The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 04, 1861, Image 2

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    cuti—Metht lobe,
WM. LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
RAI S.--" Glans" Is published twice n week at
$1.50 a year-75 - cents for all months_-40 tents for
three months—in advance.
Tueeday Afternoon, snne 4, 1861.
The Star-Spangled Banner
Ohl say, car. you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we baird at the twilight's halt gleam
'Whose Mead stripes and bright stars through the perilous
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly stream
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our nag was still there!
Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foes haughty boat in dread silence repose.,
What Is that which the breeze, o'er the tottering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloseal
NOW it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam;
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream—
'lfs the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave,
O'er the land of Ow free, and the home of the bravo I
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war, and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more I
Their blood has wasted oat their foul footstep's pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling nod slave,
From the terror of flight or the gloom the gravel
And the star-spangled banner In triumph dolls wave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!
Ohl thee ho it ever, when freemen shall bland
Between their loved home and war's desolation!
Blessed with lictory and pence, may the Heaven-rescued
Praise the Power that bath made and preserved us a na
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto—" In God Is our trust I"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!
Another Patriot and Statesman Gone.
Stephen A. Douglas is Dead
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, after several
days' illness, died at Chicago, on Mon
day morning last. This announce
ment will elicit the profound re
gret of the nation, as no man had
warmer or truer friends—and no man,
at this moment of his country's great
est trial, was looked up to with more
confidence as having it in his heart
and in his power to assist to a greater
extent than any other in bringing
back to our distracted country a spee
dy, happy and permanent peace.
3fr. Douglas was in his 49th year.—
His remains will be taken to Washing
ton on to-morrow.
Our Visit to Chambersburg
On Friday morning last we left our
sanctum to enjoy a flying visit to
Chambersburg. Arriving there at
about 4 P. 31. ; we immediately pro
cured a pass from Gen. Williams and
visited Camp Slifer, where we found
some three thousand soldiers, fully
equipped, ready and anxious for active
service. On our return• to town we
unexpectedly met with a number of
our acquaintances, citizens of the an
cient bormigh, the county, and of Blair
county. Capt. Bell's company of Ty
rone, and Capt. Neff's company of
Williamsburg, were quartered in the
Court House. Capt. Lloyd's company
of Hollidaysburg, was quartered in the
German Reformed parsonage. These
and other companies left town on Sat
urday morning for new quarters in a
new camp some six miles from town.
On Saturday morning we accepted an
invitation and took a soldier's break
fast with Capt. Bell—good coffee, bread,
meat, etc., etc., a diet we could live on
during the war, if not shot or killed j
by disease. We found all the men
looking well, and generally feeling
well, and anxious for a brush with the
secessionists. There was very little
dissatisfaction with the quality and
quantity of food,—a miss would occa
sionally happen with the bakers, when
sour bread would have to be dealt out
—this would annoy some of the sol
diers and complaints would be made.
Considering that all were playing sol
dier, a little hard grub should occa
sionally be accepted without a growl,
especially as Uncle Sam's family has
grown very large in a very short time.
After passing an hour or two with our
young military friends on Saturday
morning, we visited Camp McClure,
about a mile from town. Three Regi
ments were out on dress parade when
we entered the camp ground, and a
more beautiful military sight we never
saw. There were other Camps in the
neighborhood of the town but for
want of time we could not visit them.
The town was full to overflowing of
visitors and military on Saturday.—
were thirteen regiments (over
ten thousand soldiers) quartered in
town and in the camps in the neigh
borhood. Rev. E. W. Kirby is Chap
lain for the 3d Regiment. He has
services twice a day on the Sabbath
and is beloved by the whole regiment.
We returned to Harrisburg on Sat
and visited Camp Curtin.—
Some thirty-six companies were in
camp. Capt. Dare's company, the
Scott Infantry, had just taken their
supper. Tho men bad eaten their fill,
and they called our attention to the
quantity left over. They were in good
health and satisfied with the treatment
they were receiving. None of the
companies in this Camp had as yet
received their regular army uniform ;
but as fast as they can bo made of
good material they will be furnished
the companies. The companies aro
all being mustered in for three years
or the war.
Meeting of Officers in Camp Curtin.
CAMP CURTIN, May 31, '6l.
Near Harrisburg, Pa.
Upon the suggestion of Capt. Rick.'
etts, a thorough military officer, a meet
ing of the company officers now in
camp was held at head quarters last
evening, to take into consideration the
various reports that have been in cir
culation about Camp Curtin.
Capt. Fisher was called to the chair,
and Capt. Lyman, of Lock Haven, and
Adjutant Case, of Susquehanna coun
ty, were appointed Secretaries.
Capt. Ricketts offered the following
preamble and resolutions :
WHEREAS, There seems to be some
misapprehension in certain quarters as
to the real condition of affairs in Camp
Curtin; and, whereas, unfounded ru
mors have been circulated in respect
to the provisions supplied to the vol
unteers ; and, whereas, we deem it to
be simple justice to all parties that the
rumors and misapprehensions aforesaid
should be truthfully corrected; there
Resolved, That we, the officers of
the several companies now in Camp
Curtin, do solemnly declare that the
food and quarters furnished our men
is excellent in quality and abundant in
Resolved, That His Excellency, Gov
ernor Curtin, is entitled to, and we
hereby tender our hearty thanks, for
his active and efficient exertions to
make our situation as convenient and
pleasant as the emergency of the cir
cumstances could possibly permit.
Resolved, That we hereby express
our entire satisfaction with the course
and measures adopted by Col. Geo. A.
C. Seiler, the commanding officer of
this camp, in the discharge of his du
ties; and wo hereby pledge ourselves
to use our utmost exertions to sustain
All of which were received with loud
applause. Capt. Ricketts followed the
offering of the above resolutions with
a short speech, in which every one dis
covered that ho not only appreciated
the position of the government in this
sudden emergency, but that he was a
true soldier, and invaluable to the exi
gences of the present crisis. Ho said
that as yet lie had not endured any
thing like the privations in respect to
eating and sleeping that be bad expec
ted to; that he left his home to be a
soldier, and was prepared to suffer
anything for his country.
Capt. Baldy, Adjutant Case, Col.
McCoy, Capt. Whiter, Adjutant Math
ews and others, made some very ap
propriate remarks upon the resolutions,
bearing witness with Capt. Ricketts
to the good treatment they had re
ceived in Camp Curtin.
The vote was unanimous and earn
est to adopt the resolutions, and they
were signed by the following Captains :
W. W. Ricketts, M. K. Manley, E. J.
Lantz, Chas. D. Roush, S. B. Harding,
Roy Stone, J. 0. Loraine, Bradbury,
Langhorne Mister, W. D. Dixion, P.
Baldy, J. S. Wright, W. 11. H. Gore,
Jos. Totten, C. A. Lyman, Geo. Dare,
E. A. Irwin, James Taggart, 11. C.
Ulman, J. Rehrer, G. B. Overton, Wm.
T. Blanchard, Jerome Myers, Jno. El
dred, Hugh McDonald, J. Sherwood,
and Scholl.
Upon motion it was resolved that
the proceedings be published in the
Harrisburg papers, and that the Phil
adelphia papers, New York Tribune,
and country papers generally be re
quested to copy.
The meeting then adjourned with
three hearty cheers for the Governor
and as many more for Col. Seiler.
J. W. FISHER, Pres't.
C. A. LYMAN, l Seer's.
A Letter from Mississippi
[From the Lonisvilla Journal of Slay 27th.]
The following letter should be earn
estly pondered by all whose welfare
the truths uttered in it maY concern.
The writer does not give his name, but
we know who he is, and we can say
that Mississippi has no truer or purer
or more substantial citizen than he.—
If his warnings were for her, they
would be too late, but Kentucky may
well heed words of warning from one,
who, living in the midst of the conse
quences of disunionism, is well quali
fied to speak of them from personal
knowledge. Shall Kentucky make
herself such an unhappy land as Mis
sissippi, Alabama, &c., now are?
" May, 1801.—DEAR
Sm :—The Confederacy takes charge
of the mails after this month; there
fore we may see the Journal no more.
I sometime since informed you that
one of our leading men, who was in
the convention, said he had been hum
bugged. Another complained of all
power (alias freedom) being grasped
at Montgomery. They would not
venture to give their opinion as mat
ters now stand; they dare not. The
few, by being organized, have finally
and fully tied the hands of the many.
Read the history of Alexandria of old,
and you will see the history of the
Confederacy as it will be, adding that
the Confederacy will have fallen from
more freedom to more despotism.
" The Secessionists aro carrying out
the principles and wishes of the Abol
itionists. Likely negroes could not be
sold here at $5OO in good money.—
Negro traders are as scarce here as in
" I see you are trying to keep out
of the suck. It is said there is a place
between Heaven and Hell called Par
adise. The Union is Heaven. If you
keep out of the suck you will be in
Paradise—we aro in Hell.
" I give my opinion as a Southern
man, born and raised in the South.—
I never had a relation who lived in a
free State. No man in Mississippi has
a larger proportion in negroes than I
have, yet I am now of the opinion
that wo had bettor have given up
every negro we owned than have gone
into Secession.
"As I may be mobbed for express
ing an honest opinion, I will give my
name only as
WARSAW, Mo., May 31.—Tho Union
men from Pettis, Henry, Benton and
Morgan counties, numbering some 7000,
were organized in this county on Tues
day last, and threaten death to every
Secessionist in the Osage Valley. They
have sent an agent to Gen. Harney
for arms. Great excitement exists
here, and had it not been for the peace
arrangement between Gens. Harney
and Price, the military companies here
would have driven these men from this
county at whatever cost.
WASUINOTON, May 30.—President
Lincoln, yesterday, invaded the sacred
soil of Virginia in person. That is, he
and Secretary Seward drove over and
visited the camp of the Jersey Volun
teers, who were at work in the trench
They saluted the Commander-in-
Chief of the Army and Navy with
their spades, and cheered him im
mensely. The President will visit all
the camps and works in turn.
The Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment,
Col. NcDowell, went to Alexandria by
steamer yesterday.
An important change has been made
in the despatch of the mails to the
Southern States. To Western Virginia
west and north of the Blue Ridge,they
are to be sent to - Wheeling by the way
of Harrisburg and Pittsburg; to Alex
andria and the remainder of Virginia
they go to Washington, and to the
other Southern States to Louisville,
by way of Harrisburg and Pittsburg.
One company of the Fifth Pennsyl
vania Regiment occupies the Marshall
House, the scene of Ellsworth's death.
The New York Second Regiment,
which enlisted for three months, is en
tirely disbanded, the Government re
fusing to accept any volunteers except
those willing to take the oath to serve
three years or during the war. A
large number of them have already
gone home. One company joined the
N. Y. Fifth Regiment to-day.
A gentleman who arrived this morn
ing from the neighborhood of Centre
ville, Va., 23 miles from Alexandria,
reports that he was informed that
there was about 4,000 troops in that
vicinity. He also confirmed the re
port that prominent Union men con
tinue to be seized by the ,rebels, and
conveyed further into the interior of
Virginia, to be held as hostages for the
safety of about forty rebel soldiers now
in Washington, awaiting the order of
the Government.
Captain Engle, of the Navy, has
just arrived hero from Fortress Mon
roe. He gives it as his opinion, that
the rebel battery at Sewall's Point is
impregnable. It is defended by not
less than 4,000 men. Ho thinks that
Gen. Butler will cut off their supplies
and compel them to surrender, instead
of attacking them.
The Government has information
that Grafton, Virginia, at the junction
of the Parkersburg and Wheeling
branches of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, is in the possession of the
Federal troops—the advance guard of
Gen. McClelland's corps 'd armee. The
ret I soldiers that lately held the
place, probably retired before their ar
rival. Grafton is 188 miles west of
Harper's Ferry, so that the troops
have still a long distance to traverse,
and will be detained by re-building
bridges destroyed by the rebels.
B A LTI ORE, May 20.—Private des
patches to the American, dated Wil
liamsport, May 28th, say that the
camp opposite that place has Men
back from the Potomac about 4 miles
to Falling Waters, the church at Which
place has been occupied as a hospital.
On Sunday about 200 Virginia troops
reached Little Georgetown, 7 miles
above Williamsport. They have en
camped there, using the church as a
HARRISBURG, May 30.—Gov. Curtin
has ordered that payment on certain
heavy -contracts for supplies to the
volunteers be suspended until the ac
counts can be investigated by the
Commissioners, Messrs. Benj. Hay
wood and Jacob Fry, Jr., who are di
rected to examine all such contracts
Good and substantial clothing, of
the army standard, is to be sent as
fast as possible to Washington for the
4th and sth Regiments of the Pennsyl
vania volunteers. Every suit will be
carefully inspected by an experienced
The allegations of fraud in the Gi
rard House and other establishments
arc to be fully investigated, and any
violation of contracts will be prosecu
The Adjutant General is about to
collect all the arms in the State, and
those with flint locks will be immedi
ately altered and improved so as to
render all the State arms efficient.—
The alteration can be effected for a
small sum, and the muskets made as
serviceable as any other arm. This
at least seems to be the opinion of the
most experienced army officers here.
BALTIMORE, May 30.—The bridges
at Patterson's Creek and North Branch
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
east of Cumberland, were destroyed
yesterday morning by the Virginia
HAnursnuno, May 31.—A private
letter received here to-day from Mar
tinsburk, Va., dated 28th inst., states
that one company of infantry is sta
tioned there by a brother of Governor
Letcher, who is described as having a
head as red as a beet, red flannel
shirt, thread-bare pantaloons, boots
wanting heel-taps and coat too small.
A secession flag is waving over the
Court House. The Union men are
largely in the majority, and are anx
iously desirous of procuring arms to
defend themselves. The rebel soldiers
get drunk when they please, are very
disorderly, and lack discipline.
The small pox is raging violently
Harper's Ferry, and many mem
bers of the two secession companies
that went to that place from Martins
burg have been brought home to be
buried. The diarrhea is also prevalent.
Tho Berkely County Guards numbered
ninety-five men, and the Wise Artille
ry, 84 men, when they 'left Martins
burg, six weeks ago. The former now
numbers only 24 men, and the latter
20, the losses being occasioned by de
sertion and disease.
The Bunker Company of Bucking
ham County have all laid down their
arms and departed disgusted. Almost
all the latter voted against the Seces
sion Ordinance. •
- -
The above information is perfectly
reliable. Martinsburg is only eleven
miles from Harper's Ferry.
Tirnsmsomsr, June I.—Noon.—Up
to this hour there have been no arri
vals from Acquia Creek. Hence there
is no news of the engagement com
menced there yesterday.
The steamer Anacosta was disabled
by the rebel battery. The action is
believed to have been severe. No
troops have loft for that point. The
Seventy-first New York Regiment is,
however, under marching orders..
Au advance on Fairfax Court House
is believed to have taken place at day
light this morning.
Some slight skirmishing took place
during the night between' the advance
pickets of the Federal army and the
rebel scouts.
Last evening some Secession spy
cut down the American flag on the
Marshall House, in Alexandria. Ile
has not been diScovered, or he would
be roughly dealt with.
1 P. M.—ltis said that a messenger
to the War Department reports that a
small force moved on Fairfax C. 11.
last night about midnight, and were
repulsed, with one killed and three or
four wounded. It is believed there
was greater loss on the other side,
while six of the rebels were taken
prisoners. This statement must be
received with great caution and as on
ly a flying rumor. The points men
tioned are already exaggerated four
1 P. M.—l have obtained the cor
rect version of the Fairfax Court
Hour story.
The second company of U. S. Caval
ry, commanded by Lieut. Tompkins,
entered Fairfax last night and dashed
through the streets.
They were fired upon from every
direction, and the rebel infantry closed
in on them front and rear.
Lieut. Tompkins had his horse shot
under him. One of our men was killed
and two were wounded.
The company - then retreated, dash
ing through the rebel lines and taking
five men prisoners.
You may rely on this as correct.—
The attack will probably be renewed
to-night with a greatly increased force.
WASIIINGTON, June 1-2,?, P. M.—
Later advices from Virginia to Gen.
McDowell, state that in the fight last
night at Fairfax C. 11., twenty-seven
of the rebels and four United States
soldiers killed. Four horses were also
killed on our side.
[Correspondence of the Associated Pt ep,q
WASHINGTON, June I.—An engage
ment occurred in the vicinity of Fair
fax Court House, in which four of the
United States troops were killed, and
twenty-seven of the rebels killed and
wounded, according to the official re
There have been no arrivals from
Acquia Creek since yesterday after
noon, and the Government had heard
nothing additional up to half-past one
o'clock to-day.
It is not known that all the Seven
ty-first New York Regiment went to
Aequia, Creek, but it is believed that
detachments wore sent.
The military bead-quarters had in
formation that one of the FireZonaves
was killed, and another wounded, near
Alexandria, last night.
From Harper's Ferry
HARRISBURG, SUB° 1.-A scout that
left Harper's Ferry last night after a
stay of two days, reports that the av
erage desertions per day were about
twenty-five. The character of the
surrounding country affords peculiar
facilities for desertion.
Large quantities of provisions are
taken from Maryland to Harper's Fer
ry, which should be prevented by the
Government, Immediately. Officers
there believe that unless they retreat,
they will hesit-rx---Atiftled witiffica - vvvek
by the United States troops._ _
Gen. Patterson passes up in a spe
cial train to Chanibersburg, to-morrow,
and will have charge of the expedition.
Three regular officers are serving on
his staff. -
The number of the forces on the
Maryland heights, overlooking the
Ferry, is less than 3,000, and these
have four guns in their battery. The
clothing of the Virginia troops is
giving out so that they are obliged to
wear blankets during the heat of the
(lay to conceal the deficiency.
The rebels speak depressingly of' the
state of affairs, but declare they will
fight hard.
No troops have yet moved South of
WAstalloroN, June 2.—From a mes
senger direct this morning at ten
o'clock from Acquia Creek by the
steamer Anacosta, the following facts
arc obtained relative to the contest
yesterday at Acquia Creek : The een
gagement commenced on Friday, as
t 3
heretofore stated, and lasted two hours.
Yesterday it was renewed, and con
tinued twice that length of time. The
lower or beach battery, which had
been so essentially damaged the day
before, had in the meantime been re
paired by the Confederates, in force it
is supposed about two thousand strong.
The Freeborn, yesterday approaching
to about two miles from the shore,
early in the afternoon fired four or
five shots, when the Pawnee entered
into the conflict, taking a position near
to the land.
For the first two hours the fire from
the shore batteries was very brisk,
but was returned with more expedi.
tiou by the Pawnee. During the en
gagement, she fired 160 shells, one of
which was seen to explode immediate
ly over the heads of the Confederates
who wore working the battery. The
observer through the telescope saw a
number of bodies of them carried away
in wagons. During that time the
shore movements were exceedingly
brisk. The Freeborn lodged three
shells in succession in the beach bat
tery, perceptibly damaging the works,
which had the effect of greatly dimin
ishing the fire.
The Freeborn received two shots,
one of which passed through the cabin,
damaging some crockery, but not the
vessel except making a passage through
the bulwards of slight consequences.—
The Pawnee received eight or nine
shot, but all too high to inflict much
damage, one struck the main topsail
yard, which was thereby unslung.—
Another grazed the mizen mast head.
One passed through the hammock net
ting. It is the opinion of the officers
on board that had
_the Confederates
been provided with good gunners, the
vessels might probably have been
sunk. Some Confederate shots passed
over the masthead to the Maryland
shore. The Anacosta returned here
this morning, the Pawnee and Free
born hauling off beyond the range of,
the enemy's fire.
The Yankee, which went down on
Friday with dispatches, fired a few
shot only, not being prepared for a
long contest,
The railroad depot and buildings on
shore, at Aequia Creek, are destroyed.
Tho damage to the beach battery is
not considered permanent, the Con
federates can soon repair it. It is
safe to say that at least ten or twelve
men were killed on the part of the
Confederates. It is not known how
many were wounded. All the officers
engaged in the fight concur in the
opinion that the Confederates have
rifled cannon, perhaps several, and in
all, it is supposed, eight guns.
At one o'clock this morning one of
the Connecticut re g iments broke up
their camp here and went over into
All was quiet during last night
among the camps on the Virginia
shore, between Alexandria and Cam
HAGERSTOWN, ;hum I.—This morn
ing the rebels again attempted to take
possession of the ferry boat lying op
posite Williamsport,for the purpose, it
is conjectured, of removing it to Falling
Waters, a point about four miles below
where there is a considerable number
of rebel troops stationed, who doubt
less intended by means of the boat, to
cross to the Maryland side on a ma
rauding expedition. The Union com
pany, at Williamsport, as soon as they
perceived the rebels taking possession
of the boat, ordered them to desist,
which they refused to do, whereupon
the Union men opened fire which was
as briskly returned and the fire was
maintained on both sides for about an
hour. Three or four of the rebels were
wounded while on the boat at the
commencement of the fight. The boat
was soon abandoned by the rebels, and
it remains safely at its moorings. It
is reported that the attempt to capture
it will be repeated to-night. The riv
er will be closely watched by the
Union Guards, who have been rein
forced by a company from Clear Spring.
The Union company from Sharpsburg
is on its way up to Williamsport with
one or two field pieces.
WASHINTON, June 3.-11 A. M.—To
night has been decided upon for an
attack on Fairfax Court House. the
scene of the cavalry exploit on Friday
night. It is not probable there will
be much resistance.
It is said to have been decided in
the Cabinet meeting, of Saturday, to
make a new levy of seventy-five thou
sand men, to serve three years or
during the war.
BALTIMORE, June 3.—Gov. Hicks,
this morning, demanded and received
the muskets of the Baltimore City
Guards, 159 in number, and had them
eanveyed to Fort McHenry.
Several men who were about to
start to Harper's Ferry, were arrested,
this morning, and lodged in the Fort.
CINCINNATI, June 3.—Two columns
of Virginia and Ohio troops, from Gen.
McClelland's command, in command
of Col. Kelly, left Grafton last night,
and, after marching during the entire
night, twenty miles, through drench
ing rain, surprised a camp of rebels
two thousand strong, at Phillippi, Va.,
and routed them killing fifteen and
capturing a large amount of arms,
horses, anununition, provisions and
camp equipage. The surprise was
complete, and at the last advises the
Federal mops were in hot pursuit of
the rebels. It is probable that many I
prisoners will be taken. Col. Kelley
was mortally wounded_and has since
died. :venal others oft me et eral
troops were slightly wounded.
The Advance of the Federal Troops
[From the Whrclino Intelligeneer, of Moy 2911.]
The passage of the troops who left
the depot ;Monday morning, has been
one continued ovation, as ibr as they
have gone. We went clown on the
train carrying the troops from Camp
Carlisle, the Ohio regiment coming
soon after. Those who witnessed the
parting scenes at the depot will not
soon fbrget them. Some of them were
very touching. At Benwood, one
mother, who had come out to exchange
the parting word with her son, said,
with tears standing in her eyes, as the
train rolled away: " Co; you leave
sore hearts behind you, but all will be
well when you return." And a grey
haired sire, at the same place, hobbling
on a cane, shouted after the train as
it moved away : " I have three sons
with you now, and I wish I could go
myself." Such Was the spirit mani
fested everywhere, and a correspond
ing feeling pervaded the hearts of the
All the way out through Marshall
the utmost enthusiasm was awakened
by the appearance of the soldiers.—
They had not known them to be corn,.
ing, but they divined at once their
mission, and the most joyful excite
ment was everywhere exhibited. Ow
ing to the alarming reports of the
night before, rumors that Southern
troops v - ere approaching, we found
crowds at every stopping place, who
cheered the trains as they passed with
wild vehemence. At Glen Easton we
found a company of 25 or 83 riflemen,
and further on passed another compa
ny of them, numbering perhaps 40, all
marching towards Cameron, which
they heard was to be attacked and
burnt by State troops. At Cameron
we found a crowd assembled of some
300, perhaps, who insisted on standing
out in a pelting rain and cheering the
soldiers nearly all the time they were
there. The report of the advance of
Southern troops had been received the
night before, and a hundred riflemen
had been under arms, guarding the
town all night; and at this time men
with rifles on their shoulders, were
coming in from all directions, word
having been sent out the night before.
It really looked just like what we. read
of as haying taken place in the days
of '76, when men left the plow stand
ing in the furrow, dropped the uplifted
hammer, and rushed to the defence of
their country. At every station and
every house people greeted the sol
diers with cheering and the waving of
hats and handkerchiefs, and the girls
and women when they had no hand
kerchiefs waved their bonnets and
aprons. The men returned all the
salutations, enjoying the demonstra
tion immensely. At one house by the
roadside, an old lady who seemed ex
cited to the highest pitch waved her
hand till the trains were entirely past,
and then gave vent to her over-wrought
feelings by yielding to a flood of tears.
Such was the exuberantly with which
the people, alarmed but the hour be
fore by undefined apprehension, wel
comed the appearance of their defend
ers, ' .
Our trains reached Mannington • a
little after noon, and' the appearance
of the troops there, as everywhere
else, took the people completely by
surprise. They bad bearil, however,
that a train was coming from the
West, and as this was unusual since
the burning of the bridges, a consider
able crowd was at the depot waiting.
As the trains rolled in, they displayed
the American flag, and with that and
the gleaming of a thousand bayonets,
the people almost went wild with en
thusiasm. In a very few minutes the
whole town was there, and the glad
dest set of people a man ever laid eyes
on. Their joy scarcely knew any
bounds. Hardly had the soldiers been
there five minutes till they had arrest
ed and under guard as many Seces
sionists, viz : tavern keeper, named
Wells; !Alr.oKnotts, a merchant; Chas.
Matthews, superintendent on that sec
tion of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road; Dr. Grant, defeated Secession
candidate for the Legislature, and one
Zeke Snodgrass, a constable, who tried
very hard to give leg bail, but did not
succeed quite sufficiently to save his
bacon. These men all seemed to ex
pect nothing short of execution right
on the spot. They were arraigned
before Col. Kelley, who released Wells,
Knotts and Grant, on.their taking the
oath of fidelity, but retained Matthews
and Snodgrass.
The train soon after moved on down
to the first burned bridge, where the
men disembarked and paraded in a
meadow. Col. Kelley then detailed
six companies and started forTarm
ington, a notorious Secession nest,
some three miles below, from which it
was said the men who burnt the bridg
es had come, and where it was stated
some 50 armed Secession troops were
stationed. Meanwhile the remainder
of the troops stacked arms, after
throwing out pickets and scouts on
the neighboring bills, with orders to
bring in any persons they might find.
In less than ten minutes after their
departure they brought in six, some
of whom, it was positively asserted by
some Union men from the country
around, were accessory to the destrue
. tion of the bridges. Squads of men
continued to go out in different direc
tions, and to bring in prisoners until
they must have had at least a dozen
under guard at once. Several of them
were released after an examination by
the officers, but at least six or eight
were retained until the return of Col.
Kelley. It was rather exciting to see
the scouts, or " Snake Hunters," as
they style themselves, on a trail. As
certainly as they would spy a man
anywhere in sight a squad of them
would seize their guns and start after
him on a run, and before very king
would bring him in ; for they were
sure of their game if they got their
eyes on it. Time prisoners were all
treated with the utmost courtesy, but,
nevertheless,. some of them looked ter
ribly frightened. A guilty conscience
may have been knawing at some of
them, and added a still lighter shade
to their paleness.
In the evening the companies re
turned from Farmington, bringing
with them several prisoners, and re
porting that their scouts had killed
one Secessionist and_ ounded another.
When they - ' - got to Farmington they
found it almost entirely deserted, the
' ionists having got wind of their
approach - through the - good olrieem4 of
one .Tollife, who, when the trains en
tered Manningtonnoun cc morse
and galloped elf in hot haste to Farm
ington, to warn the Secessionists of
their danger. By the way, if the boys
should catch that same Joliffe, it would
not be good for his health nor calcula
ted to liteilitate the circulation of his
breath. Finding the town deserted,
Col. Kelley ordered his men to scour
the woods surrounding it, and it was
not long till they had unearthed sever
al of the fugitives, most of whom they
captured. The men who were shot
were running from their pursuers,
who called out to them to surrender.
Not heeding this they were told that
they would be shot unless they did.—
No attention was paid to the com
mand and several shots were fired,
killing one instantly and wounding
another. Their names at this time
are not known.
I have not learned at this writing
what was done with the prisoners.—
The impression in camp was that they
would be tried by a court martial.—
Against some of them there is very
strong positive evidence that they set
fire to the bridges, and it is expected
that it will prove a serious business
with some of them. It seems to be
pretty generally believed that a gang
of Secessionists acting under orders of
Col. Thompson and Col. W. J. Willey,
(half brother of Waltman T.,) were
the incendiaries, and that_ nearly all
the Secessionists around there were
accessory. There was a great anxiety
to catch Willey, but he was reported
to be at Grafton, safe enough, as ho
supposes, but maybe not quite so safe
as he thinks.
The two bridges burned were over
Buffalo Creek, and were common open
railroad pier bridges, all of iron except
Old sills and the cross-ties of the track,
both of which were consumed. The
upper one is about four miles below
Mannington, and the other some quar
ter of a mile below it. It is feared
that others are destroyed between
there and Grafton. The anxiety about
the splendid iron bridge over the Mo
nongahela is especially very great. It
was said in Mannington that the Union
men at Fairmount were guarding it,
and it is to be hoped they will do so.
Sunday night several bridges Vtweeu
Mannington and Glover's Gap were
guarded by the citizens of the former
place. At the same time they had
need of g uarding their town, for the
gang at Farmington had threatened
to burn it to the ground, and there
were various rumors afloat about ac
cessions to their number.
Glover's Gun is a way station sever
al miles above Mannington, inhabited
by but one or two families, but sur
rounded by a Secession country which
polled some sixty or seventy Secession
votes. These men live around among
the hills and aro almost inaceessible.--:--
That part of the road will bear watch
ing. As the train came west this morn
ing, the telegraph was found cut not
half a mile from this place. It is Se
riously conjectured that if the guilty
parties are caught they will be eholced
The Ohio Regiment readqd 'Man
nington, Monday evening, jtist at-dark,
having felt their way over the road,
examining all the bridges to see that
they bad not been injured., ,
,The whole
town assembled to receive them. They
paraded in the, street,- in•front- ,of
Hough's hotel while their band, su
perior one, played the Star- Spangled
Banner and other airs. At the conclu
sion, the crowd gave three cheers for
Ohio, which compliment was returned
by the Ohio men, who gave three for
the citizens .of Mannington. The
citizens then proffered their houses for
quarters for the soldies. Some were
put in the church, some in the Odd
Fellows' Hall, others , at the hotel, oth
ers in private houses, until they were
all provided for, the
,people Mani
festing the most cordial feeling for
them. • •
And well they merited t
,such trea
ment, for besides that they came here
to protect us, they are a' splendid• set
of fellows—tall, handsonie and soldier
like in appearance, and dignified and
, gentlemanly in demeaner. They were
immensely pleased with the reception
all along the road, and particularly
with the substantial compliments, of
the good people of Cameron and,Bel
ton. The citizens of Carneren . were
taken by surprise by the. train that
conveyed the Wheeling regiment, but
learning that more were on the way,
they went to work and got together
all the pro Visions in the place—bread,
pies, cakes, a barrel of crackers;meat;
butter and eggs; ata• had them all
boxed up and xeady for them.,.. By the
the time the Ohio men reached:Cam
eron there bad collected from,the sur ;
rounding country some 800 • iOOO
people, whO reeeived'them with entlmil
siastic demonstrations. The men got
out and mingled with them shaking
hands with all, men, women and girls.
, Their baud performed a few pieces
1 their captain made a little speech, and
they jumped aboard the cars and went
on their way rejoicing, at the load of
hood things had meanwhile been piled
in the provision car. At Belton they
received a similar donation,. and alt
along the way they were greeted with
still stronger demonstrations of jey
than were showered upon the others.
Luring the night, owing' tothe break
ing down of the wires at Glover's Gap,
100 men were sent up to' take posses
sion of the place, and ,guard the road
and telegraph. This morning the
Ohio men will go down to the camp at
the burnt bridge. It is expected that
all hands will go to work rebuilding
bridges, so that the trains will be ena
bled to go on in a day or two. There
are now over 2,000 men at Mannington
and the camp below. There is no
doubt that they will push through to
Grafton as soon as practicable. Col.
Kelley was heard to say yesterday;
that he was desirous of paying his res
pects to that place and to Fetterman,
I at as early a day as possible. An:ex.
perienced telegrapher accompanies the
troops to repair the lines and keep up
communication with Wheeling.
At Cameron, yesterday, thephauled
up some Secessionists and made them
swear to support the Constitution of
the United States. To-day that place
was full of men, armed. Squads of
them were going out to bring in sonic
more of the same stripe, intending to,
make them take the same oath also.
The Rebels in Grafton
Frederick Duval and Mr. So3eph
Fulton, engineers on the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, arrived in this city'
yesterday morning. They left that
pin oo s after the tiecessionists
look possession of the town, and about
tween Mannington and :Farmington.
:When the traitors marched in and
commenced taking control of things,
they ordered Mr. Duval to remove an
engine which was in the way, and in
order to do so, it was necessary to get
up steam. This Duval proceeded to
do, and after removing it to the place
requested, got it upon the main track,
with its head towards Newburg, 18
miles distant, and before the Seceders
knew what they were doing, Mr. Du
val, Mr. Fulton and others, mounted
the iron horse, and started with all the
speed of a fast passenger lo r comotive
towards Newburg, where they aro
supposed to have put the engine in,
good condition (?) tbr use. They then
left Newburg and went to Morgan
town, from Morgantown to Union
town, Pa., and thence to Pittsburgh,
and down the Cleveland S: Pittsburgh
Railroad to this city.
The Secessionists drove the people
out of their houses at Grafton, in order
to make room for the troops, early on
Sunday morning. There was the great
est scene of terror imaginabe. Women
and children were running in all di
rections, with dishevelled hair and
half naked persons. The officers Were
all drunk, and there was nothing like
order or discipline among the men.,
They had about twelve hundred men
at Graften, among whom was a single
company of cavalry: There was not
a single piece of artillery to be seen,-
and the officers did not know how to
go about fortifying their position.
If, as we are informed, the United
States troops at Marietta marched into
the State on Monday morning, and no
interruptions are, occasioned, this den
will be routed before many days.
A Military Diploma
It has been determined, says the
Washington Star, by the Government
to give to every man (of whatever
rank) servi r 9g in the Army.or _Navy of.
the United States in defence ,of. the
Union, a diploma, on 'parchment or
fine parchment paper. The design of
the embellishment is by Lentz, and is
one of the most beautiful ayfistin
achievments we over saw. ~,Untlert
neath it is to be the following zeprtifiT
cato, viz
A.'B. has been enrolled as.n
in the "-forces of the United
States,' for the defence of the Constitu-:
tion and the maintenance of the Union
By the President:
—, Secretary of State. •
Secretary of the Treasury.
—, Secretary of War.
—, Secretary of the Navy..
Secretary of the Interior,
Postmaster General
---;'Attorney General
ion. Wm. M. Meredith has been np
pointed Attorney General, rice Mr,
Pnrvianee resigned,