The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 03, 1861, Image 2

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Friday, May 3, 1861.
NOTES, with a n niece of t $3410 Low.
JUDOM ENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and !Mainers of the Gospel.
of Assault and Battery, sad Affray.
MERE FACIAS, to recover =omit of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Ollco of
BLANKS, of every description, mined to order, neatly,
at short notice, and en good Paper,
The Progress of the War
The general readers of the leading
city newspapers all agree that The
Press of Philadelphia is the most relia
ble. It speaks by the book in the fol
lowing article, which we recommend
for a careful perusal by all true Union
men :
"Now that such arrangements have
been made as redder the capital per
fectly safe, no little cariosity is felt in
regard to the future movements of the
Government. Up to this time it has
acted purely on the defensive, and un
til peace and order are fully restored
throughout the whole country, it may
still, in the proper sense of the word,
be said to act upon the defensive—no
matter how many of the rebellious
States it may invade, nor how many
of their cities it may capture and hold.
The loyal citizens of our nation are in
many ways threatened with great in
jury by those who have taken up arms
against the Government, and it is
bound, at all hazards, to exert its full
powers to protect and defend them.—
Vast sums are due to Northern mer
chants which cannot, in the present
disordered state of Southern society,
be collected, and the payment of which
there are no existing courts iu the
South to enforce. Those who still
avow a feeling of loyalty to the Union
in the seceded States are threatened
with a destruction of their lives, and a
confiscation of their property, and com
pelled, against their will, either to take
up arms against the flag to which they
are attached or to abandon their own
homes. The Rebel organization at
Montgomery is employing all its arts
to attack the peaceable citizens of the
Republic, to possess itself of their prop
erty and resources, and to plunder our
commerce on the high seas. The pro
clamation of Jefferson Davis, author
izing this proceeding, has been before
our readers, and the details of this vast
scheme of piracy are familiar to
them. We can never submit to the
existence of a piratical nation on our
Southern frontiers. In the very in
fancy of our Republic, our first war,
after we had achieved our indepen
dence, was against those Powers of
Northern Africa who sustained a pi
ratical system in the Mediterranean
Sea. Through our gallant navy we
also broke up the piratical nests that
formerly fitted out expeditions to prey
upon the commerce of civilized nations
in the gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic
Ocean. - And now, if we had no other
cause of warfare with the Rebels, we
would find ample provocation for our
most resolute and determined exertion
to crush this audacious rebellion, in its
avowed purpose of throwing a flimsy
veil of legality over as fiendish, illegal,
and unholy a warfare against Ameri
can commerce as was ever conceived
by the Algerine or West India pirates.
Their attempt to completely isolate
the Federal capital, which for a period
was partially successful, and their sei
zure of all the Federal property that
they could possibly obtain, together
with their many deeds of fiendish bru
tality, warn us that they aro as bitter
and unscrupulous foes as our nation
has ever encountered. And now that
the tocsin of war has been sounded,
we must aim not merely at defending
the important posts which they have
not already seized, but at recovering
those we have lost; at protecting the
numerous Southern districts in which
a loyal feeling still exists; at blocka
ding the ports from which oar ene
mies propose to send forth their plun
dering and marauding cruisers; and
at enforcing the authority of the na
tion as far as possible over its whole
The plan of operations which Gen.
Scott devised in November last, for the
reinforcement of our forts, and for
holding in check at the very outset
rebellious ebullitions, may still, to a
considerable extent, be carried out,
although it will now require a much
larger expenditure than would then
have been necessary. With right and
might on our side, the traitors who
have arrayed themselves in arms
against our country must, and will, be
taught that its future destinies are.
completely in the hands of its loyal
population; that secession ordinances
are not worth the paper they are
printed on ; that the Federal authority
can enforce and command respect
from those who have hitherto despised
; that, whatever may be the result
of the first few battles that are fought
in the impending conflict, the eventu
al triumph of the national arms is ab
solutely certain; and that every foot
of the national territory which we
consider it necessary or desirable to
hold will be reduced to a complete
state of subjection,
We have heard from the rebel lead
ers an immense amount of cant about
the horrors of coercion - and civil war.
It rests with them, and not with us,
to decide bow far they may be aver
ted. Let them abandon their traitor
ous projects, and peace may soon be
restored. But a persistence in the ne
farious designs of which they have
given so many exemplifications during
the last six months will necessarily
call down upon their heads a fearful
but just retribution.
Air Young farmers, let us beg of
you, as patriots, if you are not called
into military service, to remember that
you can do no greater service to your
country than by pursuing your occu
pation with the utmost activity, and
producing abundant food for the sup
port of the army, the navy and the
country. We and you have our places
to fill—places as important as that of
the fighting soldier. Let us be ready
and fitted to go with all alacrity to the
battle-field, if needed, but meanwhile
to be as useful as possible at home. Be
careful of that undue excitement which
leads to drinking and idleness. "Life
is real, life is earnest," and we have no
time to trifle away in folly, while the
workshop and the farm are neglected,
perchance to bring the greater calam
ity of famine in the train of war. Let
it be our pride to serve as cheerfully
in the harvest-field as in the battle
field—as ready to exchange the bayo
net for the hoe, the plow and the reap
er, as to lay them down when needful
to seize the weapons of the warrior.—
All our hopes rest at last in tho produ
cer—the farmer and the mechanic.—
Let them be more than ever devoted
to duty now, and however prolonged
the struggle, our country's resources
may be unimpaired.
.tip" There is ample reason to believe,
after all, that there was heavy loss of
life among the Charlestonians in the
Ft. Sumpter affair. The N. Y. Tribune
of Tuesday publishes a circumstantial
statement of a drafted soldier who was
compelled to aid in serving the guns
at Moultrie, and who escaped since,
who puts down the loss of the traitors
300 or 400 killed and a large number
wounded—which fliets were carefully
concealed. A private letter received
in Pittsburg, by a father, from his son
in Charleston, also corroborates this
in the main particulars. Those fellows
lie About everything, and have done
so in this instance.
Far' "A :Vigorous War," is the unan
imous cry of the Union men and the
Union press, all over the country.—
The real Union men of Charleston,
Montgomery, New Orleans, Memphis,
Baltimore, Richmond—every city and
every section of the South—are just
as anxious to see the Secessionists put
down as those of the North. It is felt
everywhere in the South that Seces
sion rule is the rule of an oligarchy—
of a few scoundrels—backed by fraud,
swindling, and the force of military
power. They pray that the Govern
may not stop till it is put down.
Both Houses met in extra session on
Tuesday last. .After prayer, and the
reading of the Governor's proclama
tion convening the Legislature, the
Secretary of the Commonwealth was
introduced, Nvho presented a message
from the Governor, which was read.—
The message will be found in to-day's
Globe. On Wednesday the joint reso
lution from the Senate, that all legis
lation at this - extra session shall be
confined to matters referred to in the
Governor's Message, was taken up in
the House and adopted.
Wit` We see it stated that Wigihil
has sent his mother and children to
Boston for safety in these times of
trouble. Whether this bo true or not,
it is true, to our personal knowledge;
that Southern people are seeking, or
about to seek, an asylum in our Nor
thern cities ! What a grand tribute
to the spirit of Liberty ! of intelligent
edacated Freedom ! That even our
enemies feel that their helpless fami
lies will be safe among us, from injury
or insult, safer far than at home, among
their brutal mobs, or their ignorant,
degraded bondmen.
seT• "Virginia must bays Washing=
ton!" exclaims the Petersburg (Va.)
Express. Indeed we can't oblige you,
sirs. You were "a little slow," or you
might have put . us to the trouble of
taking it back, and settling you forev
er, with a million, if necessary, of bay
onets; but you are too late now, and
"can't come in,"
Those who have subscribed to the
Soldiers Belief Fund aro requested to
pay in twenty per cent. of their sub
scription, that amount being needed
for present purposes. It is hoped the
Committee will not be put to the labor
of calling upon the subscribers, but
that payment will promptly be made
to the Treasurer,
By order of the Committee,
DAVID SNARE, Treasurer
Friday morning, 8 o'clock.—
No fighting yet. Maryland fast com
ing over to the support of the Union.
The blockade of the Chesapeake is
vigorously enforced against Virginia.
A delegation of Union men arrived in
Washington yesterday, from Virginia,
having been driven out of the State.
A meeting of merchants in Baltimore
declared in favor the Union and re
building the bridges burned,
Extra Session,
Message of the Governor
Harrisburg, April 30, 1861.
To the Senate and House of llepresen-
Jives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyra
nia :
GENTLEMEN :—The present unpar
alleled exigency in the affairs of our
country, has induced me to call you
together at this time. With an actual
and armed rebellion in some of the
States of the Union, momentous ques
tions have been thrust upon us which
call for your deliberation, and that you
should devise means by legislation for
the maintenance of the authority of
the General Government, the honor
and dignity of our State, the protection
of our citizens, and the early establish
ment of peace and order throughout
the land.
On the day of my induction into the
Executive office, I took occasion to ut
ter the following sentiments :
"No one who knows the ,history of
Pennsylvania, and understands the
opinions and feelings of her people,
can justly charge us with hostility to
our brethren of other States. We re
gard them as friends and fellow-coun
trymen, in whose welfare we feel a
kindred interest; and we recognize, in
their broadest extent, all our constitu
tional obligations to them. These we
are ready and willing to observe gen
erously and fraternally in their letter
and spirit, with unswerving fidelity.
" Ours is a National Government.—
It has within the sphere of its action
all the attributes of sovereignty, and
among these are the right and duty of
self-preservation. It is based upon a
compact to which all the people of the
United States are parties. It is the
result of mutual concessions, which
were made for the purpose of securing
reciprocal benefits. It acts directly
on the people, and they owe it a per
sonal allegiance. No part of the peo
ple, uo State nor combination of States,
can voluntarily secede from the Union,
nor absolve themselves from their ob
ligations to it. To permit a State to
withdraw at pleasure from the Union,
without the consent of the rest, is to
confess that our Government is a fail
ure. Peimsylvania can never acqui
esce in such a conspiracy, nor assent
to a doctrine which involves the des
truction of the Government.. If the
Government is to exist, all the require
ments of the Constitution must be
obeyed; and it must have power ade
quate to the enforcement of the su
preme law of the land in every State.
It is the first duty of the national au
thorities to stay the, progress of anar
chy and enforce the laws, and Penn
sylvania, with a united people, will
give them an honest, faithful and ac
tive support. The people mean to
preserve the integrity of the national
Union at every hazard."
It could scarcely have been antici
pated at that time, that we should so
soon be called upon for the practical
application of these truths in connec
tion with their support and defence by
the strong arm of military power.
The unexampled promptness and
enthusiasm with which Pennsylvania
and the other loyal States have respon
ded to the call of the President, and
the entire unanimity with which our
people demand that the integrity of
the Government shall be preserved, il
lustrate the duty of the several State
and National Governments with a dis
tinctness that cannot be disregarded.
The slaughter of northern troops in
the city of Baltimore, for the preten
ded offence of marching, at the call of
the Federal Government, peaceably,
over soil admittedly in the Union, and
with the ultimate object of defending
our common Capital against an armed
and rebellious invasion, together with
the obstruction of our Pennsylvania
troops when despatched on the same
patriotic mission, impose new duties
and responsibilities upon our State ad
ministration. At last adviees the Gen
eral Government had military posses
sion of the route toWashington through
Annapolis; but the transit of troops
had been greatly endangered and de
layed, and the safety of Washington
,lmminently threatened. This
cannot be submitted to. Whether
Maryland may profess to be loyal to
the Union or otherwise, there can be
permitted no hostile.soil, no obstructed
thoroughfare, between the States that
undoubtedly aro loyal and their na
tional seat of government. There is
reason to hope that the route through
Baltimore may be no longer closed
against the peaceable passage of our
people armed and in the service of the
.Federal Government. But we must
be fully assured of this, and have the
uninterrupted enjoyment of a passage
to the Capitol by any and every route
essential to the purposes of the Gov
ernment. This must be attained, peace
ably if possible, but by force of arms
if not accorded.
The time is past for temporizing or
forbearing with this rebellion; the
most causeless in history. The North
has not invaded, nor has she sought
to invade a single guarantied right of
the South. On the contrary all polit
ical parties and all administration have
fully recognized the binding force of
every provision of the great compact
between the States, and regardless of'
our views of State policy, our people
have respected them. To predicate a
rebellion, therefbre, upon any alleged
wrong inflicted or sought to be inflicted
upon the South is to offer falsehood as
an apology for treason. So will the
civilized world and history judge this
mad effort to overthrow the most be
neficent structure of human govenment
ever devised by man.
The leaders of the rebellion in the
Cotton States, which has resulted in
the establishment of a provisional or
ganization assuming to discharge all
the functions of governmental power,
have mistaken the forbearance of the
General Government; they have ac
cepted a fraternal indulgence as
an evidence of weakness, and have
insanely looked to a united South,
and a divided North to give success to
the wild ambition of that has led to
the seizure of our national arsenals
and arms, the investment and bom
bardment of our forts, the plundering
of our mints, has invited piracy upon
our commerce, and now aims at the
possession of the National Capital:—
The insurrection must now be met by
force of arms; and to re-establish the
government upon an enduring basis
by asserting its entire supremacy, to
re-possess the forts and other govern
ment property 'so unlawfully seized
and held; to ensure personal freedoth
and safety to the people and commerce
of the Union in every section, the peo
ple of the loyal States demand, as with
one voice, and will contend for, as with
one heart:, and a quarter of a million
of Pennsylvania's sons will answer the
call to arms, if need be, to wrest us
from the reign of anarchy and plunder,
and secure for themselves and their
children, for ages to come, the perpe
tuity of this government and its he
nefieent institutions.
Entertaining these views and antici
pating that more troops would be re
quired than the number originally
called for, I continued to receive com
panies until we had raised twen ty-threo
regiments in Pennsylvania, all of which
have been mustered into the service of
the United States. In this anticipa
tion I was not mistaken. On Saturday
lust, an additional requisition was
made upon ,me for twenty-five regi
ments of infantry - and one regiment of
cavalry; and there have been already
more companies tendered than will
make up the entire complement.
Before the regiments could be cloth
ed, three of them were ordered by the
National Government to proceed from
this point to Philadelphia. -I cannot
too highly commend the patriotism
and devotion of the men who, at a mo
ment's warning, and without any pre
paration, obeyed the order. Three of
the regiments, under similar circum
stances, by direction of, and accom
panied by officers of the United States
army, were transported to Cockeys
ville, near Baltimore, at which point
they remained for two days, and until
by directions' of the General Govern
ment they were ordered back and went
into camp at York, where there are
now five regiments. Three regiments
mustered into service are now encamp
ed at Chambersburg, under orders from
the General Government; and five reg
iments are now in camp at this place,
and seven have been organized and
mustered into service at Philadelphia.
The regiments at this place are still
supplied by the Commissary Depart
ment of the State. Their quarters aro
as comfortable as could be expected,
their supply of provisions abundant,
and, under the instruction of compe
tent officers, they aro rapidly improv
ing in military knowledge and skill.—
I have made ,arrangements to clothe
all our regiments with tho utmost dis
patch consistent with a proper econo
my, and am most happy to say that
before the close .of the present week,
all our people no under arms will be
abundantly supplied with good and
appropriate uniforms, blankets and
other clothing.
Four hundred and sixty of our vol
unteers, the first to reach Washington
from any of the States, arc now at
that city; these are now provided for
by the General Government; but I de
sign to send them clothing at the ear
liest possible opportunity. lam glad
to be able to state that these men, in
their progress to the National Capitol,
received no bodily injury, although
they were subjected to insult in the
city of Baltimore, such as should not
have been offered to any law-abiding
citizen, much less to loyal men, who,
at the call of the President, had prompt
ly left their own State in the perform
ance of the highest duty and in the
service of their country.
A large body of unarmed men, who
were not at the time organized as a
portion of the militia of this, Common
wealth, under the command of officers
without commissions, attempted un
der the call of the National Govern
ment, as I understand, to reach Wash
ington and were assaulted by armed
men in the city of Baltimore, many of
their number were seriously wounded,
and four killed. The larger part of
this body returned directly to Phila
delphia; but many of them were forci
bly detained in Baltimore; some of
them were thrust into prison, and
others have not yet reached their
I have the honor to say that the of
ficers and men behaved with the ut
most gallantry. This body is now or
ganized into a regiment, and the offi
cers are commissioned; they have been
accepted into the service, and will go
to Washington by any route indicated
by the Federal Government.
I have established a camp at Pitts
burg, at which the troops from west
ern Pennsylvania will be mustered in
to service, and organized and disci
plined by skillful and experienced offi
I communicate to you with great
satisfaction, the fact that the banks of
the Commonwealth have voluntarily
tendered any amount of money that
may bo necessary for the common de
fence and general welfare of the State
and the nation in this emergency ; and
the temporary loan of five hundred
thousand dollars authorized by the Act
of the General Assembly . of the 17th
April, 1861, was promptly taken 'at
par. The money is not yet exhausted;
as it has been impossible to have the
accounts properly audited and settled
with the accounting and paying offi
cers of the government as required by
law, an account of this expenditure
cannot now be furnished. The Audi
tor General and State Treasurer have
established a system of sottlement and
payment, of which I entirely approve,
that provides amply for the protection
of the State, and to which all parties
having claims will be obliged to con
A much larger sum will be required
than has been. - distinotively appropria
ted; but I could not receive or make
engagements for money, without au
thority of law, and I have called you
together, not only to provide for a
complete re-organization of the militia
of the State, but also, that, you may
give me authority to pledge the faith
of the Commonwealth, to borrow such
sums of money as you may, in your
discretion, deem necessary for these
extraordinary requirements.
It is impossible to predict the lengths
to which " the madness that rules the
hour," in the rebellious States shall
lead us, or when the calamities which
threaten our hitherto happy country
shall terminate. We know that many
of our people have already left the
State in the service of the General
GovernMent, and that many ireare
must follow. We have a long line of
border on States seriously disaffected,
which should be protected. ' To furn
ish ready support to those who have
gone out, and"to protect our borders
we should have a well regulated mili
tary force.
I, therefore, recommend the .imme
diate organization, disciplining and
arming Oat least fifteen regimentd of,
cavalry and infantry, exclusive of those
called into the .service of the United
States; as w haie already ample
warning of the necessity of being pre
pared for any sudden exigency that
may I cannot too much impress
this upon you.
I cannot refrain - fromalluding to the
generous manner in which the people
of all parts of. the State have, from
their private means, provided Rir the
families of those of our citizens who
aro now under arms. In many parts
of the Commonwealth, Grand Juries,
Courts and municipal corporations
have recommended the appropriations
of moneys from their public funds, for
the same commendable purpose. I
would recommend the passage of an
Act legalizing and authorizing such
appropriations and expenditures.
It may be expected that, in the pre
sent derangement of trade and com
merce, and the withdrawal of so much
industry from its ordinary and pro
ductive channels, the selling value of
property generally will be depreciated,
and a large portion of our citizens de
prived of the ordinary means of meet
ing engagements. Although much
forbearance may be expected from a
generous and magnanimous people,
yet I feel it my duty to recommend
the passage of a judicious law to pre
vent the sacrifice of property by forced
sales in the collection of debts.
You meet together at this special
session, surrounded by circumstances
involving the most solemn responsibil
ities; the recollections of the glories of
the past, the reflections of the gloomy
present, and the uncertainty of the fu
ture, all alike call upon you to dis
charge your duty in a spirit of patri
otic courage, comprehensive wisdom
and firm resolution. Never in the
history of our peace-loving Common,
wealth have the hearts of - our people
boon so stirred in their depths as at
the present moment. And, Ifeel, that
I need hardly say to you, that in the
performance of your duties on this oc
casion, and in providing the ways and
means for the maintenance of our
country's glory and our integrity as a
nation, you should be inspired by feel
ings of self-sacrifice, kindred to those
which animate the brave men who
have devoted their lives to the perils
of the battle field, in defence of our na
tion's flag.
Gentlemen, I place the honor of the
State in
. your hands. And I pray that
the Almighty God, who protected our
fathers in their efforts to establish this
our great constitutional liberty—who
has controlled the growth of civiliza
tion and Christianity in our midst,
may not now forsake us; that lie may
watch over your counsels, and may,
in His Providence, lead those who
have left the path of duty, and are
actin g in open rebellion to the govern
ment, back again to perfect loyalty,
and restore peace, harmony and fra
ternity to our distracted country,
Important from Baltimore.
Three Union Meetings in Baltimore—
The Government Sustained and Gen.
Scott endorsed.
BALTIMORE, April 30.—The Union
sentiment, after being smothered for a
week, has made a complete and glori
ous conquest.
Three spontaneous Union meetings
Were held to-night in different sections
of the city. They were well attended.
Straight-out Union resolutions were
adopted in favor of sustaining the
Government; expressing approbation
for the course pursued by Gen. Scott,
and the determination to maintain the
honor of the national flag.
Union badges are becoming quite
prominent in the streets.
From Harrisburg.
ITAantsumto, April 30.---A bill will
be introduced in the House by Mr.
Ball, conferring power on the Govern
or to call out, in addition to the forty
regiments required by the requisition
of the President, fifteen other regi
ments at least, with the discretion, in
the caso. of .immediate peril, to call
thirty regiments, and with the power
to appoint a major general and two
brigadier generals, men educated and
bred to atlns.
The Senate to confirm the appoint
ments, and the major general to ho the
commander-in-chief of all the forces
raised or to be raised by Pennsylvania.
The bill also proposes an appropriation
of $3,000,000. Other provisions of the
bill relate to the advertisement for
supplies and the erecting of a medical
The fifteen or thirty regiments &di
ed, as the case may be, will be held as
a contingent military reserve, to be
sent anywhere needed; can be cavalry,
infantry, or artillery, as he may deem
A. new camp is to be established,
probably at West Chester.
The Chief Justice of Vermont, now
here, was in Richmond on Friday last,
and had a full opportunity of judging
the number of troops. Ile estimates
that there were then there about 11,-
000, and that 15,000 were in motion
south of that point for the North.
Over 5,000 men are now in camp at
Narrisburg. They consume daily 6,-
500 pounds of fresh beef, 6,500 pounds
of bread, 600 pannds of sugar, 300
pounds of coffee, 100 pounds of candles,
4 bushels of salt, and 13 bushels of
beans. Nat mare than 15 barrels of
mess pork have been used out of the
700 barrels sent here, the men refusing
to cat it. It is estimated that the cost
of subsistence alone is $1,200 per 'day.
It ay I.—A large body of carpenters
left here this morning, by the Northern
Central Railroad, to rebuild the bridges
burned this side of Baltimore. A body
of troops, from the camp at York, will
go along to protect the workmen - and
prevent further destruction' of the work.
Intelligence from Chambersburg and
York states that the camps there, are
in excellent order, and the troops are
rapidly becoming admirable soldiers.
Th 6 last requisition for troops has
been countermanded by the president,
This will be a terrible-damper to the
regiments now on their wily hither
from the interior.
The Anierienn Flag in Baltimore,
BALTnioitE, 3.1 v 1.--At noon the
- Stai 7 Sliangldd" Banner': Was --,
with great &Monet - rations, from
the Post Office and Custom - House; by
order; of the' newly appoirited'-oilleials,
Who to-day entered upon their kluticil.
large crowd assembled- in front of
the Custom House to Witness the flag
'raising. A. neW flag staff-was:ereCted
Over the - portico, and at preeisely-a
-quarter to 12 o'clock, Captain Frazer,
a veteran 'sea captain- of FeWs.Point, ,
to whom was assigned the honor, drew.
up the flag, which as it spread to the
breeze was greeted with 'treineud'ous
applause, the - waving of : bats, :and
cheers for the Union and: the old ;flag.
The crowd then joined iu singing the-
Star-Spangled Banner.
. „
Reinforcement of Fort Pickens--Re
turn of the Atlantic.
NEW YORE, May I.—The steamer
Atlantic arrived. :to-day, from Fort
Pickens, which she roinfbreed, success
fully, on the night of the 16th •ult.,
without accident.
The steamer Illinois landed her re
inforcements at Fort Pickens on the
19th. ; •
From Waohington..
WAsupturox,,Mayl.—All the south
ern journals roceived•here to-day t 3 tate
that large numbers, of rebel:troops are
gathering in the Seuthern cities, and
that free negroes are being impressed
into the Confederate.Seryiee. .
Letters received here to-day, from
Paris, state that the: French Govern
ment is fully posted on American af
fairs, and that no sympathy is felt for
the Confederate traitors.
Exiles from Virginia aro numerous
in Washington. Some of those seen
and conversed with by our informant,'
were men of means and substance,
who view with detestation and disgust
the mob law hy.whiCh the " Old Do
minion" is controlled, and,who are long.
ing for an advance, of Federal troops,
upon the soil polluted by the rebels
and traitors.
MowroomErtY, Ala., May L—Nothing
of general interest has transpired.—
Congress is mostly in secret session._
The first battallion of the third Ala
bama regiment left this morning for
Virginia. Two companies'of dragoons
are ready for POURP.COIit.
Citizena of Huntingdon or vicinity, or elsewhere In the
County, Who &afro to contribute anything that will ho
useful in Nur'. ling the run Wee of Volunteers. who hove
left their holue..l to defend our flag. coo do Co by sending
to any of the Committee appointed to Pato ellar,ge of and
distribute tuoney,or help contribute for sash purpr.o.—
The coutnattee cure, IV. It. 2E1131..E1t, •
A. W. Iikr.IEDIC%
.70/11 5 ;
TiM'th SN
4'l ,n) } ,
..G.~t"~1. ~Y
INtwtol) Ilnmllton,
6 01 Mt. Union,
Mill Creol
e 21 Muntlingilon, -
6 51tSpritee Creek,
7 15.Tyroile,
FOR torht
71. llelC4 MUIR,
7 45 Altoona,
Arrives at 1 00 P.M. I Departs at 130 r, u.
Oa taut after Monday, Nor, 20th, 1000, Passenger Train,
will attire atal &put as fallen s :
UP Tit Ams,
LenVl, Motltiplon at 7.20 A. M. A .15 P. 31.
Saxton . 9.10 A. M.
Arrive at Hollowell " 9.43 A. 31.
Leneo llopeaell at 10.20 A, M.
" Saxton " 10.55, A. M. ACMP. M.
Arrive nt lluutiotalou 12.55 P. 51.. t 8,30 P. M.
Nov. 24,1900. Stun
Respectfully in. V ,
forms tho T.adies of !Noting,ton and Gehl- 0
4 .&
ity that alto has removed to the room in the
Diamond. formally occupied lay T. P, Love, and has now
on hand a tine stock of
• • -
.21'eto Millinery Cowls of all Kinds.
The Ladies are requested to call and czantine toy Goods
Ilaintioplori, April 17, 1551.
Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the Baize'', or the
profebsional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to
the lawyer, the pollee of the Peace, the conveyancer, and
real estate broker, to the. alißessor, the banker, the clerk.
to the civil engineer and the surveyor, to the carpenter
and bricklayer, to the stone:union and the plasterer, to
the paper Itanger and upholsterer, td therver and the
tiler, an, &C.; each and all will Bad it adapted to their,va•
rims wants better thou any book published.
ariY• Price, 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Rook stare.
TUE PUDLIC ARE INVITED TO CALI, Iluntingdon, Dec. 26,1560.,
Apra 10, 14961
Apr 110 1861
$O./3134T 41N4,
Hill Street, one door ices; of arrmoris More,
trispyttiwit consists of
the neatest and best that could be found In the city, all of
uhlch ho will bike pleasure hi exhibiting, and making
up to order. cost nothing to call AO exxinillie
gmls. toll Coop.
liuntlogdon, April 6,1561.-6111;
. _
' l.l
.21.11 * d the Sacred -Place,i4uriounding, the
_ _
- • HOLY Y,'
The above work ' le commended to the faiyorable nOttte
of clergymen, awl those having charge of nundarichoolif
Bible..classes, and public inatitutions.
It is about 9 feet Wog and 0 feet wide, adored and v.
ttlehad, and motinted'ou canvas with rollers.
- - -
It lima been constructed from the most rellabla and au
therms sources, and-will be found an invaluable aid-to ,
those °nage., in lecturing on the Holy Laud, or in Im
parting Instruction to school 'classes on the subjcet tq
which it Mors. ' - • ' •
It aims to give on exact idea of the city as it appeared •
in aucient times. .111. token as a "bird's eye" or "bal• .
loon" view, the bebolder being, in imagination, placed'at
a considerable elevation, so no to take a comprehensive
view of tits city and the whole country for some 1118 1 / 1 11teg/
The viete le accompanied with ati Outline Key, In Which
the different localities are - numbered, atid' a Docriptive
Manual contnining all the information necessary to ena
ble ono to iI4O the view to advantage In teaching or lee.:
MO is a Weekly Religious Paper, publisher] at the very •
low price of ONE Duh LARA YEA It. It is de
signed for Parents, Teachers, and all lobo are engaged or.
interentetiln'therelfgfouritriffniniof 'the yoting. It is
also an excellent Funny Paper. - , -
A portion ottho SuadateScitod Times is - Occupied with,
Narratives and ether matter particularly interesting
young persons. Teachers will find in it much that they
will like toned to their clasies—interesting matter pre
pared to their bands, and such as they cannot find elate
where. Nor the same reagent members of iliblo•classes,
oud tile older scholers generally, will be greatly lament
ed by the perusal of this paper. -
The Sunday-Sch.:Kg Times has every week a report of
the choicent Wetter. selected front the Noon 'Prayer Meet
ings, which axe no Interesting to all classes of Christiana.
Resides a largo amiatot of general religious lutolllgence„
the Sunday-Schoot Times cant-rine all the Most recent Sun
day-school nous. It reports all the, important Conran.
tions'of Sundapichool teachers.' It 'alscus.sea quest ,
Maui which most Interest' and perplex
.teachera _and pa•
rents, respecting the various methods of•• Ite4itats Train. -•
Mg for the poling. Ilia 'toms of gaining the .attention
and uffectionv of children, and especially - of bemiring their
convention and bringing them to Christ. The subject - of.
Mission-Echouls for cities, and of Sonday-nehoel Inhofe:,
ary work for the interior, is thoroughly canvassed. In
deed, there in hardly a topic of practical importance to
any who are linterested in the subject of religious - edam.
Hon. which is not here brought under comdderation from
week to week. z • • • • ;• - . •
The conductors of this paper endeavor to reMember,thst
the gnat end of on Christina effort le to bring men a MHO...
They aim accordingly, to pot into °eery bomber' of 'the
toper something which shellbmve for Ito direct object the i
convereion of struts.'
The proprichirs of thd Sunday•Schod Times bare ate
toned the exclusive.right of sale of ;b8 ,splsodfd wor k
mentioned above, the 31. Ar OF ANCIENTJEItUSALE3I,
offer Ito, a special premium to three superintendent s,
teachers. or others, oho will assi st in, getting new sub- •
scribers to the paper. ; • ; '
We orkr this superb 'premium. to, any • one who' Will
send its the names of 12 new anbscribers and $l2 In 'cash.
air In every me, before beginning to comas, be tore
to write to us and obtain the necessary documents and ,
instructions. Those will help yon greatly In prosecuting
the work, and will ,taro you many inigitakee,- Enclose 6
cents to pay postage. Address
Peornirroas or Aim SushiL-?moot. Tixu,
, 148 South Fourth street, Philadelphia.
If. 8.-4. 4 preimens or the Sanday•School Timer, sod a
copy of the Map of Ancient Jerusalem, may he. sees at
the Bookstore of WM. LEWIS, Huntingdon.
April 10,1801:41. . . , I .
-------- ----
si. '
3tovooffniky Inform., }ho holies of llontingdon nod vi
cinity that she Itas ktit. opened A new dock of
OMAN, consisting of Bonnets. lints, Trimmings and a va
riety of Fancy f100d.,.'. Thu Make are requeste d to ca/I.
Goods sold 30 per cont. cheaper them heretofore.
Ladies...4moms of nil kinds made In the bed end Mod
thalliounblo style.
, ,
Remember the place, on Charles Street, opposite
thu Itapti4t
April 10 : - •
, - ,-.
• ILlqlt IrliuV -Miller, deed. •
Letters of administration en Iliaestate of Philip Walter,
fate oLillorris towship deed, haring beep granted to the
undersigned, nil persons haring claims against the istata
aro requested to present them to the puilersifilledi and nil
pardons indebted a ill make intmeatto pnyment.
B. F. BROWN, Mmin't
I If'(
oqi 4
.4 ,t;
2' • - :
April 3, /361.-Gt
' RCM It raps '
non ItEW3 .
ROB ith;tt'S
I , lcm:wit:AL CALCULATOR._
/.0 CA) I
9 47 ,
A Rant of Plain Rates and CalculationsThr „Business Ope
rations, by Martin 31. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and
thareyancer. New I:dition,pablished by J. B. Lippin
colt d (b., Philadelphia.
This work contain, 201 pages, and upuards of 500 Doles
and Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, such as
arise every day in the ConnnOn pursuits or Cosine”.
has already pained through a number of edition, in rapid
succession, and Is priiiiminced by all classes of business
men to be the lonolioSt book of rofero,co, pertaining to
calculation, that has over been published.
Every example in the hook is uorked out in full and
stated in n plain Inanlier. PO that when It parallel are ail
cos, those infers ing to the work will find no difficulty In
solving it; In a word, tie , general arrangement of Cie
CALCULATOR Is simple, that any ono who knows bow to
odd, subtract nnittioly and divide, can easily solve any or
dinary example that mince in bn•lncss, or arrive at the
true result Many estimate required.
TLu clihf olio of ilio author has been to eschew theory
and philosophy in figures, aindng only at facts andetrapll
city. believing that business men care tittle about open.
ding Hine in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the
science of figure% deeming It sufficient for their purpose
to be able at n moment, by reference, to arrive at thu true
remit. lie CA LC LTLATOIt differs in this respect (rem nil
oilier Aritlimetice of the day and kindred works—it is a
key to practical business calculannvs—it Is, in the hands
of the businessman, , Allat the key to la4thematicel work.
ill the bends of the teacher in the school room--it
hates tittle and (mutes col Teethe
Sfeasu'retnent of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Mick
Work, cf Stone nod Slime work, of grid,' and grain bins,
(groat and coal bins, of wood , of solid., of 'liquids, of elm
color, square or frrepinr vessels, of cisterns and vat., ne •
roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier% payer% plumb,
or'l, paper banger's and upholsterer? work. ft treats of
currency and of foreign and domestic 'exchange; at tlia
decimal system, of redaction and its extended application
to business, of amigo and compound. interest, and their
onthe application tObtolluess transielforil, with the latch
and usages governing tho' name, together with numerous
connnerciul forms—of legal tender, at Partial payment OR
notes, of banking and hunk discount, of enuntion of Pox.
merit and of partnorshintgebitiltS. of W , Se.r.e.f or lova. ,
of weights, and nuninifes, of square nod 'cubic inensuro,•of
the square loot and its application to bitsiness of winces, ,
of excavation, land of ninny -other 'lmportant practical
matters not within the scope of an advertisement to mon.
'Will open for the SUMS= Session, on NVednesday, May
lot, MOD.
Among the advauttigetioffetod by thislnstitntion Mat
be mentioned, a please: and healthful locatton, - conren -
ent arrangements for study and recreation. iu addition to
thorough Instruction In, the useful and , ofametital
branches of education..
?Emus PER Omslor 0? rzrz ticgrgsi
board, Rood; Light,•itc. , . $ 5O OQ
Tuition in-.tingiislA .litanottes,
~":0 00 to $l2 'OO
UP/Araie Alargera. ntilila far Uoa/C3DraleillgiFronetu
The Principal gives attention. tart class or yOung mer w :
whom he prepares for wiles°, for buslaoss, or the profes-,
elan of teaching. Apply to '
J. 13: XIDDER,
ghlrleyeburg, Apilll7, 1861.-3 t
* Wintlonr Curtain Papers,
cAssmenrs, and
/I.‘ T RlCifi, T
Juo.2, 1181.,-if:
GRAFFUS .47tic.ptfelor,.