SEED CORN-HOW TO PRODUCE EARLY GERMINATION. For the consideration of our agricul tural readers—of whom we are pleased to say we have a large number—we transfer "to our _columns the following with respect to seed-corn and early germination If jou did not, as you have so often been advised to do, save your seed corn by selecting the best cars in the field; don't-lose another day, but go at I once to your corn-cribs and pick out the handsomest ears that you can find, and store them up in sonic dry loft; no matter if it is a very smoky one, and as hot as a July sun, it won't hurt the vitality of the seed. It is of the highest importance that your seed should germinate immedi ately after you plant it. That is of more importance than early planting. Germinations can undoubtedly be has tened by artificial means. Dr. Cham berlin, of Buren county, Illnois, has made some important discoveries in this direction. The Repyb/ican says : "Last year Dr. Chamberlin of this place made some practical experi ments, and demonstrated that nearly half the time may be saved in germi nating the seed by the use of chloride of lime. • "Not satisfied with the success of last year, he is again experimenting. In his office he has four boxes; in the first is corn plhnted without soaking, and the seed not germinated; in the second, the seed was soaked in warm water, which has just commenced to germinate; in the third is seed soaked in a sohition of lime, and green blades are just peeping from the ground ; in the fourth is seed soaked in a solution of chloride of lime and copperas, and the blades are now nearly three inches above the ground. All the seeds were planted at the same time, in the same quality of soil, and taken from the same ear. The boxes have all had an equal share of heat and light,.neither allowed any advantage over the other. " This experiment should attract the attention of farmers. We conclude from four to six weeks may be saved by the use of chloride of lime and cop peras, which is a matter of no ordina ry moment when we reflect that a de lay in the germination of the seed of two weeks frequently places the crop within the reach of the frost in fall.— Another fact of some importance may also be mentioned. The copperas used in soaking will prevent the birds, squirrels, worms, ale., from eating the seed. " Dr, Chamberlin-assures us that one pound of chloride of lime and ono pound of copperas in water, will soak enough seed for twenty acres. The cost will not be twenty-fire cents.— deriro any benefit from it.." TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, ,TITE FAMILY DOCTOR, TFTE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK For sale at LEWIS' Book Store LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, ' For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY ==! HMS ELIZA ACTON. carefully Revised by \ Hr. I. S. Hale IT TELLS You How to chooseall kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes or dressing and cooking Beef and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing tho Kans. it Taus You 'All tho 'rations and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, 'Veal, Poultry, and gamo of all kinds with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings appropi late to each. In TELLS You How to choose,Clean, and preserve Fish of 0 all kinds, and how to sweeten It when taint . ed ; also all tho serious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. It 'rums You All the rarious and most approved modes of preparing over 50 kinds of Meat,Fish,lowl. Came, and Vegetable Som., Broths, and Steal, v,ith the ltelMhes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IS 'TWA You All the various nod most unpaved modes of cooking Vcgotablci of En cry description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsup nod Conies of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushrooms, dc. lx Tens You All the various aud most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every doscrip. lion. You All the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Bis cuit, and tho best method of propellor Coffee, Chocolate, and Tee, and how to snake Syrups, Cordials, and Wales of va rious kinds. IT TELLS Too How to set out and ornament a Table, how to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl and In short, how to so simplify the wholo Art of Cooking no to bring the choicest luxuries of the. table st ithin the everybody's reach. Tho book contains 418 pages, and upwards of 1200 Re cipes, all of which aro the results of actual experienee, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal superintendence of tho writers. It is printed t❑ a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will ho forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price, $l.OO, or in doll!, ex tra $1.25. . . $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our inducements to all such being very liberal. For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, PnblisPer, No. 617 Stinson' Street, Philadelphia, Pa Nor. 7,1860.-om. • QOIIOOL BOOKS, kj Generally in nse in the Schools of the County, not on hand, n ill ho furnished to order, on application at LE MIL' BOOK ANDSTATIWYERY STORE. Philadelphia Adveftisements. 'TOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA . A Pence°lent Instil:Won established by special Endowment, for the Relief af the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Dioceses, and e. , pe ,, a 11 :1 f r the Care of Divans of the &zeal Organs. Medical Ado ice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all mbo apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, Sc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines filrnished free of charge. 'Valuable Repots on Spermaterrha.a. nod other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the nee• Remedies employed in the Dispenser y, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopes. fi ve of charge. Thu or Once Stamps for postago roll bo acceptable. Address, DR. J. SULLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, lion, art As-miation, No. 2 South Ninth Strect,Plal adelphin, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA. D. HARTWELL, .P/esident. GEO. KiincHlLD, &eretary. Dec. 19, ISGO.-1 y. TO PERSONS OUT OF E2IIPLOY - MEN - T. AGENTS WANTED, In every County of the United States, to engage in the sale of some of the bast and must elegantly illustrated Wm ks published. Our publication, arc of the mo..t Intel riding character, adapted to the mutts of the Fainter. Mechanic and Mer chant: they aro published in the best sty to and boned in the moot hubstantial manner, nod ate not thy a place in the Lito ;try of every llmaihold m the Land. ina-To men of mttelpre,e and industrious habits, this bosmes4 ofim • an oppm tool* for p ofitablo employment seldom to be mut it ith. Persons de-dt ing to art RS agents ',ill re.:elve promptly by mail full pot [lrian •+, terms. de., by mimes, log LEARY, GETZ k Co, Publishers, N 0.121 Not th Scout Stteet, N0v.14, 1550 CHEAP WATCHES - CHEAP 11' TC S! ! •?•••• TAC OB LADOMUS, eNO. GU, MARKET STREET, PIIII,ADELLMIIA, Ms on hand and it constantly leech ing large asborments of American, Enghsh, and ,Vlviss Watches, width he will Bell at lower pliers than ever offered. J. L. would call pat ticular attention to the celebrated AMERICAN WATCH, tm Inch fur accuracy of time and duta- Linty, and less liabilit3 of getting out of older. is suite] or to any other imported match, made at an 3 thing like the canto coat. Jewelry, Silt er and Silver Plated Ware, of all sty les and Foam no. A LSO Gati, Silrn• and Merl Spetacles, . _ . with glasse4 for all Fulls, Is ltd PATt.NT, 01 w cita9 the old style frames. All goods sold at my establishment are warranted to be as tem esented. and satisfaction guaran. teed to all yulthasers, at NO. 618, Market Street, Corner of Decatur. [Sept.l9, ISGO,—ly. - p NEWELL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, 1"-A Arch Sired. Philadelphia. One of the largest and most complete Gullet les in the States, where the best Pictures, known to the Pho• tegraph le art. ore taken at prices no higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. The Prom toter, a practical Photographer, attends per sonally, er ery sitting—and trllows 00 picture to leave the Gallery unless it pit eo per fret satio faction. Daguerreotypes and Ambrot3pe, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required nice, or taken on Canvass, life rice, and painted in Oil by the best Artists. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— as perfect in cloudy dal us when the sun shines. Persona visiting the city are tespect fully ins ited to ex amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy competition. 41i—instructions pit en in the art of Photography. R. NEWELL, GALUTS OF' ART, 724 Arch Street, COMMENDATIONS From Hon. Lcu D. Campbell, M. C Ohio My tinnily and fiends all concur in tho opinion that the (Neu ell) picture is tome life.hke than any thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by tilt . - terra Artists iu Imitate. nays, but I hare never yet unit one which presents so it ne to notate, all the feattu es and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. IL Jo) Morris, late Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your per tratts, conjoined mitts their durability of color and faith• fulness as likenesses, cannot fall to commend them to the attention and patronage of all stun appreciate true art. Front Col. James Page. Ilaving occasion for a. portrait, I proem ed one from Mr. Robert Nen ell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature In Oil 001018, under the /ICleproces.4 discovered by Inm, and take gloat pleasure in expre,sing the satisfaction given me, not only by the...nary of the likeness, but its artis tic finish in all respects, and recommends Idea to the pat ronage of tlnNo disposed to encourage the beautiful at t. Nov. 28, IRA dos. PAM:. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY 11011FAIT JENNINUS, V. S., Pr fe,sor of Pathology and Operatire Surgery in the ltroutry College of Phatucktyltia, etc , etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctive traits of the N arionH bleeds of Em openn, Asiatic. Aft icon and Ante, icon Moises, ss itti the 053 sical formation and pe culiarities of tho animal, and how to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with :e ' EfiffARIPVti3i.STI , ----;?-• ictitii, ;:aYini.,, "eC . - ing, Grooming, Shooing, and the gener al management of this horse, w ith the best modes of administeling medicine, also, how to heat Biting, Kiching, Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit• in, Itestlessne,s, and °then TICE'S to which lie is subject; with umuerous ex planatory engravings. IllIU'lI WILL 'YELL YOU Of the eauses,symptorns,and Treatment of Strangles, Soro Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Mondial's, Pneu monia, Pleiwasy, Moken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring and Whistling.Lam pas, Sore Month and lams, and De rayed Teeth. with other dist fiats of the Month and Respiratory Organs. TILE HORSE AND ILIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms,and Treatment of Worms, Bets, Cholic,Stiangulation, Stony Goner( tions, Ruptines, Dian hen, dinintlicAllepatirthea,Moody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Blad der, Inflamation anti other elibeases of the Stomach, Boa els, Liver and Uti• nary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILT4En YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bons, Blood and Bog, Sparin, Ring Bone, So °ante, Strains, Bioken Knees, Wind Balls, Founder, Cracked Hoof,. Sole Bruise and Gta; i i, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megiiins, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Staggcts, and other diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, s)mptoms, nod Treat ment of Fistula, Pull Evil, Wanders, Ferry, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw,ltheumatism.Cramp,Galls, Diseases of the Eyo and Heart, Be, Be, and how to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and oth er surgical operations. TEE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of 11.ey's Method of taming Horses; how to Approach, halter, or Stablo a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and stApts, and how to lilt, Saddle, hide. realc him to Harness; also the f nn awl. law of 'WARRANTY. Tilo IN bolo being the re sult of 15 years' careful study of the habits, peculiat Ries, wants and neat:- nesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 334 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly 100 Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postngo paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth, extra, $1.1.5. $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every whero, in selling the above, nod other popular woilts of ours. Our inducements to all such me exceedingly libel al. For single copies of the Book, or fur terms to Agents, with other information, apply to or mbitess JUAN 13. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sans= Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 7, 1860.-om. LAST NOTICE.- All uho have unsettled accounts with mo of six months standing or longer, aro earnestly requested to call and settle up and sale costs. I aunt hare money or quit business. LEVI WESTBROOK% Huntingdon, Jan. '2, 1801. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. HANIGAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR SIANUFACTORY, on Allel;heny St, ono door west of tho Broad Top Railroad Office, where he has on band a largo assortment of prime Cigars mat To bacco, which be will sell either AN bolesalo or retail. Store keepers, shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the weed should call. His pikes aro low. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, Ib6o. JALT ! SALT !I SALT !! ! Just reecho] from Um Onondago Salt Company, S.) manse, N. Y., to be Mil on ColllllliStaloll, either wholo• sale or retail, 200 BARRELS mud 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, 1860. FISHER ‘4, SON. CULL at the new CLOTHING STORE of GUTMAN lc CO., if Son want a good article, of Clothing. Stole room in Long's new building, in tho Dia mond, Huntingdon. Sept. 0, 1857. cOAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! ames A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND KERO SENE," On COA I. OIL, clear as water. This is the only hind of 01l that gives entire Satisfaction as on agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored coition oils. They omit an °Minks e smell and smoke. A largo variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS', Chimneys, Glebes, Wicks, Burners, Statics, &c., sold at the very lowest prices, at tho Hardwate Elmo, Hunting don, Pa. T)APEII! PAPER!! Note,Post, Commercial, Foolscap anti Flatcap—a good assortment for baie by the ream, half ream, quiro or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK tit STATIONERY STORE GUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. twin's than can he had in town. Call and coo them. W HAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROBUY, OP TILE PHILADELrUIA EAR It Zits You How to draw up PARTNERSHIP PAPERS nod gives general tot nis for AGREEMENTS of all kinds, Di Li.s Of SALE, 1.E1050 and 171110 Na. II Ms Thir now to draw Up BONDS and Moron toot, Ar ne/0 ITO, PON, ERG of AlToitsLY, MIT, and BILLS of Exen tone, It EcLieTS and RUE tool. ll Tells You The tans for the COLLECTION 01 DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT 0 oar EXECU TION in Co cry State. It Toils Yott how to Make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOsiTioN ith CRLDITORS. and tho INSoIA ENT I, +lts of eiery State. IL Edit Tbu The legal lelations exi,ting het, een GUAR DIAN and WARD, 31/0001/ and ArrotNuco, tool lANDLoIiD and TLN LOT. It Tells You What constitute; LIBEL and SLANDER, and the Law in to 31.tartimil. Bowen, the Wire's 1110110 IN PEoPrillY, DIVORCE. and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Law for yi roil INICS LIrNo in every :Late, and the NATUBALIGITION I, tots of this COOO - and Lon to Colnidy ith tilt Rani, It Tells You The law cone. ring PEAsIoNs and hole to ob tain one, 111111 the PRE-EMPTION JARS to Sum lc 1. ixns. It Tells You Tho Laos tor PATLXIS, with mode of proce dure in obtalidog our, mitt, TATERFEELNLTS, ASSIG ENTB and TABLE OF FEES. It Tolls You 110, to make 'our WILL and how to A nom, ISUR ON AN ESTATE, O ith the law mid MO equirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of 1.10 . 11Rxs in genet al nee, and explains to you the LLGISLATIVr, EXE CUTIYE and JUDICIAL Po, ell of both the Genet al and State GOVERNMP.Nra. It Tells You How TO art P OUT OF Low, by showing how to do your bu,ine. , t legally, thus hat ing a • vast amount of p ,11101 13, and sexations by its timely consultation. IT'a"Ts erybudy's La, yer Is for sale at Le, is' Book Store JEW MILLINERY ESTABLISLI BENT 1N 111.1NTINODON. MRS. L. A. HAMER, Respectfully informs the ladies of Huntingdon and tensi ty, that she has opened a Millinery store on 11,11 street, one door sest of Dr. Dorto3'. rcridence, ehero may be found every cuticle In tier line of bu,iness. such as Bonnets, Ribbons., Laces, Blonds. Colitis.% Under Sleeves, Calls, and a genes al assortment of Fancy Good+. The ladies are respectfully ins tied to call and examine her stock. Ladies, dresses of nil kinds made in the beat and mos faqltimmblo ' " Huntingdon, Sept. 24,1860.-6 m .4. ....„,=_. „ \ .Dw., A \.4 \ . ,ANO. ii T 9 V 7 l D iol",_Huntingdon, EP N.VA. O WI j 6,1.--- -- . SELLING OFF FOR CASH!! BARGAINS IN HARDWARE. As " tiro nimble penny Is better than the slow sixpence," and stash in east, are better than vexing rye-sore book accannts, JAMES A. BROWN is now duteimined to sell off the lenge and splendid stock of Harasses. Paints, he., oltich he has just brought from the cast, at such low prices, as lila induce everybody to clots d its for a share of the bargains. His stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE. OILS. PAINTS, SADDLERY, . _ VARNISHES, GLASS, CARRIAGE VG Nl5Il NGS, STEEL, IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO, LINING SKINS, COAL OIL LAMPS nml COAL OIL, &c., Ac., . . Together 1% ith IL Alit ft.,3oltlllent of evei y thing pertaining to Lis line of business. • codem receive prompt attention. tit JAS. A. DROWN Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860 9 000 CUSTOMERS WANTED ! ZEW GOODS =I =I Has received a fine assortment of DRY GOODS for the Spt lag am] Summer Season ; comprising very extensive meat talent of LADIES DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS A CAPS,_ BOOTS AND SHOES, dc. The public generally are requested to call awl examine my goods—and his pilces. An I out determined to sell my Goods, all who call may expect bargains. Country rioduco taken in Exchange for Goods. 13EN.L.TACOBS, at the Cheap Corner. ninitingdon, Sept. 24, MO. DON'T FORGET, TILE NEW STORE. WALLACE & CLEMENT, Have just received another stock of new goods, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WEI:NSW ARE, &C., in the store rosin at the south-east earner of the Di intend in the lanongb of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew• dry Stole. Their Stock has been carefully selected, and will be sold low for cash or country produce. FLOUR, FISH, HAMS, SIDES, sirour,bmcs, SALT, LARD, end provisions generally, kept constantly on hand on reasonable terms. Ihnitingdon, Sept. 24, 1800. COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR MEAL' BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. C. LONG Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and chii ty, that lie has opened a now Grocery and Confection ery Store in the basement, under Cotten & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and Si ould most respectfully re quest a share of public pall onage. His stock consists of all kinds of the HEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c., &c. Fish can be had nt uholesale or retail. ICE CREAM mill be furnished regularly to parties and individuals, at his room. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, ISGO. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for ellenp, at D. I'. GWIN'S. CLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and Binding, cheap at - D. P. GWIN,'S. YOU will find the Largest and Best assortmont of Ladies' Dress Goods at DARCHMENT DEED PAPER _l_ ruled, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome asaortment just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOB:. STATIONERY MUSIC STORE DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best gaol fly, only 50 cts. each. ' & SON. 110 AL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, for 75 routs aud upwards, at tho Ilardwalo Store of J. A. BROWN. /JAIL best' obacco in town, at D. P:GIVIN'S T L ADIES' SKATES are sold by FISHER & SON A fine stock of Ladies' Furs just recciv ed at the cheap atom of FISHER Sz SON. Alarge assortment of Nubias, Opera e.pB, Sontag; suitable for ladles and cldith en, by FISHER & SON. ?THE largest stock of Dc Dairies in town 1_ by FISHER & SON. WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for sole nt • LEWIS' BOOK STOBI BUTCHER -KNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale attlie ifrodware Store of JAMES A. DROWN. MITE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can always be found nt tbo cheep store of 'FISHER & SON. IT you want handsome Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, and all kin I of Goods, go to D. P. WIN 'S. HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will Le bold for $l. 25 at Um cheep store of FISIIBI2 S: SON. Splendid variety of Carpets, only 25 cts. per yard. FISHER. & SON. IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call m D. P. GWINT, when you r 5 ill nod tho lnrgLug_„~m-:t-hNn•xrJu+c4.i,'err~rfr--Af . . GETLYTLEMEJ.VS' DRESS GOODS. His assortment consists of and PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS, the neatest and best that could be found in the city, all of which lie twill take pleasuto in exhibiting, and malting up to order. It will cost nothing to call and examine hut goods. Call boon. - Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860.-3 m. GREAT ARRIVAL OF FALL AND wiNrEn, CLOTHING DOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS M. GUT-WAY( CO., Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just recasts] a large and svell selected stock of fashionable FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which they ask the attention of all who am in want of a neat and control table Co - at, a Vest or a pair of Pants.— Their stock will hear examination, and they respectfully request all to call and see for filmset% es. - - Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut clothing not I oond in the stock on hand, by leaving Wei measure they can he accommodated at short notice. A good assortment,of BOOTS AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS, AC., BC., , will also be found on hand. All of which will be sold as low, if not lone•, than the same quality of goods can be had In the county. Call nt tho corner of the Diamond, Long's new building. N. GUTMAN & Huntingdon, Sept. 1. 1860 FRANKLIN HOUSE, 1.. V THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and havelers generally, mill find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [4014,1860.1 I= ..-, - . 0 Pi w = 0= - -r.) P: ,--i Si SONGS AND BALLADS, &C, The Gentle Annie Melodist, The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song pooh, Ho The Dime Song Book, No Vie Dime Song Book, lco The DinlC Song Book, No The Dime Song Book, 11'o The Dime Song Book, Ko The Lone Lefler Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, The Dime Speaker, The Dime cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For sale et LEWD' BOOR, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE ACARD.- Dn. D. S. MAYS offors Lis professional services to Ow inhabitants of Mooresville and vicinity. 011ie°, at the lower bank or Neff Mills, opposite Mrs. Mytou's store. April 15, 1560-If. IMO CLOTHING I=l 11. ROMAN'S MERCHANT TAILOR, CLOTHS, N. GLTETIA.N & CO„ G (f; CO. o)), 16,0 FOR EVERYBODY SEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YOR K. ,* IftMP - * *T . s,l' 7 1, AI:Ye SIIQRTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK- EST IN TIME BETWEEN TOE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG I VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND BASTON. Montaxn Exentss, West, lens es New York at G A. arris ing nt Ihu risburg nt 12.43 noon, only 0% hours be. tween the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and arrives at I far rigburg nt 8.30 I'. 31. MORNING MAIL Love, East, leaves Tfarrisburg at 8.00 A M., ar riving at Now York at 4.30 P. M. Arrranom EXPRESS 115 E. East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 I'. M., arriving nt New York at 9.001'. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M., with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia. Cumberland Valley and Not them Cuntral Railroad. • • All flatus connect at Beading with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manch Chunk, MESE No change of Passenger Can or Baggage beta een New Yolk and Harrisburg, by the 600 A. 31. Line from New York or the the 1.15 P. DI. from lfarrislng. • I•bt beauty of scenery, add speed, cont6trt and nccom °dation, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare bens con Now York unit Ilarrignirg five dollars.— For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Genets! Agent, Harrisburg. July 18, 1860. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAMIOAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 Two passenger trains lowa Harrisburg Daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. 31, for Philadelphia, arriving thole at 1.05 P. 31., and 6.151'. M. Beim tiling, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M., and 330 P. N., arriving nt Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 8.30 P. 31. Fares: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $'1.25; N 0.2 (in same train, $0.70) Fares: To Reading, $l.OO and $1.30 At Heading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners ville, Tamaqua. Catainito.a, Sc. Four trains leovo Heading, for Philadelphia daily, at A. M., 10.45 A. 31., 12 30 noon null 3.43 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Heading at 8.00 A.M . ., 1.00 P. M., 3.30 I.'. 31., and 5.00 I'. M. Fares: Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Rending ith up train for Wilke9barre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. MEM ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- ROGER C. McGILL, manufactiner of all kinds of castings, forgo and rolling mill, grist nod sew nal!, thrash- Mg machine, sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit nil kind, of ploughs; also, car At heels and railroad work, and has a new and improved plough that tenders satisfaction to all fanners that have used them. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher Ft' McMur trio's, Iforitingdon. and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will fill all Enders promptly. The farmers will nye money by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at tie foundry head-quarters, the place to boy cheap. All kind of produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchange.— tiring the pay and save ten per cent Alexandria, March 7, 7SfO-7y "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OTHER VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOE, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION ROOKS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, dlr., Re., POCKET BOOKS, ronTmoNN kIES AND PURSES, For Ladies and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common School H, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys and Girls AMUSING GAMES For Young Folka 'WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &C., CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL RINDS, DIARIES FOR 1860 Drawing and Blotting Payer, Bristai and Ord Boards, WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND BLACK INKS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of parent Sizes and Qualities, &c. &C. &c. &C e M!!!!= 21! =1 LEWIS' CiIEAP 1300%, STATIONERY AND AILISIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases A coV. s 1 1,5. 4. 1% ' " 1. 0 3 0 - v , . THE " GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the most complete of any in the country, and pos sesses the most ample facilities for promptly executing In tim best style every variety of Job Prlutmu, such as HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL 'HEADS LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CM AND =MINE SPECIWIS OF WORN, AT L:EIVIS' ROOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC! STORE .101 IN SCOTT. SAMUEL T. DROWN. IL 0. CORIIIN LT PARTNERSHIP.- J. 11. 0. COootN bas, from thin date, become a mem or of flio firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 11UNTINGDON, in ',bid, name the business will still be conducted Iluntingdon, Jan. 2, 1860. TTARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! 11 Croons, Jugs, Preserve Jars &0., to, of superior quality. Evict only by JAMESA. 13ROWN, PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS W NEGAHAN & CO., nud Dealers in Broad Top Coal. D. L. Megallan, Conceal Agent, McConnellstonn, ituntingdon county, Pa. ~' it. AVID BLAIR, lor Miner and Slipper of Broad Top Coal. Office nun mgdon Pa. - `1 A: MILLER, • Dealer In Groceries, C,onfectlonaries. Se., ST MeCULLOCII, offers his _LI professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on 11111 street, one door cast of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. eITS. MILLER, • Proprietor of the Jackson House CJS. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi . eines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, &c. cedes, Confectioneries, Le., Huntingdon, Pa.• WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery anti Musical Instils meats, Huntingdon, Ptt. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Founders, Huntingdon, Pa. • JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer In Dardware, Cutlery, Paiute, Oils, Hunt iugdun, Pa. lI. ROMAN, ~, Dealer In Ready Mado Clothing, Mats and Caps, Boots and Shoe', &c. BENJ. JACOI3S, Dealer in Dry Coeds, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer lee, Queensware, &e. GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready ! made Clothing, Huntingdon, Fn. IfP. GAVIN, . Dealer in Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queens wore. Hats and Cape, Boole and Shoes, fie. FISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c., Mintin g don, Pa. T }WI WESTBROOK, j Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladles' and Misses' Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. TOSEPH REIGGER, ty Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew elry, Lc. NVM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer tyTOIIN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hilt - street, one door east of the Huntingdon 3farblo Yard. Iteeenexces—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; 3. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Clintles Mickley, Rough aud Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan 3PWillianis. ICHARD LANGDON, Miner- and IA) Dealer in Mood Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3,'58. A MMERMAN & CO.,Miners and Deal ja_ 'era in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, - Huntlnmlon co. Penna. (Nov. 3,1E158. COUNTRY DEALERS can bey CLOTIHNO from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, eel base a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1850. 11. ROMAN. E:=E I M! --11tY G OODS !—A fine assortment on hand for the accommodation of customers, at BENJ . - J A YOBS' "Cheap Corner," Market Square. (oct2B ) QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. TT K. NEFF, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON: Oryicg, TIM street, opposite Dr. Laden, offers Ids prof. atonal services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity •• - • April 13,1839. E XCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA., Dec. 2S, 1830 JACKSON HOTEL, lIUNTINGDON, PA p ALLISON MILLER, 111 u • DE WTIST, Iles removed to the Ih ick ROM opposite the Court House. April 13, 1859. pOOTS and SHWA the largest an _Ey cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. (MIN'S. BLANK BOOKS, OP VARIOUS EIMIR, for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK AND S'T'A TIONER Y STONE. / ONTE LY TIME BOOKS, _ vis r -Boas : AND — SPArioNEnr SIVRE. 1)00K BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kin d to older, if left at LEWIS' BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS LIEN, AKE' NOTICE 1 It you want your card neatly printed upon envel oyes, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes eintable for confidential correspondeniie. for sale at LEWIS' BOOK eP STATIONERY STORE. IQOOTS & SHOES.—OId and young j can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in Maritet square, Huntingdon, Pa. ' (aria.) GROCERIES, &c., &e.—Call at tht cheap store of BE NJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coon ,yy produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ca. (oct2B. 101400 TS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the j largest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. I'. (MIN'S BARRELS AND LOOKS.-A VA Igge assortment at • 1311OWN'S IrARDIVARB STORE, ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, at D. P. (TIN'S. CALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want Faehionnble Goods. T 1 P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and examine them. HOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from 2a cts, to $2,00 at the cheap 4itoro of D. P. °WIN. VIOLINS, GUITARS, For Bale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, • ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, Ills old customers and the public generally, will give him a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1068.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.— NEW FIRM! The undersigned iespectfully inform the public that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and Dill continue the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will bo promptly attepded to. ' WM. ROTIITIOCK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1860. WM. N. KIRBY. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k MUSIC STOItE, OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2d, 3d, 4th and sth Readers. M'GUFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and now editions.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do ' COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1. Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Scholar's Companion. Smith's. Bullion's, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. . Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddai d's, Ernmerson's, Swan's,Colburn's and Ray's Arithmetic.% Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleat's and Stoddard's Heys to Arithmetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenlears Hey to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy-. Upliam's Mental Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Berard's Goodrich's " Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academical, Controllers' nail other Copy Books. Elements of Map Drawing, with pion for sketching maps by til4ingillation and improved method,' of projection. Davies' Elementary Geometry nail Trigonometry. BM les' Legendre's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Ifanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanaford & Payson. . Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full block of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. (l ONFECTIONERIES of the very beet Call at mums. !TEAR PENNSYLVANIA R ULROAD DEPOT T. K. SI3IONTON, Proprietor. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, HUNTINGDON, PA. IPSOOO4. - 100 • 1 1:UrNIM: , viterr" , • 30ORS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School oaks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Blnek Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Stove, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. NOTICE TO ALL !! jge The subscriber, who has for more thnn ono year, carried on business in company with Messrs. F. Bamcnt, H. One, WHISEEY, and Mr. Lamm Beta, has this day dissolved partnership with the abase firm I All claims against the old firm rein ho paid by the subscriber, and all those in debted to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY will -.."'Tr - always be repaired. A good stock of CLOCKS, 0 WATCHES and JEWELRY will be kept on hand for customers who may furor him with a call. SL Huntingdon, March 2,1959 186 L FALL and WINTER GOODS FISHER & SON Have just received an unusually large and handsome stock of goods, which they offer to the inspedtiou of our com mostly. Our line of Ladies' Dress Goods, embrace a large vat iety of Black and. Fancy Silks, Printed Cash pores, Plaids, Poplins. All wool De Lefties, (plain and fig ured,) Lustres ' Modenas, French and English Merinoes, Alpaca - las, DeLaines Ginghams , Prints, Sc. A large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, Cloaks', (black and colored,) Cloaking Cloth, Opera Flannels, Nubias, Fancy Hoods, Chenille and Tinsel Dead Dresses, &c. - A fine stock of richly worked Black Silk Lace Mantles. A full assortment of Ladies' Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Collars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, Sc.- We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Tt limning; Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gaunt lets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons Floss, See ing Extension Skirts;Hoops of all kinds, Also—Tickings, Osnaburg, Bleached and Unbleached Iduslins, all prices • Colored and White Cam bria', Barred and Swiss Aluslens, Victoria Lawns, Nain cooks, Tarleton, and many other articles it hich comprise the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS. French Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets, Jeans, Ti, cods, Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Lindseys, Comforts, Blank ets, Sc. Hats and Caps, of every variety and style. A Good Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE,BOOTS and SHOES, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, which u ill be sold Cheap. We also deal in PLASTER, FISII, SALT, and all kinds of GRAINS, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, free of charge, at the Depots of the DroadTop and Pennsylvania Railroads. ' COME ONE, COME ALL, and be convinced that the tropolitan is the place to secure fashionable add desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Ifunting,don, Sept. 24, 1860 SOUND ON THE BOOT & SHOE QUESTION LEVI WESTBROOK Iles just opened the hest assort ment of Goods in his line, ever brought to Huntingdon. His stock of BOOTS and 5 11055 for Ladies, Gentlo.T 6 ,1 1 men, Misses, Boys and Children, comprises all the t latest fashions, and manufactured of the beet mn- torte's. Also, a fine assortment of HATS for men, Boys and Children. 110511 in grout variety for Gentle men, Ladies. Misses and Children. CARPET BAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, FANS, Le., Ac. ALSO, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LASTS, nod 5110 E-FINDINGS generally. Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. N. 11.—Boots nod Shoes for Lunn and Gentlemen, ro• paired and made to order. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1560. F OR EVERYBODY I=l On "till Street opposite thrnewer .544kr. MEM SUGAR and MORASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TILE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and over.) other article usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs., Paints, TerniA., Oils nod Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol. Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and DitANDY for medical purposes. AL!, TILL` BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally sill please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. lluutingdou, 11ny 23, 1858 ripHE lIUNTINGD ONINIERFITIFI of informing their flici;is .' ;T;ti a. ice goblin generally, that ' •• they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fonn. - • dry, and are now in successful operation, and are prepared to furnish Castings of rrrnisk i ii c ,every description, of best quality and wOilcmanship, on short notice, and on easunablo terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam• foe our Ploughs. We are manufacturing *ls Hunter Plough. Tide plough took tho first premium at no Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fairlast fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plongl,s, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand an are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow' ante. consisting of ICettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which a e will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coon• try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal sham o of public patronage. J. H. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. D R. ESENWEIN'S.TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, Is the best Beat Medicine in the World for the cure,off, Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Dffileulty' in Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, Diptherie, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con sumption, together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pi edispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a Practical Physician and Druggist and one of great experience in the'core of the Tarim ObleaSes to which the human frame is It is offered to the afflicted with tho greatest coral deuce. Try it and be convinced that It Is invaluable in the cum of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents per bottle. ESENIVEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM. A very valuable remedy for Dian lie; Dysentery, Cholera Moans, and all bowel affections. Try it. Price 23 cents per bottle. &lir The above Medicines are prepared only by Dlt. A. ESEN WEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemist; N. W. Corner Ninth & Poplar Ste., N. D.--Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the State. . [Juno 20, 1800.-ly.] 3/FARBIJE YARD. The undersigned L would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Dun tingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at tire shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building arble, Door and Window Sills, rte., will be furnished to order. 3V. IV. pledges himself to furnish material and 'work. 11=814 equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see. before you 'manse elsewhere. - Shop .on Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855 XriITHE CYTHARA—The P r esb ytor i an Psalmodist—The . Sliawil—TheJubilee—Hunten'sand Bertinfs enlarged and improved instructors—Welland's New and Improved Method for the Gutter,—Leland's Accor. aeon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's end Ilowa's Violin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon instructor—Bur. rowel' Plano-Forte Primer—do. Thoroughdleso Primer— Ifowo's Drawing Room Deuces—The Chorus Cleo Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A. MUSIC STORE. READY RECKONER. • A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Elite, Ito. celpts, Petitions, &e., together with a sot of useful table's, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous. and, by the single day, with a table of sages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at . . . . LETVIS'.BOOK STORE. LIQUORB r of -the best, for Medicinal purposes, at S. S. SMITH'S. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING!! Keep yourself warm. Call at M. GUTMAN k CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long'a now building, Market Square, Liuntingdon, I's. A good stock always on hand. (ocal.) COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for sale by JAMES A. BROWN CLOTHING!—A large stock on hand, at the cheap - store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ox. amino goods and prices. (0ct28.) T RACING- MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPIniI While and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK dE STATIONERY STORE. IF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, cal a the store of BENJ. JACOBS. ENVELOPES- By the box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated IX L Knives and Razors, for salo by JAS. A. BROWN. ('TALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want IL.) GOOD GOODS. TA P. GIVIN'S is the place to buy gootl anti cheap Carpeta, JOSEPH REIGCIp FISHER 5: SON" S. S. 5311211. 'YILLIAMS