The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 06, 1861, Image 3

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, Mar. G, 1861
4Z- Every Subscriber to The Globe is
requested to act as Agent to extend its
circulation and usefulness:s3A •
We tore anxious to publish a flraVlass newspaper, and
with the assistance of our subscribers wo know we can
be put in possession of the means to do so. We want
every subscriber to Interest himself, not only in procuring
for us additional patronage, but also in patting us in pos
session of all the local news of the county of interest to the
general reader. A little effort on the part of all ourpatrons
would be As much to their advantage as to ours, as with
increased patronage so would be enabled to give a better
paper. We cannot afford to put Tut GLOBE at less than
$1.50 a year, and to enable as to deal honestly with all
men we must demand Alto subscription yearly or half
yearly In advance. Subscriptions mu be emit to us
through the mall at our risk, the Postmasters nitnessiug
the same. We earnestly and most respectfully ask our
friends to make an effort to increase our patronage.
Connected with TOE Goa; we have a Job Office fur
rashest witha more extensive assortment of the latest style
of types and materials than can be found in any other
county town In the State. Our work compares favorably
with any done in the cities. We have four presses, which
enables us to put out all kinds of job work with dispatch
and at reasonable prices. •
[Advertised in '•Tan GLOBE," or for which bills bare been
Real Estate.
On Thursday, 3Tareb 14th, on the premises, a tract of
land in Toll township, estate of Cleo. Wilson, Esq., deed.
On Thursday. March 14th, on the premises, a lot of
ground iu Brady township, estate of Arthur Adamson,
Homes for the Industrious, in Illinois, at private sale
Personal Property
On Wednesday, the Gth day of March, at the residence
of David Itnyeart In Walker ton nshlp, horses, mileb
cows, sheep, hogs, and a variety of agricultural imple
On Tuesday. 12th of March. on the premises of Jackson
Enyeart, in Hopewell township, horses, cows and young
On Tuesday, 141nrch 121 h, at Yawn. 11111, at the store of
Silas A. Crcwswell, dry-goods hardware, queensware, bats,
caps, boots and shoes, &c.
On 'Friday, March 15t1t, nt the Nurseries of Messrs. Tay
lor & Cremer, in Huntingdon. a large variety of choice
apple, peach, and other fruit trees.
On Wednesday. March 20th. at the residence of George
Sprankle, near, Waterstreet, bosses, colts, tnilch cows,
young cattle, and stock hog,
On Friday March 22.1. at the late residence of Andrew
Allison, deed., in Henderson township, bores, cows,
young cattle, hogs. Also, grain G}• the bushel and grain
in the ground. Also farming utensils, and household
end kitchen furniture.
[For the Globe.]
The Union! the Union
The liege of the free;
lamvsoe'er we may differ,
In this we Agree.
Our glorious banner,
No traitor shall mar,
Ey effacing a stripe,
Or strati sytug a star.
The Union, the Union!
In pod we repose—
We confide In the power
That vanquish'il our foes
The God of our fathers„
Oh, still may He be
The strength of the Union,
The hope of the free.
Disunion! No never!
The Union forever!
And cured be the hand
That our Union would sever.
Ton Township, Feb. 23, 1661.
quested to say that it is intended to
put the water in on the Eastern and
Lower Western Divisions by the 15th
On the - Loaer -- a - uniuva - rorvusunr,
the aqueducts cannot be got ready un
tillowards the last of the month. We
understand that great quantities of
grain all along the canal are waiting
the opening of the navigation to be
shipped to eastern markets.
Our friend Jacob Longneeker, of West
township,has leased the Railroad Hotel
in Petersburg, now occupied by Henry
lielfright, and will take possession on
the Ist of April. We • have no doubt
Olr.Longnecker. will keep a good house
and we recommend our friends visiting
Petersburg to give him a call.
located in the Dimond, is to be en
larged by an addition of a third story.
The propaietor, Mr. Val. Crouse, is do
ing a good business, and when the lin
provement is completed he may expect
a greatly increased run of patronage.
---The brothers, Col. Graffus and Col.
J. S. Miller,take charge of these Hotels
on the Ist of April. John S. has pur
chased the Exchange, and Graffus has
leased the Jackson, Huntingdon will
have at least three first rate Hotels
for the accomniodatlon of the public
NEW Commurrxr.—lmlay & Bich
nell'give the following description of a
new and dangerous counterfeit ten
dollar note, purporting to be the true
issue of the Wyoming Bank of Wilkes
barree, Pa.. which has just been put
in circulation. It is an exact imitation
of the genuine note. The title of the
bank is in a circle at the top of the
note, the figures 10 in each upper cor
ner, on lower left two Indians, on low
er right oval male portrait. The only
security the while, have is to refuse
all 10's of this plate on this bank. The
.officers, without doubt, will call in all
issues of this plate, and cause a new
one to be made at once.
from the Lancaster (Pa.) Express that
on the ith ult.; Prof. T. R. Pollock,
Principal of the Mercantile College of
that city, was admitted to practide
law in the - several Courts of Lancaster
county. The Eepress says his exami
nation was a very creditable one.—
Prof.. Pollock is a native of Shirley
ownship, and is weil known to many
of our citizens.
RELIGIOUS.—There will be preaching
in the German Reformed Church, of
this place, on next Sabbath afternoon,
at 3 o'clock,
rein• We take pleasure in calling attention
to the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery
of Art. Tho testimonials aro of the first
merously signed, has been posted at
several places in town fora public
meeting of all workingmen in the
county favorable to the formation of
a new political party. The meeting
is called at the Court House on Tues
day evening next. We always like
to hear the workingmen speak out
like men—and act like men. Their
present movement may be to their in
terests, and it may not. We have
been one of the toiling millions all our
life, and therefore can feel with the
workingmen. To sustain the move
ment of the workingmen, a new paper
is to be established in this place by
Wm. F. Shaw and B. F. Miller. The
first number of the paper will be issued
in a week or two. The Workingmen's
Advocate will be the name of the paper.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 1861.
The motion to reconsider the vote
by which Mr. Corwin's proposed
amendment to the Constitution yester
day failed to receive the required two
thirds vote, was announced as the
first business in order.
Mr. Kilgore,
of Indiana, who made
the motion, called the attention of his
Republican friends to the importance
of the vote they were now called on
to give. But a few days ago, they all
emphatically declared, by sanctioning
a resolution which was unanimously
adopted, that they had no desire nor
disposition to interfere with slavery in
the States where it exists. Yesterday,
however, they seemed to have forgot
ten this declaration, being carried
away by wild fanaticism. The pecu
liar condition of the country required
some action. If they had changed
their ground since the occasion to
which he had referred, and were now
disposed to invade .the sovereignty of
the States, then he was no Republican.
In repeated speeches he had said that
those who accused the Republicans of
such a design uttered a slander.—
Should they say to the world, when
they are about to possess the power
of the Government, that they are
for using it to break down the sover
eign rights of the States, and invade
their privileges ? If that was the doc
trine he could not subscribe to it.—
They should bear in mind that.they
were not the masters, but the mere
servants of the people. The proposi
tion to amend the Constitution should
be taken to their masters, and the lat
ter should be asked whether they will
approve or reject it. For the sake of
the peace and quiet of the country and
for the good of the Republican party,
he appealed to them to come forward
to-day, and with the same unanimity
that they voted for the resolution to
which he had referred,• declare the
same thing in the pending proposition,
as an amendment to the Constitution.
If you fail to give peace, you wrong
yourself, and not the people, and on
your heads will fall the responsibility.
Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, said while
there were fifteen slaveholding States
acknowedging allegiance to the Fede
ral Government and therefore haviner
themselves against an invasion of their
rights, it was a matter of little conse
quence whether such an amendment
to the Constitution be inaugurated or
not; but the stette of the country is
now essentially and radically changed.
Seven or eight States now deny their
allegiance to the " Government, and
have proceeded to organize a separate
Confederacy, "independent of the Fed
eral Government. Whether it will be
recognized or not, is a question for
the future. If these States maintain
their position for a year or two, and
it should appear that nothing hut war
can bring them back, he would be
disposed to recognize their independ
ence. In this state of things, if ;the
remaining slaveholding States contin
in the Union, they are entitled to
additional guarantees, [Exclamations
on the Democratic side of " Good!
good I That's right."] There are now
seven slaveholding and nineteeraree
States. In ten years hence, Delaware
will, for all practical purposes, be free.
This will make twenty free and six
slaveholding States, and in a few more
years we will have five more free
States. .There would then be the
requisite three-fourths of the States to
change the Constitution, and confer
on the Federal Government the power
to interfere with slavery in the States.
Ile held that this was a power which
should never be invested in Congress,
if there was even only one slavehold
ing State. Slavery was a matter of
local and State concern. If he was
a citizen of a slaveholding State, and
desired the emancipation of slavery,
he would resist all interference by the
Federal Government. If it was the
purpose to afford constitutional pro
tection to the slaveholding States,
which the altered condition of the
country demandf, it was incumbent
to submit the proposition to the people,
to say, at least, how they will recog
nize it. It. ought not to be said, that
the Constitution, as our fathers made
it, is sufficient. At the time of its
adoption, there was only one free
State; the others were slaveholding;
therefore, there was no necessity for
guarantees. He was in earnest when
he said he did not desire to interfere
with slavery in the States, and appre
hended that his associates did not.—
If the Border Slave States remain in
the Union, they have the right to de
mand such guarantees , and, so far as
he was concerned, they shall have
them [Applause ftom the Democratic
and Southern sides.] His friend 4 on
the Republican side were making a
mistake. He would tell them that
public opinion in the States they repre
sent will not warrant their refusal.—
At all events, it was ungenerous to
refuse the people an opportunity to
etexnress their opinion. Their position
not be sustained. He would
say to his, Southern friends, if this
guarantee e now refused, let them
forego any act of secession, until there
shall be an opportunity for appeal to
the people of the free States. [Applause]
He called for the previous question.
Mr. Lovejoy, of Illinois, amid great
confusion, appealed to Mr. Stanton to
withdraw his demand for the precious
question, which
Mr. Stanton most emphatically re
fused to do.
Several gentlemen complained of
the confusion, as it was impossible to
understand what was going on. Some
said the noise was owing to the large
number of strangers on the floor,
while others charged the disorder to
the members themselves.
The Speaker directed the doorkeeper
to do his duty.
The question was then taken on re
considering the vote rejecting Mr. Cor
win's proposed amendment to the
Constitution. It was agreed to—yeas
138, nays 65:.
Mr. Hickman raised a point of order
that two-thirds were necessary to re
consider, but the Speaker decided that
a mere majority was necessary for
this purpose.
Titer was another and still another
outbreak of confusion.
Members demanded the enforcement
of the rules, and the Speaker called on
the Sergeant-at-Arms to perform his
duty. •
The question was now presented on
agreeing to the amendment of Mr.
Corwin, as follows :
Be it resolved, By the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Uni
ted States of America, in Congress
assembled, two-thirds of both Houses
concurring, That the following article
be proposed to the Legislatures of the
several States as an amendment to the
Constitution of the United States,
which, when ratified by three-fourths
of said Legislatures, shall be valid to
all intents and purposes as part of the
said Constitution, viz :
Article Xl.L—" That no amendment
shall be made to the Constitution
which will authorize or give Congress
power to abolish or interfere within
any State with the' domestic institu
tions therein, including that of persons
held to labor or servitude by the laWs
of said State."
The Speaker announced the result—
yeas 133, nays 65.
The Speaker. There being the
necessary two-thirds, the resolution is
The result was greeted with tremen
dous applause on both the RepAbßean
and Democratic sides, and from the
S. Steel Blair, from this District vo
ted with the nays.
Remarks of Judge Lewis on Presenting
President Buchanan with the Resolu
tions of the Democratic Convention.
The Convention of the Democratic
party, that assembled at Harrisburg,
on the 22d ultimo was the largest that
ever assembled in this Commonwealth.
.It was composed of distinguished men
from every part of the State, repre
senting every shade of opinion hereto
fore existing in the party.
Ex-Chief Justice Lewis was chair
man of the Committee on Resolutions,
and reported them to the Convention.
They were unanimously adopted. A
committee of thirty-four was appointed
to convey these resolutions to the
Peace Congress, and to the President
and Vice President
,of the 'United
States. ' This committee attended in
the East Room of the White ' House,
nAt lT YlNTiraTilb"brA u fstatiqf
the resolutions to, and addressed the
President as follows:
flit. PRESIDENT : You see in attend
ance thirty-four citizens of Pennsylva
nia, constituting a committee appoint
ed by the Democratic Convention held
in Harrisburg on the 21st and 22d
Feb., 1861.
It gives me great pleasure that I
have been selected by my fellow-citi
zens as their organ, on this occasion :
first, because I know that you will be
gratified with the pleasing intelligence
we are about to communicate; and,
secondly, because it comes through
the channel of one old neighbor and
personal friend- to another. We are
charged with the agreeable duty of
presenting to you a copy of the reso
lutions adopted by that great Conven
tion. I speak of it as a great Conven
tion, because it was the largest rep
resentative assembly ever convened
in that Commonwealth, and because
it comprised the wisdom of men dis
tinguished for their long experience
in public life, and the energy of others,
younger in years, but equally well
known for their patriotic devotion to
the free institutions of their country.
I speak of it as a great Convention,
because it was composed of leading
and influential men from every part
of the State, and of every shade of
opinion heretofore existing among our
political brethren.
Your Excellency is aware that the
party . which has hitherto had the
chief agency in sustaining, and in ad
ministering our wise system of self
government, was unfortunately dis
tracted by differences of opinion iu
relation to the selection of your suc
cessor in office. This destruction of
our harmony paralyzed our action,
and was one of the principal means by
which our political adversaries were
enabled to gain their temporary tri
umph at the late Presidential election,
and thus to bring upon the country
the deep gloom which now spreads it
self over the laud. It will give you
great pleasure to learn that the dis
sensions to which I refer, so far as
they affect your native State, are en
tirely healed : that all private griefs
are "in the deep bosom of the ocean
buried ;" and that the great conserva
tive party, whose battles, when united,
are always victories, are now united as
a band of brothers, with one heart,
and ono voice, and that they are
ready and able, when a legitimate op
portunity shall offer, to rescue the
Government from the hands of those
whose avowed principles and threat
ened purposes are rapidly producing
its destruction.
Our Convention met on the 21st of
February, and closed its labors on the
22d, a day which gave birth to the
Father of our country, and a fitting
day for the serious consideration of
our present national difficulties. The
closing of that Convention was the
adoption of these resolutions, and the
appointment of this committee. The
full number of delegates called was
three hundred and ninety-nine, and,
with very few exceptions, all were in
A Committee on Resolutions was
appointed. That committee was
composed of thirty-three members, se
lected, not by the presiding officer,
but by the Convention itself the dele
gates residing in each Senatorial dis
trict choosing for themselves, the mem
ber who was to represent them in the
committee. In speaking of my brethren
on that committee, I trust that I
may, be allowed to assure you• that
they were statesmen and patriots,
distinguished for their sound discretion
and their past services.
After many hours of calm, dignified
and independent, but harmonious de
liberation, they unanimously agreed
upon every resolution reported to the
Convention; and every resolution thus
reported was unanimously adopted by
that Convention, every member rising
from his seat, and proclaiming with
an earnestness which could not be
mistaken, his hearty approbation of
the sentiments expressed in the reso
You will perceive that the plhtform
thus constructed is one on which the
whole Democratic party may stand in
their union and strength. There is
not a single unsound plank in it, It
is a platform on which all true friends
of the Constitution and the Union, and
all patriots and law-abiding citizens.
of every party, may gather themselves
together, to save the country from the
calamities which threaten its destruc
You will also see that the Conven
tion has clearly affirmed that the sev
eral States of this Union are sovereign
and independent over every subject
not surrendered to the Federal Govern
ment, and that they have no right to
interfere with each othe4s domestic
institutions, but are .bound.,by the Con
stitution to protect and (Wend them.
There is also a distinct recognition of
the doctrine that the Government of
the United States, although limited in
its authority to the subjects enunciated
in the Federal Constitution, possesses,
within those limits, supreme authority,
and has the usual and necessary pow- .
ers for preserving itself and enforcing
its laws.
I know that it will give you real
satisfaction to learn that the high
council of our party whose representa
tives we are on this occasion, has not
hesitated to affirm, with entire unanim
ity, that our Southern brethren have
equal rights with ourselves in the Ter
ritories, acquired by the blood and
treasure of all for the common benefit
of all ; that this right is founded on
the clearest; equity, is supported by
the decision of the highest court in the
Union, and ought to be sustained by
every law-abiding citizen until some
satisfactory division of the territory be
settled by an amendment of ;the Con
stitution. In the fearless support of
established rights, our COnvention has
nut followed the example of those who
acknowledge the justice of these prin
ciples, but have not the courage to sup
port them, and who know the duty of
obediance to the decrees of our highest
court, but cannot bring their allegiance
up to the true standard of an eulight
cued conscience.
You will also perceive that our peo
ple in Pennsylvania are in favor of
aiding in the execution of that clause
of the Constitution which requires the
States to deliver up fugitive slaves to
their owners, and also in favor of re
pealing statutes which obstruct its ex
ecution, and of substituting other en
actments, in accordance with the Fed-
avowed a deep and abiding attachment
to the Union of the States. They
will cling to it as the last hope of free
dom, as the great experiment in self
government. which is to light the na
of the earth to liberty and inde
pendence. They have also expressed,
in one of those resolutions, a determi
nation to oppose, discountenance, and
prevent, by all proper and legitimate
means, any attempt, on the part of the
Republicans in power, to make armed
aggression upon the Southern States,
especially so long as the rights of the
latter continue to he unsecured, denied,
and obstructed.
All these resolutions were adopted
with entire unanimity. But the one
which condemned armed aggression
upon the Southern States while their
rights were denied, was received with
the most unbounded enthusiasm. It
was evident, from the loud and long
countinued shouts of applause, which
burst spontaneously from that grave
and intelligent assembly, that their
&arts revolted against civil war, ar
raying father against son, brother
against brother, and friends and kin
dred against each other. Mingling
foremost in the bloody scene, and
slaughtering each other in the fratici
dal conflict would, of course, be found
the brave heroes of - Om - Mexican war;
to companions-in-arms who had won
their laurels together, fighting side by
side against our foreign en - clay at Palo
Alto, Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo, and
the gates of Mexico. I have no hesi
tation in saying that the resolution re
ported by the committee fell far short
of the feeling of the Convention against
the inauguration of a civil war in an
unjust cause.
But pardon me for detaining you so
long. Herewith I have the honor to
present a copy of the resolutions to
which I have referred. We know that
you will do all you can to preserve our
beloved Union. We hope that our
common flag may continue to be the
banner of one united sisterhood of
States, bearing aloft in every clime its
glorious symbols of unity and power.
At tho conclusion of Judge Ellis
Lewis' remarks, he stepped forward
and handed a copy of the resolutions
to Mr. Buchanan, who, when receiving
replied with much feeling in a
brief but eloquent address to the corn
On tiro morning of the 10th DAVID MALCOM. Infant eon
of DaNui and Mollie I. Grose, aged 9 months and lb days.
Infant treasure thou Avast gis on
Hero awhile to cheer our way;
Thou the precious gift of Heaven,
Far.too precious here to stay,
God's own angel
Conn to bear thee hence away.
As a bud on bright May morning,
Which am bile its flap once sheet,
When the cruel frosts have bitten,
Lies among the faded dead,
So thou loved ono
Meth to thy gray 0.3 ard bed.
But thoagh dead, thou bast not perished,
Death confines not in the tomb;
As a bud, the gardener cherished,
Thou on bright:r plahrt Anil bloom, .
In Heaven's glutton
Then Is/it shod thy sneet perfume.
Infant It ensure then has left us;
Left us hone alone to du ell ;
Tot 'tin Cod who bath bereft us,
And " He death all things well."
Infant treantro ,
For a little while farewell.
AIZ— Inalr county parer., please copy.
Passage of the Railroad Bills
[Prom the Harrisburg Patriot & Union, March Ist.]
It is with pleasure that we are ena
bled to announce the final passage, by
the senate, of the bill for the commu
tation of tonnage duties upon the
Pennsylvania railroad, and also the
bill to promote the completion of the
Sunbury and Erie railroad, and there
by secure the immediate interest which
the State has in that great improve
ment. Having advocated the passage
of both of these bills, as calculated to
subserve the ir,true interests of this
State, in the face of prejudices existing
against them in the ranks of the polit
cal party to which we are devoted, we
cannot but feel gratified at their en
dorsement by decided majorities in
both branches of the Legislature, after
the closest scrutiny and the most am
ple discussion. Time will vindicate
the wisdom of the policy, which dicta
ted their passage, and old' prejudices
wear out and disappear forever.
Although the bill for the commuta
tion of tonnage duties was opposed,
earnestly-and ably, by gentlemen for
whom we entertain the greatest re
spect, we heard nothing to shake our
settled conviction of the impolicy and
injustice of the tax upon tonnage upon
the Pennsylvania railroad, or any oth
er avenue transporting the, products
of industry to market. We regard
that policy as suicidal—as inflicting a
deliberate injury upon the interests of
our own State—as calculated to build
up other States, having rival roads to
the great West, at the expenSe of Penn
sylvania—and as materially retarding
the growth and prosperity of our own
people. Aside from these paramount
considerations of public policy, the
tonnage tax' is unjust because it is un
equal. It lacks the essential requisite
of a rightful imposition, because its
product is drawn from ono class of the
community—the class of producers
who are couroelled to seek this avenue
to, market. These two objections are
fatal to the continuance of this tax,
and unanswerable in favor of its re
peal.- arguments drawn from the
amount of money which may be appa
rently lost to the Treasury by the re
moval of this tax, fall to the ground,
without first establishing its policy and
justice, aside from its productiveness;
for a tax -does not become right be
cause it pays an ample revenue. On
the contrary, the wrong becomes the
more flagrant in exact proportion to
its extent.
The following shows the vote in the
Senate on the final passage of this bill :
YEAS.—Messrs. Benson, Blood, Connell,
Finney, Gregg, Hall, Imbrie, Landon, Mc-
Clure, Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Schindel,
Serrill, Smith, Thompson, Wharton, and Pal
mer, Speaker.-18.
NAYS.—Mesers. Boughter, Bound, Clymer,
Craw ford, Fuller, Hamilton, Heistand, Irish,
Ketcham, Lawrence, Mott, Penney, Robin
son, Welsh, and Yardley.-15. ro
The vote on the final passage of the
bill for the relief of the Sunbury and
Erie railroad was more decided than
could have been an ticipated ,and showed
how strong was the conviction of the
necessity of this measure for the com
pletion of the road and the develop
ment of that hitherto neglected portion
of the State through which it passes,
as well as for the better security of
the payment of the mortgar held by
YEAS.—Messrs. Benson, Blond, Bound,
Connell, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Ham
ilton, lleistand, Imbrie, Landon, Lawrence,
M'Clure, Meredith, Nichol,. Parker, Robin
son, Schindel, Serrill, Smith, Thompson,
Wharton, Yardly, and Palmer, Speaker.-25.
NAYS.—Messrs. Boughter, Clymer, Craw
ford, Irish, Ketcham, Mott, Penney, and
-...... _____
A Thrilling Narrative.
The following narrative of Mrs.
Sherman's sufferings, from the pen of
her sister, Mrs. S. P. Martin, is har
rowing. It was written to the broth
er of both sisters, who resides in Fay
etteville, Fayette county, Texas. The
letter is dated Parker county, Texas,
Dec. 17, IS6O.
My Dear Brother :—The Indians
have again come down upon us, mur
dering cur sister Martha A. Sherman.
Her bite and suffering are too hor
rid to relate— a thought of the affair
sinks my soul into despair, and you
see that these lines are nearly obliter
ated by tears. To sicken and die by
the ordinary circumstances of Provi
dence, is but moderate suffering—but
to suffer the thousand deaths of a dy
ing one at the hands of the pitiless
savage, melts the heart to contem
The Indians went to Mr. Sherman's
house, shook hands with all, and asked
for something to eat. It was dinner
time, and they gave the Indians the
table. They ate and then ordered
Mr. S. to leave the house. He did so,
taking with him his wife and the three
little children. They had got off some
five or six hundred yards when the
Indians overtook them; sister was
carried back to the house by them,
alone, leaving Mr. S. and the children.
The heartless wretches here began
brutal outrages, whipping her all
the way to the house, over the face
and head, with their whips. After
reaching the house, they took from it
every article of value, even to the bed
clothing; then took poor sister by the
hair of the head, one of the brutes on
either side of her dragging her along,
still beating and Whipping her. They
even stuck pins in her flesh, and tor
tured her in every possible manner ;
finally took off her clothing, contiuing
to whip her, till, nature exhausted,she
sank under the burden of relentless
cruelty. They then scalped her, taking
off every strand of her dear hair, leav
ing the skull bone bare. And then to
clip the climax, they shot her through
the shoulder, leaving her, as they
thought, to die struggling in her own
life's blood. Here she was found, by
her husband, trying to drag her al
most lifeless body to a mud-hole of
water near by. fu this mangled state
she lived four days, suffering more
than language can describe.
Oh ! pitying heaven ! grant that it
may never be my lot again to weep
over such another scene. Mother and'
brother were with her in her dying
moments. Notwithstanding tho sever
ity of her treatment, she was sensible
of everything that passed. My dear
brother can you stand this, and not
resent the wrongs perpetrated upon
your own sister? Can you see those '
three little children, and not pursue
their mother's murderers ? Can you
see her scalp in the hands of the sav
cm brutes, and not rescue it,
though it cost you your life ! Can you
ever sleep while remembering her cries
with uplifted hands, invoking the Fa
ther of mercies to spare her life as she
was struck down by the clubs of the
black-hearted wolves ? No ! never !
never !
The brother to whom this letter was
written, is now (the Galveston News
understands) on the frontier, deter
mined to avenge his unfortunke sis
ter's wrong and death.
On the Met ult., in Seettorllle, by ltev. O. W. Douse, Mr.
P. llumtr BENCE, to Mier blAno.tnET J.DRAHE, all ofScotts
5111.rch 5.
Fancy and Extra Family Flour $13,17006.7.5
Common and Superfine $5,25(05,37
Eye Floor
Corn Meal . 41:8 6 7 21 A
Extra White Wheat $1,40@1,46
Fair nod Prime lied $1,27®1,33
nye 68e
Corn, prime Yellow 02.@63
Oats Si
Cloyrseeed, ca 64 fbs Q 1.50043,00
Timothy $2,2002,25
White Wheat •511,10
lied Wheat 411,00
11,1 e 50
Corn 50
Oats 25
Cloverseed ' - 4,00
Flaxseed 1,00
Dried Apples 1,50
Dotter 16'
. 23.6 .
Hunt 1234
Shoulder 10
Sides 11
'fallow 113
We would respectfully inform our friends,patrons
and the public generally, that we have now in
Store and offer Wholesale and Retail, at the low
est Costa Prices, a largo and very choice stock of •
Watches. 'Jewelry, Salver and Plated Ware, of every va
riety and style.
Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewelry
made to order tit stunt notice. ter All goods warranted
to he on roprehented.
N. IL Particular attention given to the repairing of
Watches and Jea °lcy, of every• description.
No. 622 Market Street, South Mae, Philadelphia.
Match 6,1061.-3 m.
The sale of Trees, at public AUCTION, at
the Nurseries of TAYLOR k CREMBII, In
Huntingdon, will commence on FRIDAY,
the 15111 of March, Inot, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and continuo
on the following Saturday (the 16th inst.,) and on Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays of each leeck•therenfter as
long as the transplanting scram continues, or until the
bulcablo stock Is sold.
The trees mill be taken up carefully and assorted, and
sold in lots to unit purchase's, each let containing several
The stock to he sold embraces from 15 to 20 of th.
choicest varieties of apples, and 10 or mote of the bee
valieties of peAclies.
Huntingdon, March 0, 1961.
This great invention commends Itself to every one using
Coal Oil Lumps. It gisea mule light, requires less clean
ing and will not break b 3 the heat or cold, falling, or any
ordinary usage. For sale by Storekeepers generally
tlnoughout the U. S. end the Canticles, and Wholesale by
the klannfacturers and Patentees.
No. 321 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
N. IL—A large end superior stock of COAL OIL
L A kf PS, always on hand, at prices defying competition.
Also the PORTLAND COAL On., at Manufactuters' price.
Feb. 27, 1861.-It.
Will be received by the subscriber fur mining and
slivering into care the coal front the Bowelton and Ber
net Colleries, fur ono )ear, ending March first, 1802.
The coal to be delivered at so ninch per ton, of 2240 lbs.,
afolesaid, In the best 'marketable condition, free from
010110, and oilier impmitfee , in such quantities and of such
description as may be designated by the eiders of the
subset ibcr.
The contractor will he provided with such mining tools
and implements, mules, houses, Sc., us may he on the
ptemicen,a valuation of which will be made at the time
1108SCSNi011 is given, the amount of which valuation, to ho
accounted for at the expiration of tine contract.
A good store will In, provided. A moderate rent will be
changed tot Muses
• Tlio mines to Ls worked subject to such mining engineer
3 the lessee may ptorlde, For fin Hier information apply
No. 101 Walnut Street,
At Cbffee Run Skilwn, and Newburg.
SI3ION COLIN d• CO., have just received from the Ens
ern Cities, a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queen, way, Hardware,
Chothtng, Bonnet:, Shawls.
Hats, Caps, Bests, Shoe:,
and all other articles kept in country• stores, which they
are oiler ingot tjeoir Mammoth Stores, nt Coffee Thin Sta
tion and Newburg. at unusually low prices. The ladies
especially, are invited to call and examine their Fancy
Having arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia
and other easter n cities, thy are able to hay their goods
cheapor than other country merchants, nod can come.
quently, undersell them! In exchange for gods, they
take nli kinds of country produce at the highest cash pri
ces. By strict attaution to the wants of customers, they
hope to receive a continuation of the liberal natiunage
with whirh they hove been heretofore Levered.
Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top It. It. Co., at Coffee
Run Station, and is prepared to strip all kinds of Grain to
the Eastern markets. Having a large Wale Room, far
mer s can store with hint until ready to ship. Every con
venience mil be afforded them.
By virtue erns order of the Orphans' Court of Hun
tl ngdon county, will be sold at Public Sale, on the pram
leer, lu Tell township, o n
Thursday, March Wm 14th, 1861,
the following certain Mesa:laws and Tracts of Land, t.
as it:
A certain Tract of Land situate in the said
township of Tell, bounded by lands of William Whiney,
Jonathan Di iggs, and public road also, by mountain lands
of held George Wilson, Deed., Mrs. Logue, and lauds of S.
J. Ileckedorn, part of which le cleared and under fence,
having thereon erected a log house—containing about 60
'Acres more or less. This property would make au excel
lent stand for a blacksmith chop.
ALso--A Tract of Mountain Land, con
taining 100 Acres, more or less, bounded by lauds of Jon
athan Briggs, James Jones' heirs, Tusemom Mountain,dm.
TERMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in one
year thereafter, to be secured by the bond and mortgage
of the purchaser.
11. R. SHEARER, Executor.
I+eb.l3, 1861.4 t,
ESTATE OP ARTHUR. ADAMSON, DECD.By virtue ol'W order of the Orphans' Court of Ile
tingdon county, will be sold at Public Sale, on tl
premises, in Brady township, on
Thursday March the 14th, 1861, eaten o'clock, A. .11,
All that certain tract and lot of ground,
situate in said too nelsip of Brady, adjoining lands of !dal . -
tin Fleming on ties south, lauds of John McCarthy's heirs
on the north and west, and lands of Jonathan Mete on the
east, containing 8 acres and some perches, having thereon
a house and barn and other buildings.
TEEMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of solo, and the residue in one
yearn Ith interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage
of the purchaser. JAMBS G. CORBIN,
Feh. 13, 1861.-31. Trustee.
The undersigned auditor, appointed to distribute
the balance remaining in the hands of Dainiel Massey,
admr. de boots non cum testamento annexe, of Thomas
Blair, &cid., will attend to his duties at the office of Miles
IL Dorris, on Friday the 22d day of March next, at ten
o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM DORRIS, Jr.
Feb 13, 1861.-4 t. Auditor.
Estate of Andrew Allison, Deed.
Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew Alli
son, late df Henderson tp. deed., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons having claims against the
estate are requested to present them to Alexander Allison,
nt Crosson, Cambria co., Pa., or John Porter, near Hun
tingdon, and all persons thdebted Bill make Immediate
pa3ment. 401tx PonTEII,
Feb. Adm'rs.
[Estate of Jacob Latherow, Deceased.l
Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Jacob Lather
row,lato of Shirley too uship, deed., having been grunted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan, 30, 1061.-6 t. Administrator.
[Estato of Heathlob Crownovcr, Deed.]
raters testamentary, on the estate of Razebirth Crownce
ver, late of Barreo tp., deo'd., having boon granted to the
undersigned, 01l persons indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and thew having Cillllllß to present
them properly outentleated for settlement to " •
• Jan. 30, 1.861-60 Executor.
Jan. 2, 1881-ff.
1,3 Generally lu use In the Schools of too GoulltY•tiot on
band, will be furnlblied to order, on application at
FOR 1861.
The 11Ifuol3 Comma Railroad Company hate for Salo
1,200,000 , ACRES
Of Rich Farming Lnnds in Tracts of Forty Acres and
Upward, on Long Prelit and at Low Prices,
Mzeramcs, Penurns, A Woastiours.
The attention of the enterprising and indnstrious por
tion of the community Is directed to the following state
ments and liberal Inducements offered them by the e,
Which, as they will perceive, will enable them, by proper
energy, perseverance, and industry,to provide comfortable
and permanent homes for themselves and families, with,
comparatively speaking, very little capital.
No State to the valley of the Mississippi offers so great
an Inducement to the settler es the State of Illinois.—
There is no portion of the world where all of the condl
done of climate and soli so admirably combine to produce
those two great staples, corn and reheat, as the prairlei of
The deep rich loam of the prairies is cultivated with
such wohderful facility that ttle farmers of the Eastern
and Middle States aro movingltlllinois In great numbers.
The urea of Illinois is about eql al to that of England, and
the soil SO rich that it mull s pport twenty millions of
These lands are contiguous to a railroad seven hundred
miles in length, which connects with other roads and nay.
!gable lakes and rivers, thus attbrdlng an unbroken com.
=nictitation with the Eastern and Southern markets.
Thus far capital and labor have been applied to develop
leg the soil ; the great resources of the tate In coal and
iron are almost untouched. The invariable role that the
mechanic arts flourish beet where food and fuel are cheap.
est, wilt followat an early day in Illinois, and in the course
of the next ten years the natural laws and necessities of
the case warrant the belief that at least flee hundred
thousand people will be engaged In the State of Illinoisin
the various tunnuaoturlng ample) ut tote.
Over 5100,000,000 of private capital have been expended
on the railroad system of Illinois. Inasmuch apart or
the income from several of these works, with a valuable
public fund in lands, go to diminish the State oxpeoma,
the taxes are light, and must consequently every day de.
' The State debt is only $10,105,398 14, and , a - Ithin the
last three years brut been reduced .82,059,748 80 ; and 144
may reasonably expect that in ten yeses it nill become
The State to rapidly Ailing up 'with population; 563,-
026 pergola having Leon added silica kB6O, tanking tiro pop.
ulatiou 1,719,400—a ratio of 102 per cent. iu ten years. ,
The agricultural products of Illinois are greater thee
those of any other State. The products sent out duriog
the pout year exceeded 1,600,000 tone. The wheat crop
1860 approaches 35,000,000 bushels, Odle the corn crop
yields nut less than 140,000,000 bushels.
Fennurr or Sou..
Nowjiere can the industrious farmer secure such imme
diate results for Ms tuber as upon theeo prairie soils, they
being composed of a:deep rich loam, the fertility of which
Is unsurpassed by auy on the globe.
Since 1554 the ann . :yang have sold 1,300,000 acres. They
sell only to actual cultivators. and every conttract contains
un agreement to cultivate. Tie road has been cm:trusted
through these lands at an expense of $30,000,000. in 1850,
the pnindation of the 49 counties through which it passes
was only 335.598, since which 479,203 hare been added, ma
king the whole population 814,891—a gain of 143 per cad.:
As an evidence cf the thrift of the people, it may be
elated that 600,000 tons of freight, including 8,600,000 hue.
of grain and 250,000 barrels of }tour, were forwarded over
tho line last year.
Mechanics and svorklogmen will Bud the free school
vett= encouraged by the State and endowed with a largo
revenue for the support of schools. Their children cup
live in eight of the church and school house, and grow up
with the prosperity- of the leading state In the Great West
ern Empire,
The prices of theso lands vary from $6 to $25 per acre,
acording to location, nnality, &c. First-class farming lands
sell for about $lO or $l2 per acre; and the relative expense
of subduing prairie land, as compared with woodland, to in
the ratio of one to ten to favor of the former. The terms
aside for the bulk of these lands will be
at six percent perannum, and six interest notes at six
per cent. payable respectively in one, two, three, four,five,
and six years from date o solo; and four notes for pried
pal, payable in four, five, six, and seven years, from data
of sale ; the contract stipulating that one-tenth of the tract
pnrchased shall be fenced and cultivated, each and every
year for five years from the date of sale. so that at the end
of five yearn one-halfshall be fenced and under cultivation.
TWENTY PER Ix Ar_ IE ,jr,p
?...V.:FeIW-7.174. •••. . - . • .
plication to J. W. POSTEIt,
Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Italleoatl,
For the names of the towns, villages, and cities situated
upon the Illinois Central Belli mid, see pageslBB. ISA,and
100 Appleton's Railway Outdo. (Feb. 13, 'ea—wtf.
1 Book of Rails Rules and Calculations for Business Ope
rations, by Marlin M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and
Conveyancer. New Edition, published by J. B. Lippin
cott 6• Co., Philadelphia.
This work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 - Rides
and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as
raise every day In tho common pursuits of Business. It
has already passed through a number of editions in rapid
succession, and is piunounred by all, classes of business
men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to
calculations, that has ever been published.
Every example in the book is worked out in full and
stated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel case ari-
OR, those referring to the work will find no difficulty in
solving it; Ina word, the general arrangement of the
CALCULATOR is s:mple, that any one who knows how to
add, subtract, multiply and divide, can easily solve any or
dinary example that arises In business, or nrriro at the.
true result of any estimate required.
The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory
and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and simpli
city, believing that business men care little about spen
ding s time diecuming the philosophy of rules, or the
science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose
to be able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the true
result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all
other Arithmeties of the day and kindred works—it is a
key to practical business calculations—it is, in the hands
of the business man, what the key to mathematical works
in the hands of the teener in the school room—it foil!.
tales Mug and insures correctness.
lifeasurenient of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick
Work, cf Steno and Stone, work, of grain and grain bins,
of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir
cular, erviaro or irregular vessels, of Cisterns and vats, of
roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb.
er's, paper hanger'. and upholsterers' work._ It treats of
currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the
decimal system, of reduction and its extended application
to businesS, of simple and compound interest, and their
entire application tobuslness transactions; with the laws
and usages governing the same, together with numerous
commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on
notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay
ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes,
of wolgbte and measures, of squaro and cubic measure, of
the square root and its application to business of surfaces,
of excavation, and of many other important practical
matters not within the scope of an adrertiscaueut tan:was
ties. . .
Fanner, the merchant, the mechanic, the &Mama, or the
professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to
the lawyer, the justice of the peace. the conveyancer. and
real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk,
to the civil engineer and the - surveyor, to the carperdir
and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to
the paper hanger and npliolsterer, to the paver and the
tiler, &c., &c.; each and all will find it adapted to their va-
rious wants better than any book published.
Price, 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' hook B tor..
Iluntingdon, Dec. 20, 1860.
-Wholesale and Retail,
Just received and for eale at
Tracing Paper,
Impression Paper, -
Drawing Paper,
Deed Paper,
.Tiasoo Paper,
Silk Paper for Flowers,
Porroroted Paper,
Flgt Celle Paper,
Foolscap Paper,
lietter Paper,
Commercial Note Pape x,
Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Noto Paper,
Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note Paper,
White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets,
For male at ',EMS' Book, Stationery aid 111leic Stop,