The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 27, 1861, Image 3

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1861.
q'Every Subscriber to The Globe is
requested to act as Agent to extend its
circulation and usefulness. gg
We are anxious to publish a first class newspaper, and
with the assistance of our subscribers ue know ue cats
be put in possession of the means to do so. Wo want
every subscriber to interest himself, not only to procuring
for us additional patronage, but also its putting us in pos
session of all the local news of the county of interest to the
general reader. A little effort on the part oral! our patrons
would boss much to their advantag,o as to ours, as n ith
increased patronage we would ha enabled to give a better
Paper, Wo cannot afford to pat Tag atom at less than
$1.50 a year, and to enable us to deal Honestly with all
men 55 e must demand the subset iption yeatly or half
yearly in advance. Subscriptions can be sent to its
through the mail at our risk, the Postmasters It itnestlng,
the same. We earnestly and most respectftilly ask our
friends to make an rifot t to increase our patronage.
Connected with Tuc, we have a Job Office fur-
WI a MOM eXtell.iVC tlioslttlient atilt, latest style
of types and materials than can be found in any other
county town in the State. Our work compares favorably
with any done in the cities. We have four presses, which
enables us to put out all kinds of job work nit!, dispatch
and at reasonable pikes.
jAdrerti. - xl in ..Tur. Gconr," or for lN Lich bills hove been
On Thuroday, Match 14th. on the prentlsc, a tract of
hand in Tell towneltly, estate of Geo. W dee'd.
On Thureday, March 13tb, on tlho premises ' a lot of
:ground in Brady township, t state of Arthur Adamson
On Saturday, March 2,1, two lots of ground in Carbon
too oeltip, to be sold at eberifra Sale.
llomes for the Industrious, in Illinois, at ph hate sale.
Personal Property
On Friday, Mnrch lot, tot the reohtcncu of Henry Strons.
in :Markle-burg. horses, cows, di3.goods, nod houtehold
ninth kitchen ininiture.
On Friday the let of March. at the eesidence of David
Feiglital, in B..ree tounodp, horses, mach cows, young
.c.dtle, hogs, and fuming utensils.
On Wednesday, the Gth day of March, nt the residence
of David Enyeart in 11*.alker ton nship. horses, nalch
cone, sheep, hogs, and a variety of agricultural intuit.
On Tuesdny, 12th of March. on the premises of Jackon
Enyeart, In Hopewell township, hoists, CMS and young
On Wednesday. ]lurch '2oth. at the residence of George
Innkle, near, Watersdreet, horses, colts, nnlell Lens,
.)oungyattle, and :tuck lingo.
our friend Mr. Robt. A. Laird, collector
of taxes in Porter township, while
traveling in a carriage from Peters
burg to Alexandria on Monday night,
the ISth inst., his horse took fright
and ran off and broke loose from the
carriage, pulling Mr. Laird out over
the dasher and dragging him some two
or three rods, on the frozen road be
fore he got him stopped, tearing off
his overcoat and losing a pocket book
containing twelve hundred and eighty
live dollars in Bank bills. The pocket
book was found the next day, but the
bills were taken out. Mr. Laird has
offered a reward of three hundred dol
lars for the money. We sincerely hope
Mr. L. may get his money,—he is an
honest persevering business man and
a clever fellow, and has the sympathy
of the whole community.
• " Tics 13noAli To MINER.' • — We
have received the first number of the
new paper established On Broad Top
by A. Tyburst, Esq., of this place. The
_Miner gives satisfactory evidence that
Mr. T. is fully competent to make his
paper one of the most interesting in
the country. It is neatly printed, and
its editorials well written, and we are
pleased to learn that the enterprise
will be liberally enceuraged. Success
to " Tile Broad Top Miner."
I:xll'—Th° scholars of the
Methodist E. S. School of this place,
gave cxhibition . s on Thursday- and
Friday evenings of last week, which
were well attented by an appreciative
public. The speeches were well de
livered, and the dialogues well perform
ed. Altogether it was a very good
effort and reflects great credit on those
who had it in charge.
SAD ACCIDENT.---We are sorry that
it is our duty to chronicle, in this our
first number, a serious accident which
might hare resulted in death, and
which happened to Mr. Simon Cohn,
of Coffee Run. On Thursday evening
of last week, he was returning home
from - Newburg in a two-horse carriage,
and whilst passing through the nar
rows about two miles the other side of
Mr. James EntHken's, one of the car
riage wheels caught in the branches of
a small tree that had fallen down, and
projected out over the road. He stop
ped and got out to remove the project
ing branch, and while doing so, his
horses became frightened, and starting
to run, he jumped and caught one of
them by the bridle rein and endeavor
ed to stop them, but they dragged him
along for some distance, until his hold
gave way and. he fell, the horses and
carriage passing over him. lie was
knocked insensible, and lay in the road
some time before he was discovered.—
He was taken to Mr. Entriken's, where
it was ascertained that two of his ribs
were broken, besides being otherwise
injured. Dr. I. H. Wintrode was call
ed in and dressed his wounds. We
are pleased to learn that he is conva
lescing as speedily as can he expected.
—Broad Top Miner, Feb. 22.
VARIETY ENVELOPES, containing a fine
assortment of commercial and fancy
note paper, letter and note envelopes,
steel pens, etc., at wholesale prices, for
25 cents. Prepared and for sale at
Lewis' Book, Stationery and Magic
ENVELOPES—" rod, white Ally blue"
for sale at Lewis' Book Store,
13:23 - We take pleasure in calling attention
-to the 'advertisement of It. Newell's Gallery
of Art. The testimonials are of the first
character. -
JS"' A new stock of reward books and
cards for Sunday Schools, just received and
for sale at Lewis' Book, Stationery and Music
friends of the proposed "Juniata Val
ley Railroad," held an adjourned meet
ing on the 9th of February, at the
house of Robert Martin, in Williams
burg, Blair co., the officers of the for
mer meeting acting, (Samuel Tsai.,
President, and John N. Swope, Sec'y.)
The meeting was called to order by
the President. The report of the
Committee appointed at a former
meeting, to confer with the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Co. was called for, and
was responded to by Dr. Daniel Houtz,
Chairman of said Committee. The
Dr. made a verbal statement of the
progress they had made in the accom
plishment of their duties, from which
it appears that the Railroad Co. are
willing to assist us largely in the ma
king of our Road—on motion the re
port was accepted. A copy of the Bill,
now before the Legislature of Penna.
incorporating the Juniata Valley R. R.
Co., was read by the acting Secretary.
A Committee was then appointed to
draft resolutions, expressive of the
sense of the meeting. The following
named gentlemen web appointed by
the President, viz.:—Samuel Hatfield,
Jr., Robert Johnson, J. M. Kinkhcad,
John R. Neff, John G emmil, Maxwell
Moor, Geo. C. Bucher.
The committee retired and after a
short absence, reported the following
preamble and resolutions:
WHEREAS, a large extent of country
lying on the Juniata river east from
Hollidaysburg, including a portion of
Morrison's Cove south of Williamsburg,
and a large portion of Canoe Valley,
are dependent for the transportation
of their produce, articles of manuthe
tare and merchandise, upon the con
tinued operation of this portion of the
Pennsylvania Canal, and as it is well
known that the said Canal is fast fill
ling into dilapidation, and that no ef
fort is being made by its present own
ers to place it in a condition of useful
ness. And whereas, the said owners of
the Canal propose to extend such as
sistance for the purpose of substituting
a Railroad for the present canal, as to
place it in our power to construct the
said Railroad. Therefore, Resolved,
That we are in favor of constructing a
Railroad on the route of the present
Canal, or as near to it as practical,
from Hollidaysburg to the . most avail
able connection on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, at any point west of Hun
tingdon, and that upon the completion
of the said Railroad, the company now
owning the canal may not be required
to keep it open for navigation.
Resolved, That in our estimation the
completion of this Railroad would not
only establish confidence in the perma
nency of the present value of property
situated upon the line of the Road, but
will increase the value of all such prop
ilesolved, That the present Commit
tee of Conference with the Pennsylva
nia R. R. Co., viz D. D. Houtz, Sam'!
Isett, Archibald McAllister, P. Van
Devander, Sam'! Smith, be continued,
and that John N. Swope, and David
Watson be added to said Committee.
A motion was made by J. M. Kin
kead to reduce amount of capital stock
from $300,000 to $200,000. Snyder
Aker amended by reducing it to $150,-
000. The amendment was accepted,
and the motion passed.
On motion, resolved that the pro
ceedings of this meeting be forwarded
to the newspapers in Huntingdon and
Blair counties, with request to publish
the same.
Adjourned to meet at the call of tho
JOHN N. SWOOPE, 1 seer ' s.
Senator Douglas on the Tariff,
'entarks of Hon. S. A. Douglas, of DU
nOIS, in the Senate of the United States,
February 16, 1861
- Mr. Douglas said: Mr. President,
my constituents have the same inter
est involved in this question as those
of the Senator from Michigan and the
Senator from Kentucky, and I am as
anxious to protect the wool interest as
they can be; but 'certainly I do not
agree with them in the position they
have taken. I believe the amendment
proposed by the Senator from Michi
gan would be injurious to the wool
grower; and if we are to look at the
question as one of protection to the
wool-grower, I prefer the bill as it
stands to te amendment proposed
either by the Senator from Michigan,
or the Senator from Kentucky. fap
prebend there is no wool less than 18
cents a pound at a foreihm port that
comes in competition with one pound
of American wool. That cheap wool
is one that we do not produce, one
that we cannot produce; and yet the
introduction of those coarse wools cre
ates a market for our wools of a better
character. They are necessary to be
mixed with each other for certain
manufactures; and hence we encourage
the market for the wool that we do
produce by making any that does not
come in competition with it free of
duty, and allowing them to be mixed,
thus increasing the manufacture of
the article at home. I would have no
objection to amending the bill by add
ing that wools of a cerain value, of the
finest quality, may come in free. I
am willing to allow those under fifteen
and sixteen cents, and those over a
certain higher limit, to be free. Put
your duty between those two, and
then you will protect every wool
grower, and make an additional mar
ket for every pound of wool made in
This is the result of my examina
tions and reflections upon the subject.
The theory proposed by the Senator
from Kentucky, that all these duties
ought to be ad valorem, is a beautiful
theory. I admit it. I think the the
ory is just; and if the practice were as
good as the theory, I would not listen
to anything but au ad valorem duty.—
But I suppose, if you will take the
pains to inquire and investigate this
question, you will find that there is a
greater leparture from the ad valorem
tariff than there is under one of specific
duties. I suppose it is no longer a se
cret, and no man informed on the sub
ject will pretend to question any longer
that it may be said to be the constant
habit of foreign importers to make
false invoice, sustained by an affidavit
on which the purchaser in this country
can cheat the Government out of one
half the duty. I have seen the evi
dence of that, I regret to say, in this
very city. You cannot now order a
dress from Paris without getting a let
ter for payment at one price, and an
invoice sworn to at about half the price,
to pay duties on. I can find the evi
dence of that in every department Of
this Government, and call my witnesess
in every branch of the Government;
not that they have been parties to the
fraud. They order the article ; and,
as a matter of course, a fidse invoice
comes with a false affidavit sustaining
it, and then a bill with double price
for yea to pay it, thinking that you
should pay them a good price for an
article if they enabled you to cheat the
Government out of halt' the duty.
My opinion is that this must be
stopped. lam informed, and believe,
that the honest American importer is
bein g driven out of business rapidly.
It is hard work to get an American to
believe that it is moral and right to im
port goods -under false invoices, sus
tamed by false affidavits. On the con
tinent of Europe there is a very differ
ent idea in regard to custom- house
oaths. A man would not stand respec
table for intelligence as a merchant
over there, whose conscience would
shrink from favoring his customer on
this side by these little appliances of
false invoices and false oaths. For
this reason, while I endorse the theory
of ad valorem, duty, I cannot close my
eyes to the fact that it is a series of
unmitigated frauds ; and we must try
to arrive at the practical honest impor
tation, even if we have to put specific
duties in some cases to prevent these
frauds. I will not go fora specific du
ty, except where I think it is essential
to correct fraud, and to protect some
American interest either from fraud or
combination; but in all such cases I
am prepared to vote for it.
sir, in regard to this item of
wool, it is said that very fine, wools
may be brought in mixed with dirt,
and other filthy substances, to reduce
the price below 18 cents; and then,
when it is cleaned, is worth 45 cents.
We all know, especially those of us
who investigate the question, that
those tricks have been played; and
there is a provision in this bill that
guards against them. That provision
is, wherever there has been any ad
mixture with inferior material of any
kind, so as to bring the price below 18
cents, the very highest duties shall be
be paid, charging 9 cents duty in that
case, in order to prevent fraud. That
is the bust guarantee that I can get
against frauds in regard to coarse wools.
Then, I come back to the point from
which 1 started: that the free list, so
far as these course woolens are con
cerned, is beneficial to the wool-grow
er, instead of injurious. lam not sur
prised that some Senators look with a
little amazement at such a declaration;
for I thought it was an absurdity when
I first heard the proposition advanced;
but an investigation has satisfied me it
is clearly so. Ido not intend to go
into the discussion of this tariff ques
tion; I feel that I have not been able
to investiwtte it as thoroughly as I_l
woiißflike. - 1 b aVo - dlideavu - reit - ai ex
amine it. and I have made some pro
(ryes,: I think I have got along as
well as some Senators, and perhaps a
little better. I have learned enough
about it to know that I know scarcely
anything about it at all; and a man
makes considerable progress on a pies
tion of this kind when he ascertains
that fact. I feel that we are striking
great interests in the dark. While we
are trying to protect and save one
branch of industry, we are striking a
dcadlyblowat another. A tariff involves
two conflicting principles, which are
eternally at war with each other.—
Every tariff involves the principles of
protection and of oppression, the prin
ciples of benefits and of burdens.—
Every.Onty levied upon the the impor
tation of a foreign article which comes
in competition with our home produc
tion is a protection to that extent.—
Every duty levied upon a raw material
which we do not manufacture, here is
a tax upon the manufacturer of that
article here. Thus you find that by
protecting one interest perhaps you will
Oppose another. For instance, if lam
engaged in the manufacture of pig iron,
I want a duty that will protect my in
terest. You give it to me, and then a
man engaged in another branch of the
iron business comes and says that the
pig iron I manufacture is his raw ma
terial, and by protecting me and my
manutheture of that article you put a
tax on his raw material, to his injury.
lie has been injured to the same ex
tent that I have been benefited ; and
then he wants protection on another
point, to make up for the loss on the
raw material. Thus, when you at
tempt to discriminate for the purpose
of benefiting one, you are striking a
blow at another•. The great difficulty
is so to adjust these conflicting princi
ples of benefits and burdens as to make
one compensate for the other in the
end, and give equal benefits and equal
burdens to every class of the commu
1 take it for granted that is what
we arc aiming at in this bill. lam
afraid that the bill does not accomplish
it. Ido not expect it to be put in
such a shape that I can vote for it;
but I am determined that I will help
to perfect it, and make it as little ob
jectionable as possible, in order, that,
if it does pass, it shall have the
best influences upon the country that
we can hope for from a tariff bill at
this session of Congress. I should not
have uttered a word but for the re
marks of the Senator from Michigan
in defence of the wool interest, and
the remarks of the Senator from Ken
tucky, in defence of the great farm
ing interest in the West, in which
remarks I think they have both
mistaken the interest of our section of
the country, so far as this question of
wool is involved.
PF --- , 4 4-- A new religious corporation
has been established in Algeria, under
the name of " The Ploughing Fathers."
These monks have imposed on them
selves the task of ploughing success
fully and gratuitously all the unculti
vated portions of the soil of that colo
ny, which they will then make over to
the State, for the_use of emigrants.
When the census of 1850 was
taken, there were, in the United States,
7,475 miles of completed railway in
operation. The year 1800 dawns upon
us with no less than 31,170 miles.
Will tie received by the subscriber for mining and
delivering into cats the coal from the Powelton nod Bar
net Collet tee, for one sear, ending March first, 1502.
The coal to be delis med at so much per ton, of 2240 the.,
ns aforesaid, In the best mat ketable Condition, flee front
slate, and other Minorities, in such quantities and amid'
ile•ici /Num as may be designated by the or d ers of, Om
The contractor pill ho pros iciest with such mining tools
and implements, mules, houses, Se., as may he on the
premises, a valuation of which will Lc made at the time
possession is given, the amount of which valuation to ho
accounted for at the expiration of the contract.
A good store will be presided. A moderate rent mill ho
chat ged for houses
The mines to be NVOSIZeII EMl J ect to . 5101 mining engineer
as the lessee nifty preside, For further 1111'013=14m apply
No. 104 Walnut krect, '
Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb. 20, 10131.-41.
At Ogee Run Mahon, t u rd Newburg.
SIMON COIIN S . , CO , hare just tem:Mal from the East
ern Cities, a large stock of
Dry Goad?, GrOcerieg,
Qatensware. Hardware,
Cloilang, Bonnets, Shawls,
Hats, azys, Boots, Shod,
and all other articles Rept in country stores, which they
are otTeling at their Mammoth Stoles, at Coffee Run Sta
tion and Newburg, at unusually low prices. The ladies
especially, are invited to call and examine their Fancy
Ifa,ing an rangrnnentv with bug.• firms in Plnloolelphia
and other ealtet n cities, they one able to buy their goods
cheaper than other country inetrhants, and can Clarif:-
1111lit•I it'll lineal I In exeliango for good+, they
take oil kinds of copittcy protlace at the highest cash pri
ces. Py stain t attention to tine u ants of cuqtotners, they
hope to receive in continuation of the Inherit pattouage
Alain eldch they have moon heretOrOlo
Mr. Cohn to Agent of the Bread Top 1t..1t. Co., at Corti.°
:Station, and fn prepardi) to ship all kinds of Cii ilia to
the Eastern markets. 11.ising a Loge {Van: Room, far
mers can store with hint until ready to ship. Es cry con
%Mono will be allortled them.
cytPILLN T. S t. ; I.3 C O O F U GE R OI T IGF; S ;i, k I I zs I o iI N Duel,.
y virtue of an alias cu der of the Hi phons' Court of Hun
tingdon county, will be bold at Public Sale, on the Deni
ms, in Toll township, on
Thursday, March the 141 h, 1501,
the follow lug cm lain 31.2.,suages and Tracts of Lund, to
A certain Tract of Land situate in the said
tow nobly of Tell, bounded by lan& of William Widuey,
Jonathan Briggs. And public r‘sulabo, by mountain lands
of said Goo go Wilson. Deed., Mrs. Logue, and lauds of S.
Ileckedorn, part of w Web is cleared and under fence,
haying tbetcon erected a. log house—containing about GO
Acres more or less. This property would make an excel
lout stand for a blacksmith shop.
- -
Also--A Tract of Mountain Land, con
taining 100 Acre', more or less, bounded by hunk of Jon
athan Briggs, James Jones' hails, MSCIII.OIII. Mountain Ac.
TERMS Of S.ll.E.—One•half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of hale,, and tho teqdne in one
3 ear thelealtel, to he secured by tho bond and not tgage
of the purchaser.
11. R. SHEAREIt, Executor.
3IIIIY ANN WILSON, Exeeutt ix.
V01t.13, 1001.-31.
- -
fly virtue of an order of the Oi Oland' Court of Hun
tingdon county, will be sold at Public Sale, on the
prcmkev, in Bratty too usliip, on
Thursday .itm cle thel4th, 1861, alien o'clocZ, A. if.,
All that certain tract and lot of ground,
smote ill said too nsbip of Brady, adjoining bunk of Mar•
fin Fielillilf, , oll the tooth, lands of John McCarthy's incite
on the north and nest, and hulas ofJonathan Metz, on the
east, containing S acres and some perches, having thereon
a rotten aunt bar a and other buildings.
TERMS OF SALB.—Oue•half of the purchrtaa money to
be paid on conlirmatton of sale. and the residue in one
3000 wkth interest, to be seemed by the bond and mortgage
of One purchaser. JAMES G. CORBIN,
Feb 13. ISCr.—St. Trustee.
~IIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry o tag of Lee. Fa. nod Si. Fr,. to me directed, I
0.11 expose to 'pukka ode, or outci y. at . the Court Rouse,
ou Satin .I:ty the 2d day of March, idol. ot 2 o'clock, I'.
the (WWI, ing de,cribed property, to wit:—All that certan lot of ground in the
town of Hai not in Carbon township, fronting 50 feet 00
Hamilton street, and extmling ill depth 140 feet to Hen,
lock Alley, and being lot No. 10 in the plan of said toun,
having thereon erected a fiamo house 18 by 40 feet, occu
pied as a tavern, and other buildings. Also, All that cer
tain other lot of ground situate in the town of Barnet, in
Carbon township, fronting 50 foot on Hamilton ott vet, and
extending in depth 140 fort to Hemlock Alloy, and being
lot No. 31 in the plan of said ton it, having thereon a flame
stable 20 by 10 loot. Seized and taken in execution and
to be Bold AS the property of Manes 001111.
Huntingdon, Feb. 1.3. ISGO.
Tile undersigned :matter, apnointrd to di,t rilmte
thu oalance remaining to the hands of Dainki Massey,
whey. de hunts non coin testaniento 000000, of Thomas
Mn . , deed., will attend to his dui boo at time office of Mites
Dot t it• ' on FO Way the 22d day ar March next , at ten
oclock. A. M. WILLIAM DORMS. Jr.
Feb 13, 1561.—.1t. Auditor.
The Illinois Cenetal Railroad Company have for Solo
1.200.000 ACRES
or Rich Farming Lands in Ta acts of Forty Ael es and
Upward, on Long erelit and at Lou, Price,
NICS, PUIMERS, aan WonKiNamr.s
The attention of the entet pi icing and induct' ion; nor
t ion of the community b, duetted to the following state
meats and libel al inducements onered I by no
Which, as they 'trill pereeis e, Dill enable them, by proper
energy, Ito set eranee. and in,hp , pro, i!lo cool Po Dade
and p‘o loanont bona• 9 toe Ihcntsel yes and families, pith,
comp.o Mit ely speaking. very little capital.
No State in the valley of the Mi,sisslppi octets so great
an inducement to the settler no the State of Illinois.—
There is no portion of tint' won la Leto 011 of the condi
tions of elinstto nod soil no folio it M 4 combine to produre
thoto two great staple's, cot it and II !teat, as the prattles of
The deep rich loam of the prairies is cultivated with
nun nobile) fat facility that the farmera of the Eastern
and Middle Stoles n u moving to Illinois In great numbers.
The area of Illinois is about equal to that of linglnud. and
the soil is co lid, that it trill snippet t twenty indiums of
These lands are contiguous to a rails oad seven hundred
Tulles in length, which connects with other roads and nav
igable lakes and tiros, thus alhading an unbroken anne
municatution n lea the E.e.tes n anti Southern muskets.
Thus tar capital and labor have Won applied to develop
ing the soil ; the ga eat I °source, of the State in coal and
icon ale almost untouched. The Incal table rule that the
mechanic arts flourish best where food and fuel are cheap.
est, will Whew at an early day in Illinois, and In the Conroe
of the nest ten years the manna laws and necessities of
the cameo Ni r ran t the belief that at least five hundred
thousand people will be ongagad in the blab: of Illinois in
the rat ions mannacturing employ ments.
Over $100,000,000 of In ivote Capitol hove been expended
on the ladlond 199(0111 o 1 Illinois. 111.,11111Y11 ns part of
tho income from these emla, uith a valuable
public fund In lands, go to dirninlsh the Plato expenses,
the to•es nre light, And must COlitlelitielitly every• day de
The State debt is only $10,103,30514, and x itbin the
last tbi en years line been ,educed 02.930.7 to So ; and be
may reasonably expect that in ten yeste it will become
Tbe State is rapidly 11 I ling up with population; 5133,-
026 peroons haying Leon added since 1660, malting pop
ulation 1,719,490—a lad° of 102 per cent. in ten 3 ears.
TLo agi icultural products of Illinois ate greater than
those of any other State. The nu oducta sent out dui inp
thepast:year exceeded 1,000,000 tolls. The cheat crap of
nal approaches :13,000,000 bushel., uhile the COlll crop
yields not less than 1.41,000,050 bushels.
Neu here can the huhuttrious farmer secure such inns.
diet(' results for Ins lahir 11, upon these plan ie belle, they
being composed of u:deep riots loam, the fertility of m Inch
is uusurpm.lea by any ou the globe.
Since 1854 the Gl,inpany have said 1,300,000 acres. They
cell only to actual culticator,„and every conttract contains
on agreement to c•illicale. The road has (wen constructed
through these lands at an expense of $30.000.000. In 18 .0,
the population of the 49 counties through which it passes
was only 335.108, Pin, witch 470.493 have been added, ma
id:au the whole population 811,891—a gain. of 143 per cent.
As on ON Hence cf the the ift of the people, It may be
stated that 600.000 tons of tleig - ht, inelmli 04 8,600,000 bus.
of main and 230,000 bursts of flour, were lerhat dell over
the firm last Sear.
Mechanics end workingmen nitl find the free school
system vocom aged by the :State anclendowed isills n largo
Iw:critic for tho support of schools. Their children can
lire in sight of the chutch and school basso, and pow up
pith the prosperity of the leading slate In the Great West
ern Empire,
The prices of these lands ssry front $6 to $25 per acre,
scolding to location, quality, &c. Finit.class laming lands
sell for ilbont $O or $l2 pet itere ; and the relative expense
of subduing limit io land, es coml,u od with a outlined, is in
the ratio of ono to ten in fin or of tho fanner. The terms
corer& for the bulk of three Inas will bu
at six per cent per annum, and six Interest notes at six
Per cen t. pa) able respectively in one, two, three, fonr.flve,
and six yearn from date o sate; and four notes for princi..
lutPublo in four, five, six, and seven pate, frees date
of sale; the ron la act stipulating that one.tenth of the tract
Purchased shall be fenced and cultivated, each and evely
sear for five 3 ears from the date of sale, so that at the end
of five yea's shall be fenced and under cultivation.
from the valuation fur cash, except the same should ho at
MX dollars pot acre, settee the cash price v. ill be S 5 dollars.
Pamphlets de,eriptive of the lauds, soil, climate, pro
doe tinu4, pt ices, and terms of payment, ran Inc had on ap
plication to J. W. FOSTER,
Lund Conimibsioner; Illinois Central Rai it oad,
Chicago, Illinois.
For the natne4 of the ton ne, villagee, and cities ,ituatet
neon the I Marne Can ll at ItaillOad, FICO pages 18$, ISO. and
100 Appleton's Rail, ay Guide. [Feb. 13, 'ol—wtf.
Soto, Post, Commmcial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a
good assortment for sale by the ream, half team, quire or
sheet, at
LtUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwiu's
VA than can be had in lawn. Call and Bee them.
Estate of Andrew Allison, Deed.
Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew Alit.
son, late of Henderson tp., deed., haring been granted to
the undersigned, nil persons its N jug claims ageing the
estate are requested to present them to Alexander Allison,
at Cresson, Cambria co., In., or John Porter, near Hun
tingdon, and all poisons indebted will make immediate
payment. JOAN PORTER,
Feb. 13, 1861.-Gt. Adm'rs.
All persons interested are hereby notified that at
the present Session of the Legislature of Penn'a. '
an ap
plication swill be made for the passage of tin Act of Assent•
bly to be entitled '• An Act to incerponste the Glamergnn
Iron Company," giving such company the privilege of
holding lands in Huntingdon and Bedford counties, and
of carry tug on the bunts,ss of manufacturing iron therein,
im M Lich bill the undersigned swill yo the Corpornters
.I\O. ruuros, L. T. WATTSON.
Fa. 6, 1361-U.
OtThe undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
tu t of Huntingdon co., to distribute the balance in the
hands of Henry Brewster and Jesse Hollingsworth, Ad
ministratots of the Hon. John Brewster, late of the bor
ough of Shirle3idnirg, deed, hereby gives notice that he
will attend at hie ollice in Huntingdon, on Thursday the
2801. day of Rbruary next, at one o'clock, P. M., for the
Impose of making said distribution, when and where all
percale interested are required to present their claims
against said fund. or he forever debarred [tom coming in
upon the wane—the said fund being the balance on their
pat tial Administration account.
Huntingdon, Feb. 6, 1861.-It.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of
10,1 Pleas of ifuntingdore county, to distribute the
the fund in the hands of John C. Watson, sheriff, from the
sale of the personal estate of David Wright, hereby gives
notice to all persons interested, that ho will attend at his
office in Huntingdon, on Friday the Ist day of March neat,
at 10 o'block, A. 31, for the purpose of melting said distri
bution, when and where all persons are required to pre
sent their claims against the said fund or be forever de
clared fi out coming in upon the same.
Huntingdon, Feb. 0, ISOI.-It.
Tile undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the
fund in the hands of John C. Watson, Esq., Sheriff, arising
ft on, the sale of the personal property of David Grove,
belay gives notice that he will attend, at his office in
Huntingdon, on Friday, theist of March next, at 1 o'clock
I'. It., for the purpose of making odd distribution, when
and where all persons are required to present their claims
against said fund, or be forever debarred from coming in
upon the same. THEODORE 11. CREMER.
liontingdon, Feb. 6, 1861.-4 t
HUNTINGDON COUNTY, from Um 3d day of Jam,-
Ur) . 1360, to the. 1111 day of Jimmy 1801, including Loth
1851. Cited. Green, West, $2 07
1833, Luke Voorhees, Henderson, 131 69
1855. John Thompson, Walker, '27 34
1850. Solomon Ilanier, Jackson, 46 95
1857. Joseph Park ' Clay, 5 60
• William Johns, Cromwell, 30 00
0 Geoige Miller, Oneida, 159 86
" James G. Doyle, Shirley, 68 83
• Joshua Johns, Springfield, 784
1858. Wm. Walker. Alo=l,lllll, 38 77
" John S. Gehrett, Cassville, 676
George D. Hudson, Clay, 144 65
Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, 169 50
William McClain, Dublin, 00 13
‘• Jacob Hallman, !fend. son, 24 711
Peter Snoop°, Huntingdon, 10 60
0 Samuel Steffey, Jackson, 290 00
Nathaniel Lytle, Morris, 048 74
0 Daniel Knott°. Porter, 203 73
" Dm id Ain omit, Tod, 355 00
Henry Swoope, Walker, 120 67 $2641 42
1659. Winton' Hemp, Alenandrla, 252 58
• Samuel Myton, Barre°, 974 78
"a James K- It ontpson, Brady. 209 GI
" John 11. Cowl', Coos, 255 10
Nicholas Corbin, Cossville, 49 30
Joseph Giggles, Cot hen, 450 21
Benedict Stevens, Clay, 332 59
lames Baker Esq., Crams, ell, 821 03
John Ebberts. Franklin, 1657 81
Elisha Shoemaker, Henderson, 274 50
John Rothrock, Hopewell, 140 00
A. S. Harrison, Huntingdon, 731 70
" John Oaks, Jackson, 1027 29
John R. Dt an, Juniata, 180 23
‘• Perry .home, Merck, 091 40
John Logan, Oneida, 164 53
• John Ileum:holder, Penn, 507 22
Robert Laird, Porter. 1.121 19
~ Hasid Parsons, Tell, :385 Si
•• Isaac Curfnian, Tod, 35012
John Eby, Shia ley, 1173 12
George 1,119, Stilrleysborg, 90 49 . .
Moses Hamer, Walker. 500 21
•, Peter 11. Butket, Wm i inrannult, 923 82 .
0 R. 51. Cunningham, West, • 1403 87
John Gay ton. Union, 192 53
James Ilin per, Dublin, 473 39
Jacob Baker, Springfield, 253 38 10313 31
1800. William Walker, Alexandi ia. 200 45
Samuel W. 31310 n, Barre°, 235 00
.• Isaac Wolverton, Brady, 189 45
Joseph I'. Coffman, C,0 , 9, 'in 00
• Ansi in GI een, Cams ill; 40 00
Jesse Cook, Carbon, 88 57
• G. ILStevell3,,,El.W.,-,s-.ot,nr.r —•- I AIA---- - ----
U iltiiiel Conrad, Franklin, 56315
• Jacob Iletaick, Henderson, 188 35
• Win. K. Bohm, Huntingdon, 1318 78
Henry Lee, Jackson, 315 00
Levi Pidenour, Juinala, 80 00
Wm. Ullman, Morrie, 250 00
" John P. Stewart, Oneida, 72 58 .
, Wm. Peon, Penn, 106 00
O II .A. Laird, Porter, 150 00
John Silt erthorn, Tell, 107 92
Jacob Elias, Tod, 130 00
George Sinelker, Shirley, 300 23
,• W. A. Pi alter, Shirleystitirg, 47 24
Jonas Buck - wailer, Walker. 325 00
John It. Thompson, Wintiorsmark, 405 00
Henry Nell, West, 140 115
• 0 Thelma, Irvin, 1.1111011, 205 08
~ Jacob E. Bare, Springfield, 60 09 6079 62
Received on unsea.ted Linda, 487 12
School tan on " " 279 43
I Road " 192 45 959 00
Redemption money paid in, 242 00
On judgment against Charles Cowden, 450 13
Fines and Jury lees teed from Sheriff, 51 00
Ree'd on Coin'th Cases Fines and costs
N. Peiglitnl, 16 50
,John Milder, 1201
George Junes, 32 60
J. Loco Esq., 4 07
Sundry prreong. 13 00 •
It. stun,. t Esq., ' 1 32
licorge Africa, 27 00
A. W. Swoope Esq., 1 34
Kinney, Long & Parks, 25 08
John Hall, 14 00
George Harvey, 809
John Baker, 15 00
C. Sankey, 108 192 60
Rent for use of Court Homo, 61 60
11. 9%'. }hiller for old stove, 5 00
Pt °coeds of an estray, 2 80
Military Auditors for T. P. Love, 10 00
Balance dr, T1V11.511101 . , 1243 80
Attorney Con. Prothonotary, Sheriff a./ wit
ness fcoi on Commonwealth plosecutions, 51202 01
Constables milking returns and election fees, 411 61
(hand and Traverse Jurors, Constables, Crier
and Tipstaff. 2113 51
Judges, Inspectors & Clerks of Elections, 1080 90
Inquisition° on dead bodice, 100 61
Wild cat toil Fox scalps,3B6 50
Road and Ihidge views, 436 00
Road Damaged, Basil Armes, 1916
11. C. Cromer, 100 00 109 16
Astiessova order a, 370 62
Bridges, Building at 31elleVy's Port, 610 00
Shade Creek, 146 03
u Spring Creek, 300 00
li u Shaver's Creek, 01 09
Mill Creek, 50 00 1208 82
" Repait ing at D Ferry okra Ferr
° - 759 99
Union Furnace, 153 75
o Hawn's. 79 56 933 30
Itepalis at court house and jail, 205 59
Fuel , s 233 50
raid on iron fence at court house, 200 00
" for pavement " 111 87
" for Gar ‘‘ 60 95
" en Comity bonds, 1512 68
" Intel est on do.. 410 43 1053 11
Judgment paid F. IL Lane, 4752 54
D. Caldwell indexing Qr. Session docket, 150 00
removing papeili ri ty's Office, 93 00
fees as Peary, Crk of Sessions, 05 31 430 31
Seals and presses for public offices, 81 50
Books and stationery 6 . 4 " 62 04
Postage, 47 02 200 50
Shetiif Hiller, in full for boarding prisoners
conveying convicts to penitential)", Sc., 151 98
Sheriff Watson, on account for do., 462 70
Stiller costs on executions stayed by
Commissioners, 118 30
Dr. Dorsey. medical attendance on pris., ' 50 75
minting lot' Count)
Nash 84 'Whittaker, 142 75
Wm. Lou Is, 53 05
Wm, Brewster, 200
John Lutz, 23 30 252 00
Western Penitentiary, keeping convicts, 181 20
Man erchdi , e for court hom
o and jail, 38 72
Washing for prisonms, 20 00
Cleaning court house, 25 00 45 00
Redemption mono} , paid out,. 1 5 7 54
County Auditors—T. W.-0 rafilus, 16 20
Israel Grains, 18 00
Wm: L. Cunninglam, 19 90
.. . . .
Clerk 11. W. Stiller, 10 00 OF 00
.1- S. Stowe, t, auditing Prot'ys .4 Iteg. act., 6 00
COIIIIIIIAUIIVI 8-11. L. McCarthy, in full, 47 50
G. W. Slattern, 80 50
John }limner, 158 50
31. F. Campbell, 165 73 458 23
Clerk of Commissioners in full Mr 1859, 150 00
on account for 1660, 330 00 480 00
Expenses of Com're visiting bridges, 35 70
Agricultural Society, 100 00
Iletmoling orders, • 119 43
ins Merl, Esq . ., Atty for Comrs in full '5O, 25 00
on account for 1860, 3U 00 55 00
per centago on mon.
oy collected, 81 62
School ms on unseated laud, 69 45
lload " n 72 05 141 10
Treasurer of Mut. Co. Poor Mouse,
7795 62
,Treasorelb commission on $54051 00 at 2
per cont. 816 77
In testimony of the correctness of the above, no here
unto subscribe our names and affix the seal of paid couu
ty 0119 7th dity ofJantiary, 1861.
) }Commissioners.
J 01177 CU3IMINS,
Attest ITEMIS IV. Mir
- -
We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon "County,
Pa, elected and s‘N ern according to into, report that we
tact, did audit, set ho and adjust, recording to law, the ac
counts of 11. T. White, Esq., Ti casurer of the county of
Huntingdon, and tho orders of the Cothmissiotutrs anti the
receipts of the 001110, for and during the past year, and
find a balance duo 11. T. White, Treasurer, of one thousand
two hundred and fortythreo dollars and oightpnlne cents.
Given under our hands at the Commissioners' Office, in
tho borough of Huntingdon. tho 7th day of January, 1801.
Wlll. T,. CUNNINGHAM, Auditors.
Feb. 1, 1861.-41.
Thompson. Steward, In account With Iruntingdon
County Alms limo, flow Jan. sth, 1880, to January thr,
1801, inslusive :
DR. To County Treasurer for amount drawn $1129 OS
Error discovered in laid settlement, 37
Levi Evans for his note, 4V 12 39
John Hicks for his note olio yoke oxen, 70 00
J. McElwee, do do 000
Win. Piper, do do 28 50
Wm, Glasgow; do du
Wnt. Skinner, do one horse gold hhn,
Cumberland county Alms flouie cash received,
Thomas McGarvoy, for his flute,
J. Gilleland, do,
R. P. Moore, ono horse gold him,
D. Clarkson, cash paid, ArIICPCIIIIOII case,
CR. By Sundry Eriremlitures for use of Mouse.
Monthly Stotentene 111.1, 'armory.
By censoring Maria Duncan to Juniata county, Si) 25
Attendance at Huntingdon 5 days annual settlement, 3 75
Sending off smithy paupers, 4 75
lunges ick Sc Smith, tar groceries, 18 75
Abram Lewis, for camplicno, 5 00
Traveling expenses during month, out door business, 0 30
Cash paid for sundry incidental expenses, 4 65
Statement No. 2. February.
J. Ricketts, for Waste. Mg, 200
Stark Ss Co., grocery bill, 100 00
J. C. Sechler, freight on groceries, 16 23
Removing J. Blubaugh to house, 3 50
Sending off sundry paupers, ' 1 00
Cask paid for sundry incidental expenses, 4 42
Statement No. 3. March.
Expenses going to Huntingdon, 1 50
Removing Susan Bolinger,s 25
C. E. Braker, for stage faro paid, 1 37
Expenses going to Warriorsmark on Russell case, 4 52
J. C. &alder, for freight paid, 1 10
Expenses attending Russel family, Murrats ease, de., 6 53
Cash mud for bottle Cherry Pectoral, 1 00
Sending off paupers, . 100
Traveling expenses going to Scottsville, 37
Incidental expenses during the month, 4 63
Skffenicitt No. 4. April.
Going to Magid's forge, Ayers cage, 9 58
A, Pace, for potatoes, 9 25
Going to Huntingdon twice, 1 95
Wm. Lyons, fur order, colic leg case, 60 00
Sending sir paupers, 216
Traveling expenses, . 47
Incidental expenses, 2 13
Statement No. 5. Afoy.
Going to Huntingdon twice, 215
Removing Joseph Henry front Tyrone, 2 85
James Beli for emit paid him, 4 50
Cash paid Colbert and family to leave, 15 90
Incidental expenses during the month. 1 65
.Ratemenl No. 6. ✓aae.
Going to McConnelistown, on It. Chancy case, 2 50
Weaver A. Graham, for cash paid per receipt, 41 46
Elizabeth Zilch for rent paid her, • 150
.7. C. &cider railroad fare, for sending oft paupers, 500
do for (eight &c., 8 17
NV. A. A. L. Shutomoy, for merchruulize per receipt, 106 60
Going to Huntingdon, 1 40
Incidental 06.1101190 dating the month 314
Statement No. S. July.
Going to Markleshurg, Elizabeth Fry ease, 4 25
Moms J. Briggs cult paid for labor, 7 55
Statement Ins. 8 and 9. ...leign.ll and Srviethcr.
Going to Huntingdon Le, 1 70
Going to broad Top, 5 45
Mrs. Brindle, for ashes Sc, 1 62
Going to Huntingdon, 195
Incidental expenditures, 2 54
Statement No.lo. October.
Going to Ifuntingdon,2 20
buggy Cas h paid for horse, anti assistance, 1 50
Going to Patterson 2 70
Cash paid J. Curial:ors for 100 bnblicts wheat, 110 00
Sending off pauper, 25
Incidental expenses, 94
Statement No. 11. A-aro:other.
T.P. Mcßite, for postage stamps, 2 22
J. C. Sechler, fare &c., P. Raill owl, 912
Attendance at court wills 3 girls, 5 30
Pennsylvania It. Road, for removing paupers to Phil.lo 60
Cash paid expenses on return, 7 30
Removing Mrs. Wilton to Harrisburg, 360
Going to Nossville, T. Murry case, 2 00
J. S. Stiller, for keeping tale paupers, 2 60
Incidental during month. 2 20
Statement al - 0.12. December.
Removing Terrance Murry to house, 1 23
Going to Huntingdon, . 1 50
T. Sylvester, for cash paid, 115 00
T. P. McNite, for postage stampq. 73
Cash paid for ashes and cabbage plants, 1 25
Sending Ott paupers, 00
Philip Crouse, for tavern bill, per 31. Digman, CC
Levi Evans, for his note lifted by Directors, 12 39
T. IleGarvey. for his note in part, 59 45
J. Hicks, for his trots returned not collected, 73 00
J. MeAlweo, eta do 900
Wm. Piper, do do 28 50
Win. Glasgow, do do 49 23
J. Gilliland, do do 000
11. T. White, order in his hands not appropriated, 412 47
Salary as Steward, 400 00
testimony of the corrotnm,s of the shore necount and
statement, we du hereunto set our banal this thl day of
January, A. D. 1801. _
R" R
Of the Huntingdon County Alms House from Ten.
1000 to Jon. l4 : 1551, inclusive.
'fo Co. Treasurer fur amount drawn on ordure, $8175 Oo
John Thompson, Steward, for smithies,
ssll2 of
Expended for use of Purim 1* It
Ity Israel Baker, for one horse, No. 1, $ll2 no
W. P. thirds, difference in soup of horses, 2. 50 00
John Long, school tax and costs, 3, 20 03
henry Myers, minting, 4R. 5, 77 PI
John Wicks, do., including new wagon, 0,0 7, 128 07
J. Bi iggs, repairing and nork on farm, 8 &J, 21 41
P.. 1. Bri gg s, for nod: on form, 10 & 11, 18 07
W. C. Briggs, do 12, 0 04
Abram Carothers, 0110 plow. 13, 7 00
Fred. Muck, 15 bushel64eed n heat, 34, 18 75
It. A. Miller, 14 buchels superior do 15, 28 00
Sundry persons foi: sundries, 16 to 20, 15 10
L'erry fiords, wages 119 farmer, balance, 21, 201 43
S. F. Thompson, aundly wol kon faun, 22, 21 25
. . . ...
By Win. B. Lens, for merchandise, No.l to 4, 183 01
W. A. Braker, do bto 8, 119 02
W. 11. Brov.ster, do 9to 11, 125 07
Foust & puler, do 12 to 10, 00 95
P. 31. Bare, do 17 to 20, 170 50
Win. Johnson. ilo 21 di 22, 51 22
John K. Lutz, du
George 31 ebaughlin, .do
Ti 101114.4 E. Orbison, do
&•,). Cikrmbn, do
John Jacobs. for beef and poi k, No. Ito 3, 79 10
J. Jacobs k Co.. butChers' meat, 4' 17 10
Thomas Ilk:Garvey, do 5, 11 07
10. H. Johnson, do 6, 11 10
Abram Carothors, wheat and corn, 7& 8, 57 45
do beef and corn, 0, 52 07
8. R. Douglas, wheat and corn, 10 & 11, 78 37
Samuel 140,..10045 bushels ,N heat, 12, 113 39
l Samuel Bowman, 100 do 13. 110 00
••• . •
Adam Heffner, DO do 34. 101 25
Josheph Price, 3 stock steers, 13, 72 50
David Boyer, 11:36 Efts pork, 16, 60 16
George Swartz, 57 9•00 bushels wheat, 17, 62 80
George Ely, vAleat and buckv.h.t. 18, 58 72
Immo Rorer. 50 bushels wheat, 10, 65 62
John Etlyeint. 45 do 20, 50 62
A. Heffner, wheat and corn, 21, 50 GO
James Irnemon, beeros and sheep, 22, 41 75
Wm. McGarvey, 29 bnshols reheat. 20, 33 62
John Swine, 25 do 24, 32 25
keep)] Rhodes. 7i,/,' do 25, 7 50
Catharine 11. Fraker, 57 lbs. bacon, . 26, 7 12
31. J. McKinnon, 32 lbs. d 027, 4 00
Jonathan Carothers, balance on wheat, 28, 6 32
James Lane, 98 lbs beef, 29, 3 84
It. Ashman, 0768 IN pork, 3357 lbs bee, 30, AD 56
$2115b 13
Out Door R111))171. File 0. P.
11. X. Blair,keoping W. llockenherry,No. Ito 12, 7 8 00
J. K. Thompson, do Mrs. Arnold, 13 to 24, OS 00
G. Shultsberger do S. Shultzbermsr, 25 to 36, 52 00
D. Mcmshan do Rebecca Chancy, 37 to 48, 04 87
It. Daughen bough do S. Daughenbasigh, 49 to 60, 62 00
T. Creswell do Slargas et Creswell, 61 to 72, 51 00
Wm. Cornelius do Johnl3eard, 73 to 84, 50 00
A. IV. Benedict do Ann Martin, 85 to 96, 465 00
Polio Houck do Edith fright, 07 to 107, 52 00
T. H. Creator do Em. Murrets, 108 to 115 50 ti 2
IVm. Martin do Mary Martin, 110 to 121, 22 50
Joseph Beaty do Newton Corbin, 123 to 118, 15 00
W. B. Lena do 0 unsaid and Beaty, 119 to 134, 42 25
John Iluyett do Wns. 31cPliernsu, 135 to 138, 103 30
John Oaks do P. Bush and wife. 139 to 142, 138 00
B. F. Patton do 11. Russell and family,l43 to 145 55 00
3. IV. Slattern do Mrs. Wharton, 146 to 147 61 00
M. Starr do Davis and Gamble, 148 to 151. 90 00
Jacob Fry do Blinaboth Fry, 152 to 153, 2 2 00
W. Moore do Hamilton and Davis, 156 to 158, 19 SO
do do clothing, 159, 11 53
3. Stinson allowance at sundry times, 160 to 163, 16 40
D. Snare relief furnished sundry cases,l64 to 172, 80 01
I Starr keeping Sarah Welch, 173 to 175, 13 00
J. Donaldson do G. Musing, 170 to 177, 17 00
P. 31. Bans do Mat Robley, 178 & 179, 12 00
31. A. Temple do J. Finbasigh, 180 & 181, 30 28
Wm. Crotsley do .1, Park, etc., 182 & 133, 16 60
D. Blair flirmaliing sundry cases, 184 to /86, 0 75
Sundry persons coffins fur out door p,117 tol9l, 21 00
John Carberry set vices per ball, 192• 37 50
Fisher & Son keeping Old Richard, 103, 30 00
S. Hatfield furnishing Charles Ayres, 104, 32 11
D. 1113 the boarding Richard Bell, 195, 11 95
D. Homan attehdanco on J.llenry, 196, 14 45
It. H. Prove( sundries furnished out door p., 197, 13 72
Jacob Kling for boas ding I'. 3lurray, 198, 11 23
S.lllcPberran, services . lot 3farla 311 in ets, 199, 10 00
Georg° Eby, furnishing S. Campbell, 200, 10 60
J. J. COX burying Wnt. Pierce, 201, 7 00
Peter So oopo for sundry sees ices. 802, 6 27
J. G. Stmt as t services for It. Walker, 203, 5 00
C. Decker do S. Boyers, 284, 7 75
Fisherje 3lc3lut trio flour,Bell & Price, 205, 457
It. Ashman furnishing J. Banks, 200, 0 00
11. Ilonishey servicos for R. 31cDonalti, 207, 7 00
C. Hoffman boarding Sarah Madden, alp, 600
A. Cissua boarding Susan Bolinger, 209, 6 25
Wm. McGinley attendingJ. Finbasigh, 210, 5 50
Poo. Smith flour for Sirs. Fortier, 211, 2 00
J. Birkliemer attending J. FOlL:mei, 212, 2 00
11. &wits beading Jarals Daley, 213, 1 50
Elisabeth Shirk, do 214, 100
Sundry di. D's. medicine and attendance on Out Door
Dy Dr. 51. J. McKinnon Medicine and atten
dance in sundry caw,- No. 215-18, G 2 37
Dr 11 Orlady attending 2 cases, 21940, 39 i 5
Dr .7 A Shade do 2 cases, 221-22, 34 25
Dr .1 1 0 Kay do 11 Russel and farully,223-24, 27 50
Dr II L Mown do Richard Bell, 235-26, 20 00
Dr G W lloyett do 3 cacao, 287-28, 15 00
Dr J 51 Genunill do MeLanglin, 229, 8 50
Dr .4 3I Irwin do Ayres. 230, 700
Dr iI II Flickinger do Joon Beatty, 2.11, 5 00
Dr T Garnish do Ups Inger, 232, 12 00
Dr J S Griffith do Elizabeth Refilor, 233, 2 50
Dr 13 D F /laird do Samne) Madden, 234, 13 00
Dr L F Rush do Daniel Banks, 225, 8 00
Dr J 11 Luden do James Cooney, 230, 35 00
Dr C W Moore do Richard Dell, 237, 47 60
Dr J F McVey, do James henry, 235, 10 00
Dr G W Thompson do It Walker, 239, 4 00
Dr A 1' Caldwell do It McDonald, 240, 5 00
Sundry petsous sundry out door charg.,2tho264, 37 40
$ 2 2725613
Removal and Delivery. Pile R.
If Cramer delivering sundry paupers, No. 1 to 3
J II Lightner official fees, 4 & 6,
0 G rate removing out door paupers, 6(98,
Adam Warfel official fees, 9 & TO;
Jetcob Gherret delllcrg 1599(10 paupers, 11 dell
1 , Green for delivering one pauper, 18,
Wee fleeter de ono do
Thos Carberry dry ono ay
3M Piper do one do
Simnel Coen do four do
Win Dice do ono do
Jacob Porter du one tkr
A M Evans do onu do
Joseph Parke do one do
J P Dunn do ono do
J Cremer do OM do
D Yingling do one to
E AlcNoal do ono do
W A Jamison assisting Etevnird,
C E (raker for tavern bill,
Sundry Justices fur official Ices
2 20
150 00
31 50
6 00
75 00
140 00
27 50
Incidental and IlisceHumane,. Filet.
If. S. Harrison, tin ware and repair, No. Ito 8,
Abram Lewis, for sundries, 4 & 5,
J. C. Sechler, for eatiroad charges, 6 & 7,
David Harvey, shoemaking &c., 8 to 11,
Jacob Snyder, do -12 to 15,
Adam Bryan, do 16 A 17,
Peter alyei s, for tailoring. 18 & 19,
A. A. Shannon, repairing harness, - 20 to 2 2 2,
McKinnon & McNite, for drugs, ' 23 to 21,
J. Lutz, for wheat, printing nod pills, 25 to 28,
C & 11. Ilertzler, weaving and lam, 27 to 28,
Thomas 'Monte, for drugs, 29 to 31,
David Shaver, for lumber, 32 & 33,
Blair county Alms House, sundries for
llolllushead, 31,
It. M. Speer, publishing Annual Report, 35,
W,o. Lewis, do do 30,
Nash & Whittaker, do 37,
11.3 2188
24, 1,) 34
2,. 11 96
1729 02
H. T
F. A.
It. D.
. White, comnibision on 87,500, 38,
. Myers, butchering and packing, 89,
. Trte, Ity, tons stone coal, 40,
I. Wigton, 10 do 41,
ilarkson, official fees and extra. services: 42,
. Moore, 5 days attendance at Huntingdon
and milage, 43 ,
IL T. Stains, ono sewing machine, 44,
Rev. R. E. Collins, ministerial services, 45,
I. 31cDonathan. shoemoklng, 46,
J. S. Africa, use of Cumberland Valley Itisur
once Company, 47,
Cunningham & Bro., two stoves, 48,
J. A. Brown, for sundry hardware, 49,
IL Brewster, extra services and lath, 50,
Lau McMullen, for cutting wood, 51,
Wm. Drake, ropairing and sharping saws, Se, 52,
J. Thompson, balance on private account, 53,
It. Brindle, for coopering, 54,
Dr. 31cKennon, consultation visit, 55,
Sundry persons, sundry small Items, 56 to 81,
Penina Thompson, house labor, - 62,
A. Thompson, fifty-two weeks sewing, DI,
Esther A. Thompson, service no matron, DI,
.lnlin Thompson, Stewart, included in his statement,
Dr. R. Baird, services as attending Physician, 100 00
James Murphy, services its director, 110 00
David Clarkson, do 131 10
Wm. 3toore, do 174 82
Samuel Peightal, do 25 00
Henry Brewster, services as clerk, 50 00
A. W. Benedict, Esq., do as counsel, t.q) 00
J. Thurap4on, stswnid, sundry detailed In scyount, 1726 03
Total amount of expenditure,
Products of the Farm
125 bm.bels wheat; 300 bushels oats; 700 bushels corn
(ears); 300 bushels potatoes; 18 tons bay; 6 loads corn fod
der; 1500 heads of cabbage; 10 bushels onions; 10 bushels
turnips; 3304 pounds park; 3812 pounds beef; 150 chick
ens; 7 turkeys; 22 bogs; 4 bushels cloverseed, Ono horse
sold to Wm. Skinner $l5O. Ono horse sold toll. P. Moore,
150 shirts, 40 dresses, 24 aprons, 24 bed comforts and
quilts, 24 sheets, 36 sacks,ls night gowns,2s under shirts,
12 under skirts, 10 quilted skirts, 0 night caps, 12 pairs
socks. 30 pairs pantaloons, 9 pairs pillow eases, 26 pairs
drawers, rind 5 N ests.
Stoll: on Hand
2 borers, 3 mulch cows, 22 bogs. about 100 bushels wheat,
100 bus. oats, 200 bus. corn, (cars,) 16 tons bay, 6 loads
corn fodder, 300 heads cabbage, 3 bus. onions 9000 pounds
pink, 5000 pounds beef.loo chickens, 3 turkeys, 2 wagons
a plows, 3 cultivators, 2 barrows ; 1 cart, 3 buggy, 4 busk ,
t7o Orn y.~ 4u~y w.~
~'..'c yC4M~i O 'CP
_ ~~ Z N n C
~- 4 1- 4 %";''',4*i t-rct
i.g.4?2,`-le.stt, - ,t,&F: - ZV
00C 000 04. W~
tho above turnatei 5 are colored, 7 (mane, and 7
_ the undersigned Auditors of the county of Renting
do hereby certify that we hare examined the orders.
:hers, accounts, ete. of the Directors of the Poor of
county, and find the same to .be correct as aborts
id. Anti we do further find that on examining the
surer's account, lie has 'paid on Poor Douse orders
last settlement the sum of $7,700 65.
ituess our hands this 22,1 day of Janury, A. D,1861.
HORATIO G. FISII - Elt,} Aud i
untiugdon, Feb. 5, 1661.
/ at the settleniout of the Auditors for the year ISt
Co/kr/ore. Tobriship.s. County Tam. Stak Tar.
Charles Omen, West,
Luke Vortices, Ilendereon,
John Smith(➢nrree, '
ISolomon Hamer, Jackton,
13 F Wallace, Morrie,
floury Grazier, Warriorsulark,
William Johns, Cromwell.
Jobn U Weaver, Hopewell,
Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell,
Peter Swoops, Huntingdon,
Samuel Metro', Jackson,
Daniel tinode, Porter,
David Auraudt, Tod. 43 03
Thomas llyokill, Worriorsinark, 100 51
est`illiant Kemp, Alexandria,
John It. Condi, Case,
eJoseph Piggies, Carbon,
BHAha Shoemaker, Henderson,
John itothreek, Hopewell,
A S Harrison. Huntingdon,
*John Dean, Juniata,
Perry Moore, Morris,
John Householder, Penn,
}David Parsons ' Tell,
Isaac Curfman, Tod, 228
}Peter 11. Mirka, Warnorsmark, 195 69
It M. Cunningham, 'West, 480 18
}John Gal ton, Union. 50 65
}William Walker, Alexandria, 157 61.
ratline! IV Myton, Barre, 873 15
Isaac Woltettore, Brady, 748 20
Joseph P Curfman, Cass, 294 SO
, Austin Green, Cumin', 56 78
}Jesse Cook: Carbon, 571 68
}G I I Stevens, Clay, 411 63
}Frederick Harman. Cromer ell, 855 80
r'Jah II Morro* DOLlin. 562 75
Dank) Conrad, Franlclin, 1716 50
cobi IlePrielc, Ilenclei son, TM 82
John n Wearer, Hopewell, 710 44
-Wm K llahm, Huntingdon, 1141 35
-Henry Lee, Jackson, 1059 Pi
-Lori Ridenour Juniata, 244 18
-Wm Ililernan; Morris, 1014 44
-John P Stewart, Oneida, 246 71
..-- .-
William Dean, Penn, 590 47 27
It A Laird, Porter, 1607 78 8
—John Silverthorn, Tell, 358 50 10 ,
—Jacob Elias, Tod, 315 01 1 '
- George Smellier, Shirley, 199:174 60
—W A Fraker, Shirloyaburg, 168 60 10
—Jones Finals alter, Walker, 413 82 24
—John It Thompson, Werrforemark, 1293 98 8..
-i- Fleury Neff, West, 2101 84 104
-I-Thomas Irvin, Linton, • - 203 84 5
Vacch E Bare, Springfield, 260 91 14
*Since paid in full.
Vince paid in part.
Given under oral of the Commissioners Office.
Feb. 6, 1881.-It.
[Estate of Jacob Latherote, Dem%sod.]
Letters of Administration upon the EstattiolJnonb Latbo
roW,late of Shirley township, deed., baring been granted
to the undersigned, ell portions indebted are ren netted to
make immediate payment, nod those having claim wilt
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jll.l . Goy 15131.-Ct
(Estate of Rucklab Ctorrnorer, Deed.]
otters teetamentary, on the estate of Herelade etc:sync
var. late of Barree tp., dued., having boon granted to the
nnderaliused, all permute indebted are reauested to =eke
Immediate paywnt, and those having &fuss to prossit
thorn proporly antenticaten for nattlotnont. to
ANDREW anowNovat,
Jan. 361661.-bt,A Ezezntoz.
Gomelly in up in the Schools of tbfk Minty, not on
hand, will ho fin nished to order, on application it
c 0 A L OIL!! COAL OIL!!!
Amer A. Brown sells rho genuine" PORTLAND KERO
SENE," on COAT. OIL, deur as water.
This is the only kind of 01l that gives nein satisfaCtion
as on agent for light.
Deuare of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They
omit an offensive smell and smoke.
A large variety also of
Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Shades, &c., &c., sold
at tho ♦oy. lowest prices, et tho Hardware Etore, ltuntiup•
den, Pa.
28 to 33
17t 15
40 89
40 00
40 00
40 00
76 00
22 39
17 41
17 82
12 40
12 00
10 47
2..348 16
$8772 64
Tas upeg[
•syuomadoi r
'Pun°llt , a/Pll , lO
neigi ge
^• IIatUOSI Vi
.....,-..---... g.
El 3
50 4
73 43 ~
10 00
9 68
221 11
11 81
(.1 4f,
103 88
40 12
77 71
73 10
27 5$
16 72
20 73
13 14
450 02
1025 8
87 40
166 50
100 V)