,pittrons and the public generally, that we have now in 43) Store cud offer Wholesale and Befall, at the low en Cash Prices, a largo and very choice stock of Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of every via riety and style. Every description or Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to order at short notice. 4..7.• All goods warranted to be es represented. N. 11.—Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry, of limy description. STAUFFEIt & En. 622 Market Street, South aide, Philadelphia. March 6,1861.-3 m. 11HE 'NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Have Just received another 'lock of new good', ouch a• DRY, GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, &C., in the store room at the soutleeast corner of the Diamond in the borough of 'Huntingdon. Their Stock has been carebilly •elected, and will be sold low for cash or country produce. Huntingdon, April 15, 1561. HEUMATISM CURED. Mr. JOAN WESTBROOK, Sr., mnnufactures a INIMENT a hick Is sure to curo Blientratiant. Nocure. no pny. Persons afflicted should call and try the medicine. Call at his resident° in Washington street, one door west of Ler' Westbrook. Ituntlnt,,ion,Mnrclt 20, 1661 NEWELL'S rnaroa RAP!' GALLERY, N 0.731, -trek Sired. Philadelphia. One of the largest and moat complete Galleries in the , Staten, where the beet 'lnterco, known to the Pho• tographie art, are taken at prices no higher than aro paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, attend, per- Aonnlly, every eltting—and inflows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it give. perfect satisfaction. , Paguerreotypee and Arnbrotypen, of alumni or tleoetuted friend., photographed to any required sire, or taken on Canvass, life size, and painted in 011 by tho best Artiste. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— its perfect In cloudy days no when the nun shines. Persons visiting the city are reepeet fully invited to ex. amino our epeelnienn, which fur price and quality defy competition. In strue tio n I given in the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, , COMMENDATIONS: From Ron. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. My family and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Non ell) picture is more life-lika than any thing they ever ease. My likeneas boo been repeatedly taken by dif ferent Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had one which presents tiO true to nature, all the features and expressions of countenance as this, From Hon. E. Joy Mortis, Into Mitister to Italy, Tho exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your por traits, conjoined w ith their durability of eolor and faith fulness aa likenesses, cannot foil to commend them to the attention and patronage of ail who Appreciate true art. From Col. JaMes DigO. ' Having ocescion for,,a portrait,/ proonred ono from Mr. Robert Newell of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors, un der the nets process elbscorend by MIN and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but its artis tic ankh in all respects, andxe,commends him to tho pab femme of these disposed to encourage the, bemarful art Nov. 28, 1660 Jan. P/toO. 1 2 10 W ARD ASSOCX A F T m l.O l, A N ii , mtpui A.. A nevolent /ratan/ion established by epeeist/ pudaramea, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of nt.'s... of the Sexual Orgasm Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with& description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhsea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Orgatile, and im the new Remedies employed to tlse•Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en tekmes, free of charge: Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. vtddreese, DR. S.'SKILLEE' HOTPSIITON, Acting Bar yon, froward Association, N 0.2 South Ninth Streets/IAI. adelphla, Pa. By orderer the Directors. • - 41Z11./i D. HARTWELL, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, keerdarY• Dec...10,1860.-Iy. "CASSESIERES, and SOUND ON THE . SOOT & SHOE QUESTION. • _LEVI WESTBROOR liku, Just opened the best assort ment of Goods to bid Ilan, ever brosight , to HuntiogdOn. Ills stock of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Get:kilo-Ai: men, Misses, Boye and Children, comprfses all the /Y latest fashions, and manufactured of, the boot ma Wrists. • • Al.?, a fine essochnent of RATS for men, goys and Children . ROBE in great variety for Gentle.. men Ladles, Mimes and Children. CARPETBAGS, 811 Bv•MDF•RS , GABTERS, FANS, Sc., Se. 'ALSO, • SOLE•LEATITER. CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LASTS and SIIODFINDINOS generally. Thankful for put favors, a continuance of the same le respectfully solicited. N. B.—Boots and Shoes for Ladles and. Gentlemen, re paired and made to order. ' Ifuntingdon, April, El, Bled. , CHRIST. LONG'S CALL AND SEE. UM JUST RECEIVED BOOTS k SHOES, GALLERY Or ART, 724 Arch Street, Phlladellibit, pENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRA,INB ' i ',l g ASH MEM WESTWARD. I , EASTIVARIT K c. p t , 5 ~,. h4s 9 p, . e 3 3,„ BTATIONg. g r 0 2, .: fa' P. Y. P. Y. A.Y.I 4.m.1 1 P. M. 4 23 Ve ri , tort linmilton, 1 23 431 ' Mt: trIAIM, 10 28 116 4 46 81111 Creek, 1 01 4 59 646 5 53 Huntingdon, 6 53 10 00 12 50 5 15 Petersburg, 9 47 12'85 5 23 ..... Barrer., . 12 28 5 90 8 19 Spike,' Creek 9 36 12 21 5 45 Birmingham, 12 05 5 54 0 40 Tyrone, 9 17 11 65 8 04 ...,. Tipton 9 6.9 11 43 6 09 Foetorta, 11 38 '8 13 Dell's Mlll4, 0 02 11 134 630 7 65 7 10 Altoona, -... 4 45 8 80 11 20 • BROAD TOP iCHP.DULB `l, Passenger Trains LTUNTINGDON&. neigtoAD.—ctiANGE 07 St Uu and sneak/day, Junel7th, will arrive and depart as follows: • UP-TRAINS, UM% Huntingdon et 11.20 A. 51.'& 4.15 P. H. Saxton " 9.10 A. 51. Arrive at Hopewell " 9.46 A. M. • DOWN TRAINS, , Leave Hopewell at 10.00 A. Bt. Saxton " 10.35 A.lll. & 0.30 P. M. Arrive at Huntingdon 12.30 P. Bt. & 8.30 P. H. J. J. LAWRENCE, Supt Juno 17, 1561 UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction, exercise, and Manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, Including In fantry of the Line, Light infantry, and Rifle men, prepared under the direction of the War 6 Department, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, May Ist, 1881, contain- IX ing the school of the soldier the school of the company; Instruction for ekirmiahere, and the general calls; the calla fur skirmisher*, and the • school of the battalion; including the articles t of war and a dictionary of military terms. Complete in ono volume. Price $1.25. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. • ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK FOR THE UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into service: containing a complete system of instruction in the Fchool of the Soldier, with a pi ellmtna ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Parade, tine Position of the ousters, Ac., Sc., being a first book or introduction to authorized O. S. Infantry' actics, Just pub li.hed. Price 25 cents. For sale at • T.EWIS' BOOK STORE. AL' O, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry . TACTICS, Complete in 2 vols. Prim $1.50. For sale et LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Aka- The Books sent by mail to any addretut on the re' ceipt of the price. Huntingdon May 28, 1881. To An 'Persons in Possession of any Arms Belonging to the Government. ADJUTANT,OBI4BBAL'S 11.1861866813, May V, 1861. =I Sir:—The Act of Assembly, approved the 15th day of May, A. D. 1851, entitled, "Au Act to cre ate a loan and to provide for 'arming the State." require. the collection of Military arms belonging to the State, for the purpose of remodeling and dlstrlbuttOn. You aro hereby instructed to furnish, at once, to this Department, the names of all the Captains of Companies wino have such arms in their pooleasion, stating the num ber and description thereof. You will also employ smile nnituble person or persons to collect all thorn to the hands of disbanded Companies and individnnla throughout)oar Brigale, and to box up and send the some to tne nt this place. li. 31. BIDDLE. Adjutant tieueral. Inuosne Insrscron's 0Y7X02, ALEXANDRIA, Juno 6, 1861. Any Individuate knowing persons to hare t i m aforesaid tun's, are required to report to me, or ho held to answer the same se those persons eecreting them. It. C. 31cOILL, Dy order of Adjutant General. ottHE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN!-The subscribers take this method sforming their friends and the public generally, that -• they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Poem . - dry, and are now in successful operation, \ CFR., and are prepared to furnish Castings of ..,-,,Mcic,,;;;; every description, of best quality and ' workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plotlet This plough took the first premium at the Thin tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter -Ploughs. which can't be brat-together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on lined ri aro manufacturing Stoves—sech as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow aim°, consisting of Kettles, Boilers,' Skillets, &c., all of 'which we will sell cheap for mils or in exchange for collo. try produce. Old metal taken for castings. •By a strict attention to business; and a desire to please, we hope to re. seise a liberal share of public patronage. -T. M. CUNNINGHAM & TIRO. Huntingdon, April 60,1866. F OR EVERYBODY. TRY TILE NEW ,STOI:Et On .rrat Street oppolite Carman's Mort- THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, ' COFFEE, TEA and CIIOCOLATE, FLOUR, PPM, SALT and VINEGAR. CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, ' SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, * and ON ery other artlcle usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO— , Drugs, Chomiude, Dye Stuffs, Pointe, Vernishen, Oita and Spte. Turpentine, , Shad, Alcebol, Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and MUNDY for medical porpones. ALL TILE BEST PATENT 31EDICINES, and a largo number of al ticles too numerous to mention, The public generally will pliese call and oxamlue for themselves and learn 1113 prices, Iluntivr,don, May 25, 3859. .UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. DAVID BURL , B. MILTON SPZER LAW PARTNERSHIP. • BLAIR fi, SPEtR, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. ' Office on main Sttook, ono door %VGSt of Wilson k Petri ken`e. All professional 6uniness promptly attended to. lluntingdon,llarch 27,1811.-3 m. '•• . JAOKSON HOTEL, 1117NTMCIDON, GRAFFUS STILLER, Propridor. T. WHITE, It, ATTORNEY AT HUNTINGDON, PA. . Jan.;lBo-tf. EXCHANGE HOTEL; • • nu , rl,Noix)x, PA, . , NUR, nno , nsrynnzo. RAILROAD DEPOT, , • • JOHN S. MILLER; Proprietor Huntingdon, April 10, 1801: CULL at the 'new CLOTHING STORE j of OUTMAN & CO., If you want a good article. of Clothing. Store room in Lone'! now building, in the Dia mond, Huntingdon. - Sept:9, 1857. "VVINDOW _SITADES, CMS, TASSELS, &C., ROPOSALS' Will be received by the enbetriber far mining afte Ivering into mire the coal from the Powelton and Dir. net Coileriec, for one year, ending‘kfarch grit, 1802. The coal to be delivered at nonsuch per, ton, of 2440 no aforesaid, In the bent marketable condition, free from elate, and 'other Impurities, in mush quantities and of each deicriptiob as may be ,deeignated by; the orders of. the subecribor. The contractor will beprovi . ded alibis - fish mining tools and iniplements, oases, &C.. as ; May be on ,the premlies, Valuation of which will be mate at the time poesession in given, the amount Of which valuation 86' be accounted for at the expiratlen of the contract. Vol gore will ha provided. A 1494ecittironi wlllbe charged tor hones.. - The Mines to be worked subject toench mining engineer an the lessae may provide, For further Information apply to ROBT. lIARE POWELL, - No. 104 Walnut Street: Yeb. 20, 1881 Ar. • ' PhEndelphia, Pa. TEM lamest stockof Be Laines in town by FISHER & SON. Ctfi l Lz a t o. , GWI : N' if . 3cau : *a:ett, 11 - P." GOVAN'S la" the place to buy LS good and elwapPempote.' WRAPPING •PAPER !. . Q POI ettlele for mile aL 4rorm vaom TT OMES FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS IN:11113 ' GARDEN ETATR OP TIIN WEST. -- Thelied% Conoral Railroad Company have for gals 1,200,000 ACRES Of Rid, Fanning Lands in Tracts of Forty Acres and Upward, on Long Credit and at Low Prices. MICRANICS, FARMERS, AD WORIDI ODOM The attention of the enterprising and industrions ,por , Mit of the Community is directed to the following suits. meats and liberal inducements offered them by the /LLI OIS'CLYIRAL RAILROAD Cowen, Which, is they will perceive, will enable therm, by Pro Per energy, perseverance, and indastry,to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and amines, with, comparatively speaking, very little capital. LANDS or iLLININIL • No State in the valley of the Slisebeippi offers eo mat an Inducement to the, settler as the Mate of There in no. portion of the world where all of the coed!. tion of climate and 101 l ao admirably combine to protigte thois two great etaplex; Ohre and wheat, ite the prairie, of Ittca Itoturra PRAIRIZ LAZCD3. The deep rich loam of the prairies Ix cultivateti ' Wilh such wohderful facility that the farmers of the Eastern and ?diddle States are moving to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinois Is about equal to that of England, and the moil Is so rich that It will eupport twenty millions of people. - , Liman AND iounixnag MAREsta. These lambs are coatiguoue to a railroad seven Hundred hallea In length; which connects with other roads and nav igable lakes and rivers, thus affording in unbroken com. municatation with the Eastern and Sopthbrn markets. APPLICAIIOII or COITAL Thus for cordial and labor hate titan appllod to develop og the Boil ; the greet resources of the State In coal and Jilin are almost untouched. The invariable rule that the mechanic arta flourish best where food and fuel are cheap• eat, will follow at en early day in Illinois, and In Oa course of the next ten years the natural law, and necessities of the ease warrant the belief that at least five - hundred thousand people will be engaged in ,the State of Winds in the various mannacturing employments. E.A11.110A7; SYSTEM or Itimoss. Over $100,000,000 of private capital Lave bean expended on the railroad system of Illinois. Insomuch as part of the income from eeveral of these work,, with a valuable public feud in lends, go to diminish the Stets expellees, the taxes aro light, and moat consequently ovary day de crease. The State debt is only $10,105 , 30814 , and within the „ last three years has been reduced 52,959.746 80 ; and we may reasonably expect that in ton yams .1t will become extitct. - The State le rapidly tilling up with population ; 863 ; 026 petsons having been added *lnce 1860.1)1011,4 the pop• ulation 1,7/11,106—a ratio of 102 per cent. IA ten yang. AORICT , LTURAL PRODUCTS Tho agricultural products of Illinole ere greater than those of any other State. The products sent out during the pasttyear exceeded 1400,000 tuns. The wheat crop of 1880 approaches 35.000,000 hutthele, while the corn crop yields not less than 140,000,000 bushels. • Nowit . ere can the lodustrienui 'iecnro Buell imme diate results for Ids later as upon these they being composed ors:deep rich loam, the fertility of which uneurpaeted by any on the globe. To Acron Cm:masons Since 1854 the company havneold 1,300.000 amt. - They sell only to actual curtinators. arid awry con Itract containe an agreement to malice*. The road has been eanttruetki through these Lands at an expente of $30,000,000. In 1850, the population - of the 49 counties through which' it passes was only 835,599, since which 479,393 hart bent added, ma king Ms whole population 814,691—a gain of 143 per sent. , Mcmzxces or Pioserrtrrr Ae en evidence of the thrift of the tempi . % it may be stated that 1560,000 tons of freight, including 8,600,000 hue. of grain and 250,000 Intirele Of Dour, were forwarded over the line lag year, Mechanics and workingmen will find 11w free school eystein encouraged by the Btato and endowed with a hags revenue for the support of school.. Their children can live in eight of the church and school house, and grow up with the prosperity of the leading state in theOreat Wen. ern Empire. • , - ' Pracre Tram or PASILECt. The prices of these lands very from $8 to $25 per acre, aconliug to locution, quality, &e. First-class fanning lends sell for Shout $lO or $l2 per acre; and the relative expimse of subduing prairie land, as compared with woodland, is In the ratio of one to ten im favor of the former. The Orem ()reale for the bulk of nine lends will be Oea YEAR..B 'INTERMIT lac Anvescx, at fix per cent per minim,- and slx Interest notes at six per cent.payable respectively in one, two, three, four,five, and six yearn from date o sale; and four notes for princi pal, payable in four, five. six, and saved years, from date of sale ; the contract stipulating that one-tenth of the tract purchased shall be fenced and cultivated, each and every year for flue years from the date of sale, so that at the end of five ye trs onnhalfshall ho fenced and under cultivation. Twnarx Pan CERT:WILL Ba DLEVOIRTA.' from the valuation for cash, except the same should be at six dollars per acre, when the cash price will be $5 dollars Pamphlets descriptive of the lauds, soil, climate, pro ductlous, prices, and tonne of pa) meat, can be had on AP plication to T. W.,FOSTEIt, Laid Commissioner, Illinois Central itallroad; Chimer, Illinois For the nnmes of the Onions, villegeffl, and eiiieseitunted upon the Illinois Central 10111rond, lee ngas 188, 188, and lOU Applotou'elleilnay Guide. . GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES HT ROBERT JENNINt3S. V. S n • Professor of rugugogy awl Operalire Surgery in the Veterinary College of PhaudelphUr,. etc , etc. WILL TELL YOU Of tho Origin, llistory and distinctiye, traits of the various breads of European, Asiatic, African and American houses, with the physical formation and pc. rullarlfies of the "animal,' and hole to ascortaiu hie ago by the number and condition of his teeth ; illustrated with numerous explanatory eugra% lop. TILE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, }Hailag, Feeds . ing, Oiooming, Shoeing, and the getter— al management of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, eho, how to trent llifing, Ricking, , Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib. Bits lag. Restlessness, and other vices to which he to eubject; with numerotte.ex plagatory engravings. TILE HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causesoymptorim,nild Treatment of Strnngies, Sore Throat, Distemper, . , Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Neurally, Broken Wind, Chron . . ic Couch, Roaring and Whistling.Lnert ' ' • pie, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and •1012- rayed Teeth, with other divans of the Mouth and Respiratory t Organs. • TUE MORSE AND HIS DISEASES . S. S. SMITH , WILLTE7.I. TOO Of the mina."' syraptoras,and Trearraent of Worms, Bots, Oltolio,Strangnlatlon, Stony mentions, Ruptures, Palsy, • Plarrhea,Yaninlice,ifenatirrlaM,llloody ' Urine, Stones in tho Kidneys and Plod. tier, Inflamation and other diseases of . the Stomach, Dowels, Liver and nary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho mums, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bono, Blood and Bog,•Bpaeln, Ring Bone, Sweanie: Strohm, Broken s Knees, Wind Galls, Pounder Cranked Hoofs, Bole Bruhn) and °ma, Canker, Permeher, Thrush' and Corns; also, or 'Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stagnant ' and other diereses of the Feet, Legs, • and Mad. - . • t • • • " • . TIIE 1101ISE AND Ins DISEASES . . . . WILL TELL YOU Of the canner, symptoms, and, Treat ment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Percy, Scarlet Fever, 'Mang% Sarfeit. Looked Jaw,ltheumatismOramp,Oalls, , . . Diseases of the Eye and Mart, &a ,&o, . . and hOtv to manage Castration, Bleed ., , ing, Trephining, Roweling. Siring, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping,and oth . , tr surgical operations. • - , THE HORSE AED iIISDIStASES WILL TELL YOU Of Rarey'a'lfetbial of taming Worms; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; him tc acceetom a Norte to strange monde and eights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and 4/realt .hlm to - llama's; also the form and law of • - Wstmasnr. The whole being the re , - ' mit of 16 years' careful study of the , • • ..hablte, pecultaritlmossate mad week ' nesse. of this übble and useful animal. For sale at'Lewls' Book Store. . . • NARBLE YARD. ' • The i utidereigie'd • , would rispeetfulip cell the attention of the citlimm of untingdoa sad the adjoining counties to the cloak of beautiful marble now au band: Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest nets e, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and ,fgtonm of every desired eke and form of,ltalirm or Eastern Matblei, highly finished, sad carved' with appro. Pri tiZiet vi g,aridt d to. ' 'Z ' aV - A 'i n t e4w,'iiila . ar.:, Will be fueuutgi to order: '. ._, " W. W. pledges Masaalf to furnish - Material and work. manebdp equal to any In the spouts*, et a fair pries." Call and este, before rus pnreltasis elsewbere. Shop, On Hill eticet, nantingdon, Pa. ..W3.1. WILLIAMS: Ituatingdon,May 16;11.55.," .•. . • • . . . ..... • . .. THR Qtr -The rlt r aV " VZ ilni et i VZ tO 5 enlarged ,and lrunrovad inotzuctets-- " Welad's ol i and Improved Method for the fltsttar—torand'. Accor deo°, Violin and Flute Instruotots—,Winnees and Howe's Violip Instructors—Bellatr;s Holodeon Instructoi—tur• towee Plano•Totta , ,Prtmer•-;de. - motouihrllass Howes Drawineltoo"Haktnarqbe MGM Glee / 3 tPk — Tara'allimk- to. am* at bzww BOOS, STAZONEET BraßielatltZ. • , • , A complete Pocket Ready, Reckoner, in dollars mite, to which are added forms of Nbtes,' Bills, Re- Petition., Ato, together with a set of useful tables. containing rate of Interest from one dollar to tweltB thong and, by the single Ur, - with Attable of wage., andbOird by the week and day, published 1111859. Per sale at " ' ' LBIVIB . .011085 STORE. kALT P SALT !A - SALT II Just melee from the. Onc:odego 'Balt Company, Syrticnee, N. Y., to be sold on conimieeion, either whole sale or retail, 200 BANISNLS and lON. BACKS of SALT. Oct: 81, 1800. , . & SON. Tj ROIME N T DEED PAPER- 7 ,-- rtilod t for'salti 443r.t5 , o o x : -4;2.644, TEE Steat DZIIT Puma PopilLanoir FLTNXILITY OF SOIL. EDLICAIto , t xtomusre . ; !111.011.1tEtt'S ROIUUeV ' PRACTICAL CAI4IILATOIL PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCIMATOR. , PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, PRACTICAL CALCULA7iOIf;_•' 9r ,t ^, D OFIRE 8 PRACTICAL OW LATOR _ A Book qf gad CU.:dame - Ai Magmas bpi , ration, Noetieell. 4 .1t0.V11 . 14424twat ; Chmrotyancor. New Editioll,,publiehed.-by J. B. Lip** colt re Co Pleacteldphics. t - •• .4 'Ealtirork co - Maine 2d4 pigmy and..mileladA / o .9„Ridelt. and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, **has arlee every day In the common pursuits of Bovines. It has already passed through a number of edltioni in rapid succession, and Is_ pronounced by all classes of business men to be the ;handiest book of reference, yeast/dug to calculations, that bus Sear be en published. Every example In the book is worked out in tall and elated in a plain manner, ao that when a parallel cane mt. see, those referring-to the work will And no difficulty in solving it; in a . word, the general arrangement of the CALCUL/ITO:la simple, that any one who knows hawk), add, eubtract,'Multiply and dirids, earl easily solve any or dinfitY example that 'arises In busixtens, or arrive at the true result ofaicy eetiorate required. - The chief alai of the soother has bent' to eichew theory and philosophy In figures,eindrig only at facts arid simpli city, believing that boluese men care little about spew. ding Emetic. discussing pre phikaophy pf rube, orthe science of fignris;deamingiit aufaclent for their purpose to bo able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the tree result. The CALCULATOR differs lath!' respect from all other Arlthmetics qt the day and kindred wakft—it key to practical business calculations—it *in the.hinds of the Mudnees man, what the key to mathematical works in the Lauds of the teacher in the school room—!t heat. tales Cote and insures correctosaa ; r„ TIIRWORIc. TREATS OF TRH Lend, , Measurement of of Lticalter. of Brick and Brie& Work, cf atone amintene work, of grata and groin Woo, °focal and coal bins, of woad, of dolids, of* /quids, of Adv. ruler, sqtrire or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb. er's, paper hanger's -and upholsterers' work. Tt treats of mummy and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction end its extended ,applicatiou to business, of simple and compound interest, aturtheir entire application to business transactions, with the laws and-usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forma—of legal tender, of .partial payment on notes, or banking and bank dischunt, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of ,tazne, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and Its application to business of surfaces, of excavation, end of many other important prattle-el matters noewithlis the scope of an advertisement to Meg. tion. , : IT 1$ JUST TUB BOOS HOB THE Fanner, the merchant, the mechanic; the attire% or• the profeesloned man. It hen proven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer; the Justice albs peace, the conveyancer, tad real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer and the surveyor, to the carpeutim end bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hanger and uphoisterer,to the paver and:the tiler, de., ke.; each and all will find it eeepted to their VIP riouc wants better than any book published. - - *al-Price, 60 cents. For utast Lead.' Book Biota:- Iluntlngdon, Dec:Xl3, 1660. CHEAP WATCHES I -pp ,giftf CHEAP WATCHES!! , q - e rACOB LADOMUS;- - )-s:f Ti NO. 818, 111AR,KET -STRUT PIIIL4pELELIILt. I@@'e on hind and Is consfantly receiv ing liige sasbrments of American, Engtiih, and Stan Watches, which be wIU toll at lower prices thari ever offeried.' " " • • ••••' . J. L. would call particular attention to the oelebratO Astsmcsn Wired, which for accuracy ortinie and dura bility, and Jam liability of getting out of order, Is superi or to any other imported watch, mid* at anything like the same cost. ;Jewelry, Silver and:3llm_ Plated Wpm, of all styles and patterns. -ALSO- . . Gold, Saver and Skit Spectacles, • with gloms for all eights, with Num., u welt as the,94l style trainee. All goods cold at my outabliehmant are warranted to be ae represented. and aatlefactien guaran teed to all yurebaseu, at NO. 418, Market Street. Corner of Decatur , . - • i • , [Bept. 19; 1860,-Iy.: • riILIR "GLOBE ,108".(34116.E ., P 11 Fhb most Coin Plots of 'isby to the elgultri, a t pas. suedes tho most ample facilities for promptly caseating to the but style, army Variety of Job Priatlng, etch as , lIAND BILLS,.' :) , , , , PROGRAMMES, t , • "• 'BL'ANKS, . • • -POSTERt CARDS, CIRCULARS. ' BALL -TICKETS,' • • - BILL HEADS, LABELS,. &C., &q., &C. • CALL AND EXAWiNE OFICODIFIOI OF TIDE, ,• AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY # MUSIC STORE. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN- COOKERY .A. 74, ITS BRANCip Nrss.zug,t ACEON. Carel:ally Reisised by #i4 il-S.•llate IT Tarn Ton [low to eboose Cl iinds of bltests;Pnaltry, , and Game, ,vdth uLl..the yariconi And most approved modes or dressing sod cooking . Beef and Pork slim the beet and simplest -. 'way of salting, pickling and curing the fr -Tuts You All the carious and'lnostapproyeAmodesUf tinseling, cooking, end boning blutton, Lamb, Veal, goaltry,iand game of all kinds with the different Dreseinga, Gravies, and • • r :fltixilingeeplirOjirialeCo each. • • ' Yda 110 w td choose, clean; and nresernsiPlib , of. all kinds, and how to sweeten It wb6nAdat, *0; also itllthe various and ittoWapptiread n, odes of cc4ing putt tbeC disgrentrlirens- In Game, and, Vegetable.Sonpl,protha4.lls - • • ' Mews, with t'llo Reines dad SensOttlnta • r ' !WMPriikletP each, If. " • •i • .3*: It Tuts Yon c A m llete Tie g tntttea oi st,Ty ry tnr m ri bd p ml . - , , also haw tot prepare pie e k ' l e as, Catnips and Curries of all kinds, Potted Moats, Fish, • Game, Nnahrooves - ! tr. Tau You Al) the varioug end,most appreverf tiodeieof Preparing and cooking eft klnde of Plain . „ and, Feu') Poe try, r 4 , 01 184.: Ouoldt4B. Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Prezerves, • Jelllee, and Sweet,Dishes of every descrip tion. - '-• Ir I'SMA YOP All the various snit most iibproved modes ' of nuking-Breed, Rusks, Moiline, stict , l3ls-- cult, and the best method of pieporing " ' • Cetrbe, Chocolate, And:,Tim, and. hew- to , make Syrups, Cordials, and . Wines qt.Ta , eons ; ' • In - Taco You 7row to set out au9 ornament &Table', ftdirlo • Carve all to h 4r d lo o Velln h Pa u ; k thatt l and of abo rt , oking as to bring the eh olcsweluxurloa of the table within the everybody's tomb. For Sale - at Levriel Book -Store: , : • NEW BOOItS ' FOR RAtOrtr LEP/ISt - ROOK RIORR THE 110USR: ANi Pocizi SiktralL.Of Rua &Oitad tura; or, How to Enna Diallinge, Bsl:l2ift, %tables, and Out Dweitlogiot altkiddb. f With aCkapter 'ate Clurakaa and gcbricil-liousis. Price, 00 cant.. ' , TILE GARDEN A'Nsw Poem. Maven . Phetkat Roe- Ccultura •' or, Row to Colticati Vegetables Pruitt, tad Flowent Ink a Chapter' bit 'Orsiathostid: Treas. add , Shrubs. Price, 50 cent'. . . THE PAM: A New Yoder 'slomeg:of' Prlinticat Ai* culture; or, Erov to WO vat* all the,PleldiCrope. Wlth ' an Essay on Pairnlinnegernerik ete PACit o Teddritil.: DOMESTIC "ANXUALS Pomo , Miami /*Wile, Iloilo, and Sheep Husbandry; or, Row to Breed and "Bear the Various Tenants of the IBarn-Pard, etc., oho Price, 60 cents. TO I TALH:"A Nis POCirrr SlktretiotConrerastatt and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring is OrsEi.taLal. cal Style, and more than Eve Jittodred Commoaaltik MIMS COrrecte4. .PriCti AO ec,coOP ~ ; I 110,W TO DEFLATE: A Naw Poe= Iffsata,lXof DV** can Etlquatks; and O ldb td: Carats* -Piwiwinal•llabilai with Boles for Debating flocietkoraDathatatiya • eembilas, etc. Price; to eetita:' • .'•' 110 W TO 'DO MI:MU A New Paoli* itslir. al Practical Allan wed MA to Roam att ige; ws .e Collection of Busies Forms, O &Mini:nal Ott:lova e . znerciel Terms, eta. Driee, , Ao cents, F.44"'K J AIN EIOU4E, L o v DIA.VCAATJ'A • • • Inti3als4llsag, sisc: VALMINE envsZ, Proriie&x•'!i ••• " " - The citizens tit t did etallUr t s . CiV i llt i ttertrist" l9- " P n t l i tZta . eioimk TO TgE'brtst , ; 601 tott , • B A - RGAINS: •' • - • NEW GROCERY' ' - 1! - • 1 . • - • • 1!;, - • :••• J ,•:. . • CONTEOTiaIURT• "6; Liirm • 1 ; Infbrrtur ,tbe . :4l;end at ItT44tearnt . mart. •,ittltt,lbet beattgs*ed nen , ttfote ontittion fry tore tu,the basement, undereatznan &CO/Clothing Stere;Ta the Dtametel; and 'Mull meat .reapettfully re. - %Mfgpnblto PA r ua° ' Fkl!',°t°6! tondetaal 111 , Gjte°4Ril toNacirdsinitia, Pleb tan be Inu¢ at whpleeole oa tptail. •, • TOE CRAM - will be furnfirte4 terdaill toppt U did inaliktu*, tkittbk .• • • - „ llntittngdon, Sept. K . 1t , 09, - iter oNTritt. rap. BOOKS - • Vot" sale itt ~14.tra 114 K 'AMY aragolorirtrzroax T IQ[JORS,-o€• tfroliimf, for Medioi 4 4 1 pummel; A ' SAMTA INN