The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 14, 1861, Image 2

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Tuesday, May .14., 1861
. _
NOTES, with-a waiver of t a $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of desault and Battery, and Affray.
ECIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper. and for, sale at the Office of
MANES, of eves}, description, printed to order, neatly.
at short notice, and on good Parr.
Our Sympathy for the South
To express our and con
tempt -for -the. South, would be but
feebly - making known our feelings for
those who have struck so deadly a
blow at the Union. Until actual hos
tilities wore begun in the South, we
still had an affection—a feeling for the
poor, misguided miscreants who have
been led astray by the treacherous
hearted' scoundrels who are at the
head and cause of all this trouble.—
We have - always regarded the South.
ern people as our brothers, until the
attack on and surrender into their
hands, of Fort Sumpter. From that
moment, all the sacred ties which
bound us together in ono common
brotherhood, were severed, and now
we regard them as the worst enemies
we• have on the face of the earth.—
Every intelligent, comprehensive mind
is well acquainted with all the circum
stances which brought about the pres
ent unsettled and deplorable state of
affairs, and we feel assured that many
such think with us, that they are un
deserving the least jot or tittle of sym
pathy or respect from the Union-loving
portion of our once happy country.—
They have brought it all upon them
selves by imaginary wrongs which
they have been led to believe are real.
While we despise we pity them. They
are in a situation to be pitied. Trai
tors must meet with their reward, and
every man who has or is acting against
the loyal citizens of the Union, we
consider traitors, and we go in for
having them punished according to
their crimes, without a single excep
tion. The man that will even speak
against his country, is fit for treasons,
stratagems and spoils, and is not to be
trusted, but should be shut up in some
dark dungeon, where he will have time
to reflect upon what he was doing,
and what would eventually be the end
of his hell-born designs. We are not,
never have been, nor never will be a
Northern fanatic, but we think the
Southern. people—the Disunionists—
deserve the scorn and contempt of
every Northerner -who is true to him
self, his conhtry, and his God. But it
is needless to waste words on traitors
Who are not worth the powder and
lead it would take to send them into
eternity. We will add, however, that
their punishment will not be ended
here, for we verily believe that the
Divine Providence will punish them
in the world to come, for this plot
against our beloved country. .
THUS FAIL--Abolished the Fourth of
July; given up the Stars and Stripes;
defrauded their Northern creditors;
stolen some millions of the NatiOnal
Treasure; fired into an unarmed steam
er; established a Mock Constitution
which they dare not submit to the
people; taken possession of two or
three skiffs and tugs; captured a starv
ed fortress; killed three Massachusetts
boys; ruined the commerce of every
Southern port; lowered the price of
niggers fifty per cent; and made
themselves a by-word and a hissing
throughout the civilized world.
xNV/- The experience of three hun
dred years shows that the genuine and
high-toned Christian makes the most
invincible soldier, as ho makes the
most efficient citizen. Gustavus Adol
phus, the great Conde, Washington,
Havelock, and many others might be
mentioned as examples, not to speak
of the nameless host of Crimean he
roes bleaching in the trenches there,
with Bible leaves among their bones,
or of that unconquerable handful of
Continentals who planted the seeds at
Lexington and Concord eighty-six
years ago, that are flowering now.
NOBLE WoscAN.—Lieut. Smead,
who betrayed the trust reposed in
him by Lieut. Slemmer of Fort Pick
ens, and then hastened to Fortress
Monroe to remove his wife and chil
dren South, was met outside the walls
(within which ho was refused entrance
as a traitor) by his wife, who in terms
of scorching eloquence, reproached
him as follows :
"Go home with you r she
" Never ! Our paths in this
world are hereafter separate. I dis
own you. A coward and traitor, you
are no husband of mine. Henceforth
you are to me as if dead. As long as
I live I shall wear mourning, and be
as a widow ; and rest assured I shall
educate oar children to execrate and
-despise your memory as that of re
creant and traitor."
A NEGRO—A negro panic
has seized the people of New Orleans.
The negro churches have been closed
by order of the Mayor, and all assem
blages of negroes, slave or free, have
been forbidden.
Passage of Troops Through Baltimore
IiALIIIIIOIIE 7 May 10.—Col. Patter
son's fine regiment of Philadelphia vol
unteers, Sherman's celebrated battery,
and several companies of U. S. Regu
lars from Texas, passed through this
city yesterday afternoon, on their
way to Washington. The troops land
ed at Locust Point; near Federal hill,
and they were received with much
enthusiasm by the people in the vicin
The long line of armed men filed
through the streets in splendid array,
and there was not the slightest obsta
cle offered to their progress. At many
points they were greeted with cheers,
and the ladies at the windows encour
aged the soldiers with pleasant smiles
and waving handkerchiefs. The pas
sage through the city of this formida
ble body of well disciplined soldiers,
has strengthened- the Union cause
From Washington
WASIUNOTON, May 11.—The troops
in Washington and its immediate vi
cinity amount now to not less than
25,000 men, and they are fast becom
ing most excellent soldiers.
Sherman's battery, which came
along with the Pennsylvanians, is re
garded as a most valuable acquisition
to the defence of the capital.
The o:overnment has made a deci
sion in•the ease of the Massachusetts
troops, which will apply to the other
States. It is that the Governor may
select from the whole number tendered,
such regiments as are required for the
Passengers that have arrived here
over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
report that Harper's Ferry was last
night reinforced by troops from South
A company of Secessionists, volun
teers from Washington, including ma
ny of the old residents, are located in
a camp only thirty miles from the
1 P. M.—lt is stated that the Gov
ernment has ordered the arrest of
Thomas Winans, of Baltimore, who
forwarded the steam gun captured
The President has issued a procla
mation, authorizing the arrest of all
persons in the jurisdiction of Florida,
who may bo found acting against its
The Government has information
from Richmond to the effect that Gen.
Beauregard has been telegraphed to
come there. This is considered relia
Gen. Leo and - Jeff. Davis hold con
versations hourly over the wires be
tween Richmond and Montgomery.
Carl Schurz leaves to-day to take
command of his regiment and march
to Cairo.
3 P. M.—Tames Dixon, a strong
Union man has been offered the Col
lectorship at Alexandria.
He is a strong Union man, and in
taking possession of his office ho will
be supported by the Government.
This is to be the initial movement
toward Virginia.
The Blockade of the Chesapeake
BALTIMORE, May 11.—An arrival
from Old Point Comfort brings infor
mation that that post is now consider
ed fully prepared to resist any attack
that may be made upon it, The Cum
berland, Pawnee, Monticdllo, Harriet
Lane and Live Yankee were off For
tress Monroe, enforcing the blockade.
Southern troops are concentrating
in the vicinity of Norfolk. AtrAla
bama regiment, 1100 strong, and 80
cadets, from the same State, had just
arrived and were encamped in the vi
cinity of Fort Norfolk.
The Virginians have now five bat
teries erected in Norfolk harbor, ono
on Craney Island, one at Sandy Point,
one at the Hospital, one near Fort
Norfolk, and one on the Bluffs, three
miles from the Hospital.
WASHINGTON, May 11.—The Peters
burg (Va) Express of the 9th, says that
a Federal steam-tug has been cruising
in the vicinity of Gloucester Point, on
the York River, Va., but being fired
on by a Virginia battery at that place,
left the river. Southern troops con
tinue to arrive at Petersburg and
Disturbance and Loss of Life at St. Louis
ST. Louis, May 10.—Gen. Frost's
brigade of Missouri militia, encamped
at Camp Jackson, on the Western out
skirts of the city, surrendered uncon
ditionally this afternoon, on the de
mand of Captain Lyon, commander
of the U. S. fOrces in this city. Capt.
Lyon marched on Camp Jackson with
some thousand volunteers, surrounded
it, and planted eight field pieces on the
adjoining eminences.
The following letter was sent from
Capt. Lyon to Gen. Frost :
St. Louis, May 10, 1861.
"To General D. M. Frost:—Sir—
Your command is reported as evident
ly hostile towards the Government of
the United States. It is for the most
part made up of those Secessionists
who have openly avowed• their hostil
ity to the General Government, and
have been plotting at the seizure of its
property and overthrow of its author
ity. You aro openly in communica
tion with the so-called Southern Con
federacy, which is at war with the U.
States, and you are receiving at your
camp from the said Confederacy, and
under its flag, large supplies of the
material of war, most of which is
known to bo the property of the Uni
ted States.
"'These extraordinary preparations
plainly indicate none other than the
well-known purpose of the Governor
of this State, under whose orders you
are acting, and whose purpose, as re
cently communicated to the Legisla
ture, has just been responded to by
that body in the most unparalleled
legislation, having an indirect view
to hostilities to the General Govern
ment and a position with its enemies.
"In view of these considerations
and your failure to disperse in obedi
ence to, the proclamation of the Presi
dent, and of the eminent necessity of
State policy and welfare, and of the
obligations imposed upon me by in
structions from Washinton, it is 'my
duty to demand, and 140 hereby de
mand of you, an: immediate surrender
of your command, with no other con
dition than that all persons surrender
ing under this demand shall be hu
manely and kindly treated.
"Believing myself prepared to en
force this demand, one half hour's time
before doing so will be allowed for
your compliance therewith.
(Signed) N. LYON,
" Captain Second Infantry,
"Commanding the Troops."
It is understood that General Frost
says this letter was not received by
until him his camp was surrounded by
United States troops. He then replied
that the encampment was organized
under the law of the State, simply for
organizing and drilling the volunteer
militia of this military district. Not
expecting any demonstration of this
kind he was entirely unprepared to
successfully resist the attack. He
therefore accepted the terms specified,
and surrendered his command.
A release on parole was tendered to
the officers and troops, providing they
would take oaths not to take up arms
against the United States Government,
which they declined doing, on the
ground that it implied they bad already
taken up arms against the Govern
ment, which they disclaimed.
There were only about 800 men in
the camp, a large number being in the
city on leave of absence. These troops
laid down their arms and were escor
ted to the city as prisoners of war.
Sr. LOUIS, May 10—Mid n igh t—Jus t
before the troops started for the city,
and while the State troops were drawn
up between two lines of U. S. volun
teers, several " rocks" were thrown at
the volunteers, and a few pistol shots
fired by excited parties in the surroun
ding crowd, which was composed of a
large number of citizens, including
many women.
One shot took effect in the leg of
Captain Blanlawsky, and as he fell, he
gave the word to fire, which was obeyed
by some two or three companies, re
sulting in the death of upwards of
twenty persons, including two women
and several children, and badly wound
ing several others.
This unfortunate dccurrence has pro
duced an intense excitement in the
city. Large bodies of men are throng
ing the streets.
The United States troops are now
in possession of Camp Jackson, with
all the equipage, tents, provisions, &e.
Tho Pacific and North Missouri Rail
road depots are occupied by the volun
teers. Much excitement exists in the
city, but. owing to the efficiency of the
military police corps, order prevails.—
Gen. Frost, with his staff And all the
State troops, are in the Arsenal.
May 11.—Hon. John How and Co].
Robert Campbell received a note from
Gen. Frost, which has been distributed
in tho city, in extras, earnestly en
treating his friends and the friends of
the militia now held prisoners of war
in the arsenal, to abstain from any de
monstration, stating that their safety
depends upon the quietness in the city;
that any riotous proceedings would
arouse the populace in the lower wards,
and result disastrously to the city and
The reports of insubordination in
the arsenal are credited, and fears are
entertained for the lives of the State
troops, should a disturbance occur in
the city.
Gen. Harney has arrived, and taken
command of the United States forces.
From Annapolis
ANNAPOLIS, May 12.—Gen. Butler,
with fifty men and two pieces of Capt.
Varien's battery, loft hero this after
noon, on the propeller J. S. Shriver,
for an important and secret service, in
the direction of Baltimoro.
A messenger from Gov. Hicks to
Gov. Letcher has returned from Rich
mond. He says that• the Virginians
expected 30,000 Confederate troops to
arrive there by Thursday last.
Tho Union men here are indignant
at the occupation of Maryland soil by
the Virginians.
A sudden movement of the rebels
from Harper's Ferry towards the Re
lay House, is feared by many. The
best judges of military affairs expect
some sudden movement of the rebels,
as from the scarcity of provisions the
Virginia troops must soon fight or
From Western Virginia
WHEELING, May I.2.—There was an
immense Union demonstration last
night. The occasion was a serenade
to the Hon. John S. Carlilo, Frank
Pierpont, W. G. Brown and °taker del
egates to the Western Virginia Con
vev,tion, which will assemble here to
morrow. Eloquent speeches were
made by Messrs. Carlile and Pierpont,
taking a most determined ground never•
to submit to Jeff. Davis' Government,
and urging united action in North
western Virginia in favor of an imme
diate division of the State. Their•
suggestions were most enthusiastically
The United States flag will be raised
on the Custom House to-morrow.
There aro already a largo number
of delegates to the Convention in the
city. It is supposed that from twenty
five to thirty counties will be repre
WASHINGTON, May 13.—Yesterday
was a quiet Sunday here, and no one
would have thought that there were
in and about the city nearly 30,000
soldiers, gathered hastily from all
quarters, and unaccustomed to disci
pline. But the regiments seem to be
vieing with each other in the matter
of Reports
Reports from Virginia reach here
that there are no signs of an immediate
march Northward. Troops, however,
were arriving daily at Richmond from
the other States, and quite a large force
is in and around that city. Louisiana,
Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina,
Kentucky and Tennessee are all rep
resented strongly in this force. A
number of the Georgia, Alabama,..Lou
isiana and Kentucky men have been
sent to Norfolk and its vicinity.
Fifteen hundred Alabama troops and
twenty cannon arrived last night, at
Manassas Gap Junction, on their way
to Harper's Ferry. Manassas Gap is
about fifty miles West oi l Washington
and about forty south of Harper's Fer
ry. Troops will have to march part
of the way from there to Winchester,
whence there is a railroad to Harper's
It is stated that forty cannon have
been planted by the Southerners at
Helper's Ferry, in advantageous po
sitions for the defence of that place.
BALTIMORE, May 13.—Three loco
motives came over the Philadelphia
road this morning' nearly to Canton
Bridge, which 'Will be ready for use
in the course of the day.
The Telegraph poles arc being re
placed and there is every prospect of
an immediate resumption of full com
munication by this route.
More Trouble in St. Louis---Another
Collision Between Soldiers and Pop
Sr. Louis, &iky, May 12 —The city was
the scene of another terrible tragedy Last
night. About G o'clock a large body of the
Home Guards entered the city, through Fif
teenth, from the Arsenal, where they had
been enlisted during the day, and furnished
with arms. On reaching Walnut street, the
troops turned westward, a large crowd lining
the pavement to witness their progress.
At the corner of Fifth street, ladies among
the spectators began hooting, hissing, and
otherwise abusing the companies na they
passed, and a buy about fourteen years old
discharged a pistol into their ranks. Part
of the rear company immediately turned and
fired upon the crowd, and the whole column
was instantly in confusion, breaking their
ranks, and discharging their muskets down
their own line and among the people on the
sidewalks. The shower of balls for a few
minutes was terrible, the bullets flying in
every direction.
The utmost conftisinn and consternation
prevailed, spectators fleeing in all directions,
and but for the random firing of the troops,
scores of people must have been killed. As
must of the firing was directed down their
own ranks, the troops suffered most severely,
four of their number, being instantly killed,
and several wounded.
The State troops were released from the
Arsenal last evening, and came to the city on
a steamer. Gen. Frost and his officers gave
their parole under protest, and his aeon were
allowed to avail themselves of the same when
taking the oath not to bear arms against the
United States.
In order to allay, the excitement and re
store confidence to the people, Gen. Harney
has issued a pronlatnation to the people of
St. Louis and the State, which has been pos
ted throughout the city, expressing deep re
gret at the state of things existing here,
pledging himself to :do all in his power to
preserve peace, calling on the people and
public authorities to aid him in the discharge
of his duties.
Our Army COrrespondence.
WASHINGTON, Nay 8, 1861.
ment is still quartered in this city.—
The 4th came in last evening at 6
o'clock. They were at Annapolis for
nearly two weeks. The city is crowd
ed with military. Go where you will,
you will meet crowds of soldiers. Our
Regiment received their clothing on
Tuesday, consisting of ono pair of grey
pantaloons, one blue blouse, two pair
flannel drawers, two undershirts, two
pair woolen socks, and one blue fhtigue
cap. The uniform is not a ginger
bread fixture, but a comfortable, sub
stantial suit, and, I think, better adap
ted to service, than the tight suit for
merly worn by the soldiers. The over
coats, our men will get in three weeks
from this time. They are a beautiful
coat—the best I have seen in service.
Our men look remarkably well, and
we drill very wg-I - for green recruits:
To-day we have a West Point Drill
Master, appointed for each company
in the Regiment, who will drill by
company, two drills each day, so you
may depend, the Guards will go home
well drilled soldiers. The Northern
troops will march to battle so well
taught, that they can't be out ma
noeuvred. I can't give you a correct
account of the number of troops in
the city, but I •think there must be
over 30,000, and more coming daily.
Capt. Naylor visited our company last
evening, and made a very neat speech
to the men, who were pleased to see
him, and I think it had a good effect
on them. Our men aro now provided
with everything they want to cook
with and to cat. We have only got
things in shape to-day. We go into
the regular army way of messing.—
That is, two men of the company do
all the cooking for the company, so
that the meals aro regular, the men
get their exact rations, and can't be
cheated. I don't think we will move
for a few days, judging from the way
they are fixing up at quarters, unless
some move on the part of the South
should cause us to be needed elsewhere.
An unfortunate affair occurred last
evening, A police officer shot a sol
dier dead. Row it happened, I can't
say. The case is being investigated
this afternoon.
I am glad to be able to report our
company doing so well. They did
have a groat deal to contend against
at the out-set, and many soldiers com
plained, but on proper reflection, all
agree that it was necessary, so that
troops could be here when the Capital
was in danger. For my part, I feel
proud that the honor was given us to
be the first Regiment in the Capital
from Pennsylvania, and if we have no
chance given us to cope with the South,
our men can say, and be proud, that
they bore what they did, in getting to
where they were needed. The last
two days have been beautiful, and this
evening, whilst I tun writing to you,
the Band of the 12th New York Reg
iment is passing, discoursing most
beautiful music. It is magnificent to
bo hero at dress parade. It would
make your heart jump to see them.-
1 must close. Please give my very
best wishes to all my friends.
Truly your friend,
G. P. 31c****.
P. S.—lt is rumored that, the Com
pany has tendered their services to
the Government for three years. I
have mentioned it to the men. The
majority aro willing if, after the time
is up for their present enlistment, they
are allowed ton days furlough to go
home and see their families, which, I
think, is likely. o. F. MC.
May 13, 1861.
FRIEND LEWIS :—Thinking perhaps,
that a line from hero would - be accep
table to your numerous readers, I con
cluded to send you a few items. I be
long to the Union Guards, of Peters
burg, Capt. Johnson, 15th Rog. P. V.
Our Lieutenants aro, Ist, Michael
McAnally, of Altoona, a letter• A, No.
1 drill-master and gentleman. Our 2d,
W. B. Simpson, of Mill Crook, and
our non.commissionod officors aro all
On last Thursday we were ordered
to pack up, and march from Camp
Curtin. We arrived here the same
evening. We found the Camp in a
very bad condition, the Ohio Regiments
who were hero, having left the qUar
ters upside down. We had no straw
to lie on, some of our men threw them
selves on the ground, wrapped their
blankets around them, and dozed away
till morning.
We don't get as good rations, nor
as much of them, as we had at Camp
Curtin ; there is a screw loose some
where, which should be tightened.
There is an effort being made to en
list the three month soldiers for three
years, but it finds little favor with our
Company.' I think there are not more
than ten will agree to it. We are all
willing to go, at expiration of three
months, if we are needed, but won't
bind ourselves till then.
Lancaster is a very pretty city with
lots of pretty girls and hospitable cit
izens. They treat the soldiers well.—
It is very warm to-day for the first
since we left home.
The health of the Camp is excellent,
the men in good spirits, and are wish
ing to get into a brush with the trai
tors away down South. 'lf there is
anything turns up, I will post you
again. Yours,
W. S. IL
Washington Correspondence.
[Correspondence of the Press.]
AVASUINGTON, May 12, 1801
I often wish to be inspired with su
perhuman energy and genius in order
to collate the facts and to describe the
scenes that .mark the era in which we
are living. •' Every part of our country
has its own heroes, its own evidences
of patriotism and disinterestedness;
and even the betrayed South could
help to fill up the general picture with
the tdark shadows of its own self-in
flicted woes, and self-invited and rapid
ly-approaching defeat. What a wan
derful spectacle we present to mankind
and to the future I Nothing in the
world's history has ever equalled this
awakening of a nation from the deepest
recesses of the ocean of public opinion
to the loftiest heights of religious de
votion. It is worth all the blood that
may flow, even if it should run in tor
rents through generations of time, if
only because of the noble elements of
human nature it has called forth. Who
will not unsay his calumnies upon man
when he sees twenty millions display
ing the attributes of the gods ? There
is no exception, save whore insanity
or hatred has extinguished the natural
affections. The whole surffice of the
loyal States is covered as with a mantle
of love of country. Every heart seems
to have been suddenly filled with a
new emotion. It is as if that God
whom we have so often invoked to
save this land from death, had, when
despair was making faith in Him al
most a myth, come forth and breathed
into our people a spark of his own ce
lestial fire. For, is not this marvellous
scene too marvellous to result from the
exertions of his own creatures ? He
has spoken. He has given us this
great power. Ho has armed us with
new weapons. We have indeed ful
filled the adage, that the " Voice of
the people is the voice of God." The
miracle of miracles has transpired.—
The mysterious decree of Providence
has pronounced our Union perpetual
-by providing a remedy for .its preser
vation. Our foes have not only been
baffled, but overawed and stupefied.—
Like the liar who fell dead with his
fidsehood in his throat—like the drunk
en Belshazzar at his feast—like the
doomed hosts of Nineveh and of Sodom
they have been admonished by that
which may be called the almost visible
manifestation of the wrath of an offen
ded Deity. For, whether they surren
der now or not, they must yield soon
and forever. I wonder how those
men of God in the South, while I pity
them from my soul, who preach on
the side of treason, will read this sing
ular demonstration of the interposition
of their great Master in this crisis of
our common country. Will they ac
cept it as a warning, or go on defying
Him and misleading their people?—
Mark my prophecy. The next proof
of the wondrous influence of this
Presence will be the breaking forth in
the slave States of those religious in
stincts now temporarily deceived and
clouded by corrupt men. If there are
believers in truth—in Gospel—in hon
esty—in these States, they will shortly
spring from their lethargy and renounce
their errors and their betrayers.—
That region will shortly abound in
Sauls, suddenly and strangely brought
to reason and to light by a message
from the skies.
Some of the triumphs of the new reve
lation that has fitlien upon our people
are nearly inexplicable. The instant
extinction of party feeling is novel
enough; the patriotism of the women,
natural always, but now sublime; the
bravery of the men, from the priest to
the publican, from sire to son, would
be explained by other causes if it were
not so universal and all-pervading.—
But when you see the miser unlocking
his coffers and giving his hoards to his
country, flags flying from churches of
every creed, and whole populations
giving up work and rushing into the
army, may we not feel that we are in
the hands of God, and that Ho has be
come our Protector and our President?
I h'ave been present at some extra
ordinary meetings during the last six
weeks, particularly since Sumpter fell.
The spirit that moved them was not
patriotism merely—it was a religious
phrenzy. The songs that were sung,
wore songs of liberty; and not by one,
but by all. The Star Spangled Banner
has become a chant and a chorus every
where. It is hymned in churches,
shouted in taverns, sounded in the
streets, and made familiar to the lips
of beauty and the lisp of childhood.—
There is joy and harmony at all these
meetings, and a gratitude for blessings
received and realized that calls tears
from the strongest men, and makes
the orator almost a clergyman. .As to
party feeling, he who shows it is
shunned like a plague. We have for
gotten all of tho past save that which
teaches us to love our country, and
look only upon the future to save and
to fight for her.
And will any man tell mo that a
people like this are ever to be con
quered? They are trebly aroused,
alike in the justice of their cause, the
wickedness of their foes, and the favor
of Providence. OCCASIONAL.
BALTIAIQB.E, May 12.—A wagon load
of military goods, bound
,to ilarper',6
Forry, was seized, on the 'Frederick
road, by the military, last night.
The Federal Urderi-!=lt must be Freser,
" • ved. — '•
The concluding paragraph of the
letter of the Secretary of
,State,_ Mr.
Seward, to Mr. Dayton, the new
ister to France; affords not orily'aeoin-,
plete key to our" foreign policy, so far
as it is in any Way connected with Our
present internal diffieulties, but also .0
basis for home action,, which will be
enthusiastically and cheerfully ' eif
dorsed by every loyal heart through
out our country. It is as follows:
" YoO cannot be too decided'Or too
explicit in making knOwn to the French
Government that there is not now, nor_
has there been, nor will there'be any—Lthe
least—idea' existing in this - Government
of suffering a dissolution of this Union •
to take place 'in any way -whatever.—
There will be here only one nation and
one Government, and there will be the
same Republic and the same constitu
tional Union ,that have already sur
vived a dozen' national changes, and
changes of government in almost eve
ry other country. ' These will stand
hereafter as they are now, objects of'
human wonder and human affection.
You have seen on the eve of your de - -
parture the elasticity of the national
spirit, the vigor of the National Gov
ernment, and the ' lavish devotion of
the National treasures to thiS great
cause. Tell M. Theoretic], theft, with
the highest consideration and good
feeling, that the thought of a disiolution
of this Union; peaceably or by force,has
never entered into the .mind of any can-'
did statesman h6 . e, and' it is high time
that it be dismissed by statesmen in Eu
Those who have been gazing with
astonishment, as well as indignation,
at the rapid progress of the Southern
rebellion, and asking what would be
the final termination of the, struggle
which has been inaugurated, will find
in this extract. the only legitimate and
proper answer. There is no nation'
upon the face of the earth, that de
serves the name ,of a nation, that will
consent to a dismemberment and par
tition of its territory, before it is ab
solutely forced to do so, by an over
whelming array of martial strength
which it is utterly incapable of resist
ing. The instinct of self-preservation
makes every country cling to its ter
ritory with as much tenacity as a strong
man clings to his limbs and life
w,• '
cause they feel that any process which
proposes, under specious pretences, to
subdivide them, would, if successful,
be but a forerunner of certain destruc
tion. There is no Government in the
world that will tamely submit to the
demands of foreign foes or domestic
enemies for its partition, until a long
and bitter struggle has proved its ina
bility to protect its dominions; and
while this is true of all countries, no
nation has a better right to demand,
and, if necessary, to enforce the alle
giance of all its citizens than the 'Uni
ted States. The flimsy fallacies of the
Secessionists, carried out to their logi
cal consequences, would plunge our
country into interminable anarchy and
confusion; would bring down upon.
the heads of the American people, in
all sections, an endless succession of
the most terrible evils; would render
us powerless to secure respect abroad,
or peace and order at home, and would
establish, upon our long prosperous
and happy shores, a protracted reign
of terrorism, of barbarism, and of in
terminable strife and 'discord, which
would crush all our industrial interests
forever, and convert our fitir land into
a perfectyandemonium.
Whatever false and foolish doctrines
may be preached by the rebel chief
tains, one fact stands out in bold relief
—that tho territory of the United
States, belongs to the people of the
U. S. and 'their control over it, in re
gard to all the subjects with which, by
the Federal &onstitution, they are,
through their legally constituted au
thorities, invested with lawful jurisdic
tion, must and will be maintained
and enforced at all 'hazards. The Gulf
States, which are the headquarters of
this rebellion, owe everything to the
Federal Government. To its influence
and protecting 'power they are indebt
ed for all the prosperity they have ob
tained—for the redemption of their
land from the thraldom of foreign do
minion, and from the inroads o the
savages—for the commercial treaties
which have enabled them to sell their
products at great profit—for the an
nexation of Texas, and, the successful
conclusion of the war with Mexico for
its protection, by which they gained
an important new outlet for their sur
plus population—and, in short, for all
the corner-stones of the wealth and
power which they now arrogantly
boast of. But the Federal Government
did not expend its wealth and energies
in that or any other quarter of this
Confederacy merely for the benefit of
the comparatively few people who at
present reside there, but for the com 7
mon good of all the citizens of this re
public at the present day, and all who
may be citizens in all coming time.—
If the Secession doctrine were, true
and well founded it would paralyze for
ever all the energies of our Govern
ment, and rob it entirely of its pater
nal, protective, and .majestic features;
for why should the nation be lavish of
its blood and treasure to protect its
old territory or to extend it—why
should it have fought fierce diplomatic
battles with Great Britain in the ad
justment of our Northeastern or North
western boundaries, or made purchases
of territory from Spain, Prime°, or
Mexico, and why should it in future
seek to defend or protect any frontier,
if a small band of rebellious rascals,
who happen for a moment to reside in
any' portion of the country, have a
right, in accordance With the Secession
philosophy, to' declare the territory
they are permitted to Occupy forever
out of the Union? If we tolerated
this doctrine, in loss than ten years
our whole country might bo captured
in detail by its worst foes, and handed
over either to foreign 'monarchies; or
split up into a thousand fragments,
each of which would be ready to war
upon the other, and there would be an
end not only to our national greatness,
but to the peace and prosperity, of all
our citizens.
It bas been the lot of all
tions to be attacked not only by for
eign foes but by domestic traitors.—
Impartial, history will declare that
never was a rebellion commenced which
was so unjustifiable as that which now
menaces the integrity of our Republic.
Wo have the power and will to crush
it, and it has beconie-a high and holy
duty to do so, for .the , benefit of. the
whole country, North, and: South.—
The real welfare of the section which
has tempOrerfly slicennthed to the -ter
rorism of the rebel leader:: Will be as.
much-promoted by their,deteat,asttutt
of any other quarter of Our country, for
all portions of-it are , alike interested in
preventing the destruction of our no
ble and the downfall of
republican. liberty. We seek rather
to protect the South from fts,own foliy, ;
and the mad - 'ambition of gild:Weis,
than to punish' it for its' 'rashbeis'
folloiving their counsels: But; in :"any -
event, we - are f.determined .that the
Union ,sball be preserved;.and handed.
down unbroken to
.posterity.-- . The,
Pr'ess. " ' "- • •
.The Ohio Plan
. - r
The notice from the Wa , '
ment that it is the Wish' of th" Govern:
ment that all the volunteers shotild en=
list for three years or. during the war,
instead of three months, is' ominous.---.
The, Administration, whatever May
have been the notion of N'CW'YOrk' or
English papers, has always, realized
the dread charabtOr of -the struggle
that is upon us. „All of its .plans,kulve
been conceived on the theory, of a pro-.
traded and deadly ,Struggle: ' Hence
there has been nothing sensation] or
flashy in its movements: All has been
steady, beginning on a comparatively
small scale, but leaving room always
for enlargement and increase of poWer;,
not running ahead of pnblic'sentinaent
but Concentrating that sentiment into
useful channels. So far from its being
true that Mr. Lincoln had no plans, the
truth is that future historians will speak
with profound and enthusiastic admi
ration of the calm and comprehensive
schemes which saved our country and
the liberties of the world. '
This last order of the war Depart
ment shows then that -we • are to-be
ready for a protracted struggle.
such case, our plans should be laid
Comprehensively. Tehy should' be'
such as Will last fat years, and should
provide fora sufficient number" of
troops for any emergency„ for thor
oughly .drilling and preparing them,-
and at the same time for the carrying
forward of all the industrial pursuits'
of life; so that there - may not be, even
if the contest should bo prolonged for,
years,-any failure of food or clothitig„
or anything else necessary for the Sup-.
port and comfort of the country. - '
' We have" seen' nothing which 'so
nearly meets all these conditions of
the emergency as the plan for the vol
unteers of Ohio, recently promulgated
by Governor Dennison. We suspect
that it is the product of ' tilt; 'sound
common sense of ono of our own-Citi
zens, General McClelland; who is in
command of the entire force of Ohio
troops. We give a slight sketch of
the plan that our own and other States
may take from it'stich features as their
wisdom may prompt.. •
The entire force which might, in ex
treme emergency, bo raised from- Ohio,
is estimated at 500,000. This inchides
the very young and very old; and per- -
sons of all ranks and pursuits M life.—
This, however, constitutes the entire
fund to be drawn upon if -the - worst
should dome to the worst-. Of these
mon, however, it is only necessary, at,.
present, to bring into actual military,
drill the troops already called out by
the President, and a reserve of 100,000 .
men. These will constitute•the netnall
military movement of .Ohio for : the
The men called out by the -President
will immediately be engaged in the
public service, and move wherever or
dered. 100,000 more will 'be formed
into three grand divisions, the
second and third corps de reserve, 1000
companies of 100 men each. These
are divided in proportion to the,popu 7
lotion, to every county in' the State,:
Hamilton county* to which Cincinnati'
belongs, being called On for one hun
dred companies, and the number from
each county being specifically stated.
in the orders. The companies are,
each one, to be formed Of men from
the same township. Books of tactics
and arms are, to bo furnished to the
whole, and competent officers, under
the supervision of General McClelland's
staff, are to drill them. Each ethnpany
is to drill regularly, - and the men are
to bo trained as in a camp. But, at
the same time, no industrial pursuit is
to be interfered with. The farmer is
to raise his crops; the mechanic is to
wield his hammer or his plane; the
merchant is to attend to his' business.
A certain portion of every day, - not
interfering with these pursuits of life,
is to be secured for the education of
the soldier.
The first reserve—sonic thirty thou
sand men-are to be always readyto
take the field at the call of the Presi
dent, and when they shall be called
out, an-equal number from/the 400,000
left are to be ; called. out to constitute
the new third reserve, the old third
becoming the second, and the second
the first reserve. And thus 100,000
men are to be kept - on foot constantly,
from this noble 'State alone, so long, as
the war lasts, ready to be called into
the field at a moment's warning, while
every pursuit of industry goeS steadily,
on. And, at the same' ime, the draft
is equal, throughout the entire: State,
in proportion to the. opulation.
We confess to a sincere admiration
of this simple and_ comprehensive
scheme.. It remarkably suits the
character of our 'country. It marks
well the'patribtic feeling of bur people,
and represents the Northern steadiness
of purpose. We have not undertaken
this war without understanding our
position. We know thnt to preserve
the Union and uphold our flag, will
require time, patience, self-sacrifice,
labor,' privation. But we are willing
to pay the-price of liberty. We have
not calculated:that a single campaiga
will do, this work. We are preparing
ourselves to bring out in succession
millions of men if necessary. Wo aro
arranging plans to train them, to feed
and clothe them: , That the flashing,
fiery South can'biiiir'up -against such
a- witrfare as is foreshadowed in this
Ohio plan,' no man can believe.r Wo
do ; :not s underrate- the Sbuth. They
have fire and courage, but they have
not the steady endurance of the North,
which will fight' for a generation for
principle. • We know nothing which
more plainly, indicates the handwriting
on the wall for our Southern - Belshaz,
ars, than this Ohio plan for-a war of
any length or magnitude.--,-Phita, Bul
letin. -
The Great Eastern for a Trit,n4iort,
11. It iiiniored
that the Government -is in treaty for
the service• of the Great Zastein as a