THE GLOBE. Huntingdon;,.4uy 17, I§6l r,OCJAL PERSONAL. ,:.TOtho_Votere of the County We call 'upon the Democratic County, Corintrittee to. ;take early action, and declare:against , Making party nomi nations this fan. The'peeple have not the time, nor: the inclination, to dis cus's foriner party-questions. They have-no desire to kayo any other than a Ilnien party. -We hope to see the voters come, together as brothers,—to vote for men as ,Union men irrespec tive of former party connections. The best men„ should ha selected, and' to select such, we Would recommend that all the-voters, of, the county meet in the . several boroughs , and . townships sometime .before , August Court and vote for such persons as they may dc sire shall be the candidates for election:' The two persons , having the, highest vote iu the county for the office named, to be the candidate. The proper ar rangeineilts can be made by the stand ing Committees of the polititical par ties of the county. A Union mooting of those cominittees should be, held soon and some plan of operation ar ranged. R or •TnE STANDIN9-STON.I? Gthuto : s.'-;-• -The following is correct roll of,the Guards, now in Washington , . Miller,, Captain. „ G, F. 31eCabe, Ist Lieut. Jas. D. Campbell, 2d do. jno. S. Campbell,2d do., (by Brevet) ;T. 'AddisOn.Mporti,'lst Sergeant. W. S. Westbrook; 2d do. W. H. Flenner, 3d do. - Geo;,lV. Simpson, 4th, do. Jas. McCahad, Ist Corporal. Robt. Smith, 2d do. G. W. Cypher, 3d do. Culsin Tait* 4th, dd.; L. IT'ThOtiths, , Druimner. • A. K. Buoy, Fifer.—. ;, R. H. Sneath, sf. Vandevander, J. W. Lytle, J. S. Clark, B, E. Thompson: - - Win';'Estep, A:.P. - 31iller, • • N. Staubs, • . W. 11. Wise, ; 13: F. IV. _>.l3: Couch,.: W. IL Shaw, G. W. Harvey, A. P. McAllister, AitgaStu,s'Pleek, Henry Forshey, Jan N: Doctor, W: H. Wagner, Geo: W. Sneath, W. Prim, John Donohoe, Anthony White, JaS..Tioulett, G. W. McGuruey, John Stem; ' John Cullison, Alfred Clark, - Theo. McFarland, 1V: A. Miller, Ewd. McCabe, MtiMurtrie, J. D. Cunningham, David Heffner, T. D. Hoffman, G. 11 r. Chas. IV. McGee, G. , A, Black, Snail. Riuhand, EW(.I. - K. Nash, Jacob Barrick, Jas. McMurtrie, Wm. Sturtsman, W:ll:•Glazier; Jos. 11. Thompson, Jacob Steil, 1V.31. Long, W. B. Coder, J. IV. 13. - Keegan, D. Gilleland, Thos. - Keegan, John Canon, Wm. McCabe, John W. Bradley, John Souders, John Hoffman, Steplens,- - John yibbg tam I °gab - Jas. McCahan, John McCall. By the above it will , be seen that the company consists of 12 officers, 2 musiciansand . 63 privates, making 77 rank and filo. MpOR ROBT. ANDERSON IN TOWN.- On Wednesday it was announced that Major Robert Anderson, the hero of Port • Sumpter, would pass through town in the evening fast train west-- When the train arrived, some hundreds Of Our citizens had come together to see and honor the hero. As soon as the train had stopped, the major made his appearance on the platform of the last car, when the crowd received him with cheer after cheer. Many of those near est the platform had the pleasure of taking the Major by the hand. In a few moments the train started, the Major keeping the platform, giving all on, the street an opportunity to see him. - The Major is a fine looking man —with a calm and -determined face. Report of Coal Shipped over the EL & B. T. R. R. during the year, and for week ending 'Wednesday, May 14, 1861. rl iri- Collinries. Week ously this Year. Operators. ItAllate-Powel, R. Dare Towel, A. Petrick, Jr., A. B. VAgton, R. B. Wigton, R. B. 'Wigton; Y. IL %Vinton, David Blair, Delhi Blair, P. Ammerman, B. L.Alegehan, John T,, tor, George Moan, mcza Pow.lton, \O.l, , Prosi.ctv I Cliff, 'lto° Tofu, Dudley Slope, Dlntr, B.T. Imp% Co. Seml-Anth. Co., 13looredole No.l, Itlddlosburg, Brood Top, 1722! PRIED Fnuir.—The Ladies request us to say that information luis been received from Miss. Dix at Washing-, ton, - and that she reports the - soldiprs . Isll4telentl3 = supplied with clothing for the present, but that dried fruit of 'any kind is much needed. Persons in town or country wishing to contribute dried fruit can leave it with any member of the committee in town. . Sim Several hundred uniformed' vol unteers from Michigan, passed east on teduesday. They were the best Alooking ecimpatkies'we hhve yet seen. Th'ey' wererunlformed by C en. Cass, at his oWrk : : • ' ALMOST A Fn E.--:Yesterday Morn iitg fire ,broke ' out in the garret, of the house of Hon. Tames Gwin, but was easily extinguished before-gaining simeh-leadwa . Y.- - F.I!AiD3 AND BADDES.-A supply on !land atjJewist Book Store. $ Itardee's Military Tactics for mac a yOrie*olt,Store, - . . . - - - PHILADELPHIA -.l%lAitii/CT6.-• - - - • - ..,- May IS. Fancy and Extra Family Flour ifi.12 1 ,4V350 Common and Superfine $5,37%5,662 1 .4 Corn Meal.. . ne Flour 5 0' ' Meal... s.2,BPA Extra White Wheat 11 _. ,40E61,50 • Fair and Primo lied , 41,3341,35 . , Rye • -65 a Corn s prima Yellow na. Oats' 33' ' Clovereeedat Si the $4,500.1,75 Timothy 1,2,75@2,57 HVNTINGDON mAitztts. CORRECTED WEEKLY. White Wheat ' „ Rea Wheat $l,OO ' 7tye. Corn 0at5....... Clorenwed.... Flnzeood Dried Appieo Butter 15~ge....... Lard 1tem............ ...... Ta110w.......... N EW GOODS 1 SELLING OFF FOR: CASH!! BARGAINS IN HARDWARE As" the nimble penny %bettor than the slow sixpence," and small profits in mak, are better than vexing come, bookizecnoles, TAMES A. iptoyvN le now determined to sell off the lingo and splendid stock of Danl. ore, Paints, Ac., which he has just brought from the cost, at such low prices, as will ithlece everybody to crowd in fur a shire of the bargains.. Dis stock incholoi a complete variety of DUILDINO.IIADDWAIiI:, MECHANICS' TOOTS, CUTLERY, DOLLOW-WARE, OILS, PAINTS., SADDLERY, ' ATATINISIIES, OLACS, CARRIAOE `1:1:13IM INDS, STEEL. IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIIW, MOROCCO, • LININCI COAL OIL LAMPS nod COAL 01h, PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS, Together with a full asset fluent of everything pertaining to life goo of i/116111, 4 98: - Rk•All el dere receive prompt at tention.-g4 Ilitutingdou, 10, 1861 ATEST WAR NEWS! lIIGII PRICES DEFEATED I Nola is the, Time to buy Cheap Clothing! MANVAL GIITMEN, Recnrcifully illfollll the public g lY fihe has jucereceived a large and well selectePdneetrUclkoffit SPRING AND summtit CLOTIIING, to which Ito asks the attention of all who are in want of a neat and comfortable Coat, a Vest or a pair of rantn.J— flis stock nill bear est - Limitation, and Ito respectfully requests, all to call anti see fur themselves. Should gentlemen denim nay particular hind or cut of clothing not found in tho stock on band, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A good assortment or BOOTS AND eu,91:8, lIATS AND CAPS, &, W., will alto Le found on hand. `All of which will be sold nn low. If not lower. than the Dame quality of goods can he had In ilia county. - Cal; at the coruer of the llisruend,— , nng's, new building. • 31.,(V1A31AN. Huntingdon, Apia 2, 1861 • 1861. 1861. CLOTHING. . ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING. FOR • • SPRIXG LY SUMMER, JUST RECEIVRA,., AS 11. ROMAN'S • CILPLIP CLOTHING STORPL For Centlenien's Chtthing or the beet mater'.al, end matte in the beet It orknutttilke manlier, call at H. ROMAN'S; opposite the Nraukliu House it. Market Square. Hunting don. [April 2, 1.861.) OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIATI,TBES, TAPE, CORD AND _TAB p.5.11;c: I=l UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. FLAGS! I'LAGS!f WILO.LBSAIL xf; RETAIL WINDOW CURTAIN PAPER A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST' RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE Total Tune Lila Year. L.A.DIES" SKATES are sold by FISHER & SON - 723ti v 21764 4104 7107 4207 6852 20168 S 545 7115 4117 A fine stock of Ladies' Furs just receiv i-x. ed a 0 the cheap stare of YISIIEIt & SON. ALlarge assortment of Nubias, Opera Oupe, Soutags, aultable for ladies and children, by mann & SON. 221 8249 2124 2386 760 451 9198 236 3031 2765 2180 657 406 3089 THE largest stock of De Laines in town by. FISHER, & SON. WRAPPING PAPER! A good artlclo for sale at. LEWIS' BOOK STORE 55209 1311 M TitUTCIIER-KNIVES and Carvers, in xji. g reat:varlaty, for ralo at. the 312tIgnAl.State001114.:. TIE best display and largest variety of of Goods, can always be found se the cheap store ' FISHER & SON : (10NFECT.T.ONERIES. of the very best V./ • ool ! lt. mums. Q . Cl-10011 BOOKS, . . Ge3ieralty to use in the Scheele of the County, not on hand, wilhbe furnished to order, on application at ' LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORK ' CALL at D. P. GWIN'S• if you want Faithfount& Goods. QALT ! SALT!! .., SALT!!! ?met received from the Onondago Salt. Company, Sy rectum, N. Y., to be sold on commission; Mho . whole sale or retail, 200 DiLIOtELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT: • -Oct. 31,1800. FlSll}ll & SON. pOCICET TESTAMENTS, ' - FOR THE VOLUNTEERS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A 421.1?G8 STOCK OiV ITAND AT , LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Abeautiful lot of Shaker tonUets for iale cheap, at D. D. °WIN'S. ; CLOAKING Cloths, Tassats, Cords and Binding, chenp nt k • • D. P. OWIN'S. . VOU will find the Largest and Best _JI. asiorrpsent of Lacitee' Dress Goods,at p, P. Ging% 1133315111 AT, LIMIS' BOOK STORE LEWIS' BOOK STORE AND JR , HEUM-ATIS3I--OURED.-- - - Mr, JOHN WESTBROOK; Sr., manufacturesa •' 31EN T which is sure to cure Rheumatism. No cure, no pay. Persons afflicted should call and try the medicine. Call at his residence In Washington street, ono door West of Levi Westbroak. Huntingdon, March 20, 1601. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. • We would respectfully Inform our friends,pstrons and the public genoatly, that WO have now in it Store and tiger Wholesale and Retail, at the low- t It est Cash Prices, n large anti very choice stock of Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of every va riety and style. Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to order at short notice. Ala- All goods wartautiht to hens represented. N. IL—Particular attention ,given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry, of every description. bTAUFNEH S HARLEY, No. 622 Market Street, South side, Philadelphia. Starch 6,1661.-2 m. N ELNWOOD ACADEMY, A 'bah 00l for Young Ladies & Gentlemen SHADE OAP, .1117.417111VGD0N, CO., PA The nest Session of this Institution will open the fast Wednesday of Mop. In the Commercial Deportment young pen are thoroughly prepared for the Counting Boom. - TERMS: Board, Tuition, and Room Root.. EXTRAS 3fusie. Lessons on tho Piano.per Session 16 00 Use of ,Instritment, 's 00 Lessons an the °altar, per Soeotou , 8 00 Use of Instrument o 00 Lessons in Vocal Music 3 00 000 SMENTAL Wank. Lessons 0 Leather Work, per Session 3 00 L 0530114 In Ornamental Needle Weak, per Session, 3 00 ' BRiNSING AND PAINTING, Lessons in 011 Painting, per Session 16 00 Lessons it D a re ing and Painting to Water Colors, 900 Grecian and Italian Painting, each. 4 GO' Antique and Otiental Painting, each 4 00 MOneehromatie Drawing Lessons in 'French, per :.03.1k0u, 5 00 KOOK KEEPING. Single Entry 8 00 Bumble Entry, "0 00 477 - Young Gentlemen in the Academic Depat Uncut are only halt the above price, for Book Keeping. l'ur Ens liter pat tit:alms, taldresa • W. it. WOODS, Shade Gap, March 27, IS6I. HOMES FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS • IN nu; GARDEN STATE OF THE TEST noliuoLs Ceneral RailroatcCiinipany Lave for Salo 1,200,000 ACRES Of Rich Fanning Laude in Ta acts of Pot ty Acres and V 1...). on Long Credit and at Low nicoS. Dtec¢+srcd, FATMLES, AP WIRM OMEN The attention of the macro ising and Indu.drious por tion of the community Is infected to the following state ments and liberal Inducements offered them by the lux 015 CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, Which, as they will porceivo, will enable them, by proper energy, purse, cruller, and Indust', ydo provide coats t.thlo and permanent homes for themselves mid i;unfllog, with, ohm:natively speaking, airy little capital. L Ins or ILLINois No State in the valley of the 3115qb../Iplil offers ao groat an inducement to the settler as the State of •Jitinom.— There is no portion of the would where all of the condi tions °rennet° and coil so admirably combine to produce thole two great stapled, coin and wheat, as the prairies of limn Ronan PnxiniE LANIDS The deep rich leant of the prairies is cultivated with such woliderful facility that the !linters or the Eastern and 3liddle States are tooting to Illinois in great 111111110,18. The urea of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the soil is so rich that it will suppett twenty millions of people. Eorrnx AND Scruiricux SlArt-trs. Three land.; firs contignon, to n railroad seven hundred lei in length. which connect, With other roa d s and nav igable hikes and rivets. thus affording no manokell Cern- Meeker:Won n•ith the Ealterti nut Southern marl:eta. = Thor far capital arid labonliava broil upplfed to develop log the ; the great rerourcur of the State In coal and iron are almost untouched. the invariable rule that the ,nicelianic arts flourish hest whet a fend and fuel ore cheat , - est. will follow at All Only day in Illinois, and lu the Collie of the next ten }eats the mantel laws and necesaitles of the ease warrant the bullet that at least lire hundred thousand people will be engaged In the State of Illinois In the various niatioaclttritig einployineols. RAILROAD SME)I OF Over $1.00,000,000 of private capital have been expended 'on the railroad 03 stem of Mittels. Inasmuch to, part of 'the income front several of three I,rot he, nith a valuable public fend in lauds, go, to ditalnkh the State expenses, the taxes aro light, and must consequently otTry day do crease. I= The State debt is only $10,105,39814, and it MINI the last three years hag been Induced $3,050,74050; and ea may reasonably expect that In ten yens it nil! become extinct. E nio Stant h rapidly filing np with population ft:3,- 020 per.). Inning been adilml ounce 'SOU. milting the top. Illation 1,710 400—a ratio of 102 per cent. in d•u 3 rain. AGRICtI.TOIt tL PRODtC79 The agrienittnal in °duets of Illinois nto gloater titan those of any other State The products sent out during the past:year exceeded 1,000,000 tons. The ~heater op of 181.10 approach. 35,000,800 bushels, 011ie the torus trek -I,,,nrbertm I= Nowhet° can the ilidnsti ions Wilier secure loch tone diote resultd for his labor 01 upon thew prairio Bull., they being composed of keleep rich loam, the fertility of which Ss unsurtambed by any ou tbo globe. I= Sinee 1854 t/ COM parry hare told 1,300,000 ac••es. They sell only to actual cultivators, and etera cataract eontand an OalVelltent tr, cultivate. The toad has been coast, acka through these land, at an eapenee of $30,000,000. In 1830, the population of the 49 counties through which d passes. was only 335.500, since which 470,293 ham been added, ma hog the whole population 811,891—a pain fri 143 per cent. I= As MI evidence cf tint thrift of tbo people, it luny be stated 600,000 tons of ft eigit t, including 0,600,000 bus. of grain and 260,000 Lairds of Hour, Sveto turn anted ovur the line last your. ESM22 Mechanics and working:nen will And the free school system encouraged by the 'State and einloued with 0 large rot cone for the support of schools. Their children can live in eight of the chinch hod Khoo' house, and grow up with the prosperity of the leading state in the Great West n Empire. PRICE 9 AND TERMS OP PAYMENT. The pikes of these Minim vary from $6 to $2l per ocro, acording to location, quality, A - .c. Fit st-class f trming lands eell for about $lO or $l2 pct acre; and the relattrn mipenso of subduing praillo laud, as compared with woodland, in in the tottu of ono to ten to favor of the former. Tho forms of sato for the bulk of them, lauds will bo ONE YEitt'S INTEREST IN ADVANCE, nt six percent per annum, andsiv intetest notes at six per cent. payable respect it ely in one, two, flare, four,five, and nix years front date o halo; and four notes for princi pal, payable in four, five, six, and seven years, front date of sale; the contract stipulating that oneden [ll of the tract parchnaed Khali be fenced and eulthated, each and every year for deo years from the date of sale, so that at the end of five years ono-halfshall be fenced and tinder cultivation. TWENTY PER CENT. WM, Be DEDUCTED. from the valuation for Cagil, except the same should ho at air dollars per acre, open the cash !nice w ill be $3 dollars. Pamphlets drscripttro of the lands, soil, climate, Pro duettist., prices, and terms of paymeat, ruin 1101110 On up plicatiou to S. W. FOSTER, Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Itaili Chicago, Illinois. For the names of the tongs, Tillages, and cities situated upon the Illinois Central Rain oad, eco pages 188, is% and 190 Appleton's Itailu ay Gull, [RM. 13, '6l—lrtf. ROPOSALS Ulately., by the subscriber for mining And elivoring Into ears the coal flora the Poncho:l and liar. net eateries, for coo )ear, orating March first, ltiVd. The coal to be deli•mred at so much per ton, of 22d0 lbs., as aforesaid, In the best marketable condition, free from slate, and other Impurities, in ouch quantities and of such description as may be designated by the orders of the subscriber. • The contractor will bo provitoti with each miniug tools and implements, mules, bootee, to., as may be on the premises, a valuation of Mitch will be made at the time possession Is given, the amount of which valuation to be accounted for at the expiration of tho contract. A good etoro atilt be provided. A moderato rout will be charged for lactates The mines to be worked subject Womb mining engineer ne tho tem° may provide, For further Information apply to 13.013 T. 1IA1tl•3 POWELL, No. 104 Walnut Street, Feb.2o, 1801.-tf. litiladelpitia, Pa. • p • • NEWELL'S - • PIIOTOURAPII GALLERY, No.. 723 Arch St ,- 1. „ Ph Oadetphiet. One of, the largest and reor amplete Galleries in the States, where tho best I Ictures, known to tho l'ho• togrephle net, ere taken et hriens no higher then ere paid for ottsetoble carlcutnres. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, attends per insanity, es ery Oiling—and allows HO picturo,to leave the Gallery ',Webs it ghee perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes a n d Anibrotypes, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any requirsd size, or taken on Canvass, lifu size, and palatial in Oil by the best Artists. . At this Gallery pictures eau be taken in any weather— as perfect in cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons 'visiting the city are respectfully invited to' ex amine our spacimens, which for price and ,quelity defy competition. , .dfir Instructions given lu the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, GALLERY or Aar, i 24 Arch Street, Philadelphia. COMMEND4TIONS: Errom'llon. Ler:ht D. Crtrupbell,'sl. Olito. a My faintly nil friends all concur In the opinion that the (Neu ell) picture iii,moro life-like than any thing they firer ease. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by dif ferent Artists In vellum _ways, but I. have never yet bad one is Welt presents so true to nature, all the femur es awl expreSslons of countenance as this. • Front llon. E,Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy, The exquisite Qnlalt, betiuty and softness of your por traits, couJoitted with their durability of color and faith fulness as likencstes, cannot fall to Commend them to the atteution and patronage of all nho appreciate true att. From Col, Sautes Page. Having occaaion for a portrait,' procured ono from Mr. Robert Novell, of the city of Philadelphia, a udatature in Oil Colors, undtr the 'sego process discovered by lent, nod take great. pleasure In expressing the sattsfactlon Oren me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but Its artis tic bash in all respects, and recommends bhn to the pat renage'of those dlspoded to encourage the beautiful att. Nov. 28, 1880 Jas. Peas. ALL at D. P. GWIN ' S if you want PROV'ESSIQNAL & lIUSINESS .C.ILEWS MEGAIIAN & CO., Miners and Deal. ri in Broad Top Coal. B. L. lilegahan, General Agent, McCounallatown, Huntingdon counts, Pa. T)MAYLD BLAIR, _t_j Miner and Shipper of Bread 'Top Coal. 'Office ITun tiogdon re. (IA.. MILLER, k jr. •Dealer in Groceries, Confectionaries, de... c. DR..JOIIY - YlcCULLo6.ll,ifersi;i; professional solo ices to the citizens of rinntingdon and s tcintty. °Bice on MI street, one door east of Reed's Drug Stole. Aug. 'SS. Ts. NILLER, • Proprietor of the Exchange Hotel S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, 11.1edi 0. eines, Perfumery [ Dye Stull's, Oils, 4c, Aleo—Gro- Confrctioneried, Lc., Huntingdon, in. W 3.1 . LEWIS, Dotter in Books, Stuttunory and Musical lush, mods, Huntingdon, Pa. I - N. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Cr to Founders, Huntingdon, Pa JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer iu Hurt Ware, Cutlery, Milts, Oils, dc., Hunt inkttlon, Pa. I-1 11 YI AN, • Dealer in Ready Made Clotting, Mate and Caps, Pouts and Shoes, kn. 455 00 T)ENJ._ JACOBS, j Dealer In Dry Goad, Deady Undo clothing, grocer tea, QIICCTIANNII., &c. &c. AftCIUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready a mad° Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. TA P 7 WIN, Dealer in Dry Goods, G recedes, llardware, Queens scare. linty nod Caps, Boots and 5110123, &C. FISHER & SON, Deniers in Dry Goods, ow., de., thintiingdonlyn• TEVI WESTBROOK, Li Denkr in (lentlemon's, Ladies' and Mleens' Boots, Shone, Gaitetn, nevem) Lerther, etc. TOSEPLI REIG GEB,_ el Watchmaker awl dealer, iu Watches, Clucks, and Jew efry, "VITM. IVILLIAMS, V Plain and Ornamental :Ntarltle Mantifaeturer. • TOHN E. RAMEY, County Surveyor, ty Ilnutingdon, Pa. Office on hill street, ono door cast of the llontingaon )1.1110 Yazd. Ilmiu.scns—f.. T. Watson, Philadelphia ; J. P. Leslie, Geologi , t, PhiltoMphia; Itongh out Beady Fin mu,. Jonathrm TrICIIARD LANGDON, Miner and Daalcr in Ilioad Top Conl, llopen oil, Ilrdtord coon is, Va. [Nov. 3. '3O. .A_SMMEItiIIAN&CO.,Miners awl Deal eis in Broad Top Cool, Brum! Top, Illanliogilon co , Penna. [Nor. 3, 185% COUNTRY DEALERS can I= c 4 buy CLAIMING ft um nu 7 iu WIIOLESALH as them, un they elm m the cities. seal LAN u u ,ilOktifilif doiti lu riiihidapivia. Iluuthigtion, Apt 1114, MS. lf, 1:011A 1 - 11.07 GOODS 1 .—A lino assortment on J. nand for the neeonmarlation of eit•tonterq, at REN.I - ACOUS"• Cheap Corner," Market Sqoare. (oet24 CITONE-IVARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 lee cent. cheaper than any other place in town. 11. K. NEFF, M. ii., e I'HYSICIA .21.211) SUR 0.130,V °refer, Hill shoot. opposite Dr. Loden, offe, bin proles slonal srn in., to the citizens of Huntingdon Mill sieinity Apt it 13. H. 59. ALLISON MILLER, Y.'P./82', Hag removed to the lirick lieu opposite the Court How.° April IS, 16:59. 50IIX SCOTT. P. , 11.1EL T. DROSS. J. 11. 0. C071111:1. J. IL 0. colons hmy from t h is date, bcconlo n 100 m Lei of tho Ilrin of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, im>nsnuos, 111 uldell n a me the businevs will still be conducted. Huntingdon, Jun. 2, 181.0. VIOLINS, GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANF, ACCOIIDEONS AND FIL'ESJ For =ale nt LI:WIS' BOOK, STATIONEBY ,k MUSIC, STOOK WILLIAM AFRICA 11.15 AGAIN' CO3I3IENCED TIIE 13001' A1V1) sirQr,-MAA - Lvo, ONICDOOR EAST OF IL ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE life ohl cutomera nail the pane generally. ~,jll g i,e him a call. (Iluntlamlon. Oct. 20. MS.] ALEXANDRIA. BREWERY.- NEW FIRM 1 The undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and o ill continuo the business, and endeavor to gins general sat kraet All artless will be promptly attended to. WM. ItOTIIROCK, Alexandl la, Feb. 22, ]BGO. WM. N. RlittlY. TFyou want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P. GIVIN'S, wilco you will find ILO larobtak, sortment in town. ACARD.- DR. D. S. HAYS offers his professional service, to the inhabitants of Mooresville and vicinity. Oilier, at the loner bank or Neff Mills, oppobito fills. 31ytoiVe stole. April 18,1810-tr. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAM While and Colored Card raper, For tinle at LE,I7IS' BOOK STATTOXERY STORI IF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, Call at the store of ItENJ. JACOBS. WOSTENIIOLMS' Celebrated IX L Knives anti Itazorx, for rule by JAS. A. ISHOWN. NTEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW Lr YORK, 4,417 rm . NV3i 4 :;"I'l7---13.;;;:- SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK E'S'l" IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YOER AND HAERISDURO 1 VIA ICE MIDING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. Monmso EXPRESS, West, leaves NOW York at C. A. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.15 noon, only 0 i home be tween flog too Mart LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and arrives at lint risburg at 8.30 P. 31. Ilturama 31 kn. LINE, East. leaves Harrisburg at 9.00 A M., arriving rot Nra Vo:1: ut 4.30 p. 31. AFTERNOON ExPREaI3 LINE. liadt‘ leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 P. M., arriving at Now York at 0.00 P. M. Connections ore made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. 31., with the Passenger Trains in each direction on tho Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and NO/ them Control Ilnilrond. Alf trains contract at Reading wuth trains for Pot tal illo and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Stanch Chunk, Easton, tc. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 0.00 A. M. Lieu from New York or the the 1.15 P. M. from Ilarrisbm g. - . For beauty of scenery, add speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior Inducements to the traveling public. Faro between Now York and Harrisburg five dollars.— For tickets and other Information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Oencrat Agent, Harrisburg. July 10, 1860. pIIILADELPHIA AgD BEADING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg Daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.16 P. M., for PhiladclPhis, arriving thorn 441.25 0.11,, and 6.16 0. 91. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 11., and 330 P. 31.,'arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 8.30 P. 1.1. Fates: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cams, $3.25; N 0.2 (in anal: train, $2.70) Fares; To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30 • At !Wading, Connect with trains for Pottsville, Minors- Villo, Tamaqua, Catanthisn, Four trains Icavo Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. AL, 10.45 A. id., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. Leave Phlladolphia for Reading 14'8.00 A. 31, 1.00 P. 51., 3.30 1'.11., and 5.00 P. M. . Fares: Reading to Philadelphia $1.75 dad $1.45. Thu morning train front Thu tisburg connects at Reading. with up train for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. Par through tickets and other Information apply to • ,1. J. CLYDE, July 19, 1060,, General Agent. .. / VLEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- 1100 Elt C. 31cG11,1,,. manufacturer of till kinds of castings, forgo and rolling mill, grisPrind sow mill, thrash ing machine, asled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, stolen of various kinds, kettles, plough shears to stilt sill kinds of ploughs; also, oar wheels nod railroad work, and has a new and improsed plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that itavo used them. .1 *lll keep of) kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Move. Mahar & 31cMur triP's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will till all orders promptly. The farmers will nava Money Lp gettlug shoals and ploughs of MeUILL, at the foundry head.amitters, the plum to buycheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, talon lit excbasge.— bring the pay and nova tea per coil. 11. C. IllcliaLL, Alepindria, March 7 1 1110, • ; ' ,•!° , bag' ••• ;. - tx'.!4,ll•i;•• t 11 ;5•C., _ • •i l ,l ll O J•l t it 4l ' . . 4114 1 144 a^ 41 r • 1111 - t V ' , •• A ;;:r,3 .1 1,:t• s• s ;" •,,•If.,tt•" • 'l, •;pS 0 .0 i4;1 1 4• , • c..,; ( afta;-, 1( r • -?? - le • , %fp %.. 1 (.. , ' f• 1 1 1 1, •;3:-0 '1•1!••• 11 11 •,,• ••• - 1 • • ‘QT.JICK SALES ANL SMALL PROFITS!" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET DIBLV,S, lIYAIN AND PRAYER BOOTIS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OMER VALUABLE AND INTEDESTINO DOOR, Fancy and School STATIONERY, 3IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC kr the rime, Gutter, &c., &c., PUCNLI . DODDS, DORTAIONNATED AND ruzsEs, For Ladies and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Connnnon Schaub', SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OS ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALMADEN BLOM, &0., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Bop, and GirPi. AMUSING GAMES Fur Young Folke; WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CIEECKEIL BOARDS, nomiNoEs, CONVBRS tTION CARDS, SONFI BOOKS, From 0 t 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books qf 'Various Sizes, scilow, BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, vrAnins FOR 18GO Drawing and Blotting Piper l Bristol and Clad Boards WHITE EONNI:T BOARD, INDLLIIII.E, CARMINE, RED, UDE AND MAGI: MS, Arnold's llodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and lEMII=32=IIIMEE SUOULD CALL AT LEWIS' CIII;AP, 101, STITIONERI" AND 31carc STont, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, whore all who want to SAYE MONEY, go to nutlto their purelia,rq SCHOOL BOOKS, I'OIISALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY &MUSIC STO"AIt, Ili' TI Pet OSGOOD'S Speller.lst, 2,1. thl, 41k and sth Readers. IFOOk FEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and new editions.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do do Normal Reader, No. I. Emerson'ei Readers. Tow n's Speller and Di - finer, (old and now editions.) Scholar's Companion. Smith's. Bullion's, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Phybicid Oeography. Mitchell's, Monteith mid McNally's Geographies A Atlases. IVebster's and Worcester's Dictionm too. Quackenlms' First Les.mns in Compo.itlen. Gutickenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf. Stoddard 8, Emwerzon's, Swou's,Collnan's and Ray's Arithmetic, Peterson's Intuit tat Science. Greenleaf '5 and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmeties. Gieenleafh, and Davies' Algebias. Greenleaf's Key to Algelna. Park - en's Juvenile PhilhaoldiY• Parker's First Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Pai ker's Philosophy. Uplaines Mental Philosophy. Wlllaid's History of the Umted States. Bel MA'S " Goodrich's Payson, Minton null SCribuer's PeuManship, iu eleven numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Book, Men... 1,1 of Miin 'hawing, u ith plan for sketching maps by tri.angolation nod improved methods of projection. Davies' Elmentary Geometry nod'ltiguuumetry. Davits' Leandro's °comedy. Fulton A Easdrinn's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by :Angle Entry, by Haunted' A Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by ilatialind Payson. Other Lochs will he added and tarnished to order. A Intl stock of School Stationoy always on baud. lluntingdon, WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CBOSBY, OF THE FUILADVLFULA DAR IL Tells ran Ilow to thew up PART:mastics PAPERS and gives general torms for AGREEMENTS of all kinds, BILLS of SALE, LEASES and PETITIONS. R Tills You Note to thaw up Doan slid MORT( AWES, AF PID telt% I'osi Ells Of ATTonNLY, ROTES and DILLS of EXCHANGE, lIECLI PIS and RELEASES. IC Tolls 1 - Lu The lasts Mr the COLLECTION of DEBTS, with tlio ST tTUTLS of 1.1311 T km:l, and amount and kiwi of property EXEMPT Irons EXICU- TioN ill every State. It Tells The how to Make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITION Wills CREDITORS, and the liesor.rexr I.Asts of every State. It Tells YOU The legal relations existing between GUAR DIAN nod WARD, MASTER alld APPRENTICE, and LtNDLoRD and TENANT. It Tells YOU What constitutes LIIIEL and SLANDER, and the Law as to Mot - moll DOWER, the WIPE'S Rums IN PRopLaTV, DIVORcE and ettimmr. It Tells You The Law for MEcitalsiss' LIENS In every State, and the IVATIIRALITATIoN Lyles of this coun try, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob tain one, and the PRE-Ennio:l LAWS to PUBLIC LANDS.' It Tells You The Law for PATENTS, with mode of proce dure in obtaining one, with INTERFERENCES, ASSIGNMENTS Ina TAME OT PETS. It Tells Tim Slow to make your WILL, and Stow to ADMIN ISTER ON AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It nu, You The meaning Of LAW TEEMS In Parra/ use, and eXplalna to yell the LEGISLATIVE EXE . CLTIVE runt JUDICIAL Powers of b oth the General and Slate GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You MIT TO KEEP OUT or Low, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. orybody's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Store -48-4 , 1 . 00k.S AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School ooke—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Nolo Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks-- Thank Books of numerous sizes , --Pons, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Statiottory -Store, can be had at fair Prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k MUSIC STORE. • NOTICE TO ALL !! 49g The subscriber, who has for more than one year, carried op business ill company with Messrs, r ;BRODY , IL a IN, I', Wapner, and Ne. Lsocn Ilmg, has this day dissolvd partnership with the above firm/ All claims against the old flora will he paid by the subset fiber, and all those iw debted to the film will pay him. CJOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY will always be repaired. A good atook or CLOCKS, WATCIIEB and JS , 'ELILI vitt be kept nu hand 1 for - customers who 'thy favor him ulth a call. ,• ItEIGOER 3farch '2,183P, G II 4 AT WOR.I.c. ON TILL; IJORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., .Projeseor of ratlaology and Operatire Surgery in the Veterinary College of Phtluddphia, dz., do. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, tory and di ttinetive t:aits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, Af, ican and Antarletut Horses, NNtb the, physical foimation ant{ pe.. cation itieS of 'the animal, and how to ascertain his no by the jauntier and condition of hie teeth; tllusturted tt jai numerous explanatory engravings. , THE HORSE AND MB DISE.tSES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Beetl ing, Grooming, :shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the best modes of adininistering medicine, also, how to neat Biting, Kicking, Shying, Stumbling, Crib• Bu. frig. Restlessnese, and other vices to which he in subject; n Ith numerous err plauntory engravings. • ' TILE HORSE AND ILIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the canses,ayrnptoniihand Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Plemusy, Broken Wind, Chron ic cough, limiting and Whistling.Lam pas, Sore Mouth and 'Ulcers. and De cayed Teeth, with other din ones of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. TILE 110115 E AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the cam', sytoptome,nod Tt Wilmot Ot WOrlllll, BUN, Cilollll, Stl aogulation, Stony Comm tions, Iturturen, P.thy, Dinrthen,Jltundice,llepatirilien,illoody Ut toe, 5101.9 in Um littinoyo and DWI . der, Intlamation and other diooascs of the Stomach, Bowels, door and Uri nary ()roma. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TULL YOU Of 'oho causes, symptoms, Mod Treat ment of Bone ' Blood and Bog, Spavlu, Plug Bono, Swesuie. Strains, lirokoh Rimed, Wind Collo, Founder ' Cracked Hoofs. Sole Bridge and (trued, Conker, Seratchev, Tht ash and Corns; aloe, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Sloggers, and other diseases of Ulu Foot, Lego, arul _ THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Fi.,tula, Poll Evil, Glanderv, Tarry, Seat let Fever, Mange, Surfot. Locked JaVv.lthminiati.a.entrup,tiitils, Divelmee, of the Eye and Heart, Lo , and how to manage Ca.stl Minn, Bleed ing, Trephining, Heading. Filing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and oth er ant gloat opetattens. TDB HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Itarey's Method of honing Horses; • how to Approach, 1101101, or Stable, Colt; how to accustom a boron to strange sounds nod sights, nod how to lilt, Saddle, Mite. and 3reak Min to Harness; also the feint and law of 75 AIIIIANTY. Tile Wllei, Whig the re sult of 15 peals' careful study of the Itblta. pt collaritios. wants nod iicak , uthles of this noble and useful aniutal. For sale'at Len is' Look Etoro. D R. ESENWEIN'S TAP, AND WOOD NA DMA I.T.CTOItAL, is the Lest Debt iNleilteine in file. Wolld ,for tho core of Coughs and Colds, Croat), Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, •Diptheilr, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con eniuption' together with nil discuses of the Throat ant! in Chest, at %IWO] prediapose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma . • . Being prepared by a Practical Plipdelan and Druggist and ono of gi cat experience in the euro of tho various disraka to which the human frame Is liable. It is ogeted to the afflicted with tho greatest coati Melee. Try It and bo contineell that It io Incalnoblo In the one of 1.11 unclual affections. lh ice 50 cents per bottle. ESRNWELN'S ARO:VATIC BALSAM.: A very valuable remedy for Dian hen, Dysentery, Cholera Moiling. end all b1){101 afrections. Try it. Price 25 cents per bottle. The above Medicines are prepared only by Dlt. A. ESE.NWEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth A. Poplar Ste., Philadelphia. N. ll—Sold by oiery respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the State: [June 20, .I.Bdo.—ly.] T ARBLE YARD. 'lle undersigned k would respectfully call the attention or the citizens of Itoottogaon and the adjoining counties to the stock of Louetiftil marble now on band. Ile to prepsied to furnish at the Aorttst notice, hlomunental Mat hie, Tomb, Table , and Stones of enemy &sited sine and fora of Italian oi Marble, highly finished, and cat vud smith appio pi into devices, or plain, no may snit. Minding Marble, Door and Window Sills, 4c., n‘t pitied to of der. IV. W. pledgee himself to fnrukh material and wall: nuwrLip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Cali and see. luquie you purchn,u eteoo here. Shop on Inn stl cot, Iluntingaon, 31:ty 16, 1655 c 2„ THE CYTH A EA.—The Pre Is byte 1.1 n halmorlibt—The Sintwo—TheJubilee—lltutteu'd and Bet tittra enlarged and :unmoved int,tt nem, Y—Weiland's New and Improved Method for the Gnitar—l.elaniN Amor aeon Violin and Pluto Instructori—Winner's and !!one's Violln Int.tructot a—Bell:deo Melodeon Mitt uctur—Bur. roxt eq . Piano•Forto Pithier—do. Thorough-Base Pt itncr= Bon a's Man log Room Dances—The Cholas Oleo &A— I:ma's !Tarp, for cab at LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIONERY S MUSIC STORE. ittEADY RECKONER. A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Rills, Re ceipts, Petitions, le., together a ith a act of merit' tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and baud by the week and day, published in 1850. Nor Solo at LEWIS' BOOK STOKE. -I M '1:1 pi = x F .ro) : r. ).-i NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TIIE HOUSE; ANEW POCKET MANUAL of Rural Architoc tine; or, Hou to Build Do ellings, Bates, Stables, and Out Dwellings of nil kinds. With :r Chapter on Churches nod School-Houses. Price, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A Now POCKET MANUAL of Practical nor ticnitnre; or. how to Colthate Veaut Mies, Frnits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on (husmcntal Trees and Shrubs. Prim, 50 cents. TILE FARM: A Now POCKET 31‘sum, of Practical Agri culture; or, lion- to Cultivate all the Field Crops. IS ith nn Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 50eents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New POCKET MtNUtl. of Cattle, Horse, 1111.1 Sheep Husbandry ; or, How to Breed and Rear the V/111011.9 Tenants of the Baru-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A New Pocser MAsu.G. of Conversation and Debate, pith Directions for Acquit ing a Grammati cal Style, and more than Five Hundred COl3llllOlll Mis takes Coirected. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A Now Poem. Msttsta. of Republi can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal habits; Ns/tit Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As. semblles, etc. Pike, secents. HOW TO 1)0 BUSINESS: A Now POCKET Ifitsost. of Practical Affairs and Guide to success in Life; 'with a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Com met Mal Tetras, etc. Price, 50 cents. F RANKLIN • HOUSE, IN TILE DIAMOND, " ILLINTINGIDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor. The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally, will find mann:table new:inundations .at this house. Oh ous o trlaL (APCII4, 1860.1 COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR - CHEAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY • EMI CONFECTIONERY C. LONG Informs tho citizens of Guntingdon and vi cinity, that ha has opened a new Grocery and Confection ery Store in the hahement, under Outman S Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would most respectfully re quest a shore of public patronage. Ills stock consists of ull hind. of the BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Sc., Sc. Fish can be had• at sLol esd e or retail. ICE CREAM will ho furnished regularly to partka and individuals, at his room. ifiitiugdon, Sept. 23, 1860. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. 'J. A. HANIGAU, A practical tobacconist, hos opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND MOAB MANUFACTOItY, on Allegheny St., ono door west of the Broad Top Railroad Mee, where Ito has on /land a tat go assortment of prints Cigars am! To bacco, which he Nt ill sell either wholesale or retail. Store beepers, ahopl.cepers. and all others who deal In the weed should call. ills prices aro low. Call end see. Huntingdon, Nov: 7, 1800. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at • D. P. °WIN'S. DARC .1.131 E N T DEED I'APER AL plied, Or tale at ' .GEIVLV BOOK .•*.rOl?-B, THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. _ _ _ MODERN: COOKERY Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Bale Ir Tuts:ran now to choose all kinds of 31eateb • • -and game, with all tlicivarlona and most approved modes or dlessing and coolanie Beef and Pork also tho' boat and elraplast way of salllng r , plchllng and ,curing the ammo. Ir Tomo You All the various and mostapprovCd modes Of - drceishig, cooking, nod boning Mutton, Lomb, Veal, Poultry. and grunoof all kinds viitit the dlfilirent IA casings (harks, .and Et ullings appropriate to cash'. Ir Tars Yon How to choose. cloak, and preterve Fink of all kinds. and how to sweeten it when taint. ed ; also all the various and most approved inodos of cooking, with tho different Dress . hags, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT Tem, TOO All the vatioun and most approved tr,olloil Preparing over be ki ads of Ateat t FieliXowl, tinnie, and Vegetable' Sotips; 13rothit,.;sind Stowe, with the Relishes end Seasonings appropriate to each. Ir Tars YOU All tbo various and most aplroved modes Of cooking Vegetnblci of_ °very desetiptloll, al , o how to preporo Pickles, Caimans and Curries of all kind-i, Potted Meats, Fish, Caine, Mushrooms, Zee. Tr Taus too MI the verionv and most approved modes of • maparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Palmy Pastry. Puddings; Oma •• Prittera, Cakes. ,Confectiutiary, Freveives, -Jellies, and Sweat Diehes'of overy•deaci ID. tion. • IS TWA YOU All tho various and most approvedmodes of making Bread, Busk., and Bilk cult, and the best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate. and Tea, - Mid 'how to - make Syrupv, Cordials, and Wines of vu. lions kinds. , IT TELLB YOU now to tlet otit nn,Tornament nTable, hoW to " Carve nil kinds of - Nish, Flesh or Fowl, slut In shoat, Lbw to so 'simplify the" whole Ai; of Cooking ns to bring the choicest luxuries of tiro table within the overybotly's reach. For Salo at Lewis' Book Store. Lek• yO s ‘ ; 422 %ro . 1 ' T""GLOBE JOB OFFICE!"-!is' the most complete of any in nib country, ana,pos• tiv.ssis the most ample facilities for promptly executing the test htylo, every variety of Job Priuttne, each as HAND BILLS, . 212.0GRA'SIMES; BLANKS,- CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEAD,S; LABELS, Ac., CALL AMP EXAMINE OPLCIASIIB OP vrojix, AT LEWIS' 1300 K, STATIONERY ,S: 413§10 STORE THE HORSE "AND HIS THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS.DISEASES, - A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. ' EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, ' •' -"- A' VALUABLE BOOK; -For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, , -- • THE FAMILY DOCTOR, ' TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, A yALUABLE BOOK; For sale at LEWIS' Bac& Store. " LONGSTRETII ON TfiE HONEY. BEE, LONGSTRETEI ON THE • HONEY BEE,, LONGSTRETH ON. THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE-B 004.; For anle at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, ' A VALUABLE DOOR; To* , alo at LEWIS' Book Store,' • WM. 1V1LL1.1313. HOWARD ASSOCIATION,, PIIILADLPfItio ' Amerotent Institution established by specie/ Ettdowntenf, - fm , the Relief of the Sick and -Distressed, aptioied' with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially In the Care of Diseases of the &vial Modica! Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their isondb• Don, (ago, occupation. habits of life, dm.,) and in coin of estremo poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Deports on Spormatorrhma, and other Diseases of tho Sexual Organs, and nu the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, eont to the afflicted in sealed totter pri• velopes, free of charge. Tao or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. ' . _ • ... Addi ess, DR. J. MILLEN HOUGG.TON, Acting Rot geon,Oward Association, No. 2 Booth Ninth Stroot,EMD AMON, I'a. By order of tho Directors. EZRA D. 11,AlcZIVELI4 Pkestcreit, - GEO. FAIRCIIILD, Yecrclaryi Dec. 19,1860.-Is. • • 4 ) 4 a * .4 CHEAP WATCHES ! ,0.- c f. . CHEAP TY ATCHES" 1 .4.: . TACOB LADOMUS„ ,•, • tfr NO. 818, MARKET STREET, PIIIILOELPILIA, • Wm on hand and is constantly receiving lane assonants, of American, English; anti StuPs Watches, which he will sell at lower prices than ever offefed. . J. L. WOlll,l call pirticulur attention to the celebrated itidaRICAN IVATCII, which for accuracy of time and dun-, bill ty, and less liability of getting out of order, is superi or to any other imported watch, made at anything like the Mine Cost, Jewelry, Silver and Sitter Plated _Wan% of all styles and patterns. 1 ' ALSO—. Cold. Silo, and Steel Spectacles, .' • with glossas for all sights, with PATENT, no well as the old 81310 Ironton All goods cold at' my establishment nrif warranted to be as represented. and satisfaction guaran teed to all purchasers, at 100. MS, Market Street, Cornet of Decatur. [Sept. 19, SOUND ON THE • BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK Has just opened the best itisele, most Goode in his line, ever brought to Huntingdon. ills stock of BOOTS and 811055 for Ladies, Gentle men, Hisses, Boys and Children, comprises all tine latest fashione, and 'manufactured of the best ma terials; • Also. ft Son' assortment of HATS fun , fuer], 110 5's and Children. HOSE in greet variety for Gentle. men, Ladies, Misses and Children. CARPETBAGS,' St/SPENDERS, GABTFIRS, ir6., AV. • ALSO, • • SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, 310E0000, LASTS and SIIOK-FINDINOS generally. . ' Thankful fur past favors,-a' contintutnee of the'satue Is revecthilly solicited. • N. 8.--Eoots nod Shoes' for Ladles and Gentlemen, 4.0 pawed and made to order. . - Huntingdon, Sept, :It, 1860. FOR EVERYBODY. On Hilt &red opposite Cannon's Sons. TUE DI ST smut and MOLASSES,' - CORPSE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, NISI', SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS aral TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, ,AND ALL RINDS, awl every other articlo triunity forma lit - Lorocary Style • ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals; Dye Stuffs, 'Paints, Yurnisbes, Oils and Spts, Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol: Glass and Putty, - BEST WINE and BRANDY. for medical purpaea. • ALL TIIE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, ' and a large number of articles too numerous to mantles, The public generally will please-gall and' examine for themselves and learn my pricea, Huntingdon, May 25,1856. HE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN J BLAST AGAIN!—The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, that - they have rebuilt the Huntingdon successful -Fm !- dry, and are non! inucssful operation, 'l' ''"" and are prepared to furnish Castings-of atiit:";',l,7,' every descriptfon, of anst quality' and workmanship, on short notice, and qn reasonable trims. Farmers are invited to call and scans ion our Ploughs. lye am manufacturing the Motor Plough. This plough took the first premium - at this Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last tall. Also, lltintor;e celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and bar-shear ploughs.',We have on baud an aro manufacturing Stores—suck as Cook, Parlor, and Office stores for wood or follow war°, consisting af,Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c.', all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for cone. try produce. Old metal taken for ousting& By a stria attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal awe Of public pationage, J. 31. coNNillcurear,& 11110, Illintlngdon, April 30, DP. • „ - DOOTS and -SHOES, the largest and cin•nresf as.prunent in tow% r nt - GUM'S. BLANK BOOKS,* ' . • OV VARIOUS for solo at . LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERYSTOBE. 11,4 TIMEitOOKS, - • , For Rale - , „ , Lfirrs'poo.r: Apra sr.4.7:lo„talir!vv;za," IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MISS ELIZA ACTOX TRY TILT NEVir.STORE, DEEM! IM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers