The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 26, 1861, Image 1
THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Friday, April 26, 1861 LOCAL & PERSONAL Glorious Reception to the Soldiers by the People of Huntingdon. On Wednesday at noon, a telegraphic despatch was received at this place from Altoona, requesting our citizens to prepare some refreshments for a portion of a train of thirty-three cars of soldiers, who would pass hero at 5. 30 P. M. Long before th'e hour had arrived railroad street was a dense mass of living, moving, human beings, each one loaded with proviSions of every description, for the soldiers.— The train did not arrive, however, un til about an hour later than was expec ted. At last the shrill whistle of the locomotive was heard, and a train of sixteen cars was stretched along the street, and then, such cheering, such bursts of enthusiasm, we never before heard. Men, women and children, of every color, size, age, and description, rushed with eager delight, as a highly favored honor,- to supply the soldiers with something to refresh the " inner man." The shops on railroad street were also thrown open, free to all sol diers. For some time,no particular en thusiasm was apparent, except the con tinual hum always attendant in large crowds, until the soldiers had eat, drank and were satisfied, when the shouts that rent the air caused every heart to beat quick and fast,"and feel more de termined to protect and defend the stars and stripes, the Union and the Constitution. The soldiers then sang several national airs, very appropriate to the occasion, and all expressed their determination to stand by the flag of our country until their last breath, and some swore vengeance against Jeff. Davis, and expressed their determina tion to spill his heart's blood. One of the soldiers informed us that Mr. Pen ny of Pittsburg, offered him $50,000 for Jeff. Davis' head, and he meant to take it to him. They gave three cheers for the ladies of Huntingdon, and not a few of them remarked that they had received better treatment from our citizens, than they every got anywhere before. We have neither time nor space to give a correct description of all that transpired, during the twenty minutes they stopped with us; but suffice it to say, we never saw so much excitement as prevailed. Tho ladies, Gun BLESS TIIE3I, ministering angels of love and peace, left nothing undone to satisfy the wants of our soldier guests, and one and all bid them God speed in their noble mission. They were all front the Western part of the State.— A great many of them wore the shirts seized at . Pittsburg, a short time ago, and appeared quite proud of them. We return our thanks to Lieutenant Griffith, of the Washington In vi eibles, fbr the trouble he took to furnish us with a correct list of the names of the different companies, which we give be low, and hope he may return home safely, after bravely defending the Stars and Stripes, as we feel assured he will, from the short acqtritintance we have with him. The names of the companies are as follows: City Guards, Duquesne Grays, Washington Infantry, Jackson Blues, Lawrence Guards, Washington Elvin cibles, U. S. Zouave Cadets, Union Ca dets, Firemen's Legion, Butler Blues, Fort Pitt Guards, Monongahela Artil lery-12. Some half an hour later, the other two trains, making in all thirty-three cars, passed through, only stopping long enough to,take in wood and wa ter. A FEW 'nouns Ar lIARRISBURG.—WO ran down to Harrisburg on Wednes day last—visited Camp Curtin, where we found some thirty-five hundred soldiers drilling and preparing for ac tual service. During the day and night some two thousand more brave fellows arrived—several companies of those arriving at midnight from Pitts burg, Armstrong and Washington . counties, took up their quarters in the Lutheran Church until morning. In answer to questions whether they had had their supper, several remarked that their entire train had been fed by the people of Htmtingdon and that they would not soon forget such kind ness. Of course we did not deny being a citizen of the ancient borough, At 3A. H. Thursday morning, we we took the train for home, leaving the streets as full of people and as noisy as is usually the case in daylight in ordinary times. DISAPPOINTED.—The companies now ready in this county, are anxiously waiting ibr a second requisition from the President. We understand that six companies are now full and ready to march. Two from the lower end, two from Huntingdon Furnace, one from Barree and Sachson, and the second from Huntingdon. Boys, you'll . all have a chance to serve your coun try and that before many days. Be ready. Zeir The Standing Stone Guards were stationed in Havre de Grace on yesterday. They may not be there now, as the movements of Regiments are very sudden. A NEW STYLE OP NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES-" red, white and blue"— fOr 6419 T4t, Lewis' Book Store-, 4Eir A beautiful flag was hoisted over the Catholic Church, in this place, yesterday. • If the Stars and Stripes are an emblem of our devotion to the Union and Constitution, then Hun tingdon can boast of as much devotion and love for the Union as any other town M the State, for every house, store, hotel, shop, and shanty, for miles around, has one or more flags floating proudly in the breeze; and as long as we have breath, we hill cry— " Forever float that standard sheet I • Where breathes the too bet falls before us ? With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner x as tug o'er us I" Report of Coal Shipped over the H. & B. T. R. R. during the year, and for week ending Wednesday, April 24, 1861. Proof- Colliorles. Week I ously this Year. Operators Mare Towel, 'Barnet, Hero Pone!, Poweiton, A. Patrick, Jr., No.l, R. B. Wigton, Prospect, 11. It. 'Wigton, Chß, It. It. Wigton, Fulton Vein, I P.. 13. Wigton, 'Dudley Slope, David Blair, Blair, Dash! Blair, IL T. imp't Co. I'. Ammerman, Semi-Alan. Co., B. L: Meg:khan, Nlooredalc No.l, John Taylor, Itlddlesburg, George Meats, (Brood Top, ME! TO THE LADIES or HUNTINGDON-- It appears from a letter received from Wm. Shimp, Superintendent of Army Stores at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, that the four boxes of provisions sent to the Standing Stone Guards by the Ladies of this place, did not arrive ht Camp until after the company had left. The Superintendent very proper ly handed oVer the supplies to the Union Guards of Petersburg, comman ded by Capt. Johnson, who for himself and his men, wishes to return thanks in this public manner to the Ladies of Huntingdon for the provisions which were banded over to them. HOME GUARDS.—The first company of Home Guards was organized last night, by the election of the following officers : Captain, Win. Dorris, Jr.; Ist Lieut., John Scott; 2d Lieut., J. Simp son Africa; Orderly Sergeant, George W.. Garrettson ; Ensign, David Me -I.llurtrie. Tho company will meet in the Dia mond, this Friday evening, at o'clock All who wish to join the Home Guard are requested to attend and give in their names. FLAGS AND BADGES.-A supply .on hand at Lewis' Book Store. REvor.vEns.—The latest improved for sale at Brown's Hardware Store. OUR CORRESPONDENCE. esssvlLLE, April 22d, 1861 FRIEND LEWIS : For several days back, our little village has been thrown into an unusual excitement. The sur render of Fort Sumpter, was received by the citizens of this community with great chagrin and disappointment.— They arc all union men here, and manifested that disposition, by raising a union pole on Saturday, 20th inst., about 102 feet high. Owing to some mismanagement, the flag did reach its destined point, but after hard work ing, it was got partly up. The flag is a beautiful piece of work manship, and was made by the ladies of our village There was about two hundred people assembled to see the pole go up. Smith Valley was repre sented by a wagon drawn by six large horses. Trough Creek was repre sented by a wagon drawn by eight beautiful horses which were decorated with small flags. I observed the fol lowing significant inscription on one of the flags, on one of the front horses, " The Union must be preserved."— After the flag had been run up, Rev. C. Graham delivered an able and elo quent address, which elleited• univer sal applause. At the conclusion, ofthe speech, twelve hearty cheerwere then given. Three for the speaker, three fbr the Stars and Stripes, three for the.ladies . who made the flag, and three for the youno• ' . man who so gen erously climbed the pole to adjust the ropes before running the flag up.— ' After this the people diSPersed quietly and peacefully to their respective homes. .Tho Star Spangled Danner, Oh! long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the breNe.' OCCASIONAL. NOTICE.—The undersigned gives notice that they intehd closing up their business at Coffee Ren, and Newburg, owing to the heavy loss which they recently met with, and a de sire to settle their business. In closing their business, they hope that they will not lose the confidence of the people for so doing, as they expect to open out soon again, or no soon as the difficulties which now surround us are settled. All persons indebted are requested to call and settle immediately and those hav , lug. claims will present them for settlement. 'SIMON COIIN & CO. Coffee Run, April 25, 1861.—tf. To M FRIENDS.-I am sorry to close my business, but circumstances compel me to, much against my will. I sincerely thank my friends and the public for their patronage, and hope that I will not lose their confidence by the step I am now taking. I believe it better to close, as I am called to defend the Stars and Stripes, and shall act accordingly. If I should never get back, I take this occa sion to bid my friends one all, good bye.— Those who I am indebted to, will please call and. I will settle with them. WILLIAM MARCH', of the Firm of Cohn & Co Mewburg,•April 24, 1861. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP.- PRANK GERLACH & BROTHER Inform the people generally that they have opened a shop and have commenced the BLACKSMITIIING BUSINESS in all Its a adous branches. They have both land many years expeilenee in the business and they feel confident in being able to to give general satisfaction to all Who may give them work, They will make or repair any kind of tools, wagon work horse shoeing, and all other kind of iron work. Their work will be well done and cheaper than can ho had in town. Their shop Is on the soutiveast coiner of Montgomery and Zittlin streets. Ifuulingdou, April 2, 1861.-3m.* JACKSON HOTEL, lILINTINODOI4, PA. GIRAFFES MILLER, Proprietor IF you want handsou e Goods, good Goods, cheap Goode, and all kit 1 of Goode, goto 0. P. all'a s GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of l'atllotagg and Operative Surgeryin Use l'eleroutry 0.111,ge of Pitatic/phill, etc, ete. •—•—••-•-• WILL TELL YOU Of the I:It igin, liistory and distinctive traits of the sat lone breeds of Enropeath Asiatic, African and American Rases, with the physical formation and pe- culiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of his teeth; illuattateti with numerous explanatory engravings. TIIII HORSE AND HIS DISEASES MIL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming, Shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit. ing. Restlessness, and other vices to • ' which ho is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings. TILE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES TILL TELL YOU Of the cauSes,symptoma,md Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza; Leonchitis, Pneu monia, Pleurasy, Broken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring and Whistling:tam ps/I, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and De cayed Teeth, with other diatoms of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. Total Tone this Year. 4984 17494 2002 62 - 8 3012 620 4364 1782 15712 127 2775 266 5952 78 3964 TIIE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES SILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms,and Treatment of Worms, Bots, Cliche, Strangulation, Stony Conerttious, Ruptures, Palsy, i hea. Jaundice,llepatirilum,llloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Blad der, Inflamation and other diseases of tiro • Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Uri nary Organs. 00 190 2'oo 300 i 1912 901 1762 80 986 17 333 186 2634 2090 2212 1557 57 3.0 2709 TILE lIORSE AND MS DISEASES PILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bono, Blood and Bog, Spavitt, king Bone, Susanio, Stratus, lhaltyn Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Clacked Hoofs. Sole llniise and Gravel, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims., Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of tho Feet, Legs, anti Head. ME IME THE HORSE AND ms DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat: went of Fistula Pull Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet ilever, Mange, Set felt, alelsedJaiv.llheuntatiant Craniltd3allq, Thstases Of the' Eye and Heat t, En. and bow to manage Castration, lllced tug, Trephining, Et ,,, Eatt , Fn tog , Iles uia, AmputAtion, Tapping, and oth er surgical operations. I=l WILL TELL YOU Of 'Corey's Method of taming Jim see; bow to Approach, Halter, or !Male n Colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and nights, and how to Bit, ;addle, Bide. and :beak him to Harness; anise the Twin and law of WARIUNTY. The whole being the re sult of 15 yearn' careful study of the habits, peculiarities, wants and weak nesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 351 pages, opprom lately illustrated by neatly 100 Engravings. It is printed inn a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any oddness, postage pool, inn necuipt of prise, hall bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO A YEAR ran ho made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other popular aortas of s. Onr inducements to all such are exceedingly litter. al. For tangle copies of tine Book, on for terms to Agents, en till olinet infuunation, apply to or address lIMIN E. PO'rfElr. Publisher, No. 617 Sanscon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nor. 7, 160. Om. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A iTALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LoNasTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, Fre- at LEWIS' Book Store. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC, AND THE OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC, FOR 1561. PULED WITH IMPORTANT INFORMATION, I= Philadelphia Advertisements. 'TOWARD ASSOCIATION , Phil ualnas Benevolent Instantion established by special Endowment. for the Relief of the Sid and Digressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Dioceses, and espeoully for the Cure of Dkaser o 1 the &xical Organs. - - Medical Advice gh Ell gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by latter, id) description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of Ilfe, 5.c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reign to on Spermaton ham, and other Diseases of the Sexual Ut guns, abut on the stow iteniedies employed in the Dtbponsary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Too or thine Stamps for postage spill be acceptable. Address, Dlt. J. SHILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howald Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of tie Ditectins, EZRA D. 11Alt.TWELL, Peesidene. GEO. FAIIICHILD, katelary. Doc. 19, 1560.--Iy. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. AGENTS WANTED, In every County of the United States, to engage in the sale of EOM° of the best and must elegantly illusttated Works published. , Our publications Me of the most Interesting character, adapted to the limits of the Fourier, Mechanic and chant; they are published in the beet sty to and bound In the most substantlarmaiiner, end m e worthy n place in the Library of every Household in the Land. .12 . 4 -- To men of enterprise and Indust' runs habits, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. ta,, Persons desiring to Oct as agents will re:elve promptly by mail full particulars, terms, &c, by address ing LEAItY. tIETZ & Co., Publishers, N 0.2.2! North Second Sit eet, Philadelphia "N0v.14,1860 yr..„ CHEAP "WATCHES T. E 4 CHEAP WATCHES! I 1 .1- ACOD LADOMUS, NO. 618, MARKET STliltflT, PHILADELPHIA, I as on band and is constantly receiving largo assorrneutg of American, English, and Sulos Watches, which he still sell at loner paces than ever offered. J. L. would call particular attention to the celebrated AMERICAN Woven, which for accuracy of time and dura bility, and lees liability of getting out of order, is superi or to any other imported watch, made at anything like the same cost. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. AT.5O • Cold, Sam,. and Steel Spectacles, with glasses for all sights, with PATENT, no well as the old style frames. All goods sold at my establishment are warranted to be as represented, and satisfaction gnaran• teed to.all yuralouiera, at NO. 018, Market Street, Corner of'Decatar. [Sept. 10, D NEWELL'S' A) _IA EIIOTOGRAPII GALLERY, /Vb. 724 Arch Sired, Phladelphia. Ono of the largest and most complete Galleries In the States, ashore the best Pictures, known to the rho• tographie art, are taken at prices no higher than, are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Phobsgrapher, attends per sonally, every Killing—and allows no pistol . ° to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, of absentor deceased friends, photographed to any required sire, or takes on Canvass, life size, and painted in Oil by the best Artists. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— as perfect lo cloudy dale as when thu sun shines. - Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our specimen?, which for price and quality defy competition. Ara-Instructions given in the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, GALLERY OP ARS 724 Arch Sheet, Philadelphia COMNIDNDATIONS : From lion. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. My family and ft lends all concur to the opinion that the (Neu ell) picture le morn lifelike than any thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by dd ferent Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had ono which presents so true to nature, all the features and expiesslous of countenance as this. From Hon. E. To.!, Morris, late Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty nod softness of your por traits, conjoined with their durability of eolor nod faith fulness ns likenesses, cannot fail to commeml them to the attention and patrunage of all who appreciate true art. From Col. James Page. Having occasion for a portrait, I procured ono from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature In Oil Colors, under the new process discovered by hem, and take great pleasure in expiessing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but Its art's• tic finish in all respects, and recommends him to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. FOY. 2h, MO JAB. Pau, LEWIS' BOOK STORE COMP TO THE NEW STORE FOR CIIEAP ISAIMAINS. NEW GROCERY CONFECTIONERY BEM Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and i 4 dotty, that ho has opened a new Grocery and Confection ery Store in the basement, under Gutman & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and would moot respectfully re quest a ober() of public patronage. llis stock consists of all kinds of the BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c., Flab can be had at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM will be furnished regularly to parties and individuals, at his room. • Huntingdon, Sept. 21, 1860. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. DANIOAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St, one door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, where he has on hand a lai go h9901t meta of primo Cigars and To bacco, which be mill sell either ssholesale or retail. Store keepers, shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the weed should call. Ills prices nro low. Call and see, Huntingdon, Nov. 7,1800. NEW GOODS AGAIN. THE PLACE TO CALL IS AT G. A. MILLER'S STORE GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS& CAPS. FRE3II CONFECTIONARIES', LC., AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! AND AS GOOD AS TILE BESTI G. A. Miller has I.IOIV on band a well selected stock of fresh Groceries, Dry Goods, Confectionaries, Hats & Cops, Boots St. shoes, Notions, Sc., all of which ho is toady to dispose of at tensonable The public genet ally aro Invited to call and examine his good, Thankful for the patronno ho has received, he respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. Store scour in the old Tcinperance hail, ➢fain street Don't miss the llunting don, 1..,..ept. 24, 184‘. NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE HOUSE: A NEW Pocetr Misutt, of Rural A rch itec titre ; or, How to Build Dwellings, Barns, :Rubles, and Out Duollings ol all hinds, With a Chapter on Churches nod School-Houses. Price, 60 cents. TIM GARDEN: A NEW POCKET MANtrtv, of Practical Ilor• ticulture ; or, Cow to Cultivate Vegetables, Ft tuts, a n d flowerl. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and flu oba. Pt Ice, 50 route. VIE FARM: A NEW POCK= I\ 10113 k.S. of Practical Agri culture; or, Ilea to Cult irttto all the Field Crop, With an Essay on Fat m Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMA! S: A New POCKET Muctm. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep husbandry; or, How to Brood and Rear the Valk,. Tenants of the 821.111-yard, etc., etc Pt ice, CO cents. DOW TO TALK: Niw POCKET MANUAL of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style. and mote than Five Hundred Common Mts. takes Con ected. nice, 50 cents. 110W' TO lIIMAVE: A NEAT POCKET MANWL of Repot)lt can Etiquette, and Guido to Correct Pcimolai Ilabits; mall Rules for Debating Societies and Dolibunniso As semblies, etc. Nice, 50 cents. , HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Ncir PooKET 111 SEUL 01 Pt octical Affairs and Guido to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Forms, awl a Dictionary of C 0.,.• mercial Term, etc. Price, GO cents. F RANKLIN HOUSE, IX THE DIAMOND, 11UNTINUDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, mid stranttets and trnlelera gt•nerally, 101 find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. (Am(' 4, 13611.1 ..,-, - *0 r, Pi Z: 1 x - t-, '-'i r) r. EA CI rr ITI r r". 4 r 1 E .e r2 l O c=. ,„vo .44,4111 WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANL:CROSBY, OF SRS FRILADXLPUIA DAR It Tells You How to draw sip PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general tiaras ler ACIESEDIENTS of all kinds, Pius of SOLE, LE SSI_S and PErmoxs. .11 Tens You Slow to thaw up Downs and nowroaags, AF- FletviTS, POWERS Of ATTORNEY, NOTES and 13ILLS of Excn tone, RECEIPTS and 'LEGE kSES, It Tells You The laws for the COLLECTION Of DEPTS. With the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of proi,erty Exesuer hoot EXECU -1100 in every ante. It Tells You now to make an ASSIGNMENT properly, as MI forms for Coliseum,/ w ith CitroiTimS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. IL Tells You The legal i clations existing beta, on Du AR DIAN and WARD, MASTER nod APPRENTICE', nod LANDLORD and TEN lot. Tills You What constant. LIIIEL nod SLANDER, and the Law as to MARRIAGE DOWER, the Wires Simile IN PRoPEETT, DivaricE and A LimeNT. It Tells You The Law for hILCIIANIC.S . LIENS in Ochry State, and the nalnlAtratlON LAiss of this coun try, nod bow to comply malt the same. It Tells lOU The law concerning PENSIONS find 110 W to ()V -iotti one, and the PRE-EMPTION LAWS to PUBLIC LANDS. It Tells You The Law for PATENTS, with midi of prose. dire in obtaining One, is itiaNTERFERENCES, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE or FEES. It Tells rim How to make your WILL, and 110 W to ADMIN ISTER ON AN ESTATE, R with the fuse and the requirements thereof its every State. It Tells You The meaning of LAW TERMS in general use, and explain, to you the LEOISIATivE. EXE CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Towels of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells noll 110 W TO KEEP SET OP Lou, by showing how to do }our business legally, thus ear Tog a Vast amount of property, and 1, exatious litigation, by its timely consul tritium Are"Es erybody's Law) ei is for sale at LoWis Book Store A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for Li_ sale cheap, at D. P. EINTIIs;',4. CLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and lJ Diathug, cheap at D. P, GWENT. YOU will find the Largest and Best assortment of Ladies' Dress goods at D. P. QWtN'S. TjARC II MENT DEED PAPER ruled, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WINDOW 'SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS,. &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome amortmentjnst received and for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY A MUSIC STORE DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual- Al only 50 eta. each. FISHER & SON. COAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, for 75 cents and upwards, at the Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN. THE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. WIN'S LADIEKSKATES are sold by FISIIER & SON A fine stock of Ladies' Airs just receiv ed at tho cheap store of FISUEIt & SON. Alarge assortment of Nubias, Opera Cops, Swans, suitable for 'Mies and children, by NISILER R SON. THE largest stock of De Laines in town by MOSS .4 SON. WRAPPING A good article ll fo l r sato at LEWIS' BOOK STOKE BUTCITER-KNIVES and. Carvdrs,in great variety, for solo at the Hardware store of JAMES A. BROWN. TliF 4 best display and largest variety of • all kinds of Goods, can always ho found at the cheap store of FISHER 44 SON C°N"ECTIONERIES of the very best Call nt MILLER'S. 1 - 1 P. GS\TIN keeps the largest ) best assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and examine them. SCHOOL BOOKS, Generally in nee in the Schools of tho County, not on hand, will ho furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. lALL at D. P. GWIN'S if yon want Fashionable Goode. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. ‘l9ritteP:"'AMii• Loi 1, 4Z, SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK EST IN TI4IE BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG I VIA READING, ALLENTOIVN AND EASTON. MORNING 'EXPRESS, West, leftVeS New York at o A. arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 6( hours be tween the two cities. . MAIL LINE leaves Now York at 12.50 noon, and arrives at iferrisburg at 8.30 P. M. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A M., arriving at New York at 4.30 P. M. AFTERNOON REPRESS LINE. EASI, leaves lierribburg at 1.15 P. M., arriving at New York at DM P. 51. Connections aro made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. H., with the Passenger Trains in each direction on filo Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Na, thorn Central Railroad. . . All Mins Calumet at Rending with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manch Chunk, Easton, Ice. No change of Passenger Cars or'Daggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 000 A. M. Lino from New York or the the 1.15 P. M. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, add speed, comfort and accom medation, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between Nose York and Harrisburg flee dollars.— For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. July 18, 1801 PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 Two passenger trains leave Han isbarg Daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. 11., and 1.15 P. 51. ' for Philadelphia, arch ing there at 1.25 P. M., and 6.15 P. AL Retaining, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 51., and 330 P. M., anteing at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 8.30 P. DI. Pares: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars ; $3.20; N 0.2 (in saisa• train, $2.70) Fares: To Reading, $1.60 end $1.30 At Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners. villa, Tamaqua. Cata,niasa, Pour trains bravo bleeding for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A. 31., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. 31. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M.,1.00 P. IL, 3.10 P. IL, and 6 00 P. Fates: Reading to Philadelphia $1.75 and $1..45. The morning ti ai II from Harrisburg conurcta at Reading with up train for Withesbat to, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply to J.J. CLYDI, General Agent. ED= ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- ROGER C. McGILL, manufacturer of all kinds of coatings, forgo and rolling mill, mist and saw mill, thrash. ing machine, sled and sleigh soles, n non boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles. plough shears to suit ell kinds of ploughs; also, ear wheels and railroad work, and has a new and imprcaed plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that lime used them. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher Huntingdon. nod at Mr. George Eby's, 51111 Creek, mud will fill all orders promptly. The farmers will save money by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at the foundry head-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, takeri In exchange.— ing the pay and save ten per emit. R. C. McGILL. Alexandria, March 7, IMO. 41 ; "op) (1) .(Q(y c ‘QUICK SALES Anybody in want of HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OTHER EU EARLE AND INTERESTING BUOY, CIIIIRCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, guitar, tee., &c., POCZZT BOOKS, YORTDIONNAIES drill PUltar.9, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, S.C., ALL 'KINDS OF BOOKS WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &0., BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books' of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drawing and loietng :Taper, Bridal and and Boards, INDEMOLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND BLACK INKS, Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrison's Wrapping raper of Different Sizes and Q.. Utica, IMM:3ll=l!=i CHEAP Ben, STATMERT AS➢ 31,11E1C STORE, In the "Mahe" building, Market Square, SONGS AND BALJADS, FOR EVERYBODY The Gentle .4nie Melodist, The Dime Melodist, Pile Dime Song Book, A' 0.1, The Dime Song Book, No. 2, Pke Dime Song Book, No. 3, The Dime Song Book, E. 4, The Dime Song Book, No. The Dinie Song Book, No. 6, The Dime Letter Triiter, The Dime Dream Boole, The Dinie'Dialogues, The Dime Speizker, The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For solo RE LEWIS' Bpoir, STATIONERY AND NORM STORE HARRISBURG STONE-WARE ! ! ! Crocks, Jugs, Proservo Jars ho., h0.,0f superior quality. bold only by . JAIIES. BROWN CARPET Sacks and Fancy 'Baskets at s crriTtrg, 1 riir ~,, 11 v.; .. 1 11 1" ,A 0 1 1 1 1111?; 11 `,FS T . ii,ii•l „:. . 0 , ...,A, st 4 „ '5, d'' '`*, 4 : 1, ' ...c: " 7:1 ;0 e '' " 0"."‘t".: ' 4'l ' : 11, ir: '-, ‘f.A $ le ; d ', 11 1:141141 ?/- ',;) S N, ' 'l , l .111 44, 1 ",',A . , :404? ? , 04 4'4 41;-.141!44 ./ -''Se, ''' 11 4 ,1- N ,41, 1 1 ab 4 -. 0 14 , .11,rr4i.,f1,19 ij A: )4 W 1 0•),,, , c,4j,' i : ~1 ) :Ar . 14 , 4 ', 0 0 "4 1' 4 7, , '' , ,r,•..• ••- .-• 4' " l io i t 4i. '' / 1 j ' ' ' .l '• • i l''' ~. ._:;• r . . .., -. .,-- ,-, ..y.: 1 f~~llj~'ji' ~~~• ,;~l h J;' r ,' ~~, i , ;;H ~~; i ,A p o,f Itllir , Ill! , ~... SMALL PROFITS!" FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTUU3IENTS, For Ladles and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, For Suudny and Common Schools, Proper for Boys and C irts AMUSING GAMES For Young Folks. bIAiIItIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CA EDS, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG DOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents DIARIES FOR 1860 WHITE BONNET BOARD, WRITING FLUID &c. RC. Jtc =I LEWIS' whom all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases PROFESSIONAL do BUSINESS-CARDS Air MEGAHAN & CO., 11Imora and Peale. in Broad Top Coal. B. L. illegaltan, General Agent, AlcConnollatown, lluntingdon county, Pa. nAVID BLAIR, Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Coal. oMco Hun tmgdon in. et A. MILLER, T. Dealer In Groceries, Confectionaries, Ac.. &c DR. JOHN Mee ULLOCII, offers 'his professional services to the Cltizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. 0111ce on 11.111 Blunt, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, 'B5. T S. MILLER, • Proprietor of tho Exchutgo llotol Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi • eines, Perfumery, Dye Ruffs, Oils, &e. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, &c., ILu.lOllOOll, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Booke, Stationery and Musical maim ments, Huntingdon, Pa. J M. CUNNINGHAM. &BRO. a Founders, Huntingdon, Pa JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Ilarduare, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, ilunt ingdon, , ROMAN, „ Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Ilattiona Caps, hoots and Slices, fee. TENJ. JACOBS, Jul Dealer in Day Condo, Ready Mode Clothing, Grocer lee, Queen9unre, &e. &c. MT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready tun& Clothing. Huntingdon, Pa. TA P. G.WIN, j e Dealer in Dry Goods,Oroceries, Hardware, Queens ware. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. T 1.4 ISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c., Huntingdon, rit. T EV' 'WESTBROOK, I:a Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lertbor, etc. TOSEPH REIGGER, - Watelnnalter and dealer In Wotan, Clack; awl Jew eh y, &c. yArm. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. JOHN F. 11AMEY, County Surveyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill Street, ono door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. Renal..Noes—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia: J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley., Rough and Ready Furnace, lion. Jonathan IdlVllliamv. RICHARD LANGDON, Miner and Dealer in Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3, 'sB.' A ➢MERMAN & CO., Miners and Deal a_ ere in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, 'Huntingdon 'co., Penna. [N0v.3,1858. WrCOUNTRY DEALEIRS can buy CLOTHING fitiin me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALIi as cheap as they cau in the cities, as I have u wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14,1859. 11. ROMAN. TA RY GOODS !—A fine assortment on hand for the neconunodation of eustorners, at BENJ JACOBS' "Cheap Corner," Market Stinure, (oct2S ) TONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place In town. H o K. Nlll'F, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Omer, 11111 street, opposite Dr. Loden, of his profes sionnt set vices to tae citizens of Huntingdon end vicinity April 13, 1831. p ALLISON MILLER, Bu e DEIVTIST, Iran romeNe,l to the Brick Itow opposite the Court House. April 13, 1559, JOON SCOTT. B,OIULI. T. DIIOVN. , J. U. 0. COMM TAW PARTNERSHIP.— ,". 11. 0. Comm: bas, from thia dote, become a nem f the firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ntimnsanox, in mbielt name the business Hill still be conducted Huntingdon, Jun. 2,1860. 2:l ‘ ,T e . VIOLINS, G UI TARS, SYMPIIONUNS, ACCORDION AND FINES. For sale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A: MUSIC STORE. M AFRICA 11.15 AGAIN COMMENCED THE BOOT .A.ArD SHOE-MAKINO, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. His ' old customers nml the public getMrally, will give him a call. [ltuutingdou, Oct. 20;18551 ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have purchased the ALKNANDRIA BREWERY and will continue the Mishima, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will ho promptly attended to. ROTHROCK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1860. WM. N. KIRBY. 4 3 - G 7„. • - ),. I .1 • -- ' T""GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is, the most complete of any in the country, and pm stones the moat ample facilities for pi omptly executing to the Pm style every variety of Job Pi lilting, such 09 HAND PILLS, - PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS,• &C., &C., &C CAI.[. AND F.5.1.311NK HPECIMENS OP WORE, AT LEWIS' BOOIC, STATIONERY &MUSIC STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the 'largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. 0 BLANK BOOKS, op VatIOU3 81880, for sato at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. PolinOOK BINDING-. Old Books. Magazines, or publication of any kind, d to order, if left at LEWIS" BOOK' d- STATIONERY STORE. ,PAPER ! PAYER!! PAPER !!! Treeing Paper, Impression Paper, Waiving Paper, Bead Paper, • Tissue Fest., Pak Paper for Plower:, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Ilia Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, • Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper; ' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In 'Packs and Sheet:, For sale at UMW 800% Stationery and Music Store. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your card neatly printed upon envoi oyes, call it LEWIS' BOOK -ND STATIONERY STORK FOR THE LADIES: A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, sortable for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK e 6 STATIONERY STORK BOOTS & SHOES.—OId and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' etoro in Market equate, Huntingdon, Pa. (0ct28.) GROCERIES, &c.,af the chap store of IiENJ. JACOIiS: All Mafia of coma ry produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri tes. (0ct28.- BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the j largest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. P. GWYN'S GUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.—A large assortment nnumv.AnE STORE. T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau ! 4 tiful, nt D. P. WIN'S. A Splendid , variety of Carpets, only ja_ 25 ate. per yard. FISITER et SON. C2ALT! SALT,!! SALT!!! k 3 Jost received from the Onondimo Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to be sold on commission, either whole sale or retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. SI, 1860. 519115 K 4 SON. CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE tVJ of OUTMAN & CO., If you want a good article of Clothing. atom room In Long's now Whim& In the rde mond, IttnitiggdOnt ¢ I V , 9t /..M, 4116„ on t.ti•Y "Cirri.' ... . POOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School polo—Foolscap, Better, Commercial and Note Faper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, "Blue and Black Inky-- Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pans, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found iu a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY L" MUSIC STORK • NOTICE TO ALL !! .i. . The subscriber, who has for more than one year ' uarrioil on bush:teas in company with Magma. P. Ilne-Nor,lr. Our. P. Winner, and Mr. LAGER Druz, bits this day era:dead partnership with the above firm I All claims against 010 old firm will be paid by the subscilber, and all those Is. &bled to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS,WATCHES and JEWELRY will - f . "'" : " . "4- , alwsiya bo repalrod. A good stook of CLOCKS,IO WATCII6II and JXWDLELI Will be kept on hand ' for customota ITko may favor him n Ith a call. JOSEPH RElkiCiEli Iluntingdc;u, 'slnrch 2,1829 SOUND ON THE , BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK Hoe just opened the beat assort. merit of Goods in his line, over brought to Huntingdon. His stock of BOOTS and 5110115 for Ladies, Gentle. men, Illiseee, Boys and Children, comprises thelttl . latest fashions, and manufactured of the best ma terials. Also, a fine assortment of HATS for mop. Boys and Children. 1105 R in great variety for Gentle.. men, Ladies, Mises and Children. . CARPET BAPS, SUSPENDBIIS,VARTEBS, FANS, dc., dc. • ALSO, • SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LASTS and SHOE-FINDINGS generally, ' Thankful for past fitvori, a continuance, of the same is 'respectfully ebLcited. ' • • - -. • N. B.—Boots and Shoei for Ladles and bOallenian; re paired and made to order: llutitingdon, Sept. 21, 1860. F OR. EVERYBODY, TRY.THE NEW sroßn, On Hill :greet opposite Cannon's ,Sterre. THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and. CILOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACC, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every othor article usually found in ri - Olocery Stow ALSO— Drugs, Chemßids, Dye Stairs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils and Spte. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Olase and Pntty, ' BEST WINE and BRANDY for ntedlcal purposes. AM, THE BEST PATENT AIEDIOINES, • and a' large numhor of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine fur themselves and learn my rakes.. S. S. MIMI. Huntingdon, May 25, ISIS. • ryE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN lIIIAST AGAIN!—The subscribers take this method oium:rang - their friends and the publla generally, that - they have rebuilt the Huntingdon ' dry, and are now in suczessful operation, ,‘ • and ore prepared to furnish•Caitings of every 'description, of best finality and worknowehip,:on abort notice, and on reasonable terns. Farnlers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hooter Plough. This plough took - the lint premium at the Hun tingdon county Agliculturalyairlast fall. Also, Hauler's celebrated Ceder Ploughs, 'which can't be beat—together with the ISeystone, ilillside nod Bar-shear ploughti.'. We have on hand and arts manufacturing Stoves—suc h as Cook, ParlOr, and Office stoves for wood ortco6l. hollow n are, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of hich 'we will sell cheap-for cash or In exchange for coma tty produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to busiumnb and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive n libeml share of public patronage. J. H. CUNNINGLY/111 & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. . D R. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, le tiro hest Bost Medicine ' the World fur the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, Diptlawir, and for the relief of patients In the advahcrd stages of Cori• sumption, together With all of the Throat anti Cheat, and which predispoio to Consurtiption. It is pecullatly adapted tiktlio radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a Practical . Physician and Druggist and ono of gloat experience in the core of the various dlscaies to which the human frame is liable. It is offered to the afflicted with 'the greatest coral dunce. To it and be conshicerl that it Is invaluable In the ore of Bronchial affections. Brie° 00 cents per bottle. ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, A very valuable remedy for Mantes, Dysentery, Mein, Morbne, and all boliel affections. Try it. Pries 25 cant. per bottle. Air The above Medicines are prepared only by DK. A. ESENWIPLIS P. CO., Druggists and Chenelate; N. W, Corner Ninth Si Poplar Ste., ' Philadelphia. N. 11.—Sold by et ery respectable Druggist, and Dealer in atedirlue throughout the Mate. [June 20, 1800.-Iy.] Al A w ß oul ß d r L os E pecTf . t i t .l lly ß c p alitho T at i t l ello U n li o d f t e h r iilrie e l d is of Mtn tingdon and tho adjoining counties to the stock of bermtlful marblo non• on hand. Ile is prepared' to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or linittern Mails, highly finished, and carved with appro priate ilex ices, or plain, OH may snit. Building Marble, Dour and Window SIHe, &c., will be furnished to order. • • • W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any In the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on, Hill street, Huntingdon, l'a. • ILMtingdois;blay 113, 1055. „iv! u B IC THE CYTHARA—The !,• 1 Pr nab yterian Psalmodist—Th. r= , libawn—Thoduldlee—Uunten'sand Berries onlarged and Improved instructors—Weiland'! New and Improved Method for tho a ultar—Lel f uld's decor- deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Itudructors—Dellak's Melodeon Instructor,—Bur roues' Plano Forte Primer—do. Thorouglf-Daso Primer— Horn's Drawing Room Dances—Thu Chorus Glee Book-- Tarit's limp, for Bale at UMW BOOK, STATIONERY STORE. LAD Y RECKONER: - A complete Pocket Ready, Reckoner, In dollars On cents, to which aro added forms of Note,,Dills, Ite- CeSpts, Petitions , & c., together with a set of unfel talPles, containing rote of interest from one dollar to twelve thous awl, by the single day, with a table of wages, and beard by the week and day, published in 1859: For sale at .7.P.1175' BOOK STORK SCHOOL BOOKS; FOR'SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOIO, IIIINTI:10DON, PA OSGOOD'S Sp.ller.lst, 24.3 d, 4th and sth Maiden. ' MIA BEEBE'S Speller and Readers; (old and, new editions.) &INDEX'S do do do SWAN'S, do do 'do : - • 'COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1: - - ' -•- Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old - and:now editions.) • Scholar's Companion. Biown's and, ower's Grammars,, Fitch's - Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. • . • • , Mitchell's, Montidth and McNally's lifeographfek,k, Atlases. Webster's and 'Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' Dist Lessons to Composition. , Quackenbo's Composition' and. Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's, Enamerson'e,Sivan's,Colburn'iand hay's Arithmetic.. . . Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Keys to p Arithmetic,. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy.., - Parker's Flint Lessons in Diotoral Parker's Philisophy. Upham's Mental Philosophy.' Willard's History of tiro United States. „ Berard'. ,e Goodrich's " 41 St Payson, Denton and Seribildr's Penmanship, in 'eleven numbers. . .„ Academical; Controllers' and Other Copy Books. Elements of Map Drawingovith plan for sketchingmans by triiingulation and improved methods of projection. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legentire's Geometry. ' Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping, , Book Keeping by Single Entry; by Ifantiford & Pliyisou Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, ilanaford & Payson. Other books will*. added and furnished to order. A'full stock of Scliool Stationery always on haled. Huntingdon; Pa. - , TIQUORS, of the' best, for Medieinal Purposes, a - - -8; s: 341:111Z. CCLOTHING-. CLOTHING t I 'Keep yourself warm. Call at DL GingAN .4. CC'S Choap Clothing Storo; in Long's•now building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stook. always on hand,. (0028.) 00AL BUCKETS and Shovels, - JAMES A. DROWN CLOTHING!—A large ?took on hand, j at tho cheap store of BENS. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and 0ct28.) TRACING MtJSLIN, " .PwrzNa 4:11 ? • I! 7 7tiec mal Colored Card Paper, • For sale at LEWIS', 1100 K re 07,4710.1+7.4RY STORE. IF YOU WANT TO BE :CLOTHED, tall of titt! 'tore of MENJ, JACOBS. vir osTruNnoLmS' Celebrated IXL v,T Knlves and Razors, for solo biAs. A. BROWN. CCALLat D. P. OWN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. 'ENVELOPES— By MI box, pack,, or lass quantity, for sato at LEWIS' BOOK AND - STATIONERY STOBE. . . I{OOF SKIRTS with from. 4. to 30 hoopn, et prices from 25 etO, to 34,00 Saito ohecip eFoie of . qwnci 4L 7 1! 3 14.11. WILLIA3I3