THE GLOBE. Tuesday Afternoon, June 4, 1881 LOCAL & PERSONAL .t Every Subscriber to The Globe Is requested to act as Agent to extend its circulation and usefulness.9Ett We are anxious to publish a first class newspaper, and with the assistance of our subscribers as know we can lee put In possession of the menus to do so. We wind every subscriber to Interest himself, not only in pi mit lag for us additional patronage, but also In putting us In pos session of all the local news of the comity of interest to the general reader. A little effort on the part of all OUrpatrons would be as much to their advantage as to ours, as aids Increased patronage we would be enabled to give a better paper. We cannot afford to put Too Gum at less than 1.00 it year, and to enable us to deal honestly with all men we must demand the subscription yeasty or half yearly In adiance. Subscriptions can he sent to us through tha snail at our risk, the Postmasters Si itnessing the same. We earnestly and most respectfully ask our friends to snake an rßot t to increase our pat s unage. TILE GLOBE JOB PRINTING OI'FICI Connected w:th Tits Close, we have a Job Mee fur nished a ith a more extenslve assortment of the latest st) le of types and materials than can be found in nine other county town in the State. Our work compares favorably with any done Ia the cities. We have four presses, m Melt enables us to put oat Ali kinds of jolt murk with dierateh and at reasonable Prices. .'-'- To ‘ Correspondents.—We have received several letters, but too late for this issue. They will appear in our next WILL LEAVE roil CAMP To-Mounow. --The Huntingdon Influitry, Capt. A. S. Harrison, will leave for Camp Cur tin to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. A farewell meeting will lie held in the Court louse, this evening. Every friend of the soldier will attend at the ringing of the bell. TN GREAT DEMAND—The Union en velopes and paper printed at the "Globe" job office. and for sale at Lewis' Book Store, where also can be found all the latest and handsomest styles of Union breast-pies for ladies and gentlemen, coat and shawl pins, badges and flags. VARIETY ENVELOPES, CORIR ining a fine assortment of commercial and limey note paper, letter and note envelopes. steel pens, ete., at wholesale prices, for 25 cents. Prepared and for sale at Lewis' Book. Stationery and Music Store. Rev. AV. E. Cornwell, of New Jersey, will preach in the Baptist Church, In this place, next Sabbath morning at DI o'clock, and in the eve ning at a quarter to eight. A NEW STYLE 01' NOTE P.l PER AND EN VELOPES—' • red, white and blue"— for mile at Lewib Book Store. FLAGS AND BADGES. -A supply on hand at Lewis' Book Store. OUR CORRESPONDENCE. PI.NN TOWNSHIP, June 3, 18(31 DEArt GLOBE :—.Agaiu I resume the pleaqant, task of communicating a few items to your most worthy columns, deeming it gross injustice to keep our patriotic Penn sequestered in the shade of her - coffinpora when slie iv lilc eii with the requi sites of pre-emin,nce, though till now kept secluded in a manner quite in consistent, while some of her worthy sisters, such as Hopewell, are extolled to the skies, or at least making prog ress in that direction, if we may judge from the succession of her advocates, being commenced by the quite insig nificant " Saud Crabs," and has al ready reached the exalted " Mount atineei•s," and if the ratio continues in this vast proportion, who will not with anxiety look forward to the next promotion? To show that matters have an upward tendency in Hopewell it is only necessary to inform you of the grand flag raising on the most prominent geograpical point in the township, generally known by the appropriate epithet of Mount Airy, (a slight corruption of the celebrated Ararat.) I had not the good fortune of being present on this occasion, but mix told it was quite patriotic, attended with the usual enthusiasm of similar occurrences, and finally crowned with big supper of the good things pa triots only can produce, Our beautiful village, Marklesburg, makes quite a magnificent appearance since emblazoned withal() rod, white and blue, and understand the decora tion is still to be furthered by our good people. If we were not amongst the earliest in making anex_ t ern display of our colors, it is no • reflection that our loyalty was any the less; acting AN - Rh the adage "look before you kick," we have, consequently, preserved healthy toes, and come off with few bruises. Last Saturday being again our reg ular day for drill, the Ho* Guards met at the designated hour, notwith standing the rain fell in such abundance as to offer considerable resistance show ing by their promptness, the true sol dier spirit, not to be daunted by a lit tle inconvenience or exposure when engaged in a patriotic cause. The in tention was to come out in full trim, bat did not quite succeed for want of dispatch in manufacturing the unit forms. The material for the uniforms, though economised, is quite appropri ate for the season, and answers the purpose as well as the best rig. This company, through their proficient officer, is bound to meet with success, for the Dr. knows how to make the boys step to the music, Patriotism is on the ascendency and the good cause rolls nobly on, My effusion is already too long, and so I extend you my All?, Our Army Correspondence. ZEir We are permitted to publish the following extracts of a letter from one of the Standing-Stone Guards of this place, to his Ihther : CAMP WAsinNuToz.r, near Wash. City, ) May 28th 18(3.1. f Since My- last to you we left the great city which we despised so much, and encamped about 2 miles there from. We now possess the privilege of breothing pure air, of imbibing good water, of seeing more of Nature's beauty, in fact, everything better adapted to the soldier's health. While in the city it became one of the most filthy places imaginable, so when ex changing city for country it appeared like passing from death unto life. Yon . have reference to the soldier's bed in your last, that is regarding its downi ness, etc. The soldier's bed is very good. I have 'no comphlints what ever; of course it is not downy, but sound for the body. If you would see me now, you would think I had been living excellent. I ant so limbfittie: I am, without joking, healthier than when I left home, owing I presume, to the quality and quantity of provision. There is no danger of gout or an over loading of the stomach,as you caution ed me against. Perhaps if we had something more than bread, coffee and meat, we would become so lusty that we would never sec our homes until the expiration of three years. Butter, molasses or anything in the spreading line, would be considered a treasure highly prized. Nit never mind the time lv:II come When pa) a ill be en to every one, That they may return to their homes and see Oneemure the butler, sogaraml tea. At this juncture the Brass Band struck up a most beautiful solo to call out the Guards. Perhaps you may inquire where did the band come from.? I readily answer from Rending es pecially for the benefit of the Fifth Penn'a. Regiment. Oh, how- charming that music, it stirs my sluggish blood and causes me to feel more patriotic than ever. During the last week an assistant of Gov. Garth' has been in our midst to see to the wants of Penn sylvania's patriotic sons. lie has found their wants, sent word to the Gover nor for new uniforms equal to any in the - United States. Ire said he would take the thing in his hand as it had been carried on long enough by a band of political organized thieves.— lie also said if Gov. Curtin did not do things right lie would have nothing to do with it; he would have the stain washed from hishands. Three cheers for Pennsylvania's sons. C11.0111ERSBC;120, June 1. 1861.1 Quarters Comp. C. 3d Reg. P. V. Dian Etyma—Excuse me for not writing sooner, butsince my last there bas nothing of importance transpired. We left Camp Scott on Tuesday night by Pail, under sealed orders, no ono knowing where we were going until we were landed in this place. We were then marched out to the Fair Ground, where it was intended we would encamp. Fair Ground did I say, I mean Cracker UM, No. 2. The ladies, God bless them, interceded for us and through them and Col. Powers were brought back and quartered in the Court house, where we aro enjoying ourselves and having the finest times imaginable. The boys are in the beat spirits and all anxious to get a brush at. the Seee.9igeisi 3 resterdax received a in, pres ent of IfiiTetoeks, (a covering for the cap and neck) from. the ladies of Ship pensburg through the instigation of Ilex , . Mr. Kirby, Chaplain of the- 3d Regiment. They are well made and of good material the Reverend receiv ed three hearty cheers and the ladies three times three, from Company C, 3d Regiment, P. U. V. Last evsning each company of the 3d Regiment received a barrel of pro-- ender sent by the ladies of Newville, each barrel containing cakes, pies, bread, butter, &e., for which they re ceived the hearty thanks of Company C, for theirgenerosity and sympathetic feeling fbr the soldier who is doing service to his country, if they cannot handle cartridge or shoulder the mus ket they have the heart and soul to help and encourage those who are willing to leave their homes, fathers, mothers, wifb. and lovers, to protect the glorious Stars and Stripes. We have now 13 regiments station ed in and about town and more com ing in every day. Camp Slifer, a short distance from town is in pretty good health. There is a new camp started about 3 miles from town, and another about (3 miles. I expect our next move will be towards Harper's Ferry —the sooner the better. You shall hear from me soon again. Yours, Sze. S. G. B. The Campaign in Virginia The campaign in Virginia is pro gressing rapidly, and stirring events may soon be expected in that famous Commonwealth. Her right, left and centre are now threatened, by Gou. Butler in the East, Gen. Mpowell op posite Washington, and Gen. McClel lan in the Northwestern section of the State. Important results aro evident ly near at hand. The movements which are being wade to surround Harper's Ferry must result in the cap ture.. It was rumored in Washington last night that a considerable force would advance immediately upon Fair fax Court House, to which point Gen. Lee was supposed to have sent forward about'l,4oo men. The indications are that nnwehos and exciting contests will follow each other as rapidly as in the Italian campaign of Louis Napo leon, until the traitors aro compelled to flee from all their strongholds, or are completely routed and subdued. PRIZE FOR A NATIONAL liymN.—A committee of gentlemen in New York, of whim S. C. Verplauk is chairman, have offered a prize of $5OO fbr a Na tional Hymn, set to music (either orig inal or selected,) and $250 for the hymn alone (if original.) The copy is to be famished by the 20th of June, and the profits will be devoted to the Patriotic Fund. It must not be a war song merely, or only appropriate to the present. It must be at least six teen line ; and not to exceed fort•. COSMOPOLITE LATE AND AUTHENTIC FROM MEMPHIS Statement of a Returned Volunteer [From the Philo. lh ening Bulletin.] We had a visit to-clay, from a young man who began business as a news boy, in this city, and then removed to Memphis, Tennessee, where he has been engaged in similar occupation for several years. He naturally became a fireman, and the fire company net utally developed into a military com pany and drilled regularly. When the troubles in the country broke out, his company was made part of the Horne Guard, for the protection of the city, and for examining all steamboats stopped at Memphis. A short time ago it became evident that the company was to be put in service against the North, and the oath of allegiance to the rebel States was to be administered to the mem bers. Oar quondam newsboy deter mined not to take this oath, and to es cape from a service which might com pel him to fight wrainst the United States. He accordingly contrived to get on board a small steamboat, on Thursday, May 23d, and concealing himself in the hold, where he lay for two days, he got into freedom when the boat was brought to by the U. S. authorities at Cairo. There he landed and told his story to Gen. Prentiss, and he is at length back in his old home in Philadelphia. This young man informs us that there are in the city of Memphis about 3000 troops, and about as many more in Camp at the Fair Growls, near the city, drilling and exercising. There are also at Fort Wright, near Randolph, Tenn., sixty-live miles up the Missis sippi River, about 5000 men. At thus fiat there is a formidable battery of 6 big guns (04 pounders our informant says.) and two mortars. At Fort Rector, Arkansas, about 6 miles above :Memphis, there are about 1000 men.— Opposite Fort Rector, on the Tennes see side, is Fort Harris, where there are also about 1000 111C11. At Oceola, Arkansas, which is nearly 100 miles above Memphis, there is another bat tery and about 2000 strong. This makes about 15,000 men at 31emphis and the various points between that and the Misssouri and Kentucy lines. There were some Kentucky soldiers at Columbus, Ky. but of these our in formant knew The volunteers in the rebel service are described as tolerably well drilled, and very well armed with Minnie muskets, Sharp's rifles, and other ha proved weapons. Provisions were abundant, and the fighting spirit was high. In Memphis all business except sol diering was entirely suspended.— Thousands of people had left, and more would leave, but for the strict watch kept over steamboats and rail road trains. There arc guards of sol diers at all these, and troops are sta tioned also at every point along the railroads. There is no intention expressed of advancing to Cairo; but the troops are waiting for the United States forces to advance on them, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Juno 2. Fancy and Extra Enmity Flour :3.50:a 6 Colllllloll and Ennui thin , 15,250.3 30 11,e Elonr 33,50 Coin 311 al .V.S7I: : Mita White Wheat $1.4561.60 Fair and I'l IMO lied $1,35,1,99 11:se rov Cur n, pi lino Yullou 11,,13 -0 M EMIS • Clov4tstatal.2a. .T.II72sITINGDOIT VIATZICETS Coimix-r1:1) 11114. Whcat Itetl litat.... tint u. Clot it Iltled Apple t Bultt r.. 1.11 , 1 1111 ...... .Sll milder.. bu, ...... AL UDITOR'S NOTIICE [Estate of Esther Cos deed.) lice undersignosi amid°, , appointed by the Orphans' Coort of Huntingdon county, to (Ilettlllto tho balance in the hands (4Junn Owens Esq., adininsd rotor de. boors net of Esther Cox, tato of Wet tiorsmark toe !Ishii', deed, hereby gives notice that Ito will attend at hie office in lima( ~ g , ton. on TilUltSDAy, tile doll day of .lane inst., at one o'clock, M for the put linen of making raid dis ttiltotion, when end whet° 4111 flel.lllS 11111111.,1ed ut said est.tte aro rsquartl to Intl:cut their claims egainst the same or be &ham d from conning in noon said fowl. TIMO, u. eItE3IER, Anditor Hunting Jon, Juno t, AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- ineletr.igned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of thmtlngdon emote, to make thin Illation of the fund in the NMI'S of John Conk, admr. of James O. Mad. den, late of Springfield ton uship, rlec'd.. hereby qit es no tice to all pan flea interested, that ire alit attend to the duties of hie appoint ment.rkt tiro office of Stott A: Blom n, in tire borough of Huntingdon. on TRURSDAY. the 27 th day of .1 une, inst . when and where all pen°ns ruin required to present their claims or be debarred bout COMilig in on haidfund J. It 0. CORBIN, Auditor. lAunidgdmy June .1, 1861.-8 t StATIONE R Y and JEWELRY PACT MIES, For side to agents arid' dealers tit very reduced rates put up in vat holy cut ulopes. For further in fin illation Addicts COLENIAN A. CO., (Up-stahs) 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Juno 4, 1861. A GENTS JCan MOCE from $3.00 to $5 00 yir day selling our irty 01l elopes. COLEMAN S: CO.. 002 COostnnt St., Phila. Juno 4, 1001, IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P. GA'IN'S, there you %l in find tire lurE"lar. eurtment in toe u. i t CARD.- DR. D. S. HAYS °trent his professional services to the mhobitantn of Moor, svllle and n runty.. °Mee, at the letter bank or NOT 311111, opposite Mrs. Mytotin stole. Ala ti IS, 1860.-If. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DE 1111 Na PAPER While and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEIVIS' BOOK .L STATIONERY' STORE JF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED 1 con a the storo of BENJ. JACOBS. WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X L Kulye..9 Put Snots, for 0010 I.y JAS. A. BROWN. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK inmi SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE OLOTHING!—A large stock on hand, at the cheap store et BENJ. J4COBS Call aed ex• arntqe goods nqd puree, (oe(2-6.) "QUICK SALES . •. Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OTIILR VALUARLE AND INTERESTING! BOOS, I= STATIONERY, )IU.SICA 1 - 1 INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH. MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOORS, MIEEI MU. IC for the Plauo, Guitar, Sc., Sc., POCIUT BOOKS, ronTmoNx.m.4 AND 0080 0, Fur Ladies and Gentlemen, I=l3 AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schouli, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS PI opor for By: a n AMUSING GAMES Vol Young Folks IVEDDING BNVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, COSI' En SATION CMOS, SONG BOOKS, From 0 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books (f Furious Sizes, sellooL BOOKS OP ALT. RINDS, TO.UITES FOR ISGO Drawing and mulling Paper, Brteal anti Curd Boards IVIIITE BONNET BOABD, CSVCIIINE, RED, LLUK AND ULU: INKS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's IVRITING FLUID WI:11)161g PlWel' Or DI 'Tern t Sires sail Qualities, &c. Sc. &c. &c. &c. dc. &e. =1 LEWIS' CNEtr 13001:, ST \TIONADr AND 3117D1C STOP. E, In the "Globe" blinding, Market Square, where all who want to SAYE MONEY, go to muke their purchases SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK, STATIONERY 5: MUSIC STORE, IIUNIINGDSR; r.t OSGOOD'S Sp.lbr.lst, ;NE lilt a n d sth Reads,. SPOUPPEY'S spellse nemleis. (OA tool no„ editions.) SANDI:IPS do du do SWAN'S do du do COBB S do do do Not am! Header, No. 1. 1:11111 son's Hindu s. To, Ws Speller rind Deduct, (old nail pew editions.) Selailar's Clilllll3llloll. Smith s, Doll tun's, Drum and Tanner's Giannuars. Elicits Physical Geogotphy. Wsi ten's Ph) Meal Gimp aptly. Monteith fuel Geograehics St Atlases Wel,ler's and 11'ineestm's Dictionaries. Qtiacketilios' Slt at I.es4mis in Composition. Quiteliontags Composition and libeturic. GI cenlesf 's, litothlaid ti t limmeisiniii,SWitiis,Coibut lie and ]toys Arithmetics. Pcleison's Isimilar Science. eeuleal 's and Stodilard's licya to Arithmetic,. Greonlea Cs and Davies' Algebt as. Si Emden( 's Key to Algebrs. Parkei's ode l'bilie,ophy. trot l;errs First I.maons in :satin:o Philosophy. Pat km 's Philosophy. Cpliont's Mental Philosophy. 11 illaid's lltstot y of llio Untied Stake. Deland's '• Gooch lc U's if l• 1 . 113 aunt. Duutuu Instil SO' Penmanship, in eleA Olt 11111111/1.1, Colltiollei and other Copy Duolis. Elements of Diann tug, itli plan line slieteliing bliiPS by trbongnlstion and Mine°, ell methods of pi uji,tion. Davies' Elementary Geomett y and' iigunonioli3. Dan les' Legend re's Geometiy. Fulton ,t Eastman's Booli-lieeping. Book Keeping by Single lint iy, by Mina pirtl A Pay son (look Keeping by Single and Double Ent: y, by Hanalord AU.) I,UJ -1,00 Other books oill be ud,1441 end fnrni•hwl to order A full stock of School Stallone, y ahays ou hand Huntingdon, Put. WHAT EVERYBODY IVANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, It Tarslt How to draw up EAP.TNBREIIIP EATERS aud gives general terms for AGRFLNENTS Of all • kinds. BILLS Of :ALE, LrAscs and ELTITIONS. Il Tells Lou Bow to draw up BOND 3 Mot 3101ITG toys, Ay- FIekVITS, EOM LEA of ATTORNEY, NOTES and Inns of Ilscussou, It SCLIPTS and Run tsrs. It Tells YOU. TllO lau,, for the EOLLLCTION of Duets, with tho STVIUTVS of LIMIT tTION, and amount and kind of pr ty EXLMPT from EXECU TION iii et ery State. It Tills You How to 11140 1111 AS,IGNMENT properly, with for ms for COMPOAITIoN Wall CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAMS of every State. 11 nits Tins The legal relations existing beta cell GUAR DI IN and WARD, MASTER 111.1 APPRBNTICE, 111111 LANDI.OIIIII and TEN INT. It Tells You IVhat constitutes LIBEL rind SLANDER. and the Lam as to :it mutat. DOWER, tBOATIPI. I B 11101 IT IN EItopERTP, Divorces and Awroxr. It Tells Lou The LIM for 3lrcirtNlCS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZ ITION LtlrS of tints coun try, and how to ConiplA mith the MOM It Tells You The lnn• concerning Ps ANIONS and how to ob tain one, and the PTE-EpirTION Liws to PUBLIC LANDS.• It Tells You Thu LBW fir EAILNTS, 'With mode of proce dure in obtaining one, n ithINTLItrLItENCLS, ASSIGN3IINIS 111111 TABLE OF Plus. It Tells You How to amlre ) our WILL, and how to Anyrx 'STElL ON AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells Pat The meaning of 1,4 w TERMS in general use, and explains to yon Bre LEGISLATIVE, EXE CUTIVE and JUDICRL Powers of bolls the Genet al 111111 State GOVERNIVLATS, It Tells Tott How TO KEEP our of LAW, by show rug how to do your bulineis legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and sexations litigation, by its timely consultation. .05 Everybody's Lawyer to for sale at Lewis' Book Store • 014 11*Vi irtXl Zt" , OOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School oulfs—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paltry,- Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks-- Blank punka of unineraus slzes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket, and Desk Inkstandc, and every other at title usually found in a Book and Stationery Stole, can ho had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY b MUSIC STOLLE. NOTICE TO ALL!! .e . tr The suhet Iber, who has for more than ono year, carried on business in company with Messrs. V. Balinny, GIN, P. Wilma; and Mr. Loan /Mut. has this day dissolved partnership with the aboa firm / Ali claims against the old firm will be paid by the subsolibev, And all those in debted to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and will always be repaired. A rood stock of Wan, Rai WATCHES and will be kept on hand for customers who may favor him with a call. Iluntindon, Mardi 3 , 1953. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., A•ofi•ssor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the eit J r nary Collie of Ph ttadelplita, CtC etc. WILL TELL YOU Of tho Origin, llistory and distinctive traits of the 1,11.1 loos brads of Europenu, African end Anion lean Horses, with the physical fan illation and pc. callatities of the amnia', nod hoer to useei tulle his ago hr One number and condition of his tveth; illustrated with malicious explanatory engravings. WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking. Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming. khoelog. and the gener al management of the horse, trial the be,t modes of admini,terlng medicine, Itl6o, how to treat Ping, Kicking, Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-lint. ing. Rehtlessuess, and oilier \ ices to srhiell he is subject; n trim uumotous ex planatory engrariugs. WILL TELL YOU Of the causer,bymptems,and Treatment of Strangler, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Dronehills, Pneu monia, Plouras.Y, Broken Wind, Chr on ' to Cough, Roaring awl Whistling.tarn pas, Sore Mouth nod Ulcers, and De c a3l. d Teeth, or ill: other disc neon of the Mouth anti Devil Mel y Organs. SMALL PROFITS!" WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoins.eml Treatment of Roane, Kok, elielm,Stiangulatiom Stony Collet, tions, Raptures, Pallsy, Jannilicr,llepatirrhea,lllooily Ui Me, Sloane in the Kidneys and Blad der, Inllaingion and other iliseaere of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Uri nal y thgaus. WILL TELL YOU Of tiro causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bone, Blood nod Bog, Spas in, Ring „Bone, Sweanie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Fonnoloi, Cinched Hook Solo Bruise and Blum I, Canker, Snatches, Thy ash and Corns; also, of Megrims, Yet Gip, Epilepsy, Staggers, and Ohm thsetori of the Feet, Legs, and Head. WILL TELL YOU Of the eat,es, symptoms, and Treat ment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Percy, Scalia Rater, Mango, Surfeit, Lucked Jaw,llliennudism,Cramp.lialls. Dimitses of the l e and Heart, dc , Bc, and how to manage Castration, Bleed. ing, nephining, hooding. Ftriug. Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and oth er singled opeotound. WILL TELL YOU Of Itarey's Method of taming IlorPcs; how to Approach, flatter, or Stable II Colt; bow to accustom a horse to sluwKe sounds and sights, Rind how to lilt, noddle, Hide. and Break him to Ilai ness; also the form and law of WU - MANE - E. The u hole being the re sult of 15 years' careful study of the habits, mctiliarities, wants and neat:- neeses of this noble and Fistful animal. Tor olio at Lewis' Ilook Store. T'tR.ISENWE IN'S TAB, AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, Is the best Best Medicine in the Mold the the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty n Breathing, Palpitation of the helot, Dipthorir, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con. sumption, together x ith all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and 0 hieh predispose to Contaimptiou. t is peculiarly adapted to tire radical cure of Aathina Being prepaleil by a Physician and Druggist and Ono of great experience in fire eate of thu NILIIOIIB di,ett.v9 to ss Idols the human Ironic is liable. It is °fiord to tho anheted math the greatest confl chore. Tky it and ho cop' incol that it is invaluable in the sate of ntwiehi. , l affection.a. Pride 50 cents pet bottle. A rely alatble moody for Chan lie.,, Dysentety, Cholera 3fol bus, and all bowel affections. Try A. Price 25 canto per bottle. .0 - Thu above Medicinov are prepared only by Lilt. A. F.I,ENIVEIN & CO., Pt uggettx n o d Chendols, N. W. Corner Ninth A Poplar St.., N. 11.—cold by eery re , peetablo D, oggiot and Bottle: In Ilegbeine throughout the :bate. [June 20, 1800.—Iy.] Tile attention C01:06 citizeni et,l r v ' e P ill . the of Iluntlitgdan and the adjoining counties to tho stock or beautiful tumble now utt ham]. Ice Is pt clawed to fat tikh at the shortest notice, Monumental Nitride, Tomb, Table!. and Stones of esery desired si/o and form of Italian or liasterri Mortals, highly finished, and caned rrith quire tints devices, or pl.rin, 113 only suit . . Minding Marblu, Dour rind Al Inflow Sills, dc., bill be forrirslasl to 4.111er. IV. IV. pledges hlin=elf to lot ni..11 mat , tint nod moil.• noui , hip Nota to 003 10 tho Loolltry, n fair rico. Colt a Nee. bdote you pi:allude eheMune. Shop on Hill 4ticet, lUwhugdon , It. • Ifuntingaon, May 16, 1855 sCZ `PILL CYTIIARA—The , - - Presbyterian Psalmotlist 1 , ••• Buis enlarged a n d lune °yea itch netois—Welland : , 13,4 and Inuntned Method for the 0 tai —Leland's Aceur dean, \loll. and FhPe Inch octet 0-IVtnner's and 110 we's Violin lust enelois—llellnli'n Melodeon Instnietor-13nr- Inn ee' Piancerni te Pt liner—do. - TlTeillingli , Rleio - Pri Mee— lion e's Drawing Room DIIIICMI—The Chorus Glen Book— .ma' limp, for sale at LEWIS' 1100 E, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. I)KARI' RECKONEit. A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to a hieh are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re copte, Petition., ,he, together a jilt n set of mend tableA, containing rate of interest fi on, one dollar to t well° thou, and. by the single day, with it tole of wages, nod boat d by the steak and day, pnbit.lied in WO. Fur bole at El NlinV BOOKS VOR SALE. AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE HOUSE : A Ngni Por KLT M saUtt of Huta( Architec to:o or, Hos, to Build Duelling% Bat n% Stable% and Out Do ellinge of 01l kind% With 0 Chapter on Chutebe, • and School-Homes. Nice, 30 cents. THE WOMEN: A No IV PeeKu MsNum, of Nautical Mt , tieultuto ; or, How to CuEli ate 'Vegetables, Fruits, anti Flowels. With a Chapter ou Olipuusutal Trees 11.1 d laPi. nice, 50 cents. THE FARM: A Now POCKET M,NUth of Practical Agri cul tut e; or, I lou to Col [hate all the Field Crops. With nu E cc ay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 60 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New POCKET MANE of Cattle. Horse, and Sheep Ilmbandry ; or, Bow to IliPed and Rear the Vat ions Tenants of the lituu-pud, eta., etc Price, 00 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A Noss POCKET Msnust. of CODS nsation and Debate, with Directions for Acnohing a Illuminati: cal Style, and more than Viso Hundred Common Ms takes Con ccted. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A NEW POCGET 31Anti1 of Republi can Etiquette, and Guido to Cora act Personal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Doliberativo As semblies, etc. ico, 60 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Now rOCHET '51.00.7m, of Practical AtToile and Guide to anacess in Urn; with n Collection of Bneincsa e ., and a Dictionary of Com mercial Tome, etc. nice, 50 cent., FRANKLIN HOUSE, - ./..r THE DIA .1! oxp. , 11UNTIMIDON, PA. VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The citizens of the county, and strangers nod travelers generally, m ill find comae table accommodations at this house. Give us a Ulu]. [April 4,1860.1 C R (TOME TO THE NEW STORE FO CHEAP BAUUMNS. NEW GROCERY C. LONG Infouns the citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity, that ho bas opened a new Grocery and Confection my Store in tho basement, undoi Gutman & Co.'s Clothing Store, iu Gm Diamond, and would most respectfully re quest a share of public patronage. His stock manias of oil kinds of the BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Sic., Fish con be had at 1, holvealo or retail. lOE CRNAM will be furnished regularly to parties and individuals, at his town. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1660. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. MANIOAR, A practical tobaceonist, hes opened a sew ,TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St., one door o est of the Broad Top Railroad Odlce, where he has on hand a largo assortment of prime Cigars and To bacco, which ho will soil either wholesale or retail. Store• keepei a. shopkeepers, and all °Otos w ho deal In the need should call. His prices aro low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7,1160. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at D. P. QUINT. PARCHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for eale at PEW'S' BOOK STORE josEpli REIGG.ER. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE 1101ISE AND MS DISEASES THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE HORSE AND MS DISEASES THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES ESE>: WELyS AIZONIATIC 'BALSAM, I= LEWIS' 170011 STORE. r co rei) 04) BM CONFECTIONERY THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Dr 3IISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale IT TILLS YOU Bow to choogen . .l Mode of nerds, Poultry, anti Game, with all the various and most approved modes or dressing nail cooking Beef and Pork; also [km best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. Io TLLZS You All the various and most approved watts of dressing, cooking, and boning 31utton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and gown of ail kinds with the dam eat Dressings - , Bunnies, and . Btuttings appropriate to each. IT TELLS You Ilow to choose. clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, find how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all the vat lolls and most approved modes of cooking, with tho different Dress ings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT Torts You All the various and most approved modes of preparing over 60 kinds of Meat,Fish.Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths. :and Slows, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. rr Taus You All the various and most opyrored modes of cooking Veget.ibles of every description, also bow to prepare Pickles, Catsups nod Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fieh, Game, Mushrooms, de. IT Tams You All ilia various and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Parley Pastry. Puddings, Onieletten, Fritters, Cakes. Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every descrip tion. IT Vila You All the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and ltis • cult, and the bast method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, nod Ten, find how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of va rious lauds. Ix TOLLS You How to sot out end to cement a Table, how to Co, re all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and In short. how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking tri to bring the elioleeut luxuries of thu table within tho ovo ybetly's reach. For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. " 10- -gc" 4 -;kez, THE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is _L the moot complete of any in the country, and pos• seedes the most ample Mclnnes for promptly executing in the bed style, every variety of Job l'rinting, such as HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, - - - CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP WORE , AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY .4: MUSIC STORE TIIE lIORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE'AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOR, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo. LONGSTP,ETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Po , ' ~a ln at LEWIS' Book Store 'TOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA . A Benevolent butitittion established by spread Dammam& for the Relief of the Zit. r and Distressed. offlicird with Tirn/ent and Epidemic Diseases. and especially for the Care of inseams of the Sexual @gams. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all mho artily by letter, nRh u description of their condi tion, (age, occupation. habits of life, Ac.,) and In Wes of extreme poverty. Medicines fin mailed free of charge. Valuable Revolts ou Spermatot rlicea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Oigans, and ou the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the omitted in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Tno or three Stamps for postage will ho nceeptoble. Address, Int. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Per goon, Hon aril Association, No. 2 South Ninth Stniet,Plol - Pa. By order of the Directors. EZItA D. 11A11T1VELL, Presidcnt, (1110. r.uncinLn, .ccretary. Dec. 10,1810.—]y. CHEAP WATCHES ! - CHEAP WATCHES!! oz TACOB LADOMUS, P.NO, 618, 31Alt1(a STIt1;11T, Ilea on hand and is constantly receiving large assorments of American, English, and Sot s 'leaches, which he will sell at lower pi ices than ever Oared. J. L. would ran particular attention to the celebrated ASIERICIN ‘l'Arcn, which for accuracy of limo and dura bility, end less liability of getting out of order, is superi or to any other imported watch, made at anything like the same cost. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all at)les and patterns. ALSO— Gold. Silver and Sled Spectacley, ith glasses for all sights, with PATENT, as xell as the old style :tames. All goods sold at my establishment are warlanted to ho OH rept escated. and satisfaction gunrnn• teed to all yinchaserb, at NO. 618, .llsrkel Street, Corner of Decatur. [Sent.l9,lBCO.,ly. • SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK Has just opened tho hest assort ment of Goods in his line, ever bi ought to Huntingdon. His stook of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladles, Gent, ill llles, MiBSe9, 803 , 1 and Children, comprises all the latest fashions, and manufactured of the best ma terials. Also, a fine assortment of HATS for men, Boys and Children. HOSE in great variety for Gentle. men, Ladies ' Misses and Children. CARPETBAGS, SUSPENDEIIS, GARTERS, FANS, Ac., &c. ALSO, SOLD LEATIIER, CALF SKINS, MOPOCCO, LASTS and SIIOE-FINDINGS generally. Thankful for past Swore, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. N. B —Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, re. paired and made to order. Iluntingdo n, A 1.1124,1661. FOR EVERYBODY TRY ME NEW STORE, On Hill Rica opposite Carmon'3 Store. THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and tansy other arliclo usually found in a, Grocery More ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Vii niches, Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, tail a largo number Of articles too numeious to mention, Taw public generally will please call and examine for theniseh es nail learn my prices. Huntingdon, lAN , 1.858, rrIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take. this method ot informing their Blends and the Dublin generally, that they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Volta dry, and are now in suceessfel operation. : and are prepared to furnish Castings of rfat • ..... every description, of best quality and wolkinanship, on short notice, and on reasonable let Mg. Fat niers are invited to call nod Egaum Me our ploughs. Wu are manpfacturing the hunter Plough. This plough took the lust premium at the Hum tingdon county Am nultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't bo heat—together pith the Keystone, Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on bond and are manufacturing SWo9—finch Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for tread or coal. Iloilo. ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, •te all of able]. can a ill sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coma.. try produce. Old metal taken fur castings. By a strict attention to hilliness, and a ileliro to please, n o hope to re echo a lihmal share of public pall °nage. J. M. CUNNIiIiCIIIAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April SO, 1856. - DOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cLeapest assortment In town, qt D. P. GI VIN'S. . . B LANK BOOKS, OP V.llllOllB 81000, far Bala at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. NIONTILLY 711)114 1300 Ks, For 'tale a.t. LEWIS' poo.s AND srATio.yrier STOgr.. ROHRER'S • ROHRER'S - • ROHRER'S - ROHRER'S ROHRER'S. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. T()MIER'S PRACTICAL CALM EXTOL • A Book of Platt Pulei Mal Ctilo ' nfaiisnsfor Bylines, Opo. rations, by Martin M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and Conreyancer. New yublfshed by J. B. Lippin. cotta Cb., Phileutelphich This yolk contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 Balsa and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every clay In tho common parboils of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions in rapid succession, and Is pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, pet Mining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book is worked out iu full and stated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel case ari ses, those referring to tbo work will and no difficulty in solving It; in a word, the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any One who knows how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, can easily solve any or. dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at tha true result of any estimate required. Tho chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy to figures, unsung only at facts and Monti cit.), belles log that business mon pare little about spew. ding time In discussing the plillosopki.of rules, or the science of figures, deeming It sufficient for their purpose to he able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the Iran result. The CALCULATOR differs In ibis respect from all other Arithmetic., of the day and kinds ed works—it is a key to practical business ,calculations—it is, in the hoods of the business man, what the key to maThomatical %arks in the hands of the teacher iu the School room—lt Lipp tales time and insures correctness. TOE WORK TREATS OF Tan Measurement, of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, cf Stone and Stone walk, of grain and grain bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, sqoare or it regular Teasels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb. er's, popes hanger's and upholsterers' work: It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of. the decimal systom, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and their entire application to business transactions, With the laws and usages governing the same, together with 1111111drOUS commet clot forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay. ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of lazes, of weights and meimures, of square and cubic messure, of the quasi root and its application to business of surface* of excavation, and of many other important practical matters not within the scope of an advertintuont to mum lion. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOR TILE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artisan, or the professional man. It has proven a valuitblo auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and real ett.tto broker, to the eseossar, the banker, the clerk, to the Chit engineer and the Surveyor, to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason end the plasterer, to the paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, Lc., de.; each and all will find It adapted to their Ni thr, crautc better than any book publicized. td - V . Prise, 50 cents. Per sale at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 26,1000. "TOMES FORT-HE INDUSTRIOUS IN THE GARDEN STATE OP THE WEST. Tito Illinois Canoral Railroad Company have for Sale 1,200,000 ACRES Of Rich Farming Lands in Tracts of Forty Acres and Upwai 41, on Long Crelit and at Low Prices. MECISANICS, FARMERS, AD WO RM OMEN, The attention of the enterprising and industrious per, tin of the community is directed to the following state. mute and liberal inducements offered them by the ILLI Ole CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, • Which, en they will perceive, mill enable them, by proper energy, pereeverauce, and provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and' &millers, with, comparatively speaking, very little capital. LANDS or ILLINOIe, No State in the ralley.of the Mississippi offers so great, an inducement to the settler as the Stato'of Illinois.— There is no portion of the world where all of the cern* tions of climate and soil so admirably combine to produce those two great staples, corn and wheat, as the prairies of ICII ROLLING PRAIRIE LANDS The deep rich loam of the prairies to cultivated with such wohderful facility that the farmers of the Eastern and Middle Slates ore moving to Illinofs in great numbers. The area of Illinois Is about equal to Una of England, and the soil is so rich that it will support twenty millions of people. EASTEnN ATM SOUTRERN MARKETS. These lands are contiguous to a railroad saran hundred ropes in length, which connects with other roads and nav igable lakes and rivers, thus affording an unbroken corn• municatation with the Eastern and &althorn mgrl,Cota. APPLICATION OP CAPITAL. Thus far capital cud labor have beau Molted to develop ing the soil ; the great resources of the State in coal and iron are almost untouched. The invariable rule that the mechanic arts flourish beet where food and fuel areqheap. est. will follow at au early day in Illinois, and In the course of the next ten years the mama laws and necessities of the case warrant the belief that at least five hundred thoußand people will be engaged in the gtattkqf Illinois in the various manunctui lag omplopteuto, RAILROAD SYSTEM OP ILLINOIS. Over $100,000,000 of private capital have beeq expanded on the railroad system of Illinois. Inasmuch no part of the income from severe) of these works, with a valuable public fund in lands, go to diminish the State expensea, the taxes are light. and must consequently every day do, crease. The State debt is only $10,105,09814, and %Ulan the last three years has been reduced $2,959,140 80 ; and we may reasonably expect that In ten yeas It will become extinct. • Tho Stato Is rapidly tilling up - ,with population; SC, 0 2 15 persona having been added since 1860, making the'pop. elation 1,719;196—a ratio of 102 per cent. in ten years. The agricultural products of Illinois are greater than those of any other state. The products sent out during the past.year exceeded 1,000,000 tons. The wheat crop of 1850 approaches 35,000,000 bushels, while the corn crop yields not lees than 140,000,000 toehold, FERTILITY LP Sulk, Nowhere can the industrious farmer secure such imnts dutto results for his labor as upon these prairie soils, they being composed of a.deep rich loam, the fertility of which is unsurpassed by any on the globe. To ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1351 the Company have sold 1,300,000 acres. They sell only to actual culla valor:, and every cordtrad contain/1 an agreement to cultivate. The road has been constructed through these lunate at an expense qf $30,000,000. in 1850, the population ofthe 49 counties through which it paws was only 335.508, since which 439.293 have been ad 4 co new king the whole population 814,891—!a gain oil:l32)ex Rat. EVIDENCES OP PROSPEPITY. As an evidence cf the thrift of the people, It may ba stated tliat 600,000 tons of freight, including 8,600,000 bus. of grain and 250,00 Q barrels of flour, were forwarded over the line last yam.. Mechanics and workingmen will find the free .school system encouraged by the .itato and endowed with a large revenue for the support of schools. Their children can live in sight of the chinch uud school house, and grow up with the pruspetity of the lending state In the Great West ern lkopite, PRICES AND TERMS OP PAYMENV Tim prices of these lands vary from $0 to $25 per acre; acording to location, quality, .tc. Fnubciass farming lands, sell tar about $lO or $32 per acre; nod the relative expense of subduing prairie laud, as compared with %v.:delimit:l,M ik the ratio of ono to ten in favor of the former. The term. of salo for the bulk of theme lands cciil be ONE YEAR'S INTEREST /N ADVANCE, at six per cent per annum, and six interest notes at elx pep cent. payable respectively in eeley two, three,four,five, and nix years from date o sale; and four notes for prinet. pal, nvyable in four, fine. six, and seven. years, from date of tale; she contract stipulating that onedenth of the tract purchaved shall be fenced and cultivated, each and ovary year for lee years from the data of sale, so that at the end of tiro ye as one.balfshall be feucod and under cultivation. TWENTY PER CENT. WILL Bp DEDUCT.P. from the alu alien for cash, except the Same should be at sir:J.lollam per acre. when the cash pries will beta dollars. Pamphlets descriptive of the lands, :oil, climate, pro (Notions, prices, and terms of payment, can be had on ap plication to J. W. FOSTEIt, Land Commissioner, Minas Central Railroads Chicago, Illinois. For the names of tho tOVIII9, villtules, nod cities situated upon tho Illinois Control Railroad, sue pages 188, 19 9 004 190 Appieton's Railway Guido. [Fob.l3, 'ol—vrtf. ROPOSALS Will be received by the subscriber for mining and slivering Into cars the coal from the Powelton and Bat• net Celled., far one year. ending March fleet, 1862. The coal to be delivered at so mush per tea, ef 22401ba„ as aforesaid, In the bent marketable condition, free front elate, and ethos Impuritiee, In such,quautitiee and of such description as may be designated by the orders of thq snbecriber. • • • The contractor null bo provided with such mining tools and impleineuto, mules, houses, Sc., es may be on the promises, a valuation of which will be made at tho time possession is given, the amount of whiSisvaluatiori to be accounted for at the expiration of the contract. A good store will be provided. A moderato rout still be charged for houses Thu alines to be worked aubjeot to such in:11111u glOOat as the knots may provide, For further Information apply_ to lIARE•PoWEL.I., • • No. 104 Walnut Street, "Philadelphia, Pa.' Tel,. 20, 1881.—tf, OEM= ruHE largest stock of De Laitles in town. by RIMER k 8014.. WRAPPING A A P d PER article ;WI STORE THE b st display and largest variety of all Muds of Goods, eau always be found at tliauheap store of FISUEII & SOY ONFECTIONERIES of the very best V/ Gill ut DIMLY:RT. QOllOOl, BOOKS, _ , Generally in use in the . Schools of Gm County, not on Land, 1,111 be fimisher). to order, tin aMication .1 - BBIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONEBY STORK,. , CALL at D. Ps GIVIIN'S if you want. V.) Fashionable Ooods. QALT ! SALT !! SALT II !: : Li Jnat received from Om Onorlag,o Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to he add on commission, either whole-. sale or retell. 200 BAItRkILS and 1000 SACKS of SALT, 0ct.31,1860.. STSIIIIK-.4 SON. -; TIQUORS, siVidiefgal _ I= Par.s;:rr POPS:RATION AGBICIILITRAL PRODCCTS PIJCATION.