The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 17, 1861, Image 2
~eu~~~~~EC~X~ ~l~~ee HUNTINGDON', PA. Priday, May 3.7, 1861. 'WANKS 1 BLA: ffsTABLE'B SALES, ATTACR'T EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPGINAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WHS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3,00 Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. OLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Gate, of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS. of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. KS 1 BLANKS ! Items of Latest News. The reports from Virginia vary, but thought the whole number of troops at all points in that State does not exceed 25,000, many of 'them bad ly armed and ill-supplied. —lt is now believed that a power ful demonstration will be made forth with by the Federal troops on Alex andria and Harper's Ferry. —As there is little probability that the rebels will now venture to attack Washington, it is thought Western Virginia.may be the field of the first military operations. —lt is part of Scott's military pro gramme to have 72,000 troops in the city of Washington by the end of the month of May. —Ex-Congressmen Thomasson, and William H. Edmunds, of Kentucky, are now in Washington, and are ap plying for permission from the Presi dent to raise troops in their State for service under the Federal flag. They assure him the people are for the. Un ion, and they will employ their force in prev,enting rebel troops from march ing through Kentucky upon the Free States. -- The President is disposed to comply with their request. Cob Anderson, of Sumter, is under stood to have authority to raise and command • the Union volunteers of Kentucky and Western Virginia. —Bob Tyler, son of John • Tyler, for many years Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, has resigned and left to join the traitor Washington, May, 15.—The or ders are to hurry to Washington all the troops that are re4dy. As there is no apprehension of an attack here, the presumption is that a speedy move ment in Virginia, to Norfolk or Har per's Ferry, or both, is contemplated. The Government wisely does not let its plans be known. To-morrow the passenger and mail trains between Wasbingtari, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, will be resumed on the old schedule. . The references to American affairs in the late European news, have pro duced a good feeling here in Govern ment circles. All telegraphic communications with the . South has been suspended by the removal of seven miles of the wires, between Wrahington and 'Alexandria. In consequence of more important public affairs engaging the attention of the Heads of Department, no per sonal applications for appointments to civil offices are for the present enter tained. HARRISBURG, May 15, P. M.—The Report of ? the Committee of Confer ence on the Stay Law, was adopted to-day, and the bill sent to the Gov- 1:2312 The Report on the Committee of Conference 'on the Military Bill was adopted, the bill passed and sent to the Governor for his signature. WASHINGTON,May 15.—The Charles ton Mercury of Saturday says that Gen. Beauregard, with his Aids, Cols. F. E. Manning, A. G. Rice and Capt. S. W. Ferguson, arrived in Charleston on Friday. ' A despatch from Montgomery to the Richmond papers, says that President Davis will probably go to Virginia to head the anuy on the border. The Richmond correspondent of the Charleston Mercury writes as fol , lows :—" The Soath, when their forces shall be organized, will •be wearied of constant expectation, and will herself precipitate the collision. At present they are not in 'a condition for aggres sive movement. There are soldiers hero in any number, and they are equipped and drilled enough for any ordinary measures of resistance; but they have not as yet the unity and form for aggressive action. HARRISBURG, May 15.—Major An derson stated to Gov. Curtin, during a brief conversation, that. Ex-President Breckinridge would join him at Cin cinnati and take command under him. This announcement has created a pro foundly gratifying sensation here among all classes. Col. Anderson also stated that . the European steamer of yesterday brought a large quantity of improved modern arms for the Federal Government, and that each succeeding steamer would bring more. ler Gen. Thomas says he has ad ministered the oath to sonic 15,000 troops at Washington, and would con sider 30 as a large margin for the whole number who had refused. He believes that in no instance did the re fusal originate in disloyalty to the Union, but the reason most generally given by the parties themselves, was that the municipal authorities of the cities from which they came had prom ised to provide for their families, and had not done AO. WAR NEWS. [BY TELEGRAPH.] Western 'Virginia HAnnismto, May 14.—An intelli gent Virginian from Western Virginia, a bearer of despatches to Washington, expresses the opinion that Western Virginia will form a separate State be yond question. It will include forty five counties. All supplies from the Ohio Valley, which will subsist the Secessionists, have been entirely cut off from trans portation on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Two thousand troops in Western Virginia have been sworn into the ser vice of the United States. TOO regiments from Ohio are ready to cross the river, at a moment's no tice, to defend Wheeling. No attack from Secessionists on the Wheeling Convention was apprehen ded in consequence of the preparations made by the Union men, who have a number of pieces of artillery at Wheel- Ing,. - The messenger from whom this in formation is derived left Wheeling last night. 11e Convention was harmonious in its action. The Occupation of Baltimore—Seizure of Winan's Pikes and Annie Rifles. BALTIMORN, May 14.—The United States troops are fully established in their camp on Federal Hill. Squads of soldiers are strolling about the city this morning, sight seeing. A schooner was seized at the wharf this morning by the United States of ficers. She had a number of the pikes manufactured by Winans, and Millie rifles on board. She was taken over to the south side of the harbor, under Federal Hill, and placed under guard. The schooner had cleared for Snow Hill, Eastern Shore of Maryland. Roas Winans Arrested, BALTIMORE, - May 14.—When the train, containing many members of the Legislature from Frederick, reached the Relay House this evening, Ross Winans was arrested by the Federal officers and detained. The train came on without him. Governor Hicks was in the cars, and, with others, endeavored to have Wi nans released on security. This was refused, and he was placed under guard, with the assurance that he should be well taken care of. Discontinuance of the St. Louis and Memphis Mail. WASHINGTON, May 14.—The Post master General to-day annulled the contract for carrrying the mails be tween St. Louis and Memphis, owing to the forcible stoppage of the steam ers by which they were conveyed. This is the first case under the law of the last Congress which authorizes mail discontinuances in case of illegal obstruction. THE LATEST NEWS: PROM BALTIMORE. Pro ol atti ati o n of Gov. Hicks Calling Out Volunteers—Proclamation of General Butler—Gov. Hicks Replies to Major Brown Denying that he Authorized the Destruction of Bridges---. Arrival of Troops from York. BALTIMORE, May 15th.—The Gover nor. has issued the following proclama tion Whereas, the President of the United States has called upon me, the Gover nor of Maryland, for four regiments of Infantry or Riflemen, to serve for the period of three months; the said re quisition being made in spirit and in pursuance of law; and whereas, to _said requisition has been added the written assurance of the Secretary of War, that said four regiments shall be detailed to servo within the limits of Maryland, or for the defence of the Capitol of the United States, and not to serve beyond the limits aforesaid; now, therefore, I, Thomas Holliday Hicks, Governor of Maryland, do by this my proclamation, call upon loyal citizens to volunteer their services to the extent of four regiments as afore said, to serve during the period of three months within the limits of Ma ryland or in defence of the Capitol of the United States—to be subject under the conditions aforesaid, to the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the army of the United States. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Maryland, at the city of Frederick, this 14th day of May, 1861. Proclamation of General Butler General Butler yesterday afternoon issued the following proclamation :--- . DEPARTMENT OF A NNAPOLIS, Federal Hill, May 14, 1861. A detachment of the forces of the Federal Government under my coin-. mand have occupied the city of Balti more for the purpose among other things of enforcing respect and obedi ence to the laws as well as of the State if requested thereto by the civil au thorities as of the United States laws, which are being violated within its limits by some malignant and traitor ous men; and in order to testify the acceptance by the Federal Government of the fact that the city and all the well-intention portion ofits inhabitants are loyal to the Union and the Consti tution, and are to be so regarded and treated by all. To the end, therefore, that all mis understanding of the purposes of the government may, be prevented, and to set at rest all unfounded, false and se ditious rumors, to relieve all apprehen sions, if any are felt, by the well dis posed portion of the community, or to make it thoroughly understood by all traitors, their alders and abettors, that their rebellious acts must cease, I hereby, by the authority vested in me as commander of the Department of Annapolis, of which the city of Balti more forms a part, do now command and make known that no loyal and well-disposed citizen will be disturbed in his lawful occupation or business; that private property will not be in terfered with by men under my com mand, or allowed to be interfered with by others, except in so far as it' may be used to afford aid and comfort to those in rebellion against the govern ment, whether here or elsewhere, all which property, munitions of war, and that fitted to aid and support the re bellion, will be seized and held subject to confiscation ; and therefore all man ufacturers of arms and munitions of war, are hereby requested to report to me forthwith, so that the lawfulness of their occupations may be known and understood, and all misconstruc tion of their doings avoided: No transportation from the city to the rebels, of articles fitted to aid and sup port troops in the field will be permit ted, and the fact of such transporta tion after the publication of this proc lamation will be taken and received as proof of illegal intention on the part of the consigners, and render the goods liable to seizure and confisca tion. The government being ready to receive all such stores and supplies, arrangements will be made to contract for them immediately, and the owners and manufheturers of such articles of equipment and clothing and munitions of war and provisions, are. desired to put themselves in communication with the commanding general, in order that their work shops may be employed for loyal purposes ; and the artisans of the city resume and carry on their wonted profitable occupation. The acting assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence of the United States here stationed, has been instructed to procure and furnish at fair prices, forty thousand rations for the use of the army of the United States, and further supplies will be drawn from the city to the full extent of its capacity, if the patriotic and loyal men choose so to furnish supplies. All assemblages (except the ordina ry police) of armed bodies of men other than those regularly organized and commissioned by the State of Ma ryland, and acting under the orders of the Governor thereof, for drill and other purposes, are forbidden within the Department. All officers of the militia of Maryland having command within the limits of the Department are requested to re port, through their superior. officers, fOrthwith to the General in command, so that he may be able to know and distinguish the regularly co imnissioned and loyal troops of Maryland from armed bodies who may claim to be such. The ordinary opcations of the cor poration government of tho city of Baltimore, and of the city authorities, will not be interfered with, but on the contrary will be aided by all the pow er at the command of the General, upon proper call being made; and all such authorities arc cordially invited to co-operate with the General in com mand to carry out the purposes set forth in the proclamation, so that the city of Baltimore may be shown to the country to be what she is in fact—pat riotic and loyal to tho Union, the Con stitution and the laws. No flag, banner ensign, or device of the so-called confederate States, or any of them, will be permitted to be raised or shown in this Department, and the exhibition of either of them by evil disposed persons will be deemed and taken to be evidence of design to afford and comfort the enemieS of the country. To make it the more apparent that the government of the United States by fhr more relies upon loyalty, pat riotism and zeal of the good citizens of Baltimore and vicinity, than upon any exhibition of force calculated to intimidate them into that obedience to the laws which the government doubts not will be paid from the inherent re spect and love of order. The com manding General has brought to the city with him, of the many thousand troops in the immediate neighborhood which might be at once concentrated here, scarcely more than an ordinary guard, and until it fails him he will continue to rely upon that loyalty and patriotism of the citizens of Maryland which has never yet been found want ing to the Government in time of need. The general in command desires to greet and treat, in this part of his De partment, all the citizens thereof as friends and brothers, having a common purpose, a common loyalty, and a com mon country. Any infractures of the laws by the troops under his command, or any disorderly or unsoldierlike con duct, or any interference with privato property, he desires to have reported to him immediately; and he pledges him self that if any soldier so far forgets himself as to break those laws that he has sworn to defend and enforce, he shall be most rigorously dealt with. The general believes that if the sug gestions and requests contained in this proclamation be faithfully carried out by the co-operation of all good and Union-loving citizens, and peace and quiet, and the certainty of future peace and quiet, aro thus restored, business will assume its accustomed channels, *trade take the place of dullness and inactivity, efficient labor displace idle ness, and Baltimore will be iu fact what she is entitled to be, in the first rank of the commercial cites of the na tion. Given at Baltimore, the day and the year first above written. BENJ. P. BUTLER, Brigadier General, Commanding the• Department of Annapolis. E. G. Parker, Lieutenant Colonel, Aid de-Camp. General Butler bad a long interview, prior to the issuing of the foregoing proclamation, with the Mayor and sev eral members of the City Council. It is said that the conversation showed that the General was more intimately acquainted with affairs here than many supposed. During the afternoon, Gen. Butler made a formal demand on the city au thorities for the delivery of a quantity of arms stored in the warehouse of John S. Gutings, at the corner of Gray and Second streets. Marshal Kane refused to deliver up the arms without an order from the Mayor was produced by the officer.— Finally, after some altercation, an or der was procured and the arms wore brought out, making fifteen dray loads. About two-thirds of the fire arms were carbines and the rest flint lock mus kets. There was also a largo quanti ty of pikes. A guard of Federal troops was placed over the arms, and escorted by a large number of police, they were taken to the fort. Governor Hicks replies to Mayor Brown's charge that ho authorized the destruction of the railroad bridges.— lie denies the charge, and says, the Mayor's communication and tho ac companying certificates have induced any person to doubt my true position in the premises, and respectfully ask a suspension of judgment, until a suffi cient time be afforded me to collect the necessary proof and show, as I shall be able to do, most conclusively, that the destruction of the bridges was a part of the conspiracy of those acting against the Government, and was known and proclaimed in other parts of the State, before the destruc tion was consummated, but any person who knows my opinion of George P. Kane and Enoch L. Lowe, will at once admit that I would, be very slow to assent to any propOsition emanating, from or endorsed by them. Their in troduction into my Chamber at a late hour of the night to urge my consent to the perpetration of an unlawful act was not calculated to convince me of the propriety or necessity of that act. Men do not readily take counsel of their enemies. The city is quiet this morning—num bers of Massachusetts and New York regiments are strolling through the streets wholly unarmed. They are generally in couples and have full con fidence as they assert in the loyalty of the city. Rumors are afloat that Gen. Butler will make other arrests to-day of those in high positions. The first Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers arrived hero this morning, under command of Samuel Yoho. The volunteers aro accompanied by heavy batteries manned by regular troops from the Carlisle,barracks. The whole regiment will bo stationed along the line of the road. Our city is now guarded on all sides by the military. The St. Louis Arsenal---Row it was Stripped by an Illinois Volunteer. [Special Deepatrsh to the Chicago Tribune.] SPRINGFIELD, April 28 I am now able to give a complete and accurate narrative of the transfer of the twenty-one thousand stand of arms from St. Louis to Springfield. Capt. James H. Stokes, of Chicago, late of the Regular Army, volunteered to undertake the perilous mission; and Gov. Yates placed in his hands the re quisition of the Secretary of War for ten thousand muskets. ' Capt. Stokes went to St. Louis and made his way as rapidly as possible to the Arsenal. Ho found it surrounded by an im mense mob, and the postern gates all closed. His utmost efforts to pene trate the crowd were, for a long time, unavailing. At last he managed to attract the attention of ono of the guards by whom he sent for the Cap tain of the Company stationed at that part of the Arsenal yard, and to him he made known that he was a bearer of dispatches from the War Depart ment. With some difficulty he was admitted without attracting the par ticular notice of the crowd. On reach ing tho Arsenal proper, he learned that Major Rayner, of the Ordnance Department, had just been ordered to Leavenworth, whither he bad gone on the preceding day. He had been su perseded by Major. Callender, an old class mate of Capt. Stokes, at West Point. A council was immediately held between Capt. Stokes, Maj. Cal lender and Capt. Lyon, the latter be ing the officer in command of the rag ular troops and volunteers. The re quisition was shown. Captain Lyon doubted the possibility of executing it. He said the Arsenal was surroun ded by a thousand spies, and every movement - was - wittelreel-rtell-Yerperted-! to the headquarters of the secession ists, who could throw an overpowering I force upon them at any moment.— Capt. Stokes represented that every hour's delay was rendering the cap ture of the Arsenal more certain; and the arms must be removed to Illinois, now or never. Maj. Callender agreed with him and told him to take them at his own time and in his own way. This was Wednesday night. Captain , Stokes had a spy in the camp of the secessionists, whom he mot at inter ! vals in a certain place in the city. On Thursday he received information that Gov. Jackson had ordered two thous and armed men down from Jefferson City, whose movements could only contemplate a seizure of the Arsenal, by occupying the heights around it and planting batteries thereon. The job would have been an easy one.— They had already planted one battery on the St. Louis levee, and another at Powder Point, a short distance below the Arsenal. Capt. stokes immedi ately telegraphed to Alton to have the steamer City of Alton drop clown to the Arsenal landing, about midnight. He then returned to the Arsenal and commenced moving the boxes of guns, weighing some three hundred pounds each, down to the lower floor. About seven hundred inen were employed in the work. He then took five hundred Kentucky flint-lock . muskets, which had been sent there to be altered, and sent them to be placed on a steamer as a blind to cover his real movements. Tho Secessionists nabbed them at once and raised a perfect Bedlam over the capture. A large portion of the out side crowd left the Arsenal when this movement was executed ; and Captain Lyon took the remainder who were lying around as spies, and locked them up in his guard house. About eleven o'clock, the steamer City of Alton came along side; planks were shoved out from the windows to the main deck, and the boxes slid down. When the ten thousand were safely on board, Capt. Stokes went to ,Capt. Lyon and Major Callender, and urged them, by the most pressing appeals, to let him empty the Arsenal. They told him to go ahead and take what ever ho wan ted. Accordingly he took eleven thousand more muskets, five hundred rifle carbines, five hundred revolvers, one hundred and ten thousand musket cartridges, to say nothing of the can non and a large quantity of miscella neous accoutrements, leaving only sev en thousand muskets in the Arsenal, to arm the St. Louis volunteers. When the whole wore on board, about two o'clock Friday morning, the order was again given, by the captain of the steamer, to cast off. Judge of the consternation of all hands when it was found that she would not move. The arms bad been piled in great quantities around the engines to pro tect them against the battery on the levee, and the great weight had fas tened the bows of the boat firmly on a rock, which was tearing a bolo through the bottom at every turn of the wheels. A man of less nerve than Capt. Stokes would have gone crazy on the spot. He called the arsenal men on board, and commenced moving the boxes to the stern. Fortunately when about two hundred boxes had been shifted, the boat fell away.from the shore and floated in deep water. " Which way ?" said Capt. Mitchell of the steamer. " Straight to Alton in the regular channel," replied Captain Stokes. " What if we are attackedr said Captain Mitchell. " Then we will fight I" said Capt. Stokes: "What, if we aro overpowered?" said Capt, M. " Run her to the deepest part of the river and sink her," replied Captain S. " I'll do it," was the heroic answer of Captain M., and, away they went past the secession battery, past the entire St. Louis levee, and on to Alton, in the regular channel, where they ar rived at five o'clock in the morning.. - When the boat touched her landing, Capt. Stokes, fearing pursuit -by-some two or three of the secession military companies, by which the city of St. Louis is disgraced, ran to the Market House and rang the fire-bell. The citizens came flocking pell-mell to the river, in all sorts of habiliments. Capt. Stokes informed them of the situation of things, and pointed out the freight cars. Instantly men, women and chil dren hoarded the steamer, seized the freight and clambered up the levee to the cars. Rich and poor tugged to gether with might and main for two hours, when the cargo was all deposi ted in the cars, and the train moved off, amid three enthusiastic cheers for Springfield. . When Capt. Stokes reached this city, he was so exhausted by sixty hours of incessant labor and excitement, that he fell asleep while endeavoring to re count his adventures to Judge Trum bull. Secession has now received its fatal blow not only in St. Louis but throughout Missouri. When it became known that the arms were gone, the St. Louis Repub lican began to preach peace and neu trality, the minute-men ceased brawl ing for Jeff. Davis in the streets, 'and Gov. Jackson began to advise against calling the State Convention together. While Capt. Stokes was taking the arms, the Secessionists were planning to capture the Government powder house, about a mile below. It is re ported here that they had seized it be fore they became aware that the arse nal was emptied. Army Regulations The following from the army regu lations is interesting: The commissioned officers are oblig ed to clothe,equip and arm themselves, (with a sword,) at their own expense, the pay received by them being inten ded to cover all outlays. It is a mat ter of personal choice with the officer whether to carry any arms, (pistols, &c.,) beyond the regulation sword. When it is necessary to employ the army at work on fortifications, in sur veys, in cutting roads, and other con stant labor of not less than ten days. the non-commissioned officers and sol diers so employed aro enrolled as extra duty men, and are allowed 25 cents a day when employed as laborers and teamsters, and 30 cents a day when employed as mechanics, at all stations East of the Rocky Mountains; and 35 and 50 cents a day, respectively, at all stations West of those mountains. Enlisted men of the Ordnance and Engineer Departments, and artificers of Artillery aro not entitled to this al lowance when employed at their ap propriate work. -;hull-not.--zarnixacILian hours in summer. and eight in winter. Soldiers are paid in proportion for any greater number of hours they aro em• ployed each day. Summer is consid ered to have commenced on the Ist of April, and winter on the Ist of Octo ber. The ration is of a pound of pork or bacon, or 11 pounds of fresh or salt beef; 18 ounces of bread or flour, or 12 ounces of hard bread, or 11 pounds of corn meal; and at the rate, to 100 rations, of 8 quarts of peas or beans,or in lieu thereof, of 10 pounds of rice; 0 pounds of coffee; 12 pounds of sugar; 4 quarts of vinegar; 1$ pounns of tal low, or 11 of adamantine, or one pound of sperm candles; 4 pounds of soap, and 2 quarts of salt. On a campaign, or on marches, or on board of transports, the ration of hard bread (sea biscuit) is one pound. Soldiers are expected to preserve, die tribute and cook their own subsistence. All enlisted men are entitled to• one ration a day. No provision is made for the pay of chaplains. If they are sent with the regiments from any State, the State Authorities will have to fix their rate of compensation and make provision for their payment by the State. Hospital Conveniences The Providence Journal publishes the following directions which Major Anderson lately gave some ladies,who consulted him respecting hospital con veniences: The ladies had better not attempt to furnish articles of food for the sick and wounded. It would require thousands of dollars in the first place, besides the hospitals are all supplied with what is necessary. However, if the ladies would furnish the following articles they would add greatly to the comfort of the poor fellows who may be sick and. suffering: A large supply of Canton flannel night shirts, large and long. Green silk eye shades with, elastic bands. Common slippers of largo sizo. Hospital knapsacks—they can be found at No. 473 Eighth avenue, Now York. Field-stretchers—Alexander, No. 48 Webster street, makes the wood-work, and Tyler, No. 25 Bast Broadway, the, canvas part. Ho (Major Anderson) says no one can know but ono who has been with an army in the field, the great comfort and blessing the above-named articles are to poor suffering humanity. . , HOSPITAL Surpram.—Miss D. L. Dix, who has been called by the Govern ment to Washington, to assist in or ganizing hospitals for the sick of the different regiments, writes to a friend asking aid for supplying the Pennsyl vania Military' Hospita with the fol lowing articles, which will be greatly needed, viz. Long night shirts, made of bleached or unbleaclied muslin, four and a half to five feet low , , common shirts of the same, flannel ''shirts, cot ton flannel drawers, woolen socks and handkerchiefs. Any or' all of these articles, in any quantities, will ho found acceptable, .E piece should .be marked in coarse lettering—a Military Hospital—Pennsylvania." •• Volunteei Nurses COMMUNICATION FROM RT REV. DR. POT ' TER BISHOP OR PENNSYLVANIA. ED. PILTLADA. INQUIRER :—Mtiji ask a . place in your columns for the, following comiminication...from •Miss Di x,wi th the accompanying documents: Those who know anything of.Miss„Dix . —and who" - 'does net ?=--iirlier -earnest sympathy with' the siiffering, her large . experience and herlndomitable energy, will feel thankful that' upon her de volves the task of organizing the free -nurse service to which so many ladies propose generously to devote them selves. It is hoped that ell will feel disposed to put themselves in eommu- - ideation with her; and it is devoutly to he wished - that means to procure such comforts- as are -needed--by the sick and wounded will not be wanting. Yours sincerely, , ALONYO POTTER.' Philadelphia, May 9th, 1861. NOTICE TO VOLUNTEER NURSES. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 6th, 1861. —Persons devoting their strength and experience on free services as Nurses in the Military Hospitals, for the care of the sick, and wounded, are very res pectfully requested not to render them selves immediately at head-quarters, Washington City, but to send forward collectively, from towns and cities, their names, ages, whether beloW or above thirty years, and places of resi dence; and at the same time indicate the period for which they determine to devote themselves to this entirely self-sacrificing, laborious service. It is also earnestly requested that all who propose taking up these arduous du ties, and who are not now'fully quali fied, should take practical 'instruction in nursing, and report themselves through the physicians and surgeons of their ,town or city.. These suggest tions are tendered to spare confusion, and expensive journeys. At present, there is general health-in - the army ; but should epidemics appear, or serious conflicts ensue, it will be needful to summon voluntary, free ser vice nurses at an hour's notice. Such -will please, therefore, to bold themselves ready for active duty. , Your Counsellor, by courtesy, in Christian service. (Signed) D. L. Dix. , MILITARY HOSPITAL. - ' Be it known to all-whom it may con cern, that the free services of Miss D. L. Dix, are accepted by the War-De partment, and that, she will give at.all times, all necessary- aid in organizing Military Hospitals, for th.: Care of all the sick or wounded soldiers, aiding the Chief . S urgeons . by supplying nur ses when needed; and substantial means for the comfort' and' relief of the suffer ing. Also, that she is fully authorized to receive, control Old disburse special supplies bestowed by individuals or associations, for the comfort of their friends or the citizen soldiers from all parts of the United States. . Given under the seat of the War De partment, this twenty-third [SEAL] day of April, in the year of . our Lord one thou Sand, eight * hundred and Sixty:One, and of the In dependence •of the United States the eighty-fifth. '- SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. • FREE HOSPITAL SERVICE. SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE; May Ist, ,1861. --- Tters --- DepartM e nt —eheerfullv.- and thankfully recognizing.thility mid", energy of Miss D. Ti. Dix, in her ar rangements for the comfort and wel fare of the sick soldier in the present exigency, reqiiests that-each of the la dies who have offered their services as Nurses, would put, themselves in- com munication with her before• entering upon their duties, as efficient and well directed service can only be rendered through, a . systematip arrangemen t.— It is further 'suggested that the ladies exert themselves to, their fullest extent_ in preparing or supplying hospital' shirts , for the sick; -also articles of diet which if necessary can be preserved, as delicacies may be needed for individu al cases. MiSs Dix's residence is No. 505 Twelfth 'street; !between. E. !and • V.; Washington, D. C: " Respectfully, D.C.. Wool), ''Acting SurgeonGdneral. Census Statistics The subjoined table, lirepared from the returns of the eighth consus,(lB6o) will possoss interest for all our readers at the present time • • • Whito Males, between, the ages of 18 and 55, inehisive, - Census of 1860, in round numbers, STATES. Alabama,' Arkansas,, California, Connecticut, , Delawaro, Florida, Georgia; Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kansas, • Kenteky7 • Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, •, 7 - Massachusetts;, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, " Missouri, New Hampshire,' New Jersey, New York, North - Carolina; Ohio, Oregon, • , Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Soith Carolina, Tennessee, _ Texas, Vermont, Virginia, , Wisconsin, TrARITOBIES; '• ' • Colorado,. Dacotah, ' Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, , Utah, Washingtob, , District of tolti.ixibia, I= A. ,, greo - rate 7 .0 1J R tORCR EsOtiti 0 tit e. „ . . • 1 ; UNITY, 'II.ENTIEReON frWP:I May 14, 1861. DEAuI G.Lons::'—The continues intense in this township.-- _We hold .Union meetings: weekly-cat 'nearly all our -school houses. At tho adpiirried 'Meeting at the Union iziehooll houSe,- on Tuesday: evening of- !Wt. o ' fweek,„patrioti,c,"spe9,9 .w9re ,ninde by G. F. Hetrick, p , i,pttiin ,Flenrier aiid • '.' MoCarthy. ' 4 Pn We - dries - day: evening the , Star Spangled Banner 'hoisted at the' .Centre Union,Scliocd -, - 'House;, in Oneida .township,. It- }was ,• made and presented, Miss, Sarah , • GorsuCh. When it *as flung • tO'the ' breeze, three cheers were flag and • the' fair donor.. 'Speeches!' wore made ..on the occasion by -Abel 'Corbin, W. McDivit,, - Capt. Flenner arid others. ,The Lick Ridge Rangers met at their parade grOiind; opposite' Mr; Millers, •on Saturday evening at - six o'clock, for drill. After drilling an, • hour ,and a half, the majority of -us ; were . marched- .to the West School, house to attend a Union meeting. . The . ' remainder 'attended a moeting'oi'the • Young Men's Temperance Association at the' Union school house, where pat riotic temperance speeches were made by Jas. Hutchison, Lieut. McCartney and D. A Thompson. National songs ' were then sting by the ladies.' The members of the Association lire 'more .. firm in their adherence-te, the cause of temperance since, the commencement of our National troubles than before. The Union meeting at the West school hous addressed by Lieut. Rhodes, Abel Corbin and others. • National , son,,n's were sung by the ladies, which elicited thunders of appleuse. ; • .. The farmers of this neiglaborhoOdare are not done planting corn. • ”, • ' An eloquent' andlnstructive, 'Ward was delivered before -the Sabbath School, at the 'Union Scheol house laSt. Sabbath, by Geo. F.'Hetrick. : " • .',: The citizens Of Sru,gar:GrOVO Arid cinity, aro orgailiiirfg a - ,colaiasty . df Home Guards, tolui called the ,Corn Stalk Rifle Rangers, ANCIENT: JERUSALEAL` ,; A LARGE AND.BIfitiiIPT3L, ISOMETRICAL. PICTURE ' • :"rod WC!, And the Sacred Places Surrounding . * - • • HOLY 'CITY, . AS 17/I:T.AhREAREDIN ANOIS T MA& . .The aboro work Is romtnendmi to the 'fatomblo notice of clergymen, and those having charge of §unday-ecliool4' ilibloclnseee, and public institutions,l It is about 0 feet long end ,11 feet wide, colored and Meshed, and mounted on mum; with rollers: • " •' It has been conotrucled from the moat- reliable And On. thentic I.ourcos, and will be fopurl an invalnuble 'aid to , those engin : Mil In lecturing on the Holy Land, - or-in ' parting inetructlon to school classes on 1141 eubjcet l to l I • • 1 .1. WhiCil IL rears. ' ' It alma to give an exact idia'of the city as W appen fad inoanclent time.. It it taken an a "birth, oyo" 5 or lbale,, loon" vlow, the beholder Wing, in imagination, placed at= a con3fdernble'crevathm, ad ad to take ncimprebentfve view of the city and tho whole, country tor, eanadiatalicei anti ad. - The view is accompanied with Rti Ontlinegey, in which. the different louelities are 'timbered, and IV benriptlve: Manual Ceutatiling all the ,ht formation needs:mg to t We one to 11ae the view to advantage In teaching or ,lee. tilting. •' THE: S'UN.D.Nir.-8:0110.01',:::1'iliigi.: This 18,4 Weekly Religrapilreper, published= the Val' '- low mice at ON E •13 OLL Alt A YEAR. It is;dieV eigned for Parents, , Tenehers, and all who are engaged, or. interested hi the vaginae trainieg of the young.' It is" • aide an excellent Family . Paper. . . - „ A portion Lathe Sunday-Sand Times ie bectipled' with Narratives and other matter particularly Interesting to: young permns. Teachers will find in It much that they will like Co read to their damn—lnteresting Matter Oro: , rued to their- halide, anasuch as that'- otnnat flad owl the Mar srholers gonernlly, Will bo greatly - ben° I. ed by the permal of thin paper: , The Sunday-School Times bin ovary week a mart of the choicest matter. selected from the Noon Prayer Med. (nye, which are so interesting to all clagne4 or Christina, . - Besides a large amount of general religions Intelligence; - the Sunday-Mawr Times contains all the most iscent eon- day-school news., It reports nil the linportent tions of Sunday-school teachers. It discusses the quo.' tiottir whhh Mont hiturCat end perplex teachers link pa-% rents. respecting the various methods of Religious Train ing for the young, the menas — of gaining the attention end affections of children, and especially, orsecuring, their conversion tlllll bringing them to Christ. The Imbleet of Bission,-SChools for cities, nod of Bulldog-school taleldeclt cry work for the interior, is thoroughly canvassed. In deed, there is hardly a• topic of practical ihrprttaaca, : lir; any who are iinterested in the subject of religions edam. tion, which Is trot bare bgeßght amler conehicratiatt tepxil week to week.' Thu conductors of Oils paper eMicavor to remember,thaVi the great end of all Christian effort is to bring Int/I to Chri.W. They aim accordingly, to pat into, every intantme .of lower something which shall hateful. its direct oNect the cottiersiou of SOW!. • • . .•ti •t• • • "• • 'no proprietors of the Slinday-,..Schad 'lima have so. united the eXtillviVe' right of sale Of the - splendid work:: mentioned &tare, tho. IlittP OF ANCIENT JeRU4ALE3f, Mier tt as n'apPeial 'premium to those guidwintendent., teachers, or others. who Will aselat in gettiug now on. ocrihore, to the payer. - We offer this superb premium to any ono who will send us the umnos of 12 new subscribers end $l2 in cab. cAurm.. Jig t• In every nose, before beginning to canvass, b+3 sum / to write to us and obtain tho neeeasary docunteuts and instructions. These will help you greatly id prOokuting the work, and will s4xe you many mistakes. -Eudora 6' cent/ to pay p oelege. Address PROPRIETOR , ' OP Tot SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES, . 148 South :Fourth street, N.B.—Specimens of the ,Scclay-SeNool IBsee, and copy of tire Mop of Ancient Jerusalem, may be seen . at* the Bookstore of WM. LEWIS, Iluntlpgdon. ; - April 10,1801:-If. ROHRER'S • -ROIIREIVS,'' t,• • ROHRER% :..: - ItOIIIIER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. 'PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ' •100,000 95,000 ' 60,0,00 92,000 22,000 - 16,000 • 119,090' 342,000 270,000 135,000' 21;000 186,000 . 75,090 125,000 .120,000 240,000, 150,000 • • 32,000 - 71,000 211,000 ' 65;009 (HIRER'S PRACTICAL ;CALC.I.T. A-nook of-lain lulu arid CalCulattineefue Businin 9Pel. rations, by Harlin N. Rohrer; Tractiera Surviyor en 4 Cbtarcyancer.. New .attlion,published by J. 11. ./.pgin.., colt & Cb., Philadelphia. This work - contains 204 lieges, and upwards or ZOO' and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practleal; witch as, arise every day in the common pursuits of 'Business. 'lt ,has already passed through a number Of editions irerapid auceession, and is, pronounced- by all •nlasses Of businetts' men to be the handiest took of reference, pertaining ,to calcalatione, that has ever been published. ' Every example in the book la svorked out in full and stated In a plain manner, on that when a parallel cue ari ses, thme,xeferring„to the work will find uo ,dietculty in solving it; In a' word, the kineral 'arrangement of the CALCULATOR In simple, that any one who knows hew to, add, subtniet,•multilily and divide, can easily solvo'iny or. diuntr,exaMplo that nines in 'lmams, ox arrive at the ' true reiulfarany estimate required. • • • The chief aim bf the author has been - to unholy-VIT. and philosophy in flgUres;itiming only at feel:land city, believing that huttiness, men care little about, open ding time in discussing The' philosophy of 'rules, or the science of, (Imes, deeintng . it sufficient for their, purpose to be able at a moment,ly reference, to arrive at the truo result. - The CALOU,LATOR differs is this respect from all other Arltlimeties of the day and kindied works—leis it key to practicalllusiness calculation Win the bands. of the business man, what the key to mathematical work. Is the heeded' the teactiet lhteeheot soqut—it fecal, Wes time and insufes correctness. 134,000 778,000 132,000 468,000 10,000 88,1,000 36,000 • 60,009 167,000 84,000 63,000 -221,009 • ' -165,000 TILE OF Win Ifieasuremant of Land,,of Lumber, i t Brick ,and Brick Work, of Stone and Stone irbrk; bf grain and grain bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood,-of solids, of liquids, of dr color, isquare'or irregular *whole, Of -clateine and vats; rif roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier'e, payee., plumb. erk, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work - . ; It = treats of currency and of, foreign and domestic exchange, ot t the. decimal sySteiu, ofr eduction' and fie extended applicatlinib to, business of eimple,atht, Cent Pqund Interest, and theft, entire application to himiness transactions,' with thetas.' and usages governing the same, together with, numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment ott notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay. ment and of partileraldpacconnts - ; of assessment of taxes, of weights and me/ eared, of square and cubic measure, of theequaroi•oot and its applicatiolft6 bifsineim iiiktirfaces. of excavation, and of ,mauy other important ; practiced Minters not within the scopo . eit nn adViittivement to bun: tin, ri • • l'r IS :UST TILE •BOOlil FOR MA" il Farmer, the merclutut, the' ntechtufie, tire Urtizan,‘ °grate professional num. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the Justice of the peace, - thatanifeyartearldnd real sonar broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer and eureeyor, tq tho carpenter and heloklayer, td the ate u emaetan rind the _plasterer. to the paper hanger' rind 'upholsterer, to the parer - and the titer, each aud all Will like'irealapted their-a:a nions wants hotter - than nay book pit - 1)1151,rd. gyp. Price, 50 cents. l' Lewis' Book Store. Iluntlngdon, Dec. 26, 1800, 5,433,000 6,000 1,000 0,000 1,000 .13,000 B,oop 2,000 14;000 31,1)00 IQUORS, of the bostyfor, ; 1 e 4 pttrpoteexl P. B. SMITIC'et' 5,184,000 Th NGER . IMMI SPECIAL aPiElt. IME