4 , TriraLoßE. Friday, 10, :1861 LOCAL & PERSONAL. At; 1 4 riends of the Soldiete AnO•riends of the cause in which our.noble soldiFS -hay(); enlisted, can have anippertutaityia,displaying interest, by sending any contributions of - CantontfinneAnnbleaclied) or mon ey, to , tlio'lai3i sWhose hafrieS are pub lisheat t another communication.—: Will' not our country friends: unite With its and. give - us their ?. By a recent con publiShed'in a city paper, it is stated; that our Penn sylvania Regiments were the most poorly clad men in the field. .Ladies Will you not do soMethingtoward rem edying the defect in our oivn Company, the Standing tone Guards? ' Do not let it be said thatmore. Ofeur-men died froin insufficient protection,:against'in clement weather than - were killed by the enemy. _ • ! do not one anawcithe - otherby saying the, • GovernMent, Will 'Provide everything necessary, _,How long do you suppose, men'without shelter and exposed to sitch weather as .we have had during the last week, can wait for a change of - clothing? The Govern ment will prdVide in time, but thirty thou - sand men can not be clothed in "a ay- dif,Kiie . shall 'Mir: be the one to wait the pleasure and convenience of the Government ? *** CLOTHING FOR SOLDIERS.--The Ladies of Huntingdon.are preparing a box of under clothing for soldiers from this neighborhood, and request all persons willing to contribute, to send Canton flannel, Grdk flannel, for shirts, and woollen socks, or money. The friends of the soldiers in the Huntingdon company will - have an 'opportunity of sending in this box to them any arti cles of clothing: • A's it is desired to send the box soon, please send in at once. Ladies in the eouptry are de sired to stick as are gap get the work and ne cessary informationby calling on either Of the undersigned, to wfiont the cloth- , . -.? ing may be sent. MTS., CHAS. *Miiiiat. " J. G. MILES. " DOELAND. "W.4L,TSON. IN GREAT DEMAND—The Union en velopes and paper printed at the " Globe" job ',office, and , for sale at Lewis' Book Store, )vhere.also ,can be fonnd'all 'the latest and' liau&Omest styles,of .Union :breast-pins forladies and gentlemen, coat and shawl pins, badges and flags. FLAGS AND BADGES.-A supply' on at Lewis' Book Store. :Er Hardee's Mijitary,Taetles fur sale at Lewis' Book Store. Report of Coal Shipped over the S. & B. T. R. R. during the year,, and for week etteikig Wednesday, May 8; 186 L 1 ,I ' 1 Preel- Total Operators. Collieries. I Week onnly I Tons this th is Year. Year. E. Hare Panel, I . kiHErWt, • —LL 1047 5015 6(52 It. liare.Pewei, Ponelton, 1642 1.6696 - ,2,1469 A. Patrick, Jr., \o, 1, . 531 9114 3645 IC IL,Hlitton, : Prpspoct, • 4-20 6626 7115 It: B. Wigton, Chfl, 51 4066 4117 It. It. Wigton,. Fulton Vein, „ It, D. Wigton, ' Dudley Slope, 192: 134 239 David Blair, 111 lair. ._ .11 ; , 23H . 2.6021 • 3034 lialld Blair, B. T. Imp 't Cu.' - 2691 ' 2476 ' 2765, I'. Ammerman. Semi-Anal. Co.. 1621 2016 2160. B. L. 31egahan, 11Iooredalo Fut; q/ 53 604 657 John Tay kr. ltld4leshnrg, 26 370 490 George Mears„. 1 Broad Top, . 122 29t7 3059 OUR CO,RRESPONDENCE. COFFEE 1,ivN,,May,7t11,,1861. GLOBE W 6 lake up our pen to give you a few items.— Since our last, stirring times: have ex isted in our locality. Several patriot ic union-meetings were hold, and the "Stat. Spangled Banner" can be seen proudly waving its gallant :folds over many - houses about Coffee Run, in short all our .men intend -having the Stars and Stripes floating over their houses ere long. .verymovement: in our- geetioil at present, exhibits an energetic war: spirit. Otmoitizpus stimulated by, the_ thrilling memories of 'the past, struck with the: momentous intdrasts of the present, and " wide awake" to the glorious destiny' of the future, are ready to_nid the government bought by tho'strUggles'of thousand's ' pa triots, baptized in the blood of our fa thers, and pronounced bletis . e'd by mil liOns ,of,their _descendants. • ;, •„ , . We have long and earnestly been striving to raise a company-here, but ofir,,number semis to' be too small, and those at a distance are apparently , not iteeliiied to join us in 'bur, good, caifsel 01.11. that all,wotild — conic and 'esponse the noble e,attso of _defending; the,ylag of ma; thiion t ,land r -` divelNith intivaS ing,T,apture.on.the. , „gloribuS preroga tive of Patrick lienry,," Give,_, tu,e. lib, city or give me "djitili." l .' We' console ourselves, however, py hoping that all Luke-walin pairiotS will,-solin'aidia'cribelio' that ''wej,comp, visitoilho:'Crobe;.whielivill,:inevita bly convert any man . into.. a "full bhioded" . pairiot: " Sand - G'rab'," with 'his very appro priatelrnaind,!'-hai ndt' yet' , flimislied amidst the quagmires which are " area ly_yavning_for his reception.- Ile is a grand specimen of cirettmlocutionil r - May posterity reverence bi 4 More anon,- e 11[0II . NTAINE Elt OIL ,C, OTfi WINDOW SHAKES,, '•' pita -311USLIp% SHADES, _ 13.11.bEr4; - .PES, 1 . •.! TAPE; CORD AND A. FULL ASSORTMENT " - • ..X.r n'ook -..-,- PRILADELPIIIA. itAtticwrs.-„-- 11 , ,, , ,_:.!.. , 1 , 4 11 ,, A1i :' ,14. , ."- Mny' 0. ~ ynticy Ind ExtyvYntriltr Alogr ,', $6.74.750@ ' Coomortanci Suiiiiikie $5,62y„.05,b1,14 Ilya rour../....41:4:;....V.:M' - ' 3- 3 ,5 0 7 • Corp b1e5t.......,.. ..i...., , $2,75 , - ItxtrLAWlkite'heh' ' "" . •. ' - stAa@ll:6 o • 2 , Frlkand,primo,Red • " - - ' 5 4330;11,34 , 'Bye ...68c ' ').tOrnh.rimi, Yellow',' ' i' • 65 ..-Oats '• ' . ' ' .. , _ • - ......... CloverSeol Tintotby. . ' lIIINTEN,4I3I3N ; 24+1.473ET13.,, ; : f ti - 1 " $ l,lO ned'icheat '" ," ' $l,OO ' 50 Corn " 50 , - Oltur Cloversetal 4 CO 'Flaxseed ' ' • 1,00 _ Dried Apples • 1,25 Butter 10 ...... • 'lO ' ' IQ " Sides ' 11 • - - Tallow • ' " log Elm ENV ELOPES .AND PAPER FORBALE : AT • ' LEWIS' ' 33OOK. STORE. BOOTS &'SLIOES I • A,NEIVSTOCK. FOR LADIES AND "GENTLEACEAr., • ,‘ JUST RECEIVED AT • LIIVI,IVESTBROOK'S STORE. -All In want of Boots and Shoos, for old or young, ore requested to atll nod exnutine toy stock. L. WESTBROOK, Huntingdon, Hay 3:18G1. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! ilas'just :recOvbd a u'e* GROCERIES, DRY.GOODS, BOOTS t 9110E8, Coll end examine my non• otk isii3l. , ,,N miLki3K. Slay 3, 1861 DISSOLUTION Of PAR - TNERS ATT. The copartnership existing between the subscribers under the =One and tytio of Moses Gutman d Co.; is title day dissolved by mutual cunsunt—Manuel Gutman having purchased out the entire interest Of the other partners.,,, Witness our hund'inid seal this 24th day of April 1851, MOSES GUTMAN, • • LEWIS Asir, MANUEL. GETMAN. ' , /Kir All persons indebted to the tires will please mil and make settlement. April 30, MI. ' • F LAGS ! FLAGS !1. G. S. HARRIS, , DINIGY FLAG .21LANUFACTORY - South East Corntr Fourth & Vide Stied; Plata, Fnit:ed 3tutell'ilogi of 01l eine; Mao, tnion Wien of ou dolta AP)tek and tizes. • • .April 30. 3061,11., TrALUABLE REAL 'ESTATE 'AT V ru DUO SALE. ' By virtue, And in punstiance of au order issued at the Court of Common Pleura Huntingdon County, on 15th of April 1561, the undursigned Committee of Samuel Deck still expose to public male on the premises, in the %%hole or In p.trcele, to suit purchasers, on Saturday the 25th day uC 51ay next, at 11 o'clock A. IL, the, following &Scribed tract or parte' of land situate in Warrhirsmark township, Huntingdon county, about one half mile west of Warriors mark, the road from that place to Birmingham .running through the shoe—ontaining 71 feces more or loss, prin cipally 'coal load, adjoining lands of Jacob Nearitoof on the east, land of George and Jacob Nearnoof op the north, David Beek no theA% eat, tool Jacob 'Beck on the south— obout 12 acres thereof cleared—eubJect loon nllegsd ore light and right of nay in G..V. J. H. Elmenberger., grams may be seen by calling on the undersigned. TEUMS- 7 0noltalf cash no e.infit motion of, the sale, bal ance in one - year thereafter, with Interest to be ECCIII tal by bowls and mortgage. • , 11'31:HUTCHINSON, Committee of Samuel !leek. Warriorsmark, April 25, 1561., 1 - I.li V L FRAHM GERLIACH & .BROTHER Inform the people gpnerany that they have removed to the shop lately, occupied by herons & brim. They hare both had many yean4 experience in the bu.inesa and they feel ,eunfidenclu being able to give general ratisfaction to all why may give them work.. They will make or repairldy kind'of thole, wagon work borne ahoeing, and all other kinder, lion work. Their work will be well done and cheaper than can be bad in town.' " Huntingdon, April 11,1801.-3m.i FL 4GS! 11. GS!! & RETAIL GROCEIIIF l SIGROCERIES!! A FRESH ARRIVAL IBM CM gl B . f • • e' f • " CHRIST:, LONG'S ALL' IRS STOCK IS FRESH AND'TKIIIIt. `III. NI NW STORE - • • AND NEW GOODS. . WALLACE & CLEMENT, Hare just received another stock of uew goods, such as DitY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAIIE, &C., in theutore room at the soutletasl corner of the Dhutoud in the borough of iluntingoon. Their Stock Jule boon candidly selected, and 'will ho sold low for cash or country proctucc. Huntingdon, April lb, Ib6l. WINDOW_ CURTAIN PAPERS, • A•LARGE STOCK • • ' - AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Curtain Papers, • -JUST'ROEIVf,D . ' 1, ' - LEWIS' BOOK STORE. •'' 't :.,T WHITE, '•r ' lan N ANL 14 111 V , . . 1117NTINGDON, PX. Jarz: :..;, • ' rg VEOPE ' it); thobnx, fork; OriolieCip;norlt3, for i , alo at" L.E)VI9', ROO/ LA.IVD STATIONBIIY STORB. ,4 to, 80 AA, boom, at rrlces_ftliill 26 4: 2u $2,00 at thh . obahP storu eC 61 D. P.GWIN. LADaoS Collaks,verrohnap and bean Uful, at t! i - .45. P. nlY11113„, A Splqiiiiid variety of - .Carl:leis', only Ix. 2:5 eti.per'j'ard. • - FIEIIER & S02;1„." I !.! ,CrOcks; Jogs,Preserio Jars Arc., 4c., of Bonerior Sold only y JA3IESA..III.IOWN ,keeps 'the larg4t,,,,bpst OsorO u lemt and cheapest shoes fu tamp. C4 ' ll/11181 hie thAra ..' • • T_TOOPED • wcittl /2'50 .will A_ be sold for $1 25 at the cheap store of FISIIEIt & BON: IF you want h3ndsoue `Goode, good I 000di, cli (loom, idd 'Main i jtOixxli, Rota P• P. u 'P: - $1.6044,75 " ' 12,76W1.,57 G-ASTIMAN MILLETI, BOOK SPORE AT c.iLL AND ,SEE. , t ANCIENT JERUSALEM', ; A Lima , muliFuL. 014VETRI:C C RE ,az tr s,A.L zer,. ,„ • .:41d the Sacred Places Surrounding the , ,HOLY CITY, ' • TILLY AII'EAItIIDIN ANCIENT TIMES. Tim above work • Is eonirneuded to the favorable notice iilcierkmen, and those having charge of Sunday-schools, lilbleclaepoa, and public Unditutionv. ' It in about 9 feet long and 6 feet wide. eolored and Car. Mal ad, and nicointial on canvas with laces. • ; It has been constructed froni the mold reliable and nu. ttehtie sources nod will be bound an invaluable' old to those engaged in lectilting On the Holy Land, or in im parting instruction to solioul etas., on tho snbjcot to "•' - • It Ain, to glye an exact Idea of the city as it Appeared in ancient times. It is taken as a bird's eye". or ',bal loon" view, the lieboldet , being, in Imagination, phitcd at a considerable elevation, so an td take a comprehensive view of (ho city and country for some distance around. s • • - • • The view II accompanied with on Outline Itcy,,in which the different localities'are numbered, and a Desei ipt ire Manual containing all the .infonnation neccoenry to ena ble one to use the view to ativatita,ge in teaching or -Wee THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES; This lo a Weekly Religious Paper, pnblisheff at the very lone price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR: It in 11, signed for Parcnlf, Teachers, anti all who aro: engaged or Interested in the religious training of the young. It is also au excellent Family raper.:' A portion,of the Sunday-School Times in occupied with Narratives and other mathir 'particularly intetcsting to young persons. Teachers mill find In it much that they will liko to read to their clesoes—interesting matter pre pared to their bends, end such no they • cannot tind else where. For the same reasons, members of thbloMasses. and the older scholers genet ally, will ho gt eatly benefit ed by the perusal Of this paper. ' The Sunday-School .Thnes has every week a report of the choicest matter. selected from the Noon Prayer Meet ings, which ate no interesting to all classes of Christiana. Besides a large amount of genet al teligious intelligence, the, Sunday•Schnot flints contains all the most recent Sun. day.school uems. At reports all the important Convert. dons of Sunday-school teachers. It discusses the gum lions w Melt moot Interest and perplex' teachers and pa rents, respecting, the various methods of Iteligionit Train ing for the young. the means of gaining the attention aunt affections of children, and especially of accorinir their conversion and blinking them to Christ. The subject of Mission-Schools fur cities, and of Sunday-school misolou ary work for the intetior, in thoroughly 'canvassed, li, deed,' there Is hardly a, topic of practical Importance to any who acre (interested in the subject of religions Waco tion, which Is not hero ilrought under consideration flout week to week. • GI The coo inctors of paper en.lcavor to rememberithat the great end of ell Christian etTutt is to tering mell tc ,Christ. They aim accordingly, to pot into every number - of the paper eomething ii 1114 shall Intro (ix its iliieet object the conversion of sonic . , SPECIAL OFFER The proprietors of the Smky-School Tom Intro Re quired the exclusive right of axle of the qt 41.40111 teen Honed move, the LAP OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM, of•r it Its n special plaint= to those superintendents, teachers, or others, whe will assist su getting new sub scribers to the paper. We offer this superb premium to shy ono who will send us the names of 12 nDysubset Mars and $l2 in each. CAUTION 4?-Tn every ease, before beginning to canvass, be sure to waits to us and obtain the necetsory documents and instructions. These mill help you greatly in prosecuting the inn*, nod will save you many mistalceit. Enclose 5 cents to pay postage.' Address PROPRIETORS OP THE &IND 47-SCHOOL Tii,co, 148 South Petal!. street, Philudelphls. N. D.—specimens of. the Sunday...in/tool Timer, , and a. copy of the Map of Ancient Jerusalem, may be seen at the Doultstato of 1V M. LEWIS, 11uutiugdon. Apt il 10, 1861.-tt. NEW MILLINERY . GOODS, OPPOSITE TILE DAPTISTCIIURCII. MRS. MARY BUCHANAN. Respectfully Informs the belies of Ifunti»gdon and elnity that she has Just opened a new stock . of Millinery Goods. consisting of Bonnets, lists, Trimmings, and TR. Hay of Fancy Goods. The ladles aro requested to call.— floods sold 30 per cent., cheaper than heretofere.• ' Ladies, dresses of all kinds matte in the best and most fashionable style. /fir Remember the place, on Charles Street, opposite the Baptist Church. Huntingdon; Apttl 10,180.1.-It.* • , A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Estate of Philip hatters of tohninistratieh r n tho e.tnto of Philip Walter, bite of, Norris toaellip deed., haring been granted to the undersigned, ml• venous having cl a ims ngainet tine estate one roquosted to peanut them to the undereigned, Cori aril I , Mon o indebted mill inake,lmmellato paymont. L F. BROWN, Anoth, r. April It, 1601.-ft. ROHRER'S ROIIRRICS ROOREirs • HOMIER'S • .PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. pitAcTiem. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. • pit/anon CALCULATOR. R°FIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU TATOU, - - A Boole of I'lain llares and Cblcublfiont for I:mama Opt rations, by )(alien ht. Rohrer, Pe acelcat Sarreyor and Cloarepartee, Neu, Edifion,pubtished by J. B. Lippin coll'et Cb., Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 Rules and Examples. eatitely owl thoroughly practical, smelt as arise every day'in the common pursuits of nosiness. It has Already passed through a number or editions in rapid succession, nod is pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest' book of reference, pet tattling to calculations; that has evei been published: Every example in the book Is wtoked out in full and stated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel case ari ses, those referring to the work will find no difficulty in oohing It; in a word, the general arrangement or the CALCULATOR is simple, flier anyntio who knouts how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, con easily.solve any or dinary e plo that arises in business, or mire at the true result colony estimate required. The chief situ of the author has been tp eschew theory and philosophy in figures, alining only at facts and simpli city, believing that Wetness men care little about spen ding time iu discussing the philosophy of v a les, 'or the science Of figures, deeming it striTiclent for their purpose to beable at a moment, by reference, to art Ito at the trite result. The CA IX ULATOR differs in this respect front all oilier Arithmetic-it of the day,end kindred trucks—lt is a key to practical business calculations—lt Is, In the bands or the business Men ' what the key to mathematical works in the bands of the teacher in the school rootit—it facili tates time and insures correctness. = Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick awl 'trick Work, cf Stone and Stone rink, of grain and grain bine, of coat and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of lignids, of cir cular, square or Irregular vessels, of cisterns rind vats, of roofing, of plasterer a, painful's, glazion's, pacer's, plumb. or's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' w'olk.' It treats of currency nod of foreign and domestic exchange, 01 the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to Loftiness, of simple and compound interest, and' their eittire application to business transactio n s, with tie faits and unages governing the same, together with numwous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partfaLpayment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes, of. weights, and Illen9Ull,ll, of Nome ao4 eithicineasure, of the square root and its application to business of suriares, of excavation, and of many other 'mot tont pracliCal matters not within the scope of an when list:went to men tion: ' . . , -IT IS JUST.TIIE BOOK FOR TIM Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artivan, or • the professional man• It has pineal in valuable auxiliary to the Mayer, the justiOe of tite'peaco, the team enter, and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the Ch il engineer and the surveyor, to thq carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason nud the plasterer, to the paper hunger and upholsterer, to the inner and the tiler, &c., Lc.; each and all will' find it adaPted to Ibex va rious annte better than any book published. ' .ez- Price. 50 cents. For sale at Le in ' gook Store. • Huntingdon, Dee. 50, 1000. ►rill S.IIIILEYSI3IIII.Q. FI3IA.VE, SEMINARY. - , {VIII open for the Summer Elesiton, on Wedne3d,ty, May let, HOU., *. A , Arhong the odvnntages offetel by this Institution may be mentioned . 'a pleasant and healthful location, conveni ent arrangements for study and recreation, In ,addition to thorough instruction iu the useful 'mid ornamental brauclea of education. - • • 1 : • • • I= Board, Room, • $3O 00 , Tuition to English Ilranche.,, yS' MI to ;12 . 00 Illodointo'chargoe oh Matto for Shrtlo,Dratrlng,Freorh, no lithicipAt griveg atten don - tolt tildes or young men, whom Ito preParce,for collage, for buattemr, or tha pram blou'of leaching. , Apply, to .. •- ' J.D. KIDDER, • Shirleyelmrg, 1061.-3 t , Prhiclpol. JACKSON.HOTEL, • 614.1 , F,US MILLER, rrnprielor4 QOK - , Old 13ooks. itigarloca, or pablicatioils of nub ouud to order, if left at • ' LEWIS' 800 K... 4T-4770.N.Lr'Rr STORE C . • BUSINESS MEN, TAKE ,NOTICE! It you want your card neatly printed upon curet ,openi call itt ! IILE WA' BOOK AND STATIONERY .STOR.E. FOR TIIR LADIES. . '; 1...1 •,. . A superior attfcla of Nato Paper and Enrelopm Boilable for con fidrnlial cm respandeoce, for rale at • • L.giNS' BOOK d STATIONEkr ..YTORE. BOOTS& SIIOESH-Old and S'Oni canbe aticd at*NJ. JACODIP store fu Maket square, Iluntlngdon,T4. „ , ; • :(oct:Zti,) . G -- " CIZIES, .ti er, &e.---cAli"A' the chimp' More yf TIENJ. JACOBS. ' All lthide of court: try produce taken In exchange Al the highest market pm. cm. (nc t2B. 1300T5:2(7, SHOES, Hats k•Calis, the larguAt nadPrDoont tuDi Plleapolt futnid a$ „ D. P °WIN'S - lingo. "" rU IVIZiN'S' lIARDNY et UM SHOES; cheapei at D. P. jrthap can to had iu roan. CAI ana s;o thew. ,:ETP.P-1:”1,91.1TAL 6t BUSINESS CARDS - CO:;. W - ' MAkGTIAN '&' ~ •iv Miuero'itnil benlars in Neon . ..l'l'6p Coal." 11, la Negation, °einem' Agout, AleConnolletoten, Itautitigitou bounty; PA. , „ - TAA_Vill NAM; ju'lkfin'ur and Shipper of Trona Top Coal.. Office Hun tiondon pa. - (1 A. 'MILLER, k_A • Dealer in Greeerida, Confectionaries, &e. R. JOHN McCUJJLOCH, offere gworcOolonol servims to the citizens of Ifuntingtiou on vicinity. , 011 ice On, Rill street, onu door east of Iteud's Drug Store.' • Aug. 28. 1 --- 87 MILLER , • tfi.• Proprietor of the Exchange hotel JS. SMITII, Dealer in Drugs, Medi . tines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Offs, &c. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, in. TM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Ingtru nwnte, Huntingdon, Pa. ' M.' CUNNINGHAM & 8110. fut Fottiterm, Huntingdon. ni TAMES A. BROWN; Deakt in Hataunre, Cutlery; hints, Oise, fen, Hunt ingdun, Pa. 7 6 _T ROMAN, Denb;r in Iteally ils;lo Clothing, Hats and Caps, Loots and shoei, &e. .DE NJ. JACOBS, Dealer la Dry Goals, Beady Male Clollan, Grocer ie., queen.. ere, Ae. Sc. G ri e T tl : l liN i k r n e tt ? d ., o l , !e p t ,, tleng in R eady TA I'. UWIN, Jur • Beeler in Ot y doodn, Oroceriw, 1 tat thvel e, Querns .car°. liars nod Cops, Boote and Shore. Lt. • FISHE R & SON,-Dealers iii Dry (loads, ' Oraln, de., Huntingdon', I's. • , -- 7 - - ir EVI WESTBROOK, j_i Dealer in Gentletnen'e, Dulles' and Mimeo' Boots, Sheen, Gaiters, Myroera Lerthe?; etc. , , TOSEPII Watchmaker and dealer In Walelies, Cloaca, and Jew elry, tc. " AVM. WILLIAMS, ; • - Plain and Ornamental Mni 1010 31annfiletnrer TOEIN F. RAMEY; Count}' Su6eyor, fry Huth Osploie, P. Offices Ou Hill fared, one door. oast of the' Iliostiogdon Mat No 'Karel. • • ItEeenzabes—.l.. T. Watsoil, Philaaelphia; .7. Geologist,lphial. Charles Mickley, -hough and Ready Furnace, lion. Jonathon MlVillialus. TIICIIARD LANGDON, Minor and lA, Dottier in Broad Top Coal, liopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3, Wt. A DIMERITAN & CO., Miners and Deal- LA_ ms in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, thintlopion co., Ppnna. • [Nov. 3, 1858. •- ft•raz. COUNTRY DEALERS can • .„ buy CLOTHING (rum me in IluntingtlOn at WHOLESALE as cheap n they van in the eitleg.'ent I have a V. hnlesale ntot o in Philedulphia. Huntinminu, April LLlBsti. ~1 „H. ROMAN. .. . PRY GOO DS !--:A fin e' assortnient on limo for the accianniodatlon of customers, at IlliN.l. Bs' ~ dienp Caner," !Luke! Squnre. (oct29 ) (NONE-YARE at S. S. Smith's Gro kj eery•, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other: place In • K. NEFF ) M. 11, I ~ PHYSIULIN :IND SURGEON. OFFICE, Hill at 4 406 opposite Dr. Ludeti,..,Dr.l Idi prof.; donal SITVICCP i . eiti/.01111 of iilllaillgtlollAlld t ieltslty April 13,161 AI ON MILLER., IL • ' tgallia 1 DE YTI ST, Ifne removi the Brick It oppolite the Court Home April la s /. 30u\ 80 , StMUFT. T. 131101VM. J. 11. 0. CORBIN IV PARTNEESIIIP.:- up'•:' it. 0. Coitus Las, from this lite, Leconte rttoinn Ler of .„ . ‘flrtik of • - SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 11UNTINcIDON,. 811833 limo the limbless will still be coullueteil. Juu. 2, IHO. ' VIOLINS, • G UITARS, '4,7, SY3IPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIVES. For sole elsenp at . LEWIS:BOOK, STATIONERY k MUSIC STORE WILLIAM AFRICA. HAS 40,11tf CO39IS,NCED THE Bool' AND SHOE-MAKING. ONE DOOlt EAST OS 11. DOMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ills old customers mid Om public generally, aiII gise him a cull]. [Huntingdon. Oct. 20. 1858.1 EXANDB IA 13REIVERY.- = ' , • NEW FIRM ! Tho undersigned respectfully Inform the pp it lic that they hove purchased tho ALI:NAM/111A and . I‘lll continuo tho business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All ordhs null bo'promptljr ntiended to. • W3l. ROTIIROCK, Alexatult la, Feb. 22, ISGO. IT3I. N. RIM% I F you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at, V. P. MUM'S, wheal you bill find: Ma larger Hortment in too n. ACA.RD.,---, 1 . ~ • , ~ Dlt. D. S. HAYS offers 1114 prole.olonal orifices to the Intothltanta or Mooteseillit'und Nid pity. 0111co ' nt the lower bank or Neff Muffs, opl etoito Ire. Mytoo's stete. • April 18, 1860—tf. TRACING MUSLIN, • - 13AAFTIA0 AND DI,WINGI PAPER While and Colored Card Paper, For sale At • LEWIS' DOOR gt STATIONIVYT STORE.' t TIF YOU WANT TO , IM CLOTHED Cull ut the storo of ' BENJ. JACOBS. OSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X L Knifed and Itnzorm, for solo by JAS. A. 11110 W X. "MEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW - 11 YORK .frv.ottp.„a,Nl,ll.• , g7T :';• 1 •X 4 , :t• • • simitTEsT IN DISTANCE AND QUICK- EST IN TIME BETWEEN TIM TWO CITrES Or NEW yonrC AND lIAIMISIII.IIKI I VIA itnApria, ALI,E . STUIVN AND EASTON. Maiwinia Exmass, Walt, Icves .2.3‘v York ra G A. 'M, arrhing qt Il k alinloag at 12.45 noon, only (IX hourebo tween Ulu two cities. Moll. TONE leaves New York at 1:189 ,noon, and, arilverl at Ilarrlokurg at 8.:10.P. M. MORNING MAll,l4ltio, Past. leaves Harrisburg nt 8.00 'A M.; arriving at New York at 4.30 P. M., AFTERNOON ExiOtEsB lase. ?Ant, leaves tiarrisburg at 1.151'. Id.,arriving nt. New York at 0.00 P. $ 1 Conneofous are IttadO at larrielburg at 1.00 P. M., with the Passenger Trainq in each direction on tile Prinnsylva.' nla, Cumberland Alley and Northern Curitrai 'railroad. All trains connect nt Pending with trains for PortsNille and Phlladelp . hin, and At Allentown - for Minch Chunk, Easton. bc. ` Ko change of Paigenger CM, or 'Damage lietweeb New York end Ilarrhiburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Mike from Now York or the the 1.16 P. M. from tfarriakorg. ••-. . • • • For beauty of scenery; mid speed, comfort and accom modation, Ells route presents superior inducements to the' traveling public. , „ . . Fare between New York awl Ilniri.burg' floe dullard.--• For tickets and other infolmallou apply, to J. J. CLYDE, Ovnaral'Agent, Ilarrisburg. • July 113, 15GO. • - , • I )III:ILipEL . PHIA . AND READING ,: . SIJMSIEII4IIII4INPP4ENT, ON AND •AFTER Lilf:.111.28i11; •1860 Twb pai4angei , train; leaea:'llarofidutre (Stindaya excepted,) at 8.00 A. 31,, and 1,15 31.,, for Philadelphia, arrhing thorn at 1,25 P. N. and 6.15 P. 31.,• • ' Returning, ISavo.Plilliideltiltla at SAM A.. 151; and 3.80 • P. 31., arming at I.l.nrridburg at 12 45 noon mid 5.30 P. 31. Faris: To Philudel - phla; No. 1 Cars, $3.25; N 0.2 (ii; sant • trait:, $2.70) . ' „ , „ „ Fares: To Reading, sl,oo,and M l 3O I At Reading, can:tent with trains for' Pottsville, lltners ,3lllo,.Taniaqua. Catlimissa, Sa ' , ••• ' • . ' Four trains Rate Rending, for Philadelphia dally, at A. 314 10.45 A:31.02.80 noon mid 3.43 P: at. • • Lease Phlladolphia for Reading itt ;100 Ar 31.0.00 P. M., - 3.30 P.M., and 5.00 P. M. • Fare's: Rending to Philadaphici,sos• ss d • Tho monilag pain from IDirriabing connects at Reading with up train for Wllke.Aarto, _Pittston and SCI Anton. For through tickets and other luforMattow apply • J. J, CLYDE, ' July 18. 1860: ; " Gengat elarent. 1100 tilt C. 11 . 1c611,1, manufacturer of all kinds of castings, forgo and rolling 'mill, grist and Sawmill, thrash. ing machine, led and sleigh stoves of, various kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs; also, car .wheels and • tailrodd 'work, andline a new Dud hupros,ed plough that renders satlektulion (0,111 ranters that have used them. I will keep all,kinda 0( plough shears And ploughs :at, !Messrs. Fisher k 31c)Itir trio's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. Goorge Mill Creek, and will till RH' orders promptly.' The farmers will save money by getting shears end piqughs,iif 1.1cG11,L,-ot the foundry head-quarters, the plays to buy cheap.. Alt kinds br erodes', old meal and' lumber, token to exchange.— liring the pay and save ice per cont. It. C. MGM,: Manual in, )farell 7, MCC • ' • • • '' - SMALL PROFITS!" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OTIILIL ALVABLE AND INTEREBBVIO 1100 K, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTIIU3IENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, MUSIC fur the Piano, Guitar; B:c., ?Of:SET BOOKS, YORTMONNAIES AND rcniscs, For Ladies and Gentleman, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday. and Common Sena°la, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS ON ALL KINDS TOY Bowie, ALVIIABET BLOCKS, S.C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys nod Uirle. AMUSING ,GAMES For Young Folks IVHDDINCI ENVELOI!ES,AND CARDS; MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, CAUDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DomixoEs, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK,BOOKS . ,: Meniorandom Books 'Various - Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, • DIARIES FOR 1560 Prattling tend Moiling Paper, Brutal and Cani Ban*. BONNIIT DOAIU INDELIBLE, C ittIIINE, ICED, IILL:2 MACK I KS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of DilTerent Flom nad Quit Miro, kc. &e. &c. 1!ZIMO! SHOULD CAL AT LEWIS' CHEAP DOOR, ST ITIONERY AND mutac'anair, In the "Globe buthlink,silhtrht Square, whore all who want to SAVE 3.10.&EY, gu to make their purchases SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' itooK, sTATIosEity L 3ivstc STOIE, ItuNnsiono.y, YA OSGOOD'S Spell. r.lst, 24. Id, 4th and sth llsadorx. M'GUFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and now editions.) SANDER'S do do do - SWAN'S do do , do , CORR'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1. Emerson's Readers. • Town's Speller and Definer, (old nail new editions.) • Scholar's COIIIII.IOII. • Smith's, llullimPr, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fuel's Physical geography. ' Warren'a Physical geography. 3folatoith And McNally's Geographies A Atlases Webster's acid Worcester'e Dictionaries. QUackenip.. First Leq,ollS to Composition. Qtlackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. tiresnleaf's,Stoddat Ws, Emmerson's, Swan'a,Colburn's and Ray's Arithmetic, Peterson's Familiar Science, •' ' . - Greenleaf 's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithineties. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algehr.t. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's Mkt Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Upham's Mental Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Ilm • , . Goodrich's Payson, Dunton add, Scilliner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academical; Controllers' and other Copy nooks. Elements of Mal) I/lowing, with plan fur sketching maps by it I-angulation and bummed methods of projection. Davies' Klemeigary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legondre's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Doolc-keeping. Itook.Reeplng by Single Entry, by tfatihford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Uorniford..l Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full stork of School Stationery aluays on band. Huntingdon, Pa. HAT EVERYBODY WANTS. .I:yERYDODY'S LAWYKR, AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS By FRANK ClIOSBY,• OP TUE riIicADELFniA DAR, It Tdls lint now to draw. up PARTNERSIIIP PAPERS and gives genets' forms for AGREEMENTS of all kinds, Burs of SALE, ITASES and PETITIONS. . Tent ,llow to draw up BONDS and MORTGAGES, AP , Ers,Poli zits of ATToRNEV, NOTES and Birds of EXeRANOE, RECEIPTS and It ELEABES. It Tells Yzou The taus for the CoLLECTION of DEBTS, uittt the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT trout EXECO , TION 111 every State. • It Tells Fon Ilow to melte no ASEIONSIENT properly, with • tonne for COMPOSITION With CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LADE of every State. It Tells Ibis Tho legal relations existing between ODER ,. • DIAN and WARD, MASTER, and APPRENTICE,, end L QcoLoati and 'TEN‘NT. • 11-Tells nu What constitutes LIBEL - And SLANDER, mud th 0 Lair as to mainline Dowt.n, the wirr.'a ' • Maur IN PIIoPERTY, DIVORCE nod ALIMONY, Br - Tens rou The Law for MECEt.talea' LIENS in every State, rynd the IN.ATURALIZATION bowl of this.cottn7 • ' try,; and how to comply with the same: • A It Tells Thu The low concerning Ltsaro:lB and how to ob tain one, and the Trz-E rrto.sr LATIN. So 3 • PUllt,lo LANDS. . IL Tells Thu Tho Law for PATENTS, with mode of proce, • ' dere in obtaining One, with Pwsttriatocts, AeSIONMENTS REat TOLE or fits. , It Tells • rim how-to make your Vitt.. and how to ADMIX ': /SEER ON AN the-law and tho 'A ,„,,retinireinen t e thereof osAary,B44,. It Tells Ibu The Meaning of LAW in general use, . • 'and ukplains to you this Lotneoxitsi, Exc el:MT abd,Jumciat., ruw . ers .pf hogs , the. " .11.0 • • general and Stoic 00vgracaszera. ” - It Sells nit HOW TO =EP OUT OP LAW, by showing now, to 'do your business legally, thus saving a vast unioitnt of property,' and vexatious' litigattpo, by its timely consultation.. ~; Ire F.% crybotlrs Lawyer is for sato at Lewis' BoOk Store . , . NI • • Nap, r. - iIIIST4 .. ' - -Ji , , . • -2) - - • -.,A, . ....t10w.0r. , , , .• „ iitkfm,m,,,, , tg,,,,,-..1,, , :•• ..,• JEtOOKS' AND , STATIONERY.-:- . ' ..,,t good assortment of miscellaneous and &Imo] oalto—Voolecap, Letter, Commercial and NOM Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopps-Red, - Bliva and Black Inks— „Blank Books of numerous sieerf—Pena Pencils, Pocket and ,Beek Inkbtrmds, nod every other attiele upally found in, a Book , and Stationery Store; can he had at fair prkes at LEWIS' Apoic,,STATIOK!AIp; & MUSIC STORM. 'NOTIOR 30 ALL !I ' Tbo,subscriber,wlio La e for mini, titan one year, carried nu business in company with Messrs. F. 'BRANDY I. ' I'. WIII9KEY, and Mr. LACIER BUR, Lae this day ' ditsolnej. partnership, with the akre firm 4 .4liciain. against this old firm Will be paid by the subscribet, and all those im debtod,to the firm will payddini r , - ~..,• Ifr-A,T CY HES „" and C J L iPri :C LR 'X Y B c I.I C , i littr - '"...=,,.. always be rePV4 . A good' or. Clocgs, .1 WAITYIES end tletilki iwill he kept on band for °internam who may. favor bintwltb p cell. l ~- -4 - -, , jotlEvii liticiEn. , i 'ilttnliu,sdon::%Julib 2, 183'j. ' : , GREAT IV 61tK , pN r <~ - .. :~ '~i THE HORSE& HIS DISEASES: • : BY. ROBERT JENNIAS, V. A.; t * Prqffssur.of Pathology ancl Opextaire. Sargvy in 1116 • Veterinary Ci4legenf Plaladdphia h rfc. r efe. Wild. YISLL YOU Of , tho Origin, llistery and distinctive traits of the 'corium.; breeds of European, • • Astatte, African and •Amovican horses, • *c 't t!gtirlPie e s P o h l a t i tre ti su r tl r m m a ß l th a l o l d a ll d ir y o . • ~ ascertain his age by the number end condition of his With; Innen atdd erith " • numerous explanatorrengravlngi., nonsn'AND lITS DISMASES WILL TELL YOU OP Breeding, Breaking. Stabling, Peed: in', grooming. Shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, pith the best modes or administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting,.Kicking, Bearing, Shying, SOMA,'lug - " ing, Restlessness, and other n ice. to which ho is subject; a O h numerous ox. planetary elagrzwings. - TILE liortsn AND IIIiDISEASES WILL TELT, YOU Of the Caltanournptoms,aud Treatment of Strangle!. Soro Throat, Diatemper, Catarrh, influenza, B,oochttiu, Pneu monia, Pleurasy, Broken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring and Whiatliug.Lam pas, Soro Mouth and Vicars. nud 'De cayed Teeth, ‘rith other *noses of tOo Mouth and Itopiratury Organ.% THE HORSE,AN,D EIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho cour.es,symptorns,aud Treatment ' of IVortno, hots, Cholte, Strangulation, • • ' • Stony Conerntious, , Ituptures, • Paliy, Diarrhea, Jaundlce,llepatlrrhott,lllaxly Urine, Stones In tho Kidneyel and BIM. ' i der, luflamation and other dieewses of : lho Stomach, 'Bowels, Liver and WI " nary Organs.. TILE IffiRSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the 'causes, ayosiotus; and Triat ' meet of Bone Blood and Bog, Spaeth, Bing Bono, Bono, castle. Strains, - Broken Knees, Wi nd Galls, Founder Cracked Hoofs, Solo Braise mid Oravtl , Canker, • Scratches, Thrush and Catns; also, of MeCritna, Vol lig°, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseasts of the Foot, Logs, and Head. 'M . F.I HOUSE AND HIS insEApEs WILL TELL.YOU.Or eymptoree; and Treat ment of Flitula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Percy; Scarlet Fever, Mango, Surfeit. Locked Jaw,lthellinatiem.Cralno,Oulls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c., ' , and how to manage Cnatration,' 131mal log, Trephining, Itmeeling. Bring, Hernia, Anipniatien, Tapping, and oth er curgical operatiouti. THE HORSE AND HIS VISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Rarey'e Method of tneolug sei how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how 16 aLcustora a horse to strange sounds and sights, and how to Blt, Saddle, hide. and 3reak hhu to Harness; also the form and law of WiItRANTr. The whole being the ro• suit of lb yenta' careful study of the habits, pocnliaritien , wattles and weak , ;lessee of this noble anti useful The hook 'contains 394 pages, eppropriatoly Illustrated by nearly 100 Engravings. It is fainted inn dear and open type, and hill be forwarded to any address, postage Old, on receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, In cloth, ektrn, $1,28, - k'or nt Lowie' Book Store, . D R: SENWEIN 'S N:I) 15 - 1)01) NAPTIIA PECT9ItAI., Isstit6 hest Dent Medicine its the World for the cure of Counts and •Colds; Crimp, Broneltitis.lethaln, Diflleuity in ' Breathing, Palpitation of the hesit,. Diptherir; and for the relief of patients In the advanced stages of Con. suMption,logether with all diseases' of the Throat' and Chest, aud•which predispose to Consumption. It 14 peculiarly' adopted to the radical core of Asthma Being prepared by n Practical Physician 'and Druggist owl one of pleat experience fu the care of the various ditCll6Cli tO Valle!! the human frame to liable. • • ' It is offered to the afflicted with tho groatost _coat Bence. Try it and be convinced that , it Is hicaltiable in the cure of Dronchial affections. Paco 50 cents per bottle. ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM A very 'v1%111,0310 remedy for Diemlien, Dyeenl.ry, Cholera Murbul. and all towel , affections. Try R., Price f.:5 cent. ptr borne. AV' The above Medicines are prepared only by ' ESILNWEIN S CO., Ihrugglre nod Chemists, N. W, Corner \into & Poplar Ste.. , Philadelphia. N. 11.—Shilti 6y' every respectoldo Druggist nod Dealer in Medicine lbrougliehl tile Stain. ' ' [Juno 20, 11t l i1lA j D.i i eUrld 7 siined Tf,0wir:8 1 retil callthenttntiooetocitiun* of luntiogdon and the /Apo lug counties to the static of Infifutiffli marble now on band. 110 Is !mewed to furnish .tt iltrisboriest make, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tablet and Stones of cooly desired olio Wild fm in of Italian, o) Easeern Marble, Nighty finished, anti carved - .lib appro prints devices, or pinto, as may suit. , 13ollililig Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c . ., u 111 to furnished to order. ." W: W. pludgc§ littnsolf to furutsh,nutterial and work. mail:4l4 equal to any In the country, at a rah. pi leo. Call and see. befurti you purchase eleruliere:. Shop •on Bill street, Huntingdon, Pa. . . Huntingdon, May 16,1:655 , t• M .; THE CYT H AR A—The ti Pre ibyt no n PdalmodlAt—Tie f., '" o SilDWll—TheJubiltro—llTlten'a and Ilertlurs enlarged and improved imarnetors—Welland's New and Improved Method (or the G ulutr—Leland'a A"ccor deon, Yloliu mid Flute Instructors—Winner's and Bone's Ylniin Inttruttore—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—llur• rowed PlnnoTorto Primer—do. Thorougli-Ilme Primer— Bow o's Drawing Room Dances—Tho Chorus Glee Book , Tam's Illarp, for eAlt, at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. READY RECKONER.. • • A comrdet; Dicitot Ready Reckoner, In dollare and cents, to which ore added forms of Notes, Bine, Ito. ceipte. Relitionr, /cc., togother with a set of u.efol tables, containing rote at interest from roue dollar to twelve thong , and, by the single day, with a tobto of wakes; And board by the week nod day, published in 1859. For eato nt • L.Ell'/S' ROOK' STORE. (-5 Eli NEW BOOKS ! • , • FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TILE lIOUSE : A. New POCICET MkNuat, of Burnt Arclateo. • titre; or, how to Itothl Dwelttnge, Dm tr,-Stahles, and Out Dwellingg. of all kindle, With n Chapter on Churchc. nud School-Douse.. nice, 30,centti. THE i3APDPS: A Now Poexce Mattnet. of Practical Ifor ticulture; or, Now to Cultivate Vegetable., Fruit., and Flowete. With CluTter, co „Ot,trtrttktal Tree. and Shrubs: -Prico,'so cents. ' " ' ' TUE FARM: A NEW foot.: 111tEutt. of Practical AFrl• culture"; or, Iluw to Cultivate all the Fiel4 erlopo. in. on Eteay on Flinn Mouagenicnt, etc. recu t 50 cents. • „ • DOMBSTIC ANIMAi 9:' NEverOctrEe tt of Cotle', Iluree, and Sheep II ttsloondiy ; or, H ow, to' Ilreed , ..aotl Rear the Various Tpuonts of the Rant,rOrtl, etc., etc Fsloc, 50 ccutt. ' • ' • • I t • t HOW TO TALK: ANewPoexex txoteofConversation and Debate, mini Directions for Acquiring a grammati cal Style, and morn than Five Idundrial. Common :ills takes Corrected, Price, SO cents:; ,' HOW TO IiNHAVE':, A Tow rocux MANAot. of RGpublb con Etiquetto, and Guido to Corrait Persona Itabits; with Rules fur Debating Societies nod DelWaratira An semblics, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOW TO - DO DIISINkBS: A \zw Pockii,MAnui!,, pI Practical Affairs and Guide' in inc&nis , in .Wof: Collection of,Dnalyceihk:ornia r pad aylctlymfy 91 . qum• Tdrlns, Oc. Priee, 50 cent 3.. . . FRANKLIN HPUSE, -1.:1. -1. , _ lIMINGTON, PA.! CROUSE;-:Propridtor:ll Tho 4 cll4e ( AsAr . tlic.cpuniy, an 4 grim_ gar. and_ tr .. avelers generallk.NllPlitid" Oomfortubla.accomnadibitfons-tit Ore house.„ Glve.us (1015.1 E TO •THE ,ciwAV,BARq4Is4,I NEW GROCERY '•-. . ' • ' 1. CONFE6TIONtRY C. I.I)ZiG , - - • • Informs this citissiis of linntloird.ll nod vi•-• clnityt flint he Inus opened 'a now.Okozery and Confection ery Store iu tho,basement, under Gutman is Co.'s Clothing, Store,' In' the Diamond, rand most 'resogOtrolly re l. quest a sbeire.of publlc_patronage. Ills stock. consists of kinds of the , , _ _ ;,;„ • • BEST I.IItOCERIES, • • CONFECTIONERIES, &c,, Le. Fish can bo hind nt Ashok-sate or retail. ' CithlAM will ho furnished-regularly to parties and imps/duals. at his room, F .; u , Huntingdon, Etept.•24, 1&60, ATBIIT CIGAR A - N - 1) TOBACCO .1 • . • mum'. , A practleef tobacconist, hue opened n now TOBACCO STORWAND oloAn MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St,' ono, door wont of the Broad Top Railroad ORO, where to) has on bawl o largo' assortment of prime Uwe - rind - To , ,bneoo - , 'Attach ho hill sell either wholesale or_retall.'StOrti; keopers„shoplieopers, and all others who deia Jo Alec good 'chiliad CCM •111c•prices are low. Call•aiid std' , •• ' • lleatingslon; Ravi:6 POO. - ; r CitRPET W3l. WILLIAMS 4 12 \ ( 4 ") es s 4t) lEEE 1131111•111 MEE - PEOPLE?S C(34,01C)BOIDIC. ji ,MODEBN__ , IN - ALe `EL/L . A mow. CAAref!tiltt Revisers IT Teas You. flow to ohoonoo!I kind" of Moat', Pout ry, ; and aatpe, with 011 dip vvinua and 11103 t approved modes or greasing anti cooking Beef and Pork; also Clio boat and slam:oar • „ way of "offing, pickling_podictrisig the lr Tnis You ,illethe earlous and montnivroved mahout &easing. iooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry.arl game ofell kindi , with the different ,Drezwinge Orarleir,',And &allows appropriate to 0ath...,• • . '0 • Fr Tints You Ilow to choose. clean, nod piesorvo all kinds, and how to sweeten it whin taint erl; also al/ the `ramous and viola oppiovid modes of cooling, with MS di/Tereus Dross- I ngs, SAuces, Owl Flavorings approptiato to each. IT TELLS You All thereariaue mime approied Modes of preparing oval' 50 kinds of hleatAsh,YOwl, Santo, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, tand • "Stews, with the' Relishes anClitatenings appropriate to .4.41, IT Yuma You AU the Tartan, and most apyroved males of cooking Vegetables of every description, ' 'also how to Declaim Pickles, Gabsdui and Carting of all blabs, Potted Meats, Fish, ' ' Game, 51tudirdems, ge. IS TELLS lOC All tbo 'urbane and . triost appeared mode. °I preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pantry, "Puddings, Omelettes, _ Fritters, Cakes, •Oonfectionaryi Preserves, , . Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every discrip. _ .i 1 9 1 7 1. . , ' . ..,'', .7 7. ;,-; . • ,• la Tuts Yon ihn,snriens And moseapfiroved modes of making Bread, Busks, and ilif• • cult, ,auct the WS snoilnat of preparing Coffee ' Chocolate, and Ton; and how to make By raps, Cordials, and Winos: of TS• . riolis kinds. IT 'ram YOU HOW to Yet Out and ornament a Table, how to - 1 ; Carte all kind. of Fhb, FlenittorFowl r tuad In short, how to no shopllfy the whole Art •- • "• ; orCooklng at to bring the chokailluxOtlea of the table within the everslxKly's roach. The book. contelna 418 pages, and upwards of 1200 Its all of , erhickare the rrairitie of actual baring been fully end helpfully, tested under, the personal Superintendence of. the *Mere. It is printed ht. &lir and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be formardedlu eny address; neatly• bound, and postage paid, on receipt, of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, ex tra $1.:15. • • For Bale, et Lewis' Book Stoic, E1R774 1 . 74; PP,4-,3411,03, Till!: "GLOBE JOB OFFICE 18 the most comploto of any in 'the country; and poi beesee the moot ample facilities (or promptly exocuting in the beat styli. every Teddy of Job Printing, such ' lIAND BILLS, • • PROGRANMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, .~i;i:.,r ~ CARDS.' ,CIRCULARS, . : ;', i S,IT 'lO BALL r ~„ • " • - BILL BEABg, LABELS, &C:,' . &C., • CALI,AND EXAMINE pracnix:fa or. IroAK; 'AT LEWIS' BOOR; srArroziEttY . & . musrd STORR, THE HORSE 'AND 111 - DISEASES,'' THE HORSE .AND -HIS THSEASES;.: THR HORSE ,AND, lIIS _ DISEASES, A YALUAB4E,ROOK, . • For sale at LEWIS, Bpok Store.: i V,V.ERYBODY'S :LAWYER, , r , EVERYBODY'S 'LAWYER. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, ANALUA - BEE.popli; Fur guile at LEWIS'2Book Store.la TILE FAMILY DOCTOR,‘-; 'RAE, FAMILY - DOCTQR, : 7 ,1',11F, FAMILY - DOCTOR,, r ; :r . 11 y.A141 - .A Fur t.ale.at S,toro. EONOSTRETI.I HONEY-:BEE,. LONGSTRETIP ON' THE HONEVBEF., LO'NOSTRETH ON 'THE HONEVBEE'; II. . „ A VALUABLE:Eft:9.K-, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo;.f I' 7 l DOWNING on FRUIT andYlltrlt 'l i ttEEBr, DOWNING,on FRUIT-Rud FR ; UIT -TIME% DOWNING on FRUIT . 9611, FRUIT TREES f lA:tr4 I UABBE ror ittlo .at,LEWLS' :Rook Stoie, 11 - 91,VA . RD „A§SIaCXA.V i O T A Aerotene Inettintion ittabliebot by,;specinl'Etlektentettf, for Me Rchef of Me MC* and Distressed, iptieted faith Virulent and Epidemic Dieetuit. - and ;espenallit for' We Qere of DLceaees of the Sexual Organs: I Medicel.Advice given geniis; by the ActinSurgeon,..to all who epply,by letter, late description of their cyudi tiom (age, occupation, habits of We; &CO and InT.Eliseshl extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Vol noble Reports on.Spermator3licea, arid othet Disbavei of the Sexual Organs, and on the now Remedies employe4 in the Dispensary, sent to the aitiletol in solded 3 letter en. vcidpes, free of charge. Twu or three Stamps for, postege will be acceptable. - • =-= •- , r • Address, DR. J. SKILLEN It ODOIITON,,Acttog. Sut: goon, Howard Am:iodation, NA 2 . l3outh' Ninth Street,thil adelphla, Ya, , By ord.; or toe Directors. • EZRA D. If ADTlVNEL,'Fresielent.' OEO. FAIECMILD, :cet:Ctary. , Dec. /0, 1560.-Iy. • = = " -••• • .• - ";;-""," &iris t:: 'ACOB .LADOM US; _ -NO. 618, DIAIIKET STICEET, 1 as on hand and Is constantly recetting largeassormente of American, EtigUsk and Siart IViiteher,'whlch hd wilt sell at lower prices than ever orfered. J. b. would call particular attention to thechlobrated AMERICAN WATCH, which for accuracy of- tint* and data hilityrand leye,ltnbiliCy of getting outs( ordarasrlaperi or to auk - other Imported watch, ntadg ni abythitig liko the sarno coat: - Jcwolry,l3_llvcr n4'81111.4 • plated ITaro, of all et,) tee and plitterni. MOM Gold, Saw and Sled SYSicraelon with glasees for all eights, with PATENT, &I well as the old style Ironies. MI goods sold at my establtahment aro warranted lobs as representod, and satisfaction...tat:wan raid to all yorcharlrs, at 110. 018, Market Street,, Corner of Decatur. ' ' ' [qopt. 19, :18130,'-1y..., T • " ONG S Ii.VVBALVADS, '&0,•; RE The '6'entle..l.nnie‘ ltek . 2'he Dime Ifelodiik ic. T4y Dime -Song Book g The 04 , BOk.; The Dime Swiellifble,'.2l73: 3, -The ,Disse Song Book; .Yo. :TheliinU. Sony+ 861k,'.2yq :54 Sky The Dime:Lefler 'Miter,' • Th - e Dime Dream. ilea; ,`':, AI; - SPeakas," • 11 .5111 •!, • • The Miriefi'iiiir'44l-., ror:soro Boos.'SrevibmlT , riNi) Mune gtirit? • TAM Tnacin i g raper, „ 'Drawing Parr, Deed rapcc nano Patier, Spk Popqr NT,, Flower'', Perfordiad Papar, S . ' liriotol Board, Flat Call Paper, Foolscap Paper, Lefler PaPr, • •;• Commercial rate raper, „• • " - Ladies . 011PEdged Letter and Note . Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Notd - Pinier,-;•• White and Oolored Cdr l'acka and SheettZ For ;sale at i t EWle Book, galloniry , nnOluslc,Store. ; C . M; A at; the hew: CTICITH . INGENRE' of OUTMAN & artle‘le l of Clothing.. ,SterexeolUA,l l ol3lfaikew Ithkiding,An the Dtti motid;llethl 010th • . ... Sopt,9,lBo's OOTS;and;SIEtOES, -the? latest and jj, cbcareat. assortalent lu town, at „: • rt; • D P ,; 0P.MAR101:16.1n44, far 8111 At j..: Aprp.srArfamEatx . arp,444. 3300K5 ) , , ig,; k,i:tijs?'Voll t 'Af;n6e 4: ,s;n3cE. ME UM Fntt EVERII3ODY INII 1111111 =I9
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